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Question Bank Physic-1

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Chapter : Magnetism
1. Which theory states that, "every molecule of magnetic substance is a tiny magnet"?

(a) Weber's (b) Ewing's molecular (c) Electron (d) Ampere's

2. A magnetic substance can be magnetised to a maximum limit, this limit is called

(a) magnetic saturation (b) retentivity

(c) intensity of magnetism (d) magnetic susceptibility

3. Which of the following gets easily attracted by a magnet?

(a) copper (b) brass (c) aluminium (d) iron

4. The two poles of bar-magnet has .................... pole strength

(a) no (b) equal (c) unequal (d) equal or unequal

5. The places in a magnet where the resultant attractive or repulsive forces appear to be concentrated is called

(a) neutral points (b) center of bar-magnet (c) magnetic poles (d) none of these

6. Magnetic permeability of free space is

A) 4 10 -7 Henry/meter B) 10 -7 Henry/meter
C) Henry/meter D) 10 -7 Henry/meter
4 10 -7
7. The unit of pole strength in S.I. units is

(a) weber (b) ampere-meter (c) ampere/meter (d) ampere-meter

8. 1 weber = .................... A.m.

A) 4   0 B) 4  10 -7  0 C) 10 -7  0 D)  0

9. The ratio
0 gives

(a) absolute permeability (b) permeability of free space

(c) relative permeability (d) none of these

10. The relation between magnetic flux density B and intensity of magnetic field H is given by

A) B   0 H B) H   0 B C) B  4   0 H D) H  4   0 B

11. The relative permeability

r for space is

(a) greater than 1 (b) less than 1 (c) equal to 1 (d) equal to zero

12. The magnetic moment M =

(a) 2l/m (b) 2lm (c) lm (d) m/2l

13. Magnetic field induction on axial line B =

0 M  M  0 2M  2M
A) B) C) D)
4 d3 4  d3 4  d3 4 d3
14. Magnetic field induction on equatorial line B = ..................

 2M  0 2M  M 0 M
A) B) C) D)
4 d3 4 d3 4 d3 4 d3
15. The value of B on axial line is ............................ the value of B on equatorial line for the same distance

(a) equal to (b) twice (c) half (d) 10 times

16. For air or free space

A)    0 B)    0 C)    0 D)  and  0 are not related

17. The point where the magnetic field induction due to bar-magnet B and horizontal component of the earth's

magnetic field induction

B 0 are equal and opposite is

(a) neutral point (b) magnetic pole (c) center of the bar-magnet (d) none of these

18. The magnetic moment M at null points on axial line is

A) 195 d 3 A - m 2 B) 390 d 3 A - m 2 C) 0.39 X 10 4 Tesla D) none of these

19. Units of magnetism are

A) A - m B) A - m 2 C) A/m D) A/m 2

20. The property of magnetic material of retaining certain amount of intensity of magnetism even after removal of applied
magnetic field is called

(a) magnetic susceptibility (b) exchange coupling

(c) spontaneous magnetisation (d) retentivity

21. Units of magnetic susceptibility

(a) A.m (b) A/m (c) Tesla (d) no units

Intensity of magnetisation

22. Intensity of applied field

(a) retentivity (b) susceptibility (c) permeability (d) none of these

23. Which of the following statements is wrong?

(a) dia, para and ferro magnetic substances and is dependent of relative permeability

(b) diamagnetic substances have r  1

(c) paramagnetic substances are oxygen, manganese etc.
(d) hydrogen and bismuth are examples of diamagnetic substances

24. Chromium is an example for

(a) diamagnetic material (b) paramagnetic material

(c) ferromagnetic material (d) all of the three types

25. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) diamagnetic substances have

r 1
  1
paramagnetic substances have r

(c) ferromagnetic substances have

 r  1
(d) dia, para & ferromagnetic substances are independent of

26. An example of ferromagnetic substances is

(a) gold (b) aluminum (c) copper (d) cobalt

27. An example of paramagnetic substance is

(a) bismuth (b) platinum (c) mercury (d) gadolinium

28. Unit of magnetic moment M in S.I. system is

(a) ampere/meter (b) ampere/meter (c) ampere/meter (d) none of these

29. S.I. unit of magnetic field strength (H) is

(a) ampere-meter (b) ampere-meter (c) ampere/meter (d) none of these

30. S.I. unit of magnetic flux is

A) weber B) tesla C) henry/meter D) weber/meter 2

31. S.I. unit of permeability

A) weber B) tesla C) henry/meter D) weber/meter 2

32. S.I. unit of magnetic flux density is

A) Ampere/meter 2 B) Weber/me ter 2

C) Newton/ampere 2 D) Ampere/meter

33. 1 Tesla = ............

