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Hereinafter Referred To As "Landlord") and

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This Commercial Lease Agreement (hereafter referred to as “the Agreement” is made and
entered into on , by and between:

, is a Company, incorporated in the under registration no. , with

registered address at (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord");


, is a Company, incorporated in the under registration no. , with

registered address at (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant").

Hereafter individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".

1. Grant of Lease. Landlord, in consideration of the rents to be paid and the covenants
and agreements to be performed and observed by the Tenant, does hereby lease to the
Tenant and the Tenant does hereby lease and take from the Landlord the property
described in “Annex A” attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof (the
"Leased Premises"), together with, as part of the parcel, all improvements located

2. The Landlord is whose registered office is at and whose company number

is .

3. The Tenant is whose company number is: .

4. The Premises are .

5. The Term of this lease begins immediately and ends on .

6. The Rent is per year (exclusive of Value Added Tax) and is payable in advance by
equal quarterly payments on every , , and .

7. The Rent begins to be payable on and the first payment shall be made on .

8. The Tenant has paid a Deposit of to the Landlord, in which the Landlord will place
in a bank account (whether or not containing other money) on which a reasonable rate
of interest is payable. The Landlord will repay the Deposit to the Tenant with accrued
interest of 12% per annum once the Tenant has vacated the Premises at the end of the
Term (however it ends), but less deductions properly made by the Landlord to cover any
unpaid Rent and the actual or anticipated cost of remedying any breaches of the
Tenant’s Obligations under this lease.

9. The Permitted Use of the Premises is as office space.


1. The Landlord lets the Premises to the Tenant at the Rent for the Term.

2. The Landlord grants to the Tenant the following rights and makes the following

The Premises form only part of a Building. They do not include any part of the main
structure, foundations, roof or exterior of that Building but they do include window
frames and glass, doors and door frames, raised floors and suspended ceilings and the
voids above and below them, light fittings and other landlord’s fixtures and fittings;

3. The Tenant is granted the shared use, but only during the Hours of Use, of the following
Common Parts:

Entrances, hallways, passages, staircases, toilets, estate roads, car park, delivery areas,
yards, lifts but must use them in a reasonable and proper manner in accordance with
any regulations imposed from time to time by the Landlord;

a. The Tenant is granted the non-exclusive use of Service Media (meaning any ducts
flues gutters pipes drains sewers cables conduits wires or other media for
conducting water soil gas electricity and telecommunications) which serve the
Premises and which may serve other premises, but must use them in a reasonable
and proper manner in accordance with any regulations imposed from time to time
by the Landlord;

b. The Landlord reserves the right to alter or close any Common Parts subject to
providing (except in emergencies) reasonably suitable alternative amenities, and
reserves the right to use (and repair, alter or renew) any Service Media in the
Premises which serve other premises;

c. The Landlord also reserves the right to enter the Premises for the purposes and on
the terms set out elsewhere in this Lease. The right of entry will only be exercised
following reasonable notice, except in the case of an emergency.


4. The Landlord’s Obligations to be observed throughout the Term are:

a. As long as the Tenant pays the Rent and complies with the Tenant’s Obligations,
the Landlord will give exclusive possession of the Premises to the Tenant during the
Term without interference by the Landlord or any superior landlord or any person
deriving title under or in trust for either of them;

b. The Landlord will use reasonable endeavors to provide the following Landlord’s

(1) Keeping the Premises in tenantable condition;

(2) Keeping in tenantable condition the Common Parts and the structure of the
building of which the Premises form part;

(3) Keeping Service Media in working order;

(4) Providing during the Hours of Use:

Hot water to basins in the Premises, hot water to basins in Common Parts,
heating of the Premises, heating of Common Parts, lighting of Common Parts,
lift service in Common Parts, caretaking/porterage.

But the Landlord is not obliged to:

(a) Remedy damage caused by the Tenant, or

(b) Remedy fair wear and tear, or

(c) Put the Premises or any Common Parts or any Service Media into better
condition than at the date of this Lease as described or shown in the
attached Schedule of Condition, and the Landlord is not responsible for
interruptions in any of the Landlord’s Services due to matters beyond the
Landlord’s control.


5. The Tenant’s Obligations to be observed throughout the Term are:

a. The Tenant will pay the Rent immediately it falls due without any deduction or set
off and (if required) by bank standing order or credit transfer to the Landlord’s bank

b. The Tenant will pay any value added tax chargeable on the Rent and any other sums
payable under this Lease, at the same time as the sum on which it is charged;

c. The Tenant will pay interest on any Rent or other sum payable under this Lease
which is overdue for 7 days after its due date, calculated (both before and after any
court judgment) at 4% per year above the Bank of England base rate for the period
from the due date until payment;

d. The Tenant will pay all charges for all water, gas, electricity, telephone and similar
services consumed on the Premises, and will pay a fair proportion of any which
relate to both the Premises and other premises;

e. The Tenant will use the Premises carefully and will not damage them, but normal
fair wear and tear is permitted;

f. The Tenant will comply with all legislation applicable to the Tenant’s use of the
Premises; the Tenant will not do anything which may result in a statutory
requirement arising for work to be carried out on the Premises or any other
premises of the Landlord;

g. The Tenant will immediately give the Landlord a copy of any notice relating to the
Premises or its use which the Tenant receives and will also notify the Landlord of
any damage to or want of repair in the Premises or the building of which they form
part, as soon as reasonably possible after becoming aware of it;

h. The Tenant will not make any alteration or addition to the Premises (including
displaying any signs, posters, advertisements, etc.) inside or outside, and will
remove any unauthorized alterations or additions on demand;

