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Assessing The Redistributive Effect of Fiscal Policy: P R W P 4592

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P olicy R esearch W orking P aper 4592

Public Disclosure Authorized

Assessing the Redistributive Effect of

Fiscal Policy
B. Essama-Nssah
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized

The World Bank

Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network
Poverty Reduction Group
April 2008
Policy Research Working Paper 4592

Who benefits from public spending? Who bears the under consideration. This creates a need for analytical
burden of taxation? How desirable is the distribution methods to account for both individual behavior and
of net benefits from the operation of a tax-benefit social interaction. The approaches reviewed include
system? This paper surveys basic concepts, methods, simple reduced form regression analysis, microsimulation
and modeling approaches commonly used to address models (both the envelope and discrete choice models),
these issues in the context of fiscal incidence analysis. computable general equilibrium modeling, and
The review covers the incidence of both taxation and approaches that link computable general equilibrium
public spending. Methodological points are supported models to microsimulation models. Explicit modeling
by country cases. The effective distribution of benefits facilitates the construction of counterfactuals to back up
and burdens associated with fiscal policy depends on causal analysis. Social desirability is assessed on the basis
the size of the government, the distributive mechanisms of progressivity along with deadweight loss.
involved, and the incentives properties of the policy

This paper—a product of the Poverty Reduction Group , Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network—is
part of a larger effort in the network to provide guidance and disseminate methods of assessing the social impact of public
policies. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at The author may be
contacted at

The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development
issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the
names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those
of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and
its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.

Produced by the Research Support Team

Assessing the Redistributive Effect of Fiscal Policy

B. Essama-Nssah*
Poverty Reduction Group
The World Bank
Washington, D.C.

Keywords: equity, evaluation, fiscal incidence, general equilibrium, inequality,

microsimulation, public expenditure, taxation

JEL classification:C15, D63, H22, H23, H31, H32, H52

* The author is grateful to Louise J. Cord, Melanie Khamis, Peter J. Lambert, Tuan Minh Le, Zhicheng Li
Swift and Hassan Zaman for encouragement and useful comments on an earlier version of this paper. The
views expressed herein are entirely those of the author or the literature cited and should not be attributed to
the World Bank or to its affiliated organizations.
1. Introduction

Maintaining and improving the living standard of a population is commonly

believed to be the ultimate objective of public policy and a fundamental expectation of
the governed (Sen et al., 1987). The living standard of an individual hinges critically on
both collective and individual choices. These choices shape available socioeconomic
opportunities as well as the individual’s willingness and ability to identify and exploit
such opportunities. This view leads to two basic issues in public finance. What should
be the appropriate role of government in pursuit of this fundamental policy objective?
How should resources be mobilized and deployed to support the fulfillment of that role?
The appropriate role of the government should not be considered in a vacuum. It
must be assessed in terms of its comparative advantage relative to the market. Stiglitz
(1997) argues that whenever there are imperfections of information or competition or
incomplete markets there is a potential for government actions to improve living
standards. Essentially, he views the role of the government as establishing six types of
infrastructure for the economy: educational, technological, financial, physical,
environmental and social. This is consistent with the three functions of government
proposed by Musgrave (1959) namely: allocation, distribution and stabilization.
Accordingly, the government must intervene when market failure leads to Pareto
inefficient outcomes (allocation); or when the private market outcome leaves some
members of society with a level of living that is unacceptably low on the basis of
prevailing norms (distribution 1 ); or when some resources are left underutilized
Equity is the cornerstone of social infrastructure and certainly one thing that
cannot be promoted by the private market. The World Development Report (WDR) 2006
argues for the pursuit of equity on both intrinsic and instrumental grounds. It defines
equity in terms of a level playing field where individuals have equal opportunities to
pursue freely chosen life plans and are spared from extreme deprivation in outcomes 2 .

In a market economy, each person’s claim to available goods and services is limited to the amount of
income obtainable from that person’s successful sale of something of value on the market. Thus,
distribution by the market system is based on quid pro quo (Lindblom 2001).
Sen (1995) notes two broad dimensions to the concept of living standard. In this framework, the standard
of living can be thought of in terms of human functionings and capabilities. Functionings represent the

This definition implies that the pursuit of equity also entails that of poverty reduction.
While recognizing the intrinsic value of equity, the report emphasizes its instrumental
value for development by noting the complementarities between equity and prosperity.
Indeed missing or failing markets prevent resources from flowing where returns would be
highest. If correcting such failures is not feasible or is too costly, then improved
efficiency can be achieved through some form of redistribution of access to services,
assets, or political influence. It is further noted that inequitable institutions stemming
from high levels of socio-political inequality can lead to high economic costs to the
extent that such institutions tend to favor systematically powerful interest groups.
The purpose of this paper is to review basic concepts, methods and tools used in
assessing the redistributive effect of public finance. Empirical examples will also be
discussed along the way. The key issue of concern here is the appropriate distribution of
the tax burden and the benefits from public expenditure. It is instructive to frame such an
evaluation within the broader logic of an allocation or distribution problem which arises
in situations where a bundle of resources or burdens must be allotted individually to
members of a group. Young (1994) explains that such a problem can be analyzed in
terms of the following three dimensions: (1) a supply decision by the relevant institution
that determines the amount of the good or burden to distribute; (2) a distributive decision
based on a set of the principles governing the allotment process (i.e. assignment of shares
to eligible individuals); and (3) reactive decisions made by individuals in response to the
incentives created by the above two institutional choices.
In the context of taxation for instance, the supply dimension relates to the
determination of the amount of tax to be levied given the desired level of expenditure.
The personal income tax schedule is an outcome of a distributive rule which is usually
based on the principle of progressivity. Accordingly, the amount of tax owed by a
household is generally a function of its ability to pay. This ability is assessed on the basis

various living conditions achieved by an individual (i.e. outcomes), while capabilities relate to the ability of
achieving functionings. Capabilities define the freedom of choice, hence the opportunity set. Given this
fundamental distinction, WDR 2006 argues that public policy should seek to equalize opportunities, not
outcomes. However, high inequality of outcomes across groups defined on the basis of circumstances
beyond their control, is viewed as evidence of unequal opportunities.

of the socioeconomic characteristics of the household 3 . The basic neoclassical model of
labor supply provides a convenient framework to illustrate the response of taxpayers to
the rate structure. In this framework, labor supply is a consequence of optimal choice
between income (or consumption that this income can buy) and leisure. The imposition
of a tax on earnings reduces the after-tax wage and hence, induces the taxpayer to want to
work less (i.e. consume more leisure). This is the substitution effect. On the other hand,
there is an income effect due to the fact that taxation reduces the worker’s level of
income. The taxpayer would want to work more to compensate for that loss. The overall
response to taxation will thus depend on which effect dominates.
Accounting for the behavioral response of socioeconomic agents to public policy
is essential to minimize bias in the estimation of policy impact, and hence to avoid
erroneous policy recommendations. This accounting is also necessary for a proper
evaluation of government intervention. As noted by Stiglitz (1997), public intervention is
warranted if it is aimed at a serious imperfection in the market place and it is designed in
such a way that the perceived benefits outweigh the costs. An important dimension of
these costs is represented by the concept of excess burden. This is the efficiency loss
associated with change in behavior induced by distorted incentives due to policy
implementation. Taxation, for instance, leads to a change in relative prices that can distort
choices. As a result socioeconomic agents experience welfare costs, which, when
translated in money, exceed the amount of tax paid (Creedy 2004).
The outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 focuses on the distribution of the
tax burden. It starts with a discussion of standard incidence analysis. In general, this
involves a positive analysis of the impact of public policy on the distribution of economic
welfare within society. In the particular case of taxation, the object of incidence analysis
is to determine who ultimately bears the economic burden of taxation and to what extent.

Generally speaking, an allocation rule is a method of determining individual shares (in a distribution
problem) on the basis of the nature of the good or burden, and the relevant characteristics of the claimants
(Young 1994). For instance, the benefit principle of taxation stipulates that citizens should be taxed on the
basis of their willingness to pay for public services. This is the idea underlying the Lindhal tax. Given an
optimal level of provision of a public good, the Lindhal tax for each person is equal to that optimal level
times her or his willingness to pay for an extra unit of the good. The optimal quantity of the good is the
level at which the marginal cost of provision is equal to the overall willingness to pay. However, the
benefit approach to taxation is vulnerable to the free-rider problem. There is incentive for everybody to
underreport her willingness to pay.

In this context, it is important to keep in mind the distinction between the statutory
incidence of a tax and its economic incidence. The former identifies the person who is
obligated by law to remit a tax payment to the government while the latter refers to
changes in economic well-being resulting from changes in behavior and equilibrium
prices induced by taxation. Various incidence assumptions made in tax incidence
analysis will be reviewed in this section, which also covers issues related to equity in the
distribution of the tax burden.
The discussion of these equity issues will be organized around the concept of
progressivity and its connections to vertical and horizontal equity. In general, a
progressive policy favors the poor relative to the non-poor. In the particular context of
income taxation, a progressive tax is such that the average tax burden faced by an income
unit is an increasing function of income. Thus a better-off taxpayer would not only have
a bigger tax liability but also pay a bigger share of his income in tax. Given a pre-tax
income distribution, a progressive tax shifts part of the tax burden from low to high
incomes. In so doing it exerts a redistributive effect on the distribution of income. This
redistributive effect can be viewed as a shift of part of total post-tax income from high to
low income recipients (Lambert 2001). The shifting of the tax burden is known as the
disproportionality effect 4 . Both this and the redistributive effect underpin the
measurement of progressivity. We will consider the links between progression,
horizontal and vertical equity in the context of unequal treatment of pre-tax equals 5 . To
the extent feasible, some of these concepts will also be translated in the context of non-
income tax.
Section 3 of this review focuses on the incidence of public expenditure. One
policy conclusion that emerges from tax incidence studies reveals the limited ability of
tax policy to significantly change the distribution of income (Martinez-Vazquez 2008).
This situation shifts the redistributive function of fiscal policy on public spending. The
potential impact of public expenditure on the distribution of economic welfare depends
on the level and type of spending as well as on the efficiency of such spending.

As income increases, the tax burden increases more than proportionately.
Lambert (2001) argues that progression is a meaningful feature of income taxation only in the case of
social homogeneity, i.e. all income units are of the same type. It therefore makes sense to model tax
liability as a function of income alone.

Expenditure incidence analysis is mainly concerned with public spending designed to
improve equity. In this section, we review the main methods used to assess the
distributional impact of public expenditure. The general approach to benefit incidence
analysis is analogous to tax incidence analysis. It is a matter of identifying who benefits
from public spending and ascertaining the social desirability of the resulting distribution
of benefits. This section also reviews simple methods of accounting for behavioral
responses to public spending. Finally we discuss the combined incidence of taxes and
public spending.
A key methodological message emerging from this review relates to the important
role played by individual behavior and social interaction in determining fiscal incidence.
Accordingly, section 4 of this review focuses on modeling frameworks currently used in
fiscal incidence analysis. It starts out with a discussion of two categories of
microsimulation models. The first is based on the envelope theorem of consumer theory
while the second is framed within the logic of random utility models. The section ends
with a review of fiscal incidence analysis within a general equilibrium framework. It
considers respectively analytical and applied models, and ways of linking a computable
general equilibrium (CGE) model to a microsimulation module.
Concluding remarks are made in section 5, focusing on methodological as well as
on policy lessons.

2. The Burden of Taxation

The burden of taxation is the change in individual and social welfare induced by a
tax system. When real income is used as an indicator of economic welfare, the tax
burden is measured by loss in real income 6 . Who really bears the burden of taxation?
How desirable is the effective distribution of the tax burden? These two questions
underlie the evaluation of the distribution of the tax burden in a given society. In this
section, we review concepts and methods designed to help answer these basic questions.
Tax incidence analysis seeks to identify the people who ultimately bear the tax burden.

Hence, the burden depends on real allocations and not on the price level or choice of numéraire. What
matters in the context of incidence analysis is how changes in relative output prices and relative factor
prices affect policy-relevant socioeconomic groups (Fullerton and Metcalf 2002).

Social desirability is a matter of value judgments. Here we focus on progressivity to
assess fairness on the basis of ability to pay. Finally, we note that progressivity comes at
a cost since there is a welfare loss associated with distortions induced by taxation.

2.1. Tax Incidence

Tax Shifting
To obtain the effective distribution of the tax burden, it is necessary to identify as
accurately as possible the people who end up bearing the burden of the tax in question
and the extent of their share of that burden. In general, taxes are imposed on economic
transactions along the production and distribution chain. Tax shifting reflects the fact that
the imposition of a tax at a particular point on this chain may end up affecting economic
welfare of people at different points. The possibility of shifting the tax burden stems
from the fact that socioeconomic agents can change their behavior in response to a tax,
subject to the prevailing institutional arrangements. In a market economy, the burden of
taxation is channeled mainly through changes in the prices of traded goods and services.
Thus, people bear the burden of a tax when the imposition of the tax induces a change in
the relative prices of the goods and services they buy and sell 7 . In addition, a tax may
affect the prices of untaxed goods and services that are substitutes or complements of the
taxed ones. Such price changes are interpreted as “implicit” taxation.
As a rule of thumb, the extent to which a tax can be shifted and hence who ends
up bearing the burden depend on the alternatives available to the parties in the taxed
transaction. Thus, one is less likely to bear the tax burden when he or she has better
alternatives to what is taxed (Slemrod and Bakija 1996). In the case of taxes on labor
income, leisure or unpaid work at home are the alternatives open to workers. For the
employers, the alternative to hiring workers is determined by the ability to switch to more
capital-intensive modes of production. Thus, a tax on labor income can be shifted to the
employers if workers have better alternatives than employers. The same principle applies
to other categories of taxes. For instance, the estimation of the distribution of the burden

In a market economy, changes in prices affect agents’ demand and supply behavior, as well as their
revenue and welfare.

of the corporate income tax entails an analysis of the interaction between stakeholders,
employees and costumers. One possibility is that the stockholders would bear the burden
in the short run. In the medium to long run, changes in stock prices will make non-
corporate investments more attractive. The returns in the non-corporate sector will fall
due to increase demand. This represents some shifting of the burden of the corporate
income tax to holders of other forms of wealth.
In a particular market, the degree of shifting depends on the elasticity of demand
and supply, and on market structure. Stern (1987) demonstrates how this works for a
specific tax 8 within a partial-equilibrium framework. Let t stand for a tax per unit of
output in a competitive market. If q is the consumer price, the producer price is given
by p = (q − t ) . Furthermore, let η and ε stand respectively for the elasticity of supply and
that of demand. The effect of this tax on prices is defined by the following expressions.
dq η
For the consumer price, we have: = . The effect on the producer prices is:
dt η + εp / q
dp −ε
= . For small taxes, the producer price is very close to the consumer price
dt ε + ηq / p
so that the proportion of the tax that is shifted to consumers can be approximated by the
following expression: . In general, the more inelastic part of the market will bear
ε +η
the greater share of the tax burden 9 . For instance, if the demand elasticity is equal to
zero, the consumer will bear 100 percent of the tax burden. In a similar fashion, the
incidence of a payroll tax can be analyzed in terms of supply and demand elasticities
(Salanié 2003; Fullerton and Metcalf 2002).

