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User'S Manual: Lift Application

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Lift Application

Par. 0.1 = 0


1 LIFT APPLICATION ................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 LINEAR SPEED ...........................................................................................................................3
1.2 MECHANICAL BRAKE ..................................................................................................................3
1.3 AUTOTUNING ..........................................................................................................................3

2 SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT................................................................................................. 3

3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................... 3

4 CONTROL I/O........................................................................................................................ 4

5 CONTROL LOGIC ................................................................................................................... 5

6 PARAMETER TABLES.............................................................................................................. 9

7 DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS ......................................................................................... 16

8 COMMISSIONING OF CLOSED LOOP CONTROL .............................................................. 49

9 OPEN LOOP MOTOR CONTROL PARAMETERS................................................................. 50

9.1 TUNING MOTOR CONTROL PARAMETERS .......................................................................................50
9.2 THREE DIFFERENT METHODS FOR TUNING MOTOR CONTROL PARAMETERS ..............................................50

10 MOTION PROFILE................................................................................................................ 57

11 PARAMETER GROUP 0........................................................................................................ 58

12 PROGRAMMABLE PUSH BUTTONS (BTNS) ....................................................................... 59

13 FAULTS AND WARNINGS................................................................................................... 59

14 MONITORING VALUES (MON)........................................................................................... 62

Application Smc126

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1 Lift Application
With the lift application, the Vacon frequency converter can be integrated smoothly to the
modern lift system. In the application, there are functions included which are required to achieve
a smooth ride in a lift car. The I/O interface table includes the most commonly needed signals in
lift applications.

1 . 1 Linear speed
In the application, constant speeds are presentend in [m/s], acceleration and deceleration in
[m/s2] and jerks are presented in [ms].

1 . 2 Mechanical brake
To achieve smooth departures and landings from and to floor level, a mechanical brake control
designed specifically for lifting is included. The brake can be set to open and close in various
ways to meet the different requirements of lift motors and lift control logics.

1 . 3 Autotuning
Different motor parameters can be tuned by the frequency converter. For example, motor
magnetizing current, speed controller parameters can be identified by the frequency converter.
For the best result, identification should be done with unloaded motor.

2 Scope of this document

This document describes the functions, parameters and control logics of the Lift Application.
For wiring, installation and commissioning please refer to the manual for Vacon CX family.

3 System requirements
The hardware can be any Vacon CX/CXL/CXS frequency converter with or without the option
board CX107OPT installed. For installation of the option board please refer to the “Vacon
CX107OPT option board manual (ud00371a)” .

For the Lift application the following software modules must be installed in the frequency
System software: Sm00100_.bin or compatible.
Application: Smc126__.hex or compatible.
If closed loop control is used, the CX107OPT option board is needed.
Option board software: Smpb003_.bin or compatible.
For installation of software components, refer to the built-in help for the loading tool FCLoad.

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4 Control I/O

Terminal Signal Description

1 +10Vr Reference output Voltage for potentiometer, etc.

2 Uin+ Analogue input, voltage Active speed reference if Par1.6 = 4.

range 0—10V DC
3 GND I/O Ground Ground for reference and controls
4 Iin+ Analogue input, current Active speed reference if Par1.6 = 3.
5 Iin- range 0—20mA
6 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches, etc. max 0.1 A
7 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
8 DIA1 Start forward Contact closed = start forward
9 DIA2 Start reverse Contact closed = start reverse
10 DIA3 External fault reset Reset active fault.
11 CMA Common for DIA 1—DIA 3 Connect to GND or +24V
12 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches (see #6)
13 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
14 DIB4
Speed reference set according to
15 DIB5 Speed Reference Selection
16 DIB6
17 CMB Common for DIB4—DIB6 Connect to GND or +24V
18 Iout+ Motor speed Programmable (par. 3.1)
19 Iout- Analogue output Range 0—20 mA/RL, max. 500Ω
20 DO1 Digital output Programmable, par. 3.7
FAULT Open collector, I≤50mA, U≤48 VDC
21 RO1 Relay output 1 Programmable, par. 3.10
22 RO1 RUN
23 RO1
24 RO2 Relay output 2 Programmable, par. 3.14
25 RO2 Mechanical brake
26 RO2
Table 1. Default I/O configuration and connection in Lift Application

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5 Control logic

Panel reference

Filter Scaling Inverted DIB6

par. 2.6 Inspection

AI 1 2.7 speed
par. 2.4 Not inverted
par. 2.3

4 mA Inversion

Filter Inverted
AI 2 Scaling

par. 2.6
0 mA
Current 2.7
Not inverted
par. 2.5 par. 2.4 Select speed
par. 2.3 reference
Activity Select speed
DIB5 reference
par. 1.17,
DIB6 1.18,
Activity 1.19,
reference with Prog. Button 2
direction 1.21,
par. 1.6
Motor direction 1.23,
Binary 1.24

Par. 2.2 =4 Motor control
Ramp selection Ramp set 1 mode selector

Internal ramp
>1 par. 1.3-4. ; 4.9-12.
Speed control.
switching Open or closed Output frequency

Par. 4.11=1 Ramp set 2 loop.

par.4.12-13. ; 4.14-17.
Par. 6.1

Speed reference forming Lift application

Figure 1. Speed reference generation chain

Prog. button 1

Start button

Stop button

Prog. button 2

Control place
Start / Stop and
Direction logic
Start forward Start reverse Direction
Start / Stop


Start / Stop
& Start

DIA 2 Stop mode

Par. 2.1

DIB 3 Run enable Stop

Par. 2.2=3 Coasting

par. 4.2

External fault
Par. 2.2=(1 or 2)

Par. 2.2=6

Reset button
1 Fault reset

Start / stop and direction logic Lift application

Figure 2. Start/Stop logic and external fault generation and reset.

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Selector output Inversion
Filter 4 mA Inverted
Output offset gain
par. 3.6 par. 3.5 AO 1
par. 3.2 0 mA Not inverted
Par. Current output
par. 3.4 par. 3.3

Selector Inversion
Delay Inverted
(default) DO 1
par. 3.9 Not inverted Digital output 1
Par. 3.7 par. 3.8

Selector Inversion
Delay Inverted
(default) RO 1
par. 3.12 delay on Not inverted
Relay output 1
Par. 3.10 3.13 delay off
par. 3.11

Selector Inversion
(default) RO 2
Not inverted
Relay output 2
Par. 3.14
par. 3.15

Output signal control Lift application

Figure 3. Output signal control.

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6 Parameter Tables
Group 1, Basic Parameters
Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
1.1 Minimum speed 0—vmin 0.01 0.00
m/s m/s m/s
1.2 Maximum speed vmin —vmax 0.01 1.00 Vmax corresponds to 120 Hz
m/s m/s m/s
1.3 Acceleration 1 0.20—2.00 0.01 0.70
m/s2 m/s2 m/s2
1.4 Deceleration 1 0.20—2.00 0.01 0.70
m/s2 m/s2 m/s2
1.5 Nominal Linear STOP
0.20 – 5.00 0.01 1.00 Speed at motor nominal frequency
Speed m/s m/s m/s
1.6 Speed Reference 0—4 0 = Activity reference
1 = Activity reference with
2 = Binary reference
3 = Current reference
4 = Voltage reference
1.7 Current limit 0.1—2.0 x InCX 0.1 A 1.5 x InCX Output current limit [A] of the unit
1.8 U/f ratio selection 0—2 1 0 0 = Linear
1 = Not in use
2 = Programmable U/f curve
1.9 U/f optimisation STOP
0—1 1 0 0 = None
1 = Automatic torque boost
1.10 Nominal voltage of the 180—690 1V 230 V Vacon range CX/CXL2
motor 400 V Vacon range CX/CXL/CXS4
STOP 500 V Vacon range CX/CXL/CXS5
690 V Vacon range CX6
1.11 Nominal frequency of 25—120 Hz 1 Hz 50 Hz
the motor fn on the rating plate of the motor

1.12 Nominal speed of the 200—7200 rpm 1 rpm 1440 rpm

motor nn on the rating plate of the motor

1.13 Nominal current of the 2.5 x InCX 0.1 A I nCX

motor I n on the rating plate of the motor

1.14 Supply voltage 208—240 230 V Vacon range CX/CXL2

380—440 400 V Vacon range CX/CXL/CXS4
380—500 500 V Vacon range CX/CXL/CXS5
525—690 690 V Vacon range CX6
1.15 Parameter conceal 0—1 1 1 Visibility of parameters:
0 = All parameter groups visible
1 = Only group 1 visible
1.16 Parameter value lock 0—1 1 0 Disables parameter changes:
0 = Changes enabled
1 = Changes disabled
1.17 V0 A000 - B000 vmin — vmax 0.01 0.10 m/s See Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5
(1.1) (1.2) m/s for description of speed reference
1.18 V1 A100 - B100 vmin — vmax 0.01 1.00 m/s A stands for activity reference and
(1.1) (1.2) m/s B for binary reference

1.19 V2 A010 - B010 vmin — vmax 0.01 0.25 m/s

(1.1) (1.2) m/s

1.20 V3 A001 - B110 vmin — vmax 0.01 0.50 m/s

(1.1) (1.2) m/s

1.21 V4 A000 - B001 vmin — vmax 0.01 0.10 m/s

(1.1) (1.2) m/s

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1.22 V5 A100 - B101 vmin — vmax 0.01 1.00 m/s

(1.1) (1.2) m/s

1.23 V6 A010 - B011 vmin — vmax 0.01 0.25 m/s

(1.1) (1.2) m/s

1.24 V7 A001 - B111 vmin — vmax 0.01 0.50 m/s

(1.1) (1.2) m/s

1.25 Start of reference hold 0.00 — 1.00s 0.01 s 0.10 s Time from start command the speed
reference is set to hold.
1.26 Stop of reference hold 0.00 — 3.00s 0.01 s 0.50 s Time from start command the speed
reference is released from hold.

Note! STOP = Parameter value can be changed only when the frequency converter is stopped.

*) If 1.2 > motor synchronizing speed, check suitability for motor and drive system.

Group 2, Input Signal Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
2.1 Start/Stop logic 0—2 1 0 DIA1 DIA2
selection 0 = Start Start reverse
1 = Start/Stop Reverse
2.2 DIA3 function 0—9 1 4 0 = Not used
(terminal 10) STOP
1 = External fault, closing contact
2 = External fault, opening contact
3 = Run enable
4 = Accel./decel. Time selection
5 = Stop by coast, opening contact
6 = Fault reset
7 = DC-braking command
8 = External brake control
9 = Stop by coast, closing contact
2.3 Uin / Iin invert. 0—1 1 0 0 = No inversion
1 = Inversion
2.4 U in / Iin filt. 0.00—1.00 s 0.01 s 0.10 s 0 = No filtering
2.5 I in signal range 0—1 1 0 0 = 0 — 20 mA
1 = 4 — 20 mA
2.6 Reference scaling 0.0—P 2.7 0.1 % 0.0 % The minumum speed is increased
minimum value with defined value. If 0.0 % the
minimum speed equals with P1.1
2.7 Reference scaling P 2.6—100.0 % 0.1 % 100.0 % The maximum speed is decreased
maximum value with defined value. If 100.0 % the
maximum speed equals with P1.2

Note! STOP = Parameter value can be changed only when the frequency converter is stopped.

