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Case Study-Corrosion Protection

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How Do We Control Pipeline Corrosion?
• COATING (Metallic Spray Coatings, Coal Tar Enamel Coatings,
Polyolefin, Epoxy (Fusion-Bonded))
• CLEANING ( Black Oxide, Wax, Sand,etc)
• Cathodic protection (CP) is one of the few methods that successfully
mitigates corrosion. It can be applied in any situation where the
environment surrounding the metal acts as a conductor for electric
current. It has been successfully applied to offshore structures, ships,
boats, propellers, moorings, pipelines, storage tanks, piers, jetties,
bridges, aquaria, instrumentation etc.
CP design begins with a thorough understanding of the structure to be
protected. This includes the following information:
• Metal type(s)
• Operating conditions
• Dimensions and surface area
• Coatings
• Data from previous structures and CP systems
• Design life
• The environmental conditions are determined by the location of the
proposed installation. Factors such as climate, electrolyte conductivity
and chemistry, physical loading, and biological activity, all impact CP
requirements. These factors are generally allowed for in the CP
current demand and polarization potential criteria.
CP Criteria
• Potential measurements are the most commonly used criteria to
ascertain the level ofCP afforded to metals and alloys.
• CP potential values vary according to the metal and the environment.
Corrosion is likely to occur at potentials which are more positive than
the protected value. Damage may also occur if the metal is
overprotected (i.e. The potential too negative).
• The most common error associated with potential measurements is a
result of IR drop. This is the displacement of measured metal
potential due to current flow through the electrolyte. High electrolyte
resistivity and high current densities can cause significant differences
between the measured and actual metal potential.

The cathodic protection current demand is the amount of electricity required

to polarize the structure to a level that meets the criteria.
This may be obtained from a trial polarization of the structure at the
installation site, a trial polarization of a metal test coupon at the installation
site, or from conservative estimates obtained from historical information
obtained from previous structures operating under the prescribed
For planning and design purposes, it is often possible to rely on conservative
estimates provided by recommended practice. There are several sources for
this information such as Recommended Practice RP B401, Cathodic
Protection Design, Det Norske Veritas Industri Norge AS.
Recommended Practice RP B401, Det Norske
• The CP current densities are calculated for different environmental
conditions and conditions of the steel (i.e. uncoated, coated, concrete
reinforcing steel, pipeline).
Uncoated Steel
Three design current densities are given: initial, final, and average.
• Initial : This is the current density required to effect polarization of the initially
exposed bare steel surface. It assumes some atmospheric rusting and/or
millscale. The initial current density is higher because of lack of calcareous scales
(cathodic chalks). A proper initial current density enables rapid formation of
protective calcareous scales.
• Final : This is the current density required to protect the metal surface with
established marine growth and calcareous layers. It takes into account the current
density required to repolarize the structure in the event of removal of these
layers by storms, cleaning operations etc.
• Average : This is the anticipated current density required once the cathodic
protection system has reached its steady state. The average or maintenance
current density is used to calculate the minimum mass of anode material
required to protect the structure throughout the design life.
Initial, final, and average current densities for various climatic
conditions and depths (climatic conditions are based on yearly range
of average surface water temperatures).
Coated Steel
• The use of coatings on steel dramatically reduces the current demand on the cathodic protection
system. This can save on the cost and structural weight associated with sacrificial anode systems.
The CP current demand of a coated offshore jacket may be estimated by multiplying the bare
steel current demand by a coating breakdown factor (fc).

• For pipelines with the following coating systems, another coating breakdown factor is
⇒ asphalt + concrete weight coating
⇒ fusion bonded epoxy + adhesive + polyethylene or polypropylene
⇒ polychloroprene rubber
⇒ equivalent coating systems based on an inner layer dedicated to corrosion
protection and one or more outer layers for mechanical protection.
• It is now recognized that cathodic protection of concrete reinforcing
steel is necessary to ensure the long term integrity of the structure.
Also, any CP system designed to protect metallic appendages and
components must be designed to allow for current drain from CP to
the reinforcement. The cathodic current density is determined by
transport of oxygen to the steel by capillary action of pore water
driven by evaporation in the atmospheric zone and internal dry
compartments. The current densities are, therefore, dependent on
depth and climatic conditions.
Current Requirements for Pipelines in Soils of
Different Types
• The current demands for steel pipelines are determined by the soil
type (conductivity, pH, moisture, temperature) and the condition of
the steel (coating type). An example of typical CP current demand for
a pipeline with different coating conditions is presented as follows
(next slide)
Range of current required to protect 10 miles of 36" diameter pipe in soil with average resistivity of
1000 ohm-centimeters. Current required is that needed to cause a 0.3 Volt drop across the effective
resistance between pipeline and remote earth. [from A.W.Peabody, of Pipeline Corrosion,NACE, 1967]
Cathodic Protection Types
• The CP type determines how the cathodic current is supplied to the
• CP can be applied by either an impressed current system or by a sacrificial
anode system.
• Impressed current CP systems use an external DC current source and a
variety of anode materials to supply the cathodic current.
• Sacrificial anode CP systems generate the cathodic current from the
corrosion of metals less noble than the metal to be protected.
• The choice between impressed and sacrificial cathodic protection depends
many factors and may be just personal preference.
• There are, however, situations where one or the other provides the correct
Anode Selection
• Anodes, for both impressed current and sacrificial anodes, are
selected according to their size and chemical composition. This
determines the current output and design life.
Impressed current anodes
Sacrificial Anode Type
Anode Size, Weight, Number, Distribution and
Design Life
• The calculations for impressed current CP systems are relatively
simple. In this case, it is only necessary to match the number of
anodes of known current output to the total current demand of the
structure, and to be sure that the anode distribution insures an even
and well balanced current distribution.
• The calculations for sacrificial CP systems are a little more complex.
Not only must the number of anodes satisfy the current demand of
the structure, but they must also have sufficient mass to provide
electricity for the design life of the structure

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