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Aluminum Alloys 1

Aluminum Alloys
J. Paul Lyle, Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, Pennsylvania 15069, United States
Douglas A. Granger, Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Center, Pennsylvania 15069, United States
Robert E. Sanders, Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Technical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
15219-1859, United States

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4.2. Alloys for Castings . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2. Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys . . 2 4.3. Alloys for Wrought Products . . . . 22
2.1. Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4.4. Comparison of Designation Systems 29
2.2. Solidification and Cast Structure . . 4 4.5. Alloys for Powder Metallurgy
2.2.1. Grain Size and Dendrite Arm Spacing 4 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.2. Segregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Manufacture of Articles from Alu-
2.2.3. Porosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 minum
2.2.4. Nonmetallic Inclusions . . . . . . . . . 7 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3. Thermal and Mechanical Processes 7 5.1. Shaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3.1. Preheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.2. Joining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.2. Non-Heat-Treatable Alloy Processes . 8 5.2.1. Mechanical Joining . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3.3. Heat-Treatable Alloy Processes . . . . 9 5.2.2. Metallurgical Joining . . . . . . . . . . 32
3. Production Methods for Aluminum 5.2.3. Adhesive Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5.3. Cleaning and Finishing . . . . . . . . 33
3.1. Melting and Metal Treatment . . . . 12 5.3.1. Mechanical Cleaning and Finishing . 34
3.1.1. Impurities in the Molten Metal . . . . 12 5.3.2. Chemical Cleaning and Finishing . . . 35
3.1.2. Alloying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5.3.3. Chemical Etching . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1.3. Recycling and Skim Treatment . . . . 13 5.3.4. Chemical and Electrolytic Brightening 35
3.1.4. Molten Metal Treatment . . . . . . . . 13 5.3.5. Chemical Conversion Coating . . . . . 35
3.2. Casting Processes for Ingot . . . . . . 14 5.3.6. Anodizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3. Shaped Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5.3.7. Metal Coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3.1. Die Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.3.8. Paints and Organic Films . . . . . . . . 38
3.3.2. Permanent Mold Casting . . . . . . . . 17 5.3.9. Porcelain Enamels . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3.3. Sand Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 6. Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum 40
3.4. Mill Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 6.1. Pitting Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4.1. Plate, Sheet, and Foil . . . . . . . . . . 17 6.2. Electrode Potentials . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4.2. Extrusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 6.3. Crevice Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.3. Forgings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6.4. Intergranular Corrosion and Stress-
3.4.4. Other Mill Products . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Corrosion Cracking . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.5. Powder and Paste . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6.5. Exfoliation Corrosion . . . . . . . . . 43
4. Commercial Alloys, Products, and 6.6. Ratings for Resistance to Corrosion 44
Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6.7. Corrosion Prevention . . . . . . . . . 44
4.1. Aluminum Association Designations 7. Major Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
for Alloys and Tempers . . . . . . . . 18 8. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

1. Introduction als from their oxides and fluorides. Of these met-

allurgical uses, aluminum-based alloy castings
Most primary aluminum is used for metallur- and wrought products make up about 85 – 90 %
gical purposes: aluminum-based alloy castings of aluminum shipments in the United States.
and wrought products, alloying additions to met- A comprehensive summary of the properties,
als, coatings on metals to prevent corrosion and production, fabrication, and use of aluminum al-
oxidation, and reducing agents to produce met- loys was published in 1967 [1–3]. Summaries of

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a01 481
2 Aluminum Alloys

properties and physical metallurgy are given in the characteristics of the alloys. Of the elements
[4], [5]. Commercial aluminum alloy products commonly added, copper, magnesium, silicon,
are described in [6], [8]. Commercial alloys of and zinc have high diffusion coefficients; other
other metals that contain aluminum are given elements diffuse only slowly [1, p. 118].
in [7], [8, pp. 237 ff.], [9]. Heat treatment [10],
surface treatment [11], and joining [12] of alu- Table 1. Elements in commercial aluminum alloys: maximum spec-
ified, wt %
minum alloys have been described.
Element Wrought alloys Casting alloys

Ag – 1.0
Be – 0.3
2. Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys Bi 0.7 –
Co 1.9 0.3
The properties of aluminum alloys depend on the Cr 0.40 0.6
Cu 6.8 11.0
metallurgical structure, which in turn depends on Fe 2.0 2.0
composition, solidification processes, and post- Mg 5.6 10.6
Mn 1.8 0.8
solidification thermal and deformation process- Ni 2.3 3.0
ing [1], [4], [5]. O 0.5 –
Pb 0.7 0.25
Sb – 0.3
Si 13.5 23.0
2.1. Composition Sn
V 0.15 0.2
Many alloying elements are added to aluminum Zn 8.7 8.0
Zr 0.3 0.3
to enhance its properties (Table 1) [13], [14]. The
major elements increasing strength are copper
(see Fig. 21), magnesium (Fig. 1), manganese Commercial alloys are usually multicompo-
(Fig. 2), silicon (Fig. 3), and zinc (Fig. 4). All nent systems, and the phase diagrams are fre-
these have maximum solid solubility limits in quently complex. One important precipitation-
excess of 1.5 % (Table 2) [1, pp. 362 – 3]. El- hardening system, Al – Mg – Si, is shown in Fig-
ements with lower solubilities, e.g., chromium ure 6 (page after next) in the form of contour
(Fig. 5), zirconium, and titanium, are added to maps representing the solvus, solidus, and liq-
certain alloys to aid in controlling aspects of met- uidus surfaces.
allurgical structure, e.g., as-cast grain size and
the nature of recrystallization, and thus to affect

Table 2. Solid solubility of elements in aluminum

Cr Cu Fe Mg Mn Si Zn ∗ Zr Quasi- Quasi-
Mg2 Si MgZn2

Eutectic or peritectic 661 ∗∗ 548 655 450 659 577 382 661 ∗∗ 595 475
temperature, ◦ C

Solubility at eutectic 0.77 ∗∗ 5.65 0.052 14.9 1.82 1.65 82.3 0.28 ∗∗ 1.85 16.9
temperature, wt %
Solubility, wt % at
650 ◦ C 0.71 0.50 0.049 0.6 1.67 0.12 2.4 0.25 0.19
600 ◦ C 0.47 2.97 0.025 3.6 1.03 1.00 14.6 0.15 1.37
550 ◦ C 0.27 5.55 0.013 7.0 0.65 1.30 27.4 0.08 1.47
500 ◦ C 0.15 4.05 0.006 10.6 0.35 0.80 40.7 0.05 1.08
450 ◦ C 0.10 2.55 14.9 0.48 64.4 0.78 14.8
400 ◦ C 0.07 1.50 11.5 0.29 81.3 0.52 10.7
350 ◦ C 0.85 8.7 0.17 81.5 7.2
300 ◦ C 0.45 6.3 0.10 79.0 4.5
250 ◦ C 0.20 4.5 0.07 22.4 2.64
200 ◦ C 2.9 0.05 12.4 1.34

∗ Miscibility gap between 31.6 % and 77.7 % Zn at 275 ◦ C, closing at 60 % Zn at 353 ◦ C

∗∗ Peritectic instead of eutectic
Aluminum Alloys 3

Figure 1. Aluminum – magnesium phase diagram (up to

16 wt % Mg)

Figure 3. Aluminum – silicon phase diagram (up to 40 wt %


Figure 2. Aluminum – manganese phase diagram (up to

4 wt % Mn)

Figure 4. Aluminum – zinc phase diagram (up to 50 wt %

Figure 5. Aluminum – chromium phase diagram (up to
1 wt % Cr)
4 Aluminum Alloys

Figure 6. Al – Mg – Si phase diagram (aluminum-rich portion)

A) Liquidus; B) Solidus; C) Solvus

The composition of a specific alloy is often

written as, e.g., Al – 5.1 Mg – 0.79 Mn – 0.11 Cr
(Aluminum Association Number 5456), mean-
ing an alloy consisting of 5.1 wt % Mg,
0.79 wt % Mn, 0.11 wt % Cr, and the rest alu-
minum and the usual impurities.

2.2. Solidification and Cast Structure

2.2.1. Grain Size and Dendrite Arm Spacing

The transformation from the liquid to the solid

state in aluminum alloys is assisted by heteroge-
neous nucleation. Cast grain size is controlled by
adding potent grain-refining nuclei to the melt to
minimize the amount of undercooling and max-
imize the number of nucleation sites. Once nu- Figure 7. Typical dendritic growth forms: photomicrograph
cleation has occurred, growth continues under of electropolished as-cast 2124 alloy taken under polarized
commercial casting conditions with a dendritic light
structure, illustrated in Figure 7. An important
characteristic of a dendrite is the dendrite arm
spacing (DAS) or cell size. The DAS is related
to the cooling rate during freezing, as shown in
Figure 8 [15]. This relationship is described by
the equation

where d is the DAS in µm, k is a constant with

a value of 35, Q is the cooling rate in K/s, and n
is an exponent with a value of 0.33.
In wrought alloy ingot 500 mm thick, the
DAS varies from about 15 µm close to the sur- Figure 8. Dendrite cell size (DAS) as a function of cooling
face to 80 µm at the center. Roll-cast strip (6 mm
thick) has a DAS ranging from 5 to 12 µm. In pends mainly on nucleation and growth condi-
contrast, the grain size of grain-refined direct tions, and is not strongly affected by cooling rate.
chill cast ingot ranges from 50 to 300 µm, de-
Aluminum Alloys 5

2.2.2. Segregation cs =c0 k (1−) fsk−1

In most aluminum alloys the solute (or alloy- where cs is the composition of the solid at frac-
ing element) is less soluble in the solid phase tion solid f s , c0 is the original alloy composi-
than in the liquid phase (see Fig. 9), and addi- tion, and k is the equilibrium partition ratio (see
tion of solute lowers the freezing point. As a Fig. 9) [16].
consequence, when an aluminum alloy solidi-
fies, solute is rejected at the solid – liquid inter-
face, resulting in (1) solute buildup in the liquid
ahead of the freezing front and (2) breakdown of
the planar solidification interface. The former
gives rise to segregation in the cast structure,
commonly called coring, and is directly respon-
sible for the dendritic growth form. Segregation
occurs on both microscale and macroscale. Mi-
crosegregation is that which forms on the scale
of the dendrite arm spacing, whereas macroseg-
regation describes solute differences over dis-
tances of several centimeters.

Figure 9. Al – Cu phase diagram (up to 15 wt % Cu)

Microsegregation is best described in terms

of the solute distribution between two dendrite
arms. A typical solute distribution profile in a
direct chill cast ingot is illustrated in Figure 10.
(The copper at different locations within the vol-
ume element was determined by electron-probe
microanalysis.) If the solidifying metal between
two dendrite arms is considered a closed vol-
ume element with no mass flow of liquid in or Figure 10. Copper distribution between dendrite arms in
out (a reasonable first approximation), then the direct chill (D.C.) cast 2124 alloy
– – – – – Analysis path
redistribution that takes place can be described
adequately by the Scheil equation:
6 Aluminum Alloys

Macrosegregation arises because of the flow ings contain some gas above the solid-state equi-
of segregated liquid from one area of a solidify- librium level, and all shrinkage porosity contains
ing casting to another. A typical solute distribu- some gas.
tion across a 600-mm-thick commercial direct Hydrogen is the only gas that is significantly
chill ingot of 2024 alloy is illustrated in Fig- soluble in aluminum. At the melting point of alu-
ure 11. The driving forces for macrosegregation minum, hydrogen is 20 times more soluble in
are (1) shrinkage contraction that accompanies the liquid than in the solid (Fig. 12) [17]. Even
the transformation of liquid to solid, (2) density when the hydrogen level is reduced below the
differences in the liquid phase, and (3) convec- equilibrium concentration in molten aluminum
tive stirring that arises from the temperature gra- by fluxing, the low solubility of the gas in the
dient across the crater of a solidifying ingot. solid causes hydrogen to go into the remaining
liquid. When the internal gas pressure exceeds
atmospheric pressure, a bubble of gas can form.
For a given gas content, the amount of porosity
is increased by increased alloy freezing range
and decreased cooling rate (Fig. 13) [18].

Figure 11. Variation in copper concentration across a 600-

mm-thick direct chill (D.C.) cast ingot of Al – Cu – Mg alloy

Macrosegregation has been described with

some success by analogy to fluid flow through a
porous medium, i.e., with D’Arcy’s law
v=− (∇P +
l g)

where v is the mean interdendritic flow veloc-

ity, k is a constant for the permeability of the
medium, P is pressure, g is the acceleration due
to gravity, η is viscosity, ϕl is the volume frac-
tion of liquid, and l is the liquid density [16]. Figure 12. Solubility of hydrogen at 0.1 MPa (1 bar) in

There is no measurable porosity, regardless of

2.2.3. Porosity
the conditions, if the hydrogen content is below
about 0.10 mL per 100 g. At these low hydrogen
Porosity in aluminum ingot and castings arises
contents the internal pressure in the liquid can-
from two principal sources: (1) shrinkage con-
not exceed atmospheric pressure. Instead, the
traction and (2) the rejection of dissolved gas on
gas in excess of the solid-state equilibrium level
freezing. The characteristic feature of shrinkage
at the freezing point coprecipitates with vacan-
porosity, which arises from inadequate feeding
cies behind the solid – liquid freezing front. The
of the solidifying casting with molten metal, is
pores are extremely small (1 µm) and contain
its angularity. In contrast, gas porosity is more or
hydrogen at pressures of about 20 bar (2 MPa).
less spherical. All commercial aluminum cast-
Aluminum Alloys 7

ode material, are somewhat soluble at 950 ◦ C,

but transition metal borides precipitate as the
metal cools to furnace temperature (750 ◦ C).
Another source of boride inclusions, but usu-
ally of much smaller size (0.5 to 3 µm), is the
Al – Ti – B master alloy used for grain refining.
Carbides, generally in the form of Al4 C3 ,
also arise from the cell metal. At 950 ◦ C carbon
has a solubility of 50 ppm in molten aluminum.
As the metal cools, the solubility drops to 1 ppm,
with the resultant precipitation of carbide partic-

2.3. Thermal and Mechanical Processes

2.3.1. Preheating
Figure 13. Relationship between porosity and hydrogen
content in semicontinuously direct chill (D.C.) cast ingot Ingot to be fabricated to wrought products is
a) Thick ingot; b) Thin ingot; c) 99.2 % Al; d) 99.99 % Al
Both thick (a) and thin (b) ingots are long freezing range usually preheated or homogenized [4, Chap. 5].
alloy 7xxx. This treatment, often near the melting temper-
ature, lasts a few hours to a few days. Preheat-
This porosity is not readily discernible in the ing alleviates microsegregation (coring and sol-
cast structure, but the pores expand considerably uble grain boundary segregation) by diffusion
on heating. The terms primary and secondary and makes the ingot more amenable to hot defor-
porosity are used to distinguish macroscopic and mation. Preheating followed by slow cooling is
microscopic forms of hydrogen porosity [19]. used to bring certain elements, e.g., manganese,
into solid solution and then precipitate them into
a more desirable form, usually very fine disper-
2.2.4. Nonmetallic Inclusions soids, for control of recrystallization, formabil-
ity, toughness, finishing, etc. During homoge-
There are three major types of solid inclusions nization, secondary porosity increases in size,
in aluminum alloys: (1) oxides, (2) borides, and but the porosity will eventually disappear, col-
(3) carbides. lapsing under the force of surface tension, if the
Molten aluminum reacts readily with mois- conditions in the furnace are favorable for the
ture in the atmosphere. The resulting aluminum loss of hydrogen from the ingot.
oxide film is generally quite coherent and in- During solidification, insoluble inter-
hibits further growth. But whenever the molten metallics, such as FeAl3 , precipitate with an
metal surface is disturbed, e.g., during the mix- angular geometry. During homogenizing heat
ing in of alloying elements or tapping from the treatments this type of precipitate becomes less
furnace to a transfer trough, a fresh oxide layer angular, and the fabricability of the ingot is
is formed immediately on the newly exposed enhanced.
surface. Therefore, oxides found in cast struc- There is sufficient residual stress in a direct
tures are usually filmlike. An exception is spinel, chill cast ingot to cause recrystallization and
MgAl2 O4 , which grows on Al – Mg alloy melts grain growth in alloys containing no insoluble
when the first-formed MgO film crystallizes and particles, as shown in Figure 14.
“breakaway” oxidation ensues. Spinel is partic-
Borides originate from the presence of the
transition elements Zr, V, and Ti along with
boron in the Hall – Héroult cell. These impuri-
ties, which come from the alumina feed and an-
8 Aluminum Alloys

