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6.3 Mpi: The Message Passing Interface: (Team Lib)

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6.3 MPI: the Message Passing Interface

Many early generation commercial parallel computers were based on the message-passing
architecture due to its lower cost relative to shared-address-space architectures. Since
message-passing is the natural programming paradigm for these machines, this resulted in the
development of many different message-passing libraries. In fact, message-passing became the
modern-age form of assembly language, in which every hardware vendor provided its own
library, that performed very well on its own hardware, but was incompatible with the parallel
computers offered by other vendors. Many of the differences between the various vendor-
specific message-passing libraries were only syntactic; however, often enough there were some
serious semantic differences that required significant re-engineering to port a message-passing
program from one library to another.

The message-passing interface, or MPI as it is commonly known, was created to essentially

solve this problem. MPI defines a standard library for message-passing that can be used to
develop portable message-passing programs using either C or Fortran. The MPI standard
defines both the syntax as well as the semantics of a core set of library routines that are very
useful in writing message-passing programs. MPI was developed by a group of researchers from
academia and industry, and has enjoyed wide support by almost all the hardware vendors.
Vendor implementations of MPI are available on almost all commercial parallel computers.

The MPI library contains over 125 routines, but the number of key concepts is much smaller. In
fact, it is possible to write fully-functional message-passing programs by using only the six
routines shown in Table 6.1 . These routines are used to initialize and terminate the MPI library,
to get information about the parallel computing environment, and to send and receive

In this section we describe these routines as well as some basic concepts that are essential in
writing correct and efficient message-passing programs using MPI.


Initializes MPI.


Terminates MPI.


Determines the number of processes.


Determines the label of the calling process.


Sends a message.

Receives a message.

Table 6.1. The minimal set of MPI routines.

6.3.1 Starting and Terminating the MPI Library

MPI_Init is called prior to any calls to other MPI routines. Its purpose is to initialize the MPI
environment. Calling MPI_Init more than once during the execution of a program will lead to
an error. MPI_Finalize is called at the end of the computation, and it performs various clean-
up tasks to terminate the MPI environment. No MPI calls may be performed after MPI_Finalize
has been called, not even MPI_Init . Both MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize must be called by all
the processes, otherwise MPI's behavior will be undefined. The exact calling sequences of these
two routines for C are as follows:

int MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv)

int MPI_Finalize()

The arguments argc and argv of MPI_Init are the command-line arguments of the C program.
An MPI implementation is expected to remove from the argv array any command-line
arguments that should be processed by the implementation before returning back to the
program, and to decrement argc accordingly. Thus, command-line processing should be
performed only after MPI_Init has been called. Upon successful execution, MPI_Init and
MPI_Finalize return MPI_SUCCESS ; otherwise they return an implementation-defined error

The bindings and calling sequences of these two functions are illustrative of the naming
practices and argument conventions followed by MPI. All MPI routines, data-types, and
constants are prefixed by "MPI_
MPI_ ". The return code for successful completion is MPI_SUCCESS .
This and other MPI constants and data-structures are defined for C in the file "mpi.h" . This
header file must be included in each MPI program.

6.3.2 Communicators
A key concept used throughout MPI is that of the communication domain . A communication
domain is a set of processes that are allowed to communicate with each other. Information
about communication domains is stored in variables of type MPI_Comm ,that are called
communicators . These communicators are used as arguments to all message transfer MPI
routines and they uniquely identify the processes participating in the message transfer
operation. Note that each process can belong to many different (possibly overlapping)
communication domains.

The communicator is used to define a set of processes that can communicate with each other.
This set of processes form a communication domain . In general, all the processes may need
to communicate with each other. For this reason, MPI defines a default communicator called
MPI_COMM_WORLD which includes all the processes involved in the parallel execution. However, in
many cases we want to perform communication only within (possibly overlapping) groups of
processes. By using a different communicator for each such group, we can ensure that no
messages will ever interfere with messages destined to any other group. How to create and use
such communicators is described at a later point in this chapter. For now, it suffices to use
MPI_COMM_WORLD as the communicator argument to all the MPI functions that require a
6.3.3 Getting Information
The MPI_Comm_size and MPI_Comm_rank functions are used to determine the number of
processes and the label of the calling process, respectively. The calling sequences of these
routines are as follows:

int MPI_Comm_size(MPI_Comm comm, int *size)

int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank)

