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Industry 4.0: what makes it a revolution?

Conference Paper · July 2017

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Cristina Klingenberg
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos


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Industry 4.0: what makes it a revolution?

Cristina Orsolin Klingenberg (

Polytechnic School, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), Brazil

José Antônio do Vale Antunes Jr.

Polytechnic School, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), Brazil


This paper takes a historical approach to analyze Industry 4.0 as the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. To enhance the understanding of the phenomenon, the study describes three
main elements of each revolution: technical advances, economic scenario, and
demography. In Industry 4.0, general-purpose technologies (GPT), hypercompetition
and aging population will make the diffusion faster and wider. Although Industry 4.0
technologies are more evolutive than disruptive, their combination and the context in
which they develop promise major impacts on economy and society, which would in
fact characterize a revolution.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, Industrial revolutions.

The extensive application of information technology in all supply chain activities will
change the way of doing business (Porter and Heppelmann, 2014). There is a belief that
those changes mean the breaking of the existing path and the beginning of a new
paradigm of the industrial age. Some call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Schwab,
2016); some, the Third Industrial Revolution (Rifkin, 2014); some, the Second Machine
Age (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014).
In 2011 Germany coined the expression “Industry 4.0” for the digital transformation
of manufacturing, an allusion ex-ante to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Lasi et al.,
2014). The term has become a buzz word discussed by scholars and practioners around
the world (Schwab, 2016; Porter and Hepplemann, 2014).
This new industrial paradigm is based on individualized production, horizontal
integration in collaborative networks and digital integration of the supply chain (Brettel
et al., 2014; Kagermann et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the technological advances per se
may not be the fundamental disruptive change (Drath and Horch, 2014), but their
impact on product conception, production and distribution, and especially on the way
companies create, distribute and appropriate value. The changes in interinstitutional
relations, in work organization and, ultimately, in society are also relevant.
Despite the term popularity, one cannot find a systematic approach explaining what
makes Industry 4.0 a revolution. As said by Freeman and Soete (1997, p. 14), “what is
not understood may often be feared, or become object of hostility”. Hence, this study
aims to answer the question: what makes Industry 4.0 a revolution? Through a historical

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analysis of the previous industrial revolutions, this paper highlights three important
elements that characterize each one: technical advances, economic scenario, and
demographic condition.
The remain of this paper follows this structure: first, the approach used in the
research is explained. In the second part, the three previous industrial revolutions are
described. The third part explains the concept of Industry 4.0 as the fourth revolution.
The following part discusses the findings, and finally the contributions are pointed.

The term “industrial revolution” was popularized when the lectures of
economist Arnold Toynbee about the changes of the period of 1760 to 1840 were
published in 1884 (Landes, 2003). Since then, it has been used by many historians to
define periods of technological changes with high impact on society. In more than 200
years, ideas of a sequence of industrial revolutions emerged. The number, however, is
imprecise and each revolution has no clear beginning and end. This study adopts the
four periods defined by the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
and presented by Kagermann et al. (2013) (Figure 1).

Figure 1 – The Four Industrial Revolutions (Kagermann et al., 2013)

As industrial revolutions are systemic phenomena, it is not easy or maybe possible to

ensure that a specific event was cause, effect, mediator or even part of the phenomenon.
There is no agreement about this. Freeman and Soete (1997, p. 55) pose that the British
Industrial Revolution success was due to “[…] a combination of imaginative
entrepreneurship, entry into potential growth markets, access to the capital needed for
investment in the new factories, and technical inventiveness […]”.
To understand Industry 4.0 as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, this paper uses a
systematic approach, analyzing three main elements of each revolution: technical
advances, economic scenario, and demographic condition. In technical advances, the
main technologies of each revolution are explained. Economic scenario refers to capital

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availability and market dynamics. Demography is presented as a driving force of
revolutions, because it impacts the demand and the labor market.
The First, Second and Third Industrial Revolutions are well documented, thus the
sources of information were History and Economics books and papers. The Fourth
Industrial Revolution is emerging and the publications on the field, in general, focus on
the technical dimension and do not have a comprehensive view of the phenomenon.
Another characteristic of the literature about Industry 4.0 is that it is not on high
qualified journals, but mostly in congress proceedings, seminars, consulting reports, and
official publications. Therefore, the gray literature was also considered.