A) ampere/meter B) henry/meter
C) newton/meter D) weber/meter 2

34. Magnetic material moves from stronger to weaker parts in a magnetic field in

(a) diamagnetic substances (b) paramagnetic substances

(c) ferromagnetic substances (d) all of the above

35. Magnetic with single pole

(a) is a strong pole (b) exists (c) does not exists (d) is a weak magnet

36. Which one of the following has high retentivity?

(a) Cu (b) Cr (c) Al (d) Steel

37. The value of

B0 in Andhra Pradesh

A) 0.39  10 -4 Tesla B) 0.39  10 -3 Tesla

C) 0.39  10 -5 Tesla D) 0.39  10 - 2 Tesla

38. A magnet is also called

(a) magnetic domain (b) magnetic dipole

(c) magnetic stone (d) none of these above

39. The property, spontaneous magnetisation is exhibited by

(a) paramagnetic substances (b) diamagnetic substances

(c) ferromagnetic substances (d) all of the above

Chapter : Light - Nature of Light And Sources of Light

40. Light is

(a) wave phenomenon (b) particle phenomenon

(c) both particle and wave phenomenon (d) none of these

41. The speed of light depends

(a) on elasticity as well as inertia (b) on elasticity of the medium only

(c) on inertia of the medium (d) neither on elasticity nor on inertia
42. Which of the following properties show that light is a transverse wave?

(a) interference (b) reflection (c) polarization (d) diffraction

43. When light is refracted into a medium

(a) its wavelength increases but frequency remains unchanged

(b) its wavelength and frequency both increases
(c) its wavelength and frequency both decreases
(d) its wavelength decreases but frequency remains unchanged

44. ave theory was stated by

(a) Fresnel (b) Huygen (c) Kirchoff (d) Young

45. lectronic theory of light was proposed by

(a) Hertz (b) Huygen (c) Max Planck (d) Maxwell

46. Quantum theory was proposed by

(a) Compton (b) Einstein (c) Max Planck (d) Maxwell

47. When a ray of light passes from a denser to a rarer medium, which angle is more?

(a) angle of incidence (b) angle of refraction

(c) angle of deviation (d) none of these

48. When light is refracted, which of the following does not change?

(a) frequency (b) wavelength (c) amplitude (d) velocity

49. The angle of reflection

(a) is less than the angle of incidence (b) is equal to the angle of incidence
(c) is greater than the angle of incidence (d) cannot be predicated

50. The formation of antinodal and nodal lines results in relatively bright and dark regions called

(a) coherence pattern of waves (b) interference pattern of waves

(c) diffraction pattern of waves (d) none of these

51. Interference is a characteristics phenomenon of

(a) water waves (b) sound waves (c) light waves (d) all waves

52. The binding of a waveform or its deviation from the original direction of propagation when it meets a small
obstacle is called

(a) diffraction (b) coherence (c) interference (d) reflection

53. The luminous intensity of a source is measured in terms of

(a) candela (b) lumen (c) lux (d) phot

54. Unit of luminous flux is

(a) dioptre (b) candela (c) lumen (d) lux

55. The scientific principle behind a laser was first put forward by

(a) Townes (b) Planck (c) Einstein (d) Maxwell

56. Important characteristics of LASER light is

(a) directionality (b) monochromacity (c) coherence (d) intensity

57. Light from sodium lamp is

(a) panchromatic (b) dichromatic (c) monochromatic (d) none of these

58. The process of achieving population inversion is called

(a) projecting (b) simulated emission (c) processing (d) pumping

59. In ruby laser, pumping is achieved by

(a) xenon-discharge (b) radio-frequency (c) electron-discharge (d) none of these

60. The rate of rotation of the Earth is determined by

(a) He-Ne laser (b) Pulsed laser (c) Ruby laser (d) none of these

61. Wavelength of He-Ne laser is

   
(a) 6943 A (b) 6328 A (c) 5893 A (d) 6928 A

62. In He-Ne laser pumping is achieved by

(a) He-Ne (b) flash-light (c) RF generator (d) temporal coherence

63. The active system in ruby laser is

A) Cr2 O 3 , Al 3 B) Al 2 O 3 , M 2
C) SiO 2 , Cr  3 D) Al 2 O 3 , Cr  3
64. Population inversion takes place when

