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Arihant Class12 Physics All India Solved Paper 2016

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650 Physics Class XII

CBSE Examination PAPER 2016

Physics (All India)
General Instructions
1. All questions are compulsory. There are 26 questions in all.
2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.
3. Section A contains five questions of one mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks
each, Section C contains twelve questions of three marks each, Section D contains one value based
question of four marks and Section E contains three questions of five marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two
marks, one question of three marks and all the three questions of five marks weightage. You have to
attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
5. You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary.
c = 3 ´ 10 8 m/s; h = 6 . 63 ´ 10 -34 Js; e = 1 . 6 ´ 10 -19 C; m 0 = 4p ´ 10 -7 TmA -1 ; e 0 = 8 .854 ´ 10 -12

C 2 N - 1 m- 2 ; = 9 ´ 10 9 Nm 2C -2; mass of electron (me ) = 9 .1 ´ 10 -31 kg; mass of neutron
4pe 0
(m n ) = 1 .675 ´ 10 -27 kg; mass of proton (mp ) = 1.673 ´ 10 -27 kg; Avogadro’s number = 6.023 ´ 10 23 per
gram mole; Boltzmann constant (k )= 1.38 ´ 10 -23 JK -1

Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 70

1. In what way is the behaviour of a diamagnetic 3. Why does sun appear red at sunrise and sunset?
material different from that of a 4. A charge q is moved from a point A above a dipole of
paramagnetic, when kept in an external
dipole moment p to a point B below the dipole in
magnetic field? equatorial plane without acceleration. Find the work
2. The plot of the variation of potential done in the process.
difference across a combination of three A
identical cells in series versus current is
shown below. What is the emf and internal
resistance of each cell?
–q +q



I 1A 5. Name the essential components of a communication

CBSE Examination Paper 2016 (All India) 651

13. Sketch the graphs showing variation of

SECTION B stopping potential with frequency of incident
radiations for two photosensitive materials A
6. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron and B having threshold frequencies n A > n B .
orbitting in the n = 2 states of hydrogen atom.
(i) In which case is the stopping potential more
7. A battery of emf 12 V and V and why?
internal resistance 2 W is (ii) Does the slope of the graph depend on the
connected to a 4 W resistor as 12 V 2Ω nature of the material used? Explain.
shown in the figure. 14. (i) State law of Malus.
(i) Show that a voltmeter when (ii) Draw a graph showing the variation of
placed across the cell and intensity ( I ) of polarised light transmitted by
across the resistor, in turn, 4Ω A an analyser with angle ( q) between polariser
gives the same reading. and analyser.
(ii) To record the voltage and the current in the circuit, (iii) What is the value of refractive index of a
why is voltmeter placed in parallel and ammeter in medium of polarising angle 60°?
series in the circuit?
15. Define an equipotential surface. Draw
8. Define ionisation energy. equipotential surfaces:
How would the ionisation energy change when (i) in the case of a single point charge and
electron in hydrogen atom is replaced by a particle (ii) in a constant electric field in Z-direction.
of mass 200 times that of the electron but having the
Why the equipotential surfaces about a single
same charge? charge are not equidistant?

(iii) Can electric field exist tangential to an
Calculate the shortest wavelength of the spectral equipotential surface? Give reason.
lines emitted in Balmer series. [Given, Rydberg
constant, R = 10 7 m - 1 ] 16. Use Biot-Savart’s law to derive the expression
for the magnetic field on the axis of a current
9. Define modulation index. Why is it kept low? What is carrying circular loop of radius R.
the role of a band pass filter?
Draw the magnetic field lines due to a circular
10. A ray PQ incident normally on the A wire carrying current ( I ).
refracting face BA is refracted in the P
prism BAC made of material of 17. Define the term wavefront. State Huygens’
Q principle.
refractive index 1.5. Complete the
path of ray through the prism. From Consider a plane wavefront incident on a thin
which face will the ray emerge? convex lens. Draw a proper diagram to show
Justify your answer. 60° how the incident wavefront traverses through
B C the lens and after refraction focuses on the
focal point of the lens, giving the shape of the
emergent wavefront.
11. (i) Derive an expression for drift velocity of free Explain the following giving reasons :
electrons. (i) When monochromatic light is incident on a
(ii) How does drift velocity of electrons in a metallic surface separating two media, then both
conductor vary with increase in temperature? reflected and refracted light have the same
Explain. frequency as the incident frequency.
12. (i) Write the basic nuclear process involved in the (ii) When light travels from a rarer to a denser
emission of b in a symbolic form by a radioactive medium, then speed decreases. Does this
nucleus. decrease in speed imply a reduction in the
energy carried by the wave?
(ii) In the reactions given below:
(iii) In the wave picture of light, intensity of light is
6 C ® yB + x + n
(a) 11 z