Incidence Assumptions
Because economic agents can change their behavior in response to taxation and
thereby shift the tax burden to other actors, it is evident that the allocation of the tax

A specific tax (t) adds a given amount of money to a unit price of a good or factor. It thus raises the price
from p to (p+t). An ad valorem tax (τ) is assessed as a fraction of the unit price. In this case, the price
changes from p to p(1+τ).
Fullerton and Metcalf (2002) note that, in a perfectly competitive market, the economic incidence of a tax
depends exclusively on behavior and not on legislative intent.

burden to policy-relevant socioeconomic groups 10 hinges critically on the assumptions
made about this behavior and the interaction among economic agents. It is difficult in
practice to obtain an accurate estimate of tax shifting. Most empirical studies rely on data
on the sources and uses of income in each socioeconomic group to construct the
distribution of the tax burden on the basis of some assumptions about incidence. The
quality of the results thus depends on the extent to which such assumptions are
reasonable and defensible (Slemrod and Bakija 1996).
Martinez-Vazquez (2008) describes a set of assumptions used in conventional tax
incidence analysis. Given that the role of incidence assumptions is to facilitate the
allocation of the tax burden to different income groups, they rely heavily on the fact that
income sources and expenditure patterns vary significantly among such groups. For
instance, one can expect income from capital to be concentrated in the highest tail of the
income distribution. In certain countries, this component of income can also be found in
the lowest end of the distribution due to retired workers who may be living off their past
The typical assumptions include the following. (1) personal income tax is paid by
the income recipient; (2) the burden of payroll and social security taxes fall entirely on
workers; (3) three categories of assumptions can be made about the shifting pattern of
corporate income taxes: (a) shareholders bear the full burden, (b) all capital owners bear
the burden due to equalization of after-tax rates of return on all forms of capital, (c) half
of the burden rests on all owners of capital and the other half is passed on to consumers in
the form of higher consumer prices; (4) consumption taxes are fully shifted to consumers.
In general, conventional analysis assumes that the burden of direct taxes falls on the
owners of factors of production, while the burden of indirect taxes is borne fully by
consumers (Martinez-Vazquez 2008).
These assumptions have also been made in the case of Chile (Engel, Galetovic
and Raddatz 1999). These authors also assume that business tax is not passed on to
consumers based on the observation that all types of businesses are subject to this tax.
Table 2.1 shows their results in terms of the distribution of the tax burden in 1996 by

One conventional type of socioeconomic groups used in incidence analysis is to order the population in
increasing order of some welfare indicator (e.g. income or consumption expenditure) and allocate
individuals to income deciles or quintiles.

deciles. The second and third columns of this table show the distribution of both pre-tax
and after-tax income. The wealthiest deciles receives more that 40 percent of pre-tax
income and about 41 percent of after-tax income while the poorest receives about 1.4
percent of each type of income.

Table 2.1. The Distribution of the Tax Burden in Chile (1996)

Decile Pre-Tax After-Tax Whole Tax Income VAT Other

Income Income System Tax Taxes
1 1.45 1.40 14.44 0.00 11.0 3.42
2 2.74 2.63 16.0 0.00 11.8 4.20
3 3.77 3.61 15.8 0.00 11.4 4.33
4 4.73 4.59 15.2 0.00 10.9 4.25
5 5.57 5.47 15.0 0.01 10.7 4.21
6 6.76 6.64 14.3 0.04 10.2 4.07
7 8.22 8.20 13.8 0.11 9.7 4.0
8 10.60 10.61 13.1 0.23 9.0 3.85
9 15.42 15.75 12.2 0.62 8.0 3.54
10 40.75 41.09 11.8 2.54 6.3 2.96
Source: Engel, Galetovic and Raddatz (1999); Note: the entries are in percentage.

The last three columns of the table show the percentage of income that each decile
pays in taxes considering respectively the whole tax system, the income tax, the value-
added tax (VAT) and other taxes. These results reveal the tax burden is
disproportionately borne by the poor. For instance, the second decile is the group that
pays the highest percentage of its income in taxes, 16 percent compared to the 12 percent
paid by the wealthiest group.
Shah and Whalley (1991) caution that, a mechanical application of the
conventional incidence analysis to developing countries can lead to significantly
erroneous results and hence to wrong policy recommendations. Indeed, this standard
analysis assumes an institutional setting that may not prevail in developing countries,
namely a competitive market economy. For a proper tax incidence analysis in developing
countries, these authors urge that account be taken of the following special features such

as: informal sector, rural-urban migration, credit-rationing, extent of unionization, tax
evasion, foreign and public ownership of firms. The presence of these factors requires
special shifting assumptions, which may reverse the incidence pattern implied by
conventional assumptions. For instance, effective price controls may prevent producers
from shifting sales and excise taxes to consumers, thus rendering invalid the conventional
assumption that such taxes are fully shifted forward to consumers. Rural-urban migration
may lead to a partial shift of income tax burden from urban onto rural workers. This
cautionary note from Shah and Whalley underscores the importance of modeling
explicitly and accurately individual behavior and social interaction in improving the
estimation of the distribution of the tax burden. We review modeling issues in section 4
of this paper.

2.2. Progressivity

Incidence analysis as discussed above is largely a positive exercise designed to

reveal who bears the burden of taxation, and hence the distribution of that burden. The
next issue of interest relates to social desirability of the observed distribution of the tax
burden. As noted in the introduction, this is a normative issue that must be settled on the
basis of chosen value judgments. The progressivity principle is based on vertical equity
(VE) which requires that differences in people’s circumstances be appropriately taken
into account in both the formulation and implementation of public policy.
It is commonly accepted that the tax burden must be distributed according to an
indicator of the ability to pay (usually some indicator of the living standard). In
particular, a progressive income tax is imposed in such a way that taxpayers at higher
income brackets pay a higher proportion of their income in taxes. The principle of
horizontal equity (HE) requires an equal treatment of pretax equals. We will see that the
violation of this principle reduces the redistributive effect of a progressive tax 11 .
This section focuses on three topics: (1) measurement, (2) incentive properties,
and (3) the ability of a tax system to redistribute income and wealth. The discussion of

In the case of income taxation, Lambert (2001) notes that if, by “identical circumstances” we mean
“identical income levels”, then a tax schedule that is a function only of income will ensure horizontal
equity, regardless of its progressive nature.

measurement issues will be based mainly on a simple income tax model where the
relevant population is assumed to be socially homogeneous with respect to non-income
attributes. This implies that tax liability will be the same for income units with the same
level of income. The model further assumes that both tax and after-tax income are
increasing function of pre-tax income 12 (Lambert 2001). The results derived from this
simple model will then be generalized to the case of social heterogeneity.

Table 2.2: Alternative Tax Options for Australia

Expenditure Group Option A Option B

Clothing and Footwear 0.30 0.30
Furniture and Appliances 0.30 0.30
Motor Vehicles and Parts 0.40 0.30
Recreation Items 0.20 0.30
Miscellaneous 0.20 0.30
House-Building Payments 0.40. 0.30
Source: Creedy (2001)
The burden associated with a progressive tax is disproportionately distributed in
favor of the worse off while exerting an equalizing effect on the distribution of the living
standard. Measures of progressivity can therefore be developed either from the
disproportionality effect or from the equalizing effect of the tax under consideration. In
the case of income tax, assuming a homogeneous population with respect to tax-relevant
attributes such as marital status or family size, progressivity can be established by
plotting the ratio of the amount paid in tax to income against income. If this is an
increasing function, the tax is progressive. It is a decreasing function of income for a
regressive tax 13 . The ratio is constant for a proportional tax. Lambert (2001) explains

Analytically, this model can be represented by a tax function t(x) with the following properties:
0 ≤ t ( x) < x; 0 ≤ t ′( x) < 1 , where x represents pre-tax income.
One can also measure the degree of tax progression along income scale by considering the so-called
measures of local or structural progression. One such measure compares the marginal and average tax
rates. For a tax schedule to be progressive, it is necessary and sufficient to have the marginal rate greater
than the average rate for all income levels (Lambert 2001).

that any progressive income tax is equivalent to a flat tax of equal yield combined with
appropriate rich-to-poor transfers.

Table 2.3. Ratio of Equivalent Variations to Total Expenditure

Weekly Expenditure Option A Option B

200 0.075 0.078
400 0.098 0.102
600 0.116 0.118
800 0.128 0.129
1000 0.138 0.138
1200 0.147 0.145
1400 0.160 0.157
Source: Creedy (2001)

The impact of indirect taxes on individual welfare is channeled through changes

in commodity prices. This suggests the use of welfare measures such as equivalent
variation (EV) or compensating variation (CV) as indicators of tax burden. These two
measures can be defined in terms of the expenditure function which represents the
minimum level of expenditure required to achieve a given level of utility given the
prevailing prices (Deaton and Muellbauer 1980). Denote this function by e(p,u), where p
is a vector of prices and u stands for utility. If a tax induces a price change from p0 to p1,
the equivalent variation is the maximum an individual would be willing to pay to avoid
the tax and the associated change in prices. This can be formally written
as: EV = [e( p 1 , u 1 ) − e( p 0 , u 1 )] . Analogously, the compensating variation is the
minimum amount of income an individual should be given in compensation for the price
change in order to keep her as well off as before the change. Formally, this is defined
as: CV = [e( p 1 , u 0 ) − e( p 0 , u 0 )] . Creedy (2001) uses the ratio of equivalent variation to
total expenditure to assess the progressivity of alternative indirect tax structures in

Australia. The two regimes tax only goods whose budget shares rise with income. Table
2.2. gives the expenditure groups 14 and the associated tax rates
Table 2.3 show normalized equivalent variations for a range of weekly total
expenditure in dollars. Both tax options would be progressive since the normalized EV
increases with the level of expenditure.
The disproportionality property of the tax burden can also be established by
comparing concentration curves. Let x and y be any two attributes of income units e.g.
pre- and post-tax income levels. Suppose that the population is ranked in increasing
order of x, so that p represents the lowest 100p percent of the distribution of x. For each
p between zero and one, the concentration curve for y with respect to x shows the share
of y going to this lowest percentile. Let LX(p) be the Lorenz curve of pre-tax income and
KT(p) the concentration curve for tax payments. The term A(p)= [LX(p) - KT(p)]
measures the distance between the two curves. The distance measures, for the lowest-
ranked 100p percent of the population, the difference between their share in pre-tax
income and their share in the tax burden.
If this is positive for all p, the concentration curve for tax payments lies entirely
below the pre-tax income Lorenz curve. In other words, the lowest-ranked 100p percent
of income units receive a greater share of pretax income than of the tax burden (Lambert
2001). To better understand the departure from proportionality in the distribution of the
tax burden, note that LX(p) also represents the concentration curve for tax liabilities
under an equal-yield flat tax. Under this interpretation, A(p) represents the fraction of the
tax burden shifted from low to high incomes. The Kakwani index of progressivity is
equal to twice area under A(p). This reduces to the difference between the concentration
coefficient for tax liabilities and the Gini coefficient for pre-tax income, and can be
written explicitly as: π K = CT − G X .
Analogously, the progressivity of a tax can be assessed on the basis of its
equalizing or redistributive effect. This entails the comparison of pre-tax income
distribution with that of post-tax income. Let KY(p) stands for the concentration curve of

These six expenditure groups form a subset of 14 expenditure components considered by the author. The
non-taxed groups include: Current housing costs; electricity, gas and other fuels; food and non-alcoholic
beverages; spirits, beer and wine; tobacco; postal and telephone charges; health services; and personal care

the after tax income distribution. Now, B(p)= [KY(p) - LX(p)] shows the fraction of post-
tax income shifted from high to low incomes by the tax. This term is positive for a
progressive tax. This characterization is based on interpreting LX(p) now as the
concentration curve for after tax income induced by an equal-yield flat tax (Lambert
2001). The Reynolds-Smolensky index of the redistributive effect is equal to twice the
area under B(p). It reduces into the difference between the Gini coefficient of pre-tax
income and the concentration coefficient of the after tax income, and can be written as:
π RS = G X − CY .
Lambert (2001) shows that the measure based on the equalizing effect and the one
based on disproportionality are related through the following relation, where g stands for

the overall average tax rate (or the total tax ratio): K Y − L X ≡
(L X − K T ) . Hence,
1− g
π RS ≡ π K . In other words, the amount of income shifted down the income scale by
1− g
a progressive tax is a function of the total tax ratio and the disproportionality effect.
It is important to note that the above results hinges on the assumption of social
homogeneity and the fact that the marginal tax rate is less than one. Under these
restrictive assumptions, KY(p) is also the Lorenz curve of post tax income distribution.
This is why we were able to call B(p) the redistributive effect. When the tax system
accounts for social heterogeneity, the tax schedule will depend on income and non-
income attributes such as marital status and family size. In this general case, reranking of
income units can occur. Now, let LY(q) stand for the Lorenz curve of the post tax income
distribution. The redistribution effect can now be written as follows (Lambert 2001):

