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This standard test method outlines procedures for determining the adhesion or cohesion strength of thermal spray coatings by subjecting coated specimens to tensile loading.

This test method is recommended for quality control, acceptance testing, or to help develop or qualify thermal spray equipment, procedures, or coatings with improved adhesion and integrity.

Bondmaster M666 or M777, Epon 911F, Armstrong A-12, and Hysol XA7-H368 Grey are some examples of adhesive bonding agents mentioned.

Designation: C633 − 01 (Reapproved 2008)

Standard Test Method for

Adhesion or Cohesion Strength of Thermal Spray Coatings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C633; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the degree safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
of adhesion (bonding strength) of a coating to a substrate or the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
cohesion strength of the coating in a tension normal to the priate safety and health limitations prior to use.
surface. The test consists of coating one face of a substrate 2. Referenced Documents
fixture, bonding this coating to the face of a loading fixture, and
subjecting this assembly of coating and fixtures to a tensile 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
load normal to the plane of the coating. It is adapted particu- E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
larly for testing coatings applied by thermal spray, which is
3. Significance and Use
defined to include the combustion flame, plasma arc, two-wire
arc, high-velocity oxygen fuel, and detonation processes for 3.1 This test method is recommended for quality control,
spraying feedstock, which may be in the form of, wire, rod, or acceptance testing; or it may help to develop or qualify a
powder. thermal spray operator’s equipment and procedure or to aid in
developing thermal spray coatings with improved adhesion and
NOTE 1—Thermal spray coating materials include ceramics, such as
metal oxides or carbides, and metals. In some cases, a coating is formed
of different spray materials, such as an oxide layer sprayed onto a sprayed 3.2 This test method is useful for comparing adhesion or
metal-bonding layer. The substrate generally is a metal, but may be a cohesion strengths of coatings of similar types of thermal spray
ceramic, such as an oxide or graphite.
materials. The test should not be considered to provide an
1.2 Usually this test method is performed at ambient tem- intrinsic value for direct use in making calculations, such as to
perature. Higher temperature testing is restricted by the need determine if a coating will withstand specific environmental
for a suitable adhesive bonding agent. For certain fundamental stresses. Because of residual stresses in thermal spray coatings,
investigations, it is suggested that very low (cryogenic) tem- actual strength depends upon the shape of the particular coated
perature be used. part. Also, in use, a coating may be stressed in a more complex
1.3 This test method is limited to testing thermal spray manner than is practical for a standard test.
coatings that can be applied in thickness greater than 0.015 in.
(0.38 mm). The limitation is imposed because an adhesive 4. Apparatus
bonding agent is used in the test. Those bonding agents 4.1 A tension testing machine shall conform to the require-
established so far for this method tend to penetrate thermal ments of Practices E4. The loads used in determining the
spray coatings and may invalidate results unless the coatings adhesion or tensile strength shall be within the loading range of
are thick enough to prevent penetration through the coating. the testing machine, as defined in Practices E4. Permissible
Further development may establish that thin layers of certain variation shall be less than 1.0 %. It shall be possible to apply
types of especially dense coatings may be tested satisfactorily. increasing tensile load at a constant rate of cross-head travel
Alternatively, new adhesive bonding agents that would allow between 0.030 in./min (0.013 mm/s) and 0.050 in./min (0.021
reduction of the minimum thickness limitation may become mm/s). The machine shall include a load-indicating device that
available. registers the maximum load applied before rupture occurs.
4.2 Self-aligning devices, for applying the tensile load to the
assembly of the coating and fixtures, shall not permit eccentric
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B08 on Metallic
and Inorganic Coatingsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B08.12 on
Materials for Porcelain Enamel and Ceramic-Metal Systems. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2008. Published September 2008. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1969. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as C633 – 01. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/C0633-01R08. the ASTM website.

