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The passage provides an overview of ancient Roman history from the transition from republic to empire under Caesar and Augustus to daily life in the empire.

Caesar faced the choice of giving up his armies in Gaul and returning to Rome as demanded by the Senate or refusing and potentially sparking civil war.

Caesar and Pompey were political rivals, and their power struggle contributed to the civil wars that rocked Rome after Caesar's rise to power.


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This book previously published as Ancient Rome in 2005.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Kops, Deborah.
Discover Ancient Rome / Deborah Kops.
p. cm. — (Discover ancient civilizations)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: “Learn about the art and cultural contributions, family life, religions and people of ancient
Rome”—Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-7660-4199-8
1. Rome—Civilization—Juvenile literature. I. Title.
DG77.K68 2014

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Table of
chapter 1
Caesar’s Decision ...................... 9
chapter 2
From Republic to Empire........ 17
chapter 3
The Republican Government
and Its People .......................... 46
chapter 4
The Lands and Religions
of the Empire .......................... 57
chapter 5

Life in Ancient Rome .............. 70

chapter 6
The Legacy of the
Ancient Romans ...................... 88
Timeline.................................................. 101
Glossary .................................................. 103
Chapter Notes ......................................... 106
Further Reading ..................................... 109
Internet Addresses ................................. 110
Index ....................................................... 111
Chapter 1

Discover Ancient Rome

I n January 49 b.c., the Roman general

Julius Caesar had to make a difficult
choice. His command as governor and
head of the armies in Gaul (what is today
France and Belgium) was officially coming
to an end. The Roman Senate, the gov-
erning body made up of members of
Rome’s leading families, demanded that
Caesar give up his armies there and return
to the city of Rome. This tall, fair-skinned
man was a military hero and one of the
most powerful men in the Roman Empire.
At the time, Rome was stronger than any
other power in Europe. Greece, once the
brightest political star in the ancient Medi-
terranean world, had become a Roman
A few years before Caesar faced his dif-
ficult decision, Caesar’s rival, Pompey, had
become extremely powerful in Rome’s gov-
ernment. A struggle between Caesar and
Pompey grew, and now the Senate decided

« 10 »
Julius Caesar was one of
ancient Rome’s greatest
generals, and his
leadership inspired the
loyalty of the men in his
Discover Ancient Rome

to show its support for Pompey by deman-

ding that Caesar leave his army in Gaul.
Caesar knew that if he did as the Senate
asked and crossed the Rubicon River
between Gaul and Italy without his army,
his political career would likely be over.1
Or he could ignore the Senate’s demand,
bring his army into Italy, and challenge
Pompey for the leadership of the empire.
Caesar and Pompey had not always
been rivals. Caesar’s daughter, Julia, was
Pompey’s wife, and ten years earlier, they
had shared the rule of Rome with a third
man for one year in what was known as the
First Triumvirate. When their terms as
leaders were over, Caesar was appointed
military commander and governor of the
Roman province that included northern
Italy and southern Gaul. Pompey, with the
support of the Senate, became sole consul,
or chief magistrate, the most powerful
member of government.

« 12 »
According to legend, as Caesar
Caesar’s Decision
crossed the Rubicon, he cried
out, “Let the dice fly high!”

« 13 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Crossing the Rubicon

Julius Caesar was not content to quietly
rule his province, however. Instead, he
took his army into central and then north-
ern Gaul. For eight years, this dedicated,
energetic general and his army fought the
independent peoples of Gaul until they
conquered all of Gaul for the Roman
Empire. The Romans were the first people
in the ancient world to train and keep
professionally trained army, and Caesar’s
campaigns proved his military genius.
Caesar also found the time to write a
dramatic account of his victories,
Commentaries on the Gallic War, which
contributed to his fame and glory.
On January 10, 49 b.c., Caesar made
the decision to enter Italy with his men.
According to legend, as he crossed the
Rubicon with his army, he cried out, “Let
the dice fly high!” He was hoping that fate

« 14 »
These Roman soldiers show typical
military equipment: shields, spears,
plumed helmets, bronze
breastplates, and greaves (armor
that protected the soldier’s shins).
Originally the Roman army was
made up of volunteers, but by the
time of Julius Caesar soldiers had
become full-time paid professionals.
Discover Ancient Rome

would be kind to him, just as people do

when they throw dice in a game. And he
was willing to accept the consequences of
his decision. As it turned out, the con-
sequences were enormous: Caesar’s deci-
sion, which thrust the Roman Empire into
civil war, changed the course of Roman

« 16 »
Chapter 2

Discover Ancient Rome

F or a year and a half, Julius Caesar and

Pompey fought for leadership of the
Roman Empire, plunging it into a civil war.
In a remarkable series of military cam-
paigns, Caesar defeated Pompey’s armies in
Italy and in Spain, which was part of the
empire, and forced Pompey to flee to
Greece. There on June 6, 48 b.c., the two
armies fought their final battle in Pharsalus,
in northern Greece. That battle proved to
be Caesar’s greatest victory against Pompey
who fled the battlefield and escaped to
Caesar's Brief Rule
When Pompey arrived in Egypt, however,
he was murdered on the orders of the
pharaoh. Even without Pompey, Caesar
continued to meet with resistance. It took
him until October, 45 b.c. to destroy his
remaining enemies in Macedonia, a king-
dom north of Greece; Asia Minor, the

« 18 »
By 45 B.C., Julius Caesar had created the
strongest army in the ancient world.
One year later, he declared himself
dictator of Rome for life—but his life
would soon come to an end.
Discover Ancient Rome

peninsula between the Black Sea and the

Aegean Sea that is today part of Turkey;
and Spain.
By then, Caesar had created the
strongest and most effective army in the
world. But he also was smart enough to
realize that he would need the support of
the many people he had just conquered if
his rule was to be effective. The Roman
historian Velleius Paterculus (c. 19 b.c. to
a.d. 32) described Caesar’s great triumph
as well as his generosity: “Victorious over
all his enemies, Caesar returned to Rome
and, a thing incredible, pardoned all who
had borne arms against him.”
Dictator for Life
The great Roman general was hungry for
political power as well as military power.
In 44 b.c., he appointed himself dictator
for life and began appearing in public on
a gold-covered chair, as if he were king.

« 20 »
From Republic to Empire

His actions angered the members of Rome’s

most prominent families, who had shared
power with the country’s leader through
political appointments and by serving in the
Senate. Even though Caesar had brought
about reforms and helped to secure the vast
reaches of the empire, critics resented his
power. They also wanted to maintain the
empire’s democracy, and they were afraid
that Caesar would destroy it. On March 15,
in 44 b.c., men who had once been his
friends stabbed Julius Caesar to death in a
public theater where the Senate had chosen
to meet.
Caesar was fifty-five years old when he
was murdered. One of the most talented
men to lead ancient Rome, he was a superb
military commander and a gifted writer. But
he also helped to destroy Rome’s republican
form of government, which had lasted for
five hundred years.

