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My-Sql: Learning Objectives

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After studying this lesson the students will be able to:

 Recall the terminology used in RDBMS concepts.
 Recall and effectively use the SQL commands.
 Realize that much more is to be learnt for effective use of databases.
 Define the terms:
(i) Group (Aggregate) functions, Constraints
(ii) Cartesian Product, Join, Referential Integrity, Foreign Key.
 Write queries using aggregate functions and GROUP BY clause.
 Access data from multiple tables
 Delete a table using DROP TABLE


Database: A database is an organized collection of data.

Software used to manage databases is called Data Base Management System (DBMS).

Relational Database: A database in which the data is stored in the form of relations
(also called tables) is called a Relational Database. In other words a Relational Database is a
collection of one or more tables which are related to each other.

RDBMS: A DBMS used to manage Relational Databases is called an RDBMS (Relational Data
Base Management System). Some popular RDBMS software available are: Oracle, MySQL,
Sybase, Ingress.EVISION TOUR

Benefits of using a DBMS are:

a. Redundancy can be controlled

b. Inconsistence can be avoided
c. Data can be shared
d. Security restrictions can be applied.
MySQL: It is an Open Source RDBMS Software. It is available free of cost.

Relation/Table: A table refers to a two dimensional representation of data arranged in

columns (also called fields or attributes) and rows (also called records or tuples). R
efer fig. 8.1

Fig 8.1 Relation between database and table

For eg. In a student’s database there will be Students, Teachers and Office staff tables for
storing respective data.

Click to view video on Databases


Tuple/Row/Record: Horizontal subset of a table is known as the tuple.

Attributes/Column: Vertical subset of a table is known as the attribute.

Cardinality: Total number of rows in a table is called the cardinality of the table.

Arity/Degree: Total number of columns of a table is called the Degree of the table.

Primary Key: The group of one or more columns used to uniquely identify each row of a
relation is called its Primary Key.
Candidate Key: A column or a group of columns which can be used as the primary key of a
relation is called a candidate key because it is one of the candidates available to be the primary
key of the relation.

Alternate Key: A candidate key of a table which is not made its primary key is called its
Alternate Key. H

Degree of a table is the number of columns in the table.

Cardinality of a table is the number of rows in a table.

For example, consider a table STUDENT


In the Student table:

 Cardinality = 3 (there are 3 rows in this table)
 Degree = 4 (there are 4 columns in this table)
 Primary Key = Admn_no
 Candidate Key = Roll_no (because it can become primary key anytime)
 Alternate Key = Roll_no (out of Admn_no and Roll_no, Admn_no has become the
Primary key thus Roll_no is the alternate key.

Click to view video on Database and Tables

SQL (Structured Query Language): It is the language used to manipulate and manage
databases and tables within them using an RDBMS.

Fig 8.2 Categories of SQL commands

SQL commands can be categorized into three categories:

DDL (Data Definition Language): All the commands which are used to create, destroy, or
restructure databases and tables come under this category. Examples of DDL commands are -

DML (Data Manipulation Language): All the commands which are used to manipulate data
within tables come under this category. Examples of DML commands are - INSERT, UPDATE,

DCL (Data Control Language): All the commands which are used to control the access to
databases and tables fall under this category. Examples of DCL commands are - GRANT,


Various data types supported by My SQL are:


 Create database: This command is used to create a database.

Q. Write a command to create a database student.
Ans. create database student;

 Use <database name>: This command is used to open the database.

Q. Write a command to open the database student.
Ans. use student;

Note: Please put semicolon after completing sql command.


 Show tables: This command is used to view the list of tables present in a current
Q. Write a command to view tables in the currently opened database student.
Ans. Show tables;

 Select database(): This command is used to show the name of the current database.
Q. Write a command to show the name of the current database.
Ans. select database();


 create table(): This command is used to create a table.

