Finite Elements in Analysis and Design: Juan F. Monsalvo, Manuel J. García, Harry Millwater, Yusheng Feng
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design: Juan F. Monsalvo, Manuel J. García, Harry Millwater, Yusheng Feng
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design: Juan F. Monsalvo, Manuel J. García, Harry Millwater, Yusheng Feng
Sensitivity analysis for radiofrequency induced thermal therapies using the MARK
complex finite element method
Juan F. Monsalvoa, Manuel J. Garcíaa,b, , Harry Millwaterb, Yusheng Fengb
Applied Mechanics Research Group, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA
Keywords: In radiofrequency induced thermal procedures for cancer treatment, the temperature of the cancerous tissue is
Sensitivity analysis raised over therapeutic values while maintaining the temperature of the surrounding tissue at normal levels. In
Complex Taylor series expansion order to control these temperature levels during a thermal therapy, it is important to predict the temperature
Bioheat transfer equation distribution over the region of interest and analyze how the variations of the different parameters can affect the
Radio frequency ablation
temperature in the healthy and damaged tissue. This paper proposes a sensitivity analysis of the radiofrequency
Liver cancer treatment
induced thermal procedures using the complex Taylor series expansion (CTSE) finite element method (ZFEM),
which is more accurate and robust compared to the finite difference method. The radiofrequency induced
thermal procedure is modeled by the bioheat and the Joule heating equations. Both equations are coupled and
solved using complex-variable finite element analysis. As a result, the temperature sensitivity with respect to any
material property or boundary condition involved in the process can be calculated using CTSE.
Two thermal therapeutical examples, hyperthermia and ablation induced by radio frequency, are presented
to illustrate the capabilities and accuracy of the method. Relative sensitivities of the temperature were computed
for a broad range of parameters involved in the radiofrequency induced thermal process using ZFEM. The major
feature of the method is that it enables a comprehensive evaluation of the problem sensitivities, including both
model parameters and boundary conditions. The accuracy and efficiency of the method was shown to be
superior to the finite difference method. The computing time of a complex finite element analysis is about 1.6
times the computing time of real finite element analysis; significantly lower than the 2 times of forward/
backward finite differencing or 3 times of central differencing. It was found that the radiofrequency
hyperthermia procedure is very sensitive to the electric field and temperature boundary conditions. In the
case of the radiofrequency ablation procedure, the cooling temperature of the electrodes has the highest liver/
tumor temperature sensitivity. Also, thermal and electrical conductivities of the healthy tissue were the
properties with the highest temperature sensitivities. The result of the sensitive analysis can be used to design
very robust and safe medical procedures as well as to plan specific patient procedures.
Corresponding author at: Applied Mechanics Research Group, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia.
E-mail addresses: (J.F. Monsalvo), (M.J. García), (H. Millwater), (Y. Feng).
Received 14 February 2017; Received in revised form 1 June 2017; Accepted 2 July 2017
Available online 13 July 2017
0168-874X/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
term Q J (x) [W/m ] which is a product of the Joule heating. The steady 3. Evaluation of sensitivities
state version of the bioheat transfer equation is
A sensitivity analysis consists of determining the impact of a
λ∇2 T (x) + ρb Cb Gb [Tb − T (x)] + Qm (x) + Q J (x) = 0, (6) parameter on the output of a system. These parameters can be tissue
in which T [K ] denotes the temperature, λ (x) [W/mK ] is the thermal properties, initial and boundary conditions. The selection of the
conductivity, ρb [kg/m3] denotes the blood density, Cb [J/kg K ] is the method for computing sensitivities is not an easy task and key issues
specific heat capacity of the blood, Gb [1/s ] defines the perfusion rate, to be considered are the accuracy and the computational cost. It is also
Tb [K] is the temperature of the blood, Qm (x) [W/m3] denotes the important that the differentiation scheme be easy to implement.
