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QAS Refresh

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Db12 -> overview of database backups

To restore FNP backup into QAS :-

1. Maxis uses standard SAP brbackup & brrestore
2. Db12. To make sure the backup is successful with RC0. For this case, it’s an
offline backup to tape on 22 March 2009

3. Double click to check the details of backup log FNP backup log.TXT
4. Tape name FNPD7 to be mounted to QAS tape drive

1. Copy back<SID>.log and dbxxxxx.aft (aft file for offline backup)

@/oracle/QAS/sapbackup to QAS server accordingly. Use SFTP.
a. Rename backFNP.log as backQAS.log
b. Amend the backup log file dbxxxx.aft accordingly by replacing FNP value to
QAS. Keep PSAPFNPXX as it is.

c. Cross check if QAS has the similar filesystem setup as FNP and available

C:\Maxis\SAP\QAS C:\Maxis\SAP\QAS C:\Maxis\SAP\QAS

Refresh\storage.xls Refresh\FNP storage.xls Refresh\QAS storage.xls

d. stopsap
e. Remove all sapdata folders and datafiles. Keep control files

f. Issue command “brrestore –b beaejijn.aft “ in /oracle/QAS/sapbackup folder
2. Prepare the script. Run below command in your FNP database sqlplus
a. Alter database backup controlfile to trace;
b. Locate the trace file at


Modify the script according to attach file


Note : 3 datafiles added into FNP, therefore the script has to be changed

3. Step by step execute controlfile scripts

Remark: Logon as ora<SID> to run the scripts.

Sqlplus /nolog
Connect /as sysdba
Startup nomount
This error was cause by previous log was not reset. This command was included in the
control file script.

Note : PSAPTEMP will not be restored, it will be manually added.

Turn off Oracle Archive

SQL> shutdown immediate

Database closed.
Database dismounted.
Starting ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL>startup mount
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 337594616 bytes

Fixed Size 727288 bytes
Variable Size 201326592 bytes
Database Buffers 134217728 bytes
Redo Buffers 1323008 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> archive log list;

Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /oracle/QAS/oraarch/QASarch
Oldest online log sequence 0
Next log sequence to archive 1
Current log sequence 1

SQL> alter database noarchivelog;

Database altered.
SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

SQL> archive log list;

Database log mode No Archive Mode

Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /oracle/QAS/oraarch/QASarch
Oldest online log sequence 0
Current log sequence 1

Start Oracle manually.

Execute command "env"

For testing run the command below

Login as qasadm
qasadm>setenv dbs_ora_schema SAPFNP

You should be able to start SAP now after manually set the environment.

4. Adapt the environment permenantly.

Login as qasadm and oraqas and modify the file entries as below. (Replace the "HOST"
as bina67.). Change all occurrences from FNP to QAS with exception to
dbs_ora_schema. Logout and relogin again.


Change this value


5. Optional - Reset SAP* account

Login as oraqas and start sqlplus. Execute below sql command.

select * from sapfnp.usr02 where BNAME = 'SAP*' and MANDT='000'

delete from sapfnp.usr02 where BNAME = 'SAP*' and MANDT='000'

6. Apply SAPlicense accordingly

Use transaction code SLICENSE
7. Configure transport route
Login to primary Domain and re-configure your transport route.

Login in to DEV, client 000, ddic

Stms. Apply below.

Click on Adjust
with controller.

Login in to QAS, client 000, ddic

Stms. Save config.
8. Test SAP - Oracle connection
 Login as qasadm
 R3trans –d (test the connectivity from SAP application to DB)

Remark: If the return code not equal to ZERO, it means some problems with OPS$
setting or DBA access were not grant properly; proceed the following:

SQL> alter user SAPQAS identified by sap;

SQL> grant dba, connect, resource to user SAPQAS;

9. Delete FNP profile in RZ10.

Click No.

Remark: You can achieve the same result by deleting the table contents.
Rz10 -> utilities -> import profiles -> active servers

10. Turn off SCOT services

RFC maint – delete gateway pointing to FNP
11. Adapt RFC configuration for QAS environment.
SAPFAX Connection
BW Connection
Change targe host to bina68 – QAS. Verify logon/security -> logon should be
IXOS connection

Smlg – delete logon group

12. Delete Background job

Se38. Run report RSBTCDEL or delete tables below.
TBTCO - Job status overview table Delete scheduled user jobs (SM37)
TBTCP - Batch job step overview Delete scheduled user jobs (SM37)
TBTCS - Batch schedule table Delete scheduled user jobs (SM37)
Inlcuding status scheduled & delete with forced mode.
13. Reschedule Basis jobs with transaction code SM36

