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A Level Mathematics Practice Paper F - Pure Mathematics Mark Scheme

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme

Progression Step
1 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

States that: M1 2.2a 5th

A(2x + 5) + B(5x -1) º 6x + 42 Decompose
Equates the various terms. M1* 2.2a fractions into
partial fractions −
Equating the coefficients of x: 2A+ 5B = 6 two linear factors.
Equating constant terms: 5A- B = 42

Multiplies both of the equations in an effort to equate one of the M1* 1.1b
two variables.

Finds A = 8 A1 1.1b

Find B = −2 A1 1.1b

(5 marks)

Alternative method
Uses the substitution method, having first obtained this equation: A(2x + 5) + B(5x -1) º 6x + 42

5 27
Substitutes x = - to obtain  B = 27 (M1)
2 2
1 27
Substitutes x = to obtain A = 43.2 (M1)
5 5

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
2 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Begins the proof by assuming the opposite is true. B1 3.1 7th

‘Assumption: there do exist integers a and b such that Complete proofs
25a +15b = 1’ using proof by
1 M1 2.2a
Understands that 25a +15b = 1Þ 5a + 3b =
‘As both 25 and 15 are multiples of 5, divide both sides by 5 to
leave 5a + 3b = ’

Understands that if a and b are integers, then 5a is an integer, M1 1.1b

3b is an integer and 5a + 3b is also an integer.

1 B1 2.4
Recognises that this contradicts the statement that 5a + 3b = ,
as is not an integer. Therefore there do not exist integers a and
b such that 25a +15b = 1’

(4 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
3 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) dx dy M1 1.1b 6th

Finds  2sin 2t and  cos t
dt dt Differentiate
simple functions
Writes −2sin 2t = − 4sin t cos t M1 2.2a defined
dy cos t 1 A1 1.1b including
Calculates    cosec t
dx 4sin t cos t 4 application to
tangents and


(b) dy 5 A1 ft 1.1b 6th

Evaluates at t  
dx 6 Differentiate
simple functions
dy -1 1
= = defined
dx æ 5p ö 2 parametrically
4sin ç - ÷
è 6ø including
application to
1 M1 ft 1.1b tangents and
Understands that the gradient of the tangent is , and then the normals.
gradient of the normal is −2.

5 M1 ft 1.1b
Finds the values of x and y at t  
 5  1  5  1
x  cos  2     and y  sin     
 6  2  6  2

Attempts to substitute values into y  y1  m( x  x1 ) M1 ft 2.2a

1  1
For example, y   2  x   is seen.
2  2

Shows logical progression to simplify algebra, arriving at: A1 2.4

y  2 x  or 4 x  2 y  1  0


(8 marks)

(b) Award ft marks for a correct answer using an incorrect answer from part a.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
4 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

cos3x M1 2.2a 6th

States that cot 3x 
sin 3x Integrate using
 cos 3 x  M1 2.2a identities.
Makes an attempt to find    sin 3x  dx
f ' x 
Writing  f  x  dx  ln f  x  or writing ln (sin x) constitutes an

1 A1 1.1b
States a fully correct answer ln sin3x  C

(3 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
5 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Demonstrates an attempt to find the vectors AB , AC and BC M1 2.2a 5th

Finds AB   0, 4, 2  , AC   5, 4,8 and BC   5,0,10  A1 1.1b Find the

magnitude of a
vector in 3
Demonstrates an attempt to find | AB| , | AC| and |BC| M1 2.2a
A1 1.1b
Finds | AB|   02   42   22  20

Finds | AC|   5 2   4 2   8 2  105

Finds |BC|   52   02  10 2  125

States or implies in a right-angled triangle c 2  a 2  b 2 M1 2.2a

States that | AB|2  | AC|2  |BC|2 B1 2.1

(6 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
6 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) States or implies that pq( x)   5  2 x  M1 2.2a 5th


Find composite
States or implies that qp( x)  5  2 x 2 M1 2.2a

Makes an attempt to solve  5  2 x   5  2 x2 . For example, M1 1.1b


25  20 x  4 x 2  5  2 x 2 or 6 x 2  20 x  20  0 is seen.

