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China Harbour Engineering Co.L.L.C.



MS-014-0.0 Page 1
China Harbour Engineering Co.L.L.C.


1.0 PURPOSE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

2.0 SCOPE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
3.0 REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
4.0 DEFINITIONS ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
6.0 PROCEDURE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
6.1 Preliminary Checks ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
6.2 Quality Control Checks …………………………………………………………………………………… 5
6.3 Formwork / False work checks ………………………………………………………………..………. 6
6.4 Steel Reinforcement Checks………………………………………………………………………………… 6
6.5 Concrete Pre-Pour Checks…………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
6.6 Concrete Checks on arrival……………………………………………………..…………………………… 8

6.7 Concrete Sampling and Testing…………………………………………………………………………… 8

6.8 Checks during Concreting ……………………………………….………………………………………. 10

6.9 Post-Concreting Checks …………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
6.10 Stripping of Formworks / False work checks …………………………………………………… 11

7.0 ATTACHMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

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The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that correct methods are used during transportation,
placement and compaction of the cast-in place concrete and to also ensure that documentation is
generated to record the fundamental checks for pre-pour activities, In process activities and sampling
and testing of the concrete to demonstrate that the completed cast-in place concrete works in
accordance with the specifications, drawings and contract requirements.


The scope of this procedure is limited to the cast-in place concrete works for substructure such as
Foundations, Tie beams / Grade slabs and superstructure Columns / walls, Beams / slabs.

The scope of this procedure covers: Pre-concrete inspection, Concrete control-ordering, receiving and
placing, In-process concreting inspection and recording including sampling and testing of concrete.
The procedure also covers the inspection of reinforcing steel, formwork, embedded items and related
aspects prior to concrete placement. This procedure also defines the inspections to be made to verify
that the transporting, placing and sampling activities are in conformance with specified requirements.


 MS.............
 ITP...............
 CECKLIST............
 Specification: .


MS : Method Statement
ITP : Inspection and Testing Plan
RA : Risk Assessment
HSE : Health, Safety & Environment
FM : Check Sheet Form
QC : Quality Control
QCP : Quality Control Procedure

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ITR : Inspection and Testing Request for Approval

ITL : Independent Testing Laboratory
RMC : Ready-Mix Concrete


The Project Manager shall review and approve the methodology for the execution of the works, and
ensure that the works are implemented in an efficient manner. The Project Manager is generally
responsible for the overall project execution, quality and safety.

The Construction Manager will coordinate with Safety Officer and ensure that necessary resources are
available to implement the approved method statement. He will be responsible for the monitoring of
the work progress on daily basis to ensure that activities are accomplished as per the construction
program. He shall ensure that the appropriate procedures are followed by all the involved personnel.

The Project/ Site Engineer shall ensure that the works are carried out according to design, approved shop
drawings and procedures. He will be responsible to coordinate, check and follow up the concreting works and
ensure that proper sequence of activities is followed in order to achieve target completion. He will ensure that
safe work practices are followed for all works under his care. He will be responsible to coordinate RMC supplier
for arranging concrete supply to site and to ensure that the correct mix design and quantity of concrete is

The MEP coordinator / Engineer will coordinate with the Construction Manager / or Project Engineer in
advance of all MEP installation works interfacing in line with work progress and concrete pouring schedules. He
will coordinate with MEP subcontractor and ensure that all MEP installations works are completed prior to any
concrete pour. He will submit separate ITR to the Company Engineer for MEP works involved at the locations
prior to concrete pouring schedule. A copy to be forwarded to the QA/QC Engineer for all submitted ITRs and
copy of approvals.

The QA/QC Engineer shall ensure that works are carried out in accordance to the requirement of quality control.
He shall ensure that all ITP requirements are met. The QA/QC Engineer shall ensure that all necessary ITR and
Checklist for inspection and testing are processed and put forward to the Company Engineer for notification. He
shall ensure that materials being used are approved by the Company .He will ensure that all arrangements and
equipment for the sampling, curing, storing and transportation of cubes are properly planned and organized.
The QA/QC Engineer has the responsibility to review and submit all concrete test results to the Company
representative and to ensure that all related documentation is prepared, distributed, signed-off and filed.

