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Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol: 1. 1,4-Diols

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Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol 1

Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol

Heinz Gräfje, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1.1)
Wolfgang Körnig, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1.2)
Hans-Martin Weitz, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1.3)
Wolfgang Reiß, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1.3)
Guido Steffan, Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 2.1)
Herbert Diehl, Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 2.1)
Horst Bosche, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 2.3)
Kurt Schneider, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 2.3)
Heinz Kieczka, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 3)

1. 1,4-Diols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1. 2,3-Butanediol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.1. 2-Butyne-1,4-diol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.2. 1,3-Butanediol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2. 2-Butene-1,4-diol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3. 1,2-Butanediol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3. 1,4-Butanediol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Toxicology . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Other Butanediols . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4. References . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. 1,4-Diols Substitution of the hydroxyl groups is anal-

ogous to that of other diols. In the case of
1.1. 2-Butyne-1,4-diol substitution by halogens very reactive com-
pounds are formed. The reaction with bifunc-
Physical Properties. 2-Butyne-1,4-diol tional compounds leads to linear polymers only.
[110-65-6], HOCH2 −C≡C−CH2 OH, M r The carbon – carbon triple bond undergoes the
86.09, mp 58 ◦ C, bp 150 ◦ C (at 1.8 kPa), is usual addition reactions of acetylene. Two moles
a colorless, hygroscopic, orthorhombic crys- of chlorine, but only one mole of bromine or
talline compound, which is readily soluble in iodine, are added per mole of diol. Chlorina-
water (374 g in 100 g at 25 ◦ C) and in strongly tion in the presence of hydrochloric acid gives
polar solvents, e.g., alcohol, acetone, but only 2,3-dichloro-3-formylacrylic acid (mucochloric
slightly soluble in ether and almost insoluble in acid) [87-56-9]:
Heat of vaporization 50.28 kJ/mol, 584 kJ/kg
(at 101.3 kPa)
Heat of combustion 2204 kJ/mol, 25.5 kJ/g
Flash point (DIN 51758) 152 ◦ C
Ignition point 335 ◦ C The addition of water, catalyzed by mer-
cury salts, leads to the rather unstable 2-
Chemical Properties. 2-Butyne-1,4-diol
decomposes relatively slowly between 160 and Production. The synthesis of 2-butyne-1,4-
200 ◦ C, but at temperatures significantly above diol, based on the work of Reppe and his cowork-
200 ◦ C violent decomposition can occur. Explo- ers [1–3], is carried out by reaction under pres-
sive decomposition can be caused or accelerated sure of acetylene and an aqueous solution of
by alkali hydroxide, strong anhydrous acids, and formaldehyde, catalyzed by copper acetylide:
certain heavy-metal salts, particularly those of 2 CH2 O + HC≡CH
mercury. 2-Butyne-1,4-diol is sensitive to oxi- −→ HOCH2 −C≡C−CH2 OH ∆H
dation. =−100.5 kJ/mol

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a04 455
2 Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol

This reversible reaction proceeds via propar- by acetylene and formaldehyde at 60 – 90 ◦ C

