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Syllabus - Summer 2018, May 7 - June 8: CE 3110 Mechanics of Materials

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CE 3110

Mechanics of Materials
School of Engineering

Syllabus – Summer 2018, May 7th-June 8th

Course and Instructor Information

Course Title: Mechanics of Materials

Credits: #3
Format: (Fully online)
Prerequisites: CE 2110, Enrollment in the school of engineering
Professor: Sarira Motatef, Ph.D., P.E.
Assistant Professor in Residence
Telephone: 860-486-2731
Office location: Engineering II, room 310
Office Hours/Availability: Thursdays 10AM-12PM via Blackboard collaborate or weekdays by previous
appointment (in-person or online meeting)

Course Materials

Suggested Materials:

Text book: Mechanics of Materials

Ferdinand P. Beer, Late of Lehigh University
E. Russell Johnston, Jr., David F. Mazurek, John T. Dewolf,
McGraw -Hill, 7th Ed.,2015
ISBN: 0073398233
Copyright year: 2015.

Texts are available through a local or online bookstore. The UConn book store carries many materials that can be
shipped via its online Textbooks To Go service. For more information, see Textbooks and Materials on our Enrolled
Students page.

Additional course readings and media are available within HuskyCT, through either an Internet link or Library

Course Organization:

The class is fully online. It means that the all class materials including lectures, Assignments, weekly
quizzes are available via HuskyCT. It is required for students to take midterm and final exam in person
at Storrs Campus.
Class includes total of 5 weeks, 33 Lectures, [05/07/2018 to 06/08/2018]
To be successful in this class, It is expected that you spend 20-25 hours per week for
this online course.

Class Outlines

1. Watch a video (approximately 10-15 min.) lecturing concepts and background information.

2. Watch a video (approximately 10-20 min.) solving sample problems.

3. Complete Assignments (available in HuskyCT) before deadline and upload your solution.

4. Take online weekly quizzes.

5. Attend the discussion sections via HuskyCT.

6. Take 1midterm exam and 1 final exam [in person at Storrs campus].
Course Description

Simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained
beams, combined axial and bending loads, columns.

Mechanics of materials, also called strength of materials, is a subject which deals with the behavior of solid
objects subject to stresses and strains. The study of Mechanics of materials often refers to various methods of
calculating the stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns, and shafts. The methods
employed to predict the response of a structure under loading and its susceptibility to various failure modes takes
into account the properties of the materials such as its yield strength, ultimate strength, Young's Modulus, and
Poisson's ratio; in addition the mechanical element's macroscopic properties (geometric properties), such as it
length, width, thickness, boundary constraints and abrupt changes in geometry such as holes are considered.

Course Objectives

By the end of the semester, students should be able to:

1. Explain basic concepts of stress, strain and their relations based on linear elasticity
2. Calculate stresses and deformation of a bar due to an axial loading under uniform and non-uniform
3. Calculate stresses and deformation of a torsional bar
4. Sketch shear-moment diagrams of a beam and find the maximum moment/shear and their locations
5. Calculate normal and shear stresses on any cross-section of a beam
6. Apply Mohr’s circle to calculate principal stresses and angles in plane stress cases.
7. Calculate stresses on a structure under combined loadings
8. Calculate deflections of a beam under combined loads by using methods of moment-area and
9. Recognize stability and buckling phenomena for a slender member under an axial compressive force.

Course Outline (and Calendar if Applicable)

