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Trump, Putin, and Chabad

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The document describes alleged connections between Chabad, Putin, Trump and organized crime. It also discusses the commutation of Sholom Rubashkin's prison sentence by Trump and connections between Russian oligarchs and Trump.

Connections are described between Chabad, Putin and Trump as well as between Chabad and Russian-Jewish organized crime. The document suggests exploring these relationships further.

Sholom Rubashkin was a Chabad rabbi who was sentenced to 27 years in prison for financial crimes related to his meatpacking business. His sentence was commuted by President Trump, which the document suggests merits further investigation given other described connections.

Chabad, Putin, Trump, & Rubashkin

Another mainstream media article has recently appeared, which describes a connection
between Chabad, Putin, and Trump…

“Three days before the presidential election, Jared Kushner and Ivanka
Trump visited the Queens gravesite of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and,
according to The Times of Israel, they prayed for Donald Trump’s victory. Schneerson,
who died in 1994, is an interesting character. Although he never claimed it himself,
some of his followers consider him the Messiah, and others believe he is still alive…”
Continue reading: The Odd Chabad Connection Between Putin and Trump https://

Trump and Putin are connected to Chabad.

Chabad is connected to numerous organized criminal activities.

Trump, Putin, and Chabad are connected to Russian-Jewish organized crime.

Why is the media not reporting this connection?

I thought everyone was looking for a Trump-Russia-Putin connection?

Chabad originated in Russia: Chabad

President Trump’s commutation of Chabad rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s prison

term was recently in the news.

Although US media didn’t mention Chabad…

Chabadniks Rejoice as Trump Commutes Sentence of Sholom Rubashkin http://

Rubashkin was considered a flight risk, because prosecutors knew he could flee to

Rubashkin to be Sentenced to 27 Years in Federal Prison

“Rubashkin was subjected to seven superseding indictments and denied bail before trial
because of claims by prosecutors that he could flee to Israel because he is Jewish…”
Read more: Rubashkin to be Sentenced to 27 Years in Federal Prison http://

Israeli policy on extradition

“Current extradition policy in Israel still leaves loopholes and problems that will allow
many criminals to recede to Israel’s soil and the sanctity of its courts.” Read more:
Israeli policy on extradition:

Photos: Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin Greeted in 770

“Since news of the presidents commutation of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s prison

term there has been non-stop dancing in 770, which reached a fever pitch when he
finally arrived to join in the Simcha together with the massive crowd…” Photos: Sholom
Mordechai Rubashkin Greeted in 770

I posted this to my blog in 2014…

Brooklyn Jews Accused of Trying to Smuggle Marijuana from El Paso

“The men were released on bonds of $500,000 each while they await trial, which has
yet to be scheduled. According to the New York Post, Jacobson’s bond was posted by
Hunter College Chabad Rabbi Boruch Jacobson, while Horenstein’s bond was posted
by a members of the Rubashkin family, who are described as influential Brooklyn
business owners.”

Continue reading: Brooklyn [Chabad] Jews Accused of Trying to Smuggle Marijuana

from El Paso

Sholom Rubashkin

Rubashkin family

Why Trump commuted Chabad

“Trump may be innocent of mystical theology, but when it comes to the laws of the land,
he and the Rubashkins are birds of a feather.” Read more: Why Trump commuted

Look at this long list of people in high places within our federal government who wrote
letters petitioning Trump to commute Rubashkin’s sentence… https://

Important reading…

Red Mafia: How the Russian [Jewish] Mob Has Invaded America
The Russian [Jewish] Mafia

Montreal dances through the night celebrating Rubashkin release

Z8USvTtFmyM via @YouTube

Trump, Putin, and Chabad

A mainstream media outlet — Politico Magazine — finally published an article about

Trump, Putin, and Chabad…

The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin


I wouldn’t say “Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group” but would say something like:
“Kabbalistic Jewish Cult.”