determined by the square of the amplitude of

(b) 12
C® C+
12 20 c
Ne + He
6 6 a b the wave. What determines the intensity in the
Find the values of x , y and z and a, b and c. photon picture of light?
652 Physics Class XII

18. For a CE-transistor amplifier, the audio signal Answer the following questions:
voltage across the collector resistance of 2 kW is (i) State the principle and working of a dynamo.
2 V. Suppose the current amplification factor of (ii) Write two values each displayed by Ram and his
the transistor is 100, find the input signal voltage school teacher.
and base current, if the base resistance is 1 kW.
19. (i) Identify the part of the electromagnetic
spectrum which is SECTION E
(a) suitable for radar system used in aircraft 24. (i) Derive the mathematical relation between
navigation, refractive indicesn1 andn2 of two radii and radius
(b) produced by bombarding a metal target by of curvature R for refraction at a convex
high speed electrons. spherical surface. Consider the object to be a
(ii) Why does a galvanometer show a momentary point since lying on the principal axis in rarer
deflection at the time of charging or discharging medium of refractive index n1 and a real image
a capacitor? Write the necessary expression to formed in the denser medium of refractive index
explain this observation. n2. Hence, derive lens maker’s formula.
(ii) Light from a point source in air falls on a convex
20. (i) Which mode of propagation is used by
spherical glass surface of refractive index
shortwave broadcast services having frequency
1.5 and radius of curvature 20 cm. The distance
range from a few MHz upto 30 MHz? Explain
of light source from the glass surface is 100 cm.
diagrammatically how long distance
At what position is the image formed?
communication can be achieved by this mode.
(ii) Why is there an upper limit to frequency of Or
waves used in this mode? (i) Draw a labelled ray diagram to obtain the real

image formed by an astronomical telescope in

21. (i) Explain with the help of a diagram the formation normal adjustment position. Define its
of depletion region and barrier potential in a p-n magnifying power.
(ii) You are given three lenses of power 0.5 D, 4 D
(ii) Draw the circuit diagram of a half-wave rectifier and 10 D to design a telescope.
and explain its working.
(a) Which lenses should be used as objective
22. (i) When an AC source is connected to an ideal and eyepiece? Justify your answer.
inductor, show that the average power supplied (b) Why is the aperture of the objective
by the source over a complete cycle is zero. preferred to be large?
(ii) A lamp is connected in series with an inductor
and an AC source. What happens to the
25. (i) Use Gauss’s law to find the electric field due to a
uniformly charged infinite plane sheet. What is
brightness of the lamp when the key is plugged in
the direction of field for positive and negative
and an iron rod is inserted inside the inductor?
charge densities?
(ii) Find the ratio of the potential differences that
L must be applied across the parallel and series
combination of two capacitorsC 1 andC 2 with their
capacitances in the ratio 1 : 2 so that the energy
stored in the two cases becomes the same.
(i) If two similar large plates, each of area A having
SECTION D surface charge densities + s and - s are
separated by a distance d in air, find the
23. Ram is a student of class X in a village school. His expressions for
uncle gifted him a bicycle with a dynamo fitted in (a) field at points between the two plates and
it. He was very excited to get it. While cycling on outer side of the plates. Specify the
during night, he could light the bulb and see the direction of the field in each case.
objects on the road. However, he did not know
how this device works. He asked this question to (b) the potential difference between the
his teacher. The teacher considered it an plates.
opportunity to explain the working to the whole (c) the capacitance of the capacitor so
class. formed.
CBSE Examination Paper 2016 (All India) 653