« 21 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Julius Caesar was assassinated by men who

once had been his friends on March 15, 44 B.C.

The Early Years of the Republic

The ancient Romans created a legend to
explain the birth of their country. It begins
with Aeneas, the Trojan hero already a part
of Greek mythology. In order to escape the
destruction of the city of Troy, Aeneas flees
to Italy. There he begins a family line that

« 22 »
From Republic to Empire

will eventually produce kings. The twin

brothers from the family, Romulus and
Remus, are abandoned on the banks of the
Tiber River, which runs through Rome.
The twins are rescued by a she-wolf and
helped by a shepherd. Later the brothers
argue, and Romulus kills Remus. Romulus
eventually founds the city of Rome on the
banks of the Tiber, where he had been
People have been living in the low hills
surrounding Rome since at least the tenth
or eleventh century b.c. By the seventh
century b.c., Rome was an established city-
state, which consisted of the city and the
surrounding region. For a time, it was ruled
by Etruscan kings from Etruria, to the
north. The Etruscans were a powerful
people. Under their leadership, Rome was
expanding its territory and developing a
warlike culture.

« 23 »
Discover Ancient Rome

The legend of Rome’s founding is the subject

of this sculpture, which shows the wolf that
rescued the twin brothers, Romulus and

« 24 »
From Republic to Empire

In 509 b.c., the Romans rebelled and

exiled the last Etruscan king, Tarquin the
Proud, and founded a republic. Under a
government led by two elected consuls and
the Senate, the Romans enlarged their
empire by conquering their neighbors. By
about 270 b.c., the Romans controlled the
entire Italian penisula and were ready to
challenge the other powers on the
Mediterranean Sea.

The Struggle Between Rome and

In 218 b.c., Rome clashed with Carthage,
an empire on the north African coast,
southeast of Italy, for the second time in
about forty years. The problem began
when Carthage was looking to expand its
territory westward into Spain. The Romans
challenged the aggressive move by the
Carthaginians and war soon erupted.

« 25 »
Discover Ancient Rome

The Etruscans, who once ruled Rome, strongly

influenced early Roman culture. This sarcophagus,
a stone coffin embellished by sculpture, is an
example of the Etruscans’ magnificent artistry.
From Republic to Empire
Discover Ancient Rome

Rome’s north African enemy sent

Hannibal, a young and fiery military com-
mander, to invade Italy. Hannibal went on
an extraordinary six-month march from
Spain to Italy, crossing the Alps with over
twenty thousand men, six thousand cavalry
(soldiers on horseback), and a small herd of
war elephants.6 Long considered one of the
greatest military figures of history, Hannibal
defeated Roman armies in Italy that were
much greater in number. But the Romans
continued to battle Hannibal and his army
for over a decade. Then in 202 b.c., the great
Roman commander, Publius Scipio, led an
army to Africa, forcing Hannibal to leave
Italy and defend Carthage. Scipio’s army
delivered a final crushing blow at the Battle
of Zama, defeating Carthage for good.
Rome was now master of the western
Mediterranean world.

« 28 »
From Republic to Empire

Rome Conquers the Eastern

During the next few decades, Rome sent its
armies eastward. By 168 b.c., Rome had
conquered Macedonia. In 146, Corinth, an
important commercial center of Greece,
led a revolt to protest Rome’s growing
power in its region. The Romans destroyed
that great city and made Greece a province
of Rome. Almost a century later, before
Pompey and Caesar plunged Rome into
civil war, Pompey pushed the boundaries
of the empire even farther east to include
Judaea and the former kingdom of Syria.
The Reign of Augustus
The first emperor of Rome was the great-
nephew of Julius Caesar, whom Caesar had
adopted as a son. He was later called
Augustus, Latin for “respected,” but his
given name was Octavian. Although
Octavian was only eighteen when Caesar

« 29 »
Hannibal famously led an army of war
elephants across the Alps—although
unfortunately most of them perished in
the harsh conditions. The Romans had
developed effective tactics against the
elephants, leading to Hannibal’s defeat
at his final battle of Zama in 202 B.C. His
elephant charge was ineffective because
the disciplined Roman tactical units
simply made way for them to pass.
Discover Ancient Rome

was killed, he was ambitious. By the time

Octavian was twenty-one, he began sharing
the leadership of the empire with Marc
Antony, who had been Caesar’s main com-
mander. Together they destroyed the
armies of those who had killed Caesar. But
by 34 b.c., Antony and Octavian were
rivals. Antony had a powerful ally on his
side—Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, who
was Antony’s lover.
In 31 b.c. when Antony and Cleopatra
moved troops to Greece, Octavian, leading
the Roman forces, trapped them at Actium,
a strip of land off the coast of Greece.
Antony and Cleopatra fled to Egypt and,
deciding that they were doomed, they
killed themselves. Octavian was now the
leader of Rome. Within a year, that empire
included Egypt. Rome now commanded
the lands of the Mediterranean and the
Middle East.

« 32 »
From Republic to Empire

In this famous statue

of Augustus, the creator
of the Pax Romana, stands
in a triumphant pose like
one often used in
sculptures of great
athletes. This statue was
made during his reign. « 33 »
Discover Ancient Rome

By 27 b.c. Octavian had establish him-

self as imperator, Latin for commander of
all armies. Two years later, the Senate gave
Octavian the title Augustus, meaning “His
Sacred Majesty.” The Roman Empire now
had an emperor. Many historians view this
moment as the end of the Republic and the
beginning of the Roman Empire.
Pax Romana
Remembering Caesar’s fate, Augustus, the
Roman Empire’s first emperor, treated
the members of the Senate with respect,
giving them the impression that he shared
power with them. Although power was
never returned to the people as it had been
during the days of the Republic, Augustus
accomplished a great deal during his reign.
He granted the provinces local control and
allowed different ethnic groups to practice
their own customs. He improved the net-
work of roads within the empire and taxed

« 34 »
From Republic to Empire

Rome’s citizens more fairly. A period called

the Pax Romana, or Roman peace, began
with Augustus’ reign and continued for
nearly two hundred years. During this time
Roman culture flourished as it spread.
Trajan Stretches the Empire
The Roman Empire reached its greatest size
under the emperor Trajan’s rule, from
a.d. 98 to 117. An experienced army com-
mander, Trajan liked the action of the
battlefield. In 106, he conquered Dacia,
north of the Danube River, in what is now
Romania. Farther east, Trajan won Armenia
from the Parthians, leaders of the Persian
Empire, in 114. From there his army con-
quered northern Mesopotamia (present-day
Iraq) and advanced all the way to the
Persian Gulf. This adventurous emperor’s
conquests were celebrated by Rome, where
the 100-foot-high marble Trajan’s Column
was built to honor him.

