Oil Spill Risk Analysis
Oil Spill Risk Analysis
Oil Spill Risk Analysis
Safety Science
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper proposes a framework for risk analysis of maritime transportation systems, where risk analy-
Received 13 August 2014 sis is understood as a tool for argumentative decision support. Uncertainty is given a more prominent role
Received in revised form 12 January 2015 than in the current state of art in the maritime transportation application area, and various tools are pre-
Accepted 12 February 2015
sented for analyzing uncertainty. A two-stage risk description is applied. In the first stage, Bayesian
Available online 12 March 2015
Network (BN) modeling is applied for probabilistic risk quantification. The model functions as a commu-
nication and argumentation tool, serving as an aid to thinking in a qualitative evidence and assumption
effect assessment. The evidence assessment is used together with a sensitivity analysis to select alterna-
Risk analysis framework
Ship–ship collision
tive hypotheses for the risk quantification, while the assumption effect assessment is used to convey an
Bayesian Network argumentation beyond the model. Based on this, a deliberative uncertainty judgment is made in the sec-
Maritime safety ond risk analysis stage, which is supplemented with a global strength of evidence assessment. The frame-
Risk analysis evaluation work is applied to a case study of oil spill from tanker collisions, aimed at response capacity planning and
ecological risk assessment. The BN-model is a proactive and transferable tool for assessing the occurrence
of various spill sizes in a sea area. While the case study uses evidence specific to the Gulf of Finland, the
model and risk analysis approach can be applied to other areas. Based on evaluation criteria and tests for
the risk model and risk analysis, it is found that the model is a plausible representation of tanker collision
oil spill risk.
Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
1. Introduction given a more prominent role than in the current state of the art in
the application area. Specific attention is given to the risk-theore-
In risk research, there is a recent focus on foundational issues. tical basis (risk concept, perspective and use of risk analysis in
Calls have been made for devising risk analysis frameworks, focus- decision making), and to the tools for analyzing uncertainties and
ing on issues such as how to understand and describe risk, and how biases beyond the model-based quantification. Bayesian Networks
to use risk analysis in decision making (Aven and Zio, 2014). Fur- are applied as a modeling tool.
thermore, there have been calls for devising methods for commu- Subsequently, the framework is applied to a case study involv-
nicating uncertainty in risk analysis (Psaraftis, 2012). ing the oil spill risk from tankers in a ship–ship collision, aimed at
In the maritime transportation application area, some theoreti- providing insight in the possible occurrence of given spill sizes in
cal frameworks exist, e.g. based on system simulation (Harrald this accident type in a given sea area. Such information is useful
et al., 1998), traffic conflict technique (Debnath and Chin, 2010) for response capacity and fleet organization planning (COWI,
and Bayesian Networks (BNs) (Montewka et al., 2014a). Recent 2011; Jolma and Haapasaari, 2014; Lehikoinen et al., 2013) and
research has however shown that a wide range of definitions, per- for assessing the risk of biological impacts of oil spills (Lecklin
spectives and approaches to risk analysis co-exist, whereas typical- et al., 2011).
ly little or no attention is given to risk-theoretic issues in While major oil spills from tankers are rare occurrences, the
applications. Furthermore, uncertainty typically is not considered transportation of oil remains one of the main concerns for the var-
(Goerlandt and Montewka, 2015). ious stakeholders in marine environmental protection (Dalton and
In light of the above, this paper introduces a framework for risk Jin, 2010). This is due to their potentially major impact on marine
analysis of maritime transportation systems, where uncertainty is ecosystems (Bi and Si, 2012), important socio-economic impacts
on communities dependent on coastal resources (Garcia Negro
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 9 470 23476; fax: +358 9 470 23493. et al., 2009; Miraglia, 2002) and high acute costs involved in
E-mail address: floris.goerlandt@aalto.fi (F. Goerlandt). clean-up operations (Montewka et al., 2013). Oil spills in harbor
0925-7535/Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 43
approaches or in narrow shipping waterways can also lead to a 2.2. Risk perspective: how risk is described
blockade, which can incur high costs to the world economy (Qu
and Meng, 2012). Thus, adequate accident prevention measures Understanding risk as above, a risk description is a reflection of
(Hänninen et al., 2014; van Dorp and Merrick, 2011) and oil spill a mind construct of analysts and experts (Aven and Guikema,
preparedness planning are important to enhance maritime safety 2011; Rosqvist, 2010; Watson, 1994), which may be more or less
and for marine environmental protection (IMO, 2010; Taylor intersubjectively objective (Aven, 2010b). There is no reference to
et al., 2008). an underlying ‘‘true’’ risk, opposed to other risk description frame-
Several methods and analyses have been proposed for assess- works, such as the one presented by Kaplan (1997). In this section,
ing the oil spill risk from shipping activities in a sea area. Lee the systematic manner to describe risk, i.e. the risk perspective, is
and Jung (2013) combine historic data with qualitative risk outlined.
matrices for ranking likeliness and consequences. Quantitative It is well-established that in the complex, distributed maritime
methods for analyzing oil spill risk include event-trees and transportation system, knowledge is not equally available about all
traffic flow theory or system simulation combined with ship parts of the system (Montewka et al., 2014b; Yan et al., 2014).
collision damage modeling or accident statistics (Akhtar et al., Relying on poor evidence may lead to erroneous conclusions and
2012; COWI, 2011; Gucma and Przywarty, 2008; Li et al., misguided decisions, e.g. about risk acceptability or the choice
2012; Montewka et al., 2010b; van Dorp and Merrick, 2011). between risk control alternatives. Because scientists have the
The work presented in this paper extends this literature by responsibility to consider the consequences of error (Douglas,
presenting a ship–ship collision oil spill risk analysis based on 2009), uncertainty has a central role in the current framework.
a Bayesian Network model. Moreover, in many analysis and modeling contexts, it is
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, a descrip- unavoidable to make simplifying assumptions which lead to con-
tion of the applied understanding of the risk concept and the servative or optimistic biases in the analysis (Vareman and
adopted two-stage risk perspective is given. A reflection is Persson, 2010). Such assumptions ultimately rely on value judg-
made on the intended use of the risk analysis. In Section 3, ments (Diekmann and Peterson, 2013; Wandall, 2004). Because
the methodological basis for the risk analysis framework is such value judgments may not be acceptable to all stakeholders
briefly outlined, focusing on the tools applied to describe risk. (Hermansson, 2012), their effect is considered in the framework
In Section 4, the case study to which the risk analysis frame- through considering biases.