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Group 3, Output and Supervision Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
3.1 Analogue output function 0—7 1 2 0 = Not used
1 = Motor Freq. (0—fmax)
2 = Motor speed (0—max. speed)
3 = Motor current (0—2.0 x InCX)
4 = Motor torque (-2 x TnCX —
2 x TnCX)
5 = Motor power (-2 x PnCX —
2 x PnCX)
6 = Motor voltage (0—100% x UnM)
7 = DC-link volt. (0—1000 V)
3.2 Analogue output filter 0.01—10.00s 0.01s 1.00s
3.3 Analogue output 0—1 1 0 0 = Not inverted
inversion 1 = Inverted
3.4 Analogue output 0—1 1 0 0 = 0 mA
minimum 1 = 4 mA
3.5 Analogue output gain 10—1000% 1% 100%
3.6 Analogue output offset -100.0 — 0.1% 0.0 %
3.7 DO1 content 0—9 1 4 0 = Not used
1 = Allways on
2 = Ready
3 = Run
4 = Fault
5 = Warning
6 = Speed below limit
7 = Torque above limit
8 = Mechanical brake control
9 = Open enable control
3.8 DO1 invert 0—1 1 0 0 = No inversion
1 = Inverted
3.9 DO1 delay 0.00 — 0.1s 0.00s Delay contents of DO1.
10.00s 0.00= delay not in use
3.10 RO1 content 0—9 1 3 As parameter 3.7
3.11 RO1 invert 0—1 1 0 0 = No inversion
1 = Inverted
3.12 0.00 — 0.01s 0.00s Delay rising edge of RO1 signal.
RO1 on delay
10.00s 0.00= delay not in use
3.13 0.00 — 0.01s 0.00s Delay falling edge of RO1 signal.
RO1 off delay
10.00s 0.00= delay not in use
3.14 RO2 content 0—9 1 8 As parameter 3.7
3.15 RO2 invert 0—1 1 0 0 = No inversion
1 = Inverted
3.16 Speed supervision limit vmin —vmax 0.01 0.10 m/s
3.17 Motoring torque 0.0 — 0.1 % 150.0 %
supervision 200.0% x TnCX
3.18 Generating torque -200.0% — 0.1 % 0.0 % If set to 0.0% P3.17 defines the limit for
supervision 0.0 x TnCX motoring and generating mode.
3.19 rpm source selection 0—1 1 0 0 = calculated rpm
1= rpm from encoder

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Group 4, Drive Control Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
4.1 Brake Chopper 0—2 1 1 0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = Yes External
4.2 Stop Function 0—1 1 1 0 = Coasting
1 = Ramping
4.3 DC-Brake Current 0.15 — 0.1 A 0.5xInCX
1.5xInCX (A)
4.4 Start DC-Brake t 0.00 — 5.00s 0.01s 1.00 s 0 = DC-brake at start not used
4.5 Stop DC-Brake f 0.00 — 0.1Hz 1.5 Hz
4.6 0.00 — 5.00s 0.10s 1.00 s
Stop DC-Brake t STOP 0 = DC-brake at stop not used

4.7 Acc Inc Jerk 1 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.50s See Figure 14.
4.8 Acc Dec Jerk 1 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.25s As parameter 4.7
4.9 Dec Inc Jerk 1 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.25s As parameter 4.8
4.10 Dec Dec Jerk 1 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.50s As parameter 4.9
4.11 Internal ramp switching 0—1 1 0 0 = No change
1 = Activate ramp set 2 at levelling
4.12 Acceleration 2 0.20 — 2.00 0.01 0.20 m/s2 Second ramp time set is activated
m/s2 m/s2 according to P2.2 and P4.11.
4.13 Deceleration 2 0.20 — 2.00 0.01 0.20m/s2
As parameter 4.12
m/s2 m/s2
4.14 Acc Inc Jerk 2 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.10s Second ramp time set is activated
according to P2.2 and P4.11.
See Figure 14.
4.15 Acc Dec Jerk 2 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.10s As parameter 4.14
4.16 Dec Inc Jerk 2 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.10s As parameter 4.14
4.17 Dec Dec Jerk 2 0.01 —1.00s 0.01s 0.10s As parameter 4.14
4.18 Enable jerks 0—1 1 1 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled

Note! = Parameter value can be changed only when the frequency converter is stopped.

Group 5, Mechanical Brake Control Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
5.1 Current limit forward 0 — 1.5 x InCX 0.1 A 0.2 x InCX
5.2 Current limit reverse 0 — 1.5 x InCX 0.1 A 0.2 x InCX
5.3 Torque limit forward 0 — 100 % 1% 0%
5.4 Torque limit reverse 0 — 100 % 1% 0%
5.5 Frequency limit open 0.00 — 10.00 0.01 1.00 Hz
forward Hz Hz
5.6 Frequency limit open 0.00 — 10.00 0.01 1.00 Hz
reverse Hz Hz
5.7 Signal for external brake 0—1 1 0 0 = Inactive
control 1 = Active
5.8 Brake releasing delay 0.00 — 1.00s 0.01s 0.00s
5.9 Dual brake control 0—1 1 0 0 = Inactive
1 = Active
5.10 Frequency limit close 0.00 — 20.00 0.01 1.20 Hz
forward Hz Hz
5.11 Frequency limit close 0.00 — 20.00 0.01 1.20 Hz
reverse Hz Hz
5.12 Close from frequency 0—1 1 0 0 = Not delayed
1 = Delayed
5.13 Run request closing 0—1 1 0 0 = Excluded
1 = Included
5.14 Closing delay forward 0.00 — 5.00s 0.01 s 0.00 s
5.15 Closing delay reverse 0.00 — 5.00s 0.01 s 0.00 s
5.16 External brake feedback 0—1 1 0 0 = Inactive
supervision 1 = Active

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5.17 Brake feedback 0.00 — 10.00 0.01s 0.00s Time within feedback supervision signal
supervision time s have to be inactive. If set fault
5.18 Maximum frequency 0.00 — 10.00 0.01 2.50 Hz
brake closed Hz Hz
5.19 Brake release supervision 0.00 — 4.00s 0.01 s 1.30 s
5.20 Mechanical brake 0.00 — 1.00s 0.01 s 0.05 s
reaction time
5.21 Direction change mode 0—2 1 0 0 = Inac tive
1 = Brake Closed
2 = Stop State
5.22 Smooth start time 0.00 — 1.00s 0.01 s 0,00s Use only when in closed loop control
5.23 Smooth start frequency 0.00 — 5.00 0.01 0.10 Hz
As P5.22
Hz Hz
5.24 0Hz time start 0.00 — 2.00s 0.01s 0.50 s Active only in closed loop control
5.25 0Hz time stop 0.00 — 2.00s 0.01s 0.60 s As P5.24

Group 6, Motor Control Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
Control mode 0—3 1 1 0 = Frequency control open loop
1 = Speed control open loop
6.1 STOP 2 = Not used
3 = Speed control closed loop

Switching frequency 1.0—16.0 0.1 10 kHz Depending on kW

6.2 STOP
kHz kHz
Field weakening 25—120 Hz 1 Hz 50 Hz
6.3 STOP
Voltage at field 15—200% x 1% 100%
6.4 STOP
weakening point U nmot
U/F-curve mid point 0.0—fmax 0.1 5.0 Hz
6.5 frequency Hz

U/F-curve mid point 0.00—100.00% 0.01% 10.00%

6.6 voltage
STOP x Unmot

Output voltage at zero 0.00—100.00% 0.01% 1.0%

6.7 frequency x Unmot

Undervoltage controller 0—1 1 1 0 = controller is OFF

1 = controller is ON
Note! = Parameter value can be changed only when the frequency converter is stopped.

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Group 7, Protections Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
4 mA fault 1 0 0 = No action
7.1 0—2 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
External fault 0—2 1 2 0 = No action
7.2 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Mechanical brake 0—2 1 2 0 = No action
7.3 control fault 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Shaft speed fault 0—2 1 0 0 = No action
7.4 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Shaft speed supervision 0.0 — 1.0 0.1 0.3 m/s According to P7.5 and P7.6 is the sfaft
limit m/s m/s speed fault generated
Shaft speed supervision 0.00—1.00 s 0.01 s 0.40 s
Phase supervision of the 0—2 1 2 0 = No action
7.7 motor 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Input line phase 0—2 2 2 0 = No action
supervision 2 = Fault
Earth fault 0—2 1 2 0 = No action
7.9 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Over torque protection 0—2 1 0 0 = No action
7.10 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Motor thermal protection 0—2 1 2 0 = No action
7.11 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
50.0— 1.0% 100%
Motor thermal protection
7.12 150.0 %
break point current
x InMotor
Motor thermal protection
7.13 150.0 % 1.0% 45.0 %
zero frequency current
x InMotor
Motor thermal protection 0.5—300.0 0.5 Default value is set according to motor
time constant min min nominal current
Motor thermal protection
7.15 10—500 Hz 1 Hz 35 Hz
break point frequency
0 = No action
7.16 Stall protection 0—2 1 2 1 = Warning
2 = Fault
7.17 Stall current 200.0 % 1.0% 130.0%
7.18 Stall time 2.0—120.0 s 1.0s 15.0s
Maximum stall
7.19 0 Hz—fmax 1 Hz 25 Hz
7.20 Torque supervision time 0.00—1.00 s 0.01 s 0.10 s
Minimum current
7.21 0 — 0.2 x InCX 0.1 A 0.05 x InCX
supervision limit
0 = No action
Response to control
7.22 0—2 1 0 1 = Warning
2 = Fault

Group 8, Autorestart parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
Automatic restart:
8.1 0 — 10 1 0 0 = not in use
number of trials
8.2 Automatic restart: trial 1 — 6000 s 1s 60 s

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0 = No
8.3 Rst if undervolt 0—1 1 0
1 = Yes
0 = No
8.4 Rst if overvolt 0—1 1 0
1 = Yes
0 = No
8.5 Rst if overcurrent 0—1 1 0
1 = Yes
0 = No
8.6 Rst if temp fault 0—1 1 0
1 = Yes

Group 9, Special Open Loop Parameters

Code Parameter Range Step Default Custom Description Page
Motor boost gain 0—200.0% 0.1% 75.0% This is used when torque boost is
actived. P1.9 = 1 Default value is set
according to motor nominal size.
Generator boost gain -200.0 — 0.1% 40.0% As P9.1
9.2 100.0 %
Minimum field frequency 0.00 —2.00 0.01 Hz 0.75 Hz
Minimum field 0—2 1 0 0 = Default
1 = Ramp
2 = Step
Stator impedance
9.5 Default value is set according to motor
nominal size.
Voltage stabilator gain 0—100.0% 0.1% 10.0%
Voltage stabilator damp 0—100.0% 0.1% 60.0%
Torque stabilator gain 0—100.0% 0.1% 10.0%
Torque stabilator damp 0—100.0% 0.1% 80.0%

Group 10, Closed Loop Parameters

256 — 5000 1 1024 P/R
10.1 Encoder P/R
Encoder direction 0—1 1 0 0 = Forward
10.2 1 = Reverse
0 — 20 ms 1 ms 3 ms 0 = Automatic
10.3 Encoder filt time
0—1 1 0 0 = Inactive
10.4 Identification 1 = Identify
0.0A — In 0.1 A 0.0 A
10.5 Motor magnetising
0 — 1000 % 1% 100%
10.6 Slip adjust
0 — 500 1 30
10.7 Speed controller P gain
0 — 1000 1ms 10 ms
10.8 Speed controller I time
0 — 500 1 150
10.9 Current controller gain

Table 2.Parameters tables of groups 1–10.