The Surveyor shall be responsible in setting-out the location (coordinate points), line and levels of concrete
structures and other dimensional requirements in accordance with the approved shop drawings.

The HSE Officer will monitor and implement all HSE related issues. He shall ensure that all necessary
requirements regarding health, safety and environment concerns are met and adhered to. The HSE Officer shall

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ensure that all permits and authorization are on hand prior to starting any site operation.

The Foreman/Supervisor will be responsible to carry out the work in safe manner and to supervise the work
force together with the proper execution and monitoring of works, and all appropriate checks will be carried
out during progressive and completion stage of work. He will ensure that sufficient manpower, vibration
equipment, lighting and tools, etc. including all agreed stand-by equipment are mobilized prior to starting of

The ITL Concrete Technician is responsible for inspecting the concrete delivery notes, conducting the sampling
and testing of fresh concrete (slump and cubes) and recording the related results..


6.1 Preliminary Checks

Before the start of the concreting works, ensure that this document together with the following
documents are submitted and approved by the Company.
 Shop Drawings
 Concrete mix designs
 MS, QCP, ITP and Quality Check Sheets
 Approved materials and acceptance of materials upon delivery (material inspections)
 Material Safety data sheet (MSDS)
 Batching Plant and RMC Supplier
 Testing of related materials as per the specifications
 Independent Testing Laboratory

6.2 Quality Control Checks

Carry-out quality control checks for concrete works including reinforcement, formworks in all stages
involved for the following activities.

 Preliminary checks (section 6.1)

 Formwork/False work Checks (section 6.3)
 Steel reinforcement checks (6.4)
 Concrete pre-pour checks (section6.5)
 Concrete Checks on arrival (section 6.6)
 Concrete sampling and testing (section 6.7)
 Checks during concreting (section 6.8)
 Post concreting checks (section 6.9)
 Stripping of formworks / false work checks (section 6.10)

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6.3 Form work / False work checks

The following checks will be done to ensure that formwork complies with the Specification
The formworks are erected within the allowable tolerances as specified in the specification
section 03300 –2.6 and as per the approved method statements, drawings – correct lines, in
plumb and levels, and is braced with adequate props, tie rods and supports.

 An approved release agent has been used on forms. Damaged from works has not been
 Construction joints with key are I place as per the drawings and Spec. Section 03300-2.7
 All formworks should be clean and the faces of the forms in contact with concrete shall be
free from adhering foreign matter, projecting nails, splits or other defects.
 The surveyor shall check setting out and survey checks as in coordinates, levels, line,
alignment, plumb etc.
 Dimensional / positional checks will be carried out by the Project / Site Engineer and
Foreman and noted on the check sheet as per the approved shop drawings.
 Necessary openings / provision for other services have been retained as per the drawings.
 Embedded items if any are installed as per the approved drawings and are properly
secured and supported.
 When formwork installation is ready, an ITR will be made where applicable in an advance
of the scheduled inspection by the Company Engineer.
 Formworks / false work are removed as per the specification section 2.3.5 & 2.3.3 of
division 03300.

Removal of form work / Cold weather Normal weather

False work form ( below 16⁰C) (Above 16⁰C < 38⁰C)
Sides of beams, slabs, walls and
72 hours 48 hours
columns (unloaded)
Slab soffits forms (Props left under) 14 days 10 days
Beams soffits forms ( Props left under) 14 days 7 days
Props for slabs 18 days 11 days
Props to beams 21 days 14 days

6.4 Steel Reinforcement Checks

Following checks will be done to ensure that the reinforcement complies with the
specification requirements Section 03300-2.4

 Receipt and review of mill test certificates and reinforcement supplier’s quality

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documentation for rebar deliveries to site.

 The following test will be carried out by the ITL for the reinforcement bars received on
site and the test results will be submitted to the COMPANY for approval.