work is applied is introduced. The first risk analysis stage for Another issue is that the information presented to stakeholders
the case study is presented in Section 5, and the second stage and decision makers should be interpretable, i.e. it should be pos-
in Section 6. In Section 7, a discussion is given on the evalua- sible to explain what the presented numbers and descriptions
tion of the results, both concerning the risk model and the risk mean (Aven, 2011a).
analysis as such. The utility of the tools for contextualizing the Based on the above, the current framework applies a two-stage
risk quantification is discussed in Section 8, and Section 9 con- risk description, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The general method and
cludes. For reasons of brevity, much of the data and models perspectives for analyzing risk is presented in the following sec-
underlying the risk model and analysis is presented in tions. The intended use of the risk analysis in decision making is
Appendices. discussed in Section 2.3. The methodological aspects of the tools
for analyzing risk are presented in Section 3.
The elements of the adopted risk perspective can be summa- tion to select the proposed decision, see e.g. Kaplan (1997). Exam-
rized as follows (where ‘‘’’ signifies ‘‘is described by’’) ples of such views on risk analysis in the context of maritime oil
spills are found in e.g. Klanac and Varsta (2011) and Lehikoinen
R1 ðC; E; Sf ; Pf ; Ps ; U AH ; S; Ev QL ; BjBKÞ ð1Þ
et al. (2013).
The focus is on consequences C, the occurrence of which is con- The framework presented here does not focus on the probabil-
ditional to events E. Instead of focusing on the events per se, their ities per se, i.e. these are not used to ‘prove’ that the risk is accept-
occurrence can also be described through a set of situational fac- able or that a certain risk management action should be performed.
tors Sf. As measurement tools, frequentist and subjective probabil- The aim is rather to concisely communicate evidence from analysts
ities Pf and Ps are used. Uncertainties and biases underlying the risk and experts to decision makers, which is used further in a broad
model construction are qualitatively assessed using an evidence decision making process (Aven, 2009), where other aspects rele-
assessment scheme (EvQL and B). Together with a sensitivity analy- vant to the decision, e.g. the availability of resources and strategic
sis S on the probabilistic risk model, this evidence assessment is or socio-economic concerns are considered. Thus, risk analysis is
used to select alternative hypotheses in the risk model, the effect understood as risk-informed, not risk-based (Apostolakis, 2004).
of which are quantified using the risk model (UAH). The risk analy- This follows from the envisaged functions of the risk model con-
sis is conditional to a specific background knowledge BK, which structed in the first risk analysis stage, namely to (i) convey an
consists of data, information, models, judgments and assumptions. argumentation based on available evidence, (ii) provide a basis
for communication between stakeholders, and (iii) serve as an
2.2.2. Stage 2: Deliberation, judgment-based quantification and aid to thinking. Such functions are acceptable for non-predictive
qualification based on results obtained from Stage 1 models (Hodges, 1991). Thus, the risk model does not in itself lead
In the second risk analysis stage, the information obtained from to a risk characterization, but is essentially connected with the
the first stage is used to quantify the uncertainty about the occur- qualitative evidence and assumption effect assessments. The pur-
pose of these qualitative assessments is to moderate the argument
rence of consequences C using interval probabilities P s and Ps and a
made by the risk quantification using the model, and to provide
qualitative assessment of the underlying evidence UQL:
transparency about the risk analysis and its underlying evidence,
R C; Ps ; Ps ; U QL jR1 ð2Þ which are key aspects of risk-informed decision making (Aven,
2011b; Watson, 1994).
The probability interval ½PS ; Ps is a judgment of a (group of) The first risk analysis stage leads to a quite elaborate charac-
expert(s), expressing imprecision regarding the uncertainty about terization, which aims to provide full transparency about the risk
the occurrence of consequences C. These can be interpreted by ref- analysis. One possible challenge of this extensive assessment is
erence to an uncertainty standard, i.e. as a lower and upper bound that decision makers may in practical settings not have time to
of the degree of belief of drawing a particular ball from an urn go through all the material. Hence, the primary intended users of
(Aven, 2011a; Lindley, 2006). These judgments are based on the the first analysis phase are a panel of expert-reviewers, such as
evidence as obtained from the first risk analysis stage, in particular the FSA1 Expert Group in IMO2 decision making (Psaraftis, 2012).
the probabilistic results including the quantitative uncertainty The second risk analysis stage provides a simplified and concise
bounds using the alternative hypotheses, the qualitative evidence insight in the risk and the strength of evidence, as a kind of summary
assessment and the assumption effect assessment. of the findings of the first stage. Thus, the intended users of this ana-
lysis phase are the actual decision makers, who likely do not have
2.3. Use of risk analysis in decision making the expertise nor the time to review the complete risk analysis.
An important issue is how the risk analysis is meant to be 3. Framework for risk analysis: methodological aspects
applied in decision making. Some frameworks use risk analysis
as a tool for calculating probabilities, which are compared with a In this section, the methodological aspects of the framework of
risk acceptability criterion for making the decision in a quasi-auto- Fig. 1 are presented, i.e. the tools for measuring risk. The following
matic manner, see e.g. de Rocquigny et al. (2008). Other frame-
works codify the value judgments over the outcomes through a 1
FSA: Formal Safety Assessment.
utility function, and may apply a form of mathematical optimiza- 2
IMO: International Maritime Organization.
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 45
items are addressed concerning the first risk analysis phase: (i) applied. A sensitivity function is defined which describes a specific
Bayesian Networks as a tool for propagating uncertainty, including risk metric RM as a function of the parameter z = p(RM = RMi|p),
its functionality for parameter sensitivity analysis, (ii) the alterna- where RMi is one state of the risk metric, and p is a combination
tive hypotheses approach for accounting for epistemic uncertainty, of states for the parent nodes of RM. For a network with no obser-
(iii) the method for qualitatively assessing the evidence base, (iv) vations on any of the network variables, a linear sensitivity func-
the procedure for selecting alternative hypotheses and (v) the tion is found:
method for assessing the effect of assumptions on the model out-
put. For the second risk analysis phase, the method for global RMðzÞ ¼ u1 z þ u2 ð4Þ
uncertainty evaluation is shown.
where the constants u1 and u2 are identified based on the model.