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7 Description of parameters

1.1 Minimum speed

1.2 Maximum speed
Defines the minimum and maximum speed of the lift. The minimum speed should be
set to 0 m/s to achieve a smooth start from and stop at floor level.
The maximum settable value correcponds to speed of 120 Hz output frequency.

1.3 Acceleration 1
1.4 Deceleration 1
Acceleration and deceleration of lift car.
Acceleration and deceleration curves are affected as well by the jerk time settings
presented in group 4.

1.5 Nominal Linear Speed

This speed shall correspond to the lift speed at nominal frequency of the motor.

Speed parameters 1.17-1.24 are entered in linear magnitudes insted of Hz. The
internal scaling of linear speeds to frequencies is done with a scaling factor
calculated from vnom (par. 1.5) and fnomMotor (par. 1.11) as kscaling = (par 1.11) /
(par 1.5). A linear speed is converted to frequency as f = vNomLin x kscaling.

1.6 Speed Reference Selection

Speed reference can be generated from digital inputs DIB4, DIB5, DIB6 or from
analog input i.e. current or voltage.

Speed reference can be generated in three diffrent ways from digital inputs. Activity
coding, activity coding with direction and binary coding. In activity coding method 4
different constant speeds can be selected. In activity coding with direction method the
constant speeds are selected according to state of digital inputs and motor direction.
4 different speed per direction is available and so this makes 8 different speeds
totally. In binary coding method one of the 8 different constant speeds is selected
according to binary word made through digital inputs. DIB6 is the most significant bit
(MSB) when creating the binary word in binary coding method.
In current and voltage reference method the speed reference is created according to
current or voltage input.

In the tables below the first column contains the state of digital inputs, the second the
speed reference and the third priority. If speed reference is different when running
different direction the direction is defined in the fourth column. In the fifth column the
stop mode is dedicated to speed. The priority column defines which speed is
activated in a case where more than one digital input are active in the activity
reference and in activity reference with direction method.
With parameter 1.6 (Speed Reference) the speed reference selection method is

Following tables 3, 4 and 5 describe how the speed reference is created.

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DIB[4;5;6] SpeedRef Priority Direction Stop mode

[0;0;0] P1.17 v0 (v;levelling) 0 low irrelevant ramp
[1;0;0] P1.18 v1 (v;nominal) 1 medium irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[0;1;0] P1.19 v2 (v;limited speed) 2 high irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[0;0;1] P1.20 v3 (v;inspection) 3 highest irrelevant coast (P4.2)
Table 3. Activity reference. Parameter 1.6 = 0.

DIB[4;5;6] SpeedRef Priority Direction Stop mode

[0;0;0] P1.17 v0 (v;levelling) 0 low forward ramp
[1;0;0] P1.18 v1 (v;nominal) 1 medium forward coast (P4.2)
[0;1;0] P1.19 v2 (v;limited speed) 2 high forward coast (P4.2)
[0;0;1] P1.20 v3 (v;inspection) 3 highest forward coast (P4.2)
[0;0;0] P1.21 v4 (v;levelling) 0 low reverse ramp
[1;0;0] P1.22 v5 (v;nominal) 1 medium reverse coast (P4.2)
[0;1;0] P1.23 v6 (v;limited speed) 2 high reverse coast (P4.2)
[0;0;1] P1.24 v7 (v;inspection) 3 highest reverse coast (P4.2)
Table 4. Activity reference with direction. Parameter 1.6 = 1. As activity reference method
except there is dedicated speed per motor direction.

DIB[4;5;6] SpeedRef Priority Direction Stop mode

[0;0;0] P1.17 v0 (v;levelling) - irrelevant ramp
[1;0;0] P1.18 v1 (v;nominal) - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[0;1;0] P1.19 v2 (v;limited speed) - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[1;1;0] P1.20 v3 (v;inspection) - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[0;0;1] P1.21 v4 - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[1;0;1] P1.22 v5 - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[0;1;1] P1.23 v6 - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
[1;1;1] P1.24 v7 - irrelevant coast (P4.2)
Table 5. Binary reference. Parameter 1.6 = 2.

In a case where speed reference is generated from the analog input the inspection
speed is (P1.20 ; v3) generated by activating digital input 6, DIB6.
If the states of digital inputs DIB4, DIB5, DIB6 are false, the stop mode is Stop by
ramp. In all other cases the Stop by coast is performed. If the stop mode P4.2 is set to
“1 =Ramping” the stop by ramp is performed also in those cases where the Stop by
coast was defined.

1.7 Current limit

This parameter determines the maximum motor current from the freqeuency converter.
To avoid motor overload, set this parameter according to the rated current of the

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1.8 U/f ratio selection

0 The voltage of the motor changes linearly with the frequency in the
constant flux area from 0 Hz to the field weakening point (par. 6. 3) where
the nominal voltage is also supplied to the motor. Linear U/f ratio should
be used in constant torque applications. This default setting should be used
if there is no special need for another setting.

Not used:

U/f curve
2 The U/f curve can be programmed with three different points.
The parameters for programming are in group 6.
Programmable U/f curve can be used if the other settings do not
satisfy the needs of the application. See Figure 4.
Programmable U/f curve can be used if the other settings do not
satisfy the needs of the application.

Par 6. 4 Default: Nominal Field weakening
voltage of the motor point

Par. 6. 6
(Def. 10%)
Default: Nominal
Par. 6 . 7 frequency of the
motor f[Hz]
(Def. 1.3%)
Par. 6. 5 Par. 6. 3
(Def. 5 Hz)

Figure 4.Programmable U/f curve.

1.9 U/f optimisation

Automatic The voltage to the motor changes automatically which makes the motor
torque produce sufficient torque to start and run at low frequencies. The voltage
boost increase depends on the motor type and power.
Automatic torque boost can be used in applications where starting torque
due to starting friction is high.

NOTE! In high torque - low speed applications - it is likely the motor will

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If the motor has to run a prolonged time under these conditions, special
attention must be paid to cooling the motor. Use external cooling for the
motor if the temperature tends to rise too high.

1.10 Nominal voltage of the motor

Find this value Un on the rating plate of the motor. This parameter sets the voltage at
the field weakening point, parameter 6. 4, to 100% x Unmotor.

1.11 Nominal frequency of the motor

Find this value fn on the rating plate of the motor. This parameter sets the field
weakening point, parameter 6. 3, to the same value.

1.12 Nominal speed of the motor

Find this value nn on the rating plate of the motor.

1.13 Nominal current of the motor

Find this value In on the rating plate of the motor.

1.14 Supply voltage

Set parameter value according to the nominal voltage of the supply.
Values are predefined for CX/CXL2, CX/CXL/CXS4, CX/CXL/CXS5 and CX6

1.15 Parameter conceal

Defines which parameter groups are available:
0 = all parameter groups are visible
1 = only group 1 is visible

1.16 Parameter value lock

Determines the access to parameter value changes:
0 = parameter value changes enabled
1 = parameter value changes disabled

1.17 v0 A000 – B000 See the description for parameter 1.6.

1.18 v1 A100 – B100 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.19 v2 A010 – B010 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.20 v3 A001 – B110 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.21 v4 A000 – B001 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.22 v5 A100 – B101 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.23 v6 A010 – B011 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.24 v7 A001 – B111 See the description for parameter 1.6.
1.25 Start of reference hold
1.26 Stop of reference hold
These parameters define a time window after the start command is given during
which the speed reference is not read. This function can be used to delay
deceleration when the distance between two floors is shorter than normal. The

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function is also called “½ floor ride”. The start and stop inputs are not affected by
this function. Example: 1.25 = 0.1 s and 1.26 = 0.5 define a window between 0.1
and 0.5 s after start during the speed reference cannot be changed.

2.1 Start/Stop logic selection

0 DIA1: closed contact = start forward
DIA2: closed contact = start reverse

FWD Output Stop function

frequency = coasting




1 2 3

Figure 5. Start forward/Start reverse

The first selected direction has the highest priority
When DIA1 contact opens, the direction of rotation starts to change
3 If Start forward (DIA1) and Start reverse (DIA2) signals are active
simultaneously, the Start forward signal (DIA1) has priority.

1 DIA1: closed contact = start open contact = stop

DIA2: closed contact = reverse open contact = forward
See Figure 5.

2.2 DIA 3 function

If “External brake control” activated to mechanical brake control value of this
parameter is automatically set to “8 External brake control”.

0 Not used
1 External fault, closing contact = Fault is shown and motor is stopped when
the input is active.
2 External fault, opening contact = Fault is shown and motor is stopped when
the input is not active.
3 Run enable contact open = Motor start disabled
contact closed = Motor start enabled

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4 Acc./Dec contact open = Acceleration/deceleration time 1 selected

time select. contact closed = Acceleration/deceleration time 2 selected
5 Stop by coast, opening contact
Stop by coast is performed when DIA3 is opened.

6 Fault reset contact closed = Resets all faults

7 DC.braking command
contact closed = In stop mode, the DC-braking operates until
the contact is opened. DC-brake current is
set with parameter 4.3.
8 External brake control
External brake control input in mechanical brake control is
connected to DIA3 is selected. See Figure 15 and parameters
descriptions for P5.7, P5.9, P5.16.
9 Stop by coast, closing contact
Stop by coast is performed when DIA3 is closed.

2.3 Uin / Iin Inversion

If voltage or current reference is selected with P1.6. the reference can be inverted.
Parameter 2. 3 = 1, inversion of analog Uin or Iin signal.


Par2.6 Analog
10 V

Figure 6. Uin signal inversion.

2.4 Uin / Iin Filter Time %

Filters out disturbances from Unfiltered signal
the incoming analogue Uin / Iin
Long filtering time makes
regulation response slower. Filtered signal
See Figure 7.

t [s]
P ar. 2. 4
UD 00 9K15

Figure 7. Uin signal filtering.

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2.5 Iin signal range

0 = 0 - 20 mA
1 = 4-20 mA
Offset 4 mA (“living zero”), provides supervision of zero level signal. The response to
reference fault can be programmed with the parameter 7.1.

2.6 Reference scaling minimum value

2.7 Reference scaling maximum value
Makes the scaling of the basic reference.
Setting limits: par2.5<par2.6
If par2.5 = 0.0 % and par2.6 =100.0 % scaling is set off. See Figure 8.

Max speed

Par2.6 Min speed Analog

Par1.1 input
10 UD009K31 / JaK

Figure 8. Reference scaling.

3.1 Analogue output function

Signal Max. value of the signal

0 = Not used
1 = Motor Freq. (0—fmax)
2 = Motor speed (0—max. speed)
3 = Motor current (0—2.0 x InCX)
4 = Motor torque (-2 x TnCX —2 x TnCX)
5 = Motor power (-2 x PnCX —2 x PnCX)
6 = Motor voltage (0—100% x UnM)
7 = DC-link volt. (0—1000 V)

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Unfiltered signal

3.2 Analogue output filter time 100%

Filters the analogue output signal.
See Figure 9. Filtered signal

t [s]
Par. 3. 2 U D 01 2K 16

Figure 9. Analogue output filtering.