Please see also the information at the following link…

Trump links to Russian Jewish Mafia


Below are some links I’ve been collecting about Trump, Putin, and Chabad…

Trump’s Jews

Putin’s Jews

“Our people in Brighton [Beach] will tell you everything,” she said, referring to a district
of New York which is home to a large number of Jewish emigres from the former Soviet
Union…” Read more: Russian government spokesperson says ‘the Jews’ knew Donald
Trump would win US election

Which Jews Love Trump? Russian Jews:

For Some, 111 Million White Russians Are Dangerously Intoxicating


Know Your New York-Lovin’ Russian [Jewish] Oligarchs


Trump Signals Major Shift In U.S. Policy In Middle East

L’Chayim Roundtable (Part 1): Trump & Israel

L’Chayim Roundtable (Part 2): Trump & Israel

At Putin’s side, an army of Jewish billionaires – Jewish World – Jerusalem Post http://

Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch


Indeed, Trump had also done business with shady Russians and Ukrainian oligarchs
and Kazakh billionaires, who all lived together in perfect post-Soviet harmony with
Manafort in Trump’s gilded gold tower in the middle of Manhattan… http://

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Visit Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Grave

Shul ties: Ivanka and Jared’s big move has D.C.’s Jews buzzing

YouTube CEO is a Russian Jew

List of Jews born in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union

List of Ukrainian Jews

The Russian [Jewish] Mafia


Professor Ronald Hilton, Stanford University WAIS Forum on Russia http://

Putin and the Oligarchs

Russia’s Vladimir Putin Defends Ukraine’s Jews, Slams Ukraine’s Jewish


Jewish Dissidents Target Putin –


Chabad is a branch of Hasidic Judasim espousing a supremacist and authoritarian

ideology ostensibly supported by Christian Zionists and Christian Evangelists alike. It
has been able to gain access to presidential offices in America and Israel, along with a
very close relationship to the Russian President Vladmir Putin. But Chabad Lubavitch’s
greatest influence is undoubtedly in the United States. According to author Sue Fishkoff:
“It’s not enough that Chabad’s man in D.C. knows the name and phone number of just
about every congressman, senator and foreign ambassador in the nation’s capital — he
also knows their legislative assistants, their secretaries and the people who clean their
offices.” Read more: The Z Factor VIII: Chabad Lubavitch (1) https://

Influence in the White House: Lobbying for the Release of Soviet Jews in the

Failed Messiah archive “Chabad”


Chabad Lubavitch is a messianic religious cult and a criminal organization… Chabad


Trump and Putin ties to Chabad-Lubavitch

Chelsea Clinton married a non-orthodox Jew in a non-traditional ceremony which was

co-officiated by a Jewish rabbi and a Christian priest, and she has not converted to
Judaism. That being the case, some traditionalist Jews have taken exception to the
marriage… whereas Ivanka Trump kissed all the right asses in all the right ways by
converting to Judaism before her Orthodox wedding to an Orthodox Jew who has
intimate ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult.

Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch


Trump and Putin ties to Chabad-Lubavitch


Chabad-Lubavitch, Vladimir Putin and the globalist End Times script (+ a message to
the non-Cabalist Jews)
What about the Chabad Lubavitch menorah lighting in front of the White House each
year? National Menorah Lighting Ceremony 2015

Rabbi Uses Menorah Lighting To Condemn Recent UN Resolution


How Russian Jews Helped Shape the Life of Vladimir Putin – Israel News

How Putin’s man made his way to the top of European Jewry

Is love or politics behind Putin’s promotion of Chabad?

Why Russian Chief Rabbi Stands by Vladimir Putin

What’s behind Vladimir Putin’s close relationship with an Orthodox Jewish sect? http://

Trump: A Revolving Chabad Presidency – Morris

Michael Voris’ Church Militant promotes the seven noahide laws http://

Michael Hoffman – Shulchan Aruch & Chabad Lubavitch

The Chabad and The Empire – Michael Hoffman

Vice: Broad Support for Trump Among Hasidim

WATCH: Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner visit Lubavitcher rebbe’s grave to pray for
election victory – U.S. Election 2016

President Trump Marks Education Day for Rebbe’s Date of Birth – Proclamation cites
importance of values-based education

Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?