« 35 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Not every Roman citizen benefited from

the enlarged empire, though. Many gave up
small farms to serve in the army. When they
returned from war, they moved to a city and
joined a growing population of poor people.
Others had trouble paying the taxes that were
used to support Rome’s military operations.

Hadrian Strengthens the Borders

Hadrian, the emperor who ruled after Trajan,
realized that the endless borders of the enor-
mous Roman Empire had become difficult to
defend. To strengthen the places where he
thought Rome might be attacked by its
enemies, he added permanent bases for the
army. His most famous work on the frontier
became known as Hadrian’s Wall. In 122,
Hadrian had this 73-mile (118-kilometer)
fortified wall built across the northern
border of Roman Britain to keep out the
barbarian tribes beyond.

« 36 »
From Republic to Empire

A tall and elegant man with a full beard,

Hadrian was a practical ruler. He concen-
trated on helping the government work
more smoothly and gave the Romans two
decades of peace before he died in 138.
For the rest of the second century,
Rome continued to prosper in the hands of
the capable emperors Antoninus Pius and
Marcus Aurelius. The Roman army spread
Roman culture throughout the empire,
encouraging even those in the far reaches
of the empire to live as Romans did. In this
way, the people in lands that had been con-
quered by Rome came to feel like Romans
themselves. By 212, all free people living in
the empire, which stretched from Britain in
the west to Arabia in the east, were granted
citizenship. But during the third century,
the Roman Empire had begun to decline as
civil wars, invasions, and economic prob-
lems threatened its prosperity and security.

« 37 »
Discover Ancient Rome
Modern-day view of Hadrian’s Wall.
The emperor Hadrian strengthened
the borders of the empire by
stationing military garrisons on its
frontiers. Hadrian’s Wall, built across
Britain’s northern border, is the
longest surviving Roman structure.

« 38 »
From Republic to Empire

Diocletian Reorganizes the Empire

When Diocletian came to power, in 284,
the empire was in need of reorganizing.7
During the half century before his rule,
there had been at least twenty emperors,
and many of them had died violently. Still
more violence erupted on Rome’s borders.
Germanic tribes in the north threatened to
invade the empire. In the east, the Sassanid
people of Persia took Mesopotamia, and
the Dacians won their independence.
To help bring stability, Diocletian divi-
ded the Roman Empire into eastern and
western regions and appointed three men
to help him run it. Diocletian also doubled
the number of provinces in order to make
it easier to collect taxes. In 305, when he
was in poor health, he officially gave up his
position as emperor.

« 39 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Constantine Builds a New Capital

A power struggle followed Diocletian’s
rule. The winner was Constantine, who
became the sole ruler of a reunited empire
in 324. He was a very forceful leader who
broke with tradition in two important
ways. First, he embraced and encouraged
the spread of Christianity throughout the
empire, even though he continued to
tolerate other beliefs. Second, in 330 he
moved the empire’s capital from Rome east
to Byzantium, an ancient city later renamed
Constantinople in his honor. (It is now
Istanbul, Turkey.)
Constantine’s peaceful reign saw the
building of Christian churches throughout
the empire, from Rome to Jerusalem. The
emperor also rebuilt the capital, which was
near important trade routes and was easy
to defend against Rome’s Persian enemies
to the east.

« 40 »
From Republic to Empire

This map shows the lands that were part of the

vast Roman Empire between 44 B.C. to A.D. 180.

The End of the Roman Empire

After Constantine’s death in 337, Germanic
tribes from the north continued to threaten
the empire. To make matters even worse,
the relationship between the eastern and
western regions of the empire began to
break down. This was more serious for the
west because the east was much wealthier

« 41 »
The Arch of Constantine is a large triumphal
arch in Rome next to the Colosseum. This arch
commemorates the battle that led the Emperor
Constantine to convert to Christianity.
Discover Ancient Rome

Constantine (left) became the emperor of a

reunited Roman Empire in A.D. 324 and moved
the empire’s capital east. Diocletian (right)
divided the Roman Empire into eastern and
western regions.

and contributed more in support of the

empire. In 395, the empire split in two when
the emperor Theodosius died. Each region
had its own emperor.
In 439, one Germanic tribe, the Vandals,
captured the city of Carthage on the coast
of north Africa and established the first

« 44 »
From Republic to Empire

independent kingdom inside of the empire.

By 475, the Goths, another Germanic tribe,
had created a kingdom in Gaul and Spain.
The next year, German troops who had lived
among the Romans and fought in their army
suddenly revolted and elected a man named
Odoacer as their leader. He made Italy his
kingdom, bringing the western half of the
Roman Empire to an end. The year 476 has
come to signify the fall of the Roman Empire.
Although the Roman government had
been toppled, the churches helped to pre-
serve Roman culture and offer some pro-
tection to the Roman people. The eastern
half of the empire, which became known as
the Byzantine Empire, lasted until 1453. It
survived by bargaining with its enemies and
integrating them into the empire instead of
fighting them.8

« 45 »
Chapter 3

The Republican Government and Its People

F rom the earliest days of the Republic, a

person’s social class affected his ability
to participate in the government and decide
its laws. Rome’s upper classes, the social
elite, were known as patricians. They were
born to noble families and were often rich.
All other citizens were known as plebeians
or one of the common people.
Since the Republic’s elected officials
were not paid at first, a small group of
wealthy patricians held these positions, and
as a result, managed to dominate the gov-
ernment. The plebeians struggled against
the patricians for more power, and in the
440s b.c., the plebians won an important
victory. They forced the patricians to
publish the laws of Rome in a document
that became known as the Twelve Tables.
Now every Roman citizen could learn what
the laws—and the punishments for breaking
those rules—were.

« 47 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Two groups of people were excluded

from political affairs: all women, both
patrician and plebeian, and slaves. Women
were expected to remain at home and care
for their families, while slaves were con-
sidered the property of their masters. As
the Roman Empire grew, so did the num-
ber of captured enemy soldiers and rebell-
ious residents of the provinces, who were
enslaved and brought to Rome.2

The Assembly and Senate

During the Republic, Romans were in-
volved in two important government
bodies: the Assembly and the Senate.
Every male citizen could attend one of
four popular assemblies in Rome. At a
meeting, which was held outdoors, he
could vote on new laws and elect magi-
strates. Until 139 b.c., voting was done
orally, and then secret ballots were used.