The function MPI_Comm_size returns in the variable size the number of processes that belong
to the communicator comm . So, when there is a single process per processor, the call
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size) will return in size the number of processors used
by the program. Every process that belongs to a communicator is uniquely identified by its rank
. The rank of a process is an integer that ranges from zero up to the size of the communicator
minus one. A process can determine its rank in a communicator by using the MPI_Comm_rank
function that takes two arguments: the communicator and an integer variable rank . Up on
return, the variable rank stores the rank of the process. Note that each process that calls either
one of these functions must belong in the supplied communicator, otherwise an error will occur.

Example 6.2 Hello World

We can use the four MPI functions just described to write a program that prints out a
"Hello World" message from each processor.

1 #include <mpi.h>
3 main(int argc, char *argv[])
4 {
5 int npes, myrank;
7 MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
8 MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &npes);
9 MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
10 printf("From process %d out of %d, Hello World!\n",
11 myrank, npes);
12 MPI_Finalize();
13 }

6.3.4 Sending and Receiving Messages

The basic functions for sending and receiving messages in MPI are the MPI_Send and MPI_Recv
, respectively. The calling sequences of these routines are as follows:

int MPI_Send(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,

int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm)
int MPI_Recv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)

MPI_Send sends the data stored in the buffer pointed by buf . This buffer consists of consecutive
entries of the type specified by the parameter datatype . The number of entries in the buffer is
given by the parameter count . The correspondence between MPI datatypes and those provided
by C is shown in Table 6.2 . Note that for all C datatypes, an equivalent MPI datatype is
provided. However, MPI allows two additional datatypes that are not part of the C language.
These are MPI_BYTE and MPI_PACKED .

MPI_BYTE corresponds to a byte (8 bits) and MPI_PACKED corresponds to a collection of data

items that has been created by packing non-contiguous data. Note that the length of the
message in MPI_Send , as well as in other MPI routines, is specified in terms of the number of
entries being sent and not in terms of the number of bytes. Specifying the length in terms of the
number of entries has the advantage of making the MPI code portable, since the number of
bytes used to store various datatypes can be different for different architectures.

The destination of the message sent by MPI_Send is uniquely specified by the dest and comm
arguments. The dest argument is the rank of the destination process in the communication
domain specified by the communicator comm . Each message has an integer-valued tag
associated with it. This is used to distinguish different types of messages. The message-
message-tag can
take values ranging from zero up to the MPI defined constant MPI_TAG_UB . Even though the
value of MPI_TAG_UB is implementation specific, it is at least 32,767.

MPI_Recv receives a message sent by a process whose rank is given by the source in the
communication domain specified by the comm argument. The tag of the sent message must be
that specified by the tag argument. If there are many messages with identical tag from the
same process, then any one of these messages is received. MPI allows specification of wildcard
arguments for both source and tag . If source is set to MPI_ANY_SOURCE , then any process of
the communication domain can be the source of the message. Similarly, if tag is set to
MPI_ANY_TAG , then messages with any tag are accepted. The received message is stored in
continuous locations in the buffer pointed to by buf . The count and datatype arguments of
MPI_Recv are used to specify the length of the supplied buffer. The received message should be
of length equal to or less than this length. This allows the receiving process to not know the
exact size of the message being sent. If the received message is larger than the supplied buffer,
then an overflow error will occur, and the routine will return the error MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE .


signed char


signed short int


signed int


signed long int


unsigned char

unsigned short int


unsigned int


unsigned long int






long double



Table 6.2. Correspondence between the datatypes supported by MPI

and those supported by C.

MPI Datatype C Datatype

After a message has been received, the status variable can be used to get information about
the MPI_Recv operation. In C, status is stored using the MPI_Status data-structure. This is
implemented as a structure with three fields, as follows:

typedef struct MPI_Status {

int MPI_TAG;

MPI_SOURCE and MPI_TAG store the source and the tag of the received message. They are
particularly useful when MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG are used for the source and tag
arguments. MPI_ERROR stores the error-code of the received message.

The status argument also returns information about the length of the received message. This
information is not directly accessible from the status variable, but it can be retrieved by calling
the MPI_Get_count function. The calling sequence of this function is as follows:

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