(ii) Two metallic spheres of radiiR and 2R are charged Or

so that both of these have same surface charge (i) Explain the meaning of the term mutual
density s. If they are connected to each other with
inductance. Consider two concentric circular
a conducting wire, in which direction will the
coils, one of the radius r1 and the other of radius
charge flow and why?
r2 (r1 < r2 ) placed coaxially with centres
26. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of a step-down coinciding with each other. Obtain the
transformer. State the principle of its working. expression for the mutual inductance of the
(ii) Express the turn ratio in terms of voltages. arrangement.
(iii) Find the ratio of primary and secondary currents (ii) A rectangular coil of area A, having number of
in an ideal transformer. turns N is rotated at f revolutions per second in
a uniform magnetic field B, the field being
(iv) How much current is drawn by the primary of a
perpendicular to the coil. Prove that the
transformer connected to 220 V supply when it
maximum emf induced in the coil is 2pf NBA.
delivers power to a 110 V to 550 V refrigerator?

1. When paramagnetic materials are placed in external Total potential at point A due to + q charge,
magnetic field, these are feebly magnetised in the kq kq
VA = =
direction of the applied external magnetic field whereas r 1

in case of diamagnetic materials, these are feebly (x 2 + y 2 ) 2

magnetised opposite to that of applied external magnetic Total potential at point A due to - q charge,
field. - kq - kq
VA¢ = = 1
2. According to question, r
(x 2 + y 2 ) 2
Maximum potential of three cells each of emf E is given
in graph (i.e. 6 V) So, net potential = VA + VA¢ = 0
So, 3E= 6 V Similarly at point B, potential will be 0.
6 So, net work done = DV ´ q = 0.
E= = 2 V
3 5. The essential components of a communication system
Internal resistance of three cells each of resistance r can are
be calculated as Transmitter, channel and receivers.
V = I ´ 3r [all are in series]
V 6 6. Energy of electron at n = 2 states is
Þ 3r = =
I 1 - 13.6 - 13.6
E= = = - 3.4 eV
Þ r = 2W n2 (2)2 (1)
3. During sunrise and sunset, the rays have to travel a larger Now, de-Broglie wavelength of electron is given by
part of the atmosphere because they are very close to the
h h
horizon. l= =
Therefore, light rays other than red is mostly scattered p 2mK
away. Most of the red light, which is the least scattered, h
enters our eyes. Hence, the sun appears red at sunrise and = [Q| K | = | E |]
6.62 ´ 10 -34
4. According to questions, =
. ´ 10 -31 ´ 3.4 ´ 16
2 ´ 91 . ´ 10 -19
6.62 ´ 10 -34
r r =
y 10 ´ 10 -25
x x
+q = 0.662 ´ 10 -9
= 6.62 ´ 10 -10
B = 6.62 Å (1)
654 Physics Class XII

7. According to question, 10. Given, refractive index of the material of the prism,
V m = 1.5

12 V, 2 Ω P
(i) Net current in the circuit = = 2A 60°
6 B C
Voltage across the battery, \Critical angle for the material
Vb = 12 - 2 ´ 2 = 8V 1 1 æ2ö
sin c = = = 2/3 Þ c = sin -1 ç ÷ ~
- 42°.
Voltage across the resistance m 1.5 è3ø
Vr = IR = 2 ´ 4 = 8V (1) From the ray diagram, it is clear that angle of incidence
(ii) In order to measure the device's voltage for a i = 30° < c .
voltmeter, it must be connected in parallel to that Therefore the ray incident at the face AC will not suffer
device. This is necessary because device in parallel total internal reflection and merges out through this
experiences the same potential difference. face. (2)
An ammeter is connected in series with the circuit
11. (i) If t be the average time between two successive
because the purpose of the ammeter is to measure
collision, the distance during this period is

