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Adventure Background: The Tale of The Flying Fortune

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Adventure Background planks followed by horrid screams resonated from below decks —

more than merely the sounds of running aground. Something had

broken into the ship and was attacking the crew below.
The Tale of The Flying Fortune The first mate drew his blade and formed up what was left of the
crew. They steeled their courage and waited for whatever nightmare
Black Spot

The Flying Fortune sailed for Port Shaw with a hold full of common
gave birth to the horrid noises below deck to emerge topside. When the
cargo and wine casks. A two-masted brig, shipshape and trim, she was
creatures finally ventured into the moonlight, the men’s courage broke.
a humble lady of the sea, crewed by a motley collection of sailors from
They had never seen such otherworldly monstrosities. The
a dozen kingdoms all united in the promise of profit and perhaps a
creatures ripped into their faltering ranks and slaughter reigned. A
modicum of adventure. However, as soon as the ship left port, bad
young but literate sailor named Titus was clever enough to flee rather
omens accumulated. The Captain brought his luggage aboard in black
than fight to the last. He slipped into the smuggler’s hold and bit
bags — black, the color of death. He chanced fate by leaving on a
his tongue. As death gurgled right outside his refuge, Titus made a
Friday, and as soon as the ship left its moorings, cormorants and ravens
panicked entry in his journal, recounting the terrors of that night.
— death birds — flocked to her rigging. The men might have ignored
Outside, the abominations spared no one and hauled what they
one of these omens, but all together they heralded unavoidable disaster.
wanted below the waves. They cared nothing for gold or treasure
Every night the old salts endlessly harangued the green recruits about
— only for the fresh flesh of sailors. The luckiest of the crew died
their coming doom as the candles burned low.
swiftly, but a few survived to see the interior of a strange and alien
Initially, the cruise defied the portents. The ship cut the waves
ship. They were to be pitied above all others, as they were dragged to
without incident as her veteran captain, Colthyn Riggs, expertly
face the Vivisectionist’s knife.
navigated the Razor Sea. The weather blew fair, if blustery, and the
Sinful Whispers

Strangely, Captain Riggs survived, but he lost his crew that night
ship made good speed. One day, a lookout even spotted a pod of
— not to mention his eternal soul. An inhuman master now rules the
spinner dolphins frolicking in the ship’s wake. The crew took it as
captain. To ensure his loyalty, it placed the black spot on his left hand
a good omen. Even the most determined of doomsayers began to
and returned him to the world of men, there to perform his master’s
believe their luck had shifted.
grim bidding.

