9.1 Introduction
9.2 Basics of Semiconductors Revisited
9.3 A p-n Junction
Operation of a p-n Junction
A Forward and Reverse Biased p-n Junction
Identifying a Diode
I-V Characteristics of a p-n Junction
9.4 Zener Diode
Working of a Zener Diode
I-V Characteristics of a Zener Diode
9.5 Some Applications of Semiconductor Diodes
Rectification of ac
Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator
Experiments with
Electrical and 9.1 INTRODUCTION
Electronic Circuits
From your 10+2 physics course, you will recall that materials can be broadly
classified into conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the basis of their
resistivity. The resistivity of a conductor is of the order of 10−7 Ωm and that of
an insulator is of the order of 1012 −1024 Ωm. The resistivity of a
semiconductor lies in-between the resistivities of a conductor and an insulator.
Germanium (Ge) and Silicon (Si) are the most commonly used
semiconductors. At absolute zero, the semiconductor also acts as a near
perfect insulator. But with increase in temperature, the conductivity of the
semiconductor increases. This change in conductivity with temperature is
different for different semiconducting materials. The conductivity of a
semiconductor can also be influenced by doping it with some impurity
elements, called dopants like boron, phosphorus, arsenic etc. Depending on
the type of carrier added by a dopant, the semiconductor is classified as
p-type (hole carriers) or n-type (electron carriers). The p-type impurity is
acceptor type, whereas the n-type impurity is donor type.
A p-n junction is also called a diode. There are various types of diodes. In
this experiment, you will draw the I-V characteristic curves of a p-n junction
and a zener diode. You will discover that the function of a device can be
When the anode is influenced and determined by external conditions. While a p-n junction works
connected to +ve terminal
of battery and the cathode as rectifying diode, a zener diode acts as voltage regulator, depending on
is connected to −ve terminal biasing conditions.
of the battery, the device is
said to be forward-biased
and vice versa. A p-n
junction is said to be
forward biased when p-type After performing this experiment, you should be able to:
region is connected to +ve
terminal of the battery and • draw current-voltage (I-V) characteristic curves of a p-n junction and a
n-type region is connected
to −ve terminal of the
zener diode in forward and reverse bias conditions;
• determine the material of a diode from its I-V characteristic curves;
• measure the effects of variation in input voltage and load on the output of
a zener diode regulator.
Semiconductor Diodes
You have learnt about semiconductors in your school physics. You have also
read about p-type and n-type semiconductors. However, for brevity, we
recapitulate the important characteristics of semiconductors.
When the terminals of the battery are reversed, i.e. p- and n-ends are
connected to negative and positive terminals of the battery respectively as 35
Experiments with shown in Fig. 9.6b, the junction is said to be reverse biased. In this case,
Electrical and
Electronic Circuits holes in the p-region and electrons in the n-region move away from the
junction. Does it mean that no current shall flow in the circuit? No, a small
current flows because a few electron-hole pairs are generated due to thermal
excitations. This small current caused by the minority carriers is called
reverse saturation current or leakage current. In most commercially
available diodes, the reverse current is almost constant and independent of
the applied reverse bias. Its magnitude is of the order of a few nanoamperes
to microamperes.
A p-n junction offers low resistance when forward biased, and high resistance
To test a p-n junction using when reverse biased. You can easily test it using a multimeter. This property
a multimeter, set the
multimeter on resistance of p-n junction is used for ac rectification.
measurement mode.
Connect the junction in 9.3.3 Identifying a Diode
forward bias with the
multimeter probes and Semiconductor diodes are designated by two letters followed by a serial
measure its resistance.
Next, reverse the number. The first letter indicates the material: A is used for material with a
multimeter probes to band gap of 0.6 eV to 1.0 eV such as germanium. B is used for material with a
measure the resistance of
the junction in the other
band gap of 1.0 eV to 1.3 eV, such as silicon. The second letter indicates the
direction. You will observe a main application: A signifies detection diode, B denotes a variable capacitance
large difference between
diode, E for tunnel diode, Y for rectifying diode and Z denotes zener diode.
these values.
The serial numbers specify the diodes with particular values of power rating,
peak reverse voltage, maximum current rating etc. For example, BY127 and
BZ148 respectively denote a silicon rectifier diode and a silicon zener diode.
You have to refer to manufacturer’s catalogue to know exact details.
• red and blue marks are used on the body of the diode. Red mark denotes
anode, whereas blue indicates the cathode;
• a small ring is printed at one end of the body of the diode that corresponds
Fig.9.7: Identification of a to the cathode.
diode (Printed
with permission Always work within the specified range of diode ratings to avoid damages to
from M/s Power the device.
Technology, New
You are now ready to perform the first part of the experiment, i.e., to draw the
static characteristic curves of a p-n junction. You will need the following
A general purpose p-n junction diode, a variable power supply with voltage
range 0-10V, a voltmeter, a milliammeter (0-50mA), a resistance box, a
microammeter (0-50µA), and a multimeter.
9.3.4 I-V Characteristics of a p-n Junction Semiconductor Diodes
First check that the junction is working properly using a multimeter. Next make
a circuit as shown in Fig. 9.8 for forward bias I-V characteristics. Vs is a
variable power supply. Keep the voltage control in the minimum position and
switch on the power supply. Increase the voltage in steps of 0.1V and note the
corresponding values of current, until an appreciable deflection is observed.
