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SLCOG National Guidelines

Management of Ectopic Pregnancy

Contents Page
2.1 Scope of the guideline 29
2.1.1 Definition 29
2.Management of Ectopic 2.1.2 Importance of ectopic pregnancy 29
Pregnancy 2.2 Aetiology 30
2.3 Epidemiology 31
2.4 Diagnosis 32
2.4.1 History 32
2.4.2 Examination 33
2.4.3 Investigations 33
2.5 Management 34
2.5.1 Levels of management 34
2.5.2 Management strategies 35
2. Special circumstances 40
2. .1 Ruptured ectopic pregnancy-management 40
2. .2 Anti-D immunoglobulin 41
2.7 Summary 41
2.8 References 43

Contributed by
Dr. A.G.S.K. Ranaraja
Dr. Saradah Hemapriya
Dr. Harsha Attapattu
Dr. R.M.A.K. Rathnayaka

Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines
fertilized egg to the uterus). On the other hand increase
Introduction availability of Gynaecologists and ultrasonography (USS)
The aim of this guideline is to provide recommendations to facility, most of the ectopic pregnancies are diagnosed
aid General Practitioners and Gynaecologists in the earlier and appropriate management carried out with
management of Ectopic Pregnancy. This treatment could reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. This guideline
be initiated in a primary care setting or in centres with is intended to improve the morbidity and mortality
advanced facilities. The objective of management in associated with ectopic pregnancy.
ectopic pregnancy is to make an early diagnosis, treat,
prevent complications, and consequently to improve 2.2 Aetiology
quality of life
• The commonest cause of ectopic pregnancy is
salphingitis (causes 50% of first time ectopic
2.1 Scope of the guideline pregnancies).
• 40% have no known cause. One hypothesis is that
2.1.1 Definition there is slowing of transport through the fallopian
An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy implanted in tube of the fertilized egg. This slow transport could
an abnormal location (outside of the uterus). possibly be due to hormonal imbalance (such as
due to progesterone releasing IUD, progestin-only
2.1.2 Importance of ectopic pregnancy. oral contraceptives). This could also happen in
Ectopic pregnancy account for maternal deaths. Artificial Reproductive Technique procedures
The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is 1.8/1000(According (ART) or possibly an abnormality of the embryo.
to the UK data). Most of the ectopic pregnancies are sub (e.g. chromosomal)
clinical/biochemical; therefore true incidence may be • Cigarette smoking significantly increases a woman's
higher. The most common site of ectopic implantation is risk.
the fallopian tube. Other sites such as the abdomen, ovary, • Previous history of ectopic pregnancy increases the
cervix or cornu of the uterus are far less common but are risk for another ectopic pregnancy. (Incidence is
associated with higher mortality. This higher mortality is 7%)
due to greater detection difficulty and to massive bleeding • About 25% of women with an ectopic pregnancy
that can result if rupture occurs at these sites. As a result of have a history of previous surgery in the abdomen.
septic abortions and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), the
incidence of ectopic pregnancies show an increased trend
over the past decades. (During the past 40 years its
incidence has been steadily increasing concomitant with
increased STD rates and associated salpingitis. Such
abnormalities of the tubes prevent normal transport of the

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Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines

2.3 Epidemiology 2.4 Diagnosis

How many women suffer from an ectopic pregnancy? 2.4.1 History
The occurrence of ectopic pregnancy is reported to
be at a rate of about 1-2% of pregnancies and can occur in What symptoms can a woman experience with ectopic
any sexually active fertile woman. The increase in incidence pregnancy?
in the past few decades is thought to be due to two factors: Women in whom it is suspected that they are in
danger of ectopic pregnancy, with the use of testing and
I. Increased incidence of salpingitis (infection of the imaging it is now often possible to detect an ectopic
fallopian tube, usually due to a sexually transmitted pregnancy before symptoms develop.
disease (STD), such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea), It is important to be aware of the symptoms of ectopic
and, pregnancy because it can occur in any sexually active
II. Improved ability to detect ectopic pregnancies. woman whether or not she is using contraceptives or has
undergone tubal sterilization.
There is a marked increase in ectopic pregnancy Symptoms occur as the embryo grows and as
rate with increasing age from . per 1000 pregnancies in bleeding occurs due to leaking of blood through the
women aged 15 to 24, to 21.5 per 1000 pregnancies in fimbrial opening of the fallopian tube or from rupture of
women aged 35 to 44. the tube. Mild bleeding can also occur without causing
Most ectopic pregnancies occur in women who symptoms.
have had more than one pregnancy. Only 10% to 15% of The most common symptoms that with which a
ectopic pregnancies occur in women who have never been woman presents to a doctor are abdominal pain (90-100%
pregnant before. of women), delayed menses (75-90%) and unexpected
bleeding through the vagina (50-80%).
Before rupture occurs, a vague soreness or spastic
(colic) pain in the abdomen may be the only symptom
Abdominal pain can be generalized, or it can be
localized on one side or both sides. About one quarter of
women also have pain in the shoulder because of
diaphragmatic irritation from blood in the abdomen.
During rupture, the pain usually becomes intense.
Other symptoms also occur though less commonly.
Dizziness and fainting occur in about one third of women
with symptoms. Pregnancy symptoms also occur in about