gyl alcohol, 2-propyn-1-ol [107-19-7], which to copper(I) acetylide, which complexes fur-
mostly remains on the catalyst and thus only- ther acetylene [6] and thus forms the catalyst
partially goes into solution. The reaction is first proper. Bismuth oxide inhibits the formation
order in respect to formaldehyde and, in indus- of water-insoluble polymers, the “cuprenes”,
trial processes, effectively zero order in respect from oligomeric acetylene complexes. Con-
to acetylene. ditions of synthesis: 80 – 100 ◦ C; 30 – 50 %
The prime objective in the synthesis is to min- aqueous formaldehyde solution; partial pressure
imize the formaldehyde concentration in the re- of acetylene 2 – 6 bar, pH 5 – 8. Dilute alkali is
sulting butynediol solutions. In principle, it is added to the cycle solution to adjust the pH.
possible to react rather concentrated formalde-
hyde solutions partially, distill off the unreacted
formaldehyde under pressure, and reintroduce it
into the reactor. However, this process is com-
plex and detrimental to the catalyst. Usually, the
production of the butynediol is carried out con-
tinuously in cascades of three to five reactors.
In these reactors the catalyst is present either as
a fixed bed of strands 3 – 5 mm in diameter and
10 mm in length (Fig. 1) or as a fluidized bed
of particles of diameter 0.1 – 2 mm. In the first
case the formaldehyde solution, together with Figure 2. Synthesis of butynediol, fluidized-bed reactor
gaseous acetylene, is fed from the top [4]. In a) Liquid seal pump; b) Recycle pump; c) Air cooler; d) Re-
the fluidized-bed process the required amount
of acetylene is dissolved in the solution and the The product solution contains 33 – 55 % bu-
solution is then fed from the bottom, suspending tynediol, 1 – 2 % propargyl alcohol, 0.4 – 1 %
the catalyst (Fig. 2) [5]. unreacted formaldehyde, and 1 – 2 % byprod-
ucts. These byproducts are mainly high-boiling
materials, along with some sodium formate. The
butynediol can be recovered from this solution
by vacuum distillation; the propargyl alcohol is
recovered in an azeotrope.
Handling of High-Pressure Acetylene.
Acetylene can explode or even detonate if the
pressure rises above 1.4 bar (→ Acetylene). In
butynediol plants this deflagration is often ig-
nited by copper acetylide that was accidentally
deposited in the head space; if it dries up, it can
Figure 1. Synthesis of butynediol, fixed-bed reactor explode even upon slight vibration. Because
a) Liquid seal pump; b) Cooler; c) Reactor; d) Recycle other sources of ignition can never be excluded
pump; e) Gas – liquid separator
special precautions are required when handling
In either case the reactors are equipped with acetylene at pressures above 1.4 bar. When fill-
liquid-circulating systems. In the fixed-bed pro- ing all equipment with metal packings and all
cess the volume of the liquid is determined by pipes with bundles of thin tubes (max. diame-
external cooling. In the fluidized-bed process the ter 12.5 mm) the transition from deflagration to
volume of the circulating liquid is determined by detonation (50 – 100 fold increase in pressure)
the amount of acetylene which is introduced by can be excluded. Explosion (10 – 12 fold in-
absorbing columns or injectors. crease in pressure), however, cannot completely
The catalyst is 3 – 6 % bismuth(III) oxide be avoided; this is accounted for by planning
and 10 – 20 % copper(II) oxide mostly sup- a 12-fold pressure for the whole apparatus [1].
ported on silica. Copper(II) oxide is converted When planning such plants the technical rules
Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol 3

for handling acetylene [7] and the publication 1.2. 2-Butene-1,4-diol

of Sargent [8] are recommended.
Physical Properties. 2-Butene-1,4-diol
Environmental Protection. The off-gas, [110-64-5],
which mainly consists of acetylene and other HOCH2 −CH=CH−CH2 OH,C4 H8 O2 , Mr
hydrocarbons, is burnt. Waste-water problems 88.1, mp 10 ◦ C, bp 240 ◦ C (at 1013 mbar), bp
arise when regenerating the catalyst. The wa- 140 ◦ C (at 24 mbar), is a pale yellow liquid,
ter used for rinsing is treated biologically after which is soluble in water. The product should
traces of catalyst have been deposited. Spent be distilled at reduced pressure because it dete-
catalyst must always be wet. Copper and bis- riorates above 180 ◦ C.
muth can be recovered from the catalyst by acid Specific heat capacity 2.71 J g−1 K−1
treatment. Flash point 127 ◦ C
Ignition temperature 335 ◦ C