A) N 2  N1 B) N 2  N1 C) N 2  N1 D) none of these
65. Coherence makes a laser light

(a) orderly way (b) temporal coherence (c) optical music (d) none of these

66. The band width of high quality laser is

(a) 1000 A

(b) 10 A

(c) 10  8 A

(d) 100 A

Chapter : Sound

67. Velocity of sound in air is

 P  P P
A) v  B) v  C) v  D) v 
 P   

68. In a resonating air column experiment with a closed-end tube, if first resonance occurs when the length of the air column
is 10 cm. Second resonance occurs at

(a) 5 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 40 cm

69. A medium transmits a sound wave by virtue of its

(a) elasticity (b) inertia (c) density (d) elasticity and inertia

70. The wave length of a wave is the

(a) distance between two vibrating particle with a phase difference of 

(b) distance between a crest and a consecutive trough
(c) distance between any two particles vibrating in same phase
(d) distance between any two particles in out phase by  /2
71. Distance between a node and the next antinode in a stationary wave is 10 cm. Then the wavelength is

(a) 5 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 10 cm

72. In a stationary wave, the point at which displacement is maximum is called

(a) node (b) antinode (c) crest (d) trough

73. If a spring is compressed and released, then the wave generated is

(a) longitudinal (b) transverse (c) stationary (d) none of these

74. Periodic vibrations of decreasing amplitude are called

(a) forced vibrations (b) damped vibrations

(c) natural vibrations (d) none of these
75. On reflection from a rigid or fixed end, a wave undergoes a phase change of

A)  C / 2 B)  C C) 3 C / 2 D) 2  C

76. Which of the following relations is wrong?

 P
A.   v /  B) v  C)   2  ( l 2 - l1 ) D)   Cv / Cp

77. Velocity of sound in vacuum is

(a) Zero (b) 330 m/s (c) 340 m/s (d) none of these

78. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) distance between two successive nodes is 

(b) sound waves in air are transverse
(c) stationary waves in a medium cannot transport energy
(d) nodes and anti-nodes are produced in progressive waves

79. Wavelength of sound whose velocity 350 m s and frequency 1000 Hz is

(a) 3.5 cm (b) 35 cm (c) 28.5 cm (d) 26.5 cm

80. The distance between two successive peaks is

A)  / 2 B)  C)  / 4 D) 2 

81. The distance between two successive nodes is

A)  / 2 B)  / 4 C)  D) 2 

82. Formula for velocity of sound

A) C p / C v B) P  V C) v    D) E  m c 2

83. Velocity of sound in air is in uneffected by a change in

(a) the atmospheric pressure (b) the temperature of air

(c) moisture content of the air (d) none of these

84. Velocity of sound is minimum in

(a) steel (b) vacuum (c) water (d) air

85. When a sound wave enters from one medium to another the physical quantity that remains unchanged is

(a) amplitude (b) velocity (c) wavelength (d) frequency

86. The reason for the continuous decrease of the amplitude of vibrating bodies

(a) weight of body (b) lapse of time

(c) resistance offered by surrounding air (d) none of these

Chapter : Current Electricity

87. The study of electrical charges at rest is called

(a) current electricity (b) static electricity (c) direct current (d) alternating current

