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Awareness Watching Awareness

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The key takeaways are that daily spiritual practice is important to avoid suffering and attain eternal bliss, and that the awareness watching awareness practice involves simply observing one's own awareness without expectations.

Doing daily spiritual practice can lead to the end of all suffering and living in eternal awareness, love, and bliss. It allows one to experience their true self in this lifetime.

Not doing daily spiritual practice can result in various forms of suffering like disease, violence, loss and death, occurring repeatedly over multiple lifetimes as one remains stuck in the cycle of birth and death.

Awareness Watching Awareness index page

The Reminder Page

Do Your Spiritual Practice Everyday

If you do not do your spiritual practice everyday - eventually, sooner or later, your life
will become full of suffering.
If you do not do your spiritual practice everyday - eventually, sooner or later, one or more
of the thousands of different types of sorrow and suffering will enter your life.
If you do not do your spiritual practice everyday - you will continue to be caught in the
cycle of birth and death, birth again, death again, birth again, death again and in that
cycle, eventually, all of the thousands of forms that suffering takes will enter your life.
If you do not do your spiritual practice everyday - you will experience death, diseases,
violence, loss of those you love and thousands of other types of suffering, lifetime after
If you do your spiritual practice everyday - for the maximum amount of time you can
create by dropping unnecessary activities - eventually all forms of suffering will end and
you will live in Infinite-Eternal-Being-Awareness-Love-Bliss.
The purpose of spiritual practice is to experience Infinite-Eternal-Being-Awareness-
Love-Bliss in this lifetime, not in the afterlife or some future lifetime.
All delays are tricks of the ego.
All detours are tricks of the imposter self.
All distractions are tricks of the false pretend self.
Every thought that leads you away from spiritual practice, is a trick created by the
So look at your daily activities, and drop all those activities that are not necessary, to
create the most time you can create for spiritual practice, and practice everyday.
Taking a shower everyday is necessary. For most people, working to earn a living
everyday is necessary.
Entertainment is not necessary.
Make sure that the spiritual practice you are doing IS the most rapid means to:


The Choice
You have a choice between A:
Infinite-Eternal-Being-Awareness-Love-Bliss with zero suffering.
Absolutely perfect Love-Bliss for all eternity.
Living in and Knowing your True Self.

Or choice B:
Thousands of forms of suffering, sorrow, violence, disease, death, over and over again,
Living in and knowing an imposter self.
Living from an acquired false self in the form of thought.
Living from a parasite that pretends to be your self.

Making Choice A

Every day that you do your spiritual practice you are making choice A.
Every day that you do not do your spiritual practice you are making choice B.

To make choice A
1. Read this Reminder Page everyday. The pretend self is very tricky and tries to
lead people away from spiritual practice. Reading this Reminder Page everyday
will help to combat the ego’s tricks.
2. Everyday look at your daily activities and drop all activities that are not really
necessary. Everyday create as much time as possible for spiritual practice.
3. Do your spiritual practice everyday.
Everyday you have a choice. You cannot do anything about yesterday’s choices,
therefore, do not worry about them. What you can do is:

Do your spiritual practice today.

Awakening The Extremely Intense Desire For Liberation

Before the extremely intense desire for liberation is awakened, the false self will lead you
to a practice that will promote more egotism.
After the extremely intense desire for liberation is awakened, you will be lead to the
spiritual practice that is the most rapid means to Infinite-Eternal-Being-Awareness-Love-
After the extremely intense desire for liberation is awakened, you will be able to see how
the pretend self has contaminated all of the spiritual teachings of the past.
Reading this reminder everyday may be enough to awaken the extremely intense desire
for liberation in you.
Self-honesty is a great help towards the awakening of the extremely intense desire for
Watch the ego when it tries to lead you away from spiritual practice into distractions,
detours, diversions, delays, unnecessary activities and entertainments, but do not let the
ego win that battle.

Read this Reminder Page Everyday

This Reminder Page has four sections:
1. The section titled: “Do Your Spiritual Practice Everyday”.
2. The section titled: “The Choice”.
3. The section titled: “Making Choice A”.
4. The section titled: “Awakening The Extremely Intense Desire For Liberation”.
Read all four sections everyday.
Everyone on every spiritual path will benefit from reading this Reminder Page everyday.
Hindus, Buddhist, Jains, Jews, Christians, Moslems and those who are on thousands of
different spiritual paths will benefit from reading this Reminder Page everyday.

