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Contemporary World

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Children in the area are obliged by adults to work to help make a living. Because, their
income isn’t enough to sustain and support the family’s basic needs. They do not have the
capacity of living without any major financial issues set before them. The parents or guardians
obviously aren’t capable of raising their children alone, and with the kind of job that they have.
So, in order to continually live their lives, children have to work also, for in that case, it may be
against the law, and it shouldn’t be done for young people like their age, no other choice was left
but to make them work and help each other to provide them their needs to live. Economic
hardships and family dysfunctions are the main reasons why.


As the children are either forced or willing for labor, most of their time are for their work.
The time allotted for them to study are lessened or worse some of them do not really had the time
to study. In their situation, even the government provide free schooling like public schools,
children who are rendering much of their time for work couldn’t find ways to study. Though some
would still pursue for knowledge but mostly are not successful because of their present state.
That they must prioritize work before anything else, because if they don’t, they’d starve to death
and their mindset would be “an empty mind would be better than an empty stomach”. Education
will be the last on their priority list, in that case, illiteracy rate will increase. Children will not learn
the basics like reading and writing because they’re too preoccupied with work.


Poverty has minimized people from the access of safe drinking water and nutritious foods
in the country which leads to the increasing rate of malnutrition and stunned growth among Filipino
people. According to Global Hunger Index, Philippines ranks 28th in the world when it comes to
hunger (, 2014). In today, Philippines works towards the countries long term
success. The government commits to reduce poverty and hunger, proving the health and life of
the Filipino citizens. Since malnutrition and hunger is still one of the biggest problem in the country
that affects millions of people especially children. Hence, government must invest in health and
nutrition to improve and secure a better future for the people (, 2017).

Philippines used to be one of the riches in the world. It was well- known because of its
natural resources and its fascinating natural beauty. However, in today’s time marks the huge
difference of Philippines before. As the time passed, Philippines declines from top to bottom most
notably due to failed government system, corrupted countries fund and the continuous increase
rate of poverty. Poverty is one of the biggest problem that call out for change. Government officials
promised its people to aid their life and help them rise from poverty but those promises were
buried because some greedy and dishonest officials corrupts funds instead of using it to help the
country they keep it in their own personal use. Many people wanted a change especially in the
corrupt government system, it is a stepping stone to increase life status of the people. According
to the (World Bank, 2018), with solid economic fundamental planned by the government,
Philippines can overcome poverty and transform into prosperous middle- class society. With
proper coordination and change in every aspect of the government and its citizen these can be



1. Parents or guardians must know the law about child labor.

2. The government shall provide support to poor families in a way like offering jobs which
pays well to the parents or guardians to support the family’s basic needs.
3. Authorities in the area should monitor the children who are under child labor.


1. Parents or guardians must provide all the necessities of their children to make their
education possible at all cost.
2. Government shall provide and conduct more programs so that it will be a lot easier for
them to put their children at school.
3. School teachers should monitor each child’s progress, teach and treat them right.

1. Parents and children must be educated especially in terms of proper nutrition and healthy
eating habits to have a healthy lifestyle and to be active in school learning without these
learning can burden our future generation and innovators.
2. Despite the huge contribution of feeding program to ease the life of Filipino, it should not
be the only option in reducing malnutrition in many area in the Philippines. Government
should widen their range and use all available resources to reduce hunger. They can
coordinate with various groups and organization to help them fight one of the serious
problem of the country.
3. Improve health facilities, easy access to health clinics, and enhance health services to
accommodate people in needs.
4. Educate people and encourage them to help fight malnutrition because when people are
educated they can afford their needs and knows proper nutrition and can make healthy
5. Create programs that will encourage people to help or be a volunteer and reach isolated
areas in the country, educate them with proper nutrition and teach them healthy
alternatives they can use to improve their health.
6. Government, agencies, NGO and other various groups should be one big team to help
reduce extreme poverty because when all works together and with coordination achieving
goal to reduce malnutrition would be easier.
7. Government should invest in research and development in crops yield to increase crop
production and support the shortage of agricultural products in the country. Hence, greater
crop production means lower prices and when prices of goods are present even poor can
8. Deworming also caused malnutrition each children should be dewormed and local
government should address this kind of programs.