States that 3x 2  10 x  10  0 . Must show all steps and a logical A1 1.1b



(b) b 2  4ac  100  4  310   20  0 M1* 2.2a 5th

Find the domain
States that as b  4ac  0 there are no real solutions to the
2 B1* 3.2b and range of
equation. composite


(6 marks)

(b) Alternative Method
2 2
 5  65  5 65
M1: Uses the method of completing the square to show that 3  x     0 or 3  x    
 3 9  3 9
B1: Concludes that this equation will have no real solutions.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
7 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Begins the proof by assuming the opposite is true. B1 3.1 7th

‘Assumption: there is a finite amount of prime numbers.’ Complete proofs
using proof by
Considers what having a finite amount of prime numbers means M1 2.2a contradiction.
by making an attempt to list them:
Let all the prime numbers exist be p1, p2 , p3 ,

Consider a new number that is one greater than the product of M1 1.1b
all the existing prime numbers:
Let N = ( p1 ´ p2 ´ p3 ´ ...´ pn ) +1

Understands the implication of this new number is that division M1 1.1b

by any of the existing prime numbers will leave a remainder of
1. So none of the existing prime numbers is a factor of N.

Concludes that either N is prime or N has a prime factor that is B1 2.4

not currently listed.

Recognises that either way this leads to a contradiction, and B1 2.4

therefore there is an infinite number of prime numbers.

(6 marks)

If N is prime, it is a new prime number separate to the finite list of prime numbers, p1, p2 , p3 , .
If N is divisible by a previously unknown prime number, that prime number is also separate to the finite list of
prime numbers.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
8 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Attempts to write a differential equation. M1 3.1a 7th

dF dF Construct simple
For example,  F or µ - F is seen. differential
dt dt
dF A1 3.1a
States = -kF

(2 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
9 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) Recognises that it is a geometric series with a first term a  100 M1 3.1a 6th
and common ratio r  1.05
Use geometric
Attempts to use the sum of a geometric series. For example, M1* 2.2a sequences and

S9 

100 1  1.059

S9 
100 1.059  1 is seen.
 series in context.
1  1.05 1.05  1
Finds S9  £1102.66 A1 1.1b



100 1.05n  1   6000 or 100 1  1.05   6000
M1 3.1a 5th
1.05  1 1  1.05 Use arithmetic
sequences and
Begins to simplify. 1.05n  4 or 1.05n  4 M1 1.1b series in context.
Applies law of logarithms correctly M1 2.2a
n log1.05  log 4 or n log1.05   log 4

log 4 A1 1.1b
States n 


(c) Uses the sum of an arithmetic series to state M1 3.1a 5th

100   28 d   6000
2 
Use arithmetic
sequences and
Solves for d. d = £11.21 A1 1.1b series in context.

(9 marks)
Award mark if attempt to calculate the amount of money after 1, 2, 3,….,8 and 9 months is seen.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
10 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Selects cos 2 x  2cos x  1 as the appropriate trigonometric M1 2.2a 6th


identity. Integrate using

Manipulates the identity to the question: cos12 x  2cos 6 x  1 M1 1.1b
2 identities.

  cos 6x  dx  2  1  cos12x  dx
2 1 M1 1.1b
States that

Makes an attempt to integrate the expression, x and sin x are M1 1.1b


1 1  A1 1.1b
Correctly states  x  sin12 x   C
2 12 

(5 marks)

Student does not need to state ‘+C’ to be awarded the third method mark. Must be stated in the final answer.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
11 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) Writes tanx and secx in terms of sinx and cosx. For example, M1 2.1 5th
 sin x 1  Understand the

tan x  sec x  cos x cos x  functions sec,
 cosec and cot.
1  sin x  1  sin x 
 
 1 

 sin x  1   1  M1 1.1b
Manipulates the expression to find   
 cos x   1  sin x 

1 A1 1.1b
Simplifies to find - = - sec x
cos x


(b) States that -sec x = 2 or sec x = - 2 B1 2.2a 6th

Use the functions
1 æ 1 ö M1 1.1b sec, cosec and cot
Writes that cos x = - or x = cos -1 ç - ÷ to solve simple
2 è 2ø trigonometric
3p 5p A1 1.1b
Finds x = ,
4 4


(6 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
12 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) x  80 M1 1.1b 8th

Rearranges x  8  t  10  to obtain t 
8 Use parametric
equations in
x  80 M1 1.1b modelling in a
Substitutes t  into y  100  t 2
8 variety of
 x  80 
For example, y  100    is seen.
 8 

1 2 5 A1 1.1b
Finds y   x  x
64 2


(b) Deduces that the width of the arch can be found by substituting M1 3.4 8th
t  10 into x  8  t  10  Use parametric
equations in
Finds x = 0 and x = 160 and deduces the width of the arch is A1 3.2a modelling in a
160 m. variety of


(c) Deduces that the greatest height occurs when M1 3.4 8th
 0  2t  0  t  0 Use parametric
dt equations in
modelling in a
Deduces that the height is 100 m. A1 3.2a variety of


(7 marks)


© Pearson Education Ltd 2018 12

A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
13 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

Makes an attempt to set up a long division. M1 2.2a 5th

For example: x + 6 x + 8x - 9x +12 is seen.
3 2 polynomials by
linear expressions
with a remainder.
Award 1 accuracy mark for each of the following: A4 1.1b
x 2 seen, 2x seen, −21 seen.