Spiritual Practices
You are free to do whatever spiritual practice you choose to do.
At the following two links are two choices that lead directly to Infinite-Eternal-Being-
To read about the Abandon Release Method click this link:

Abandon Release Method

To read about the Awareness Watching Awareness Method click this link:

AWA Instructions
top of page

Awareness Watching Awareness index page

Awareness Watching Awareness index page

Sayings from Sri Muruganar’s

“The Garland of Guru’s (Sri Ramana Maharshi’s) Sayings”

on the subject of Turning Inward
There are seven subcategories:
1. Encouragement, the Goal, the Benefits - 25 sayings
2. The Awareness watching Awareness approach to Self-inquiry and Self-abidance -
15 sayings
3. Practice, Ernestness, Effort and Zeal - 10 sayings
4. Ignoring and turning one’s attention away from thought and towards Awareness
watching Awareness - 14 sayings
5. The Body - 16 sayings
6. Turning Inward - 21 sayings
7. Ignoring and turning one’s attention away from the world and towards Awareness
watching Awareness - 108 Sayings (separate page)

Sri Muruganar spent decades in the company of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Reading the
Sayings very slowly helps to understand what Sri Ramana and Sri Muruganar are
attempting to convey in these Sayings.
I have put the actual practice instructions in bold.
You can toggle bolding on or off by clicking here: on off.


Encouragement, the Goal, the Benefits (25 Sayings)
393. One who has wisely chosen the straight path of Self-inquiry
can never go astray;
for like the bright, clear Sun,
the Self-Awareness reveals itself to whomever turns
towards it.

451. The deeper into the Heart one dives,

the greater grows the bliss enjoyed,
the intense bliss of the sole Self-Awareness,
which once appeared in various forms.

452. Once you are well established in the Heart,

true Awareness rises bright.
Then you live like an unsetting Sun,
Resplendent with the light of Truth,
enjoying the blissful peace of eternal Self-Awareness.

500. Worth pursuing is Self-inquiry,

worth enjoying is the infinite Self-Awareness.
Worth giving up is the ego sense.
To end all sorrow, the final refuge is one’s source,
the Self of pure Awareness.

554. The deeds we do in a dream do not touch our “waking” life,

and slip away when we “awake”.
Our deeds done in this clouded ego life, disappear and leave no
when we wake up, in the divine white light of Self-

697. They say that fate can never bind those heaven bound. What
does this mean?
Not an iota of the past can touch those,
who dwell unceasingly
in the firmament of vast, boundless, borderless, full Self-

884. A woman with a necklace around her neck imagines it is lost,

and after a long search elsewhere,
touches her own neck and there finds it;
even so, the Self-Awareness is here within.
Probe for it within and find it.

885. Except the path of Self-inquiry, probing the mysterious I-

no other effort or action, however strenuously pursued,
can take one to the fount of bliss,
the treasure shining in the heart,
forever as the Self-Awareness.

924. I shall assert with certainty,

that when the mind as thoughts has ceased to function,
it remains as a temple of Awareness-Bliss,
hidden till then behind the veil of time.
956. The goal, the Truth, is Self-Awareness.
Reaching it is the annihilation of the painful illusion of birth.

974. Unbroken Self-Awareness is the true bright path of

devotion or love.
Knowledge of our inherent nature,
as indivisible supreme Bliss,
wells up as love.

984. The strong one who abides in Being,

knows neither fear or doubt.

1029. Bliss is the very nature of the Self-Awareness.

Self-Awareness is infinite Bliss.
Knowing this firmly,
abide in the Self-Awareness,
enjoying bliss forever.

1059. The Self, the home of blissful Awareness,

is a vast ocean of serene peace.
He whose mind turns inward and dives deep within it,
gains the infinite treasure of its grace.

1062. The ever-present Self-Awareness,

the radiant gem, this is the rarest, richest treasure.
Look within, and find and hold it fast.
Your poverty, the grand illusion, source of every trouble on
with vanish without delay.

1069. The pure unflawed Awareness of Being

is the transcendent state wherein both mind and breath find
This state of supreme grace,
surcharged with peace,
serves also as the medicine which to the sick, restless mind
restores healthful peace.

