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A Governor's Guide To Cluster-Based Economic Development

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A Governor’s Guide to

Cluster-Based Economic
Since their initial meeting in 1908 to discuss interstate water problems, the governors have worked through the National Governors Association to
deal collectively with issues of public policy and governance. The association’s ongoing mission is to support the work of the governors by providing
a bipartisan forum to help shape and implement national policy and to solve state problems.

The members of the National Governors Association (NGA) are the governors of the fifty states, the territories of American Samoa, Guam, and
the Virgin Islands, and the commonwealths of the Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico. The association has a nine-member executive
committee and three standing committees—on Economic Development and Commerce, Human Resources, and Natural Resources. Through NGA’s
committees, governors examine and develop policy and address key state and national issues. Special task forces often are created to focus guber-
natorial attention on federal legislation or on state-level issues.

The association works closely with the Administration and Congress on state-federal policy issues through its offices in the Hall of the States in
Washington, D.C. The association serves as a vehicle for sharing knowledge of innovative programs among the states and provides technical assis-
tance and consultant services to governors on a wide range of management and policy issues.

The Center for Best Practices shares knowledge about innovative state activities, explores the impact of federal initiatives on state government,
and provides technical assistance to states. The center works in a number of policy fields, including agriculture and rural development, economic
development, education, energy and environment, health, social services, technology, trade, transportation, and workforce development.

ISBN: 1-55877-356-8

Copyright 2002 by the National Governors Association, 444 North Capitol Street, Washington, D.C.
20001-1512. All rights reserved.

The responsibility for the accuracy of the analysis and for the judgments expressed lies with the
authors; this document does not constitute policy positions of the National Governors Association
or individual governors.

For more information, visit the NGA Web site at:

Table of Contents

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
I. How to Use this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
II. Why Pay Attention to Clusters? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Benefits to Business from Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Hard and Soft Benefits from Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
New Policies for Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
III. How Clusters Grow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Competencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
IV. Knowing the Cluster, Understanding the Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
V. Policy Options to Support Competitive Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Organize and Deliver Government-Supported Services to Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Target Investments to Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Strengthen Networking and Associative Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Develop Human Resources for Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
VI. Policies for Promoting Equity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Engage Community-Based Employment Intermediaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Support Industry Associations and Intermediaries in Distressed Regions . . . . . . . . . .35
Encourage Civic Responsibility Among Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Provide Incentives and Subsidies to Encourage Employment of Low-Income People in
Distressed Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
VII. Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
VIII. Resources on Cluster Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
IX. Selected Cluster Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
X. Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
XI. Appendix A - Benchmarking Guide for Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
XII. Appendix B - Mapping Social Capital Among Employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47


s it did 100 years ago, America is a major shift from the traditional
State Leadership in
the Global Economy A enters a new century marked by an
economic environment of free trade, inter-
approach—which chiefly relied on loca-
tion-based tax incentives to attract large
Task Force
national competition, and global business manufacturing entities—and represents a
Governor John Engler, Michigan, Co-Chair relationships. In such an environment, U.S. more effective strategy for competing in
Governor Paul E. Patton, Kentucky, Co-Chair economic strength depends on the ability the global economy.
of each state to “compete” successfully in
Governor Don Siegelman, Alabama To implement this effort, which
the world marketplace. Each state must
began in July 2001, the NGA and Council
Governor Mike Huckabee, Arkansas exploit the unique advantages it has relative
formed a Task Force on State Leadership
to other states and build on the strengths
Governor Bill Owens, Colorado in the Global Economy. Under the task
found in its local “clusters of innovation”
Governor Dirk Kempthorne, Idaho
force, the NGA and Council sponsored
—distinct groups of competing and coop-
regional workshops for state policy teams
Governor Thomas J. Vilsack, Iowa erating companies, suppliers, service
from around the nation to teach and dis-
providers, and research institutions.
Governor Parris N. Glendening, Maryland cuss the approaches for cluster-based eco-
To help their clusters of innovation nomic development.The NGA and
Governor Ronnie Musgrove, Mississippi
thrive and compete worldwide, governors Council also published four reports pro-
Governor Michael O. Leavitt, Utah will need to work with their educational viding tools and recommendations for
Governor Howard Dean, M.D., Vermont institutions and the private sector to build governors on the following topics:
a skilled labor force that is second to
Governor Scott McCallum, Wisconsin • how to build a cluster-based eco-
none. State governments will need to
nomic development strategy,
leverage public research dollars and coor-
Dr. Charles M. Vest, President, dinate efforts with industry to build the • programs and policies for building a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, science and technology infrastructure that 21st-century workforce,
Co-Chair brings new ideas to the marketplace and
• maximizing public leadership in pro-
new technologies to traditional industries.
Mr. F. Duane Ackerman, Chairman and Chief moting international trade, and
Finally, states will need to eliminate barri-
Executive Officer, BellSouth Corporation,
ers to business innovation, workforce • the role of science and technology
training, and international trade. in fostering an economy based on
Mr. Augustine P. Gallego, Chancellor, San innovation.
In partnership with the Council on
Diego Community College District
Competitiveness, the National Governors State economies are the economic
Mr. James P. Hoffa, General President, Association (NGA) has conducted a year- engine of America.To achieve their poten-
International Brotherhood of Teamsters long effort helping governors develop tial—both in terms of technology and
Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs, Chairman of the Board
economic strategies for a global market- human capital—governors must have
and Chief Executive Officer, QUALCOMM
place.These strategies are designed to access to the most sophisticated tools avail-
provide lifelong learning and training for able for helping workers and industry stay
employers and employees, strengthen sci- competitive.The tools provided to states
Mr. Edward Sullivan, President, Building and ence and technology capacity, develop under this initiative should help foster a
Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO international markets, and bring prosper- new understanding of economic develop-
Mr. Charles Whitehead, President, ity to disadvantaged communities.This ment and ready states for the 21st century.
Ashland Inc. Foundation new approach to economic development


Lead writer for this report was Stuart Rosenfeld of Regional Technology Strategies in Carrboro, North Carolina
( The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices also acknowledges the generous financial
support of the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Ford Foundation, the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Labor for supporting this project.

I How to Use This Guide

his guide aims to help readers navi- The guide begins by explaining Section 6 addresses the civic and
T gate the vast literature on business
clusters and provide parameters and
why clustering happens and why busi-
nesses choose to locate near their
social responsibilities of government
and suggests ways to increase the like-
tools for applying the information and peers. Section 2 also suggests ways lihood that the economic opportunities
integrating the concepts into economic that states can take advantage of the associated with cluster-based growth
development policy wisely and effi- internal organization of their reach disadvantaged and disconnected
ciently. It is both a primer on clusters economies to create jobs and wealth. places and populations. Finally, the
for those unfamiliar with the basic guide contains a glossary of terms and
Section 3 addresses a few charac-
concepts and a repository of policy paper-based and Web-based references
teristics and idiosyncrasies of clusters
options for those responsible for grow- and resources for readers seeking fur-
to help explain how clusters develop
ing and strengthening clusters. ther information.
and function. Section 4 illustrates
The guide draws on research stud- how clusters produce concepts, con-
ies and case studies of clusters and on nections, and competencies that build
the author’s visits to clusters and inter- competitive economies. It summarizes
views with cluster actors, activists, and some of the most commonly used
analysts to suggest a cluster-based techniques for identifying, sizing up,
framework for state policymakers. It and portraying clusters: analyzing
summarizes lessons learned about how existing databases, inventorying sup-
state governments can strengthen their port structures, assessing the competi-
economies by supporting the competi- tive environment, and mapping rela-
tiveness of clusters. It seeks to impart tionships.The definitions and descrip-
to readers: tions then flow into the real power of
clusters, the factors that drive cluster
• an appreciation of the value of
growth and comparative advantage.
attending to the distinctive assets
and needs of state and regional Section 5 presents some basic
economies; tools that have been used successfully
in some regions to develop, assist, and
• an understanding of the advantages
propel clusters and build stronger
of clusters and forces that make
economies.These tools, frequently
them develop, grow, mature, and
illustrated by example, are broadly
reinvent themselves as they
structured around four themes: organ-
decline; and
izing the delivery of services, targeting
• policies that develop, assist, and investments, strengthening networks,
propel clusters in urban and rural, and developing human resources.
rich and poor regions.

II Why Pay Attention to Clusters?

onceptually, industry clusters have The most obvious reason states ting-edge suppliers, discriminating
C become the sine qua non of eco-
nomic development policy across
should think about and act on clusters
is businesses do. Companies tend to
customers, highly skilled labor pools,
research and development facilities,
the United States. State economies, locate near one another, including and industry leaders. Industry-specific
because of historical accident or competitors, because the advantage knowledge and know-how accumu-
investments, targeted recruitment, or of external economies and access to late and disperse through entrepre-
geographic peculiarities, have distinc- labor and knowledge outweigh the neurial areas and innovative compa-
tive structures. Certain industries are disadvantages that competitors may nies. Clustering gives firms quicker
more highly concentrated in some steal their employees or find out information about advances in tech-
places than in others.The competitive their trade secrets. nologies and changes in customer or
advantages of various regions of a state consumer preferences. Not inciden-
are best understood by the competi- Benefits to Business from tally, it reduces transaction costs.
tive advantages of their most promi- Clustering
nent industries. Every place wants to
Concentration, or clustering, gives
Hard and Soft Benefits
be exceptionally good at something
businesses an advantage over more iso-
from Clustering
that can be translated into reputation
lated competitors. It provides access to These advantages can be separated
and success in the marketplace.
more suppliers and customized sup- into “hard” benefits and “soft” benefits.
There is surprisingly little dis- port services, to experienced and Hard benefits are gained from more
agreement over the formal definition skilled labor pools, and to the efficient business transactions, wiser
of a “cluster.” Most experts define it as inevitable transfer of knowledge that investments, and reduced expenditures
a geographically bounded concentra- occurs where people casually meet and that produce profits and jobs. Soft ben-
tion of similar, related or complemen- talk business. Clustering enables com- efits are derived from the learning,
tary businesses, with active channels panies to focus on what they know and benchmarking, and sharing that
for business transactions, communica- do best; they need not do things they expands knowledge and leads to inno-
tions and dialogue, that share special- do not do well. Firms also benefit vation, imitation, and improvement.
ized infrastructure, labor markets and from synergy. Companies able to oper-
The most quickly recognized and
services, and that are faced with com- ate more or less as a system can use
easily measured advantages to firms
mon opportunities and threats. their resources more efficiently and
are those resulting from the concentra-
collectively produce more than the
A cluster differs from a sector in tion of the resources necessary to do
sum of their individual outputs.
its geographic boundaries; the inclu- business. Clustered firms can choose
sion of resource, supply, and knowl- Among all of the advantages of from a greater number of more
edge chains; and the importance of clustering, none is as important as tailored services.These services
how they are connected. Clusters are access to innovation, knowledge, and include bankers and accountants who
best understood and used as regional know-how. In the New Economy— understand their technologies and
systems. Sectors, which states have defined by knowledge-intensive tradi- markets, trusted consultants who can
traditionally used for planning pur- tional and emerging industries—com- solve specific problems, marketing and
poses and identifying economic panies look for their main competitive advertising companies that know their
opportunities, are treated mainly advantages in access to ideas and tal- customers, and the small business cen-
as concentrations. ent, which requires geographic prox- ter that can assess their procedures and
imity to professional colleagues, cut- give advice. Moreover, local firms can


purchase these resources faster and at Table 1: “Hard” Benefits of Clusters

a lower cost than their more distant
competitors. Asset Benefits

Among the most important hard Local supply chains Design efficiencies
benefits is access to a knowledgeable
Specialized workforce Higher productivity
and experienced workforce, particu-
larly the mid-skilled workers who are Specialized services Faster and easier access
deeply rooted in the region and who
typically have attended the local voca- Choice of inputs Lower costs, higher quality

tional schools and community and Range of firms Joint ventures, network opportunities
technical colleges (see Table 1). Except
for the small number of jobs that are
telecommutable, such as back office
workers in Asia, these skills cannot be Table 2: “Soft” Benefits of Clusters
purchased over the Internet and deliv-
Asset Benefits
ered overnight.
Association Collective vision, planning, influence
The presence of potential local
suppliers is an advantage, but mainly in Trust Inter-firm collaboration and networks
industries where significant knowledge
is embedded in the product. In today’s Learning (1) Technology transfer and innovation
economy, overnight deliveries and
Learning (2) Tacit knowledge and know-how
Internet communications reduce the
importance of proximity for standard- Informal labor markets Efficiencies, career ladders
ized parts and supplies. Companies
increasingly use electronic auctions
The advantages of these assets are Advantage also comes from the
for parts, and proximity matters most
derived from a mobile workforce and more efficient acquisition of tacit
for critical components or supplies
the flow of knowledge among firms knowledge—sometimes called know-
that are knowledge-intensive and
through formal and informal discus- how—that is carried in the heads of
depend on interactive research and
sions with peers, suppliers, and cus- individuals and in the routines of
design or special support in assembly
tomers. Innovation is a collective and organizations and is not published or
or utilization. Supply chains are advan-
iterative process, and an environment otherwise formally recorded.Transfer
tageous, but less so today than in the
that encourages people to share and of this knowledge requires the face-to-
20th century.
play off one another’s ideas promotes face contact that occurs in business-to-
The soft benefits of clustering are innovations in technologies, products, business interactions and social, pro-
the intangible assets that are not so and processes. fessional, and trade meetings.The
directly transferred to a profit-and-loss greatest advantage of social capital and
statement, but potentially have an even trust is derived from planned collabo-
greater impact on the bottom line than ration and network formation.
the hard externalities (see Table 2).

