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The Definitive Approach and Its Role in Risk Management

a Pipeline Risk Assessment:

The Definitive Approach and Its Role in Risk Management
Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved.
The Definitive Approach and Its Role in Risk Management

This is a pre-release version of a new book on pipeline risk

assessment and risk management. As a pre-release, this is
a work in progress with known minor errata yet to be ad-
dressed. This version is suitable for use as a review copy but
should not be relied upon to fully support a risk assessment.
The reader is strongly cautioned that significant errors may
be present in this draft document and that all ideas and tech-
niques suggested herein should not be used without careful
review by technical subject matter experts skilled in pipeline
and risk technologies.

As a work in progress, this version of the book is being re-

leased to a select audience only, and only as a teaching aide
for workshops presented by WKMC, LLC. No distribution be-
yond this limited intended audience and use is authorized.
Please direct any and all questions, concerns, and suspected
errors of any kind to
I Introduction........................................................ I 2.8.6 The Test of Time Estimation of Exposure.29
I.1 The Puzzle.........................................................I 2.8.7 Time-dependent vs independent.........30
I.2 How Risk Assessment Helps.............................II 2.8.8 Probabilistic Degradation Rates..........31
I.3 Robustness Through Reductionism...................III 2.8.9 Capturing “Early Years’ Immunity”......31
I.4 Changes from previous approaches................ IV 2.8.10 Example Application of PoF Triad.....34
I.4.1 Key Changes......................................... V 2.8.11 AND gates OR gates.........................35
I.4.2 Migration from previous methodologists.VI 2.8.12 Nuances of Exposure, Mitigation,
1 RISK ASSESSMENT AT A GLANCE......................1 2.9 Frequency, statistics, and probability.............46
1.1 Risk assessment at-a-glance.............................2 2.10 Failure rates.................................................48
1.2 Risk: Theory and application............................2 2.10.1 Additional failure data......................49
1.2.1 The Need for Formality.........................2 2.11 Consequences.............................................49
1.2.2 Complexity...........................................3 2.12 Risk assessment...........................................50
1.2.3 Intelligent Simplification.......................4 2.13 Risk assessment vs risk analyses tools..........51
1.2.4 Classical QRA versus Physics-based 2.14 Measurements and Estimates.......................51
Models..........................................................6 2.15 Uncertainty.................................................53
1.2.5 Statistical Modeling..............................7 2.16 Conservatism...............................................54
1.3 The Risk Assessment Process............................8 2.17 Risk Profiles.................................................55
1.3.1 Fix the Obvious....................................8 2.18 Cumulative risk...........................................56
1.3.2 Using this Manual................................9 2.18.1 Changes over time............................57
1.3.3 Quickly getting answers.......................9 2.19 Valuations (cost/benefit analyses).................57
2.20 Risk Management........................................58
2 DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS......................17
2.1 Pipe, pipeline, component, facility................18 3 ASSESSING RISK..............................................59
2.1.1 Types..................................................18 3.1 Risk assessment building blocks....................60
2.1.2 Facility...............................................18 3.1.1 Tools vs Models..................................62
2.1.3 System................................................19 3.2 Model scope and resolution..........................65
2.2 Hazards and Risk...........................................19 3.3 Historical Approaches...................................66
2.3 Expected Loss................................................20 3.3.1 A Portfolio View..................................67
2.4 Other Risk Units............................................21 3.3.2 Formal vs. informal risk management.68
2.5 Failure...........................................................22 3.3.3 Scoring/Indexing models....................68
2.6 Failure mechanism, failure mode, threat........22 3.3.4 Classical QRA Models........................72
2.7 Probability.....................................................23 3.3.5 Myths.................................................74
2.8 Probability of Failure.....................................23 3.4 Choosing a risk assessment approach............76
2.8.1 PoF Triad............................................24 3.4.1 New Generation Risk Assessment
2.8.2 Units of Measurement........................26 Algorithms...................................................77
2.8.3 Damage Versus Failure.......................27 3.4.2 Risk Assessment Specific to Pipelines.78
2.8.4 From TTF to PoF.................................28 3.5 Quality, Reliability, and risk management.....80
2.8.5 Age as a Risk Variable.........................29 3.6 Risk assessment issues...................................80
3.6.1 Quantitative vs. qualitative models.....80 4.5 Segmentation...............................................120
3.6.2 Absolute vs. relative risks....................81 4.5.1 Segmentation Strategies....................121
3.7 Verification, Calibration, and Validation.........82 4.5.2 Eliminating unnecessary segments....123
3.7.1 Verification.........................................83 4.5.3 Auditing Support..............................124
3.7.2 Calibration.........................................83 4.5.4 Segmentation of Facilities.................124
3.7.3 Validation...........................................85 4.5.5 Segmentation for Service Interruption Risk
3.7.4 SME Validation...................................86 Assessment................................................124
3.7.5 Predictive Capability..........................87 4.5.6 Sectioning/Segmentation of Distribution
3.7.6 Evaluating a risk assessment technique.87 Systems.....................................................125
3.7.7 Diagnostic tool—Operator Characteristic 4.5.7 Persistence of segments....................125
Curve..........................................................89 4.6 Results roll-ups............................................126
3.7.8 Possible Outcomes from a Diagnosis.. 89 4.7 Length Influences on Risk............................127
3.7.9 Risk model performance.....................90 4.8 Assigning defaults ............................................128
3.7.10 Sensitivity analysis............................90 4.8.1 Quality assurance and quality control.130
3.7.11 Weightings.......................................91 4.9 Data analysis...............................................130
3.7.12 Diagnosing Disconnects Between
Results and ‘Reality’....................................93 5 THIRD-PARTY DAMAGE................................131
3.7.13 Incident Investigation.......................94 5.1 Background.................................................132
3.7.14 Use of Inspection and Integrity 5.2 Assessing third-party damage potential........133
Assessment Data.........................................96 5.2.1 Pairings of Specific Exposures with
3.8 Types of Pipeline Systems..............................98 Mitigations................................................134
3.9 Materials of Construction.............................100 5.3 Exposure......................................................134
3.10 Product Types Transported.........................100 5.3.1 Estimating Exposure..........................137
3.11 Gathering System Pipelines.......................101 5.3.2 Excavation........................................138
3.12 Transmission Pipelines...............................101 5.3.3 Impacts............................................139
3.13 Distribution Systems..................................101 5.3.4 Station Activities...............................141
3.13.1 Comparisons..................................102 5.3.5 Successive reactions.........................141
3.13.2 Distribution System integrity...........103 5.3.6 Offshore Exposure............................142
3.14 Offshore Pipeline Systems.........................104 5.3.7 Other Impacts..................................143
3.15 Components in Close Proximity.................105 5.4 Mitigation....................................................144
3.15.1 Facilities/Stations............................105 5.4.1 Minimum depth of cover..................145
3.15.2 Corridors, Shared ROW..................107 5.4.2 Impact Barriers.................................148
5.4.3 Protection for aboveground facilities..149
4 DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSES.........109 5.4.4 Line locating....................................149
4.1 Multiple Uses of Same Information..............110 5.4.5 Signs, Markers, and Right-of-way
4.2 Surveys/maps/records..................................111 condition...................................................150
4.3 Information degradation..............................111 5.4.6 Patrol................................................151
4.4 Terminology.................................................112 5.4.7 Damage Prevention / Public Education
4.4.1 Data preparation .............................118 Programs...................................................153
4.4.2 Events Table(s)..................................118 5.4.8 Other Mitigation Measures...............153
4.4.3 Look Up Tables (LUT).......................119 5.5 Resistance...................................................154
4.4.4 Point events and continuous data.....119
4.4.5 Data quality/uncertainty...................120 6 TIME-DEPENDENT FAILURE MECHANISMS.. 155
6.1 PoF and System deterioration rate................158 7.1.1 Pairings of Specific Exposures with
6.2 Measurements vs Estimates..........................158 Mitigations................................................216
6.3 Use of Evidence...........................................159 7.1.2 Spans and Loss of Support................216
6.4 Corrosion....................................................159 7.1.3 Component Types.............................216
6.4.1 Background......................................159 7.2 Exposures and Mitigations...........................217
6.4.2 Assessing Corrosion Potential...........159 7.2.1 Landslide..........................................217
6.4.3 Corrosion rate..................................160 7.2.2 Soils (shrink, swell, subsidence, settling).
6.4.4 Unmitigated Corrosion Rates............161 218
6.4.5 Types of corrosion failure mechanisms.162 7.2.3 Aseismic faulting..............................218
6.4.6 External Corrosion............................162 7.2.4 Seismic.............................................219
6.4.7 Internal Corrosion............................163 7.2.5 Tsunamis..........................................220
6.4.8 MIC..................................................163 7.2.6 Flooding...........................................220
6.4.9 Erosion.............................................163 7.2.7 Scour and erosion............................223
6.5 Corrosion Mitigation....................................164 7.2.8 Sand movements..............................223
6.6 Corrosion Failure Resistance........................164 7.2.9 Weather...........................................224
6.7 Sequence of eval.........................................165 7.2.10 Fires...............................................225
6.7.1 Estimate exposure levels...................165 7.2.11 Other.............................................225
6.7.2 Estimate mitigation effectiveness......166 7.2.12 US Natural Disaster Study..............225
6.8 External Corrosion......................................166 7.2.13 Offshore.........................................228
6.8.1 External Corrosion Exposure.............167 7.2.14 Induced Vibration...........................231
6.8.2 External Corrosion Mitigation...........172 7.2.15 Quantifying geohazard exposures..232
6.8.3 Monitoring Frequency......................183 7.2.16 Mitigation.......................................233
6.8.4 Combined Mitigation Effectiveness...184 7.3 Resistance...................................................235
6.9 External Corrosion Resistance......................185 7.3.1 Failure modes for buried pipelines subject
6.10 Internal Corrosion......................................185 to seismic loading.....................................235
6.10.1 Background....................................185
6.10.2 Exposure........................................186 8 INCORRECT OPERATIONS............................237
6.11 Erosion......................................................198 8.1 Human error potential.................................238
6.12 Cracking....................................................199 8.1.1 Human Error Potential Considered
6.12.1 Background....................................199 Elsewhere in Risk Assessment....................238
6.12.2 Crack initiation, activation, propagation 8.1.2 Origination Locations.......................239
200 8.1.3 Continuous Exposure........................240
6.12.3 Assessment Nuances......................201 8.1.4 Errors of omission and commission..241
6.13 Exposure....................................................201 8.2 Cost/Benefit.................................................241
6.13.1 Fatigue...........................................201 8.3 Assessing Human Error Potential..................242
6.13.2 Vibrations/Oscillations....................205 8.4 Design Phase Errors.....................................242
6.13.3 Mechanical Couplers.....................206 8.5 Construction Phase Errors............................243
6.13.4 EAC................................................207 8.6 Error Potential in Maintenance....................243
6.13.5 Avalanche Failure...........................209 8.7 Operation....................................................243
6.14 Mitigation & Resistance.............................210 8.7.1 Exceeding Design Limits...................244
8.7.2 Control and Safety systems...............248
7 GEOHAZARDS..............................................213 8.7.3 Procedures.......................................253
7.1 Exposures, Mitigations, and Resistance........215 8.7.4 SCADA/communications..................255
8.7.5 Substance Abuse..............................257 10.5.1 Simple Resistance Approximations.343
8.7.6 Safety/Focus programs......................258 10.5.2 More Detailed Resistance Valuation.344
8.7.7 Training............................................258 10.6 Hole Size...................................................347
8.7.8 Mechanical error preventers.............260
8.8 Surge potential............................................260 11 CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE......................349
8.9 Introduction of Weaknesses.........................261 11.1 Introduction...............................................350
8.9.1 Design..............................................262 11.1.1 Terminology...................................351
8.9.2 Material selection.............................262 11.1.2 Facility Types..................................352
8.9.3 QA/QC Checks................................262 11.1.3 Segmentation/Aggregation..............352
8.9.4 Construction/installation...................263 11.1.4 A Guiding Equation........................352
8.10 Stress and human errors.............................264 11.1.5 Measuring Consequence................354
8.11 Resistance.................................................264 11.1.6 Scenarios........................................355
11.1.7 Distributions Showing Probability of
9 SABOTAGE.....................................................267 Consequence............................................358
9.1 Attack potential...........................................269 11.2 Hazard zones............................................360
9.1.1 Sabotage mitigations........................271 11.2.1 Conservatism .................................362
9.1.2 Resistance........................................275 11.2.2 Hazard Area Boundary...................362
9.1.3 Consequence considerations............275 11.3 A. Product hazard......................................367
11.3.1 Acute hazards.................................370
10 RESISTANCE MODELING............................279 11.3.2 Chronic hazard..............................377
10.1 Introduction...............................................281 11.4 B. Leak volume..........................................379
10.1.1 Component resistance determination.282 11.4.1 Spill size.........................................380
10.1.2 Including Defect Potential in Risk 11.4.2 Hole size........................................380
Assessment................................................283 11.4.3 Release models..............................382
10.1.3 Getting Quick Answers...................283 11.5 C. Dispersion.............................................383
10.2 Background...............................................284 11.5.1 Hazardous vapor releases...............384
10.2.1 Material Failure..............................284 11.5.2 Liquid spill dispersion....................385
10.2.2 Toughness.......................................285 11.5.3 Highly volatile liquid releases........387
10.2.3 Pipe materials, joining, and 11.5.4 Distance From Leak Site.................387
rehabilitation.............................................285 11.5.5 Accumulation and Confinement.....389
10.2.4 Defects and Weaknesses................288 11.6 Hazard Zone Estimation............................389
10.2.5 Loads and Forces............................296 11.6.1 Hazard zone calculations...............391
10.2.6 Stress calculations..........................303 11.6.2 Hazard zone examples...................398
10.3 Inspections and Integrity verifications........305 11.6.3 Using a Fixed Hazard Zone Distance.399
10.4 Resistance Modeling..................................316 11.6.4 Characterizing Hazard Zone Potential
10.4.1 Resistance to Degradation..............317 Using Scenarios.........................................399
10.4.2 Resistance as a Function of Failure 11.6.5 Comparisons..................................400
Fraction.....................................................317 11.7 Consequence Mitigation Measures............401
10.4.3 Effective Wall Thickness Concept....319 11.7.1 Mitigation of CoF vs PoF.................402
10.4.4 Resistance Baseline........................324 11.7.2 Sympathetic Failures.......................403
10.4.5 Logic and Mathematics Proof.........324 11.7.3 Measuring CoF Mitigation..............403
10.4.6 Modeling of Weaknesses................329 11.7.4 Spill volume/dispersion limiting actions.
10.5 Manageable Resistance Modeling..............342 405
11.7.5 Pipeline Isolation Protocols............405 12.2 Segmentation ............................................467
11.7.6 Valving...........................................406 12.2.1 Dynamic Segmentation..................467
11.7.7 Sensing devices. ............................409 12.2.2 Facility Segmentation.....................468
11.7.8 Reaction times ...............................410 12.2.3 Segmentation Process.....................468
11.7.9 Secondary containment..................410 12.2.4 The assessment process..................469
11.7.10 Leak detection..............................412 12.2.5 Probability of Excursion .................471
11.7.11 Emergency response.....................424 12.2.6 B. Delivery parameters deviation (DPD).
11.8 Receptors..................................................426 479
11.8.1 Receptor vulnerabilities..................427 12.2.7 Variable Resistance.........................485
11.8.2 Population .....................................428 12.2.8 Inherent Resistance........................486
11.8.3 Property-related Losses...................435 12.2.9 Intervention Opportunities—Reactionary
11.8.4 Environmental issues......................438 Resistance.................................................491
11.8.5 High-value areas............................440 12.2.10 Consequences—Potential Customer
11.8.6 Combinations of receptors..............441 Impact.......................................................492
11.8.7 Offshore CoF..................................441 12.2.11 Direct Consequences...................494
11.8.8 Repair and Return-to-Service Costs.442 12.2.12 Revenues......................................494
11.8.9 Indirect costs .................................444 12.2.13 Return to Service..........................495
11.8.10 Customer Impacts.........................447 12.2.14 Indirect Consequences.................495
11.9 Example of Estimating Consequences........447
11.10 Example of Overall Expected Loss Calculation 13 RISK MANAGEMENT...................................499
448 13.1 Introduction...............................................500
13.2 Risk Context..............................................501
12 SERVICE INTERRUPTION RISK....................459 13.3 Applications..............................................501
12.1 Background...............................................461 13.4 Design Phase Risk Management................502
12.1.1 Definitions & Issues........................462 13.5 Measurement tool......................................504
12.1.2 Service...........................................463 13.6 Acceptable risk..........................................504
12.1.3 Service interruption........................463 13.6.1 Societal and individual risks...........505
12.1.4 Risk of service interruption.............463 13.6.2 Reaction to Risk.............................505
12.1.5 Excursion.......................................463 13.6.3 Risk Aversion..................................506
12.1.6 Voluntary Excursions......................464 13.6.4 Decision points..............................506
12.1.7 Exposure, Exposure Event, Event.....464 13.7 Risk criteria...............................................509
12.1.8 Consequence.................................464 13.7.1 ALARP............................................509
12.1.9 Offspec..........................................464 13.7.2 Research.........................................511
12.1.10 Mitigation.....................................464 13.7.3 Offshore.........................................512
12.1.11 Resistance....................................465 13.8 Risk Reduction..........................................513
12.1.12 Resistance: Intervention/Reactionary 13.8.1 Beginning Risk Management..........513
Type..........................................................465 13.8.2 Profiling.........................................513
12.1.13 Resistance: Inherent/System 13.8.3 Outliers vs Systemic Issues.............514
Characteristics Type...................................465 13.8.4 Unit Length....................................514
12.1.14 Normalizing Exposures with Resistance 13.8.5 Conservatism..................................515
and Consequences....................................465 13.8.6 Mitigation options..........................516
12.1.15 Types of Risk.................................466 13.8.7 Risks dominated by consequences.517
12.1.16 Reliability.....................................466 13.8.8 Progress Tracking............................518
13.9 Spending...................................................518
13.9.1 Cost of accidents............................519
13.9.2 Cost of mitigation...........................519
13.9.3 Consequences AND Probability.....521
13.9.4 Route alternatives...........................522
13.10 Risk Management Support.......................523
I Introduction