« 48 »
The Republican Government and Its People

The Senate became very powerful

during the Republic. Senators wrote new
laws and took them to the assemblies for a
vote. They also decided on policies for
dealing with foreign nations, and at home
they supervised financial matters. As the
Republic grew in size, the Senate appointed
governors to the newly added provinces
and supervised their work. Senators were
not elected directly by Rome’s citizens.
These men had previously served as magi-
strates, the Republic’s government officials.
All ex-magistrates automatically became
senators for life. During the middle years of
the Republic (from 264 b.c. to 134 b.c.),
there were about three hundred senators.
Consuls and Other Magistrates
There were many types of magistrates in
the Republic. Some did legal work, others
worked with the Senate on legislation, and
still others concerned themselves with

« 49 »
The buildings, squares, and temples in Rome known as the
Forum were begun during the Republic and greatly
expanded during the empire. The forum was the heart of
every Roman town and city. This open square was
surrounded by government buildings and temples. People
came to the forum to vote, hear speeches, attend the law
courts, read public notices, and discuss the issues of the
Discover Ancient Rome

religious issues. There were at least two mag-

istrates for each job because the Romans did
not want power to be concentrated in the
hands of one individual. All magistrates were
elected by the assemblies, including the most
powerful magistrates—the consuls.
When Rome became a republic in 509,
two consuls, elected for
one-year terms, replaced
the king. They led the
meetings of the Senate,
and, more important,
each one took charge
of an army. In an emer-
gency, the consuls
stepped aside to make
way for a dictator. The
dictator could occupy

The members of the

Roman senate debated
many important issues
in their chamber.

« 52 »
The Republican Government and Its People

the position for six months at most. One of

the Republic’s most famous dictators was
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. According
to legend, this hero left his farm to rescue
his fellow citizens from hostile tribes in
458 b.c. He defeated the enemy and six-
teen days later returned to his plow.

« 53 »
Discover Ancient Rome

His immediate resignation of his absolute

authority with the end of the crisis has often
been cited as an example of outstanding lead-
ership and service to the greater good. The
government of the Roman Republic was a
model of power sharing between the assem-
blies, the Senate, and the consuls. Each
element was supposed to prevent the other
two from gaining too much power.
The Government During the Empire
The old institutions of government changed
under the emperor’s dictatorship. Some of
these institutions, like the assemblies, were
not well adapted to the growing empire. By
a.d. 14, at the end of Augustus’ reign, there
were at least 50 million people within the
empire’s borders, and many citizens lived too
far from Rome to vote. Although the assem-
blies continued to exist until about the third
century a.d., they no longer represented the
voice of the people.

« 54 »
The Republican Government and Its People

Slavery was widespread and accepted in

ancient Rome. Many slaves were prisoners
of war. Slaves worked in businesses, in
the fields, and in the home.

« 55 »
Discover Ancient Rome

The Senate gave up a lot of its power to

the emperor, but it seemed to grow in size
along with the empire. By Constantine’s
time, there were two Senates, one in
Constantinople and one in Rome, each with
two thousand members! As for the consuls,
they had little power.
Although a citizen had fewer oppor-
tunities to participate in the government
during the Empire, Romans still valued their
citizenship. In fact, the emperor often used
citizenship as a reward to gain the loyalty
and cooperation of those he conquered. As
citizens of the Roman Empire, people in the
provinces, such as Greeks, Spaniards, and
Syrians, enjoyed the protection of Roman
law. Since they were treated as equals, they
were less likely to rebel.

« 56 »
Chapter 4

The LANDS and

Discover Ancient Rome

T he Roman Empire grew so much that

it eventually touched on all the lands
bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The land
and its resources varied greatly from one
province to the next, as did the people and
their religions. Even as the empire was
crumbling, however, Christianity was
gradually spreading from east to west.
The Western Provinces
Ancient Italy was mostly an agricultural
land. It would have been very difficult to
farm the mountainous areas of the Alps in
the north and the Apennines, a mountain
range running down the length of the boot-
shaped peninsula. But in the lowlands,
Romans grazed cattle on large ranches and
grew large crops of grains, such as millet,
corn, wheat, and barley as well as peas and
beans. Romans made their own wine and
olive oil on the peninsula, and a good deal
more was imported from Spain.

« 58 »
The Lands and Religions of the Empire

It took the Romans nearly two hundred

years to make Spain a province. By then,
Rome’s influence could be seen in the
network of roads linking Spain’s cities and
towns to that peninsula and the stone bridges
crossing its rivers. Both roads and rivers
helped the Romans export Spanish products,
including valuable gold, copper, and silver.
The southern regions of Gaul and
Germany were dotted with urban centers,
such as the city of Marseilles, a port on the
Mediterranean Sea. In the more rural areas,
grapes and olives were cultivated. North and
west of the great plateau called the Massif
Central, the heavy soil was devoted to
farming, especially grains. There were large
cattle ranches in Gaul and also in Britain.
Although Britain did not enrich the empire
in minerals, it grew enough corn to some-
times feed the Roman troops as far away as
those on the Rhine River in Germany.

« 59 »
Discover Ancient Rome

North Africa and the Eastern

The rich lands of north Africa lay between
the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the
Sahara Desert to the south, and Egypt to
the east. Although the land sometimes
needed irrigation when rainfall was low, the
region supplied the Romans with an abun-
dance of grain and olive oil. Not everyone
farmed in this region, however. Great cities
such as Carthage gave the empire lawyers,
senators, and writers.
Agriculture flourished in the eastern
Mediterranean. Grain was cultivated in
coastal areas and in the fertile valley of the
Nile River in Egypt. The surplus from
Egypt’s huge crops was shipped to the city
of Rome to feed its people.3 In Asia Minor,
the sheep produced the best wool in the
empire, which was exported to Italy.
The Roman Empire now encompassed
a region of ancient civilizations. Judaea, now

« 60 »
The Lands and Religions of the Empire

modern Israel and Palestine, was the birth-

place of Judaism and, much later, of Chris-
tianity as well.

The State Religion

The ancient Romans, like the ancient
Greeks, believed their world was shaped by
many gods, who controlled everything
from the rain needed for their crops to
victory or defeat in battle. To gain their
gods’ goodwill, Romans built temples in
their honor. Jupiter, their supreme god, was
worshiped at a temple on one of the hills
overlooking the Forum before the army
went on a military expedition. Mars, the
father of Romulus, Rome’s founder, was at
first the god of agriculture but later was
worshipped as the god of war. At the
Temple of Vesta, the goddess who guarded
Roman homes, six young women stood
guard over a sacred fire.

