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American Journal of Chemical Engineering

2016; 4(1): 1-8

Published online January 25, 2016 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20160401.11
ISSN: 2330-8605 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8613 (Online)

Study on the Treatment of Effluents from Paint Industry by

Modified Electro-Fenton Process
Ahmed Mostafa Sadek1, *, Riham Ali Hazzaa2, Mohamed Hussien Abd-El-Magied1
Chemical Engineering Department, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Petrochemicals Engineering Department, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt

Email address: (A. M. Sadek)

To cite this article:

Ahmed Mostafa Sadek, Riham Ali Hazzaa, Mohamed Hussien Abd-El-Magied. Study on the Treatment of Effluents from Paint Industry by
Modified Electro-Fenton Process. American Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1-8.
doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20160401.11

Abstract: The main goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of modified Electro-Fenton process (EF-Fere)
involving ferrous ions regeneration coupled with direct oxidation method on COD reduction of paint manufacturing
wastewater. The present Electro-Fenton cell consisted of stainless steel porous cathode and lead anode covered by PbO2 film.
The performance was measured through studying the effect of different parameters on the percentage of COD removal such as:
ferric ions concentration, initial concentration of wastewater, current density and irradiation of UV light. The parameters
showed high COD removal efficiency 99% for highly contaminated wastewater of 13000 mg/l COD in acidic medium pH=2 at
continuous H2O2 feeding dosage of 1.4 ml/min and current density = 19 mA/cm2 in presence of UV light.
Keywords: Paint Manufacturing Wastewater, Fe2+ Generation, EF-Fere, COD Removal, Direct Oxidation, UV/EF-Fere

processes require a strong acid condition (pH < 3) to avoid

1. Introduction the hydrolysis of ferrous and ferric ions, and to achieve
Water-based paints generally consist of organic and optimal removal rate of pollutants. Additionally, non-
inorganic pigments and dyestuffs, extenders, cellulosic and recyclable soluble iron salts yield large amount of iron oxide
non-cellulosic thickeners, latexes, emulsifying agents, anti- sludge, which needs further separation from the treated water
foaming agents, preservatives, solvents and coalescing agents [4]. Some AOPs processes based on classic Fenton processes
[1], which, due to their high persistence and toxicity, prove to are developed to treat aqueous phenols. Fenton process using
be diffcult to treat effectively. Advanced oxidation processes zero valence iron [5], Fenton-like reactions [6, 7], photo-
(AOPs) have been thought as effective routes for treatment of Fenton [8, 9], and electro-Fenton (EF) [10-13] have been
paint manufacturing wastewater. Paint manufacturing proven effective for the degradation of phenols. For an
wastewater has many kinds of high concentration complex electro-Fenton process, either H2O2 or ferrous ion is
organic constituents, but the conventional method such as continuously generated or regenerated on the electrode and
coagulation is not useful for removal of total organic carbon their accumulative concentrations in aqueous solution depend
(TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) [2]. Alternative on a competition between their generation rate and
technology has been developed to help solving the problem. consumption rate [14]. Usually the electro-Fenton processes
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are frequently used to can classified into two categories, EF process involving H2O2
oxidize complex organic constituents found in waste-waters generation and EF process involving ferrous regeneration,
which are difficult to be degraded biologically into simpler which can be named as EF-Fere. The efficiencies of both
end products [3]. Fenton reaction is another option for phenol processes can be comparable with the conventional chemical
degradation. The classical Fenton reagent, consisting of the dosing methods [15-17]. More importantly, they can decrease
reactions between homogeneous Fe2+/Fe3+ catalysts and the risk of handling H2O2 reagents, or decrease the
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), is highly efficient for the production of ferric hydroxide sludge.
destruction of phenols due to the hydroxyl radicals generated In this study, we propose an improved EF-Fere process
by the Fenton reactions. However, the classic Fenton coupled with direct oxidation method for the treatment of
2 Ahmed Mostafa Sadek et al.: Study on the Treatment of Effluents from Paint Industry by Modified Electro-Fenton Process