CREATE TABLE <TableName>(<ColumnName1> <Data Type1>, <ColumnName2> <Data
Type2>,… ,<ColumnNameN> <Data TypeN>);

Q Write a command to create a table STUDENT having columns roll number as integer,
name as character(20), class as integer, date of birth as date and total as float.
Ans. create table STUDENT( roll_no int(2), name char(20), dob date, total

 To verify that tables table has been created , give the command:
Show tables;
 We can view the structure of the table STUDENT by giving the command:
Desc student;


Insert into: This command is used to add row to the table.
INSERT INTO <tablename> (<column1>, <column2>, ..., <columnn>) VALUES (<value1>,
<value2>, ... <value n>);

Q. Insert a record with values 1, Rajat Kumar, 6-12-2005, 450 into the table STUDENT
Ans. insert into STUDENT values(1, ‘Rajat Kumar’, ‘2015-12-6’,450);
insert into STUDENT (roll_no, name, dob, total) values (1, “Rajat Kumar”,

 In the first case the data values for each column must match exactly the default
order in which they appear in the table.
 The values for char and date data types must be enclosed in quotes. Standard
date format is "yyyy-mm-dd".

Consider the tables EMP and DEPT to show the results of all further queries.


Select command: The select command is used to display data stored in a table.
 To display all attributes of all records:
Q. Write a command to display all records from the table emp.
Ans. Select * from emp;
 To display selected attributes of all records:
Q. Write a command to display employee number and name of all employees.
Ans. Select empno, ename from emp;

Note: Please use the column names as given in the table in the sql command.


Arithmetic operators can be used in the select command to perform calculations.

Q. Write a command to display the name and annual salary of all employees from the
table emp.
Ans. Select name, sal*12 from emp;
Q. Write a command to display employee number and bonus of all employees where
bonus is calculated as 10% of salary.
Ans. Select eno, sal*10/100 from emp;
Q. Write a command to display the result of the expression: 24*5/2
Ans. Select 24*5/2;


Column alias lets different name to appear for a column than the actual one in the
output. Column alias does not rename the column. It simply displays a different column
name in the output. You can use AS keyword to specify the alias name. But As keyword
is optional.
Q. Write a command to display employee name and salary and display salary as Monthly
Ans. Select ename, sal as “Monthly Salary” from emp;
Select ename , sal from emp;


Text can also be displayed in the query output. For eg.

Select ename, “earns” , sal , “Rs” from emp;

Various clauses/keywords/aggregate functions associated with SELECT command are as follows:


DISTINCT Used to display distinct values from a column of a table.

WHERE Used to specify the condition based on which rows of a table are
BETWEEN Used to define the range of values within which the column
values must fall to make a condition true. Range includes both
the upper and the lower values.
IN Used to select values that match any value in a list of Specified
LIKE Used for pattern matching of string data using wildcard
characters % and _ .
IS NULL Used to select rows in which the specified column is NULL
(or is NOT NULL).
ORDER BY Used to display the selected rows in ascending or in descending
order of the specified column/expression.


DISTINCT keyword: The distinct keyword is used to eliminate duplicate values and
display the duplicated data only once.
Q. Give a command to display different types of jobs present in the table emp.
Ans. Select distinct job from emp;


Where clause is used to display selected rows based upon the condition specified.
Q. Give a command to display records of those employees whose job is manager.
Ans. Select * from employee where job=“MANAGER”;
Q. Give a command to display employee number, name and salary of those employees
whose salary is more than 30000.
Ans. Select empno, ename, sal from employee where sal>30000;


Relational operators can be used in the where clause.
= Equal to

< Less than

> Greater than

>= Greater than equal to

<= Less than equal to

!= or <> Not equal to

Q. Write a command (WAC) to display name and salary of those employees whose
salary is greater than and equal to 10000.
Ans. Select ename, sal from emp where sal>=10000;
Q. Write a command to display employee number, department number of those
employees whose department number is not 20.
Ans. Select empno, deptno from emp where deptno != 20;
NOT Negates a condition

AND / && The condition is true if both the conditions

joined using AND are true
OR / || The condition is true if any of the
conditions joined using OR are true

Logical operators are used to join two conditions.

