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Zero Carbon Building Standards

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The document outlines Canada's leadership in advocating for climate action and introduces the goal of the Zero Carbon Building Standard to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from new buildings by 2030 and all buildings by 2050.

The goal of the Zero Carbon Building Standard is to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions associated with the operation of new buildings by 2030, and eliminate emissions from all buildings by 2050 in order to meet climate targets set in the Paris Agreement.

Some of the program requirements outlined in the standard include achieving a zero carbon balance, developing a zero carbon transition plan, generating onsite renewable energy, meeting thermal and energy use intensity limits, and accounting for peak demand and embodied carbon.


Canada Green Building Council ®

May 2017

Reproduction or dissemination of any information contained herein is granted only by

contract or prior written permission from Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC©)




1.1. ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® 16
1.2. Calculating the Zero Carbon Balance 16
1.3. Direct Emissions 16
1.4. Indirect Emissions 17
1.5. Biomass Emissions 17
1.6. Avoided Emissions from Offsite Green Power 18
1.7. Avoided Emissions from Exported Green Power 20
1.8 Required Documentation 20
1.9. Summary - Achieving the Zero Carbon Balance 22


2.1 Required Documentation 23


3.1 Required Documentation 24


4.1 Required Documentation 25


5.1 Required Documentation 26

6.1 Required Documentation 26

7.1 Required Documentation 27


Over the past several decades, Canada has often been at the forefront of advocacy and
action in response to environmental concerns. A prominent example is the Montreal Protocol,
which was drafted during an international summit in the city in September 1987 and marked a
significant step forward in dealing with the effects of ozone depletion. Indeed, former United
Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan regarded the agreement as “a model for international

A year later, Canada served a key role as host of the world’s first major conference to examine
the broader subject of climate change. Several hundred leading scientists gathered in Toronto in
June 1988. The conference, “Our Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security,” was
regarded as a landmark event.2

Fast-forward through the years and it becomes even clearer that Canadians have embraced our
role as a galvanizing force for action. Today, Canada is recognized for being the first country
to successfully negotiate carbon-trading mechanisms as part of the 2015 COP21 Climate
Conference agreements in Paris, ensuring that broad market participation across nations can be
achieved.3 Within our own borders, the 2016 Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and
Climate Change represents more than just our country’s commitments to reducing its greenhouse
gas emissions: it formalizes a path forward to secure our climate future.

“International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer,” United Nations,

Elizabeth May, “When Canada Led the Way: A Short History of Climate Change,” Policy Options, October 1, 2006,
Bruce Cheadle, “Canadian Negotiators Pushing Emissions Trading Mechanisms at Climate Conference,” National Observer, November 14, 2016,
The Canadian green building sector has been active – for decades in finding ways to limit
harmful impacts from the built environment. While many of these efforts have been voluntary,
an increasing number of governments across the country have recognized the potential of
the building sector to fight climate change and have set more specific targets. To meet the
COP21 goal of keeping global average temperature increases well below 2ºC, green building
organizations around the world are supporting the objective of eliminating greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions associated with the operation of new buildings by 2030, and eliminating the GHG
emissions from all buildings by 2050.

To meet those targets, bold new approaches are required to drive innovation. For its part, the
Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has created a new zero carbon standard for assessing
the carbon performance of commercial, institutional, and multi-family buildings in Canada. The
CaGBC Zero Carbon Building Standard is a unique, made-in-Canada solution to achieving our
climate change commitments, providing a path for both new and existing buildings to reach
zero carbon.

A zero carbon building

is defined as one that is
highly energy-efficient
and produces onsite,
or procures, carbon-free
renewable energy in an
amount sufficient to offset the
annual carbon emissions
associated with operations.
5 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

ZERO CARBON REPRESENTS The Zero Carbon Building Standard re-enforces the
importance of energy efficiency while also driving careful
THE NEXT FRONTIER FOR choices about the types of energy used and encouraging
THE BUILDING SECTOR more renewable energy generation both on the building site
and offsite.
Canada has one of the most advanced green building
sectors in the world and is well positioned to meet the New construction projects present the best opportunities to
challenge of reducing and eventually eliminating GHG achieve zero carbon performance and create a low carbon
emissions from building operations. Over the last decade building stock for future generations. New buildings can
green building certification programs have raised the bar be designed for optimal efficiency and resiliency. They can
for energy-efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability readily integrate renewable energy generation and select
practices and, as a result, have changed the way buildings technologies that avoid the onsite combustion of fossil fuels.
are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated.
At the same time, over 80 percent of existing buildings will
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design™ (LEED®) still be in operation in 2030 and 50 percent in 2050, and
certification has demonstrated the market’s interest in, and therefore existing buildings need to be addressed in order
capability to adopt, leading sustainability practices, and has to meet GHG reduction targets for the building sector. To
established the business case for such approaches. LEED help these buildings overcome the considerable physical and
projects certified in Canada before 2015 are projected to financial limitations in implementing deep retrofits, as much
support 700,000 jobs and economic benefits exceeding $62 flexibility as possible should be provided in meeting a zero
billion over their life spans.4 Not only are these buildings carbon objective.
better for the environment, but owners also benefit from
higher lease rates, report greater tenant satisfaction scores, To acknowledge these differences, the CaGBC’s Zero Carbon
and spend approximately 28 percent less on energy Building (ZCB) Standard is designed to allow owners of both
compared with their non-certified counterparts.5 new construction projects and existing buildings to apply for
certification, with unique requirements for each.
Building on these advancements, the next evolution is
underway to meet the needs of a low-carbon economy. New construction projects earn Zero Carbon Building –
Green buildings can and should provide a gateway to Design certification by modeling a zero carbon balance,
innovation, representing an opportunity to apply new highly efficient envelope and ventilation systems, and onsite
approaches, technologies and products that will lead renewable energy systems. Project teams are required to
to low carbon performance. evaluate energy use holistically, including impacts on peak
electricity, and determine the GHG emissions associated
The CaGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Standard provides a with structural and envelope materials. Once occupied,
means to that end by making carbon reductions the key buildings must demonstrate a zero carbon balance over the
indicator for building performance and encouraging owners course of twelve months of operation before they earn Zero
to drive down real emissions from buildings. Taking a carbon- Carbon Building – Design + Performance designation.
centric approach is crucial because the most important Existing buildings can only pursue Zero Carbon Building
factor in the emissions footprint of a building is often not – Performance certification, which does not require a
energy performance, but rather the carbon intensity of the minimum of onsite renewable energy or a minimum level
local electrical grid and the fossil fuels used. Recognizing the of thermal energy demand performance.
differences in electrical grids and fuels sources is critical to
accurately assessing impacts and guiding investments.

Market Impacts Report, Canada Green Building Council, 2016.