1077. To those who dwell within the Heart,

loving the Self-Awareness,
bliss comes surging up,mounting ever higher,
as love, Self, grace, Awareness, peace and liberation.
Bliss is the real nature of the Self-Awareness.

1079. Only when the Self-Awareness is gained,

is permanent, perfect, blissful peace attained.
In this Self-sovereignty,
non-dual, heaven-like, all pervasive,
no desire and no fear can exist.

1091. Abiding as Self-Being,

living a life that is a steady unhindered flow of true love
welling up in the heart,
this is the bright, joyous Selfhood,
which ends forever the inveterate, false, deceitful ego.

1093. That Heart which truly knows the Self-Awareness,

is full of love whence supreme Bliss wells up forever.
There, desire and its shadow, sorrow, have no place.
Such a life, whose nature is pure,
flows serenely calm from Being.

1121. The river that has merged in the ocean,

will never lapse again into separateness.
No more will he who has reached his Being as Awareness,
forget the Self and be reborn.

1124. If once the primal knot is cut,

never again can one be bound,
for this is one’s natural Being.
This is the divine state,
this is the supreme power,
this is the serene peace.

1209. When, the dense darkness of ignorance is gone,

the Heart’s wide open firmament is filled with serene, clear,
bright peace,
and an inner fount of love springs up,
which is true devotion,
the pure auspiciousness of Self-Awareness.

1222. That which alone abides and shines as pure Awareness,

perfect peace, is the eternal Self.
Egoless silence,
the supreme state of Being That,
this is the fullness of liberation.

906. The troubles that result from change,

can never touch the Self-Awareness,
as changes and flaws in earth, water, fire and air,
do not affect the element ether,
which pervades and transcends them all.

The Awareness watching Awareness approach
to Self-inquiry and Self-Abidance (15 Sayings)
638. If, instead of looking outward at objects,
you observe that looking,
all things now shine as I, the seer.
Perception of objects is mere illusion.

647. If you refrain from looking at this, that, or any other object,
then by that overpowering look into Absolute Being,
you become yourself the boundless space of pure Awareness,
which alone is real Being.

418. The only true and full Awareness is

Awareness of Awareness.
Until Awareness is Awareness of itself,
it knows no peace at all.

432. Is it not because you are yourself Awareness,

that you now perceive this universe?
If you observe Awareness steadily,
this Awareness as Teacher, will reveal the Truth.

52. If mind turned towards Awareness and concentrating on

seeks the Self, the world made up of ether and other elements
is real, as all things are Awareness,
the one sole substance of true Being.

435. True natural Awareness, which does not go after alien objects,
is the Heart.
Since actionless Awareness shines as real Being,
its joy consists in concentration on itself.

742. In the Self, he stands firm fixed who dwells

and truly meditates on himself as pure awareness.

389. The method of Self-inquiry is:

to turn the outward-going mind back to its source,
the Heart, the Self-Awareness, and fix it forever there,
preventing the rising of the empty “I”.

1066. True wealth is but the gracious silence

of steady, unswerving Self-Awareness.
This bright, rare treasure can be gained
only by those who earnestly strive for the extinction of all

862. Losing the false ego in awareness,

and firm abidance as awareness, is true clarity.

1068. In that flawless state of Being the Self-Awareness,

without a sense of “I” or “mine”,
the still abidance in and as pure Awareness,
this is the noblest victory worth winning.

428. Not like other things unreal, but always by its Being real,
the Self as permanent Awareness, has no other dwelling
place, than in its own radiant Awareness.

1039. That which unaided shines within as “I AM, I AM” without a

the strong, true Being free from all adjuncts,
this pure Awareness, is our firm, authentic nature.

1038. Awareness is not a quality of the Self. The Self is without

Awareness is not an action of the Self. The Self does nothing.
The Self, our Being, IS Awareness.

1194. When one refrains from looking out and noting outward
and instead abides within the Heart in Self-Awareness,
the ego disappears.
The pure silence that then shines forth is the goal of

Practice, Earnestness, Effort and Zeal (10 Sayings)
755. If without wasting time,
one starts and keeps up steady self-inquiry,
one’s life becomes at once ennobled,
one is no more this wretched body,
and there wells up within one’s heart,
a sea of supreme bliss.