3.3 Analogue output invert

Inverts analogue output signal:
Anal ogu e
max. output signal = minimum set value outpu t
curren t

min. output signal = maximum set value 20 mA

12 mA
Param. 3. 5
= 50 %
10 mA

Pa ram. 3 . 5
= 100 %
4 mA

Pa ram. 3 . 5 Sele cte d (para . 3. 1)

= 2 00% si gna l max. va lue
0 mA
0 0.5 1.0 UD0 12K1 7

Figure 10. Analogue output invert.

3.4 Analogue output minimum
Defines the signal minimum to
either 0 mA or 4 mA (living
zero). See Figure 11.
current Param. 3. 5 Param. 3. 5
= 200% = 100%
20 mA

12 mA
Param. 3. 5
= 50%
10 mA

Par. 3. 4 = 1
4 mA

Max. value of signal

Par. 3. 4 = 0 selected by param. 3. 1
0 mA
0 0.5 1.0 UD012K18

Figure 11. Analogue output scale.

3.5 Analogue output gain
Scaling factor for analogue output. See Figure 11.

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3.6 Analogue output offset current P3.6 = +25.0 %
=> 5 mA
20 mA
With this parameter the offset of control
board analog output signal is set.
P3.6 = -10.0 %
=> 2 mA

5 mA

0 mA
0.5 1.0 Selected signal

P3.6 = 0.0 %

Figure 12. Analogue output scale.

3.7 DO1 content

Setting value Signal content

0 = Not used
1 = Allways on Active all the time
2 = Ready The frequency converter is ready to operate
3 = Run The frequency converter operates (motor is running)
4 = Fault A fault trip has occurred
5 = Warning Always if a warning exists
6 = Speed below limit Speed below limit set in P3.16
7 = Torque above limit Torque above set limit in P3.17, P3.18
8 = Mechanical brake control Mechanical brake control signal. See fig. 31-1 for
functional descripition
9 = Open enable control Vacon is ready to open the mechanical brake. See
Figure 15 for functional description
Table 6.Output signals via DO1 and output relays RO1 and RO2.

3.8 DO1 invert

0 = Not inverted
1 = Inverted

3.9 DO1 delay

State transition of digital output is delayed with defined time. The delay is the same
on rising and falling edge of the signal.

3.10 RO1 content

As parameter 3.7

3.11 RO1 invert

0 = Not inverted
1 = Inverted

3.12 RO1 on delay

Delay the rising edge of RO1 signal

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3.13 RO1 of delay

Delay the falling edge of RO1 signal

3.14 RO2 content

As parameter 3.7

3.15 RO2 invert

0 = Not inverted
1 = Inverted

3.16 Speed supervision limit

The speed value to be supervised. This value is compared with calculated speed and
when this exceeds P3.16 the signal “Speed below limit” is false. When the speed
remains below the P3.16 the signal “Speed below limit” is true. See Table 6 for
“Speed below limit” signal.

3.17 Motoring torque supervision

Torque limit when operating in motoring mode. If P3.18 generating limit set to 0.0 %
torque is monitored without a sign. If P3.18 is 0.0 % this parameter defines both
motoring and genereting mode torque limit. According to P3.17 and P3.18 the
torque protetection fault F56 or warning F57 is activated according to P7.9.

3.18 Generating torque supervision

Torque limit when operating in generating mode. If set to 0.0 % this parameter is
ignored and the limit is defined by P3.17.
3.19 rpm source selection
0 = calculated rpm
1= rpm from encoder
If value 0 is selected the speed on monitoring page and the speed on the analog
output are updated according to the output frequency from the motor control. If value
1 is selected the contents of speed display and analog output are updated according
to the speed of the encoder.

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4.1 Brake chopper

0 = No brake chopper
1 = Brake chopper and brake resistor installed
2 = External brake chopper

When the frequency converter is operating in generating mode , the inertia of the
motor and the load are fed into the external brake resistor. This enables the
frequency converter to decelerate the load with the torque equal to that of
acceleration, if the brake resistor is selected correctly. If parameter set to 2 “External
brake chopper” the brake chopper supervision is disabled. Otherwise the operation
is the same as with parameter value 1.

4.2 Stop function


0: The motor coasts to a halt without any control from the frequency converter, after
the Stop command.

Additionally to parameter value if all digital inputs DIB4–6 are inactive the stop mode
is stop by ramp. I.e. inactive digital inputs are overriding this parameter. The function
is the same regardless of selected frequency refererence source.


1: After the Stop command, the speed of the motor is decelerated according to the
set deceleration parameters.

4.3 DC-braking current (in closed loop, this parameter has no effect)
Defines the current injected into the motor during DC-braking.

4.4 DC-brake time at start

0: DC-brake is not used.

>0: DC-brake is active at the start moment and this parameter defines the time before
the brake is released. After brake is released output frequency increases according to
the set reference and acceleration parametres (1.3, 4.14, 4.15). See Figure 13.

4.5 Execute frequency of DC-brake at ramp Stop

See Figure 13.

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4.6 DC-braking time at stop (in closed loop, this parameter has no effect)
Determines if braking is ON or OFF and the braking time of the DC-brake when the
motor is stopping. The DC-brake is activated only when the stop is performed be
ramp. When the stop by coast is performed the DC-brake is not activated.
0: DC-brake is not used
>0: DC-brake is in use and it’s function depends on the Stop function, (param. 4. 2),
and the time depends on the value of parameter 4. 6.
Stop-function = 0 (coasting):

DC-brake is not activated att all.

Stop-function = 1 (ramp):

After the Stop command, the speed of the motor is reduced according to the set
deceleration parameters, to a speed defined with parameter 4. 5, where the DC-
braking starts.

The braking time is defined with

parameter 4. 6.
If high inertia exists, it is f ou t

recommended to use an M otor sp e ed

external braking resistor for O u tp ut fre que n cy

faster deceleration. See Figure


DC- br akin g

P ar. 4 . 8

t = P ar. 4. 6


Figure 13. DC-braking time when stop

function = ramp

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4.7 Acc Inc Jerk 1

Speed [m/s]
4.8 Acc Dec Jerk 1
4.9 Dec Inc Jerk 1
4.10 Dec Dec Jerk 1

t [s]

P4.7 P4.8


t [s]
Figure 14. Jerks releted to speed and acceleration.

Deceleration increment P 4.11 and deceleration decrease (P 4.12) are used when
decreasing the speed. The second ramp time set can be activated with digital input
DIA3 or by activating P4.11 for internal ramp switching.

4.11 Internal ramp switching

The ramp set 2 can be activated internally. The update is done when the speed is
decelerated to speed v0 defined in P1.17. Ramp set 1 is changed back when
frequency converter enters the stop stage.
To the ramp set 2 is included parameters 4.12-4.17.

4.12 Acceleration time 2

4.13 Deceleration time 2
If ramp set 2 activated these values replase values defined in P1.3 and P1.4.

4.14 Acc Inc Jerk 2 See Figure 14

4.15 Acc Dec Jerk 2 See Figure 14
4.16 Dec Inc Jerk 2 See Figure 14
4.17 Dec Dec Jerk 2 See Figure 14
4.18 Enable jerks
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
Acceleration and deceleration rounding with jerks can be disabled by setting this
parameter to 0. If set to 0 (Disabled) values set in P4.7 - P4.10 and P4.14 - P4.17
have no effect.

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Mechanical brake control parameters

Mechanical brake control parameters are parameters affecting the mechanical brake
control, the smooth start and stop functions and the safety functions.
Mechanical brake can be set to release on current, on torque, on frequency or on
external input. The closing can be performed by frequency, external input or run
request signals. In case of fault the closing is done directly without delay.
On the next page in Figure 15, the mechanical brake control logic is described. The
area in the upper part in the picture describes the brake opening logics and the
lower part the brake closing logics.

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Motor direction

Vacon Oyj
CurrentF P5.1
Page 30(63)

CurrentR P5.2 Current

Mechanical Brake Control
TorqueF P5.3
TorqueR P5.4 Torque

FrequencyF P5.5
FrequencyR P5.6 Frequency

Run state
Delay flip-flop
External brake control R

DIR change request


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Figure 15. Mechanical brake control logic

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Motor direction

FrequencyFC P5.10
FrequencyRC P5.11 Frequency FC P5.14
Delay P5.12
RC P5.15
Lift Application

DIR change request


Run request
NOT P5.13 RC P5.15

Run State


External brake control

SupV time P5.17

+358-201-212 205
Delay AND
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In Figure 15, the “BRAKE OPEN” is the mechanical brake control signal and it can
be selected to digital or to relay output to control the external mechanical brake.

In the mechanical brake control some of the blocks have “Motor direction” as input.
In these blocks the actual parameter is selected according to motor direction. For
example, in the upper left corner you find the Current block which compares the
actual current fed to motor with parameter 5.1 or parameter 5.2 according to motor
direction. The actual current is compared with P5.1 if motor is running forward and
with P5.2 if motor is running reverse.

If two drives are used when running one lift the brakes and ramps need to be
synchronized for smooth operation.
The mechanical brakes and ramps can be synchronized by connecting the “OPEN
ENABLE” signal to another drive’s “External brake control” input. The parameter P5.7
has to be set to “Inactive” so the “External brake control” signal does not affect the
brake opening through delay. “External brake control” signal is transferred to brake
opening condition by activating P5.9, i.e. the drive can not release the brake before
the “External brake control” signal is active.
The brake closing synchronization is done by activating P5.16 and setting the P5.17
delay to zero. So if another drive is closing the brake the another one is following
after the “OPEN ENABLE” signal becomes inactive.
The “OPEN ENABLE” signal can be selected to digital or relay output.

The “External brake control” signal is connected to brake control logic via digital
input (DIA3). When activating a function using “External brake control” signal
parameter 2.2 is set to “8 ExtBrakeControl” automatically.

Flip-flop blocks used in the diagram are set on the rising clock signal and reset with
high reset [R] signal. The reset signal has priority if both conditions are true at the
same time.

The term “closed mechanical brake” used further on in the text corresponds to a
situation where the motor shaft rotation is prevented mechanically.
The term “released mechanical brake” corresponds to a situation where the motor
shaft can rotate freely without mechanical prevention.

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Parameters from 5.1 to 5.9 affect the mechanical brake release

5.1 Current limit forward (Motor shaft running forward)

5.2 Current limit reverse (Motor shaft running reverse)
The actual current fed to motor have to exceed the limit to allow brake release. If set
to zero this condition is excluded.

5.3 Torque limit forward

5.4 Torque limit reverse
These paramters define the actual torque limit that has to be exceeded for a brake
release. If set to zero this condition is excluded.
100 % correcponds to the calculated nominal torque of the motor.

5.5 Frequency limit forward

5.6 Frequency limit reverse
These parameters define the actual frequency limit that has to be exceeded for brake
release. If set to zero this condition is excluded.

5.7 External brake control

DIA3 can be connected to brake releasing logic by activating this parameter. Set
P2.2 to 8 connect the DIA3 to External brake control signal.

5.8 Opening delay

Time with which the brake release is delayed.

5.9 Dual brake control

If running the lift with two Vacon drives this function is to gain synchronized brake
and ramp control. The OPEN ENABLE signal is connected to digital input DIA3 and
in the another drive connected vice versa. For dual drive control, P5.17 has to be set
to zero and parameters 5.16, 5.9 activated. Parameter 5.7 has to be set to inactive.