Avis Devine and Nils Kok, “Green Certification and Building Performance: Implications for Tangibles and Intangibles,” Journal of Portfolio Management –

Special Real Estate Issue, 2015,

6 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

Requirements of the Standard

(new construction)
(existing buildings) TRANSITION PLAN
Demonstrate Zero Significant financial and technological barriers to all-electric
Carbon Balance P P buildings may exist in some climate zones and building
Provide Zero Carbon
Transition Plan* P Every 5 years markets. For this reason, the Zero Carbon Building Standard
Install Minimum 5% Onsite allows the onsite combustion of fossil fuels and biologically
Renewable Energy P No requirement
derived fuels. All applicants who rely on onsite combustion
Achieve Thermal Energy of fuels other than zero emissions biofuels must provide
Demand Intensity Target P No requirement
a transition plan to demonstrate how the building will
Report Energy Use Intensity
P P decarbonize in the future, showing that they have considered
appropriate building design or retrofit measures. Buildings
Report Peak Demand
P P pursuing ZCB-Performance certification are required to
update their transition plans every five years.
Report Embodied Carbon
*Where fuels other than zero emissions biofuels are used onsite
ZERO CARBON BALANCE While the zero carbon balance can be achieved using either
onsite or offsite sources of renewable energy, ZCB-Design
Central to the standard’s requirements is the achievement certification requires that at least five percent of the building’s
of a zero carbon balance, measured annually, in all building total energy consumption be met using renewable energy
operations. To achieve that balance, GHG emissions that is generated onsite. Generating onsite renewable energy
associated with building operations must be offset using helps to improve building resilience in the face of power
low-carbon renewable energy, either produced onsite or outages, reduces overall demand from the electrical grid,
procured from offsite through a contractual arrangement. minimizes environmental impacts from power generation
facilities, and helps prepare for a distributed energy future.
The standard applies the GHG inventory methodology used
To recognize the challenges and limitations faced by
by ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®, the most commonly
existing buildings, this requirement does not apply to ZCB-
used energy-performance tracking and benchmarking
Performance certification.
platform in Canada. Portfolio Manager is used by over
13,000 buildings across the country and serves as the basis
for evaluating energy efficiency under the LEED for Existing THERMAL ENERGY
Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (EB:O&M) rating DEMAND INTENSITY
system. It is also increasingly being adopted for tracking and
Thermal energy demand intensity (TEDI) refers to the annual
reporting energy use under benchmarking and disclosure
heat loss from a building’s envelope and ventilation, after
accounting for all passive heat gains and losses. Specific
The Portfolio Manager methodology is based on the TEDI targets for ZCB-Design certification have been set,
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and as per the table on the next page.
Reporting Standard developed by the World Resources The inclusion of a specific TEDI target results in greater
Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable occupant comfort and ensures that building designers
Development. Portfolio Manager uses average regional focus on minimizing a building’s demand for energy prior to
emissions intensities for both natural gas and grid electricity producing or procuring renewable energy. The target also
to most accurately reflect the actual emissions intensity of a helps to ensure long-term energy performance, as building
building’s operational energy use.
7 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

envelopes have long life spans and yield very reliable

efficiency gains. Furthermore, they are typically challenging
to retrofit. Several Canadian grids are experiencing significant stresses
as populations grow and extreme weather events challenge
Finally, improved thermal performance is correlated with
the reliability of utility service delivery. Increased demand can
improved resilience in the face of power outages, as building
also push up the marginal emissions intensity of electricity
interiors are better able to maintain comfortable temperatures
use in lower-carbon grids, as sources of backup power often
when the power supply is disrupted.
rely on natural gas. To address these concerns, applicants for
zero carbon certification will be required to report their annual
TEDI targets for ZCB-Design certification
peak demand. As with EUI, the rationale for this component
Climate Zone TEDI target (kWh/m2/year)
of the standard is to encourage projects to track and reduce
4 30
their peak demand over time, helping to reduce stress on the
5 32
6 34 grid and the need for additional generation capacity.
7 36
8 40
Given the challenges and cost implications of major envelope Although operational carbon emissions represent the key
retrofits, applicants for ZCB-Performance certification are focus of the Zero Carbon Building Standard, there is a
not required to meet specific TEDI targets. However, they are growing awareness of the importance of addressing the
encouraged to consider measures to reduce thermal energy embodied carbon and other GHG emissions associated
demand intensity as opportunities arise. with building materials. Emissions associated with the
manufacturing, transport, and installation of building

ENERGY USE INTENSITY components currently represent a relatively low proportion

of an average building’s total carbon footprint, but these
Energy use intensity (EUI) refers to a building’s total emissions grow in importance as operational emissions
operational energy use, including all heating, cooling, are reduced. Applicants will be required to report the
ventilation, lighting, plug, and process loads. The Zero embodied emissions of the building’s structural and envelope
Carbon Building Standard requires applicants to report their materials using life-cycle assessment (LCA) software. The
EUI to provide transparency and enable the industry to learn embodied carbon requirement has been limited to reporting,
from each zero carbon building. Reporting EUI also enables to encourage the building industry to grow capacity for
the building operators to gauge the effectiveness of energy conducting LCA - a practice that is still relatively new in
conservation measures and demonstrate progress over time. Canada.
To provide flexibility to design teams, and in recognition
of the further reductions in EUI that codes and incentive/
recognition programs can be expected to drive over time,
no EUI targets for new construction have been established. The standard is the product of a broad stakeholder
Similarly, EUI targets have not been set for operational consultation process, driven by a desire to craft a program
performance to recognize the wide range in performance that is both attractive to the building industry and rigorous
of existing buildings and encourage the greatest number in the outcomes it produces. In order to help inform the
of buildings to achieve zero carbon. standard’s evolution, the CaGBC launched the Zero Carbon
Building Pilot Program in January 2017.6 It offers a two-
year immersion opportunity for developers and designers
attempting to achieve zero carbon in new or existing
buildings. The program is designed to support participants,

Zero-Carbon Buildings Pilot Program, Canada Green Building Council,

8 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

recognize excellence and leadership, and inform the time has come to be more ambitious. The CaGBC’s Zero
development of tools, resources and education to accelerate Carbon Building Standard will drive meaningful change by
market transformation. The pilots themselves will assist defining new levels of performance and bringing focus to
CaGBC in refining the standard to ensure it can be adopted carbon emissions reduction. By recognizing the enormous
widely by the marketplace. potential that built environments offer, the Standard will help
the building industry do its part in shaping Canada’s climate
While there is no doubt that Canada’s building sector has
future. .
been dramatically transformed over the last two decades, the

Box 1 Working Group members

CaGBC Energy and Engineering

ZCB Working Group members
Technical Advisory Group members

Natural Resources Canada Jason Manikel (chair) – Energy Profiles

National Research Council Lindsay Austrom – Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Public Service and Procurement Canada – Real Property Branch Eric Van Benscoten – Van-Fort Inc.
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Christian Cianfrone – Morrison Hershfield
Real Property Association of Canada Kevin Henry – HDR Architecture Associates Inc.
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Curt Hepting – Enersys Analytics Ltd.
Toronto Atmospheric Fund Steve Kemp – RDH Building Science Inc.
Pembina Institute Wendy MacDonald – Advicas Group Consultants Inc.
Province of BC Building Safety Policy Branch Craig McIntyre – Provident Energy Management Inc.
ON Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing Andrew Morrison – Caneta Research Inc.
City of Toronto Jean-Francois Pelletier – Vellum
City of Vancouver Martin Roy – Martin Roy et Associés Groupe Conseil Inc.
University of British Columbia Gordon Shymko – G.F. Shymko & Associates Inc.
Anrej Simjanov – Mission Green Buildings

LEED Canada Steering Committee members Renewable Energy Working Group members

Jennifer Sanguinetti (chair) – University of British Columbia Chris Caners – Solar Share
Cindy Choy - Ministry of Infrastructure and Ron Seftel – Bullfrog Power
Transportation, Government of Manitoba Victoria Gagnon – IESO
Marsha Gentile – Ledcor Patrick Bateman – CanSIA
Arsheel Hirji - City of Calgary Engineering & Energy Services Nancy Rondeaux – Nova Scotia Department of Energy
Edwin Lim – ECOlibrium Donovan Woollard – RADIUS Ventures
Josée Lupien – Vertima Gerard MacDonald – Reshape Strategies
Jamie MacKay – Morrison Hershfield Kevin Wallace, BC Hydro
Jason Manikel – Energy Profiles Joan Haysom – Leidos Canada
Grant Peters – Fluent Group Maryse Lambert, Hydro Quebec
Keith Robertson – Solterre Design Jeff Toye & Michael Shaw – Manitoba Hydro
Lyle Scott – Footprint
Doug Webber – WSP Canada Inc.
9 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017



The Canada Green

Building Council’s 1 ZERO CARBON BALANCE
No net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Zero Carbon are associated with building operations.
GHG emissions are offset by generating
Building Standard clean, renewable energy onsite or offsite.

represents a unique,
solution that can
help us achieve 2 EFFICIENCY
New construction projects consider peak energy
our climate change while maximizing energy efficiency with a focus on
the building envelope and ventilation strategies that
commitments. drive down thermal energy demand.