Clusters can expand opportunities.
The precursors of programs to Why change now? Clusters can, but do not automatically,
develop clusters typically were state expand opportunity for low-income
First, the needs of a state’s cus-
programs designed to form networks places or populations. Clusters that have
tomer-companies are systemic and
among groups of firms.These programs organized to set their priorities and artic-
rarely defined by single business func-
were about addressing business needs ulate their interests have rarely placed
tions, so companies have difficulty try-
collectively and achieving economies of equity very high on their agenda. For
ing to find and assemble the help they
scale. In retrospect, states’ emphasis on demand-driven development efforts to
need to solve problems.1 State agency
networks put the cart before the horse, include social goals, there must also be
because networks naturally develop out personnel cannot have detailed knowl-
a payoff in profits (e.g., increased pro-
of the relationships that exist in strong edge of all the industries they are
ductivity, good will that results in addi-
clusters. Although the terms “network” expected to serve.
tional sales, or reduced turnover). In
and “cluster” are sometimes used inter- Second, cluster-directed policies tight labor markets, that payoff might be
changeably, there are critical differences. increase the efficiency of government an ability to maintain a full workforce.
Networks create economies of scale by in light of increasingly volatile and This benefits some poorer regions that
deliberately sharing resources, expertise, competitive markets and discriminating may have surplus labor forces, and it
or information.There is nothing neces- customers who expect rapid and cus- causes companies to invest more heavi-
sarily deliberate about the naturally tomized responses and have eschewed ly in the training of less-educated popu-
occurring efficiencies that are part of loyalties. Successful companies must lations to meet their employment needs.
the cluster’s business environment. continually innovate to survive in the In weak labor markets, companies may
new environment and want a govern- prefer to operate in places where edu-
New Policies for ment that understands their special cational levels and wages are lower or
Economic Development conditions, will be innovative itself, to find employees for occupations that

Economists and geographers have and can provide services in the same despite good salaries are associated

studied spatial concentrations of com- quick and customized ways that com- with lower socioeconomic status, such

panies for more than a century.Yet panies are expected to act.This poses a as machinists and tool-and-die makers.

economic development policymakers real challenge for public agencies that

have paid little attention to the advan- are often mired in bureaucracy.
As any good business manager
tages of concentration and specializa- knows, most changes that occur in a
Third, clusters may lead to more
tion. Instead, they have supported plant are systemic and affect the func-
self-sustaining state economic growth.
diversification, considering industry tioning of the entire production
The advantages of place draw similar
concentration more a liability and process. Effective interventions take
and complementary enterprises; with
threat to long-term sustainability than into account the entire system.
encouragement, these enterprises can
an asset to be nurtured. Similarly, regional economies are sys-
ultimately breed other clusters.The
Where clusters have developed textile cluster in South Carolina tems defined by interdependent busi-
and flourished, the public sector’s attracted enough machine and tool ness elements. Interventions that are
main contributions has been through builders to become an industrial systemic will have the greatest
segmented agencies that serve specific machinery cluster in its own right.The impacts.Thus government agencies are
functions (e.g., financing, training, conversion to Web-based printing, gradually turning their attention from
technical assistance, or exporting) publishing, and advertising created a individual firms and places to collec-
common to all kinds of businesses. new media cluster in New York City. tions of firms or “clusters.”


Through clusters states can better 2. Policies that target invest- 4. Policies that improve the
understand economies as systems and ments to clusters. States already clusters’ workforce. The single
leverage change. This suggests new make investments to strengthen their most important resource of any cluster
policies for strengthening and sus- key industries or gain a foothold in in today’s economy is its human capital.
taining economies that enable gov- emerging industries.They support uni- Access to a labor pool that knows how
ernments to be more strategic, sys- versity-based research and develop- to apply its knowledge to the business
tematic, and efficient in their uses ment (R&D) and its commercialization of the cluster is a key to success.The
of public monies. and build industrial sites. Some regions challenge for states is to effectively
have tried, with mixed success, to buy interject the right level of cluster con-
No single sequence of actions fits
clusters with incentives and invest- text into postsecondary education and
all clusters, just as no solution fits
ments. However, states have been less the appropriate degree of specialization
every business situation. Each cluster
sensitive to their mature clusters when into higher institutions to meet the
has its own culture and conditions, and
investing in innovation and entrepre- needs of clusters that operate in
its needs and potential must be indi-
neurship. Investment strategies will diversified regional economies.
vidually assessed. Policies have to be
help less research-oriented cluster
tailored, but there are experiences on Finally, states have a responsibility
members absorb new technologies
which states can draw and some guide- to see that the economic outcomes
and become more innovative.
lines to help design appropriate poli- from their policies ultimately have a
cies.The policies address service deliv- 3. Policies to increase clus- chance to reach all corners of the state
ery, investments, accelerated learning, ters’ networking and learning. and all segments of the population.
and workforce preparation. Government agencies that recognize Clusters offer ways to restructure equi-
clusters—and, where appropriate, ty policies to more effectively serve
1. Policies to more efficiently
help clusters organize—become more less-advantaged regions and lower-
organize and deliver services.
effective partners and negotiators.They income and less-educated populations.
Government services typically are
are better able to learn about and react
organized by function. Small business
to industry needs, monitor clusters’
services, training, technology exten-
progress, and help clusters adjust to
sion, marketing, and recruiting are
environmental changes. Strengthening
separate programs staffed by specialists
clusters this way also helps regions
in a particular discipline, not industry.
develop unique expertise and “brands”
Clusters provide a better organiza-
that can supplement regions’ general
tional framework for delivering servic-
competitive advantages.
es that are more tailored to industry
demand because they are problem-
oriented, not program-oriented;
address needs interdependently, not
independently; and work with cus-
tomers collectively, not individually.

III How Clusters Grow
The polymer cluster in northeast Ohio grew out of the expertise and success of B.F.
hat causes a cluster in one place Goodrich’s rubber factory, which opened in Akron in the 1870s. Spurred by the demand for

W to become more competitive

than a cluster in another place? Some
rubber from the new automobile industry, the region became the “rubber capital of the
world.” A shortage of raw materials during World War II led to synthetic rubber and plastic

clusters might fare better because they substitutes. The industry thrived until the late 1970s, when global competitors began produc-

innovate and develop new comparative ing at lower costs and jobs moved off shore. The survivors were higher value-added firms

advantages, some because they operate that succeeded by focusing on niche markets and process innovations. To help the industry

in an entrepreneurial environment, and rebuild, in 1984 Ohio established the Edison Polymer Innovation Corporation as one of its first

others because they have the foresight Edison centers. In cooperation with the University of Akron and Case Western University, the

to shift their competencies to enter corporation became an R&D consortium for polymers. Over time, it developed into a “virtual

new and emerging markets. Rosabeth organization” that organizes and facilitates consortia of companies willing to invest in R&D.

Moss Kantor attributes economic After a difficult period of restructuring and state investments in R&D, the cluster has been

growth to three factors: concepts, con- able to renew itself and become one of the nation’s premier clusters of polymer processors

nections, and competencies.2 (visit

Concepts builders are important sources of imitation and the competition that fol-
Innovation, imitation, and entre- innovation.Yet the innovations that lows build a strong cluster. Imitation is
preneurship are what propel competi- may be of most importance to mature as important to a cluster as innovation
tive clusters. Although the success of a clusters are the creative solutions to because it is what circulates new con-
firm depends on its ability to protect problems by a technician, engineer, cepts and practices among companies
its own technological advances, new or systems analyst and the improve- and spurs further innovation. It is the
products, or designs, the success of the ments that result from the spread reason companies look for benchmarks
cluster in which it operates depends of knowledge among employees among their peers. Many of the imita-
on widespread diffusion, access to tors become innovators by improving
and companies.
innovations and information, and spin- on the practices they adopt, and this
offs of new enterprises.The porosity Imitation and competition. cycle of innovation and imitation
of clusters presses competitors within Innovation builds a strong company; drives clusters toward excellence. If a
the cluster to continually improve and
innovate to maintain their advantages
over imitators. Mississippi’s upholstered furniture cluster started in 1948, when a new company,
Futorian Furniture, began applying mass production methods to furniture in Tupelo. Over time
Innovation. Innovators generate many of its employees acquired a sufficient store of skills and knowledge of the industry to
and commercialize new ideas, find leave and set up their own shops. Referring to themselves as graduates of the “University of
more efficient production processes, Futorian,” these workers spawned factory after factory. As companies multiplied, they
or create new markets. Innovations attracted suppliers and support services. The basis of this cluster of more than 200 compa-
occur in all aspects of business (e.g., nies is imitation, and their demand for training, technicians, and new technologies is low.
the application of technologies, Former business associates and friends are fierce competitors and intensely protective of
design of management systems, mar- their designs and innovations. Yet community cohesiveness and worker mobility serve to
keting of products, and use of labor). diffuse knowledge and make it difficult to maintain secrecy for long. Owners admit that
Universities, research centers, cus- within the tight social fabric of this church- and school-centered community, competing
tomers, suppliers, and machine firms often help one another in times of need, and new knowledge and news of innovation
travel quickly and freely.