88. The net charge flowing through a cross-section of conductor in unit time is called

(a) ampere (b) volt (c) current (d) coulomb

89. The unit of power

(a) volt (b) watt (c) ampere (d) coulomb

90. Which of the following is a power consumer?

(a) tap key (b) capacitor (c) bulb (d) battery

91. Current is measured in

(a) coulomb (b) joules (c) volts (d) amperes

92. Potential difference is measured in

(a) coulomb (b) joules (c) volts (d) amperes

93. When 90 coulombs of charge flows in 5 minutes, the strength of current in amperes is

(a) 450 (b) 18 (c) 0.3 (d) 27000

94. The relationship between current i, net charge q and time t is

(a) i = q/t (b) i = qt (c) i = t/q (d) none of these

95. The electrical potential V =

charge work charge

A) B) C) D) work  charge
time charge work

96. If three cells of EMF 1V, 2V and 3V are connected in series, the effective EMF=

(a) 2V (b) 1V (c) 4V (d) 6V

97. If three cells of EMF 3V, 4V and 6V are connected in parallel, the effective EMF=

(a) 13V (b) 6V (c) 10/3 V (d) 1V

98. Ohmic conductor is

(a) diode (b) triode (c) transistor (d) none of these

99. Unit of resistance is

(a) volt (b) ampere (c) ohm (d) mho

100. Non-linear conductor

(a) silicon (b) copper (c) aluminium (d) silver

101. An electrolyte is

(a) linear conductor (b) non-linear conductor

(c) instrument used to measure current (d) instrument used to measure voltage

102. Resistance is

(a) directly proportional to area of cross-section

(b) directly proportional to length of conductor
(c) indirectly proportional to length of conductor
(d) independent of temperature

103. The property of a conductor which reduces current through it is called

(a) drift (b) conductance (c) resistance (d) insulation

104. The relationship between P.D. (V), current (i) and resistance (R) is

(a) V = iR (b) V = i/R (c) V = R/i (d) none of these

105. The speed of electric field through a circuit is

8 8
(a) 3 X 10 m/s (b) 3 X 10 cm/s (c) 330 cm/s (d) 330 m/s

106. The time taken by an electron to drift 1 cm distance in a copper wire is

10 8
(a) 30 s (b) 28 s (c) 3 X 10 s (d) 3 X 10 s

107. Which of the following is a constant in the verification of Ohm's law?

(a) potential difference (b) current (c) temperature (d) resistance

108. Which of the following relation is false?

l l lR
A) R  l B) R  C)   D)  
A  A
109. Which of the following statement is true?

(a) resistance is measured is mohs

(b) conductivity is measured in ohm-meter
(c) conductivity of metals increases with increase in temperature
(d) none of the above

110. Ohm-meter is the unit of

(a) resistance (b) resistivity (c) conductance (d) conductivity

111. Specific resistance of copper at 20 C is

8 8
(a) 1.7 X 10 ohm-cm (b) 1.8 X 10 ohm-cm
7 7
(c) 2.8 X 10 ohm-cm (d) 4.4 X 10 ohm-cm

112. Resistance of conductor depends on

(a) the material (b) its length (c) its cross-section (d) all of these

113. The specimen of a conductor is also called

(a) resistance (b) resistor (c) specific resistance (d) resistivity

114. At a given temperature, the specific resistance of a conductor depends only on the

(a) length of the specimen (b) cross-section of the specimen

(b) impurities presented in the
(c) specimen (d) material of a specimen

115. When three resistance, 4  , 6  and 8  are connected in series, the effective resistance is

(a) 13/24  (b) 18  (c) 24/13  (d) 1/18 

116. When resistance of 8  and 12  are connected in parallel, the effective resistance is

(a) 20  (b) 1/20  (c) 4  (d) 4.8 

117. Which of the following expressions is correct for effective resistance of parallel combination?

1 1 1 1
A) R    B)  R1  R 2  R 3
R1 R 2 R 3 R
1 1 1 1
C) R  R 1  R 2  R 3 D)   
R R1 R 2 R 3
118. Which of the following expressions is wrong?

1 1 1
A) Effective resistance  
R series R1 R 2
B) Effective resistance  R1  R 2
R series
1 R 1R 2
C) Effective resistance 
R Parallel R1  R 2
1 1 1
D) Effective resistance  
R Parallel R1 R 2

