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Conference Theme Speal<er
Rev. Dr. Caleb Tong

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The New Zealand Preparatory Gommittee
Welcorne and Tloank You Message

The 21" Conference of The World Associationfor Chinese Church Music cofirmences after a
great deal of fervent work. The Baptist Tabernacle which has stood at this site for over a

hundred years is witnessing a new chapter in church music ministry. We extend a heart-felt
welcome and thanks t9 WACCM, the Ministers, Elders, teachers and colleagues, sisters and
brothers who have come from around the globe as well as New Zealandlocal people who
have a passion for music in this Conference.

We would specially like to extend a warm welcome to Rev. Dr. Caleb Tong who has
graciously agreed to be our theme speaker. And we also want to express our sincere thanks to
those from all around the world who have'sent their congratulations and greetings to the
conference. We would like to greet you and extend our thanks to you, to our VIPs, our
honoured guests andto the congregation tonight.

The theme for the Conference is "The Renewal of Church music". The contents of the

Conference progftrmmes include various inspiring themes and topics. The Preparatory
Committee has put a great deal of effort into providing opportunities for study and teaching
materials that will deepen and renew our sacred music ministry. You will find that there is
something for everyone in this 5 day programme including theme talks, workshops, seminars,
classes , times of praise , choral presentation & chorus concerts. This is a time to learn from
one another, a time of sharing our gifts, experiences and to be inspired, motivated and

renewed. This Conference will be a milestone in the creative development of growth and

renewal of Church Music Ministry.

May God bless the Conference, with smooth, efficient and effective operations running so
that His wonderful Name is praised.

Your servant in Christ,

Albert Che-Hsiung Wu

chairman t^* C,letry

NZ Chinese Church Music Association I\
1l July 2012 \

fArg -a*jef

d,;4tr F fi ,g- * R f+F' ;*.!tE f€ 6tl + L+kq, ++El k-4^ rt-i{ ffi ff^+ ).+kq frb
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(nkJq:z ) . €,&*tl+ErT. *"1r1 , +{k+++ , *.1r1h1*-,a*+#ft_,)47 h1 "

i+'H ls\',H +-+a *., *"1114- tr -L fr hl xfrE */i'?e fr # *it,*tr\.it,ft-&r\,-&+i
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€ ai€*. 1r: 6i + * ^6k++
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# x+r.q-fLg. #+ r- LA -+ , hi 1fr-4* *+k+ , ^h1t
t;t H_E +\4r1hl{k++ . EA-+n **E*l\frfr#
Lahkl*.r. .

+fi^frarq rRig ,fu,*La,f
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w A fi,i$ ^4#itr^& ee+tcr
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fL @ +)AE + t*41 , g ?'i( E ,ltL F *+k-i,"-f1+ Fg "
rrat!*lt lt al tIt&,at8l

2r"rt +v# /,@N22012 EF r"1 E 4+{+eAF,€.

$ ffinmm&&ereffi
Greeting to Members of
the 21't WACCM Music Conference l{22012
All ofyou comingto midwinter in our country deserve averywarm welcome!
Thank you for honouring us with your visit and choosing to enliven us New
Zealanderc in the propitious Year of the Dragon.

importance to me personally to express how much I value the

It is of great
work of the Chinese hymnwriters and composers who have worked with me.
I would particularly like to acknowledge such people as Dr I-to Loh, and
also Lim Swee Hong and other friends who have adopted me through the
Christian Conference of Asia.

Icongratulate Dr Angela Tam and all those who put together the impressive production, "Hymns of
Universal Praise" and I applaud all the promoters of church music who are present.

Because I write words rather than music, I want to greet you with these hopes for your Conference and
all the impressions you may take home from Aotearoa New Zealand:
First, I hope that the words you sing and pray are relevant to the changing world of the present time, not
only concepts of the pas! however treasured.

Next, I hope you are brave enough to stimulate the use of fresh imagery and language - using technology
and understanding to embrace new words and ideas.

Then, since our context often dictates how we see the world, I hope you find new ways of seeing
theology through geography and its implications. Christmas in NZ has no image of snow, but still holds
the sting of poverty. Easter here is in autumn when nature is going to sleep, but perhaps where you are,
rice fields and lotus flowers which grow in muddy waters give you symbols of life and resurrection.

I hope that you become aware ofthose aspects of Christian faith which are not being sung about and need
to be, in your own culture, but also in the worldwide Christian culture we share: being genuinely inclusive
as Jesus was - of women and children, people of all races and genders, refugees, the unemployed, - we
could sing forever if we wrote the songs. This is not to mention care of the environment, non-violence
and unity among ourselves!