Figure 14. Abnormal grain growth in a direct chill (D.C.)

cast 5252 alloy ingot homogenized at 565 ◦ C for 4 h (0.09X)
Aqua regia etch

2.3.2. Non-Heat-Treatable Alloy Processes

The non-heat-treatable alloys are strengthened

by dispersion, solid solution, and work hard-
ening [4, Chap. 4]. The common alloy systems
Figure 16. Effect of cold rolling on yield strength and elon-
of this type are unalloyed aluminum contain- gation of three alloys
ing controlled levels of impurities (mostly Fe
and Si), Al – Mn, and Al – Mg. Strength in- ture, and time. Figure 17 shows the effects
creases with increasing content of the alloying of heating time and temperature on the yield
component (Fig. 15). Magnesium is more sol- strength and elongation of alloy 1100 given
uble in aluminum than Fe and Si or Mn, and about 75 % cold reduction (H18 temper). The
Al – Mg alloys are capable of reaching the high- effect of lower strains (H12 and H14) at 204 ◦ C
est strengths. Strength increases also when the is illustrated in Figure 18. The initial drop in
dislocation density is increased by deformation: strength is caused by recovery processes involv-
the increase is determined by the composition ing changes in dislocation structure. Higher tem-
and the amount and temperature of deformation. peratures and longer times increase the degree of
Figure 16 shows for three alloys, how the yield recrystallization and thus the ductility, and de-
strengths are increased and the elongations de- crease strength, until full annealing is achieved.
creased by rolling at room temperature. Heating to achieve properties between strain
The strain induced by deformation can be re- hardened and fully annealed is known as partial
duced by heating; the rate of reduction is de- annealing.
termined by alloy, amount of strain, tempera-

Figure 17. Effect of heating time and temperature on yield

strength and elongation of 1100-H18
Figure 15. Effect of magnesium content on tensile proper-
The gage length over which the elongation is measured is
four times the diameter of the specimen (4D)
Aluminum Alloys 9

Examples of the sequence are given in Ta-

ble 3 for several systems [20–22]. The ma-
jor commercial heat-treatable alloy systems
are Al – Cu, Al – Cu – Mg, Al – Cu – Si – Mg,
Al – Si – Mg – Cu, Al – Mg – Si – Cu, Al – Mg – Si,
Al – Zn – Mg, and Al – Zn – Mg – Cu. Alloys
containing lithium, which has a solid solubil-
ity limit of 4 wt % at 600 ◦ C, have been the
subject of extensive research and have become
commercial in limited applications.
Table 3. Aluminum alloy precipitation sequences
Figure 18. Effect of strain (H12, H14, H18) and heating Al – Cu S.S.α→GP[1]→GP[2] or
time at 204 ◦ C on yield strength and elongation of 1100 θ  →θ  →θ(CuAl2 )
alloy Al – Si S.S.α→Si
Al – Mg S.S.α→G.P. zones→β  →β(Mg3 Al2 )
Strain-hardened Al – Mg alloys recover at Al – Cu – Mg S.S.α→G.P. zones→S →S(Al2 CuMg)
room temperature, the rate of recovery increas- Al – Mg – Si S.S.α→G.P. zones→β  →β(Mg2 Si)
S.S.α→G.P. zones→η  →η(MgZn2 )
ing with Mg content and amount of original Al – Zn – Mg – Cu S.S.α→G.P. zones→η  →T(Mg3 Zn3 Al2 )
strain. This long-term recovery can be prevented S.S.α→G.P. zones→T →T(Mg3 Zn3 Al2 )
Al – Li S.S.α→δ  (Al3 Li)→δ(AlLi)
by stabilizing at moderate temperatures. Fig- Al – Li – Cu S.S.α→G.P.
ure 19 illustrates the effects of the recovery pro- zones→θ  →θ  →θ(Al2 Cu)→T1 (Al2 CuLi)
cess and stabilization on an alloy cold worked Al – Li – Mg S.S.α→δ  (Al3 Li)→Al2 LiMg
on four strain levels.
As the precipitation sequence proceeds, lat-
tice strain and strength increase, whereas duc-
tility decreases and then increases. The strength
can increase at room temperature (natural aging)
or at moderate temperatures (artificial aging or
precipitation heat treatment). Aging past peak
strength is known as overaging and for practical
purposes occurs only at elevated temperatures.
The kinetics of the precipitation sequence
and the magnitude of the effects on proper-
ties are determined by composition, tempera-
Figure 19. Recovery at room temperature of ture, and strain. Some effects of composition on
strain-hardened and stabilized (8 h, 143 ◦ C) natural aging are illustrated in Figure 20. The
Al – 2.43 Mg – 0.25 Cr alloy sheet Al – Cu – Mg alloy (2024) effectively reaches
peak strength after about 100 h. The Al – Mg – Si

2.3.3. Heat-Treatable Alloy Processes

Heat-treatable aluminum alloys depend on pre-

cipitation from supersaturated solid solution
to develop high strength [4, Chap. 5], [10,
pp. 675 – 718]. The basic requirements for alloy-
ing elements are high solid solubility at elevated
temperatures, low solubility at room and moder-
ate temperatures, and precipitates that strain the
lattice. The typical precipitation sequence is
supersaturated solid solution →
Guinier – Preston zones → metastable phases Figure 20. Effect of natural aging time on strength and duc-
→ stable phases tility of some aluminum alloys
10 Aluminum Alloys

alloy (6061) also hardens rapidly for the first solid solution, artificial aging proceeds at mod-
100 h, but strength continues to rise more rapidly erately elevated temperatures as shown, with
than for the Al – Cu – Mg alloy for at least ten initially rising and then falling hardness. The
years. The strength of the Al – Zn – Mg – Cu al- changes in hardness are associated with the ap-
loy (7075) rises even more rapidly than that of pearance of G – P (Guinier – Preston) zones and
the Al – Mg – Si alloy, with no sign of leveling. their transformation to θ and θ.
Ductilities, as indicated by elongation tests, fall Artificial aging accelerates the precipitation
slowly as strengths rise. sequence; higher strengths are obtained within
The classic system for studying precipita- practical time frames. (Compare the curves in
tion hardening and artificial aging is Al – Cu. Figure 23 with the curve for 2024 in Figure 20.)
The equilibrium phase diagram (Fig. 21) shows The decrease in strength from overaging is as-
the maximum solid solubility of 5.65 wt % at sociated with changes in metallurgical structure,
548 ◦ C and a solubility of less than 0.2 % at resulting in more stable properties and dimen-
250 ◦ C. The aging sequence of an Al – 4 Cu al- sions and increased toughness and resistance to
loy is illustrated in Figure 22 [23]. (Al – 4 Cu is corrosion, in particular to exfoliation and stress-
an alloy consisting of 4 wt % Cu and the rest corrosion cracking in the Al – Zn – Mg – Cu al-
aluminum.) After solution heat treating above loys. These effects are illustrated in Figures 24
500 ◦ C and quenching to retain a supersaturated and 25 [24].

Figure 21. Aluminum – copper phase diagram (up to

Figure 23. Effect of aging temperature and time on strength
10 wt % Cu)
and ductility of an Al – Cu – Mg alloy (2024) not cold
worked between quenching and aging

Figure 24. Effect of overaging on strength and toughness

of an Al – Zn – Mg – Cu – Cr alloy (7075)
Figure 22. Effect of aging time and temperature on hardness
and structure of Al – 4 Cu alloy
Aluminum Alloys 11

Figure 25. Effect of overaging time and temperature on

stress-corrosion cracking of Al – Zn – Mg – Cu – Cr alloys
containing 4.5 – 7.5 % Zn, 1.5 – 3.8 % Mg, 0.75 – 2.5 % Cu,
and 0.05 – 0.5 % Cr

The precipitation sequence is accelerated also

by strain introduced after quenching. The effects
Figure 27. Effect of strain between quenching and artificial
of strain on natural aging and on artificial aging aging of Al – Cu – Mg alloy (2024)
of an Al – Cu – Mg alloy are shown in Figures 26
and 27, respectively. The introduction of strain
after artificial aging also increases strength and
reduces ductility (Fig. 28).
The preceding discussion is essentially in
terms of strength and ductility. However, much
of the manipulation of metallurgical structure by
composition, solidification rate, thermal prac-
tices, and deformation of commercial products is
done to obtain an optimum combination of prop-
erties and characteristics, including strength,
ductility, toughness, formability, corrosion re-
sistance, finishing characteristics, fatigue resist- Figure 28. Effect of strain after artificial aging on strength
and ductility of an Al – Mg – Si alloy (6061)
ance, and machinability.

3. Production Methods for

Aluminum Alloys
The flow of aluminum from reduction plants to
end product, as well as the important scrap loops,
is shown schematically in Figure 29. Producers
of mill products and castings use both primary
and secondary metal to produce the intermedi-
ate products that manufacturers need to produce
final products.
The production of mill products and castings
begins with the melting and casting operation.
Castings are made in final or near-final shapes.
Figure 26. Effect of cold work after quenching and natural For mill products, ingots are cast with rectan-
aging on yield strength of Al – Cu – Mg alloy (2024)
gular or circular cross section and subsequently
12 Aluminum Alloys
Table 4. Impurities in aluminum from the Hall-Héroult cell

Impurity Usual concentration range, %

Fe 0.06 – 0.35
Si 0.05 – 0.15
H ca. 3×10−5 ∗
Na 0.002 – 0.004
Ca 0.002 – 0.004
Li 0.002 – 0.004
Ti, Zr 0.005 – 0.020
V, Cr 0.005 – 0.020
Al2 O3 variable
Al2 MgO4 (spinel) variable
Al4 C3 variable
TiB2 , etc. variable

∗ 0.20 – 0.60 mL per 100 g Al

Hydrogen is the only gas significantly soluble

in molten aluminum. It arises in the reaction of
molten metal with moisture in the atmosphere,
refractories, or reaction products. The standard
free energy (∆G ◦ ) for the reaction
Figure 29. Flow of aluminum alloy products
3 H2 O (g) + 2 Al (l) −→ Al2 O3 + 3 H2 (g)
worked down to the desired shapes. Alternate
methods for producing thin sheet and foil con- is high:
sist of continuously casting and rolling thin wide
strip. In similar processes for producing rod, ∆G ◦ = – 979100 – 719 T log T + 413 T (∆G ◦ in J/mol)
bar, and wire, the alloy is continuously cast into The molecular hydrogen dissociates and enters
a small bar, rolled through grooved rolls, and the metal interstitially:
drawn through dies. Other processes begin with
atomized powders, which subsequently are com- H2 (g)  2 H (soln)
pacted and then deformed.
At equilibrium:

3.1. Melting and Metal Treatment a2H c2

K = ≈
a H2 P
Aluminum and aluminum alloys are melted be- where K is the equilibrium constant, aH and aH2
fore conversion into castings, ingot for subse- are activities, c is the concentration of dissolved
quent fabrication or remelting, particulate for gas, and P is the gas pressure. The concentration
chemical applications and alloying with other of dissolved gas is given then by
metals, and powders for pigments and powder
metallurgy. The components of the melt may in- √ √
c=k P where k = K
clude molten metal directly from the reduction
cell, primary ingot, scrap aluminum, remelted commonly known as Sievert’s law. Reaction of
scrap ingot, and alloying elements [3, Chap. 1]. molten aluminum with moisture is not only the
source of hydrogen but also the principal source
of oxide contamination. The alkali metals and al-
3.1.1. Impurities in the Molten Metal kaline earth metals (Li, Na, and Ca) come mainly
from the electrolyte in the Hall – Héroult cell and
The principal impurities in aluminum from the from refractories. Borides originate from impu-
Hall – Héroult cell are listed in Table 4. The rities in the carbon anodes and alumina, whereas
ranges are shown as a guide and are not absolute carbon enters into solution by dissolution of the
values. anodes.
Aluminum Alloys 13

3.1.2. Alloying requires special techniques, including melting

in molten salt (NaCl or NaCl + KCl) and abla-
Alloying is normally carried out in the tempera- tive melting, i.e., submerging the scrap below
ture range 700 – 730 ◦ C. The lower-melting ad- the surface of a molten aluminum charge. The
ditions, such as Zn, Mg, Cu, and Si, are made principal contaminants encountered in recycled
in elemental form, whereas the higher-melting metal are silicon, iron, and titanium (from paint
point additions are made as master alloys or bri- pigment on beverage containers). Because there
quettes (Table 5). are no simple methods of removing these el-
Table 5. Aluminum master alloys and briquettes for alloying
ements from molten aluminum, scrap must be
presorted before it is melted. Many foundry al-
Composition Principal constituents loys can contain high levels of these elements,
Al – 10 % Cr CrAl7
but for wrought alloys the only way to recy-
Al – 10 % Mn MnAl4 and MnAl6 cle scrap is to dilute the contaminants with pure
Al – 25 % Fe Al3 Fe metal.
Al – 6 % Zr Al3 Zr
Al – 3 or 4 % B AlB2 and AlB12 , respectively The skim that forms on molten aluminum
75 % Mn – Al Al and Mn powder may be 70 – 95 % unoxidized aluminum metal,
75 % Cr – Al Al and Cr powder
depending on the type of charge, furnace, hold-
ing temperature, alloy, and fluxing treatment. A
variety of methods have been devised to recover
metal from skim. Most depend on a combination
3.1.3. Recycling and Skim Treatment of mechanical crushing, screening, and mixing
in a molten salt bath to separate metal from the
Great emphasis is placed on the recovery of alu- oxidized fraction. The salt bath is normally an
minum from scrap. The principal motivation is eutectic mixture of NaCl and KCl with 5 – 10 %
energy savings; about 20 times as much energy cryolite.
is needed to produce aluminum from ore as to
produce the equivalent amount from scrap. Re-
cycling of beverage cans is increasing in the 3.1.4. Molten Metal Treatment
United States as primary producers, beverage
companies, secondary metal dealers, and civic Most uses of aluminum alloys demand high
organizations continue to open collection cen- quality with respect to contaminants. For exam-
ters. The growth of recycling of aluminum cans ple, sheet for containers, plate, sheet and forg-
in the United States is shown in Table 6 [25, ings for aircraft structures, memory disks for
p. 30]. computers, and articles with a decorative finish,
Table 6. Aluminum can reclamation, 1986 – 1996 such as automotive trim, all require low levels of
nonmetallic impurities. Hydrogen is particularly
Year Aluminum No. of Percentage of
collected, aluminum cans aluminum cans
deleterious because it causes gas porosity in the
106 kg collected, 109 collected cast ingot, possibly leading to defects such as
blisters in sheet and extrusions and reduced me-
1986 550 33.3 48.7
1987 596 36.6 50.5 chanical properties in forgings and thick plate.
1988 672 42.5 54.6 Even under the most favorable melting con-
1989 753 49.4 60.8
1990 863 55.0 63.6
ditions, some degassing treatment is usually re-
1991 879 56.8 62.4 quired prior to pouring high-quality ingot or
1992 956 62.7 67.9 castings. Treatment may be either batch in the
1993 900 59.5 63.1
1994 959 64.7 65.4 furnace or continuous during transfer of the melt
1995 900 62.7 62.2 from the furnace to the casting unit. In the batch
1996 879 62.8 63.5
method the melt is purged with Ar, N2 , or Cl2 or
a mixture of Cl2 with either of the inert gases.
The primary problems encountered in the re- However, because furnace fluxing is inefficient
covery of aluminum from scrap are melt loss and and environmentally damaging, it is being re-
contamination. Prevention of large losses when placed by continuous processes, which often
melting oily scrap, lightweight cans, foil, etc.,
14 Aluminum Alloys

combine gas removal with filtration. A num- 3.2. Casting Processes for Ingot
ber of these systems are described in [26]. Fig-
ure 30 illustrates a typical bed filtration system Direct chill (D.C.) casting is the primary method
(Alcoa 528) combined with a gas purge for hy- of ingot production in the aluminum industry
drogen and alkali metal reduction (Alcoa 622). [28]. Large ingots with either a rectangular or
Figure 31 shows a successful method of filtration circular cross section are cast for fabrication by
with a porous ceramic plate [27]. rolling to sheet or extruding to shaped profiles.
Some circular cross section ingot is used as forg-
ing stock and starting material for rod and wire
production. Figure 32 is a schematic illustrat-
ing the D.C. casting process developed around
1940, and Figure 33 shows a later modification
in which level transfer is used to avoid turbu-
lence with the associated oxide generation and
hydrogen pickup. The level-pour method pro-
duces high-quality ingot for forged products of
highest internal integrity. Direct chill ingot is
Figure 30. Molten metal fluxing and filtering system with usually cast in multiples, and the drop is termi-
Alcoa 622 and 528 metal treatment units nated when the ingot length reaches the depth of
the casting pit. A continuous casting process, in
which the ingot is cast horizontally, as depicted
in Figure 34, is widely used to produce a limited
number of alloys when large amounts of ingot
of one size are required.