metabolic heat source and Q J (x) [W/m3] is the added heat source There are four main methods for computing the sensitivities. First,
product of the radiofrequency induced thermal treatment. the direct differentiation method where the partial derivatives are
In summary, a differential electric potential is applied to the derived analytically, the results from this method are exact. It is
electrodes which produces an electric potential in the tissue that is efficient only when the number of design variables is low (Choi and
solved using Eq. (4). Once the potential is computed, the heating Kim [29]). Second, the adjoint method that can be thought of as the
source due to the Joule heating effect is computed using Eq. (5). reverse of direct differentiation, where the derivative is calculated from
Finally, the temperature distribution is computed from Eq. (6) using the outputs rather than the inputs using the calculus of variations. This
the Joule heating source previously calculated. Fig. 1 shows the method is a feasible solution for problems with many design variables
boundary conditions of the thermal model: a constant temperature and few outputs where the direct differentiation becomes difficult to
along the cooling pad and an adiabatic condition on the remaining implement (Choi and Kim [29]). Third, automatic differentiation or
external boundaries. computational differentiation that consist of the differentiation of the
computer code itself. Automatic differentiation is based on the concept
of the chain rule and the fact that a high-level function is composed of
2.1. FEM formulation multiple smaller functions each having its own partial derivative and
applying the chain rule of differentiation [30]. Fourth, the Finite
The radiofrequency thermal therapy problem characterized by Eqs. Difference method (FDM) is a straightforward method for obtaining
(4)–(6), are solved using the Finite Element Method (FEM). This sensitivities as there is no need of code changes. The calculation of the
method is expressed first in real variables and then followed by a sensitivities using the FDM consists of perturbing the variable of
complex variable representation. interest and recomputing the output, in order to determine the ratio
The discrete form of Eq. (4) that describes the electric potential ϕ of the change. The CTSE method is similar to the finite difference
using the Galerkin method is given by method as it uses a Taylor series expansion to approximate the
Hϕ = q . (7) derivative. However, CTSE method uses complex variable and the
perturbation is made in the imaginary axis. It is easy to code, robust,
where ϕ is a vector of the electric potential at discrete points, q is a accurate and does not suffer from subtraction error.
vector of loads (electric potential applied), and H is the system matrix The Taylor series expansion of f (x + ih ) is defined as
defined by
f ″(x )
f (x + ih ) = f (x ) + ihf ′(x ) − h2 + (h3).
∂N ∂Nj 2 (15)
Hij = ∫ σ i
Ω ∂xr ∂xr
(8) Taking the imaginary part of the f (x + ih ), that is, Im ( f (x + ih ))
where Ni (x) is the standard Lagrange basis defined over the nodes of neglecting the higher order terms and dividing by the step size (h)
the element. The r index stands for the coordinate axes (x1, x2 ) = (x, y), yields
and summation is assumed over repeated indices. In a similar way the Im( f (x + ih ))
discrete form of the bioheat transfer equation is given by f ′ (x ) = + (h2 ),
h (16)
(K + M) T = qb + qm + q J, (9) which is a second-order approximation of the first derivative. In other
words, the information of the first derivative is found in the imaginary
where K is the matrix due to diffusion, M and qb the matrix and vector
part of the function. As can be seen, Eq. (16) does not have a difference
due to the blood the perfusion rate, qm the metabolic heat source and
operation between two numbers. The step size should be extremely
q J the Joule heating source These terms are defined as follows
small in order to recover the exact numerical derivative. Additionally,
∂Nj (x) the method is straightforward to implement in an existing FEM code.
Kij = ∫Ω λ (x) ∂N∂ix(rx) ∂xr
dx ,
(10) This can be accomplished by either using the native complex data type
in a user-written code or by incorporating user-defined finite elements
into a commercial code as it was done in [17]. Eq. (16) yields accurate
Mij = ∫Ω Bb Ni (x) Nj (x) dx, (11) numerical derivatives when h is very small, e.g., h = 10−10 .
