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Solutions To Extra Problems in Chapter 11: November 29, 2000 J. Murthy

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ME 24-221

Solutions to extra problems in Chapter 11:
November 29, 2000
J. Murthy
11.3 A utility runs a Rankine cycle with a water boiler at 3.5 MPa and the cycle has the
highest and lowest temperatures of 450°C and 45°C respectively. Find the plant
efficiency and the efficiency of a Carnot cycle with the same temperatures.
1: 45oC , x = 0 => h1 = 188.42 , v1 = 0.00101 , Psat = 9.6 kPa
3: 3.5 MPa , 450oC => h 3 = 3337.2 , s3 = 7.0051
C.V. Pump Rev adiabatic
-w P = h2 - h1 ; s2 = s1
since incompressible it is easier to find work as
-w p = ∫ v dP = v1 (P2 - P 1) = 0.00101 (3500 - 9.6) = 3.525
=> h 2 = h1 - w p = 188.42 + 3.525 = 191.95
C.V. Boiler : qh = h3 - h2 = 3337.2 - 191.95 = 3145.3
C.V. Turbine : w t = h3 - h4 ; s4 = s3
s 4 = s3 = 7.0051 = 0.6386 + x4 (7.5261) => x4 = 0.8459
=> h 4 = 188.42 + 0.8459 (2394.77) = 2214.2
w t = 3337.2 - 2214.2 = 1123 kJ/kg
C.V. Condenser : qL = h4 - h1 = 2214.2 - 188.42 = 2025.78 kJ/kg
ηcycle = wnet / qH = (wt + wp) / qH = (1123 - 3.5) / 3145.3 = 0.356
273.15 + 45
ηcarnot = 1 - TL / TH = 1 - = 0.56
273.15 + 450
11.102 Repeat Problem 11.101, but assume an isentropic efficiency of 75% for both the
compressor and the expander.
From solution 11.101 : 2
T2S = 613 K, wSC = 326 kJ/kg T 2S
T5S = 104.9 K, wSE = 118.7
⇒ w C = wSC / ηSC = 326/0.75 = 434.6 kJ/kg 1
w E = ηSE × w SE = 0.75 × 118.7 = 89.0 kJ/kg 6
= CP0(T4-T5) = 1.004(223.2 -T5) 5S 5

⇒ T5 = 134.5 K s
w NET = 89.0 - 434.6 = -345.6 kJ/kg
qL = CP0(T6 - T5) = 1.004(223.2 - 134.5) = 89.0 kJ/kg

β = qL/(-wNET) = 89.0/345.6 = 0.258

11.5 A supply of geothermal hot water is to be used as the energy source in an ideal
Rankine cycle, with R-134a as the cycle working fluid. Saturated vapor R-134a
leaves the boiler at a temperature of 85°C, and the condenser temperature is 40°C.
Calculate the thermal efficiency of this cycle.

CV: Pump (use R-134a Table B.5) T


-wP = h2 - h1 = ⌠
⌡ vdP ≈ v1(P2-P1) 3
D o
1 85 C
= 0.000873(2926.2 - 1017.0) = 1.67 kJ/kg o
1 40 C
h2 = h1 - wP = 256.54 + 1.67 = 258.21 kJ/kg 4

CV: Boiler s
qH = h3 - h2 = 428.10 - 258.21 = 169.89 kJ/kg
CV: Turbine
s4 = s3 = 1.6782 = 1.1909 + x4 × 0.5214 => x 4 = 0.9346
h4 = 256.54 + 0.9346 × 163.28 = 409.14
Energy Eq.: wT = h3 - h4 = 428.1 - 409.14 = 18.96 kJ/kg
wNET = wT + wP = 18.96 - 1.67 = 17.29 kJ/kg
ηTH = wNET/qH = 17.29/169.89 = 0.102
11.14 Consider an ideal Rankine cycle using water with a high-pressure side of the
cycle at a supercritical pressure. Such a cycle has a potential advantage of
minimizing local temperature differences between the fluids in the steam
generator, such as the instance in which the high-temperature energy source is the
hot exhaust gas from a gas-turbine engine. Calculate the thermal efficiency of the
cycle if the state entering the turbine is 25 MPa, 500°C, and the condenser
pressure is 5 kPa. What is the steam quality at the turbine exit?