Course Modules
See each Module’s Objectives and Activities page for complete information and
the calendar for all due dates.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Normal and Shear Stress (CH-1)
Lecture 2: Normal and Shear Stress Components(CH-1)
Lecture 3: Stress-Strain Diagram (CH-2)
Lecture 4: Hook’s law and deformation of member under axial loading (CH-2)
Lecture 5: Stress Calculation in Statically Indeterminate Elements (CH-2)
Lecture 6: Elements under temperature, Poisson’s Ratio, and Shearing strain (CH-2)
Lecture 7: Stress Concentration; Plastic Deformation (CH-2)
Lecture 8: Torsion (CH3)
Lecture 9: Angle of Twist, Indeterminate Shafts (CH-3)
Lecture 10: Design of Transmission shaft (CH-3)
Lecture 11: Stresses and Deformations under pure bending (CH-4)
Lecture 12: Neutral axis location and second moment of inertia (CH-4)
Lecture 13: Composite Materials under bending, curvature (ρ) (CH-4)
Lecture 14: Eccentric Axial Loading (CH-4)
Lecture 15: Shear and Bending-Moment Diagrams (CH-5)
Lecture 16: Beam analysis method of cut, method of integration (CH-5)
Lecture 17: Relations Among w, V, and M (CH-5)
Lecture 18: Design of Prismatic Beams in Bending (CH-5)
Midterm Exam- (Lectures 1 to 18 or Chap. 1 to Chap. 5)
Lecture 19: Shearing Stresses in a Beam (CH-6)
Lecture 20: Sharing Flow, Thin-Walled Members(CH-6)
Lecture 21: Shear Center (CH-6)
Lecture 22: Transformation of Plane Stress, Principal plane, (CH-7)
Lecture 23: Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress (CH-7)
Lecture 24: Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis; Fracture Criteria (CH-7)
Lecture 25: Stresses in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels (CH-7)
Lecture 26: Deflection of Beams, Equation of the elastic curve (CH-9)
Lecture 27: Application of Equation of Elastic Curve in Beams (CH-9)
Lecture 28: Application of equation of elastic curve in indeterminate beams (CH-9)
Lecture 29: Method of Superposition (CH-9)
Lecture 30: Columns: Euler’s Formula (CH-10)
Lecture 31: Stability of structures (CH-10)
Lecture 32: Columns with other end conditions, Design of Columns (CH-10)
Lecture 33: Design of Columns Under an Eccentric Load (CH-10)
Final Exam-Comprehensive Exam (Lectures 1-33)

Course Requirements and Grading

Summary of Course Grading:

Course Components Weight

Home works (10 sets) 20%
Quizzes (6 sets) 15%
Discussions (5 sets) 10%
Midterm exam 25%
Final 30%

Home works
• There are 10 sets of Homeworks. Each set includes 4 to 8 homework problems. You will upload
HWs to HuskyCT under “Assignments” and will get feedback online. You need to upload your
assignments before the due date to HuskyCT. The due date is usually on Thursdays and
Sundays (until 11:59PM). The due dates are available on calendar. The calendar file is located
in HuskyCT under Syllabus & Calendar. No late HWs will be accepted. DO NOT email your
late HW to instructor.

• To receive full credit on your homework, you must:

o Write neatly;

o Note any given values and the value you seek to calculate;

o Write your solution including all equations and calculations; and,

o Circle or box your final answer.

• You need to scan your home works and save as a Pdf file using the scanner or your
smartphone device. Do not submit image (jpeg) or low quality files.

• Homework statements are available in each module under each assignment in HuskyCT.

• Homework Solutions will be available to you after due date under Course Resources/Homework

• Online quizzes (total of 5 quizzes):

 Quiz 1 is due Sunday, 05/13/2018, (Materials from Lectures 1 to 7)

 Quiz 2 is due Sunday, 05/20/2018, (Materials from Lectures 8 to 14)
 Quiz 3 is due Sunday, 05/27/2018, (Materials from Lectures 15 to 21)
 Quiz 4 is due Sunday, 06/03/2018, (Materials from Lectures 22 to 27)
 Quiz 5 is due Sunday, 06/10/2018, (Materials from Lectures 28 to 33)

• Each quiz contains 10-15 questions. Questions are multiple choices. The time for each quiz
attempt is variable (30-45 minutes). You can have 2 attempts. After each attempt, you can see
your wrong answers.

• Online quizzes will be available to you until their due dates. The latest quiz attempt should start
before 11:59PM of the due dates. No make-up quiz will be offered to students.

• Quiz solution will be available to you in HuskyCT under Course Resources/Quiz Solutions after
due dates.

• Exams contain 6 questions. You have 120 minutes to answer questions.

• Exam is NOT open book/open notes. Equation Sheets will be provided. You can only have your
calculator, pencil and eraser. Please DO NOT use Pen to answer questions. There is no
restriction on the calculator model for the exam

• Solution to exams will be available in HuskyCT under Course Resources/Exam Solutions.