119. Work is measured in

(a) calories (b) amperes (c) joules (d) none of these

120. The value of mechanical equivalent of heat J in joules/calorie is

(a) 6.24 X 10 (b) 4.18 (c) 3.14 (d) 1.5

121. Power =

(a) i Rt (b) Vit (c) iR (d) Vi

122. 1 WH =

5 6
(a) 3600 watt-sec (b) 36 X 10 watt-sec (c) 10 watts (d) 1000 X 60 watts

123. Which of the following expressions is wrong?

2 2
(a) W = i Rt (b) W = i Rt/J (c) P = Vi (d) W = Vit

124. The heat produced when 10 amp. of current passes through a conductor of resistance 230  in 2 minutes is

(a) 2300 cal (b) 276000 cal (c) 4600 cal (d) 2760000 cal

125. Which of the following remains uneffected during electrolysis of copper sulphate?

(a) Cathode (b) Anode (c) Conc. of

CuSO4 (d) None

126. The process of decomposition of solution into its constitued ions, when electric current passes through it is

(a) electro chemical equivalent (b) electrolysis

(c) electrolyte (d) chemical combination

127. According to Faraday's First Law of electrolysis

A) E  A/V B) m 1 : m 2  E 1 : E 2 C) m  Zit D) none of these

128. Electro chemical equivalent of copper is

(a) 0.00118 (b) 0.0000829 (c) 0.0000105 (d) 0.0003294

129. Atomic weight of an element/valency =

(a) chemical equivalent (b) e.c.e (c) m/q (d) none of these

130. Mass of gold deposited in 10 minutes, when a current of 2 amp. passes through gold, voltameter is (given Z of Au =
0.0006812 g/coul)

(a) 0.0136 g (b) 0.817 g (c) 17.61597 g (d) 17.6 g

131. Unit of e.c.e is

(a) g/coul (b) g.coul (c) coul/g (d) none of these

132. When a current of 1.25 amp. gives 1.485 g of metal in 1 hour, the value of Z in g/coul is

(a) 6682.5 (b) 0.0198 (c) 0.00033 (d) 1.188

133. The ratio of atomic weight of an element to its valency is defined as its

(a) electro chemical equivalent (b) chemical equivalent

(c) atomic number (d) none of the above

134. "The induced current will appear in such a difference that it opposes the change that produced it" is known as

(a) Farday's law (b) Ampere's law (c) Lenz's law (d) none of these

135. The force acting on a conductor carrying current (i) placed in external magnetic field is

(a) ilB (b) il/B (c) i/lB (d) none of these

136. The motion of conductor in Fleming's Left Hand Rule is represented by

(a) central finger (b) thumb (c) pointing finger (d) none of these

137. E.M.F. of a cell can be measured with

(a) galvanometer (b) ammeter (c) voltameter (d) voltmeter

38. The device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is

(a) voltameter (b) battery (c) dynamo (d) electric motor

139. Electric motor converts

(a) chemical energy into electrical energy

(b) mechanical energy into electrical energy
(c) electrical energy into chemical energy
(d) electrical energy into mechanical energy

140. The torque produced on the coil is

in in iAn
A) BiAn B) B C) D)
141. The speed of an electric motor is

(a) indirectly proportional to current in the coil

(b) indirectly proportional to area of the coil
(c) indirectly proportional to number of turns in the coil
(d) directly proportional to magnetic field

142. The polarity in the leads of rectangular coil is reversed by

(a) armature (b) commutator (c) D.C. Battery (d) magnet

143. The device which converts electrical energy into light energy is called

(a) dynamo (b) motor (c) battery cell (d) none of these

144. Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy is

(a) dynamo (b) motor (c) battery cell (d) bulb

145. An electric iron converts electric energy into

(a) heat energy (b) light energy (c) mechanical energy (d) chemical energy

146. Large A.C. currents on commercial bases is produced by

(a) A.C. dynamo (b) D.C. dynamo (c) dry cell (d) secondary cells

147. The current produced in A.C. dynamo is

(a) induced current (b) direct current (c) alternating current (d) none of these

148. Step-down transformer used

(a) to increase the voltage (b) to decrease the voltage

(c) to decrease the current (d) to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy

149. The voltage supplied for domestic purposes is

(a) 230 V (b) 11000 V (c) 33000 V (d) 132000 V

150. The device used to increase the voltage is

(a) step-down transformer (b) A.C. dynamo

(c) step-up transformer (d) D.C. dynamo

151. The device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is

(a) motor (b) battery cell (c) volta cell (d) dynamo

152. A Step-up transformer has

(a) number of turns in secondary is more than that of primary

(b) number of turns in primary is more than that of primary secondary
(c) primary and secondary has equal number of turns
(d) no relation between primary and secondary

