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Injso Mock Test - Ii: Fiitjee

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Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 90


1. The question paper consists of 42 questions divided into two sections, A & B.
2. In section A, there are 30 multiple choice questions with 4 alternatives, out of which
only 1 is correct. You get 1 mark for every correct answer and –0.25 marks for every
wrong answer.
3. In Section B, there are 12 questions of total 60 marks.
4. Please write the answers in the Answer Sheet provided only. You can ask for
additional sheet if required. Please fill in your details of every additional sheet that
you use.
5. All questions are compulsory.
6. Calculator(s) and mobile phone(s) are not allowed.

Name of the Candidate : .................................................................................................

Enroll Number : .................................................................................................

Date of Examination : .................................................................................................

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
Useful Physical constants and Definitions (Many constants have been adjusted to make
calculations simple in this examination)

Gravitational Constant (G) = 6.67  1011m3kg1s2

Avogadro’s number (N) = 6.0  1023 / mol

Gas constant (R) = 8.314J mol1 K 1, 0.082 L atm K 1 mol1
Mechanical equivalent of heat (Conversion factor for calorie) = 4.2 J / cal
Specific heat capacity of liquid water = 1 cal / g C,4.15kJ kg1 K 1
Specific heat capacity of liquid heavy water = 4.25 kJ kg–1 K–1
Specific heat capacity of frozen water = 2.1 kJ kg–1 K–1
Latent heat for melting of water = 330 kJ kg–1
Latent heat for melting of heavy water = 340 kJ kg–1
Specific latent heat for fusion of ice = 50 cal / g
Specific latent heat for boiling of water = 5.40 cal/g; Heat of vaporization of water 25 * C = 42000 J/mol
Density of liquid water = 1.0 g/cc; Standard pressure = 1 atm
Density of liquid heavy water = 1.1 g/cc; Standard temperature = 273 K
Melting point of heavy water = 4*C; Volume of 1 mole of an ideal gas at S.T.P. = 22.4 L

Element Relative Atomic Mass Atomic Weight Element Relative Atomic Mass Atomic Weight
H 1 1 Li 6 3
C 12 6 Be 9 4
N 14 7 F 18 9
O 16 8 CI 35.5 17
Na 23 11 Ca 40 20
Mg 24 12 Ba 137 56
S 32 16 Fe 56 26
B 10 5 K 39 19

Ore Chemical name

Chalcocite Copper (I) sulphide
Chalcopyrite Cupric ferrous sulphide
Cinnabar Mercuric sulphide
Covellite Copper (II) sulphide
Galena Lead sulphide
Goethite Ferric hydroxide oxide
Hematite Iron (III) oxide
Magnetite Iron (II, III) oxide
Sphalerite Zinc sulphide
Zincblende Zinc sulphide

1 femtogram = 10–9 microgram, 1 microgram = 10–3 mg.

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

Questions 1 to 30 are Multiple Choice questions with every correct answer carrying 1 mark
and every wrong answer carrying – 0.25 mark.

1. What type of reaction is given below?

P4O10  12HNO3   6N2O5  4H3PO4
(A) Neutralization reaction (B) Redox reaction
(C) Combination reaction (D) Dehydration reaction

2. A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram showing the inferred

evolutionary relationships among various biological species. Which of the following
phylogenies is correctly represented?

(C) (D)

3. Which of the following metal remains in pure form even after exposed to atmosphere for long
(A) Al (B) Fe
(C) Cu (D) Au

4. A car, sounding a horn of frequency 100 Hz, is moving directly towards a huge wall at a
speed of 15 ms1. If speed of sound is 340 ms1, then the frequency of the echo heard by the
driver is
(A) 1046 Hz (B) 954 HZ
(C) 1092 Hz (D) 908 Hz

5. Find the current flow through the circuit given

(A) 15 A (B) 11 A
(C) 9 A (D) 5 A

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
6. Given figure represents the DNA double helix model as proposed by Watson and Crick
(1953). Select the option that shows correct measurements of A, B and C.