Parameters from 5.10 to 5.17 affect the mechanical brake closing.

5.10 Frequency limit closing forward

5.11 Frequency limit closing reverse
The output frequency limit which closes the brake. The run request signal needs to be
disabled to allow the signal to affect.

5.12 Close from frequency

If the brake closing from frequency limit is to be delayed.

5.13 Run request closing

If the run request signal is included in the brake closing logic.

5.14 Closing delay forward

5.15 Closing delay reverse
The brake closing is delayed with the defined time. If set to zero there is no delay
between the brake closing condition and the actual brake closing.

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5.16 External brake feedback supervision

After the mechanical brake is released, DIA3 can be used to verify the brake open
state. A time window within which DIA3 has to be activated from the brake release is
defined in P5.17. If DIA3 is deactivated outside this time window, external brake
fault is generated. The response to external brake fault is set with parameter 7.3.

5.17 Brake feedback supervision time

A time window within the DIA3 input have to be activated after the brake is released.
Is the time withing the digital input DIA3 have to activated from brake releasing.

Mechanical brake release, DC-brake


Run state



Brake OPEN

Figure 16.Mechanical brake release, DC-brake.

5.18 Maximum frequency brake closed

Output frequency does not exceed this value when mechanical brake is closed.
When modifying this parameter make sure that the brake release from frequency
“P5.5 and P5.6” is possible with new value.

5.19 Brake release supervision

Time within the brake have to be released from entering the “run state”. If the time is
exceeded mechanical brake control fault or warning is activated. The response to
external brake fault is set with parameter 7.3.

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5.20 Mechanical brake reaction time

After brake is released the speed reference is in hold for a defined time. This hold
time should be set to correspond mechanical brakes reaction time.

5.21 Direction change mode

If direction change situation has to be handled with external brake control the
function is set with this parameter.

If set to 0 (Inactive) the change of direction does not cause mechanical brake closing.

If set to 1 (Brake Closed) the signal DIR change request is activated in a case of
direction change request. The mechanical brake is closed and released by the limits
(frequency, torque, etc.) set by parameters.

If set to 2 (StopState) the drive is forced to stop state in case of direction change
request. After the external brake is closed and the drive has entered the stop state the
overriding “stop request” signal is released and the ramp up sequence is started as in
a normal start case.

5.22 Smooth start time

The smooth start is a function that is used is closed loop control mode. It cannot be
used in open loop. After the start command has been given the drive is rotating the
motor shaft with a very low frequency (P5.23) to overcome the static friction. After the
shaft has been rotating time defined is the reference increased normally.

5.23 Smooth start frequency

The reference frequency that is used during the smooth start operation.

5.24 Zero speed time start

5.25 Zero speed time stop
Closed loop start and stop zero speed times. The mechanical brake should be set to
release during zero speed time at start and the brake should be set to close during
zero speed time stop.

6.1 Motor control mode

0 = Frequency control: The I/O terminal and panel references are frequency
references and the frequency converter controls the output
1 = Speed control: The I/O terminal and panel references are speed
references and the frequency converter controls the motor
speed (regulation accuracy ± 1%).
2 = Not used

3 = Speed control closed loop:

When running the motor in closed loop motor control mode
the closed loop parameters in group 10 need to be set to
correspond to the motor and encoder type.

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6.2 Switching frequency

Motor noise can be minimized using a high switching frequency. Increasing the
switching frequency reduces the capacity of the Vacon CX unit.
Before changing the frequency from the factory default 10 kHz (3.6 kHz from 30 kW
upwards) check the allowed capacity on the curve in Figure 5.2-3 in Chapter 5.2 of
the User’s Manual.

6.3 Field weakening point

6.4 Voltage at field weakening point
The field weakening point is the output frequency at which the output voltage reaches
the set maximum value (par. 6. 4). Above that frequency the output voltage remains
at the set maximum value.
Below that frequency the output voltage depends on the setting of the U/f curve
parameters 1. 8, 1. 9, 6. 5, 6. 6 and 6. 7. See Figure 17.
When the parameters 1. 10 and 1. 11, nominal voltage and nominal frequency of
the motor, are set, parameters 6. 3 and 6. 4 are also set automatically to the
corresponding values. If different values for the field weakening point and the
maximum output voltage are required, change these parameters after setting the
parameters 1. 10 and 1. 11.

6.5 U/f curve, middle point frequency

If the programmable U/f curve has been selected with the parameter 1.8 this
parameter defines the middle point frequency of the curve.

6.6 U/f curve, middle point voltage

If the programmable U/f curve has been selected with the parameter 1.8 this
parameter defines the middle point voltage of the curve.

6.7 Output voltage at zero frequency

If the programmable U/f curve has been selected with the parameter 1.8 this
parameter defines the zero frequency voltage of the curve.

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Par6.5 Par6.3 f[Hz]

Figure 17. Programmable U/f curve.

6.8 Undervoltage controller

This parameter allows the undervoltage controller to be switched out of operation.
This may be useful, for example, if the mains supply voltage varies more than
–15% and the application will not tolerate this undervoltage, the regulator controls
output frequency according to the supply fluctuations.

Undervoltage trips may occur when controllers are switched out of operation.

Safety functions
The safety function provided by the Vacon frequency converter equipped with lift
application (smc126) does not fulfil any standards or regulations for lifts.
The lift manufacturer is responsible for making the motor and drive installation
according to the safety regulations for construction and installation of lifts.

7.1 4 mA fault
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
A warning or fault action and message is generated if 4—20 mA reference signal is
used and the signal falls below 4 mA.
7.2 External fault
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
A warning or fault action and message is generated through the external fault signal
in the digital input DIA3.

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7.3 Mechanical brake control fault

0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Mechanical brake supervision fault ensures that the brake is released within the
defined time and external brake supervision does not trigger the fault. With this
parameter this function can be turned off.

7.4 Shaft speed fault

0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Actual shaft speed according to encoder and calculated shaft speed from motor
control are compared and in case the speed diffrence is more than set limit P7.5 for
a defined time in P7.6, the set action is taken.
This fault is generated only when the mechanical brake is open. i.e. if running
against mechanical brake this fault is not generated.
In open loop motor control mode this fault is not generated. See Figure 18.


Supervision time
time P7.6

Speed diffrence
diffrence between and vENC
between vvCALC and
greater than
than set
set limit
limit in
in P7.5

=actual speed
speed according
according to
to motor
vENC =actual
=actual speed
speed from
from encoder

Figure 18. Shaft speed supervision

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7.5 Shaft speed supervision limit

The speed difference between the actual and the calculated lift speed which will
cause tripping. See Figure 18.

7.6 Shaft speed supervision time

If the speed difference in shaft speed supervision is greater than set limit P7.5 for a
defined supervision time the shaft speed warning or fault is generated. See Figure

7.7 Phase supervision of the motor

0 = No action
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
Phase supervision of the motor ensures that the motor phases have an approximately
equal current. With this parameter this function can be turned off.

7.8 Input line phase supervision

0 = No action
2 = Fault
By setting the parameter to zero, the phase supervision of the supply voltage will not
cause tripping.

7.9 Earth fault protection

0 = No action
2 = Fault

Earth fault protection ensures that the sum of the motor phase currents is zero. The
overcurrent protection is always working and protects the Vacon CX against earth
faults with high currents.
7.10 Overtorque protection
0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
The actual torque is compared to torque limits set with P3.17 and P3.18. If exceeded
the defined action is taken.

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Parameters 7.11—7.15 Motor thermal protection


Motor thermal protection is to protect the motor from overheating. Vacon

CX/CXL/CXS drive is capable of supplying higher than nominal current to the motor.
If the load requires this high current there is a risk that the motor will be thermally
overloaded. This is true especially at low frequencies. At low frequencies the cooling
effect of the motor is reduced as well as the capacity of the motor. If the motor is
equipped with an external fan the load reduction at low speeds is small.

Motor thermal protection is based on a calculated model and it uses the output
current of the drive to determine the load on the motor. When the power of the drive
is turned on, the calculated model uses the heatsink temperature to determine the
initial thermal stage for the motor. The calculated model assumes that the ambient
temperature of the motor is 40°C.

Motor thermal protection can be adjusted by setting the parameters. The thermal
current IT specifies the load current above which the motor is overloaded. This current
limit is a function of the output frequency. The curve for IT is set with parameters
7.12, 7. 13 and 7. 15, See Figure 19. The parameters have their default values
taken from the motor name plate data.
With the output current at IT the thermal stage will reach the nominal value (100%).
The thermal stage changes by the square of the current.

With output current at 75% of IT the thermal stage will reach a 56% value and with
output current at 120% of IT the thermal stage would reach a 144% value. The
function will trip the device (refer par. 7. 11) if the thermal stage will reach a value
of 105%. The speed of change in thermal stage is determined with the time constant
parameter 7. 14. The bigger the motor the longer it takes to reach the final

The thermal stage of the motor can be monitored through the display. Refer to the
table for monitoring items. (User's Manual, table 7.3-1).

CAUTION! The calculated model does not protect the motor if the airflow to the motor
is reduced by blocked air intake grill

7.11 Motor thermal protection

0 = Not in use
1 = Warning
2 = Trip function

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Tripping and warning will display the same message code. If tripping is selected the
drive will stop and activate the fault stage.
Deactivating the protection, setting parameter to 0, will reset the thermal stage of
the motor to 0%.

7.12 Motor thermal protection, break point current

The current can be set between 50.0—150.0% x InMotor.
This parameter sets the value for thermal current at frequencies above the breakpoint
on the thermal current curve. See Figure 19.
The value is set in percentage which refers to the name plate data of the motor,
parameter 1. 13, nominal current of the motor, not the drive's nominal output current.
The motor's nominal current is the current which the motor can withstand in direct on-
line use without being overheated.
If parameter 1. 13 is adjusted, this parameter is automatically restored to the default
Setting this parameter (or parameter 1. 13) does not affect the maximum output
current of the drive. Parameter 1. 7 alone determines the maximum output current of
the drive.

Current I
par. 1. 7
Overload area
100% IT


Figure 19. Motor thermal current IT curve 35 Hz UMCH7_ 91

7.13 Motor thermal protection, zero frequency current

The current can be set between 10.0% and 150.0% x InMotor. This parameter sets the
value for thermal current at zero frequency. Refer to Figure 19.

The default value is set assuming that there is no external fan cooling the motor. If an
external fan is used this parameter can be set to 90% (or even higher).

The value is set as a percentage of the motor name plate data, parameter 1.13,
motor's nominal current, not the drive's nominal output current. Motor's nominal
current is the current which the motor can stand in direct on-line use without being

If you change the parameter 1.13 this parameter is automatically restored to the
default value.

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Setting this parameter (or parameter 1. 13) does not affect to the maximum output
current of the drive. Parameter 1. 7 alone determines the maximum output current of
the drive.
7.14 Motor thermal protection, time constant
This time can be set to 0.5—300 minutes.
This is the thermal time constant of the motor. The bigger the motor the bigger the
time constant. The time constant is the time within which the calculated thermal stage
has reached 63% of its final value.
The motor thermal time is specific for the motor design and it varies between different
motor manufacturers.

The default value for the time constant is calculated basing on the motor name plate
data given with parameters 1. 12 and 1. 13. If either of these parameters is set, this
parameter is set to default value.