the current through the circuit. Since, the ammeter

1 1 æ eEö
is a low impedance device. Connecting in parallel l = a(t)2 = ç ÷ (t)2
with the circuit would cause a short-circuit, 2 2 èmø (1)
damaging the ammeter of the circuit. (1) l 1 eE t2
Drift velocity, v d = =
8. The ionisation energy (IE) is qualitatively defined as the t 2m t
amount of energy required to remove the most loosely eE
vd = t
bound electron, the valence electron of an isolated 2m (1)
gaseous atom to form a cation. Since, total energy is
directly proportional to the mass of electron. (ii) As the temperature of a conductor is increased, the
So, the ionisation energy becomes 200 times on thermal agitation increases and the collisions
replacing an electron by a particle of mass 200 times of become more frequent. The average time t
the electron and of same charge. (1)
between the successive collisions decreases and
hence the drift speed decreases. Thus, the
Or conductivity decreases and the resistivity of the
According to question, shortest wavelength of the conductor increases. (1)
spectral lines emitted in Balmer series is given by
12. (i) The basic nuclear process involved in the emission
1 é1 1 ù
of b + during radioactivity is given by
= Rê 2 - 2 ú
l ë 2 ¥ û A
Z X ¾® A
Y + b+ + n
Z -1 (1)
1 10 4 éQR = 10 7 ù (ii) (a) According to question,
Þ = Þl= 7
l 4 10 ëê ûú 11 z
6 C ¾® y B + x + n …(i)
-7 +
= 4 ´ 10 m = 4000Å (1) For b -decay
9. The modulation index or modulation depth of a Z X
¾® Z - 1Y A + b + + n …(ii)
modulation scheme describes by how much the On comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
modulated variable of the carrier signal varies around its y = 5, z = 11and x = b + (1)
unmodulated level. It is the ratio of modulation (b) 6 C + 6 C ¾® 20a Ne + cb He
12 12
… (i)
amplitude with carrier amplitude. (1)
Helium have 4 mass number and 2 charge
Modulation index is kept low so that no distortion number. So reaction will be
occurs in the modulated wave. 12 12 20 4
6 C + 6 C ¾® 10 Ne + 2 He … (ii)
The role of band pass filter is to limit the bandwidth of
On comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
the output signal. (1)
a = 10, b = 2 and c = 4 (1)
CBSE Examination Paper 2016 (All India) 655

13. Variation of stopping potential with frequency of (ii) Equipotential surfaces when the electric field is in
incident radiation. 2-direction.
Y Equipotential
νA νB E

The equipotential surfaces due to a single point
charge is represented by concentric spherical shells
(1) of increasing radius, so they are not equidistant. (1)
(i) In case of material B, stopping potential is more (iii) No, the electric field does not exist tangentially to
because the threshold frequency is more for an equipotential surface because no work is done in
material B. (1) moving a charge from one point to other on
(ii) For two different materials A and B these graphs are equipotential surface. This indicates that the
parallel lines, i.e. they have same slopes. But the component of electric field along the equipotential
threshold frequencies are different for the two surface is zero. Hence, the equipotential surface is
metals. (1) perpendicular to field lines. (1)
14. (i) According to law of Malus, when a beam of 16. Let us consider a circular loop of radius a with centre C.
completely plane polarised light is incident on an Let the plane of the coil be perpendicular to the plane of

analyser, the resultant intensity of light I the paper and current I be flowing in the direction as
transmitted from the analyser varies directly as the shown in the figure. Suppose P is any point on the axis at
square of the cosine of the angle q between the a direction r from the centre.
plane of transmission of analyser and polariser.
L dl
dB cos φ
i.e. I µ cos 2 q dB
√r 2 + a2
This rule is also called cosine squared rule. a φ
\ I = I 0 cos 2 q (1) φ P
I C dB sin φ
where, I 0 is the intensity of the polarised light after r φ dB sin φ
passing through P1 the above discussion. I φ
dB cos φ
(ii) Variation of intensity with angle q dB
M Q′
I0 I=I0 cos2θ dl