694. Even in this worldly life,

one’s labors bear no fruit without abundant faith.
Hence, till one merges in the boundless supreme bliss,
one’s spiritual practice should never slacken.

692. Since it was one’s own past effort,

that has now ripened into fate,
one can with greater present effort, change one’s fate.

1066. True wealth is but the gracious silence of steady, unswerving

This bright rare treasure, can be gained only by those who:
earnestly strive for the extinction of all thoughts.

826. A superstructure raised, without a strong foundation,

soon collapses in disgrace.
Hence, earnest seekers first ensure by every means,
their own stern self-discipline
through devotion and detachment.

612. Undeluded by whatever may come and go,

unwinking, watch the Self-Awareness,
because the little fault of forgetting for one moment,
one’s true Being as Pure Awareness,
brings tremendous loss.

1063. Not knowing the value of this treasure,

people perish through mere laziness.
The great ones who have found the clue and traced and gained
they enjoy eternal bliss.

1186. Uninterrupted and whole minded concentration on Self-

our true, non-dual Being,
this is pure, supreme silence, the goal;
Not the lazy mind’s inertia,
which is but a state of dark illusion.

780. Swerve not from your true state,

thinking some thought,
but if you do,
do not commit the same foolishness again.
Do nothing you may regret later,
even if you did it once, never repeat it.

790. To err is human.

When those strong in virtue err,
they do not hide it in their pride.
Instead, they own up to their lapse,
and quickly reform themselves.

Ignoring and turning one’s attention away from thoughts
and towards Awareness watching Awareness (14 Sayings)
921. None can confront and overcome the mind.
Ignore it, then, as something false and unreal.
Know the Self-Awareness as the real ground and stand firm
rooted in it.
Then the mind’s movements will gradually subside.

1192. The ego image moves reflected in the mind’s waves.

How to stop this movement, how to regain the state of
Don’t observe these movements, seek the Self instead.
It is wisdom to gain and abide in silence.

1193. The Seers declare that pure silence

is firm abidance in egoless, true Awareness.
For such thought-free silence,
the means is clinging to the Self-Awareness
within the Heart.

421. The one true light there is, is pure Awareness.

Other kinds of knowledge clinging to it, and claiming to be real,
are ego-born conceptual clouds.
To trust them is sheer foolishness.

424. What if one knows, the subtle secret, of manifold inscrutable

Until one knows the Awareness which reveals all other
does one know the Truth?

529. The individual’s thirst will vanish,

only when the habits-predispositions-tendencies, of the
frenzied mind, die,
and direct experience comes of pure Awareness.
If mirage water could quench thirst,
then only would indirect knowledge satisfy the individual’s

644. Those who do not keenly seek and recognize

the Being Awareness shinning incessant in the heart,
sink deep into delusive illusion,
due to the denotative knowledge piled up by the mounting ego.

750. What we incessantly think of, that we become.

Hence, if we keenly seek the Self-Awareness,
and think of nothing else,
the malady of birth will cease,
and all thoughts will end.

1161. What need is there for any thinking for those

who in the thought-free bliss of Self-Awareness, live their
All they experience is bright stillness.
In this supreme state, there is no “other” and nothing to gain.

1184. Shining as the bright void,

devoid of concepts raised by the villainous ego,
this is the true experience of infinite Being-Awareness,
the one non-dual bliss of pure silence.

1197. When the ego, shaking off all tricky concepts,

finally merges in the silence of the Heart,
the fullness of blissful, bright Self-Awareness, this,
this is what the sages call transcendent speech.

1238. The Self, who is pure Awareness, transcending thought,

is only known to heroic seers,
who with minds extinct,
abide thought-free within the Heart,
and not to those whose minds are still engaged in thought.

917. As in the sky covered with thick clouds,

no eye can see the glorious sun,
one fails to see one’s Self-Awareness,
when the mind firmament is darkened by a dense cloud of

918. He who has vanquished thought,

only he sits like an emperor on the neck of the majestic
elephant, knowledge.
Know for certain that the mind’s movements alone
give rise to birth and every cruel pain and sorrow.

