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Global Demography, Global migration , Environmental  -they start advocated "Contraception and

crisis and sustainable development Sterilisation"

Global Demography  *Promotion of Reproductive Health
 Couples  *Access to reproductive Technologies
 when they ask why they have a child  (Condoms, pills, abortion, vasectomy) and giving
 most of their answers: about their feelings woman rights
 child is a symbol of successful union  * Politics start to determine "Birth Control"
 child is a family successor programs
 A child will continue the family name  It's the ECONOMY, not the BABIES.
 child can bring "competes" in the family they Population Control
compete for their parents attention  Use to prevent economic crisis
 Question: will the child be an Economic asset or a Over Population Problems
burden to the family  Transportation
 Housing
Rural Communities  Air Pollution
 planting  Waste Management
 Harvesting  Working Population
 Agricultural work  Median of Female 29.4 yrs old
 Farm  Median of male 30.9 yrs old
 “More Children the Better"  "Baby boom generation as it gets older for a time it
constitutes a large cohort group of working age"
Urban Communities  High proportion of working- age of individuals in
 Educated and Professional families a population means can increase or boost GDP
 One or two Progenies capita
 long term saving  East Asia
 in the centers tend to have families with more  Infant Mortality (Fell from 181 to 34 per 1000
children births in between 1950 and 2000)
 1980 United Nation Reports  Fertility fell from 6 to 2 children each women
 Rural 85%  Manthusian nightmare - Prediction that population
 Contain 90% population by the end of 20th growth will out pace.
 21st Century Women and Reproductive Rights
 Urban 44%  Women is often the subject of population measure.
 52-75% in developed countries  Reproductive rights supporters argue that if
 International Migration plays apart population control and economic development
were to reach theregoal,women must have control
The "Perils" of Over Population over whether they will have children or not.
 Global Population highest increase (between 1955  That’s why the more educated the woman is the
&1975) better are her prospects of improving her economic
 Growth rate from 1.8% per year from (1995) position.
 2.06% per year from (1975)
 "More Population means feeding more mouths" Feminist Perspectives
 Countries of:  Feminist approach the issue of reproductive rights .
 China  They are foremost against in any form of
 India population control because they are compulsory by
 Philippines
 Feminist also point out that there is very little
 Believe in " sought of birth rate unless controlled"
evidence that point to over population as the
culprit behind poverty and ecological devastation.
 Can lead to:
Population growth and Food Security
 1.Poverty  95% of this population growth will happen in the
 2.Mass hunger developing countries, with demographers
 3.Political instability predicting that by the middle of this country
 1958 (American Policy) ,several countries will have thriple their population
 Foreign Affairs Journal .
 Demographers predict that the world population
will stabilize by 2050 to 90 billion,although they ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS AND SUSTAINABLE
warn that feeding this population be an immense DEVELOPMENT
 the existence of a young productive population Conserve energy future website list
may not be enough to offset thisconcern over Food  1. The depredation
security  2. Changes in global weather patterns
 The FAO or Food and Agriculture Organization  3. Overpopulation
warns that in order for countries to mitigate the  4. Exhaustion of the world's natural non-renewable
impact of population growth, Food production resources
must increase by 70%;annual cereal production  5. Waste disposal catastrophe
must rise to 3 billion tons from the current 2.1  6. Loss of biodiversity
billion ; and yearly mat production must go up to
2000 million tonsnto reach 470 .The problem here  7. Deforestation
is that the global rate of growth of cereals had  8. Depletion of the ozone layer
declined considerably from3.2% in 1960 to just  9. Deadly acid rain
1.5% in 2000.
 10. Water population
 11. Urban sprawls
Global Migration
 it is the movement of people from one country to  12. Threats to public health arise
another for the purpose of settlement  13. Radical alteration of food systems
 2 Types of Migration
 - Internal Migration Volcanic Eruptions
Kilauea Volcano
 -International Migration
 -Hawaii
 5 Groups of International Migration
 -Dirtiest power plant
 - Immigrants
Mount Pinatubo
 -Temporary migrants
 -June 15,2001
 -Migrants
 -15M tons of sulfur dioxide
 -Illegal Migrants
 -0.6 degrees Celsius fo 15 months
 -Refugees or Asylum-seekers
Man-made Pollution
 • 50% of global migrants have moved from the 1. Air Pollution
developing to the developed countries  Saudi Arabia
 • Anti-Immigrants groups and nationalist argue that  Riyadh- most polluted cities in the world (WHO)
government must control legal immigrants.  Greenpeace India
 •Europe Considered that the refugees have brought
 Was at its worst in year 2015
much-needed labor to their economy
 Nigeria
 Benefits for the Sending Country
 94% of its population was exposed
 the migrants have sent billions to their home
 Reach the dangerous levels
 Gaborone, Botswana
 The remittances make significant contribution to
 7th most polluted city in the world
the development of small and medium industries.
 Detriments for the sending Country  Heath Conditions
 remittances do not have significant influence on  Scientific American
other key items of consumption or investment.  - Half a million premature deaths
 Brain Drain  International Agency for Research on Cancer
 The Robles of Human Trafficking  - 223,000 lung cancer deaths in 2010
 • 21 million men, women, and children as victim  West Virginia
of forced labor ~ International labor Organization  - made people sick, cancers, kids with kidney
 Ex.cyber sex trafficking stones, children born with disabilities and adults
 Integration shorter life expectancy (Coal mining)
 •Granting Citizenship  India
 •Linguistic Difficulties  46% in Delhi and 56% in Calcutta suffered
 • bringing Customs from the old country impaired lung function due to air pollution
 Xinma, China
 • Government and private Business have made
 2006, 2 people died and 150 were poisoned by
policy changes to address integration problems
(such as using Multiple Language) cadmium (Similar to mercury)
 Hong Kong

Marife Ballesteros
“Unhealthy environment deepens poverty, increases the
vulnerability of both the poor and non-poor living in slums
and excludes the slum poor from growth.”
 Proposed Solutions for Global Warming
 Kyoto Protocol
 Paris Accord
 Pollution Diet of 1970

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