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Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety in Healthcare Professions Students

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Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185

Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety in Healthcare Professions

Kelly Macauleya,⁎, Laura Plummerb, Charlotte Bemisb, Genevieve Brockb,
Christine Larsonb, Johanna Spanglerb
College of Health and Education, Husson University, USA
Department of Physical Therapy, MGH Institute of Health Professions, USA
Received 8 September 2017; received in revised form 2 January 2018; accepted 19 January 2018
Available online 2 February 2018


Purpose: The prevalence and severity of anxiety among students is increasing. Elevated levels of anxiety may decrease students’
academic performance, professionalism, and their ability to manage elements of patient care. Anxiety and the impact of anxiety
have been well studied in medical and nursing students, but it has not been investigated as much in other healthcare professions
programs. The purpose of the study is to describe the prevalence and determine predictors of anxiety in healthcare professions
Methods: Three-hundred and fifty-one, first and second year Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of Science in Communication
Science Disorders, and Master of Physician Assistant studies students were recruited to participate during the fall semester. Fifty-
two percent, or 183 students completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Westside Test Anxiety Scale (WTAS),
the tools used to assess different anxiety levels.
Results: Fifty-one percent of females and 37.5% of males have at least moderately high test anxiety. Eighty-three percent of
students have greater than normal State Anxiety and 56% of students have higher than normal Trait Anxiety levels. The regression
models identified several variables for predicting WTAS, STAI-trait (STAI-T), and STAI-state (STAI-S) scores. However, a large
part of variance was unaccounted for, indicating there are other factors contributing to anxiety were not assessed.
Discussion: Healthcare professions students have higher anxiety levels compared to normative values in the general population.
Qualitative research to explore further the etiology of students’ anxiety is warranted.
& 2018 King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for Health Sciences. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Anxiety; Communication sciences and disorders; Health professions education, physical therapy, physician assistant

1. Introduction

There is growing concern regarding the increased

prevalence and severity of mental health disorders in
Correspondence to: Husson University, 1 College Circle, Bangor, university students.1–3 In 2014, college counseling
ME 04401, USA. Fax: þ 1 207 941 7198.
E-mail address: (K. Macauley).
centers reported an 89% increase in students presenting
Peer review under responsibility of AMEEMR: the Association for with anxiety disorders over the past five years.4 During
Medical Education in the Eastern Mediterranean Region the 2014–2015 school year, one in six undergraduate
2452-3011/& 2018 King Saud bin AbdulAziz University for Health Sciences. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185 177