3.1. Bayesian Networks The first derivative of the sensitivity function at the base value
describes the effect of minor changes in the original parameter val-
Bayesian Networks are selected as a risk modeling tool as these ue on the value of the output, leading to a numerical sensitivity
have a number of favorable characteristics. BNs can contextualize value:
of the occurrence of specific consequences through situational fac-
tors, which represent observable aspects of the studied system. RM0 ðzÞ ¼ u1 ð5Þ
They furthermore allow integration of different types of evidence
through various types of probabilities and provide a means for per- The sensitivity of a BN-variable V on the risk metric RM is con-
forming sensitivity analysis. It is also rather straightforward to sidered by max|u1|.
incorporate alternative hypotheses in the model. Bayesian Net-
works are relatively widely used tools for risk modeling (Aven,
2008; Fenton and Neil, 2012). 3.2. Alternative hypothesis approach
3.1.1. Mathematical basis If the evidence base for a situational factor is poor and if alter-
BNs represent a class of probabilistic graphical models, defined as native plausible alternatives are available, one theoretical method-
a pair D = {G(V, A), P} (Koller and Friedman, 2009), where G(V, A) is ology to consider evidential uncertainty is to apply alternative
the graphical component and P the probabilistic component of the hypotheses (Zio and Apostolakis, 1996). The rationale can be sum-
model. G(V, A) is in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where marized as follows. Consider EBi one alternative from the evidence
the nodes represent the variables V = {V1, . . ., Vn} and the arcs (A) base. Conditional to EBi, probabilities for a situational factor Sf are
represent the conditional (in)dependence relationships between derived: Pi(Sf|EBi), for i = 1, . . ., n. These probabilities are weighed
these. P consists of a set of conditional probability tables (CPTs) using subjective probabilities pi, with ni pi ¼ 1. Weighed probabil-
P(Vi|Pa(Vi)) for each variable Vi, i = 1, . . ., n in the network. Pa(Vi) ities are obtained as follows:
signifies the set of parents of Vi in G: Pa(Vi) = {Y 2 V|(Y, Vi) 2 A}.
Thus: P ¼ fPðV i jPaðV i ÞÞ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; ng. A BN encodes a factorization X
P¼ Pi ðSf jEBi Þpi ð6Þ
of the joint probability distribution (JDP) over all variables in V: i
Thus, the effect of alternative hypotheses on the probabilities
PðVÞ ¼ PðV i jPaðV i ÞÞ ð3Þ
over the consequence space can be quantified, providing insight
in the stability of the results in light of uncertain evidence.
In risk analyses, assumptions often constitute an important part The structure of the BN-model is defined in Fig. 4. The focus of
of the background knowledge, and it is typically not possible to the analysis is the collision consequence, i.e. the amount of oil
3 4
For interpretation of color in Fig. 2 and 4, the reader is referred to the web version GOFREP: Gulf of Finland reporting system.
of this article. VTS: Vessel Traffic Service.
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 47
Fig. 3. Definition of the considered area, adapted from FTA (FTA, 2010).
Fig. 4. Structure of the oil spill risk BN-model, the labels next to the nodes refer to the sections where the supporting evidence is described.
BN-variables and their discretization is listed. Appendix B summa- 5.3. Qualitative multi-criteria evidence assessment
rizes the evidence applied in this case study, providing deeper
insight in the specific meaning of the required evidence and how The evidence is qualitatively assessed using the rating scheme
these are combined to derive probabilities. presented in Section 3.3. Results are shown in Tables 4 and 5. As
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 49
Fig. 6. Results from the risk model, alternative hypotheses as in Appendix C (risk analysis stage 1) and the uncertainty intervals (risk analysis stage 2), with evidence
assessment as in Section 3.6.
values. The model response for these test cases is shown in Fig. 6 model suggests, while the second uncertainty interval results in a
using summary statistics (median, quantiles, minima and maxima). higher oil spill risk than suggested by the risk model.
It is seen that the risk quantification is relatively stable in
regards the general trend, despite the fact that alternative
hypotheses can result in important changes in the risk metric, of 6.2. Application of risk analysis results in risk-informed decision
just over an order of magnitude. This is in line with expectations, making
as various alternative hypotheses may lead to significantly differ-
ent oil outflows, e.g. the impact angle (AH 5) and the damage The risk analysis results can be used to inform a decision. As out-
extent model (AH 8 and AH 9). lined in Section 2.3, the results should be seen in a wider decision-
However, the analysis indicates some general trends, which are making setting, where other issues such as costs and societal con-
stable despite the uncertainty. According to the model, spills in the cerns are taken into account, e.g. in terms of the urgency of environ-
range lower than 10,000 tonnes have an occurrence probability mental protection. Hence, the oil spill risk from tanker collisions as
between ca. 4 103 and 1 102. Spills up to 20,000 tonnes have resulting from the analysis can be used to update the knowledge
an occurrence probability of about 1 103, whereas spills over underlying models for environmental risks from oil spills (Lecklin
20,000 have a probability between 1 104 and 3 104. Spills over et al., 2011), for investigating the response fleet effectiveness in case
30,000 tonnes are very unlikely in the area, with a model-based of spills (Helle et al., 2011) and for determining the clean-up costs of
probability in the order of 3 106. It is stressed that in the current spills in a sea area (Montewka et al., 2013). One immediate use of the
framework, this quantification cannot be seen separate from the risk analysis results relates to the required response capacity for oil
underlying evidence base, the qualitative evidence assessment spills in the Gulf of Finland. Presently, a capacity of 30,000 tonnes is
and the assumption effect assessment. available according to Jolma and Haapasaari (2014).