Computing the derivative in this way requires that the variables are
q bi = ∫Ω Bb Tb Ni (x) dx, (12)
complex consisting of real and imaginary parts. This implies an
increase in the memory and the computation time. Despite these
apparent drawbacks, the accuracy, robustness and ease of implementa-
q mi = ∫Ω Qm (x) Ni (x) dx, (13) tion of the CTSE method make it a great option for calculating first
order derivatives.
q Ji = ∫Ω QJ (x) Ni (x) dx, (14)
3.1. Implementation of the CTSE method into a finite element code
where Bb = ρb Cb Gb. The energy that the tissue receives via the electric
field is dissipated by the effect of the electrical resistivity of the The conversion of a real-valued FEM solver into a complex valued
material. Once the electric field is found from Eq. (7), the heat can FEM solver involves the transformation of each real number into
be calculated by computing the gradient of the electric field, using Eq. complex. A complex number, a + ib , can be represented as a pair (a,b)
(5), and then the temperature computed by solving the bioheat and numerous languages support operations among complex numbers.
equation, Eq. (9). Also, there are linear algebra modules with solvers that are capable of
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
handling complex variables. However, with the aim to support multi- Table 2
complex analysis in the future, this implementation was made using Thermal properties of the human blood. (Data source from reference [36]).
the Cauchy-Riemann matrix representation for a complex number
Temperature Specific Heat Density
[31]. If z is a complex number and z = a + ib , then, Tb [K] Cb [J/kg K] ρb [kg/m3]
⎡ Re(z ) − Im(z )⎤ ⎡ a − b ⎤
z ≔⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥. 310.15 4180 1000
⎣ Im(z ) Re(z ) ⎦ ⎣ b a ⎦ (17)
In matrix form the real part is located along the diagonal of the matrix.
electric potential were as follows
Operations between complex numbers are transformed into standard
matrix operations. The CTSE implementation was based on a standard
finite element code using linear triangular elements. The real variables • ϕ1 = 10 [V] on Γ1, the upper electrode.
• ϕ1 = −10 [V] on Γ2, the lower electrode.
were turned into complex variables using the Cauchy-Riemann matrix
notation. For example, a real valued element matrix Ke for a linear • ∂ϕ /∂n = 0 on Γ3 + Γ4 , ideal insulation on the remaining external
element is a 3×3 real matrix; for a complex matrix form it will be:
⎡ Re(K11) Re(K12 ) Re(K13) − Im(K11) − Im(K12 ) − Im(K13) ⎤ For the bioheat transfer the following boundary conditions were
⎢ ⎥ implemented
⎢ Re(K21) Re(K22 ) Re(K23) − Im(K21) − Im(K22 ) − Im(K23) ⎥
⎢ Re(K31) Re(K32 ) Re(K33) − Im(K31) − Im(K32 ) − Im(K33)⎥
• T = 32.5°C on Γ , Γ and Γ ; the cooling pad.
K =⎢
Im(K11) Im(K12 ) Im(K13) Re(K11) Re(K12 ) Re(K13) ⎥ 1 1 2 3
⎢ Im(K21) Im(K22 ) Im(K23) Re(K21) Re(K22 ) Re(K23) ⎥
• ∂T /∂n = f = 0 on Γ , zero heat flux on the
4 remaining external
⎢⎣ Im(K31) Im(K32 ) Im(K33) Re(K31) Re(K32 ) Re(K33) ⎥⎦ boundaries.