The Body (16 Sayings)
97. Only the mind deluded by illusion’s might, and looking
outward, sees the body.
The true Self knows no body.
To call the Self of pure Awareness, the body’s owner or
indweller, is an error.

125. Like one who takes a crocodile for a boat,

and with its help tries to cross a river,
are those who, while they pamper the trivial flesh,
claim that they are earnest seekers of the living Self-
(Give up the thought that this frail body is the Self-
Awareness. Pursue the Self-Awareness, which is eternal bliss.
To seek It, while cherishing the perishable body, is like trying to
cross a river, using a crocodile for a raft. – Sri Ramana.)

615. Except the Self-Awareness, nothing exists.

But then the deep delusion that the body is one’s self,
makes one let go the solid, non-dual bliss of immortality,
and fall into birth and death.

657. Worship of the Formless is for him alone

who has left behind the notion “I am this form, this
One who is still identified mentally with his body-form,
worships only form,
though he may think he is worshipping the Formless.

682. Those who love,

deeming they are this putrid body of flesh,
that in a brief while turns clean food to filth,
are baser than the swine that feast on filth as food.
(Those who deem themselves the body, that soon converts clean
food to filth, are worse than swine that feed on filth. – Sri Ramana)

688. What is conquest of the elements?

Destroying the ego, the attachment to the body,
made up of the five elements,
and scorning with contempt the flaws of the flesh,
which have nothing to do with the true Self-Awareness,
but are only based on the five elements.

775. He who, being ignorant of the truth that he is “I, I”, the
regards this body as himself,
can only perish with the perishing flesh,
caught in the web, the dreamlike web,
woven by his own illusions.

847. What is liberation, the bliss supreme attained by few?

And what is noble renunciation?
What is Death that brings immortality?
What is the highest achievement?
All are but this one thing:
the ending of the foolish, false illusion that “I am the

866. When the sense that “I am the body” dies,

all troublesome illusions and confusions vanish once and for all.
Within the explored heart,
the non-dual Self of pure Awareness appears as “I, I”.

953. Our real Being, the Sun that never can see the darkness
of illusion,
knows no trace of pain or suffering.
Misery is what one brings upon one’s self,
by fondly thinking that one is the body, not the Self-

954. Blissful and auspicious is the Self-Awareness, our real

One who knows this, sees in life no trace of suffering or pain.
Misery is what one brings upon one’s self,
by foolishly thinking that the body, not the Self-Awareness,
is one’s true self.

955. Not seeing one’s self as the One Self-Awareness,

one always suffers fear and aguish.
Destroy the “I am the body” thought,
and in Self-Awareness firmly fixed,
abide in real non-dual Being.

1012. When the false notion “I am the body” dies,

what abides is what’s worth having,
the vast, bright, silent void, the Self-Awareness.
Why is it so? Because in truth,
the only state free from all pain and all desire is pure

1085. The darkness of illusion never touches

the seer who knows his true identity as pure Awareness,
vast as the sky, bright as the sun.
Only the blind, who think they are bodies,
suffer from dark ignorance.

1088. Why do you suffer in vain,

believing you are hemmed in by the body?
Even in sleep, when you are free from thoughts of
your being abides intact and whole.

1200. True silence is the state of being Self-Awareness in the

heart ,
when the false, foolish sense that one is but the body, is no
Mere verbal silence, undertaken without inquiring “Who am I?”,
is no better than a mental trick.

Turning Inward (21 Sayings)
17. To those who look within,
the highest good gained by the Master’s grace
is wakeful sleep, the fourth state,
the undying flame, the sweet, uncloying fruit, forever fresh.

140. True poetry, springs only from the calm heart’s clarity,
which follows the elimination of the ego,
by inward search, and finding out that none of the five
sheaths is I.

763. Only a one-pointed mind, turned inward,

succeeds in Self-inquiry.
Weak, faltering minds, like green banana trees,
are not fit fuel to feed this fire.

878. Self-Awareness alone is the true Eye.

One has direct immediate knowledge, only of the Self-
Awareness .
But minds averted from the Self-Awareness,
look through the senses at a world other than the Self-
and mistakenly think it can be known directly.

551. Only those foolish folk,

who have not searched and found the Truth supreme, the
flounder in fear, in the treacherous illusion.
Those who have known the supreme bliss,
the boundless flood of heavenly brightness,
fear no more.