31 32
Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines
20% of women with symptoms. 10% of the time, there can 2.5 Management
be an urge to have bowel movement.
2.4.2 Examination 2.5.1 Levels of management. Signs Level 1.
The most common finding is tenderness in the • General Practitioner (GP), Public Health Midwife (PHM),
abdomen and pelvis. Often, a mass is felt on the side of the Medical Officer of Maternal Care (MOMC)
uterus (adnexial mass). In about one third of women, an Identification of risk mothers of ectopic pregnancy:
enlarged uterus is found which is smaller than would be Past history of;
found in a normal pregnancy, except when an interstitial ƒ ectopic pregnancy,
pregnancy is present. Tachycardia and hypotension can be ƒ septic abortion,
found if there has been profuse blood loss. However, in ƒ pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
most early ectopic pregnancies no abnormal findings
can be found.
2.4.3 Investigations Early referral to level 2 (Grade X)
β-HCG Blood levels,
Transvaginal ultrasonography.

Level 2.
• Base Hospital with Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.
Ultrasonography (USS) facility,
Laparotomy facility with or with out Laparoscopy facility.

Level 3.
• General Hospital/Teaching Hospital with Obstetrician and
Gynaecologist with all level 2 facilities.
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) level
measurements available (24 hours)

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Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines
should be counselled about the importance of compliance
2.5.2 Management strategies with follow-up and should be within easy access to the
hospital. Expectant management.
Ideal at Level 3. (Grade Y) Medical Management.
Not all ectopic pregnancy ends up with maternal
morbidity and mortality1. There is 89.3 percent self- Ideal at level 3 (Grade Y)
resolution of the ectopic pregnancies, but there is poor Medical therapy should be offered to suitable
efficacy of this method. women, and units should have treatment and follow-up
Expectant management is an option for; protocols for the use of methotrexate in the treatment of
ectopic pregnancy. In stable patients a variety of medical
ƒ When ectopic sac less than 2cm. with no identifiable
treatment options are as effective as surgery.17
fetal pole and less than 50ml. of haemoperitoneum on
ultrasonography (USS). If medical therapy is offered, women should be
given clear information (preferably written) about the
ƒ Clinically stable woman with minimal symptoms and a
possible need for further treatment and adverse effects
pregnancy of unknown location.
following treatment. Women should be able to return easily
ƒ Clinically stable asymptomatic woman with an
for assessment at any time during follow-up.
ultrasound diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and a
Medical therapy option may be considered for
decreasing serum human chorionic gonadotrophin
women with an hCG level below 3000 iu/l.20, 21
levels (hCG), initially less than serum 1000 iu/l.
The presence of cardiac activity in an ectopic
However, one need to realize that selection of pregnancy is associated with a reduced chance of success
patients for expectant management should be done following medical therapy and should be considered a
selectively with full compliance of the patient following contraindication to medical therapy.11, 12
detailed counselling. The drug of choice is methotrexate. It can be given
Women managed expectantly should be followed intravenous / intramuscular /oral or local injection at the
twice weekly with serial hCG measurements and weekly by site of the ectopic either laparoscopically, ultra sound
transvaginal examinations to ensure a rapidly decreasing guided hysteroscopically. Intramuscular methotrexate given
hCG level (ideally less than 50% of its initial level within as a single dose calculated from patient’s body surface area
seven days) and a reduction in the size of adnexial mass by (50 mg/m2). For most women this will be between 75 mg.
seven days. and 90 mg. Serum hCG levels are checked on days four
Thereafter weekly hCG and transvaginal ultrasound and seven and a further dose is given if hCG levels have
examinations are advised until serum hCG levels are less failed to fall by more than 15% between day four and day
than 20 iu/l as there are case reports of tubal rupture at seven.12, 18,19
low levels of β-hCG. In addition, women selected for However, the success rate is 75%. According to a
expectant management of pregnancy of unknown origin small randomised controlled trial (RCT) there is no