LY − L X ≡
(L X − K T ) − (K Y − LY ) (2.1)
1− g
The above relation implies the following:

G X − GY ≡
(CT − G X ) − (GY − CY ) (2.2)
1− g
The above two expressions apply to any tax system beyond the simple model we
started with. The left hand side of (2.2) now represents the Reynolds-Smolensky index of
the redistributive effect of the tax. The first term on the right hand side of the same

expression is a function of Kakwani’s index of progressivity. The last term on the right
reflects the extent of reranking in the transition from the pre-tax to the post-tax income
distribution 15 .
Aronson, Johnson and Lambert (1994), here after AJL, show that when tax
liabilities are determined on the basis of income and non-income factors, differences in
tax treatment at given levels of (equivalent) income are bound to arise. On top of this
possible unequal treatment of equals, the tax system may also imply reranking among
unequals. These authors demonstrate 16 that the redistributive effect of a
tax, RE = G X − GY , can be written as a function of three factors: (1) the vertical or
progressivity effect (V), (2) a measure of classical horizontal inequity (H), and the
Atkinson-Plotnick index of reranking (R). Formally, we have:
RE = V − H − R (2.3)
Assuming that the population has been divided in groups of pretax equals, the various
components of (2.3) are defined as follows. V = (G X − Gb ) , where Gb the between group
Gini coefficient of the distribution of post-tax income. Classical horizontal inequity is
measured by: H = ∑ α k Gk , where αk is the product of the population share and the post-

tax income share in group k, and Gk is the Gini index of inequality in the distribution of
after-tax income in group k. Reranking is given by the last term in (2.2): R = (GY − CY ) .
The fact that these components are positive implies that both horizontal inequity and
reranking reduce the vertical or progressivity effect.
Hyun and Lim (2005) use the AJL methodology to examine the redistributive
effect of the Korean income tax system over three years: 1991, 1996 and 2000. Their
empirical results based on microdata sets collected by the Korean National Statiatical
office are presented in table 2.4. The last three rows of this table show the normalized
version of the three components of the redistributive effect as a percentage of RE. The

It is important to keep in mind that in the benchmark model of income tax where both tax and post-tax
income increase with pre-tax income, there is no reranking as we move from the pre-tax to the post-tax
distribution of income. In other words, the benchmark case implements a rank-presenving transformation
of pre-tax incomes into post-tax income.
Their demonstration hinges on the following decomposition of the Gini coefficient of post-tax income
distribution: GY = Gb + ∑α
k Gk + R .

results show a positive redistribution effect for each year since the Gini coefficient falls
after tax. The pattern of the distribution of the equalizing effect across the vertical,
horizontal and reranking components is similar over the three years. The results also
indicate a fairly high level of horizontal inequity. Using 1991 as base year, the authors
Table 2.4. The Redistributive Effect of Income Tax in Korea

Indicator 1991 1996 2000

Gini before tax 0.34718 0.33682 0.40077
Gini after tax 0.32455 0.31877 0.37899
RE 0.0222631 0.018041 0.021782
Kakwani 0.41158 0.40158 0.42643
Average Tax Rate 0.065178 0.066025 0.069124
V 0.028697 0.028389 0.028033
H 0.00523 0.008924 0.005491
R 0.000836 0.001424 0.000760
V(%) 126.8 157.35 128.70
H(%) 23.11 49.46 25.20
R(%) 3.7 7.89 3.49
Source: Hyun and Lim (2005)
make a normalized comparison of these components over time. They find that the
redistributive effect was highest in 1991 and lowest in 1996. They explain the 1996
outcome by observing that it is also the year with the highest level of horizontal inequity.
In general, they conclude that there is room for improving the redistributive power of
income tax in Korea by abolishing most allowances and exemptions.
To confirm that the AJL methodology applies equally well to indirect taxes, we
present in table 2.5 the results of an evaluation of the redistributive effect of the pre-2000
indirect tax system in Australia by Creedy (2001). To account for demand responses, the
author derives demand elasticities and welfare changes on the basis of a linear
expenditure system (LES) using data on the socioeconomic groups listed in table 2.5.
The 14 expenditure components include those listed in table 2.2 and in footnote 14.
However, the author explains that the computation of the three components of
redistribution presented in table 2.5 does not account for demand changes in order to

maintain the full variation of household budget shares. It is this heterogeneity in budget
shares that explains horizontal inequity and reranking.
The redistributive effect shown in the second column of table 2.5 reveals that the
pre-2000 indirect tax system in Australia was slightly regressive overall and for most
household types except for couples with no children and at least one retiree and for single
retirees. Reranking is more substantial than horizontal inequity. It can be noted that the
favorable redistribution towards type 3 and type 10 household would be more significant
in the absence of the reranking effect. Reranking reduces redistribution for type 3 by
about 32 percent and by 22 percent for type 10. The largest amount of reranking is
observed for single parents with one dependent child. The author explains that this
reranking is largely due to exemptions working through heterogeneous budget shares.

Table 2.5. The Redistributive Effect of Indirect Taxes in Australia

Household type RE V V(%) H(%) R(%)

1. All households -0.0013 -0.0009 71.39 0.66 27.94
2. Couple, no children -0.0021 -0.0017 80.55 0.05 19.39
3. Couple, no children, at least one retired 0.0018 0.0025 132.84 1.32 31.53
4. Couple, one dependent child -0.0017 -0.0013 76.29 1.45 25.16
5. Couple, two dependent children -0.0013 -0.0010 75.77 1.51 25.74
6. Couple, three or more dependent children -0.0027 -0.0024 87.56 0.13 12.57
7. Single parent, one dependent child -0.0013 -0.0008 64.17 2.42 38.25
8. Single two or more dependent children -0.0020 -0.0016 79.29 1.92 18.79
9. Single, not retired -0.0038 -0.0032 84.91 0.35 15.44
10. Single, retired 0.0029 0.0036 123.46 1.27 22.19
Source: Creedy (2001)

Urban and Lambert (2008) explain that the AJL machinery reviewed above works
only when applied to groups of exact equals. They observe that typical real-world
datasets rarely contain exact equals. In such circumstances, analysts use groups of close
equals to identify the horizontal effect of a tax system. Such groups are defined on the
basis of a chosen bandwidth that determines the maximum difference between the pre-tax
incomes of any two individuals considered as near equals. Urban and Lambert identify

three distinct forms of reranking that are bound to arise in the case of close equals. In
moving from pre-tax to post-tax distribution of income, the following types of reranking
may take place: within-group reranking, entire-group reranking, and the type of reranking
encountered in the AJL framework.
These components of reranking can be identified through the following process
fully described by the authors. Start with income units ordered by pre-tax income, and
select a bandwidth to create close equals groups. Now, consider ordering units within
each group only according to post-tax income. The comparison of the resulting
distribution with the initial one identifies within-group reranking. Starting now with the
new distribution (that accounts for within group reranking), reorder whole groups in
increasing order of group mean post-tax income (i.e so that the group mean post-tax
income increases monotonically from one group to the next). The transition from the
precedent distribution to this new one reveals entire-group reranking. Finally, sort this
last distribution in increasing order of post-tax income. The comparison of the result
with the distribution from which it was derived reveals the AJL reranking. The
phenomenon of significance at the last step is that some income units can “get out” of
their original group and take up positions in different groups.
What then are the implications for the computation of the components of the
redistributive effect? We present here the key methodological recommendation proposed
by the authors. The measurement framework relies on the comparison of Lorenz and
concentration curves associated with transitional distributions from pre-tax to post-tax
income distribution and various orderings of income units. In this context, they refer to
the vertical effect as the full vertical effect and to the appropriate horizontal effect as type
2 horizontal effect 17 . The reranking effect that includes all three forms described above is
called the Atkinson-Plotnick-Kakwani (APK) reranking 18 .

Type one reranking is associated with AJL methodology. In that case horizontal inequity refers to
inequality in the distribution of post-tax income among exact equals. Type 2 is assessed on the basis of
person-by-person departure of actual post-tax income from a counterfactual distribution free of horizontal
inequity (Urban and Lambert 2008).
The three forms of reranking can be computed separately as follows. Compute the Lorenz curve of pre-
tax income based on an ordering that ranks income units by pre-tax income level and exact equals by post-
tax income level. Call this ordering 1 and compute the concentration curve of post-tax income associated
with this ordering. Next, consider the ordering of income units by post-tax income level. Call this ordering
2 and compute the Lorenz curve of the distribution of post-tax income. The APK reranking is based on the
comparison of the concentration curve of ordering 1 with the Lorenz curve of post-tax income. It can be

The computation of both the full vertical and type two horizontal effects entails a
counterfactual distribution. Given the pre-tax and post-tax distributions, order income
units by pre-tax income level, breaking possible ties with post-tax income (i.e. exact
equals, if any, are ranked by post-tax income). Compute the Lorenz curve of pre-tax
income (LX) and the concentration curve of post-tax income (KY) associated with this
ordering. Compute the Lorenz curve for post-tax income (LY) as well. Let gk be the
share of total pre-tax income taken from a given group of close equals (k=1,2,…m). The
counterfactual income distribution, Yc , is obtained by reducing the pre-tax income in
each group by the relevant fraction gk. Compute also the concentration curve of this
counterfactual distribution (KC) with respect to pre-tax income. The full vertical effect is
based on the comparison of LX with KC. Its index measure is given by the difference
between the Gini coefficient of pre-tax income and the concentration coefficient of the
counterfactual income. Type 2 horizontal effect is based on the comparison of KC and
KY. The corresponding summary index is equal to the concentration coefficient of post-
tax income minus the concentration coefficient of counterfactual income. As noted in
footnote 18, the overall or APK ranking effect is based on KY and LY. Hence, the
redistributive effect is equal to the full vertical effect, minus type 2 horizontal effect,
minus APK reranking 19 . Formally, we write: RE = V * − H * − R APK .
In closing this discussion of measurement issues, we would like to point out that
the progressivity of indirect taxes can also be assessed on the basis of the price elasticity
of poverty measures (e.g Watts or members of the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke family). In
this framework, the impact of taxes on individual welfare is calculated with the help of an
indirect utility function. This is the maximum level of utility attainable given a budget

summarized by the difference between the Gini coefficient of post-tax income and the concentration
coefficient of ordering 1. Now define ordering 3 as the situation where income units within group are
ranked by post-tax income level while groups are ranked by pre-tax mean. Compute the concentration of
post-tax income associated with this ordering. Within group reranking is based on the comparison of the
concentration curve of ordering 1 with that of ordering 3. Its summary index is equal to concentration
index 3 minus concentration index 1. Now unscramble ordering 3 by lining up groups according to their
post-tax means, ceteris paribus. Call this ordering 4, and compute the associated concentration curve of
post-tax income. Entire group reranking is determined by the comparison of concentration curve 3 and 4
and can be summarized by concentration index 4 minus concentration index 3. Finally, AJL reranking is
based on the comparison of concentration curve 4 with the Lorenz curve of post-tax income. The
associated summary index is equal to the Gini coefficient of post-tax income minus concentration index 4.
Urban and Lambert also show that the full vertical effect is equal to the AJL vertical effect plus entire
group reranking. Type 2 horizontal effect is equal to AJL horizontal effect minus within group reranking.

and the prevailing prices. The approach also relies on the elasticity interpretation of
budget shares. Under certain conditions, it can be shown that when the price of a
commodity increases by one percent, say, real income declines by an amount equal to the
corresponding budget share (Deaton and Muellbauer 1980). This is the variable that links
changes in individual welfare due to tax induced price changes to changes in poverty.
Hence the progressivity of a given indirect tax hinges critically on the variation of budget
share as expenditure increases. A basic conclusion that emerges from this approach is
that a progressive commodity tax imposes a higher burden on high-income households by
placing a higher tax rate on commodities that constitute a higher proportion of the budget
of these households. The reader interested in more details about this methodology is
referred to Essama-Nssah (2007) or Bibi and Duclos (2007).

Incentive Properties and Welfare Cost

As noted earlier, socioeconomic agents can change their behavior in response to
taxation subject to institutional constraints. This distortion of economic behavior
response underlies tax shifting and can cause significant welfare loss 20 . This is easily
understood in the context of the first fundamental theorem of welfare economics
establishing the Pareto optimality of the competitive equilibrium (Salanié 2003). In a
pre-tax equilibrium, optimal decisions taken by consumers lead the equality between
marginal rates of substitution and relevant relative prices. Similarly, on the supply side,
firms equate marginal rates of technical substitution to relative prices. Taxation
introduces distortions to the extent that it leads various agents to perceive different
relative prices. Consumers may be looking at tax-inclusive prices while the producers are
looking at pre-tax prices. This divergence in signals received by both sides of the market
induces a misallocation of resources which carries with it a welfare loss (beyond the tax
revenue collected) known as deadweight loss or excess burden of taxation. It is
important to note that deadweight loss would occur even if the revenue collected were to
be returned to the consumers.

A tax reform can be evaluated on the basis of the marginal social cost of available options for raising
revenue. The marginal cost of funds is equal to the fall in social welfare per unit of revenue raised (Stern
1987). In the context of indirect taxes, if the marginal social cost of taxing commodity j is less than the
social cost of taxing commodity k, it would be desirable, other things being equal, to increase the tax on j
and reduce the one on k by the same amount.

