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Effectiveness of Blended Learning Thru Filpped Classroom

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Effectiveness of Blended E-Learning Approach in a Flipped Classroom


Jose Mari M. Calamlam, De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, Philippines

The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2016

Official Conference Proceedings

Researchers have persuaded educational institutions that there is a new set of vital
skills that students are required to have, thus giving rise to a new trend in education
called Blended Learning. An example of this is a Flipped classroom where the
traditional in-class and out-of-class activities is switched. The purpose of this study is
to determine the effectiveness of this type of classroom. The research method used for
this paper is quasi-experimental design in which the process consists of three
analyses: first is evaluating the effectiveness of flipped classroom; second is
comparing the effectiveness of flipped with a traditional classroom; and third,
comparing the effectiveness of a flipped classroom to high and moderate to low
performing students. Results show that a flipped classroom environment had a large
significant effect (d = 3.180) in improving the trigonometry performance of the
students. Additionally, a flipped classroom environment had a quite larger effect (d =
3.619) in improving students’ performance compared to traditional classroom
environment (d = 2.004). However, this difference of effect is considered not to be
statistically significant (F = 1.837, p > 0.05). Furthermore, the effectiveness of a
flipped classroom is significantly larger to high performing students compared to
moderate to low performing students (F = 10.165, p < 0.05).

Keywords: Flipped Learning, Blended Learning, 21st Century Skills, e-Learning,

Traditional Learning, In-Class Activity, Out-of-Class Activity, Module

The International Academic Forum

The 21st century offers new opportunities due to the emergence of new ideas and
technology. On the other hand, it also offers new challenges. Information where
students could attain knowledge is very accessible because of new technology.
However, knowledge itself is not enough. Researchers have proposed and
subsequently persuaded educational institutions that there is a necessary set of skills
that students require to be successful in the 21st century (Schgrader & Lawless,
2011). A student must have the skills on how to use their knowledge. These skills
include thinking critically, applying knowledge to new situations, analyzing
information, comprehending new ideas, communicating, collaborating, solving
problem, making decisions (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011). These skills
are further defined into three broad categories: information and communication skills,
thinking and problem-solving skills, and interpersonal and self-directional skills. With
this development in education, it was imperative to acquire a new approach in
methodology, hence blended learning was born.

The term “blended learning” is increasingly being popular in both academic and
corporate circles; even so, this term does not give a universal definition that educators
could use (Graham, 2004). Definitions were suggested by various authors but still
focused on a central idea – combination of approaches, technologies, and
methodologies (Sharma, 2010). Three definitions of blended learning are considered
relevant: blended learning is the integrated combination of traditional learning with
web based on-line approaches; blended learning is the combination of media and tools
employed in an e-learning environment; and, blended learning is the combination of a
number of pedagogic approaches.

The importance of blended learning came from the fact that traditional and online
learning had their limitations. A physical classroom training program limits the access
to only those who can participate at a fixed time and location, whereas a virtual
classroom event is inclusive of remote audiences (Singh, 2003). However, if teachers
rely too much in e-learning and disregard face-to-face instruction, students might not
experience the full extent of benefits learning in communities could offer (Hrastinski,
2008). In blended learning, the combination of two approaches could complement the
limitations of the other. The value of this approach could be attributed to six benefits
it could bring (Osguthorpe & Graham 2003) viz., (1) pedagogical richness, (2) access
to knowledge, (3) social interaction, (4) personal agency, (5) cost effectiveness, and
(6) ease of revision.

As has been mentioned, blended learning is the combination of learning approaches

and one example of which is a flipped classroom. By definition, a flipped classroom is
an educational technique that consists of two parts: interactive group learning
activities inside the classroom and direct computer-based individual instruction
outside the classroom (Bishop & Verleger, 2013). Combining interactive group
learning and direct individual instructions such as a flipped classroom is a good
example of blended learning. Studies suggest specific advantages of flipping
classrooms. To start with, teachers who use flipped classrooms have time to work
individually with students (Steed, 2012). Another benefit of flipping classrooms is
that classroom time will be spent working through problems, advance concepts, and
engaging in collaborative learning (Tucker, 2012).
Even though blended learning, specifically flipped classroom, is a trend to cater to
21st century needs, there is limited amount of scholarly research on its effectiveness
(Bishop & Verleger, 2013). Due to this gap, the researcher wanted to pursue a study
to evaluate the efficiency of a blended e-learning approach thru a flipped classroom.

