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Tarea 2 de Conversación Inglesa

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Participant: Rander javier Sánchez

Facilitator: orelvi F.arvelo rojas.

Subject:conversation english
Center: universidad abierta para adultos (uapa)
Task= # 2

A- Now comment based on the video:

1. Do you consider Buzcashi a dangerous sport?

Yes I think it dangerous because everytime you don’t have your control
about animal.
2. What do you think of these people?
Well I think that it not easy, because this is a sport that has to move you towards
all places which need a lot of security

3. Which sport is more dangerous in your country Why?

In my country the Sport dangerous it football because you crash
everytime when you get play. Sometime you need to check your

B- Read and study in your book "Hot Topics 1", Chapter 2 Silly
Work on the following exercises:
Read the articles. Look for the answers to your questions.
Pg. 17, exercises: Check the Facts Reading1 A, B

Check the Facts


A. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back

to Reading 1 and look for the answers you are unsure of.

_ T_ 1. The writer believes that sports must be competitive.

_ T_ 2. The writer believes that sports must be dangerous.

_T _ 3. Extreme ironing is a very old sport.

_ T_ 4. Extreme ironists almost always compete outside .

_T_ 5. Some companies sponsor extreme ironing teams.

_F _ 6. Extreme ironists don't like people to know their names.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Check (.I) the items that ironists must carry with them.

__ iron

__I ironing board

_ _ electric generator

_ _ clothes

__ laundry basket

_ _ gas stove

_ _ food

2. What do ironists get points for?

a. how much laundry they iron

b. how fast they iron

c. how well they iron

d. how long they iron

3. What else do they get points for?

a. when they iron

b. where they iron

c. what they iron

d. why they iron

Silly Sports; Can

Pg. 18, exercises: Reading 2, A, B

Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back

to Reading 2 and look for the answers you are unsure of.

T__ 1. Sonya Thomas ate 12 lobsters in 38 minutes.

_T_2. Competitive eating is Sonya's job.

_F _ 3. Sonya is a member of the IFOCE.

_T_4. Sonya is the best professional eater in the world.

T__5. Professional eaters are fat.

__F6. Professional eaters play golf and tennis.

_T_ 7. The most important competition is a hot-dog eating contest.

B. Answer the questions.

1. What two things are most important in competitive eating contest?

a. speed

b. style

c. amount

d. taste

2. Name three different eating contests.

Hot dog , agg, fruits.

Pg. 18, exercise: Analyze

Pg. 21, exercise: Reading Skills

Look at these compounds nouns. What do they mean? Complete

the sentences.

a. An ironing board is something that you use to _play

b. An electric generator is something that _ energy

c. A gas stove is something that _ make eat

d. Underwater means _ war

e. Ballroom dancing is a kind of practice_

f. Synchronized swimming is a kind of _ Sport water

Reading Skills
Finding Main Ideas and Supporting Details
Everyparagraph in a reading should have a main idea. The writer often starts
the paragraph with the main idea. The writer then uses details to explain the
main idea.
Write the main ideas of each paragraph in Reading 1. Then add one
detail from each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 Main Idea
Paragraph 2 Main Idea
Paragraph 3 Main Idea
Paragraph 4 Main Idea
1. What do you think of extreme ironing and professional eating? Are
they sports? Would you participate in them?
Well I think it a good Sport because you learnet somethings news in your life so
yes, I woul like to try that sport.
2. Are there any other sports that you think are silly? Not. There aren't.
Pg. 22, exercise: PART II, Read to find the answers to these
Read the next article to find the answers to these questions.
1. According to the writer, which of these activities are sports?
figure skating golf gymnastics baseball
2. How did he make his decision?
3. Do all athletes participate in sports?
4. Is everyone who participates in a sport an athlete?

What Makes a Sport?
What is a sport? In my opinion, there are some activities th at are
definitely sports: baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, and
bowling. And there are some activities that are definitely not sports:
cheerleading, dance, figure skating, and gymnastics.
How did I decide? An activity is not a sport if a judge or a group
of judges chooses the winner. The competition itself should decide the
result. Judges decide the winners of figure skating, cheerleading, dance,
and gymnastics competitions. Therefore, none of them are sports.
In the non-sports listed, judges determine the winners based on
their opinions. Judges are human and many things can influence them.
Maybe they think one competitor wins too often or not enough.
Perhaps they don't like one of the contestants. Perhaps they just prefer
one competitor's music or their clothes. The point is that we can never
be certain that the winner was really the best.
Of course, you might say that every sport has judges. Umpires in
baseball and referees in basketball make decisions, too. However, one
bad decision by an official doesn't decide the winner of these games.
The competition does.
According to my definition, activities like bowling, Ping-Pong, and
even curling are sports. The person or team that has more points or
finishes first wins. The opinion of a judge is not necessary.
Pg. 23, exercises: Vocabulary Work / Reading Skills

There is one more important point. You can be an athlete and not
participate in a sport. Cheerleaders, dancers, gymnasts, and figure
skaters are incredible athletes. Their activities require a lot of
athleticism, strength, and flexibility. They are athletes, but they do not
participate in sports. They participate in athletic competitions. In
addition, you can participate in a sport and not be an athlete. Bowlers
and golfers do not have to be great athletes. They are people with a
specific skill, but they are not athletes.
There is one exception to my definition. NASCAR is not a sport.
It is simply entertainment. And, in my opinion, it's not even good
Adapted with permission from an article by Brian Grossman,
published in Technician, an online publication of
North Carolina State University
Vocabulary Work
Guess Meaning from Context

Match the words and their meanings. What clues did you use?

1. result a. people who make sure

that competitors follow the rules
2. determine b. physical ability
3. influence c. decision
4. umpires/referees d. take part in
5. athleticism e. affect
6. curling f. decide
7. participate g. a game

Pg. 24, exercise: Talk about Your Ideas

Talk about Your Ideas
1. Do you agree with the following definition of a sport?
Why or Why not?
Yes, I agree because everthing it clean it a good definition about this sport .
A human activity that is competitive, has a definite result, requires
physical activity and/or physical skill.
Yes. Because your body need have skill want to do.
2. Would the writer of Reading 3 agree with this definition?
Why or Why not?
if I agree because every sport needs a physical practice and a skill that defines

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