« 61 »
Gods and Goddesses
The Romans worshipped many gods and goddesses.
Each god or goddess oversaw a part of Roman life.

Cupid—God of love; Venus’s son.

Flora—Goddess of flowers and spring.
Juno—Queen of the gods; goddess of
marriage and birth; wife to Jupiter.
Jupiter—King of the gods.
Mars—God of war; son of Jupiter
and Juno.
Mercury—God of roads and travel;
messenger of the gods; son of Jupiter.
Minerva—Goddess of wisdom;
daughter of Jupiter.
Neptune—God of the sea; Jupiter’s
Saturn—God of fertility and planting;
father of Jupiter and Neptune.
Sol—God of the sun.
Terra—Goddess of the earth.
Venus—Goddess of love and beauty;
Cupid’s mother.
The Lands and Religions of the Empire

Romans called their religion the “state

religion” because when Rome was a city-
state, the people thought that worshiping
these gods would help to keep it safe.
Unlike the Romans, the Jews of ancient
Judaea believed in one supreme god.
Before the rise of Christianity, they were
nearly the only people who worshipped
one god. During Roman times, their
Temple, a large building in the city of
Jerusalem, was their most important place
of worship.
After the Romans conquered Judaea at
the beginning of the first century b.c., they
did not interfere with the Jews’ worship.
Many Jews resented Roman rule, however,
and in a.d. 66, they rebelled. Titus forcibly
ended the revolt in 70, before he became
emperor, and destroyed the Temple. That
year marked the beginning of the Diaspora,

« 63 »
Discover Ancient Rome

when Jews began leaving Judaea to live in

communities scattered throughout the
In a.d. 28 or 29, a Jewish carpenter from
Nazareth named Jesus began preaching
about God in an area north of Jerusalem
called Galilee. He claimed to have a rela-
tionship with God that was more personal
than that experienced by traditional Jews.
He preached that God’s kingdom would
soon be established on Earth. These teach-
ings created both enthusiasm and fear
among his listeners.
When Jesus traveled south to Jerusalem,
some Jewish leaders and Pontius Pilate, the
Roman governor of Judaea, arranged to
have him arrested and tried for treason.
Jesus was nailed to a cross, a punishment
that was given to rebels, and died. Soon
afterward, his followers spread the word

« 64 »
The Lands and Religions of the Empire

that he was not like other men, because

they believed him to be the Son of God.
The earliest believers in Jerusalem
thought Jesus’ teachings were only for Jews.
Paul of Tarsus, a Mediterranean city
northwest of Judaea, preached that non-
Jews could also become Christians.
His view prevailed, and by a.d. 100, there
were Christian communities in most
important cities of the vast
Roman Empire.5
But the Roman Empire
under the emperor Nero
persecuted early Christians
for their beliefs. When a huge
and destructive fire burned
in Rome in a.d. 64, many

This statue of Jesus Christ

as the Good Shepherd is
signifcant because it was
made in secret at a time
when Christianity was still
generally forbidden.

« 65 »
Triumphal procession celebrating
the crushing of the Jewish revolt
in A.D. 70 by Titus. A menorah, or
seven-branched lamp-holder
from the Temple of Jerusalem can
be seen being carried away as
the spoils of war. This is a relief
from the Arch of Titus in Rome.
The remains of the temple
of Vesta, in the Roman
Forum. In Roman
mythology, Vesta was the
goddess of hearth and
The Lands and Religions of the Empire

Romans placed the blame on Nero,

a violent man who had murdered both his
mother and his wife. Nero blamed the fire
on the Christian community in the city of
Rome. He rounded up as many Christians
as he could and killed them. Christians
continued to be persecuted by the Romans
under a series of emperors. Finally, in 313,
the emperor Constantine announced that
Christianity would be legally permitted in
the empire.

« 69 »
Chapter 5

Life in Ancient Rome

E arly in the morning of August 24,

a.d. 79, the residents of Pompeii, on
the west coast of Italy, felt the earth shake.
Then they heard a thunderclap as Mount
Vesuvius, a nearby volcano, erupted,
spewing hot lava and ash into the sky.
Poisonous fumes and thousands of tons
of ash settled over the small town. The
fumes and ash killed those who did not
manage to escape. But all the ash that
helped to destroy Pompeii also preserved
it, leaving an amazingly detailed picture of
everyday life in a Roman town. In the
ancient ruins are the remains of shops
where people worked, houses where they
lived, public baths where they went to
visit with friends, and theaters where they
were entertained. The rhythms of life in
Pompeii, which ended so suddenly, were
repeated in countless Roman towns and

« 71 »
Plaster casts of people killed at the
ancient Roman city of Pompeii, which was
destroyed and buried during the eruption
of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79. In time, the
bodies buried under volcanic ash at
Pompeii and nearby sites decomposed.
Modern excavators poured plaster into
the void left behind in the ash, making
casts of the victims in their last moments.
Discover Ancient Rome

Family Life
In ancient Rome, marriage partners were
usually chosen for young men and
women by older relatives. If marrying for
the first time, they were likely to be
teenagers. A bride might be only thirteen
years old.
Weddings were celebrated at the bride’s
house. After a banquet, the groom would
pretend to take the bride out of her
mother’s arms. Then, in a rowdy proces-
sion, the wedding celebrants joked with the
couple and escorted them to the groom’s
house, the bride’s new home.3
Romans usually lived only with their
children rather than in an extended family.
Parents tended to be strict because they
believed that it helped young people grow
strong enough to handle the problems of
adult life. In an essay on raising children,
Seneca the Younger, a Roman philosopher,
wrote, “We must be careful not to let them

« 74 »
Life in Ancient Rome

have fits of anger, but,” he added, “we must

also be careful not to stifle their individual
Most parents thought play should be a
part of growing up. Babies had rattles, and
older children played with marbles and
dolls. Of course, parents were more con-
cerned about their children’s education
than about their toys.
During the early years of the Republic,
fathers taught their sons how to read, write,
and use weapons. By about the third
century b.c., wealthy and middle-class
families sent children between the ages of
seven and eleven to an elementary school
to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic.
School was often held outside under the
awning of a shop. A cloth screen might
shut out the distractions in the street, but
not the noise.

« 75 »
Discover Ancient Rome

A girl’s education ended at age eleven,

but boys went on to study Latin and Greek
literature. A few boys from wealthy families
prepared for a career in politics or law by
studying with a rhetor, who taught the art
of public speaking. At the age of sixteen,
the son of a patrician family often became a
senator’s apprentice for a year.
Food and Drink
A Roman family’s diet depended on their
social status. Those with little money ate
wheat, which was probably boiled because
the poor usually did not have ovens for
baking. They also ate beans and leeks, but
meat was a luxury. In modest homes, cheap
wine and vinegar mixed with water were
common beverages. Romans of all classes
disapproved of drinking wine without
water. Romans used milk to make cheese,
but they did not drink it. They thought
only uncivilized people drank milk!