• Students with disability can contact CSD to schedule exam in a private room with extended
• Midterm Exam materials: Lecture 1 to Leture 18 (Chapters 1,2,3,4,5)

• In-Class Midterm exam on Friday 05/23/2018, 10AM-12PM, CAST 204

Final Exam

• Final Exam materials: Lecture 1 to Lecture 33 (Comprehensive)

• In-Class Final exam on Friday 06/08/2018, 10AM-12PM, CAST 204

Grading Scale: (It is subjected to change)

Grade Letter Grade GPA
93-100 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3
73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-69 D+ 1.3
63-66 D 1.0
60-62 D- 0.7
<60 F 0.0

Due Dates and Late Policy

All course due dates are identified in the calendar available in HuskyCT under Syllabus& Calendars.
Deadlines are based on Eastern Standard Time; if you are in a different time zone, please adjust your
submittal times accordingly. The instructor reserves the right to change dates accordingly as the
semester progresses. All changes will be communicated in an appropriate manner.

No late assignments will be accepted. No makeup quiz will be offered.

Feedback and Grades

You will receive online feedbacks on your assignments and quizzes. Midterm exams and final exams
results will be available to you in a week after the exam date. In addition solutions to all home works,
quizzes, midterm exams, and final exams will be available in huskyCT under Course Resources.

Student Responsibilities and Resources

As a member of the University of Connecticut student community, you are held to certain standards and academic
policies. In addition, there are numerous resources available to help you succeed in your academic work. This
section provides a brief overview to important standards, policies and resources.

Student Code

You are responsible for acting in accordance with the University of Connecticut's Student Code Review and
become familiar with these expectations. In particular, make sure you have read the section that applies to you on
Academic Integrity:

● Academic Integrity in Undergraduate Education and Research

● Academic Integrity in Graduate Education and Research

Cheating and plagiarism are taken very seriously at the University of Connecticut. As a student, it is your
responsibility to avoid plagiarism. If you need more information about the subject of plagiarism, use the following

• Plagiarism: How to Recognize it and How to Avoid It

● Instructional Module about Plagiarism
● University of Connecticut Libraries’ Student Instruction (includes research, citing and writing resources)


Copyrighted materials within the course are only for the use of students enrolled in the course for purposes
associated with this course and may not be retained or further disseminated.

Netiquette and Communication

At all times, course communication with fellow students and the instructor are to be professional and courteous. It
is expected that you proofread all your written communication, including discussion posts, assignment
submissions, and mail messages. If you are new to online learning or need a netiquette refresher, please look at
this guide titled, The Core Rules of Netiquette.

Adding or Dropping a Course

If you should decide to add or drop a course, there are official procedures to follow:
● Matriculated students should add or drop a course through the Student Administration System.
● Non-degree students should refer to Non-Degree Add/Drop Information located on the registrar’s website.

You must officially drop a course to avoid receiving an "F" on your permanent transcript. Simply discontinuing
class or informing the instructor you want to drop does not constitute an official drop of the course. For more
information, refer to the:

● Undergraduate Catalog
● Graduate Catalog

Academic Calendar

The University's Academic Calendar contains important semester dates.

Academic Support Resources

Technology and Academic Help provides a guide to technical and academic assistance.

Students with Disabilities

Students needing special accommodations should work with the University's Center for Students with Disabilities
(CSD). You may contact CSD by calling (860) 486-2020 or by emailing If your request for
accommodation is approved, CSD will send an accommodation letter directly to your instructor(s) so that special
arrangements can be made. (Note: Student requests for accommodation must be filed each semester.)

Blackboard measures and evaluates accessibility using two sets of standards: the WCAG 2.0 standards issued by
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act issued in the United States
federal government.” (Retrieved March 24, 2013 from

Software Requirements and Technical Help

● Word processing software
● Adobe Acrobat Reader
● Internet access

(add additional items as needed and link to

This course is completely facilitated online using the learning management platform, HuskyCT. If you have
difficulty accessing HuskyCT, online students have access to the in person/live person support options available
during regular business hours in the Digital Learning Center ( Students also have 24x7
access to live chat, phone and support documents through

Minimum Technical Skills

To be successful in this course, you will need the following technical skills:

● Use electronic mail with attachments.

● Save files in commonly used word processing program formats.
● Copy and paste text, graphics or hyperlinks.
● Work within two or more browser windows simultaneously.
● Open and access PDF files.

(add additional items as needed and link to

University students are expected to demonstrate competency in Computer Technology. Explore the Computer
Technology Competencies page for more information.

Evaluation of the Course

Students will be provided an opportunity to evaluate instruction in this course using the University's standard
procedures, which are administered by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE).

Additional informal formative surveys may also be administered within the course as an optional evaluation tool.

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