Please schedule jobs with Basis account in SAP

Click on the default
14. Delete the table entries

Some of the data are safe to be removing as it's belonging to FNP instance. Follow below
list. Repeat below step for all tables Table Contents Action

BTCEVTJOB - List of jobs waiting for events Delete scheduled user jobs (SM37)
DBSNP - Database snapshots Delete all entries (SE14)
DDLOG - Buffer synchronization Delete all entries (no SAP transaction);use
MONI - Monitor table MONI Delete all entries (SE14)
OSMON - Operating system monitoring data Delete all entries (SE14)
PAHI - History of system, DB, and SAP parameter Delete all entries (SE14)
RZLLITAB - Assignments of logon/server groups to instances Delete all entries (SMLG)
SDBAD - Detail table for DBA logs Delete all entries (SE14)
SDBAH - Header table for DBA logs Delete all entries (SE14)
SDBAP - DBA planning table Delete all entries (SE14)
SDBAR - DBA resource table Delete all entries (SE14)
TLOCK - Change and Transport System: lock table Configure Workbench Organizer
TPFET - Table of profile parameters Delete all entries (RZ10)
TPFHT - Profile header, administration data for profiles in DB Delete all entries (RZ10)
TSPLOMS - Logical Output Management Systems for access Change OMS
configuration for Dazel
method “E” (SPAD)
TSPROMS - Real Output Management Systems for access Change OMS configuration
for Dazel
method “E” (SPAD)

Deleting tables below will wipe off all output devices input.
TSP03C - Spool: device description extension Update print server (SPAD)
TSP03D - Spool: device description (new format) Update print server (SPAD)
Remove data via transaction code SE14

Select this check box

and press the "Active
and adjust database"
15. Reschedule DB02 job.
16. Execute housekeeping job.

RSBTCDEL - Deletes finished and canceled jobs

RSBDCREO - Deletes batch input logs

RSSNAPDL - Deletes ABAP short dumps
RSBPSTDE - Reorganizes job statistics
RSPO1043 - Checks and cleans TEMSE (SP12)
RSPO0041 - Deletes all old spool jobs
17. Resetting oracle user OPS$<SID>ADM

SAP application uses OPS$<SID>ADM to call certain database services. After DB

refresh you need to recreate the OPS$ user. First login as oraqas and connect to sqlplus.
Execute command below.

Download the oradbusr.sql file from note 50088. Run command below as oraqas.

sqlplus /NOLOG @/oracle/QAS/920_64/oradbusr.sql SAPFNP UNIX QAS x

18. Remove any additional Server group.

SM36 or SM37 with entry <SAP_DEFAULT_BTC> found under Exec. Target (server)
When you plan to schedule
a job via SM36 it you see

To remove the entries previously configure in FNP system. Go to transaction code SM61
Click on the modify
button and proceed to
delete any unnecessary
Click the server
Delete this
Error encounter after DB refresh.

1. When schedule DB job in DB13 error show as below

BR0301E SQL error -1031 at location BrInitOraCreate-2

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Login to OS as oraqas
sqlplus /nolog @sapdba_role FNP

Remark: Do remember that the Schema is FNP schema.

ORA-27046: file size is not a multiple of logicalblock

Refer to OSS notes "600513 - ORA-25153 after recovery due to missing tempfiles"

PSAPTEMP datafile not attach. From DB02 when double click on PSAPTEMP it show
no file found.

Login to oraqas
Sqlplus /nolog
SQL>Connect /as sysdba
SQL>alter tablespace PSAPTEMP add tempfile
'/oracle/QAS/sapdata3/temp_1/temp.data1' reuse;
2. STMS import process hang.
After you had delete the server group from SM61 and the problem still exist. Proceed
with below step.

Check the RDDIMPDP job status.

a. Go to transaction code SM37 and search for job RDDIMPDP. Make sure it's running.
(Key word "RDD*"). If this job was not active or delete recreate it.
b. Login to Client 000 as DDIC.
c. Go to SE38 --> RDDNEWPP --> Select Highest Priority
d. Now back to SM37 and monitor the job when you trigger import process again.

Perform this step even after you attempt to re-create new RDDIMPDP jobs.
a. Kill all running TP processes on OS level
b. Go to stms --> import overview --> goto --> import monitor , and execute monitor -->
'Delete old entries'
c. Delete if there are any entries found in below table. Check for any entries via tcode
SE16. For deletion please use tcode SE14. <refer page:14>
d. If there are no more entries found in import monitor or table TPSTAT, delete tables

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