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Graphic Design at Colin Buchanan

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at Colin Buchanan
Why Colin Buchanan? 2

We believe you can judge a book by its cover 4

Experience 6

(C) Copyright Colin Buchanan and Partners Limited. All rights reserved.
This document has been prepared for the exclusive use of the commissioning party and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Colin Buchanan
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Opinions and information provided in this document are on the basis of Colin Buchanan and Partners Limited using due skill, care and diligence
in the preparation of the same and no explicit warranty is provided as to their accuracy. It should be noted and is expressly stated that no
independent verification of any of the documents or information supplied to Colin Buchanan and Partners Limited has been made.
why colin buchanan?
At Colin Buchanan, our graphic design
team has extensive experience of
Passion and commitment to high quality
graphic design. Our dedication to
producing promotional literature, clients and pride in our work ensures
consultation material, reports, exhibitions a meticulous quality control procedure
presentations and conceptual maps and which in turn eliminates under-utilised
diagrams. We work for a variety of UK- time and unnecessary costs.
based and international clients, both in
Robust analytical skills and technical
the public and private sector.
competence which we demonstrate
We offer a complete service, taking across a variety of media. For example,
designs from initial concept through to maps which require specialist skills
printed product. Our design is based on in order to successfully portray the
client consultation which is necessary to information required. These diagrams
ensure that the required aspirations are may vary in detail from simple yet stylised
successfully delivered. route maps used in consultation leaflets
to complex masterplans portraying
To produce successful graphic design we
proposals for large scale developments.
implement the following skills:
Ability to develop a vision and engage
Providing design Knowledge and understanding of the
client’s aims and objectives. These are
the viewer effectively through research

of our audience and the needs required.
considered from the outset of a project
We have a great deal of experience
and referred to throughout the design
designing graphics for the general public
process. With regular communications
that successfully consider such as consultation events requiring

the brief, the

between the client and ourselves, both
posters, leaflets and feedback forms.
parties can work together to produce
These materials require an understanding

work which successfully achieves the
of the target audience is vital to be able
to successfully engage and inspire the

and the end product. 
we believe you can judge a book by its cover
What we do
We believe first impressions count for
everything. A book without a cover may
be an award-winning novel, but unless it
is bound in a beautiful jacket, no-one will
be inclined to pick it up.
At Colin Buchanan, we produce graphics
which are visually exciting yet practical,
innovative and extremely professional.
We believe that well considered, well
executed design solutions are key to
engaging the viewer.
As well as taking designs from initial
concept through to final artwork,
the design team can also advise on

first impressions
appropriate print materials and arrange
print production as well as commission
external specialist photographers/
illustrators where required.

count for everything.

a book without a cover

may be an award-winning novel,

but unless it is bound in a

jacket, no-one will be inclined

to pick it up. 
Reports and brochures
1. 2.
1. Taunton Urban Extensions
proposal document. Client:
Taunton Deane Borough

2. Masterplanning
Consultancy Services
brochure. Client: SmartCity

3. Urban Extension
4. Tesco Bexleyheath
Transport Strategy Proposal.
Client: Tesco and St James’s

5. Isles of Scilly Design

Guide. Client: The Council of
the Isles of Scilly

6. Brackley Masterplan
Tender Document. Client:
We consider the visual appearance of We were retained by St James’s Masterplan proposal South Northamptonshire
documents for two towns in
a document to be of equal importance Investments and Tesco to design a Dorset. Client: East Dorset
District Council
as its content. By designing bespoke clear and concise brochure to be
documents, we give each job a special submitted setting out the key benefits 4.

identity which adds to its overall impact. of their planning application for a site
Each document, whether it be a in Bexleyheath Town Centre. We were
brochure, a report or a proposal is aimed required to visually guide the reader
at a different audience ranging from local through a range of technical information
government to international developers. to communicate the proposed
improvements in traffic and pedestrian
Colin Buchanan was commissioned
safety and enhancement of the public
by the Council of the Isles of Scilly to
realm. Through the design and usability,
prepare an illustrative Urban Design
the final product was very successful in
Guide. The aim was to deliver advice
generating interest in the project and set
on design and construction to ensure
a precedence for further design work for
the highest standards for the built
environment are achieved on the
islands. This incorporated a great deal 6.

of technical information and diagrams

which required a well considered layout
to create a comprehensive, clear and 5.
practical guidance document. The
overall appearance was very vibrant
and aesthetically pleasing to reflect the
special character of each island. The
guide is now sold to the public by the
Council of the Isles of Scilly.