I Introduction
Pipeline risk management is a complex and fascinating practice, bringing together as-
pects of science (including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and more), engineer-
ing, history, probability theory, human psychology, and even philosophy.
It begins with assessing the risks. Here is the typical challenge: decades ago, some-
one designed a multi-component engineered structure using pressurized pipe, valves,
fittings, compressors, pumps, tanks, etc. It was installed in a highly variable natural/
man-made environment across deserts, jungles, farms, rivers, lakes, mountains, urban
centers—often with changing soils, temperature extremes, micro-organism activity,
magnetic field effects, etc. Now, years and years later, we are trying to determine where
weaknesses and more consequential failure locations exist. What an interesting con-
fluence of engineering coexisting with Mother Nature! A myriad of scientific phenom-
ena—both natural and man-made—are interacting to complicate our ability to under-
stand and creating a puzzle with thousands of pieces to fit together.
Next comes the practical applications of having ‘solved’ this puzzle. Armed with
an understanding of the risks, what can and should now be done? This is where we
must leave the realm of pure science and engineering and enter into aspects of the hu-
man behavioral sciences. This is where things get murky.
This text endeavors to avoid murkiness—acknowledging underlying issues but
not attempting to solve everything. Our approach is to examine more completely the
solving of the puzzle—the risk assessment—and then lightly step into the issues of
managing risk.
The intention is to equip the risk manager with the tools to understand the risk and
the ability to efficiently apply this knowledge when making decisions.

• Discussions of general risk concepts—what is the problem
to be solved?
• How to improve upon past risk assessment practice.
• How to get answers quickly.


Today, we have an unprecedented amount of data available to solve this pipeline risk
puzzle. Let’s say we want to understand internal corrosion potential on a gas pipe-
line. We examine some recent ILI results, looking for internal corrosion metal loss
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

indications. We find some. Are they occurring at bottom o’clock positions of the pipe
circumference? If so, that is a clue. We plot the ILI anomalies in GIS, add aerial pho-
tography, add topography, and look for more clues. Do we see clusters of metal loss
at possible low spots—where the pipe is crossing creeks, valleys, etc? Let’s overlay
elevation data—are there steep inclinations here where liquids/solids could accumulate
and persist? Are we close to gas inputs, where historical liquid excursions (carryovers)
might have accumulated and might first impact piping?
Next, we examine gas quality records and the performance record of the input gas
streams that might have put contaminants into the gas stream. Given this, we need to
understand the chemistry—what combinations of chemicals and environmental factors
could be generating corrosion and at what rates? Then we can study fluid flows, ther-
modynamics, and hydraulics to understand how contaminants might behave inside the
product stream. For those who like engineering detective work—isn’t such sleuthing
This is essentially what good risk assessment is doing. But it is far more efficient
than what we would-be detectives can do individually. The risk assessment can broad-
cast our detective work over tens of thousands of miles of pipelines almost instantly.
This effectively replaces thousands of man-hours of investigation and instantly puts
key information into the hands of decision-makers.
It really is exciting to see large quantities of data drawn into a model and immedi-
ately see meaningful, actionable information come out. Turning data into information
ensures that the right decisions can be made.
The risk assessment should add clarity. Some risk assessments add complexity. The
real world is sufficiently complex that no unnecessary additional complexity should be
tolerated. In a good risk assessment, if complexity appears, it should only be because
the underlying science is complex.
Assessment is of course, just the beginning of risk management. Even with com-
plete understanding of risk—via the risk assessment—we still have the challenges of
how to manage this risk. Again, a host of factors comes into play: how much risk
reduction is warranted? How quickly should risk reduction occur? Which is better—
much risk reduction at a specific location or more modest risk reduction but over many
miles of pipeline? All strive to answer the key underlying question: how safe is ‘safe


Achieving safety while undertaking a potentially dangerous activity means identify-

ing and managing risks. Although they seem simple in concept, pipelines are actually
complex, dynamic systems subject to the vast and varying array of technical challenges
and integrity threats.
While risk has always been an interesting topic to many, it is also often clouded
by preconceptions. Many equate risk analyses with requirements of huge databases,
I Introduction

complex statistical analyses, and obscure probabilistic techniques. In reality, good risk
assessments can be done with only moderate effort and even in a data-scarce environ-
ment. This was the major premise of the earlier PRMM1.
PRMM has a certain sense of being a risk assessment cookbook—“Here are the
ingredients and how to combine them.” Feedback from readers indicates that this was
useful to them. That aspect is reflected in this book, even as the new methodologies
shown here are far superior to our past practices.
Beyond the desire for a straightforward approach, there also seems to be an in-
creasing desire for more sophistication in risk modeling. This is no doubt the result
of an unprecedented number of practitioners pushing the boundaries as well as more
widespread availability of data and more powerful computing environments that make
it easy and cost-effective to consider many more details in a risk model. Initiatives are
currently under way to generate more complete and useful databases to further our
knowledge and to support detailed risk modeling efforts.
The desire for ‘more’—more accuracy, more knowledge, more decision-support—
is also fueled by the knowledge that potential consequences of incorrect risk manage-
ment are higher now than in the past and will likely continue to increase. Aging infra-
structure, system expansions, and encroaching populations are primary drivers of this
change. Regulatory initiatives reflect this concern in many parts of the world.


The best practice in risk assessment is to assess major risk variables by evaluating and
combining many lesser variables, generally available from the operator’s records or
public domain databases. This is sometimes called a reductionist approach, reducing
the problem to its subparts for examination. This allows assessments to benefit from
direct use of measurements or evaluations of multiple smaller variables, rather than
a single, high-level variable, thereby reducing subjectivity. If the subparts—the de-
tails—are not yet available, then higher level inputs must suffice.
The reductionist approach also applies to the physical dimensions of the system. The
risk for a pipeline is assessed as the sum of the risk of its components, where the com-
ponents are the pipe, fittings, valves, tanks, pumps, compressors, meters, etc.
A critical belief underlying this book is that all pertinent information should be
used in a risk assessment. There are very few pieces of collected pipeline information
that are not useful to the risk assessment. The risk evaluator should expect any piece of
information to be useful until he absolutely cannot see any way that it can be relevant
to risk or decides its inclusion is not cost-effective.
Any and all experts’ opinions and thought processes can and should be codified,
thereby demystifying the experts’ personal assessment processes. The experts’ analysis

1 Pipeline Risk Management Manual, 3rd Edition, hereinafter referred to as PRMM

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

steps and logic processes can be replicated to a large extent in a risk assessment model.
A detailed model should ultimately be ‘smarter’ than any single individual or group
of individuals operating or maintaining the pipeline—including that retired guy who
‘knew everything’. It is often useful to think of the assessment process as ‘teaching the
model’. We ‘tell’ the model what we know and what it means to know various things.
We are training the model to ‘think’ like the best experts and giving it the benefit of
the collective knowledge of the entire organization and all the years of record-keeping.


Previous risk assessment approaches served us well in the past. They helped support
decision making by crystallizing thinking, removing subjectivity, and helping to en-
sure consistency. But the era of many older approaches has passed, due to increased
expectations as well as the now superior analyses techniques and availability of pow-
erful and inexpensive computer tools.
Our regulators, attorneys, neighbors, and other stake holders are no longer satisfied
that we can successfully manage risk using tools that are not modern and robust. We
now have strong, reliable, and easily applied methods to estimate actual risks, and no
longer must accept the compromises generated by intermediate scoring schemes or
statics-centric approaches. The modern approach to pipeline risk assessment is pre-
sented here. It is superior—accuracy, defensibility, cost of analyses—to all alternative
approaches since it incorporates the best and eliminates the weaknesses from others.
The migration from the older approaches is described in Chapter 1 Risk Assessment at
a Glance on page 1.
A substantial improvement in risk assessment methodology should not be a sur-
prise. Changes to risk algorithms have always been anticipated, and every risk mod-
el—even the most advanced—should be regularly reviewed in light of its ability to
incorporate new knowledge and the latest information.
This book presents the newer risk assessment methodologies for evaluating all as-
pects of pipeline risk. This approach reflects the advances in risk assessment technolo-
gy from research & development efforts as well as years of input of pipeline operators,
pipeline experts, and risk assessors.
A migration from both relative risk assessment and ‘classical’ QRA is central to
better understanding risk. There is no longer any valid reason to use a relative, scoring
type risk assessment approach. There is also no reason to adopt the statistics-centric
‘classical’ QRA approaches. We now have updated techniques and a powerful, but
simple framework to capture and more efficiently use all available information. When
much more useful results are available with no additional cost or effort, why use lesser

I Introduction

I.4.1 Key Changes

• The key features that make this risk assessment more
efficient and more defensible than previous approaches.