First, the risk analysis suggests that the occurrence of any acci-
dental oil spill from tankers is unlikely, with an occurrence prob-
6. Case study: risk analysis stage 2 and risk-informed decision ability of any spill from tanker collisions of around 0.006. While
making this probability per se is not decisive in terms of the need for oil
response preparedness, an indication of the occurrence of acciden-
6.1. Deliberative judgment and global evidence assessment tal spills can be relevant in the context of broader societal decision
making for environmental protection. This can e.g. concern pri-
In the second risk analysis stage, the results of the model-based oritizing investments in measures for other sources of oil spills,
quantification (Fig. 6), the evidence assessment (Tables 4 and 5) such as more frequently occurring operational spills (Hassler,
and the assumption affect assessment (Table 7) are used to make 2011), measures for other types of pollution from maritime trans-
a judgment in terms of degrees of belief of the occurrence of cer- portation or other sources of marine pollution in general.
tain spill sizes. The uncertainty intervals are shown in Fig. 6, where Second, the analysis suggests that spills up to 30,000 tonnes may
a color code conveys information regarding the combined strength occur, but larger spills are very unlikely as far as only direct
of the evidence for making the judgments. Two uncertainty inter- mechanical damage is considered. Smaller accidental spills, up to
val series are shown. The intervals bounded by diamonds account about 10,000 tonnes, are more likely than larger spills. While the
for the model-based quantification, the evidence assessment and evidence on which these results are based is not very strong in cer-
assumptions A1–A9, which is considered medium strength of evi- tain aspects (see Fig. 5), the consideration of alternative hypotheses
dence. The intervals bounded by circles additionally account for indicates that the general trends are stable despite this uncertainty.
assumption A10, which concerns consequences beyond mechani- The results could be used to argue that the current response capa-
cal impact. As the evidence for these additional consequences is city is sufficient, or even that the current capacity is over-conserva-
poor, the total evidence for this uncertainty interval is medium- tive, as far as concerns tanker collisions. However, the analysis also
poor, and the uncertainty interval is wider. It is seen that the first highlights that considering further possible consequences such as
uncertainty interval leads to a lower oil spill risk than the risk fire, explosion and sinking due to collision could result in even larg-
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 53
Fig. 7. Evaluation tests and criteria for the two risk analysis stages, in relation to the risk analysis methods and perspectives, see also Fig. 1.
er spills. Evidence for this is however scarce and further analysis is struct and risk-theoretical validity tests. Second, the risk analysis
needed to reduce this uncertainty. qua risk analysis is evaluated using relevant criteria. The evaluation
One of the reviewers of an earlier version of the manuscript tests and criteria are shown in Fig. 7 in relation to the two defined
suggested discussing the risk analysis results in the context of risk stages for risk analysis. These criteria and tests are briefly further
acceptance criteria (RAC). Here, it should be noted that for oil spill outlined below: the reader is referred to the cited publications
risk, there are no currently agreed bounding values for the ALARP8 for more elaborate discussions.
regions for maritime oil spill risk in a cumulative consequence prob-
ability plot, as exist e.g. for loss of life (Papanikolaou, 2009). Cost-ef-
fectiveness criteria for risk-reducing measures have been proposed 7.1.1. Evaluation of the risk model
(Vanem et al., 2008), but numerical values for oil spill costs are As a reflection of a mind construct addressing possible conse-
not agreed upon (Psaraftis, 2012). Moreover, these would not be quences which may or may not occur, a direct comparison between
applicable as the current risk model and analysis do not include the risk model results and observations from the described system
risk-reducing measures (a limitation of the case study, not of the is not possible. In the considered area, no accidental oil spills from
framework). tankers have been reported during the period 1998–2014
On a more fundamental level, it has been argued that defining (HELCOM, 2014), so a comparison with historic data is likewise
RAC and evaluating that the calculated risk meets these criteria inconclusive. However, evaluation can be understood in a wider
is not required for managing risk. First, defining criteria does not sense than a comparison with observed data, by inspecting the
lead to more ethical risk management (Aven, 2007). Second, the model qua model. Such approaches are widely used in social science
introduction of pre-determined criteria may give a wrong focus, research (Trochim and Donnely, 2008), system dynamics modeling
i.e. meeting these criteria rather than obtaining overall good and (Forrester and Senge, 1980) and for expert-based Bayesian Network
cost-effective solutions. Third, standard use of RAC presupposes modeling (Pitchforth and Mengersen, 2013). These model-related
that risk analyses can achieve an adequate precision level, which tests are only of interest in the first risk analysis stage, see Fig. 7.
can be questioned depending on the strength of the knowledge First, it is possible to evaluate whether the model adequately
base. Alternative decision making strategies exist, focusing on a operationalizes the construct it intends to measure, i.e. how well
broad assessment of risks, costs, public perceptions and other it concretizes the object of inquiry for the given purpose. This is
socio-economic concerns (Aven and Vinnem, 2005). The current evaluated in terms of face and content validity. Face validity (FV)
framework, which acknowledges the weaknesses in the evidence is a subjective, heuristic interpretation of whether the model is an
base and the judgmental nature of risk analysis, therefore does appropriate operationalization of the construct. Content validity
not apply RAC. Rather, the analysis results are used in a broader (CV) is a more detailed comparison of the elements in the risk mod-
risk evaluation in a managerial review and judgment, see e.g. el in relation to what is believed to be relevant in the real system.
Aven and Vinnem (2005). Second, a number of specific tests can be performed on the
model, to evaluate whether the model adequately meets certain
7. Discussion: evaluation of the risk analysis criteria. A behavior sensitivity test (BST) is used to assess to which
model elements the results are sensitive. The parameter sensitivity
7.1. Evaluation: method and criteria of a BN can be calculated as in Section 3.1.3, and the results can be
evaluated by domain experts. In a qualitative features test (QFT),
Validity concerns the question whether the analysis describes the model response is evaluated for a number of test conditions
the specific concepts one intends to describe, for its intended use in terms of a qualitative understanding how the system is believed
(Carmines and Zeller, 1979), whereas evaluation is a quality con- to respond under these conditions. In a concurrent validity test
trol process with the risk analysis as its object (Rosqvist and (CVT), the model elements are compared with the elements in
Tuominen, 2004). Two aspects are considered. First, the plausibility another model for a similar purpose. This can also include a com-
of the risk model as a tool for serving its envisaged functions in the parison with the output of such a model if the scope of the appli-
risk analysis is assessed. As introduced in Section 2.3, the model cations is the same.9
functions: (i) to convey an argumentation based on available evi-
dence, (ii) to provide a basis for communication and (iii) to serve More model evaluation tests have been proposed in the literature then the ones
as an aid to thinking. Its plausibility is evaluated using model-con- retained here, e.g. a dimensional consistency tests, boundary adequacy tests and
structure verification tests (Forrester and Senge, 1980). Which tests are considered
largely depends on the type of developed model. For the purposes of this paper, a
ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Practicable. limited number of relatively straightforward tests is retained.