It is instructive and useful to consider the effect of taxes on work effort. Indeed,
the evaluation of the impact of a welfare-to-work policy requires a careful consideration
of the labor supply decisions of both those individuals who are currently working and
those who may be induced to enter the market by the reform. This entails an
understanding of changes in wages, participation and hours of work. Labor supply
models attempt to explain changes in participation and working hours. Such changes are
linked to variation in the structure of real wages and to reforms in the tax and benefit
Standard labor supply models are framed within the logic of individual choice
between consumption goods and leisure. This framework helps one establish the
determinants of labor supply. It is usually assumed that more of both consumption and
leisure is preferred to less. There are two basic income sources: activity within and
without the labor market. Given a wage rate and non-wage income, the consumer is
assumed to maximize utility (a function of consumption and leisure) subject to the full
income constraint based on time endowment. In this context, the wage is viewed both as
a price and the opportunity cost of leisure. A change in the wage rate has both an income
and substitution effects. For instance, taxing wage income reduces the after-tax wage
rate. This will induce the taxpayer to choose more leisure and less work. This is the
substitution effect. At the same time the tax reduces the level of disposable income so
that the worker may want to work more to make up for the loss. This is the income effect.
The combination of these two effects determines individual labor supply.
A tax on labor may also affect an individual decision to participate in the labor
market or not. The determining factor here is the reservation wage. It depends on the
marginal rate of substitution between consumption and leisure and determines the
conditions of participation in the labor market (Cahuc and Zylberberg 2004). Salanié
(2003) analyzes a simple situation where an individual faces the choice between not
working and working a conventional number of hours (e.g. full time). He shows that
taxation reduces the incentive to participate if and only if the marginal utility of income
has an elasticity less than one.
The existence of incentive effects associated with taxation implies that the pursuit
of equity through taxation comes with a cost in the form of deadweight loss that must be

taken into account when evaluating the distributive effect of taxes. This requires an
evaluation criterion that combines both efficiency and equity concerns. The generalized
Lorenz curve is such a criterion. It is obtained by multiplying the ordinary Lorenz curve
by the mean of the distribution. One can also resort to an abbreviated social evaluation
function defined as the mean of the distribution times one minus an index of relative
inequality (e.g. Gini or Atkison). Given that positive taxation can only reduce social
welfare if we do not account for the redistribution of the proceeds, in what sense then is a
progressive tax socially desirable? For sure, it reduces inequality. But this does not
mean welfare improvement. Lambert (2001) explains that a progressive income tax is
socially desirable relative to an equal-yield flat tax because it reduces social welfare less
than the latter if both apply to the same pre-tax incomes.

2.3. Ability of a Tax System to Redistribute Wealth and Income

As noted earlier, the basic function of a tax system is to raise revenue to fund
government activities. Given that equity is also an important development objective, it is
useful to consider the extent to which taxes are able to affect the distribution of income
and wealth. We also examine here tax provisions designed to reduce the tax burden on
poor people. It is evident that the answers to these questions depend on the instruments
Zolt (2008) notes that a progressive tax system transfers to the state a proportion
of a taxpayer’s net increase in wealth (i.e. income) that otherwise would have been spent
or saved. Thus individual income and wealth taxes are the instruments most capable of
redistributing income. The effectiveness of the corporate income tax depends on the
prevailing shifting pattern. Generally speaking, the factors determining the progressivity
of an income tax system include: the top marginal tax rate, the base, the number of
deductions and the compliance rate. A system with moderate top rates (i.e. around 30
percent), a broad tax base, few deductions and high compliance rates is likely to be more
progressive than one with high top personal rates (around 50 percent), a narrow base,
many exemptions and high degree of tax evasion.

To address poverty issues directly, the individual income tax system can be
integrated into the social welfare program to provide cash transfers to low-income
individuals. However, it is important to take account of the relative efficiency and
feasibility of using the income tax this way as the administrative cost is bound to
increase. Policymakers can also adopt provisions to reduce the tax burden on the poor.
One possibility is to set a high threshold relative to the poverty line to exempt poor
people from income tax. This is reflected by a tax structure with a tax-free threshold
below which the tax rate is zero. Such a threshold must be chosen carefully as it can
distort incentives for earning income above it. The jump from a tax-free threshold to the
first taxable income band can lead to a marginal tax rate that is so high to discourage the
people involved from earning the additional income 21 .
There are institutional weaknesses that limit significantly the progressivity of
income tax in developing countries. First of all, many potentially taxable transactions
take place in a sizable informal sector of the economy. Thus revenues for income tax
represent about 2 percent of GDP in developing countries compared with 11 percent of
GDP in developed countries (Zolt 2008). Second, a weak tax administration combined
with the ability of residents to shift assets outside the country limits the collection of
income tax on formal sector wage income only.
The above limitations of income tax have forced developing countries to rely
more on indirect taxes on goods and non-factor services (such as sales, excise and value
added taxes). But taxes on consumption tend to be regressive due to the fact that poor
people generally spend a higher proportion of their income than non-poor. There are
ways of reducing the regressive character of these taxes. In the case of a VAT for
instance, the authorities could lower the tax rate (including complete exemption) on a
handful of basic foodstuffs such as rice and cooking oil. The use of broad commodity
groups such as food would not do since households at all income levels consume these
commodities. One standard recommendation is to tax heavily certain luxury goods that
are most likely consumed by high income households. Creedy (2001) notes this approach

This is particularly the case if earning additional income implies a reduction in transfer payments or other
forms of social assistance. This would amplify the jump. Relief can also be provided to low-income
people through special deductions or credits designed to reduce the after-tax costs of certain categories of
expenditures such as, education, medical or job training expenses (Zolt 2008).

is not likely to produce much revenue let alone affect the distribution of income in view
of the fact that high-income households are more able to substitute away from
commodities that are highly taxed. Furthermore, differentiation by narrow commodity
groups or brand name entails administrative costs.
The above considerations reveal the difficulties associated with using the tax
system in developing countries to redistribute income and wealth. They also point to
desirable properties of a tax system in terms of breadth of the base, level of rates, number
of exemptions and administrative capabilities.

3. Incidence of Public Expenditure

Analyzing the incidence of public expenditure is analogous to tax incidence

analysis. The key questions under consideration are the following: (1) Who benefits from
public expenditure and by how much? (2) Is the implied distribution of benefits socially
desirable? (3) What is the welfare impact of public spending? This section reviews the
current practice in answering the above questions. It starts with the basic approach to
benefit incidence analysis which provides a profile of the distribution of benefits from an
expenditure program along the distribution of some indicator of the living standard (i.e.
income or consumption). If the distribution of benefits is regressive, then the expenditure
program reduces inequality 22 . We next review some simple approaches designed to
account for behavioral responses to public spending. These behavioral responses
ultimately determine the distributional outcome of the expenditure program and its
welfare impact. Finally we note the need for assessing the combined incidence of
taxation and public expenditure.

Recall that an income tax is progressive if higher income brackets pay a higher proportion of their
income in taxes. In other words, the ratio of tax to income is an increasing function of income. Given that
benefits from public expenditure are added to income (and not subtracted as taxes), an expenditure program
is progressive if the ratio of benefits to income is a decreasing function of income. That is benefits are
regressively distributed (Lambert 2001).

3.1. Standard Benefit Incidence Analysis

Valuation Issues
The estimation of the benefits derived from public expenditure is fraught with
serious valuation issues. Public expenditure can take the form of cash transfers, subsidies
or direct provision (by the state) of goods and services. While it may be easier to
measure cash transfers to households or individuals it is very difficult to measure the
benefits accruing to individuals or households from publicly provided goods and services.
The market system provides a convenient way of valuing private goods sold on the
market. This convenience stems from the fact that the price of a good or service reflects
the marginal benefit to the consumer. In general this approach does not work in the case
of public goods because their supply is either rationed or does not adjust to demand.
Under these circumstances, whatever price is charged (e.g. user fee) cannot signal
marginal benefit or the willingness to pay (Martinez-Vazquez 2008). The solution
adopted in the context of benefit incidence analysis is to value benefits from an
expenditure program on the basis of the unit cost of provision.
A number of practical decisions must be made in estimating unit cost. These
issues relate particularly to the treatment of capital expenditure and of cost recovery.
Most estimates are based on current expenditure. However, Demery (2003) explains that
if capital spending is to be included in the calculations, this must be done only through
the value of the services flowing from this capital. With respect to cost recovery, he
suggests that only fees that are returned directly to the treasury must be netted out of
gross spending. Fees that are retained by the service providers such as schools or clinics
should not be subtracted from gross spending because presumably they are used to
improve the quality of the service.
To obtain a distribution of the benefit from public spending, one combines
information on the cost of provision with data on the use of the relevant public goods and
services. Thus the analysis can be applied only to assignable public expenditure (Demery
2003), that is expenditure for which beneficiaries can be identified. This poses a serious
problem because most public goods are non-rival to the extent that every unit can be
enjoyed fully by all people. In view of this fact, benefit incidence analysis is usually

applied to a limited subset of public expenditure programs, mainly in education, health
and infrastructure.

The construction of the distribution of benefits associated with a particular public
expenditure program involves the following three basic steps: (1) using data from public
expenditure accounts and the operation of the program under study, estimate the unit cost
or subsidy associated with the public service in question; (2) from household survey data,
estimate the rate of use 23 of the service by each household and impute the benefits on the
basis of these estimates; (3) report the results by policy-relevant socioeconomic groups
(e.g. by quantiles of the distribution of some welfare indicator, or by region, gender or
ethnic groups).
To see some of the computations involved, we consider the case of public
education as explained by Demery (2003). Let j=1, 2, …, m represent policy-relevant
socioeconomic groups. Let i=1,2,3 stand for the usual three levels of education, primary,
secondary and tertiary. Furthermore, let Ri represent the total public school enrollment at
level i, and Rij the enrollment from group j. Finally, let S and Si stand respectively for
total government subsidy and the amount of subsidies going to level i. The total amount
of the public education subsidy imputed to group j , Bj, can be formally written as:
3 3 R
B j ≡ ∑ Rij ≡ ∑ Si
i =1 Ri i =1 R j

Expression (3.1) is written in a way that clearly shows that the benefit incidence of
education spending allocated to group j for each level of education is equal to the
enrollment of the group at that level of education times the unit cost. The expression can
also be normalized by S to yield the share of the total education spending imputed to
group j, bj. The result can be written as follows:
3 Rij ⎛ S i ⎞ 3
bj ≡ ∑ ⎜ ⎟ = ∑ rij si (3.2)
i =1 Ri ⎝ S ⎠ i =1

In the case of education and health, this information relates to enrollment rates or clinic visits reported by
members of a household.

In the above expression (3.2), rij stands for the share of group j in total enrollments at
level i, while si represents the share of total of public spending on education going to
level i.
One interesting approach to incidence analysis does not require an estimate of a
unit subsidy. It notes only whether or not a service is used by a household. One can then
define a dummy variable that takes the value of one if the service in question is used and
zero otherwise. The analysis is thus based on the distribution of this dummy variable
across socioeconomic groups.
One way of determining whether or not an expenditure program is progressive is
to consider how the share of the benefits relative to the income of the recipients varies
across income quantiles. If this share declines as we move from the poorest to the richest
quantiles 24 , the underlying expenditure program is progressive. Table 3.1 shows an
example based on the incidence of public spending on health in Ghana in 1992.
According to these results, the underlying spending program is progressive because, for
the poorest quintile, the subsidy represents 3.5 percent of total household expenditure
compared to 1.8 for the richest quintile (Demery 2003).

Table 3.1 Incidence of Public Spending on Health in Ghana (1992)

Quintile Per Capita Share of Total Subsidy Subsidy as Share of Total Household
Subsidy (%) Expenditure
1 2296 12 3.5
2 3065 15 3.1
3 3692 19 2.8
4 4228 21 2.3
5 6515 33 1.8
Ghana 3959 100 2.4
Source: Demery (2003)
In general, one can compare the concentration curve of the imputed benefits with
the Lorenz curve of the reference welfare indicator (e.g. income or consumption

Hence the distribution of benefits is regressive.

expenditure) to determine the progressivity of a public expenditure program. If the
concentration curve lies everywhere above the Lorenz curve of the welfare indicator, we
conclude that the expenditure program is progressive. The associated benefits are more
equally distributed than the reference welfare indicator.
It is instructive to examine formally the comparison of concentration curves
discussed above. Let LX stand for the Lorenz curve of original income. That is before
benefits are imputed to income units. Let KB and KY stand respectively for the
concentration curves for the benefits and for post-benefit income. Lambert (2001) shows
that benefits are regressively distributed (meaning that the public expenditure program is
progressive) if and only if the concentration curve for benefits dominates that for post-
benefit income and the latter dominates the Lorenz curve for original income. That
is: K B ≥ K Y ≥ L X .
By definition, the concentration curve for the post-benefit income is a weighted
average of the Lorenz curve for original income and the concentration curve for benefits.
The weights depend on the average rate of benefit (or total benefit ratio) b. Formally, we
1 b
can write: K Y ≡ LX + K B . This definition implies the following relationship
1+ b 1+ b
between a local measure of the redistributive effect and a local measure of
disproportionality 25 .