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Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines
difference in the outcome except in whom given by local randomised controlled trials (RCT) laporoscopic method
injection. This also gives rise to relatively low drug related give rise to less blood loss, less hospital stay, low cost and
side effects. Therefore local injection of methotrexate is less post-operative analgesic requirements. This study
preferable to its use systemically. shows higher intra-uterine pregnancy (IUP) (70%) rate, less
There are no studies to comment on the recurrent ectopic (50%) and higher trophoblastic tissue
subsequent fertility rate, as most of the trials are small. activity (12. %).
Method of administration needs to be addressed carefully
after proper selection of patients. Type of surgery
For example there is high failure rate if the ectopic i. Salphingectomy.
is more than 2cm. of fetal pole. According to meta analysis, this method gives rise
less recurrent ectopic pregnancy rate (10%) and with no Surgical management
failure of removal of all ectopic tissue. However, there is
i. Laparatomy. no diferrence between laparatomy and laparoscopy except
the advandages of laparoscopy.
Ideal at level 2 (Grade Y) In the presence of a healthy contralateral tube there
Most of the ectopic pregnancies in Sri-lanka is no clear evidence that salpingotomy should be used in
present after rupture and haemo-dynamically unstable. preference to salphingectomy.0 -12
According to randomised controlled trials (RCT) there is ii. Salphingotomy.
controversies of stabilizing the patient and then proceeding
with the laparatomy. However, results need to be According to good quality randomised controlled
considered cautiously. Laparotomy is preferred in haemo- trials (RCT) there is higher rate of recurrent ectopic
dynamically unstable patients over laparoscopy. According associated with this method (15%) and higher rate of
to two randomised controlled trials (RCT), laparotomy trophoblastic activity (11%). However trophoblastic
patients give subsequent 55% intra-uterine pregnancy activity can be managed medically. There is no significant
(IUP) rate, 1 . % of recurrent ectopic rate and 1.8% deference in intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) in both methods.
persistent tropoblastic activity. According to a randomised controlled trial (RCT),
that there is no additional benefit of suturing the
ii. Laparoscopy. salphingostomy site, because the intrauterine pregnancy
Ideal at level 3. This depend on the consultant’s (IUP) rate is similar at 12 month after the surgery with or
preference, and is possible in level 2 as well. without suturing.
A laparoscopic approach in the surgical Randomised controlled trials (RCT) results suggest
management of tubal pregnancy, in the haemo-dynamically that there may be a higher subsequent intrauterine
stable patient, and is preferable to a laparotomy. pregnancy rate associated with salphingotomy but the
This method may be preferable for the ectopic magnitude of this benefit may be small. Data from future
when diagnosed early and unruptured.1 According to three randomised controlled trial (RCT) examining this question

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Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines
is needed. The use of conservative surgical techniques Recommendations. (Grade X)
exposes women to a small risk of tubal bleeding in the 1.Laparascopic method is superior to laparatomy method with
immediate postoperative period and the potential need for regard to less cost, shorter hospital stay, less analgesic
further treatment for persistent trophoblastic tissue. Both requirements, higher subsequent intrauterine pregnancy
these risks and the possibility of further ectopic (IUP) and less recurrent ectopic rates. Therefore,
pregnancies in the conserved tube should be discussed if laparascopic method needs to be considered as a first
salphingotomy is being considered by the surgeon or option in unruptured ectopic.
requested by the patient13-1 2.Laparatomy is best in the case of life saving as well as with
Laparoscopic salphingotomy should be considered inadequate facilities.
as the primary treatment when managing tubal pregnancy 3.Medical management should be conducted only by well-
in the presence of contralateral tubal disease and the desire experienced consultants with emergency facilities at hand.
for future fertility. 4.Expectant management should be carried out only with
In women with a damaged or absent contralateral reliable and compliable patients.
tube, in vitro fertilization is likely to be required if
salphingectomy is performed13-1 . Because of the
requirement for postoperative follow-up and the treatment 2.6 Special circumstances
of persistent trophoblasts, the short-term costs of
salphingotomy are greater than salphingectomy.21 However, 2.6.1 Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy Management
if the subsequent need for assisted conception is taken into
account, an increase in intrauterine pregnancy rate of only Management of tubal pregnancy in the presence of
3% would make salphingotomy more cost effective than haemodynamic instability should be by the most
salphingectomy.19 In the presence of contralateral tubal expedient method. In most cases this will be laparotomy.
disease the use of more conservative surgery is appropriate. There is no role for medical management in the
These women must be made aware of the risk of a further treatment of tubal pregnancy or suspected tubal pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy.13 when a patient shows signs of hypovolaemic shock.
Transvaginal ultrasonography can rapidly confirm the
presence of haemoperitoneum, if there is any diagnostic
uncertainty. But expedient resuscitation and surgery should be
undertaken. Experienced operators may be able to manage
laparoscopically, women with even a large haemoperitoneum
safely, but the surgical procedure which prevents further
blood loss most quickly should be used. In most centers this
will be laparotomy. (Grade X)