cluster has a collective persona and its Connections defined for this guide, is the collabora-
markets are global, it views imitation tive structure among small and mid-
as strengthening the cluster. In North The most successful clusters build sized enterprises. By the late 1980s,
Carolina, for example, members of mechanisms that can speed the move- networks had become a popular policy
the embattled hosiery cluster proudly ment of ideas, innovations, and infor- tool throughout the industrialized
note there are no secrets among them. mation from firm to firm throughout world.These networks were formally
They are competing far less with one the economy.The dynamics of clus- structured coalitions of firms that
another than collectively with Turkey, ters, not the individual accomplish- ranged from joint ventures created by
Korea, and Mexico. ments, create the learning region and legal contracts to business associations
innovation cluster.The mechanisms formed by nothing more binding than
Entrepreneurial energy. and entities for collecting and dissemi- annual membership dues.The former
Entrepreneurial capacity is the fuel nating knowledge—the gatekeepers, depended heavily on cooperation and
that drives the expansion of cluster brokers, and intermediaries that trust, the latter on the value of serv-
growth. Recruitment may be a vitamin encourage and facilitate all forms of ices and networking opportunities. A
regimen that fortifies it, but it is the associative behavior—provide the value region that is home to a critical mass
rare location that can recruit a cluster. embodied in social capital that is so of interdependent companies and that
The genesis of most clusters can be important to cluster competitiveness. has a social infrastructure and multi-
traced to the employees of one or two
Networking and networks. ple intermediaries facilitating associa-
companies who left to start their own
The single most important operating tive behavior and specialized support
company. Sometimes the impetus is
principle of competitive clusters is the services produces networks with or
survival when a parent firm moves,
ability to network extensively and without government-sponsored net-
downsizes, or goes out of business.
form networks selectively. Networking work programs.
is the process that moves and spreads Connections and intermedi-
ideas, information, and best practices aries. The limits or constraints to
throughout a cluster and imports them active participation in a successful
from other places. A “network,” as cluster are largely a function of “con-
nections” or deficits in social capital.
Some of a state’s stock of social capital
The automotive cluster centered on Detroit, Michigan, began in earnest when Ransom resides in its civic and professional
E. Olds began mass producing the Oldsmobile in 1901. After a fire destroyed his factory, Olds associations, and its economic value is
put all his resources into producing the “Curved Dash Olds” (the only vehicle saved from the deeply embedded in the functions of
fire). The cluster grew around a number of entrepreneurial firms, including Olds, Dodge, groups that bring people together to
Cadillac, Ford, and Chrysler, that quickly developed over the next several years. For example, share ideas and knowledge.Various
before building its own model, Dodge built transmissions for Olds and engines and axles for entities that work with clusters, such
Ford. Likewise, the original Cadillac was produced by Henry Ford’s former partners using an as technology centers, community
engine design that Olds had rejected. As the industry matured and consolidated with the for- colleges, and community-based organ-
mation of General Motors in 1908, expertise in automotive engineering and manufacturing izations, serve as linking agents and
concentrated in the region. Today, the Big 3 automakers retain headquarters, research, engi- gateways to information, knowledge,
neering, and design functions in or around Detroit. The automotive industry, with $1 trillion in and labor.
annual sales, spends more than any other U.S. industrial sector on R&D, and Michigan ranks
second to California in total private research and development spending.

Competencies Industry leaders. Behind every regions—or even low-income com-
successful cluster is a group of innova- munities in relatively advantaged
Although many factors affect the tive firms led by people who value regions—have trouble keeping their
competitive advantages of clusters, learning, are committed to their com- brightest graduates from moving to
none is as important as the compe- munity, and are willing to work the “cool” places that cater to diversity
tencies they embody. Learning and toward a collective vision for their and offer high culture, stellar recre-
knowledge transfer represent the industry.These leading companies may ational activities, and good job choices.
lifeblood—and skilled labor the have a niche or rapidly growing mar-
gene pool—of clusters.3 Tacit knowledge. Successful
ket that is not threatened by competi-
regions are home to institutions, indi-
Specialized workforce. The tion, or they may face such intense
viduals, and organizations that serve as
skills and knowledge of the workforce global competition that the benefits of
storehouses and disseminators of
have soared to the top of the list of mutual support and learning outweigh
undocumented knowledge.The knowl-
businesses’ requirements. As businesses concerns about confidentiality.The key
edge resides in research and technolo-
become more technology-dependent, to building and sustaining a cluster
gy centers and their staff, education
they need more highly skilled, educat- organization often rests with the sup-
institutions and their faculty, and com-
ed, and talented employees. Although port of these leading companies.
panies and their employees. It extends
other cluster inputs, such as parts, Talent. Regions are beginning to well beyond whatever may be record-
suppliers, and services can more easily use incentives to recruit talent as they ed.Those that develop and work with
be outsourced than using the Internet once recruited branch plants. new systems, techniques, and tech-
and overnight deliveries, the work- Universities want faculty who can nologies know far more about how
force remains a local resource con- attract research dollars and bright these systems, techniques, and tech-
strained by acceptable commuting graduate students. Clusters, especially nologies work under different circum-
patterns. Changing demographics and in knowledge-intensive sectors, need stances than is ever documented.
preferences only reinforce the critical bright young people to attract other
nature of a skilled labor supply. new firms and young companies.
Declining birthrates in industrialized Talent is attracted not just by salaries,
nations, coupled with diminished but also by the chance to interact with
interest among youth in pursuing peers in their field, opportunities for
industrial careers, have increased the professional development, and mem-
pressures to locate where a labor bership in local professional associa-
pool already exists. tions. Less-advantaged and peripheral

IV Knowing the Cluster, Understanding
the Economy
he first step in any policy directed and adaptable human resources, acces- political or policy significance to
T to clusters is to identify the state’s
clusters. By seeing an economy
sible technology, availability of capital,
advanced physical infrastructure, and
states to the extent that it develops
and strengthens the state’s economy,
through the lens of various regional competitive tax and regulatory cli- contributes to its growth, and fur-
production and innovation systems, mate—form the base.4 thers its social goals of creating better
states can more accurately identify opportunities for less-advantaged
Whatever methodology a state
market imperfections, find pressure regions and lower-income and less-
chooses, the starting point for any
points, predict systemic failures, and educated populations.
cluster strategy is an analysis of exist-
determine what interventions can
ing clustering in the economy, begin- Cluster labels typically are con-
have the greatest impacts. Assessing
ning with the recognition and con- ferred by a state on groups of sectors
strengths, weaknesses, threats, and
struction of the clusters and moving that meet some litmus test based on
opportunities for an entire economy at
toward a deeper understanding of how comparative criteria. If the bar is set
best works for generic factors and at
they work. Some basic tools can help too high, clusters will be exceptions
worst masks real problems by averag-
states through this process (see found in relatively few places. If the
ing across sectors. For example, under
Appendix A). bar is set too low, clusters become ill-
the same general economic conditions
and with access to the same infrastruc- Determining cluster con- defined, loose systems of firms with
ture, textiles or tobacco might be in structs. States have at their disposal little in common other than traditional
deep trouble while biotechnology or various methodologies for identifying cross-cutting economic development
electronics is growing rapidly. Most clusters based on scales, concentra- issues, such as taxes, zoning, infra-
challenges and opportunities are based tions, value chains, and other systemic structure, and basic education.
on circumstances that vary from mar- relationships. Although the analytical Ultimately, however, clusters self-
ket to market and product to product. tools are important starting points, the select based on how individual
results of even the most rigorous employers and institutions define their
The best-known model for missions, set their priorities, use the
methodologies are no better than the
describing the various elements of a region’s resources, and form relation-
quality of the input data and the ways
cluster is the four-point “diamond,”
the clusters are defined.The critical ships. States can encourage even
which was developed by Michael
decision is determining the logic for underdeveloped clusters to improve
Porter and a team from the Harvard
combining firms into clusters, which their collective advantages by defining
Business School.The model includes
could be based on common products, themselves as a cluster and strengthen-
(1) firm structure and rivalry, (2) local
similar processes, value-added chains, ing relationships.
demand, (3) related and support
core technologies, skill requirements,
industries, and (4) “factor conditions,” The most common basis for clusters is
or proximity to natural resources.
defined as skills, infrastructure, R&D, related groups of industry sectors.Wood
capital, etc.The other commonly Gaining recognition as a cluster products, for example, may be
applied model, originally devised by has political significance to firms matched with lumber, apparel with
SRI International, takes the form of a because it draws special attention from textiles, chemicals with plastics, and
pyramid.The leading export-oriented funding agencies, aids in establishing information technology with commu-
companies are situated at the peak, the an international reputation or accepted nications. Places with a particular
suppliers and services are below, and trademark in the marketplace, and niche may focus their clusters more
the five “foundation factors”—skilled attracts specialized resources. It has narrowly. Northeast Mississippi’s

Proximity matters. The geography of clusters is set by where member firms find their
concentration of upholstered motion advantages. That generally means the distances and times people are willing to travel for
furniture companies and North employment and company employees and owners think are reasonable for meeting and
Carolina’s concentration of men’s networking. Distance is influenced by traffic and transportation systems as well as by cul-
hosiery manufacturers each operates tural identity, personal preferences, and social hierarchies. In a city with heavy traffic con-
independently as a cluster. In other gestion, the ostensible cluster limits may be the metropolitan area or even closer. Silicon
regions that are less populated or less Alley is located in Manhattan, New York, south of 41st Street. Long Island’s related infor-
specialized, companies may cross sec- mation technology cluster, though just over a bridge, might as well be in another country. In
tors and find interdependencies related some neighborhoods, social barriers created by class or race may restrict residents’ real
to the workforce, technologies, or nat- connections and related opportunities to a much smaller area than the full cluster.
ural resources. Most cluster groupings In rural areas where roads are relatively free of traffic and people are more accus-
also include key supplier industries tomed to driving long distances, a cluster may include a region that encompasses up to a
based on national input-output tables 100-mile radius. The metalworking companies in western Minnesota and eastern North
that show the per-unit cost of inputs Dakota and South Dakota that joined together to form the Tri-State Manufacturers’
by sector relative to the per-unit cost Association have been willing to drive that 100 miles for planned functions. Political consid-
of output by sector. Supply-chain rela- erations also affect cluster boundaries, but it is important not to overlook “edge” clusters
tionships, however, manifest only that may cross state boundaries. The sizable metalworking cluster in western Minnesota
possible, not actual, relationships near the North and South Dakota borders was not obvious even to the firms operating there
among companies. Local firms in the before a foundation-led effort to develop the cluster. Although distance matters and creates
supply-chain sectors may not be quali- advantage, geographic boundaries must be porous enough for local actors to be exposed
fied and/or chosen to be suppliers. to innovations, find markets, and do business anywhere in the world. Proximity adds value
to a much larger storehouse of knowledge and opportunity.
States have considerable discre-
tion to select the companies they
choose to include in each cluster. important source of information is tration, and changes in both over time.
The best decisions rely as much on expert opinion, which can add a fresh The latter typically compares the ratio
experience, common sense, and pre- and perhaps totally different perspec- of employment or establishments in
science as on rigorous rules for inclu- tive. Asking local actors through sur- a cluster to the same ratio for the
sion or exclusion. veys, interviews, or focus groups what nation.The result is called a location
they see as dominant or vital to the quotient, with a ratio of greater than
The difficulty in relying too heavi-
economy can reinforce or alter the 1.0 representing higher-than-average
ly on standard industry codes is many
results of the quantitative analyses. concentration.
companies have a wide range of prod-
ucts and multiple core competencies. Sizing up clusters. Most Researchers have found ways to
In Connecticut, for example, some descriptions of clusters begin by meas- combine factors in creative ways to
of the largest producers of plastic parts uring numbers of establishments and describe and distinguish the rela-
and employers of plastics techni- employees by sector based on associa- tive importance of clusters. DRI-
cians—Lego, BIC, and Schick—are tion directories and existing databases, McGraw Hill, under a grant from
not classified as “plastics” companies. such as County Business Patterns, the U.S. Economic Development
One must apply common sense and Employment Service 202 reports, Administration, created an index that
depend on on-the-ground observers to Dunn & Bradstreet, Harris, and combines location quotients for estab-
identify the roots and members of CorpTech.These numbers are used to lishments and for employees, growth
clusters.Thus another extremely assess absolute scale, relative concen- rates, and concentrations along supply