Onsite renewable energy is incorporated into new
construction projects to provide added resiliency,
minimize offsite environmental impacts, and prepare
buildings for a distributed energy future.

An assessment of the carbon associated with structural
and envelope materials—from manufacturing to end of
life—informs design decisions.


Over the past several decades, Canada has often been at the forefront of advocacy and action
in response to environmental concerns. A prominent example is the Montreal Protocol, which
was drafted during an international summit in the city in September 1987 and marked a
significant step forward in dealing with the effects of ozone depletion. Indeed, former United
Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan regarded the agreement as “a model for international

A year later, Canada served a key role as host of the world’s first major conference to examine
the broader subject of climate change. Several hundred leading scientists gathered in Toronto in
June 1988. The conference, “Our Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security,” was
regarded as a landmark event.8

Fast-forward through the years and it becomes even clearer that Canadians have embraced our
role as a galvanizing force for action. Today, Canada is recognized for being the first country
to successfully negotiate carbon-trading mechanisms as part of the 2015 COP21 Climate
Conference agreements in Paris, ensuring that broad market participation across nations can be
achieved.9 Within our own borders, the 2016 Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and
Climate Change represents more than just our country’s commitments to reducing its greenhouse
gas emissions: it formalizes a path forward to secure our climate future.

“International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer,” United Nations,

Elizabeth May, “When Canada Led the Way: A Short History of Climate Change,” Policy Options, October 1, 2006,
Bruce Cheadle, “Canadian Negotiators Pushing Emissions Trading Mechanisms at Climate Conference,” National Observer, November 14, 2016,
The Canadian green building sector has been active for decades in finding ways to limit
harmful impacts from the built environment. While many of these efforts have been voluntary,
an increasing number of governments across the country have recognized the potential of
the building sector to fight climate change and have set more specific targets. To meet the
COP21 goal of keeping global average temperature increases well below 2ºC, green building
organizations around the world are supporting the objective of eliminating greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions associated with the operation of new buildings by 2030, and eliminating the GHG
emissions from all buildings by 2050.

To meet those targets, bold new approaches are required to drive innovation. For its part, the
Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has created a new zero carbon standard for assessing
the carbon performance of commercial, institutional, and multi-family buildings in Canada. The
CaGBC Zero Carbon Building Standard is a unique, made-in-Canada solution to achieving our
climate change commitments, providing a path for both new and existing buildings to reach
zero carbon.
12 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

ZERO CARBON REPRESENTS Zero Carbon Building Standard re-enforces the importance
of energy efficiency while also driving careful choices about
THE NEXT FRONTIER FOR the types of energy used and encouraging more renewable
THE BUILDING SECTOR energy generation both on the building site and offsite.

Canada has one of the most advanced green building New construction projects present the best opportunities to
sectors in the world and is well positioned to meet the achieve zero carbon performance and create a low carbon
challenge of reducing and eventually eliminating GHG building stock for future generations. New buildings can
emissions from building operations. Over the last decade be designed for optimal efficiency and resiliency. They can
green building certification programs have raised the bar readily integrate renewable energy generation and select
for energy-efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability technologies that avoid the onsite combustion of fossil fuels.
practices and, as a result, have changed the way buildings
are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated. At the same time, over 80 percent of existing buildings will
still be in operation in 2030 and 50 percent in 2050, and
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design™ (LEED®) therefore existing buildings need to be addressed in order to
certification has demonstrated the market’s interest in, and meet GHG reduction targets for the building sector. To help
capability to adopt, leading sustainability practices, and has these buildings overcome the considerable physical and
established the business case for such approaches. LEED financial limitations in implementing deep retrofits, as much
projects certified in Canada before 2015 are projected to flexibility as possible should be provided in meeting a zero
support 700,000 jobs and economic benefits exceeding $62 carbon objective.
billion over their life spans.10 Not only are these buildings
better for the environment, but owners also benefit from To acknowledge these differences, the CaGBC’s Zero Carbon
higher lease rates, report greater tenant satisfaction scores, Building (ZCB) Standard is designed to allow owners of both
and spend approximately 28 percent less on energy new construction projects and existing buildings to apply for
compared with their non-certified counterparts.11 certification, with unique requirements for each.

Building on these advancements, the next evolution is

underway to meet the needs of a low-carbon economy.
Green buildings can and should provide a gateway to AND EXISTING BUILDINGS
innovation, representing an opportunity to apply new
approaches, technologies and products that will lead A zero carbon building is defined as one that is highly
to low carbon performance. energy-efficient and produces onsite, or procures,
carbon-free renewable energy in an amount sufficient
The CaGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Standard provides a to offset the annual carbon emissions associated
means to that end by making carbon reductions the key with operations.
indicator for building performance and encouraging owners
to drive down real emissions from buildings. Taking a carbon-
Projects that achieve the requirements for new construction
centric approach is crucial because the most important
earn ZCB-Design certification. Certification is based on
factor in the emissions footprint of a building is often not
final building design and requires a modelled zero carbon
energy performance, but rather the carbon intensity of the
balance; highly efficient envelope and ventilation systems
local electrical grid and the fossil fuels used. Recognizing the
to meet a defined threshold for thermal energy demand
differences in electrical grids and fuel sources is critical to
intensity; and onsite renewable energy systems capable of
accurately assessing impacts and guiding investments. The
providing a minimum of 5% of building energy consumption.

Market Impacts Report, Canada Green Building Council, 2016.


Avis Devine and Nils Kok, “Green Certification and Building Performance: Implications for Tangibles and Intangibles,” Journal of Portfolio Management –

Special Real Estate Issue, 2015,

13 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

At its heart, the program is about demonstrating a zero Table 1 Requirements of the Standard
carbon balance in building operations year after year. ZCB-Design ZCB-Performance
Buildings that achieve a zero carbon balance and meet (new construction) (existing buildings)

the other requirements for existing buildings earn ZCB- Demonstrate Zero

Performance certification. ZCB-Performance certification

Carbon Balance P P
Provide Zero Carbon
is awarded based on a twelve month period of operations, Transition Plan* P Every 5 years

and performance must be verified annually. Recognizing

Install Minimum 5% Onsite
the inherent challenges to retrofitting existing buildings, Renewable Energy P No requirement

ZCB-Performance does not require a minimum of onsite Achieve Thermal Energy

renewable energy or a minimum level of thermal energy
Demand Intensity Target P No requirement

demand performance. Report Energy Use Intensity

Buildings that receive ZCB-Design certification are expected
to pursue ZCB-Performance certification annually following
Report Peak Demand
occupancy. A building that has achieved ZCB-Design Report Embodied Carbon
certification can apply for ZCB-Performance certification any
*Where fuels other than zero emissions biofuels are used onsite
time after one year of building performance data has been
collected. Achieving dual-certification earns buildings the
unique designation of ZCB–Design + Performance. ELIGIBILITY AND CERTIFICATION
Under both ZCB-Performance and ZCB-Design, applicants The ZCB-Design program applies to new commercial,
must evaluate energy use holistically, including impacts institutional, and multi-family residential buildings other than
on peak electricity, and determine the GHG emissions those covered by Part 9 of the National Building Code, and
associated with structural and envelope materials major renovations to existing buildings. Major renovations
(i.e. embodied carbon). The program’s alignment with to existing buildings include any HVAC, envelope, and/
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® ensures streamlined or interior renovations that require a new certificate of
documentation of energy performance and GHG emissions. occupancy and/or prevent normal building operations from
occurring while they are in progress. Proposed changes of
The requirements of the Zero Carbon Building Standard are
use to the building in question are also considered major
summarized below and detailed in subsequent sections.

