Serana vs. Sandiganbayan
Serana vs. Sandiganbayan
Serana vs. Sandiganbayan
r, vs. 1. Preliminarily, the denial of a motion to quash is not interpreter of a statute is the statute itself. Optima statuti
SANDIGANBAYAN and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, correctible by certiorari. interpretatrix est ipsum statutum.
respondents; REYES, J.
When a motion to quash in a criminal case is denied, the SB has jurisdiction over other felonies committed by public
FACTS: remedy is not a petition for certiorari, but for petitioners to officials in relation to their office. Estafa is one of those other
go to trial, without prejudice to reiterating the special felonies. Jurisdiction is simply subject to the twin
Petitioner was a senior student of UP-Cebu (gov’t scholar) defenses invoked in their motion to quash. The reason for requirements that (a) the offense is committed by public
and was appointed by Estrada as a student regent of UP this is to avoid multiplicity of appeals. The exception is if the officials and employees mentioned in Section 4(A) of P.D.
(one-year term). Petitioner proposed the renovation of court acts without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave No. 1606, as amended, and that (b) the offense is committed
Vinzons Hall Annex in UPD. She registered the OSRFI with the abuse of discretion. Examples: lack of jurisdiction, lack of in relation to their office.
SEC one of the projects of which was said renovation. jurisdiction over the offense, improper venue, bar by prior
Estrada gave P15m budget for the project which came from judgment, Statute of Frauds, motion to quash based on 4. Petitioner UP student regent is a public officer.
the Office of the President. The project failed to materialize double jeopardy, denial based on prescription. SB DID NOT
and the subsequent student regent (Kristine Clare It is not only the salary grade that determines the jurisdiction
Bugayong), and Secretary Generral of KASAMA sa UP of the Sandiganbayan. The Sandiganbayan also has
(alliance of SCs) filed a complaint for Malversation of Public 2. The jurisdiction of the SB is set by PD 1606, as amended, jurisdiction over other officers enumerated in P.D. No. 1606.
funds and Property with the Ombudsman. not by RA 2019, as amended Second part of Sec. 4(a)(1)(g) specifically includes other
executive officials whose positions may not be of Salary
Ombudsman found probable cause to indict petitioner and Petitioner refers to sec. 4 of RA 3019 yet quotes sec. 4 of PD Grade 27 and higher but who are by express provision of law
her brother for estafa. Petitioner moved to quash on the 1606. Court refuses to write this off as a mere clerical of placed under the jurisdiction of the said court. “Presidents,
grounds that: typographical error because the petitioner repeated this directors or trustees, or managers of government-owned or
claim twice despite corrections made by SB. It is PD 1606 controlled corporations, state universities or educational
- The Sandiganbayan does not have any jurisdiction rather thatn RA 3019 that determined the jurisdiction of the institutions or foundations.”
over the offense charged. (OB – PD 1606 contains SB. PD 1486 created SB; PD 1606 amended the prior and
the catch-all phrase “in relation to office”) expanded the jurisdiction of SB. 1606 was later amended by Moreover, it is well established that compensation is not an
PD 1861 further altering the SB jurisdiction. RA 7975 essential element of public office. At most, it is merely
- It was Estrada, not the government, that was incidental to the public office. Also, the administration of UP
amended 1606 and the prior was later on amended by RA
duped (SB – matter of defense that should be is a sovereign function.
8249. As it now stands the SB has jurisdiction over the
ventilated during the trial on the merits)
following: (see sec. 4)
5. The offense charged was committed in relation to public
- SB had no jurisdiction over her person, as a office, according to the information.
RA 3019 represses certain acts of public officers and private
student regent, she was not a public officer. No
persons alike which constitute graft or corrupt practices.
salary. (OB - Compensation not essential, it It is axiomatic that jurisdiction is determined by the
Pursuant to Section 10 of R.A. No. 3019, all prosecutions for
includes allowances) averments in the information. More than that, jurisdiction is
violation of the said law should be filed with the
not affected by the pleas or the theories set up by defendant
- She has no power to receive funds, it was the Sandiganbayan. In fine, the two statutes differ in that P.D.
or respondent in an answer, a motion to dismiss, or a motion
Board of Regents as a whole. not alleged that it No. 1606, as amended, defines the jurisdiction of the
to quash.
was her official function to receive funds. (OB - Pet Sandiganbayan while R.A. No. 3019, as amended, defines
had general powers of administration and graft and corrupt practices and provides for their penalties. 6. Source of funds is a defense that should be raised during
corporate powers of UP). trial on the merits.
3. SB has jurisdiction over the offense of estafa.
Motion to quash denied. MR also denied. Pet brought The information alleges that the funds came from the Office
In claiming that estafa is not among those crimes cognizable
certiorari to SC (to which the SC denied) of the President and not it’s the occupant, President Joseph
by the SB, the petitioner isolated the first paragraph of Sec.
Ejercito Estrada.
ISSUE: 4 of PD 1606. Apply Interpretatio talis in ambiguis semper
fienda est, ut evitetur inconveniens et absurdum. Where *Petitioner’s counsel was urged to observe Canon 10 of the
CAN the Sandiganbayan try a government scholar accused, there is ambiguity, such interpretation as will avoid Code of Professional Responsibility, specifically Rule 10.02 of
along with her brother, of swindling government funds? inconvenience and absurdity is to be adopted. Every part of the Rules stating that a lawyer shall not misquote or
the act is to be taken into view. A statute must be misrepresent. He misquoted Sec. 4 of PD 1606.
RULING: interpreted as a whole under the principle that the best