(A) a  3.4 nm; b  0.34 nm; c  2 nm

(B) a  34 nm; b  3.4 nm; c  20 nm
o o o
(C) a  3.4 A ; b  0.34 A ; c  20 A
o o o
(D) a  34 A ; b  3.4 A ; c2 A

7. Two elements X and Y are present respectively in group-2 and group-15 of the periodic
table. 0.001 mole of ‘X’ weighs 0.04 g and 0.1 mole of Y weighs 3.1 g. Choose the correct
statements from the following:
I. The molar mass of the compound formed between X and Y is 182 g.
II. ‘Y’ can form more number of oxides than ’X’.
III. The oxidation numbers of both elements are same in their hydrides.
IV. ‘X’ forms acidic oxide and ‘Y’ forms basic oxide.
Choose the correct option:
(A) I, III (B) I, II
(C) II, III (D) I, II, IV

8. Discovery of cathode ray in discharge tube experiment requires high voltage and low
pressure. Low pressure is maintained in the tube in order to
(A) make ionization faster
(B) make cathode rays travel along straight line
(C) decrease the ionization enthalpy of electrodes
(D) make the gas molecule undergo easy decomposition

9. In the accompanying diagram of a part of the human body, the structures belonging to the
central neural system are labeled as

(A) a and c (B) b and c

(C) a and d (D) c and d

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
10. Three rods A, B and C have the same dimensions. Their thermal conductivities are kA, kB
and kC respectively. A and B are placed end to end, with their free ends kept at certain
temperature difference. C is placed separately with its ends kept at same temperature
difference. The two arrangements conduct heat at the same rate. KC must be equal to
k AkB
(A) kA + kB (B)
k A  kB
1  k k 
(C) k A  kB  (D) 2  A B 
2  k A  kB 

11. A circular beam of light of diameter d = 2 cm falls on a plane surface of glass. The angle of
incidence is 60o and refractive index of glass is  = 3/2. The diameter of the refracted beam
(A) 4.00 cm (B) 3.0 cm
(C) 3.26 cm (D) 2.52 cm

12. X and Y in the given graph are the action spectra of the two enzymes. The two enzymes are

(A) X  amylase Y  trypsin

(B) X  pepsin Y  trypsin
(C) X  chymotrypsin Y  renin
(D) X  lactate dehydrogenase Y  amylase

13. The density of an ideal gas in a container is directly proportional to

1 p
(A) (B)
(C) (D) p  T

14. Which of the following species is a primary consumer in the given food web?

(A) F (B) G
(C) H (D) K

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
15. A 
 B  
 C  SO3
 Blue crystal
of copper  Colourless
Black solid

D  
 E  
 F   SO2  SO3
of iron
 Brown

Choose the correct statement.

(A) Both compound(C) and (F) can be reduced with hydrogen to free metal.
(B) The oxidation numbers of iron in (D) and (F) are same.
(C) Both (B) and (E) contains same number of elements.
(D) Both (A) and (D) contain same number of water of crystallization.

16. Three solid spheres, each of mass m and radius R, are

released from the position as shown in the figure. The speed
of any one sphere at the time of collision would be
1 3  2 1
(A) Gm    (B) Gm   
d R R d
3 1  1 2
(C) Gm    (D) Gm   
d R R d

17. One conducting U tube can slide inside another as shown x x x x x

in figure, maintaining electrical contacts between the A
x x x x x
tubes. The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the plane
of the figure. If each tube moves towards the other at a x x x x x

constant sped v, then the emf induced in the circuit in x D x x x C x

terms of B,I and v where I is the width of each tube, will
(A) zero (B) 2Blv
(C) Blv (D) –Blv

18. The colour of high yielding Mexican wheat’s were not liked by the Indians. It was originally
red grained. Their cultivation was adopted in India on large scale only when exposure to
gamma radiations converted them to amber grained. Which of the following methods of
plant-breeding has been put into practice in the given case?
(A) Natural breeding (B) Interspecific hybridisation
(C) Tissue culture (D) Mutation breeding

19. Na+, Cl–, N3–, F–, Ca2+, S2–

Which of the following option is correct
(A) Ionic radius: Cl– > S2– > Na+ > N3–
(B) Isoelectronic species: Na+, F–, N3–, Cl–
(C) Two successive orbits contains equal number of electrons: Cl–, Ca2+, S2–
(D) Nuclear charge: Na+ > Cl– > N3– > F–

20. A solid mixture weighing 5 g containing lead nitrate and sodium nitrate was heated below
600oC until the mass of the residue is constant. If the loss of mass is 28%, what will be the
mass of lead nitrate and sodium nitrate in the mixture?
2Pb NO3 2  
 2PbO  4NO2  O2

2NaNO3   2NaNO2  O2
(A) Pb(NO3)2 = 2.91 g, NaNO3 = 2.09 g (B) Pb(NO3)2 = 3.32 g, NaNO3 = 1.68 g
(C) Pb(NO3)2 = 4 g, NaNO3 = 1 g (D) Pb(NO3)2 = 2.05 g, NaNO3 = 2.95 g

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
21. Which of the following is correct regarding the given figure?