The ZCB-Performance program applies to commercial,

institutional, and multi-family residential buildings other
than those covered by Part 9 of the National Building Code,
provided they have been in operation for three or more years
at the time of submittal or were previously certified under

Applicants will be awarded certification once all requisite

documentation has been received and a review by the
CaGBC has confirmed the requirements of the Zero Carbon
Building program have been met.
14 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017


The Zero Carbon Building Standard applies to the entirety The standard is the product of a broad stakeholder
of a building site and includes all energy use and generation. consultation process, driven by a desire to craft a program
A site may include one or more buildings, either as that is both attractive to the building industry and rigorous
independent or interconnected structures. Consistent with in the outcomes it produces. In order to help inform the
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®, parking areas may standard’s evolution, the CaGBC launched the Zero Carbon
be excluded if all associated energy use and generation Building Pilot Program in January 2017.12 It offers a two-
is sub-metered. year immersion opportunity for developers and designers
attempting to achieve zero carbon in new or existing
buildings. The program is designed to support participants,
recognize excellence and leadership, and inform the
development of tools, resources and education to accelerate
market transformation. The pilots themselves will assist
CaGBC in refining the standard to ensure it can be adopted
widely by the marketplace.

While there is no doubt that Canada’s building sector has

been dramatically transformed over the last two decades,
the time has come to be more ambitious. The CaGBC’s Zero
Carbon Building Standard will drive meaningful change by
defining new levels of performance and bringing focus to
carbon emissions reduction. By recognizing the enormous
potential that built environments offer, the Standard will help
the building industry do its part in shaping Canada’s climate

Zero-Carbon Buildings Pilot Program, Canada Green Building Council,

16 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

1. ZERO CARBON BALANCE fugitive refrigerant emissions that result from a building’s use
of refrigeration or air conditioning equipment.
Applicants to the Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) program must
demonstrate a zero carbon balance in building operations – 1.2. CALCULATING THE ZERO
that is, projects must annually generate or procure enough CARBON BALANCE
zero-emissions, renewable energy to offset 100% of the A zero carbon balance is demonstrated by achieving a net
GHG emissions associated with the building’s total annual emissions balance of zero or less, where net emissions are
site energy consumption. Existing buildings are evaluated defined as follows:
using actual performance, while new construction and major
renovation projects are evaluated based on final design. Net Emissions =
(Direct Emissions + Indirect Emissions + Biomass Emissions) –
1.1. ENERGY STAR® PORTFOLIO MANAGER® (Avoided Emissions from Offsite Green Power +
The ZCB program leverages ENERGY STAR Portfolio Avoided Emissions from Exported Green Power)

Manager’s methodology for calculating GHG emissions in

order to support consistency across the building sector This calculation has been adapted from Portfolio Manager’s
and facilitate the calculation of ZCB program requirements. standard method of calculating the emissions balance, which
All GHG emission calculations for compliance to the ZCB does not recognize avoided emissions from exported green
program follow the Portfolio Manager methodology unless power (electricity generated from renewable resources, such
otherwise stated below. For clarification on any component as solar or wind resources). Renewable energy generated
of the Portfolio Manager approach to GHG emissions and used onsite (typically green power) does not contribute
calculations, please refer to the Technical References on to avoided emissions in the calculation of Net Emissions
GHG Emissions13 and Green Power14. under Portfolio Manager or the ZCB program, as these
avoided emissions are already captured through the reduced
Applicants to the ZCB program are required to use Portfolio
reliance on energy sources that have associated emissions,
Manager to track their GHG emissions. However, separate
such as grid electricity.
calculations may be required where:

1. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are purchased to The individual components of the equation and their

achieve the zero carbon balance (see Section 1.6); relevance to the zero carbon balance are outlined in the
sections below, with a summary provided in Section 1.9.
2. Any energy generated using onsite zero emission
renewable energy systems is exported to the grid
(see Section 1.7); and
‘Direct Emissions’ refers to emissions associated with onsite
3. An applicant chooses to apply custom emissions factors
combustion, with the exception of biomass combustion (see
for any district energy, electricity from an islanded grid,
Section 1.5). Portfolio Manager applies transparent emissions
or onsite biogas or biomass systems used in building
factors to calculate annual building emissions associated
operations (see sections 1.4 and 1.5).
with onsite combustion. Provincial GHG factors are used for
As noted in the Technical Reference on GHG Emissions15, natural gas, while national factors are used for other fossil
Portfolio Manager does not account for energy consumed for fuels (e.g. propane, fuel oil, and diesel). Specific emissions
onsite vehicle use, industrial or manufacturing processes, or factors are summarized in Figures 1 and 2 of Portfolio

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. August 2016.
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager, Technical Reference: Green Power, 2013,
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. August 2016.
17 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

Manager’s 2016 Technical Reference on GHG Emissions16. perform calculations outside of Portfolio Manager in order to
Portfolio Manager sources all Canadian GHG emissions determine the required adjustment to the emissions reported
factors from Canada’s annual National Inventory Report. by Portfolio Manager in association with the district energy
system or islanded grid.
1.3.1. BIOGAS
The ZCB program recognizes the emissions benefits of 1.4.2. DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING
certain forms of renewable natural gas (biogas). Eligible Portfolio Manager provides national GHG emissions factors
biogas resources (i.e. those that are considered ‘zero for district steam, district hot water, and three types of
emissions’ biofuels) that can be used onsite include gaseous district chilled water systems (Figure 3 of Portfolio Manager’s
products produced by the anaerobic decomposition of 2016 Technical Reference on GHG Emissions). Applicants are
organic wastes from one of the following sources: required to identify and enter the fuel being used and, if using
a) Sewage treatment plants; district chilled water, the system used to power the building.

b) Manure and other farm and food/feed-based The ZCB program recognizes that the emissions factors
anaerobic digestion processing facilities; and in Portfolio Manager may not accurately reflect those of
c) Landfill gas. the district heating or cooling source for a given building.
Portfolio Manager currently uses provincial GHG factors The emission factors for these specific sources may be
for all natural gas combustion and does not recognize used where they are available and can be verified by a
the carbon emissions benefits of biogas. Applicants must registered professional. As Portfolio Manager does not
therefore perform calculations outside of Portfolio Manager in permit changes to default emissions factors, applicants must
order to determine the required adjustment to the emissions perform calculations outside of Portfolio Manager in order to
reported by Portfolio Manager in association with biogas. determine the required adjustment to the emissions reported
by Portfolio Manager in association with the district heating
1.4. INDIRECT EMISSIONS or cooling system.
‘Indirect Emissions’ refers to those emissions associated with
purchased energy, such as electricity or thermal energy. 1.5. BIOMASS EMISSIONS
Portfolio Manager applies a single emissions factor for wood
1.4.1. GRID OR DISTRICT ELECTRICITY to all biomass (see Figure 7 of Portfolio Manager’s 2016
Provincial emissions factors are used to represent the Technical Reference on GHG Emissions18).
average emissions of all grid-connected electricity
However, the ZCB program recognizes the emissions
generators in a given province (whether baseload,
benefits of certain forms of renewable biomass. As such,
intermediate, or peaking). Provincial emissions factors for
applicants who use an onsite form of biomass may submit
2016 are summarized in Figure 6 of Portfolio Manager’s 2016
more specific emissions factors where they can be verified
Technical Reference on GHG Emissions17.
by a registered professional. As Portfolio Manager does not
The ZCB program recognizes that in some instances permit changes to default emissions factors, applicants must
electricity may be sourced from a district energy system or perform calculations outside of Portfolio Manager in order to
an islanded grid (a small grid not connected to the provincial determine the required adjustment to the emissions reported
grid). The emission factors for these specific sources may by Portfolio Manager in association with biomass.
be used where they are available and can be verified by a
registered professional. As Portfolio Manager does not
permit changes to default emissions factors, applicants must

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. August 2016.