Rabbi Schneerson’s Anti-goyimitic racism and hatred enacted into Federal Law http://

Felix Sater – Man Of The Year: Chabad of Port Washington


Felix Sater – Trump connected Russian Jewish mafia


The Hidden Powers and Dubious Money Behind Donald Trump http://

Crown Heights Info

How Donald Trump Cashed in on 9/11

Chabad Lubavitch & 911, Ushering in that Man of SIN


Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”


Chabad Lubavitch Identified as Supremacist Criminal Cult in League With


Donald Trump’s adviser Jason Greenblatt spoke to after visiting Chabad in
Downtown Cleveland

Red Mafia: How the Russian [Jewish] Mob Has Invaded America https://

“Ironically, the first wave of Russian mobsters used the same excuse to gain entry to
America. During the detente days of the early 1970s, when Soviet leader Leonid
Brezhnev had agreed to allow the limited emigration of Soviet Jews, thousands of hard-
core criminals, many of them released from Soviet Gulags by the KGB, took advantage
of their nominal Jewish status to swarm into the United States. The majority settled in
Brighton Beach, where they quickly resumed their cruel criminal vocation…” Source:
Red Mafiya – Introduction:

Robert I. Friedman: Red Mafiya – Jewish or Russian? http://robert-friedman-red-

“Being international in outlook gives Russian mobsters an advantage in drug sales,

money laundering and the illegal trade of military equipment. And being mostly Jewish
gives them a safe haven in Israel where many Russian Mafia types are citizens and
thus immune from extradition to the United States when the feds get after them…”
Source: Russia takes underworld to new level
The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!

Here’s another tie: Simon Grigorievich Kukes, former chief executive of a now-defunct

Russian state-owned oil company, who contributed more than $150,000 to Trump’s
campaign and joint fundraising committee, Trump Victory. This is the first election cycle
he has contributed, according to FEC documents. Kukes gave $2,700 directly to
Trump’s campaign in March, and then a total of $149,000 to Trump Victory in June and
July; another $2,700 of that went to Trump directly, while the remainder was divided
between the Republican National Committee’s main account, its convention account
and its headquarters account.

Source: Russian-born oil magnate gives big to Trump Victory http://

Simon Kukes, boss of TNK, Russia’s fifth-largest oil company by reserves and
production, has spent most of his working life in America. He is too quiet and reserved
to be a typical American, but he does not have much in common with most Russian
businessmen either. Unlike most top Russian managers, he is accessible, modest and
polite. He shuns the mobile phone, favourite toy of the Russian elite (two is a minimum;
Boris Berezovsky, Russia’s top tycoon, has several). “When I hear a mobile ringing in a
meeting, I confiscate it,” he says. “It shows that the manager doesn’t manage his time

Born in Russia, he emigrated to America (because of his Jewish background) in 1977,

at the age of 31. A chemist by training, with scores of patents to his name, he worked at
western oil companies, including Phillips Petroleum, until 1996. Now his task is to turn
round a typical Russian oil company—rich in potential, poor in practice.

Source: Face value: Oiling the wheels – Simon Kukes is a new kind of Russian oil man.
Small comfort for his western rivals
A Conversation with Simon Kukes

Moscow Targets Another Russian Jewish Oligarch

Russian-Jewish Mafia

Red Mafia: How the Russian [Jewish] Mob Has Invaded America https://

Russian-born [Jewish] oil magnate gives big to Trump Victory http://

Lawsuit: Trump Aide Funneled Mob-Linked Ukrainian Oligarch’s Fortune into U.S. Real

The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World


The Jewish Mob In America


Russia’s Vladimir Putin Defends Ukraine’s Jews, Slams Ukraine’s Jewish


Russian Jewish oligarchs experience the Exodus – in style – http://
Russian oligarchs in Israel: Welcome to the Promised Land

The Computer Crimes of 9/11: How Critical U.S. Airport Computers Were Compromised
with Israeli Spyware / Ari Fleischer and 9/11 – Israel’s Point Man in the White

Bridge scandal: Newly uncensored texts show Wildstein, Kelly mocked Chabad

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