concentrated organics-containing paint wastewater. A porous corresponding to current densities of 12.6, 14.7, 19, 21
stainless steel cathode, instead of a plate cathode, is adopted mA/cm2, respectively, by using DC power supply. Ferric
in the electrolytic process. The porous cathode is capable of sulfate was added and dissolved in the organics-containing
reducing the ferric species (ferric sulfate or ferric hydroxide solution at desired concentration, 1500, 1800, 2000, 2300
sludge) to ferrous species more efficiently. Results obtained mg/l. Hydrogen peroxide was added at desired concentration
with synthetic wastewater having COD of 13,000 to 19000 in continuous feeding mode, 1 mL/min, 1.2 mL/min, 1.4
mg/l. Electro Fenton studies were with current density in the mL/min, 1.6 mL/min. All the experiments was performed at
range of 12.6 to 21 mA/cm2 and H2O2 dosage in the range of room temperature 25°C. A magnetic stirrer was used to
1 to 1.6 ml/min and constant pH values of 2. Experiment homogenize the liquid composition. The schematic of the
were carried out in batch reactor using one cylindrical lead experimental setup is shown in fig. 1. Initial pH was adjusted
anode covered by PbO2 film and DC power supply. Factors to a fixed value 2 by using 25 wt.% sulfuric acid. Samples
that affected Fe2+generation and chemical oxygen demand were taken at pre-selected time intervals.
(COD) removal efficiency of organics-containing paint For each run contain 800 mL of the organics containing
wastewater were evaluated in this work. In addition, the UV wastewater. The pH was adjusted by the addition of 25 wt%
irradiation is introduced to the electrolytic system to further H2SO4 solutions. Hydrogen peroxide (50 wt%) was added at
enhance the efficiency of organics degradation. desired concentration in continuous feeding mode. Direct
current from the D. C power supply was passed through the
2. Experimental solution during the 120 minutes of electrolysis run. Samples
were drawn periodically during each experiment. Withdrawn
2.1. Chemicals and Materials samples were diluted 200 times with distilled water and then
COD was measured. The electrodes were washed with
The wastewater used was prepared in the laboratory with H2SO4 solution (25 wt%) before each run in order to remove
different COD using high grade chemicals and double distilled any adhering scales or oxides and then washed with distilled
water. The preparation of the synthetic wastewater is based on water prior to use.
the theoretical oxygen demand of each compound then the
COD of the wastewater was measured to get the actual value
of COD. The wastewater description is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Wastewater description.

Organic Compound % of Total COD

Oleic acid 50% of Total COD
Benzene 16.66% of Total COD
n-heptane 16.66% of Total COD
Tween 80 (emulsifier agent) 16.66% of Total COD

All chemicals are analytical grade. All organics were

purified by distillation and dissolved into distilled water as
stock solution. Before the EF-Fere experiment, ferric sulfates
were added and dissolved in the organics-containing solution. Figure 1. Experimental schematic diagram.
The pH of solution was adjusted with sulfuric acid and
NaOH solution. The H2O2 solution (50 wt.%) was used as 1-Pb/PbO2 anode, 2-St. steel porous cathode, 3-electrolytic cell, 4-D-C
amendments without dilution. All the solutions were prepared power supply, 5-Magnetic stirrer, 6-H2O2 bottle with flow rate regulator.
using double distilled water. In addition, potassium
dichromate, silver sulfate and mercury sulfate were of AR 2.3. Analytical Method
grade. Porous stainless steel cylinder used as a cathode while
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the sample were
cylindrical lead covered by PbO2 film act as anode (OD=3
measured by closed reflux method according to the standard
cm) and anode effective electrode area was 118.7 cm2,
methods for testing material [19]. The samples were tested
Pb/PbO2 anode was prepared in our laboratory and the details
using COD digestion vials (Hach), where the sample is placed
can be found in the literature [18].
within digestion vials which in turn are heated at 150°C for 2
2.2. EF-Fere System hours. Digestion vials were then allowed to cool naturally to
ambient temperature before having the COD measured.
Batch experiments were performed in cylindrical cell
(pyrex glass beaker 1 liter) with 800 ml working volume of
concentrated organics-containing wastewater equipped with
3. Results and Discussion
porous stainless steel cathode while cylindrical lead covered 3.1. Effect of Ferric Ions Concentration
by PbO2 film act as anode (OD=3 cm) and anode effective
electrode area was 118.7 cm2. The cell was operated in The initial concentration of Fe+3 ions plays an important role
constant current (I) mode 1.5, 1.75, 2.25, 2.5 A, these in the E-Fenton process. Progress of COD removal with time
American Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016; 4(1): 1-8 3