Both Large- and Small-Scale Clusters Matter. The minimum firm density necessary for
a cluster is that which creates sufficient efficiencies to yield economies of scale.
chains into a single index.5 This meas-
Companies attain this two ways. The most common means is with a critical mass of
ure produced 19 general clusters that
demand—a sufficient number of firms and/or employees with common or complementary
drive the U.S. economy and account
needs—to attract the specialized services, supplies, and resources that are less available
for about 57 percent of all employ-
to more dispersed and distant firms. To reach scale, states also sometimes combine multi-
ment.The Council on
ple sectors, such as wood products with furniture, textiles with apparel, chemicals with
Competitiveness, using more detailed
plastics, or communications with information technologies. The danger in setting broad
measures, such as exports, venture
criteria is the interdependencies become weaker and common interests drop to a lowest
capital investments, and patents, iden-
common denominator.
tified 41 traded clusters that include
Clusters that lack scale may still have strategic value to a state and the potential to
244 more narrowly defined subclus-
take off. Biotechnology in central Kentucky and life sciences around New Orleans,
ters.6 To enable regional comparisons,
Louisiana, though small in numbers, have the research and development base and entre-
researchers at the University of North
preneurial energy to reach scale. A cluster’s value may be its contribution to sustaining the
Carolina have grouped industries into
economic stability of a region or its potential for creating jobs in a distressed region. Film
23 value-added chains that measure
and video at coastal sites in North Carolina and South Carolina, gambling along the
how tightly suppliers are coupled.7
Mississippi River, and Global TransPark in eastern North Carolina are cluster-based efforts
Still other measures focus on rates to bring jobs to poor, rural areas. A cluster can be a contributor to the success of other
of innovation and knowledge associat- industries but have a culture of its own, such as information technology services or distri-
ed with clusters, such as comparing bution/logistics. Only by distinguishing among types of clusters can governments find the
the proportions of workers in occupa- most effective strategies.
tions classified as knowledge-intensive,
or comparing patent rates by organiza- Figure 1: Bubble Chart for Mid-Sized Metropolitan Area in Northeast
tions and employees in clusters. Each
measure is a useful but limited esti-
mating procedure. One drawback is JOB GROWTH, JOB GROWTH,
knowledge is now embedded in most LOW WAGES HIGH WAGES
jobs and has little to do with position
titles. Moreover, only a small percent-
age of innovations are ever patented,
and many of those end up being com-
mercialized in regions other than
where they are developed.
Although some researchers devise
formulas to combine measures into
single indices, the most popular JOB DECLINE, JOB DECLINE,
method for visualizing and comparing LOW WAGES HIGH WAGES
clusters, which does not require
assigning degrees of importance to
measures, is the “bubble chart” (see
Figure 1).Two variables are chosen for

Asset Inventory Checklist

✓ Distributors and exporters to the cluster.They also include the Oregon Wood Products
✓ Education programs freight forwarders and exporters who Competitiveness Corporation, its pri-
✓ Engineering consultants know its markets; the banks and vate-sector board traveled to Sweden
✓ Financial institutions accountants who have developed to benchmark the competition. A
✓ Industry lawyers and accountants relationships with the cluster; and Swedish businessman happened to
✓ Maintenance and repair facilities the trade, labor, and professional comment on the corporation’s advan-
✓ Marketing consultants associations that provide the net- tageous proximity to Oregon State
✓ Nonprofit organizations with working opportunities (see “Asset University’s wood products R&D cen-
industry focus Inventory Checklist”). ter, which none of the Oregon-based
✓ R&D centers companies had used or was aware
Finding the connections. The
✓ Technology extension centers existed.
most time-consuming and difficult
✓ Trade and labor organizations part of understanding clusters is find-
✓ Training programs ing the real interdependencies—the
✓ Testing laboratories cluster dynamics that produce the Clusters depend on relationships
flows of ideas and innovations and cre- and connections. Clusters are systems
the “x” axis and “y” axis, which might ate the synergies. Sociologists have of place-based systemic relationships
be location quotients and growth rates already developed the methodology that provide comparative advantages for
or, as in this case, job growth and but rarely have applied it to clusters companies. The companies that com-
wages. A third variable is represented (see Appendix B). It requires surveying prise a cluster are determined by rela-
by the size (radius) of a circle around a sample of members’ relationships to tionships that are important to its mem-
the point on the graph—in this case, learn, for example: bers’ success. There are three general
the number of establishments. A fourth types of systemic relationships that are
variable can be represented by the • to whom companies turn for help
based on increasing levels of trust. The
degree of shading in the circles, which with business problems;
first and simplest relationship is to the
in this case is the location quotient. • where they would go to see specialized services, resources, and

Inventorying cluster assets. benchmark practices; labor pool that are available where there
is a critical mass of customers. This type
Because the value of clustering is so • what services and resources they
requires no trust-based interfirm collab-
closely linked to the firms’ access to regularly use;
oration. The second type is the set of
specialized services and resources, a
state should know what those assets • with whom they trust enough to transactions among local firms associat-

are and where they are located. Listing collaborate; ed with the buying and selling of prod-
ucts or services. Some transactions may
the assets available to and used by a • in which business or professional
be standard purchasing agreements, but
cluster is a prerequisite for completing associations they are active; and
others may be joint ventures that require
any picture of the cluster and under-
standing how it functions.Those assets • on what advisory boards or coun- shared knowledge and trust. The third

include the education programs that cils they serve. type is the untraded transaction, which
involves sharing information, experi-
match the cluster’s workforce needs, The presence of a specialized
ences, and tacit knowledge. This recip-
the consultants who are familiar with resource does not necessarily mean it
rocal relationship often results in inno-
the cluster’s industries, and the brings value to the cluster. For exam-
vation and requires the most trust.
research and development that relates ple, when Oregon created the


By mapping the intensity of con- and illustrate benchmarking and learn- diagram in which boxes symbolize key
nections, a state can discover how ing paths. parts of the cluster—the companies,
tightly its clusters are bound internal- suppliers, services, supporting institu-
Mapping relationships. Once
ly; the degree to which any cluster is tions, and trade, business, and labor
the members are identified, special
connected and dependent on organiza- associations—and shows connections
resources and services inventoried,
tions outside the region or to other by directional arrows. A few use the
and relationships approximated, a clus-
regional clusters; which intermediaries thickness of the arrows to estimate the
ter can be mapped (see Figure 2).
are most effective; and where better intensity of the linkages. Clusters are
Most mapping efforts skip most of the
information channels could be useful. very complex systems, so these maps
preliminaries and rely on known or
These maps would help states establish are only rough portraits of a cluster.
assumed cluster-specific relationships
baseline information and benchmark Remember, the feature that distinguishes a
among classes of firms and other
against other clusters; identify the competitive cluster from an agglomeration
organizations.These show what is pos-
most active and leading members and of firms is what happens between, not
sible, not what is. A few gather the
networking opportunities; expand inside, the boxes and ovals.
required data and develop detailed
membership; pinpoint effective inter-
maps.The most common map is a flow
mediaries; identify information needs;

Figure 2: Electronics in New York’s Southern Tier

V Policy Options to Support Competitive Clusters
Clusters require different supports at different levels of maturity. Clusters represent
sets of industries that are in different stages of their product and technology life cycles. The
f clusters represent the way
I economies are organized, then how
can that knowledge be used to devise
stage of development shapes a cluster’s needs and interests and thus how the state should
respond. An embryonic cluster involves a product or service in an early stage of develop-
ment, and its social and support structures are also just emerging and underdeveloped.
more effective public policies for creat-
Clusters in this stage may require more support for entrepreneurs, R&D, and seed or venture
ing jobs and raising standards of living?
capital. Once a cluster has developed markets and attracted imitators but retains a competi-
Unfortunately, there is no single “cor-
tive edge based on its innovative capacity, reputation, and labor skills, it enters a growth
rect” recipe for states to follow that will
stage. This cluster needs the foundations that support expansion and broaden the region’s
meet the needs of every cluster in every
overall cluster portfolio. It may need entrepreneurial support, product and supply-chain
place. Because clusters encompass so
development, and expansion capital.
many different types of systemic rela-
A cluster has reached the mature phase when its process becomes routine, more and
tionships and industries and function
more imitators enter the market, and price becomes the key advantage. At this stage, clus-
under so many different circumstances,
ters need to modernize with new process technologies, new kinds of marketing, and new
they require individual analysis and cus-
product development. When the product becomes replaceable with lower-cost or more-
tomized responses. Fortunately, the
effective substitutes, it enters its declining phase. Members of the cluster not locally owned
cumulative experience of a decade of
may begin disinvesting while looking for lower-price production sites. Even local companies
policy experimentation and implemen-
may encourage their cluster members to pursue careers in more promising industries.
tation in the United States has produced
state policy options.
sent the ways a state might: The policy options described are
Selecting the policy options to specific to clusters and assume certain
emphasize in each case depends on • organize service delivery;
foundation factors exist to support
many factors, including the cluster’s • target investments; economic growth in all sectors and in
stage of development, state budget all places (see “State Policy Options”).
circumstances, cluster priorities, and • strengthen networking opportuni-
For example, all companies and their
market imperfections and preferences. ties; and
employees need a sound basic educa-
It is helpful to organize the policy • develop human resources. tion, good transportation infrastruc-
options into four categories that repre- ture, reasonably priced public utilities,
housing options, shopping, a safe envi-
State Policy Options ronment, and cultural and recreational
amenities.Together, these factors con-
■ Organize service delivery around clusters ■ Strengthen networking and build bridges
tribute to the quality of life.They are
• Aggregate, collect, and sort information • Establish or recognize cluster organizations
essential to attract and keep talent that
by cluster and alliances
is increasingly mobile and can afford to
• Form cross-agency quick-response teams • Facilitate external linkages
be discriminating in its choice of
• Encourage and support multifirm activity • Encourage cluster communications channels
where to live and work. Nearly all the
• Build incentives for multifirm applications
■ Develop human resources for clusters options have proven successful in one
to funding programs
• Develop a skilled and specialized labor force or more places. A few, however,
■ Target investments to clusters • Engage community-based employment stretch the limits and suggest best
• Invest in cluster R&D and innovation intermediaries practices from other fields or circum-
• Invest in cluster technology centers or parks • Qualify people for cluster employment stances that could be even more effec-
• Support cluster entrepreneurial activity • Establish cluster skills centers tive if focused on clusters.
• Market clusters and build cluster markets • Support regional skill alliances


Organize and deliver 1. Aggregate, collect, and sort opment agencies, technology assis-
government-supported information by cluster tance entities, and chambers of com-
services to clusters Most states organize and publish merce. In some states, the MEP sends
economic data by sector and economic out teams of individuals with different
Potentially the most effective but expertise to conduct its technology
region or labor market area, but not
least used policy option available to assessments of small and mid-sized
by cluster.Various agencies request
state agencies is to reorganize and/or enterprises.Teams of individuals who
information and conduct needs assess-
deliver their services around clusters. know or will invest in learning about
ments, often calling on the same firms.
Most government services, from the the cluster are low-cost means for
Organizing the data by cluster and
perspectives of small and mid-sized states to address clusters’ needs specif-
coordinating the collection of survey
businesses, are fragmented and poorly ically and systemically.
data through cluster organizations
coordinated. States offer training, edu-
would provide useful information to
cation, financing, technical assistance, 3. Encourage and support multi-
local development agencies, cluster
research, and marketing support firm activities
organizations, and service providers
through different agencies. Companies Both “networks,” which are multi-
and minimize paperwork demands on
have the difficult, if not impossible, firm business activities, and “network-
companies. Historically, states have
task of sorting out the services, finding ing,” which is a process for learning
carried out sector analyses for market-
what they need, and applying for assis- and acquiring information from oth-
ing purposes. Periodic cluster bench-
tance. Agency officials have the equally ers, are vitally important but comple-
thorny task of understanding the spe- mark studies, which some states have
already done, offer an even more in- mentary outcomes of competitive
cial needs of all industries and cus- clusters.The former is a formally
tomers. As an organizing strategy, clus- depth and focused analysis of industry
trends and needs (see Appendix A). structured alliance of firms; the latter
ters shift the focus from seeking cus- a social phenomenon that finds,
tomers for programs to assessing cus- New York and northeast Ohio, for
example, have carried out studies of moves, and spreads ideas, information,
tomers’ needs and solving complex and best practices among companies.
problems—from independent to inter- their key clusters that are descriptive
but also analytical. Each study identi- Networks require high levels of trust;
dependent needs and from individual networking depends on an associative
to collective interests.This requires a fies competitiveness issues, needs,
coordinated interagency team staffed strengths, and weaknesses.
by people who understand the cluster The roots of many clusters lie in
and can speak its language. One of the 2. Form cross-agency quick- the myriad projects that have encour-
response teams aged and supported business networks
early design parameters for the U.S.
Manufacturing Extension Partnership An alternative to the radical during the past decade. States devel-
(MEP) was that all the interdependent restructuring of agencies around clus- oped the tools for stimulating and sup-
services needed to support moderniza- ters is to form teams across agencies porting forms of interfirm collabora-
tion would be delivered in a coordinat- to coordinate and customize services tion that would enable companies to
ed fashion through a single organiza- for clusters. Many states already use take risks that firms probably would
tional point of entry. Moreover, these special teams to meet, greet, and woo not have taken alone (see Table 3).
points of entry would develop special branch plants being recruited that typ- Cluster-based business associations
expertise around key regional industry ically include representatives from were considered essential to the suc-
clusters. community colleges, economic devel- cess of joint business ventures, and