Now, consider a current element Idl on top (L) where
current comes out of paper normally, whereas at
bottom (M) enters into the plane of paper normally.
90° 180° 270°
Q LP ^ Idl
θ (1)
Also, MP ^ Idl
(iii) As we know, m = tani p
Q LP = MP = r 2 + a2
where, i p = polarising angle, m = refractive index
m = tan60° = 3 The magnetic field at point P due to current
element Idl. According to Biot-Savart’s law,
15. Any surface that has same electric potential at every
m Idl sin 90°
point on it is called equipotential surface. dB = 0 × 2
4p (r + a2 )
(i) Equipotential surface in case of single point charge
where, a = radius of circular loop
r = distance of point P from centre along the axis.
The direction of dB is perpendicular to LP and along PQ,
where PQ ^ LP. Similarly, the same magnitude of
E +q Equipotential
magnetic field is obtained due to current element Idl at
the bottom and direction is along PQ ¢, where
(1) PQ ¢ ^ MP.
656 Physics Class XII

Now, resolving dB due to current element at L and (i) Frequency is the characteristic of the sources while
MdB cos f components balance each other and net wavelength is the characteristic of the medium.
magnetic field is given by When monochromatic light travels from one
m æ Idl ö a medium to another, its speed changes, so its
B = ò dB sin f = ò 0 ç 2 ÷× wavelength changes but frequency remains same.
4p è r + a ø r + a2
2 2
(ii) No, the reduction in the speed of light does not
é a ù imply the reduction in the energy of the light wave
êQIn DPCL, sin f = ú because the energy carried by a wave depends on
êë r + a2
the amplitude of the wave.
m0 Ia (iii) In the photon picture of light, intensity of a light
4p (r + a2 )3 /2 ò
= 2
point is determined by the number of photons
m Ia incident per unit area.
= 0 2 (2pa)
4p (r + a2 )3 /2 18. According to question,
m Ia2 RC = 2 kW = 2 ´ 103 W, b = 100, VBB = 2 V
or B = 2 0 2 3 /2 RB = 1 kW = 1 ´ 103 W,
2(r + a )
[symbols have usual meanings]
For N turns, VBB 2
m N Ia2 Now, I C = = = 1 mA
B = 2 0 2 3 /2 RC 2 ´ 103
2 (r + a ) (2) I I 1 mA
The diagram of magnetic field lines due to a circular wire b = C Þ IB = C = = 0.01 mA
IB b 100 (2)
carrying current I is. 3
Input signal voltage = I B ´ RB = 0.01 ´ 1 ´ 10

= 10 W (1)
19. (i) (a) Microwaves are used in radar system for
aircraft navigation due to their short
(b) X-rays are produced by bombarding a metal
(1) target by high speed electrons. (1)
(ii) During charging and discharging of the capacitor,
17. Wavefornt A wavefront is the locus of points (wavelets) there is a flow of charge from the battery towards
having the same phase (a surface of constant phase) of the plate of the capacitor, which produces a
oscillations. A wavelet is the point of disturbance due to conduction current in the circuit. Hence, the
propagation of light. (1)
galvanometer present in the circuit shows
A line perpendicular to a wavefront is called a ray. momentary deflection.
According to Huygens’ principle,
Maxwell modified Ampere’s circuital law in order
(i) Every point on the given wavefront (called primary to make it logically consistent. He started Ampere’s
wavefront) acts as a fresh source of new disturbance circuital law in the form of
called secondary wavelets, which travel in all
é df E ù
directions with the velocity of light in the medium. òB × d l = m 0 [I + I D ] = m 0 êë I + e 0 dt úû
(ii) A source touching these secondary wavelets
tangentially in the forward direction at any instant df
where, = rate of change of magnetic flux
gives the new wavefront as that instant. This is called dt
secondary wavefront. between the plates of the capacitor. (2)
When a point source is placed at the focus of a convex
lens, the rays emerging from the lens are parallel. 20. (i) Sky wave propagation is used by shortwave
Therefore, the wavefront must be plane wavefront. broadcast services having frequency range from a
few MHz upto 30 MHz. (1)

o sph
wavefront Ion
Sky waves
Lens R1 R2
Earth's surface R3
CBSE Examination Paper 2016 (All India) 657