Early chapters of this book offer foundation and background information. The expe-
rienced, practicing risk manager may wish to move directly to the how-to chapters. It
is advisable to quickly become familiar with the most essential elements of the newer
methodology presented in this book. Central to this much-improved methodology are
several key features:
1. The abandonment of all scoring (point assignment systems) which is now re-
placed by measurements
2. The PoF triad—exposure, mitigation, and resistance—the essential ingredi-
ents to understand PoF
3. The use of OR and AND gate math
4. The use of both measurements and estimates to replicate an SME’s decision
5. The calculation of hazard zones to drive CoF estimates

Many other aspects of risk assessment remain similar to previous approaches.

Pipeline risk factors are generally well understood. It is only the better capturing of
their role in risk that changes. The estimation of consequences has generally been
more grounded in physics and engineering principles already. Fewer changes in those
methodologies are warranted.
Armed with these key changes in methodology, the more experienced reader can
move to Chapters 5-11 starting on page 131 to efficiently begin assessing risks.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management



Time - Time -
Independent Dependent
Mechanisms Mechanisms

Third Party Incorrect Hazard

Sabotage Geohazards Corrosion Cracking Receptors
Damage Operaons Zone

Product Release Size Dispersion

Exposure Migaon Resistance

Figure I.1 Modeling of Pipeline Risk

I.4.2 Migration from previous methodologists

If you have a complete risk assessment system based on older methods, that system can
usually be readily migrated to a modern platform. The previous work is preserved and
can be more efficiently employed while measured data from today’s modern inspection
and integrity-evaluation tools is also integrated.
Table I.1 below shows an example of converting input data from an older, scoring
type risk assessment approach into a modern risk assessment. The first step is to iden-
tify what aspect of risk is impacted by the previously-collected data. All inputs should
inform estimates of either: PoF-exposure, PoF-mitigation, PoF-resistance, or CoF.
Then, the previously assigned scores or point values can be linked to measurement
values. This allows rapid conversion of even the largest scoring type risk databases.

Table I.1
Example Conversion of Scores to Measurements
Index/Score New Measurement/Estimate
depth cover shallow = 8 pts mitigation 15%
wrinkle bend yes = 6 pts resistance -0.07” pipe wall
coating condition fair = 3 pts mitigation 0.01 gaps/ft2
soil moderate = 4 pts exposure 4 mpy

Some calibrations and handling of special cases will usually be needed, and doc-
umentation will need to be updated, but the whole conversion/migration effort should
consume only dozens of man-hours, not hundreds.
I Introduction

In re-using previous data, there should be some similarities in results when com-
paring old versus new. But there should also be new and important insights emerging,
as the modern approaches provides superior results that more accurately represent real-
world risks.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


The Outlook for Pipeline Risk Assessment

(a 2014 interview with W. Kent Muhlbauer)

US regulators have recently expressed criticism regarding how Integrity

Management Plan (IMP) risk assessment (RA) for pipelines is being conducted. Do
you also see problems?
There is a wide range of practice among pipeline operators right now. Some RA is
admittedly in need of improvement—not yet meeting the intent of the IMP regulation.
However, I believe that is not due to lack of good intention but rather incomplete
understanding of risk. Risk is a relatively new concept and not easy to fully grasp. To
address PHMSA’s concerns, we as an industry need to improve our understanding of
risk and how to measure it.

What’s new in the world of pipeline risk assessment?

In the last few years, the emergence of the US IMP regulations has prompted the
development of more robust RA methodologies specifically designed for pipelines.
Even though PHMSA and others have identified weaknesses among some practitioners,
much progress has been made. Previous methodologies fell into two categories: 1) scor-
ing systems designed for simple ranking of pipeline segments, and 2) statistics-based
quantitative risk assessments (QRA’s) used in more robust applications, often for indus-
trial sites and for certain regulatory and legal needs. The first were popular among the
pre-IMP voluntary practitioners but were limited in their ability to accurately measure
risk and to meet IMP regulatory requirements. The second category was costly and
ill-suited for long linear assets, like pipelines.

You note two categories of previous risk assessment methodologies. What about
others, like ‘scenario-based’ or ‘subject matter experts’, that are listed in some
I think that listing is confusing tools with risk assessment methodologies. The two
examples you mention are important ingredients in any good risk assessment but they
are certainly not complete risk assessments themselves.

What are the newest pipeline risk assessment methodologies like?

They’re powerful, intuitive, easy to set up, less costly, and vastly more informative
than either of the previous approaches. By independent examination of key aspects
of risk and the use of verifiable measurement units, the whole landscape of the risks
becomes apparent. That leads to much improved decision-making.

I Introduction

How can they be both easy and more informative?

More informative since they produce the same output as the classic QRA but are
more accurate. Easy because they directly capture our understanding of pipelines and
what can cause them to fail. The word ‘directly’ is key here. Previous methods relied on
inferential data and/or scoring schemes that tended to interfere with our understanding.

If they do the same thing as QRA, why not just use classical QRA?
Several reasons: classic QRA is expensive and awkward to apply to a long, linear
asset in a constantly changing natural environment—can you imagine developing and
maintaining event trees/fault trees along every foot of every pipeline? Classical QRA
was created by statisticians and relies heavily on historical failure frequencies. Ask a
statistician how often something will happen in the future and he will ask how often
it has happened in the past. I often hear something like “we can’t do QRA because
we don’t have data.” I think what they mean is that they believe that databases full
of incident frequencies—how often each pipeline component has failed by each fail-
ure mechanism—are needed before they can produce the QRA type risk estimates.
That’s simply not correct. It’s a carryover from the notion of a purely statistics-driven
approach. While such historical failure data is helpful, it is by no means essential to
RA. We should take an engineering- and physics-based approach rather than rely on
questionable or inadequate statistical data.

But if I need to estimate (‘quantify)’how often a pipeline segment will fail from a
certain threat, don’t I need to have numbers telling me how often similar pipelines
have failed in the past from that threat?
No, it’s not essential. It’s helpful to have such numbers, but not necessary and
sometimes even counterproductive. Note that the historical numbers are often not very
relevant to the future—how often do conditions and reactions to previous incidents
remain so static that history can accurately predict the future? Sometimes, perhaps,
but caution is warranted. With or without historical comparable data, the best way to
predict future events is to understand and properly model the mechanisms that lead to
the events.

Why do we need more robust results? Why not just use scores?
Even though they were developed to help simplify an analysis, scoring and index-
ing systems add an unnecessary level of complexity and obscurity to a risk assessment.
Numerical estimates of risk—a measure of some consequence over time and space,
like ‘failures per mile-year’—are the most meaningful measures of risk we can create.
Anything less is a compromise. Compromises lead to inaccuracies; inaccuracies lead
to diminished decision-making, leading to mis-allocation of resources; leading to more
risk than is necessary. Good risk estimates are gold. If you can get the most meaningful
numbers at the same cost as compromise measures, why would you settle for less?

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Are you advocating exclusively a quantitative or probabilistic RA?

Terminology has been getting in the way of understanding in the field of RA. Terms
like quantitative, semi-quantitative, qualitative, probabilistic, etc. mean different things
to different people. I do believe that for true understanding of risk and for the vast ma-
jority of regulatory, legal, and technical uses of pipeline risk assessments, numerical
risk estimates in the form of consequence per length per time are essential. Anything
less is an unnecessary compromise.

What about the concern that a more robust methodology suffers more from lack of
any data? (i.e.,” If I don’t have much info on the pipeline, I may as well use a simple
ranking approach”.)
That is a myth. In the absence of recorded information, a robust RA methodology
forces SME’s to make careful and informed estimates based on their experience and
judgment. From direct estimates of real-world phenomena, reasonable risk estimates
emerge, pending the acquisition of better data. Therefore, I would respond that lack of
information should drive you towards a more robust methodology. Using a lesser RA
approach with a small amount of data just compounds the inaccuracies and does not
improve understanding of risk—it is largely a waste of time.

It sounds like you have methods that very accurately predict failure potential. True?
Unfortunately, no. While the new modeling approaches are powerful and the best
we’ve ever had, there is still significant uncertainty. We are unable to accurately pre-
dict failures on specific pipe segments except in extreme cases. With good underlying
data, we can do a decent job of predicting the behavior of numerous pipe segments
over longer periods of time—the behavior of a population of pipeline segments. That is
of significant benefit when determining risk management strategies.

Nonetheless, it sounds like you’re saying there are now pipeline RA approaches that
are both better and cheaper than past practice . . . ?
True. RA that follows the Essential Elements* (EE) guidelines avoids the pitfalls that
befall many past practices. Yet, we can still apply all of the data that was collected for
the previous approaches. Pitfall avoidance, full transparency, and re-use of data makes
the approach more efficient than other practices. Plus, the recommended approaches
now generate the most meaningful measurements of risk that we know of.

Sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?

One catch is that we have to overcome our resistance to the kinds of risk estimate
values that are produced. When faced with a number such as 1.2E-4 failure/mile-year,
many react with immediate negative reaction, far beyond a healthy skepticism. Perhaps
it is the scientific notation, or the probabilistic implication, or the ‘illusion of knowl-
edge’, or some other aspect that evokes such reactions. I find that such biases disappear

I Introduction

very quickly however, once an audience sees the utility of the numbers and makes the
connection — ‘Hey, that’s actually a close estimate to what the real-world risk is.’
Another ‘catch’ is the one we touched on previously. Rare events like pipeline
failures have a large element of randomness, at least from our current technical per-
spective. That means that, no matter how good the modeling, some will still be dis-
appointed by the high uncertainty that must often accompany predictions on specific
pipeline segments.

How can industry as a whole improve RA, especially in the eyes of the public and
A degree of standardization that serves all stake holders is needed. A list of essential
elements sets forth the minimum ingredients for acceptable pipeline risk assessment.
Every risk assessment should have these elements. A specific methodology and detailed
processes are intentionally NOT essential elements, so there is room for creativity and
customized solutions. If regulators encounter too many substandard pipeline RA prac-
tices, then prescriptive mandates might be deemed necessary. Such mandates are usu-
ally less efficient than approaches that permit flexibility while prescribing only certain


1.1 Risk assessment at-a-glance.......... 2
1.2 Risk: Theory and application......... 2
1.2.1 The Need for Formality........ 2
1.2.2 Complexity.......................... 3
1.2.3 Intelligent Simplification...... 4
1.2.4 Classical QRA versus Physics-
based Models................. 6
1.2.5 Statistical Modeling............. 7
1.3 The Risk Assessment Process......... 8
1.3.1 Fix the Obvious................... 8
1.3.2 Using this Manual............... 9
1.3.3 Quickly getting answers...... 9

The following is a summary of

the risk evaluation framework

described in subsequent chapters.

The framework forms the foundation

for risk assessment on any pipeline

system or component or collection of

components within the system.

Risk Assessment at a glance

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management




Time - Time -
Independent Dependent
Mechanisms Mechanisms

Third Party Incorrect Hazard

Sabotage Geohazards Corrosion Cracking Receptors
Damage Operaons Zone

Product Release Size Dispersion

Exposure Migaon Resistance

Figure 1.1 Modeling of Pipeline Risk

The same framework applies to very robust as well as very simple assessments. An
example of a rudimentary (high level, few details) application of this risk assessment
strategy using this approach is shown later in this chapter in Rudimentary Risk Assess-
ment on page 12.


• Formal risk assessment—why it’s needed and how to do it.

1.2.1 The Need for Formality

Humans are poor estimators of risk without formality. We routinely overestimate and
underestimate true risks due to influences of emotion, memory, or personal preference.
Here is an insightful quote from a bestselling book on risk (ref 10):

“Nature is so varied and so complex that we have a hard time drawing valid
generalizations from what we observe.

1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

We use shortcuts that lead us to erroneous perceptions, or we interpret

small samples as representative of what larger samples would show.
We display risk aversion when we are offered a choice in one setting and
then turn into risk seekers when we are offered the same choice in a different
We have trouble recognizing how much info is enough and how much is
too much.
We pay excessive attention to low-probability events accompanied by high
drama and overlook events that happen in routine fashion.
We start out with a purely rational decision about how to manage our risks
and then extrapolate from what may be only a run of good luck.”