The main problem of the study is to determine the effectiveness of blended e-learning
approach in a flipped classroom environment. The study sought to investigate the
effectiveness of flipped classroom in improving students’ trigonometric achievement,
to compare students’ performance under flipped classroom and traditional classroom,
and to evaluate the extent of effect of flipped classroom to the achievement of high
and moderate to low performing students.

Conceptual Framework

The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Blended e-learning Approach in a

Flipped Classroom Environment. Blended learning suggests a number of definitions
that address combination of approaches, technologies, and methodologies of learning
(Sharma, 2010). In this study, the considered definition of blended learning is the
combination of traditional learning and web based on-line learning (e-learning)
approaches (Oliver &Trigwell, 2005). Traditional learning refers to lecture method
where students listen to explicit instruction from the teacher. Alternatively, e-learning
refers to the intentional use of networked information and communications
technology in teaching and learning (Naidu, 2006). Blended learning has a myriad of
learning formats: synchronous physical formats, and self-paced asynchronous formats
(Singh, 2003). First, synchronous physical formats refer to face-to-face approaches
where activities are done in the classroom with teacher supervision. Second, self-
paced asynchronous formats refer to on-line methods done outside of the classroom,
without live teacher supervision and students dictate their own pace.

Today, a blended learning program may combine one or more of the dimensions, thus
the study chose the simplest level – a blended learning experience that combines
offline and online forms of learning where the online learning usually means “over
the Internet or Intranet” and offline learning happening in a more traditional
classroom setting (Singh, 2003). This dimension of blended learning is associated
with flipped classrooms. By definition, flipped classroom is an educational technique
that consists of two parts: activities inside the classroom, and activities outside the
classroom (Bishop & Verleger, 2013). In this study, in-class activities employ group-
based interactive learning activities inside the classroom, citing student-centered
learning theories thru synchronous physical formats of learning approaches (Bishop &
Verleger, 2013). On the other hand, out-of-class activities employ individual on-line
learning activities outside the classroom thru synchronous online (live e-learning) and
self-paced asynchronous formats of learning approaches (Bishop & Verleger, 2013).

The study evaluated the effectiveness of blended learning approach using a flipped
classroom environment. In evaluating, the study considered two procedures: First is
comparing the efficiency of a flipped classroom environment with the efficiency of
traditional classroom settings. Comparison of the approach being studied to normal
setting determines if flipped classroom causes a significant improvement to students’
output. Second is determining the efficiency of a flipped classroom to high
performing students and moderately to low performing students. The summary of the
framework is reflected on the diagram shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Review of Related Literature

Blended Learning
Blended learning is an increasingly popular approach in education. However, various
authors suggest different definitions of it. Sharma (2010) suggests a set of definition
based on its combination of approaches, technologies, and methodologies. Three
definitions were provided in his study: blended learning is the integrated combination
of traditional learning with web based on-line approaches; blended learning is the
combination of media and tools employed in an e-learning environment; and, blended
learning is the combination of a number of pedagogic approaches. Graham (2004)
also agreed that blended learning has no uniform definition. The study provides also
three definitions: combining instructional modalities, combining instructional
methods, and combining online and face-to-face instruction. Even though blended
learning has a number of definitions, they are mostly just variations of a few common

The original use of the phrase “blended learning” was often associated with simply
combining traditional classroom training with e-learning activities. However, the term
has evolved to encompass a much richer set of learning strategies or dimensions
(Singh, 2004). According to Singh (2004), blended learning is expanded to five
dimensions. The first is the simplest level - a blended learning experience that
combines offline and online forms of learning where the online learning usually
means “over the internet or intranet” and offline learning that happens in a more
traditional classroom setting (Singh, 2004). Second is the blending of a self-paced and
live, collaborative learning. Self-paced learning implies solitary, on-demand learning
at a pace that is managed or controlled by the learner. Collaborative learning, on the
other hand, implies a more dynamic communication among many learners that brings
about knowledge sharing (Singh, 2004). Third is the combination of structured and
unstructured learning. Formal learning program is in organized content with specific
sequence like chapters in a textbook. On the other hand, most learning in the
workplace occurs in an unstructured form via meetings, hallway conversations, or e-
mail (Singh, 2004). The fourth dimension is blending custom content with off-the-
shelf content. Off-the-shelf content is by definition generic—unaware of an
organization’s unique context and requirements. However, generic self-paced content
can be customized today with a blend of live experiences or with content
customization (Singh, 2004). Fifth level is blending learning, practice, and
performance support. Perhaps the finest form of blended learning is to supplement
learning with practice and just-in-time performance support tools that facilitate the
appropriate execution of job-tasks (Singh, 2004).