Promotional material 1. Network Management Plan 3. Kingston Business Travel
summary leaflet. Network promotional flyer
We have designed many brochures and Other work for TfL has included the Client: Transport for London and poster. Client: Royal
1. Kingston / Transport for
accompanying promotional material for design and desktop publishing of an 2. Birmingham office launch London
our clients and tailor our designs to work extensive Network Management Planning invitation. Client: Colin
Buchanan 4. Sutton Business Travel
within the parameters of the corporate Manual and accompanying summary Network leaflet. Client:
Smarter Travel Sutton /
guidelines supplied to us. leaflet, exhibition panels and promotional Transport for London
gifts. This manual set out an integrated
We produced a collection of vibrant
package of policies and guidance to
posters for NATS, an air traffic 2.
improve London’s streets for traffic and
management company which were
pedestrians alike, and was aimed at the
displayed throughout their offices to
agencies involved in this strategy. We
promote incentives for car sharing among
successfully communicated through our
its staff. We also recently promoted
graphics the complex issues TfL had
the launch of the Kingston Business
analysed and how best to approach and
Development Network aimed at local
solve these.
businesses to encourage sustainable
travel for their staff. This comprised
posters, flyers and leaflets which were
distributed throughout the town and
displayed at the launch event itself. 3. 4.
Our work for Smarter Travel Sutton and
Transport for London (TfL) also involved
the design of posters, flyers and leaflets
to promote their Business Travel Network
and required us to adhere to strict brand
guidelines in order to retain the identity of
the client.

Colin Buchanan have produced display We have also designed numerous
stands for a number of events ranging exhibition stands to promote Colin 1. Public consultation 3. Promotional stand at North
from informative stands for small scale Buchanan at national and international exhibition for Eastfield Urban Northampton Conference.
Quarter. Client: Bee Bee Client: Colin Buchanan
public consultations to promotional events including MIPIM in Cannes, Developments
4. Promotional stand at
pop-up stands at Earl’s Court and ExCel Cityscape at Earl’s Court London, 2. Promotional panel at Cityscape exhibition, 2. 3.
MIPIM exhibition, Earl’s Court, London.
in London. Transport Modelling Forum at Chelsea Cannes. Client: Colin Client: Colin Buchanan
FC and the Act Travelwise exhibition in Buchanan
We co-ordinated the graphics
Birmingham’s NEC.
incorporated in the development 1.
proposals for Eastfield Urban Quarter
in Wellingborough which included an
exhibition and accompanying leaflets
for a public consultation in a local
shopping centre. Our objective was to
communicate the proposals set by our
urban design and planning teams to local
residents and workers in a non-obtrusive
and coherent manner and with a view to
creating a positive impact.
We also produced plans and diagrams for 4.
the scheme as well as presentations for
communication to the private and public
sector. As a result of the consultation
exercise we obtained valuable feedback
which became very beneficial to the
planning application.

10 11
1. Consultation newsletter 3. Consultation leaflet and
for The Renaissance of questionnaire for Eastfield
Maresfield. Client: David Urban Quarter. Client: Bee
Wilson Homes Bee Developments
Consultation material 1.
2. Consultation leaflet
and questionnaire for
Our experience shows that the design We have designed a range of consultation Swiss Cottage Street
of consultation material can significantly leaflets incorporating tear-off feedback Client: Transport for London