Figure 31. Filtration with a porous ceramic plate

Before the metal is cast into ingot, grain re-

finer is usually added to control the grain struc-
ture of the ingot. Reducing the as-cast grain size
has a number of benefits, such as reducing the
sensitivity of the metal to hot cracking during
solidification, enhancing the hot workability of Figure 32. Vertical direct chill (D.C.) casting
the ingot, and producing a wrought structure that
gives a uniform appearance on etching and an-
odizing. Grain refinement is carried out most ef-
fectively by the addition of titanium and boron
in the form of an Al – Ti – B master alloy. The
master alloy may be added to the furnace but
preferably is added to the molten metal stream
between the furnace and the casting unit. Typ-
ical titanium additions range from 0.003 % to
0.015 %. Figure 33. Level-pour mold assembly
Aluminum Alloys 15

32 cm2 is continuously cast and rolled to a 9-mm

diameter rod. This method provides stock for
conductor wire production. High energy costs
will accelerate the trend from thick ingot casting
to the less energy-intense, thin-section, contin-
uous casting.

Figure 34. Horizontal direct chill (D.C.) casting

A development in semicontinuous thick in-

got casting is electromagnetic casting (EMC).
In this method the traditional mold is replaced
by an electromagnetic field that contains the col-
umn of molten metal until it enters the direct
water cooling system. This produces a smooth-
surface ingot free from the subsurface segrega- Figure 36. Twin-roll Hunter caster
tion of the older methods (Fig. 35) [29]. In some
applications the EMC ingot can be fabricated
without any prior surface machining or scalp-
ing. The major capital investment for scalping
equipment and the melt loss, which occurs when
scalper chips are remelted, are thus avoided.

Figure 37. Hazelett twin-belt caster

3.3. Shaped Casting

Figure 35. Electromagnetic casting (EMC) process
Aluminum alloys are suitable for all common
Although thick-sectioned ingot is used for the shaped casting methods: pressure die, perma-
bulk of aluminum alloy production, there is an nent mold, sand casting, plaster, and investment
increasing amount of continuous cast strip 6 to [3, Chap. 2], [8, pp. 140 – 79]. The first three
18 mm thick. Productivity is lower, but casting methods are the most commonly used. Pressure
at high solidification rates, closer to final shape, die casting (also called die casting) is the most
allows elimination of many energy-consuming widely used. Production by die casting, in terms
steps, such as scalping, homogenizing, and hot of kilograms of metal cast, is more than twice
rolling. All the major thin-section casting meth- that by permanent mold and sand casting com-
ods use the moving mold concept. Two of the bined. Typically, die castings are small in size,
most popular are the twin-roll Hunter Engineer- permanent mold castings are intermediate, and
ing process (Fig. 36) and the Hazelett twin-belt sand castings are largest. Section thickness usu-
method (Fig. 37). Another method of casting ally increases in the same order. Die castings
close to the final shape is the Properzi process. have the best surfaces, sand castings the worst.
A bar with a trapezoid cross section of about
16 Aluminum Alloys

Figure 38. Effect of sodium modification on microstructure of sand-cast A357.0 alloy as polished (120x)
A) Not modified; B) Modified

By far the most common casting alloys are 3.3.1. Die Casting
the hypoeutectic Al – Si type (Si in the range
4 – 12 %). Die castings freeze more rapidly than In the pressure die casting process the molten
permanent mold castings, which freeze more metal is injected at high velocity into a reusable
rapidly than sand castings. In order to maximize metal mold. The combination of the thin sections
the mechanical properties in permanent mold and high pressure insures a rapid freezing rate
and sand castings, modifiers are added to the (Fig. 8), but the accompanying contamination by
hypoeutectic Al – Si alloys. The most common gas entrapped as the metal enters the mold de-
modifiers are Na and Sr, small additions (0.005 – tracts from the potential advantages of the fine
0.1 %) having the effect of refining the usu- metallurgical structure. In addition, gas contam-
ally platelike silicon in the eutectic and giving it ination prevents heat treatment to develop pre-
a rodlike form. These structural changes, illus- cipitation strengthening. However, the true po-
trated in Figure 38 A and B, help to increase both tential of die casting will be realized only by
strength and ductility of the alloys. Antimony adopting techniques such as evacuating the mold
(0.05 – 0.1 %) may also be used to refine the before injecting the molten metal to minimize
eutectic structure; however, it does not modify gas pickup.
the alloy and the benefits are fully achieved only Because the die is made of steel, with no give,
after heat treatment. The hypereutectic Al – Si al- the alloys used must be resistant to hot cracking
loys, used primarily in die casting, are modified and reasonably fluid to fill the thin sections typ-
with phosphorus, because aluminum phosphide ical of die castings. In general, the alloys con-
is a potent nucleus for silicon. tain at least 0.6 % Fe, to reduce “soldering,” i.e.,
sticking of the cast part to the die as it is being
Aluminum Alloys 17

3.3.2. Permanent Mold Casting and 6.30 mm, and foil is less than 0.15 mm thick.
Flat rolled products are produced in rolling mills
Like die casting, permanent mold casting (also by passing the metal between two cylindrical
called gravity die casting) employs a reusable rolls where it is subjected to high compressive
metal mold. Because the mold is gravity fed, forces to decrease thickness and increase length.
the pouring rate is relatively slow, but the metal When flat rolled products are made from ingot,
mold produces rapid freezing. Generally, per- initial passes are always at elevated tempera-
manent mold castings are larger, with thicker tures, but final passes may be hot or cold, de-
sections, than die castings. They have good me- pending on desired thickness and temper. When
chanical properties and are usually sound, pro- continuously cast strip is the starting material,
vided the alloys exhibit good fluidity and resist- initial passes may be either hot or cold. Inter-
ance to hot cracking. Mechanical properties can mediate heating may be used to promote homo-
be improved further by heat treatment. geneity and to remove prior strain. After the final
rolling pass, heat-treatable alloys are annealed or
solution heat treated and aged to produce the de-
3.3.3. Sand Casting sired temper: some alloy-tempers require strain
after quenching or aging. Nonheat-treatable al-
Sand casting is the least expensive process, but loys are annealed, partially annealed, or stabi-
the mold, which is formed by ramming sand lized to produce the desired temper.
mixed with bonding agent around a pattern, is The size of ingot used for making flat rolled
not reusable. Like permanent mold casting, the products varies widely in thickness, width, and
sand mold is gravity fed. The principal disadvan- length, depending on such factors as alloy, prod-
tages are slow cooling rates (Fig. 8), poor surface uct size, and equipment size. Commercial ingot
finish, and the minimum wall thickness of 4 mm. varies from 200×1000 mm to 600×1900 mm in
For the same alloy the slow cooling rate results cross section and is up to 9 m in length. The
in lower mechanical properties than with perma- maximum size of flat rolled products depends on
nent mold casting. Nevertheless, sand casting is alloy, temper, and thickness. Maximum size of
widely used, particularly if the casting is large flat plate may vary from 1300 to 5300 mm wide
or if the number of items to be produced does and 23 – 25.4 m long. The maximum weight per
not justify the expense of a metal mold. An ad- piece commercially available is about 10 000 kg.
vantage of sand casting is that quite complex Maximum size of flat sheet is 900 – 3350 mm
shapes can be made with alloys that are not par- wide and 4.6 – 19.8 m long. Sheet is also sup-
ticularly resistant to hot cracking because sand, plied in coils up to 2500 mm wide and 12 000 kg
unlike metal, can give when the alloy contracts in weight. Foil is supplied in coils up to 1900 mm
on freezing. wide.

3.4. Mill Products 3.4.2. Extrusions

Mill products or wrought products are produced Extrusions are produced in extrusion presses by
by working ingot into the desired shape. The forcing an ingot or billet to flow from a container
most common mill product is sheet, but signif- through a die to produce an elongated shape. The
icant quantities of plate, foil, extrusions, drawn diversity of shapes and sizes is great, ranging
tube, forgings, impacts, rolled rod, bar, shapes, from the simplest round rod to cross sections of
and wire are produced [5, Chap. IX]. great complexity. Table 7 summarizes the shape
and size capabilities of the aluminum extrusion
industry. Extrusions may be given thermal and
3.4.1. Plate, Sheet, and Foil mechanical treatments to produce the desired
temper, or they may be given further mechan-
Plate, sheet, and foil are collectively referred to ical deformation by drawing to tube or wire. Ex-
as flat rolled products. By convention, plate is truded stock can also be fabricated further by
thicker than 6.30 mm, sheet is between 0.15 mm forging and drawing.
18 Aluminum Alloys
Table 7. Capabilities of the extrusion industry
than 10 mm in diameter or between flats. It is
Alloy almost all commercial produced by drawing rod or bar through a series
wrought alloys of dies. Cable is made by stranding wire. ACSR
Section thickness 1 – 300 mm
Diameter of circumscribing 6 – 300 mm (aluminum conductor, steel reinforced) is made
circle (smallest circle that by stranding aluminum wires around steel wire.
completely encloses the shape)
Weight/length 0.07 – 300 kg/m
Impacts are parts made in a confining die
Straight length 33.5 m max. from a metal slug by a rapid, single-stroke appli-
Weight per piece 1200 t max. cation of force through a punch. The metal flows
Tubing and pipe diameter 600 – 840 mm
back along the punch or through an opening in
the punch or die.
The capability of extrusion presses is de-
scribed in terms of the maximum force that the
press can exert on the ingot or billet. Capac- 3.5. Powder and Paste
ity ranges from a few hundred to 13000 t, but
most presses fall in the range 1500 – 2500 t [3, Most aluminum powder is made by atomizing
Chap. 3]. molten aluminum with compressed air; the par-
ticle size is controlled by the atomizing condi-
tions. The particles are very rough but approxi-
3.4.3. Forgings mately equiaxial. Atomized powders are used in
a number of chemical and metallurgical proce-
Forging is metalworking performed in hammers dures.
and presses. The compressive force is applied ei- Pigments are usually produced by ball
ther locally – the different parts of the forging are milling atomized powder in the presence of lu-
progressively worked on open dies (hand forg- bricants to produce thin flakelike shapes hav-
ings) – or over the entire surface of the forging in ing length and breadth 10 to 100 times greater
closed dies (die forgings). Forging is done both than thickness. After milling, the pigment may
hot and cold. Starting stock is ingot or partly fab- be dried at moderately elevated temperature at
ricated forms such as extruded bar, rolled bar, reduced pressure, or solvent may be added to
and plate. Forging hammers range in capacity make a paste.
from 0.2 to 25 t and make parts weighing up
to 100 kg. Mechanical presses range in capacity
from 300 to 10000 t and make parts weighing up 4. Commercial Alloys, Products, and
to 25 kg with plan areas up to 0.3 m2 . Hydraulic Uses
presses range in capacity from 500 to 75000 t and
make parts weighing from a few kg to 1500 kg A number of systems are used throughout the
with plan areas up to 3 m2 [3, Chap. 5]. world to designate aluminum alloys and tem-
pers. In the discussion that follows, the Alu-
minum Association designations are used for
3.4.4. Other Mill Products casting and wrought alloys.

Tubing and pipe are produced as extrusions that

may be reduced further, in both size and wall 4.1. Aluminum Association Designations
thickness, by subsequent drawing through dies. for Alloys and Tempers
An alternate method is forming sheet into a long
hollow shape or a spiral and butt welding the The Aluminum Association designation sys-
edges to make a tube or pipe. tem for casting alloys is shown in Table 8 [6,
Rolled rod, bar, and some shapes are pro- pp. 8 – 9]. In the 1xx.x group the second and third
duced in rolling mills. For this purpose the rolls digits indicate the minimum aluminum percent-
have a series of circumferential grooves to im- age above 99.00 %. In the 2xx.x through 9xx.x
part the desired shape. groups, the second and third digits have no com-
Wire may be round, square, hexagonal, or oc- positional significance but serve only to identify
tagonal in cross section. By convention it is less different alloys within the group. The digit to
Aluminum Alloys 19

the right of the decimal point indicates product acteristic is affected significantly. Variations of
form: 0 for castings; 1 and 2 for ingot, 2 indi- the basic tempers are shown for heat-treatable
cating a narrower composition range within the alloys in Table 12. Additional digits, the first not
broader limits of the xxx.1 composition. A mod- zero, may be added to designation T1 through
ification of the original alloy or impurity limits T10 to indicate a variation in treatment that sig-
is indicated by a letter prefix. (I, O, Q, and X nificantly alters the characteristics of the prod-
may not be used as the prefix.) uct.
Table 8. Casting alloy designation system Table 10. Basic temper designations

Major alloying element Designation Designation Description

 99.00 % Al or purer 1xx.x F as fabricated. Applies to the products of

Cu 2xx.x shaping processes in which thermal
Si + Cu and/or Mg 3xx.x conditions or strain hardening is not specially
Si 4xx.x controlled. For wrought products there are no
Mg 5xx.x mechanical property limits.
Zn 7xx.x O annealed. Applies to wrought products
Sn 8xx.x annealed to the lowest strength temper, and to
cast products annealed to improve ductility
and dimensional stability. The O may be
The Aluminum Association system for followed by a digit other than zero.
wrought alloys is shown in Table 9 [6, pp. 7 – 8]. H strain hardened (wrought products only).
In the 1xxx group the last two digits indicate the Applies to products strengthened by strain
minimum aluminum percentage above 99.00 %. hardening, with or without supplementary
thermal treatment to reduce strength. The H is
For example, the alloy 1060 is  99.60 % Al. always followed by two or more digits.
Only one alloy, 1100, has a specified alloying W solution heat treated. An unstable temper,
addition, 0.05 – 0.20 % Cu. In the 2xxx through applies only to alloys aging spontaneously at
7xxx groups the last two digits have no com- room temperature after solution heat
treatment. The designation is specific only
position significance but serve only to identify when the period of natural aging is indicated,
individual alloys in the series. The second digit e.g., W 1/2 hr.
indicates a modification of the original alloy. The T thermally treated, stable tempers other than F,
prefix X indicates an experimental wrought al- O, or H. Applies to products thermally
treated, with or without supplementary strain
loy. hardening, to produce stable tempers. The T
is always followed by one or more digits.
Table 9. Wrought alloy designation system