« 76 »
As can be seen in the ruins
Life in Ancient Rome
of Pompeii, homes of the
rich usually had big, fancy
paintings, know as frescoes,
on the walls.

« 77 »
The Romans decorated their homes with painted
murals and sculpture. This Roman couple chose to
have their likenesses portrayed on the wall of
their house. This portrait was found in the main
room of a home attached to a bakery in Pompeii.
Life in Ancient Rome

The wealthy drank wine and ate a wide

variety of meats, vegetables, and fish. An
invitation from the poet Martial to a friend
offers a glimpse of a middle-class Roman’s
taste and hospitality: “If you are worried
about a lonely dinner at home, Toranius,
you can come share your hunger with me.
If you are accustomed to an appetizer, you
won’t be disappointed; there will be cheap
Cappadocian lettuce and strong leeks and
tuna fish garnished with sliced eggs. . . . We
will also have a small sausage served on a
bed of white grits [a boiled wheat dish] and
pale beans and red bacon.”
Clothing and Shelter
Men and women wore togas in early Rome,
but eventually togas were worn by male
Roman citizens only. The toga was a heavy,
expensive garment made from a large piece
of white woolen fabric about eighteen feet
long. The fabric was draped over the body

« 79 »
Discover Ancient Rome

in a complicated way that was difficult for a

man to arrange by himself. Cincinnatus,
the great Roman who according to legend
became a dictator for sixteen days, always
had his wife, Racilia, help him put on his
toga. Eventually, a man wore his toga over a
tunic, a straight, short-sleeved garment tied
at the waist.
When women stopped wearing togas,
they wore tunics covered by stola, long full
dresses with a colored border around the
neckline. Children and slaves wore tunics.
Romans who lived in towns often lived
in stone houses built for single families.
The most common style was an atrium
house built around a central open area,
which at times had no roof. In cities with
the largest populations, such as Rome,
many people owned or rented apartments
in a private house, above a shop, or in a
large apartment building.

« 80 »
Romans in
Pompeii are
in their home
by a traveling
playing a lyre.

The foundation
of an oval-
shaped house
stands today.
Discover Ancient Rome

Most of the farmland in Italy was

divided into large tracts that were owned
by the wealthy. On these estates the land-
owner and his family often lived in a large
building complex, called a villa, which had
enough living space for farm workers and
even for the livestock. Families with small
farms and modest incomes lived in simple
Roman Recreation
Romans enjoyed a variety of entertain-
ment, from literary plays to violent combat.
The combat, which were called “games,”
took place in large, open-air amphitheaters,
which looked like today’s football stadiums.
These deadly sword fights between gladi-
ators, specially trained men who wore
helmets and shields, were very popular.
Some of these gladiators became celeb-
rities, like the one who inspired someone
to scrawl on a wall in Pompeii, “Celadus,

« 82 »
These women wear togas. Early on both men
and women wore togas.
Discover Ancient Rome

the Thracian, makes all the girls sigh.”7

People also liked to watch fights between a
variety of wild animals. On the opening day
of the enormous Colosseum, an amphi-
theater in the city of Rome that held about
forty-five thousand spectators, five thousand
animals waited their turn in cages.
The most popular form of entertainment
in ancient Rome was the chariot race. Men
raced teams of chariots, each one pulled by
four horses, around a U-shaped arena. The
races took place in a building called a circus,
which had tiers of seats rising away from the
arena. In the Circus Maximus in Rome, up
to 250,000 people could cheer for their
favorite team—the red, blue, white, or green.
The ancient Romans also liked to go to
plays. In Pompeii, theatergoers could watch
a comedy in a large, open-air building.
Poetry lovers could go to the Odeon, a small
theater with a roof, to hear a poet read his
latest verses.

« 84 »
Life in Ancient Rome

Wine was an essential of the Roman diet. It

was sold by the cup-measure at wine-
merchants and available at taverns.

« 85 »
Combat between gladiators. These lethal games
were popular all over the Empire where
amphitheaters and scenes like this one were widely
Life in Ancient Rome

Public baths offered yet another place

for Romans to enjoy themselves. People of
all social classes could go daily to exercise,
soak in the warm water, and socialize with
friends. The philosopher Seneca the
Younger, who lived above a bathhouse,
found the noise distracting. “When the
more muscular types are exercising and
swinging about lead weights in their hands,
and when they are straining themselves . . .
I hear groans,” he complained.8

« 87 »
Chapter 6

of the ANCIENT
The Legacy of the Ancient Romans

T he ancient Romans have influenced

modern life around the world in
countless ways, from the governments
that serve the people to the languages they
speak, the calendars they keep, and the
buildings they construct.

A Government of Checks and

The United States government, with its
executive branch headed by the president,
and its legislature made up of two bodies,
the Senate and the House of Represen-
tatives, is based in part on the organization
of the governing bodies of ancient Roman
Republic. The United States Senate was
directly inspired by the Senate of ancient
Rome. Most modern democracies are
organized in the same way, so that one
branch of government does not become too

« 89 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Language and Literature

The ancient Romans spoke Latin. As
their empire expanded, that language
replaced local languages in many of the
provinces. Five languages evolved
directly from Latin: French, Spanish,
Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. As a
group they are called the Romance
languages because their parent language
was the language spoken by the Romans.
Although English grew out of a different
family of languages, many English words,
including art, beauty, justice, space, and
time have Latin origins.
Ancient Rome’s greatest works of
literature are still read today in the original
Latin and in translation. Many of these
works were written around the time of
Augustus’ peaceful reign, including the
works of Virgil (70–19 b.c.), who is viewed
today as ancient Rome’s greatest poet.1
Virgil's long epic poem the Aeneid, which

« 90 »
President Barack Obama gives his State of
the Union address in 2012. The United States
government, with its executive branch
headed by the president, and its legislature
consisting of the Senate and the House of
Representatives, is based in part on the
organization of the ancient Roman Republic.
Discover Ancient Rome

The great wooden horse loomed at the gates of

Troy after the Greek besiegers had apparently
withdrawn. The Trojans, curious brought it into
their city. At night, the Greeks emerged from the
wooden horse and captured the city. This is one
of the stories that Virgil relates in the Aeneid.

celebrates the achievements of the empire,

is a literary classic. Ovid (43 b.c.–a.d. 17)
is known today for his often irreverent
poems, which display what modern readers
might call “attitude.” That may explain why

« 92 »
The Legacy of the Ancient Romans

Augustus banished Ovid to Tomis on the

coast of the Black Sea.
Another writer who was banished and
then executed was Cicero (106–43 b.c.),
considered by many to have been Rome’s
greatest public speaker and essayist. He
was devoted to preserving the Republic
and was not afraid to speak out against
anyone he considered a threat. Among his
famous speeches were the fourteen he
delivered against Marc Antony, which
Cicero paid for with his life. Eight hundred
of Cicero’s letters survive today. They are a
valuable source of information on ancient
Rome for historians.
The Julian Calendar
Although Julius Caesar is best known for
his military genius, his most lasting
contribution to modern times was a
complicated assortment of changes that he
made to the Roman calendar in 46 b.c.