There are also those who opine that attempts to quantify risk are generally flawed.
So-called Black Swan (taleb1) events are so complex and rare as to be essentially un-
predictable. These are events previously thought to be impossible, until they actually
happen—for example, the first sighting of a black-colored swan. Even the specialized
statistical theories and associated distributions (ie, extreme value, etc) are thought by
some to be vain attempts to know the unknowable. Most will agree that extensive and
complex modeling can quickly become impractical for real-world risk management
and that over-reliance on modeled values with high uncertainty can lead to misdirec-
tion of resources.
However, extreme positions against measuring risk underestimate the value of the
attempt itself. Such critics miss the key point that the measurement effort itself yields
great rewards, even when the measurement is imperfect: “anything that is measured,
improves.” Striving to assign some realistic value to any phenomena yields benefits far
beyond the value produced. Even when results are imprecise and may not fully capture
the unforeseeable, the knowledge gained by earnest attempts to include all possibilities
and to assign meaningful values is a significant benefit to risk management.
Much has been written on the general topics of the scientific method and modeling
in both science and engineering. See PRMM for a relevant discussion of these princi-
ples, and their nuanced application in engineering and risk assessment for pipelines.

1.2.2 Complexity

In any modeling effort, complexity should exist only because the underlying real-world
phenomenon is complex. The RA should not add complexity.
Ironically, a scoring type risk assessment, intended to simplify the modeling of
real-world phenomena, actually adds complexity. By converting real-world phenom-

1 Taleb, N.N., 2010, The Black Swan: the Impact of the Highly Improbable, Random House Trade
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ena into ‘points’ via an assignment protocol, an artificial layer of complexity has been
introduced. This is unnecessary.
A robust risk assessment, covering complex scientific elements such as corrosion
mechanisms and stress-strain relationships, may require a level of complexity in order
to fully represent the associated risk issues. In this case, the complexity reflects the
complexity of the science and is appropriate for certain kinds of risk assessment. In
contrast, a risk assessment that requires the assignment of scores to various condi-
tions—for example, soil corrosivity, CP effectiveness, etc—and then the assignment
of weightings to each, and then the combination of the scores using non-intuitive algo-
rithms, is adding complexity that probably adds no value to the analyses. As a matter
of fact, such artificial complexity probably detracts from the accuracy and usability of
the risk assessment.

1.2.3 Intelligent Simplification

The challenge when constructing a risk assessment model is to fully understand the
mechanisms at work and then to identify the optimum number of detailed variables
for the model’s intended use. This follows the reductionist approach previously dis-
cussed—breaking the problem down into pieces for later reassembly into meaningful
risk estimates.
We must understand and embrace the complexity in order to achieve the optimum
amount of simplification—this is the process of ‘intelligent simplification.’ The best
approach is to begin with the robust solution, including all details and all nuances that
make up the real-world phenomena. Only then can a shortcut be contemplated. That
way, what is sacrificed by the simplification is clear.
Furthermore, the robust solution will be immediately appropriate for many prac-
titioners and eventually appropriate for many more (ie, a desired future level of detail
in the risk assessment). Modeling complex phenomena such as AC induced corrosion,
vapor cloud explosion potential, and many others, requires numerous inputs and inter-
actions among inputs. Understanding what those inputs are and how they should be
used to best model scenarios is the first step. With that understanding, simplifications
without excessive loss of accuracy may be possible.
When simplifications are not appropriate, the robust solution should be employed,
but perhaps in such a way that it does not interfere with the assessment’s efficiency.
Many processes, originating from sometimes complex scientific principles, are “be-
hind the scenes” in a good risk assessment system. These must be well documented and
available, but need not interfere with the casual users of the methodology (everyone
does not need to understand the engine in order to benefit from use of the vehicle).
Engineers will normally seek a rational basis underpinning a system before they will
accept it. Therefore, the basis must be well documented.
Deciding not to include a detailed variable directly in the risk assessment does
not necessarily mean it is ignored. The detail may already be part of an evaluation
being conducted elsewhere. For instance, the corrosion department may have a very
1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

sophisticated analyses of AC induced corrosion potential. Rather than replicate this

analysis in the risk assessment, perhaps only the results need to be migrated into the
risk assessment.
Among all possible variables, choices are required that yield a balance between
a comprehensive model and an unwieldy model—inclusion of every possible detail
versus loss of important information. Users should be allowed to determine their own
optimum level of complexity. Some will choose to capture much detailed information
because they already have it available; others will want to get started with a high-level
framework. However, by using the same overall risk assessment framework, results
can still be compared: from very detailed approaches to overview approaches.

16 mpy



Coating Salt

Figure 1.2 Using Short Circuit, Pending Full Data Availability

Figure 1.2 illustrates the use of a ‘short circuit’ pending availability of full soil
corrosivity information. A 16 mpy soil corrosivity value is used pending information
regarding soil moisture, pH, and contaminant levels which will lead to more accurate
soil corrosivity values. Having the details shown, but not populated, in the risk as-
sessment model has advantages. It documents that further analyses is possible, if not

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

warranted, and that the entered value is thought to capture the sub-variables that are
not yet known.
Having flexibility in the level of rigor of a risk assessment is a large advantage.
While detailed, technically rigorous analyses will always strengthen the assessment, it
will not always be warranted. By this we mean, the cost/benefit of the rigor does not al-
ways justify the effort. In some instances, this will be a guess—a perceived low-value
analysis may actually turn out to be a critical consideration and its absence is lamented.
For instance, discounting the potential for H2 permeation through a steel component’s
wall seems reasonable until the rare phenomenon contributes to a failure and prompts
regret that it wasn’t previously a consideration.
See also the discussion of Chapter 3.7 Verification, Calibration, and Validation on
page 82

1.2.4 Classical QRA versus Physics-based Models

Most documented risk assessment approaches are based on statistical analyses. This is
because the problem of risk assessment was initially given to statisticians to solve. Ask
a statistician how often something will happen in the future, and their first question will
be ‘how often has it happened in the past.’ This is reasonable for a methodology that
deals exclusively with analyses of how numbers are ‘behaving.’ The ability of statistics
to model the behavior of larger populations over longer periods of time is undisputed.
But this does not provide a complete solution for practitioners of risk management.
Historical data should always influence our estimates of risk. However, it will rare-
ly capture all the pertinent considerations. Even purists will usually agree that statistics
can only fully describe very simple and rather uninteresting systems in the universe.
Coin flips and games of chance (cards, roulette, etc) are examples. Real-world systems
are complex and require many insights well beyond statistical analyses for understand-
Scientists and engineers, rather than statisticians, have been more involved in cer-
tain portions of the risk assessment, notably consequence modeling. Historically, con-
sequence assessments have made sound use of science and engineering where proba-
bility assessments often have not. Consequence evaluations have, for years, routinely
used dispersion modeling, thermal effects predictions, heat transfer equations, kinetics
and thermodynamics of fluid movements, and many others. On the other hand, proba-
bility was simply based on historical rates. Perhaps the historical rates were modified
by some very subjective ‘adjustment factors’ to account for instances when the subject
pipeline was thought to behave differently from the statistical population. But, too
often, little science and engineering was applied to the problem of measuring failure
potential in a formal but efficient manner.
Underlying most meanings of risk is the key issue of ‘probability.’ Statistics and
probability are closely intertwined. But, as is detailed in this text, probability expresses
a degree of belief beyond statistical analyses. ‘Degree of belief’ is the most compelling
definition of probability because it encompasses statistical evidence as well as science,
1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

engineering, interpretations, and judgment. Our beliefs should be firmly rooted in fun-
damental science, engineering judgment, and reasoning. This does not mean ignoring
statistics—proper analysis of historical data—for diagnosis, to test hypotheses, or to
uncover new information. Statistics help us understand our world, but it certainly does
not explain it.
The assumption of a predictable distribution of future leaks predicated on past
leak history might be realistic in certain cases, especially when a database with enough
events is available and conditions and activities are constant. However, one can easily
envision scenarios where, in some segments, a single failure mode should dominate the
risk assessment and result in a very high probability of failure rather than only some
percentage of the total. Even if the assumed distribution is valid in the aggregate, there
may be many locations along a pipeline where the pre-set distribution is not represen-
tative of the particular mechanisms at work there.
There is an important difference between using statistics to better understand num-
bers—inputs and results—versus basing a risk assessment predominantly on histori-
cal incident rates, using statistics to support the belief that the past is the best way to
predict the future. This is admittedly an oversimplification and is debatable in several
key ways, especially when considering that all techniques are strengthened by simul-
taneous understanding of both the underlying physics and the statistics. However, this
distinction emphasizes a core premise of this recommended methodology in this book.
That premise is that the understanding of the physical phenomena behind pipeline fail-
ure should be the dominant basis of a risk assessment. Statistics, in particular historical
event frequencies, should be secondary inputs.
The exposure-mitigation-resistance analyses that is an essential element of PoF
assessment, is a key aspect that differentiates a modern pipeline risk assessment from
classical QRA. Classical QRA does not seek the exposure-mitigation-resistance dif-
ferentiation. Without this insight, past failure rates typically used in such assessments
have questionable relevance to future failure potential.
Failure to quantify the exposure-mitigation-resistance influences leads to incom-
plete understanding which makes risk management problematic. Ideally, historical
event rate information will be coupled with the exposure-mitigation-resistance analy-
ses to yield the best PoF estimates.
The exposure-mitigation-resistance analyses is an indispensable step towards full
understanding of PoF, as is detailed in later chapters. Without it, understanding is in-
complete. Full understanding leads to the best risk management practice—optimized
resource allocation—which benefits all stakeholders.
More will be said about improvements over Classical QRA approaches in later

1.2.5 Statistical Modeling

To be clear, the message here is NOT that statistical theory is to be avoided but rather
that statistics should supplement rather than drive risk modeling. Science and physics
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

provide the model basis but statistics is very useful in tuning or calibrating inputs and
results. Failure to use statistical theory would be an error.
In fact, the risk assessment framework proposed in this text has been successfully
deployed as a model making increased use of statistical techniques. In one such appli-
cation, Bayesian networks were established to better incorporate probability distribu-
tions, rather than point estimates, and learning or feedback processes were included.
The same essential elements as recommended here should be used in this application.
This is especially important for the breakdown of PoF into separate, but connected,
measurements of exposure, mitigation, and resistance.
In addition to the classical models of logic, new logic techniques are emerging that
seek to better deal with uncertainty and incomplete knowledge. Methods of measuring
“partial truths”—when a thing is neither completely true nor completely false—have
been created based on fuzzy logic originating in the 1960s from the University of Cal-
ifornia at Berkley as techniques to model the uncertainty of natural language. Fuzzy
logic or fuzzy set theory resembles human reasoning in the face of uncertainty and ap-
proximate information. Questions such as “To what degree is x safe?” can be addressed
through these techniques. They have found engineering application in many control
systems ranging from “smart” clothes dryers to automatic trains.


• Don’t be intimidated by the task of risk management
• Its not new
• Short cut solutions are available
• It can be accomplished with less effort than it may appear.
• Here’s an example

1.3.1 Fix the Obvious

Where formal risk assessment is not yet in place, potential practitioners sometimes feel
overwhelmed, hesitating to get started due to the apparent magnitude of the task ahead.
How to assess the risks associated with hundreds or thousands of miles of pipeline
system, especially when desired information is scarce?
It is important to recognize that, even in the absence of a formal risk assessment,
risk assessment has always been occurring, usually successfully, in all pipeline opera-
tions since their inception. The formalization of risk understanding should not interfere
with the practice of ‘fix the obvious.’ A formal risk assessment is not needed to show
where large issues are already apparent. The risk assessment can refine and improve
1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

resource allocation and bring to light the less apparent or distant future risk issues. But
when an indisputable risk issue is identified and mitigation actions are obvious and
available, time should not be wasted in extensive study or other formalization.
So, the obvious advice is: While seeking to improve risk management processes,
continue the practice of risk management.

1.3.2 Using this Manual

Robust pipeline risk assessment generates a risk profile, showing changes in risk along
a pipeline route. Risk management uses that profile to identify ways to effectively min-
imize the risk. Chapters 1 - 12 discuss the risk assessment process as it can be applied
to all types of facilities, handling any kind of product, and traversing any location.
Chapter 13 describes the transition from risk assessment to risk management.

1.3.3 Quickly getting answers

• A good risk assessment process supports rapid, easy
to obtain risk estimates as well as detailed, robust risk

Formal pipeline risk assessment does not have to be highly complex or expensive. A
savvy risk manager can, in a relatively short time, have a fairly detailed pipeline risk
assessment system set up, functioning and producing useful results. Simple computer
tools such as a spreadsheet or desktop database can efficiently and completely support
even the most robust of assessments. Then, by establishing some administrative pro-
cesses around the processes, the quick-start applicator now has a complete system to
fully support risk management. The underlying ideas are straightforward, and rapid
establishment of a very useful decision support system is certainly possible. Initial in-
formation and processes may not be of sufficient rigor for full decision-support, but the
user will nonetheless immediately have a formal structure from which to better ensure
decisions of consistency and completeness of information.
Both a rudimentary, quick assessment and a robust, detailed assessment will fol-
low the same procedure. This provides for the assessment to grow—getting more ac-
curate with the inclusion of more and more details. The difference between the simple
assessment and the robust lies only in the depth of investigation. Before examining this
in more detail, consider also that a risk conceptualization exercise is also available to
‘get answers quick.’