for different Fe+3 ions (1500, 1800, 2000, 2300 mg/l Fe+3) and
constant current density, pH and initial COD are shown in
figures below. COD removal increases as the concentration of
ferric ions and hydrogen peroxide continuous dosage increase,
the maximum COD reduction obtained for 2000 mg/l Fe+3 and
1.4 ml/min continuous dosage of H2O2 was 90%.
As can be observed, when the dose of ferric ions increased
from 1500 mg/L to 2000 mg/L, the COD removal efficiency
after 2 hours electrolysis increases from 55% to 69% at 1
ml/min H2O2 dose, from 76% to 84% at 1.2 ml/min H2O2
dose and from 80.3% to 90% at 1.4 ml/min H2O2 dose. The
increase of initial ferric ions concentration and hydrogen
Figure 3. Effect of different ferric ions concentration on the percentage of
peroxide continuous dosage was beneficial for the Fe3+ -
COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, initial COD = 19000 mg/l, time
H2O2 complexes formation (Eq. 1 and Eq. 2), which would = 120 min H2O2 dosage= 1.2 ml/min).
be enhanced and consequently accelerated the formation of
Fe2+ and OH. Thus, organics degradation in the wastewater is
enhanced. However, when initial ferric ions concentration
and H2O2 dosage further increased to 2300 mg/L Fe+3 ions
and 1.6 ml/min H2O2 dose, respectively, COD removal
efficiency instead declined to 83.5%. This observation
probably can be explained by the negative effects of the
presence of large amount of ferric ions: 1) H2O2 consumption
by the Fenton-like reactions is also enhanced, resulting in
lower utilization of H2O2; 2) higher ferric ions concentration
causes the presence of more ferrous ions, which may quench
hydroxyl radicals (Eq.3), leading the COD removal
efficiency of organics because of less available hydroxyl
Figure 4. Effect of different ferric ions concentration on the percentage of
radicals, also COD removal decreased to 86% as the COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, initial COD = 19000 mg/l, time
concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases at 1.6 ml/min, = 120 min H2O2 dosage= 1.4 ml/min).
this is due to the side reaction between hydrogen peroxide
and hydroxyl radical (Eq.4), this reaction result in the
consumption of hydrogen peroxide as well hydroxyl radical
and the production hydroperoxyl radical, a species with much
weaker oxidizing power compared with hydroxyl radical, and
these are consistent with previous research deals with
degradation of phenol-containing wastewater using an
improved Electro-Fenton processes[20].
Fe3+ + H2O2 → Fe-OOH2+ + H+ (1)
Fe-OOH+ → HO2. + Fe2+ (2)
Fe2+ + OH. → Fe3+ + OH- (3)
Figure 5. Effect of different ferric ions concentration on the percentage of
H2O2 + OH. → HO2. + H2O (4) COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, initial COD = 19000 mg/l, time
= 120 min H2O2 dosage= 1.6 ml/min).