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C633 − 01 (2008)
load or bending moment to the specimen. Self-alignment is 5.1.2 The bonding agent shall be sufficiently viscous not to
often provided by the manufacturer as an integral part of the penetrate through a 0.015-in. (0.38-mm) thickness of the
testing machine. An alternative, satisfactory apparatus is shown coating. Certain commercial resins that cure or harden at room
in Fig. 1, which also shows methods of connecting the temperature by means of a curing agent have been proven
self-aligning apparatus to an assembled test specimen. satisfactory. If any other bonding agent is to be used, it shall
first be compared with a proven bonding agent using this test
5. Material method with the desired thermal spray coating.
5.1 Adhesive Bonding Agent—A suitable adhesive bonding NOTE 2—Thermal spray coatings may have an inherent porosity.
agent shall be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer Excessive penetration of the adhesive bonding agent into this porosity
of the coating and shall meet the following requirements.3 may affect the results determined by this test method. Unless proved
satisfactory by comparison testing, any agent requiring elevated tempera-
5.1.1 The bonding agent shall be capable of bonding the ture for curing should be avoided because viscosity may decrease at high
coating to the loading fixture with a tensile strength that is at temperature, allowing penetration.
least as great as the minimum required adhesion and cohesion NOTE 3—When liquid epoxy bonding agents are used, there should be
strength of the coating. a procedure in place to ensure relatively consistent thickness on every
5.1.3 The adhesion strength of the bonding agent shall be
determined each time this test method is performed. This shall
be done by using the bonding agent to attach a loading fixture
A list of satisfactory bonding agents is provided in the annex which follows this

Metric Equivalents
in. ⁄
3 16 ⁄
14 ⁄
34 1 1 1⁄ 8 17⁄16 1 1⁄ 2 2 1⁄ 2
(mm) (4.8) (6.4) (19) (25.4) (29) (37) (38) (64)

FIG. 1 Self-Aligning Device

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C633 − 01 (2008)
to a second loading fixture, in accordance with 6.5, except that mm). The diameters of the two fixtures shall be the same and
the coated substrate fixture of 6.5 is replaced with the second shall be measured so that the error is no greater than 0.5 %.
loading fixture.
NOTE 5—In Appendix X1, an alternative substrate and fixture arrange-
NOTE 4—One reason for testing the bonding agent each time is to detect ment is provided that has proved cost effective and simple.
improper preparation of the agent if it is a two-part mix. Another reason
is that adhesion strength generally decreases with age of the unused agent. 6.1.1 Material for Substrate Fixture— The substrate fixture
If strength is lower than required, more adhesive bonding agent shall be shall be constructed of metal, preferably metal intended for use
prepared and tested, or the agent shall be discarded and replaced. as the substrate for the coating. If no such substrate material is
specified, the substrate fixture shall be SAE 1018 or 1020 steel.
6. Test Specimens
NOTE 6—If desired because of cost or ease of fabrication, it may be
6.1 Substrate and Loading Fixtures— Each test specimen is suitable to attach or bond a layer of the specified substrate material to a
an assembly comprising a substrate fixture, to which the fixture formed of any convenient metal. Such a layer of substrate material
coating is applied, and a loading fixture. The substrate and need not be metal. The layer must be substantially thicker than the
loading fixtures shall each be circular, solid cylinders of no less possible depth of effects on the substrate, such as recrystallization or
than 1.5 in. in length, or as agreed upon by the manufacturer diffusion zones, that may result from applying the coating. A layer greater
than 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) thick should be sufficient.
and customer. A suggested detail for either fixture is shown in
Fig. 2. One end of each fixture shall be adapted for attachment 6.1.2 Material for Loading Fixture—The loading fixture
to the self-aligning loading devices of the tension testing shall be constructed of metal, but material is otherwise op-
machine. Both ends of each fixture shall have faces parallel to tional. It is usually convenient to make the loading fixture of
each other and normal to the loading axis. The facing diameters the same material as the substrate fixture; thus, the fixtures may
shall be not less than 0.9 in. (23 mm), nor more than 1.0 in. (25 be interchangeable until a coating is applied to one.

U.S. 0.003 in. ⁄ in.

1 64 ⁄ in.
31 64 ⁄ in.
12 ⁄ in.

Metric (0.08 mm) (0.39 mm) (12.3 mm) (12.7 mm) (15.9 mm)
U.S. 3⁄4 in. 0.990 in. 1 in. 1.000 in. 1 ft. 24 in.
Metric (19 mm) (25.15 mm) (25.4 mm) (25.4 mm) (0.3 m) (610 mm)