help the engagement process by questionnaires for TfL schemes in a

informing the audience of proposals variety of London boroughs. These have
in a positive light and in an informative been successful in communicating to the 2.
manner. local residents the proposed plans for
regeneration in their area.
Consultation materials and reports are
viewed by a wide spectrum of people, We worked with David Wilson Homes
ranging from key stakeholders with good to produce a detailed newsletter for
knowledge of the subject matter such as distribution at their consultation event
local councillors, planning officers and which illustrated planning proposals for
developers, to the general public who developing land south of Maresfield. As
might be less aware of the purpose of the this was a controversial issue for many
exercise and associated issues. villagers, a sympathetic approach was
needed. The key therefore, was to lay
This material needs to be presented in
out the proposals in a comprehensive
a clear, concise and accessible manner
manner which allowed the viewer to feel
to ensure that universal understanding is
involved and clear about the effect this
achieved. This approach can be highly
development would have on their village.
beneficial as it can lead to more people 3.
becoming involved in the consultation
process and contributing more effectively
- which is the overarching aim of such
exercises. Good design, therefore, needs
to be carefully considered, tailored to the
audience and effectively delivered.

12 13
Local transport information
1. Travel options booklet for 3. Travel plan booklet for
booklets students. Client: St George’s
University, London
residents of Ardgowan Rise,
Inverkip, Scotland.
Client: Stewart Milne Group.
We have worked with a variety of clients 2. Travel and transport guide
1. 2. for local residents of Mulberry
producing sustainable travel option Gardens, Streatham.
Client: Barratt Homes
booklets designed to help students find
their way around university campuses or
patients find the easiest, most sustainable
route to their local hospital. These
booklets provide coherent and concise
information presented in a manner which
is accessible to the reader.
The target audience was of key
importance on these projects, particularly
those aimed at NHS patients where
accessibility is vital. This included taking
into consideration colour and font
size to accommodate partially sighted
viewers. Meanwhile our designs aimed at
university students required eye-catching
and non-technical graphics to appeal to a
younger audience.
Our travel options booklets also
incorporated route maps which we took
a stylised approach to whilst also keeping 3.
them accurate and user-friendly.

14 15
Illustrative maps and diagrams 2. 3.

We have extensive experience using our Our graphic design input in these projects
specialist skills to illustrate proposals and has been hugely beneficial to our urban
schemes through conceptual maps and design and planning teams by taking
diagrams. their proposals from sketch through to
high level graphics output. Our work was
As part of Colin Buchanan’s entry to an 1.
positively received and have been key
international urban design competition
in the communication between urban
we produced a report, illustrative
designer, planner and client.
diagrams and a masterplan to portray
the company’s proposals for the As well as working on detailed
redevelopment of the historic Bund area masterplans, we also produce small
of Shanghai. scale maps to be included in invitations,
transport leaflets and similar documents.
We have also worked with a client in
These are designed in a stylised manner
Dubai on two large scale masterplan
and are clean, simple and easy to follow.
projects including SmartCity Malta, 4.

the country’s largest current business

development project and SmartCity Kochi
in Kerala, southern India. For both these
projects we produced professionally
finished documents and complex
diagrams to illustrate the urban design


1. Location map from office 4. Masterplan of The Bund,

launch invitation. Client: Colin Shanghai. Colin Buchanan’s
Buchanan urban design competition
2. Regional area route map.
Client: Colin Buchanan & 5. Urban design concept
MKSM Partnership diagram for London Bridge
streetscape proposal.
3. Detailed masterplan
concept for Kochi, India. 6. Belfast masterplan
Client: SmartCity Kochi concept diagram

16 17
Our clients
Barratt Homes
Bee Bee Developments
Council of the Isles of Scilly
Crest Nicholson
David Wilson Homes
Hastings Borough Council
Hewdon Consulting
Kingston Borough Council
NHS Ealing Hospitals
Roehampton University, London
SmartCity Malta and SmartCity Kochi
Smarter Travel Sutton
Stewart Milne Group
St George’s University of London
St James’s Investments Contact
Tesco Jonathan Wright Eavan O’Sullivan
Principal Graphic Designer, London Consultant Graphic Designer, Dublin
Transport for London T 020 7053 1475 T 01 669 3625

Rachel Horler Adele Jacques

Senior Graphic Designer, London Marketing Manager, London
T 020 7053 1473 T 020 7053 1340

Colin Buchanan
10 Eastbourne Terrace. London. W2 6LG
T 020 7053 1300 F 020 7053 1301 W

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