Sky wave can travel very long distances and can even (ii) If the AC voltage to be rectified is connected to
travels round the earth. the primary coil of a step-down transformer.
Q Refractive index of ionosphere X is less than of free Secondary coil is connected to the diode through
space X 0 , i.e. X < X0 (1) resistors RL across which, output is obtained.
As we go high, the electron density decreases and Transformer A X
therefore X decreases. The refraction occurs till it
reaches critical angle and afterwards, it reflects
electromagnetic wave back on the earth’s surface. The Primary Secondary RL
critical frequency is given by n c = 9(Nmax ) 1/2
(ii) In general, 30 MHz > n c > 5 MHz, when frequency is
greater than n c , then it crosses the ionosphere and B Y
never reflects back on the surface of the earth. The During positive half cycle of the input AC, the p-n
ranges of critical frequency upto few MHz sets an junction is forward biased. Thus, the resistance in
upper limit to frequency of waves used in this mode.(1) p-n junction becomes low and current flows.
21. (i) In an n-type semiconductor, the concentration of Hence, we get output across the load.
electrons is more than concentration of holes. (a)

Voltage at A
Similarly, in a p-type semiconductor, the Input AC
concentration of holes is more than that of
concentration of electrons. During formation of p-n
junction and due to the concentration gradient across
p and n-sides, holes diffuse from p-side to n-side
Voltage across R L

(p ® n) and electrons diffuse from n-side to p-side

(n ® p ). Output voltage
The diffused charge carriers combine with their
counterparts in the immediate vicinity of the junction
and neutralise each other. (b) t
Thus, near the junction positive charge is built on During negative half cycle of the input AC, the p-n
n-side and negative charge on p-side. junction is reverse biased. Thus, the resistance of p-n
Electron diffusion junction is high and current does not flow. Hence, no
Electron drift output is in the load. (1½)

22. (i) According to question,

p n Let V = V0 sin wt
So, instantaneous current,
Depletion region I = I 0 sin(ωt - p / 2)
Hole diffusion
Hole drift [current lags voltage by p / 2]
æp ö
This set up potential difference across the junction = - I 0 sinç - wt ÷
è2 ø
and an internal electric field E i directed from n-side to
p-side. The equilibrium is established when the field E i = - I 0 cos wt
becomes strong enough to stop further diffusion of Work done in small time dt is
the majority charge carriers (however it helps the dW = Pdt = - V0 I 0 sin wt cos wt dt
minority charge carriers to diffuse across the junction). VI
= - 0 0 sin2wt dt
The region on either side of the junction which 2
becomes depleted (free) from the mobile charge The average power over complete cycle is
carriers is called depletion region or depletion layer. W 1 T
The width of depletion region is of the order of 10 -6 Pav = = ò W
T T0
m. (1½)
-V I T
The potential difference developed across the = 0 0 ò sin2wt dt
depletion region is called the potential barrier. 2T 0
Potential barrier depends on dopant concentration in V0 I 0 é cos 2wt ù
the semiconductor and temperature of the junction. 2T êë 2w úû 0
658 Physics Class XII

V0 I 0 é 4p ù (b) NM will be taken to be nearly equal to the length of
= ê cos t ú the perpendicular from the point N on the principal
4Tw ë T û0
V0 I 0
= [cos 4p - cos 0°] MN
4Tw tan ÐNOM =
=0 (2) MN
tan ÐNCM =
(ii) When the iron rod is inserted into the coil, its MC
inductance L increases m r times. Consequently, its MN
reactance X L = 2p f L increases. Hence, the tan ÐNIM =
impedance of the circuit increases, which decreases
For small angles, tanq » sinq » q
the current in the circuit and also the glow of MN
the bulb. (1) So, ÐNOM =
For DNOC , i is the exterior angle.
\ i = Ð NOM + Ð NCM
V = + …(i)
23. (i) The working of dynamo is based on the principle of For DNIC, ÐNCM is the exterior angle.
Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. \ ÐNCM = r + ÐNIM