Elements of Oregon’s Network
Table 3: USNet Partner State Members, Business Network Programs (1992–1995)
Programs, 1993–1998 Network “brokers.” The network bro-
ker was the key to each network pro-
State Sponsoring Agency
gram, serving as external facilitator or
Connecticut Flexible Manufacturing Network Corporation systems integrator for network func-
tions. In some instances, the brokers
Delaware Delaware Manufacturing Alliance
were consultants, but in most cases they

Florida Enterprise Florida worked for agencies already serving

small and mid-sized enterprises. Oregon
Illinois Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs designed and hosted a broker training
and certification program. (In 1990
Louisiana Louisiana Department of Economic Development
Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton support-
Massachusetts Bay State Skills Corporation ed a similar broker training and certifi-
cated graduate network brokers.)
Minnesota Minnesota Technology, Inc.
Multipliers. These are people very
New York Empire State Development familiar with the companies and able to
detect and assess opportunities for col-
North Carolina North Carolina Alliance for Competitive Technologies
laboration that can be passed on to bro-
Oklahoma Oklahoma Alliance for Manufacturing Excellence kers. Referred to as “scouts,” they
include staff of banks, law offices, trade
Washington Washington Department of Community Development
centers, trade associations, accounting
West Virginia West Virginia Development Office firms, technical colleges, chambers of
commerce, and technology extension

many of the “networks” formed were selected subsets of members to take Incentives. Oregon offered incentives
membership organizations that func- advantage of concrete business oppor- to compensate small firms for some of
tioned very much as cluster councils. tunities. the costs of participating in activities
The Berkshire Plastics Network in with uncertain returns.
western Massachusetts, the 4. Build incentives for multifirm
Information campaigns. Oregon wide-
Technology Coast Manufacturing and applications to funding programs
ly distributed information through the
Engineering Network in the panhandle One of the easiest ways to encour- media, brochures, and newsletters on
of Florida, the Tri-State age collaboration among firms and the potential value of networks and
Manufacturers’ Association in western achieve greater economies of scale about funding opportunities, including
Minnesota, and WoodNet on the without incurring additional costs is to regular articles in Oregon Business.
Olympic Peninsula of Washington redirect funds to multifirm proposals.
were, in effect, cluster councils.The In Italy’s Emilia Romagna, the govern-
actual interfirm collaboration called ment passed laws to support concen- nies for technical and managerial train-
“flexible manufacturing networks” trations or associations of businesses, ing services, provide capital to consor-
were joint business activities among award grants to consortia of compa- tia of small companies, fund groups of


five or more small companies for inno- benefits from its investments in over many years developed into clus-
vation; and support credit consortia biotechnology but not from its invest- ters in, for example, Pittsburgh, San
and loan guarantee cooperatives.8 ments in semiconductors or in a rural Diego, and Research Triangle Park.
global transportation hub. Clusters’
Several U.S federal agencies have
investment needs are very sensitive to 2. Establish cluster-specific tech-
similar objectives.The National nology centers or parks
their degree of maturity and ability to
Institute of Standards and Technology’s
absorb and use the investments. In the early 1990s, some states
Advanced Technology Program, the
Embryonic clusters have very different invested heavily in cluster-specific
U.S. Department of Labor’s Regional
investment needs than mature clusters, technology centers as their technology
Skills Alliance program, the National
and areas with high levels of education development policies to develop
Science Foundation’s Advanced
have different needs than those with potential and desired clusters. Some of
Technology Centers, and the Fund for
low levels of education. these risky and high-cost investments
the Improvement of Postsecondary
paid dividends if the investment was
Education’s United States/European
1. Invest in cluster R&D and sustained long enough. Chattanooga
Union program all require multifirm innovation tried, unsuccessfully, to develop the
and/or multi-institutional collabora-
Most of the R&D budget comes environmental technology cluster by
tion. It would be relatively easy to
from the private sector and federal creating the space, marketing it, and
require peer support networks for
government.Yet many states have poli- heavily recruiting firms to it. At the
entrepreneurial support or to set
cies to encourage applied research and same time, the nearby Oak Ridge-
aside, for example, part of the Small
development and to cost-share other Knoxville area did develop that cluster
Business Innovation Research program
resources, including tax credits and because the technology and expertise
funds or for Small Business
matching grant programs. A state’s were already embedded in the nuclear
Development Centers to support col-
technological standing is based largely industry. North Carolina has invest-
laborative cluster-based projects by
on the amount of R&D dollars it ed more than $100 million since 1982
supporting trade show participation by
attracts or generates per capita, not on in its microelectronics and biotechnol-
a few companies. States can examine
whether the content of the research is ogy centers. Although the region has
their competitive programs to determine
related to state or regional needs and never been able to establish a foothold
how incentives for collaboration among
interests. Research conducted at uni- in microelectronics, it has developed a
firms in a cluster could produce economies
versities, for example, is often supply- sizable biotechnology industry—that
of scale for the state and distribute benefits
driven and based on faculty interests, can now claim to be a cluster—based
to more firms.
reputation, and grantsmanship. Only a largely on the research strengths of its
few programs concern themselves three world-class universities but
Target investments to with relevancy to regional economies. organized and supported by a center.
clusters Investments in cluster-based R&D in Michigan has launched a major state
Directing major investments to a the short term can help attract new initiative to catalyze the development
cluster is a common way to build a specialized talent and firms to a state. of an alternative energy and fuels clus-
cluster’s reputation and attract addi- In the much longer term, such invest- ter based on technological expertise in
tional firms. Some regions have tried, ments may produce new commercial the state’s automotive industry and
unsuccessfully, to buy a cluster with products and generate new companies. research universities.The state has
sufficient investment. North According to the Council on established the Michigan NextEnergy
Carolina, for example, has reaped Competitiveness, investments in R&D Zone, a 700-acre state-owned site

Tips for Establishing Cluster-Specific
located near Ann Arbor offering Technology Centers or Parks 1996 strategic plan was to “market
special tax advantages to investing itself as a location with important
* Go after talent
companies. advantages for small and large busi-
* Find anchor tenants nesses in its industry clusters.”
3. Support cluster-based Marketing staff of Empire State
* Build on existing amenities
entrepreneurial activity Development (ESD) are now assigned
New business formation may be * Be patient on a cluster basis, and the state’s
the most important but least devel- strengths are documented in terms of
oped cluster-based strategy.The devel- clusters in marketing information.
4. Market clusters and build
opment of most clusters has followed cluster markers Knowledge of the clusters helps ESD
entrepreneurial paths. Employees of staff tailor the available sites to poten-
Industrial recruitment remains the
one or two large employers have elect- tial employers. It also helps identify
most popular rationale among states to
ed to become a supplier to a former and attract first- and second-tier sup-
identify clusters.The use of designated
employer or to pursue expanding or pliers that can benefit from closer
clusters to recruit businesses turns the
related opportunities or respond to a proximity to large customers.
“competitive advantage of nations” on
corporate downsizing or closure.
its head by making location an advan- An even more ambitious goal is to
Entrepreneurship has often been a
tage rather than an attribute of the use recruitment as a tool for creating
major part of national and state tech-
industry.Targeting certain kinds of new clusters. It is not uncommon for
nology development and innovation
companies helps states apply their states to aspire to create clusters out of
strategies, and the commercialization
most widely used tool more effectively whole cloth, particularly in the hottest
of research and development is widely
and boosts their chances of success. high-technology sectors. States should
supported.Yet these policies have
This represents a relatively easy transi- not assume that clusters exist as eco-
rarely taken on an explicit cluster ori-
tion for economic developers already nomic entities and are about to
entation. One notable exception is the
loaded with recruitment tools. “locate” somewhere.
Appalachian Regional Commission’s
Entrepreneurial Initiative, which The support structure for a cluster
encourages and evaluates projects that helps induce new investment in the
are linked to industry clusters. cluster. An objective of New York’s
In mature clusters, entrepreneur-
ship has not received the attention it Tips for Supporting Cluster-Based
deserves.This may be because mature Entrepreneurial Activity
clusters are composed of existing
firms that tend to look at new startups * Attract similar and related firms to
as added competition for their markets business incubators
and workers. In contrast, embryonic * Embed entrepreneurial education
clusters include many new and poten- into cluster context
tial entrepreneurs.
* Establish cluster expertise at small
business assistance centers

* Form networks of entrepreneurs

Policymakers should remember that clusters are bred, not constructed. Most of the world’s successful clusters have evolved through a
serendipitous string of events but with strong roots in place. Public policies may have been catalysts for growth, but usually inadvertently and rarely with
the intent of starting a cluster. The growth of the largest clusters has been driven by market demand and entrepreneurial drive. Some clusters began as
large companies that originally located in less-populated areas to take advantage of low wages and surplus labor markets and that later disintegrated
into smaller firms. This scenario describes the origin of the furniture manufacturers in Tupelo, Mississippi, and County Monaghan, Ireland. Others were
created by transforming a common local craft into a related value-added cluster, such as straw hats into fashion knitwear in Carpi, Italy, or plastic combs
into more advanced plastic parts in Leominster, Massachusetts. Still other clusters develop because other places do not want them. Prisons, for exam-
ple, tend to cluster, as in the northern parts of New York or western reaches of Palm Beach County, Florida.

However, some regions have succeeded in seeding clusters via recruitment and incentives, usually in weak economies and usually at a high cost.
A good example is the auto industry, where companies have agreed to use local supply chains in return for a large number of government incentives and
regions have designed policies to develop and embed supply chains. The auto supplier clusters in central Kentucky or southern Wales and electronics
in Ireland were largely inward-investment driven clusters. Table 4 summarizes the origins of a sample of clusters.

Table 4: Origins of Clusters

Place Cluster Year Originator Attraction Growth

Aalborg, Denmark Mobile telecomm. 1948 SP Radio Marine industry Spinoffs, technology, university connections

Dalton, Georgia Carpets 1918 Craft tufters Serendipity Automation, spinoff competitors

Castel Goffredo, Italy Hosiery 1923 Noemi located plant Markets Plant closed, employees buy equipment

Ibi, Spain Toys 1915 Paya Hermanos S.C.V.L. Home Spinoffs of different products

Los Angeles, California “Toytown” 1968 Immigrant wholesaler Distribution hub, low costs Attract new immigrant entrpren.,
design college

North Central Massachusetts Plastics 1760s Noyes, shell comb production Serendipity Entrepreneurial apprentices,
celluloids, new products

San Diego, California Biotech/ 1950 Scripps, Scripps Institutes, Naval base, climate New product spinoffs,
pharmaceutical UCSD, Hybritech venture capital

Saussoulo, Italy Ceramic tiles 1600s Rubbiani Clays Innovations, competitors, value added chains

Scotland Electronics 1940s British military electronics Isolation from attack Inward investment, government R&D

Lahti, Finland Furniture 1918 Asko Furniture Oy (1918) & Birch, skills, craft education, Specialization, modernization*
Isku Oy (1928) transport

Tupelo, Mississippi Furniture 1948 Futorian located plant Labor, lumber Entrepreneurial employees,
Recruitment of suppliers*

Springfield, Massachusetts Metals 1816 Springfield Armory Water power, ease of logistics New production methods*

* Challenged by global competition, employment currently in decline.