s4 = s3 = 5.9592 = 0.4764 + x4 × 7.9187 3 25 MPa o

T 500 C
x4 = 0.6924
Very low for a turbine exhaust
s1 = 0.4764 , h1 = 137.82 5 kPa
h4 = 1816 , h3 = 3162.4
s2 = s1 => h2 = 162.8 4
wNET = h3 - h4 - (h2 - h1) = 1321.4 s
qH = h3 - h2 = 2999.6, η = wNET/qH = 0.44
11.23 A steam power plant operates with a boiler output of 20 kg/s steam at 2 MPa,
600°C. The condenser operates at 50°C dumping energy to a river that has an
average temperature of 20°C. There is one open feedwater heater with extraction
from the turbine at 600 kPa and its exit is saturated liquid. Find the mass flow rate
of the extraction flow. If the river water should not be heated more than 5°C how
much water should be pumped from the river to the heat exchanger (condenser)?
Solution: The setup is as shown in Fig. 11.10, Condenser:

7 Ex turbine
1: 50oC sat liq. v1 = 0.001012 , h1 = 209.31 To
river From
2: 600 kPa s 2 = s1
3: 600 kPa sat liq. h3 = hf = 670.54 river
5: P , T h5 = 3690.1 s5 = 7.7023 To pump 1
6: 600 kPa s6 = s5 => h 6 = 3270.0
wP1 = -v1(P2 - P1) = -0.001012 (600 - 12.35) = -0.595
h2 = h1 - wP1 = 209.9
x h6 + (1 -x) h2 = h3
h3 - h2 670.54 - 209.9
x= = = 0.1505
h6 - h2 3270.0 - 209.9
CV Turbine
s 7 = s6 = s5 => x 7 = 0.9493 , h7 = 2471.17 kJ/kg
qL = h7 - h1 = 2471.17 - 209.31 = 2261.86 kJ/kg
. .
QL = (1 - x) mqL = 0.85 × 20 × 2261.86 = 38429 kW
. .
= mH2O ∆hH2O = m (20.93) = 38429 kW
m = 1836 kg/s
CV Condenser + Heat Exchanger
. QL .
0 = mH2O (s7 - s1) (1 - x) - + Sg
. 38429
Sg = - 20 × 0.85 × (7.7023 - 0.7037) = 12.184 kW/K
11.50 A large stationary Brayton cycle gas-turbine power plant delivers a power output
of 100 MW to an electric generator. The minimum temperature in the cycle is 300
K, and the maximum temperature is 1600 K. The minimum pressure in the cycle
is 100 kPa, and the compressor pressure ratio is 14 to 1. Calculate the power
output of the turbine. What fraction of the turbine output is required to drive the
compressor? What is the thermal efficiency of the cycle?
T1 = 300 K, P2/P1 = 14, T3 = 1600 K
a) Assume const CP0: s2 = s1
k-1 2 4
⇒ T2 = T1(P2/P1) k = 300(14)0.286 = 638.1 K s
-wC = -w12 = h2 - h1 = CP0(T2 - T1) 1
= 1.004 (638.1 - 300) = 339.5 kJ/kg s
Also, s4 = s3 → T4 = T3(P4/P3 )k = 1600 (1/14)0.286 = 752.2 K
wT = w34 = h3 − h4 = CP0(T3 − T4) = 1.004 (1600 − 752.2) = 851.2 kJ/kg
wNET = 851.2 - 339.5 = 511.7 kJ/kg
. .
m = WNET/wNET = 100000/511.7 = 195.4 kg/s
. .
WT = mwT = 195.4 × 851.2 = 166.32 MW
-wC/wT = 339.5/851.2 = 0.399
b) qH = CP0(T3 - T2) = 1.004 (1600 - 638.1) = 965.7 kJ/kg
ηTH = wNET/qH = 511.7/965.7 = 0.530
11.78 A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 20:1 with an inlet of 95 kPa, 290 K,
state 1, with volume 0.5 L. The maximum cycle temperature is 1800 K. Find the
maximum pressure, the net specific work and the thermal efficiency.
P2 = 95×(20) 1.4 = 6297.5 kPa