A Treasure Spotted The Best Laid Plans of Extradimensional Invaders

One night, with the moon barely a sliver in the sky, a sentry spotted
No one in this age of humanity’s power believed that creatures
strange glimmers of light off the port bow. Captain Riggs soon
from another reality watched this world keenly and closely. They
appeared on deck and surveyed the dark water with his spyglass.
lusted, envied, and desired what they saw. And in their avarice, they
What he saw amazed him. He spied a distant sea ridge barely peeking
built a vessel with only one purpose — to punch a hole into the world
above the waterline. A smashed sea chest surrounded by gold trade
of Lloegyr, and slip in enough arcane equipment to construct a great
ingots lay atop it, sprayed by the breaking waves and glittering in the
portal from where invasion could begin. The portal would not be
faint moonlight — a fortune ripe for the taking.
constructed on dry land where men could easily see and thwart it.
Captain Riggs beamed at the discovery, and ordered his men to
Instead, it would be built at the bottom of the ocean. And from there,
bring the haul aboard their ship. The men cheered their good luck and
the doom of this age would begin.
toasted the captain’s words with an extra ration of grog. All aboard
The mi-go known as the Engineer came to Lloegyr as part of this
were certain the gods smiled upon them, but they were wrong.
dread errand. It travelled with a small crew of encephalon gorgers
The Flying Fortune veered from its course and approached the
tasked to create a foothold for invasion by countless more of its alien,
treacherous extrusion. The captain quickly organized the ship’s
merciless ilk. But perhaps the gods do care for mortal men, for the
two longboats and personally led the party to collect the treasure.
mi-go miscalculated, and its ship materialized within the solid stone
From the deck of the ship, the remaining crew waited anxiously.
of a seamount rather than in open waters.
The ship’s mate paced back and forth. He was uncertain about the
The alien ship shuddered and wrecked. The crash instantly killed
entire venture, but his lot was to follow orders and await his captain’s
all but one of the brain collector crew. The vessel would never travel
return. His fears proved well-founded when a shout of alarm rang
again. It would seem the world was saved not by heroic deeds, but
out from across the water proclaiming that the captain was injured,
by sheer dumb luck. Or perhaps it is simply that everything — even
followed by the unmistakable sound of splintering wood. Then the
otherworldly magic and mechanisms — runs afoul of the hidden
lanterns of the longboats went dark.
shoals of the Razor Coast.
The first mate rushed to the gunwales and used a borrowed
spyglass to peer into the night sea. He saw a broken boat, and a man
floating face down in the dark water. He gave the order to bring the Needs as Black as Hell
ship closer. The men hesitated, uncertain about approaching the The alien vessel’s sole survivor was the only crewmember who
mysterious reef. Much of it lay hidden beneath the waves at unknown could repair the ship and restore its weird machinery to functionality.
depths — but still the ship’s mate urged them forward. Certain the ship was beyond repair, the Engineer could still accomplish
its terrible mission, but it needed something to fix its bioarchanic
devices — raw material. Living flesh and sentient brains; the more
Loyalty, Rescue Attempts, and Doom intelligent, the better! The Engineer worked tirelessly towards its
The Flying Fortune approached slowly and cautiously. They
purpose, wasting nothing. Using the corpses of its encephalon gorger
dragged the man out of the water and found him horribly lacerated.
crew as well as captured humanoids, it constructed gruesome and
He was already dead. Suddenly doubt filled the first mate. Something
murderous servants.
was out there, and both ship’s boats were already launched. Years of
The Engineer also created the illusion that drew The Flying
nautical experience demanded he pull the ship back to a safe distance
Fortune to its doom, and from that raid gained yet more servants
and wait for morning’s light, but he could not bring himself to
and raw material with which to progress repairs. It replenished its
abandon the captain and his mates. Hesitantly, the acting commander
own brain collection and even managed to create a new bioarchanic
ordered the ship even closer to the exposed reef and then, with a
horror. It called this new creation the black leech, a control symbiote
thundering crash, the ship struck the hidden rocks beneath the water.
perfectly suited to enslaving human minds. It surgically implanted
The whole vessel shuttered and lurched. The brig grounded, and
the black leech into the flesh of the captured Captain Riggs, leaving
The Flying Fortune’s fate was sealed. The sound of shattering hull
the telltale black spot upon his left hand at the point of incision.

