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Allen: Test Paper of Jee (Main) Examination - 2019

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JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019


(Held On Saturday 12th JANUARY, 2019) TIME : 09 : 30 AM To 12 : 30 PM
1. Two light identical springs of spring constant 2. A cylinder of radius R is surrounded by a
k are attached horizontally at the two ends of cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer
a uniform horizontal rod AB of length l and radius 2R. The thermal conductivity of the
mass m. The rod is pivoted at its centre 'O' and material of the inner cylinder is K1 and that of
can rotate freely in horizontal plane. The other the outer cylinder is K2. Assuming no loss of
ends of the two springs are fixed to rigid heat, the effective thermal conductivity of the
supports as shown in figure. The rod is gently system for heat flowing along the length of the
pushed through a small angle and released. The cylinder is:
frequency of resulting oscillation is: K1 + K 2
(1) K1 + K2 (2)
1 6k A 2
(1) 2K1 + 3K 2 K1 + 3K 2
2p m y
(3) (4)
1 2k 5 4
(2) x Ans. (4)
2p m


1 k
2p m
1 3k
2p m
Ans. (1) Sol.


K1A1 + K 2 A 2
q K eq =
A1 + A 2

( )
K1 pR 2 + K 2 3pR 2 ( )
4pR 2

K1 + 3K 2
Sol. Kx 4
3. A travelling harmonic wave is represented by
l the equation y (x, t) = 10–3 sin (50 t + 2x), where
t = -2Kx cos q x and y are in meter and t is in seconds. Which
of the following is a correct statement about the
æ Kl 2 ö wave?
Þ t = ç 2 ÷ q = -Cq The wave is propagating along the
è ø
(1) negative x-axis with speed 25ms–1
Kl 2 (2) The wave is propagating along the positive
1 C 1 2
f= = x-axis with speed 25 ms–1
Þ 2p I 2p Ml 2 (3) The wave is propagating along the positive
12 x-axis with speed 100 ms–1
(4) The wave is propagating along the negative
1 6K
Þ f= x-axis with speed 100 ms–1
2p M Ans. (1)

E 1
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
Sol. y= a sin(wt + kx) (1) 10 V/m (2) 24 V/m
Þ wave is moving along –ve x-axis with speed (3) 30 V/m (4) 6 V/m
Ans. (2)
w 50
n= Þn= = 25m / sec.
K 2 96
Sol. Prefracted = PI
4. A straight rod of length L extends from x = a 100
to x=L + a. The gravitational force is exerts on 96
Þ K 2A t =
a point mass 'm' at x = 0, if the mass per unit K1A 2i
length of the rod is A + Bx2, is given by:
Þ r2 A t =
r1A i2
(1) Gm éê A æç 1 - 1 ö÷ - BL ùú 100
ë èa+L aø û
96 1
´ ´ ( 30 )
é 1 ù Þ A 2t =
(2) Gm ê A æç -
1 ö 100 3
÷ + BL ú
ë èa a+Lø û 2

é æ 1 1ö ù 64
- ÷ + BL ú ´ ( 30 ) = 24
(3) Gm ê A ç At
ë è

é æ1

(4) Gm ê A ç -
+ L

1 ö
ë èa a+Lø
a ø

÷ - BL ú
û EN 6.
The output of the given logic circuit is :

Ans. (2)

(1) AB
(2) AB
dm= (A + Bx )dx2
(3) AB + AB
dF = (4) AB + AB

Ans. (2)
a + L GM
= F = òa
(2 )
A + Bx 2 dx

a+ L A+ B A + B =A + B
é A ù
= GM ê- + Bx ú Sol.
Y = (A + B)A
ë x ûa A+B A+ B A
é æ1 1 ö ù B
= GM ê A ç - ÷ + BL ú
ë èa a+Lø û Y = (A + B) A
5. A light wave is incident normally on a glass slab
of refractive index 1.5. If 4% of light gets = A + AB
reflected and the amplitude of the electric field
of the incident light is 30V/m, then the ( )
= A AB
amplitude of the electric field for the wave
propogating in the glass medium will be: = A ( A + B)