students in the United States were diagnosed with or level. In contrast, state anxiety is a transitory anxiety
treated for anxiety.5 Anxiety also affects graduate that changes based on stimuli.25 It can manifest as a
students.6–10 For example, medical students have higher disproportionate reaction to an identified or unidentified
levels of anxiety when compared with the general source.8 State anxiety can last for variable lengths of
population.6–9 The effects of anxiety on graduate time depending upon the stimulus and individual
students can be multi-faceted. Medical students with personality traits. Graduate students may experience
elevated anxiety levels demonstrated declines in state anxiety during graduate school or specific to exam
academic performance and professionalism.6,11 High times. Lastly, test anxiety is a heightened anxiety level
anxiety has been linked to decreased empathy in around taking a test.26 For students, state test anxiety
medical students.10 describes increased anxiety observed in response to an
Most research concerning student anxiety has impending examination.26 Trait test anxiety is a
focused on general anxiety in medical, dental and student's predisposition towards increased intensity or
nursing students.6–9,11–14 It is perceived that medical frequency of test anxiety.26 A negative association
school is more stressful or general anxiety provoking exists between heightened levels of test anxiety and
than other graduate programs.15,16 However, informa- academic performance in graduate and medical stu-
tion is limited regarding the prevalence of anxiety and dents.7,27–29 Anxiety has been tagged as an important
its severity in other healthcare professions students, variable to consider in future research concerning
specifically Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of predictors for success in medical school, especially
Science in Communication Science Disorders, and given the prevalence of anxiety.12 Determining anxie-
Master of Physician Assistant studies students. Frank ty's impact and potential mediating factors in other
and Cassidy17 found that DPT students had high state health professions graduate students may improve
and trait anxiety levels, but otherwise there is a paucity students’ learning experience and success.
of recent data and data in other programs. The purpose
of this study was to describe the prevalence of state,
trait, and test anxiety levels in each profession, describe 2. Method
differences between the professions, and determine the
predictors of anxiety in healthcare professions students. 2.1. Subjects
Reporting levels of anxiety in these graduate programs
is a necessary step towards creating appropriate To investigate anxiety in health professions students,
intervention strategies to decrease anxiety in healthcare trait, state and test anxiety levels were compared among
professions students. graduate students at the MGH Institute of Health
Professions (MGH IHP) in Boston, MA. The MGH IHP
is a graduate institution focusing on health professions
1.1. Background education. The academic programs assessed included
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Master of Science
Anxiety is an emotion that consists of “feelings of in Communication Science Disorders (CSD), and
tension, worried thoughts and physical changes.”18 Master of Physician Assistant studies (PA). The
Anxiety disorders represent the most prevalent class of inclusion criteria for this study included enrollment in
mental health disorders, with a lifetime prevalence one of the identified programs. There were no exclusion
greater than 15%.19 Anxiety leads to poor health criteria.
outcomes.20 It is associated with an increased occur-
rence of several pathologies: irritable bowel syndrome,
cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, asthma, depres- 2.2. Research design
sion and cancer.8,9,20–24
While there are many different categories of anxiety, The study was a cross-sectional observational study.
this paper will focus on three types: trait anxiety, state The first and second year students in each program
anxiety, and test anxiety. Trait anxiety describes a were surveyed during the fall 2016 semester. The study
predisposition for anxiety, and is a stable component of was timed a few weeks after the students acclimated to
personality.25 Heightened trait anxiety can mediate or their classes, but prior to midterm examinations. The
intensify the response to a threatening situation.8 In study was approved by the institution's Internal Review
graduate students, trait anxiety is their baseline anxiety Board. All data collected was anonymous.
178 K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185

2.3. Data collection when comparing the STAI to the Institute of Personality
and Ability Test anxiety scale and the Taylor Manifest
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) was Anxiety Scale. Pearson's correlation coefficients ranged
used to collect and manage the data.30 REDCap is a from r ¼ 0.75 to r ¼ 0.83, suggesting high
secure, web-based application designed to support data correlations.25,32
capture for research studies.30 All students enrolled in
each program were emailed through REDCap. The
2.3.2. Westside Test Anxiety Scale
email outlined the purpose of the study, provided
The WTAS was developed to objectively measure
background information on anxiety, and requested the
test anxiety in students.33 It is comprised of 10
students’ participation in the study via an individualized
questions, six of which measure incapacity, or memory
link to the assessments. A reminder email was sent
loss and poor cognitive processing, and four that
weekly for three weeks to those who had not yet
involve worry or catastrophizing. Students rate them-
participated. No protected health information was
selves using a Likert scale, with 1 being “never true or
collected and the participants were assigned a random
not at all true,” to 5 “extremely or always true.” The total
identification number, which allowed for blinded data
score is divided by 10, and the result is placed into
categories for interpretation. The interpretations range
The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was
from “comfortably low” to “extremely high”. A score
selected for its ability to assess state and trait anxiety,
greater than 3.0, or moderately high anxiety, is
its strong reliability and validity, and availability of
accompanied with a recommendation of anxiety reduc-
norms across populations for comparison.25 The West-
tion training.33
side Test Anxiety Scale (WTAS) was chosen to assess
The WTAS was validated by comparing fifth graders
test anxiety because of its ease of administration and its
and college-age students, and found to have a Pearson r
use in medical education.
¼ 0.44.34 The WTAS demonstrated internal consis-
tency in a study comparing different types of education
styles.35 Despite limited psychometric testing of the
2.3.1. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
WTAS, it was chosen for this study because it was
The STAI is comprised of 20 questions assessing
short and used effectively in medical education to
state anxiety (STAI-S) and 20 questions assessing
assess test anxiety and the efficacy of anxiety reducing
general, or trait, anxiety (STAI-T). Participants rate
their responses to each question on a 4-point Likert
scale, with 1 corresponding to “not at all” and
4 indicating “very much so.” Positively oriented 2.4. Data analysis
questions that do not indicate anxiety, such as “I feel
calm,” are reverse scored. A high score on the tool Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), ver.
indicates greater anxiety. 24 (IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, 2016) was used to
The STAI is a reliable and valid measure of both analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to
state and trait anxiety.13,14,25,28,31 Test-retest reliability describe the prevalence of anxiety in the three groups of
was assessed in college students; the results yielded a students. The differences between the groups were
Pearson's r ¼ 0.73−0.86 for trait anxiety and r ¼ 0.16 described using several measures. The differences
−0.54 for state anxiety.25 A meta-analysis of seven between groups on categorical demographic data were
studies reported the average test-retest reliability assessed with Chi Square for categorical data, and t-
coefficients to be 0.70 for state anxiety and 0.88 for tests with continuous data. Cronbach's alpha was
trait anxiety.31 The STAI has excellent internal calculated to assess the internal consistency of the
consistency among working adults, college and high tools with this sample. A two-way ANOVA was used
school students, and military recruits25; nursing stu- to determine the differences between programs and
dents13,14; and engineering students.28 A meta-analysis class years. Predictor variables included class year (first
of 45 studies found the internal consistency to be 0.91 or second years) and program (CSD, DPT, or PA). The
for the state subscale and 0.89 for the trait subscale.31 outcome variable was anxiety test scores. The Bonfer-
Concurrent validity of the trait measure was observed roni correction was used for post-hoc testing. A t-test
K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185 179