6 Razor Coast: Heart of the Razor

The Engineer next gave Riggs a command: “BRING MORE!” The PCs must think themselves fortunate indeed to find a captain so
Then it released the captain upon a makeshift raft with a few worried about security that he would grant them free passage, board,
provisions and a small pouch of diamonds. A passing vessel rescued and modest pay in exchange for a promise to help defend the ship.
Riggs and carried him to Port Shaw. Using this wealth, Captain Seasoned adventurers out of Port Shaw may book passage aboard
Riggs built a new ship and christened it The Sealord’s Blessing. The the ship en route to perform another mission, perhaps espionage
Blessing now plies its trade between Port Shaw and more distant against the Pirate Confederacy or Armada. Maybe they acquired
coasts. It advertises itself as a humble merchantman, but the truth is a treasure map to Garr Bloodbane’s gold, and luck has it that the
far more sinister. This ship is a passage of the damned. It is a vessel Blessing’s course passes near their intended goal. What good fortune
with only one purpose — to fulfill the Engineer’s needs. And those to find a captain so agreeable that he alters his ship’s course to deliver
needs are black as Hell. them to the isle.
Perhaps this journey is merely a hop to another outpost or village
to acquire new wares or seek employment in another locale. The
Adventure Synopsis Sealord’s Blessing trades throughout the Razor Sea. How lucky the
PCs are to find such inexpensive berths aboard this merchant vessel!
The Black Spot is an adventure for four to six characters of 5th The captain seems unusually eager to take on adventurers. Could he
level. It is a tale told in four parts, and should provide sufficient be a retired adventurer himself, sympathetic to the wandering life?
adventure for multiple sessions. Though intended for use with Razor Captain Riggs might hire the PCs as guards for his merchant
Coast, this excursion is set on an indeterminate point upon the high activities on and off shore. He weaves a tale of backstabbing trade
seas, so it could take place almost anywhere in the fantasy world of partners, increasing piracy, and dangerous waters as justification for
your choosing. hiring the PCs in this capacity. Without them, his ship is in danger as
The Black Spot is an adventure of exploration and mystery. While he conducts business throughout the Razor. The PCs are perfect for
traveling with Captain Riggs, the PCs discover the wrecked ruin this duty and will be handsomely paid at journey’s end.
of The Flying Fortune and a hoard of gold. Using the allure of this
Clues and Rumors
tantalizing treasure, Captain Riggs convinces the PCs to accompany
him aboard Fortune to lay claim to its wealth. Once onboard, the
captain tries to steer the party towards his waiting master; however, Cautious PCs may seek information about the Blessing before
PCs can unmask his deception by piecing together the clues at hand. voyaging aboard her.
They may even deduce Riggs’ true purpose. If not, Riggs leads the There is little to give a clue as to its awful purpose. The Sealord’s
PCs deeper into the bowels of The Flying Fortune’s shattered hulk Blessing also plies its trade without incident to reinforce its cover.
until they reach the deck linking the wrecked ship to the Engineer’s Not every journey of the Blessing involves visiting the wreck of the
other-dimensional craft. Fortune. The brain collector’s mission is slow, and there is time to
At first, the Engineer toys with the PCs while they descend deeper conduct normal voyages to avoid attracting too much attention.
into its trap, but the party’s cunning and competence eventually This journey will be the captain’s third return to the wreck of The
trouble the supremely confident mi-go. As the party circumvents or Flying Fortune since he received the spot. He is careful to completely
survives his devious snares and slays his impressive minions, the change out his crew between each such journey so no one aboard
Engineer abandons the plan to capture the PCs and harvest their has ever seen the strange scenario that allows the captain to deliver
organic components. Instead, it focuses on killing the invaders who bodies to the brain collector. Though the captain is a well-respected
threaten its plans. The PCs finally confront the Engineer within the veteran of the sea, no crewmember has served aboard his ship for
control room of its ship, where they must defeat the hideous creature more than a few months. None of the rest of the crew is a party to
or leave the Razor Coast open to an invasion by the warmongering this conspiracy.
brethren of its wretched race.
Starting the Adventure The most suspicious thing about the Blessing is the captain himself.
Captain Riggs has not adapted well to alien mind control. He is a
The PCs must board The Sealord’s Blessing for this adventure to moody ship’s master and frequently flies into a fury at the gentlest
occur. How can this be accomplished? There are as many answers of slights. His rages do not persist, however, and he quickly regains
to this question as there are player characters. All that truly matters his senses. Then he inevitably sinks into one of his deep depressions
is that for some reason, the PCs must travel by ship and then choose and inescapable bouts of melancholy. He sits alone most nights in his
The Sealord’s Blessing. Alternatively, the GM might simply replace cabin drinking large volumes of wine and watered whiskey. He gains
the Blessing with whichever ship they choose and have it captained a few passing moments of freedom from the relentless symbiote’s
by Riggs. Several possible hooks are provided below. control in the depths of drunkenness. At these times, all he can do is
Once aboard and traveling, downplay the journey’s beginning. weep. Such is his sorrow and regret over what he has done and what
This is just another voyage. At first, there is nothing remarkable he must yet do.
about this cruise. Then, the strangeness mounts — odd fires at sea, a Captain Riggs does not wish to sacrifice his entire crew to the
wrecked ship, an over-eager captain who is clearly lying about this brain collector, nor does the brain collector need that many brains and
ship, the missing corpses, signs of a vicious attack, and a passage bodies immediately. At this time, the monstrosity needs only as many
down into darkness. Here are several hooks to bring the PCs aboard as there are PCs. The captain knows the PCs are adventurers and is
The Sealord’s Blessing at the start of the adventure. fully aware that those who participate in so dangerous a profession
arouse no suspicion when they go missing. In short, they are perfect
for his master’s needs.
Hooks Towards this end, when Captain Riggs first meets the PCs he is
overly accommodating. He agrees to let them travel free if they
The PCs’ time aboard The Sealord’s Blessing may begin as a
promise to serve as the ship’s security or perform another duty
business relationship. Experienced PCs gain working passage as the
onboard the ship. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check
ship’s security contingent, providing protection against buccaneers
reveals that he is almost desperate to get them aboard his craft. The
and sea beasts. PCs new to the Razor Sea and the Blessing may
party may suspect that the captain is unduly worried about pirate
book passage aboard the vessel on their initial journey to Port Shaw.
attack or perhaps hiding some other secret. It should not yet enter