Type of test Test method or BS Test frequency

Tensile strength includes bend, BS EN 4449:2005, Min 2 samples per bar
re-bend and chemical analysis BS 4482, BS 4483 diameter per delivery to site

 Proper size and types of the cut and bent bars have been placed as per the approved
drawing and tied with binding wire with specified spacing / overlaps.
 Necessary stirrups, supports and cover are provided as per the approve type, size and
 All reinforcement are cleaned within 24 hours of concreting and are free oil marks, dirt,
rust, and loose scales.
 Upon satisfactory completion of rebar works, all appropriate checks will be carried out by
the Project Engineer / Site Engineer, QA/QC Engineer and Foreman and noted on the
check sheet.
 When ready for inspection, an ITR will be made in advance of 24 hours for inspection by
the COMPANY Engineer.
 Do not close the formwork for columns / walls unless the reinforcement installation is
inspected and approved by the COMPANY Engineer.

6.5 Concrete Pre-Pour checks

Before concrete arrives at the site the Construction Manager and Project Engineer / Site Engineer
shall ensure the following.

 All the activities prior to the concreting have been completed.

 The completed works are inspected and approved by the COMPANY for concrete placement.
 MEP services are inspected and approved by the COMPANY and in line with work progress and
concrete pouring schedules.
 Concreting sequence has been planned
 Concrete pump, chute, buckets/ pipe extension as applicable are in place
 Safe access / egress points
 Necessary platform have been erected for concrete pour and finishing.
 Necessary consolidating equipments are available – Vibrators and pokers of proper size including
one stand by unit.
 Necessary curing materials – water, polythene sheets and absorptive mats are available.
 Concreting area is clean and ready to receive fresh concrete.
 Necessary corrective action if any after the inspection by the COMPANY have been completed.

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 Availability of steel fixers / carpenters for any corrective action during the concreting
 Weather condition (no rain, sand storm) and ambient temperature will be less than 38⁰C during
 Current approved drawing is being used by the Surveyor/Foreman.
 Formwork and Reinforcement are installed according to approved drawings / method statement.
 Dimensional/positional checks are carried out as per the approved shop drawings.
 Safety precautions are in place.

6.6 Concrete checks on arrival

 On arrival on concrete truck on site, the QA/QC Engineer will ensure that the right
concrete mix has been received and the allowable time limit between batching and
placing of concrete is not exceeded as per the specification requirements.
 In hot weather, take suitable precautions to ensure that the temperature of fresh
concrete does not exceed 30⁰C.
 Any required inspection, sampling and testing will be carried out by the ITL Concrete
technician as per the specifications described in the following section 6.7 under
supervision of the QA/QC Engineer.

6.7 Concrete Sampling and Testing

Upon arrival of the concrete mixer truck on site the delivery ticket of each ready mix concrete
truck will be checked and noted to confirm correct mix being supplied. Check that the
ambient air temperature does not exceed 38⁰C. In hot weather, take suitable precautions to
ensure that the temperature of fresh concrete as placed does not exceed 30⁰C.

The slump test or visual assessment will be carried out on each load of concrete delivered to
site. Slump tests will be conducted at the point of discharge (from the mixer truck) in
accordance with BS 1881: Pt 102: 1983.

Slump and concrete cube sampling testing is to be carried out by an ITL Concrete Technician.
The concrete technician will take cubes at the required frequency for each type of concrete
delivered to the site each of these loads will also have a slump test taken from it.

Concrete temperature will be checked for every 20m3. Slump rate for concrete pours: 1 test /
truck initially. When confidence is gained subsequent compliant slump test, each truck is then
visually checked with an estimated value noted on the concrete pour record sheet. Any
suspect load of slump to be tested to confirm compliance. Where cubes are taken and at
every 5th load a slump test is to be carried out, this also acts as a check to confirm accuracy of
the visual checks. This method will ensure maximum pumping rates and prevent disruption to

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flow of truck mixers whist identifying any non-compliant material.

If a concrete delivery is found to be out of specification, it will be rejected and sent back to
the Batching Plant. The next load of concrete delivered will not be placed until the slump test
is completed and found to be within specification.

The slump of the concrete is to be within the limits stated in BS 5328: Part 4: 1990: Clause 3:5
(ii) and in accordance with the approved design mixes.

The rate of sampling for compressive strength & durability testing will be according to the
project specification as detailed in the following table.