18 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

1.5.1. ELIGIBILITY OF BIOMASS RESOURCES can be used to offset any emissions associated with Direct,
AS ZERO EMISSIONS BIOFUELS Indirect or Biomass Emissions.
Biomass resources used onsite that are eligible to be treated
as zero emissions biofuels19 include: 1.6.1. ELIGIBILITY OF OFFSITE GREEN POWER
To qualify under the ZCB program, offsite green power
a) Solid biomass removed from fields and forests which
must be generated from:
are managed by following sound environmental
management practices. Solid biomass can either be • Solar energy;
whole plants, parts of plants, or harvesting and industrial • Wind;
by-product residues arising from the harvesting and • Water (including low-impact hydro, wave,
tidal, and in-stream sources);
processing of agricultural crops or forestry products that
would otherwise be land filled or incinerated; • Qualifying biogas (see Section 1.3.1);

b) Dedicated energy crops with a rotation of less than • Qualifying biomass (see Section 1.5), or;
10 years; and • Geothermal energy
c) Liquid fuels derived from biomass as defined in items
Electricity products that drive additional offsite green power
(a) and (b) above, including among other things ethanol,
generation include both Renewable Energy Certificates
biodiesel, and methanol.
(RECs) and bundled green power products (green power
Biomass resources that are ineligible to be treated as zero purchased together with associated RECs). The EcoLogo
emissions biofuels include: CCD-003 Renewable Low-Impact Electricity Products
standard establishes requirements for both. Note that the
a) Municipal solid waste; term “renewable low-impact electricity”, as used in the
b) Forest biomass waste other than mill residue; and EcoLogo standard, may be considered to be the equivalent
c) To prevent toxic emissions, those manufacturing process of “green power”, as used here and within Portfolio Manager.
by-products that have been treated in the manners listed
below: Per the EcoLogo requirements, the electricity associated
with all green power products (both bundled green power
i. Wood coated with paint, plastics or formica;
products and RECs) must be generated within the calendar
ii. Wood treated with preservatives containing year in which they are sold, the first three months of the
halogens, chlorine or halide compounds like
chromated copper arsenate or arsenic; following calendar year, or the last six months of the prior
iii. Wood that has been treated with adhesives; and year.

iv. Railroad ties. Under the ZCB program, all RECs must be certified by
EcoLogo and generated from green power facilities
If the treated biomass types (per ‘c’ above) comprise 1% or
located in Canada.
less by weight of the total biomass used and the remainder
is from eligible sources of biomass, all biomass may be Bundled green power products must either be certified
considered eligible to be treated as a zero emissions biofuel. under the EcoLogo standard, or meet a set of specific
requirements (see Section 1.6.2). If the energy generator
1.6. AVOIDED EMISSIONS providing green power does not also provide the associated
FROM OFFSITE GREEN POWER RECs, applicants must purchase RECs for 100% of the green
‘Avoided Emissions from Offsite Green Power’ refers to the power that is procured. Under the ZCB program, all bundled
emissions that are avoided as a result of generating green green power products must be generated in Canada, and
power offsite. Avoided emissions from offsite green power per the EcoLogo standard, from a generation facility located

‘Zero emissions’ is meant to characterize certain biofuels from a net-carbon emissions perspective;
it is understood that other combustion products are released during combustion.
19 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

in the provincial power pool in which the building is located

• For all water-powered systems, demonstrate that the
or a neighbouring provincial power pool. Applicants are facility’s installation and operations do not achieve
encouraged to purchase green power generated as locally as authorization with terms that allow for the harmful
possible, i.e. within the local municipality, region, or province. operation and or disruption or destruction of fish habitat,
as verified by a registered professional Biologist;
BUNDLED GREEN POWER PRODUCTS • For wind-powered systems, demonstrate that the
impacts from the facility are not located in known
Where EcoLogo certification cannot be obtained, applicants
migratory routes for avian or bat species, and that the
to the ZCB program must demonstrate that the bundled
impacts on avian and bat species from the facility have
green power products that have been procured meet the
been minimized as verified by a registered professional
following criteria:
• Demonstrate that all bundled electricity is generated
within the provincial power pool in which the building is
located (note that EcoLogo certified products may also
come from neighbouring provincial power pools). All
Avoided emissions from the procurement of offsite green
bundled electricity must be generated in Canada;
power are calculated using the marginal or “non-baseload”
• Conform to all local land use polices and building codes. emissions factor for the province in which the power is
The project must achieve planning permission and all generated, regardless of the location of the applicant’s
applicable local permits as defined by the Authority building. Marginal grid emission factors (not average
Having Jurisdiction; emission factors) are used in calculating avoided emissions
• Meet the requirements of the acceptable sources of to reflect the fact that when building loads decrease, non-
offsite green power as defined in Section 1.6.1; baseload, or “peak load”, power output is typically reduced
first.20 Portfolio Manager obtains marginal emissions factors
• For combustion-based systems, meet all of the
for each province from Natural Resources Canada. These
requirements surrounding biofuels as outlined in Section
factors are summarized in Figure 9 of Portfolio Manager’s
1.3.1 (biogas) and 1.5 (biomass);
2016 Technical Reference on GHG Emissions21.
• For combustion-based systems, meet all local and
regional air quality by-laws and requirements and receive An electricity meter in Portfolio Manager must be used to
all necessary air quality permits from the Authority record all purchases of bundled green power products.
Having Jurisdiction; Portfolio Manager does not allow the entry of RECs in an
amount greater than the amount of grid electricity purchased,
• For all water-powered systems, demonstrate that the
however; as a result RECs cannot be used to offset
facility’s installation and operations have achieved
emissions associated with onsite combustion. To address
all regulatory licenses, requirements, and all other
this, ZCB program participants must track RECs and the
authorizations pertaining to fisheries, without regard
associated avoided emissions outside of Portfolio Manager.
to waivers or variances or authorized. These include
authorizations issued by the relevant provincial
authorities, and under Section 35(2) of the Fisheries Act,
by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans or regulations
made by the Governor in Council under the Fisheries

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. August 2016.
20 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

1.6.4. ATTRIBUTING RECS TO MULTIPLE PROGRAMS Applicants must also share access to the property in
Portfolio Manager, by providing Read Only Access to the
RECs may be used, or “retired”, to meet any applicable
Canada Green Building Council (account is called “CaGBC
regulatory programs in addition to the ZCB program. For
ZCB Program”).
example, where a building is located in a municipality or
province that requires buildings to offset their operational 1.8.2. ALTERNATIVE GHG EMISSIONS FACTORS
energy consumption with the purchase of either bundled
While Portfolio Manager assigns a national emissions factor
green power products or RECs, these purchases can also be
for district energy systems, the ZCB program recognizes that
used to meet the requirements of the ZCB program.
more accurate emissions factors may be obtainable. Where
an applicant wishes to use a more specific emissions factor
for district energy used in the building, the specific emissions
factor calculated by the district energy provider will be
The ZCB program recognizes avoided emissions from
accepted. This also applies to any electricity that is procured
onsite solar PV or wind energy exported to the grid in the
from an islanded grid.
calculation of the zero carbon balance, provided that the
associated RECs are retained. The avoided emissions are Similarly, applicants using biogas or biomass as an onsite
to be calculated using marginal provincial CO2e factors. source of energy may submit separate GHG emission
As Portfolio Manager does not recognize these avoided calculations that utilize a more accurate emissions factor,
emissions, applicants must perform calculations outside where one can be issued by a third party (i.e. not the building
of Portfolio Manager in order to determine the required owner/manager).
adjustment to the emissions reported by Portfolio Manager
In all cases, a registered professional must sign-off on any
in association with exported green power.
custom GHG emissions factor. Applicants must submit all
1.8 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION calculations to the CaGBC for review.