Table 1
Demographic information for all students.

CSD CSD Norms DPT DPT Norms PA PA Norms

Gender Female 93% 95.7%a 75% 64%b 68% 66.6%d

Male 6% 4.2%a 23% 36%b 16% 33.4%d
Ethnicity Asian 9% – 12% – 5% 5.1%d
Black 4% – 8% 3%c – 3.9%d
Hispanic/Latino/a 2% – 5% 4.4%c – –
Mixed Race 2% – 5% – 5% –
Other 2% – 4% – – 4.2%d
White 79% 84%a 63% 77.5%c 79% 86.8%d
2010–2011 National Master's in Speech Language Pathology.65
2013 Census Data.66
2015–2016 Aggregated DPT Program Data.67
2014 Certified Physician Assistants.68

assessed the gender differences between the groups on

Table 2
the STAI subscales, and a Mann–Whitney U assessed Predictor variables for all students.
the difference on the WTAS because the data was not
normally distributed. CSD DPT PA
Linear regressions were used to determine the Undergraduate Major Health Related 12 83 14
predictors for each anxiety assessment: STAI-I, STAI- Non-health Related 38 20 3
T, and WTAS. The models were built in a forward, Time-off*** Yes 23 80 13
step-wise fashion. The predictor variables considered in No 29 28 4
the analysis were gender, ethnicity, current grade point Working** Yes 27 37 2
No 25 72 15
average (GPA), undergrad major (health sciences or not First Career** Yes 43 77 7
health sciences), time off after undergraduate school, No 9 30 10
working while in graduate school, current profession as First Generation* Yes 8 28 8
first career, children, personal history of anxiety, family No 44 81 9
history of anxiety, first generation to attend college or Children Yes 3 4 1
No 49 104 16
graduate school, and responsible for paying for History of Anxiety Yes 10 19 1
graduate school. The outcome variables were scores No 42 90 16
on the anxiety measures (WTAS, STAI-T, STAI-S). Family History of Anxiety Yes 25 36 6
No 27 72 11
Pay for School Yes 7 15 1
3. Results
No 46 98 18
Gender Female 49 83 13
Three hundred and fifty-one, first and second year Male 3 26 4
students were recruited to participate in the study. The Ethnicity Asian 5 13 1
response rates in the respective programs were 43% Black 2 9 0
Hispanic/Latino/a 1 6 0
(53/123) in the CSD program, 80% (111/138) in the
White 42 70 15
DPT program, and 21% (19/90) in the PA program. The Other 1 4 0
sample size yielded a power of 0.86, assuming a Mixed Race 1 5 1
moderate effect size of f ¼ 0.25, α ¼ 0.05, which is
all assessed via Chi Square.
adequate for analysis. The low response rate for the *
p o 0.05.
CSD and PA programs precluded individual program **
p o 0.01.
assessment for multiple analyses. ***
p, 0.001.
Seventy-eight percent of the responding students
were female, and 67% identified themselves as white, graduate program. The mean time off was 3.7 years,
non-Hispanic. Most students (73%) entered graduate with a mode of 1 year, median of 2 years, and a range
school with a healthcare related undergraduate major. of 0.5 – 27 years. The majority of students (59%) are
Many students (63%) took time off between their responsible for paying for all of their graduate
undergraduate graduation and matriculating in their education, with 38% working while in school. Seven-
180 K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185

Table 3
Mean scores on the WTAS and STAI scores across disciplines.


Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

CSD 45.69 (49) 45.50 (4) 45.82 (49) 41.75 (4) 91.51 (49) 87.25 (4) 2.55 (49) 2.28 (4)
DPT 40.13 (80) 35.28 (29) 41.44 (82) 36.29 (28) 81.61 (79) 71.64 (28) 2.65 (81) 2.26 (30)
PA 40.50 (12) 46.00 (5) 42.85 (13) 46.25 (4) 83.08 (12) 91.75 (4) 2.64 (13) 2.52 (6)
Total Sample 42.09 (141) 37.76 (38) 43.06 (144) 38.00 (36) 85.20 (140) 75.61 (36) 2.62 (143) 2.30 (40)

Note: The numbers in parentheses are the sample for each discipline and measure. The WTAS scores are between 1 and 5, with 2.5 and below
indicating normal or low test anxiety. The STAI-S and STAI-T scores range from 20 to 80.

teen percent of the students reported a personal history students. For the WTAS, there was significant main
of anxiety, and 38% had a family history of anxiety. effect of class year [F(1, 175) ¼ 6.63, p ¼ 0.011], with
Only 5% of the students have children. See second year students presenting with higher test anxiety
Tables 1 and 2 for the descriptive statistics for each scores than first year students. To account for the
discipline. unbalanced sample, Type I and Type III sum of squares
A significant difference was found between the were assessed and were the same.
groups in “time taken off between undergraduate and The difference in anxiety scores between males and
graduate school” χ2, (2, N ¼ 177) ¼ 14.84, p ¼ 0.001, females were assessed There was a statistically
“working while in graduate school” χ2, (2, N ¼ 178) ¼ significant difference on STAI-T and STAI-Total scores
10.04, p ¼ 0.007, “current program is your first career” between males and females, with females displaying
χ2, (2, N ¼ 176) ¼ 10.99, p ¼ 0.004, and “are you the higher mean anxiety levels. There was no difference
first generation in your family to attend graduate between males and females on the STAI-S or the
school” χ2, (2, N ¼ 178) ¼ 7.05, p ¼ 0.029. WTAS (U ¼ 2316, z ¼ −1.88, p ¼ 0.06).
The reliability of the tools was assessed using The assumptions of a linear regression were assessed
Cronbach's alpha. All were find to have high levels of and met. The regression analysis demonstrated that
internal consistency with the STAI-S Cronbach's α ¼ having to pay for graduate school, a history of anxiety,
0.95 (n ¼ 179), STAI-T Cronbach's α ¼ 0.93 (n ¼ and female gender predicted STAI-S scores, F(3, 170)
180), and WTAS Cronbach's α ¼ 0.89 (n ¼ 183). ¼ 5.11, p ¼ 0.002. The variables predicted 8.3% of the
Table 3 summarizes the mean scores on the STAI-S, variance for STAI-S scores [R2 ¼ 0.08, F(3,170), ¼
STAI-T, STAI-Total and WTAS. On the STAI-S, 5.11, p ¼ 0.002]. The STAI-T scores were significantly
between 44.8% and 80% of the students had scores predicted by a personal history of anxiety, female
above the norms. On the STAI-T, between 28.6% and gender and GPA, F(3, 150) ¼ 7.13, p o 0.000, which
75% of students had scores higher than norms. Between accounted for 12.5% of the variance [R2 ¼ 0.125, F
16.7% and 32.1% of students had WTAS scores greater (3,150), ¼ 7.13, p o 0.001]. The WTAS was
than 3, which is moderately high or worse anxiety. statistically significantly predicted by GPA, family
There was a non-significant interaction between class history of anxiety, and female gender, F(3, 149) ¼
and program for the STAI-S [F(2, 171) ¼ 2.65, p ¼ 11.97, p o 0.000. The three variables accounted for
0.07], STAI-T [F(2, 173) ¼ 0.61, p ¼ 0.54], and 17.8% of the variance in the model [R2 ¼ 0.178, F
WTAS [F(2, 175) ¼ 1.25, p ¼ 0.29]. For the STAI-S, (3,149), ¼ 11.97, p o 0.001].
there was a significant main effect of program [F(2,
171) ¼ 5.17, p ¼ 0.007]. The CSD students had 4. Discussion
significantly higher scores than DPT students (p ¼
0.002). There was no difference between CSD or DPT Increased prevalence and severity of mental health
students and PA students. For the STAI-T, there was disorders is a growing concern in students.2,4 Anxiety
significant main effect of both program [F(2, 173) ¼ influences students’ academic performance,6 profes-
3.99, p ¼ 0.02] and class year [F(1, 173) ¼ 4.00, p ¼ sionalism,11 and health outcomes.20 This study sought
0.047]. The CSD students had significantly higher to describe the prevalence of anxiety and to identify
scores than DPT students (p ¼ 0.011). The second year predictors of anxiety in health professions graduate
students had significantly STAI-T scores than first year students at a small graduate institution. The MGH IHP
K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185 181