If the motor's t6 -time is known (given by the motor manufacturer) the time constant
parameter could be set basing on t6 -time. As a rule of thumb, the motor thermal time
constant in minutes equals to 2xt6 (t6 in seconds is the time a motor can safely
operate at six times the rated current). If the drive is in stop stage the time constant is
internally increased to three times the set parameter value. The cooling in the stop
stage is based on convection and the time constant is increased.

7.15 Motor thermal protection, breakpoint frequency

The frequency can be set between 10—500 Hz.
This is the breakpoint of thermal current curve. With frequencies above this point the
thermal capacity of the motor is assumed to be constant. See Figure 19.

The default value is based on the motor's name plate data, parameter 1. 11. It is 35
Hz for a 50 Hz motor and 42 Hz for a 60 Hz motor. More generally, it is 70% of
the frequency at field weakening point (parameter 6. 3). Changing either parameter
1. 11 or 6. 3 will restore this parameter to its default value.

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Motor temperature

Trip area

current Trip/warning
par. 7. 11

Time constant T*)

Motor temperature Θ = (I/IT) 2 x (1-e -t/T) Time

*) Changed with motor size and

adjusted with parameter 7. 14 UMCH7_ 92

Figure 20. Motor temperature calculation

Parameters 7.16—7.19, Stall protection

Motor stall protection protects the motor from short time overload situations like a
stalled shaft. The reaction time of stall protection can be set shorter than with motor
thermal protection. The stall state is defined with two parameters, 7.17. Stall Current
and 7.19. Stall Frequency. If the current is higher than the set limit and output
frequency is lower than the set limit, the stall state is true. There is actually no real
indication of the shaft rotation. Stall protection is a type of overcurrent protection.

7.16 Stall protection

0 = Not in use
1 = Warning
2 = Trip function
Tripping and warning will display the same message code. If tripping is set on, the
drive will stop and activate the fault stage.
Setting the parameter to 0 will deactivate the protection and will reset the stall time
counter to zero.

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7.17 Stall current limit I

The current can be set to 0.0—200% x

In a stall stage the current has to be above
Stall area
this limit. See Figure 21. The value is set as a
percentage of the motor's name plate data,
Par. 7. 17
parameter 1. 13, motor's nominal current. If
parameter 1.13 is adjusted, this parameter
is automatically restored to the default value. f

Par. 7. 19 UMCH7_11

Figure 21. Setting the stall

7.18 Stall time
The time can be set between 2.0—120s.
This is the maximum allowed time for a stall
stage. There is an internal up/down counter Stall time counter

to count the stall time. See Figure 22.

Trip area
If the stall time counter value goes above this Par. 7. 18
limit the protection will cause a trip (see
parameter 7.16). par. 7 . 16

Figure 22. Stall time counting.


No stall
UMCH7_ 12

7.19 Maximum stall frequency

The frequency can be set
between 1—fmax. In a stall state,
the output frequency has to be
smaller than this limit. See
Figure 21.

7.20 Torque overshoot time

When torque exceeds limits set in P3.17 and P3.18 is the over torque protection fault
activated after the overshoot situation have been present the defined time. If set to
zero the fault is activated at once the actual torque exceeds the supervision limits.
Torque protection fault set in P7.10

7.21 Minimum current supervision limit

If current fed to motor is below set limit fault “F58 Current limit fault” generated.
This fault can be activated only when the mechanical brake is open. 100.0 %
corresponds to frequency converters nominal current.

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7.22 Response to control conflict

0 = No response
1 = Warning
2 = Fault
With this parameter the application can be set to monitor the states of the DIA1 and
DIA2. In a case these are active at the same time the defined action is taken. In a
case of warning, a warning “59 Direction request warning” is activated and in a
case of fault, a fault “51 Direction request fault” is given.

8.1 Automatic restart: number of tries

8.2 Automatic restart: trial time
The Automatic restart function restarts the frequency converter after the faults selected
with parameters 8. 3—8. 6.

Number of faults
during t = ttrial
ttrial ttrial

2 Par. 8. 1 = 3
ttrial = Par. 8. 2

Three faults Four faults

Figure 23.Automatic restart.

Parameter 8. 1 determines how many automatic restarts can be made during the trial
time set by parameter 8. 2.
The time count starts from the first autorestart. If the number of restarts does not
exceed the value of parameter 8. 1 during the trial time, the count is cleared after the
time is elapsed and the next fault starts the counting again.
8.3 Automatic restart after undervoltage trip
0 = No automatic restart after undervoltage fault
1 = Automatic restart after undervoltage fault condition returns to the nor-
mal condition (DC-link voltage returns to the normal level)
8.4 Automatic restart after overvoltage trip
0 = No automatic restart after overvoltage fault
1 = Automatic restart after overvoltage fault condition returns to the nor-
mal condition (DC-link voltage returns to the normal level)
8.5 Automatic restart after overcurrent trip
0 = No automatic restart after overcurrent fault
1 = Automatic restart after overcurrent faults
8.6 Automatic restart after over-/undertemperature fault trip

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0 = No automatic restart after temperature fault

1 = Automatic restart after heatsink temperature has returned to its normal
level between -10°C—+75°C.

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Parameters in group 9 have effect only on open loop motor control


9.1 Mot Boost gain

9.2 Generator boost gain
Sets the level of boost for the Torque Boost Function (par 1.9 =1) for motor and
generator loading.

9.3 Minimum field frequency

Minimum field frequency is compensating the slip of the motor. Used only in open
loop speed control mode (P6.1=1). Unless necessary it is not recommended to
change parameter from it’s default values.

9.4 Minimum field

With this parameter the speed controller is set for smooth ramps. Unless necessary it
is not recommended to change the parameter's default values.

9.5 Stator Impedance

Defines the resistance in the stator of the motor as seen between two phases to the
frequency converter. The value is essential to speed control in open loop control. The
value is identified automatically during autotuning or when the DC brake time at start
is longer than 300 ms.

9.6 Voltage Stab Gain

9.7 Voltage Stab Damp
9.8 Torque Stab Gain
9.9 Torque Stab Damp
Normally, there is no need to set these except for special motors. Contact the factory
before doing adjustments to these.

10.1 Encoder pulse number

Encoder pulse number is very essential in closed loop. Wrong pulse number leads to
high torque estimate even at no-load. Please check the encoder P/R on the encoder

10.2 Encoder direction


10.3 Encoder filter time

This parameter can be used to eliminate noise due to high frequency encoder
feedback. If the value is 0=Automatic, the filtering time is automatically calculated
from speed control gain. Too high a filter time value reduces speed control stability.
Preferred range 0 to 5 ms.

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10.4 Identification
Identification run is started by setting the value 1 to this parameter in stop state and
giving a run command within 10 seconds. Motor must be disconnected from the load
during identification run.
The following closed loop control parameters are automatically set by the
identification control program:
P10.2 Encoder direction, P10.5 Motor magnetising current, P10.7 speed control
gain, P10.8 speed control integration time.
Open loop control parameters automatically set by the identification:
P6.5 U/f curve middle point frequency, P6.6 U/f curve middle point voltage, P6.7
Output voltage at zero frequency.
The above mentioned parameters can be further adjusted after the identification run.

10.5 Motor magnetising current

Magnetising current is the no-load current of the motor. It can be measured in open
loop at two thirds of the nominal frequency. Normally, the value is about one third of
the nominal current. Magnetising current determines the no-load voltage of the motor.

10.6 Slip Adjust

Parameter for tuning the nominal slip of the motor. Before tuning the nominal rpm
P1.12 needs to be set according to motor nameplate value.

10.7 Speed control P gain

10.8 Speed control I time
Speed controller parameters. If the inertia is large, the P-gain can be increased.
Increasing the I-time increases stability but decreases speed performance if too large.

10.9 Current control P gain

This parameter can be used to improve current control stability with special motors.

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8 Commissioning of Closed Loop Control

Setting up the closed loop control without using autotuning
Autotuning requires that the motor is not loaded. If it is not possible to disconnect the load
or run with light load, parameters P10.5, P10.7, P10.8 and P10.2 must set manually.
1) Check very carefully the encoder connections and encoder supply voltages. Check the
brake resistor connection.
2) Do all normal commissioning phases 1 to 10 in open loop, see VACON CX/CXL/CXS
manual, Chapter 8.2.
3) Set the displayed rpm to “ENCODER RPM” (P3.19=1). Run the motor in open loop at
different frequencies. Check that the displayed RPM equals to the assumed RPM. Negative
number to forward direction indicates wrong encoder direction. This can be corrected by
setting P10.2=1. Zero rpm indicates problems with encoder. Check.
4) Run the motor at about 2/3 of the nominal frequency with low load. The motor current
should be the magnetising current, which is usually about one third of the nominal current.
Check the displayed torque to insure that the load is low. If friction exists, the measured
current can be higher than the magnetising current.
5) Activate the brake chopper and set the closed loop control mode (P6.1=3), set first
speed control gain to low value (20) and integral time to at least 30. Set motor
magnetising current to one third of the motor nominal current or to the measured no-load
6) Put a zero speed reference and start. If fault F32 appears, reverse the encoder direction
(P10.2). Fault F31 indicates problems with encoder. Run at about 2/3 of the nominal
frequency with low load. Adjust the motor magnetising current to achieve about 2/3 of the
motor nominal voltage.
7) Increase the load. If the motor voltage changes a lot, adjust the motor nominal speed
8) Increase the speed control gain and decrease the integral time for tighter control.
It must be noted that the speed controllers have to be stable also in torque control mode.
This is because the maximum speed is limited with speed controllers.

Setting up the closed loop control using autotuning

Autotuning can be used to measure the magnetising current, change the encoder direction
and set the speed control parameters automatically. The motor load should be low. The
control program controls the frequency, so the motor should be disconnected from the
process. The gear and possible additional inertia should be present for proper speed
control gain setting.
1) Activate autotuning by setting P10.4=1 and by starting the motor within 10 seconds.
Identification run should last a few seconds and the motor will stop. Identification corrects
the encoder direction, measures the magnetising current and determines suitable speed
control parameter values. These can be further adjusted for improved performance. Refer
the previous chapter.
Note ! The autotuning function also sets the open loop U/f curve parameters.

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9 Open loop motor control parameters

9.1 Tuning motor control parameters
Tuning is needed to get good torque properties out of the motor on the low speeds. This is
very essential when the levelling speed of the lift is low (2…3 Hz) or even below. Although
the levelling speed would be higher (5Hz) the low speed is used on start and stop.
The purpose of the tuning is:
1) To avoid “free falling” on start and stop.
2) To avoid too high current on now load situation and on the situation when the motor is
3) To achieve a smooth enough start and stop both on full load and no load situation.
On tuning we affect the drive operations at low speed. The low speed area in this text
means the area below 5...6Hz (2...3*nominal slip of the motor).
The points 1) and 2) are done by tuning the U/f curve (IR compensation) and in difficult
situations also tuning the gain of the torque boost function.
The point 3) is affected by the U/f curve settings, but also by the mechanical brake control.