= A + AB = AB

2 E
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
7. In the figure shown, after the switch 'S' is turned
r2 µ n
from position 'A' to position 'B', the energy
dissipated in the circuit in terms of capacitance 1 2 1
E= kr + mv 2 µ r 2
'C' and total charge 'Q' is: 2 2
A B µn
9. Two electric bulbs, rated at (25 W, 220 V) and
(100 W, 220 V), are connected in series across
C 3C a 220 V voltage source. If the 25 W and
100 W bulbs draw powers P 1 and P 2
respectively, then:
3 Q2 3 Q2 1 Q2 5 Q2 (1) P1 = 9 W, P2 = 16 W
(1) (2) (3) (4)
8 C 4 C 8 C 8 C (2) P1 = 4 W, P2 = 16W
Ans. (1) (3) P1 = 16 W, P2 = 4W
(4) P1 16 W, P2 = 9W
1 Ans. (3)
Sol. Vi = CE2
2 220 2
Sol. R1 =
( CE )

Vf =

2 ´ 4c

3 3
DE = CE 2 ´ = CE 2
4 8
1 CE 2
2 4
EN R2 =

220 2

R1 + R 2
8. A particle of mass m moves in a circular orbit
P 1 = i2 R 1
1 2 P2 = i2 (R2 = 4W)
in a central potential field U(r) = kr . If Bohr's
quantization conditions are applied, radii of 220 2 220 2
= ´
possible orbitals and energy levels vary with æ 220 2 220 2 ö 25
ç + ÷
quantum number n as: è 25 100 ø
1 1
(1) rn µ n2 , En µ (2) rn µ n,E n µ 400
n2 n = = 16W

(3) rn µ n, En µ n (4) rn µ n , En µ n
10. A satellite of mass M is in a circular orbit of
Ans. (4)
radius R about the centre of the earth. A
dV mv 2 meteorite of the same mass, falling towards the
Sol. F= = kr =
dr r earth, collides with the satellite completely
inelastically. The speeds of the satellite and the
nh meteorite are the same, just before the collision.
mvr =
2p The subsequent motion of the combined body
will be :
r2 µ n

E 3
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
(1) in a circular orbit of a different radius
1 f
(2) in the same circular orbit of radius R Sol. Energy = nRT = PV
2 2
(3) in an elliptical orbit
(4) such that it escapes to infinity f
Ans. (3) =
( )
3 ´ 10 6 ( 2 )

Sol. mnˆi + mnˆj = f × 3 × 106

r Considering gas is monoatomic i.e. f = 3
= 2mn1
E. = 9 × 106 J
r 1 GM Option-(4)
n= ´
2 R 14. A 100 V carrier wave is made to vary between
11. Let the moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder 160 V and 40 V by a modulating signal. What
of length 30 cm (inner radius 10 cm and outer is the modulation index?
radius 20 cm), about its axis be I. The radius (1) 0.6 (2) 0.5 (3) 0.3 (4) 0.4
of a thin cylinder of the same mass such that Ans. (1)
Sol. Em + Ec = 160 E 60
its moment of inertia about its axis is also I, is: m= m =
Em + 100 = 160 E C 100
(1) 12 cm (2) 18 cm (3) 16 cm (4) 14 cm m = 0.6
Ans. (3) EN
12. A passenger train of length 60m travels at a
speed of 80 km/hr. Another freight train of
length 120 m travels at a speed of 30 km/hr.
Em = 60
The galvanometer deflection, when key K1 is
closed but K2 is open, equals q0 (see figure).
On closing K2 also and adjusting R2 to 5W, the
The ratio of times taken by the passenger train
to completely cross the freight train when : (i) deflection in galvanometer becomes . The
they are moving in the same direction, and (ii)
in the opposite directions is : resistance of the galvanometer is, then, given
by [Neglect the internal resistance of battery]:
5 25 3 11
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 11 2 5 R2
Ans. (4) R1=220W
13. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 2m 3 at a
pressure of 3 × 106 Pa. The energy of the gas G