Major alloying element Designation

Table 11. Non-heat-treatable alloy-tempers
99.00 % Al 1xxx
Designation Description
Cu 2xxx
Mn 3xxx
H1 strain hardened only. Applies to products
Si 4xxx
strain hardened to the desired strength without
Mg 5xxx
supplementary thermal treatment. The
Mg + Si 6xxx
number following this designation indicates
Zn 7xxx
the degree of strain hardening.
Other 8xxx
H2 strain hardened and partially annealed.
Applies to products strain hardened more than
Temper designations are based on the se- the desired final amount and then reduced in
quence of basic treatments used to produce the strength to the desired level by partial
annealing. The number following this
temper (Table 10) [6, pp. 9 – 12]. Some basic designation indicates the degree of strain
treatments are applicable to both wrought and hardening remaining after partial annealing.
casting alloys. Variations of basic tempers for H3 strain hardened and stabilized. Applies to
non-heat-treatable alloys are listed in Table 11. products strain hardened and stabilized by
low-temperature thermal treatment or heating
The third digit, when used, indicates a variation during fabrication. This designation is
of a two-digit temper. It is used when the temper applicable only to those alloys which, unless
stabilized, gradually age soften at room
or mechanical properties, or both, differ from temperature. The number following this
but are close to those for the two-digit H temper designation indicates the degree of strain
designation, or when some other product char- hardening remaining after stabilization.
20 Aluminum Alloys
4.2. Alloys for Castings
Table 12. Heat-treatable alloy-tempers

Designation Description Over 230 compositions for casting alloys have

been registered with The Aluminum Association
T1 ∗ cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping
process and naturally aged to a substantially [13]. Nominal compositions of the most com-
stable condition. mon alloys are shown in Table 13. Also shown
T2 ∗ cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping are a few alloys, e.g., 201.0, 390.0, and 852.0,
process, cold worked, and naturally aged to a which are used in small volume but illustrate the
substantially stable condition.
range of commercial compositions. Some prop-
T3 solution heat treated, cold worked, and erties that are affected by compositions but not
naturally aged to a substantially stable
condition. by temper are given in Table 13.
T4 solution heat treated and naturally aged to a
Casting alloys are ranked by suitability for
substantially stable condition. casting, i.e., by their foundry characteristics,
T5 ∗ cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping in Tables 14 and 15. The rankings are relative
process and artificially aged. to other alloys in each casting category; i.e.,
T6 solution heat treated and artificially aged. die, permanent mold, or sand. Resistance to hot
T7 solution heat treated and overaged/stabilized. cracking is the ability to withstand contraction
Applies to wrought products artificially aged stresses on cooling. Die filling capability and
after solution heat treatment and carried
beyond maximum strength to control
fluidity indicate the ability of the molten metal
characteristics other than mechanical to flow into all parts of the mold. Die castings
properties. are ranked on their tendency to solder to the
T8 solution heat treated, cold worked, and die. Pressure tightness is an indication of the
artificially aged.
soundness of the cast part and the freedom from
T9 solution heat treated, artificially aged, and leakage of fluid under pressure. Solidification
cold worked.
shrinkage reflects the alloy not being subject to
T 10 ∗ cooled from an elevated-temperature shaping
process, cold worked, and artificially aged.
shrinkage porosity.
Typical tensile properties of some die casting
∗ Press quenched temper designations. alloys are shown in Table 14 [30, ASTM B85].

Table 13. Composition and properties of casting alloys

Alloy Producta Nominal composition, wt % Propertiesb

Cu Mg Mn Si Others m.r., 25 c , ᾱ, E,

C g/cm3 10−6 /K GPa

201.0 S 4.6 0.35 0.35 0.70 Ag, 535 – 650 2.77 19.3 71.0
0.25 Ti
355.0 S or P 1.2 0.50 5.0 545 – 620 2.71 22.4 70.3
C355.0 1.2 0.50 5.0 545 – 620 2.71 22.4 70.3
356.0 S or P 0.32 7.0 555 – 615 2.69 21.5 72.4
A356.0 S or P 0.35 7.0 555 – 615 2.69 21.5 72.4
A357.0 S or P 0.60 7.0 0.15 Ti, 555 – 615 2.68 21.6 71.7
0.005 Be
360.0 D 0.50 9.5 555 – 595 2.63 21.0 71.0
380.0 D 3.5 8.5 540 – 595 2.74 21.0 71.1
390.0 D 4.5 0.60 17.0 505 – 650 2.73 18.0 81.2
413.0 D 12.0 575 – 582 2.66 20.4
B 443.0 S or P 5.2 575 – 630 2.69 22.0 71.0
513.0 P 4.0 1.8 Zn 580 – 640 2.65 24.0
518.0 D 8.0 535 – 620 2.57 24.1
520.0 S 10.0 450 – 605 2.57 25.0 66.0
713.0 S or P 0.70 0.35 7.5 Zn 595 – 640 2.81 24.0
852.0 S or P 2.0 0.75 6.25 Sn, 205 – 635 2.88 23.3
1.2 Ni
D for die casting, P for permanent mold casting, and S for sand casting;
Melting range m.r., density 25 , average coefficient of thermal expansion ᾱ over the range 20 – 100 ◦ C, and modulus of elasticity E
in tension;
Actual density slightly lower because of porosity
Table 14. Characteristics and tensile properties of die casting alloys

Alloy Foundry characteristics Tensile properties ∗ Product characteristics

Resistance Die filling Soldering Pressure T S, MPa Y S, MPa El, % Corrosion Machining Polishing Electro- Anodizing Chemical Strength at
to hot capability to die tightness resistance plating appear- oxide elevated
cracking ance coating tempera-

360.0 1 3 2 2 F 315 170 2.5 2 3 3 2 3 3 1

380.0 2 2 1 2 F 320 160 3.0 4 3 3 1 3 4 3
390.0 4 1 2 4 F 280 245 1.0 3 5 5 3 5 5 3
T5 295 260 1.0 3 5 5 3 5 5 3
413.0 1 1 1 1 F 300 140 2.5 2 4 5 3 5 3 3
518.0 5 5 5 5 F 310 190 6.0 1 1 1 5 1 1 4

∗ Tensile strength (T S), yield strength (Y S), and elongation in 50 mm (El)

Table 15. Characteristics of permanent mold and sand casting alloys

Alloy Foundry characteristics Product characteristics

Resist- Fluidity Solidification Pressure Normally Corrosion Machining Polishing Electro- Anodizing Chemical Strength at Suitability Suitability
ance to shrinkage tightness heattreated resistance plating appearance oxide elevated for welding for brazing
hot coating tempera-
cracking ture

Permanent mold castings

355.0, 12 2 1 yes 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 no
356.0, 12 1 1 yes 2 3 3 1 4 2 3 2 no
A357.0 12 1 1 yes 2 3 3 1 4 2 3 2 no
B 443.0 11 2 1 no 2 5 4 2 4 2 4 1 limited
513.0 45 4 5 no 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 5 no
852.0 55 5 5 aged only 3 1 1 5 4 5 ∗ 5 no
Sand castings
201.0 43 4 3 yes 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 no
Aluminum Alloys

C355.0 11 1 1 yes 3 3 3 1 4 2 2 2 no
A356.0 11 1 1 yes 2 4 5 2 4 2 3 2 no
A357.0 11 – 1 yes 2 3 4 – 4 – 2 1 –
B 443.0 11 1 1 no 2 5 5 2 5 2 4 1 limited
520.0 24 5 5 yes 1 1 1 4 1 1 ∗ 5 no
713.0 54 4 3 aged only 2 1 1 2 2 3 5 4 yes

852.0 55 5 5 aged only 3 1 1 5 4 5 ∗ 5 no

∗ Not suitable for elevated temperature

22 Aluminum Alloys
Table 16. Minimum tensile properties of permanent mold and sand casting alloys

Alloy Temper Permanent mold Sand casting

Tensile Yield Elongation Tensile Yield Elongation

strength, strength, in 50 mm, strength, strength, in 50 mm,
MPa MPa % MPa MPa %

201.0 T6 – – – 414 345 5.0

T7 – – – 414 345 3.0
355.0 T6 255 – 1.5 221 138 2.0
T51 186 – – 172 124 –
T71 234 186 – 207 152 –
T62 290 – – – – –
T7 248 – – – – –
C355.0 T61 276 207 3.0 – – –
T6 – – – 248 172 2.5
356.0 F 145 – 3.0 131 – 2.0
T6 228 152 3.0 207 138 3.0
T7 – – – 214 – –
T51 172 – – 159 110 –
T71 172 – 3.0 172 124 3.0
A356.0 T61 255 179 5.0 – – –
T6 – – – 234 166 3.5
A357.0 T61 310 248 3.0 – – –
B 443.0 F 145 41 2.5 117 41 3.0
513.0 F 152 83 2.5 – – –
520.0 T4 – – – 290 152 12.0
713.0 T5 221 152 4.0 207 152 3.0
852.0 T5 186 – 3.0 166 124 –

Table 16 lists tensile properties of some per- 4.3. Alloys for Wrought Products
manent mold and sand castings, minimum guar-
anteed values for separately cast test bars [30, Almost 400 domestic and international chemi-
ASTM B26, ASTM B108]. cal compositions have been registered with the
Castings are also ranked by product charac- Aluminum Association for wrought alloys [14],
teristics (Tables 14 and 15). Resistance to cor- and more than 1000 alloy-temper-product com-
rosion is based on general corrosion in a stan- binations have been described [6], [8].
dard salt spray test. Machining is a composite Nominal compositions are listed in Ta-
rank based on ease of cutting, chip characteris- ble 18. Typical properties that depend on com-
tics, quality of finish, and tool life. Polishing is position but not on temper are illustrated in Ta-
based on ease of polishing and quality of finish. ble 19. The melting range is for a thoroughly
Electroplating rank indicates the ability to take homogenized structure. The modulus of elastic-
and hold an electroplated coating. Anodizing ity is an average of tension and compression.
rank is based on lightness of color, brightness, The modulus is about 2 % higher in compres-
and uniformity of the clear anodized coating ap- sion than in tension.
plied in sulfuric acid electrolyte. The chemical Some characteristics and properties for se-
oxide coating is ranked on the combined resist- lected alloy-tempers are given in Table 20. Cor-
ance of coating and base alloy to corrosion. The rosion ratings A through E are relative ratings,
elevated temperature strength is based on ten- in order of decreasing merit, based on expo-
sile and yield strength up to 260 ◦ C. Die castings sures to sodium chloride solution by intermit-
are not generally solution heat treated, but some tent spraying or immersion. Alloys with A and
permanent mold and sand castings are. Castings B ratings can be used in industrial and seacoast
may be given a low-temperature aging or sta- atmospheres without protection. Alloys with C,
bilization treatment without a separate solution D, or E ratings generally should be protected,
heat treatment. at least on faying surfaces. The general corro-
Some uses of aluminum alloy castings are sion ratings of thick sections of 2011-T3, 2024-
listed in Table 17 (see next page). T3, and 7075-T6 would be lower than given in
Aluminum Alloys 23
Table 17. Typical uses of aluminum casting alloys

Alloy Typical applications

201.0 applications requiring highest strength and moderate elongations (T6): structural castings, aerospace parts, truck and trailer
castings. Applications requiring elevated-temperature strength (T6, T7): gasoline engine cylinder heads and pistons, rocker
arms, connecting rods; turbine and supercharger impellers; missile fins. Applications requiring high strength and energy
absorption capacity: gear housings, aircraft landing gear, ordnance
355.0 applications requiring good castability, high strength, and pressure tightness: pump bodies, liquid-cooled cylinder heads,
crankcases, aircraft fittings, impellers

C355.0 stronger and more ductile than 355.0: aircraft, missile, and other structural parts
356.0 intricate castings requiring good strength and ductility: transmission cases, truck axle housings, truck wheels, cylinder blocks,
cylinder heads, fan blades, marine hardware
A356.0 stronger and more ductile than 356.0: aircraft and missile parts, auto transmission cases

A357.0 aircraft and missile parts requiring weldability, strength, and toughness
360.0 applications requiring corrosion resistance better than 380.0

380.0 most widely used die-casting alloy: lawnmower housings, gear cases, cylinder heads for air-cooled engines, parts for auto and
electrical industries

390.0 auto cylinder blocks, four-cycle air-cooled engines, air compressors, parts requiring abrasion resistance, low thermal expan-
sion, or elevated-temperature strength

413.0 thin-walled intricate designs requiring excellent castability

B 443.0 general-purpose alloy: cooking utensils, waffle irons, architectural and marine fittings
513.0 castings requiring anodic finishes and corrosion resistance: marine fittings, auto trim, pipe couplings

518.0 escalator parts, conveyor components, aircraft and marine hardware

520.0 strong and ductile structural uses: aircraft fittings, trucks and bus frame components, brackets
713.0 general-purpose alloy: large castings requiring strength without heat treatment

852.0 bearings and bushings for heavy loads

Table 20. The corrosion ratings of 5182 and 5456 in order of decreasing merit. Ratings A through
may be lowered by exposure to elevated temper- D for weldability, brazeability, and solderability
ature for long periods. also are relative ratings. For example:
Stress-corrosion cracking ratings are based
on service experience and laboratory tests of A) Generally weldable by all commercial pro-
specimens exposed to the 3.5 % sodium chlo- cedures and methods
ride alternate immersion test. B) Weldable with special techniques or for spe-
cific applications that justify preliminary tri-
A) No known instance of failure in service or als or testing to develop welding procedure
laboratory tests and weld performance
B) No known instance of failure in service, C) Limited weldability because of crack sensi-
limited failures in laboratory tests on short tivity or loss in resistance to corrosion and
transverse specimens mechanical properties
C) Service failures with sustained tension stress D) No commonly used welding methods have
acting in short transverse direction relative been developed
to grain structure, limited failures in labora-
tory tests of long transverse specimens A wide variety of alloy-temper-product com-
D) Limited service failures with sustained lon- binations are available as indicated by the par-
gitudinal or long transverse stress tial listing in Table 21. Some typical uses for
wrought aluminum alloy products are in Ta-
Ratings A through D for workability and A ble 18.
through E for machinability are relative ratings
24 Aluminum Alloys
Table 18. Nominal compositions and uses of wrought aluminum alloys

Alloy Percentage of alloying elements (balance is Al + normal impurities) Uses

Si Cu Mn Mg Cr Ni Zn Others

1060  99.60 % Al chemical equipment, railroad tank cars

1100 0.12  99.00 % Al sheet metal work, spun holloware, fin stock
1199  99.99 % Al electrolytic capacitor foil, chemical equipment, railroad
tank cars
1350  99.50 % Al electrical conductors
2011 5.5 0.40 Pb, 0.40 Bi screw machine products
2014 0.8 4.4 0.8 0.5 truck frames, aircraft structures
2024 4.4 0.6 1.5 truck wheels, screw-machine products, aircraft structures
2124 4.4 0.6 1.5 military supersonic aircraft
2195 4.0 0.4 1.0 Li, 0.11 Zr space applications, cryogenic tankage
2219 6.3 0.30 0.06 Ti, 0.10 V, structural uses at high temperatures (to 315 ◦ C), high-
s0.18 Zr strength weldments
2618 0.18 2.3 1.6 1.0 1.1 Fe, 0.07 Ti aircraft engines
3003 0.12 1.2 cooking utensils, chemical equipment, pressure vessels,
sheet metal work, builders’ hardware, storage tanks
3104 0.15 1.0 1.2 can bodies, sheet metal work, storage tanks
3105 0.6 0.5 residential siding, mobile homes, rain-carrying goods,
sheet metal work
4032 12.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 engine pistons
4043 5.2 welding electrode
5005 0.8 appliances, utensils, architectural, electrical conductors
5050 1.4 builders’ hardware, refrigerator trim, coiled tubes
5052 2.5 0.25 sheet metal work, hydraulic tube, appliances
5056 0.12 5.0 0.12 cable sheathing, rivets for magnesium, screen wire, zippers
5083 0.7 4.4 0.15 unfired welded pressure vessels, marine, cryogenics,
drilling rigs, transportation equipment, missile compo-
nents, ballistic armor
5086 0.45 4.0 0.15 unfired welded pressure vessels, marine, cryogenics,
drilling rigs, transportation equipment, missile compo-
5154 3.5 0.25 welded structures, storage tanks, pressure vessels, saltwa-
ter service
5182 0.35 4.5 can ends, automobile body sheet
5252 2.5 automotive and appliance trim
5254 3.5 0.25 hydrogen peroxide and chemical storage vessels
5356 0.12 5.0 0.12 0.13 Ti welding electrode