Blended learning does not have a universally accepted categorization. Some studies
were done to set up their types of blended learning. A study from Kleber (2015) offers
a tangible delineation of blended learning into four models: rotational, flex, a la carte
and enriched virtual.
(1) Rotational model (station, lab, modified flipped, individual): Students move from
one activity or location to mix digital teaching tools and mentored application.
(2) Flex: Credit recovery model where students work independently at an
individualized pace with face-to-face support and activities.
(3) A la Carte: Students take a course entirely online to supplement their regular in
class work.
(4) Enriched virtual: A course or subject in which students have required, face-to-
face learning sessions with their teacher of record and then are free to complete
their remaining course work remotely.

The sudden increase of blended learning is caused by the benefit it causes in the
educational community. A number of studies are dedicated to explore blended
learning, specifically its relevance to teacher instruction. According to Zackerman
(2012), the more video segments focus on targeted bursts of context, including the
'back story' or 'field truth,' the more learner consumption and appreciation grows, the
more delivery of instruction becomes an effective training. Results from Al Musawi
(2011) showed that there is a dramatic rise in using blended learning approaches
which also made a significant grade improvement for blended learning courses over
entire online courses. Osguthorpe & Graham (2003) identified six benefits it could
bring: (1) pedagogical richness, (2) access to knowledge, (3) social interaction, (4)
personal agency, (5) cost effectiveness, and (6) ease of revision.

Flipped Classroom
Flipping classroom means that activities that have traditionally taken place inside the
classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice versa (Bishop and Verleger,
2013). This model involves the teacher delivering the 'taught' element outside of the
classroom. Students complete this element of their learning prior to attending the
lesson (Steed, 2012). This implies that the usual lecture methods were done as
homework while usual activity assigned sheets were done inside the classroom.
However, studies suggest that flipping classroom is more than flipping lectures to
assignments. Flipping’ a lesson means providing students with a video that explains
the concepts, structure and skills, so that when they get to class, after doing a quick
re-cap, they can get into a real ‘workshop’ of learning (Abbey, 2013). Classroom
activities must not just be individual seat works, interactive should be group learning
activities inside the classroom instead (Bishop and Verleger, 2013).
A flipped classroom is an educational technique that consists of two parts: interactive
group learning activities inside the classroom, and direct computer-based individual
instruction outside the classroom (Bishop and Verleger, 2013). The combination of
these two processes is what makes up the flipped classroom. A graphic representation
of this concept is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Flipped Classroom

(Adopted from the Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research by Bishop &
Verleger, 2013)

It is to be noted that a flipped classroom is different form flipped learning. It is not

necessary that a flipped class could result to a flipped learning (Flipped Learning
Network, 2014). Implementers of such method should be aware of the dimensions for
an effective flipped classroom, thus the Flipped Learning Network provides the “Four
Pillars of F-L-I-P”. These pillars are: Flexible Environment, Learning Culture,
Intention Content, and Professional Educator (Hamdan, McKnight, Arfstrom, 2013).
Standards on what should be expected in each pillar are included in Table 1.

Table 1: The Four Pillars of F-L-I-P

Flexible ü I establish spaces and time frames that permit students to
Learning interact and reflect on their learning as needed.
ü I continually observe and monitor students to make
adjustments as appropriate.
ü I provide students with different ways to learn content
and demonstrate mastery.
Learning Culture ü I give students opportunities to engage in meaningful
activities without the teacher being central.
ü I scaffold these activities and make them accessible to all
students through differentiation and feedback.
Intentional ü I prioritize concepts used in direct instruction for learners
Content to access on their own.
ü I create and/or curate relevant content (typically videos)
for my students.
ü I differentiate to make content accessible and relevant to
all students.
Professional ü I make myself available to all students for individual,
Educator small group, and class feedback in real time as needed.
ü I conduct ongoing formative assessments during class
time through observation and by recording data to inform
future instruction.
ü I collaborate and reflect with other educators and take
responsibility for transforming my practice.
(Adopted from the Four Pillars of F-L-I-P™ by Flipped Learning Network, 2014)