9.2 Three different methods for tuning motor control parameters

The parameters used for tuning are mainly the U/f curve setting parameters 6.6. and 6.7.
The higher values (higher voltage) you give, the stronger the motor will be. However, if you
set the values too high the operation might come rough, “bumpy” and the current on the
generating situation will get all too high.
If you set the values too low (lower voltage) the motor gets weak. It takes more current on
motoring situation than on generating situation and it might even “drop” the load.
1) Autotuning
Autotuning requires that the motor is not loaded. If it is not possible to disconnect the load
or run with light load, parameters 6.5, 6.6 and P6.7 must be set manually. For tuning open
loop motor parameters the same identification run as for closed loop motor control
parameters can be used. To start the identification run, parameter 10.4 is set to
“1=Identify” and then the run command has to be given within 10 seconds. During the
identification a set of tests is performed and parameters 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 are set. If needed
these can be further adjusted after identification run.
2) Motor identification procedure for open loop vector control. No load on the motor
If for some reason the identification run fails to measure the motor characteristics, the
tunning can be done manually. In chapter 9.3 “Motor identification procedure for open
loop vector control. No load on the motor” the identification method for unloaded motor is

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The result of the motor parameter tuning described in 1) and 2) is usually accurate enough
and no further tuning is required or the fine tuning is done with the torque boost gain
parameters 9.1 and 9.2.
3) Motor identification procedure for open loop vector control. Loaded motor
In many cases the tuning of motor parameters is done with the lift i.e. the motor is attached
to the gearbox. In this case, the tuning is done by modifying the U/f curve setting
parameters 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7. The U/f curve tuning is done by monitoring output current
and corresponding torque with different load conditions in the lift car. This identification
method is presented in Chapter 9.4.

9.3 Motor identification procedure for open loop vector control. No load
on the motor
To be able to get high torque from the motor at low frequencies (0..4Hz) we need to do
some adjustment with parameters.
The magnetization of the motor has to be right also at low frequencies (IR compensation).
This can be achieved either by setting the U/f curve of the motor with parameters of group
6 or by activating the automatic torque boost operation by setting parameter 1.9 to 1.
The output frequency has to be high enough (bigger than the slip of the motor). If there is a
requirement of high torque with reference frequencies near or even below the nominal slip
of the motor then the speed control operation is used. Parameter 6.1 is set to “1 Speed
control open loop”, which is the default in the lift application. When this parameter is
activated the Vacon CX compensates the slip in the motor.
It is important to have the motor name plate values set in the correct way.
There are internal parameters which are initialized basing on the given
motor name plate values.
Normally we can get satisfactory operation just by setting the motor name plate values. If
this is the case the motor identification procedure is not needed. However, using this setup
procedure will help to get the most out of the drive properties.
The speed control and torque boost operations utilize the motor model in the internal
calculations. There are internal parameters in this motor model. The initial values for all
internal parameters fit the most standard motors. However, if Vacon CX is not running the
nominal size motor then this set up procedure might be needed. Also, if the operation at
low speeds and reversing operations are very important and critical for the application this
setup procedure is recommended.
Start the identification with the default values
• Set the parameters to the default values (by re-selecting the Application).
• Set the motor name plate values to parameters 1.10-1.13.
• Set the parameter 6.1 Control mode to “0=Frequency control open loop”.
• Set the parameter 1.9 U/f optimisation to “0=None”.

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Set the motor magnetizing curve

• Set the parameter 1.8. to 2 Programmable U/f curve.

• Record the motor magnetization (Im) current by running the motor with free shaft at 40Hz
(= 0.8 * field weakening point). Check the motor current in monitoring item V3 and write it
down. This is the magnetization current of the motor (Im). It should be about 0.5 * In of the
motor. If the current is clearly higher or lower than 0.5 * In of the motor, double check the
motor name plate values and check that there is no load on the shaft.
• Set the U/f mid point frequency with parameter 6.5 around 3...5 Hz. This frequency
should be about 3*nominal slip of the motor. Run the motor at this frequency. Adjust the
U/f curve mid point voltage with parameter 6.6. in the way that motor current is the same
as running with 40 Hz (Im). With standard motors the value should be 1...2% above the
“linear curve” value (P6.6 = 11 ... 12% if 6.5 was set to 5 Hz).
• Run at a frequency of 1 Hz and adjust the motor voltage with parameter 6.7 in the way
that the motor current is again the same as if running at 40 Hz (Im). With standard motors
the value should be between 1 and 2.5%.
• Now when you are running the motor at whatever frequency between 0 Hz and field
weakening point the motor current should stay constant (Im) and the torque display V4
should be around 0%. (Naturally, only when the drive is not decelerating or accelerating.)
Stator resistance (Rs) measurement
The motor model in vector calculation needs the stator resistance value to be able to make
accurate calculations. The initial value of stator resistance is based on given motor nominal
current value. However, this value changes between different motor designs and also the
temperature of the motor has an effect on the stator resistance value.
The drive makes a stator resistance measurement every time a DC braking operation is
activated at the start. The recommended value for the DC-braking current should be set
between 0.5...0.8 * In of the motor. The motor shaft should be at stand still during this DC-
braking operation, keeping the mechanical brake closed. When time for DC-braking is set
equal or longer than 1 s the stator resistance is measured and stored into the EEPROM.
When the start DC-brake time is between 0.2 s – 1 s the stator resistance is measured, but
not stored into the EEPROM. i.e. at every start a new value for stator resistance is
When commissioning the lift, the DC-brake time should be set longer than 1s and for
permanent setting it is recommended to set the “measure only operation” i.e. 0.2s< DC-
brake time <1s.
Set parameters 4.3 DC-Brake current and 4.4 Start DC-Brake time accordingly.
Activate the actual operation
Activate the automatic magnetization optimization by setting parameter 1.9 to 1. This
operation utilizes the internal vector calculation to keep the motor magnetization constant
with different load levels.
Activate the speed control operation by setting the parameter 6.1 to “1 Speed control open
loop”. This operation will adjust the output frequency according to the slip of the motor.

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With this operation on, we can get high torque even if the set frequency reference is
smaller than the slip of the motor.

9.4 Motor identification procedure for open loop vector control. Loaded

1. Preceding operations.
Start with the default values for programmable curve or with the values tuned by method
described in “Motor identification procedure for open loop vector control. No load on the
motor”. You can also refer to your previous experience. The smaller the power size of the
motor the higher the voltage setting has to be.

Examples presented in this chapter refer to a lift with no counterweight.

2. First step
No load in the cabinet.
Parameter on starting values 1.9=1, 6.1=1, motor name plate values set except 1.12 is set
to synchronous speed of the motor e.g. 1500 rmp, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 at some reasonable
Note! When setting the motor name plate values use the values which are for the 100% ED
for that motor.
Set the reference to 10...12 Hz and make a run and record the values of output current
(V3) and output torque (V4). Run up and down.
Set the reference to 5...5,2 Hz (assuming you have parameter 6.5 at 5 Hz) and compare
the current and torque values. Adjust the parameter 6.6 so that you can get about the same
readings you had when running at 10Hz. The values running up (motoring) do not change
much with the parameter but the values when running down (generating) are affected by
the parameter change.
On generating (T<0):
If current is higher and torque smaller (less negative) you should decrease the parameter
6.6 value.
On motoring (T>0):
If current is higher and torque smaller you should increase the parameter 6.6 value.
Set the reference to 1.8...2 Hz and compare the current and torque values. Adjust the
parameter 6.7 so that you can get about the same readings you had when running at
10Hz. The values running up (motoring) do not change much with the parameter but the
values when running down (generating) are affected by the parameter change.
The same basic rules for changing as above.

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3. Second step
Full load in the cabinet.
Do the same test as above and the same basic tuning.
You can also test the operation at 1Hz. It might happen that the cabinet does not move
upwards due to the high load. The main thing is that the cabinet does not “drop”.
Note! On the start situation you need have the reference frequency above the brake
release frequency but after start you can decrease the reference frequency below the brake
release frequency.
If it is hard to make the values match, you can also tune the automatic torque boost gain
On generating (T<0): Parameter 9.2.
If current is high and torque small (less negative) on display then you can improve the
situation by giving negative values to the gain. In practice, reasonable values are between
(+300) 0 and -600. (Bigger negative value decreases the voltage)
On motoring (T>0): Parameter 9.1
If current is high and torque small, by increasing the gain you can improve the behaviour.
In practice the reasonable values are between +300 and +1000. (Higher positive value
increases the voltage)
4. Third Step
Set the right value from the name plate to parameter 1.12 and check the operation at the
same speed points around 10, 5 and 2 Hz. If you do not succeed follow the instructions
above to tune the parameter values.
5. Some special things
When using for example the alphanumeric panel or FCDrive for monitoring current torque
etc. the display is filtered making it slow. To check things on start and stop you can use the
analog output of the drive and record it with the scope. Also if you have a device available
to measure one of the output phases, you will receive additional information.
The operation of the motor gives also indications for the tuning. If the sound of the motor is
“strong” and if there is a strong “zip zip zip....” sound on the motor it might be an
indication of too high a voltage.
If there is a “pumping” operation on the motor (half round at the time) it is a sign of too low
a voltage.

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6. The accuracy on the tuning.

Example of a tuning case:
The values in the table correspond to a 7.5 kW motor
U/f curve 5Hz, 10.5%; 0Hz, 3% ; P9.1 TM=750 ;P9.2 TG=0

I [A] T [%] I [A] T [%]

up up down down
12 80 11,9 -39 9 Hz
12 86 11,9 -39 5,5 Hz
12,2 73 15,5 -28 2 Hz
Table 7.

The motoring side looks fairly good. The current is about the same and the torque values do
not vary remarkably. At 5 Hz the torque is high and therefore we should increase the
voltage, but on the other hand, the generator side looks quite good. No changes.
At 2 Hz the torque is low => we should decrease the voltage and the reading on generator
side strongly supports this.
2. 5Hz, 10.5%; 0Hz, 2,4% ; P9.1 TM=750 ;P9.2 TG=0

I [A] T [%] I [A] T [%]

up up down down
11,6 77 14,2 -29 2 Hz
- - 12,7 -22 1 Hz
Table 8.

3. The current is still a little high so 0Hz voltage is set to 2.2%

When running at 2Hz, different torque boost gain values are monitored.

I [A] T [%] P9.1 TM

up up
11.8 88 does not move 559
11.5 81 moves very slowly 730
11.7 78 moves even at 1 Hz 900
Table 9.

In fact, the default value 750 seems to give the best value.
Running down
I [A] T [%] P9.2 TG
down down
12,9 -30 -270
11,8 -32 -760
11 -39 -970
Table 10.

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We can achieve very nice looking behaviour, but with parameter value –970, the lift car
dropped a bit at the start every now and then.
4. After some testing with full load the parameter values were set as follows.
U/f curve 5Hz, 10.5%; 0Hz, 2,4% ; P9.1 TM=750 ;P9.2 TG=-200

I [A] T [%] I [A] T [%]

up up down down
15 103 12,9 -58 10 Hz
15 106 15,1 -51 5 Hz
14,8 105 13,2 -44 2 Hz
Table 11.

At 5 Hz downwards the current is still a little high but close enough. The current is close to
nominal with full load so can be considered acceptable.
The intent of the example was to give an idea of the tuning procedure. The “accuracy” of
the tuning (current and torque values) was almost too good in this example, but anyhow,
the example was to give an impression of how the parameters work and how to avoid the
high current situation when load is generating. If the lift is running near to the current limit
of the drive the tuning has to be performed well because the current limiting situation will
result in a rough ride in the cabinet. Also the “dropping” might happen if the current
limiting situation should take place.
Activate the speed control operation by setting the parameter 6.1 to “1 Speed control open
loop”. This operation will adjust the output frequency according to the slip of the motor.
With this operation on we can get a high torque even if the set frequency reference is
smaller than the slip of the motor.