Q. WAC to display employee number and name of those employees whose salary is
greater than 10000 and less than 5000.
Ans. select empno, ename from emp where sal >5000 and sal< 10000;
Q. WAC to display employee number and name of those employees who are ANALYST
Ans. Select empno, name from emp where job=“ANALYST” or job=“CLERK”;
Q. WAC to display employee number of those employees who are not manager.
Ans. Select empno from emp where not (job = “MANAGER”;


The between operator is used to define the range of values. The range includes both the
upper and lower values.
Q. WAC to display employee number and name of those employees whose salary is
greater than equal to 10000 and less than equal to 5000.
Ans. select empno, ename from emp where sal between 5000 and 10000;
Q. WAC to display employee number and name of those employees whose salary is NOT
greater than equal to 10000 and less than equal to 5000.
Ans. select empno, ename from emp where sal not between 5000 and 10000;


IN operator is used to select value/values from a list of values.
Q. WAC to display name of employees who are manager, clerk and analyst.
Ans. Select ename from emp where job in (“MANAGER”, “CLERK”,”ANALYST”);
Q. WAC to display name of all employees except manager, clerk and analyst.
Ans. Select ename from emp where job not in (“MANAGER”, “CLERK”,”ANALYST”);


The LIKE operator is used to fetch data from the table which matches a specified
pattern. It uses two wild card characters:
% (percentage): It is used to represent any sequence of zero or more characters.
_ (underscore): It is used to represent a single character.

Q. WAC to display names of those employees whose name starts with A.

Ans. Select ename from emp where ename like “A%”;
Q. WAC to display names of those employees whose name is at least 3 characters long.
Ans. Select ename from emp where ename like “_ _%”;
Q. WAC to display names of those employees whose name contains A.
Ans. Select ename from emp where ename like “%A%”;
Q. WAC to display names of those employees whose name is exactly 5 characters long.
Ans. Select ename from emp where ename like “_ _ _ _ _”;

The keyword NOT LIKE is used to select the rows that do not match the specified


NULL is used to represent unknown value. NULL is not the same as zero or a space or
any other character. In a table NULL is searched for using IS NULL/IS NOT NULL
Q. WAC to display name of those employees whose commission is NULL.
Ans. Select ename form emp where comm is NULL;
Q. WAC to display name of those employees whose commission is not NULL.
Ans. Select ename form emp where comm is not NULL;


ORDER BY clause is used to arrange the results of the select command in either
ascending or descending order. The default order is ascending order. However you can
also add ASC keyword for ascending order. To arrange the data in descending order use
the keyword DESC. It can also be used to arrange the data in particular order on multiple
Q. WAC to display the data of employees in ascending order of their salary.
Ans. Select * from emp order by sal;
select * from emp order by sal asc;
Q. WAC to display the data of employees in descending order of their name.
Ans. Select * from emp order by ename desc;
Q. WAC to display the data of employees in descending order of their name and within
that in ascending order of salary .
Ans. Select * from emp order by ename desc , sal ;


There are two ways of inserting NULL values in the column/columns of the table.
 If we don’t have data for particular columns we can leave them at the time of
giving INSERT INTO command. For those columns NULL values are automatically
Q. WAC to insert employee number as 7771, name as AKSHAT and depart number as 20.
All other columns will have Null values.
Ans. Insert into emp (empno, ename, deptno) values (7771, “AKSHAT”,20);
 We can also insert NULL values explicitly.
Q. WAC to insert employee number as 7771, name as AKSHAT and depart number as 20.
All other columns will have Null values.
Ans. Insert into emp (empno, ename,job, mge, hiredate, comm, deptno) values (7771,

The UPDATE statement is used to modify the data present in the table.
UPDATE <table_name>
SET <column name> = <value>, [ <column name> = <value>, …] [WHERE <condn>];
Q. WAC to increase the salary of all employees by Rs 2000.
Ans. Update emp set sal=sal +2000;
Q. WAC to increase the salary by 20% of all MANAGER.
Ans. Update emp set sal=sal +sal*0.20 where job= ‘MANAGER’;
Q. WAC to increase the salary by 2000Rs and change department number to 20 for
employee whose employee number is 7521.
Ans. Update emp set sal=sal +2000, deptno=20 where empno=7521 ;

DELETE is used to delete rows from the table.
DELETE FROM < tablename> [ Where < condn>];
Q. WAC to delete data of those employee whose salary is less than 6000.
Ans. Delete from emp where sal<6000;
Q. WAC to delete all rows of table employee.
Ans. Delete from emp;


ALTER TABLE command is used to add, modify and delete columns from a table.
Q. WAC to add a new column age of type integer to the table emp;
Ans. Alter table emp add age integer;
Q. WAC to drop a column age from the table emp.
Ans. Alter table emp drop age;
Q. WAC to drop column age and job from the table emp.
Ans. Alter table emp drop age, drop job;
Q. WAC to change the size of ename column to char(30).
Ans. Alter table emp modify ename char(30);
Click to view video on basic SQL commands