Previous Industrial Revolutions

This section summarizes the concept of the three industrial revolutions considered by
DFKI, presenting the main elements of technical changes, economic scenario and
demography in each phenomenon.

First Industrial Revolution – 1784-1870

The First Industrial Revolution is a phenomenon characterized by the substitution of
water/coal/steam power and machines for animal and human labor at the end of the 18th
century. These technologies increased the production power of manufacturing, creating
the factory. This revolution began in Britain and resulted in productivity leap in several
sectors, first in the textile industry, later in other industries (Freeman and Soete, 1997).
The main technical advances of this revolution are related to the Watt steam engine,
which was more efficient than Newcomen’s and resulted in several subsequent
evolutions and applications (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014). In addition to being more
potent than the water wheel, the steam engine gave more autonomy to manufacturing:
the facilities were less exposed to environmental factors, such as floods and droughts, as
its location could be far from rivers (Freeman and Soete, 1997). This technology “[…]
opened the way to continuing advances in efficiency that eventually brought the steam-
engine within reach of all branches of the economy and made of it a universal prime
mover” (Landes, 2003, p. 102).
Machines were also an important evolution at that time. They were applied first in
textile industry, where every technical advance posed another challenge to the whole
system, yielding a sequence of improvements (Landes, 2003). These innovations spread
in many industries.
The economic scenario was appropriate. Two hundred years of almost uninterrupted
growth made Britain a fertile ground for an industrial revolution (Hobsbawm, 2016): the
application of mechanized tools in agriculture raised the food and wool productivity; the
putting out system created a rural manufacturing net, which promoted goods and
monetary flow through the island; the intense ultramarine trade guaranteed access to
external markets; and coal availability provided energy.
While ingenious men invented solutions to productivity problems, others with
technical skill, desire and ability to rationalize the production process adopted and
improved these solutions. In the First Industrial Revolution, the technological problems
were simple and did not demand profound scientific knowledge, neither large amounts
of money (Landes, 2003; Hobsbawm, 2016).
Demography played an important role in this revolution. In the 18th century,
population began to grow fast (Roser and Ortiz-Ospina, 2017), and this had a two-sided
impact on economy: first the fast-growing population created demand, then, within
some decades more population amplified labor supply. One can expect that the larger
the workforce, the lower the wages, and the lesser the incentives to mechanization. But,

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as Landes (2003, p. 117) poses, “scarce labor seems to have encouraged a deepening of
capital in eighteenth-century Britain; while a more abundant supply facilitated widening
in the following decades”.
This revolution yielded radical changes in economic and social life. Some examples
are: emergence of a proletarian class, who has no other income than the salary;
separation of work and personal life; routine subordination to the factory rhythm, with
clock rigidity; growth of urban centers (Hobsbawm, 2016).

Second Industrial Revolution – 1870-1969

At the end of the 19th century, a new energy source – electricity – took place and,
together with mass production, characterized the Second Industrial Revolution, this time
led by the United States (Freeman and Soete, 1997).
Once again, the technical advances in energy had effects in many industries:
railroads, steel and chemical. At the same time, the development of mass production
system, with the use of interchangeable parts and assembly line, increased output. More
specialized and expensive machines were employed, but investments were offset by the
economies of scale (Jensen, 1993).
The economic scenario of this period had many ups and downs, not just because of
some important crises (e.g., “great depression” in 1893 and the “crash” of 1930), but
also due to the two world wars. One can say that, in general, competition rose, leading
to concentration, and that capital was essential in this revolution.
From the mid-19th century, the diffusion of industrialization through Europe and
United States intensified, and the number of factories increased (Hobsbawm, 2016). The
competition to apply more productive technologies led to overcapacity; then, a
concentration movement created large corporations: first with the formation of trusts in
the railroad, steel and oil industries; later with the verticalization of the automobile
industry (Hobsbawm, 2016; Frieden, 2008; Jensen, 1993). The size and nature of these
industries made the scientific knowledge and investment more necessary, and many
companies created R&D departments (Freeman and Soete, 1997).
On one hand, large quantities of the same products resulted in a reduction in prices,
allowing a much larger number of people to buy them. On the other hand, the
production process became very rigid, so that any product variation was time-
consuming and costly (Goldhar and Jelinek, 1983).
There were changes in demography as well. The growth of industrial activity,
associated with mass production, has aroused the need for unskilled labor, and some
countries offered advantages to attract workers from abroad (Frieden, 2008). The
migration of labor was free until World War I and in the post-war period (Hobsbawm,
2016). At the same time, natural population continued to grow fast, steadily increasing
the demand. At the beginning of the 20th century, the world population was 1.65
billion; in the 1960s, it reached three billion (Roser and Ortiz-Ospina, 2017).
This revolution increased the importance of companies, and some large corporations
have become more powerful than their own governments. Income grew significantly in
the period, especially after the Second World War, and durable consumer goods became
accessible to a large part of the population, improving the living standards (Frieden,