1. The government should create job and many opportunities inside the countries in both
rural and urban areas. In this help to prevent arising problem in surplus labor in urban
areas, if both rural and urban areas has the same opportunities it would be both beneficial
to them. Also, OFW doesn’t need to go in the states to work because the government can
provide them job here in the country, this will also a big help in the economy.
2. Livelihood programs of the government that would help people who wanted to start their
own business.
3. Government should increase income wages in both urban and rural areas in the
Philippines. Wages should be equal and fairly distributed. If income in the city and province
are the same some won’t need to go in other place to have higher income because wages
are already the same.
4. Government should give proper benefits of the people including pay checks, benefits, and
other benefits necessary for the improvement of an individual.
5. Government funds must be used in its proper function and not in officials’ personal bank.
If funds are allocated and used properly it would be a big help because many people can
benefit from it and continues improvement of different programs is possible.
6. Corrupt government official should be impeached they don’t deserve a position in the
government because our country doesn’t need a thief official it needs a leader who will
lead its people in to peaceful living and reduce poverty.
7. New government programs that would help people in the absolute poverty line to increase
their status of living.



Poverty is everyone’s problem it is a state of not having adequate resources to sustain

everyday needs. Philippines is one of the country with the most evident serious problem of
poverty. Poverty is one of the biggest problem that the country has face through the past decades.
It is one of the major concerns in today’s time since poverty rate has been continuously increasing
in the past year. It can be seen everywhere even in the corners of the country, a lot of kids don’t
go to school due to financial crisis some of them works at an early age to sustain their need and
help their family, malnutrition and jobless people who is seen running in the streets to have at
least a decent job for their family, some doesn’t even have money to go in the hospitals, others
were forced to do bad things for food or money. Poverty kills every persons’ future, life and

Although the government have implemented various programs concerning in poverty

reduction but the implementation is too slow that it was nearly felt by the poor people and some
was not effective because poor people are being dependent on the government. Furthermore,
funds for the programs were corrupted by the greedy officials instead of using it to help the needy
and ease their lives. There were a lot of contributing factors on why our country is still on the
bottom and stagnant in developing. Hence, the country should evolve adapt change in the
government process and attitude of every individuals and be open for a lot of opportunities.

As a student, poverty is one of the serious problem youth should be involve into. If you are
poor your future is not secured because education seems hopeless. Even though there is free
tuition you still need money for your other expenses in school. Poverty is one of the greatest
obstacle in one’s education. They said that youth is the hope of the future how will that be possible
if youth are out of school and even the promotor of some illegal crime punishable by law. The
government should invest in education especially those who can’t because if people are educated
they won’t be a burden in the country and can even help to strive for the best. Nothing is
impossible when you strive harder and for the better, with determination and hard work no one is
poor and begging for help. Education is the key to everyone’s dream it may seems to old but it’s
true. Dream for bigger and make it happen. You can escape poverty when you always strive for
the better and if possible for the best. Youth must be a role model for the future and make dramatic
change for the future Philippines.



In almost all of the places in the Philippines today, inequality—the gap between the rich
and the poor—is quite high and often widening. Poverty has always been present. It is one of the
biggest and most evident problems in the Philippines. Poverty and inequality in the Philippines
remains a challenge.

There are several causes on why a huge number of people in the Philippines experience
poverty. One of which is the lack of quality education. Since not all people are able to have the
best quality of education, many of them will have a hard time competing with graduates from other
countries in terms of getting a job. The lack of jobs is another factor on experiencing poverty.
Since there is a lack of jobs, it would increase the number of unemployed people. Unemployed
individuals will not be able to earn a living thus need to depend on others who are employed for
basic needs. Also, overpopulation contributes on why a huge number of people in the Philippines
experience poverty. With a rapidly growing population, it will be hard to accommodate all the
people in the labor force. It will be hard to ensure the every Filipino will be able to get a job and
earn a living. The more people that is unemployed, the more people will suffer from poverty and
have trouble accommodating their basic needs. Another cause is corruption. Instead of having to
improve the country by the means of the money of the people, it ends up in the pockets of some
unjust politicians causing the condition of the country to worsen.

As the poverty in the Philippines continue to worsen, Philippines increases crime rate.
Poverty causes people who are desperate for money to rob and do crimes for easy cash. Many
people suffer from poverty. In order to avoid poverty, we should solve the causes such as lack of
quality education, lack of jobs, overpopulation, and corruption. If we are able to solve this problem,
we would lessen poverty, thus, would help lessen crime rate and child labor.

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