5454 0.8 2.7 0.12 welded structures, pressure vessels, marine service, truck
5456 0.8 5.1 0.12 high-strength welded structures, storage tanks, pressure
vessels, marine applications
5657 0.8 anodized auto and appliance trim
6005 0.8 0.50 heavy-duty structures requiring good corrosion resistance,
truck and marine, railroad cars, furniture, pipelines
6111 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.9 automobile body panels
6022 1.3 0.08 0.6 automobile body panels
Aluminum Alloys 25
Table 18. (Continued)

Alloy Percentage of alloying elements (balance is Al + normal impurities) Uses

Si Cu Mn Mg Cr Ni Zn Others

6061 0.6 0.28 1.0 0.20 heavy-duty structures requiring good corrosion resistance,
railroad cars, furniture, pipelines, truck and auto wheels,
tooling plate
6063 0.40 0.7 pipe railing, furniture, architectural extrusions
6066 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.1 forgings and extrusions for welded structures
6070 1.4 0.28 0.7 0.8 heavy-duty welded structures, pipelines
6101 0.50 0.6 high-strength bus conductors
6151 0.9 0.6 0.25 moderate-strength, intricate forgings for machine and auto
6201 0.7 0.8 high-strength electric conductor wire
6262 0.6 0.28 1.0 0.09 0.6 Pb, 0.6 Bi screw machine products
6351 1.0 0.6 0.6 heavy-duty structures requiring good corrosion resistance,
truck and tractor extrusions
6463 0.40 0.7 extruded architectural and trim sections requiring bright
7005 0.45 1.4 0.13 4.5 0.04 Ti, 0.14 Zr heavy-duty structures requiring good corrosion resistance,
trucks, trailers, dump bodies, sports equipment
7049 1.5 2.5 0.16 7.6 aircraft and other structures
7050 2.3 2.25 6.2 0.12 Zr aircraft and other structures from plate, forgings, or extru-
7072 1.0 finstock, cladding alloy
7075 1.6 2.5 0.23 5.6 aircraft and other structures
7175 1.6 2.5 0.23 5.6 aircraft and other structures, forgings
7178 2.0 2.8 0.23 6.8 aircraft and other structures
7475 1.5 2.3 0.22 5.7 aircraft and other structures requiring high fracture tough-

Table 19. Properties ∗ of wrought aluminum alloys

Alloy m.r., 25 , ᾱ1 , E,

C g/cm3 10−6 /K GPa

1100 640 – 655 2.71 23.6 69

2011 540 – 640 2.83 22.9 70
2024 500 – 635 2.78 23.2 73
2036 555 – 650 2.75 23.4 71
2219 545 – 645 2.84 22.3 73
3003 640 – 655 2.73 23.2 69
3004 630 – 655 2.72 23.9 69
4032 530 – 570 2.68 19.4 79
4043 575 – 630 2.68 22.0 –
5052 605 – 650 2.68 23.8 70
5182 575 – 640 2.65 24.1 71
5456 570 – 640 2.66 23.9 71
6010 585 – 650 2.70 23.2 69
6061 580 – 650 2.70 23.6 69
6066 560 – 645 2.72 23.2 69
7005 – 2.78 – 72
7050 488 – 635 2.82 23.0 72
7075 532 – 635 2.80 23.6 72
7090 550 – 635 2.85 23.8 75

∗ Melting range m.r., density 25 , average coefficient of thermal expansion ᾱ1 over the range 20 – 100 ◦ C, and average modulus of
elasticity E
Table 20. Typical tensile properties, electrical resistivity, and product characteristics of some wrought aluminum alloys

Tensile properties Corrosion resistance Weldability
Alloy- Electrical Workability Machina-
Brazeability Solderability
temper resistivity, (cold) bility
Tensile 10−9 Ω m General SCC Gas Arc
Yield Elongation, % ∗
strength, strength, Resistance
MPa MPa spot & seam

1.6 mm 12.5 mm
thick dia.

1100−0 90 34 35 – 29 A A A E A A B A A
1100-H18 165 150 5 – 30 A A C D A A A A A

Aluminum Alloys
2011-T3 380 295 – 15 44 D D C A D D D D C
2011-T8 405 310 – 15 38 D B D A D D D D C
2024−0 185 76 20 20 34 – – – D D D D D C
2024-T3 485 345 18 – 57 D C C B C B B D C
2024-T861 517 490 5 – 45 D B D B D C B D C
2036-T4 340 195 24 – 42 C – B C – B B D –
2219−0 170 75 18 – 39 – – – – D A B D –
2219-T87 475 395 10 – 57 D B D B A A A D –
3003−0 110 42 30 40 34 A A A E A A B A A
3003-H18 200 185 4 10 43 A A C D A A A A A
3004−0 180 69 20 25 41 A A A D B A B B B
3004-H38 285 250 5 6 41 A A C C B A A B B
4032-T6 380 315 – 9 49 C B – B D B C D –
4043−0 145 69 22 – 41 B A – C – – – – –
4043-H18 285 270 1 – 41 B A – C – – – – –
5052−0 195 90 25 27 49 A A A D A A B C D
5052-H38 290 255 7 – 49 A A C C A A A C D
5182−0 275 140 25 – – A A ∗∗ A D C A B D D
5182-H19 420 395 4 – – A A ∗∗ D B C A A D D
5456−0 310 160 – 22 59 A ∗∗ B ∗∗ B D C A B D –
5456-H321 350 255 – 14 59 A ∗∗ B ∗∗ C D C A A D –
6010-T4 290 170 24 – 42 A A B C A A A A B
6061−0 125 55 25 30 37 B A A D A A B A B
6061-T451 240 145 22 25 43 B B B C A A A A B
6061-T651 310 275 12 17 40 B A C C A A A A B
6066−0 150 83 – 18 43 C A B D D B B D –
6066-T6 395 360 – 12 47 C B C B D B B D –
7005-T53 393 345 15 – 45 B B C A B B B B B
7050-T7451 510 455 – 11 43 C B D B D C B D D
7050-T7651 530 475 – 11 44 C B D B D C B D D
7075-T6 570 505 11 11 52 C C D B D C B D D
7075-T73 505 435 13 – 43 C B D B D C B D D

∗ Elongation in 50 mm, %, for specimens 1.6 mm thick or 12.5 mm in diameter;

∗∗ May be different for material held at elevated temperature for an extended period
Table 21. Examples of commercially available alloy-temper-product combinations

Alloy Sheet Plate Tube Pipe Structural Extruded Rolled or cold finished Rivets Forgings Foil
shapes wire, rod, and forging Fin stock Can sheet
bar, and stock
Drawn Extruded shapes Rod Bar Wire

1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H112 0 0
H12 H12 H12 H112 H112 H112 H112 H112 H14 F H19 H14
H14 H14 H14 H14 F H12 H18
H16 H112 H16 F H14 H19
H18 H18 H16 H25
H113 H18 H111
2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T4
T3 T351 T3 T3510 T3 H13 T351 H13
T361 T361 T3511 T3510 T4 T4 T36
T4 T851 T3 T3511 T351 T6 T4
T72 T861 T81 T81 T6 T851 T6
T81 T8510 T8510 T851
T861 T8511 T8511
3003 0 0 0 0 H18 0 0 0 0 0 H112 0 0
H12 H12 H12 H112 H112 H112 H112 H112 H112 H14 F H19 H14
H14 H14 H14 F F H12 H18
H16 H112 H16 H14 H14 H19
H18 H18 H16 H25
H25 H18 H111
H113 H113
3004 0 0 0 0 H19
H32 H32 H34
H34 H34 H36
H36 H112 H38
5052 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H32 H32 H32 F F H32 H32 H19
H34 H34 H34 H32 H34
Aluminum Alloys
Table 21. (Continued)

Alloy Sheet Plate Tube Pipe Structural Extruded Rolled or cold finished Rivets Forgings Foil
shapes wire, rod, and forging Fin stock Can sheet
bar, and stock
Drawn Extruded shapes Rod Bar Wire

H36 H112 H36 H36

H38 H38 H38
5182 0 H19
5456 0 0 H112
H116 H112 F
H321 H116
6061 0 0 0 0 T6 T6 0 0 0 0 T6 F

Aluminum Alloys
T4 T451 T4 T1 T1 H13 T4 H13 T6
T6 T651 T6 T4 T4 T4 T451 T4 T652
T4510 T4510 T451 T6 T6
T4511 T4511 T6 T651 T89
T51 T51 T651 T93
T6 T6 T913
T6510 T6510 T94
T6511 T6511
6066 0 0 0 F
T4 T4 T4 T6
T6 T4510 T4510
T4511 T4511
T6 T6
T6510 T6510
T6511 T6511
7075 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T6 F
T6 T651 T6 T6 T6 H13 T6 H13 T73 T6
T73 T7351 T73 T6510 T6510 T6 T651 T6 T652
T76 T7651 T6511 T6511 T651 T73 T73 T73
T73 T73 T73 T7351 T7352
T73510 T73510 T7351
T73511 T73511
Aluminum Alloys 29
Table 22. Designations of approximately equivalent casting alloys ∗ [31]

Aluminum Australia Canada Federal Republic of Italy Japan United

Association Germany Kingdom

355 AP 309; H49−13 .SC 51N 3600; G-AS5CG; AC4D L78; LM16
C355 .SC 51P
356 AP 601 ∗∗; H49−18 .SG 70N 3.2364 3599; G-AS7GM; AC4C LM25
A356 BP 601; CP 601; H49−18 .SG 70 P 3.2374; G-AlSi7Mg; 5028; L99
360 AP 605; BP 605; H49−23 3051; 5074; GD-AS9GF;
380 AP 313 .SC 84P G-AlSi8Cu3;
A380 BP 313; H49−16 .SC 84N 3601; G-AS8,5C; LM24
413 AP 401 ∗∗ .S 12P GD-AlSi12 LM20
518 AP 503; H49−19 .G 8 5080; GD-AG7,5F;
520 AP 505; H49−8 .G 10 3056; G-AG10; G-AlMg10 AC78 L53; LM10

∗ The Australian and Canadian designations refer to the Aluminum Association .2 alloys, whereas the German, Japanese, and British
refer to the .0 alloys. The Italian designations generally refer to both .0 and .2 alloys. For example, AP 309 is equivalent to 355.2 and L78
is equivalent to 355.0;
∗∗ AS for .1 alloys, e.g., AS 601 for 356.1

4.4. Comparison of Designation Systems Table 24.Organizations that issue specifications

Country Organization, city

The Aluminum Association’s wrought alloy
designation system is in common use world- Australia Standards Association of Australia,
wide. International wrought alloy registrations North Sydney

are made through The Aluminum Association’s Austria Österreichisches Normungsinstitut,

International Accord. Table 22 (see above) com- Canada Canadian Standards Association,
pares the designations of approximately equiva- Etobicoke, Ontario
lent casting alloys, and Table 23 (see next page) China, People’s China Association for Standardization,
does the same for wrought alloys. Much more Republic of Peking
extensive lists are given in [31]. Inspection of France Association Française de
Normalisation, Paris
Table 23 shows that the designations of wrought Germany Deutsches Institut für Normung, Berlin
alloys are similar, or the same, in the United International International Organization for
States, Australia, Canada, Italy, and Japan. The Standardization, Genève
systems in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy Ente Nazionale Italiano di
Unificazione, Milano
and Switzerland are similar. National organiza-
Japan Japanese Industrial Standards
tions issuing specifications and designations are Committee, Tokyo
listed in Table 24 for selected countries [31, Ap- Netherlands Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut,
pendix F]. Rijswijk
Spain Instituto Nacional de Racionalizacion
del Trabajo, Madrid
Switzerland Verein Schweizerischer Maschinen
Industrieller, Zürich
Russia Russian Committee for Standards,
United Kingdom British Standards Institution, London
United States The Aluminum Association,
Table 23. Designations of approximately equivalent wrought alloys [32]

Aluminum Australia Austria Canada France Germany Italy Japan Netherlands Spain Switzerland United
Association Kingdom

1100 A1100 1100 A45 1100 L-3002

UNE 38−119
1199 A1199 A99 1
2011 A2011 2011 A-U5PbBi AlCuBiPb 2011 2011 L-3192 AlCu6BiPb FC1
UNE 38−322
2014 B2014 2014 A-U4SG AlCuSiMn 2014 2014 AlCu4Mg L-3130 AlCu4SiMn H15
UNE 38−313
2024 A2024 AlCuMg2 2024 A-U4G1 AlCuMg2 2024 2024 AlCu4Mg1 L-3140 AlCu4Mg1,5 2L97 L98
UNE 38−314 L109 ∗ L110 ∗
2618 A-U2GN 2N01 L-3171 H16

Aluminum Alloys
UNE 38−320
3003 A3003 3003 A-M1 AlMnCu 3003 3003 AlMn1 L-3810 AlMn
3203 UNE 38−381
3004 A3004 A-M1G AlMn1Mg1 3004 L-3820
UNE 38−382
3105 AlMn0,5Mg0,5 N31
4043 B4043 4043 A-5S N21
5005 A5005 A-G0,6 5005 5005 AlMg1 L-3350 AlMg1 N41
UNE 38−335
5050 A-G1,5 L-3380 AlMg1,5
UNE 38−338
5052 A5052 5052 A-G2,5C AlMg2,5 5052 5052 L-3360
UNE 38−336
5056 A5056 AlMg5 5056 5056
5083 B5083 5083 A-G4,5MC AlMg4,5Mn 5083 5083 AlMg4,5Mn L-3321 AlMg4,5Mn N8
UNE 38−340
5086 A5086 5086 A-G4MC AlMg4Mn L-3322 AlMg4
UNE 38−341
5356 B5356 5356 A-5G
5454 A5454 5454 A-G2,5MC AlMg2,7Mn 5454 L-3391 AlMg2,7Mn N51
UNE 38−345
6061 A6061 6061 A-GSUC 6061 6061 L-3420 H20
UNE 38−342
6063 B6063 AlMgSi0,5 6063 6063 AlMgSi L-3441 H9
UNE 38−337
6101 B6101 E-AlMgSi 6101 L-3431
UNE 38−343
7072 D7072 L-3721
UNE 38−372
7075 A7075 AlZnMgCu1,5 7075 A-Z5GU AlZnMgCu1,5 7075 7075 L-3710 AlZn6MgCu1,5 2L88 ∗
UNE 38−371 2L95, 2L96

∗ Core metal of clad alloys

Aluminum Alloys 31

4.5. Alloys for Powder Metallurgy

good ductility, suitable for cold- formed


good electrical conductivity, ductility,

good electrical conducitivty, ductility

high-porosity parts for controlling

good strength, ductility, corrosion

contamination, pressure, sound,

Powder metallurgy is used to achieve unique
combinations of properties not obtainable by

finishing characteristics
other techniques. Two categories of powder-
metallurgy products are made: high-perform-

catalytic reactions
wear resistance
ance wrought products, and sintered parts.

high strength

high strength

Sintered parts are made from mixtures of un-

alloyed powders or mixtures of unalloyed and al- resistance

loyed powders. Lubricant to prevent aluminum
adhering to compacting tools may be mixed with
Yield strength, Elongation, %

the powder or applied to the tools. The pow-

in 25 mm

ders are usually compacted cold into the desired

shape in automatic powder metallurgy presses.