The computation of sensitivities was accomplished using CTSE with a
Finally, the solutions of the different partial differential equations step size of h = 10−10 for all parameters.
will result in a vector as
⎡ Re(u1) ⎤ 4.1. Methodology
⎡ Re(u1) ⎤ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ Re(u2 )⎥
⎢ Re( u2 ) ⎥ ⎢ Re(u3) ⎥ Solving the radiofrequency induced thermal process involves three
⎢ Re(u3) ⎥ ⎢ ∂u1 ⎥ steps. (a) Given an electrical potential at the electrodes, solve for the
u=⎢ = h ,
Im(u1) ⎥ ⎢ ∂k ⎥ electrical potential distribution in the whole domain, Eq. (4). (b)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ∂u2 ⎥
⎢ Im(u2 )⎥ ⎢ ∂k h ⎥ Determine the gradient of the electrical potential to compute the
⎢⎣ Im(u3) ⎥⎦ ⎢ ∂u3 ⎥ Joule heating source Eq. (5) (c) Given the Joule heating source, solve
⎢⎣ ∂k h ⎥⎦ (19) for the temperature distribution, Eq. (6). These two steady state
where the real part corresponds to the normal output of the system, equations were solved in a sequential fashion using the complex
whereas, the imaginary part divided by the step size h, will give us the variable implementation of the FEM code.
sensitivity with respect to the variable that was perturbed by h in the The problem was solved using four different meshes in order to
imaginary direction. This result is general and can be applied to any examine the convergence of the solution in the sensitivities. The
type of finite element of two- or three-dimensional domains. In those coarsest mesh contained 496 elements, the next mesh contained
cases, the number of degrees of freedom will change accordingly. 1984 elements, the third mesh contained 7936 elements, and the
finest mesh consisted of 13,206 elements. The solution for the
temperature at the center of the tumor and the relativity sensitivity
4. Numerical example of the temperature with respect to λ1 at the center of the tumor was
computed with each mesh and the results are compared in Fig. 2. It can
FEM and ZFEM implementations of the Joule heating and the be observed the asymptotic convergence of both solutions. The
bioheat transfer equation were developed in the Matlab ® language temperature result of the 1984 node mesh differs by 0.3% with respect
[32]. A simple geometric domain was selected to illustrate the to the finest mesh and the sensitivity result differs by 0.99%. The
capabilities of the method. This example, with the same geometry results for the 7936 node mesh differ by 0.04% for the temperature,
and boundary conditions, was used by Majchrzak et al. [27] and is
presented in Fig. 1. Its dimensions are 0.08[m] in the x direction and
0.04[m] in the y direction. The electrodes are located at the upper and
lower boundary from x = 0.032 to x = 0.048[m]. The tumor is repre-
sented as a square domain with size of 0.015[m] and its left inferior
vertex has a coordinate of x = 0.032[m], y = 0.016[m]. The values of the
properties used for the healthy and the tumor tissue are presented in
the Table 1. The values of the properties for the human blood are listed
in the Table 2.
For the purpose of this analysis, these properties were considered
independent of the temperature. The boundary conditions for the
Table 1
Thermal and electrical properties of a healthy (Ω1) and a carcinoma (Ω2) human liver at a
frequency of 100[kHz]. (Data source from references [33,34] and [35]).
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
Fig. 3. Electric potential and temperature field of the radiofrequency induced thermal process. (a) Electric potential field ϕ [V], (b) Temperature field distribution T [°C].
and by 0% for the sensitivity, with respect to the results of the finest tumor domain were calculated. That is, max(SkT (xj )) and ∑ j SkT (xj )/ N
mesh. for all xj ∈ Ω , with N the total number of nodes in Ω, and max(SkT (xj ))
Fig. 3 shows the electrical potential and the temperature distribu- N
and ∑ j 2 SkT (xj )/ N2 for all xj ∈ Ω2 , and N2 the total number of nodes in
tion for the example problem. It is observed that using a voltage of Ω2. The results of the maximum and averaged relative sensitivities of
−10 [V] and 10 [V] as boundary conditions, a maximum temperature of the temperature with respect to different variables (electrical conduc-
42.9°C was obtained and was located in the tumor region of the tivity, perfusion rate, metabolic heat and the thermal conductivity for
domain. This temperature value is just below the recommended the healthy and carcinoma tissue) were calculated and the results are
therapeutic value of 43°C . summarized in Table 3. The average sensitivity of the parameters on
At this point, in terms of the desired treatment, it is necessary to the tumor domain is plotted in Fig. 5. It can be observed that the
increase the temperature value at the tumor domain only. The electrical and the thermal conductivity of the healthy tissue are the two
procedure is to increase the difference in the electrical potential of properties with the greatest impact on the temperature, with an
the two electrodes. Furthermore, due to the delicate nature of the average relative sensitivity value of σ1 = 1.246 × 10−2 and
procedure, it is important to determine what is the effect of small λ1 = −1.242 × 10−2 respectively. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity
variations of the different parameters involved in the heating of the of the tumor, with SλT2 = −0.073 × 10−2 , and the electrical conductivity
tissue. Identifying the most critical factor and understanding the effect of the tumor, with SσT2 = 0.088 × 10−2 , seem not to have a significant
of the different variables in the radiofrequency induced thermal process influence on the temperature distribution even over the tumor region.