Various studies suggest that benefits of flipped classroom, especially in the

emergence of outline technology, could make e-learning possible. According to Steed
(2012), teachers who use flipped classrooms had time to work individually with
students. The approach promotes one-to-one discussions with students in classrooms.
Another study suggests classroom time will be spent working through problems,
advance concepts, and engage in collaborative learning with flipped classrooms (Bill,
2012). The Flipped Learning Network suggests that in a flipped classroom, the
teacher moves lower levels of the taxonomy outside of the class where students work
on mastering concepts and can pause, rewind and review the lesson at any time. The
teacher and students can focus on upper levels of the taxonomy in class (Hamdan,
McKnight, Arfstrom, 2013).


Research Design
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a blended e-learning
approach using a flipped classroom environment. The research method that was
selected for this paper is quasi-experimental design for non-equivalent groups.
Through quasi-experimental research, performance between group X (group which
has undergone traditional learning) and group Y (group which undergo blended e-
learning) was compared. Random assignment of participants to conditions or other
control was no longer considered. In addition, group Y was further classified into two
sub groups: high performing students (Subgroup Y1) and moderate to low performing
student (Subgroup Y2). The difference in performance of these two subgroups was
analyzed and compared to conclude the effect of flipped approach on different types
of students.

The study was conducted at a certain Catholic school in Metro Manila. The module
for unit 1, Trigonometry, was used for blended learning with a flipped classroom
environment. The participants came from three Grade 10 sections, each consisting of
an average of 42 students. All of the students in each section of the study belonged to
sections named group X and group Y. Group X consisted of one section while group
Y consisted of two. Group X underwent traditional method while group Y used the
blended learning with flipped classroom environment. In comparing traditional and
flipped approach, only one section for both group X and Y was used.

In determining the effect of flipped classroom to high and moderate to low

performing students, two sections of Group Y were used. Group Y was divided into
two Subgroups: Subgroup Y1 which consisted of high performing students and
Subgroup Y2 which consisted of moderate to low performing students. The basis for
determining high and moderate to low performing students was based on their
National Career Assessment Exam (NCAE) results on Mathematics proficiency for
academic year 2014-2015. High Performing students had a score of 90 and above
while Moderate to Low performing students had a score of 89 and below.
competencies in the Department of Education K-12 curriculum were used in the tests.
Table 2 shows the table of specifications used for the pre and post tests.

To evaluate the efficiency of a blended e-learning approach in a flipped classroom
environment, a module was produced by the researcher and was used in class. In
preparation of the module, a curriculum map was first created. Topics, standards, and
activities that were implemented during the course of the unit were based in the
curriculum map. Specifically, the curriculum map is a matrix in which the following
are listed: unit topics, content and performance standards, essential questions,
enduring understanding, transfer goals, skills, assessments, and strategies.

In preparing the module, the Lasallian Learning Module format was used as a
template. The module caters to the “Backward Design” since it starts with
determining the desired outcomes which will establish the design of curriculum units,
performance assessments, and classroom instruction (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005).
Aside from standards and expected outcomes, also included in the module is the
lesson flow for the whole unit. Since blended e-learning was the approach used in the
module, there is be a portion where blended tools are be listed i.e. face to face and e-
learning activities are two dimensions of blended tools.

A pre-test was conducted to students before implementing the revised module. This
test determined the prior knowledge of the students. These scores were compared to
their post test to see the difference in performance before and after implementing the
module. The same pre-test will be given to all students of group X and group Y. The
15-item pre-test was answered for 30 minutes. A brief clarification before the pre-test
in which details about the objective, mechanics, time duration, and other instructions
in answering the test was given.

The module was implemented after the students took their pre-test. Different modules
were given to group X and group Y. Group X, as the controlled group, took the
module that uses a traditional approach, while group Y, as the experimental group,
took the module that uses blended e-learning approach. The module for group X had
the following flow for the lessons: First part includes in-class activities which are
teacher-centered and uses lecture method, the second part includes out-of-class
activities that consists of student-centered formative assessments. The module of
group Y had the following flow for the lesson: First part includes out-of-class teacher-
centered activities with online lecture as a method while the second part includes
student-centered formative assessment. Figure 2 shows the process of implementation
of the module with the pre and post test.
Figure 2: Module Implementation

A post-test was given at the end of the unit. The test, served as their final scores, was
compared to their pre-test scores to see the difference in performance before and after
implementing the module. The same post-tests were given to all students of groups X
and Y. The tests were answered by the students for 30 minutes. A brief clarification
was given before the post-tests in which details for the mechanics and time duration
were discussed.