(1) 3 × 102 (2) 108 J
(3) 6 × 104 J (4) 9 × 106 J K1
Ans. (4)
(1) 12W (2) 25W (3) 5W (4) 22W
Ans. (4)

4 E
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
AB = Vp × t
Sol. case I ig = = C q0 ..(i) BC = Vt
220 + R g

Case II AB
cos60° =
æ ö
ç ÷ 1 Vp ´ t
E 5 Cq0 =
ig = ç ÷´ = 2 Vt
ç 5R g ÷ ( R g + 5) 5 ..(ii)
çç 220 + ÷÷
è 5 + Rg ø V
VP =

5E C q0 17. A proton and an a-particle (with their masses

Þ 225R + 1100 = 5 ..(ii) in the ratio of 1:4 and charges in the ratio of
1:2) are accelerated from rest through a
E potential difference V. If a uniform magnetic
= Cq ...(i) field (B) is set up perpendicular to their
220 + R g
velocities, the ratio of the radii rp : ra of the
circular paths described by them will be :
225R g + 1100
1100 + 5R g

Þ 5500 + 25R g = 225Rg + 1100

EN (1) 1: 2 (2) 1 : 2
Ans. (1)
Sol. KE = qDV
(3) 1 : 3 (4) 1: 3

200Rg = 4400
Rg = 22W 2mqDV
Ans. – 4 qB
16. A person standing on an open ground hears the
sound of a jet aeroplane, coming from north at m

an angle 60° with ground level. But he finds q
the aeroplane right vertically above his position.
If u is the speed of sound, speed of the plane rp 1
is : rµ 2

2u 18. A point source of light, S is placed at a

(1) (2) u distance L in front of the centre of plane mirror
of width d which is hanging vertically on a wall.
u 3 A man walks in front of the mirror along a line
(3) (4) u
2 2 parallel to the mirror, at a distance 2L as shown
Ans. (3) below. The distance over which the man can
see the image of the light source in the mirror
Sol. is :

d ·S


E 5
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019

(1) 3d (2)
(3) d (4) 2d
Ans. (1)

Sol. 3d
I S 2 Before colision After collision
L vm
L L 3d v1 M
v = 2gl (1 - cos q0 ) v1 = 2gl (1 - cos q1 )

By momentum conservation

3d m 2gl (1 - cos q0 ) = MVm - m 2gl (1 - cos q

19. The least count of the main scale of a screw
gauge is 1 mm. The minimum number of
EN Þ m 2gl { }
1 - cos q0 + 1 - cos q1 = MVm
divisions on its circular scale required to
measure 5mm diameter of wire is : Vm + 2gl (1 - cos q1 )
and e = 1 =
(1) 50 (2) 100 2gl (1 - cos q0 )
(3) 200 (4) 500
Ans. (3)
2gl ( )
1 - cos q0 - 1 - cos q1 = Vm ..(I)
Sol. Least count =
Number of division on circular scale m 2gl ( )
1 - cos q0 + 1 - cos q1 = MVM ..(II)
10 -3 Dividing
5 ´ 10 –6 =
N = 200 ( 1 - cos q0 + 1 - cos q1 )= M
20. A simple pendulum, made of a string of length ( 1 - cos q ) m