will lead to better treatments using this technique. Boundary conditions model the effect of the surroundings on the
object of interest. Their values are determined based on physical
4.2. Sensitivity analysis considerations or experimental measurements. Obviously, these data
may have measurement error or uncertainty. Therefore, it is important
The goal of the research is to determine the effect that the to characterize how sensitive are the results to the boundary condi-
parameters and the tissues properties have on the temperature tions. In order to compute these sensitivities, the following perturba-
distribution. This information can be used to obtain the best treatment tions were applied to the boundary conditions:
with a minimal collateral damage. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis for
each parameter and property was carried out using CTSE. Since the
sensitivity found by the CTSE method for each property is an absolute
• Electric field Dirichlet boundary condition: ϕ (x) = 10 + i h at the
top electrode, x ∈ Γ1.
sensitivity which can not be compared, a relative sensitivity is used. It
is defined as [37]
• ∂T (x)
Temperature field Newman boundary condition: ∂n = f = 0 + i h
at the adiabatic boundary, x ∈ Γ4 .
SkT (x) =
∂T (x)/ T (x)
∂ ln T (x)
k ∂T (x)
• Temperature field Dirichlet boundary condition: T (x) = 305.65 + i h
∂k / k ∂ ln k T (x) ∂k (20) at the cooling pad, x ∈ Γ1 + Γ3.
where k represents an arbitrary parameter of the model. Eq. (20) The first analysis will provide the temperature sensitivity with
provides a dimensionless value that can be used to compare the respect to the applied voltage, SϕTΓ . The second one will provide the
sensitivities obtained for all parameters. Fig. 4 presents the relative temperature sensitivity with respect to the heat flux through the
temperature sensitivities with respect to the thermal conductivity of the T
boundary S fΓ 4 . The third one will provide the temperature sensitivity
healthy (see Fig. 4a) and the tumor (see Fig. 4b) tissues; and with with respect to the assumed, or measured, temperature at the cooling
respect to the electrical conductivity of the healthy (see Fig. 4c) and the pad STTCP Table 4. The temperature sensitivities over the domain are
tumor (see Fig. 4d) tissues. It can be observed that these two properties shown in Fig. 6. Also, the maximum and average sensitivity over the
have opposite effects on the temperature. Increasing the thermal total domain Ω and the tumor domain Ω2 were calculated and are
conductivity will decrease the temperature and increasing the electric shown in Table 5. It can be observed that the temperature sensitivity
conductivity will increase the temperature. Also, the temperature is less with respect to the temperature boundary condition is 100% near to the
sensitive to the thermal conductivity of the carcinoma than to the cooling pad and decreases away from the boundary. This is an expected
thermal conductivity of the healthy tissue, and its effect seems to be result as this boundary condition sets the temperature and therefore
limited within the tumor region. The thermal conductivity of the has a one-to-one effect on the temperature of the healthy tissue near to
healthy tissue acts as a diffuser, spreading the temperature across the the cooling pad. Over the tumor region, the average sensitivity is
domain. On the other hand, an increase in the electrical conductivity of 36.87% and the maximum is 53.56%. These are large values when
the healthy tissue would lead to an increase in the temperature field on compared to the sensitivities with respect to the other parameters. The
the tumor region as the Fig. 4c suggests. However, it will also increase value of this boundary condition comes from experimental measure-
the temperature in the healthy tissue and its maximum value will be in ment. Therefore, very accurate measurements have to be made in order
the healthy region. to obtain accurate temperature values in the healthy and tumor tissues.
