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Valdez Vs Lucero 76 Phil 356

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GR No.

L-246, March 27, 1946


76 Phil 356



The above-entitled case came up to be regularly heard in this court by virtue of a petition filed by Silverio
Valdez praying that judgment be rendered "(a) annulling the proceedings of the lower court, (b) declaring
the respondent judge without jurisdiction of the case, (c) commanding the respondent judge to desist
from further proceeding in the cause, (d) ordering the provincial warden, Celestino Jimenez, to discharge
the defendant, Silverio Valdez, from jail, (e) granting preliminary injunction enjoining the respondent
judge from hearing the case on the merits pending proceedings in the case, (f) assessing costs against the
respondents, and (g)granting such other or further relief or reliefs as may be just or equitable."

The undisputed facts are:

That Silverio Valdez was prosecuted for murder under an information filed by the provincial fiscal in the
justice of the peace court of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, which information, in part, reads as follows:

"That on or about the 17th day of January, 1945, in the barrio of San Julian, municipality of Bantay,
province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Hon. Court, the above-named
defendant, Silverio Valdez, with intent to kill, and with evident premeditation and treachery, did then and
there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously with cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the
suffering of one Juan Ponce, kill the latter with bolo, dagger and other weapons and died instantly."

That said Silverio Valdez moved for the dismissal of the foregoing information in the justice of the peace
court, alleging that the fiscal had no authority to file it and that the court acquired no jurisdiction of the
defendant, which motion was denied by the justice of the peace on September 5, 1945; and that since
that date the accused has been detained as a provincial prisoner in the provincial jail in Vigan, Ilocos Sur;

That on September 13, 1945, the provincial fiscal reproduced the said information in the Court of First
Instance of Ilocos Sur; and that the defendant filed a motion to quash it on December 18, 1945, which
motion was denied by the court on December 20, 1945;

That on December 29, 1945, a petition for the reconsideration of the denial of the motion to quash was
filed but was also denied on January 7, 1946.

The main issue here is whether the civil courts have jurisdiction to take cognizance of and try the case for
murder filed against petitioner Silverio Valdez, as above stated, because, he alleges, he was not only a
member of a recognized guerrilla and hence a member of the United States armed forces in the
Philippines, in North Luzon, but was also later on absorbed into the Philippine Army and therefore, he

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claims, he should be tried by a general court martial, which has jurisdiction over the crime charged and
the person of the accused pursuant to article 93 of the Articles of War (Commonwealth Act No. 408).

Petitioner also contends that the whole of Ilocos Sur was at the time imputed in the information overrun
by the enemy and that any place of hiding of the guerrillas in the province was a military reservation for
the safety of the Philippine and American armed forces within the purview of the Articles of War.

Petitioner further contends that granting, without admitting", that he was the author of the crime
charged, nevertheless if the supposed victim were a spy, committing espionage amidst Philippine and
American armed forces and the enemy in actual combat, he may be exempt from liability or may justify
the commission under section 2 of Article II of the Constitution of the Philippines, in military courts,
provided the procedure prescribed for the administration of military justice has been obeyed and followed
in making executions of spies.

During the oral argument of this case, we understood from counsel appearing for petitioner that neither
the United States Army nor the Philippine Army was claiming precedence or priority in the trial of the
herein petitioner, nor that either was demanding that he be tried by a court martial. In fact, no allegation
to that effect may be found in his petition.

The petitioner relies mainly on the provision of article 93 of the Articles of War (Commonwealth Act No.
408) which reads:

"Art. 93. Murder.- Any person subject to military law who commits murder in time of war shall suffer
death or imprisonment for life, as a court-martial may direct."

He argues that pursuant to said article 93 of the Articles of War only a court martial can have jurisdiction
to try his case for murder, he being a person subject to military law and the crime having been committed
in time of war.

Granting all the facts alleged by the petitioner and that he was a regular member of the guerrilla duly
recognized by the United States Army and granting further that his unit was incorporated into the United
States Army, thus giving him. the standing of a regular member of the United States armed forces, and
that he was subsequently incorporated into the Philippine Army, we are of the opinion, nevertheless, that
the civil courts of the Commonwealth of the Philippines are not deprived of their jurisdiction over the
petitioner herein, but have concurrent jurisdiction with the military courts or general courts martial to try
and take cognizance of the case of murder against the petitioner herein, for the reason that said article
93 of the Articles of War is almost identical with the 92d Article of War of the United States Army, and the
latter has been interpreted by the courts to mean that even in time of war the civil courts are not deprived
of their jurisdiction over murder cases committed by persons subject to military law. Such was the holding
in Cadwell vs. Parker (Ala., 1920; 40 Sup. Ct., 388; 252 U. S., 376; 64 Law. ed., 621):