i. The Tenant will use the Premises only for the Permitted Use and only during the
Hours of Use, and will notify the Landlord immediately if the Tenant ceases to
occupy the Premises at any time during the Term;

j. The Tenant will not apply for, or implement, any planning permission in respect of
the Premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord;

k. The Tenant will not do anything which is a nuisance or annoyance to the Landlord
or to the owners or occupiers of any adjoining or neighboring property, or use the
Premises for any illegal or immoral purpose, or hold an auction or public exhibition
or public or political meeting on the Premises;

l. The Tenant will not, save in the ordinary course of the Tenant’s business (and then
only in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations) permit any contaminative
or hazardous substances to be on or to be discharged from the Premises; the
Tenant will not otherwise cause contamination or pollution at under or from the

m. Subject to the Tenant having been provided with appropriate details of such policy,
the Tenant will not do anything which may invalidate any insurance policy relating
to the Premises or other Premises of the Landlord or which may increase the
premiums for that insurance;

n. The Tenant will not assign, sublet, charge, part with possession of, or share the
occupation of, the whole or any part of the Premises, except that if the Tenant is a
limited company it may (by license but not subletting) share occupation with
another company in its group (as defined in Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 section

o. The Tenant will allow the Landlord to enter the Premises (with other persons
authorized by the Landlord) for the purposes set out in clause 7.b, for performing
the Landlord’s Obligations under this Lease, and for all other reasonable and proper
purposes, at reasonable times after giving the Tenant (except in emergency)
reasonable prior notice; the persons entering the Premises must cause as little
disturbance as reasonably possible and must make good all damage caused to the

p. During the last 3 months of the Term, the Tenant will allow the Landlord to display
a notice for re-letting the Premises in a reasonably suitable place on the Premises;

q. The Tenant will, at the end of the Term (however ending), give vacant possession of
the Premises to the Landlord in the condition required by this Lease and will
remove from the Premises the Tenant’s goods and fixtures and fittings including
signs and make good all damage caused to the Premises by their removal and will
leave the Premises in a tidy condition, free of rubbish;

r. The Tenant will pay all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord in
connection with:

(a) Any application by the Tenant for an approval or consent (whether or not it is
given, unless unlawfully withheld); or

(b) In (or in contemplation of) the preparation and service of any notice of a
breach of the Tenant’s Obligations under this Lease including statutory
notices, even if forfeiture (if applicable) is avoided otherwise than by court


6. It is one of the Landlord’s Obligations that the Landlord pay the business rates in
respect of the Premises if any.


7. If the Landlord serves on the Tenant a written notice specifying anything required to
remedy a breach of the Tenant’s Obligations under this Lease:

a. The Tenant will comply with the notice within one month (or immediately in

b. If the Tenant fails to do so, the Landlord has the right to enter the Premises and
remedy the breach and the Tenant will pay to the Landlord on demand, as a debt,
all costs and expenses so incurred by the Landlord.


8. If the Tenant leaves any goods in the Premises at the end of the Term (however it ends),
the Tenant authorizes the Landlord to sell those goods on behalf of the Tenant. The
Landlord shall account to the Tenant for the proceeds less the Landlord’s reasonable


9. If the whole or part of the Premises becomes inaccessible or unfit for use due to
damage or destruction (other than as a result of anything the Tenant does or fails to

a. The whole or an appropriate proportion (having regard to the nature and extent of
the destruction or damage) of the Rent and other payments under this lease shall
cease to be payable until the Premises are fully accessible and fit for use; and

b. If the damage or destruction affects the whole or a substantial part of the Premises
and it is likely to take more than three months to make the Premises again fully
accessible and fit for use, either the Landlord or the Tenant may terminate this
Lease by giving written notice to the other, in which event this Lease will
immediately end and the Landlord need not carry out any repairs or reinstatement.


10. The Landlord may forfeit this Lease by re-entering the Premises (or part of them as if
entering the whole) if:

(1) Any Rent or other sums are overdue for 14 days or more (whether or not
demanded), or

(2) If any of the Tenant’s Obligations under this Lease are not performed or observed,

(3) If the Tenant (being an individual) becomes bankrupt, or

(4) If the Tenant (being a company) enters into liquidation whether voluntary or
compulsory (unless for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation) or has a
receiver or administrative receiver appointed over any of its assets or is the subject
of a petition for the appointment of an administrator, or

(5) If the Tenant enters into an arrangement or composition with creditors, and on re-
entry the Term will end but the Landlord will retain any accrued rights in respect of
breaches of the Tenant’s Obligations.


11. Notices relating to this Lease or to the Premises may be served in accordance with Law
of Property Act 1925 section 196 as amended from time to time.

12. The Landlord and the Tenant have agreed that Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 sections
24 to 28 do not apply.

It is also agreed that:

a. The Tenant will not have any rights over any property of the Landlord or the benefit
of any obligations on the part of the Landlord, except as set out in this Lease;

b. Where a party to this Lease comprises two or more persons, they are responsible
for all their obligations both jointly and individually;

c. Where this Lease obliges the Tenant not to do something, the Tenant is also
obliged not to permit it to be done by any person under the Tenant’s control;

d. Headings are given in this Lease for convenience only and do not affect the
meaning of the text.


13. Either the Landlord or the Tenant may give to the other not less than 1 months’ written
notice to end the Term on the {Finish Date of Notice} or on any later date. Ending the
Term will not release the parties from their accrued liabilities down to that date.


14. There is no written agreement for the grant of this lease.

SIGNED by the LANDLORD ___________________________

SIGNED by the TENANT ___________________________

DATE OF THIS LEASE: ___________________________


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