For the final accuracy mark either D = 138 or or the
remainder is 138 must be seen.

x 2  2 x  21
x  6 x3  8 x 2  9 x  12
x3  6 x 2
2 x2  9 x
2 x 2  12 x
21x  12
21x  126

(5 marks)

This question can be solved by first writing ( Ax 2 + Bx + C)(x + 6) + D º x 3 + 8x 2 - 9x +12 and then solving for
A, B, C and D. Award 1 mark for the setting up the problem as described. Then award 1 mark for each correct
coefficient found. For example:
Equating the coefficients of x3: A = 1
Equating the coefficients of x2: 6 + B = 8, so B = 2
Equating the coefficients of x: 12 + C = −9, so C = −21
Equating the constant terms: −126 + D = 12, so D = 138.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2018 13

A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
14 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

dV M1 3.1a 8th
Recognises the need to use the chain rule to find
dt Construct
dV dV dr dS differential
For example    is seen. equations in a
dt dr dS dt range of contexts.
dV dS M1 2.2a
Finds  4r 2 and  8r
dr dr

Makes an attempt to substitute known values. For example, M1 1.1b

dV 4r 2 1 12
  
dt 1 8r 1

dV A1 1.1b
Simplifies and states  6r

(4 marks)


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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

15 
Recognises the need to write sin 3 x  sin x sin 2 x  M1 2.2a 6th
Integrate using
Selects the correct trigonometric identity to write M1 2.2a trigonometric
   
sin x sin 2 x  sin x 1  cos 2 x . Could also write

sin x  sin x cos 2 x

 
Makes an attempt to find  sin x  sin x cos2 x dx M1 1.1b

1 A1 1.1b
Correctly states answer  cos x  cos3 x  C

(4 marks)


© Pearson Education Ltd 2018 15

A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
16 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) Finds h(19.3) = (+)0.974... and h(19.4) = -0.393... M1 3.1a 7th

Use numerical
Change of sign and continuous function in the interval A1 2.4 methods to solve
éë19.3,19.4 ùû  root problems in


(b) Makes an attempt to differentiate h(t) M1 2.2a 7th

Use numerical
40 ætö 1 A1 1.1b
methods to solve
Correctly finds h¢(t) = + 8cos ç ÷ - t
t +1 è 5ø 2 problems in
Finds h(19.35) = 0.2903... and h¢(19.35) = -13.6792... M1 1.1b

Attempts to find x1 M1 1.1b

h( x0 ) 0.2903...
x1  x0   x1  19.35 
h( x0 ) 13.6792...

Finds x1 = 19.371 A1 1.1b


(c) Demonstrates an understanding that x = 19.3705 and M1 2.2a 7th

x = 19.3715 are the two values to be calculated.
Use numerical
methods to solve
Finds h(19.3705) = (+)0.0100...and h(19.3715) = -0.00366... M1 1.1b
problems in
Change of sign and continuous function in the interval A1 2.4
éë19.3705,19.3715ùû  root


(10 marks)

(a) Minimum required is that answer states there is a sign change in the interval and that this implies a root in
the given interval.

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A level Pure Maths: Practice Paper F mark scheme
Progression Step
17 Scheme Marks AOs
and Progress

(a) Demonstrates an attempt to find the vectors KL , LM and KM M1 2.2a 6th

Solve geometric
Finds KL   3,0, 6  , LM   2,5, 4  and KM   5,5, 2  A1 1.1b problems using
vectors in 3
Demonstrates an attempt to find |KL| , |LM | and |KM | M1 2.2a dimensions.

A1 1.1b
Finds |KL|   32   02   62  45

Finds |LM |   2 2   5 2   4 2  45

Finds |KM |  52  52   2 2  54

Demonstrates an understanding of the need to use the Law of M1 ft 2.2a

Cosines. Either c 2  a 2  b 2  2ab  cos C (or variation) is seen,
or attempt to substitute into formula is made
        
2 2 2
54 45 45 2 45 45 cos

Makes an attempt to simplify the above equation. For example, M1 ft 1.1b

36  90cos is seen.

Shows a logical progression to state   66.4 B1 2.4


(b) States or implies that KLM is isosceles. M1 2.2a 6th

Solve geometric
Makes an attempt to find the missing angles M1 1.1b
problems using
180  66.421...
LKM  LMK  vectors in 3
2 dimensions.

States LKM  LMK  56.789... . Accept awrt 56.8° A1 1.1b


(10 marks)

(b) Award ft marks for a correct answer to part a using their incorrect answer from earlier in part a.

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