Chapter One: Black Spot 7

their darkest dreams what fate the captain truly plans for them. get to the bottom of the captain’s melancholy, this is the chance to
indulge them.
Special Considerations
Save for the idiosyncrasies mentioned above, Captain Riggs is a
Black Spot

competent enough captain. The Sealord’s Blessing is a fine vessel,

shipshape and lovingly lorded. Captain Riggs has an impeccable
If the PCs wish to talk to the crew, there are a few colorful characters
reputation about the local ports as a fair and even-handed ship’s master
for them to meet aboard the Blessing. See below for details.
(which might arouse some suspicion when his behaviors mentioned
above are observed at sea). Captain Riggs and The Sealord’s Blessing
are so nearly synonymous in these waters that few recall he once
commanded The Flying Fortune. If the PCs choose to investigate the
captain before taking passage aboard his ship or ask questions of the The first mate is the longest-serving member of the captain’s crew,
crew or fellow passengers while aboard, they can attempt a Charisma which is not saying much. He has served just a few months aboard
check to gather information. A successful attempt gains the information the Blessing. He is a genuinely friendly man by nature, particularly
at the appropriate DC plus all the information from lower DCs. Each to any female members of the party. Though the captain barks and
PC may make only one attempt. Additionally, this information can be snaps at Handerly often, the first mate is the only other man aboard
given out in the form of roleplaying at the GM’s discretion. ship that Captain Riggs ever trusts with the wheel.
Mr. Handerly has a peculiar fascination with fine clothes. He
% ROLL Information Gained is always smartly dressed. Sailing is dirty work and yet somehow
Sinful Whispers

Handerly is always finely attired and immaculately appointed. One

Captain Riggs is a fine and veteran captain with a of the reasons for this is that Handerly uses his innate spellcasting
good reputation to clean and press his garments. With this cantrip and a supply of
There are whispers that the captain is troubled by cleaning materials, his clothes are always neat and in fine shape.
some unknown affliction. He is careful to never cast a spell in sight of the crew for fear of
15 inflaming their superstitions.
Whatever it is, no one is certain of its nature or true
Riggs is known to have once captained a ship called BARTON HANDERLY
The Flying Fortune. The ship mysteriously disappeared
20 under unknown circumstances, and the captain alone Medium humanoid (high elf), chaotic good
survived. Since that tragedy, Captain Riggs has been a Armor Class 12 (studded leather)
ghost of his former self. Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.


The Real “Black Spot” 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
The black spot has its origin largely in literature Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2
rather than reality. Robert Louis Stevenson invented Skills Perception +2
it for his seminal pirate novel Treasure Island (pub- Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
lished as a book in 1883) as the symbol of a man Languages Common
marked for death by pirates. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

However, some suggest Stevenson based the black Fey Ancestry. Barton has advantage on saving throws
spot on the historical practice of Caribbean pirates against being charmed, and magic can’t put him to
giving the ace of spades to a traitor or informer. Since sleep.
the card has only one black spot on it, it was meant Innate Spellcasting. Barton’s innate spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 10). He can innately cast
to imply that the traitor was put “on the spot.” the following spell, requiring no material components:
1/day: prestidigitation

Part One: Actions

Shadows upon a Multiattack. Barton makes two melee attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Moonless Sea ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For
Synopsis 1 minute, Barton can utter a special command or
warning whenever a nonhostile creature that he
The first part encompasses the PCs’ voyage on The Sealord’s can see within 30 feet of him makes an attack roll
Blessing en route to The Flying Fortune. This journey aboard the or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its
ship proves mostly uneventful. With little direct danger, you may roll provided it can hear and understand Barton. A
wish to skip over this prologue and get quickly to the “meat” of this creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at
adventure. However, if your PCs desire more roleplay or want to a time. This effect ends if Barton is incapacitated.