822. The boat moves in the water,

but water should never enter into it.
Though one lives in the world,
the world should not occupy one’s mind.
191. Not like a boat’s sail, outspread wide and worn away by wind
and weather,
but like the humble anchor, sunk in the vast ocean’s depth,
the mind should plunge and settle in the heart of

1065. Though one should win at one stroke all the powers people
yearn for,
all one’s learning is just wasted,
if one fails to undo the primal knot,
and to reclaim the one sole, perfect Jewel,
the Self-Awareness.

594. Non-existent illusion, this alone,

seeming to be real and powerful,
makes fools of even the cleverest folk,
and smiles inwardly, with wonder at its own success.

560. “A dream in a moment comes and goes. This ‘waking’ life is

Such argument is but the trick played by mind and illusion

1016. The inner light, self-luminous, shines all the time as I, as I.

To go from place to place in search of That,
is like looking at noon, torch in hand, for the bright Sun
which hides the full moon from our sight.

1007. You who in eager search of Truth,

roam over the world looking for saints,
when you examine what they teach as definitive,
it is only the empty sky of pure Awareness.

1008. Seekers hurrying round the world in search of teachers,

find at last that their paternal gift
is only the marvelous sky of ‘mere’ Awareness.

804. The true physician is one’s Self-Awareness.

Hence, people tell the would-be Teacher:
“Before you start prescribing medicines for us,
first cure yourself (of blindness),
and then come to us.”

1234. Reality is one and only one.

This permanent and perfect Being,
has been described variously by sages
who with keen minds have searched the Heart,
and there experienced It.

115. Though thus Reality is one,

all schools concede at first, three primal entities, God,
individual and world,
because the discursive, outward looking mind
cannot straightaway, face the unity of Being.

108. In the mere presence of the Lord, Himself free from all traces
of thought,
individuals set out in numerous paths of action, work away,
and wearied, turn inward and return to freedom.

966. That which Is, forever shines in Grace as I,

the Self-Awareness, the Heart.
Can that be blamed for lacking Grace?
The fault is theirs who do not turn within
and seek the Self-Awareness, in love.

967. Mind turned inward and ego dead,

there shines the Self, the Being-Awareness,
and though transcending form and feature,
It appears as Teacher.
Thus does God, the Self-Awareness,
bestow as Teacher, His Grace.

970. Why should God’s glance of Grace,

which falls on all alike, seem to avoid some “sinners”?
The universal Eye avoids no creature.
We are blind, for we look outward, not within.

247. What else is death, but straying from,

the perfect state of Being the immortal Self,
home of eternal love and supreme bliss,
the heaven of true Awareness?

Ignoring, turning one’s attention away from the world and
towards Awareness watching Awareness (108 Sayings)
This is such a large collection of quotes, I have given it its own
web page. You can read the 108 Sayings on the subject of
turning one’s attention away from the world by clicking this
(Turning away from) The WORLD - 108 Sayings

The above quotes were for the purpose of showing the mind the need for and the beauty
of turning inward. Practice instructions in Self-inquiry and Self-Abidance are at these

Inquiry-Abidance Instructions
The Awareness Watching Awareness Discovery
Reading, discussing, and thinking about spiritual teachings are examples of an outward
turned mind. You can read quotes by Sri Ramana Maharshi on that subject by clicking
this link:
On Reading and Discussing
If you would like to purchase a copy of the book “The Garland of Guru’s Sayings” by Sri
Muruganar, this link has a list of
You can read other Direct Path Teachings by clicking this link:
Take care,
with Love,
in: Awareness watching Awareness
top of page

Awareness Watching Awareness index page

Awareness Watching Awareness index page

The Most Rapid Means to Eternal Bliss

Further Clarification
of the Awareness Watching Awareness Method
practice instructions