The electric dynamo uses rotating coils of wire and or r = Ð NCM - Ð NIM
magnetic fields to convert mechanical rotation into MN MN
a pulsing direct electric current according to i.e. r= - …(ii)
Faraday’s law of induction. The motion of the wire
By Snell's law, n 1 sin i = n2 sin r
within magnetic field causes the field to push on
electrons in the metal, producing an electric current For small angles, n1i = n2 r
in the wire. (2)
Substituting the values of i and r from Eqs. (i) and (ii), we
(ii) Ram is intelligent and a good learner. He has
æ MN MN ö æ MN MN ö
awareness of technologies. n1ç + ÷ =n ç - ÷
è OM MC ø 2 è MC MI ø
His school teacher shows the value of presence of
mind knowledge of subject, concern for his n1 n n - n1
or + 2 = 2 …(iii)
students, etc. (2) OM MI MC
24. (i) A refracting surface which forms a part of a sphere Applying new cartesian sign conventions,
of transparent refracting material is called a OM = - u Þ MI = + v
spherical refracting surface. MC = + R
Substituting these values in Eq. (iii), we obtain
n2 n 1 n2 - n 1
n1 N n2 - = …(iv)
i v u R (3)
r This equation holds for any curved spherical surface.
O C I Lens Maker’s formula
M If a convex lens is made up of two convex spherical
refracting surfaces. The final images formed after two
u v
refractions. Let n2 be the refractive index of the material
of the lens and n 1 be the refractive index of the rarer
The above figure shows the geometry of formation of
medium around the lens.
image I of an object O and the principal axis of a
spherical surface with centre of curvature C and radius N
of curvature R. n1
n2 C
Assumptions O
v I1
(a) The aperture of the surface is small as compared to
u R v1
other distance involved.
CBSE Examination Paper 2016 (All India) 659

Let R1 be the radius of curvature of second surface of (i) In astronomical telescope for normal adjustment
the lens, I 1 would have been a real image of O formed final image is formed at infinity and it is virtual. The
after refraction, then from Eq. (iv), labelled ray diagram to obtain one of the real image
n2 n 1 n2 - n 1 formed by the astronomical telescope is as follows.
- = … (v)
v1 u R1 fo fe
Parallel rays
Let R2 be radius of curvature of the second surface of object at in
the lens. Refraction is now taking place from denser to fe fo
α B′′
rarer medium α B′ β
C1 C2
n 1 n2 n2 - n 1
- = … (vi) Eye
v v1 R2
(Virtual imag
Adding Eqs. (v) and (vi), we get A′′
n1 n1 æ1 1ö Magnifying power is defined as the ratio of the
- = (n2 - n 1) ç - ÷ … (vii)
v u è R1 R2 ø angle subtended at the eye by the focal image as
n2 seen through the telescope to the angle subtended
Put = n = refractive index of material of the lens at the eye by the object seen directly, when both
the image and the object lies at infinity. (3)
with respect to surrounding medium (ii) (a) We know objective lens of a telescope should
1 1 æ n2 öé1 1ù have larger focal length and eyepiece lens
- = ç - 1÷ ê - ú …
v u è n1 ø ë R1 R2 û should have smaller focal length. And focal
length is inverse of power, so lens of power
1 0 D can be used as eyepiece and lens of

When object on the left of lens is at infinity, then image power 0.5 D can be used as objective lens.
is formed at the principal focus of the lens.
(b) The objective lens of a telescope should have
\When u = ¥, v = f = focal length of the lens.
larger aperture, in order to form bright image
1 é1 1ù of an distant objects, so that it can gather
\ = (n - 1) ê - ú
f ë R1 R2 û sufficient light rays from the distant objects. (2)
This is the lens maker’s formula. 25. (i) Let s be the surface charge density of the sheet.
(ii) According to question, From symmetry, E on either side of the sheet must
n1 = 1 [Given] be perpendicular to the plane of the sheet, having
n2 = 1.5 same magnitude at all points equidistant from
R = 20 cm the sheet.
u = - 100 cm ∧ ∧
n n
So, from surface formula
n2 n 1 n2 - n 1 E E
- = ∧
v u R ∧ Q
n n
1.5 1 1.5 - 1 n r n
Þ + = r
v 100 20
1.5 05 . 1
Þ = -
v 20 100 We take a cylinder of cross-sectional area A and
length 2r as the Gaussian surface.
1.5 5 1
Þ = - On the curved surface of the cylinder, E and n$ are
v 200 100 perpendicular to each other. Therefore, flux
1.5 5 - 2 3 through curved surface is zero.
Þ = =
v 200 200 Flux through the flat surfaces = EA + EA = 2EA
1.5 3 \ Total electric flux over the entire surface of
= cylinder, f E = 2EA
v 200
Total charge enclosed by the cylinder, q = sA
200 ´ 1.5 300
Þ v= = q
3 3 According to Gauss’s law, f E =
= 100 cm (2)
660 Physics Class XII

sA s Outside the plate electric field will be zero because

\ 2EA = or E =
e0 2e 0 of opposite direction. (1)