(K Y − LX ) =
(K B − L X ) (3.3)
1+ b
The same relation holds between global measures as follows:

(G X − CY ) =
(G X − C B ) (3.4)
1+ b
Where G and C stand respectively for the Gini coefficient and the concentration index.
The above two expressions reveal that the redistributive effect of an expenditure program
can be decomposed multiplicatively into a level and a disproportionality component. The
redistributive effect of regressive benefits can be enhanced either by scaling up the

The relation can be easily established in three steps: (1) multiply the definition through by (1+b); (2)
subtract bLX from both sides of the result; (3) shift LX from the right to the left hand side, factor out
appropriate terms and normalize the result by (1+b).

benefits or by redistributing a given total of benefits more in favor of the poor (Lambert
2001). This is analogous to the case of a progressive income tax.
The extent to which the expenditure program is targeted to the poor can be judged
on the basis of the comparison of the concentration curve for benefits with the line of
equal distribution (the 45 degree line). The further the concentration curve lies above the
45 degree line, the better the targeting. In this case 26 , the poorest 100p percent of the
population receives more than 100p percent of the total subsidies. Targeting is weaker
when the concentration curve of the benefits lies below the 45 degree line. The results
presented in table 3.1 reveal that the poorest received 12 percent of overall public health
spending compared to 33 percent for the richest. This is an indication of poor targeting
of public health spending in Ghana in 1992.
Table 3.2. Incidence of Primary and Secondary Public Education Expenditure in Malawi

1st Quintile 2nd Quintile 3rd Quintile 4th Quintile 5th Quintile
Primary 25 23 19 18 14
Secondary 18 19 22 20 21
Share of School-Age Population
Primary 24 22 20 18 16
Secondary 24 21 20 19 16
Sourec Al-Samarrai and Zaman (2007)
Another important way of assessing the equity of a spending program is to
compare benefits received to needs. Comparing the distribution of benefits to that of
household income or expenditure does not tell the whole story as there could be
significant differences in needs across income levels. This point is well illustrated by the
case on primary and secondary public education spending in Malawi presented in table
3.2 (Al-Samarrai and Zaman 2007). The results of this incidence analysis show that the
poorest quintile has the greatest demand for both primary and secondary education. Their
share of the school-age population in both education sectors is higher than that of any
other income group. When compared specifically with the richest quintile, the

The associated concentration curve is concave and the corresponding concentration index is negative.

information presented in table 3.2 reveals that public spending on primary education is
pro-poor. The share of the subsidies going to the poorest quintile is slightly higher than
their share of the school-age population. But, the incidence of public spending on
secondary education favors the non-poor. The poorest quintile, with 24 percent of the
school-age population receives only 18 percent of the subsidy for secondary education.
The richest captures 21 percent of the subsidy with only 16 percent of school-age

Determining Factors
Benefit incidence analysis can help identify who benefits from public services by
combining information on unit costs of provision with data on the pattern of use of these
services by households. To draw proper policy implications from this type of analysis, it
is important to understand what drives the observed distribution of benefits. For sure
there are supply and demand factors involved here. The choice of the welfare indicator
also plays a determining role. In the case of social services (health and education), one
important supply factor to consider is the allocation of public spending across sub-sectors
(i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary). Castro-Leal et al. (1999) study the effectiveness of
public spending on social services in several African countries. In general, they find that
these services are not targeted to the poor. One important reason they note is the
allocation of public spending to different levels of service. For instance, they find that
significant shares of health budgets go to hospital based services, which are rarely used
by the poor. Thus, the composition of expenditure is a key determinant of its effect on
different socioeconomic groups.
Demand interacts with supply to determine the targeting outcome for public
spending. The demand for public services is influenced by such factors as income,
quality and costs (both opportunity and direct costs). The study of public spending on
social services in Africa by Castro-Leal et al. (1999) found that household spending on
health and education increases with income. They conclude that the demand for these
services increases with income. Thus one way of improving the targeting of these
services to the poor is to divert to the private sector the demand by the better-off.

Table 3.3. Incidence of Public Spending on Education is South Africa in 1994

Share of Primary Subsidy Share of Education Subsidy

Quintile Disaggregated Unit Average Unit Disaggregated Unit Average Unit
Cost Cost Cost Cost
1 18.9 25.8 14.1 19.9
2 17.7 23.3 15.4 20.7
3 16.5 19.7 16.0 19.7
4 19.1 17.8 19.6 19.1
5 27.8 13.5 34.9 20.3
Source: Castro-Leal (1996) as cited by Demery (2000)

The demand for public services is also sensitive to the quality of those services.
The quality of health services depends on such things as drug availability, staff skills and
the general upkeep of the facilities. Castro-Leal et al. (1999) suggest that unit cost
variations among socioeconomic groups can be considered a proxy for variations in the
quality of the provided service. They cite the case of South Africa under the apartheid
regime where the pupil-teacher ratio in black schools was more than twice that in white
schools. These unit cost variations reveal indeed a greater degree of inequality both in
the distribution of public resources and that of welfare outcomes than would an incidence
analysis based on national average cost.
This point is well illustrated, again with data from South Africa. Table 3.3
presents results from an analysis of public expenditure on education in South Africa
based on two different estimates of unit cost. One is race-specific while the other is an
average across races. The results based on the mean unit subsidy are misleading. They
would lead one to believe that in 1994, the poorest quintile got about 26 percent of the
total subsidy for primary education versus 14 percent for the richest. For the overall
education subsidy, the use of the mean unit subsidy implies that each quintile received
more or less it proportionate share of public spending on education. Race-specific unit
subsidies tell a different story. For primary education, the results based on this measure
reveal that the poorest quintile got 19 percent of the subsidy compared to 28 percent
going to the richest. For overall spending on public education, calculations based on

race-specific unit cost show that the poorest quintile got about 14 percent of the subsidy
compared with 35 percent for the richest.
There are costs associated with the use of public services, even for services that
are provided free of charge to the household. Some of these are transaction costs to the
extent that they must be incurred in order to gain access to the service. These include
mainly transportation and the opportunity cost of the time use to get the service (Demery
2000). In addition, one should consider household spending that enhances the benefits
obtainable from the publicly provided service. In the case of education, these
expenditures would cover such things as books, uniforms, and other school supplies. The
total cost of access and use can represent a significant burden 27 for low income
households and limit their use of the service. In education such costs have been found to
explain non-enrollment or drop-outs. A recent evaluation of the welfare impact of rural
electrification by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank found that
even in villages that have been connected to a national grid for 15 to 20 years, one can
still find 20 to 25 percent of households unconnected because they cannot afford the
connection fee. A major implication of this state of affairs is that tariff structures
designed to be progressive end up being regressive subsidy schemes (World Bank 2008).
Finally, we note that benefit incidence results may be sensitive to the choice of
the welfare measure. As noted earlier, accounting for need differences across income
levels can reveal more inequality than standard benefit incidence analysis would.
Demery (2000) explains that such demographic differences across quintile are partly due
to the use of per capita total expenditure as the welfare indicator. Such differences may
indeed be attenuated or disappear all together if one were to assign individuals to
quintiles on the basis of per adult equivalent expenditure. To demonstrate this point, the
author cites a benefit incidence study of public education in Ghana (1992). When the
population is ranked on the basis of per capita expenditure, it is found that the poorest
quintile gets about 22 percent compared with 17 percent when per adult equivalent
expenditure is used as the welfare indicator. In contrast, the share of the richest quintile
increases from 14 percent to about 18 percent.

The extent of this burden can be assessed on the basis of the affordability ration. In the case of health
this ratio compares household spending per visit with its per capita non-food expenditure (Demery 2003).

There is a deeper issue with the choice of a welfare measure given that the
underlying concept of living standard is multidimensional. Standard benefit incidence
analysis ignores this fact to the extent that it translates all public spending, whether in
cash or in-kind, into the equivalent monetary transfer and evaluates the implied changes
in the distribution of income (van de Walle 1998). Yet, as noted in the introduction,
public policy ultimately seeks to improve people’s lives. Thus, in the context of social
expenditure for example, we are in fact more interested in knowing whether health status
has improved as a result of public spending on health care, or whether spending in
education leads to improved literacy and numeracy.
Hammer et al. (1995) recognize this issue in their assessment of the distributional
effects of social sector expenditures in Malaysia. In particular, they note that spending on
health and education is a productive investment in human capital. This observation led
them to broaden their incidence analysis and seek to determine the extent to which the
improvement in health and education status in Malaysia between 1974 and 1989 was a
result of government policy. Using regression analysis 28 , they found that immunization
and the provision of safe water had the strongest and most robust effects on health
outcomes. They also concluded that public expenditure on primary education
significantly improved outcomes.

3.2. Accounting for Behavioral Responses to Public Spending

The interaction of demand and supply factors discussed above suggests that the
way individuals react to an expenditure program is crucial in determining both the
welfare and the distributional outcome of such a program. Ignoring behavioral responses
to a spending program is bound to introduce some bias in the estimates of the

The analysis for health applies OLS, fixed and random effects models to a panel of state-level data for
1986-1989. The dependent variables are infant and maternal mortality rates. Explanatory variables
include: (1) average state income, (2) immunization rate, (3) the proportion of the population with safe
water, (4) the number of doctors per capita who are publicly assigned. Educational outcomes are measured
by schooling transition rates or repetition rates. In the case of primary school, the dependent variable is the
proportion of students in the last year of the primary level who continue on to the lowest grade of the
secondary level. The independent variable include: (1) income, (2) public expenditure per student, and (3)
the percentage of state income accounted for by agricultural production. According to the authors, this last
variable acts as a proxy for the opportunity cost of students’ time.

distributional impact of the program in question. In section 4, we will present more
elaborate ways of modeling behavior and interaction in the context of fiscal incidence
analysis. For now we focus on some basic tools for taking behavioral response into
account when analyzing the incidence of public spending. These simple methods rely on
reduced form relationships between interventions and outcomes. They do not attempt to
bring out all behavioral inter-linkages that may explain the outcome (van de Walle 2003).
There are two situations where behavioral approaches are particularly relevant.
The first concerns the construction of a counterfactual distribution of welfare against
which the impact of a spending program is to be judged. The second situation pertains to
the assessment of the distributional implications of a program expansion. This latter case
is known as marginal incidence analysis.
Fundamentally, the incidence of an expenditure program (or any public policy for
that matter) entails a comparison of the distribution of a welfare indicator (such as
income) with and without the given program (or policy). Reliable information on the
counterfactual, that is the distribution of welfare that would have prevailed in the absence
of the expenditure program, is necessary for an accurate estimation of incidence. A
reliable counterfactual is also needed if we are to make any causal inference about the
expenditure program for policy purposes. This is due to the fundamental fact the effect
of a cause can be understood only in relation to another cause (Holland 1986). The
behavioral responses of socioeconomic agents to public policy must therefore be
accounted for properly to improve the representation of the state of the world that would
have prevailed in the absence of the policy under consideration. Indeed there is evidence
that an expenditure program can affect such behavior as savings, labor supply and
schooling choices. It can even crowd out private transfers received by households.
Behavioral approaches are considered as attempts to resolve the counterfactual problem
(van de Walle 1998).
Regression analysis of the type described above in the context of the Malaysia
study represents the simplest way of accounting for behavioral responses and hence
improving the definition of the counterfactual. One can specify a linear regression model
where a welfare indicator is a function of program participation and individual
characteristics (both observable and non-observable). To be meaningful, this

specification requires a sound understanding of the rules that govern budget allocation
and program placement. This understanding is also crucial to deal effectively with the
potential problem of endogeneity that can confound the causal interpretation of the
results 29 .
Behavioral approaches are also relevant in the context of marginal incidence
analysis which seeks to determine who benefits from the expansion of an expenditure
program (or who loses from a cut in public spending). The standard benefit incidence
method predicts that people gain or lose in proportion to the benefits they are currently
receiving under the program. This might be the case for a policy (e.g. a subsidy) that
changes the price of a commodity proportionately. In general, one should not expect the
additional benefits from an expanded program to go to current beneficiaries. Even if they
do flow to them, it is not necessarily in proportion to their current benefits. Indeed, the
socioeconomic composition of participants can change dramatically as the program
expands or contracts (Lanjouw and Ravallion 1999).
Several methods have been proposed to deal with this issue. Younger (2003)
notes the following three. The first method relies on spatial variations in program
coverage. The second is based on changes induced by program expansion over time.
The last approach relies on econometric analysis to estimate either compensating
variations or changes in the probability of participation. The first method emerged from
a study by Lanjouw and Ravallion (1999) of the relationship between program size and
the composition of program participation 30 . These authors argue that the distributional