54 F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66
The validity tests do not ‘‘prove’’ that the model results are cor- adequacy of the evidence base and the underlying assumptions,
rect, but only indicate the extent to which the model is a plausible as in Sections 3.3 and 3.5.
representation of the object of inquiry, serving functions (i) and (ii)
as outlined above. This relates to adopted understanding of risk
and the adopted risk perspective, where no reference is made to 7.2. Application of evaluation criteria to the risk analysis
an underlying ‘‘true’’ risk, see Section 2.2. The model should be
plausible enough to serve as a basis for further reflections, leading 7.2.1. Risk model evaluation tests
to deliberative judgments in the second risk analysis stage, see In terms of face validity, it can be found that the risk model is an
Fig. 7. adequate reflection of ship–ship collision oil spill risk. The
sequence encounter-impact-hull breach is a logical flow of events
for an oil spill to occur, and the elements describing these situa-
tions seem reasonable. Encounters occur between ships of certain
7.1.2. Evaluation of the risk analysis types and dimensions in certain locations and encounter types,
Following criteria are considered in the current framework, and at certain speeds and loading conditions. The situation at
based on work by Aven and Heide (2009) and Rosqvist and impact is somehow related to the encounter conditions, and
Tuominen (2004): aspects such as which is the striking and struck vessel, the impact
location, speeds and impact angle are known to affect the damage
V1: the degree to which the uncertainty assessments are size. The vessel size is related to the size of the oil tanks, and hence
complete. the possible spill sizes. Content validity can similarly be estab-
V2: the degree to which the bias assessments are complete. lished, by more carefully inspecting the adequacy of the elements
V3: the degree to which the assigned subjective probabilities of the model in relation to knowledge about the system. For rea-
adequately describe the assessor’s uncertainties of the sons of brevity, this is not elaborated upon here. Considering the
unknown quantities. comment made in Section 7.1.2 concerning the relation between
V4: the degree to which the analysis addresses the right CV and V1, the reader is referred to Sections 5.3 and 5.5, where
quantities. the evidence and assumption assessments are performed.
The behavior sensitivity test is performed using the method-
As illustrated in Fig. 7, V1 and V2 concern the uncertainty and ology described in Section 3.1.3, with results shown in Table 6. It
bias related to the limitations of the risk model to cover the scope is seen that the model output is mainly sensitive to changes in
of the possible outcome space, as well as the uncertainty and bias the parameters of the variables ‘‘Tanker as struck vessel’’, ‘‘Tanker
concerning the evidence for assessing probabilities in the model collision occurrence’’, ‘‘Oil spill mass in damaged tanks’’, ‘‘Tanker
construction. V1 also concerns the uncertainty judgments in the deadweight’’, ‘‘Tanker striking or struck’’, ‘‘Tanker loading condi-
second risk analysis stage, and the uncertainty in the evidence tion’’, ‘‘Impact location along struck tanker hull’’ and ‘‘Impact
for making these uncertainty judgments (i.e. the global evidence angle’’. It is found that the sensitivity of the model results to these
resulting from the first risk analysis stage). V3 is relevant in both variables is plausible: the oil outflow is clearly sensitive to the
risk analysis stages, and concerns whether appropriate elicitation occurrence of a collision, whether the tanker is striking or struck,
principles and procedures are followed to elicit the probability on the size of the tanker and its loading condition and on the
judgments. An elaborate discussion on this criterion is outside impact conditions which govern how many tanks are breached.
our current scope, for more details see Ayyub (2001) and The qualitative features test is performed for a number of test
O’Hagan et al. (2006). V4 addresses the question whether the ana- conditions, by selecting certain states of the BN-variables as inputs,
lysis focuses on fictional quantities (parameters of a model) or on and by inspecting the corresponding model response. This is illus-
observables (events, consequences of observable aspects of a sys- trated in Table 8, showing the test settings, the expected value of
tem). This last criterion thus relates to the interpretability of the the oil spill risk measure and a short assessment of the plausibility
risk analysis results, i.e. how easily the presented numbers and of the results. It is seen that the results indicate that the BN-model
information can be given a meaning, see also Aven (2011a). qualitatively follows the expected response.
It can be noted that the risk model evaluation criteria can be Concurrent validity can be tested by inspecting the structure
related to the evaluation of the risk analysis, especially to V1, the and content of models for similar problems to the one developed.
completeness of the uncertainty assessments. For example, an In Fig. 8, a number of models for oil spill risk is briefly reviewed,
evaluation of the content validity can assist in evaluating the focusing on structure (the logical sequence of events leading to
Table 8
Results from the qualitative features test for the BN-model of Fig. 4.
Fig. 8. Results from concurrent validity test for model structure and content.
Table 9
Comparison of concurrent validity (structure and content) for selected models.