« 93 »
The Pantheon is a prime example of classical
Roman architecture. The inscription on the
facade refers to M. Agrippa, the Pantheon’s
builder who was a friend and colleague of
Discover Ancient Rome

The Julian calendar was made up of cycles

of three 365-day years, followed by one
year of 366 days, or leap year. It is the
calendar still in use today. The reason for
Caesar’s changes was that the calendar had
lost its connection with the seasons, and
Caesar’s alterations meant that summer
would always fall in June and winter in

Architecture and Engineering

Some of Rome’s greatest works in
architecture and engineering are still
standing and have inspired generations of
engineers, builders, and designers. The
Pont du Gard still spans the Gard River in
graceful arches outside of the French city
of Nîmes. It is a beautiful example of the
ingenious aqueducts built by the Romans
to bring fresh water from miles away into
the cities for drinking and bathing.

« 96 »
The Legacy of the Ancient Romans

Amphitheaters were found throughout the Roman

empire, including this one in Ephesus,Turkey.

« 97 »
Discover Ancient Rome

The influence of Rome's classical architecture

can be seen in the United States Capitol Building,
for which construction began in 1793. Thomas
Jefferson wanted Congress housed in a replica of
an ancient Roman temple.

« 98 »
The Legacy of the Ancient Romans

In the city of Rome, the Pantheon, a

temple to all Roman gods, looks very
much as it did two thousand years ago,
when Hadrian rebuilt it. This masterpiece
is crowned by a dome measuring 142 feet
across—the widest dome in the world
until the twentieth century.2 The influence
of Rome’s classical architecture is reflected
in many American buildings, including the
United States Capitol building in the city
of Washington, D.C., and at Monticello,
the home Thomas Jefferson designed for
himself in Virginia.
The ancient Romans have left traces of
their civilization and empire all over the
continent of Europe and beyond. Visitors
to northern England can see the remnants
of Hadrian’s Wall in the countryside. In
Turkey, the ruins of a Roman amphitheater
sit just a few miles from the ancient city of
Ephesus. The largest amphitheater in the
empire was the Colosseum. It could fit up

« 99 »
Discover Ancient Rome

to 50,000 people at once. In Libya, tourists

can walk through entire neighborhoods of
the ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna.
Most modern people do not celebrate
war as the Romans did—thank goodness!
But they share many other elements of
ancient Roman culture. Health and fitness,
literature, humor, good food, and great
architecture are very much appreciated
today, just as they were during Hadrian’s
time. Modern people are also concerned
about the rights of citizens. We owe the
ancient Romans, and the Greeks before
them, a great debt of gratitude for passing
down to us their concept of citizenship.

« 100 »

509 B.C.—The Romans defeat the Etruscan king

Tarquin the Proud and establish the Republic.
c. 440 B.C.—The Twelve Tables, the Republic’s
laws, are published
264–241 B.C.—First Punic War: Rome defeats
Carthage, in north Africa, and adds islands of
Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica.
218–202 B.C.—Second Punic War: Carthaginian
general Hannibal marches from Spain to Rome
but is defeated by the Roman Commander
Publius Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Zama.
146 B.C.—Romans destroy Carthage, which later
becomes a Roman colony; Greece becomes a
Roman province.
48 B.C.—Julius Caesar defeats Pompey and two
years later begins his rule of Rome.
44 B.C.—Caesar is assassinated, and civil war
31 B.C.—Octavian, Caesar’s great-nephew, defeats
Marc Antony and Cleopatra to become sole
ruler of Rome.

« 101 »
Discover Ancient Rome

27 B.C. –A.D. 14—Octavian/Augustus becomes the

first emperor of the Roman Empire. His
peaceful reign ushers in the Pax Romana, or
peace of Rome, in which Roman and Greek
culture spread throughout the empire.
A.D. 14—Tiberius succeeds his stepfather,
Augustus, as emperor.
A.D. 30—Jesus of Nazareth is crucified.
A.D. 43—The emperor Claudius begins the
conquest of Britain.
A.D. 70—The emperor Titus crushes the Jewish
revolt, and the Jewish Diaspora begins.
A.D. 79—Mount Vesuvius erupts, destroying the
Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
A.D. 98–A.D. 117—Under Trajan’s rule, the Roman
Empire is at its greatest size.
A.D. 122—Hadrian builds defensive wall across
northern border of Britain.
c. A.D. 125—Hadrian rebuilds the Pantheon,
originally constructed in 27 b.c.
A.D. 286—Diocletian divides the empire into
eastern and western parts.
A.D. 330—Constantine moves the capital to
A.D. 476—The Goth king Odoacer removes
Romulus Augustulus as ruler, bringing an end
to Roman rule of the western Roman Empire.

« 102 »

A.D.—An abbreviation for the Latin anno Domini,

meaning “in the year of our Lord.” Used for a
measurement of time, a.d. indicates the number of
years since the supposed birthdate of Christ.
AMPHITHEATER—A large stadium-like structure
with rows of seats in tiers.
AQUEDUCTS—Large arch-shaped structures built
to carry water directly to Rome from an outside
BARBARIANS—A word used by Greeks and
Romans to describe foreigners.
B.C.—Before Christ. Used for a measurement of
time, b.c. indicates the number of years before the
supposed birthdate of Christ.
CITIZEN—In ancient Rome, a citizen was originally
a freeborn man.
CIVILIZATION—A kind of culture marked by a high
level of organization in government and religion.
Trade, writing, and art are all a part of civilization.

« 103 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Colosseum—A huge stadium in Rome.

column—A slender upright structure used in
architecture to support a roof, an upper story, or
the top part of a wall.
consul—One of the two high-ranking officials
who headed the ancient Roman government.
democracy—A government in which citizens
rule and share power.
dictator—One who has absolute power over a
emperor—The ruler or leader of an empire.
empire—A nation and the country it rules.
forum—A marketplace in ancient Rome.
gladiator—A specially trained slave during
Roman times who fought with wild animals.
patrician—Aristocratic, well-born members of
Roman society who held important positions in
plebeian—A citizen of ancient Rome. In the
early days of the Republic, plebeians had little say
in government.
republic—Any government that is not headed
by a king or queen. In a republic, the powers rest
with the people.