The relative sensitivity is computed at each point in the domain The second most influential boundary condition is the electric potential
SkT (xj ) with xj ∈ Ω representing a finite element node. In order to boundary condition. This value can be controlled in the radiofrequency
compare the sensitivities with respect to the different parameters its induced thermal procedure. An increase in the electric potential of the
maximum value and average value over the total domain and over the
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
Fig. 4. Relative sensitivity of temperature with respect to: (a) thermal conductivity of the healthy tissue SλT1 , (b) thermal conductivity of the tumor SλT2 , (c) electrical conductivity of the
healthy tissue SσT1 , (b) electrical conductivity of the tumor SσT2 .
Table 3
Average sensitivity of the temperature with respect to different properties. The values are multiplied by 100.
Maximum sensitivity over Ω −1.77 −0.203 −0.275 −0.807 0.320 0.785 1.500 0.432
Average sensitivity over Ω −0.78 −0.002 −0.056 −0.180 0.170 0.18 0.624 0.050
Maximum sensitivity over Ω2 −1.51 −0.203 −0.240 −0.807 0.200 0.785 1.370 0.260
Average sensitivity over Ω2 −1.242 −0.073 −0.153 −0.646 0.138 0.642 1.246 0.088
Table 4
Average and maximum sensitivity of the temperature with respect to the boundary
conditions. Values are multiplied by 100.
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
Fig. 6. Relative sensitivity of temperature with respect to the boundary conditions: (a) electrical Dirichlet boundary condition SϕTΓ , (b) ideal adiabatic boundary condition S TfΓ 4 , (c)
temperature at the cooling pad STTCP .
Table 5
Average and maximum sensitivity of the temperature with respect to the boundary
conditions. Values are multiplied by 100.
Fig. 8. Normalized error in the electrical conductivity sensitivity estimates ∂T /∂σ1, given
by finite-difference and the complex Taylor series expansion method for different step
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
Table 6
Computing time and memory requirements for complex-coded FEM for: a) Boundary condition perturbation, b) Material property perturbation. Real-coded FEM requirements are
presented for reference but they do not produce sensitivity information alone.
Real Complex
Num. Elem. DOF Num. Pos. sparse Total Time (s) DOF Num. Pos. sparse Total Time (s) Time ratio
Real Complex
Num. Elem. DOF Num. Pos. sparse Total Time (s) DOF Num. Pos. sparse Total Time (s) Time ratio
time increased only by a factor of 1.64 on average. These results determine the influence of the parameters in the resulting tumor/tissue
represent an improvement over the run-time increase reported in the temperature. This example is based on the experimental and numerical
literature for full matrix storage, e.g. Martins et al. [38] and Whitfield study developed by Fuentes et al. [1]. The RFA procedure used
et al. [39] reported increases in run-time by a factor of 3. In addition, consisted of a pulsed voltage emanating through a tri-cooled tip
there are other potential approaches to improve the efficiency of the electrode. The electrode was run in impedance mode for 12 minutes
complex method as the so-called complex variable semi-analytical per ablation and cooled with chilled water. The liver domain was
method [40]. subdivided into two domains the healthy tissue domain Ω1 and the
tumor domain Ω2. The boundary was subdivided into the external
4.4.1. Finite difference comparison boundary Γ2 and the electrodes Γ1 inside the tumor tissue. A 2D section
When forward or backward finite difference is used to compute a of the liver was used for the analysis.
sensitivity one needs to solve the problem at two different points. The
solution time is a factor of two and the truncation error is (h ). When 5.1. Liver properties
the central finite difference is used to improve the truncation error to
(h2 ), the problem needs to be solved at three different points. The The liver properties were selected as follows. The electric conduc-
increase in the solution time is a factor of three. In contrast, CTSE has a tivity of the healthy and tumor tissue at a frequency of 460 kHz were
truncation error of (h2 ) and the overhead time is only 1.6 times. obtained from [35], the heat transfer conductivities from [1] and the
Perfusion rates were from [41].
