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Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems

2014; 2(1): 1-5

Published online March 10, 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.acis.20140201.11

Matlab simulation of temperature control of heat

exchanger using different controllers
Neeraj Srivastava, Deoraj Kumar Tanti, Md Akram Ahmad
Electrical Engineering Department, BIT Sindri, Dhanbad, India

Email address: (N. Srivastava), (D. K. Tanti), (Md A. Ahmad)

To cite this article:

Neeraj Srivastava, Deoraj Kumar Tanti, Md Akram Ahmad. Matlab Simulation of Temperature Control of Heat Exchanger using
Different Controllers. Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.11648/j.acis.20140201.11

Abstract: Heat exchanger system is widely used in chemical plants because it can sustain wide range of temperature and
pressure. The main purpose of a heat exchanger system is to transfer heat from a hot fluid to a cooler fluid, so temperature
control of outlet fluid is of prime importance. To control the temperature of outlet fluid of the heat exchanger system a
conventional PID controller can be used. Due to inherent disadvantages of conventional control techniques, Fuzzy logic
controller is employed to control the temperature of outlet fluid of the heat exchanger system. The designed controller
regulates the temperature of the outgoing fluid to a desired set point in the shortest possible time irrespective of load and
process disturbances, equipment saturation and nonlinearity.
Keywords: PID Controller, FLC, Heat Exchanger

introduction of Heat exchanger system. Assumptions made

1. Introduction and sources of disturbances are also described along with
In practice, all chemical process involves production or mathematical modeling of system. Section 3 describes PID
absorption of energy in the form of heat. Heat exchanger is Controller and its tuning method. Section 4 describes Fuzzy
commonly used in a chemical process to transfer heat from logic controller, its membership function and rule base.
the hot fluid through a solid wall to a cooler fluid. There Section 5 shows simulation model and its resultant graphs.
are different types of heat exchanger used in the industry Section 6 and 7 shows result, discussions and conclusion.
but most of the industry use shell and tube type heat
exchanger system. Shell and tube heat exchangers are 2. Heat Exchanger System
probably the most common type of heat exchangers
applicable for a wide range of operating temperatures and A typical interacting chemical process for heating
pressures. In shell and tube heat exchanger one fluid flows consists of a chemical reactor and a shell and tube heat
through the tubes and a second fluid flows within the space exchanger system. The super-heated steam comes from the
between the tubes and the shell[1]. The outlet temperature boiler and flows through the tubes. Whereas, the process
of the shell and tube heat exchanger system has to be kept fluid flows through the shells of the shell and tube heat
at a desired set point according to the process requirement. exchanger system. The process fluid which is the output of
Firstly a classical PID controller is implemented in a the chemical reactor is stored in the storage tank. The
feedback control loop so as to achieve the control storage tank supplies the fluid to the heat exchanger system.
objectives. PID controller exhibits high overshoots which is The heat exchanger heats up the fluid to a desired set point
undesirable. To minimize the overshoot Fuzzy logic using super-heated steam supplied from the boiler. The
controller is implemented. Fuzzy logic has become one of storage tank supplies the process fluid to a heat exchanger
the most successful of today’s technologies for developing system using a pump and a non returning valve. There is
sophisticated control systems. The reason is very simple: also a path of non condensed steam to go out of the shell
Fuzzy logic addresses applications perfectly as it resembles and tube heat exchanger system in order to avoid the
human decision making with an ability to generate precise blocking of the heat exchanger.
solutions from certain or approximate information.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 gives a brief
2 Neeraj Srivastava et al.: Matlab Simulation of Temperature Control of Heat Exchanger using Different Controllers

gain 3 /
Control valve capacity for steam 1.6 /
Time constant of control valve 3
The range of temperature sensor 50 150
Time constant of temperature sensor 10
From the experimental data, transfer functions and the
gains are obtained as below.
Transfer function of process
Gain of valve 0.13
Transfer function of valve
Gain of current to pressure converter 0.75
Transfer function of disturbance variables
Fig 1. Shell and tube heat exchanger system control scheme. (i) Flow (dominant). (ii) Temperature
Transfer function of thermocouple
2.1. Assumptions