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Risk Conceptualization

There exists a type of risk analysis that is even more preliminary than the rudimentary
assessment presented below. This might be termed more of a risk conceptualization
rather than assessment and is based solely on basic deductive reasoning. Illustrated by
an example, an analyst may posit that a pipeline’s future risks will mirror the losses
shown by recent historical annual US gas transmission pipeline experience. He assumes
that the subject pipeline ‘behaves’ as an average2 US gas transmission pipeline. Under
this assumption, he deduces that future risks on the subject pipeline are 1.2 significant
leak/ruptures per 2,000 mile-years that generate $1,200/mile-year of losses. He scales
these values to the length of his subject pipeline and uses results in decision-making.
A similar approach is the use of historical leak/break rates to predict future behav-
ior of sections of distribution pipeline systems. With larger counts of leak/break events,
these produce more statistically valid summaries and are sometimes used to understand
system deterioration rates.
These generalized, statistical approaches obviously are limited, especially when
applied to a particular pipeline segment (see numerous discussions later in this text re-
garding pitfalls associated with use of general statistics in this way). They do, however
offer useful risk context, providing insights into behaviors of populations of compo-
nents over long periods of time. In the absence of any other information, this approach
provides estimates that may often be a close approximation—perhaps within an order
of magnitude or so—of average future performance of many pipelines.

Risk Assessment Steps

True risk assessment must consider the specifics of the asset being assessed and not be
unduly influenced by historical data from other assets. The following minimum steps
are required for assessment of pipeline risk, regardless of level of rigor:
1. Segmentation: Identify the components that comprise the segment being as-
a. A new component is needed for every significant change in the pipeline’s
current and historical construction/operating/maintenance practice and ev-
ery significant3 change in the pipeline’s surroundings.
2. Exposure: Estimate each component’s unmitigated exposure from each threat,
recognizing the two types of exposure
a. Degradation rate from time-dependent failure mechanisms

2 Actually, more of a ‘composite’ performance since the vast majority of miles of pipeline have inci-
dent rates and losses much lower than implied by an average

3 Significant from a risk standpoint; ie, anything that can impact the probability of failure or the conse-
quences should a failure occur.
1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

b. Event rate from time-independent failure mechanisms

3. Mitigation: Estimate effect of each mitigation measure for each component’s
a. Identify all mitigation measures
b. Rate effectiveness of each
c. Combine and apply estimates to appropriate exposures
4. Resistance: Estimate each component’s resistance to failure from each miti-
gate exposure
a. Theorize amount of resistance available in the absence of defects
b. Estimate the role of possible defects present in each component, consider-
ing rates of defect emergence and age and accuracy of all inspections and
integrity assessments
5. PoF: Calculate PoF from each threat
a. Risk Triad: combine Exposure, Mitigation, Resistance
b. TTF and then PoF for time-dependent failure mechanisms
c. PoF for time-independent failure mechanisms
d. Combine all PoF’s
6. Calculate CoF for each component, based on desired level of conservatism and
a. Possible failure scenarios
b. Possible damages from each scenario
7. Combine PoF and CoF into a risk estimate for each component. Combine com-
ponent risk estimates as needed.

These steps show the minimum amount of inputs and analyses necessary to pro-
duce plausible estimates of risk along a pipeline. Experience has shown that any of
these can independently dominate the actual risk. Therefore, each warrants consider-
ation and should be documented in the assessment, even if only a cursory level of effort
can be applied to generate initial estimates.
Implicit in these steps is the initial recognition that a pipeline (or pipeline station
or any other portion of a pipeline system) is a collection of components. Each compo-
nent will contribute to the risk associated with the whole collection. Each component
is exposed to threats from its immediate surroundings. These normally include cor-
rosion, external forces, and others. Each component also generates some amount of
consequence potential to its surroundings. This is the reality that should be captured in
any risk assessment.
Even the most rudimentary risk assessment needs to acknowledge the individual
components that comprise the pipeline system and their individual surroundings. To do
this, a list of components is needed. This can be very detailed or, at the other extreme,
very generalized.
As described above, for each component, three inputs are needed to characterize
each plausible threat. Each component also requires one input for consequence poten-
tial. These four component-specific inputs are best obtained by examination of all of
the pertinent underlying features but can be simply assigned a preliminary general es-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

timate, pending the deeper analyses. In a very rudimentary assessment, the four ingre-
dients are directly input for each component based perhaps solely on SME judgment.

Rudimentary Risk Assessment

Beyond a much generalized risk conceptualization exercise as discussed previously,

a rudimentary risk assessment for a specific pipeline or portion of a pipeline under
specific operational and maintenance protocols, can be conducted with a minimum
of inputs. With fewer inputs, it will suffer from reduced accuracy—there are always
trade-offs between rigor and accuracy/defensibility.
A rudimentary initial risk assessment can be created by obtaining SME estimates
for each of the inputs implied in the list above and in Figure 1.3 Risk Assessment
Structure for Each Failure Mechanism on Each Component Assessed below.

Risk Mechanism

PoF Migaon
EL for
Threat N Hazard

Figure 1.3 Risk Assessment Structure for Each Failure Mechanism on Each Component

These inputs are required for each pertinent failure mechanism (from Threat #1 to
Threat N). Results, Expected Loss, are then aggregated to arrive at overall risk for a
component or any collection of components.

1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

Note that in this version of the general model, PoD is shown as an intermediate
calculation when estimating PoF. This provides clarity, when needed, showing a dis-
tinction between damage potential and failure potential.
Each PoF input in the general model should be readily estimate-able by those most
familiar with the asset being assessed. If an operator, experienced with the system
being assessed, claims to be unable to estimate such things, then it is probably only be-
cause the framework within which the questions are being asked is unfamiliar to him.
Once he understands the process, he should be able to, with little difficulty, provide
reasonable estimates. If he still professes inability to produce estimates, then an admo-
nition is in order. Stated bluntly, an operator who does not understand the phenomena
potentially endangering the systems under his direct control, is unnecessarily putting
both his company and innocent parties at increased risk.
With a bit of guidance, the SME’s can provide the necessary PoF inputs. Then
consequence potential needs to be estimated. This may require a different SME since
the operator/maintainer, while hopefully being well schooled in incident response, may
have little or no experience with consequence valuations. The kinds of damage sce-
narios potentially created are first identified by an appropriate SME. These will fall
into one or more of the categories of thermal (fire and explosion), toxicity (including
pollution damages), and mechanical (the non-explosion phenomena associated with
pressurized components). Then, the receptors potentially exposed to these scenarios
are characterized. Categories include people, property, environment, commercial ac-
tivities, service interruption, and others, depending on the scope of the risk assessment.
For example, an assessor thinks that a portion of a pipeline system can be char-
acterized by four different components, reflecting four general combinations of pipe
type, current pipeline condition, threat types/magnitudes, and nearby population densi-
ties. He feels that each component is exposed to 4 general types of failure mechanisms,
requiring 4 x 4 = 16 inputs as the minimum requirement for a PoF estimate. He also
needs an estimate of CoF for each component for a total input count of 20 inputs. He
builds a framework to capture the needed inputs:

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Table 1.1
Sample Rudimentary P90+ Risk Assessment, Inputs
Units A B C D
Exposure mpy
Ext Corr PoF Mitigation %
Resistance %

Exposure mpy
Int Corr PoF Mitigation %
Resistance %

Exposure events/year
External Force PoF Mitigation %
Resistance %

Exposure events/year
Human error PoF Mitigation %
Resistance %
PoF total failures/year
CoF $/failure
Risk (EL) $/year

From a properly structured SME team meeting, the assessor has populated the
inputs for each component based on the team’s judgment and specific knowledge of
the four components. Their inputs have a targeted P90 level of conservatism—ie, they
provide values that most likely overstate the actual risk. The assessor then uses simple
equations, discussed in this text, to arrive at preliminary risk values for each compo-

1 Risk Assessment at a Glance

Table 1.2
Sample Rudimentary P90+ Risk Assessment, Results
Units A B C D
failures/year 0.006 0.002 0.002 0.005
Exposure mpy 16 8 8 12
Ext Corr PoF Mitigation % 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Resistance % 0.25 0.375 0.375 0.25

failures/year 0.0002 0.0001 0.005 0.004

Exposure mpy 0.1 0.1 4 2
Int Corr PoF Mitigation % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Resistance % 0.25 0.375 0.375 0.25

failures/year 0.010 0.013 0.001 0.003

Exposure events/year 2 5 0.2 0.5
External Force PoF Mitigation % 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
Resistance % 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.9

failures/year 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001

Exposure events/year 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Human error PoF Mitigation % 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Resistance % 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
PoF total failures/year 0.017 0.015 0.008 0.011
CoF $/failure $50 $200 $50 $50
Risk (EL) $/year $835 $2,973 $403 $570
$/year $4,782

Armed with these estimates, the decision-makers now move into a risk manage-
ment phase. This phase will often include improving upon the initial risk estimates, ei-
ther with deeper analyses or with actual inspections, surveys, investigations, and tests.
In a short period of time, the assessor has produced a rudimentary estimate of risk,
documenting key inputs and intermediate calculations associated with the estimate.
Furthermore, he has established a framework from which the subsequent robust risk
assessment can emerge.
Each of his preliminary inputs can now be reviewed and revised in light of appro-
priate additional inputs from measurements and investigations. For instance, he may
use actual soil resistivity measurements to better estimate exposure rates, mpy, to ex-
ternal corrosion, creating additional components (segments) as the new data provides
more granularity regarding changes along the route. Similarly, he can use depth of
cover surveys to modify mitigation estimates for external forces. He can consult previ-
ous HAZOP studies to improve his human error inputs. He can use ILI results for im-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

proved resistance estimates. He may choose to put additional analyses focus where it
is warranted, for example, rare, but sometimes critical phenomena such as AC induced
corrosion, landslide potential, SCC, etc There are countless ways to continuously make
the assessment better without changing any aspect of the underlying methodology.
To help with understanding and preparations of both preliminary and complete risk
assessments, this text offers sample valuations for many pipeline risk factors. As with
any engineered system (the risk assessment system described herein employs many
engineering principles), a degree of caution and due diligence is warranted. The expe-
rienced pipeline operator should challenge the example value assignments offered: Do
they match your operating experience in general? Are they appropriate for the subject
component being assessed? Read the reasoning behind all valuations: Do you agree
with that reasoning? Invite (or require) input from employees at all levels. Is there
more definitive or more recent data suggesting alternative valuations?
The objective is to build a useful tool—one that is regularly used to aid in everyday
business and operating decision making, one that is accepted and used throughout the
organization, and one that is robust and defensible.
Refer also to Chapter 2.14 Measurements and Estimates on page 51 for ideas on
evaluating the measuring capability of the tool.

2.1 Pipe, pipeline, component, 2.13 Risk assessment vs risk analyses

facility...................................... 18 tools......................................... 51
2.1.1 Types................................. 18 2.14 Measurements and Estimates.... 51
2.1.2 Facility.............................. 18 2.15 Uncertainty.............................. 53
2.1.3 System............................... 19 2.16 Conservatism............................ 54
2.2 Hazards and Risk........................ 19 2.17 Risk Profiles.............................. 55
2.3 Expected Loss............................. 20 2.18 Cumulative risk........................ 56
2.4 Other Risk Units......................... 21 2.18.1 Changes over time........... 57
2.5 Failure........................................ 22 2.19 Valuations (cost/benefit analyses).57
2.6 Failure mechanism, failure mode, 2.20 Risk Management..................... 58
threat........................................ 22
2.7 Probability.................................. 23
2.8 Probability of Failure.................. 23
2.8.1 PoF Triad........................... 24
2.8.2 Units of Measurement....... 26 The following discussions show
2.8.3 Damage Versus Failure...... 27
2.8.4 From TTF to PoF................ 28 how certain terms and concepts are
2.8.5 Age as a Risk Variable........ 29
2.8.6 The Test of Time Estimation of used in this text. They may differ
Exposure...................... 29
2.8.7 Time-dependent vs from definitions/interpretations
independent................. 30
2.8.8 Probabilistic Degradation when used elsewhere. Additional
Rates............................ 31
2.8.9 Capturing “Early Years’ definitions related to the mechanics
Immunity”.................... 31
2.8.10 Example Application of PoF of performing data collection and risk
Triad............................. 34
2.8.11 AND gates OR gates........ 35 assessment are shown in a following
2.8.12 Nuances of Exposure,
Mitigation, Resistance.. 38 chapter.
2.9 Frequency, statistics, and
probability................................ 46
2.10 Failure rates.............................. 48
2.10.1 Additional failure data..... 49
2.11 Consequences.......................... 49
2.12 Risk assessment........................ 50
Definitions and Concepts
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Discussion of specific risk concepts as they apply to pipeline
risk management.
• This is a reference chapter—discussing many details that are
used throughout this text.