(A) Plant X has been sprayed with ABA

(B) Plant Y has been sprayed with auxin
(C) Plant X has been sprayed auxin
(D) Plant Y has been sprayed gibberellin

22. A rod of mass M is suspended by two identical threads each of length l. A bullet of mass m is
flying horizontally strikes the body and gets stuck in it. As a result, the thread makes an
angle q with the vertical is

 m   m 
(A) 2cos1   (B) 2 sin1  
 2 M  m  gl   2 M  m  gl 
 m   m 
(C) 2cos1   (D) 2 sin1  
 M  m  gl   M  m  gl 

23. A uniform magnetic field of 30 mT exists in the + X direction. A particle of charge +e and
mass 1.67  10-27 kg is projected through the field in the + Y direction with a speed of
4.8  106 m/s, then choose the incorrect option.
(A) The force on the charged particle is 230.4  10–16 N(- k̂ )
(B) The force if the particle were negatively charged is 230.4  10–16 N k̂
(C) The nature of path followed by the particle in both the cases is circular with radius
1.67 M.
(D) None of these

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
24. The given flow chart shows classification of acquired immunity. What types of immunity will
be developed by the persons X and Y?

X  A person who has recovered from an attack of measles.

Y  A person who is given anti-tetanus serum.
(A) A – (i) B – (i)
(B) B – (i) A – (ii)
(C) B – (ii) A – (ii)
(D) A – (i) A – (ii)

25. The following data are given for atoms X, Y and Z.

Elements Atomic number Mass number
X 25 55
Y 30 60
Z 28 58
Choose the correct statement(s)
(I) The penultimate orbits of ‘Y and ‘Z’ are completely filled with electrons.
(II) X, Y and Z are called isotones
(III) Y behaves as a normal element (not transition element)
(IV) Y and Z are called isobars
(A) I, II, III (B) II, IV
(C) II, III (D) I, III, IV

26. Which of the following is the most malleable substance?

(A) Al (B) Al2O3
(C) Al – Ni alloy (D) Al2(SO4)3

27. The below diagram is the cyclic series of reactions that occurs during carbon fixation stage
of photosynthesis.

(i) Carbon dioxide is taken into the cycle at stage P.

(ii) Hydrogen from reduced hydrogen acceptor is used at stage Q.
(iii) Energy from ATP is used to drive stage R.
(iv) The substance formed at position Y is S.
(v) If one molecule of substance Y is released per cycle, the cycle must turn T times for one
molecule of sucrose (C12H22O11) to be built up at position Z.

(A) P  4; Q  2; R2&3 S  3-carbon sugar; T4

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
(B) P  3; Q  3; R1&2 S  pyruvic acid; T2
(C) P  2; Q  4; R3&4 S  glucose-1-phosphate; T8
(D) P  1; Q  1; R2&4 S  citric acid; T  12

28. A block of mass m kg is hanging with two identical

massless springs as shown in the figure. The
magnitude of acceleration of the block just at the
moment when the spring at the right side breaks
is (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 10 m/s2
(B) 25 m/s2
(C) 5 m/s2
(D) 4 m/s2
 4
29. Consider the situation shown in figure. Water      is filled in a 5cm
 3
beaker upto a height of 10 cm. A plane mirror is fixed at a height of
5 cm from the surface of water. Distance of image from the mirror 10cm
after reflection from it of an object O at the bottom of the beaker is
(A) 15 cm (B) 12.5 cm 
(C) 7.5 cm (D) 10 cm

30. Cell A and cell B are adjacent plant cells. In cell A, S = –20 bars and P = 8 bars. In cell B,
S = –12 bars and P = 2 bars. Then,

(A) water moves from cell A to B

(B) there is not movement of water between cell A and cell B
(C) water moves from cell B to cell A
(D) equal amount of water is simultaneously exchanged between cell A and cell B

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

Questions 31 to 42 are long questions. Marks are indicated in the brackets. Answer the
questions only in the answer sheet provided.


31. (a) Pure galena is subjected to the following metallurgical reactions in order to get the crude
PbS  O2    A   SO2
 B 
PbS  O2 
PbS   A  
  C   SO2
PbS  B  
  C   SO2
Answer the following questions:
(i) How many moles of (C) is obtained from complete reaction of one mole each of PbS and
(A)? [0.5]
(ii) What type of reaction produces (B)? [0.5]
(iii) Which of the above reaction(s) is/are called self-reduction process? [1.0]
(b) What is the role of O2 in the following two metallurgical reactions? [1.0]
(i) Ag  2NaCN  H2O O2
 Na  Ag CN2   NaOH
(ii) Ag2S  4NaCN 
 2Na  Ag  CN2   Na2S

(c) A sample of PbO2 with 95.6% by mass of purity was dissolved in 1.6 L of 3.125 M of HCl
solution. After complete reaction, the excess acid was neutralized by adding 400 mL of
2.5 M NaOH solution? How many gram of impurity is present in the sample? [2.0]
PbO2  4HCl  PbCl2  Cl2  2H2O

32. A cylindrical conductor of length l and inner radius R1 and
outer radius R2 has specific resistance . A cell of emf  is
connected across the two lateral faces of the conductor.
Find the current drawn from the cell.