The reason these further clarifications are being placed on a separate page is because the
practice instructions for the Awareness Watching Awareness Method are simple and they
should be kept that way.
It is not helpful to bring a lot of concepts with you into the practice. It is best just to focus
on the simple practice instructions.
One of the things you might wonder is what to do after you start watching your
awareness. There is nothing else to be done. You just continue with awareness watching
awareness. There are no objects to see. Awareness is empty, so there is no thing to
observe there. Just continue for the entire practice session watching your awareness, only
awareness watching awareness and nothing else.
Don’t expect any type of experience. If you are wondering if you will have some kind of
spiritual experience, then that very wondering means you have added something to
awareness watching awareness.
Never add anything to awareness watching awareness.
The key is to be content just watching your awareness and not to move from that and not
to add anything to that.
You may or may not have some kind of spiritual experience, but you should never be
expecting any kind of spiritual experience.
If you wonder if the state is going to deepen, that very wondering means you have added
something to the Awareness Watching Awareness practice.
Never add anything to the Awareness Watching Awareness Method. Just be content with
awareness watching awareness.
You should look at it like awareness watching awareness is all there is, there is nothing
In the awareness watching awareness meditation you are not seeking anything. You are
observing, not seeking. If you were seeking something, then there would be seeking and
awareness watching awareness. That would mean you would have added seeking to
awareness watching awareness.
Never add anything to awareness watching awareness, just be content to continue with
awareness watching awareness without adding anything to it.
When there are no thoughts, that is best.
If there are thoughts, turn your attention away from them and towards awareness
watching awareness. Do not encourage thoughts, do not try and complete a thought, do
not turn your attention towards thoughts. Do not think about thinking.
If thoughts are happening, do not make a problem out of it. Just turn your attention away
from thoughts and towards awareness watching awareness.
Just remain with awareness watching awareness.
When awareness is watching awareness something extraordinary is happening.
You are for the first time turning inward.
Your true nature is awareness.
Who you really are at your core is awareness.
Therefore, in awareness watching awareness you are for the first time observing yourself
and knowing yourself.
However you should not think about that or anything else written on this page while
practicing awareness watching awareness, because then you would be adding those
The reason I am writing about the fact that you are doing something extraordinary when
awareness is watching awareness is because at first you might think, “what else?” or “so
Just keep on practicing and forget about “what else?” or “so what?” Just by turning your
attention away from thought and towards awareness watching awareness you are doing
something that will change your life completely if you are sincere and continue to
Most humans go their whole lives always looking outward at people, places, things. By
turning your attention away from the world, body and thought and towards awareness
watching awareness you are doing something extraordinary.
For some people it might take a few days, others a few weeks and others a few months to
start to feel something. At first it is subtle and you won’t know what it is, but you will
know that you like it. It is pleasant. A new subtle feeling. That feeling comes because
what you are feeling is eternal life-love-peace.
However, you should not have any expectations about that, because if you expect that,
then you are adding that expectation to your awareness watching awareness practice.
Never add anything to your awareness watching awareness practice. Just remain in
awareness watching awareness while ignoring all else. Just stay there. Just remain in that.
Don’t look for a something else.
In other words while you are practicing awareness watching awareness, just stay there,
relax with that, don’t seek something other than awareness watching awareness, don’t
seek any other state, don’t seek deeper awareness, don’t seek anything.
Just remain in awareness watching awareness. Be happy that it is simple. Don’t seek
more than that. It is just a simple state. Don’t seek peace, let peace come on its own if it is
going to come, without your expecting it or seeking it.
Just remain with awareness watching awareness, and when there are thoughts, just keep
turning your awareness back towards awareness watching awareness.
Just keep on practicing everyday. Look at it as though all you were seeking was the
awareness watching awareness itself and not something else and therefore be content
with just staying in awareness watching awareness without moving from it.
Some days the mind may be noisy but if you keep on practicing a good day will appear
when your meditation will go very deep without your trying to make it go deep. Never
think about deep or not deep. If you think about deep or not deep then you would be
adding something to the awareness watching awareness meditation. Just be content to
remain with awareness watching awareness regardless of whether it seems like a good
meditation session or not.
Some days the feeling may be turbulent. Just ignore the turbulent feelings and turn your
attention towards awareness watching awareness.
If you remain observing awareness day after day, at some point you will start to enjoy
awareness watching awareness. I don’t know how long that will take for you. For some
people it may take days, others weeks and others months. The point is, that if you find it