The part then is sintered in an inert atmosphere
at a temperature that causes limited melting to
promote interparticle bonding as well as alloy-



ing of the components. The part may be used as 0.7 (breaking

sintered and naturally aged (T1), or it may be
Density, g/cm3 strength, MPa

heat treated and aged to increase strength (T6).


Sintered parts retain some porosity, which is




controlled by the compacting and sintering con-

ditions. Table 25 summarizes composition and
properties of powder-metallurgy alloys [34].


5. Manufacture of Articles from







Aluminum Products








Aluminum alloy mill products and castings are

Table 25. Composition and properties of aluminum powder-metallurgy alloys

the starting materials for the manufacture of a


great many articles, ranging from agricultural

equipment to zippers. The value added by sub-




sequent operations varies with the article, rang-

ing from a small fraction to many times the cost
0.20 Cr

of the mill product or casting. The major man-



ufacturing operations are shaping, joining, and

Nominal composition, wt %

5.1. Shaping





The shapes of aluminum products are changed


by deformation and metal removal. Deforma-






tion involves stretching, bending, upsetting,

and extruding and changes the metallurgical




structure. Little or no metal is lost. On the other

hand, metal removal usually is accompanied by
Alcan 67

Alcan 76

Alcan 91








substantial loss of metal, but there is no change in

32 Aluminum Alloys

change in metallurgical structure. Removal in-

cludes cutting, grinding, and chemical dissolu-
tion [3, Chaps. 6 – 8],[8, pp. 180 – 90].
The choice of method is determined by many
factors, including alloy-temper, the form of the
mill product, and the form and characteristics
of the final product. Table 20 classifies a num-
ber of alloy-tempers according to workability;
information on additional alloy-tempers is in
[3, Chaps. 6 – 8], [8, pp. 46 – 9]. The machin-
ability ratings in Tables 14 and 20 are based
on the nature of the machine chips (small, or
long and stringy), surface finish, and tool wear.
These ratings can serve only as a preliminary
guide because the type and shape of machin-
ing tools, cutting speeds, lubrication, and other
factors also must be considered [3, Chap. 8], [8,
pp. 187 – 90].

5.2. Joining Figure 39. Mechanical joints in beverage can (≈ 2.5X)

A) Double seam joining end to body; B) Integral rivet join-
Aluminum products are joined by many com- ing tab to end
mercial methods: mechanical, metallurgical,
and adhesive [3, Chaps. 11 – 15], [12], [8, pp.
191 – 203].
5.2.2. Metallurgical Joining

The metallurgical joining processes are weld-

5.2.1. Mechanical Joining
ing [12, pp. 373 – 99, 534 – 44, 609 – 768],
brazing [12, pp. 1022 – 32], and soldering [3,
Mechanical joining is used to join aluminum ar-
pp. 525 – 48]. These methods all involve estab-
ticles to other aluminum articles and to other ma-
lishing metal-to-metal bonds by melting. Weld-
terials. Aluminum alloy threaded fasteners, riv-
ing is achieved also by solid-state processes in-
ets, bolts, and nails are often used. Also used of-
volving deformation to break up oxide films and
ten are lock seams, crimping, and other integral
insure contact between faying surfaces.
joints that do not use separate fasteners. Gener-
Aluminum alloys vary widely in their suit-
ally, the condition of the aluminum surface does
ability for joining by metallurgical techniques.
not have an effect on the initial strength of the
Some alloy-tempers are categorized in Tables 15
joint, but surface preparation and post-joining
and 20; information on other alloy-tempers is in
protection have major effects on leak tightness
[8, pp. 46 – 49, 144]. The rankings are based on
and durability.
how easily defect-free joints are made and how
The most ubiquitous examples of mechanical
closely the joints approach the properties, cor-
joints are probably in two-piece beverage cans.
rosion resistance, and finishing characteristics
Cross sections through two parts of an end are
of the parent metal. Aluminum alloy specialty
shown in Figure 39. The end is joined to the
products made for joining applications include
can body with a double-lock seam (Fig. 39 A).
filler wire for welding (Table 26) and brazing
The tab is joined to the end by an integral rivet
(Table 27) and brazing sheet (Table 28). Surface
(Fig. 39 B). The rivet is first formed as a small
pretreatment and protection of the surface dur-
bubble in the can end, and the tab is placed on
ing metallurgical joining are important factors
the end so that the bubble goes through a hole in
affecting the quality of the finished joint.
the tab. Finally, the bubble is flattened to fasten
the tab to the end.
Aluminum Alloys 33
Table 26. Filler alloys for inert gas welding of aluminum alloys Nominal composition, wt %

Alloy Nominal composition, wt% Alloy Si Cu Mn Mg

Si Cu Mn Mg Cr Ti Other 3003 0.12 0.12

4004 9.8 1.5
1100 0.13 4045 10.0
2319 6.2 0.30 0.15 0.10 V 4343 7.5
0.18 Zr 6951 0.35 0.28 0.6
4043 5.3
4047 12.0
4145 10.0 4.0
5183 0.75 4.8 0.15
5356 0.13 5.0 0.13 0.13
5554 0.75 2.7 0.13 0.13 5.2.3. Adhesive Bonding
5556 0.75 5.1 0.13 0.13
5654 3.5 0.25 0.10
242.0 4.0 1.6 2.0 Ni Adhesive bonding is widely used to join alu-
295.0 1.1 4.5 minum to itself and to other materials. Applica-
355.0 5.0 1.25 0.50
356.0 7.0 0.30
tions range from aircraft structures to packaging.
Suitability for adhesive bonding is not usually a
Table 27. Brazing filler alloys
factor in alloy selection; the alloy is selected on
its other characteristics and properties. Surface
AWS∗ Nominal Temperature, ◦ C preparation of the adherends strongly affects ini-
composition, wt%
tial strength and durability. Several pretreatment
classification Si Cu Mg Cr Ti Bi Solidus Liquidus methods are in use. Adhesive bonding is some-
times combined with other joining methods such
BAlSi-2 575 615
7.5 as spot welding (weldbonding) and mechanical
BAlSi-3 10.0 0.15 520 585 joining [35].
BAlSi-4 12.0 575 580
BAlSi-5 10.0 0.20 575 590
BAlSi-6 ∗∗ 2.5 560 605
5.3. Cleaning and Finishing
BAlSi-7 ∗∗ 10.0 1.5 560 595
BAlSi-8 ∗∗ 12.0 1.5 560 580 An outstanding characteristic of aluminum al-
BAlSi-9 ∗∗ 12.0 0.3 560 580
BAlSi-10 ∗∗ 11.0 2.5 560 580 loys is the ability to accept decorative and pro-
BAlSi-11 ∗∗ 10.0 1.5 0.11 560 595 tective finishes. Extensive research and devel-
∗ American Welding Society; opment has resulted in many different types of
∗∗ Solidus and liquidus temperatures in a vacuum differ from finishes and many processes to produce finishes
those in the table [3, Chaps. 16 – 22], [11, pp. 571 – 610]. Because
cleaning and pretreating the surface prior to ap-
plying the final coating are so important, the
Table 28. Aluminum brazing sheet
manufacture of a commercial article usually
Brazing Sides clad Core alloy Cladding involves a sequence of cleaning and finishing
sheet no. alloy steps. Generally, the procedures do one or more
7 1 3003 4004 of the following:
8 2 3003 4004
11 1 3003 4343 1) Remove dirt, lubricant, oxide, and other de-
12 2 3003 4343
13 1 6951 4004
bris left by prior operations
14 2 6951 4004 2) Remove some of the base metal
21 1 6951 4343 3) Deform the surface of the base metal
22 2 6951 4343
23 1 6951 4045 4) Convert aluminum to aluminum oxide
24 2 6951 4045 5) Coat with other materials
34 Aluminum Alloys

Figure 40.Operations sequence in sulfuric acid anodizing of architectural parts

Solution Type of Composition Operating Cycle time,

no. solution temperature, ◦ C min

1 alkaline cleaning alkali, inhibited 60 – 70 2–4

2 alkaline etching NaOH, 5 wt % 50 – 71 2 – 20
3 desmutting HNO3 , 25 – 35 vol % room 2
4 anodizing H2 SO4 , 15 wt % 21 – 25 5 – 60
5 sealing water, pH 5.5 – 6.5 100 5 – 20

Figure 41. Preplating surface preparation sequence suitable for alloys 1100, 3003, 3004, 2011, 2017, 2024, 5052, 6061, 208,
295, 319, and 355

Solution Type of Compo- Concen- Operating Cycle

solution sition tration temperature, ◦ C time, s

1 acid dip H2 SO4 15 vol % ≥ 85 120 – 300

2 acid dip HNO3 50 vol % room 15
3 zincating NaOH 525 g/L 16 – 27 30 – 60
ZnO 100 g/L

The multistep nature of finishing processes is 7) metal coatings (immersion and electroless
illustrated in Figure 40 by showing a sequence coating, electroplating)
for anodizing architectural parts [11, p. 590]. 8) painting and organic coatings
One sequence for preparing alloys for electro- 9) enameling
plating is shown in Figure 41 [11, p. 604]. Al-
though many methods are used, they can be di-
vided into nine categories:
5.3.1. Mechanical Cleaning and Finishing
1) mechanical
2) chemical cleaning Mechanical methods may be used to remove as-
3) etching perities, smoothing the surface, or to produce
4) brightening a uniformly rough surface. The method can re-
5) chemical conversion coating move metal (e.g., grinding, polishing, buffing,
6) anodizing blasting) or deform the surface (e.g., embossing,
hammering, shot peening). Surface appearance
Aluminum Alloys 35

ranges from mirrorlike to hammered, depending 5.3.4. Chemical and Electrolytic Brightening
on the method and alloy.
Chemical brightening, chemical polishing, and
bright dipping are synonymous. The rough sur-
5.3.2. Chemical Cleaning and Finishing face is smoothed and brightened by dissolv-
ing the high spots. Acid oxidizing solutions
Chemical cleaning and finishing treatments are
are used most commonly, for example, phos-
used to:
phoric – nitric and phosphoric – sulfuric acids.
1) Remove oxides, lubricants, and other matter The solutions can be tailored to specific alloys.
left on the surfaces from prior operations or Electrolytic brightening, or electropolishing,
storage also is used to produce smooth bright sur-
2) Smooth or roughen surfaces to impart spec- faces. The aluminum is the anode. A vari-
ular or mat appearances ety of baths are used, including fluoroboric
3) Develop decorative or protective coatings acid, sodium carbonate – trisodium phosphate,
4) Deposit metallic films and sulfuric – phosphoric – chromic acid. These
The surfaces that result from these treatments brightening processes are followed by desmut-
are usually a pretreatment for other finishes, but ting, anodizing, and sealing.
they are sometimes the final surface of the arti- The surfaces produced range from specular to
cle. diffuse. Generally the quality of finish is highest
The least aggressive cleaners are the organic for super pure aluminum (99.99 %) containing
solvents. They are used to remove oils and up to 2 % Mg and high-purity aluminum (99.7
greases but do not remove oxides or metal. Al- to 99.85 %). However, these finishing methods
kaline cleaners range from mild to aggressive. are also applied to other alloys: e.g., 5457, 5357,
They are commonly used to dissolve or remove 6463, 6063, 5052, 1100, 5005, 3003, and 6061,
dirt and can be formulated to etch. Etching is the quality of finish decreasing generally in this
controlled by inhibitors, such as silicates. Acid order.
cleaners are used to remove oxide films, welding
and brazing fluxes, and smut from other clean-
ing operations. Smut is a term applied to the 5.3.5. Chemical Conversion Coating
dark deposit formed when alloys containing high
concentrations of silicon, copper, iron, and man- Chemical conversion coatings are surface films
ganese are etched in alkaline solutions. formed by reactions that convert the surface of
the aluminum into one of the components of
the coating. Because the coatings are integral
5.3.3. Chemical Etching with the surface, they have excellent adherence.
Although conversion coatings are thinner and
Chemical etching removes metal to produce less protective than anodic coatings, they give
mat finishes and to reduce or remove surface adequate corrosion and abrasion protection for
scratches, extrusion die lines, and other small de- many applications and are excellent substrates
fects. Etching promotes surface uniformity, thus for lacquers, paints, plastic films, adhesives, and
simplifying subsequent finishing treatments. Al- lubricants.
kaline etching works well with most aluminum Many solutions have been used, but they gen-
alloys, provided etching is followed by desmut- erally contain agents to do at least two things:
ting. However, acid etching is preferred for (1) dissolve the original aluminum oxide coat-
99.99+ aluminum and alloys containing large ing and some of the underlying aluminum and
amounts of magnesium or silicon. (2) form insoluble aluminum compounds (ox-
The most common alkaline etching solution ides, phosphates, or chromates) on the surface.
is NaOH plus a sequestering agent to retard the Inhibitors are sometimes added to control the
formation of hydrated alumina. Acid etching rate at which aluminum dissolves.
solutions are usually nitric – hydrofluoric and
sulfuric – chromic acids. The high-silicon alloys
are also etched in hydrofluoric acid solutions.
36 Aluminum Alloys

5.3.6. Anodizing The limiting barrier layer thickness is then less

than 140 nm/V. The porous oxide cells are pre-
Anodizing converts the aluminum surface to alu- dominately hexagonal, and each cell contains a
minum oxide. The alloy and the conditions for pore. The dimensions of the cells and pores de-
forming the oxide can be chosen to produce a pend primarily on the potential, and secondar-
wide variety of useful characteristics. Uses in- ily on the electrolyte. The porous anodic coat-
clude: ings are essentially amorphous and can be sealed
1) Decorative colors and textures in boiling water. Anodizing at voltages above
2) Substrates for paints, metal plating, adhe- 100 V can form some eta alumina (η-Al2 O3 ).
sives, and photographic and lithographic Some conventional anodizing processes are
emulsions shown in Table 29 (next page). The most com-
3) Corrosion resistance mon electrolytes for conventional thick porous
4) Wear resistance anodized coatings are sulfuric acid solutions.
5) Electrical insulation These coatings have a wide range of charac-
6) Quality control (inspection of parts for cracks teristics; the conventional coatings are decora-
and metallurgical nonuniformity) tive or protective and range in thickness from
Two principal types of anodized coatings are 4 to 30 µm. Chromic acid anodized coatings are
recognized: barrier and porous (Fig. 42) [36], thinner and less abrasion resistant than the sulfu-
[37]. The mechanism for the formation of the ric acid coatings, but they are more flexible and
barrier coating is ionic: aluminum ions from the more resistant to deformation and heating with-
base metal combine with the oxygen of water in out crazing. Oxalic acid anodized coatings are
the electrolyte. The limiting thickness of the bar- somewhat harder than the sulfuric acid coatings.
rier layer is determined by the distance that the Table 30 (page after next) lists a number of
ions can penetrate at the applied potential, about processes that produce thicker and harder an-
140 nm/V. If the oxide is appreciably soluble in odized coatings than the conventional processes.
the electrolyte, current continues to flow, and a
Alloy Composition. The anodizing charac-
relatively thick, porous oxide layer can develop.
teristics of aluminum are affected significantly
by impurities and alloying elements. Alloys con-
taining copper and silicon require higher voltage
than unalloyed aluminum to produce a given
thickness, but magnesium lowers the voltage.
Appearance, continuity, abrasion resistance, di-
electric strength, composition, and structure of
the anodic layer are all affected by alloy compo-