5. Liver ablation treatment sensitivities With regard of the metabolic heat transfer generation, the authors
found no agreement in the literature. For example, a value of
Fig. 9 shows the geometry of a human liver that was used to Qm = 1091 W/m3 for the healthy tissue is used by several authors like
illustrate the capabilities of the method. A sensitivity analysis of the [42,43]. This value is based on the paper by Mitchell [44]. Elia [45]
radiofrequency ablation (RFA) process was undertaken in order to identified the specific resting metabolic rates of major organs and
Fig. 9. 3D Liver geometry and a 2D section showing the resulting temperature of an radiofrequency ablation process. No cooling at the electrodes was considered in this case.
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
tissues in young adults with normal weight. A value of 9.7 W/m3 was Table 8
given for the liver. Fiala et al. [46] presented a computer model of Sensitivity of the temperature with respect to the metabolic heat for different range of
values. Qm (Ω1) is the metabolic heat for the healthy tissue and Qm (Ω2 ) for the tumor
human thermo-regulation for a wide range of environmental condi-
tions. A metabolic rate of 4100 W/m3 was given to the human viscera.
Kummitha et al. [47] computed the Energy Expenditure (EE), for Qm (Ω1) − Qm (Ω2 ) [W/m3]
different organs/tissues, using information from mouse and a mathe-
matical model. They proposed a metabolic heat rate for the liver of 0−0 10–100 420–4200 450–29,000
10.8 W/m3
maximum temp at tumor [°C] 54.65 54.65 54.70 55.04
No information was found relative to the liver tumor metabolic maximum temp at healthy [°C] 45.26 45.26 45.30 45.50
heat. However, Gautherie [48] used an electric analogy model of heat maximum sensitivity at tumor [%] 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.13
transfer in cancerous breast to determine the metabolic heat genera- maximum sensitivity at healthy [%] 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.08
tion. He proposed a value of 450 W/m3 for normal tissue and
29000 W/m3 for cancer tissue. Also, Liu and Xu [49] recognized the
lack of experimental measurements of this parameter and assumed a sensitivity of the temperature to the metabolic heat generation. The
value of 420 W/m3 for healthy and 4200 W/m3 for tumor tissues under- voltage was 15 V and no cooling was considered. Table 8 shows the
neath the skin. In [50], these values are multiplied by a factor of ten (no results obtained for the different ranges of metabolic heat. It can be
reason given). In spite of the uncertainty of these values, a number of observed that the maximum temperature changes only for very high
articles use this source for the metabolic heat generation. [51,52] and values of Qm and the change is about 1.3%. However, these high values
[27] are examples of that. have not been reported in liver cancer. It is also observed that local
Finally, some authors line Chang [6] assumed that the metabolic sensitivities obtained by CTSE are very small and therefore metabolic
heat source was an insignificant influence in the ablation simulation heat generation has a minor role in the ablation process.