Endogeneity would arise if the policy variable (this could be a dummy variable indicating program
participation) is correlated with unobservable characteristics of the household as represented by the random
disturbances in the regression equation. Under these circumstances, the use of standard OLS would lead to
a biased and inconsistent estimate of policy impact. This correlation can stem from at least three sources
(van de Walle 1998). Placement into the program could be determined in part by the welfare indicator used
to measure program performance, for instance assigning a nutrition program on the basis of nutritional
status. (This would lead to simultaneity bias). Trouble could also stem from the fact that there is a variable
that explains both placement and outcomes, yet this in not included in the model. The existence of regional
or community level fixed effects or time varying effects that determine both outcomes and placement
illustrates this case. Finally, self-selection can cause endogeneity. Statistical solutions to this problem
include the use of panel data and fixed effects models, instrumental variable techniques and randomization.
Lanjouw and Ravallion (1999) explain that program participation is homogeneous of degree one if
group-specific participation rates stay the same as the program expands. For instance if 100p percent of the
participants are poor when the program operates at level 1 with a given number of participants, then 100p
percent of participants are also poor when the program expands to level 2, covering more people. Thus,
standard benefit incidence analysis assumes homogeneity. If the poor are able to capture program benefits
at certain points in time and not others, then participation is said to be non-homogeneous. This would be

impact of a program expansion hinges on the political process that governs the allocation
of program’s outlays. In particular, it depends on the ability of different socioeconomic
to influence that process.
These political economy considerations led the authors to propose a simple
regression model linking, for each quantile, the participation rate for a region within a
given state 31 to an instrument for the state’s average participation rate. More precisely,
quantiles are defined over the entire rural population ranked by total consumption per
capita 32 (normalized by state-specific poverty lines). The assessment of marginal
program incidence is based on the marginal odds of participation. This is the increment
in program participation rate of a given quantile associated with a change in aggregate
participation 33 . Lanjouw and Ravallion (1999) note that, for a given quantile, variations
of its participation rate across regions depend on the size of the program in the state to
which each region belongs. The size of the program is measured by the state’s average
participation rate. This latter variable is instrumented by the so-called “leave-out mean”,
which is the state average participation rate computed without the participation rates for
the specific region and quantile under consideration. Following Younger (2003) the
underlying regression model can be written as follows: p r ,k ,q = α q + β q x k + ε q . The left-

hand side is the participation rate for quantile q in region r of state k, and xk is the
instrumental variable 34 . The coefficient βq measures the marginal odds of participation
for quantile q. Estimates of these coefficients are interpreted as the gain in subsidy

the case if poor people live in remote areas and the program expands geographically starting with less
remote regions.
The authors applied the methodology to rural India taking advantage of large observed differences across
Indian states in the size of each program considered namely: (1) a means-tested credit scheme known as the
Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP); (2) the Public Distribution System (PDS) which is a food
rationing program; and (3) a public works scheme. There are 62 regions spanning 19 states. The data used
are from the 1993-1994 National Sample Survey (NSS).
Ajwad and Wodon (2001) propose a variant of Lanjouw and Ravallion (1999) approach. The basic
difference between the two methods lies in the ranking of households in order to create quantiles. Instead
of defining quantiles on the basis of the overall distribution of welfare, Ajwad and Wodon would define the
relevant quantiles on the basis of distribution of welfare within each state.
The proportion of households in a given quantile that participate in the program is the average
participation rate. The average odds ratio of participation, for a given quantile, is equal to its participation
rate divided by the overall average participation rate.
Using the state average participation including the region and quantile under consideration would create
an endogeneity problem that would lead to biased estimates. Younger (2003) suggests that when possible,
one can use panel data on regions to control for regional fixed effects. He also notes that grouping
observations into regional and quantile averages entails a loss of efficiency in estimation. He thus
recommends the use of individual level data.

incidence per capita for each quintile as a result of a one dollar increase in aggregate
program spending (Lanjouw and Ravallion 1999).
The Lanjouw-Ravallion method described above relies on a single cross-sectional
data set. It is possible to infer marginal incidence of a program based on simple
comparison of incidence at different points in time. This comparison requires the
availability of at least repeated cross-sectional data. Take the case of a given level of
education for instance and let Rqt be the number of students from quantile q enrolled in
that level of schooling in year t=1,2. Let Rt stand for total school enrollment for that
level in year t. The changes in incidence over time across quantiles can be looked at in
⎛ Rq 2 Rq1 ⎞
one of the following ways (van de Walle 2003): MBI q = ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ or
⎝ 2
R R1 ⎠

⎛ Rq 2 − Rq1 ⎞
MBI q = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ .Studies based on the comparison of incidence at different points in
⎝ R2 − R1 ⎠
time include Hammer, Nabi and Cercone (1995) for Malaysia, and Al-Samarrai and
Zaman (2007) for Malawi. In particular, the Malawi study compared the incidence of
public expenditure on education (primary and secondary level) between 1990/91 and
1997/98. It was found that, the changes in incidence were pro-poor. The improvement
for the primary level of education is attributed to the abolition of fees decided by the
government in 1994.
Finally, one can apply discrete choice models 35 to marginal impact analysis by
estimating the probability of participation in a program. Participation is assumed to
provide the highest level of utility relative to available options. Thus, the estimated
probability is viewed as the expected demand for the services provided by the program.
In the context of education for instance, the underlying utility is usually taken to be a
function of school quality, household and individual characteristics. Estimated
probabilities are interpreted as expected enrollment rates. Changes in these probabilities
(of participation) induced by program expansion provide a measure of marginal incidence
that can be reported by quantile. Alternatively, one can estimate the underlying random
utility model to conduct the analysis in terms of changes in compensating variation
induced by the policy reform.
Section 4 contains a more detailed discussion of such models.

Younger (2003) applied the three methods outlined above along with the standard
benefit incidence approach to estimate the marginal incidence of an expansion of
secondary schooling in rural Peru 36 . Based on this comparative analysis, he offers the
following general characterization of these methods. The standard method also has a
marginal interpretation in the case where the policy reform affects only current
beneficiaries in proportion to their current benefits. This is the case of homogeneous
program participation also noted by Lanjouw and Ravallion (1999) 37 . Method 1 (based
on marginal odds of participation) and method 2 (based on changes in incidence over
time) assume invariance of the underlying political economy constraints and that these
can be captured by the correlation between program size and the implied distribution of
benefits. Method three (based on discrete choice) is more behavioral to the extent that it
relies directly on utility maximization to model participation and the willingness to pay.

3.3. Incidence of the Net Tax System

The ultimate question of interest in fiscal policy is the net incidence of fiscal
policy or the combined incidence of taxes and public spending. After all, taxes are
mostly justified on the basis of expenditures that must be covered given an accepted role
of government. Furthermore, Lambert (2001) notes that a welfare rationale for taxation
can be found only by considering the way public spending affects people’s economic
well-being. Given the importance of behavior in determining the welfare impact of
policy, incidence analysis must account, to the extent feasible, for the interaction between
tax and spending policies. Indeed a progressive public spending program can dominate
regressive taxation to make the overall impact progressive. This dominance relation can
also run the other way around. Martinez-Vazquez (2008) notes for instance that a cost
recovery scheme may be deemed regressive, yet if the proceeds are used to finance better
health services for the poor, the whole operation will be progressive. However, he adds
that the fragmentation of the decision making process for budgetary policymaking

Recall that marginal incidence represents the distribution of benefits (losses) associated with program
expansion (contraction).
In the terminology adopted by these authors, the average and marginal odds of participation are equal
only when participation is homogeneous.

implies that fiscal incidence analysis is relevant only for the entire government budget (a
quite difficult task in view of the information constraints one would face).
Fiscal incidence analysis entails a comparison of the original income (without
government activity) with final income (including taxes, transfers and benefits from
spending). The latter is obtained from the former as follows (Hemming and Hewitt
1991). Starting with original private income, allocate taxable cash transfers to obtain the
distribution of total income. Then subtract direct taxes to get the distribution of post-tax
income. Based on this distribution, assign indirect taxes, nontaxable cash and in-kind
transfers to obtain the distribution of net income. The distribution of final income is
obtained by allocating benefits from public spending by net income classes.
Lambert (2001) shows how to measure the progressivity of the net tax system by
considering the associated redistributive effect. To see what is involved, define the net
tax schedule simply as: t N ( x) = t ( x) − b( x) . This is a function of the original income x.
The operation of this schedule implies that final income is equal to original income minus
taxes plus benefits. If the first order derivative of this schedule is strictly less than one,
then the concentration curve for final income is also the Lorenz curve for the same
( L X − gK T + bK B )
income variable. Denote this by LY. By definition LY ≡ , where g
(1 − g + b)
and b stand respectively for the total tax ratio and the benefit ratio. The net redistributive
effect can therefore be written as:

(LY − LX ) ≡
(L X − K T ) + b
(K B − L X ) (3.5)
(1 − g + b) (1 − g + b)
In terms of Gini and concentration indices, we have the following decomposition of the
Reynolds-Smolensky index of net redistributive effect:

(G X − GY ) ≡
(CT − G X ) + b
(G X − C B ) (3.6)
(1 − g + b) (1 − g + b)
Expressions (3.5) and (3.6) show how both the distribution of the tax burden and that of
benefits determine whether and to what extent final income is shifted from high incomes
to low incomes. It can be shown that if the tax burden is distributed progressively while
benefits are distributed regressively, the net tax schedule will be progressive (Lambert

Devarajan and Hossain (1998) offer a good example of net fiscal incidence
analysis. They compute, within a general equilibrium framework, the combined
incidence of taxes and a group of public expenditures in the Philippines 38 . On the
revenue side of the budget, they consider income and business taxes as well as indirect
taxes including excise, import tariffs and VAT. On the spending side, they focus on three
major categories of expenditure believed to have significant distributional implications.
These relate to infrastructure, health and education. These three components of public
spending account for about 30 percent of total public expenditure. Their measurement of
the incidence of direct taxes is based on the effective tax rate. This is defined as tax
revenue divided by the base. Due to data limitations, the authors infer the incidence of
public spending from regional pattern of expenditures and regional income distributions.
The overall incidence of each component of expenditure is computed as a weighted
average of the regional incidence where the weights are the regional allocations of these
public expenditures 39 .

Table 3.4. Net Fiscal Incidence in the Philippines (1998-1989)

Decile Taxes Expenditures Net Incidence
1 20.8 46.9 -26.1
2 20.5 22.2 -1.7
3 20.1 17.5 2.6
4 20.0 14.4 5.6
5 19.8 12.2 7.6
6 19.9 10.2 9.7
7 20.1 8.7 11.4
8 19.7 6.9 12.8
9 19.7 5.1 14.6
10 19.6 0.11 19.5
Source: Devarajan and Hossain (1998)

We consider the structure of their general equilibrium model in the next section. Here, we focus mostly
on the findings.
A key assumption underlying this approach is that the benefits from expenditures in any region are
distributed uniformly within that region.

The overall results from this study are presented in table 3.4. The share of the tax
burden is more or less constant across deciles. This means that the incidence pattern of
taxes in neutral. The authors explain that this is due to the fact that indirect taxes are only
slightly regressive. The net incidence is progressive due to the pattern of public
expenditures. In particular, public expenditures per capita are concentrated in the poorer
regions of the country.

4. Modeling Fiscal Incidence

Fundamentally, fiscal incidence analysis is an exercise in social impact

assessment to the extent that it entails an evaluation of variations in individual and social
welfare attributable to the implementation of fiscal policy. This type of evaluation
requires a social policy model that clearly links policy instruments to social outcomes.
The modeling framework which organizes our discussion in this section relies on the
basic view that the distribution of economic welfare in a given society depends critically
on individual behavior and endowments, and the socio-political arrangements that govern
social interaction. Once the observed outcomes are explained, their social desirability is
assessed on the basis of an evaluation function summarizing the value judgments
presiding over the evaluation. We can therefore think of a social policy model as having
two components, a positive one that explains outcomes and a normative one that rank
them socially. We review both the microsimulation and the general equilibrium
approaches to fiscal incidence modeling.

4.1. Microsimulation Models

What is a microsimulation model? A microsimulation model is a logical
representation of the behavior of individual agents and their socioeconomic environment
used to simulate the consequences of a policy reform on the level of activity or welfare
for each individual in a representative sample of the whole population. Three basic
inputs are required for building and running a microsimulation model (Bourguignon and

Spadaro 2006): (1) a micro-dataset containing information on observed economic and
socio-demographic characteristics of individuals or households; (2) the policy rules to be
evaluated; (3) a theoretical model of individual response to policy.
Standard economic analysis relies on the optimization principle and the market
system to explain individual behavior and social interaction. Each agent attempts to
implement the best feasible course of action. Modeling optimizing behavior thus entails
the specification of (1) actions that a socioeconomic unit can take, (2) the constraints it
faces, and (3) the objective function used to evaluate such actions (Varian 1984).
Two basic approaches, both relying on the optimization principle, are commonly
used to construct microsimulation models. The first represents optimal behavior by an
envelope function also known as the maximum value function (Dixit 1990). This is the
maximum attainable value of the objective function given the prevailing constraints. The
second approach is based on discrete choice models. These models seek to explain the
behavioral process that leads to the choice made by an agent facing a discrete choice set 40
(Train 2003). The behavioral process is represented by a function linking the agent’s
choice to observed and unobserved factors. The unobserved terms are taken to be
random variables. This randomness implies that the analysis must be conducted in terms
of the probability of choosing an option from the choice set.
The usefulness of the microsimulation approach to policy evaluation is better
appreciated when compared with the alternative based on representative agents. For
instance policy analysis based on two representative households such as rural and urban
or even on six or ten regional groups can hide much of heterogeneity in agent’s behavior
that explains variation in outcomes. The fact that the microsimulation approach uses a
micro-data set offers the possibility to fully account for the observed heterogeneity of
socioeconomic agents (Bourguignon and Spadaro 2006). Thus the approach provides a
more precise way of identifying likely winners and losers from a policy reform. It also
improves the accuracy in evaluating the impact of a policy on the government budget.
We now consider the use of microsimulation models in fiscal incidence analysis.

A choice set is said to be discrete if it contains a finite number of all possible alternatives that are also
mutually exclusive from the point of view of the decision maker (Train 2003). When a choice set contains
all possible alternatives, we say that the set is exhaustive.

The Envelope Model
Under the standard assumption that the consumer has an exogenous budget, y, to
spend on a set of commodities at fixed prices within a period of time 41 , indirect utility is
the maximum attainable utility given the outlay and the prevailing prices. This function
can be formally written as: v( y, p ) = max[u (q ); p ⋅ q = y ] , where q is an m-dimensional

vector of quantities of commodities and p the corresponding vector of consumer prices.