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10 Motion profile

SPEED par 4.8 par 4.9

par1.18 v;nominal

par 1.3 par 1.4

par 4.4 par 4.6

par1.17 v;nominal
par 4.5

par 4.7 par 4.10

brake open

Nominal speed
request DIB[4;5;6] = [1;0;0]

Levelling speed
request DIB[4;5;6] = [0;0;0]

Figure 24. Speed curve done between floors.

The parameters related to speed curve in Figure 24 can be chosen as desired. Run command in
the picture equals the DIA1 or DIA2. Mechanical brake open is the control command from relay
output. Mechanical brake operations are set with parameters of Group 5. If automatic ramp
change is set with parameter 4.11 the ramps are changed when the speed is decelerated down
to levelling speed. This requires the ramp set 2 to be used when the run command is deactivated.
The sequence presented is done when running the motor in open loop control mode. When the
closed loop control is used the mechanical brake is usually set to release and close from zero
speed. DC-brake times are also replaced with zero speed hold times P5.24 and P5.25.

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11 Parameter group 0

Number Parameter Range Step Default Customer Description

0 = (loaded special application)
1 = Basic Application
2 = Standard Application
3 = Local/Remote Control
0.1 Application 0—7 1 0 4 = Multi-step Speed Application
selection 5 = PI-control Application
6 = Multi-purpose Control
7 = Pump and Fan Control
0 = Loading ready / Select loading
1 = Load default setting
2 = Read up parameters to user's set
3 = Download user's set parameters
4 = Upload parameters to the panel
(possible with alpha-numerical
0.2 Parameter loading 0—5 1 0 and graphical panel)
5 = Download parameters from the
panel (possible only with alpha-
numerical or graphical panel)

0.3 Language selection 0 0 = English

Table 12.Parameter group 0.

0.1 Application selection

With this parameter the active application can be selected. If the device has been ordered from
the factory equipped with loaded special application this has been loaded to the unit as
application 0.
This lift application is a loaded application.
Check that the value of parameter 0.1 is zero when you want to use the loaded application.
If the application should be loaded to the device later it has to be set active always after loading
by setting the value of parameter 0.1 to zero.

0.2 Parameter loading

With this parameter it is possible to do different kinds of parameter loading operations. After the
operation is completed the parameter value changes automatically to 0 (loading ready).
0 Loading ready / select loading
Loading operation has been completed and frequency converter is ready to operate.
1 Load default settings

By setting the value of parameter 0.2 to 1 and then pressing Enter-button the
parameter default values are set. The default values correspond to those of the
application selected with parameter 0.1.

2 Read up parameters to the User’s set

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By setting the value of parameter 0.2 to 2 and then pressing the Enter-button the
parameter values are read up to the User’s parameter value set. The parameter
values can be later loaded by setting parameter 0.2 to 3 and pressing the Enter-

3 Load down user’s set parameters

By setting the value of parameter 0.2 to 3 and then pressing the Enter-button the
parameter values are set according to the User’s parameter set.

4 Read parameters up to the panel (possible only with the graphical panel).

5 Load down parameters from the panel (possible only with the graphical panel).

0.3 Language
With this parameter, the language of the graphical or alphanumeric panel can be

12 Programmable Push Buttons (BTNS)

Button Button name Function Feedback information
number 0 1 Note
b1 Reverse Changes the direction of Direction Direction Feedback information
rotation of the motor. command forward command flashes as long as
Active only if the panel is the backward direction is different from
active control place. the command
b2 Active control place Selects the active control Control via I/O Control from the Control Panel
place between the panel and terminals
I/O terminals
b3 Reset operating Resets the operating hour trip No reset Reset accepted
hour trip counter counter when pressed
b4 Reset MWh trip Resets the MWh trip counter No reset Reset accepted
counter when pressed
Table 13. Programmable push-buttons.

13 Faults and warnings

Code Fault Possible cause Checking
F1 Overcurrent Vacon frequency converter has Check loading
measured too high a current Check motor size
(>4*IIn) in the motor output: Check cables
- sudden heavy load changes
- short circuit in the motor
- unsuitable motor
F2 Overvoltage The voltage of the internal DC-link Adjust the deceleration time
of the Vacon frequency converter
has exceeded 135% of the
nominal voltage
-- decleration time is not suitable
– high overvoltage spikes at mains

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F3 Earth fault Current measurement has detected Check the motor cables
that the sum of the motor phase
current is not zero.
- insulation failure in the motor
F4 Inverter fault Vacon frequency converter has Reset the fault and restart. If
detected a faulty operation in the the fault occurs again contact
gate drivers or IGBT bridge nearest Vacon distributor.
- interference fault
- component failure
F5 Charging switch Charging switch open when Reset the fault and restart. If
START command active the fault occurs again contact
- interference fault nearest Vacon distributor.
- component failure
F9 Undervoltage DC-bus voltage has gone below In case of temporary supply
65% of the nominal voltage voltage break, reset the fault
- most common reason is failure and start again.
of the mains supply Check mains input, if mains
- internal failure of the Vacon supply is correct, an internal
frequency converter can also failure has occurred. Contact
cause an undervoltage trip nearest Vacon distributor.
F 10 Input line supervision Input phase is missing Check the mains connection
F 11 Output phase supervision Current measurement has detected Check motor cables
there is no current in one motor
F 12 Brake chopper supervision - brake resistor not installed Check brake resistor
- brake resistor broken - If resistor is OK then the
- brake chopper broken chopper is broken. Contact
nearest Vacon distributor.
F 13 Vacon undertemperature Temperature of heatsink below
–10 °C
F 14 Vacon overtemperature Temperature of heatsink over Check cooling air flow
+75°C Check that sink is not dirty
Check ambient temperature
Check that switching
frequency is not too high
compared with ambient
temperature and motor load
F 15 Motor stalled The motor stall protection has Check the motor
F 16 Motor overtemperature The Vacon frequency converter Decrease motor load.
motor temperature model has Check the temperature model
detected motor overheat parameters if the motor was
- motor is overloaded not overheated
F 17 Motor underload The motor underload protection
has tripped
F 18 Analogue input polarity fault Wrong analogue input polarity Check polarity of the
analogue input
Analogue input hardware fault Component failure on control Contact nearest Vacon
board distributor
F 19 Option board identification Reading the option board has Check installation, if
failed installation is correct contact
nearest Vacon distributor.

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F 20 10 V supply reference + 10 V reference shorted on Check the cabling from +10V

control board or option board reference voltage
F 21 24 V supply + 24 V reference shorted on Check the cabling from +24V
control board or option board reference voltage
F 22 EEPROM Parameter restoring error When fault is reset the Vacon
F 23 Checksum fault - interference fault frequency converter will
- component failure automatically load parameter
default settings. Check all
parameter settings after reset.
If fault occurs again contact
nearest Vacon distributor.
F 25 Microprocessor watchdog - interference fault Reset the fault and restart. If
- component failure fault occurs again contact
nearest Vacon distributor.
F 26 Panel communication error The connection between panel Check the panel cable
and the Vacon frequency
converter is not working
F 29 Thermistor protection Thermistor input of the I/O- Check motor cooling and
expander board has detected loading
increase of the motor temperature Check thermistor connection
(if thermistor input of the
expander board is not in use,
it has to be short cicuited)
F31 Encoder pulse missing Malfunction in encoder Check the encoder
Noisy encoder signal connections
Motor running against mechanical
F32 Wrong encoder direction Encoder differential inputs Change the encoder direction
connected in contrary directions with parameter 10.2
compared to mains cables
F 36 Analogue input Iin+ < 4mA The current in the analogue input Check the current loop
(signal range 4-20mA selected) Iin is below 4 mA circuitry
- signal source has failed
- control cable is broken
F 41 External fault Fault is detected in external fault Check the external fault
digital input circuit or device
F 52 Mechanical brake control fault Fault is activated by mechanical Check parameter definitions
brake control logic. for mechanical brake control
F 55 Shaft speed fault Fault is activated if calculated If fault has been activated an
speed differs from actual speed. overload situation has
F 56 Overtorque protection Actual torque above torque limits Check the cause for motor
set in parameter group 3 shaft blocking.
F 58 Current limit fault Current fed to motor below set Check the motor cables.
F 51 Direction request fault DIA1 and DIA2 active at the same Check the control of the DIA1
time. and DIA2
Table 14. Fault codes

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A 15 Motor Stalled (Motor stall protection) Check motor
A 16 Motor overtemperature (Motor thermal protection) Decrease motor loading
A 17 Motor underload (Warning can be activated in application) Check motor loading
A 24 The values in the fault history, MWh-counters or operating No action required.
day/hour counters might have been changed in the previous Take a critical attitude toward
mains interrupt these values
A 28 The change of application has failed Choose the application again and
Push the Enter-button
A 30 On-balance current fault, the load of the segments is not equal Contact nearest Vacon distributor
A 45 Vacon overtemperature warning, temperature >+70 °C Check cooling air flow and
ambient temperature
A 46 Reference warning, analogue input Iin + < 4mA Check the current loop circuitry
A 47 External warning Check the external fault circuit or
A 53 Mechanical brake control warning Same actions as with fault F 52
A 54 Shaft speed warning Same actions as with fault F 55
A 57 Overtorque protection Same actions as with fault F 56
A 59 Direction request warning Check the control of the DIA1 and
Table 15. Warning codes

14 Monitoring values (MON)

Nr Data name Unit Description
V1 Output frequency Hz Frequency to the motor
V2 Motor speed rpm Calculated motor speed
V3 Motor current A Measured motor current
V4 Motor torque % Calculated actual torque/nominal torque of the unit
V5 Motor power % Calculated actual power/nominal power of the unit
V6 Motor voltage V Calculated motor voltage
V7 DC-link voltage V Measured DC –link voltage
V8 Temperature °C Temperature of the heat sink
V9 Operating day counter DD.dd Operating days , not resettable
V10 Operating hours, “trip counter” HH.hh Operating hours , can be reset with programmable button #3
V11 MWh-counter MWh Total MWh, not resettable
V12 MWh-counter, “trip counter” MWh MWH, can be reset with programmable push button #4
V13 Voltage /analogue input V Voltage of the terminal Uin+ (term. #2)
V14 Current /analogue input mA Current of terminals Iin+ and Iin- (term. #4, #5)
V15 Digital input status, gr. A Binary status word DIA1 DIA2 DIA3,
0=open, 1=closed
V16 Digital input status, gr. B Binary status word DIB4 DIB5 DIB6,
0=open, 1=closed
V17 Digital and relay output status Binary status word DIO RO1 RO2,
0=open, 1=closed
V18 Control program Version number of the control software
V19 Unit nominal power kW Shows the power size of the unit
V20 Motor temperature rise % 100% = temperature of the motor has risen to nominal value
V21 Lift Speed m/s Speed of lift
V22 Ramp down distance cm The distance carried when the speed is decelerated from nominal
speed(P1.18) to levelling speed (P1.17). The actual value can
vary due to rope slip, stretch, etc. The calculated value is to
visualize the effect of different parameters to motion profile.
Table 16. Monitored signals 1)DD = full days, dd = decimal part of day
2)HH = full hours, hh = decimal part of hour
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65381 VAASA
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