Most of all, I hope you choose to sing only what you can truly believe in, not only from scripture but
from life experience as well. May your experiences here be beautiful, nourishing and productive.
Blessings in every key!
Kia ora,

Shirley Erena Murray Honorary Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.)


A brief introduction:
Shirley Erena Murray is an intemational published text writer of hymns, with flve personal collections and many
items in books by the NZ Hyrnnbook Trust, of which she was a former editor. Her work and paraphrases from Asian
hymns appear in"sound the Bamboo"and"Hymns of Universal Fraise". She has been honoured by a Doctorate of
Literature from Otago University (2009) and made a Fellow of Hymn Society, (USA) and RSCM(UK). She is a
Member of the NZ Order of Merit for services to the community in hymnwriting.

$ ffinmffi&&ffiffi
Welcome to Auckland
and the 21't WACCM Music Conference lt{,z20l2
Rev. Dn Stuart Vogel

I take my great pleasure to welcome to Auckland all the delegates to the 2l't
WACCM Music Conference N22012. This is the first time that the Conference
has been held in New Zealand and it is a very important international
Conference to be held in this City this year.

It is timely for such a conference to be held here. New Zealand's Chinese

population has been growing rapidly over the last two decades' China is New
Zealand's second largest source country for immigrants. Only the UK supplies
more new New Zealanders. AroundT0% of Chinese immigrants have chosen
to settle in Auckland in recent years. Moreover, 17,000 international students
from Chinese countries are enrolled in educational institutions inAuckland. This Conference is therefore
taking place in a city in which mission and ministry to Chinese people has become vital.

Music has of course always been a crucial element in the Church's ministry and mission. 15 of David's
Psalms are described as "a song of ascent". The precise meaning of this phrase is debated, but it must
surely mean that music assists people to come close to God, to understand His Word and His world and
to follow His ways. The enduring power of the Church music of John and Charles Wesley, Martin Luther
and Isaac Watts and many others in our hymnbooks is obvious. This continues and in New Zealand
today, the most popular annual Festival for young people is known as Parachute, a festival of modern
Christian music.

In New Zealand, Chinese Church Music has grown and flourished over the last twenty years, both in
congregations and through the enthusiasm and encouragement of our Conference Organizing Team
Chairman, ElderAlbert Wu who came with his family from Taiwan inAugust 1989. Early developments
in the Eastern areas of Auckland among the immigrant communities were the Auckland Women's and
Children's Chinese choirs. The Oratorio Choir was formed and has performed to a consistently high
standard for many years. The annual Chinese Choral and Choir Music Festival and the multi-cultural
Music Festival are testimony to the power and importance of Church music in this City.

The great Reformer of the Church Martin Luther said: 'Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music
is the greatest treasure in the world". This Conference is about treasuring and enjoying one of the
greatest gifts of God. It is about exploring one of the most effective means that we have to tell others
about the Word of God. I hope this Conference will be a time in which Chinese Christian musicians will
strive to develop their skills and their understanding for the glory of God.

I trust that you will enjoy the Conference and your stay in Auckland.
Every Blessing to you all,

Reu Dr. Stuart Vogel

Secretary Asian Council, Presbyterian Church ofAotearoa New Zealand

1 .3 Greetings from Rev. Fakaofo Kaio

On behalf of the Northern Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa-New Zealand, I would
like to welcome all those attending the 2l$ Biennial Conference of the World Association of Chinese
Church Music. This is a significant conference, because music has played and continues to play such a
significant part in our worship, ministry and mission. Music also transcends and speaks to all cultures
and languages, and so it is fitting that this Conference should be in Auckland. Auckland is one of the
most multi-cultural cities in the world, and within our Church we celebrate and enjoy our diversity.

For many years now, we inAuckland have enjoyed the multi-cultural Music Festivals that your Chairman,
Mr. Albert Wu, has organised each year for the local branch of your Association. These Festivals have
drawn people from around the City, people of different backgrounds and languages. They have been
very influential and important in creating one family of the people in this place who believe in Jesus

May your stay in Auckland be a happy one, full of interest and new discoveries about the impoftance
and power of music to move hearts and minds. May you flnd new ways to praise God and proclaim the
Good News of Jesus Christ, dead, buried and risen.

Rev. Fakaofo Kaio

Moderator, Northern Presbltery PCANZ


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