Different assumptions have been considered in this

research paper. (i) Inflow and the outflow rate of fluid are 3. Proportional-Integral-Derivative
same, so that the fluid level is maintained constant in the (PID) Controller
heat exchanger. (ii) The heat storage capacity of the
insulating wall is negligible. The mnemonic PID refers to the first letters of the names
A thermocouple is used as the sensing element which is of the individual terms that make up the standard three-
implemented in the feedback path of the control term controller. These are P for the proportional term, I for
architecture. The temperature of the outgoing fluid is the integral term and D for the derivative term in the
measured by the thermocouple and the output of the controller. PID controllers are probably the most widely
thermocouple is sent to the transmitter unit, which used industrial controller. Even complex industrial control
eventually converts the thermocouple output to a systems may comprise a control network whose main
standardized signal in the range of 4-20 mA. This output of control building block is a PID control module. In PID
the transmitter unit is given to the controller unit. The controller Proportional (P) control is not able to remove
controller implements the control algorithm, compares the steady state error or offset error in step response. This
output with the set point and then gives necessary offset can be eliminated by Integral (I) control action.
command to the final control element via the actuator unit. Output of I controller at any instant is the area under
The actuator unit is a current to pressure converter and the actuating error signal curve up to that instant. I control
final control unit is an air to open valve. The actuator unit removes offset, but may lead to oscillatory response of
takes the controller output in the range of 4-20 mA and slowly decreasing amplitude or even increasing amplitude,
converts it in to a standardized pressure signal in the range both of which are undesirable. Derivative (D) control
of 3-15 psig. The valve actuates according to the controller action has high sensitivity. It anticipates actuating error,
decisions. Fig 1 shows the control scheme adopted in heat initiates an early correction action and tends to increase
exchanger system. stability of system[2].
Ideal PID controller in continuous time is given as
2.2. Sources of Disturbances
( '
! " # ) # +( , (1)
There can be two types of disturbances in this process. (i) $% &* ' (' ('
the flow variation of input fluid (ii) the temperature
variation of input fluid. Laplace domain representation of ideal PID controller is
2.3. Mathematical Modeling of Heat Exchanger System - ! 1# # +( (2)
/ $%

In this section the heat exchanger system, actuator, valve, 3.1. Tuning of PID Controller
sensor are mathematically modeled using the available
experimental data. The experimental process data’s are Ziegler and Nichols proposed rules for determining
summarized below[2]. values of ! , +1 234 +( based on the transient response
Exchanger response to the steam flow gain 50 / / characteristics of a given plant. Closed loop oscillation
based PID tuning method is a popular method of tuning
Time constants 30 PID controller. In this kind of tuning method, a critical gain
Exchanger response to variation of process fluid flow gain 5 is induced in the forward path of the control system. The
1 / / high value of the gain takes the system to the verge of
Exchanger response to variation of process temperature instability. It creates oscillation and from the oscillations,
Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems 2014,
2014 2(1): 1-5 3

the value of frequency and time are calculated. Table 1 Table 2. Linguistic variables.
gives experimental tuning rules based on closed loop Very big
oscillation method[3,4]. VBN PS Small positive
Table 1. Closed loop oscillation based
ed tuning methods.
methods NB Big negative PM
Type of Controller 67 BC BD NM
PB Big positive
P 0.5K 9 ∞ 0
Very big
PI 0.45K 9 0..83T 0 NS Small negative VBP
PID 0.6K 9 0
0.5T 0.125T
Z Zero
The characteristic equation 1 # - F 0 in this
Table 3. Rule base for fuzzy logic controller.
case is obtained as below
900 # 420 =
# 43 # 0.78
78 5 #1 0 (3) ∆G
Applying Routh stability criterion in above eq gives VB VB VB VB VB VB
5 24.44 N N N N N N

Auxiliary equation is 420 =

# 0.78
78 5 #1 0 (4) NB
Substituting ?@ gives @ 0.218 218 and + 28.82 NM
For the PID controller the values of parameters obtained N N N
using Ziegler Nichols closed loop oscillation based tuning VB VB
methods are
! 14.66 +1 14.41 +( 3.60 N P
Usually, initial design values of PID controller obtained P P
by all means needs to be adjusted repeatedly through PM NM NS Z PS PM PB
computer simulations until the closed loop system performs P P P
or compromises
mpromises as desired. These adjustments are done in VB VB VB VB
MATLAB simulation. P P P P
4. Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)
The design of fuzzy logic controller is attempted in heat
exchanger. The fuzzy controllers are designed with two
input variables, error and rate of error and one output
variable (i.e.) the hot water flow rate to the shell side. The
mamdani based fuzzy inference system uses linear
membership function for both inputs and outputs. For the
fuzzy logic controller the input variables
variable are error and Fig 2. Membership function for error.
rate of error ∆ , and the output variable is controller
output ∆ . Triangular membership functions are used for
input variables and the output variable. The universe of
discourse of error, rate of error and output are [-13,
[ 13], [-4,
4] and [-5, 5]] respectively. The rule base framed for shell
and tube heat exchangers are tabulated in Table 3[5,7].
The structure of the rule base provides negative feedback
control in order to maintain stability under any condition. Fig 3. Membership function for rate of error.
For the evaluation of the rules, thee fuzzy reasoning unit of
the FLC has been developed using the Max-Min fuzzy
inference method[8]. ]. In the particular FLC, the centroid
defuzzification method is used. Linguistic variables for
error, rate of error and controller output are tabulated in
table 2.[6]
Fig 2, 3 and 4 shows membership functions of different
variables implemented in FIS editor in MATLAB toolbox Fig 4. Membership function for control output.
and fig 5 shows surface view of all variables in 3
4 Neeraj Srivastava et al.: Matlab Simulation of Temperature Control of Heat Exchanger using Different Controllers