Analysis. Because of the high boiling points

and the instability of the compounds involved, Vapor pressure
GC analysis is of limited value only. The deter-
mination of byproducts by titration or by frac- t, ◦ C 110.4 123.7 140 171.3 240
p,mbar 4.4 9.6 24 101.7 1013
tional distillation (and subsequent GC analysis
of the fractions) is time consuming but more re-
liable. Chemical Properties. Butenediol under-
goes the typical reactions of alcohols, such as
Storage and Transportation. The storage ester formation with anhydrides or acid chlo-
temperature should be kept below 40 ◦ C and rides, substitution of the hydroxyl groups by
storage times longer than a few months should halogen, and the formation of polyesters with di-
be avoided because the butynediol flakes tend to carboxylic acids. Typical reactions of the double
set up. bond are addition of halogen, epoxidation with
hydrogen peroxide, copolymerization with vinyl
Uses. Approximately 95 % of the butyne- esters, and the classic Diels-Alder reaction with
diol is hydrogenated in aqueous solution to 1,4- dienes, e.g., with hexachlorocyclopentadiene.
butanediol and occasionally to 2-butene-1,4-
diol. In addition, butynediol is an intermediate Production. 2-Butene-1,4-diol is produced
for the production of 3-chloro-2-butynyl N- (3- industrially by partial hydrogenation of 2-
chlorophenyl)carbamate, a herbicide. Solvay re- butyne-1,4-diol in aqueous solution and in the
acts butynediol with alkylene oxides and ob- presence of a palladium catalyst, which gener-
tains a flame retardant after subsequent addi- ally is poisoned with zinc or other metals [9]. The
tion of bromine to the triple bond. Consider- main product of this synthesis is cis-2-butene-
able amounts of butynediol are added to electro- 1,4-diol. Raney nickel can also be used as a cata-
plating baths (nickel and copper) as brightening lyst for the hydrogenation [10]. Another method
agent. In steel inhibitor picklings, the diol acts for the production of 2-butene-1,4-diol is the
as a corrosion inhibitor. acetoxylation of butadiene followed by hydrol-
ysis [11].
Commercial Products. Butynediol is traded
as 34 % aqueous solution by GAF and BASF Analysis. The 2-butene-1,4-diol concentra-
(Golpanol BOZ liquid or Korantin BH liquid tion in the product is determined by gas chro-
with hexamethylenetetramine being added to the matography, the water content by the Karl Fis-
latter). The anhydrous product is also traded as cher method.
flakes. Products containing residues (GAF) are
97 – 98 % pure. Distilled butynediol (BASF) is Storage and Quality. 2-Butene-1,4-diol
99 % pure: Butynediol pure cryst., Korantin BH must be stored in rust-free containers. Typical
solid, Golpanol pure solid. commercial specifications are: purity 98.5 %,
mp 10 ◦ C, color light to slightly yellow, water
content < 0.5 %.
4 Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol

Uses. 2-Butene-1,4-diol is used for the pro- process is carried out at 80 – 160 ◦ C and 300 bar
duction of endosulfan, chlorinated bicyclo- according to Figure 3.
[2.2.1]heptene-(2)-bis(oxyalkylene-5,6) sulfite,
an insecticide [12]; for the production of pyri-
doxine (vitamin B6) [13]; and in mixtures with
other compounds as bactericide.

Economic Aspects. Worldwide 4000 – 5000 t/a

of 2-butene-1,4-diol are produced, most of
which is used for the production of crop protec-
tion products and vitamins.