FIG. 2 Substrate and Loading Fixture

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6.2 Coating Application—The front facing of the substrate 7. Procedure
fixture shall be prepared in the manner required by the 7.1 Prepare the chosen number of substrate fixtures, and
specification for the coating. (Roughening by grit blasting or apply a thermal spray coating to each. Finish the coating
surface grinding may be typical preparations.) The coating surface if required.
shall be thermal sprayed onto this prepared surface.
7.2 Prepare the adhesive bonding agent. Attach cleaned
6.3 Coating Thickness—The coating thickness shall be mea- loading fixtures to all the coated substrate fixtures at essentially
sured with a micrometer by measuring the total length of the the same time. In addition, prepare one set of uncoated fixtures
coating fixture before and after the coating is applied. (Care for measurement of the adhesion strength of the bonding agent.
must be taken to avoid contaminating the prepared surface 7.3 Apply a tensile load to each test specimen at a constant
before coating.) The final coating thickness shall be more than rate of cross-head travel between 0.030 in./min (0.013 mm/s)
0.015 in. (0.38 mm). If the coating is to be ground or machined, and 0.050 in./min (0.021 mm/s) until rupture occurs. Record
the as-sprayed coating shall be approximately 0.005 in. (0.13 the maximum load applied.
mm) thicker to allow for removal of material. The coating
thickness shall not vary across the surface by more than 0.001 NOTE 7—Loading fixtures may be gravity or pressure devices. The
design of the loading fixtures should enable the correct alignment of the
in. (0.025 mm). (This thickness variation, as measured from the specimen.
rear face, does not refer to the ordinary surface texture or
roughness typical of thermal spray coatings.) If, upon comple- 8. Calculation
tion of the thermal spraying, the coating thickness varies in
excess of this limit, this shall be corrected by removing the 8.1 Calculate the degree of adhesion or cohesion strength as
coating and respraying or by grinding or machining the coating follows:
surface. Adhesion or cohesion strength (1)

6.4 Grinding or Machining the Coating Surface—The sur- 5 maximum load/cross 2 sectional area
face of the coating may be finished by grinding or machining
when the thickness variation is excessive. If the thickness 9. Interpretation of Results
variation is not excessive, it shall be optional to finish the
9.1 Any interpretation of results depends on the purpose of
surface of the coating as a useful and convenient aid in holding using this test method and on the description of failure. The
the fixtures together parallel and aligned as required for the adhesion or cohesion strength value measured represents the
next step. No specific grinding or machining procedure can be weakest part of the system, whether in the coating or at an
recommended, as this depends on the type of coating material. interface. A low-power microscope with a magnification range
Usually manufacturers of the coatings have recommendations up to 100× is suggested for determining location of failure
published or available. Only a rough grinding or machining (also termed as the “locus” of failure).
step is needed, to provide a final coating thickness that does not
vary by more than 0.001 in. (0.025 mm). Removal rate shall be 9.2 The adhesion strength of the coating is given if failure is
insufficient to damage the coating or bond. A recommended entirely at the coating-substrate interface.
method is to use a surface grinder with a magnetic chuck, 9.3 The cohesion strength of the coating is given if rupture
positioning the rear face of the coated fixture on this magnetic is only within the coating. Failure in the bonding agent may be
chuck. No other treatment, such as grit blasting, shall be done a satisfactory result for a quality control assurance test or for a
to the surface of the coating. qualification test, if the strength of the bonding agent is greater
than the minimum required adhesion or cohesion strength of
6.5 Attachment of Fixtures—The facing of the loading
the coating.
fixture shall be free of oil, grease, or grinding or cutting fluids.
The facing shall be mechanically cleaned by such means as 9.4 If failure occurs in a combination of these locations in
machining, grinding, light grit blasting, or rubbing with emory one specimen, generally no interpretation of the initial cause
cloth. This facing shall be attached to the surface of the can be provided. Fig. 3 diagrams the possible modes of failure.
coating, using the adhesive bonding agent according to its 9.5 For a multicomponent system; for example, a bond coat
manufacturer’s instructions. Excessive adhesive shall be wiped with a ceramic overlay, then failure at the interface between
from the assembly with soft paper or cloth. The two fixtures two coatings is described as “internal adhesive.”
shall be held together parallel and aligned until the bonding
agent is cured or hardened. A suitable holding device such as a 10. Report
“V-block” shall be used for the purpose, except such a device
10.1 The report shall include the following:
is not necessary if the surface of the coating has been ground
10.1.1 Coating material or manufacturer’s designation tech-
or machined smooth.
nique used to apply the coating, including type of thermal
6.6 Number of Test Specimens—The number of test speci- spray equipment, and spray parameters.
mens chosen depends upon the purpose of the particular tests 10.1.2 Final coating thickness and statement of whether
under consideration. However, if specimens are to be used for surface is finished or as-sprayed.
acceptance tests, not less than five specimens of a type shall be 10.1.3 Substrate material.
tested. 10.1.4 Description of surface preparation of substrate.

