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Compcont 10 Judging Rubrics

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AATSP GA Composition Contest

Rubrics for Judging:

4. =SUPERIOR (exceptional control):

Demonstrates outstanding skills in written expression, with completely developed sentences.
Superior control of syntax and good use of verbs, although a few errors may occur. Rich, precise,
idiomatic vocabulary; ease of expression. Very good command of conventions of the written
language (orthography, sentence structure and organization of ideas).

3. =EXCELLENT (very good control):

Demonstrates very good command in written expression.
Evidence of complex syntax and appropriate use of verbs, although more than a few grammatical
errors may occur. Very good control of elementary structures. Considerable
breadth of vocabulary. Conventions of the written language are generally correct.

2. =NOTABLE (basic control):

Demonstrates good basic command in written expression.
Control of elementary structures and common verb tenses; frequent errors may occur in complex
structures. Vocabulary appropriate but limited; occasional second language interference. May have
frequent errors in orthography and other conventions of the written language.


Numerous, pervasive grammatical errors which impede communication. Insufficient vocabulary;
extensive verb errors; fragmentary sentence structure; severe orthographic problems; and frequent
second language interference.

NEGATIVE EVALUATION: Blank, deliberately off-task answers (obscenity, graffiti), etc.

Please note any occurrence of this problem on the cover sheet of the essay.

Note: Although it is not necessary to do an exact word count, judges should consider the
requirements for minimum word content in making their evaluations.

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