E is independent of r, the distance of the point from (b) Potential difference between the plates is given by
the plane charged sheet. sd æ sö
V = Ed = çQE = ÷
It means that the electric field intensity is same for all e0 è e 0 ø (1)
points close to the plane sheet of charge E at any (c) Capacitance of the capacitor is given by (QQ = CV)
point is directed away from the sheet carrying
positive charge and directed towards the sheet in Q sA e A
C= = e0 = 0
case of negative charge. (3) V sd d (1)
(ii) According to question, in parallel combination (ii) According to question,
energy stored in the capacitor
1 1 2R
= C 1V12 + C2 V12 R
2 2
In series combination energy stored in the capacitor
1 C1C2
= V22
2 (C 1 + C2 ) Potential at the surface of radius R,
Energy in both the cases is same so, kq
= [Q q = s ´ 4pR2 ]
æ1 1 ö 2 C 1 C2 R
ç C 1 + C2 ÷ V1 = V22
è2 2 ø 2(C 1 + C2 ) ks 4pR2
Þ = sk4pR
V12 C 1 C2 ´ 2 R
Þ =

2(C 1 + C2 )(C 1 + C2 ) = 4kspR
V 2
Potential at the surface of radius 2R,
V1 C 1 C2 kq
Þ = = [Q q = s ´ 4p(2R)2 = 16s p R2 ]
V2 C 1 + C2 2R
C1 1 ks16pR2
But, = Þ C2 = 2 C 1 So, = 8kspR
C2 2 2R
Since, the potential of bigger sphere is more.
V1 C 1 ´ 2C 1 2C1 2
So, = = = So, charge will flow from sphere of radius 2R to
V2 C 1 + 2C 1 3 C1 3 (2) sphere of radius R. (2)
Or 26. (i) The labelled diagram of a step-down transformer is
(i) According to questions
+ –
+ – AC
∼ P S To
+ –
+ –
+ –
Laminated iron core
+ – (1)

+ – Working principle
A d A
The principle of step-down transformer is based on
(a) Electric field due to plate of positive charge at mutual induction.
s (ii) As we know, for a transformer
point P =
2e 0 df
VS = - N S
s dt
Electric field due to other plate =
2e 0 df
VP = - N P
Since, they have same direction so, dt
s s s VS N S
E net = + = So, =
2e 0 2e 0 e 0 VP N P (1)
CBSE Examination Paper 2016 (All India) 661

(iii) Assuming the efficiency to be 100% for ideal so, Change in magnetic flux in the coil of radius r1 is
transformer, m I
I P VP = I S VS (Power input = power output) f = B A = 0 1 ´ pr12
So, = = 2
f m 0 I 1p r1
I S VP N P Mutual inductance, M = =
NS I 1 2r2 ´ I 1
= turn ratio
NP m 0 p r12
(1) =
(iv) According to question, 2r2
Primary voltage (VP ) = 220 V This is the required expression. (3)
Secondary voltage (VS ) = 110 V (ii) According to question, if the coil rotates with an
P 550 angular velocity of wand N turns through an angle q
Secondary current (I S ) = = = 5A
V 110 in time t, thus q = wt
I p VS V \ f = BAcos q
So, = Þ I P = S ´ IS = BA cos wt
110 As the coil rotates, the magnetic flux linked with it
= ´ 5 = 2.5A changes. An induced emf is set up in the coil which
220 (2)
is given by
Or - df - d
(i) According to question, let the current in big coil of e= = (BA cos wt)
dt dt
radius r2 be I 1 so, magnetic field at point O due to
m I = BAw sin wt
this coil will be 0 1 .

For N number of turns,
I1 e = NBAw sin wt
For maximum value of emf wt must be equals to
So, maximum emf induced is
O = NBAw
i.e. e = NBA2pf [Q w = 2pf ]
r2 (2)

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