Gucma and Przywarty (2008) van Dorp and Merrick (2011) Proposed risk model
Encounter AIS data AIS and environmental data AIS data
Traffic simulation model Traffic simulation model Encounter detection method
Alternative hypotheses
Collision occurrence Based on accident data Expert-based model Based on accident data
Accounts for underreporting
Alternative hypotheses
Impact not explicitly modeled Assumed relations between encounter Models linking encounter to impact
and impact Alternative hypotheses
Hull damage not explicitly modeled Meta-model based on coupled collision Meta-model based on coupled collision mechanics model
mechanics model Multiple tanker designs based on tanker data
Two tanker designs considered Alternative hypotheses
Oil outflow Based on accident data Cargo tank layout of two ships Cargo tank layout multiple ships
Bunker tank data Bunker tank data
Fig. 9. Results from concurrent validity test for model structure and content; for BN-model, the summary statistics are calculated for model output for test cases of Appendix
56 F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66
Table 10
Advantages and drawbacks of the risk analysis tools.
spills) and content of the models (which elements are considered models (IMO, 2003; Montewka et al., 2010b) have some serious
in analyzing the consequences). For reasons of brevity, not all mod- limitations to maritime transportation risk analysis as argued by
els are analyzed in detail in the comparison. Two models are briefly van de Wiel and van Dorp (2011), it is concluded from these tests
considered. that the proposed model is a more accurate reflection for the prob-
The models by Gucma and Przywarty (2008) and by van Dorp ability of different oil spill sizes in the Gulf of Finland then
and Merrick (2011) follow implicitly or explicitly the sequence of achieved by the earlier models.
events underlying the model presented in Fig. 4: encounter,
impact, hull damage and oil outflow. A brief comparison is made 7.2.2. Evaluating the risk analysis
in Table 9. It can be concluded that the presented model has sig- At the first stage of risk analysis, the criteria V1 and V2 are
nificant similarities to some other models in the literature, both addressed by performing the evidence assessment (Tables 4 and
in structure and content, while more thoroughly accounting for 5), the alternative hypotheses in the risk model (Figs. 4 and 6)
uncertainties through considering alternative hypotheses. As the and by the assumption effect assessment (Table 7). As found also
focus of the presented model is the magnitude of the conse- in Aven and Heide (2009), there is no guarantee that all uncertainty
quences, the impact, hull damage and tanker capacity is modeled is addressed. However, the assessments increase the transparency
in more detail than in most other oil spill risk models, whereas of the evidence base, and indicate the strength of the argument put
the level of detail in the collision occurrence is comparable to most forward by the risk model. Criterion V4 is met, as the probability
other oil spill risk models (Fig. 9). assignments focus on observable quantities of the maritime trans-
A final concurrent validity check can be performed by compar- portation system: the situational factors and events of Fig. 4 are
ing the outcome of the model with other information regarding oil observables in the maritime transportation system and in collision
spills. As mentioned in Section 7.1.1, no accident data is available accidents.
in the study area, so a comparison with spill data cannot be per- At the second stage of risk analysis, the uncertainty assessment
formed. Moreover, as the models mentioned above are applied to (V1) is performed by assessing the global strength of evidence, and
different sea areas, these cannot be used as a comparison either. by assessing degrees of beliefs over the outcome space based on
However, other models have been proposed for the Gulf of Finland, the global evidence, see Fig. 6. The analysis also focuses on observ-
where oil spill sizes where included. The distributions in Helle able quantities (V4), namely the spill sizes in collision accidents
et al. (2011) and Lehikoinen et al. (2013) cover both collision and with tankers.
grounding accidents, and show the probability of a spill of a certain Criterion V3 is difficult to verify: the subjective probabilities
size in case an oil spill occurs. The distributions are respectively used at the first stage (e.g. for BN-variables V18, V19 and V20, see
based on simple outflow models (IMO, 2003; Montewka et al., Table A1 in Appendix A) and probability intervals at the second
2010b), which only account for oil outflow due to mechanical dam- stage are assessor’s judgments. The principles and procedures pro-
age and do not take local traffic conditions into account. The results vided in Aven and Heide (2009) are followed to the extent possible
from the current model differ from the earlier results mainly by the in stage 2, but as the subjective probabilities in the first stage are
lower probabilities for the larger spill sizes, but a comparison is dif- obtained from the literature, no information is available on how
ficult as the analysis scope is not identical. As the simple outflow these are assessed.
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 57
8. Discussion: reflection on the methods for contextualizing risk List of symbols and abbreviations
S If BN-variables concerning impact situation ‘‘encountering vessel type (AIS)’’, see Section B.2. For evaluating the
damage extent, the half bow entrance angle of the encountering
ST number of side tanks
vessels is required, see Section B.5. Data for this angle is available
TBH transverse bulkhead positions
for container ships, bulk carriers and general cargo vessels. Based
TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
on a traffic analysis by Nyman et al. (2010), a proportion between
TT tank configuration type
these cargo vessels is obtained as shown in Table B2. This is used in
UAH quantitative uncertainty assessment using
the CPT for the variable ‘‘encountering vessel type (detailed)’’. For
alternative hypotheses
the tankers, only tankers with AIS classification ‘‘tankers – all
UQL qualitative assessment of uncertainty
types’’ are considered. Other AIS ship classifications include chemi-
V BN-variables
cal tankers and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) tankers, which are not
VBT volume of ballast tank
further considered here.
VCT volume of cargo tank
Vi BN-variable/tank volume/risk analysis evaluation
B.1.2. Data related to encountering vessels
The model for evaluating the damage extent and oil outflow (Sec-
VTS Vessel Traffic Service
tion B.5) requires the vessel mass and the bow entrance angle g. The
yL collision damage length
latter parameter is obtained for the considered vessel types from an
yT collision penetration depth
analysis by Brown (2002), see Table B3. The mass of the encounter-
h collision damage direction
ing vessels MEV is conditional to the vessel type, size and loading con-
qc cargo oil density
dition. The mass of fully laden general cargo, bulk carrier, container
qsw sea water density
and passenger vessels is derived from data-based regression models
+ increase
presented by Brown (2002). The models, having a statistical fit with
± increase/decrease
R2-values around 0.98, have regression coefficients as in Table B3
and a functional form as follows, with L the ship length:
a L
Acknowledgements MEV ¼ ðB1Þ
This work presented in this paper is carried out within the Except for tankers, there is no information available concerning
WINOIL project in association with the Kotka Maritime Research the loading condition of the vessels operating in the area.
Centre. This project is co-funded by the European Union, the Rus- Therefore, the conservative assumption is made that all are fully
sian Federation and the Republic of Finland. The contributions by laden. For tankers, more detailed data and models are available,
the second author are supported by the EU-funded project FAROS see Section B.1.4.