1.3. 1,4-Butanediol

Physical Properties. 1,4-Butanediol

[110-63-4], HOCH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 OH,C4 H10 O2 ,
M r 90.12, is a colorless, almost odorless, hy- Figure 3. Hydrogenation of 2-butyne-1,4-diol
groscopic liquid (see Table 1), readily soluble in a) Piston pump; b) Preheater; c) Hydrogenation reactor;
water, alcohols, ketones, glycol ethers, and gly- d) Gas – liquid separator; e) Recycle compressor; f) Canned
col ether acetates, less soluble in diethyl ether motor pump; g) Hydrogen compressor; h) Air cooler
and esters, and not miscible with aliphatic and An aqueous solution of 2-butyne-1,4-diol
aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydro- (30 – 50 %), together with carbon monoxide-free
carbons. hydrogen and recycled reaction mixture, which
acts as medium for dissipation of heat, is lead
Chemical Properties. 1,4-Butanediol is over a reduced nickel – copper – manganese cat-
readily cyclized in acid medium to give tetra- alysts on silica gel strands. The initial tempera-
hydrofuran. Dehydrogenation in the presence of ture in the reactor is 80 ◦ C; the temperature must
copper – zinc – aluminum catalysts gives buty- not exceed 170 ◦ C. In order to obtain a better
rolactone. distribution of the liquid, hydrogen is also cir-
1,4-Butanediol reacts with monocarboxylic culated.
acids to give diesters [14]. Esterification with The raw product contains methanol,
dicarboxylic acids and their derivatives leads to propanol, and butanol as byproducts as well
partially crystalline, linear, thermoplastic poly- as traces of 2-methyl-1,4-butanediol, hydroxy-
meric esters [15], [16]. butyraldehyde, acetals, and triols. The reactor
At ca. 200 ◦ C, 1,4-butanediol reacts with am- effluent is worked up to pure 1,4-butanediol by
monia or an amine over nickel or cobalt cata- fractional distillation [26].
lysts and in the presence of hydrogen to give The hydrogenation of butynediol can also be
pyrrolidine or pyrrolidine derivatives [17], [18]. carried out in two process steps. In the first stage,
Phosgene reacts with 1,4-butanediol at −5 ◦ C to for example, at 40 bar, mainly 2-butene-1,4-diol
give the bis(chloroformate) of butanediol [19], is obtained, which is then completely hydro-
[20]. Acrylonitrile adds to 1,4-butanediol at 20 – genated at 300 bar in the second stage.
100 ◦ C and in the presence of catalytic amounts A further variant is the low-pressure hydro-
of alkali to give 1,4-bis(2-cyanoethoxy)butane genation at ca. 20 bar over a suspended Raney
[21]. Like other alcohols, 1,4-butanediol can be nickel catalyst, followed by hydrogenation at
vinylated, giving the divinyl ether [22]. 120 – 140 ◦ C and 140 – 210 bar on a fixed-bed
contact [24].
Production. 1,4-Butanediol is made on a Other Processes. 1,4-Butanediol can also be
large industrial scale by continuous hydrogena- made from raw materials other than acetylene.
tion of the 2-butyne-1,4-diol [23] over modified Allyl alcohol and synthesis gas (CO + H2 ) can
nickel catalysts [24], [25]. The one-stage flow
Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol 5
Table 1. Physical properties of 1,4-butanediol

mp 20.2 ◦ C
bp 230.5 ◦ C (at 101.3 kPa)
Density  1.017 g/cm3 (at 20 ◦ C); 1.0154 g/cm3 (at 25 ◦ C)
Critical temperature tc 446 ◦ C
Critical pressure pc 41.2 bar
Vapor pressure: t, ◦ C 60 100 140 180 200
p, kPa ca. 0.031 0.47 4.08 21.08 41.5
Heat of fusion ∆H f 16.3 kJ/mol ± 5 %
Heat of vaporization: t, ◦ C 131.4 193.2 215.6 230.5
∆H v , kJ/mol 68.2 59.4 57.8 56.5
Specific heat capacity: t, ◦ C 20 50 100 150
c, J g−1 K−1 2.2 ± 2 % 2.46 ± 2 % 2.9 ± 3 % 3.33 ± 4 %
Specific heat capacity
of a 50 % aq. solution: t, ◦ C 20 50 75 100
c, J g−1 K−1 3.4 ± 2 % 3.56 ± 2 % 3.69 ± 2 % 3.82 ± 3 %
Heat of combustion ∆H c 2585 kJ/mol

Thermal conductivity: t, C 30 50 70 100
λ, W m−1 K−1 0.2100 0.2091 0.2083 0.2069
Thermal conductivity
of a 50 % aq. solution: t, ◦ C 20 50 100 150
λ, W m−1 K−1 0.3601 0.3694 0.3886 0.3984
Viscosity η 91.56 mPa · s (at 20 ◦ C); 71.5 mPa · s (at 25 ◦ C)
Refractive index nD 1.4460 (at 20 ◦ C); 1.4446 (at 25 ◦ C)
Dielectric constant ε 31.4
Flash point 134 ◦ C

be converted to 1,4-butanediol according to a which can be madedirectly from butadiene ac-

process invented by Daicel [27], [28]. cording to a process developed by Chevron [35]:
Mitsubishi uses a three-step process [29], 1,2-epoxy-3-butene is made from butadiene and
[30]: (1) the catalytic reaction of butadi- a peroxide and subsequent isomerization yields
ene and acetic acid yields 1,4-diacetoxy-2- 2,5-dihydrofuran [1708-29-8], whichis hydro-
butene [18621-75-5]; (2) subsequenthydrogena- genated to tetrahydrofuran:
tion gives 1,4-diacetoxybutane; and (3) hydrol-
ysis leads to 1,4-butanediol:

Other products derived from 1,4-butanediol

are butyrolactone and tetrahydrofuran. In addi-
tion, both 1,4-butanediol and its derivatives are
BASF also has patented a similar process, used in the textile, leather, photographic, food,
in which acetic acid first adds to butadiene; and pharmaceutical industries.
the product then isomerizes to 1,4-diacetoxy-2- The worldwide capacity for 1,4-butanediol is
butene [31], [32]. ca. 512 000 t/a in 1995. European producers are
According to a process practiced by Toyo BASF and GAF/Chemische Werke Hüls; pro-
Soda [33] chlorine first adds to butadiene to form ducers in the United States are Du Pont, GAF,
a mixture of 1,4-dichloro-2-butene [764-41-0] and BASF Wyandotte. Whereas all these pro-
and 3,4-dichloro-1-butene [760-23-6]. This ducers use acetylene as starting material, a plant
mixturereacts with sodium acetate to form 1,4- at Mitsubishi Chemical Industries has been mak-
diacetoxy-2-butene, which is subsequentlyhy- ing 1,4-butanediol from butadiene since 1982.
drogenated directly to 1,4-butanediol.
In a patent described by Shell butadiene re- Storage and Quality. 1,4-Butanediol can be
acts with a peroxide to diperoxybutene, which is stored indefinitely. The product is noncorrosive
then converted to 1,4-butanediol by hydrogena- and therefore can be transported in cast iron con-
tion [34]. tainers. When it is stored for longer periods, stor-
1,4-Butanediol also is a starting material for age tanks of steel or aluminum are necessary in
the production of tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9], order to avoid traces of iron in the product. In
6 Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol

this case, a cover of dry nitrogen also is recom- and easily soluble in low molecular mass alco-
mended. Typical commercial specifications are: hols and ketones. For further physical data, see
purity 99.5 – 99.8 %, mp 19.9 – 20.0 ◦ C. Table 2.

Uses and Economic Aspects. 1,4-Butanediol Chemical Properties [36]. The dehydro-
is a versatile intermediate for the chemical indus- genation of 2,3-butanediol yields acetoin
try. The most important area of application is the [513-86-0] and diacetyl [431-03-8]. Dehydra-
production of polyurethanes and poly(butylene tion leads chiefly to 2-butanone. The oxidation,
terephthalate), → Polyurethanes. Among the e.g., with periodate, gives acetaldehyde; the re-
polyurethanes produced from 1,4-butanediol, action can be used for analytical determination.
cellular and compact elastomers are of prime 2,3-Butanediol forms cyclic esters, acetals, and
importance. Poly(butylene terephthalate) is pro- ketals. With diisocyanates, polyurethanes are
cessed particularly to plastic materials and hot- obtained.
melt adhesives, but is used also for the produc-
tion of plastic films and fibers. Production. After removal of butadiene and
isobutene from crack gases, a C4 hydrocarbon
fraction, called C4 raffinate II, is obtained, which
2. Other Butanediols contains approximately 77 % butenes and 23 %
of a mixture of butane and isobutane. By chloro-
2.1. 2,3-Butanediol hydrination of this fraction with a solution of
chlorine in water and subsequent cyclization
2,3-Butanediol [513-85-9], 2,3-butylene glycol, of the chlorohydrins with sodium hydroxide, a
exists in three stereoisomericforms: butene oxide mixture of the following composi-
Previously, 2,3-butanediol was obtained by tion is obtained:
bacterial fermentation of hexoses and pentoses. 55 % trans-2,3-butene oxide, 30 % cis-2,3-
By pyrolysis of the diacetate very pure butadiene butene oxide, 15 % 1,2-butene oxide.
can be obtained, which has been used in the Hydrolysis of this mixture (50 bar, 160 –
220 ◦ C, reaction enthalpy ∆H = −42 kJ/mol)
yields a mixture of butanediols which are sepa-
rated by vacuum fractionation. In order to avoid
the formation of polyethers during the hydrol-
ysis, an excess of water must be used. The
fractionation of the butanediols is easier than
that of the butene oxides. By this reaction se-
quence, meso-2,3-butanediol is obtained from
trans-2-butene via trans-2,3-butene oxide; the
racemic mixture of R,R- and S,S-2,3-butanediol
is formed analogously from cis-2-butene via cis-
2,3-butene oxide. For a discussion of stereo-
chemistry of this reaction, see also [37].