programs’ demographic data is comparable to national or extremely high test anxiety ranges (16.7–32.1%
program or census data for each profession. All groups depending upon program of study). Test anxiety
of students demonstrated higher than normal state and negatively correlates with performance, and could
trait anxiety compared to working adults (males ¼ perpetuate further anxiety and poor performance.7,27–29
36.54 and female ¼ 36.17) and college students (males
¼ 36.47 and female ¼ 38.76). Frank and Cassady17
previously found comparable scores for state and trait 4.2. Predicting anxiety
anxiety in DPT students.
The burden of paying for graduate school predicted
the greatest proportion of the STAI-S scores, or
4.1. Prevalence of anxiety transient anxiety. The findings are consistent with
literature that found financial distress linked to poorer
The prevalence of anxiety in MGH IHP graduate levels of mental health in students46 and mental and
students was comparable to data based on gender psychiatric disorders.47,48 Ozen et al.49 suggested that
matched norms.2,40 Eisenberg et al.2 found 5.4% of financial and emotional support may help to alleviate
females and 2.6% of males of graduate students at a students’ anxiety.
large public university had anxiety. Bayram and A lower self-reported GPA was associated with
Bilgel40 discovered 18.5% of male and 22.1% of higher anxiety scores. McEwan and Goldenberg50 also
female students at a university had severe or extremely found a negative correlation between state and trait
severe anxiety. Intense academic coursework at the anxiety and GPA in nursing students. Additionally,
graduate level combined with a rigorous schedule may higher-than-normal levels of stress has led to a greater
contribute to these findings. Elevated anxiety places prevalence of depression, anxiety, and lower GPAs.51
students at risk for poor health outcomes20 and anxiety- Providing support and resources to assist with studying
related performance issues in school.6,10,11 to students with lower GPAs may assist with reducing
Anxiety scores were significantly higher in second- anxiety.
year DPT students compared to first-year students. Female gender was a significant predictor of all
Frank and Cassady17 found a comparable result, anxiety measures. Higher anxiety levels in females have
reporting a statistically significant higher rate of state been replicated in many studies of graduate students,40
anxiety in second year PT students across three including DPT students,17,52 medical students,7,53
universities. The second-year DPT, PA and CSD chiropractic students,54 and psychology students.55
students at MGH IHP are approaching a transition to While gender is an unmodifiable risk factor for anxiety,
full-time clinical training and licensing examinations, helping female students across all health professions
which may account for the increased levels of anxiety. education programs to understand that they are at risk
Several studies substantiate that there is increased stress for higher anxiety levels, the consequences of high
when transitioning from academic coursework to anxiety and strategies to help reduce anxiety may be
clinical training.41 This trend warrants further investi- beneficial.
gation as it may be a critical time to institute anxiety A personal history of anxiety (STAI-S and STAI-T)
reducing interventions. and a family history of anxiety (WTAS) were
Females have higher anxiety levels than significant predictors of anxiety. A genetic component
males,2,40,42,43 and are twice as likely to have an of generalized anxiety disorders is well established.56–
anxiety disorder as men.44 Biochemical and hormonal 58
There is limited evidence available demonstrating a
differences between males and females have been link between personal history of anxiety and current
identified as factors increasing risk for anxiety in levels of state, trait or test anxiety. However, due to the
females.44 The present study found that females had strongly supported genetic link to anxiety,58 it is
higher trait anxiety levels, however, this should be important that students are aware and offered appro-
interpreted with caution as males accounted for only priate resources to mediate their anxiety.
4.8% of our sample. The regression equations for the three outcome
The students in this study demonstrate high, normal measures of anxiety accounted for 8.3–17.8% of the
test anxiety, which is consistent with findings in variance. Therefore, there are additional variables not
medical school students.33,36,38,45 However, a large assessed in this study that may be significant predictors
percentage of students scored in the moderately, high, of anxiety in health professions education students.
182 K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185