T2 = T1(v1 / v2)k-1 = 290×200.4 = 961 K

P3 = P2(T3 / T2) = 6297.5 × (1800 / 961) = 11796 kPa

-1w2 = u2 - u1 ≈ Cvo( T2 - T1) = 0.717(961 - 290) = 481.1 kJ / kg

T4 = T3( v3 / v4)0.4 = 1800(1 / 20) 0.4 = 543 K

3w 4 = u3 - u4 ≈ Cvo(T3 - T2) = 0.717(1800 - 543) = 901.3 kJ / kg

wnet = 3w4 + 1w2 = 901.3 - 481.1 = 420.2 kJ / kg

η = wnet / qH = 1- (1 / 20) 0.4 = 0.698 ( = 420.2 / 0.717(1800 - 961))

11.54 The gas-turbine cycle shown in Fig. P11.54 is used as an automotive engine. In
the first turbine, the gas expands to pressure P , just low enough for this turbine
to drive the compressor. The gas is then expanded through the second turbine
connected to the drive wheels. The data for the engine are shown in the figure and
assume that all processes are ideal. Determine the intermediate pressure P , the
net specific work output of the engine, and the mass flow rate through the engine.
Find also the air temperature entering the burner T , and the thermal efficiency of
the engine.
P2 k
a) s2 = s1 ⇒ T2 = T1  = 300(6)0.286 = 500.8 K
-wC = -w12 = CP0(T2 - T1) = 1.004(500.8 - 300) = 201.6 kJ/kg
wT1 = -wC = 201.6 = C P0(T4 - T5) = 1.004(1600 - T5)

⇒ T5 = 1399.2 K
T5 k 1399.23.5
s5 = s4 ⇒ P5 = P4  = 600  = 375 kPa
T4  1600 
P6 k 1000.286
b) s6 = s5 ⇒ T6 =T5  = 1399.2  = 958.8 K
P5 375
wT2 = CP0(T5 - T6) = 1.004(1399.2 - 958.8) = 442.2 kJ/kg
. .
m = WNET/wT2 = 150/442.2 = 0.339 kg/s

c) Ideal regenerator ⇒ T3 = T6 = 958.8 K

qH = CP0(T4 - T3) = 1.004(1600 - 958.8) = 643.8 kJ/kg

ηTH = wNET/qH = 442.2/643.8 = 0.687

11.60 A two-stage air compressor has an intercooler between the two stages as shown in
Fig. P11.60. The inlet state is 100 kPa, 290 K, and the final exit pressure is 1.6
MPa. Assume that the constant pressure intercooler cools the air to the inlet
temperature, T3 = T1. It can be shown, see Problem 9.130, that the optimal
pressure, P2 = (P1P4)1/2, for minimum total compressor work. Find the specific
compressor works and the intercooler heat transfer for the optimal P2.

Optimal intercooler pressure P2 = 100 × 1600 = 400 kPa

1: h1 = 290.43, Pr1 = 0.9899

C.V.: C1 -wC1 = h2 - h1, s2 = s1

⇒ Pr2 = Pr1(P2/P1) = 3.9596, T2 = 430, h2 = 431.95

-wC1 = 431.95 - 290.43 = 141.5 kJ/kg

C.V.Cooler: T3 = T1 ⇒ h3 = h1

qOUT = h2 - h3 = h2 - h1 = -wC1 = 141.5 kJ/kg

C.V.: C2 T3 = T1, s4 = s3

⇒ Pr4 = Pr3(P4/P3) = Pr1(P2/P1) = 3.9596, T4 = T2

Thus we get -wC2 = -wC1 = 141.5 kJ/kg
11.72 Repeat Problem 11.71, but assume variable specific heat. The ideal gas air tables,
Table A.7, are recommended for this calculation (and the specific heat from Fig.
5.10 at high temperature).
Table A.7 is used with interpolation.
a) T1 = 283.15 K, u1 = 202.3, vr1 = 207.94

s2 = s1 ⇒ vr2 = vr1(v2/v1) = 207.94(1/7) = 29.705

⇒ T2 = 606.7 K, u2 = 440.2 => -w12 = u2 - u1 = 237.9,

u3 = 440.2 + 1800 = 2240.2 => T3 = 2575.5 K , vr3 = 0.3402

P3 = 90 × 7 × 2575.5 / 283.15 = 5730 kPa

b) vr4 = vr3 × 7 = 2.3814 => T 4 = 1437 K; u4 = 1147

3w 4 = u3 - u4 = 2240.2 - 1147 = 1093.2

Ë wnet = 1093.2 - 237.9 = 855.3 kJ/kg

ηTH = wnet / qH = 855.3 / 1800 = 0.475

(c) mep = 855.3 / (0.9029 - 0.129) = 1105 kPa

11.81 Consider an ideal air-standard diesel cycle in which the state before the compression
process is 95 kPa, 290 K, and the compression ratio is 20. Find the maximum
temperature (by iteration) in the cycle to have a thermal efficiency of 60%?
Diesel cycle: P1 = 95 kPa, T1 = 290 K, v1/v2 = 20, ηTH = 0.6
T2 = T1(v1/v2) = 290(20)0.4 = 961.2 K