You will note that current in the circuit is small as long as the applied voltage
is less than the barrier potential. Once this potential is crossed, the current will
increase rapidly with small increase in voltage. The forward voltage required
to get the junction in conduction mode is called knee voltage. Beyond knee
voltage, current increases rapidly. Record your readings in Observation
Table 9.1. Note that in no case, you should exceed the maximum forward
current rating of the diode in the forward bias condition.
Fig. 9.8: Circuit diagram for I-V characteristics of a p-n junction in forward bias
Next decrease the voltage in same steps and note down the corresponding
current values. Record these also in Observation Table 9.1. Are the values of
current same in both cases? Calculate the mean value of current for each
value of V.
Observation Table 9.1: Forward biased junction characteristics
S.No. Forward voltage (V) Forward current (mA) Mean
Increasing Decreasing forward
voltage voltage current
1. 0.0
2. 0.1
3. 0.2
4. 0.3
. .
. .
Fig. 9.9: Circuit diagram for I-V characteristics of a p-n junction in reverse bias
Vary the voltage (from minimum) in steps of one volt and record the
corresponding current values in Observation Table 9.2. Here, you should not
exceed the peak inverse voltage rating of the junction.
Observation Table 9.2: Reverse biased junction characteristics
Reverse current (µ
µA) Mean
S.No. Reverse voltage (V) reverse
Increasing Decreasing current
voltage voltage (µ
1. 0.0
2. 1.0
3. 2.0
. .
. .
. .
Draw the characteristic curves for both forward and reverse biased conditions
by plotting voltage along x-axis and current along y-axis, as shown in
Fig. 9.10. From this graph, you can calculate the forward and reverse
resistances as well as knee voltage.
Extrapolate the linear part of the forward bias characteristic curve to meet the
x-axis. The intercept on the x-axis gives the value of knee-voltage.
Rf =
∆ If
A conventional solid state
and diode does not allow flow of
significant current if reverse
∆Vr bias is below its reverse
Rr = . break down voltage. Once
∆I r
voltage across p-n junction
exceeds reverse bias
Result: breakdown voltage, it is
subject to high current flow
Forward resistance =......................Ω. due to Avalanche
breakdown and can be
Reverse resistance =......................Ω. permanently damaged.
Knee-voltage =......................V.
You may now like to answer the following SAQ.
a) You are given a resistor and a p-n junction. How would you identify
b) How will you determine whether a p-n junction is made of silicon or
germanium? What was the material of the junction you
characterised in this experiment?
Let us now learn about a special kind of diode, called zener diode.
A typical I-V characteristic plot of a zener diode is shown in Fig. 9.12. The
reverse breakdown voltage is indicated by Vz.
We now list the apparatus with which you will work, in this part of the
Fig. 9.13: Circuit diagram to determine I-V characteristics of zener diode in a) forward
bias; and b) reverse bias
V − V z (15 − 10 ) V
R = max = = 50 Ω.
Iz 100 mA
First connect zener diode in forward bias (anode to positive end and cathode
to negative end). Take observations using the procedure outlined for p-n
junction diode rectifier and record the readings in Observation Table 9.3.
1. 0.0
2. 0.1
3. 0.2
. .
Now reverse the zener diode bias by connecting the cathode to the positive-
end and the anode to the negative-end of supply. This configuration is shown
in Fig. 9.13b. Note that here also, you have to use a milliammeter. Start the
power supply from zero volt and increase voltage in steps of 1V. Note down
the voltage across the zener diode and the corresponding current flowing
through the circuit. Record your readings in Observation Table 9.4. Plot
forward and reverse bias I-V characteristic curves of zener diode. Do your
curves resemble the I-V characteristics shown in Fig. 9.12?
Experiments with Observation Table 9.4: Reverse bias I-V characteristic of a zener diode
Electrical and
Electronic Circuits
Reverse current (mA) Mean
S. Reverse voltage (V) When increasing When current
No. voltage decreasing voltage
1. 0.0
2. 1.0
3. 2.0
. .
. .
. .
Compare your results with those obtained in the previous part of the
experiment and discuss the physics of differences.
Fig. 9.15: Full wave rectifier circuits: a) centre tapped and b) bridge rectifier
In the circuit shown in Fig. 9.15a, diode D1 conducts in the positive half cycle,
whereas diode D2 conducts in the negative half cycle. You must have
observed that here we need a centre-tapped transformer, which is fairly costly.
While a capacitor filters out
However, the same action can be achieved with a normal transformer in a ac component, an inductor
bridge circuit, which consists of four diodes (Fig. 9.15b). Diodes D1 and D3 allows maintenance of dc
level. For details you should
conduct in the positive half cycle, while D2 and D4 conduct in negative half refresh your knowledge by
cycle. reading your 12 standard
physics book.
You will note that the circuit output exhibits fluctuations and can not be put to
any practical use. To minimise fluctuations, we use a pi-filter (π-filter) which
consists of an inductor and two capacitors.
To understand the rectification action, you should build the circuits shown in
Fig. 9.15 and observe the input and output waveforms using a cathode ray
oscilloscope (CRO).
a) Line Regulation
Next, plot a graph by taking RL along the x-axis and the corresponding
output voltage VR along the y-axis as shown in Fig. 9.18. The minimum
load resistance for the regulated output would be that value of RL for which
VR begins to drop significantly.
Observation Table 9.6: Load Regulation
Voltage without Load, VNL =……….V.
1 1000
2 900
3 800
4. 700
5. 600
. 100