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FIG. 3 Nomenclature of Specimen Components and Classification of Failure Locii

10.1.5 Name or description of bonding agent and details of 11. Precision and Bias
bonding procedure if different from manufacturer’s instruc- 11.1 No justifiable statements can be made regarding the
tions. precision and bias of this test method because it evaluates
10.1.6 Number of thermal spray specimens and number of coatings that exhibit brittle fracture, an unpredictable charac-
specimens tested. teristic.
10.1.7 The adhesion or cohesion strength of each specimen
tested. 11.2 This test method is applicable to a wide variety of
10.1.8 Average adhesion and cohesion strength, and the materials with different characteristics.
maximum and minimum values, in pounds per square inch (or 11.3 Since design, base metal composition, fabrication, and
pascals). processing, as well as thermal spraying the coating, will give
10.1.9 Description of failure, including statement of rise to variables in adherence, each application of this test
whether failure occurred at the coating-substrate interface, in method should have tolerances and interpretation of adherence
the coating, in the bonding agent, or a combination of these. set and agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufac-
For multilayered coatings, an internal adhesion failure also turer.
must be indicated if it is present. Fig. 3 diagrams the possible
modes of failure. 12. Keywords
10.1.10 Adhesion strength of the bonding agent in the test 12.1 adhesion strength; cohesion strength; fracture locus;
specimen without a thermal spray coating. thermal spray coatings


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The following adhesive is recommended for attaching cured at room temperature when used for this test method.
the loading fixture to thermal spray coatings that are primarily When the adhesive is new, typical adherence strength to
metallic or that have a metal matrix. It is not recommended for thermal spray coatings may range up to approximately 4000 psi
thermal spray oxide or other porous ceramic coatings because (28 MPa) depending on the coating material.
of the possibility of excessive penetration into the coating. This A1.2.1 Bondmaster M666 or M777, manufactured by Pitts-
is a two-part mix that is cured at 300°F (149°C) for 1 h. When burgh Plate Glass Co., Adhesive Products Div., 225 Belleville
the adhesive is new, typical adherence strength to thermal Ave., Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (M777 may be easier to use as it
spray coatings may range up to approximately 8000 psi (55 may be more viscous than M666).
MPa) depending on the coating material.
A1.2.2 Epon 911F, manufactured by Shell Chemical Co.,
A1.1.1 CONAP 1222, manufactured by CONAP Inc., 184 Adhesives Dept., P.O. Box 831, Pittsburgh, CA 94565.
E. Union St., Allegheny, NY 14706. A1.2.3 Armstrong A-12, manufactured by Armstrong Prod-
A1.2 The following adhesives are recommended for attach- ucts Co., Argonne Rd., Warsaw, IN 46580.
ing the loading fixture to thermal spray coatings of any type, A1.2.4 Hysol XA7-H368 Grey, manufactured by Hysol
ceramic or metallic. These are two-part mixes that should be Inc., Olean, NY 14760.

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X1.1 See Fig. X1.1 for an alternative substrate and fixture

arrangement that has proved cost effective and simple.

FIG. X1.1 Alternative Load Train Geometry for Test Assembly


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C633 − 01 (2008)
(1) F. J. Hermanek, “Determining the Adhesive and Cohesive (5) C. K. Lin and C. C. Berndt, “Measurement and Analysis of Adhe-
Strengths of Thin Thermally Sprayed Coatings,” Welding J., Vol sion Strength for Thermally Sprayed Coatings,” J. Thermal Spray
57, 1978, pp. 31–35. Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1994, pp. 75–104.
(2) P. Ostojic and C. C. Berndt, “Variability in Strength of Thermally (6) D. J. Greving, J. R. Shadley, and E. F. Rybicki, “Effects of Coat-
Sprayed Coatings,” J. Surf. Coat. Tech., Vol 34, 1988, pp. 43–50. ing Thickness and Residual Stresses on the Bond Strength of
(3) C. C. Berndt, “Tensile Adhesion Testing Methodology for Ther- ASTM C633–79 Thermal Spray Coating Test Specimens,” J.
mally Sprayed Coatings,” ASM J.Mater.Eng. , Vol. 12, No. 2, Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1994, pp. 371–378.
1990, pp. 151–160.
(4) W. Han, E. F. Rybicki, and J. R. Shadley, “An Improved Speci-
men Geometry for ASTM C633–79 to Estimate Bonds Strengths
of Thermal Spray Coatings,” J. Thermal Spray Technology, Vol. 2,
No. 2, 1993, pp. 145–150.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (

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