Cluster Organization Checklist
Strengthen networking zations with economic goals so learn-
✓ Cluster identity and government
and associative behavior ing and networking can be enabled or
One of the most important attrib- ✓ Corporate status
utes of a successful cluster is an asso- 1. Reestablish or recognize clus-
✓ Strong business leadership
ciative infrastructure that provides ter associations and alliances
opportunities for members to get to An organizational identity is essen- ✓ Active recruitment of members
know one another, share ideas, learn, tial to launching cluster strategies (see ✓ Clear mission, goals, and plan
and develop trust.The relational “Cluster Organization Checklist”).The
assets, or “social capital,” of a cluster first state cluster associations were ✓ Dedicated staff
depend on trust and the frequency and convened in the early 1990s by cluster
✓ Interactive Web portal
depth of personal exchanges (see programs in Arizona and Oregon.
“Illustrative Measures of Social In both early implementer states, the ✓ Dues structure or plan for
Capital”). American companies, governors recognized the clusters. revenue generation
despite their inclination to join various That official acknowledgement gave
✓ Real services
associations, for the most part are them the impetus they needed to
inactive participants. Businesses and attract a core group of members and ✓ Frequent professional and
individuals are more apt to join organ- resources. If a trade association or social activities
izations for political influence than business organization with offices and
commercial or intellectual opportuni- staff within the region already repre-
organization was given the opportunity
ty.Thus it is not surprising that most sented a cluster, as with North
to represent the cluster. If no appro-
state cluster initiatives begin by creat- Carolina’s hosiery and Oregon’s
priate trade or business organization
ing, enlarging, or empowering organi- software clusters, the association or
existed, state officials urged interested
companies to form one.
Illustrative Measures of Social Capital
In addition to their value to mem-
• Number of business or trade associations bers, cluster organizations can help
state government better assess the
• Membership, local meetings per year, and average attendance
needs of the state’s economy and target
• Number of initiatives adopted and number implemented by associations state resources. Most cluster councils
begin by identifying and articulating
• Amount of resources shared, by type, by members of association
members’ most pressing needs and
• Civic leadership positions among businesspeople serving as a point of contact for govern-
ment agencies and service providers.
• Business membership on boards of directors of service institutions or agencies
Most often members cite human
• Frequency of contractual and noncontractual networks resources as their most pressing need.
In Mississippi the first collective
• Giving and volunteering among businesses
activity of the communications and
• Surveyed estimates of trust information technology cluster was to
contract for an analysis of the cluster’s
Source: Carlos Roman, Learning to Innovate: The Role of Social Capital (Seville, Spain:
workforce needs.
Institute for Regional Development, University of Seville, 2001).

The Connecticut Plastics Council. In the early 1990s, as Connecticut was starting up its
The association leadership is criti- technology extension program, an agent approached six companies in the Naugatuck Valley
cal to the success of a cluster council. to discuss options for working together on modernization issues. To modernize they knew
Directors are expected to increase they also needed to upgrade the skills of their workforce. In 1994 the six plastics firms
membership, generate revenues, build received a $500,000 grant from Connecticut’s State Technology Extension Program
recognition, and facilitate networking (ConnSTEP). By the end of the grant, members had realized sufficient value to cause them to
activities. Clusters that have organized want to stay together as a network. Although the cluster concept had not yet hatched there,
themselves into some association or the companies knew they needed an active association and set out to form one. The turning
use existing associative venues to point for the network occurred in 1996, when it hosted a seminar in Hartford to describe bar-
actively promote networking often riers to growth and showcase their capabilities. When more than 200 legislators, officials,
develop additional services for firms and friends attended, they recognized their collective political strength. As a result, the firms

willing to cooperate. For example, the became the Connecticut Plastics Council, growing to 48 members along the Route 8 corridor

new testing lab that the hosiery cluster from Bridgeport north and incorporating in 1997 as a tax-exempt, nonprofit statewide corpo-

in North Carolina established gives ration (visit

companies access to sophisticated

equipment that no single firm could “free riders.”The risk in putting too
afford. By the late 1990s, when the much emphasis on an organization is it A Rural Cluster Association. A small
value of social capital was better becomes confused with the cluster group of metals manufacturers located
understood, cluster councils worked itself, and success becomes defined by across a region of western Minnesota
harder at creating opportunities for the membership or income growth of near the South Dakota and North
companies to network, form relation- the council rather than the cluster. As Dakota borders wanted a forum to dis-
ships, and make deals.The Carolina Michael Enright told an audience in cuss common concerns. With support
Hosiery Association’s social committee Tucson, Arizona, in November 2001, from a foundation’s network program,
organizes study tours, family barbe- not distinguishing between clusters they formed the Tri-State
cues, golf tournaments, and NASCAR and cluster organizations risks the fol- Manufacturers’ Association headquar-
entries. An effective cluster association lowing kinds of erroneous and danger- tered in Elbow Lake. The six founding
is active on various fronts so it appeals ous beliefs. firms expected their network might,
to all members and draws them back. with luck, reach about 20 companies.
• “Of course we’re part of the clus- Yet once they began organizing meet-
It is extremely important not to con- ter, I attend every meeting.” ings, dozens of firms appeared, and Tri-
fuse the organization that represents the
• “Our industry wanted to be a clus- State now has more than 100 members
cluster with the cluster itself. Proximity
ter, but the government did not in a radius of more than 75 miles. The
and systemic relationships define
approve us.” association hired an executive director
membership in the cluster. Some from industry, and members set out to
established clusters may already have • “Our cluster is very successful; we market themselves collectively. One of
well-established and effective informal received X million dollars in gov- the first goals was to meet their cus-
social infrastructures based on long- ernment funding last year.” tomers’ ISO 9000 quality requirements.
time business connections, friendships, Members formed networks to prepare
churches, schools, or civic associa- for certification, coach one another, and
tions. Firms that decline to join associ- audit one another’s processes. Tri-State
ations are still in the cluster and get also organized a for-profit subsidiary for
most of the external economies as joint product development.

Tips for Facilitating External
2. Facilitate external connections Connections 3. Encourage intercluster com-
Intercluster connections are as munications channels
• Organize and leverage study tours
important as intra-cluster connections, Effective cluster organizations
• Conduct international benchmarking
communicate frequently with cus-
especially for benchmarking global
competition. Poorer regions and • Formalize intercluster networks tomers, members, and friends through
smaller companies, in particular, have formal channels, such as newsletters,
• Support global searches for
magazines, phone chains, and Web
limited access to global benchmark
practices, innovations, and markets. sites. Some have used very simple
Clusters that focus exclusively on • Encourage participation in national methods. In the mid-1990s, the
internal linkages cut themselves off and global professional associations Technology Coast Manufacturing and
from sources of new knowledge and Engineering network passed out “deal-
technology.The Swiss watch industry making sheets” at their events to make
is an example of a world-renowned cluster in fine watch manufacture that it easier for firms to find partners and
refused to connect to the Japanese suppliers.The Internet, however, has
chip industry, held fast to its own led clusters to create quite sophisticat-
Traveling and Learning. In 1996 a mechanical technologies, and missed ed communications systems. Because
dozen hosiery company owners and the shift to digital watches. communications systems can bring
managers, Carolina Hosiery Association
The world’s most successful clus- new business to a state, governments
officials, community college technology
ters include lead firms that are part of have a reason to support them.
center staff, the governor’s economic
global networks and encourage Mississippi’s communications and
advisor, the director of the state technol-
employees to take part in international information technology clusters
ogy agency, and the author traveled to
professional associations and networks. ( has a new Web site that
Castel Goffredo and Carpi in northern
The Internet can complement but not includes member company skills, pro-
Italy. The purpose was to meet with and
substitute for the value of direct expe- files, services, and certifications and
benchmark the hosiery cluster’s
rience and extended personal relation- provides a partnering format.The Web
European counterparts and visit their
ships. States should help companies site of North Carolina’s hosiery
technology and research centers, trade
make connections by encouraging and
associations, and tool builders. Following
supporting collective travel, study
the group’s return from that eye-opening Legsource Web Site: Sample
tours, trade missions, and research
trip, the companies, through their associ- Communications from a
networks. In most instances, the oppo-
ation, revamped their technology center Production Planner
site occurs—travel for the sake of
at the college. They added research and
learning or exploring new markets is Report for Bob @ Top Gun Hosiery
training for dying as well as marketing
discouraged and even disparaged.
and product testing capabilities. They 1. XYZ Mill needs 5,000 dozen 84-nee-
Firms that have been able to travel to
also formed an R&D network with North dle link and link production, e-mail
other places and observe their com-
Carolina State University in which 20 for details.
petitors have been dramatically affect-
members contributed matching funds or
ed by the experience (see “Traveling 2. Big Mill needs 500 dozen cushion
other resources to develop a key tech-
and Learning”). cotton women’s 9–11 crew socks
nology; established links to the main
immediately, e-mail
machine builders in Brescia; and organ- today!
ized export networks.


cluster, called the Legsource how knowledge “leaks” between cluster, understand more about their
Information Network, has a manufac- firms when people change jobs. regional environment, and perhaps be
turers’ database about products, con- more inclined to follow career paths in
tacts, and capabilities; a supplier data- 1. Develop a more skilled and the cluster. At the same time, contex-
base; and a clearinghouse for business specialized labor force tualized education has been shown to
opportunities, personnel, job post- The context in which learning raise school retention rates and educa-
ings, and new technologies (visit occurs matters. Educators classify their tion achievement levels by making the cluster programs by occupation, but the skills content of the education more relevant
created this well-used site with sup- used in the workplace are defined by to a locality.
port and funding from the state uni- the context in which they are applied.
versity and the National Institute of The context varies from industry to 2. Establish Cluster Skills Centers
Standards and Technology. industry, from small firm to large firm. Rather than expecting every tech-
The network administrator working in nical and community college to meet
Develop human a division of a large multinational cor- the specific needs of all businesses,
resources for clusters poration, a government agency, or a states could designate centers of
small service company have different excellence around clusters. Cluster
Nothing is more important to
skill requirements and must operate in skills centers could become the lead
clusters than the development of their
a different business culture. Missi- entities for surveying industry needs,
human resources, and in no area are
ssippi employers comment that they developing new curricula, staying in
they more dependent on the state.
expect more knowledge of “industry touch with cluster councils, updating
States are the biggest investors in edu-
practice,” that they expect their skill standards, benchmarking prac-
cation and training. Since the 1950s,
employees to “understand the informa- tices in other places, and collecting
they have linked vocational education
tion technology sector and its paradigm information about cluster occupations
and customized training to their eco-
shifts,” and that they want schools to and programs.The center’s principal
nomic development efforts, providing
“learn more about the business for goals are to give students a solid con-
subsidies to new and expanding indus-
which they’re providing the training.” textual and systemic knowledge and
tries.Yet few states have tried to pro-
Further, a worker in a small firm is technical skills that relate directly to a
vide the specialized skills that clusters
likely to have to work directly with a cluster (see “Characteristics of Cluster
value. Companies value access to a
more diverse set of customers, work Skills Centers”).
labor pool that is familiar with the
on small office systems, work within
operations of their businesses and able Skills centers can serve as gateways,
budgets, and be much more flexible.
to apply their skills in the particular for example, to help firms bombarded
work environment of the cluster. The cluster as context can be with more information than they can
Employers also want “commodity adopted throughout the education sys- handle determine which training pro-
skills” that are easily transferable, but tem, including elementary and second- grams are the most familiar with the
the “leveraged skills” that are indus- ary schools, to make the learning more industry and have the most relevant
try-specific are scarcer.9 Firm-specif- meaningful and introduce youth early staff experience, latest technologies,
ic “proprietary skills” that are to the economy. By designing curricula and best track record. Centers also pro-
learned on the job are even scarcer; around the workplace and business of vide onsite outreach and access to
these skills entail how companies firms in a local cluster, learners can socially excluded populations.
build internal intelligence, but also come to appreciate the value of the