33. (a) Find the composition of the elements present in C8H9ON. [2.0]
(b) Find the equivalent mass of CO2 in each of the following reaction. [2.0]
(i) C  O2  CO2 (ii) 2CO  O2   2CO2

(iii) CaCO3   CaO  CO2 (iv) CO2  C   2CO
(c) How many moles of acidified dichromate solution can completely oxidize 4 L of 0.3 M
FeSO4 solution into Fe3+ ions? [1.0]

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
34. Two long parallel wires carrying current 2.5 amperes and
I (amperes) in the same direction (directed into the plane
of the paper) are held at P and Q are located at a P Q R
distance of 5 metres and 2 metres respectively from 2.5A 2m
a collinear point R. An electron moving with a velocity of 5m
4 × 105 m/s along the positive x-direction experiences a
force of magnitude 3.2 × 10–20 N at the point R. Find the
value of I.


35.  
(a) P4  A soln  H2O 
B soln  PH3  
P4  C  s  
 D  s  
 PH3  A soln
 
P4  E  s  
 F  s  
 PH3  G  sol 

 
A soln  Cl2 
 NaCl  NaOCl  H2O
G  sol   Cl
2  
 H soln  H2O 
H(sol ) is used as a disinfectant.
Answer the following questions on the basis of above write up. [2.0]
(i) State the products obtained when CO2 gas is passed through the solution(G), first
slowly and then in excess.
(ii) Name the unknown substance in the above reaction, that can dissolve pure bauxite.
(iii) Which unknown compound(s) produce(s) fire when reacts with water?
(iv) Which unknown compound(s) react(s) with nitrogen on heating?
(b) One litre aqueous solution contains 200 mg of calcium nitrate. What will be the
concentration of Ca2+ ions in the solution in ppm unit? [1.0]
(c) One mole of a compound contains 72 g of carbon, four moles of hydrogen atom,
(2  6.023  1023) atoms of nitrogen and 2 g-molecule of oxygen. Then find out [2.0]
(i) What is the empirical mass of the compound?
(ii) Find the mass percentage of carbon in the compound.

36. A transparent sphere of radius R has a cavity of radius R/2 as shown in the figure. The
refractive index of the sphere if a parallel beam of light falling on left surface focuses at point
3 5
P is , then find the value of n.

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
37. A mirror of parabolic shape is shown in the figure. The equation of mirror surface is y2 = 8x.
An incident ray of inclination 15° is incident on the mirror at a point (2, 4). If the coordinate of
the point of intersection of x-axis is 4 a  b, then find the value of (a + b).


38. S  O2 
 SO2
2SO2  O2 
 2SO3
SO3  H2O 
 H2SO4
Mg  H2SO4 
 MgSO4  H2
H2  Cl2 
 2HCl
CaCO3  2HCl   CaCl2  CO2  H2O
Answer the following questions on the basis of above reactions.
(a) What volume of CO2 at NTP is produced by reacting one mole each of S and O2
according to above reactions? [Other reagents/reactants are taken in excess] [1.0]
(b) How much minimum mass of S and O2 are taken for reaction in order to produce 400 mL
of 2 M HCl solution? (other reactants are taken in excess) [1.0]
(c) What minimum mass of SO2 should be produced in order to make an aqueous solution
of H2SO4 of concentration 19.6 g/L? [1.0]
(d) How many gram of CaCO3 can completely react with one litre of HCl solution of density
0.073 g/cc? [1.0]
(e) How many of the above reactions are called redox reactions? [1.0]


39. Refer the given family tree and answer the question I & II.
Father Mother

1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child 4th Child

(Normal) (Normal) (Albino) (Normal)

() If A = normal allele, a = albino allele, then genotypes of father and mother are respectively
() What are the chances of this couple’s fifth child being an albino? [1.0]

() The disease sickle-cell anaemia is caused by the substitution of _(i)_ by _(ii)_ at the _(iii)_
position of _(iv)_ globin chain of haemoglobin molecule.
Fill the blanks in the above statement? [2.0]

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
(V) This abnormality occurs due to monosomy (2n – 1); the individual has 2n = 45 chromosomes
with 44 + XO genotype. [1.0]
(A) Edward’s syndrome (B) Down’s syndrome
(C) Turner’s syndrome (D) Klinefelter’s syndrome


40. (A) What does X and Y represent in the given representation. [1.0]
Phosphoric + Sugar + Nitrogenous base

() The technique which involves identification of RNA by labeled DNA or RNA probe is _____.