Analysis, Storage. The butanediol mixture

is analyzed best by GC (polyethylene glycol as
United States for the production of synthetic stationary phase).
rubber. Today butenes from crack gases are the Storage and transportation do not provide any
raw material. problems. However, the hygroscopicity of the
product requires some precautions.
Physical Properties. The 2,3-butanediols,
C4 H10 O2 , M r 90.12, are colorless and odorless, Uses. 2,3-Butanediol (at least 80 % meso iso-
strongly hygroscopic, oily liquids or crystals mer, the rest racemic mixture) is used as a cross-
with a sweet taste. They are miscible with water linking agent for naphthalene-1,5-diisocyanate
Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol 7
Table 2. Physical properties of 2,3-butanediols

(R,S)- 2R, 3R- 2S, 3S- Racemate (R,R-

2,3-Butanediol 2,3-Butanediol 2,3-Butanediol and S,S-2,3-

mp, ◦ C 35.5 – 36.5 19 7.6

bp (976 mbar), ◦ C 181.7 179 – 180 ∗ 179 – 182 ∗ 176.7
bp (13.16 mbar), ◦ C 83.5 77.3 – 77.4 75.3 – 75.6
d 25
4 0.9939 0.9873 0.9872
D 1.43719 1.43095 1.4306 1.43109
D −13.16◦ ∗ +11.8◦ ∗
viscosity (35 ◦ C), mPa · s 65.6 21.8
mp of bis(4-nitrobenzoates), ◦ C 193 – 193.5 143 – 143.5 128 – 128.5

∗ Theoretically bp and absolute amount of rotation of enantiomers should be the same.

in the production of specific hard-rubber prod- Chemical Properties. 1,2-Butanediol is a

ucts (Vulkollan). Derivatives of 2,3-butanediol typical glycol and readily forms acetals and
are important as insecticides (Sapecron: acetal ketals; with dicarboxylic acids or anhydrides
with N-methylcarbamate of salicylic aldehyde) polyesters are formed and with diisocyanates
and as intermediates in the pharmaceutical in- polyurethanes.
dustry. 2,3-Butanediols have some interest as
humectants and in the synthesis of polymers and Production. 1,2-Butanediol is synthesized
plasticizers. by addition of water to 1,2-epoxybutane

2.2. 1,3-Butanediol
1,3-Butanediol [107-88-0], M r 90.12, bp
207.5 ◦ C (at 1013 mbar), bp 103 – 104 ◦ C (at The hydration reaction is exothermic (∆H=
10 mbar), d 20 20
4 1.0053, nD 1.4410, is miscible −93 kJ/mol). A 10 to 20-fold molar excess of
with water and ethanol. The molecule has one water is used to suppress polyether formation.
center of chirality, and the data given above The reaction is carried out either without a cat-
refer to the racemate. (R)-(−)-1,3-Butanediol alyst at 160 – 220 ◦ C and 10 – 30 bar or in the
[6290-03-5] has a specific rotation (ethanol) of presence of catalysts below 160 ◦ C and only
D = −18.8 .