Fig 9. FLC Step response.

Fig 5. 3D Surface view.
6. Simulation Result and Discussion
5. Simulation
To evaluate the performance of the different controllers
The simulation for different control mechanism this paper has considered two
tw vital parameters of the step
discussed above were carried out in Simulink in MATLAB response of the system. The first parameter is the maximum
and simulation results have been obtained.
obtained Fig 6 and 7 overshoot and the second parameter is the settling time.
shows the PID controller and FLC system block diagram Peak Overshoot: It indicates maximum positive
which is simulated in matlab. deviation of output with respect to its desired value.
value It is
5L'M NO5
5 P
defined as[8] %K! Q 100 %
5 P
Settling Time:: It is the time required for the response to
reach and stay within a specified tolerance band of its final
value. The tolerance
ance band is taken randomly as 2%.
In this paper control of temperature of heat
hea exchanger is
done by 2 different controllers. In PID controller we set the
parameters by using Ziegler Nichols closed loop method.
After this we simulated the model in MATLAB and tuned
the parameters until the response is satisfactory. In step
response, we found overshoot and large settling time both
Fig 6. PID Controller. of which are undesirable. Moreover there are three tuning
parameters which simultaneously be adjusted to get desired
Then a Fuzzy logic controller is developed with 9
membership functions for each variable.
var There were total
81 rules generated. The response is smooth as well as
fastest as compared to PID controllers. So FLC is
recommended because it is easy to implement, low cost and
no need to know exact plant parameters. Different
parameters are tabulated
ated in table 4.

Fig 7. Fuzzy logic controller.

controller 7. Conclusion
Fig 8 and 9 shows step response of PID and FLC system In this paper,, a comparative study of performance of
where x axis denote time and y axis denote set point value. conventional (PID) and intelligent (FLC) controllers is
studied. The aim of the proposed controller is to regulate
the temperature of the outgoing fluid of a shell and tube
heat exchanger system to a desired
desi temperature in the
shortest possible time and minimum or no overshoot
After comparing results for different controllers, we
obtain that fuzzy logic controller is the one which gives
quick response without any oscillations.
oscilla It is easy to
implement fuzzy logic as it is computer oriented. PID
controller, though good for industrial process but due to
oscillatory response and large settling time is now going to
be replaced by new technology like Fuzzy logic and Neural
Fig 8. PID Step response.
response network.
Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems 2014, 2(1): 1-5 5

Table 4. Comparison of different parameters.

Control System
Maximum Overshoot
Settling Time (sec) References
Feedback PID [1] Anton Sodja, "Some Aspects of Modeling of Tube-and-
47.2 88
Controller Shell Heat-Exchangers," in Proc of 7th Modelica Corif-,
FLC 0 65 Italy, pp. 716-721, Sep 2009.
[2] Subhransu Padhee, Yuvraj Bhushan Khare, Yaduvir Singh
“Internal Model Based PID Control of Shell and Tube Heat
Nomenclature Exchanger System,” IEEE, JAN 2011.
[3] Katsuhiko Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering”. 5th
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edition 2010.
TU Integral time
[4] Kiam Heong Ang, Gregory Chong and Yun Li, "PID Control
TV Derivative time System Analysis, Design, and Technology," IEEE Trans.,
Control Syst. Technol., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 559-576, Ju12005.
RW Critical gain
[5] Mridul Pandey, K. Ramkumar & V. Alagesan “Design of
T Time period of oscillation Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Cross Flow Shell and Tube
X Angular frequency of oscillation
Heat-Exchanger,” IEEE, Mar 2012

YW Z Controller transfer function [6] Zadeh L.A., Fuzzy relation Equations and Applications to
Knowledge Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
G Error between desired output and actual output Holland, 1989
∆G Rate of error [7] Larsen P.M., Industrial application of Fuzzy Logic Control,
academic press, inc., may, 1979.
[8] BS Manke, “Linear Control System”. 9th edition 2010
[9] Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Help file in MATLAB version 7.11

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