B () Which of the following options correctly describes the sequence of structures present
between a receptor and an effector when D refers dendrite, A refers axon, S refers synapse
and CB refers to cell body? [1.0]

() The given figure illustrates the axonal membrane and propagation of nerve impulse. What
will be the direction of propagation of the nerve impulse? [1.0]

(C) While driving down the interstate at rush hour you get cut off by an 18-wheeler and have to
slam on the brakes, In addition to a major case of road rage, you develop a rapid heat beat
rate and rapid breathing rate. What’s causing this reaction? Your answer should indicate the
branch of nervous system involved. [1.0]

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

41. (A) The diagram of large intestine of man is given here. Identify the parts labeled as A, B, C, D,
E and F. [3.0]

(B) Refer the given flowchart. [1.0]

Ca 
Milk casein  Paracasein 
 Calcium paracaseinate  Proteases & Peptones

 Curdling of milk 
In reaction, letters ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ denote:

(C) If for some reason the parietal cells of the gut epithelium became partially functionless, what
is likely to happen? [1.0]


42. (I) (a) A certain road accident patient with unknown blood group needs immediate blood
transfusion. His one doctor friend at once offers his blood. What was the blood group of the
donor? [0.5]
(b) Clumping of RBC may occur when blood of one person is mixed with serum or blood of
another person. This is due to _______. [0.5]
(c) ‘X’ is the rhythmic contraction and relaxation in aorta and its main arteries. What is ‘X’?

() Study the nitrogen cycle given below and identify the microorganisms involved at steps (i),
(ii) and (iii). [1.5]

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
(a) Given graphs P, Q, R and S show four stages of cell cycle i.e., G 1, S, G2 and M, but in
random order. Identify the stages and match with the activities of the cell. [1.5]
(i) Taxol (cancer, chemotherapy medication) treatment which prevents microtubule
deploymerization, arrests the cell at this stage.
(ii) With a nitrogen treatment, such as an epidermal growth factor, an arrested cell at this stage
proceeds to the next stage of the cell cycle.
(iii) The cell cycle check point at this stage confirms that DNA duplication is complete before the
cell proceeds to the next stage.

Select the correct sequence of words to complete the above paragraph.

(b) Cells which are not dividing are likely to be at ________. [0.5]

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C
5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B
9. C 10. B 11. C 12. B
13. B 14. B 15. C 16. D
17. B 18. D 19. C 20. B
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. B
25. C 26. A 27. A 28. A
29. B 30. C


31. (b) (i) To oxidise Ag

(ii) To convert Na2S to sulphate to avoid backward reaction.
(c) 11 g

2 
 n R2 / R1 

33. (a) % of C, H, O, N = 71.1, 6.7, 11.8 and 10.4

(b) (i) 11 (ii) 22 (iii) 44 (iv) 22
(c) 0.2 mole

34. 4

35. (a) (i) G is Ca(OH)2

(ii) A and G, A is NaOH
(b) 200 ppm
(c) (i) 84
(ii) 42.85%

36. 2

37. 9

38. (a) 22.4 L or one mole

(b) 25.6 g S and 25.6 g O2
(c) 12.8 g
(d) 100 g
(e) 4

39. Ans. Aa and Aa

Ans. 1 in 4 or 25%
Ans. (i) glutamic acid, (ii) valine, (iii) sixth, (iv) beta
Ans. C

40. Sugar + Nitrogenous base  Nucleoside

Sugar + Nitrogenous base + Phosphoric acid  Nucleotide
Ans. Southern blotting
Ans. D – CB – A – S – D – CB – A
Ans. XY
Ans. Activation of the sympathetic division of peripheral nervous system.

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.
41. A  Caecum, B  Vermiform appendix, C  Ascending colon, D  Transverse colon, E 
Descending colon, F  Sigmoid colon
Ans. Rennin and Pepsin
Ans. Protein will not be adequately hydrolyzed by pepsin in to proteoses and peptones.

42. Blood group – O

Ans. antigen-antibody reaction
Ans. Pulse
Ans. (i)  Nitrosomonas , (ii)  Nitrobacter, (iii)  Pseudomonas
Ans. (i)  P, (ii)  Q, (iii)  R
Ans. G0 phase

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31, 32, 33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000.

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