v1 = 0.287 × 290/95 = 0.876 = v4, v2 = 0.876 / 20 = 0.0438

v3 = v2(T3/T2) = 0.043883(T3/961.2) = 0.0000456 T3

k-1 0.876 0.4
T3 = T4 (v4/v3) =( ) ⇒ T4 = 0.019345 T1.4
0.0000456 T3 3

T 4 - T1 0.019345 × T1.4
- 290
ηTH = 0.60 = 1 - =1-
k(T3 - T2) 1.4(T3 - 961.2)

⇒ 0.019345 × T1.4
- 0.56 × T3 + 248.272 = 0

3050: LHS = +1.06 3040: LHS = -0.036,

T3 = 3040 K
11.88 The environmentally safe refrigerant R-134a is one of the replacements for R-12
in refrigeration systems. Repeat Problem 11.87 using R-134a and compare the
result with that for R-12.
h1 = 389.2, s2 = s1 = 1.7354 T
h3 = 264.11, P3 = P2 = 1.16 MPa 2
At 1 MPa, T2 = 45.9, h2 = 426.8 o 3
45 C
At 1.2 MPa,T2 = 53.3, h2 = 430.7 o
-15 C
⇒ T2 = 51.8, h2 = 429.9 4 1

-wC = h2 - h1 = 429.9 - 389.2 s

= 40.7 kJ/kg
qL = h1 - h4 = h1 - h3 = 389.2 - 264.11 = 125.1 kJ/kg

β = qL/(-wC) = 125.1/40.7 = 3.07

11.94 The air conditioner in a car uses R-134a and the compressor power input is 1.5 kW
bringing the R-134a from 201.7 kPa to 1200 kPa by compression. The cold space is
a heat exchanger that cools atmospheric air from the outside down to 10°C and
blows it into the car. What is the mass flow rate of the R-134a and what is the low
temperature heat transfer rate. How much is the mass flow rate of air at 10°C?
Standard Refrigeration Cycle
Table B.5 h1 = 392.285; s1 = 1.7319 ; h4 = h3 = 266
C.V. Compressor (assume ideal)
. .
m1 = m2 wC = h2 - h1; s2 = s1 + sgen
P2, s = s1 -> h2 = 429.5 -> wC = 37.2
. . .
m wC = WC -> m = 1.5 / 37.2 = 0.0403 kg /s
C.V. Evaporator
. .
QL = m(h1 - h4) = 0.0405(392.28 - 266) = 5.21 kW
C.V. Air Cooler
. . .
mair∆hair = QL ≈ mairCp∆T
. .
mair = QL / (Cp∆T) = 5.21 / (1.004×20) = 0.26 kg / s

11.97 The refrigerant R-22 is used as the working fluid in a conventional heat pump
cycle. Saturated vapor enters the compressor of this unit at 10°C; its exit
temperature from the compressor is measured and found to be 85°C. If the
isentropic efficiency of the compressor is estimated to be 70%, what is the
coefficient of performance of the heat pump?
R-22 heat pump: T
TEVAP = 10 C, ηS COMP = 0.70
o 3
T2 = 85 C
Isentropic compressor:
s2S = s1 = 0.9129 4 1
but P2 unknown. Trial & error.
Assume P2 = 2.11 MPa

At P2,s2S: T2S = 72.1oC, h2S = 281.59, At P2,T2 : h2 = 293.78

281.59 - 253.42
calculate ηS COMP = (h2S - h1)/(h2 - h1) = = 0.698 ≈ 0.70
293.28 - 253.42
OK ⇒ P2 = 2.11 MPa = P3

⇒ T3 = 53.7 oC, h3 = 112.99, wC = h2 - h1 = 40.36

qH = h2 - h3 = 180.79, β′ = qH/wC = 4.48

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