8 Razor Coast: Heart of the Razor

Equipment PUNAWAI
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
Two potions of greater healing, 20 crossbow bolts, 24 gp,
Armor Class 12 (hide armor)
a silver holy symbol of Quell worth 50 gp.
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)
At first glance, Gustav must seem to be the unhappiest member of
the crew. Gustav is a walking encyclopedia of portents and omens —
Senses passive Perception 11
all of them bad. Still, if one gets past his gloomy disposition, Gustav
Languages Common
(lawful neutral male human) is a competent sailor and a stalwart
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
friend to those to whom he takes a shine. Though relatively new to
the Blessing, Gustav has been a sailor since he was a little boy more
Pack Tactics. Punawai has advantage on an attack roll
than 40 years ago!
against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5
Gustav is a thick, rough, balding man with enormous red chop
feet of him and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
mutton sideburns and a moustache. He always wears green and
Reckless. At the start of his turn, Punawai can gain
considers it a lucky color. If asked why, he matter-of-factly replies
advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during
it is the same color as the land. Though the superstition may sound
that turn, but attack rolls against him have advantage
ridiculous, in his 40 years at sea he shipwrecked twice and obviously
until the start of his next turn.
survived both times.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
QUARTERMASTER reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1)
At first glance, “Preach” looks like the ship’s resident parson. He piercing damage, or 5 (1d8+1) piercing damage
dresses modestly and frequently quotes from the holy text of the if used with two hands to make a melee attack
sea god Quell, which he claims to have committed to memory. He damage.
always wears a humble, hand-carved wooden holy symbol. All these
affectations only serve to obfuscate the most mercenary and amoral
member of the crew. Encounters
“Preach” (neutral evil male human rogue) is a walking, talking
black market. He does his shipboard job competently enough.
The Blessing is well supplied and its crew well fed. However, IN SEARCH OF THE FLYING FORTUNE
“Preach” supplements his income by smuggling illegal goods
from one port to the next and by selling vices to the crew. He Background
keeps about a quarter of the Blessing’s complement well supplied The PCs arrive on the docks of Port Shaw in preparation for
with dragonsmoke. their voyage aboard The Sealord’s Blessing. Captain Riggs is not
If the PCs try to use his services, “Preach” has a few potions and available to greet them, but the other members of the crew — most
poisons he is willing to sell. He has two doses of oil of taggit he is notably First Mate Barton Handerly — are present to welcome them
only too happy to relinquish for 350 gp a dose. He will not say exactly aboard and address the necessities: showing them to their quarters,
where it came from other than to claim that Quell’s bounty provides. introducing them to life aboard ship, and other preliminary matters.
After this brief indoctrination, the ship is prepared for the high seas.
As the ship departs from Port Shaw and sets out to the open sea,
PUNAWAI, ABLE SEAMAN the GM may read or paraphrase the following.
The first thing that strikes observers about Punawai is that he is
big and uncouth. His fingers are thick, and his eyes seem wild. His The Sealord’s Blessing leaves port with the dawn
skin bears jagged tribal iconography, the ink of the tattoos such a
deep blue they appear to run black. He is strong and muscular, and
tide. A fair breeze fills the mainsail and soon land is
wears little save for tattered pantaloons and a fine sharkskin hide but a memory lost in the morning mist. First Mate
shirt adorned with teeth, spines, and barbs from a dozen different Barton Handerly has the wheel but, with so constant
types of sea beasts.
Punawai is an outcast Tulita whose human blood mingles a wind, finds little to do but make sure the morning
with the children of the sea. By all appearances, he is a savage. shift does not slack their duties. A handsome
His tribe expelled him for no crime other than his heritage. The
“more civilized peoples” of the Razor treat him like a freak show sailor with a friendly smile—though perhaps a little
escapee. He should be a monster, but Punawai is anything but. He is overdressed in his fine burgundy waistcoat—Handerly
a stoic observer of the world, an old soul who hears the whispering
wisdom of the sea with every wave. Only in battle, when the frenzy seems a personable sort.
of the fight swirls all about him, does Punawai let go and become
the monster he appears. He even takes a moment to instruct some of
Punawai has little time for those who judge him because of his the younger sailors on how to use the gunwales and
blood. When Punawai is annoyed, he pushes the offenders overboard.
rigging to maneuver the ship’s deck until they get