1 - cos q0 - 1
l and a bob of mass m, is released from a small
angle q0. It strikes a block of mass M, kept on By componendo divided
a horizontal surface at its lowest point of
oscillations, elastically. It bounces back and æq ö
sin ç 1 ÷
m -M 1 - cos q1 è2ø
goes up to an angle q1. Then M is given by : = =
m+M 1 - cos q0 sin æ q0 ö
ç ÷
m æ q0 - q1 ö m æ q0 + q1 ö è 2ø
(1) 2 ç q + q ÷ (2) 2 ç q - q ÷
è 0 1ø è 0 1ø
M q0 - q1 q0 - q1
Þ m = q +q Þ M = q +q
æ q0 + q1 ö æ q0 - q1 ö 0 1 0 1
(3) m ç q - q ÷ (4) m ç q + q ÷
è 0 1ø è 0 1ø
Ans. (3)

6 E
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
(1) 6A (2) 7.5A
21. What is the position and nature of image
(3) 5.5A (4) 3A
formed by lens combination shown in figure?
Ans. (1)
(f1, f2 are focal lengths)
Sol. Ideal inductor will behave like zero
resistance long time after switch is closed
2 cm

O e R

20cm f1 = +5cm f2 = –5cm

2e 2 ´ 15
I= = = 6A
R 5
(1) 70 cm from point B at left; virtual
23. Determine the electric dipole moment of the
(2) 40 cm from point B at right; real
system of three charges, placed on the vertices
20 of an equilateral triangle, as shown in the
(3) cm from point B at right , real
3 figure:
(4) 70 cm from point B at right, real
Ans. (4)
Sol. For first lens
EN y




V -20 5
ˆi + ˆj ˆj - ˆi
20 (1) (ql) (2) 3ql
V= 2 2
For second lens (3) - 3q l ˆj (4) 2ql ˆj

20 14 Ans. (3)
V= -2 =
3 3
1 1 1
- =

V 14 -5
3 –2q

V = 70cm Sol. P1 P2
22. In the figure shown, a circuit contains two
identical resistors with resistance R = 5W and +q +q
an inductance with L = 2mH. An ideal battery
of 15 V is connected in the circuit. What will |P1| = q(d)
be the current through the battery long after the |P2| = qd
switch is closed? |Resultant| = 2 P cos30º

S æ 3ö
2 qd çç 2 ÷÷ = 3 qd
è ø
15 V

E 7
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
24. The position vector of the centre of mass r cm
of an symmetric uniform bar of negligible area O
of cross-section as shown in figure is : L P Q
M x

(1) 40 A, perpendicular into the page
(2) 40 A, perpendicular out of the page
L 2L 3L
(3) 20 A, perpendicular out of the page
® 13 5
(1) r cm = Lxˆ + Lyˆ (4) 20 A, perpendicular into the page
8 8
Ans. (4)
® 11 3
(2) r cm = L xˆ + Lyˆ Sol. Magnetic field at ‘O’ will be done to ‘PS’ and
8 8 ‘QN’ only
® 3 11 i.e. B0 = BPS + BQN ® Both inwards
(3) r cm = L xˆ + Lyˆ
8 8 Let current in each wire = i
® 5 13 µ 0i µ 0i
(4) r cm = L xˆ + Lyˆ \ B0 = +

Ans. (1)
8 8 EN or

10–4 =
i = 20 A
4pd 4pd
µ 0i
2 ´10-7 ´ i
4 ´10-2
2m (L,L)
26. In a meter bridge, the wire of length 1 m has
m 2L, L a non-uniform cross-section such that, the
Sol. 2 5L , 0
variation dR of its resistance R with length l
2L m 3L dl

5mL dR 1
2mL + 2mL + is µ . Two equal resistances are
2 = 13 L dl l
X cm =
4m 8 connected as shown in the figure. The
æ Lö galvanometer has zero deflection when the

2m ´ L + m ´ ç ÷ + m ´ 0 jockey is at point P. What is the length AP?