Applicants must provide the following documentation to

demonstrate achievement of a zero carbon balance.
Applicants to the ZCB–Design program must report on
1.8.1. ENERGY STAR® PORTFOLIO MANAGER® the quantity of usable energy predicted to be produced
by renewable energy systems annually (calculated as the
Applicants must use Portfolio Manager to track the project’s
output energy from the system less any transmission and
energy consumption and associated GHG emissions.
conversion losses, such as standby heat loss or losses when
Modeled data should be used in Portfolio Manager for the
converting electricity from DC to AC), and the quantities
purposes of ZCB-Design certification. The following must be
predicted to be used onsite and exported.
provided to demonstrate the zero carbon balance has been
achieved: Applicants to the ZCB–Performance program must report on
the quantity of renewable energy that was generated onsite,
• A download of the annual data for each meter (grid
and the amounts that were used onsite and exported, during
purchased electricity, natural gas, green power
the year for which certification is being sought.
generated onsite (used onsite and/or exported), bundled
green power products, RECs, etc.), and; These values may be provided in the form of a downloaded
report from Portfolio Manager.
• Emissions data: Total GHG Emissions (the sum of Direct
Emissions and Indirect Emissions), Biomass Emissions, The Portfolio Manager meter used to record any energy
Net Emissions, and Avoided Emissions from Offsite generated by onsite renewable energy systems other than
Green Power. solar PV or wind (such as solar thermal), which have their
own meters, should be classified as electric onsite solar to
ensure that all onsite renewable energy is reported.
21 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

Applicants must provide calculations for the avoided

• The quantity of bundled green power products
emissions from onsite renewable energy that is exported, and RECs purchased
using the marginal provincial CO2e factors. • The type of purchase agreement
• The length of the purchase agreement (in years)
• A copy of the purchase agreement.
The emissions that must be offset with green power products
(bundled green power products and/or RECs) to achieve a
zero carbon balance can be calculated as follows: 1.8.5. NON-ECOLOGO CERTIFIED BUNDLED GREEN
Required avoided emissions from Where EcoLogo certification cannot be obtained, applicants
purchases of green power products = to the ZCB program must demonstrate that the bundled
Direct Emissions + Indirect Emissions + Biomass Emissions – green power products that have been procured meet the
Avoided Emissions from Exported Green Power criteria established in Section 1.6.2. In addition to the
documentation requirements under 1.8.4, applicants must
Applicants to the ZCB-Design program must provide also provide the following documentation:
the following information:
• A report from the generation facility that notes the
• A narrative indicating the commitment to fulfil the zero methodology and calculations that were used to ensure
carbon balance requirement using purchases of offsite that the design and operation of the facility will be
green power products, including the intended supplier; sufficient to meet the contractual commitment made to

• Estimates of the total quantity of offsite green power the applicant. It will also note and detail the resources
products that will be required to achieve the zero carbon used to generate the energy and outline any limiting
balance; factors that may impact the ability of the facility to
deliver energy. In such cases where resources are prone
• Estimates of the anticipated annual costs associated
to fluctuations, a range will be provided to represent the
with the purchase of any required offsite green power
best and worst-case scenarios, noting the methodology
products, and;
used to develop these scenarios (e.g. if the wind blows
• Sources for all costs used in the calculation
as anticipated; if the wind blows at the lowest annual
of annual cost estimates
recorded levels, etc.)
Applicants to the ZCB-Performance program must submit
proof of purchase (executed contracts) for all offsite green
• Proof of the generation facility’s commitment to retire
the environmental attributes (i.e. RECs) that have been
power products, as well as the following details for each
procured by the applicant (e.g. proof that RECs have
source of offsite green power:
been registered with a third party tracking system).
• Type of facility
• Ownership structure
Applicants to the ZCB-Performance program must submit
• Year of generation
a copy of all purchase agreements for offsite green power
• Location of generation
products on an annual basis. Applicants wishing to
• Fuel mix (if from more than one source)
demonstrate that a surplus of renewable energy was
• Estimates of total annual energy generation
purchased in the preceding year must submit documentation
• Proof of EcoLogo certification, if applicable to indicate the nature and extent of the surplus and how this
(mandatory for RECs)
affects the current year’s emissions balance.
22 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017


Table 2 Summary – Achieving the Zero Carbon Balance

Energy Source Portfolio Manager Meter GHG Calculation Method Emissions Balance
Direct Emissions (onsite combustion)
Fuel Oil, Propane, Diesel, Total site energy is multiplied
Fuel Oil, Propane, Diesel, Kerosene Added to Direct Emissions
or Kerosene Meter by national CO2e factor

Total site energy is multiplied

Natural Gas / Biogas Natural Gas Meter Added to Direct Emissions
by provincial CO2e factors1

Indirect Emissions
Total site energy is multiplied by
Grid or District Electricity Electric Meter Added to Indirect Emissions
average provincial CO2e factors1

District Steam, Hot Water, or Chilled Total site energy is multiplied by

District Heating/ Cooling Added to Indirect Emissions
Water Meter national CO2e factors1

Biomass Emissions (onsite combustion)

Total site energy is multiplied by
Biomass Wood Meter Added to Biomass Emissions
national CO2e factor for wood1

Avoided Emissions
Calculated using marginal provincial
Offsite Green Power – Bundled Electric Meter, specified Added to Avoided Emissions -
CO2e factors, based on the location
Electricity as Green Power Offsite Green Power
of power generation

Calculated using marginal provincial

Added to Avoided Emissions -
Offsite Green Power - RECs Tracked outside Portfolio Manager2 CO2e factors, based on the location
Offsite Green Power
of power generation

Onsite Green Power – Solar PV or Indirect emissions reduction as a result

Calculated using average provincial
Wind (used onsite, ownership of Electric Onsite Solar or Wind Meter of decreased consumption of grid
CO2e factors
RECs retained) electricity3

Onsite Green Power – Solar PV or

Calculated using marginal provincial Added to Avoided Emissions -
Wind (exported, ownership of RECs Electric Onsite Solar or Wind Meter
CO2e factors4 Exported Green Power4

Onsite Renewable Energy – Other Indirect emissions reduction as a result

Calculated using average provincial
than onsite green power (such as Electric Onsite Solar Meter5 of decreased consumption of grid
CO2e factors
solar thermal) electricity3

The ZCB program allows participants to submit individually-sourced emissions factors for biogas, biomass, district heating/cooling systems, and islanded or district
electricity systems, where the emissions factors are available and can be verified by a registered professional. Biogas and biomass may qualify as zero emissions.
As Portfolio Manager does not permit changes to default emissions factors, applicants must submit separate calculations.
Portfolio Manager enables tracking of RECs however they must be tied to an electricity meter. For the purposes of the ZCB program RECs must be tracked outside
Portfolio Manager so as to enable participants to use RECs to offset emissions from onsite combustion.
Portfolio Manager reports the benefit from reduced reliance on grid electricity in the Onsite Avoided Emissions metric; this metric does not contribute to lowering Net
Emissions under Portfolio Manager or the ZCB program, as it is only a quantification of the benefit gained from consuming less grid electricity.
The ZCB program recognizes avoided emissions from exported electricity generated from solar PV or wind. As Portfolio Manager does not recognize these avoided
emissions, applicants must submit separate calculations.
The ZCB program recognizes avoided emissions from other zero-emissions onsite renewable energy systems. As Portfolio Manager cannot assess emissions if any
meter is classified as “Other”, the meter for a renewable energy system other than solar PV or wind should be classified as electric onsite solar.
23 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