Future research concerning predictor variables is variables to anxiety is essential to designing interven-
needed to understand the influence of personal factors tions that will decrease personal anxiety and improve
and environmental contexts on anxiety levels in health interprofessional team dynamics.
professions students. The results will assist with
creating more targeted interventions to help students 4.4. Recommendations
manage their anxiety.
Given the noted health and learning consequences
4.3. Limitations from anxiety, health professions programs may want to
consider introducing interventions to help students
The response rates varied significantly between better manage their anxiety. Several authors have
programs, from 21% (PA) to 80% (DPT). The proposed strategies to assist students in reducing their
difference may be due to the DPT students and anxiety.60–62 One successful technique in older students
researchers being in the same department. The large involves self-regulation, where students learn strategies
sample size allowed for regression analysis of the to control their emotional responses to stimuli.62 Such
student population, however, analysis by discipline was strategies may be beneficial to introduce in health
limited due to the small CSD and PA student sample professions education programs to help students
size. Likewise, the two-way ANOVA may have been manage their anxiety.
underpowered, especially concerning the PA students. Encouraging health professions education to utilize
The DPT students made up 60% of the data collected, existing psychological services to assist with managing
and therefore the predictors of anxiety may be skewed their pre-existing anxiety may be helpful. Healthcare
to over-represent the DPT program. Additionally, the professions programs are required by accrediting bodies
data analyzed in the present study was from one to offer a myriad of services, including counseling and
institution. Assessing students at other institutions will disability services, to assist students to manage their
improve the generalizability of the findings. However, anxiety and to be successful.
many of the findings of the study were consistent with Healthcare professions education programs may
previous literature and seem to be indicative of a want to consider decreasing the emphasis on GPAs to
broader population. The study was cross sectional, assist with reducing anxiety and improving students’
which may contribute to bias as students situational or learning experiences. Spring et al.63 completed a
trait anxiety may have been altered from their baseline. systematic review of medical schools that shifted to
Longitudinal student data would help to account for pass/fail evaluation and found decreased anxiety.
possibility. Similarly, while the timing of data collec- Similar paradigm shifts regarding assessment and its
tion was at a “quiet” time in each program's semester, impact on students may be beneficial.
there are may have been competing demands with a At our institution, there are several initiatives in place
program that increased anxiety, but were not accounted to help reduce anxiety. Pet therapy has been initiated at
for in the study. exam times to allow help students reduce stress. Other
Possible confounding variables were class year (first exam time stress reductions include coloring, snacks
versus second year) and gender. Seventy-eight percent during study breaks, and puzzles. The institution
of the study population were female, which may have created a new student space with a quiet area, targeted
skewed the results as women have a greater incidence at promoting relaxation. One faculty member has
of anxiety than males.2,40 Both DPT and CSD introduced mindfulness and mindful practice to stu-
professions have higher proportions of females, so the dents. The students created a mentor program where a
results may be appropriate. The sample size limited the second-year student acts as a resource for a first-year
assessment of an interaction between these variables student. Outcomes of these initiatives are being
and the outcome measures. Further analysis of the collected to determine if they are successful or if other
difference in predictors of anxiety between these groups programs are needed.
with an increased sample size in each variable would be
beneficial. 4.5. Conclusion
While improved from previous research,59 the
regression models for each assessment tool still Health professions education students have signifi-
accounted for less than 18% of the variance. Further cantly elevated anxiety levels compared to normative
research is required to determine other predictors of values. Anxiety places the students at risk for health
anxiety. A better understanding of the contributing consequences and learning deficits. The impact of
K. Macauley et al. / Health Professions Education 4 (2018) 176–185 183

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