Type of test Test method or BS equivalent Test frequency

Strength (Cubes) BS EN 12390- 1 & 2:2000 3 samples / 20m3
Four (4) tests every month for the
Rapid chloride
ASTM C1202 first three months of production,
permeability (RCP)
and then every three (3) months
Three (3) test every month for the
Water penetration
DIN 1048 first three months of production,
and then every three (3) months
Three (3) test every month for the
Porosity RILEM CPC 11.3 first three months of production,
and then every three (3) months
Three (3) test every month for the
Water Absorption BS EN 12390- 1 & 2:2000 first three months of production,
and then every three (3) months
Three (3) test every month for the
Total Chloride ASTM C1152 and C1218 first three months of production,
and then every three (3) months
Three (3) test every month for the
Total Sulphates ASTM C856 first three months of production,
and then every three (3) months

Test cubes will be made and uniquely referenced by ITL concrete technician, and forwarded
to the designated testing laboratory (Arab Center for Engineering studies) for storage and

Two copies of all test reports shall be submitted to the COMPANY within 3 days after
specified period of curing and testing.

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Traceability of all concrete placed on site will be recorded on the Concrete pour record
sheets and marked up on sketches will be attached. These documents will be cross-
referenced to ITR and concrete test cubes.

The batching plant will supply delivery dockets for each load of concrete. These will be
reviewed by ITL Concrete technician/ QA/QC Engineer. The concrete delivery ticket number,
slump achieved, number of cubes made and other relevant information will also be noted on
the Concrete pour record sheet. The copies of delivery tickets will be attached to the
concrete pour record sheet and submitted to the COMPANY for information and record

6.8 Checks during Concreting

During concreting pour the following will be assured.

 The Site Engineer / Foreman will monitor and ensure that, the concreting team is aware
of the concreting work methods in accordance with the specification requirements on
concrete placement.
 Foundations, beams, and slabs are casted in full design at one operation and
consolidation with proper size of vibrators so that a consistent mass is obtained without
segregation (Ref. specification section 03300- 3.2.4)
 Vertical free drop of the concrete should not exceed 1.5m unless special precautions are
taken to prevent segregation.
 Concrete is finished at uniform surfaces depending upon further operations.
 The required remaining concrete quantity is checked / measured to make sure that no
delay in delivery will occur, so as to avoid cold joints.
 Curing activity will start as soon as the concrete is set, the surface of the concrete will be
cured by water applied, covered with hessian/burlap cloth and damped with water
continuously for 7 days as per the specifications.

6.9 Post-Concreting Checks

 The Site Engineer/ Foreman will randomly check and ensure that the concrete surface is
cured for minimum of 7 days as per the specifications.
 The QA/QC Engineer on his routine checks will ensure that the curing is completed as per
the specification requirement.
 When concrete curing is completed and the forms have been removed completely
(specification section 03300 – 2.3.5 & 3.3) the QA/QC Engineer along with Site Engineer
and COMPANY representative will inspect the concrete structure for any defects in the
formed concrete structure. Remedial work will be agreed with the COMPANY

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representative during this inspection.

 Any concrete repairs for honey combing / blow holes shall be carried out with the
approved materials and methods.

6.10 Stripping of Formwork / False work checks

False work will not be struck until the early day cubes have achieved the strength required by
the early strike calculations or as per the specifications a minimum of 70% of the specified 28
day strength. The construction Manager / Site Engineer is verifying that the necessary
pre-strike safety checks and striking extent / barriers etc. have been carried out / understood
/ provided. The false work and formwork will be struck in a safe manner

Formwork and false work for vertical and horizontal construction, elements will be detailed
in the following table as per the specification section 2.3.3 of division 03300 of cast-in place
concrete specifications:

Cold weather Normal weather

Removal of formwork / False work form
(Below 16⁰C) (Above 16⁰C < 38⁰C)
Sides of beams, slabs, walls and columns (unloaded) 72 hours 48 hours
Slab soffits forms (Props left under) 14 days 10 days
Beans soffits forms (Props left under) 14 days 7 days
Props to slabs 18 days 11 days
Props to beams 21 days 14 days


 ITP...................
 checklist...........


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