"That section 1564 of this Article (Art. 92), providing for punishment of murder or rape as the court-martial
may direct, but prohibiting trial by courts-martial in time of peace, section 1565 of this Article (Art. 93),
providing for the punishment of various other offenses as a court-martial may direct, and this section (Art.
74), requiring military authorities to deliver accused persons to the civil authorities, except in time of
war, do not give military courts exclusive jurisdiction in time of war over offenses committed in violation

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of state laws by -persons in the military service, and a state court has jurisdiction over suck
offenses." (Emphasis added.)

Identical doctrines holding that the civil courts have concurrent jurisdiction over cases of murder
committed by persons subject to military law were laid down in the following cases:

"Articles of War enacted August 29, 1916, do not deprive the civil courts, either in time of peace or war, of
the concurrent jurisdiction previously vested in them over crimes against either federal or state law,
committed within the United States, by persons subject to military law." (United States vs. Hirsch [P. C, N.
Y., 1918], 254 F., 109; emphasis added.)

"Prisoners of war are amenable for offenses malum in se and may be tried by the ordinary tribunals in the
country in which the crime is committed; and this though they may also be triable by courts- martial."
(Govt. vs. McGregory [1780], 14 Mass., 499.)

"A court of oyer and terminer had jurisdiction to try all cases of murder committed within the country,
and that a murder committed by a soldier in the military service of the United States, in time of
war, insurrection, or rebellion, forms no exception." (People vs. Gardiner [N. Y., 18G5], 6 Parker Cr. R.,
143; emphasis added.)

"Any changes in Articles of War in years 1913 and 1916 did not alter rule that courts-martial do not have
exclusive jurisdiction for trial of a soldier for murder committed in time of war, but that the state courts
have jurisdiction until it is assumed by military authorities." (People vs. Denman [1918], 177 P., 401; 179
Cal., 497.)

In the instant case it also appears that when the in formation for murder was filed the Philippines had
already been liberated and the actual hostilities had already ceased. It is claimed, however, that up to the
present time a status of war still exists for the reason that the treaty of peace has not as yet been signed.
But this contention cannot be upheld because, although the formal termination of war by means of the
signing of the treaty has not yet been effected, at the time when the petitioner was prosecuted for murder
in the civil courts the actual fighting or hostilities were no longer going on; in other words, the actual
fighting had already ceased and the Philippines had already been liberated. Thus it was held in the
following decision:

"Notwithstanding this section (Art. 74), requiring a soldier to be delivered to civil authorities for trial for
an alleged crime except in time of war, the jurisdiction of the military courts over a soldier is not exclusive
of the civil court even during time of war, if the soldier was stationed within one of the states where the
civil courts were functioning and where no actual hostilities were in progress." (Ex parte Koester [1922],
206 P., 116; 56 Cal. App., 621; emphasis added.)

It clearly appears also in the present case as aforesaid that the military authorities are not claiming priority
to try the petitioner herein as provided in the Articles of War. Such being the case, we are of the opinion
that the petitioner cannot raise and invoke the right to be tried by a court martial without the military
authorities' claiming to try him in accordance with the military law or the Articles of War. To this effect
was the ruling in People vs. Denman (supra) :

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"Conceding paramount right of military authorities in time of war to custody of soldier notwithstanding
criminal charges against him in the courts of a state, the right inures solely to military authorities and
cannot be raised by the offender." (Emphasis added.)

In Funk vs. State ([1919], 208 S. W., 509; 84 Tex. Cr. R., 402), the following doctrines were also laid down:

"A soldier of the United States who murders a citizen of the state offends against both the military and the
state laws and may be tried in the state courts.

"Although under this section (Art. 92), military authorities have the prior right to try a soldier who has
murdered a citizen, the soldier who has committed the crime cannot object to being tried by a state court,
where the military authorities have not asserted any right." (Emphasis added.)

In view of all the foregoing, we are of the opinion and so hold that the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur
has jurisdiction over the murder case against the petitioner and cannot be deprived of such jurisdiction.
This being our conclusion, it is unnecessary to pass upon the other questions of law raised by the petition.

Being without any merit whatsoever, the petition is hereby dismissed, with costs against the petitioner.

Moran, C. J., Ozaeta, Paras, Feria, De Joya, Pablo, Perfecto, Hilado, Bengzon, and Briones, JJ., concur.
Petition dismissed.

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