« 104 »

senate—A group who advised the consuls of

ancient Rome.
slave—Man, woman, or child who is owned by
another person in the same way as a piece of
property, usually to do work of some kind.
tribe—A social group held together by family
ties, geography, or custom.

« 105 »


1. Charles Freeman, The World of the Romans (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 19.
2. Chris Scarre, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient
Rome (London: Penguin Books, 1995),
p. 30.
3. Quoted in Michael Grant, The Twelve Caesars (New
York: Charles Scribner, 1975), p. 32.


1. Charles Freeman, The World of the Romans (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 20.
2. Michael Grant, The Twelve Caesars (New York:
Charles Scribner, 1975), p. 33.
3. Quoted in Moses Hadas, ed., A History of Rome from
Its Origins to 529 a.d. As Told by the Roman
Historians (New York: Doubleday, 1956), p. 80.
4. Grant, p. 50.
5. Freeman, p. 6.
6. Chester G. Starr, The Ancient Romans (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1971), p. 27.

« 106 »
Chapter Notes

7. Freeman, p. 65.
8. Ibid., p. 174.


1. Charles Freeman, The World of the Romans (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 7.
2. Jo-Ann Shelton, As the Romans Did: A Sourcebook in
Roman Social History (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1988), p. 168.
3. Lesley Adkins and Roy A. Adkins, Handbook to Life
in Ancient Rome (New York: Oxford University Press,
1998), p. 341.


1. Chris Scarre, The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient
Rome (London: Penguin Books, 1995), p. 84.
2. Tim Cornell and John Matthews, Atlas of the Roman
World (New York: Facts on File, 1982), p. 134.
3. Scarre, p. 74.
4. Charles Freeman, The World of the Romans (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 85.
5. Chester G. Starr, The Ancient Romans (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1971), p. 187.

« 107 »
Discover Ancient Rome


1. Robert Etienne, Pompeii: The Day a City Died, trans.
Caroline Palmer (New York: Harry Abrams, 1992),
inside cover.
2. Charles Freeman, The World of the Romans (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 132.
3. Florence Dupont, Daily Life in Ancient Rome, trans.
Christopher Woodall (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), p.
4. Quoted in Jo-Ann Shelton, As the Romans Did: A
Sourcebook in Roman Social History (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1988), p. 31.
5. Jérôme Carcopino, Daily Life in Ancient Rome: The
People and the City at the Height of the Empire, ed.
Henry T. Rowell, trans. E. O. Lorimer (New Haven,
Conn.: Yale University Press, 1968), p. 105.
6. Quoted in Jo-Ann Shelton, p. 83.
7. Freeman, p. 73.
8. Shelton, p. 314.


1. Charles Freeman, The World of the Romans (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 187.
2. Ibid., p. 88.

« 108 »
Corbishley, Mike. Ancient Rome. New York: Chelsea
House, 2007.
Decker, Zilah. Ancient Rome: Archaeology Unlocks the
Secrets of Rome’s Past. Washington, D.C.: National
Geographic, 2007.
Innes, Brian. Ancient Roman Myths. New York: Gareth
Stevens Pub., 2010.
Mellor, Ronald, and Marni McGee. The Ancient Roman
World. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Nardo, Don. Women of Ancient Rome. San Diego: Lucent
Books, 2003.
Pistone, Nicholas, Giovanni Di Pasquale, and Matilde
Bardi. Art and Culture of Ancient Rome. New York:
Rosen Pub., 2010.
Schomp, Virignia. The Ancient Romans. New York:
Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2009.
Tames, Richard. Ancient Roman Children. Chicago:
Heinemann Library, 2003.
Thorne, James. Julius Caesar: Conqueror and Dictator. New
York: Rosen Publishing Group, 2003.

« 109 »
Discover Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome: Odyssey Online
from Emory University

Rome: Republic to Empire: Barbara F. McManus,

The College of New Rochelle

« 110 »

agriculture, 58-61, 82 Diaspora, 63-64
Antony, Marc, 32, 93 diet, 76-79
Augustus (Octavian), 90-92, Diocletian, 39-40
29-35, 54
Aurelius, Marcus, 37
education, 75-76
Etruscans, 23-25
Byzantine Empire, 45 F
Byzantium, 40, 56 family life, 74-75
First Triumvirate, 12
Caesar, Julius, 10-16, 18-22, G
29-34, 93-96 Goths, 45
Carthage, 25-28, 44, 60 government, 10-12, 20-22,
Cicero, 93 25, 37, 45, 47-56, 89
Cincinnatus, Lucius
Quinctius, 53-54, 80 H
citizenship, 37, 56, 100 Hadrian, 36-37, 99-100
Hadrian’s Wall, 36, 99
civil wars, 16, 18, 29, 37
Hannibal, 28
Cleopatra, 32
clothing, 79-80 I
Commentaries on the Gallic influence
War, 14 architecture, 96-100
Constantine, 40-41, 56, 69 engineering, 96-100
Constantinople, 40, 56 government, 89

« 111 »
Discover Ancient Rome

infrastructure, 58-59 religion

Julian calendar, 93-96 Christianity, 40, 58, 61,
language, 90 63-69
literature, 90-93, 100 Judaism, 61, 63-64
state religion, 61-63
J Remus, 23
Jerusalem, 40, 63-65 Rome (city), 10-12, 20-32,
Jesus, 64-65 35-40, 47-49, 52, 54-56,
Judaea, 29, 60-65 59-63, 65, 69, 74, 79-80,
Jupiter, 61 84, 89-90, 93, 96, 99
Romulus, 23, 61
military, 10-14, 18-21, 28, 36, S
61, 93 Scipio, Publius, 28
Mount Vesuvius, 71 shelter, 80-82
slaves, 48, 80
Nero, 65-69 T
Tarquin the Proud, 25
O taxes, 34-36, 39
Odoacer, 45 Temple of Vesta, 61
Ovid, 92 Theodosius, 44
Tiber River, 23
P Titus, 63
patricians, 47-48, 76 Trajan, 35
Paul of Tarsus, 65 Twelve Tables, 47
Persian Empire, 35
Pilate, Pontius, 64 V
Pius, Antoninus, 37 Vandals, 44-45
plebeians, 47 Virgil, 90-91
Pompeii, 71, 82-84
Pompey, 10-12, 18, 29

recreation, 82-87

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