(Grant No. 314817), the FP7 program. The financial support is
acknowledged. The opinions expressed are those of the authors B.1.3. Data related to cargo of oil tankers
and should not be construed to represent the views of the project For oil tankers, data concerning the main dimensions, mass,
consortia. The presented Bayesian Network model has been deadweight and tank configuration is available from a ship data-
developed using the GeNie modeling environment developed at base (IHS Maritime, 2013), for 410 oil tankers operating at least
the Decision Systems Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh, avail- twice in the area during the period 2011–07 to 2011–10. It is
able from http://genie.sis.pitt.edu. The authors are grateful to assumed that these vessels are representative to the entire oil tan-
three anonymous reviewers whose thoughtful comments have ker fleet in the area. This is shown in Fig. B1, where L2, B2 and D2
helped to improve an earlier version of this paper. are respectively the tanker length, width and depth. TT signifies
the tank configuration type. TT1 is a double hull (DH) tanker with-
Appendix A. Notations and discretization of BN-model variables out longitudinal bulkhead, TT2 with one longitudinal bulkhead and
TT3 with two longitudinal bulkheads. ST and CT signify the number
See Table A1. of side and center tanks, respectively.
The loading conditions of the tankers directly affect the likeli-
Appendix B. Evidence underlying the Bayesian Network model hood of a spill and depend on the tanker type, tanker size, location
in the sea area and direction of travel (COWI, 2011). As the avail-
In this appendix, the evidence for the construction and able AIS data does not contain data for specific tanker types, results
parameterization of the BN-model shown in Section 5.1 is briefly of a traffic flow analysis by Nyman et al. (2010) are used to assess
presented, for the case study of the Gulf of Finland, see Section 4. the probability of the tankers being oil product or crude oil tankers,
Brevity is aimed at, but it is attempted to describe the data process- see Table B4.
ing, to facilitate potential application of the model to other sea The quantification of the loading condition is based on a
areas. detailed analysis of goods transported in the Baltic Sea, reported
by COWI (2011). The probabilities assessed based on this informa-
B.1. Evidence related to vessel characteristics tion are given in Table B5.
The mass of the tanker is derived directly from the ship data-
B.1.1. Data related to vessel traffic in the sea area base, see Fig. B1, if the vessel is fully laden. If the vessel is in ballast
Data related to the main vessel characteristics operating in the condition, the tanker mass is determined based on the ship data-
area are obtained from the Automatic Identification System (AIS) base and a model for cargo and ballast tank configuration, see
for the period 2011–07 to 2011–11, with data fields as shown in Section B.1.4.
Table B1. The data is further processed using an encounter detec-
tion model, see Section B.2. B.1.4. Model for cargo and ballast tank configuration and tanker mass
Concerning the ship types of encountering vessels, the AIS data in ballast condition
only specifies the crude categories cargo ship, passenger ship and The cargo tank dimensions are determined based on a model
tanker. AIS data analysis leads to the probabilities for the variable proposed by Smailys and Česnauskis (2006). The main parameters
F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66 59
Table A1
Description of variables in the model.
Impact situation (S If )
V18 Encountering vessel impact speed V I1 {0–8, 8–12, 12–16, M16} [kn] B.3
V19 Impact angle uI {0–36, 36–72, 72–108, 108–144, 144–180} [°] B.3
V20 Tanker impact speed V I2 {0–4, 4–8, 8–12, 12–16} [kn] B.3
V21 Impact location along struck tanker hull l {0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–80, 80–100} [from stern] B.3
V22 Tanker striking or struck – {Striking, Struck} B.3
V23 Tanker collision occurrence – {Collision, No collision} B.4
V24 Tanker as struck vessel – {Tanker struck, Tanker not struck} B.4
Consequences – oil spills from damaged compartment (C)
V25 Oil spill mass – AH 8 – Model 1 CM1 {0, 1–1250, 1250–2500, 2500–5 k, 5 k–10 k, 10 k– B.5
15 k, 15 k–20 k, 20 k–25 k, 25 k–30 k, 30 k–35 k} [tonne]
V26 Oil spill mass – AH 8 – Model 2 CM2 {0, 1–1250, 1250–2500, 2500–5 k, 5 k–10 k, 10 k– B.5
15 k, 15 k–20 k, 20 k–25 k, 25 k–30 k, 30 k–35 k} [tonne]
V27 Oil spill mass – AH 8 weighed CAH8 {0, 1–1250, 1250–2500, 2500–5 k, 5 k–10 k, 10 k– B.5
15 k, 15 k–20 k, 20 k–25 k, 25 k–30 k, 30 k–35 k} [tonne]
V28 Oil spill mass in damaged tanks CAH9 {0, 1–1250, 1250–2500, 2500–5 k, 5 k–10 k, 10 k– B.5
15 k, 15 k–20 k, 20 k–25 k, 25 k–30 k, 30 k–35 k} [tonne]
Alternative hypotheses (AH) Alternatives Weights
AH concerning encounter detection AH 1 {M1, M2} {0.5, 0.5} B.2
AH encountering vessel impact speed AH 2 {M1, M2, M3, M4} {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7} B.3
AH tanker impact speed AH 3 {M1, M2, M3, M4} {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7} B.3
AH impact location along struck tanker hull AH 4 {M1, M2} {0.25, 0.75} B.3
AH impact angle AH 5 {M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6} {0.05, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.05, 0.4} B.3
AH tanker striking or struck AH 6 {M1, M2} {0.5, 0.5} B.3
AH tanker collision probability AH 7 {M1, M2} {0.5, 0.5} B.4
AH damage extent and oil outflow AH 8 {M1, M2} {0.1, 0.9} B.5
AH damage extent oblique impact angles AH 9 {M1, M2} {0.2, 0.8} B.5
Risk metric (RM)
Probability of oil spill – {0, 1–1250, 1250–2500, 2500–5 k, 5 k–10 k, 10 k– 6.1
15 k, 15 k–20 k, 20 k–25 k, 25 k–30 k, 30 k–35 k} [P
for the determination of the tank volumes and the location of the width of the double hull w and number of longitudinal bulkheads,
transverse and longitudinal bulkheads are shown in Fig. B2. LF i.e. the tank configuration type. For TT2, the bulkhead is at the cen-
and LA are the distances from the fore and aft perpendicular to ter line and for TT3, the two bulkheads are at a distance
the respective closest transverse cargo tank bulkheads. The posi- w þ 27 ðB2 2wÞ from the ship side.
tions of the transverse bulkheads TBH are determined based on The volume Vi of a given tank is determined as follows, with
LA, LF, the tanker length L and the number of cargo tanks. Equal car- notations as in Fig. B2:
go tank lengths LT are assumed. The positions of the longitudinal
bulkheads LBH are determined based on the tanker width B2, the V i ¼ C i BT LT DT ðB2Þ
60 F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka / Safety Science 76 (2015) 42–66
Table B1 Table B3
AIS data fields available for the presented model. Regression coefficients for encountering vessel mass and bow entrance angle g, based
on Brown (2002).