Third Industrial Revolution – 1969-today

The Third Industrial Revolution is not characterized by a change in energy sources, but
by using electronics and information technology (IT) to automate manufacturing.

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Again, the United States led this revolution, but Asia rose as an important player
(Freeman and Soete, 1997).
The technical advances of this revolution (i.e., computers, chips, internet) resulted
from massive investments in R&D by governments and universities, made first for
safety reasons, then developed for commercial purposes (Freeman and Soete, 2008).
In manufacturing, electronics and IT automated a series of activities that were
previously executed manually, even planning and control. With the diffusion of these
technologies, the term Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) emerged in the
1980s, referring to a set of technologies as computer integrated manufacturing (CIM),
computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS), among others (Gerwin and Tarondeau, 1982; Meredith,
1987; Lei et al., 1996). “The aim was to bring greater flexibility, shorter production
cycles, more customized products, faster responses to changing market demands, better
control and accuracy of processes [...]” (Goldhar and Jelinek, 1983, p. 1).
The economic scenario was challenging. With the oil crisis in the 1970s, the demand
fell and inflation rose, companies had to become more efficient to reduce costs and
increase sales. Many companies and countries became heavily indebted (Frieden, 2008).
New operations strategies became necessary to cope with this reality.
Driven by cost savings, many manufacturing activities were moved from
industrialized to underdeveloped countries – notably in Asia – in the late 20th century
(Porter, 1994; Stentoft et al., 2016). On one hand, globalization intensified the IT
application due to communication needs. On the other hand, as the labor costs from
these countries were low, there were few incentives to automation. Although technology
costs were not prohibitive, implementation-related difficulties, such as old installations,
lack of knowledge, and organizational constraints, increased the bill.
Through knowledge transfer and investments in education, many Asian countries
were catching up and transforming the market. Over time, some developed and became
Demography changed a lot during this revolution. From 1970 to 2016, the world
population doubled: 3.6 billion were added, of which 2.3 billion in Asia (Roser and
Ortiz-Ospina, 2017). This explains the availability of labor, and low wages. It also
explains why some Asian countries – that made market-oriented reforms – became
important at the end of the 20th century, not just because of the labor supply, but also
due to the growing demand.
The high expectation generated by the strong repercussions that AMT had on the
media and business literature, often promising more than was possible, resulted in rapid
disappointment (Leonard-Barton and Kraus, 1985). Freeman and Soete (2008) assert
that the diffusion of computing-related technologies was slower than expected due to
factors such as shortages of skilled professionals, high software costs and the need for
high investments in new equipment. There were advances, but, compared to
expectations, the results were modest.

Industry 4.0, the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Although there are still some doubts about the results of AMT from the Third Industrial
Revolution, a new set of technologies is emerging, promising all that has been promised
before, and a little more. But will this really be a new revolution?
The main technology of Industry 4.0 is the Cyber-Physical System (CPS), which is
defined as the combination of physical and cybernetic systems (Lee et al., 2015). The
two systems act as if they were one: everything that happens in the physical impacts on