2. ZERO CARBON Applicants to the ZCB–Performance program that rely

on onsite combustion of fuels other than zero emissions
TRANSITION PLAN biofuels are required to submit a Zero Carbon Transition
Plan as part of their initial certification (unless ZCB-Design
Applicants to the ZCB program who rely on onsite
certification was achieved within the last 5 years).
combustion of fuels other than zero emissions biofuels must
Transition Plans must be updated every five years.
prepare a Zero Carbon Transition Plan. The transition plan
must indicate how the impact of onsite combustion will be
mitigated over the lifetime of the building, including the way
emissions derived from onsite combustion will be reduced
or eliminated using specific design or energy efficiency


The Zero Carbon Transition Plan must include the following

• A narrative describing why combustion of fuels, other

than zero emissions biofuels, is necessary (e.g. cite
financial and/or technical limitations to design/retrofit);
• A narrative of how building loads have been reduced
using heat recovery strategies and/or passive design
• A narrative describing the mechanical HVAC strategy
and how components of the system may be adapted
to accommodate non-combustion based technologies,
° Operating temperatures of the distribution system
and its ability to accommodate renewable or
electrical sourced heating;
° Space allocation for renewable or electrical-sourced
heating technologies;
° Any barriers to be overcome or preconditions that
must be in place for a conversion to a non-
combustion based heating source to occur;
• Drawings that show provisions for future upgrades
(e.g. space for electricity-based systems, roof space,
etc.); and
• A financial comparison of the designed or current
system and a non-combustion based alternative,
including a 20-year net present value calculation, which
includes current and projected fuel cost escalation and
a 3% discount rate.
24 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017


ENERGY GENERATION Applicants to the ZCB-Design program are required to
submit calculations for the predicted amount of usable
Applicants to the ZCB-Design program must install onsite energy produced onsite annually, demonstrating that at least
renewable energy systems to generate a minimum of 5% of 5% of the predicted total annual energy consumption will
the building’s total annual energy consumption. Generating be met through onsite renewable energy generation. Include
onsite renewable energy helps to improve building resilience the type of renewable energy system(s) and output files from
in the face of power outages, reduces overall demand the whole building energy simulation used to calculate the
from the electrical grid, minimizes environmental impacts predicted total annual energy consumption. Note that the
from power generation facilities, and helps prepare for a usable energy produced by the renewable energy system is
distributed energy future. the output energy from the system less any transmission and
conversion losses, such as standby heat loss or losses when
A separate meter in Portfolio Manager must be created to
converting electricity from DC to AC).
track each onsite renewable energy generation system. Note
that a Portfolio Manager onsite solar meter should be used to
track energy from a solar thermal system22. Applicants should
refer to the Portfolio Manager Technical Reference on Green
Power23 for details on entering information about onsite
green power such as solar PV or wind. All environmental
attributes (in the form of RECs) associated with the onsite
generation and/or export of onsite renewable energy must
be retained by the applicant (cannot be sold) to be counted
toward the fulfillment of the 5% minimum requirement and
the achievement of the zero carbon balance.

Applicants to the ZCB-Performance program are not required

to meet the minimum 5% onsite renewable energy generation
requirement, but are encouraged to consider retro-fitting
onsite renewable energy generation.

As Portfolio Manager cannot assess emissions if any meter is classified as “Other”, the meter for a renewable energy system other than solar PV or wind

should be classified as electric onsite solar.

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, Technical Reference: Green Power, 2013,
25 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017


DEMAND INTENSITY ZCB-Design applicants must provide the modelled TEDI
performance of the building, as well as a narrative of how
Thermal Energy Demand Intensity, or TEDI, refers to the TEDI has been reduced through the use of passive design
annual heat loss from a building’s envelope and ventilation, measures.
after accounting for all passive heat gains and losses. When
measured with modelling software, this is the amount of Applicants seeking ZCB-Performance certification are
heating energy delivered to the project that is outputted from not required to calculate or report TEDI performance.
any and all types of space heating equipment, per unit of
gross floor area.

The inclusion of a specific TEDI target results in greater

occupant comfort and ensures that building designers
focus on minimizing a building’s demand for energy prior to
producing or procuring renewable energy. The target also
helps to ensure long-term energy performance, as building
envelopes have long life spans and yield very reliable
efficiency gains. Furthermore, they are typically challenging
to retrofit. Finally, improved thermal performance is correlated
with improved resilience in the face of power outages, as
building interiors are better able to maintain comfortable
temperatures when the power supply is disrupted.

Applicants seeking ZCB-Design certification are required to

achieve a minimum level of performance in thermal energy
demand intensity according to the climate zones in which
their building is located. TEDI targets for each climate zone
are outlined in Table 3. TEDI is to be calculated according to
the Zero Carbon Building Energy Modeling Guidelines24 and
must be reported in kWh/m2/year.

Table 3 TEDI targets for ZCB-Design

Climate Zone TEDI target (kWh/m2/year)
4 30
5 32
6 34
7 36
8 40

The 30/kWh/m2/year target for Climate Zone 4 aligns

with some of the more stringent tiers of forthcoming
zero emissions building frameworks in leading Canadian

Available at
For example, a TEDI target of 30 kWh/m2/year approximately reflects a Tier 3 level of building performance under the City of Toronto’s Zero Emissions
Building Framework, as well as the proposed BC Step Code’s Step 3.
26 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017


Energy Use Intensity (EUI) refers to the sum of all site (not Several Canadian electrical grids are experiencing significant
source) energy consumed on site (e.g., electricity, natural stresses as populations grow and extreme weather events
gas, district heat), including all process energy, divided by the challenge the reliability of utility service delivery. Increased
building gross floor area. Applicants must report the total site demand can also push up the marginal emissions intensity
EUI of the building in kWh/m2/year. This will enable industry of electricity use in lower-carbon grids, as sources of backup
to learn from each zero carbon building. Reporting EUI also power often rely on natural gas. To address these concerns,
enables the building operators to gauge the effectiveness of applicants for certification under the Zero Carbon Building
energy conservation measures and demonstrate progress Standard are required to report their annual peak demand
over time. To provide flexibility to design teams, and in (or peak power) – the highest electrical load requirement in a
recognition of the further reductions in EUI that codes and year. Reporting will encourage projects to track and reduce
incentive/recognition programs can be expected to drive their peak demand over time, helping to reduce stress on the
over time, no EUI targets for new construction have been grid and the need for additional generation capacity.
established. Similarly, EUI targets have not been set for
Peak demand must represent the highest electrical load
operational performance to recognize the wide range in
requirement on the grid in a year, reflecting any peak-shaving
performance of existing buildings and encourage the greatest
impacts from demand management strategies including
number of buildings to achieve zero carbon.
onsite power generation or energy storage. Peak demand
must be measured and reported in kilowatts (kW).
ZCB-Design applicants must provide the modelled site
EUI of the building, calculated based on the total predicted
ZCB-Design applicants must provide the modelled peak
annual energy consumption from the whole building energy
demand of the building, as well as the date and time of day
simulation divided by the gross floor area.
when peak is modelled to occur.
ZCB-Performance applicants must provide the metered
ZCB-Performance applicants must provide the metered peak
site EUI reported in Portfolio Manager.
demand and, if available, the date and time of day when peak
demand occurred.
27 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017

7. EMBODIED CARBON The LCA can be conducted in any manner that is consistent
with international best practices, using regionally-appropriate
Although operational carbon emissions represent the key data and impact assessment methods. The LCA is easiest
focus of the Zero Carbon Building Standard, there is a to accomplish using a software tool specifically intended
growing awareness of the importance of addressing the for building design teams, with the necessary background
embodied carbon and other GHG emissions associated data and complex LCA methods already integrated within
with building materials. Emissions associated with the the tool. Building-specific simplified tools that do not require
manufacturing, transport, and installation of building advanced LCA knowledge and that are regionally-appropriate
components currently represent a relatively low proportion include:
of an average building’s total carbon footprint, but these
emissions grow in importance as operational emissions are • The Athena Impact Estimator for Buildings. This is a free
reduced. desktop software tool suitable for any stage of design,
and can operate on an imported bill of materials or will
Applicants must conduct a cradle-to-grave life cycle estimate material quantities based on user inputs about
assessment (LCA) of the project. The embodied carbon the building.
requirement has been limited to reporting, to encourage the
• Tally. This a Revit® plugin – it operates on the bill
building industry to grow capacity for conducting LCA - a of materials in a BIM model. There is an annual
practice that is still relatively new in Canada. subscription fee to access the software.