slightly above atmospheric pressure. Sulfuric
1,3-Butanediol is produced as an intermedi- acid or strongly acid ion exchange resins are
ate in the manufacture of butadiene from acetal- used as catalysts [38]. Depending on the excess
dol ( → Butadiene). This process has, however, of water, selectivity is 70 – 92 %. Higher ethers
been abandoned by most companies. The com- of 1,2-butanediol are formed as byproducts.
pound is mainly used as a component of special
polyester resins. Uses. The field of application for 1,2-
butanediol is not very broad. It is used mainly as
a solvent and intermediate.
2.3. 1,2-Butanediol [38]
Physical Properties. 1,2-Butanediol [584-
03-2], C4 H10 O2 , M r 90.12, mp −50 ◦ C, bp 3. Toxicology
195 – 196.9 ◦ C (at 101.3 kPa), is a colorless liq-
uid, d 20 20
4 1.0023, nD 1.4382. The diol is misci-
1,2-Butanediol and 1,3-Butanediol. The me-
ble with water in all proportions, readily soluble dian lethal dose (LD50 ) of 1,2-butanediol is
in alcohols, slightly soluble in ethers and esters, 16 g/kg (rat, oral) [39]; the corresponding value
and insoluble in hydrocarbons. The dynamic vis- of 1,3-butanediol is 29.6 g/kg [40], [41]. Re-
cosity at 20 ◦ C is 73 mPa · s and the flash point peated administration of 1,3-butanediol to rats
107 ◦ C.
8 Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol

(2 a, 10 wt % in the feed) and to dogs (2 a, 3 wt % 2. C. J. S. Appleyard, J. F. C. Gortshore:

in the feed) did not reveal any toxic effects [42]. Manufacture of Butynediol at IG
In high doses, 1,3-butanediol has a narcotic ef- Ludwigshafen, Bios-Report 367, OTS-Report
fect with a specific depressive effect on the cen- PB 28556, US Department of Commerce.
tral nervous system [43], [44]. 1,3-Butanediol is 3. D. L. Fuller, A. O. Zors, H. M. Weir: The
approved as a food additive by the U.S. Food Manufacture of Butynediol from Acetylene
and Drug Administration [45]. and Formaldehyde, Fiat-Report no. 296, 1946,
2,3-Butanediol has an LD50 value of 8.9 g/kg OTS-Report PB 80334 US Department of
(mouse, oral) [40].
4. BASF, DE-AS 2040501, 1970 (G. Boettger, H.
1,4-Butanediol, however, with an LD50 value Hoffmann, W. Reiß, L. Schuster, H. Toussaint).
of 1.78 g/kg [39] or 1.5 g/kg [46] (both rat, oral) 5. BASF, DE-AS 2421407, 1974 (J. Dehler, H.
should be classified as harmful according to the Hoffmann, W. Reiß, R. Schnur, S. Winderl, P.
EC Council Directive. The observed depressive Zehner).
effect on the central nervous system is attributed 6. W. Reppe, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. 596
to the metabolite γ-hydroxybutyric acid. (1955) 8.
None of the butanediol isomers either irri- 7. Technische Regeln Acetylen, Carl Heymanns
tate or sensitize the skin; however, they cause Verlag, Köln.
strong (1,2-butanediol) to slight (1,3- and 1,4- 8. H. B. Sargent, Chem. Ing. 1957 (Feb.) 250.
butanediol) eye irritation [39]. 9. BASF, DE 2431929, 1981.
2-Butene-1,4-diol with an LD50 value of 10. GAF, DE-AS 1139832, 1961.
11. K. Takehira, H. Mimoun, I. Sérée de Roche, J.
about 860 mg/kg (rat, oral) is harmful. Eye and
Catal. 58 (1979) 155 – 169.
skin irritation are not observed, even after pro- 12. Hoechst, DE-AS 1015797, 1954.
longed contact. Rats could inhale air saturated 13. R. A. Firestone, E. E. Harris, W. Reuter,
with 2-butene-1,4-diol at 20 ◦ C for 8 h without Tetrahedron 23 (1967) no. 2, 943 – 955.
showing any symptoms [46]. Repeated intake 14. I.G. Farbenind., FR 889079, 1943.
by rats (5 % in the feed) led to death after 7 – 11 15. Wingfoot Corp., GB 630992, 1949.
days; 30 % in the feed led to the animals’ death 16. J. Nelles, O. Bayer, W. Tischbein, F. Baehren,
after four days [47]. US 2417513, 1947.
1-Butene-3,4-diol with an LD50 value of ap- 17. W. Reppe, C. Schuster, E. Weiss, US 2421650,
proximately 1.5 g/kg (rat, oral) is also harmful. 1947.
An 8-h inhalation of air saturated with the com- 18. J. H. Paden, H. Adkins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58
pound at 20 ◦ C by rats does not lead to any ef- (1936) 2487.
19. I.G. Farbenind., FR 905141, 1945.
fects. The animals’ skin was not irritated after 20. US Department of Commerce: The
contact for several hours; however, irritation to Continuous Production of 1,4-Butanediol
the eyes may occur. Dichlorocarboxylic Ester, PB 58619.
2-Butyne-1,4-diol is to be classified as 21. L. H. Smith: Synthetic Fiber Development in
“toxic” having an LD50 value of about Germany, Textile Research Institute, New
100 mg/kg (rat, oral). Strong irritation to the skin York 1964.
– especially after contact for several hours – and 22. I.G. Farbenind./BASF, DE 679607, 1939.
to the eyes were observed. An 8-h inhalation of 23. I.G. Farbenind./BASF, DE 858094, 1937.
air saturated with the compound at 20 ◦ C by rats 24. GAF, US 3449445, 1967 (F. E. Wetherill).
did not lead to any adverse effects [46]. 25. BASF, DE 2917018, 1979 (K. Baer, W. Reiss,
Neither TLV nor MAK values have been es- W. Schroeder, D. Voges).
26. S. H. H. Chow, J. D. Verbsky, US 3852164,
tablished for the compounds cited above.
27. Chem. Ind. (Düsseldorf) 32 (1980) 275.
28. M. Tamura, S. Kumano, Chem. Econ. Eng.
4. References Ref. 12 (1980) no. 9, 32.
29. Mitsubishi Chem., DE-OS 2345160, 1974;
1. W. Reppe: Chemie und Technik der DE-OS 2424539, 1974; DE-OS 2504637,
Acetylen-Druckreaktionen, 2nd ed., Verlag 1975; DE-OS 2510088, 1975;
Chemie, Weinheim 1952. DE-OS 2510089, 1975; DE-OS 2505749,
Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol 9