As used in this book, a pipe segment can be any length of pipe, not necessarily a ‘joint’
length. A component is a part of a pipeline that is other than a pipe segment and can
be a flange, valve, fitting, tank, pump, compressor, separator, filter, regulator, or any of
many other portions of a typical pipeline. A pipeline is a collection of pipe segments
and components. A facility is a collection of components. A system is one or more
pipelines and associated facilities. See also the discussion of segmentation for purpos-
es of assessing risk under Segmentation on page 120.
Risk concepts covered in this book are meant to apply to any segment of pipe,
component, entire pipeline, facility, or system. While pipe is often used to illustrate a
concept, the concept also applies to any other component.
As a convenience, the terms component and segment will be used most often in
this book.
The basic risk concepts also apply to all component material types. While steel is
often the focus of discussion, risks associated with all other materials of construction
such as plastic, cast iron, concrete, and others, can be efficiently assessed using these
Owner/Operator references are used interchangeably here, both referring to the
decision-makers who control choices in pipeline design, operations, and maintenance.

2.1.1 Types

Pipeline systems are often categorized into types such as transmission, distribution,
gathering, offshore, and others, as discussed in the next chapter. All types are appropri-
ately assessed using the same methodology.

2.1.2 Facility

Facility, station, etc refers to one or more occurrences of, and often a collection of,
equipment, piping, instrumentation, and/or appurtenances at a single location, typical-

2 Definitions and Concepts

ly where at least some portion is situated above-ground (unburied). Facilities and their
subparts are efficiently assessed using the same methodology.

2.1.3 System

The word ‘system’ has many uses in this text. It is used in context such as safety
system, control system, management system, procedure system, training system, to
indicate a collection of parts or sub-systems. While no set definition exists, a pipeline
system normally refers to a large collection of pipeline segments and related stations/


As detailed in PRMM, risk is most commonly defined as the probability of an event

that causes a loss and the potential magnitude of that loss. Risk changes with changes
in either the probability of the event or when the magnitude of the potential loss (the
consequences of the event). In common use, the term ‘hazard’ generally refers more
to the consequence. It has commonly been said that the hazard associated with a thing
or an action is unchangeable but the risk is changeable. Transportation of products by
pipeline entails the hazards of the pipeline failing, releasing its contents, and causing
damage (in addition to the potential loss of the product itself). The risk associated with
this transportation is highly changeable by numerous means.
The most commonly accepted definition of risk is often expressed as a mathemat-
ical relationship:

Risk = (event likelihood or probability) × (event consequence)

Risk is best expressed as a measurable quantity such as the expected frequency of

certain types of incidents, human fatalities or injuries, or economic loss.

A complete understanding of the risk requires that three questions be answered:

1. What can go wrong?
2. How likely is it?
3. What are the consequences?

The risk assessment approach recommended here measures risk in terms of ex-
pected loss (EL).

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


A powerful approach to measuring and reporting risk is to combine the range of possi-
ble consequence scenarios, and their respective probabilities of occurrence, into a sin-
gle value representing all potential losses over time. Risk expressed in this fashion is
called “expected loss” (EL). It encompasses the classical definition of risk: probability
x consequences, but expresses risk as a probability of various potential consequences
over time. While the concept of expected loss is not a new concept in risk, especially in
financial matters, it is perhaps unfamiliar to many practicing pipeline risk assessment.
EL measurement units present the risk as a loss over time, often based on average
expected behavior—dollars per year, for instance, for a particular pipeline system. The
value is intended to embody all possible consequences (losses) with their respective
likelihoods. This value can be viewed as the amount of potential future loss that has
been created by the presence of the facility. Costs are a convenient common denomi-
nator for all types of losses, and monetized losses are used in the examples presented
An EL analysis captures the high-consequence-extremely-improbable scenarios;
the low-consequence-higher-probability scenarios, and all variations between. It does
this without overstating the influence of either end of the range of possibilities. The
use of probabilities ensures that the influences of certain scenarios are not over- or
under-impacting the results. All scenarios are considered with appropriate ‘weight’ for
more objective decision support.
Each point on a pipeline produces its own unique set of potential probability-con-
sequence pairings and hence its own expected loss. Theoretically, each possible dollar
consequence scenario is multiplied by a probability of occurrence to arrive at a prob-
ability-adjusted consequence value (dollars) for each possible consequence scenario.
Each point on the pipeline therefore has a distribution of possible failure and conse-
quence scenarios. For practical reasons, a subset of all possible scenarios is used to ap-
proximate the distribution of all possible scenarios. This distribution can be expressed
as a single point estimate—the expected loss at that point.
The individual expected values for all scenarios at all points along the pipeline can
then be combined to produce an expected loss for the entire pipeline (or any portion
of any pipeline). Multiple pipelines can have their EL’s combined for a measure of the
risk of an entire operation. These values show decision-makers the risks and suggest
levels of appropriate risk management actions, as will be discussed later.
Annualizing all potential consequences into an EL is a modeling convenience. A
$100,000 loss event that occurs once every 10 years is mathematically equivalent to
an expected loss of $10,000 per year. However, a uniform loss rate—X dollars of loss
each period—is really not the expectation. Only the long-term expected losses over
time—the behavior of the population—are thought to be fairly represented by the av-
erage annual expectation. This presents some financial planning challenges when one
considers that while the expected loss on an annualized basis might be acceptable to an
organization, that cost might actually occur in a tremendous one-year event and then
2 Definitions and Concepts

no other losses occur for decades—no doubt a much less acceptable situation. Similar-
ly, from a risk-tolerance perspective, a once-every-10-years $100,000 event is usually
quite different from an annual $10,000 event. While the mathematical equivalence is
valid, other considerations challenge the notion of equivalency.
The phrase ‘expected loss’ carries some emotionalism. It implies that a loss—in-
cluding injuries, property damages, and perhaps even fatalities—is being forecast as
inevitable. This often leads to the question: ‘why not avoid this loss?’ Most can un-
derstand that there is no escaping the fact that risks are present. Society embraces risk
and even specifies tolerable risk levels through its regulatory and spending habits. EL
is just a measure of that risk. Nonetheless, such terms should be used very carefully, if
at all, in risk communications to less-technical audiences. This is more fully discussed
In summary, the EL, as it is proposed here, will represent an average rate of loss
from the combination of all loss scenarios at a specific location along a pipeline. An
$11K/year EL may represent a $100K loss every ten years and an annual $1K loss
($100K / 10 yrs + $1K/yr = $11K/yr). It is therefore a point estimate representing a
sometimes wide range of potential consequences. The EL sets the stage for cost/benefit
analyses of possible projects and courses of action as is discussed under Valuations
(cost/benefit analyses) on page 57.


The most compelling presentation of risk is perhaps in EL values. They are easily
recognizable and provide context that most will understand.
However, they are not without controversy, as noted. When alternate presentations
of risk is required, options are available.
As an example, consider a table of risk estimates presented in PRMM, based on a
real evaluation on a 700 mile gasoline pipeline. That table presents risk as the expected
frequencies of certain consequences. Careful examination of this presentation shows
many different aspects of risk being considered:
• Leak count as consequence—2.6 leaks over the project life is, itself, an ex-
pression of risk
• Receptor damages as consequence—the frequencies of specific damages are
shown, recognizing that not all receptors are exposed to all miles and that only
some of the 2.6 leaks will result in measurable damage (ie, some will be too
small, be rapidly contained, or otherwise not really cause damage)
• Risk presented by the entire project, ie 700 miles of pipeline operating for 50
years. While accurate as a summary value, this will compare unfavorably to
most other facilities (non-pipelines), operating within fenced boundaries and
having very limited geographical impact potential.
• Length effects. While 700 miles of pipeline actually exists and does expose
receptors along its route, a risk value based on total length can be misleading.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Each potential receptor is only exposed to a certain length. In this example,

usually 2,500 ft of pipe is conservatively assumed to expose a certain point
location. So, a 100 ft creek crossing would be exposed to leak/rupture potential
from 2,500 + 100 = 2,600 ft of pipeline.
• Annual risks versus lifetime risk (50 years, in this example)

Many measures of acceptable risk are linked to fatality, specifically annual individ-
ual fatality risk. See related discussions under value of human life and risk acceptabil-
ity criteria under Value of statistical life and injury on page 433.


As detailed in PRMM, answering the question of “what can go wrong?” begins with
defining a pipeline failure. A failure implies a loss or consequence.
The unintentional release of pipeline contents is one common definition of a fail-
ure. Loss of integrity is a type of pipeline failure also implying leak/rupture. The differ-
ence between the two may lie in some scenarios such as tank overfill that may include
the first but not the latter.
A more general definition of failure is ‘no longer able to perform its intended
function’. The risk of service interruption, includes pipeline failure by not meeting its
delivery requirements (its intended purpose).
The concept of limit state can be useful here. In structural engineering, a limit state
is a threshold beyond which a design requirement is no longer satisfied (CSA Z662
Annex O). The structure is said to have failed when it fails to meet its design intent
which in turn is an exceedance of a limit state. Typical limit states include ‘ultimate’—
corresponding to a rupture or large leak—‘leakage’, and ‘serviceability’.
Complicating the quest for a universal definition of failure in the pipeline industry
is the fact that municipal pipeline distribution systems (water, wastewater, natural gas)
tolerate some amount of leakage. Failure may be defined as ’excessive’ leakage.
The most used definition of failure in this book will be leak/rupture. The term leak
implies that the release of pipeline contents is unintentional, distinguishing a failure
from a venting, de-pressuring, blow down, flaring, or other deliberate product release.


Digging deeper, we often need a definition of ‘failure’ from a material science point of
view. Loss of load carrying capacity is a good working definition of material failure.
‘Load carrying capacity’ is also an appropriate definition for resistance, as measured in
a risk assessment. In this text, a failure mechanism is the driving force that can cause
a failure.

2 Definitions and Concepts

The failure mode is the manner in which the material fails. Common failure mode
categories are ductile (yield), brittle (fracture) or a combination, with sub categories of
tensile, compressive, and shear. The failure mode is the end state.
The failure mechanism is the process that leads to the failure mode. Mechanical
failure mechanisms include corrosion, impact, buckling, and cracking.
A failure scenario is the complete sequence of events that, when combined, result
in the failure mode.
A failure manifesting as a leak is included in the ‘load carrying capacity’ definition
for most pipeline components, since the load of internal pressure is no longer com-
pletely carried once a leak of any size forms.
As detailed in PRMM, the ways in which a pipeline can fail can be categorized ac-
cording to the behavior of the failure mechanisms relative to the passage of time. When
the failure rate tends to vary only with a changing environment, the underlying mecha-
nism is considered time-independent and should exhibit a constant failure rate as long
as the environment stays constant. When the failure rate tends to increase with time and
is logically linked with an aging effect, the underlying mechanism is time-dependent.
Pipelines tend to avoid early-life leak/rupture failures by commonly used tech-
niques such as manufacture/construction quality control (for example, pipe mill pres-
sure testing, weld inspection) and post-installation pressure test. When product is
first introduced into most pipelines, they will usually be exposed to the random and
time-dependent mechanisms of phases 2 and 3.
Pipelines are often constructed of materials such as steel that has no known deg-
radation mechanism other than corrosion and cracking. By controlling these, a steel
pipeline is thought to have an indefinite life-span. See discussion under ‘design life’.
Estimates of pipe strength are essential in risk assessment. This is discussed in
Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279


PRMM provides a compelling discussion of probability as it applies to pipeline risk

management. The most useful definition of probability is a degree of belief. Probabil-
ity of anything beyond ‘systems’ such as a simple game of chance (coin flip, poker,
roulette, dice, etc) goes beyond simple examination of historical event rates and their
accompanying statistics. It includes engineering judgment, expert opinion, and an un-
derstanding of the underlying physical phenomena of the ‘event’ whose probability is
being assessed.


When we speak of the probability of a pipeline failure, we are expressing our belief
regarding the likelihood of an event occurring in a specified future period. Probability
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

is most often expressed as a decimal ≤ 1.0 or a percentage ≤ 100%. Historical data,

usually in the form of summary statistics, often partially establishes our degree of be-
lief about future events. Such data is not, however, the only source of our probability
Probability is often expressed as a forecast of future events. In this application,
the expression has the same units as a measured event frequency, i.e. events per time
period. When event frequencies are very small, they are, for practical purposes, inter-
changeable with probabilities: 0.01 failures per year is essentially the same as a 1%
probability of one or more failures per year, for purposes here. When event frequencies
are larger, a mathematical relationship—reflecting an assumed underlying distribu-
tion—is used to convert them into probabilities, ensuring that probabilities are always
between 0 and 100%.
The pipeline risk assessment model described here is designed to incorporate all
conceivable failure mechanisms. Emerging or yet to be identified failure causes are
readily added to this framework, once they are understood. The risk assessment is cal-
ibrated using appropriate historical incident rates, tempered by knowledge of changing
conditions. This results in estimates of failure probabilities that are realistic, utilize all
available information appropriately, and match the judgments and intuition of those
most knowledgeable about the pipelines.