Coloring. Pure aluminum (99.95 %) pro-

duces the most transparent coating, dullness
generally increasing with the impurities and
alloy content. Anodic coatings are colored
by certain alloying elements (integral colors).
Aluminum – silicon alloys such as 4043 provide
durable gray coatings widely used as exterior
architectural finishes. Chromium and copper in
solid solution yield light gold finishes, and man-
ganese imparts tan to brown shades.
Porous anodic coatings can be impregnated
with organic and inorganic dyes and pigments
Figure 42. Structure of anodic coatings during anodizing by incorporating the dyes and
A) Two principal types; B) Structure of 120-V phosphoric
acid coating with dimensions of pore, cell, cell wall, and
pigments in the electrolyte or during a post-
radius of curvature shown in nm anodizing treatment.
Table 29. Conventional anodizing processes, [11, p. 587]

Process bath Amount, wt % Tempera- Duration, min Voltage, V Current Film thickness, Appearance Remarks
ture, density, µm

C A/dm2

Sulfuric acid
Sulfuric acid 10 18 15 – 30 14 – 18 1–2 5 – 17 colorless,
hard, unsuitable for coloring
Water 90 transparent
Sulfuric acid 15 21 10 – 60 12 – 16 1.3 4 – 23 colorless,
good corrosion protection
Water 85 transparent
Sulfuric acid 20 18 30 12 – 16 1–2 15 – 20 colorless, good corrosion protection, suitable for variegated and golden
Water 80 transparent coloring
Anodal and Anoxal
Sulfuric acid 20 18 50 12 – 16 1–2 20 – 30 colorless,
for coloring to dark tones, bronze, and black
Water 80 transparent
Commercial chromic
acid process
Chromic acid 5 – 10 40 30 – 60 0∗ 0.5 – 1.0 4–7 gray to good chemical resistance, poor abrasion resistance, suitable for
Water 95 – 90 iridescent parts with narrow cavities, electrolyte not detrimental
Eloxal GX
Oxalic acid 2 – 10 20 – 80 30 – 80 20 – 80 0.5 – 30 5 – 60 colorless to
hard films, abrasion resistant, coloring depends on alloy
Water 98 – 90 dark brown
Oxalic acid 1.2 50 – 70 30 – 40 120 3 12 – 17 gray, opaque,
hard, dense film, extreme abrasion resistance
Titanium 1 enamel-like
potassium oxalate
Citric acid 0.025
Boric acid 0.2
Water 98

∗ The voltage is increased from zero to a limit determined by the amperage

Aluminum Alloys
38 Aluminum Alloys

Sealing. Many anodic coatings are porous

very hard, wear resistant, allows higher operating temperature

and subsequently are sealed to improve resist-

hard, thick coatings produced with special cooling process
self-coloring process, the light-fast colors depend on alloy

ance to staining, resistance to corrosion, and

durability of the colors. Sealing is accomplished
by immersion in hot water. The mechanism is
generally thought to involve conversion of the
essentially amorphous alumina surface of the
anodic coating to crystalline alpha alumina hy-
drate, increasing the volume and therefore clos-
ing the pores.
very hard, wear resistant

5.3.7. Metal Coatings

than MHC

Certain metals can be deposited on the surface of



aluminum articles by reaction (immersion and

electroless processes) or electrolysis (electro-
plating). The former are usually functional, but
the latter can be functional or decorative.
Immersion coating involves the reduction of
cations by aluminum, whereas electroless coat-
brown to black
gray or bronze

gray or bronze

light yellow to
light to dark

light to dark

ing involves the reduction of cations by reduc-


ing agents in the solution. Immersion coatings

of zinc and tin plus copper are used primarily
as a base for electroplating other metals. Tin has
been used on aluminum aircraft engine pistons.

Nickel is the most common electroless coating

25 – 50

15 – 35

on aluminum, but cobalt, copper, gold, palla-




dium, etc., can also be deposited by this method.

∗ The voltage is a rising ramp from 50 to 500 V; the amperage is determined by the voltage

Metals are electroplated on aluminum for ap-

pearance; increased wear-, abrasion-, or erosion-
1.5 – 4


resistance; lower electrical resistance; better sol-



derability; and improved friction characteristics.

Table 31 shows a few uses of electroplated prod-

20 – 75

10 – 75


Electroplating of aluminum articles is made

more complicated by the nature of the aluminum

20 or 40

oxide surface and the reactivity of aluminum



when the oxide is removed. Additional compli-

cations result from reactions between aluminum

Table 30. Processes for hard coating, [11, p. 592]

and the electroplating solutions, and galvanic re-


−4 to 0

18 – 24


actions between aluminum and the plated metal.



The metallurgical structure of aluminum alloys

consists of solid solutions, constituents, disper-

0.3 – 4

soids, and precipitates, each having a different

7 – 15

81 – 93


reactivity. All of these forms must be considered



to obtain useful electroplates.

Sulfosalicylic acid
Martin Hard Coat

Alumilite 225 and

Sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid
Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid

5.3.8. Paints and Organic Films







Aluminum surfaces that have been properly pre-



treated are excellent substrates for paints and

Table 31. Uses of electroplated aluminum products, [11, p. 602]

Product Form Preplating treatment Electroplating Thickness, µm Purpose


Bearings sheet none Pb + Sn + Cu 6 + 32 prevent seizing
Bumper guards castings buff and zincate Cu + Ni + Cr 2.5 + 51 + 0.8 appearance, corrosion resistance
Tire molds castings none hard Cr 51 wear and corrosion resistance

Hydraulic parts, landing gears, small engine pistons forgings machine and zincate Cu 2.5 + 25 + 76 wear resistance
flash + Cu + hard Cr

Electrical and electronics

Busbars, switchgears extrusions zincate Cu flash + Cu + Ag 8 + 5 nonoxidized surface, solderability, corrosion
Intermediate-frequency housings die castings zincate Cu 13 + 13 + 0.6 surface conductivity, solderability, corrosion
flash + Cu + Ag + Au resistance
Microwave fittings die castings zincate Cu 0.25 + 13 + 0.5 smooth, nonoxidized interior, corrosion-resistant
flash + Cu + Ag + Rh exterior

General Hardware
Screws, nuts, bolts castings buff and zincate Cd (on threads) 13, 0.5 on threads corrosion resistance
Spray guns and compressors die castings buff and zincate hard Cr 51 appearance
Window and door hardware die castings barrel burnish and brass 8 appearance, low cost

Coffee maker sheet buff and zincate Cr 5 appearance, cleanness, resistance to food
Refrigerator handles, salad makers, cream dispensers die castings buff and zincate Cu + Ni + Cr 2.5 + 13 + 0.8 contamination appearance, cleanness, resistance to
food contamination
Personal products
Compacts, fountain pens sheet buff and zincate Cu flash + brass 5 appearance, low cost
Jewelry sheet buff and zincate brass + Au 8 + 0.25 appearance, low cost
Aluminum Alloys
40 Aluminum Alloys
Table 32. Compositions of frits
organic films. Optimum pretreatment is mul-
tistep and may include combinations of me- Constituent Composition, wt%
chanical cleaning, chemical cleaning, conver-
Lead enamel Barium enamel Phosphate enamel
sion coating, anodizing, and priming. Pretreat-
ment ranges in effectiveness from solvent clean- PbO 14 – 45 – –
SiO2 30 – 40 25 –
ing, marginal even for interior service, to anodiz- Na2 O 14 – 20 20 20
ing, which can give corrosion protection in se- K2 O 7 – 12 25 –
vere environments. Conversion coatings are ex- Li2 O 2–4 – 4
B2 O 3 1–2 15 8
cellent bases for organic coatings and laminat- Al2 O3 – 3 23
ing adhesives, and they provide some corrosion BaO 2–6 12 –
P2 O5 2–4 – 40
protection. F – – 5
Primer coatings are formulated specifically TiO2 15 – 20 ∗ ∗
to promote the adherence and performance of
∗ 7 to 9 wt % added to frit during mill preparation of the enamel slip
finish coats. Plastic coatings, e.g., vinyl, epoxy,
butyrate, polyethylene, and nylon, can be ap-
plied in thicknesses of 0.1 – 0.5 mm by melting
fine particles of resin on the surface to form a
6. Corrosion Resistance of
continuous film. Plastic films, e.g., poly(vinyl
chloride) and poly(vinyl fluoride), are bonded Aluminum
adhesively to aluminum.
Corrosion literature deals with the theory and
the many observations of the role of metallur-
5.3.9. Porcelain Enamels gical structure, environment, stress, and time [4,
Chap. 7], [8, pp. 204 – 36]. Most of the effort has
Porcelain enamel is a glass film fused onto the been pragmatic, and the information consists of
surface of the metal. The components of the systematic observations on the performance of
enamel, a mixture of glass and inorganic pig- a variety of alloys, tempers, and protective sys-
ment particles, or frit, are applied as a water sus- tems in natural and artificial environments.
pension. The part and the mixture are heated to The oxide that forms on aluminum is bonded
dry and fuse the frit. The frit must melt below strongly to the metal and reforms very rapidly af-
550 ◦ C, and its coefficient of thermal expansion ter damage in most environments. Consequently
must be close to that of the aluminum substrate. the corrosion resistance of aluminum is typically
Compositions of frits are complex, as illus- excellent, even though pure aluminum is more
trated by three examples in Table 32 [11, p. 511]. electropositive than all other structural metals
The lead-based enamels have high gloss and except magnesium and probably beryllium. The
good weather resistance. The phosphate base has stability region of the oxide is shown in a Pour-
a lower melting temperature but is not as resis- baix diagram of pH vs. potential (Fig. 43) [38].
tant to water. The barium enamels melt at higher Aluminum is protected by its oxide film, i.e.,
temperature and have good resistance to chem- it is passive, in the pH range 4 – 8.5. The exact
icals. range depends on the form of oxide, the rate at
Aluminum alloys for porcelain enameling which the oxide dissolves in the electrolyte, and
are limited by their melting range, chemical the temperature. Outside the passive range, in
compatibility with the glass, and strength af- both acid and alkaline solutions, aluminum can
ter firing. The commonly used alloys are 1100, corrode. However, in some cases, corrosion does
3003, 6061, 443.0, and 356.0. Surface prepara- not occur even outside the passive range if the
tion consists of (1) removing dirt, grease, and oil; oxide is not soluble in the electrolyte or if the
(2) removing thickened, irregular oxide films; oxide is maintained by a strongly oxidizing so-
and (3) applying a conditioning film. lution.
Aluminum Alloys 41

nificantly more cathodic than they are in halides,

and the pitting potential is not reached.

6.2. Electrode Potentials

Because many types of corrosion proceed by

electrochemical mechanisms, the electrode po-
tentials (or solution potentials) of the phases in
aluminum alloys are important for understand-
ing corrosion. Electrode potentials are the po-
tentials of the phases versus a reference elec-
trode in a standard solution. Work by Brown
and Mears led to wide acceptance of the 0.1 N
calomel electrode, an aqueous solution contain-
ing 53 g NaCl + 3 g H2 O2 per liter, and 25 ◦ C
for the study of aluminum alloys [1, p. 209]. The
potentials for this solution are particularly use-
Figure 43. Pourbaix diagram for aluminum with an oxide ful because the behavior is similar to the be-
film of hydrargillite (Al2 O3 · 3H2 O) at 25 ◦ C havior observed in marine and other saline en-
vironments. The potential values given here are
referred to the 0.1 N calomel electrode, although
6.1. Pitting Corrosion the saturated calomel electrode is now preferred
as the reference electrode. The saturated calomel
Corrosion of aluminum in the passive region is electrode gives potentials that are 0.08 V more
usually by pitting in the presence of halides and cathodic.
oxygen. In this kind of environment, aluminum Figure 44 shows the effects of the major
is easily polarized to its pitting potential; i.e., it alloying elements on the solution potential of
develops an electrode potential that exceeds the solid-solution alloys. Table 33 gives the solution
pitting potential. In deaerated solutions this is potentials of some casting alloys, Table 34 some
not possible. In general, the pitting potentials of wrought alloys, and Table 35 some second-phase
aluminum in solutions of most other salts are sig- constituents in aluminum alloys.

Table 33.Electrode potentials of casting alloys

Alloy Temper Type ∗ Potential, Nominal

V ∗∗ composition, wt%

Cu Mg Si

208.0 F S −0.77 4.0 3.0

295.0 T4 S, P −0.70 4.5 1.1
T6 S, P −0.71
T62 S, P −0.73
296.0 T4 S, P −0.71 4.5 2.5
308.0 F P −0.75 4.5 4.5
319.0 F S −0.81 3.5 6.0
F P −0.76
355.0 T4 S, P −0.78 1.2 0.50 5.0
T6 S, P −0.79
356.0 T6 S, P −0.82 0.32 7.0
443.0 F S −0.83 5.2
F P −0.82
514.0 F S −0.87 4.0
520.0 T4 S, P −0.89 10.0

∗ S for sand cast and P for permanent mold;

∗∗ Versus 0.1 N calomel electrode
42 Aluminum Alloys

The type and amount of corrosion are re-

lated to the electrode potentials of the phases
in aluminum alloys. The second phases usu-
ally have potentials that are significantly differ-
ent from the aluminum matrix. The matrix can
be either pure aluminum or solid solutions of
other elements and aluminum. When the sec-
ond phase particles are anodic to the matrix, the
particles can be dissolved from the surface of
the metal. When the second phase is cathodic,
second phase particles can accelerate corrosion
of the matrix adjacent to the particles. Adjacent
areas can also have different amounts of an ele-
ment in solid solution, thus creating a significant
anodic – cathodic relationship. This is common
in some tempers of heat-treatable alloys. These
metallurgical structure factors are often involved
in localized, intergranular, and exfoliation cor-
Figure 44. Effects of alloying elements on the electrode rosion and in stress-corrosion cracking.
potential of aluminum Differences in electrode potentials between
Table 34. Electrode potentials of wrought alloys
two aluminum alloys or between an aluminum
alloy and another metal can also lead to galvanic
Alloy a Temper Potential, V b corrosion. Table 36 gives electrode potentials for
1060 alle
some other metals. A related situation occurs
1100 all e −0.83 when a cathodic metal precipitates on the alu-
2024 T3 −0.69 c minum surface during corrosion; the cathodic
T4 −0.69 c
T6 −0.81 metal (e.g., Cu, Hg, Pb) may enter the system
T8 −0.82 from the environment or the alloy. This is some-
3003 all e −0.83
3004 all e −0.84
times called deposition corrosion.
5050 all e −0.84
5456 all e −0.87 Table 36. Solution potentials of some nonaluminum base metals
6061 T4 −0.80
T6 −0.83 Metal Potential, V ∗
7005 T6 −0.94
7072 all e −0.96 Magnesium −1.73
7075 T6 −0.83 d Zinc −1.10
Cadmium −0.82
T73 −0.84 d
Mild carbon steel −0.58
T76 −0.84 d Lead −0.55
a Tin −0.49
Nominal compositions shown in Table 18; Copper −0.20
Versus 0.1 N calomel electrode; Stainless steel −0.09
Varies ±0.01 V with quenching rate; (series 300, type 430)
Varies ±0.02 V with quenching rate Nickel −0.07
Some value for all tempers. Chromium −0.40 to +0.18
Table 35. Electrode potentials of second-phase constituents in alu-
∗ Versus 0.1 N calomel electrode
minum alloys

Phase Potential, V ∗
However, potential differences can be used to
Si −0.26 advantage. Alclad products consist of a strong
Al3 Ni −0.52
Al3 Fe −0.56 core alloy clad with alloy anodic to the core,
Al2 Cu −0.73 usually by 0.08 – 0. 10 V Corrosion will pene-
Al6 Mn −0.85 trate the cladding but not enter the core; instead,
CuMgAl2 −1.00
MgZn2 −1.05 corrosion proceeds laterally as the cladding is
Al8 Mg5 −1.24 consumed. Table 37 lists alloy pairs used in Al-
∗ Versus 0.1 N calomel electrode clad products.
Aluminum Alloys 43
Table 37. Combinations of alloys in Alclad products