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the virtual and vice versa (Lee, 2010). It can be used in a wide range of sectors
(Hellinger and Seeger, 2011).
In manufacturing, CPS enables the development of autonomous productive
processes, which, based on double representation, become intelligent: through
communication and decision algorithms, the components can decide on their
configuration and their path in the line of production (Lee et al., 2015). With CPS, the
intelligence is not centralized, but distributed in the process steps, which at the same
time gives more stability and greater flexibility to the operations.
One of the core approaches of Industry 4.0 is to develop modular and self-
configuring plug-and-work systems to enable different product and process
configurations. According to Schleipen et al. (2015, p. 803), “a basic aspect is the
identification of control relevant entities within production systems which can be
plugged in/connected to the production system and start operation without change of the
control applications in the rest of the production system”. The physical process
connected with the virtual through the internet and with distributed embedded
intelligence has flexibility and autonomy and can respond quickly to the demands and
market restrictions. It means that small batch production at low costs gives the
possibility to match demands without scale (Brettel et al., 2014).
Cyber-Physical Systems derive from some important technical advances on the
internet, embedded systems, computer science and artificial intelligence. “Evermore
miniaturized integrated circuits, the exponential growth of processing power and
bandwidth in networks, as well as increasingly efficient search engines on the internet
are just a few examples.” (Hellinger and Seeger, 2011, p. 15). The combination of these
technologies may be disruptive.
Industry 4.0 implementation requires investments, not just at corporate, but also at
government level. Despite the cost reduction of IT and electronics, other costs, related
to equipment substitution, infrastructure, and education will be part of the total invested
(Kagermann et al., 2013). The trade-offs between investments and gains will depend in
part on the economic scenario.
D’Aveni (1994) poses that the race to innovate has generated a dynamic market with
hypercompetition. It means that competitive advantage became temporary and
companies must continually adapt (D’Aveni et al., 2010). At the same time,
collaboration is becoming more important to innovate (Chesbrough, 2006) and to
operate; the design, development, production and delivery of a product or service are
being carried out by several organizations, simultaneously and interactively.
Porter and Heppelmann (2015) argue that the value chain undergoes a process of
intense change, to the point that organizations must question everything they do and in
what business they work. “Servitization” of manufacturing, new business models
(Kagermann et al., 2013) and deverticalization (Langlois, 2003) are some trends. Some
authors pose that, as the world is becoming digital, the industry competitive landscape
changes (Jacobides, 2005; Evans and Wurster, 1997; Hagel and Singer, 1999). Rather
than an individual firm, a great number of actors interact to add value to products and
services, and the big verticalized corporation of the 20th century is vanishing (Langlois,
2003; Anderson, 2012).
More sophisticated demand has challenged companies to diversify their offer
(McKinsey Global Institute, 2012; Schleipen et al., 2015). Anderson (2006) coined the
term “long tail” to explain the phenomenon in which small niches or even individual
consumers can be served because the marginal cost of increasing the scope is negligible.
Again, demography comes to the scene, but this time with a different role: population
is still growing, but, in industrial countries, the working age population (WAP) has been

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declining since 2011 (Frei and Osborne, 2016). Even in China, the WAP peaked in
2014. It means shortage of labor and rising wages. The difference in labor costs between
emerging and developed countries has declined in recent years (Zhai et al., 2016). In
addition, there are social security costs and possible impacts on GDP. In this context,
initiatives related to total automation of production processes are intensified. Aging is a
context element that can accelerate the pace of Industry 4.0 (Kagermann et al. 2013).
Germany takes the Industry 4.0 as strategic for the development of its economy in
the coming decades (Kagermann et al., 2013; Hermann, 2015). Other nations in Europe
and Asia have also been demonstrating strong commitment to research and applications
related to the theme (European Commission, 2013; Zhang et al., 2014; Kagermann et
al., 2013).
As the Fourth Revolution is being defined before it happens, all results or effects are
forecasts, assumptions or projections. Benefits, like better use of resources and better
and cheaper products, as well as harms, like unemployment and income inequalities, are
widely debated. But more than that, some authors (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014;
Schwab, 2016) also talk about changes that are not good or bad per se, novelties that
cannot coexist with the current order, and profound transformations in economy and
society that are very difficult to predict.
Industry 4.0 has just begun. Some technologies are being used and tested, but there
are still significant developments to be made. They are related, but not limited to
interoperability standards, cyber security and network reliability (Kagermann et al.,
2013). Some challenges are also posed to institutional environment, like education and
regulation systems. One believes that it takes two or three decades to reach all the
benefits – and maybe the harms – of this new revolution.