• The critically important fundamentals of measuring PoF are
examined here.

2.8.1 PoF Triad

In risk assessment, there is the need for a very specific approach to measuring failure
probability (PoF). Three factors must be independently measured/estimated in order to
fully understand PoF. The reasoning here is that the PoF is being examined in distinct
pieces—a reductionist approach.
Regardless of the definition of ‘failure’ being used, failure only occurs when there
is a failure mechanism and preventive measures are insufficient and there is insuffi-
cient resistance to the failure mechanism. All three must occur before failure occurs.
This is the genesis of the proper way to measure PoF.
We also recognize that there is more than one potential failure mechanism that
can lead to failure. These two basic concepts lead to one of the most important of the
essential elements of pipeline risk assessment :
All plausible failure mechanisms must be included in the assessment of PoF. Each
failure mechanism must have each of the following three aspects measured or estimat-
ed in verifiable and commonly used measurement units:

2 Definitions and Concepts

Exposure (attack)— an exposure1 is defined as an event which, in the

absence of any mitigation, can result in failure, if insufficient resistance
exists. The type and unmitigated aggressiveness of every force or process
that may precipitate failure is an exposure.

Mitigation (defense)—the type and effectiveness of every mitigation

measure designed to block or reduce an exposure

Resistance—a measure or estimate of the ability of the component to ab-

sorb the exposure force without failure, once if the exposure reaches the

For each time-dependent failure mechanism, a theoretical remaining life estimate

must be produced and expressed in a time unit.

Figure 2.1 Exposure, Mitigation, Resistance

An analogous naming convention is ‘attack’, ‘defense’, and ‘survivability’, re-

spectively, for these three terms. The evaluation of these three elements for each pipe-
line segment results in a PoF estimate for that specific segment.
Measuring exposure independently generates knowledge of the ‘area of opportu-
nity’ or the aggressiveness of the attacking mechanism. Then, the separate estimate of
mitigation effectiveness shows how much of that exposure should be prevented from
reaching the component being assessed. Finally, the resistance estimate shows how
often the component will failure, if the exposure actually reaches the component.
This three-part assessment also helps with model validation and most importantly,
with risk management. Fully understanding the exposure level, independent of the
mitigation and system’s ability to resist the failure mechanism, puts the whole risk pic-
ture into clearer perspective. Then, the roles of mitigation and system vulnerability are
both known independently and also in regards to how they interact with the exposure.

1 This can be confusing to some since ‘exposure’ is a term also commonly applied to a location on an
originally buried pipeline that has experienced a depletion of cover, rather than as one of the essen-
tial elements of a PoF measurement.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Armed with these three aspects of risk, the manager is better able to direct resources
In risk management, where decision-makers contemplate possible additional mit-
igation measures, additional resistance, or even a re-location of the component (often
the only way to change the exposure), this knowledge of the three key factors will be
This independent evaluation of exposure and mitigation also captures the idea that
“no exposure” will inherently have less risk than “mitigated exposure,” regardless of
the robustness of the mitigation measures. As well, the notion that a very stout compo-
nent is intrinsically safe, is captured.
In estimating future exposures, it is important to first list all potentially damaging
mechanisms that could occur at the subject location. Then, numerical exposure values
should be assigned to each.
Pre-dismissal of exposures should be avoided—the risk assessment will show, via
low PoF values, where threats are insignificant. It will also serve as documentation that
all threats are considered.
For example, falling trees, walls, utility poles, etc are often overlooked in a pipe-
line risk assessment. This is an understandable result of discounting such threats via
an assumption that a buried component is often virtually immune from such damage.
While this is normally an appropriate assumption, the risk assessment errs when such
threat dismissal occurs without due process. Pre-screening of threats as insignificant
weakens the assessment. The independent evaluation of exposure and mitigation en-
sures that, should depth of cover condition change, ie, the component is relocated
above grade; or a particular falling object indeed can penetrate to the buried pipeline;
are not lost to the assessment.

2.8.2 Units of Measurement

Units of measurement are transparent and intuitive. In one common application of

the exposure, mitigation, resistance triad, units are as follows. Each exposure is mea-
sured in one of two ways—either in units of ‘events per time and distance’, ie events/
mile-year, events/km-year, etc, or in units of degradation—metal loss or crack growth
rates, ie mpy, mm per year, etc. An ‘event’ is an occurrence that, in the absence of
mitigation and resistance, will result in a failure. To estimate exposure, we envision
the component completely unprotected and highly vulnerable to failure (think ‘tin can’
wall thickness). So, an excavator working over a buried pipeline is an event. This is
counted as an event regardless of type of excavator: excavator reach, depth of burial,
use of one-call, signs/markers, etc.
Units of measure, beginning with exposure estimates and carried through until
final risk estimates, include time and distance. As time periods and distances increase,
so too does risk. This is intuitive—more miles and more years of operation logically
suggests that more things can go wrong—a greater area of opportunity. The probability
(future frequency) of a corrosion leak at any location may only be 0.001 leaks per mile-
2 Definitions and Concepts

year, but with hundreds of miles and/or decades of operation, the probability is almost
100% of at least one corrosion leak.
Mitigation and Resistance are each measured in units of % representing ‘fraction
of damage or failure scenarios avoided’. A mitigation effectiveness of 90% means that
9 out of the next 10 exposures will not result in damage. Resistance of 60% means that
40% of the next damage scenarios will result in failure, 60% will not.
Potential risk reduction benefits from several mitigation measures, as suggested by
various references, have been compiled in PRMM Table 14.11. These are often based
on statistical examinations of large populations of pipelines and may not reflect condi-
tions at specific locations.
Other examples of statistical relationships between mitigative effects such as depth
of cover, and historical failure frequencies can be found.
For assessing PoF from time-independent failure mechanisms—those that appear
random and do not worsen over time—the top level equation can be as simple as:

PoF_time-independent = exposure x (1–mitigation) x (1–resistance)

With the above example units of measurement, PoF values emerge in intuitive and
common units of ‘events per time and distance’, ie events/mile-year, events/km-year,
A risk assessment measures the aggressiveness of potential failure mechanisms
and effectiveness of offsetting mitigation measures and design features. The interplay
between aggressiveness of failure mechanisms and mitigation/resistance effectiveness
yields failure potential estimates.

2.8.3 Damage Versus Failure

Another benefit emerges from the exposure/mitigation/resistance triad. Probability of

Damage—damage without immediate failure—can be measured independently from
PoF. Using the first two terms without the third—exposure and mitigation, but not re-
sistance—yields the probability of damage.

Probability of Damage (PoD) = f (exposure, mitigation)

Probability of Failure (PoF) = f (PoD, resistance)

Damage does not always result in immediate failure. Some damage may trigger
or accelerate a time-dependent failure mechanism. Calculation of both PoD and PoF
values creates better understanding of their respective risk contributions and the ability
to better respond with risk management strategies.
This assumes that damage results from an exposure that reaches the component but
does not cause failure. This is a reasonable assumption for most definitions of ‘failure’,
even service interruption. But perhaps some definitions of ‘failure’ can be envisioned
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

where damage is not a precursor to failure and damage potential is not relevant to the
risk assessment.

2.8.4 From TTF to PoF

Estimation of PoF for time-dependent failure mechanisms requires an intermediate

calculation of time-to-failure (TTF).

PoF_time-dependent = f(TTF_time-dependent)

TTF_time-dependent = resistance / [exposure x (1–mitigation)]

The relationship between an estimated TTF and the probability of failure in the
next year—year one—can be complex and warrants special discussion. The PoF is
normally calculated as the chance of one or more failures in a given time period. In
the case of time-dependent failure mechanisms, TTF estimates are first produced. The
calculated probability assumes that at least one point in the segment is experiencing the
estimated degradation rate and no point is experiencing a more aggressive degradation
The TTF estimate is expressed in time units and is calculated by using the esti-
mated pipe wall degradation rate and the theoretical pipe wall thickness and strength,
as was shown above. In order to combine the TTF with PoF from all other failure
mechanisms, it is necessary to express the time-dependent failure potential as PoF.
This requires a conversion of TTF to PoF. It is initially tempting to use the reciprocal
of this time-to-failure number as a leak rate—failures per time period. For instance,
20 years to failure implies a failure rate of once every twenty years perhaps leading to
the assumption of 0.05 failures per year. However, a logical examination of the TTF
estimate shows that it is not really predicting a uniform failure rate. The estimate is
actually predicting a failure rate of ~0 for 19+ years and then a nearly 100% chance of
failure in the final year. Nonetheless, use of a uniform failure rate is conservative and
helps overcome potential difficulties in expressing degradation rate in probabilistic
terms. This is discussed later.
An exponential relationship can be used to show the relationship between PoF in
year one and failure rate. Using the conservative relationship of [failure frequency] =
1/TTF, a possible relationship to use at least in the early stages of the risk assessment

PoF = 1-EXP(-1/ TTF)

PoF = probability of failure in year one
TTF = time to failure

2 Definitions and Concepts

This relationship ensures that PoF never exceeds 1.0 (100%). As noted, this does
not really reflect the belief that PoF’s are very low in the first years and reach high
levels only in the very last years of the TTF period. The use of a factor in the denom-
inator will shift the curve so that PoF values are more representative of this belief. A
Poisson relationship or Weibull function can also better show this, as can a relationship
of the form PoF = 1 / (fctr x TTF2) with a logic trap to prevent PoF from exceeding
100%. The relationship that best reflects real-world PoF for a particular assessment is
difficult, if not impossible to determine. Therefore, the recommendation is to choose
a relationship that seems to best represent the peculiarities of the particular assess-
ment, chiefly the uncertainty surrounding key variables and confidence of results. The
relationship can then be modified as the model is tuned or calibrated towards what is
believed to be a representative failure distribution.
The relationship between TTF and PoF includes segment length as a consideration.
PoF logically increases as segment length increases since a longer length logically
means more opportunity for active failure mechanisms, more uncertainty about vari-
ables, and more opportunities for deviation from estimated degradation rates. This is
discussed more fully in a later section.

2.8.5 Age as a Risk Variable

Age-based or historical leak-rate based estimates are readily generated when data is
available and can be useful for quick or initial risk estimates. Statistical examination of
historical leak and break data provides insights into behaviors of populations of com-
ponents over long periods of time. When such populations are similar in characteristics
and environment to a collection of components being assessed, such statistical analy-
ses have some predictive capability. This is often an approach for general predicting of
leaks in larger distribution systems.
While age is often used as a gross indicator of leak/break likelihood, especial-
ly on distribution systems where some amount of leakage is tolerable and is tracked
over time, neither age nor historical leak rates indicate the presence of degradation
mechanisms at any specific location. Location-specific failure probability is best es-
timated by assessment of relevant exposure, mitigation, and resistance characteristics
at that location and system-wide deterioration is best estimated by accumulating all
location-specific damage potentials. The more useful risk assessment will evaluate the
actual mechanisms possibly at work at any location and then supplement this with
population statistical data.

2.8.6 The Test of Time Estimation of Exposure

In the absence of more compelling evidence, an appropriate starting point for the expo-
sure estimation may be the fact that a component or collection of components has not
failed after x years in service. This involves the notion of having ‘withstood the test of
time’. A component having survived a threat, especially for many years, is evidence of
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

the exposure level. This is best illustrated by example. If 10 miles of pipe, across an
area with landslide potential, has been in place for 30 years without experiencing any
landslide effects, then a failure tomorrow perhaps suggests an event rate of 1/(10 miles
x 30 years) = 1/300 mile years.
This simple estimate will not address the conservatism level. The estimator will
still need to determine if this value represents more of a P50 estimate or perhaps a more
conservative P90+ value.
In some cases, the evidence is actually of the mitigated exposure level. That is, the
component has survived the threat, but perhaps at least partially due to the presence of
effective mitigation. This makes the separation of exposure more challenging.
Despite the lack of complete clarity, this ‘test of time’ rationale can be a legitimate
part of an exposure estimate.

2.8.7 Time-dependent vs independent

Risk assessment begins with understanding failure scenarios. While both types of fail-
ure mechanism— time-dependent vs time independent—can be involved in a failure
scenario, it might not be immediately obvious how to treat the combined effect scenar-
io in a risk assessment. Fortunately, in a good risk assessment, the contributions from
each type are automatically and intuitively considered. All exposures are included in
a good assessment and any degradation effects should be factored into the ability to
resist all corresponding stress levels.
There should not be any confusion regarding when a time-dependent mechanism
is involved in a failure scenario. There may also be time independent mechanisms in
play, but the presence of time-dependent mechanisms is always clear. Consider an
investigation of a failed component. When initially unclear, the dominant failure mech-
anism type can normally be determined by simply answering the question; ‘why did
it fail today and not yesterday?’. If the component performed without failure for some
previous period of time, and was not subjected to new stresses, then logically, some
degradation occurred to cause the failure ‘today’ and not ‘yesterday’. Degradation in-
dicates a time-dependent failure mechanism at work.
In other words, unless the component has never before been subjected to the fail-
ure stress, the fact that it fails ‘today’ versus ‘yesterday’ implies a time factor—ie,
some time-dependent mechanism was active and weakened the pipe since the previous
application of that stress level. If the stress level is simply ‘recently new’, ie, hasn’t
been experienced lately, then degradation is still likely the dominant mechanism. Re-
ductions in resistance (effective wall thickness, as detailed in Chapter 10.4.3 Effective
Wall Thickness Concept on page 319) hasten time to failure and increase failure po-
tential upon application of stress.
Even if the failure scenario does not involve a typical degradation process, but a
time component is nonetheless inferred, the assessment can efficiently include it as a
time-dependent failure mechanisms. Consider a leak at a threaded connection, where
no corrosion or cracking is found. If the connection was leak free at one time and
2 Definitions and Concepts

no new stresses were applied, the loosening of the connection can still be efficiently
modeled as a degradation mechanism (see discussion in Chapter 6.13.2 Vibrations/
Oscillations on page 205).