3.2. Effect of Initial Concentration of Waste Water

The process for the removal efficiencies of COD of

oxidation reaction at different initial concentrations of
wastewater is illustrated in Figures below, four different
initial concentration including 19000, 17000, 15000 and
13000 mg/l COD were tested with fixed current density and
pH value of 14.7 mA/cm2 and 2, respectively, the removal
efficiency increased with decreasing initial COD
Figure 2. Effect of different ferric ions concentration on the percentage of concentration from 19000 mg/l COD to 13000 mg/l COD
COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, initial COD = 19000 mg/l, time and increasing ferric ions concentration from 1500 mg/l Fe+3
= 120 min, H2O2 dosage= 1ml/min). to 2000 mg/l Fe+3 however, when initial ferric ions
4 Ahmed Mostafa Sadek et al.: Study on the Treatment of Effluents from Paint Industry by Modified Electro-Fenton Process

concentration increased to 2300 mg/l, the COD removal

percentage is decreased to 86, 86.5, 88 and 89% at 19000,
17000, 15000 and 13000 mg/l COD, respectively. This is due
to the negative effects of the presence of large amount of
ferric ions as discussed before in 3.1. Effect of ferric ions
The maximum COD removal observed was 95.6% at
initial concentration of wastewater 13000 mg/l COD, current
density 14.7 mA/cm2, pH value 2 and initial ferric ions
concentration 2000 mg/l Fe+3. This effect has been previously
discussed in a research deals with Removal of 17β-Estradiol
by Electro-Fenton Process [21]. Figure 9. Effect of initial concentration of waste water on the percentage of
COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120
min, Fe+3= 2300 mg/L).

3.3. Effect of Current Density

One of the critical parameters in the EF-Fere processes is

the electrical current which is responsible for the generation
of ferrous ions within the electrochemical cell.
Effect of electrical current on COD removal efficiency is
shown in figures below at different initial concentration of
wastewater. Experiments were applied to current density
from 12.6 to 21 mA/cm2 at constant pH, Fe+3 concentration
and H2O2 continuous dosage. Apparently, the COD removal
Figure 6. Effect of initial concentration of waste water on the percentage of efficiency goes up when applied current density increases
COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 from 12.6 to 19 mA/cm2, indicating an enhancement on the
min, Fe+3= 1500 mg/l). degradation capacity. At higher current, the electro-
regeneration of Fe2+ is enhanced with the increasing of
current, as a result, the efficiency of Fenton reactions and
degradations of organics are improved. However, further
increase of the electrical current density to higher than 19
mA/cm2, causes lower COD removal efficiency, as we can
see from figures below.
The maximum COD removal observed at 19 mA/cm2 was
97, 95, 93.5, and 92.5% at initial concentration of wastewater
13000, 15000, 17000, and 19000 mg/l COD, respectively.
The efficiency of E-Fenton will be less at higher current
density 21 mA/cm2, this is due to the competitive electrode
reactions in electrolytic cell which are the evolution of
Figure 7. Effect of initial concentration of waste water on the percentage of oxygen at anode as shown in Eq. (5) and the evolution of
COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120
min, Fe+3= 1800 mg/l).
hydrogen at cathode as shown in Eq. (6). These reactions
reduce E-Fenton reaction efficiency. And these are consistent
with previous research deals with degradation of phenol-
containing wastewater using an improved Electro-Fenton
processes [20].
2H2O → 4H+ + O2 + 4e- (5)
2H+ + 2e- → H2 (6)

Also at higher current density COD removal decreased.