Discussion and Findings

What makes Industry 4.0 a revolution? To answer this research question, it is important
to highlight technical advances, economic scenario and demography factors of the

Technical Advances
According to Rosenberg (1982), the technological complementarities – the cumulative
aspect of small improvements and intersectoral relationships – lead to significant
economic impacts. Jovanovic and Rosseau (2005) pose that technologies that have an
important and longstanding aggregate impact can be defined as general purpose
technologies (GPT), which have three main characteristics: (1) pervasiveness, which
means they are used in many fields; (2) improvement, as they have gradual quality
upgrading; and (3) innovation spawning, because they make new creations easier.
In the three precedent industrial revolutions, steam, electricity/mass production and
electronics/IT are GPT. The main technology of Industry 4.0 – CPS – can be applied in
many fields, is improving and enables a large number of innovations (e.g., smart
factory, smart farms and smart cities). It has all the elements of a GPT.
Despite the advances in Industry 4.0 technologies, “the availability of a technology
alone does not mean that its use can be commercially justified” (Scheer, 2015, p. 4).
Indeed, some of the components of Industry 4.0 technologies were already present 30
years ago, but only from now on, with higher maturity of ICT and lower costs of
hardware and software, this paradigm is becoming feasible (Brynjolfsson and McAfee,

Economic Scenario

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The economic scenario influenced every revolution. In this paper two main elements
were addressed: the capital availability and the market dynamics. In the First
Revolution, although capital requirements were not so high, a big number of
entrepreneurs provided steady investments (Landes, 2003). The Second Revolution was
capital intensive and resulted in big conglomerates that dominated the market in the
20th century. These big companies were the main adopters of IT of the Third Industrial
Revolution in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, but the economic scenario was very
challenging. Swink and Nair (2007) explain that decades have passed since the first
implantations, and the debate about the benefits of AMT continues without a definitive
position on the subject. For the authors, the contingency approaches that explain the
results of adopting AMT depend on many other factors that are more adequate to
address the issue. One could say that some contingences worked against the
phenomenon: globalization and population growth – the move of production activities
to low wages countries – may have reduced the technologies diffusion speed. The Third
Industrial Revolution did not deliver all its promises, and it is often responsible to some
skepticism related to Industry 4.0.
For an invention to turn into an innovation, diffusion is necessary. The main
innovations of each revolution took some time to become widely spread (Brynjolfsson
and McAfee, 2014; Freeman and Soete, 1997). However, the diffusion pace has been
rising in recent years and technologies are evolving faster than ever, which may indicate
changes in shorter periods (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2014).
The innovation rhythm and globalization create a hypercompetition business
environment (D’Aveni, 1994). It means shorter life cycles for products and services,
which requires flexibility and agility. As Industry 4.0 proposes modular, self-
configuring systems that can be easily rearranged, it can be a good response for this
challenge, reducing time to market. In addition, this system can produce personalized
products, with low costs, which makes possible to profit in very tiny markets – that is
Anderson’s (2006) concept of “long tail”.

Demographic Changes
Finally, demography was important in the three revolutions and will be one driver of
Industry 4.0. The population is growing substantially since the end of the 18th century.
This provided increasing demand and labor, factors that helped the changes. However,
the pace of growth is declining and, especially in industrialized countries, the
population is aging. It means workforce shortage, which may be one reason to substitute
capital for labor. It can also have impacts on demand, because people above 64 tend to
spend less in all sectors but health (Frey and Osborne, 2016).
Industry 4.0 includes a set of technologies that require less labor, can extend the
work age for skilled people, and may raise sales responding to very specific demands
(Kagermann et al., 2013).
These characteristics of technical advances, economic scenario and demography
were important for the three previous revolutions. They have made the diffusion faster
and wider at the First and Second, and slowed down the rhythm of the Third. Although
Industry 4.0 technologies are more evolutive than disruptive, their combination and the
context in which they develop promise major impacts on economy and society, which
would in fact characterize a revolution.

This paper describes how technical advances, economic scenario and demography
shaped three previous revolutions and may affect the fourth. The systematic approach

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contributes to enhance the understanding of Industry 4.0 as a new revolution. It is
important because there is some skepticism about this issue, and with mistrust the
efforts to embrace the change and make it better for everyone will not suffice. Industry
4.0 requires collaboration, and will just become a reality when companies believe and
invest. Here, just a part of the big picture was summarized. Thus, studies about other
technologies of this paradigm, sectorial analysis, regional approaches, for example,
would be very instructive.

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Paper presented in EurOMA 2017

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