Data from the assessments were analyzed to determine the following: the
effectiveness of the flipped classroom, the difference of flipped classroom to
traditional classroom, and the effect of flipped classroom to high and moderate to low
performing students.

Statistical Treatment
The data were analyzed using two statistical treatments: t-test of dependent means and
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). To find out if the flipped classroom has a
significant effect on the performance of the students, t-test of dependent means was
used to compare the scores on pre and post tests of students. The result determined
that the intervention caused significant increase on the performance of the students.
ANCOVA was used to determine if the academic achievement of students who have
experienced flipped approach is significantly different to students who have
undergone traditional approach. ANCOVA is an analysis procedure for looking at
group effects on a continuous outcome when some other continuous explanatory
variable also have an effect on the outcome. To determine the difference between the
traditional and flipped approach, the post tests of group X and group Y were
compared considering the results of the pre-tests of the two groups. The treatment
showed the difference of the two approaches (traditional or flipped) affected the post
test scores considering the covariate which is the pre test scores.

To find out the effect of a flipped classroom to high and moderate to low performing
students, t-test of dependent means and ANCOVA were used. T-test determined the
effect size of flipped classroom to the performance of Subgroup Y1 and Y2.


Effectiveness of flipped classroom in improving students’ trigonometric

The first analysis showed the effectiveness of blended e-learning in a flipped
classroom environment by inspecting the significance of difference between the pre-
test and post-test scores before and after the intervention respectively. To analyze pre-
test and post test scores of flipped classroom group (Group Y), t-test of dependent
means with 95% confidence is used. Results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Comparison of pre and post test results of flipped classroom group
M SD t-value p Cohen’s d
Post Test 10.348 2.8148
17.333 .000 3.180
Pre Test 3.350 1.3269

Results show the difference between the post and pre test to be statistically significant
where t = 17.333, p < .05; d = 1.56. The effect size for this analysis (d = 3.180) was
found to exceed Cohen’s (1988) convention for a large effect (d = .80). These results
indicate that the post test scores of the students were significantly higher than their pre
test results. Consequently, effect size suggests that the intervention of flipping the
classroom shows a large effect on the students’ trigonometry achievement.

Flipped classroom is expected to cause significant change to students’ performance

before and after instruction. Nevertheless, results show that flipped classroom is an
effective method in delivering instruction to students.

Comparison of students’ performance under flipped classroom and traditional

The second analysis examined the effectiveness of flipped classroom environment as
compared to a traditional classroom. To compare the two classroom environments, the
effect sizes of the traditional classroom group (Group X) and flipped classroom group
(Group Y) was determined. Results are shown in Table 3. Additionally, the
significance of the difference between the two approaches will be determined by
using analysis of covariance with 95% confidence level. Results are summarized in
Table 4.
Table 3: Effect Sizes of Traditional and Flipped Classroom Group
M SD t-value p
Traditional Post Test 9.806 3.362
8.706 .000 2.004
(Group X) Pre Test 4.417 1.779
Flipped Post Test 10.906 2.728
13.831 .000 3.619
(Group Y) Pre Test 3.281 1.198

Table 4: Comparison of Traditional and Flipped Classroom Group

M SD F-value P
Traditional (Group X) 9.81 3.362
1.837 .180
Flipped (Group Y) 10.91 2.728

It is implied by the results in Table 3 that traditional classroom environment and

flipped classroom environment caused significant change on the performance of
students (Traditional t = 8.706, p < .05; Flipped t = 13,831, p < 0.05). Furthermore,
the effect sizes of the two approaches differ in which traditional classroom had
Cohen’s d value of 2.004 while flipped classroom had a d value = 3.619. Even though
effect sizes of the two approaches differ, the interpretation remains the same as the
values of Cohen’s d exceeds 0.80 interpreted as large effect (Cohen’s, 1988). Table 4
summarizes the results of analysis of covariance between post test scores of
traditional classroom and flipped classroom groups given pre-test scores as a
covariate. Results of ANCOVA (F = 1.837, p > 0.05) suggest that although the effect
sizes of the two approaches differ, the two approaches are still not significantly
different with each other. This implies that the change of performance caused by
flipped classroom is statistically same as the change caused by the traditional