As noted earlier, the corresponding cost function is the minimum expenditure required to
achieve a given level of utility at given prices. The indirect utility function shows the
possible channels of transmission of policy impact to individual welfare. Any policy
changing prices or disposable income would affect individual welfare through changes in
the budget constraint. The budget constraint therefore can be thought of as a
parameterized representation of the socioeconomic environment which mediates the
effect of policy on welfare.
The simulation of the welfare impact of policy relies on the envelope theorem
(hence the name of the approach). In the context of a parameterized optimization
problem (as the one described above), the envelope theorem shows how to compute the
impact of a parametric change on the objective function at the optimum. According to
the theorem, the change in the objective function induced by a change in a parameter
while the choice variable adjusts optimally is equal to the partial derivative of the optimal
value of the objective function with respect to the parameter (Varian 1984).
In the particular case of fiscal policy, the welfare gain or loss from a marginal
change in income tax is equal to the following: Δv = v y Δy where υy is the marginal

utility of income. This change in welfare can be expressed in terms of an equivalent

variation in income as (Bourguignon and Spadaro 2006): Δy* = Δv / v y . The marginal

utility of income is unobservable. Its value must therefore be chosen on some normative

In other words, the consumer is facing a linear budget constraint. The institutional
underpinning of this assumption consists of efficient markets with negligible transaction
costs (Deaton and Muellbauer 1980)

The first-order welfare impacts of a marginal reform of indirect taxes can be
computed similarly. According to Roy’s identity (a manifestation of the envelope
theorem), the Marshallian demand function of a commodity is equal to the negative of the
first-order derivative of the indirect utility function with respect to the commodity price,
divided by the marginal utility of income. Thus, the welfare impact of price changes
induced by a tax reform is equal to: Δv = −v y ∑ q k Δp k . In terms of equivalent variation
k =1

in income, we have: Δy* = −∑ q k Δp k . In other words, an increase in an indirect tax rate
k =1

on commodity k induces a price change that leads to a loss in real disposable equal to the
change in price times the observed level of consumption.
These equivalent variations in income can then be used to estimate the changes in
the original income distribution induced by a fiscal policy reform. Incidence analysis can
then proceed along the lines discussed earlier. As noted in section two above, one can
also assess the progressivity of an indirect tax system on the basis of the price elasticity
of a poverty measure. In particular, a price increase (reduction) for a given commodity is
considered pro-poor if it causes an absolute increase (reduction) in poverty smaller
(greater) than a benchmark case. By analogy to the Lorenz framework, one can choose
as benchmark, a situation where everybody assigns the same proportion of real income to
the purchase of the commodity in question. The ratio of the observed poverty elasticity
to the benchmark case is an indicator of pro-poorness or a measure of the distributional
characteristics for the given commodity (Essama-Nssah 2007). If this indicator is less
than one, an increase in the price of the commodity would hurt the poor less than the non-
poor. This can be used in an ex ante assessment of indirect tax policy options.
Table 4.1 contains results from an application of this method to data for Guinea.
They are estimates of the distributional characteristics for 19 components of food
expenditure based on the Watts index of poverty and two measures from the Foster-
Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) family, the poverty gap and the squared poverty gap. On the
basis of these results, there are 11 food items or groups that might deserve special
consideration in the context of marginal commodity tax reform. These include palm oil,
smoked fish, rice (both local and imported), sugar, cereals, roots, grains, vegetables, oils

and sweets. The commodities for which the measure of pro-poorness is greater than one
are those with higher budget shares for low-income households. Of the 11 food items
identified, cereals, roots and grains have the highest value for the indicator.
The envelope approach to policy impact analysis has some limitations because
one can only capture the static effects of the policy reform. Furthermore, the fact that the
envelope theorem is valid only in the neighborhood of the initial optimum makes the
method inappropriate for the study of large price changes or in situations in which the
household is out of equilibrium due to restrictions such as rationing. These cases require
an estimation of complete demand and supply systems.

Table 4.1. Guinea (1994): Distributional Characteristics

of Components of Food Expenditure
Poverty Gap Squared Poverty Gap Watts
Beef 0.65 0.56 0.61
Palm Oil 1.22 1.16 1.19
Bread 0.78 0.72 0.75
Fresh Fish 0.53 0.45 0.49
Smoked Fish 1.10 1.14 1.12
Local Rice 1.33 1.30 1.30
Imported Rice 1.17 1.23 1.30
Sugar 1.10 1.07 1.09
Cereals 1.57 1.57 1.57
Roots 1.53 1.56 1.55
Grains 1.56 1.61 1.59
Fruits 0.99 0.91 0.95
Vegetables 1.26 1.28 1.28
Meats 0.83 0.76 0.79
Livestock 0.94 0.95 0.95
Beverages 0.57 0.47 0.52
Oils 1.14 1.08 1.10
Sweets 1.04 1.01 1.03
Canned Food 0.42 0.37 0.40
Source : Essama-Nssah(2007)

Discrete Choice Methods

A discrete choice model can be characterized in terms of two fundamental
elements: the choice set and the decision process (or the decision rule). As noted earlier,
the choice set must be discrete and exhaustive, and the included options must be mutually
exclusive. In the case of discrete models of labor supply, for instance, the choice set can
be represented by a few options such as not working, working part-time and working full

time. Just as in the case of the envelope model, the decision process assumes utility-
maximizing behavior. The decision maker is thus assumed to choose the alternative that
provides the greatest utility.
Since utility is not observed by the analyst, the decision process is usually framed
with the logic of random utility models. In that framework, utility has two parts. The
first, known as the representative utility (Train 2003), is a function of some observable
characteristics of the decision maker and of the alternatives. The second component is a
set of non-observable random factors. Formally, the utility function is written as:
U hj = Vhj + ε hj , where h represents the decision maker, j the alternative, V the

representative utility and ε, the random factors. The decision maker would choose
alternative j if and only if U hj > U hi ∀i ≠ j . Alternatively, this condition can be stated

as, j is chosen if and only if the following holds (ε hi − ε hj ) < (Vhj − Vhi ) ∀i ≠ j .

Because of the uncertainty involved, we can only make probabilistic statements

about the decision maker’s choice. The probability that option j is chosen by agent h is
defined as follows 42 :
Phj = Pr{(ε hi − ε hj ) < (Vhj − Vhi ) ∀i ≠ j} (3.7)

The type of discrete choice model derived from the above probability statement is
determined by the assumptions made about the distribution of the unobserved portion of
the utility function. For instance, the common logit model assumes that the random
factors are independently and identically distributed (iid) extreme value variables for all
options. In other words, each choice is independent from the others 43 .
Bourguignon and Spadaro (2006) explain the use of discrete choice models in ex
ante analysis of the incidence of tax-benefit reforms on labor supply. They describe a
general framework where the utility associated with an option is a function of some

The expression of this probability can be made more precise by considering an indicator function of the
representative utility and unobserved factors. The indicator is equal to 1 when option j is chosen and 0
otherwise. The probability that the agent chooses option j is then equal to the expected value of this
indicator function over all possible values of the unobserved factors (Train 2003).
The generalized extreme value model (GEV) allows correlation among unobserved factors. The standard
multinomial logit assumes that the random factors are iid with a double exponential distribution. The
probit model assumes that the random factors are jointly distributed normal variables. Train (2003) points
out that the identification of discrete choice models relies heavily of the fact that only differences in utility
matter and the scale of utility is irrelevant.

observed attributes of the agent, the wage rate, the disposable income and some
unobserved factors which they refer to as idiosyncratic terms 44 . Disposable income
depends on labor and non-labor income and the structure of the net tax system. In this
framework, tax-benefit reforms affect economic agents’ budget constraints by changing
their disposable income. The associated income effects combined with the substitution
effect due to changes in after-tax wage rates induce a labor supply response.
An important methodological consideration in the probabilistic modeling
framework described here concerns the proper way of conducting distributional analysis.
The simulation of a policy reform produces for each individual in the sample, not a
chosen option, but a probability distribution over the discrete alternatives listed in the
choice set. In the case of labor supply for instance, a simulation does not indicate the
level of hours worked, but a probability distribution over the discrete hours in the choice
set. To trace the distributional implications in terms of changes in real income one can
simply compute the expected income for each individual over all possible outcomes. The
computation is based on the net income associated with each level of hours contained in
the choice set. Buddelmeyer, Creedy and Kalb (2007) explain that this approach would
understate the true variability of income in the population. They propose alternative
approaches that seem computationally challenging.
As noted earlier in section 3, there are situations where probabilities estimated
from a discrete choice model can be interpreted as expected demand for a service and
distributional impact analysis can proceed mainly on the basis of these probabilities.
Glick and Sahn (2006) estimate a discrete choice model of primary schooling for rural
Madagascar and evaluate several policy options on the basis of their distributional
impact, and of cost to the government. We briefly review their methodology and
Parents with primary school-age children face three basic alternatives: no
schooling, enrollment in public school, and enrollment in private school. These parents
are assumed to derive utility from the human capital of their children and from the

These idiosyncratic terms represent unobserved heterogeneity in agents’ behavior. They nay explain
response heterogeneity for agents who are observationally equivalent. Their estimates are pseudo-residual
from the econometric estimation. For policy simulation this terms must be estimated in such a way that
predicted behavior coincide with observed behavior.

consumption of other goods and services. The representative utility is modeled as a
function of school quality, individual and household characteristics, household income
and the cost to the household of choosing a given schooling option 45 . A GEV
specification is adopted for the random component of utility leading to a nested
multinomial logit model to allow correlation among error terms across alternatives. The
estimated probabilities of choosing a schooling option are interpreted as demand
functions or expected enrollment and provide the basic inputs for distributional impact
Glick and Sahn simulate the effects on primary school enrollment of the following
policy options: (1) add teachers to schools to reduce multigrade teaching by 50 percent;
(2) option 1 combined with an increase in public fees of 200 FMG (Franc Malgache, the
local currency); (3) school consolidation leading to eliminate multigrade teaching.
Multigrade teaching is a widespread practice in Madagascar whereby a teacher must
handle every teaching day two or more classes. Consolidation entails closing some small
rural schools and using the cost savings to improve the quality of nearby schools.
The progressivity of each policy option is assessed on the basis of changes in the
distribution of expected enrollment across expenditure quantiles. Two specific criteria
are used in this evaluation. The first compares average benefit (i.e. enrollment) across
quantiles before and after policy implementation. The average benefit for each quantile
is equal to the ratio of its share in overall enrollment to its share of primary school age
population. Let R and N stand respectively for overall primary school enrollment and the
total population of primary school age children. The corresponding variables for a given
quantile q are respectively Rq and Nq. The average enrollment in quantile q is defined as
Rq / R
Aq = . This can also be expressed as the ration of the quantile-specific enrollment
Nq / N

rate to the overall enrollment rate. The second criterion involves normalized or relative
ΔRq / ΔR
marginal shares defined as: M q = .
Nq / N

In the empirical specification is a linear equation where both the income and cost variables are made to
interact with a dummy variable indicating the quintile of per capita expenditure to which the household
belongs. In this way, the model can capture separate price responses per quintile.

Table 4.2 presents estimated distributions of expected enrollments associated with
three education policy options. The first option entails a reduction in multigrade teaching
through the provision of additional teachers. Glick and Sahn estimated that a 50 percent
reduction in multigrade teaching could be achieved by adding on average one teacher to
each school currently using this method. The results associated with this policy option
indicate that it would be progressive to the extent that the increase in primary enrollment
rate is larger for the bottom 3 quintiles than for the top two. Specifically, relative
marginal shares indicate that both the second and third quintiles’ share of the increase in
the enrollment induced by the policy is proportionately 13 percent higher than their
shares of the rural primary school age population.

Table 4.2. Distributional Impact of Education Policy Options in Madagascar

Quintile Baseline Average Benefits Policy 1 Policy 2 Policy 3

Aq Mq Aq Mq Aq Mq
1 0.77 0.78 0.97 0.76 0.38 0.78 0.87
2 1.01 1.02 1.13 1.00 0.46 1.01 1.09
3 0.98 0.99 1.13 1.00 1.69 0.99 1.13
4 1.18 1.16 0.88 1.19 1.62 1.17 1.04
5 1.38 1.34 0.69 1.38 1.23 1.35 0.78
All 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Source: Glick and Sahn (2006)

For policy option 2 that combines option one with an increase in school fees, the
results show that lower quintiles would lose while the top ones would gain in terms of
changes in enrollments. The bottom two quintiles would get respectively from new
enrollments 0.38 and .46 of their school age population shares. Adding cost recovery to
option 1 risks to reverse the progressive nature of multigrade reduction 46 . The authors of
the study suggest that this outcome might be avoided by structuring the cost recovery

Glick and Sahn also found that the demand for primary schooling by the poor is substantially more price-
elastic than that of the non-poor. Thus increasing public school fees will increase inequality in the
distribution of primary school benefits as measured by the distribution of enrollments. This is the major
behavioral factor explaining the distributional outcome of this simulation.

program in such a way that richer households or communities pay substantially higher
fees with the proceeds used to subsidize poor communities. The political feasibility of
this solution remains however an open question.
Finally the distributional implications of the last policy option, school
consolidation, are qualitatively similar to those associated with the first option. However,
the authors note that this option is not viable because it would make primary schooling
less accessible for many children. Feasible options should be sought in the direction of
adding teachers and classrooms to existing schools to reduce the need for multigrade

4.2. The General Equilibrium Framework

Fiscal incidence is concerned with the impact of the operation of the public
budget on the distribution of the living standard usually represented by the distribution of
real income. The estimation of fiscal incident entails the comparison of income
distribution with and without the operation of the tax-benefit system under consideration.
The traditional approach to incidence analysis is essentially a partial equilibrium one. In
the case of tax incidence, for instance, the allocation of the tax burden is based on some
shifting assumptions within the confine of a given market. McLure (1975) discusses the
shortcomings of this approach. In particular, he notes that the supply curve in one market
represents the response of one industry to changes in relative prices taking into account
interactions in markets for factors and for other products. Yet, the standard partial
equilibrium analysis fails to take these interactions into account, hence the appeal of the
general equilibrium approach 47 .
In this section, we focus on two basic issues. The first concerns the determinants
of incidence within a general equilibrium framework. The discussion of this issue will
refer to a simple analytical model and to an applied large scale general equilibrium
model. Both types of models rely on the representative household (RH) approach. The

Devarajan, Fullerton and Musgrave (1980) compare the standard approach to general equilibrium

second issue is therefore related to extending the RH approach to better account for agent