Aggregate functions work on multiple rows. There are 5 types of aggregate functions:
Aggregate function Purpose

MAX() To find the maximum value under the specified

MIN() To find the minimum value under the specified
AVG() To find the average of values under the specified
SUM() To find the sum of values under the specified
COUNT() To count the values under the specified column


Please refer to table employee for the queries given below:
Purpose Command Result

To find the highest salary Select max(sal) from emp; Max (sal)
paid to an employee
To find the highest salary Select max(sal) from emp where Max (sal)
paid to MANAGERS job=‘MANAGER’;
To find the highest salary + Select max(sal+comm*sal) from Max(sal+comm)
commision paid to emp;


Please refer to table employee for the queries given below:
Purpose Command Result

To find the lowest salary paid Select min(sal) from emp; Min (sal)
to an employee
To find the lowest salary paid Select min(sal) from emp Min (sal)
to MANAGERS where job=‘MANAGER’;
To find the lowest salary + Select min(sal+comm*sal) from Min(sal+comm)
commision paid to employee emp;


The argument of AVG() function can be of numeric (int/decimal) type only. Averages of
String and Date type data are not defined.
AVG() function considers only non NULL values in that column.
Please refer to table employee for the queries given below:
Purpose Command Result

To find the average salary Select avg(sal) from emp; Avg(sal)

paid to an employee 28778.57
To find the average salary Select avg(sal) from emp where Avg(sal)
paid to MANAGERS job=‘MANAGER’; 37000


Please refer to table employee for the queries given below:
Purpose Command
To find the sum of salary Select sum(sal) from emp; Sum(sal)
paid to all employees 402900
To find the sum of salary Select sum(sal) from emp Sum(sal)
paid to MANAGERS where job=‘MANAGER’; 111000


COUNT() takes one argument which can be any column name, an expression based on a
column, or an asterisk (*).
 COUNT(column name) returns the number of non-NULL values in that column
 COUNT(* ) returns the total number of rows satisfying the condition
Please refer to table employee for the queries given below:
Purpose Command Result

To count the total number of Select count(*) from emp; Count(*)

employees in the table
To count the different types of Select count(distinct jobl) from Count(distinct job)
jobs that the table has emp;
To count the number of Select count(comm) from emp; Count(comm)
employees who are paid


 When the argument is a column name or an expression based on a column, COUNT()
returns the number of non-NULL values in that column.
 If the argument is a *, then COUNT() counts the total number of rows satisfying the
condition, if any, in the table.
For eg.
Consider the table emp:
The command
Select count(mgr) from emp;
will give the output as 13 as there is NULL in one column.
However the command
Select count(*) from emp;
will give the output as 14 as it counts the total number of rows in the table.

Group by clause is used we need to group the data of the table based on certain type.
Q WAC to display the maximum salary paid to employee of each type of job.
Ans. Select job, max(sal) from emp group by job;
We can include more than one aggregate function in one command.
Q WAC to display maximum, minimum, sum of salary paid to employee of each type of
Ans. Select deptno, max(sal), min(sal), sum(sal) from emp group by deptno;
Note: Please make sure to include the column name on which we are grouping in the
select command.

Having clause is used to apply condition on groups ie when condition is applied on
aggregate function. We can include more than one aggregate function in one command.
Q WAC to display the maximum salary paid to employee of each type of job where
maximum salary is greater than 10000.
Ans. Select job, max(sal) from emp group by job having max(sal)>10000;
Q WAC to display maximum, minimum, sum of salary paid to employee of each type of
department for departments 10 and 20.
Ans. Select deptno, max(sal), min(sal), sum(sal) from emp group by deptno having
deptno=10 or deptno=20;
Note: WHERE is used to put a condition on individual row of a table whereas HAVING
is used to put condition on individual group formed by GROUP BY clause in a SELECT

Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

Many times, it is required to produce reports which need data from more than one tables.