and was not taken into account when solving the bioheat equation. Fig. 9 shows the temperature distribution for a voltage of 15 V and
Summarizing, the metabolic heat generation possible values are in a no cooling at the electrodes. In this case the maximum temperature at
range from zero to 29000 W/m3. Therefore, sensitivities of this para- the tumor was 54.65 °C and the maximum temperature at the healthy
meter along the whole range need to be computed. tissue was 45.26 °C. It can be observed that the higher temperatures
A summary of the properties of the healthy and tumor tissue are were concentrated in the tumor area. In contrast, Fig. 10 shows the
shown in Table 7 and the properties of the blood are shown in Table 2. temperature distribution for the same applied voltage but with cooling
at the electrode tips. It can be observed that there is a region in the
tumor in between the electrodes where the temperature does not reach
5.2. Boundary conditions
values higher than 35 °C and therefore that part of the tumor will not be
effectively treated. Also, the sensitivity map shows that the highest
The electric potential as varied in a range in order to obtain the
sensitive areas are precisely around the electrodes.
ablation temperatures. An electric potential of 15V, 20V, 30V was used
Based on the previous results, only the sensitivities with respect to
at the electrodes Γ1, and a zero potential at the external boundaries of
the cooling temperature STT∞ , convective cooling coefficient STh, electric
the liver Γ2.
potential boundary condition STV, and electric conductivity of the
The cooling at the electrodes was modelled as a thin cylinder with healthy tissue SσT1 were calculated. Their maximum and averaged values
water inside. As the diameter is very small, 1 mm, the fluid can be were calculated over the complete domain and over the healthy and
consider laminar and the convective coefficient approximated as tumor domains. The results are summarized in Table 9. It can be
h ≈ 2000 W/m2. K [53]. The cooling temperature was set to 30 °C and observed that the parameter with the largest influence in the tempera-
the temperature at the external boundary Γ2 was set to 37 °C . ture is the cooling temperature as it directly prescribe the values of the
temperature of the tissue in the vicinity of the electrodes. The second
5.3. Mesh convergence largest influence in the temperature is the electric potential applied. A
variation of the potential will affect the temperature over the whole
The problem was solved using three different meshes in order to domain. Another important parameter is the electric conductivity of
examine the convergence of the solution. The coarsest mesh contained the healthy tissue σ1. The relative sensitivity is about 5%. As this
3009 elements, the second mesh contained 5505 elements, and the variable is not under control of the process, special care must be taken
finest mesh consisted of 10,510 elements. Due to the unstructured when designing an adequate radiofrequency induced thermal process
nature of the mesh, the maximum norm of the temperature sensitivity as the main interest of the process is to raise the temperature of the
with respect to λ was used to test the solution convergence. The results tumor only. To accomplish this it will be desirable to increase the
were 0.4145 using the mesh with 3009 elements; 0.4139 with 5505 electrical conductivity value of the tumor. Some research in this
elements; and 0.4137 with 10,510 elements. It is observed that the last direction includes the introduction of nanoparticles [51,2,1,54,55]
two results differ only by 0.05%, which represents the relative error in which are capable of modifying the general properties into the tumor
the solution. Based on these results, the mesh with 5505 elements was region and concentrating the energy.
selected for the present study.
6. Conclusions
5.4. Results
Sensitivity analysis of the radiofrequency induced thermal process
The first set of computational experiments was designed to test the
was accomplished using the complex Taylor series expansion finite
element method. A finite element code was written to support complex
Table 7
Physical properties of the liver healthy tissue and liver tumor tissue. Metabolic heat
variables using the Cauchy-Riemann matrix representation.
transfer is evaluated in a range. Data source is presented in Section 5.1. Derivatives with respect to a parameter were obtained by perturbing
the variable of interest by a small amount h along the imaginary axis
Tissue λ [W/m°K] Gb [1/s] Qm [W/m3] σ [s/m] and then computing the imaginary part of the result. This constitutes a
major advantage when designing a medical treatment where the
Ω1 0.5 0.018 0 to 4200 0.26
Ω2 0.6 0.022 0 to 29000 0.504 sensitivities with respect to all the variables have to be considered in
order to design a robust and safe procedure.
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
Fig. 10. Temperature distribution and temperature sensitivity for a 15 V RFA procedure and colling temperature of 30 °C at the electrodes.
J.F. Monsalvo et al. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 135 (2017) 11–21
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