The Representative Household Approach

A general equilibrium model is a logical representation of a socioeconomic
system wherein the behavior of all participants is compatible. The key modeling issues
thus entail the following: (1) the identification of the participants, (2) the specification of
individual behavior, (3) the mode of interaction among socioeconomic agents, and (4) the
characterization of compatibility. The basic Walrasian framework serves as a template
for most applied general equilibrium models. There are two basic categories of agents:
consumers and producers, which are also referred to as households and firms. The
behavior of each economic agent is supposed to conform to the optimization principle,
which holds that the agent attempts to implement the best feasible action.
Interaction among economic agents is supposed to take place through a network
of perfectly competitive markets. Market interaction is a mode of social coordination
through a mutual adjustment among participants based on quid pro quo (Lindblom 2001).
Market participants are buyers and sellers whose supply and demand behavior is an
observable consequence of the optimization assumption. In this setting, behavioral
compatibility is described in terms of market equilibrium. General equilibrium is
achieved by an incentive configuration (as represented through relative prices) such that,
for each market, the amount demanded is equal to the amount supplied. Alternatively,
we can say that, when the economic system is in a state of general equilibrium, no
feasible change in individual behavior is worthwhile, and no desirable change is feasible.
The above characterization of a general equilibrium system leads to the
fundamental view that fiscal incidence is determined by the underlying structure of the
economy as represented by individual behavior and social interaction. Incidence
analysis in a general equilibrium framework can be traced back at least to Haberger’s
classic 1962 paper on corporation income tax. The Harberger model is a two-sector
model that is consistent with the Walrasian template. The economy produces two
commodities x and y, using two factors of production, capital and labor. Perfect
competition prevails throughout the economy. Firms maximize profit subject to a

technology characterized by constant returns to scale. The total supply of each factor of
production is fixed and all factors are fully employed 48 . There are two representative
consumers in the economy who own all factors of production. Their income is therefore
a function of relative factor endowments and possible transfers from the government.
Consumers maximize utility subject to budget constraints. Each such constraint can be
written in terms of sources and uses of income. This is a summary representation of the
economic environment of the consumer that is affected by various taxes and public
The Haberger model has been used to identify the determinants of fiscal incidence
within a general equilibrium framework ( McLure 1975, McLure and Thirsk 1975a&b,
Devarajan, Fullerton and Musgrave 1980). We briefly consider some of the findings
emerging from that work. McLure and Thirsk (1975a) analyze the incidence of several
types of taxes within this framework, including a tax on capital income in one sector, and
selective commodity taxes. In each case, they demonstrate how the tax affects both the
sources and the uses of income for each representative socioeconomic group considered.
In the case of corporate income tax in sector x of the economy, the immediate impact on
the sources side is to reduce the net income received by the owners of capital or
What happens next depends on the degree of mobility of this factor of production.
If capital is fully mobile, the owners will shift the factor from the taxed sector to the
untaxed one (which has higher net returns) until net returns are equalized throughout the
economy. The assumed structure of the economy is such that the allocation and price of
labor remained unchanged. Thus the mobility assumption ensures that the burden of a
corporate income tax in one sector of the economy is shared by all owners of capital
throughout the economy.
The incidence of the corporate income tax on the uses of income depends on two
key elements: the induced change in relative commodity prices and the pattern of
consumption. In the particular case considered by McLure and Thirsk (1975a) the cost
and price of output will rise in sector x relative to y. The assumed pattern of
consumption leads them to the conclusion that capitalists lose out relative to the workers

This implies that factor prices are fully flexible.

as a result of the change in relative prices. If capital were immobile, there would be no
factor returns equalization nor would there be changes in relative commodity prices. In
that case, the entire burden would be borne by owners of capital in sector x. Also, there
would be no redistribution in the uses of income.
The case of a sales tax is analyzed in a similar fashion. In particular, consider a
sales tax imposed on the output of sector x, which is assumed to be capital intensive
relative to the other sector. In other words, the capital labor ratio in industry x is higher
than the overall ratio in the economy (Devarajan et al. 1980). Thus the price of capital
will fall relative to that of labor. The consumer with the more capital-intensive factor
endowment would suffer a greater loss in nominal income. The tax-inclusive price of
commodity x would rise relative to the untaxed commodity. As before, the impact on
consumers’ economic welfare hinges on consumption patterns.
The above discussion of incidence analysis with the Harberger model clarifies the
structural determinants of fiscal incidence. A change in relative factor or commodity
prices creates incentives for economic agents to change behavior. When a tax lowers
returns on one factor relative to another, because of the assumed optimizing behavior of
economic agents, factor owners see this as a signal to shift the employment of the factor
from the taxed sector to the untaxed industry. The effective shift is limited by the degree
of factor mobility possible given the institutional framework. Perfect competition entails
perfect mobility and price flexibility which lead to factor price equalization across sectors
and changes in relative commodity prices. Income losses or gains are determined by
relative factor endowments. The impact recorded on the uses of income is determined by
consumption patterns.
While the Harberger model is useful in helping identify the key parameters
underpinning fiscal incidence in a general equilibrium framework, the two-sector two-
consumer model of a closed economy is too simplified to fully capture the richness of
behaviors and interactions observable in a real open economy. The study by Devarajan
and Hossain (1998) of net fiscal incidence in the Philippines discussed in section 3 above
is based on a more elaborate computable general equilibrium model of an open economy.
The authors highlight four features of this model that affect the interpretation of the
results from empirical implementation. First of all, domestic goods and imports in the

same sector are assumed to be imperfect substitutes. This means the removal of a 10
percent tariff on a given commodity will lead to less than 10 percent reduction in the
price of the domestic substitute. Second, the model accounts for inter-industry
transaction through an input-output table. This feature allows the model to track the
cascading effect of an excise tax. A tax on oil for instance will spread beyond final
energy consumption to affect final goods whose production uses oil at some stage. Third,
the tax rates used are effective and not statutory. Finally, simulations are conducted
under a revenue neutrality constraint. This means that if an indirect tax is removed, it
must be replaced by an equal yield income tax that preserves government revenue. This
constraint allows the authors to focus on the pure price-distorting effects of the tax
Empirical implementation of CGE models of the type used by Devarajan and
Hossain (1998) for fiscal incidence analysis requires a data framework that clearly shows
both the sources and uses of income for each agent, and the interconnections among
these. A social accounting matrix (SAM) provides such a framework 49 . The matrix
reflects the circular flow of economic activity for the chosen year (known as base year).
It is an analytically integrated data set showing the interdependence of various aspects of
the economy, such as production, consumption, trade, accumulation, and income
Table 4.3. Structure of a SAM for an Open Economy

Activity Commodity Factor Household Government Investment World Total

domestic export
Activity exports total sales
sales subsidies
intermediate household government
Commodity investment total demand
consumption consumption consumption
GDP at factor GDP at
cost factor cost
GDP at foreign household
Household transfers
factor cost remittances income
Government indirect taxes tariffs income tax
household government foreign
Savings total savings
savings savings savings
World imports total imports
production GDP at total household government total total foreign
Total total supply
cost factor cost expenditure expenditure investment exchange
Source: Adapted from Robinson (1989)

This account draws heavily from Essama-Nssah (2006).

A SAM is a square matrix, the dimension of which is determined by the
institutional setting underlying the economy under consideration. Each account is
represented by a combination of one row and one column with the same label. Each
entry represents a payment to a row account by a column account. Thus, all receipts into
an account are read along the corresponding row, while payments by the same account
are recorded in the corresponding column. In accordance with the principles of double-
entry bookkeeping, the whole construct is subject to a consistency restriction that makes
the column sums equal to the corresponding row sums. This restriction also means that a
SAM must obey Walras’ Law in the sense that, for an n-dimensional matrix, if the (n−1)
accounts balance, so must the last one. Table 4.3 shows the structure of a SAM for a
model of an open economy 50 .

Linking a CGE Model to a Microsimulation Module

The RH approach usually considers a limited number of representative
households, anywhere between two (e.g. rural and urban) and 12. In the context of
analyzing the distributional impact of policies, Savard (2005) compares the performance
of the standard RH-CGE framework with that of a two-module framework where a CGE
is linked to a microsimulation model. He finds that the modular approach outperforms
the RH approach. The basic reason for this outcome is the use of the RH entails a loss of
information about heterogeneity in terms of agents’ behavior and endowments, a key
determinant of policy incidence. The information loss is a result of modeling aggregate
outcomes presented in a SAM as if they represented the behavior of a group of
homogenous agents. In the extreme case where one focuses only on two representative
households such as rural and urban, it is evident that much of the within-group
heterogeneity (both behavioral and in endowments) is lost. Yet, this heterogeneity
underpins within-group variance in response to policy.
If it is desirable to link a CGE model to a microsimulation model in order to
improve fiscal incidence analysis, the issue then arises as to how this could be done. One
possible approach is to fully embed the household module within the CGE model so that

Note that the account labeled “Activity” represents the production sphere of the economy. “Commodity”
stands for markets and “World”, for the rest of the world.

it becomes an integral part of the overall model. This could involve thousands or tens of
thousands of households depending on data availability. Boccanfuso and Savard (2007)
call this approach the integrated multihousehold approach (IMH) and note several
difficulties associated with its implementation. The fact that these household must sit
within the underlying SAM creates challenges for data reconciliation to ensure that the
SAM balances. Even if this step were successful, there is no guaranty that numerical
resolution will be achieved easily. A second approach described by these authors as the
micro-simulation sequential (MSS) approach entails linking the two modules in a top-
down fashion through some linkage variables. In this case the microsimulation
component could be based either on the envelope or the discrete choice framework.
Boccanfuso and Savard (2007) use a much simpler top-down approach to
simulate for Mali the poverty and inequality implications of the removal of cotton
subsidies in developed countries. The CGE model is a standard representation of a small
open economy with 17 sectors of production subject to constant returns to scale. The
assumption of small open economy implies that world prices are taken as given.
Domestic goods are imperfect substitutes to foreign goods. The CGE component
includes a single representative household since household heterogeneity is handled at
the level of the microsimulation module. This bottom module is based on a sample of
4,966 households. Even though income and expenditure functions used in the
microsimulation module are similar to the one for the RH in the CGE component, some
behavioral heterogeneity is achieved by calibrating these functions not on the aggregate
data in the SAM, but on household-specific information found in the survey. The income
equation for each household specifies the income of each household based on the sources
and relative endowments observed in the survey. Observed factor endowments are
considered exogenous.
Fiscal incidence analysis within this framework is analogous to the envelope
approach. Given the baseline, change the tax-benefit system within the CGE model and
simulate the variation in factor payments induced by this policy reform. Bring these
results into the microsimulation and use the income equations to estimate the implied
variations in gross and disposable income. Next, use variation in disposable income to

infer variation in real consumption. Standard indicators can then be computed to assess
the distributional implications of the policy reform under consideration.

5. Concluding Remarks

This paper surveys basic concepts, methods and tools commonly used in fiscal
incidence analysis. Such an analysis seeks to identify the winners and losers from the
operation of the net fiscal system and to determine the social desirability of the associated
distributional changes. As such, it is an exercise in social evaluation generally
understood as an assessment of variations in individual and social welfare attributable to
the implementation of public policy. In general, this evaluation entails a comparison of
the distribution of an indicator of the living standard (e.g. real income or expenditure)
with and without the tax-benefit system. The assessment can also be based on the
distribution of benefits and burdens associated with fiscal policy.
The effective distribution of benefits and burdens flowing from government
intervention is an outcome of interaction among three types of decisions, the first two of
which are collective while the last is individual. The first collective decision determines
the size of government from the appropriate role of the state in supporting individuals as
they seek to realize life plans which they have reason to value. This fundamental
consideration gives legitimacy to a tax system. The second collective decision concerns
the value judgments defining social desirability for a distribution of net benefits from
government activity. Progressivity is the operative concept in assessing the redistributive
effect of public policy. Progressivity implies that benefits and burdens must be
distributed disproportionately in favor of the poor. Burdens should be distributed
according to the capacity to bear and benefits according to needs. Finally, one must
account for individual reactions to these collective decisions. A tax-benefit system
creates incentives for individuals to adjust their behavior in order to maximize their share
of benefits and minimize their share of burdens. These reactive decisions attach a social
cost to progressivity, the deadweight loss.
The interaction between collective and individual decisions creates a need for
modeling approaches to account for individual behavior and social interaction.

Behavioral approaches are particularly useful for the construction of a counterfactual
distribution of economic to back up causal analysis. Behavioral models are commonly
based on the principles of optimization and market equilibrium. The microsimulation
approach offers the possibility to fully account for the observed heterogeneity of
socioeconomic agents and improves the accuracy of the estimation of the budgetary
impact of a given policy. Computable general equilibrium models are more suitable for
accounting for the interconnectedness of sources and uses of income of various agents.
Such models are also designed to better track second and higher order effects of policy.
Linking a general equilibrium model to a microsimulation model enhances the ability of
the resulting framework to deal with both heterogeneity and general equilibrium effects.
There are a few policy design lessons that emerge from this review. In principle,
individual income and wealth taxes are the most capable of redistributing income. The
progressivity of such taxes depends on the base, the top marginal rate, the number of
deductions and the compliance rate. There are institutional factors, such as the existence
of a large informal sector, that limit the effectiveness of income tax in developing
countries. This is why these countries tend to rely more on indirect taxes. The
regressivity of these indirect taxes can be reduced through targeted exemptions.
To draw proper policy implications from incidence analysis, it is important to
fully understand what drives the observed outcomes along various dimensions of the
living standard. In particular, it is important to consider factors that prevent poor people
from making use of available public services. This consideration must go beyond
economic to cover cultural and political economy factors. Finally, standard incidence
analysis focuses on the distribution of publicly provided inputs to the living standard.
Since the ultimate goal of public policy is to improve people’s lives, two basic questions
deserve special attention. What type of a living do people manage to achieve from public
spending out of tax revenues? To what extent does fiscal policy equalize opportunities
for well-being among citizens?


Achduct Lea, Awad Yasser and Silber Jacques. 2003. Marginal Tax Rates and the
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