difficult to remain with awareness watching awareness in the beginning, don’t give up,
practice everyday on the good days and on the noisy mind or turbulent feeling days too.
Just keep on turning your attention away from thoughts and towards awareness watching
You should not be expecting the day when you will start to enjoy awareness watching
awareness, because then you would be adding something to the awareness watching
awareness practice in the form of an expectation. The best kind of awareness watching
awareness practice is one that is empty. Just awareness watching awareness and nothing
else. Just stay there. Just be there. Just dwell there. Just remain there. Don’t seek anything
else, just be content with awareness watching awareness. Just relax and continue
watching your awareness.
Here is a way to look at it:
It is a little like falling in love.
You spend time with someone.
You watch them, you observe them.
But you do not yet know them.
So you continue to observe them.
You don’t have expectations,
because you don’t know them well enough yet to have expectations.
You just keep on observing.
Some days you have pleasant days when you observe them
and some days you are having an unpleasant day while you observe them.
But you continue to observe them.
Each day you are coming to know them better
even though you may not be aware that you are coming to know them better.
Then one day suddenly and unexpectedly, you have fallen in Love.
Awareness watching awareness is a little like that. Just don’t expect anything and
continue with awareness watching awareness. The fact that nothing is happening is great!
If it seems like day after day, it is just the same, only awareness watching awareness, that
is great! Just remain content with that. Because if you think that it is going to change,
then you are adding something to awareness watching awareness, in the form of an
expectation that it is going to change.
Just look at awareness watching awareness as enough, just as it is. Continue your
practice, everyday.
I don’t know when you will fall in love with awareness watching awareness. It may be
after one month or after many months of practice. You will have plenty of confirmation
along the way. Once you have started to experience even a little joy or peace from
awareness watching awareness, it progresses very rapidly after that. That may happen
after only a week or for others one month or for others many months. It does not take
long to reach the point where just closing your eyes brings awareness-joy to you before
you even have had a chance to practice.
You should not expect it, because then you have added something to the awareness
watching awareness practice.
Some people might not like the practice for the first week or two. So just persevere and
keep practicing.
You can look upon your awareness as something that wants you to just watch it without
expecting anything from it, like a person who wants to be loved just for what they are,
not for what they can give you. So just continue to watch awareness, and don’t be
expecting peace-love-joy. Let peace-joy-love come on its own without your expecting it.
What you truly are is Infinite-Eternal-Life-Awareness-Bliss-Love.
However, by having your attention turned towards the world, the body and thought all the
time, you subject yourself to imagining that you are a body subject to disease and death
and suffering.
By turning your attention towards awareness you are for the first time observing what
you are.
Do not think about what you are, when you practice, just watch your awareness without
expecting anything.
Don’t watch your thoughts.
Turn your attention away from your thoughts
and just watch your empty awareness.
Observe the observing.
Observe the awareness.
If you remain content with just awareness watching awareness, your problems will start
to disappear.
Your misery will start to disappear.
Peace will come unexpectedly.
Joy will come unexpectedly.
Infinite Love will come unexpectedly.
Awareness watching awareness is awareness being awareness.
However, because of the long ancient habit of looking outward towards people places and
things, the word “watching” is used in the practice instructions.
That way we take that same habit of watching people, places and things and we shut our
eyes and turn it inwards. That is why the word “watching” is used.
What is real is awareness watching awareness, looking inward. What is unreal is looking
outward towards the world of people places and things.
Looking outward brings suffering, death, futility.
Looking inward is Liberation, eternal life, eternal awareness, eternal peace, eternal joy,
eternal Love that is absolutely perfect, free of all forms of sorrow and misery. That joy,
that perfection is your awareness. But because you always looked outward, you never got
to know it, you never got to experience it.
To change this long habit of looking outward you need to practice. Spend as many hours
per day practicing as you can. If you only practice awareness watching awareness for 30
minutes per day and spend the other 23 and a half hours looking outward, you will not
progress very quickly.
If you want rapid results, then drop your unnecessary activities to free up time so you can
practice for many hours per day, everyday. Maybe once per week on one of your days off
from work you can devote the whole day to just practicing awareness watching
To come to know and experience and live in Eternal-life-awareness-joy-peace-love is
definitely worth it.
You will discover you are not a body living in a world. You are eternal awareness, perfect
Remember be content with just awareness watching awareness, don’t expect any of the
things described on this page, because expectation will destroy the effectiveness of the
If it seems boring the first few times you try the awareness watching awareness practice,
that is OK, just continue to practice and remain content with awareness watching

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