Cladding alloy
Core alloy ∗
Nominal composition, wt%
Alloy no.
Si Mn Mg Zn Cr

2014 6003 0.7 1.2

6053 0.7 1.2 0.25
2024 1230 99.30 %
2219 7072 1.0
3003 7072 1.0
3004 7072 1.0
7013 1.3 1.8
6061 7072 1.0
7075 7072 1.0
7008 1.0 5.0 0.18
7011 0.20 1.3 4.8 0.12
7178 7072 1.0

∗ Nominal compositions shown in Table 18

6.3. Crevice Corrosion The electrochemical theory of SCC devel-

oped about 1940 dealt with SCC on the basis of
A concentration cell may be set up if there is an continuous areas of anodic material in or along
electrolyte between two aluminum faying sur- the grain boundaries [39]. These anodic areas
faces, or between an aluminum surface and a are precipitates of an anodic phase in the grain
nonaluminum surface, and one region of the boundary or anodic solid-solution zones adja-
electrolyte is oxygen-depleted relative to the re- cent to the grain boundary. In the Al – Cu al-
gion that is adjacent to the atmosphere. This may loys the solute-depleted zones are most anodic.
occur between the faying surfaces in a joint or in In the Al – Mg alloys the precipitate Al8 Mg5 is
a stack or coil of aluminum sheet. The oxygen- the most anodic. The theory is now seen to be
depleted area is anodic and corrosion may occur incomplete or inadequate and work continues,
there. especially on the possibility of hydrogen play-
ing a significant role [40]. A most promising
elastic-plastic fracture mechanics model was de-
6.4. Intergranular Corrosion and veloped. It deals with stress-corrosion cracking
Stress-Corrosion Cracking damage and the strength and toughness of the
material [41].
In some environments and under some metallur-
gical conditions, aluminum alloys are suscepti-
ble to intergranular attack. If the alloy-temper 6.5. Exfoliation Corrosion
is not susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking,
then intergranular corrosion tends to decrease in Exfoliation corrosion, also known as lamel-
time, and its effect on strength for a given depth lar layer or stratified corrosion, proceeds along
of attack is about the same as pitting corrosion. paths approximately parallel to the surface. The
For stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) to proceed, corrosion product is voluminous, causing de-
four conditions must be met: (1) a metallurgical lamination and swelling. It is usually associ-
structure susceptible to SCC, (2) an environment ated with a metallurgical structure consisting
that can cause SCC, (3) a sustained tensile stress, of long, flat grains and probably results from
and (4) time. Only the alloys containing large aligned intergranular or subgrain-boundary pre-
amounts of soluble elements, e.g., copper, mag- cipitates or from layers of slightly different com-
nesium, silicon, and zinc, are susceptible. For position. Metallurgical practices to prevent or
most of the commercial alloys, SCC-resistance minimize these susceptible structures have been
tempers have been developed, and effective pro- developed.
tection systems have also been developed.
44 Aluminum Alloys

6.6. Ratings for Resistance to Corrosion be selected for suitability in the service envi-
ronment. Corrosion risks should be minimized
From the vast amount of detailed information by proper design of the part and the equipment
available, ratings of resistance to ordinary corro- in which it serves. Suitable protective finishes,
sion and to stress-corrosion cracking have been e.g., conversion coatings, anodized film, organic
compiled for a number of alloy-tempers (Tables paints, and films, should be chosen. In some
14, 15, and 20, also see [8]). These ratings are cases cathodic protection can be used.
useful, but the selection of the optimum alloy-
temper-product for a particular application is
many faceted and requires expertise. 7. Major Markets [25], [42]
The rating system for resistance to stress-
corrosion cracking has been expanded to ac- By far the greatest part of aluminum shipments is
knowledge that susceptibility depends not only in the form of aluminum alloys, and production
on alloy-temper but also on product form and of primary aluminum and consumption of alu-
the direction of sustained stress with respect to minum are the best indicators of the importance
the metallurgical grain structure. Generally, sus- of aluminum alloys.
ceptibility is lowest when the stress is longitudi- World production of primary aluminum is
nal, i.e., parallel to the major direction of metal summarized in Table 38, and per capita con-
flow. Susceptibility can be higher when stress sumption of aluminum in selected countries is
is normal to the major flow and parallel to the summarized in Table 39 (see page after next).
minor flow (long transverse). Susceptibility is The major markets for aluminum products
highest when the stress direction is normal to are shown in terms of use by major industries
both major and minor flows (short transverse) in the United States in Table 40 (see page after
[8, pp. 213 – 14]. next). To eliminate duplication, the figures ex-
clude intra-industry shipments for further fabri-
6.7. Corrosion Prevention
Methods of preventing corrosion are well de-
veloped [4, Chap. 7]. The alloy-temper should

Table 38. World primary aluminum production in 103 t, 1986 – 1996

Country 1986 1990 1994 1996

Total World 15,412 19,295 19,206 20,607

Africa 554 605 590 1,027

Cameroon 84 93 89 80
Egypt 175 179 188 190
Ghana 125 174 141 137
South Africa 170 159 172 620

North America 4392 5615 5554 5859

Canada 1355 1567 2255 2282
United States 3037 4048 3299 3577

Latin America 1389 1787 1978 2018

Argentina 148 166 176 185
Brazil 757 931 1185 1190
Mexico 37 68 − 11
Suriname 29 32 32 32
Venezuela 418 590 585 600

Asia 1488 2013 3266 3611

Bahrain 178 213 447 450
China, P.R. 410 850 1450 1780
India 257 433 472 518
Indonesia 219 186 222 225
Aluminum Alloys 45
Table 38. (Continued)

Country 1986 1990 1994 1996

Asia (cont.)
Iran 40 60 116 118
Japan 140 34 17 17
Korea, Peop. Rep. 10 − − −
Korea, Republic of 19 2 − −
Tajikistan b − − 235 198
Turkey 60 61 60 60
United Arab Emirates 155 174 247 245

European Union 2412 2365 2081 2183

Austria c − − − −
France 322 326 384 365
Germany d 826 740 505 577
Greece 124 150 144 130
Italy 243 232 176 185
Netherlands 266 270 219 226
Spain 355 353 338 362
Sweden c − − 84 98
United Kingdom 276 294 231 240

Other Europe 4059 5420 4149 4316

Austria c 93 89 − −
Azerbaijan b − − 15 10
Bosnia-Herzeg. e − − 10 10
Croatia e − − 26 30
Czechoslavakia a f g 33 70 − −
Hungary 74 75 31 25
Iceland 76 87 99 104
Norway 726 845 858 874
Poland h 48 46 50 52
Romania 269 168 119 140
Russia b − − 2670 2800
Serbia-Montenegro e − − 7 36
Slovakia g − − 60 50
Slovenia e − − 80 70
Sweden c 78 96 − −
Switzerland 80 72 24 27
Ukraine b − − 100 88
U.S.S.R. a 2300 3523 − −
Yugoslavia 282 349 − −

Oceania 1118 1490 1588 1656

Australia 882 1230 1317 1372
New Zealand 236 260 271 284
Estimated by the U.S. Geological Survey. b Reported as part of the Soviet Union until 1992. c
Joined European Union in 1994.
German Democratic Republic & Federal Republic of Germany combined in 1990.
Reported as part of Yugoslavia until 1992.
All production capacity formerly reported as Czechoslavakia is now reported as Slovakia.
Includes secondary unalloyed ingot.
Includes primary alloyed ingot.

8. References 4. J. E. Hatch (ed.): Aluminum: Properties and

Physical Metallurgy, ASM, 1984.
General References 5. D. Altenpohl: Aluminum Viewed From Within,
1. K. R. Van Horn (ed.): Aluminum, vol. I: Aluminium-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1982.
Properties, Physical Metallurgy, and Phase 6. Aluminum Standards and Data – 1982, The
Diagrams, American Society for Metals, Aluminum Association, Washington, D.C.
Metals Park, Ohio, 1967. 7. Properties and Selection: “Irons and Steels,”
2. K. R. Van Horn (ed.): Aluminum, vol. II: Metals Handbook, 9th ed., vol. 1, ASM, 1978.
Design and Application, ASM, 1967. 8. Properties and Selection: “NonFerrous Alloys
3. K. R. Van Horn (ed.): Aluminum, vol. III: and Pure Metals,” Metals Handbook, 9th ed.,
Fabrication and Finishing, ASM, 1967. vol. 2, ASM, 1979.
46 Aluminum Alloys
Table 39. Per capita aluminum consumption of selected countries, 1986 – 1996 (in kg/a) ∗

Country 1986 1990 1994 1996

Argentina 2.1 1.5 3.1 3.2

Australia 17.3 18.6 20.0 18.6
Austria 14.5 21.5 21.6 22.5
Belgium 10.6 12.4 8.3 na

Brazil 3.1 2.1 3.0 3.5

Cameroon 3.1 1.9 1.1 1.6
Canada 18.7 21.8 25.9 24.3
Denmark 9.6 17.7 29.8 19.5
Finland 8.4 10.4 12.4 11.6

France 14.4 17.4 17.5 17.6

Germany 25.5 29.7 25.0 24.0
Greece 1.5 5.8 na na
Hungary 17.0 15.2 na na
Iceland 8.2 5.4 12.0 17.3

India 0.4 0.5 0.5 na

Ireland 5.0 6.1 na 20.3
Italy 14.6 19.4 21.0 18.6
Japan 20.3 31.4 31.8 31.6
Mexico 1.3 2.5 2.7 2.6

Netherlands 15.0 16.1 25.0 25.7

New Zealand 10.2 10.2 16.7 14.7
Norway 18.5 19.0 21.1 20.9
Panama 0.8 2.4 2.9 5.1
Philippines 0.1 0.2 na na

Portugal 5.0 6.3 na na

Russia na na 2.7 2.7
El Salvador 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.1
Saudi Arabia 5.1 na na na
Singapore 11.5 19.1 na na

South Africa 4.2 11.9 3.4 4.5

Spain 5.7 7.4 8.7 na
Sweden 20.5 24.8 21.0 26.5
Switzerland 20.4 22.6 21.0 16.5
Turkey 1.6 4.3 3.5 na

United Kingdom 11.1 14.0 14.0 18.0

United States 26.4 27.0 31.2 31.3
Venezuela 6.6 8.3 5.7 5.4

∗ na: Not available.

Table 40.U.S. average annual net shipments by major market

Major Market 1995 1996 % change, % annual growth,

6 6
% 10 kg % 10 kg 1995 – 1996 1986 – 1996

Building &construction 12.7 1218 13.7 1310 7.5 − 1.0

Transportation 27.3 2613 27.6 2640 1.0 7.2
Consumer durables 6.5 622 6.6 634 2.0 1.4
Electrical 6.9 658 7.0 666 1.2 0.5
Machinery &equipment 6.0 571 5.9 568 − 0.6 4.0
Containers &packaging 24.1 2312 22.8 2180 − 5.7 1.4
Other 2.9 280 2.9 280 0.8
Domestic, total 86.3 8275 86.5 8278 2.5
Exports 13.7 1310 13.5 1290 − 1.5 7.6

Total Shipments 100.0 9585 100.,0 9568 − 0.2 3.1

Aluminum Alloys 47

9. Properties and Selection: “Stainless Steels, 28. E. F. Emley, Int. Met. Rev. 21 (1976) 75 – 115.
Tool Materials and Special-Purpose Metals,” 29. H. A. Meier, G. B. Leconte, A. M. Odok, Light
Metals Handbook, 9th ed., vol. 3, ASM, 1980. Met. (N.Y.) 2 (1977) 223 – 33.
10. Heat Treating, Metals Handbook, 9th ed., 30. 1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards-Section
vol. 4, ASM, 1981. 2. Nonferrous Metal Products, vol. 02.02:
11. “Surface Cleaning, Finishing, and Coating,” Die-Cast Metals; Aluminum and Magnesium
Metals Handbook, 9th ed., vol. 5, ASM, 1982. Alloys, American Society for Testing and
12. “Welding, Brazing, and Soldering,” Metals Materials, Philadelphia, PA 1983.
Handbook, 9th ed., vol. 6, ASM, 1983. 31. W. F. Kehler: Handbook of International Alloy
Compositions and Designations, vol. III,
Specific References Aluminum Metals and Ceramics Information
13. Registration Record of Aluminum Association Center, Battelle Columbus Lab., Columbus,
Alloy Designations and Chemical Ohio, 1980.
Composition Limits for Aluminum Alloys in 32. Registration Record of International Alloy
the Form of Castings and Ingot, The Designations and Chemical Composition
Aluminum Association, Washington, D.C., Limits for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought
revised Aug. 1982. Aluminum Alloys, The Aluminum
14. Registration Record of Aluminum Association Association, Washington, D.C., revised 1 June
Designations and Chemical Composition 1980.
Limits for Wrought Aluminum and Wrought 33. R. M. Hart: Wrought P/M Alloys 7090 and
Aluminum Alloys, The Aluminum 7091, Aluminum Company of America,
Association, Washington, D.C., revised Jan. Alcoa Center, PA 1981.
1984. 34. Met. Prog. 124 (1983) no. 1, 45.
15. R. E. Spear, G. R. Gardner, Trans. Am. 35. R. Knoll: Materials and Processes –
Foundrymen’s Soc. 71 (1963) 209 – 15. Continuing Innovations [Proc. Conf.],
16. M. C. Flemings: Solidification Processing, Anaheim, CA, 12 – 14 April 1983, Society for
McGraw-Hill, New York 1974. the Advancement of Material and Process
17. C. E. Ransley, H. Neufeld, J. Inst. Met. 74 Engineering, Azusa, Calif., 1983, pp. 133 – 48.
(1947/48) 599 – 620. 36. M. S. Hunter, P. E. Fowle, J. Electrochem. Soc.
18. D. E. J. Talbot, Int. Metall. Rev. 20 (1975) 101 (1954) 481 – 85.
166 – 84. 37. F. Keller, M. S. Hunter, D. L. Robinson, J.
19. D. E. J. Talbot, D. A. Granger, J. Inst. Met. 92 Electrochem. Soc. 100 (1953) 411 – 19.
(1963/64) no. 9, 290 – 97. 38. M. Pourbaix et al.: Atlas of Electrochemical
20. G. W. Lorimer in K. C. Russell, H. I. Aaronson Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions, Pergamon
(ed.): Precipitation Processes in Solids, The Press, Oxford, NY 1966.
Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, 39. D. O. Sprowls, R. H. Brown, in R. W. Staehle,
PA 1978, pp. 87 – 119. A. J. Forty, D. Van Rooyen (eds.):
21. E. A. Starke, Jr., T. H. Sanders, Jr.: Fundamental Aspects of Stress-Corrosion
Aluminum-Lithium Alloys II, The Cracking, National Association of Corrosion
Metallurgical Society of AIME, Warrendale, Engineers, Houston, TX 1969.
PA 1984. 40. V. A. Marichev, Werkst. Korros. 34 (1983)
22. L. F. Mondolpho: Aluminum Alloys: Structure
no. 6, 300 – 308.
and Properties, Butterworths,
41. D. O. Sprowls, R. J. Bucci, B. M. Ponchel, R.
London – Boston 1976.
L. Brazill, P. E. Bretz: A Study of
23. J. M. Silcock, T. J. Heal, H. K. Hardy, J. Inst.
Environmental Characterization of
Met. 82 (1953/54) 239 – 48.
Conventional and Advanced Aluminum Alloys
24. Aluminum Company of America, US
for Selection and Design, Aluminum
3198676, 1965 (D. O. Sprowls, J. A. Nock, Jr.).
Company of America, Alcoa Lab., Alcoa
25. Aluminum Statistical Review for 1982, The
Center, PA, for NASA, Contract NAS1-16424,
Aluminum Association, Washington, D.C.
26. E. F. Emley, Met. Technol. (London) 3 (1976) dated 1984 May 31.
118 – 27. 42. Aluminum Statistical Review – Historical
27. J. E. Dore, J. C. Yarwood, Light Met. (N.Y.) 2 Supplement, The Aluminum Association,
(1977) 171 – 89. Washington, D.C. 1982.

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