Characteristics of Cluster Skills Centers
This need not be a bricks-and- • Is cluster-based, not technology-based
mortar center, but it could take the
form of a virtual center that would • Emphasizes industry-specific knowledge

organize teams from various colleges • Provides critical links to industry associations
to work on specific problems, conduct
R&D, or develop curricula—with all • Uses business, not equipment, as context

products and information available • Functions as information repository and information portal
statewide. Such an approach has been
designed for, but has not yet been • Stresses staff and curricula in budget, not bricks and mortar

implemented in, North Carolina’s • Shares curricula and information statewide and trains faculty from other places
community college system.
• Has lead responsibility for cluster needs assessments
3. Qualify people for • Works with cluster association on skill standards and certifications
• Provides outreach to socially excluded populations
The first major hurdle for people
lacking relevant work experience is a
record of basic educational and/or tems approach 50 percent. Raising and mid-level job skills. Ensuring
skill attainment to qualify them to educational levels has long been con- everyone has an opportunity to get
climb onto the first rung of a career sidered fundamental to achieving a through a technical career program,
ladder. Few employers in value-added region’s social and economic goals, but however, requires considerable basic
clusters will hire a person with less the aging of the skilled labor force is education and institutional support.
than a high school education, and an making it a necessity. Community col- Programs such as Community College
increasing number want some postsec- leges are the open-door institutions Career Pathways in Chicago, Illinois,
ondary education or certification.Yet that serve most low-income people and at Portland Community College in
dropout rates in some city school sys- and are a primary resource for basic Oregon work with employers to cre-
ate modular programs to move indi-
viduals from any point toward a mar-
Mine Maintenance Training Program. Nevada is the world’s third largest producer of
ketable credential.
gold, which is mined mainly in the sparsely populated northeastern part of the state. That
industry, despite falling prices, is the region’s economic engine. Yet skilled workers in occu- Cluster connections have the
pations critical to the success of modern-day mining’s sophisticated operations are scarce. potential to strengthen entry-level
The primary source is Great Basin College (GBC) in Elko, which serves a five-county region programs.The most effective preem-
that is geographically larger than Indiana but has only about 70,000 people. To create a ployment and employment programs
pipeline of qualified technicians for the industry, GBC created the Mine Maintenance embody real experiences and are
Training Program, a collaborative effort between the college and cluster. It began in the late directly linked to good jobs. Focusing
1980s, when high prices and new technologies expanded employment to 2,700 employees. efforts on clusters introduces reality
The program condensed scheduling and added flexibility and greater industry participation. and context into the education and
The industry went so far as to form an independent, nonprofit entity to coordinate industry aligns the programs with actual work-
involvement. Companies offer scholarships to students who work for summers at the spon- place needs. Readiness and basic skills
soring company, attend classes full time for a semester, and then spend a fourth of their programs that teach in the context of
time at school and the rest at work for the remaining 1.5 years. After two years, students the cluster can accomplish both at
earn an associate of science degree.

The Jane Addams Resource Corporation (JARC) in Chicago, Illinois, works in collabora-
once. Even the most basic programs, tion with small and mid-sized companies to help low-income people obtain decent employment
such as vocational English, can be taught and move up career ladders in metalworking industries. JARC offers a range of training, from
more effectively if the vocabulary relates preemployment training to advanced technology skills training. It also helps organize compa-
to the terms the cluster uses. nies into networks.

The Garment Industry Development Corporation (GIDC) was started in 1984 as a tripartite
4. Engage community-based effort of government, industry, and labor to help New York City, New York’s struggling garment
employment intermediaries
industry, an important source of employment for low-income people. Yet GIDC also sought to
Much of the responsibility for introduce systemic changes in the industry that would improve wages and career opportuni-
preparing low-income and unem- ties. The corporation became a catalyst and information broker, helping to identify new markets
ployed people for employment with and introducing more modern production technologies and methods. In addition, GIDC focused
career advancement has been deliv- on getting unskilled, displaced, and immigrant workers ready for the new workplace.
ered or coordinated by sectoral work-
force development intermediaries—
training, establish standards for job skill-based or knowledge-based, peo-
supported mainly by private founda-
quality and working conditions, assist ple get ahead based as much on whom
tions.The Aspen Institute’s in-depth
with market coordination, broker they know as on what they know
study of six programs found that 87
business networks, and help develop because hiring decisions rely on refer-
percent completed their training and,
strategic plans. rals and informal networking. In
on average, participants increased
Silicon Valley, private-sector interme-
their earnings by 41 percent in one Successful intermediaries employ
diaries, including temporary help
year.The best sectoral organizations staff with solid cluster experience and
agencies, workforce investment
are more than brokers or bridges expertise who understand employers’
boards, and professional associations,
between disadvantaged communities needs but also have the trust of the
help with the initial contacts for those
and industry; they help articulate communities they serve. Staff mem-
seeking new or different jobs.
career paths and advancement oppor- bers also recognize the importance of
tunities, develop standardized industry connections. In any economy, whether

Tips for Qualifying People for


* Create career paths and ladders

* Use cluster context for adult basic

education and English-as-a-
Second-Language programs

* Establish short modules that

reward accomplishment and can
be aggregated

* Work with workforce investment


Supply-Chain Training Associations
in Wales. In 1995 the Welsh 5. Support regional skills Finishers (6 finishers). Broad-based
Development Agency (WDA) led inclu- alliances RSAs also include the public sector,
sive regional innovation planning education and training organizations,
Regional skill alliances (RSAs) are
processes under a grant from the and, frequently, organized labor.The
networks of firms that come together
European Union. One of the resulting most common cause of an alliance’s
to acquire—or reduce the costs of—
plan’s cornerstones was to form “sup- failure is poor choice of vendors.
incumbent worker training programs.
ply-chain associations” that would help Clearly, the vendor must have the
Connecticut, for example, had fund-
keep manufacturing operations in the capacity to provide the training—the
ed eight of these regional alliances,
region as well as make the area more required expertise and familiarity with
which it calls “training networks,” as of
attractive to future investors. The goal the industry.The vendor must know its
February 2001.They included the
was to forge stronger links along customer and be flexible enough to
Metal Manufacturers Training and
regional supply chains by providing offer training where and when the cus-
Education Alliance (11 members),
high-level training. One partnership tomer needs the training.
Housatonic Education for Advanced
aimed to increase the quality of compo-
Technology (7 electronics companies),
nents and services provided to AIWA by
the Fairfield County Information
its Welsh suppliers. Fifteen companies
Technology Consortium (8 informa-
that supply AIWA with packaging, metal
tion technology companies), and the
pressings, plastic moldings, and printed
Connecticut Association of Metal
matter joined the alliance. These part-
nerships are sponsored by WDA, the
lead company, and the Welsh Training
and Enterprise Councils (now the Welsh
Learning and Skills Councils). The coun-
cils finance half the training costs.

VI Policies for Promoting Equity

he state, along with its economic options include investing in regional Support industry
T mission, has social and civic
responsibilities that include ensuring
alliances, redirecting products and
skills embedded in mature clusters
associations and inter-
mediaries in distressed
its policies ultimately have a chance to toward higher-growth products and regions
benefit all regions and all segments of services, and strengthening entrepre-
the population. Consequently, new neurial support networks. Weak economies need more than
economic policies have social as well as a cluster organization to articulate
economic outcomes.To date, most of Engage community-based their collective needs, influence policy,
the impacts of cluster policies on equi- employment and provide networking.They need
ty have been incidental, not intended. intermediaries someone to deliver services and help
A scan of numerous cluster analyses them restructure. Cluster organiza-
Many sector-based workforce tions in distressed regions have a much
and studies found few references to
development intervention strategies bigger challenge and play a more
distributional or social outcomes
supported by private foundations have active role in solving problems and
according to wealth or examples of
successfully prepared low-income and delivering services. Some of the most
specific actions aimed at reaching low-
and middle-income populations.This unemployed people for jobs with career lasting successes in network-building
is not surprising because clusters, by ladders. Although sectors and clusters occurred in the early 1990s, when the
definition, are demand-driven, and are not exactly the same, they overlap nation was still in a recession. Many of
companies act in their own best inter- and many sectors have worked success- the networks were disguised cluster
ests. Any efforts to address equity fully with groups of industries in geo- strategies in regions with mature
concerns must also advance compa- graphic regions that act like clusters. industries that were losing their com-
nies’ profit goals. The best sector-specific organiza- petitive advantages. State and founda-
tions, which employ staff with cluster tion grants helped establish member-
Perhaps the question should be
experience and expertise, serve multi- ship organizations to build social capi-
turned on its head. If clusters are not
easily able to incorporate equity goals, ple cluster-based functions.They artic- tal, provide services, and broker net-
can state policies that explicitly address ulate career paths, develop standard- works.The five regional alliances fund-
equity be more effective if they are ized training for an industry, establish ed by the Northwest Area Foundation
integrated into a cluster framework? minimum standards on job quality, in the mid-1990s targeted clusters in
Will programs charged with address- assist with market coordination, do five economically distressed rural
ing social ills and low employment be research and development, build net- regions that would generate sales and
more effective if they are structured works, and develop strategic plans. create jobs.
around and connected to clusters? The regional alliances operate as
The best intermediaries also rec-
The following policy options, ognize that in any type of economy, business-led associations and interme-
which are aimed at low-and middle- people get ahead based as much on diaries with a special emphasis on chal-
income people, begin with ways to whom they know as on what they lenged companies and places.They
raise skill levels and get better con- know. Hiring is based on referrals and afford their members economies of
nected to clusters, including learning informal networking, business deals scale by sharing costs and more confi-
from and linking clusters more close- are consummated in bars and coffee dence by sharing risks. Appalachian by
ly with community-based sector shops, and certain club memberships Design in West Virginia, the
strategies. For weak regions, policy open doors not open to others. Northeast Oklahoma Manufacturers

Council in Okmulgee, and ACENet in one of the most important factors in Provide incentives and
southeastern Ohio are sustainable attracting talent, and the wealthier and subsidies to encourage
cluster initiatives that been able to better educated the entire community, employment of low-
affect their economies. the more attractive it is. income people and in
Moreover, the more socially active distressed regions.
Encourage civic respon- the cluster, the greater its sense of col-
sibility among clusters Incentives to influence private-sec-
lective civic responsibility, in part tor behavior are not new to state gov-
The hard facts of economic sur- because the individual actions of mem- ernment. In 1983 the Advisory
vival suggest that businesses are not bers become more transparent to Commission on Intergovernmental
fundamentally altruistic.Yet it is often friends and neighbors whose friend- Relations listed 21 states with special
quite easy to find economic value in ships are valued. Cluster organizations grants or loans to businesses in dis-
actions that benefit disadvantaged peo- increase the likelihood of a collective tressed, blighted, or impoverished
ple and places. First, companies need a conscience. Joint Venture, Silicon Valley’s areas.10 Subsidies such as tax breaks,
continual supply of employees.With February 2002 newsletter, invited government-sponsored training, and
birth rates down and the educational members to take part in two upcom- loan guarantees can, at least at the
aspirations of youth rising, shortages of ing corporate workshops on the value margins, alter bottom-line decisions.
workers for entry-level positions exist of the “Triple Bottom Line” for busi- These same programs can be directed
even in a slow economy. Second, com- nesses and ways to develop consistent to develop or revitalize clusters in sim-
munity standing affects the balance policies and practices. ilar regions. Similarly, states operate
sheet by improving the company’s federal training programs for low-
To encourage social responsibility,
image.This can be translated into income and dislocated workers that
the civic and nonprofit sectors can be
sales, which is why large corporations could be structured to match the
engaged in more direct ways with clus-
have community relations offices. needs of clusters. Subsidies for preem-
ter organizations and cluster organiza-
Third, the quality of life in a place is ployment and employment training
tions can be persuaded to introduce
civic goals into their agendas.This can that reduce employers’ risk by prepar-
Appalachian by Design (ABD) is a ing the workforce can influence hiring
best be done by getting the cluster
network of home knitters created in decisions. Once the door is open, peo-
associations to recognize associate
1992 by a community-based organiza- ple have the opportunity to prove
memberships or to create working
tion in West Virginia in response to few themselves and build contacts that can
committees on common issues with
job opportunities and high unemploy- have lasting impact.
nongovernmental organizations.
ment among rural women. ABD is a
loose network of home knitters that
finds markets; works with customers
such as Esprit and Soleil; schedules and
manages production, quality control,
and distribution; and provides training.
Although the alliance is headquartered
in Lewisburg, different areas statewide
are organized into self-help teams to
support one another (visit

