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Rational Prescribing & Prescription Writing: Introduction

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Once a patient with a clinical problem has been evaluated and a diagnosis has been reached, the
practitioner can often select from a variety of therapeutic approaches. Medication, surgery, psychiatric
treatment, radiation, physical therapy, health education, counseling, further consultation, and no therapy are
some of the options available. Of these options, drug therapy is by far the one most frequently chosen. In most
cases, this requires the writing of a prescription. A written prescription is the prescriber's order to prepare or
dispense a specific treatment—usually medication—for a specific patient. When a patient comes for an office
visit, the physician or other authorized health professional prescribes medications 67% of the time, and an
average of one prescription per office visit is written because more than one prescription may be written at a
single visit.


Like any other process in health care, writing a prescription should be based on a series of rational steps.

1. Make a specific diagnosis: Prescriptions based merely on a desire to satisfy the patient's psychological
need for some type of therapy are often unsatisfactory and may result in adverse effects. A specific
diagnosis, even if it is tentative, is required to move to the next step. For example, in the patient
described in the case study, a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis would be considered. This diagnosis and
the reasoning underlying it should be shared with the patient.
2. Consider the pathophysiologic implications of the diagnosis: If the disorder is well understood, the
prescriber is in a much better position to offer effective therapy. For example, increasing knowledge
about the mediators of inflammation makes possible more effective use of nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other agents used in rheumatoid arthritis. The patient should be
provided with the appropriate level and amount of information about the pathophysiology. Many
pharmacies and disease-oriented public and private agencies (eg, American Heart Association,
American Cancer Society, Arthritis Foundation) provide information sheets suitable for patients.
3. Select a specific therapeutic objective: A therapeutic objective should be chosen for each of the
pathophysiologic processes defined in the preceding step. In a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, relief of
pain by reduction of the inflammatory process is one of the major therapeutic goals that identifies the
drug groups that will be considered. Arresting the course of the disease process in rheumatoid arthritis is
a different therapeutic goal, which might lead to consideration of other drug groups and prescriptions.
4. Select a drug of choice: One or more drug groups will be suggested by each of the therapeutic goals
specified in the preceding step. Selection of a drug of choice from among these groups follows from a
consideration of the specific characteristics of the patient and the clinical presentation. For certain drugs,
characteristics such as age, other diseases, and other drugs being taken are extremely important in
determining the most suitable drug for management of the present complaint. In the example of the
patient with probable rheumatoid arthritis, it would be important to know whether the patient has a
history of aspirin intolerance or ulcer disease, whether the cost of medication is an especially important
factor and the nature of the patient's insurance coverage, and whether there is a need for once-daily
dosing. Based on this information, a drug would probably be selected from the NSAID group. If the
patient is intolerant of aspirin and does not have ulcer disease but does have a need for low-cost
treatment, ibuprofen or naproxen would be a rational choice.
5. Determine the appropriate dosing regimen: The dosing regimen is determined primarily by the
pharmacokinetics of the drug in that patient. If the patient is known to have disease of the organs
required for elimination of the drug selected, adjustment of the average regimen is needed. For a drug
such as ibuprofen, which is eliminated mainly by the kidneys, renal function should be assessed. If renal
function is normal, the half-life of ibuprofen (about 2 hours) requires administration three or four times
daily. The dose suggested in this book, drug handbooks, and the manufacturer's literature is 400–800 mg
four times daily.
6. Devise a plan for monitoring the drug's action and determine an end point for therapy: The prescriber
should be able to describe to the patient the kinds of drug effects that will be monitored and in what
way, including laboratory tests (if necessary) and signs and symptoms that the patient should report. For
conditions that call for a limited course of therapy (eg, most infections), the duration of therapy should
be made clear so that the patient does not stop taking the drug prematurely and understands why the
prescription probably need not be renewed. For the patient with rheumatoid arthritis, the need for
prolonged—perhaps indefinite—therapy should be explained. The prescriber should also specify any
changes in the patient's condition that would call for changes in therapy. For example, in the patient with
rheumatoid arthritis, development of gastrointestinal bleeding would require an immediate change in
drug therapy and a prompt workup of the bleeding. Major toxicities that require immediate attention
should be explained clearly to the patient.
7. Plan a program of patient education: The prescriber and other members of the health team should be
prepared to repeat, extend, and reinforce the information transmitted to the patient as often as necessary.
The more toxic the drug prescribed, the greater the importance of this educational program. The
importance of informing and involving the patient in each of the above steps must be recognized, as
shown by experience with teratogenic drugs (see Chapter 59). Many pharmacies routinely provide this
type of information with each prescription filled, but the prescriber must not assume that this will occur

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