153. The e.m.f. of a dry cell is

(a) 1V (b) 1.5V (c) 2V (d) 6V

154. The e.m.f. produced in coil due to another current carrying coil kept near by is due to

(a) self induction (b) mutual induction (c) D.C. source (d) none of these

155. A transformer works on

(a) A.C. (b) D.C. (c) dry cell (d) voltameter

156. A transformer works on the principle of

(a) self induction (b) Fleming's Right Hand Rule

(c) Fleming's Left Hand Rule (d) mutual induction

157. Which of the following relation is false?

Vs n np ip Vp is
A)  s B)  C)  D) none of these
Vp np ns is Vs ip

158. 1 Henry is

volt  ampere volt

A) B)
second ampere  second
volts  second ampere
C) D)
ampere volt  second

159. Unit of mutual inductance is

(a) ohm (b) mho (c) watt (d) henry

160. A transformer is used ................... to minimise power losses

(a) steel core (b) iron core (c) tungsten core (d) none of these

161. Two of each R ohms resistances are connected in parallel. Then the effective resistance is

(a) R (b) 2R (c) 2/R (d) R/2

162. The resistance of conductor is R  . If the length and also the cross-section are both doubled. Then the resistance of
the conductor

(a) R/4 (b) 4R (c) R (d) R/2

163. The wattage of an electric bulb is W and the resistance of the filament is R. If it is connected to a voltage V, the current in
it is 'i'. Then the correct relation among these is

i2 R
A) V  WR B) i  W  V C) V  D) i 
164. A coil connected to 230V supply delivers a power of 115 watts. Then the resistance of the coil is

(a) 115  (b) 230  (c) 460  (d) 1150 

165. The symbol of a cell is

166. Symbol of a resistor is

167. Symbol of ohm is

168. The resultant resistance in the following circuit is

A) 2  B) 8  C) 6  D) none of the above

169. The effective resistance in the following circuit is

A) 6  B) 3  C) 1  D) 1 
170. Symbol of a transformer is
171. Which of the magic-triangle is wrong?

172. Magnetic induction B =

i 0 i i
A)  0 B) C) 2   0   D) none of these
r 2 r r

Chapter : Kinematics

173. The final velocity of a freely falling body is

(a) 0 (b) v = gt (c) v = 2gh (d) none of these

174. The initial velocity for a freely falling body is

(a) 9.8 m s
(b)  (c) 9.8 m s
(d) 0

175. Maximum height reached by a body thrown up vertically with an initial velocity u is

u2 2g u
A) u 2 2g B) C) D)
2g u2 g

176. The velocity of a body at its maximum height is

1 1 1
(a) 10 m s (b) 15 m s (c) 0 (d) -10 m s

177. The time taken by a body to remain in the air which is moving under the influence of gravity is

(a) 2u/g (b) u/g (c) 2h/g (d) none of these

178. The time taken by a body thrown up to reach maximum height (h) is called its
(a) time of descent (b) time of flight (c) time of ascent (d) none of these

179. The time taken by a freely falling body to touch the ground is called its

(a) time of descent (b) time of ascent (c) time of flight (d) none of these

180. The time for which a body remains in the air is called

(a) time of flight (b) time of descent (c) time of ascent (d) travelling time

181. The upward velocity and downward velocity of a body at a particular point is

(a) unequal (b) equal (c) approximately equal (d) none of these

182. In order to keep a body in air above the Earth for 12 s, with what velocity the body is to be thrown vertically up?

1 1 1 1
(a) 12 m s (b) 144 m s (c) 58.8 m s (d) 588 ms

Chapter : Our Universe - Gravitation

183. According to Kepler's Law, the planets move around the sun in this orbit

(a) circular (b) elliptical (c) rectangular (d) linear

184. The Law of Gravitation

(a) applies only to large bodies such as planets and stars

(b) accounts for all known forces
(c) holds only in the solar system
(d) holds everywhere in the Universe

185. The weight of an object

(a) is the quantity of matter in it

(b) is the force with which it is attracted to the Earth
(c) is basically the same quantity as its mass but is expressed in different units
(d) is independent of gravitational pull

186. The gravitational force with which the Earth attracts the Moon

(a) is less than the force with which the Moon attracts the Earth
(b) is greater than the force with which the Moon attracts the Earth
(c) is equal to the force with which the Moon attracts the Earth
(d) none of the above