è 2ø 5L
Ycm = =
4m 8
25. As shown in the figure, two infinitely long,
identical wires are bent by 90° and placed in R' R'
such a way that the segments LP and QM are
along the x-axis, while segments PS and QN
are parallel to the y-axis. If OP = OQ = 4cm, G
and the magnitude of the magnetic field at O P
is 10–4 T, and the two wires carry equal currents A B
(see figure), the magnitude of the current in l 1 l
each wire and the direction of the magnetic field
at O will be (m0 = 4p × 10–7 NA– 2) : (1) 0.25 m (2) 0.3m
(3) 0.35 m (4) 0.2 m
Ans. (1)

8 E
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019

dl 28. An ideal battery of 4 V and resistance R are

Sol. For the given wire : dR = C , where C =
l connected in series in the primary circuit of a
constant. potentiometer of length 1 m and resistance 5W.
Let resistance of part AP is R1 and PB is R2 The value of R, to give a potential difference
of 5 mV across 10 cm of potentiometer wire,
R ' R1
\ = is :
R ' R 2 or R 1 = R 2 By balanced
(1) 490 W (2) 480 W
WSB concept. (3) 395 W (4) 495 W
dl Ans. (3)
Now ò dR = cò l
4v R
-1/ 2
\ R1 = C ò l dl = C.2. l
0 i i
Sol. 5W i
-1/ 2 1m
R2 = C ò l dl = C.(2 – 2 l )
l Let current flowing in the wire is i.
Putting R1 = R2
C2 l = C (2 – 2 l )
\2 l =1
EN \ i= ç
æ 4 ö
è R +5ø
If resistance of 10 m length of wire is x
l = 2 then x = 0.5 W = 5 ×
1 \ DV = P. d. on wire = i. x
i.e. l = m Þ 0.25 m
4 æ 4 ö
5 × 10–3 = ç ÷·(0.5)
27. For the given cyclic process CAB as shown for è R +5ø
a gas, the work done is : 4
C A \ = 10–2 or R + 5 = 400 W
6.0 R +5
\ R = 395 W
29. A particle A of mass 'm' and charge 'q' is
p(Pa) 4 accelerated by a potential difference of 50 V.
Another particle B of mass '4 m' and charge 'q'

is accelerated by a potential difference of 2500
1 B
1 2 3 4 5 lA
3 V. The ratio of de-Broglie wavelengths l is
V(m ) B
(1) 1 J (2) 5 J
close to :
(3) 10 J (4) 30 J
(1) 10.00 (2) 14.14 (3) 4.47 (4) 0.07
Ans. (3)
Ans. (2)
Sol. Since P–V indicator diagram is given, so work
Sol. K.E. acquired by charge = K = qV
done by gas is area under the cyclic diagram.
h h h
1 l= p= =
\ DW = Work done by gas = ×4×5J 2mK 2mqV
= 10 J
lA 2m Bq B VB 4m.q.2500
\ l = =
= 2 50
B 2m A q A VA

= 2 × 7.07 = 14.14

E 9
JEE ( Main ) Examination–2019/Morning Session/12-01-2019
30. There is a uniform spherically symmetric Sol. At any instant 't'
surface charge density at a distance R0 from the Total energy of charge distribution is constant
origin. The charge distribution is initially at rest
1 KQ 2 KQ 2
and starts expanding because of mutual i.e. mV 2
+ = 0 +
2 2R 2R 0
repulsion. The figure that represents best the
speed V(R(t)) of the distribution as a function
1 KQ2 KQ2
of its instantaneous radius R (t) is : \ mV 2
= -
2 2R 0 2R
V(R(t)) V(R(t))
2 KQ2 æ 1 1 ö
\ V= .ç - ÷
m 2 è R0 R ø
(1) (2)

R0 R(t)
R(t) R0 KQ 2 æ 1 1 ö 1 1
\ V= ç - ÷ =C -
V(R(t)) m è R0 R ø R0 R
Also the slope of v-s curve will go on

Ans. (1)
R0 R(t)

\ Graph is correctly shown by option(1)

10 E

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