Chapter One: Black Spot 9

their sea legs. Handerly!” the Captain snaps. “The Razor is no
place to let your guard down, and we’re a long way
“It’s a fine day for sailing! The wind is good and
from home yet.”
steady. If this holds we’ll shave a day off our journey
Black Spot

easy,” he says with a laugh. The first officer only nods. The Captain’s mood
seems to soften a bit. “Anyway,” he continues, “you
The journey has begun . . .
did a fine job getting us out of port. I’ll take the
The Sealord’s Blessing is now on course for The Flying Fortune.
The first leg of the journey is uneventful as the PCs get their bearings helm for a while, Mister Handerly. You can relieve
aboard the ship. During this portion of the journey, the PCs are free to me in the evening.”
interact with the ship’s crew, as Captain Riggs remains in his quarters
and laments the actions he is about to undertake. To numb his pain, The captain lets out a loud bark to his crew.
Captain Riggs turns to his old friend, a nonjudgmental bottle of alcohol.
He keeps his cabin door locked and refuses to leave his quarters. “Trim the foresail to port, men! Let’s see how much
Unlocking the door requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check with open water we can cover while the wind lasts!”
thieves’ tools, while physically forcing the locked door (AC 17, HP
15, Damage Threshold 5) open can be accomplished with a successful Soon, under the captain’s expert hand, the
Sinful Whispers

DC 20 Strength check or damage. Such an unwanted intrusion elicits a

fiery reaction from the melancholy captain, especially if the characters Blessing splits the waves like an arrow through the
break the door down. He rants and raves for several minutes about wind. A fine salt spray mists over the forward decks,
the sanctity of privacy before he finally calms down. Once he does,
Captain Riggs profusely apologizes for his outburst and returns to his and sailors scamper to and fro to obey the captain’s
quarters where he remains until midday. When midday arrives, the GM bellowed commands.
may read or paraphrase the following.

PCs approaching Captain Riggs encounter a moody man whose

Captain Riggs emerges from his cabin at midday. demeanor changes at the drop of a hat. One minute, he is honest and
He is a grim man dressed in a faded captain’s jacket forthcoming, and the next evasive and confrontational. He speaks in
vague generalities and avoids answering questions, especially when
and heavy duelist’s gloves with a rapier at his side. they delve into sore topics such as The Flying Fortune’s fate. If the
Despite the fair weather, he wears not even the hint PCs press Captain Riggs about such matters, he feigns ignorance.
of a smile. “Report, Handerly!” growls the captain.
“The cruise goes well, sir. We couldn’t pray to
GMs should run this encounter when they are ready to end the first
the Sea Lord for better weather. A pity you missed part of the adventure.
the morning launch. I’ve rarely seen the sea so calm The Sealord’s Blessing approaches The Flying Fortune’s wreckage.
It is important to remember Captain Riggs is aware of what is about
and . . .” to transpire, but he is also an unwilling participant. Captain Riggs is
not feigning ignorance; he just wants to forget.
“Save your poetry for the whores back in port,

About The Sealord’s Blessing

The Sealord’s Blessing is a 90-foot-long caravel with two The most unusual feature of the craft is its many
masts and a complement of 45-plus sailors. The main sail distinctive adornments from which the ship draws its
is large and square. The mizzen is triangular (or lateen). name. The ship is covered in carvings and holy etchings
Further, a foresail juts from the ship’s bow off an angled dedicated to Quell, God of the Seas. It is almost as if the
foremast (or bowsprit as it is sometimes called). It is a ship’s builder believed it would be less prone to mishap if
fast ship, hampered only by a large hold, designed to every flat surface honored the Sea Lord.
carry as much cargo as possible for a vessel of this size. The ship’s figurehead is a nude mermaid reaching
With an empty hold, her draft rides shallow and could out as if to make an offering to the sea. The door to the
theoretically navigate many rivers, though it has never captain’s cabin is covered with a scene of a great bearded
been used for this purpose. merman spearing a kraken that has its tentacles tangled
It has one weapon, a ballista, mounted on the in the ironwork hinges. The deck planks are studded with
quarterdeck near the rear of the ship. The ballista is graven shells bearing reverent sea-elven inscriptions
intended as a defensive weapon and can fire flaming singing the praises of the King Beneath the Waves.
bolts designed to set the rigging of pursuers alight long Dolphins and tritons frolic along the length of the ship’s
enough for this fleet ship to escape. Notably, the custom- gunwales. Even the humble belaying pins are adorned
made ballista bolts have trident points. with stylized images of the mighty Sea Lord.

10 Razor Coast: Heart of the Razor

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