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Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines

2.6.2 Anti-D immunoglobulin ultrasonography and weekly ß-hCG measurements

Non-sensitized women who are Rhesus negative until the level is < 10 mIU/ml.
with a confirmed or suspected ectopic pregnancy should • All pregnant women who are Rh-negative should
receive anti-D immunoglobulin. (Grade X) receive Rh immunoglobulin.

2.7 Summary
• Single dose methotrexate is best used for those who
are asymptomatic, whose ß-hCG is < 3000
mIU/ml, have tubal size < 3 cm, have no fetal
cardiac activity on ultrasonography, and will come
in to be followed closely. It cannot be used if there
is a heterotopic pregnancy.
• Despite low and declining ß-hCG levels, tubal
rupture can still occur with methotrexate treatment.
With severe pelvic pain, monitoring of vital signs
and hematocrit can help differentiate between tubal
abortion and tubal rupture.
• Most common side effects of methotrexate are;
a) stomatitis,
b) conjunctivitis,
c) mild abdominal pain of short duration. Rare
side effects include dermatitis and pruritis.
• Surgery is done only if transvaginal ultrasonography
shows an ectopic pregnancy.
• Laparoscopic surgery has been found to be superior
to laparotomy and can treat most patients.
• Persistent ectopic pregnancy refers to the continued
growth of trophoblastic tissue after surgery. Special
attention should be given to the proximal portion
during surgery and the ectopic pregnancy should be
flushed out with suction irrigation.
• Expectant management is done when ectopic
pregnancy is suspected, and transvaginal
ultrasonography does not show an ectopic
pregnancy. The patient is followed with weekly

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Management of Ectopic Pregnancy SLCOG National Guidelines
18. Saraj A,Wilcox J, Najmabadi S, Stein S, Johnson M, Paulson R.
2.6 References Resolution of hormonal markers of ectopic gestation: a
01. Medline search 200 first quarter. randomized trial comparing single-dose Intramuscular
02. North American O&G journal 200 /july. methotrexate with salpingostomy. Obstet Gynecol 1998;92:989–94.
03. Progress of O&G 12th edition. 19. Sowter M, Farquhar C, Petrie K, Gudex G. A randomized trial
04.Green top Guideline Royal College of Obstetricians & comparing single dose systemic methotrexate and laparoscopic
Gynaecologists guideline No 21 June 2004 surgery for the treatment of unruptured tubal pregnancy. Br J
05. Hospital medicine 200 /August Obstet Gynaecol 2001; 108:192–203.
0 . Thornton K, Diamond M, DeCerney A. Linear salpingostomy for 20. Sowter M, Farquhar C, Gudex G.An economic evaluation of single
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07. Clausen I. Conservative versus radical surgery for tubal pregnancy. 2001; 108:204–12.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 199 ;75:8–12. 21. Mol B,Hajenius P,Engelsbel S,Ankum W,Hemrika D,Van der Veen
08. Mol BW,Hajenius PJ, Engelsbel S,Ankum WM,Hemrika DJ, van F, et al. Treatment of tubal pregnancy in the Netherlands:an
der Veen F, et al. Is conservative surgery for tubal pregnancy economic comparison of systemic methotrexate administration
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09. Parker J, Bisits A. Laparoscopic surgical treatment of ectopic
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10. Tulandi T, Saleh A. Surgical management of ectopic pregnancy.
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11. Yao M,Tulandi T.Current status of surgical and nonsurgical
management of ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril 1997; 7: 21–33.
12. Sowter M, Frappell J. The role of laparoscopy in the management
of ectopic pregnancy. Rev Gynaecol Practice 2002;2:73–82.
13. Silva P, Schaper A, Rooney B. Reproductive outcome after 143
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population-based cohort study in France.Hum Reprod 199 ;11:99–
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Fertility after conservative and radical surgery for tubal
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