Cartesian product of two tables is a table obtained by pairing each row of one table with
each row of another table. The table obtained has
columns = sum of the columns of both the tables
rows = product of the rows of both the tables
It is represented by the symbol X

 When we extract data from two tables they must have one column which is present in
both the tables. An equi join of two tables is obtained by putting an equality condition
on the Cartesian product of two tables.
 This equality condition is put on the common column of the tables and is called equi join
 It is mandatory to give equi join condition when we want to extract data from two
tables. Let us consider two tables: emp and dept
Q. WAC to display employee number, job, salary, department name and loction from
the tables emp and dept.
Ans. Select empno, job, sal, dname, loc from emp, dept where emp.deptno =
Note: When a column exist with same name in both the tables it is preceded by table
name and dot to avoid ambiguity.
Q. WAC to display employee name, salary and depart name of all MANAGERS from emp
and dept tables.
Ans. Select ename, sal, dname from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and
job = “MANAGER”;
Q. WAC to display employee name, salary and depart name of all employee in ascending
order of salary from emp and dept tables.
Ans. Select ename, sal, dname from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno
order by sal;
Note: Equi join is nothing but a Cartesian product of two tables in which a condition of
equality is enforced on the column which is present in both the tables.


 Equi join is obtained from the Cartesian product by giving equality condition on
the common column which is present in both the tables. This common column is
the primary key of one table and in other table it is called foreign key.
 Foreign key is a column in one table which is the primary key of another table.
For eg. The column Deptno is the primary key of dept table and the foreign key
of emp table.
It is important that no entry should be made in the emp table in which deptno
does not belong to dept table ie we cannot write deptno in emp table which
does not exist in dept table.
 Referential integrity is the property of a relational database which ensures that
no entry in a foreign key column of a table can be made unless it matches a
primary key value in the corresponding related table.

Union of two tables is a table in which the number of columns is same as the number of
columns of the two tables and number of rows is the sum of the number of rows of both
the tables.
Union operation can be applied on two tables only if the tables have same number and
type of columns. The syntax of union is:
SELECT <select_list>
FROM <tablename>
[WHERE <condition> ]
SELECT <select_list>
FROM <tablename>
[WHERE <condition> ];
Union does not display any duplicate rows unless ALL is specified with it.

Q. WAC to produce a combined list of all students from class XI and XII eliminating the
duplicate rows.
Ans. Select * from classxi union select * from classxii;
Q WAC to produce a combined list of all students from class XI and XII without
eliminating the duplicate rows.
Ans. Select * from classxi union all select * from classxii;
Note: In the first question roll no 2, which is present in both the tables will appear only
once but in the second question it will appear twice.



OPEN DATABSE USE <databasename>; DML
3. To show the name of the SELECT DATABASE(); DML
current database
4. To show a list of tables SHOW TABLES; DML
present in the current

To create a table CREATE TABLE <tablename> DDL

(<column name1> <data
To show the structure of a DESCRIBE <tablename>; or DML
table. DESC <tablename>;
To add a new column to a ALTER TABLE <tablename> DDL
table ADD <columnname>
4. To modify a column in a ALTER TABLE <tablename> DDL
table MODIFY <column>
5. To delete a column from a ALTER TABLE <tablename> DDL
table DROP <columnname>;
6. To insert a new record INSERT INTO <tablename> DML
onto the table [<column1>, <column2>, ...,
VALUES (<value1>, <value2>,
... <value n>);
7. To change the data UPDATE <tablename> DML
present in the table SET <column name> =
[,<column name> = <value>,
[WHERE <condn>];
8. To delete data from a table DELETE FROM < tablename> DML
[ Where < condition>];

Following are the clauses which can be used with SELECT command:

a. DISTINCT Used to display distinct values from a column of a table.

b. WHERE Used to specify the condition based on which rows of a table are displayed.

c. BETWEEN Used to define the range of values within which the column values must fall
to make a condition true. Range includes both the upper and the lower values.

d. IN Used to select values that match any value in a list of Specified values.

e. LIKE Used for pattern matching of string data using wildcard characters % and _ .

f. IS NULL Used to select rows in which the specified column is NULL (or is NOT NULL NOT
g. ORDER BY Used to display the selected rows in ascending or in descending order of the
specified column/expression.

Aggregate functions work on multiple rows. There are 5 types of aggregate functions:
Aggregate function Purpose

MAX() To find the maximum value under the specified

MIN() To find the minimum value under the specified
AVG() To find the average of values under the specified
SUM() To find the sum of values under the specified
COUNT() To count the values under the specified column

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