This decrease in COD removal happens to the scavenging
effect of ferrous ion eq. (5.7). In this reaction ferrous ions
consume hydroxyl radicals.
Figure 8. Effect of initial concentration of waste water on the percentage of
COD removal (pH =2, C. D =14.7 mA/cm2, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 Fe2+ + HO → OH- + Fe3+ (7)
min, Fe+3= 2000 mg/l).
American Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016; 4(1): 1-8 5

3.4. Effect of UV on Organic Removal

The optimal operation conditions of EF-Fere system were

adopted for the comparison of EF-Fere and UV/EF-Fere
process. Fig. 14 presents the degradation of organics in
wastewater by these processes as a function of time. The 2
hours COD removal efficiencies with UV light are 99, 96.5,
95.5 and 94% at initial concentration of wastewater 13000,
15000, 17000 and 19000 mg/l COD, respectively.
Irradiation of UV on EF-Fere process may have two
aspects of effects. One is the direct destruction of organics
Figure 10. Effect of different current densities on the percentage of COD due to the photolysis of organic molecules under UV, and
removal (pH =2, Fe+3 =2000 mg/l, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 min, another effect is the enhancement of OH·by the following
COD initial= 13000 mg/l).
reactions eq. (8).
Fe(lll)OH2+ + hv → Fe(ll) + OH. (8)

Under the irradiation of UV light (254nm), ferric species

can be reduced and hydroxyl radicals are produced for the
organics oxidation process. In other words, in addition to the
reactions proceeding in the EF-Fere process, the light
irradiation can further catalyze the production of hydroxyl
radicals and degrade the organics. Enhancing the Fenton
process by UV light was discussed in a previous research has
title of Enhancing the Fenton process by UV light applied in
textile wastewater treatment [22].
Figure 11. Effect of different current densities on the percentage of COD
removal (pH =2, Fe+3 =2000 mg/l, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 min,
COD initial= 15000 mg/l).

Figure 14. Effect of UV on the percentage of COD removal (pH =2, Fe+3
=2000 mg/l, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 min, C. D=19 mA/cm2).
Figure 12. Effect of different current densities on the percentage of COD
removal (pH =2, Fe+3 =2000 mg/l, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 min,
COD initial= 17000 mg/l). 4. Electrical Energy Consumption and
Electrode Consumption
It is clear that a technically efficient process must also be
feasible economically. The major operating cost of EF is
associated with electrical energy consumption during
process. According to the results presented energy
consumption values ranged from 0.0046777 to 0.0097783
kWh/g COD removed and Pb consumption from 3.34795E-
07 to 5.83211E-07 g Pb / g COD removed at different current
density, It can be concluded that the higher voltage of the
system applied, the weight of the electrode consumed in the
Figure 13. Effect of different current densities on the percentage of COD process has been increased and also the higher the
removal (pH =2, Fe+3 =2000 mg/l, H2O2 = 1.4 ml/min, time = 120 min, concentration of the Fe2+ in the solution which is responsible
COD initial= 19000 mg/l). for H2O2 activation. Also it is noticed that the most economic
concentration of ferric ions is 2000 mg/l which achieves
about 0.004784357 kWh/g COD (energy consumption) and
6 Ahmed Mostafa Sadek et al.: Study on the Treatment of Effluents from Paint Industry by Modified Electro-Fenton Process

2.74672E-07 g Pb/g COD removed (Pb consumption) quench hydroxyl radicals (Eq.3).
because of the presence of more ferrous ions, which may

Figure 15. Effect of ferric ions concentration on the energy consumption and Pb consumption (H2O2 =1.4 ml/min, Current = 1.75A, pH= 2, initial COD
=19000 mg/l).

Figure 16. Effect of initial concentration of waste water on the energy consumption and Pb consumption (H2O2 =1.4 ml/min, Current = 1.75A, pH= 2, Fe+3=
2000 mg/l).

Figure 17. Effect of current density on the energy consumption and Pb consumption (H2O2 =1.4 ml/min, initial COD = 13000 mg/l, pH= 2, Fe+3= 2000 mg/l).
American Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016; 4(1): 1-8 7

Figure 18. Effect of UV on the energy consumption and Pb consumption (H2O2 =1.4 ml/min, current= 2.25 A, pH= 2, Fe+3= 2000 mg/l).

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