VII Glossary of Terms

Associative behavior: Reliance of Cluster depth: The range of vertically Knowledge clusters: Specialized net-
companies on one another for assis- integrated industries, such as compo- works of innovative interrelated firms
tance in carrying out their business nents, parts, materials, equipment that derive competitive advantages
activity and the cultural norms of reci- manufacturers, and support services. among local actors through accumulat-
procity—the active dimension of ed, embedded, and imported knowl-
Contextual education: Education in
social capital. edge about highly specific technolo-
which practical applications related to
gies, processes, and/or markets.
Bubble chart: A graph that displays a specific work environment explain
three or more measures of cluster and demonstrate theories. Location quotient: The ratio of the
scale and activity.The axis represent relative concentration of establish-
External economies (externalities):
two variables and the size of the circle ments or employees in a cluster to
Cost reductions from increases in the
around the point on the graph, or the total establishments or employees in
demand for valued services or
“bubble,” represents a third. the economy divided by the same rela-
resources.These economies are often
tive concentration in the larger
Business network: A contractual discussed as “localization economies,”
economy (state or nation). A location
alliance or membership organization in where benefits accrue to firms
quotient of 1.0 represents average
which some firms agree to share because of the clustering of similar
concentration; a quotient greater than
resources, costs, or information. firms, and “urbanization economies,”
1.0 represents a higher concentration;
Cooperation and some level of trust is where benefits are associated with
and a quotient less than 1.0 represents
required. Networks are often, but not population density.
a smaller concentration.
necessarily, embedded in clusters.
Innovation: The transformation of
Networking: Informal interactions
Cluster: a geographically limited crit- knowledge into new products,
and relationships among firms and
ical mass (i.e., sufficient to attract processes, and services.The act of
support organizations that are not con-
specialized services, resources, and using something new.The innovation
tractual or membership-based.They
suppliers) of companies that have process includes the steps from con-
imply something more than simple
some type of relationship to one ceptualization to utilization.
proximity to like or related firms and
another—generally a complementari-
Innovation system: Elements (busi- deliver more than external economies.
ness or similarity in product, process,
nesses, agencies, associations, etc.) and
or resource. Network broker: An individual or
the relationships among the elements
organization that facilitates joint
Cluster associations: A membership- that interact with production, diffu-
actions among groups of companies.
based organization of cluster members sion, and use of new and economically
that can collectively represent the useful knowledge encompassed within Region: A geographically bounded
needs and interests of members, pro- specified geographic boundaries. territory that has a common hub, labor
vide services, and/or help members market, or source of economic
Intermediaries: Organizations that
network. growth.
improve the flow and exchange
Cluster breadth: The range of indus- between and among the final product Sectoral programs: Workforce devel-
tries related by common products, or service elements of a cluster and its opment programs run by nonprofits
technologies, distribution channels, support resources. that address the needs of workers
and end users. and employers in specific groups of

Social capital: Stocks of social trust,
norms, and networks that people can
use to solve common problems.
Networks of civic engagement, such
as business and neighborhood associa-
tions and cooperatives are an essential
form of social capital.The denser
these networks, the more likely mem-
bers of a cluster will cooperate for
mutual benefit.
Supply (or value-added) chains: All
of the companies in the production
stream that make the individual sys-
tems, parts, and services that are
incorporated into a final product pur-
chased by an end customer or user.
Tacit knowledge (know-how): The
knowledge acquired directly through
interactive learning embodied in peo-
ple and organizations, is context-
dependent, and cannot be articulated
and codified.

VIII Resources on Cluster Methodologies

Aspen Institute. Sectoral Employment Development Learning Project. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute, 2000. Available at: http://www.aspeninsti-

Bergman, Edward and Edward Feser. Industry and Regional Clusters: Concepts and Comparative Applications, 1999. Available at:, 1999.

Business Clusters in UK Cluster Mapping Project. United Kingdom. Available at:

Clustering Alliance, Clusters Asia Pacific Inc. For subscriptions contact

Council on Competitiveness. Clusters of Innovation: Regional Foundations of U.S. Competitiveness. Washington, D.C.: Council on Competitiveness,

Cortright, Joe and Andy Reamer. Socioeconomic Data for Understanding Your Regional Economy. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Economic Development
Administration, 1998.

Harvard Business School, Cluster Mapping Project. Available at:

Henton, Douglas, John Melville, and Kimberly Walesh. Grassroots Leaders for a New Economy. Jossey-Bass, 1997.

Redman, John. Understanding State Economies through Industry Studies. Washington, D.C.: National Governors Association, Council of Governors’
Policy Advisors, 1994.

Regional Technology Strategies. Networking Toolkit. USNet, Carrboro,N.C.: Regional Technology Strategies, 1997. Available at:,

Regional Technology Strategies. Show Me the Money: Business Opportunity Networks. Carrboro, N.C.: Regional Technology Strategies, Inc., 1997.
Available at:

Rosenfeld, Stuart, et al. A People’s Guide to Clusters, Regional Technology Strategies and the Ford Foundation. Available (summer 2002) at:

IX Selected Cluster Web Sites

A. Support Organizations and Research New South Wales, Australia Learning Network
Appalachian Regional Commission col.pdf.
Regional Technology Strategies
Biomed clusters worldwide http://www.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Industry and Regional Clusters: Concepts and Development LEED program
Comparative Applications
University of North Carolina cluster course
Cluster Navigators (New Zealand)
The World Bank
Council on Competitveness

Competitiveness Institute
B. State/National Cluster Programs
Collaborative Economics
Industrial District Club of Italy
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City
National Commission on Entrepreneurship
United Kingdom
National Network of Sector Practitioners
Upper Austria


/all.htm Mississippi Communications and Information
Technology Council
C. Local/Regional Clusters

Chattanooga North Carolina Hosiery Association

Northeast Oklahoma Manufacturers Council
San Diego
Washington Software Alliance
Silicon Valley


Rochester, New York

Tuscon, Arizona

Washington Software Alliance

Wellington, New Zealand

Western Tier New York

D. Cluster Web Sites

Connecticut Plastics Council


1 There have been notable exceptions around technology in the past two decades, such as Ohio’s Edison centers.

2 Rosabeth Moss Kantor, World Class (New York, N.Y.: Simon & Schuster, 1995).

3 Jane Jacobs, The Nature of Economies (New York, N.Y.: Modern Library, 2000).

4 Gary Anderson, “Industry Clustering for Economic Development,” Economic Development Review (spring 1994): 26–32.

5 Steven A. Waldhorn, Edmund A. Eagan, and Gene Park, America’s Regions in the Global Economy: A New Framework for Metropolitan Economic Strategy, unpublished report from the
ICF Kaiser International Economic Strategy Group for the Office of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C., 1998.

6 Michael E. Porter, Cluster of Innovation: Regional Foundations of U.S. Competitiveness (Washington, D.C.: Council on Competitiveness, 2001).

7 Edward. M. Bergman, E.J. Feser, and S. Sweeney, Targeting North Carolina Manufacturing: Understanding a State Economy Through National Industrial Cluster Analysis, IIR Research
Report 55 (Vienna, Austria, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 1997).

8 Emilia Romagna, “Laws and Regulations,” unpublished document, Bologna, Italy, 1990.

9 Thomas A. Stewart, Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations (New York, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1998).

10 Peter K. Eisinger, The Rise of the Entrepreneurial State (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1988).

X Appendix A: Benchmarking Guide for Clusters

Factor Description Typical Measures/Proxies

R&D capacity Institutes of public or private research in areas related to R&D expenditures from government and private sources
cluster’s products or processes; Expert individual researchers that involve cluster members, products, or processes
that are available or accessible

Workforce skills and Degree to which labor force skills are tailored to the cluster’s Number of enrollments in relevant programs;
availability needs (i.e., technical skills, general knowledge of the industry, Graduates hired by cluster
and entrepreneurial skills)

Education and training Education and training for the cluster’s major occupations, Number of credit and noncredit programs for cluster;
instruction embedded in context of cluster; Instructors with Internships/apprentices employed
relevant experience; Training for technological and
organizational changes

Proximity to suppliers Nearby sources of primary and secondary supplies, materials, and Input/output analysis of supply chains; Number of potential
services that minimize transaction costs and maximize interaction first-, second-, and third-tier suppliers;
Survey of actual suppliers

Capital availability Local banks that understand the cluster and know the cluster’s Dollar value of venture capital, loans made in cluster;
key players; Availability of working and startup capital; Access to Participation of bankers in cluster activities
seed and venture capital to exploit new opportunities

Specialized services Public-sector services, such as technology extension services, Number of consultants who specialize in cluster;
technology centers, export assistance, or small business centers Services that employ specialists from cluster;
and private-sector services provided by designers, engineering Dollar value of local outsourced services
consultants, accountants and lawyers that have special knowledge
of the cluster

Machine builders and Access to companies that design and build the machines, tools, Number of companies that produce and sell capital
software designers and software used by clusters; Working relationships between equipment to the cluster
the tool builders and companies to foster collaborative innovations

Networks and alliances Frequency of formal cooperation among cluster members in, Number of joint ventures, skills alliances, marketing
for example, joint ventures, production, marketing, training, consortia, etc.
or problemsolving

Social capital Scale and degree of activity among local business and civic Number of professional, business, and trade associations;
associations in the region; Frequency of interaction; Membership in each, level of activity;
Informal networks of personal business related contacts Survey of connections

Entrepreneurial climate Continual formation of new business ventures by workers and Number of new startups generated by cluster;
managers within the cluster based on new, complementary, or Number attracted to cluster
competitive products or on core competencies

Innovation and imitation New and enhanced technologies and products that are conceived, Patents and copyrights;
developed, and adopted or brought to market; Dispersion of Dollar investments in new technologies;
innovations to other local firms New product lines started

Presence of market Number of acknowledged market leaders and magnet firms; Number of headquarter operations;
leaders and innovators Marketing and sales of products or services outside the Dollar value of exports of cluster products ;
boundaries of the cluster Dollar value of U.S. sales outside of state

External connections Joint ventures, contracts, alliances with firms, contacts/ Study or benchmarking tours, travel to trade shows;
communications with experts in other regions; Alliances that include external members
Knowledge of international benchmark practices

Shared vision and Firms that think of themselves as a “system” (i.e., plan for and Collective strategic plan or vision statement;
leadership share goals, have vision for future); Leaders who take Acceptance of cluster name or brand
responsibility for collective competitiveness

X Appendix B: Mapping Social Capital Among
If confidentiality requires protecting • Name up to three organizations • Do you serve on any formal or
names, a general response such as “a part- that you have recently helped out informal advisory committees or
ner organization is a tooling company in in some way (e.g., giving advice, boards of education or training or
the western suburbs.” Please give approxi- loaning employees, sharing infor- local development organizations?
mate closest location for each connection mation, or loaning equipment) and If yes, which ones?
(i.e., same neighborhood, county, same form of help (advice, production,
• Name up to three organizations
region, state, country) loaned people)
you have used (or your employees
• List up to five organizations where • Name up to three companies in have used) for education or train-
you know people who represent the same general industry as yours ing in the past year (and type, e.g.,
important sources of information that you consider industry leaders basic skills, IT, management, or
or advice (e.g., a trade school, and/or innovators. vendor) and type of training.
competitor, customer, supplier, or
• Name up to five business or pro-
consultant) and number of con-
fessional organizations/associa-
tacts in the last year.
tions to which you belong and to
• Name up to three individuals (or attend at least one function per
organizations) with whom you year.What is the approximate
have collaborated in the recent number of events attended in last
past (e.g., to bid on contracts six months?
together, attend trade show
together, help fill an order, or
share equipment or services), and
the type of activity.


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