187. The weight of 400 g stone is

(a) 0.041 N (b) 0.4 N (c) 3.92 N (d) 3920 N

188. The distance of the Moon from the Earth is about

5 5
(a) 3.85 X 10 km (b) 3.85 X 10 m
5 5
(c) 38.5 X 10 km (d) 385 X 10 m

189. The Moon makes one revolution around the Earth in how many days.

(a) 273 (b) 27.32 (c) 2.732 (d) 30

190. The unit of force in S.I. system is

(a) meter (b) pascal (c) newton (d) newton meter

191. The units of gravitational constant

2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(a) Nm kg (b) Nm kg (c) Nm kg (d) Nm kg

192. The gravitational force of attraction between any two bodies is

m1 m 2 m1 m 2
A) F  B) F  G  ( )
r2 r2
m m GM
C) F  G  ( 1 2 2 ) D) F 
r r2
193. The Earth is flattened at poles and bulged at the equator. This is due to

(a) the Earth revolves round the Sun in an elliptical orbit

(b) the angular velocity of spinning about its axis is more at the equator
(c) the centrifugal force is more at the equator than at poles
(d) none of the above

194. All bodies large or small fall with the same

(a) force (b) velocity (c) acceleration (d) momentum

195. The gravitational force between the two bodies does not depend upon

(a) their separation (b) the product of their masses

(c) the Universal Gravitational Constant G (d) none of the above

196. If the Earth is 1/4 of its present distance from the Sun, the duration of the year would be

(a) 1/4 of the present year (b) 1/6 of the present year
(c) 1/8 of the present year (d) 1/16 of the present year

197. As we go from the equator to the poles, the value of 'g'

(a) remains the same (b) decreases

(c) increases (d) decreases upto altitude of 45

198. The unit of quantity G/g where G is the gravitational constant and g the accelerartion
due to gravity

kg m2 kg
A) B) C) D) kg - m
m2 kg m

199. Value of 'g' on the Earth is

2 2 2 2
(a) 9.8 m s (b) 1.67 m s (c) 98 m s (d) 167 m s

200. Acceleration due to gravity at the center of the Earth is

2 2 2
(a) 9.8 m s (b) zero (c) 98 m s (d) 0.98 m s

Chapter : Measurement of Length

201. While measuring the diameter of a lead shot using a screw gauge, the reading on the pitch scale is found to be
7.5 mm and that on the head scale is 48. If the L.C. is 0.01mm, the diameter of the lead shot is

(a) 0.798 mm (b) 7.98 mm (c) 2.7 mm (d) 12.3 mm

202. In a screw gauge, each centimeter of the pitch scale is divided into 20 division. If there are 50 divisions on the head
scale, least count of the instrument is

(a) 0.001 cm (b) 0.01 cm (c) 0.1 cm (d) 1 cm

203. The least count of an ordinary scale is

(a) 1 inch (b) 1 cm (c) 1 mm (d) none

204. The distance travelled by the tip of a screw gauge for complete rotation of its head is called the

(a) head scale reading (b) pitch scale reading

(c) pitch of the screw (d) least count

205. The smallest length that can be measured accurately using any scale is called

(a) pitch of the screw (b) least count (c) millimeter (d) none

206. The screw gauge works on the principle of

(a) lever (b) jack and screw (c) screw and nut (d) all of these
Chapter : Magnetism

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A
5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A
9. A 10. A 11. A 12. A
13. A 14. A 15. A 16. A
17. A 18. A 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. A 23. A 24. A
25. A 26. A 27. A 28. A
29. A 30. A 31. A 32. A
33. A 34. A 35. C 36. A
37. A 38. A 39. A
Chapter : Light - Nature of 40. A 41. A
Light And Sources of Light
42. A 43. A 44. A 45. A
46. A 47. A 48. A 49. A
50. A 51. A 52. A 53. A
54. A 55. A 56. A 57. A

58. A 59. A 60. A 61. A

62. A 63. A 64. A 65. A
66. A Chapter : Sound 67. A
68. A 69. A 70. A 71. A
72. A 73. A 74. A 75. A
76. A 77. A 78. A 79. A
80. A 81. A 82. A 83. A
84. A 85. A 86. A
Chapter : Current 87. A 88. A
89. A 90. A 91. A 92. A
93. A 94. A 95. A 96. A
97. A 98. A 99. D 100. A
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177. A 178. A 179. A 180. A
181. A 182. A Chapter : Our Universe -
183. A 184. A
185. A 186. A 187. A 188. A
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202. A 203. A 204. A 205. A
206. A

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