The LCA must include all envelope and structural elements

(including parking structure), including footings and 7.1. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION
foundations, and complete structural wall assemblies (from
ZCB-Design applicants must provide an embodied carbon
cladding to interior finishes, including basement), structural
floors and ceilings (not including finishes), roof assemblies,
and stairs construction, but exclude excavation and other ZCB-Performance applicants must provide an embodied
site development, partitions, building services (electrical, carbon report for initial certification (if ZCB-Design
mechanical, fire detection, alarm systems, elevators, etc.), certification was not previously awarded) and whenever
and parking lots. there are significant changes to the structural or envelope
The LCA must assume a building service life of 60 years.
If the service life of a product used in initial construction is Embodied carbon reports must identify:
greater than the building’s assumed service life, the impacts
associated with the product may not be discounted to reflect
• The LCA software selected

its remaining service life. • The elements of the building that are included in the
The LCA must include the following life cycle phases: • Total GWP (in kg CO2e) of the building
resource extraction, product manufacturing and
transportation, building construction, product maintenance Applicants may also submit a brief commentary on any
and replacement, and building demolition/deconstruction/ challenges in meeting this requirement and any measures
disposal. Do not include the operating energy used by the taken to reduce embodied carbon (optional).
If applicants are seeking the LCA credit in the LEED v4
Embodied carbon must be reported as the LCA impact BD+C: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction credit, Option
measure “global warming potential” (GWP), in kilograms of 4. Whole-Building Life-Cycle Assessment, they may submit
carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), following the US EPA’s Tool the relevant LEED documentation in lieu of the above
for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other requirements.
Environmental Impacts (TRACI).
28 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building Standard | May 2017


Figure 1 Compliance and Documentation Summary Flow Chart

Has the building been in

YES Is the building under NO YES
operation for more than
3 years?

Demonstrate a zero
ZCB – Design ZCB – Performance
carbon balance

Will you use custom Does the building

Does the building Does the building Does the building
emissions factors do any combustion of
generate any onsite procure EcoLogo procure offsite
for district energy, fuels other than zero
green power? certified RECs? bundled green power?
islanded electricity, emissions biofuels?
onsite biogas and/or


Is it EcoLogo certified?

Submit Portfolio Submit Onsite

Submit Alternative Submit Alternative
Manager Renewable Energy
GHG Emission Factors GHG Emission Factors Submit a Transition
documentation (1.8.1) documentation (1.8.3), YES NO
documentation (1.8.2), documentation (1.8.2), Plan (2.1)
including calculations including calculations including calculations
of avoided emissions
Submit proof of from any onsite
minimum 5% onsite renewable energy
renewable energy that is exported
generation (3.1)
Submit Offsite Green Submit Offsite Green
Power documentation Power documentation
(1.8.4) (1.8.4) and Non-EcoLogo
Certified Green Power
Products documentation

Modeled building TEDI

Submit Building
Energy Performance
Modeled building EUI Actual building EUI
(4.1, 5.1, 6.1)
Modeled building peak demand Actual building peak demand

Submit Embodied
Modeled embodied carbon Carbon Documentation Modeled embodied carbon
Building site: The building(s) and all associated area where energy is used or generated. A site
may include one or more buildings, either as independent structures or interconnected.

Bundled green power product: See bundled renewable low-impact electricity product.

Bundled renewable low-impact electricity product: As defined in the EcoLogo standard, a

product that includes both renewable low-impact electricity and the associated RECs.

Direct Emissions: Emissions from fuel that is directly burned at the building site, for example
natural gas that may be combusted to heat the building.

Embodied carbon: The emissions associated with the production, transportation, assembly,
use and eventual decommissioning of materials used in a building’s construction. Embodied
carbon is measured in kilograms of carbon equivalent.

Energy Use Intensity (EUI): The sum of all site energy (not source energy) consumed on site
(e.g., electricity, natural gas, district heat), including all process loads, divided by the building
gross floor area. EUI must be reported in kWh/m2/year.

Environmental attributes: The representation of the environmental costs and benefits

associated with a fixed amount of energy generation.

Generation facility: A power station designed and built to generate electricity.

Green power: Electricity generated from renewable resources, such as solar, wind, geothermal,
low-impact biomass, and low-impact hydro resources. Green power is a subset of renewable
energy that does not include renewable energy systems that do not produce electricity, such as
solar thermal systems. “Green power” is synonymous with “renewable low-impact electricity”,
a term used within the CCD-003 Renewable Low-Impact Electricity Products standard from
Green power product: A bundled green power product or REC.

Greenhouse Gas Intensity (GHGI): The total greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy
use on the building site. GHGI is reported in gCO2 e/m2year.

Gross Floor Area (GFA): The total property floor area, measured between the outside surface
of the exterior walls of the building(s). This includes all areas inside the building(s) including
supporting areas. GFA is reported in square meters.

Indirect Emissions: Emissions associated with energy purchased from a utility, for example
emissions associated with the generation of electricity or district steam.

Islanded grid: A small grid not connected to the provincial grid.

Peak demand: The building’s highest electricity load requirement in a year. Peak demand
is measured and reported in kW.

Provincial power pool: Any power pool of which a province is part including the power pool
defined by the local North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) region or, for
provinces and territories that are not part of a NERC region (i.e. Newfoundland and Labrador,
Yukon, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories), the provincial/ territorial electricity system. The
NERC regions define the following groupings of Canadian provinces:
1. British Columbia and Alberta
2. Saskatchewan and Manitoba
3. Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island

Onsite Renewable Energy: Energy generated on site from renewable sources, such as solar
or wind. Where a site is not able to export energy off the site (i.e. where the building is not
connected to the electricity grid), only that energy that can be consumed (or stored and then
consumed) onsite is considered onsite renewable energy.

Renewable energy: A source of energy that is replenished through natural process or using
sustainable management policies such that it is not depleted at current levels of consumption.
Air-source and ground-source (geothermal) heat pump systems do not constitute renewable
Renewable Energy Certificate (REC): An authorized electronic or paper representation of the
environmental attributes associated with the generation of 1 MWh of renewable energy.

Site Energy: The amount of energy used on the building site.

Source Energy: The amount of raw fuel that is required to operate the building, incorporating all
transmission, delivery, and production losses (such as in the generation and transmission
of electricity).

Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI): The annual heat loss from the building envelope
and ventilation. When calculated with modelling software, this is the amount of heating energy
delivered to the project that is outputted from any and all types of space heating equipment, per
unit of gross floor area. TEDI must be reported in kWh/m2/year.

Zero Carbon Building: A highly energy efficient building that produces onsite, or procures,
carbon-free renewable energy in an amount sufficient to offset the annual carbon emissions
associated with building operations.

Zero Emissions Biofuel: Biogas or biomass fuels considered to be net-carbon neutral as the
amount of carbon released by combustion approximately equates to the carbon that would have
been released by natural decomposition processes.
Canada Green Building Council
202-47 Clarence Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 9K1
Telephone: +1 (613) 241-1184
Fax: +1 (613) 241-4782
Toll-free: +1 (866) 941-1184

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