From the results, it could be interpreted that the type of classroom approach was not
the most influential factor in the performance of the students. The classroom situation
had various factors other than the order of in-class and out-of-class activities which is
the emphasis of flipped classroom. Factors that could be considered are the following:
teacher knowledge, enthusiasm and responsibility for learning; classroom activities
that encourage learning; assessment activities that encourage learning through
experience; effective feedback that establishes the learning processes in the
classroom; and effective interaction between the teacher and the students (Gurney,
2007). The researcher considers the possibility that these other factors which affect
students’ performance remained the same between traditional and flipped classroom

Effectiveness of flipped classroom environment for High and Moderate to Low

performing students
The third analysis was directed at investigating the effect of flipped classroom
environment on two types of students: high and moderate to low performing students.
T-test of dependent means is used to see the difference of effect of flipped classroom
to the two different types of students; on the other hand, ANCOVA is used to evaluate
the significance of this difference. Results are shown in Table 5 and 6.
Table 5: Pre and Post Test Results of High and Moderate to Low Performing Students
M SD t-value p
Post Test 11.424 2.180
High 16.876 .000 4.494
Pre Test 3.333 1.315
Moderate to Post Test 9.273 2.992
10.167 .000 2.245
Low Pre Test 3.727 1.329

Table 6: Comparison of High and Moderate to Low Performing Students

M SD F-value P
High 11.424 2.180
10.165 .002
Moderate to Low 9.273 2.992

Table 5 presents the effect size of flipped classroom environment to high performing
students and moderate to low performing students. According to the result, flipping
the classroom has both significant effects on both high and moderate to low
performing students (High t = 16.876, p < .05; Moderate to Low t = 10.167, p < 0.05).
In addition, data show that flipped classroom had a different effect size to the two
groups. The effect size for high performing students was d = 4.494 while the effect
size for moderate to low performing students was d = 2.246. The two groups may
have different value of effect sizes; however, their effect sizes both still exceed
Cohen’s (1988) convention for a large effect (d = .80). This suggested that flipped
classroom environment had a strong effect on students’ achievement for both high and
moderate to low performing groups. Results shown in Table 6 (F = 10.165, p < 0.05)
imply that there is a significant difference between the effect of flipped classroom to
high and moderate to low performing students. The result suggests that flipped
classroom was significantly more effective to high performing students compared to
moderate to low students.

The result for flipped classroom being differently effective to different types of
students could be explained by this possible scenario. A flipped classroom
environment requires complete compliance to the given out-of-class activities thus,
self-study. The ability to self-study is a trait of a high performing student therefore
making flipped classroom effective to this type of students compared to moderate to
low performing students.


By quantitatively analyzing the results of the students’ pre-test, post test, and national
career achievement examination (NCAE) mathematics proficiency, the researcher
come up with the following conclusions:
1. Flipped classroom environment had a large significant effect (d = 3.180) in
improving the trigonometry performance of the students.
2. Flipped classroom environment had a quite larger effect (d = 3.619) in improving
students’ performance compared to traditional classroom environment (d =
2.004); however, this difference of effect is considered not statistically significant
(F = 1.837, p > 0.05).
3. While a flipped classroom environment had a large significant effect in
trigonometry achievement of both high performing students (d = 4.494) and
moderate to low performing students (d = 2.246), the effectiveness of flipped
classroom is significantly larger to high performing students compared to
moderate to low performing students (F = 10.165, p < 0.05).


In light of the findings of this study, for future researchers who will be interested in
further continuing or improving the study, the research offers the following
1. Continue to use the advantage of technology in improving the delivery of
instruction such as but not limited to using a flipped classroom environment.
2. Consider the order of in-class and out-of-class activities as a factor in improving
students’ achievement; however, there are other factors needed to be considered
other than this order that is possibly a greater factor in improving achievement.
3. Use current data of the class from standardized tests, previous grades, and others
in planning the method or approach of instruction. Data from students suggest
variability which is needed to be considered as an important factor of their

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