30. Y. Tanabe, Hydrocarbon Process. 60 (1981) 40. L. Fischer et al., Z. Gesamte Exp. Med. 115
no. 9, 187. (1949) 22.
31. BASF, DE-OS 2444004, 1976. 41. A. Loeser, Pharmazie 4 (1949) 263.
32. BASF, DE-OS 2454768, 1976. 42. R. A. Scala et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.
33. Toyo Soda, US 3720704, 1973. 10 (1967) 160.
34. Shell Oil, US 4384146, 1983. 43. G. D. Frye et al., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216
35. Chevron Research, US 3932468, 1976.
(1981) 306.
36. Beilstein, 1 (3) 2178, 2180, 2181, 2183; 1 (4)
44. G. S. Stoewsand et al., Proc. Int. Congr. Nutr.
2524, 2525.
37. C. E. Wilson, H. J. Lucas, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 7th 1966 4 (1967) 1082–7.
58 (1936) 2396. 45. W. R. Hewitt et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.
38. K. Szafraniak, J. Myszkowski, A. Zielinski, W. 64 (1982) 529.
Pyc, PL 79662, 1978; Chem. Abstr. 92 (1980) 46. BASF, unpublished results 1959 – 1981.
22031 n; Przem. Chem. 52 (1973) no. 11, 47. H. Schlüssel, Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch.
744 – 746; Chem. Abstr. 80 (1974) 47385 w. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 221 (1954) 67.
39. V. K. Rowe et al.: Patty’s Industrial Hygiene
and Toxicology, vol. 2 C, Wiley Interscience
Publ., New York 1982, p. 3874.

Butanes → Hydrocarbons

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