Data field Unit Explanation
Ship type c a g
MMSI number – A 9-digit code uniquely identifying a vessel
Time stamp s Time at which the message is recorded Bulk carrier 6.6 0.332 40
[YYYY]–[MM]–[DD] [hh]:[mm]:[ss] General cargo 6.93 0.325 40
Position Longitude and latitude of transmitted Container ship 5.49 0.353 34
message, in WGS-84 coordinate system Passenger ship 8.22 0.299 34
Ship type – A 2-digit code identifying the type of vessel, Tanker N/A N/A 76
see USCG (2012)
Ship length and width m Dimensions from bow to stern and side to
side, see USCG (2012)
Ship speed kn Speed over ground B.2. Evidence for situational factors at vessel encounters
Ship course ° Course over ground
Table B4
phenomenon, there are important uncertainties related to the rela-
Probabilities of tanker types in different sea areas, based on Nyman et al. (2010).
tionship between encounter and impact.
GoF area P (oil product tanker) P (crude oil tanker) A number of models for establishing a relation between the
Finnish GOFREP 0.7 0.3 relevant situational factors has been proposed, see Ståhlberg
Estonian GOFREP 0.7 0.3 et al. (2013). In the BN model of Fig. 4, these models are considered
Russian national VTS 0.56 0.44
as a set of alternative hypotheses. The models are outlined in
Table B7, including a reference. V I1 and V I2 are the impact speeds
tankers and encountering vessels, as well as the type of encoun-
of the encountering vessel and the tanker. V E1 and V E2 are the corre-
tering vessels are derived, conditional to the GOFREP area and
sponding encounter speeds. The impact location l along the tanker
the direction of travel. Finally, distributions of encounter type
hull is measured relative to the ship stern. uI and uE are respec-
are derived from the obtained data set of vessel interactions.
tively the impact and encounter angle, where uI is measured from
the bow of the striking vessel. The table also contains assigned
B.3. Evidence for situational factors at collision impact probabilities for alternative hypotheses AH 2–AH 6.
Table B5
Probabilities of tanker being laden in different sea areas, based on COWI (2011).
The model for the oil spill size integrates various data sources
and engineering models: data concerning tanker cargo tank layout
(Section B.1.3), a model for estimating the location and volumes of
cargo tanks (Section B.1.4), data and information related to bunker
tanks (Section B.1.5) and a model for estimating the damage size
conditional to the impact conditions. This model is briefly intro-
duced first. Then, the integrated procedure for determining the
oil spill size is outlined.
Table B7
Alternative hypotheses for impact situational factors.
AH 2: Encountering vessel impact speed V I1 M1 0.1 V I1 ¼ V E1 van Dorp and Merrick (2011)
M2 0.1 V I1
¼ Tr 0; 23 V E1 ; V E1 COWI (2011)
M3 0.1 > E Lützen (2001)
< U 0; 0:75V 1
V1 ¼ E E
: Tr 0:75V 1 ; V 1
M4 0.7 Empirical relation V I1 ¼ f V E1 Sormunen et al. (2014))
AH 4: Impact location along tanker l M1 0.25 l = U(0, L2) Rawson et al. (1998)
M2 0.75 Empirical histogram Samuelides et al. (2008)
AH 5: Impact angle uI M1 0.05 uI = uE van Dorp and Merrick (2011)
M2 0.2 uI = U(0, 180) Rawson et al. (1998)
M3 0.1 uI = Tr(0, uE, 180) Lützen (2001)
M4 0.2 uI = N(90, 29) NRC (2001)
M5 0.05 < p ¼ 0:1 : uI ¼ Uð30; 150Þ COWI (2011)
CR and MT: uI = U(30, 150) OT: p ¼ 0:9 : uI ¼ uE
M6 0.4 Empirical histogram Samuelides et al. (2008)
AH 6: Tanker striking or struck M1 0.5 P (tanker struck) = 0.5 Klanac et al. (2010)
M2 0.5 P (tanker struck struck) = 0.8 IMO (2008)
Notes: U(a, b) = uniform distribution, Tr(a, b, c) = triangular distribution, N(l, r) = normal distribution, other notations see Appendix A.
Table B8
Alternative hypotheses for damage extent.
Table C1 models assume that the ship hulls will only grind alongside, with-
Definition of test cases for evaluating influence of alternative hypotheses. out leading to extensive structural damage (COWI, 2011; Ståhlberg
Test AH 1 AH 2 AH 3 AH 4 AH 5 AH 6 AH 7 AH 8 AH 9 et al., 2013). In such cases, no breach of the double hull structure is
case assumed, and no oil is spilled. In other analyses, it is taken that all
C1 B B B B B B B B B impact angles lead to hull breach (van Dorp and Merrick, 2011). In
C2 M1 B B B B B B B B the BN, this uncertainty is considered through AH 9, as outlined in
C3 M2 B B B B B B B B Table B8.
C4 B M1 B B B B B B B
C5 B M3 B B B B B B B
C6 B B M1 B B B B B B
C7 B B M3 B B B B B B Appendix C. Test cases for alternative hypotheses
C8 B B B M2 B B B B B
C9 B B B M1 B B B B B In Table C1, the test cases for quantifying the influence of the
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C11 B B B B M5 B B B B
C12 B B B B B M2 B B B
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