2.8.8 Probabilistic Degradation Rates

Degradation rates are among the most difficult aspects of risk assessment to accurately
estimate. Rates are highly variable over time and even in very localized areas. For
instance, an aggressive pitting corrosion rate of 50 mpy can commonly exist within
millimeter fractions of virtually zero degradation. It can also reach 50 mpy for some
period of time and then become inactive for long periods. Our understanding of many
of the even more common mechanisms, requires us to model a degree of randomness
in the occurrence locations and possible rates. We use probabilities to recognize this
It would be convenient to model a 10% chance of a 50 mpy degradation as a 5
mpy degradation. But these two values have different implications. If it takes 50 mils
of wall loss to cause a leak in a component, then a 10% chance of 50 mpy suggests that
there is a 10% chance of a leak every year. However, a 5mpy would not result in a leak
until 10 years have passed.
Both scenarios can be accommodated in the assessment by appropriate treatment
of the conversion from TTF to PoF.

2.8.9 Capturing “Early Years’ Immunity”

Using the basic relationship employing some form of PoF as a function of 1/TTF de-
scribed above can result in excessive conservatism. Consider a very new, thick-walled
component whose early years are virtually unthreatened by any plausible degradation
rate. Even a 100 mpy degradation rate should not threaten the year one (or even year
three) integrity of a 0.400” pipe. New components, those with heavy wall thicknesses,
those in very benign environments, those with very accurate and recent inspections,
etc, all have some amount of immunity to failure from slow-acting degradations, at
least in the early years of exposure.
However, this immunity is uncertain and temporary for most. Using a relationship
such as lognormal or Weibull to show failures only in later years of the TTF estimates
risks missing the often small but real chance of very aggressive degradations or un-
expectedly component wall thickness. Recall the example where a 10% chance of 50
mpy can suggest a real chance of leak in the next year.
A two-part relationship between PoF and TTF solves this issue and is often war-
ranted. By adding an extreme value analysis to the basic TTF analysis, early year
TTF’s can be dismissed in certain scenarios.
The extreme value analysis requires the creation of a variable called TTF99.
TTF99 is the min plausible TTF—a value that is lower than any actual value will be,
99-99.9% of the time—the subject matter expert (SME) is 99% confident that the TTF
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

cannot be worse than this value, even considering a highly improbable coincidence of
very unlikely factors. Establishing this extreme value can be done by taking the best
pipe wall thickness estimate and degrading that by the highest plausible unmitigated
corrosion rate. Alternatively, statistical methods can be used to establish the 99% con-
fidence level, when data is available.
Using both TTF and TTF99 creates four scenarios, each with its own relationship
to PoF. These scenarios involving TTF (best estimate of current time to failure) and
TTF99 (lowest plausible TTF) are examined to arrive at an estimate of PoF:
The scenarios are summarized as follows, assuming the time of interest is 1
year2—a year one PoF is sought. Note that TTF is the best estimate—ie, thought to be
the most likely value—and TTF99 is the very conservative estimate:

If TTF99 less than 1 year AND TTF less than 1 year, then PoF = 99%

If TTF99 less than 1 year AND TTF greater than 1 year, then use constant
failure rate, basically the reciprocal of the TTF, to estimate PoF

If TTF99 greater than 1 year AND TTF greater than 1 year, then ‘use more
conservative of a less conservative relationship (such as lognormal(TTF99))
vs. an assumed constant failure rate (1/TTF)

Scenario 1. If it is plausible to have a year one failure AND the best estimate of
TTF is also less than one year.

If TTF is less than 1 year, then failure during year one is likely and PoF is
assigned 99%. Pipeline segments are conservatively assigned this value when
little information is available and a very short TTF cannot be ruled out.

Scenario 2. If it is plausible to have a year one failure AND the best estimate of
TTF is greater than one year.

If TTF > 1 year but TTF99 is < 1 year, then we believe year one failure is
unlikely but cannot be ruled out. PoF needs to reflect the probabilistic mpy
embedded in the TTF estimate. Probabilistic mpy means that, for instance, a
10 mpy includes a scenario of ‘10% chance of a 100mpy degradation rate’. To
ensure that the PoF estimate captures the small chance of a 100mpy rate actu-
ally occurring next year, a constant and conservative failure probability—PoF
= 1/TTF—is associated with the 10mpy. Pipeline segments will fall into this

2 Any future time can be used; producing risk estimates for the following year is common and used as
an example here.
2 Definitions and Concepts

analysis category when very short TTF is possible but the most probable TTF
values exceed one year.

Scenario 3. If it is not plausible to have a year one failure, even using extreme
If TTF99 > 1 year then we believe that, even under worst case scenarios, fail-
ure in year one will not happen. TTF99, rather than the actual TTF governs
PoF. The relationship between TTF99 and PoF can be assumed to be lognor-
mal or Weibull or some other distribution, with parameters selected from ac-
tual data or from judgments as to distribution shapes that are reflective of the
degradation mechanism being modeled. Very low year one PoF’s will emerge.
A new pipeline even with a high plausible degradation rate, will have a PoF
governed by this analysis (for example, a 0.250” thick wall will not experience
a through-wall leak in year one even with a 100 mpy pitting corrosion rate).

Scenario 4. TTF is very high

When TTF is very high, it overrides TTF99 for PoF. This is again logical. Even
if TTF99 is close to one—PoF approaching 100%—TTF might indicate that
the segment’s actual TTF (best estimate) is so far from this low probability
event, that it should govern the final PoF estimate. A pipeline segment with
very high confidence in both current pipe wall and a low possible degradation
rate will have a high TTF. Even if a short TTF is theoretically possible—as
shown by TTF99—a sufficiently high confidence in the estimated TTF can
govern. Such high confidence is often obtained via repeated, robust inspec-
tions and when the degradation rate required for early failure would be an
extreme aberration.

Scenarios 3 & 4 are possible only when TTF99 > 1 year—virtually no chance of
failure in year one. Then the worst case between scenario 3 and scenario 4 governs. See
the figure below where PoF is on the vertical axis and time is on the horizontal axis.
PoF PoF=100%




Figure 2.1 TTF to PoF

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

A new pipeline has little chance of corrosion leak in the early years, even when
aggressive corrosion rates are possible. Therefore, even if a worst case TTF is 5 years,
the new pipeline enjoys a very low PoF in year one. Use of the simple PoF = 1/TTF
does not show this. It yields a 20% chance of failure in year one, until the extreme
value analysis demonstrates that this is over-conservative.
Alternatively, when conditions or uncertainty suggest a plausible near-term failure
due to degradation, the use of TTF as a direct mean-time-to-failure link to PoF is more

2.8.10 Example Application of PoF Triad

As an example of applying this to failure potential from third party excavations, the
following inputs are identified for a hypothetical pipeline segment:
• Exposure (unmitigated) is estimated to be 3 excavation events per mile-year. A
previous column discusses how these estimates can be made.
• Using a mitigation effectiveness analysis, SME’s estimate that 1 in 50 of these
exposures will not be successfully kept away from the pipeline by the existing
mitigation measures. This results in an overall mitigation effectiveness esti-
mate of 98%.
• Of the exposures that result in contact with the pipe, despite mitigations,
SME’s perform an analysis to estimate that 1 in 4 will result in failure, not just
damage. This estimate includes the possible presence of weaknesses due to
threat interaction and/or manufacturing and construction issues. So, the pipe-
line in this area is judged to be 75% resistive to failure from these excavation
events, once contact occurs.

These inputs result in the following assessment:

(3 excavation events per mile-year) x (1–98% mitigated) x (1–75% resistive)

= 0.015 failures per mile-year

This suggests an excavation-related failure about every 67 years along this mile
of pipeline.
This is a very important estimate. It provides context for decision-makers. When
subsequently coupled with consequence potential, it paints a valuable picture of this
aspect of risk.
Note that a useful intermediate calculation, probability of damage (but not failure)
also emerges from this assessment:

(3 excavation events per mile-year) x (1–98% mitigated) =

0.06 damage events/mile-year

This suggests excavation-related damage occurring about once every 17 years.

2 Definitions and Concepts

This damage estimate can be verified by future inspections. The frequency of new
top-side dents or gouges, as detected by an ILI, may yield an actual damage rate from
excavation activity. Differences between the actual and the estimate can be explored:
for example, if the estimate was too high, was the exposure overestimated, mitigation
underestimated, or both? This is a valuable learning opportunity.
This same approach is used for other time-independent failure mechanisms and for
all portions of the pipeline.
For assessment of PoF for time-dependent failure mechanisms—those involving
degradation of materials—the previous algorithms are slightly modified to yield a
time-to-failure (TTF) value as an intermediate calculation in route to PoF.

PoF_time-dependent = f(TTF_time-dependent)

TTF_time-dependent = resistance / [exposure x (1–mitigation)]

As an example, SME’s have determined that, at certain locations along a pipeline,

soil corrosivity creates a 5 mpy external corrosion exposure (unmitigated). Examina-
tion of coating and cathodic protection effectiveness leads SME’s to assign a mitiga-
tion effectiveness of 90% . Recent inspections, adjusted for uncertainty, result in a pipe
wall thickness estimate of 0.220” (resistance). This includes allowances for possible
weaknesses or susceptibilities, modeled as equivalent to a thinning of the component’s
wall thickness.
Use of these inputs in the PoF assessment is shown below:

TTF = 220 mils / [5 mpy x (1–90%)] = 440 years.

Next, a relationship between TTF and PoF for the future period of interest, is cho-
sen. For example, a simple and conservative relationship yields the following.

PoF = 1 / TTF = [5 mpy x (1–90%)] / 220 mils = 0.11% PoF.

In this example, an estimate for PoF from the two failure mechanisms examined—
excavator damage and external corrosion—can be approximated by 1.5% + 0.1% =
1.6% per mile-year. If risk management processes deem this to be an actionable level
of risk, then the exposure-mitigation-resistance details lead the way to risk reduction

2.8.11 AND gates OR gates

Combining variables often involves the choice of multiplication versus addition. Each
has advantages. Multiplication allows variables to independently have a great impact
on a result. Addition better illustrates the layering of adverse conditions or mitigations.
In formal probability calculations, multiplication usually represents the and operation.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Probabilistic math is used to combine variables to represent real-world phenome-

na. This means capturing various relationships among variables using “OR” & “AND”
“gates.” This OR/AND terminology is borrowed from flowchart techniques. Their use
in pipeline risk assessment modeling represents a dramatic improvement over most
older methods that used simple summations, averages, maximums, and other summary
statistics that often masked critical information.

OR Gates

OR gates imply independent events that can be added. The OR function calculates the
probability that any of the input events will occur. If there are i input events each as-
signed with a probability of occurrence, Pi, then the probability that any of the i events
occurring is:

P = 1 – [(1-P1) * (1-P2) * (1-P3) *…*(1-Pi)]

OR gates are extremely useful in that they capture, in a ‘real-world’ way, both the
effects of single, large contributors as well as the accumulation of lesser contributors.
With an OR gate, there is no ‘averaging away’ effect. This type of math better reflects
reality since it uses probability theory of accumulating impacts to:
• Avoid masking some influences;
• Captures single, large impacts as well as accumulation of lesser effects;
• Shows diminishing returns;
• Avoids the need to have pre-set, pre-balanced list of variables;
• Provides an easy way to add new variables; and
• Avoids the need for re-balancing when new info arrives.

When summarizing the PoF of a component, the central question of ‘what is the
PoF?’ is actually asking ‘what is the PoF from either PoF1 or PoF2 or PoF3 or…?’
where 1, 2, 3, etc represent all the ways in which the component can fail, ie, external
corrosion, outside forces, human error, etc. The overall PoF can therefore be relatively
high if any of the sub-PoF’s are high or if the accumulation of small sub-PoF’s adds up
to something relatively high.
This is consistent with real-world risk. The question of overall PoF does NOT pre-
sume that all PoF’s must ‘fire’ before the overall PoF is realized—it only takes one. A
segment survives only if failure does not occur via any of the failure mechanisms. So,
the probability of surviving is (third-party damage survival) AND (corrosion survival)
AND (design survival) AND (incorrect operations survival). Replacing the ANDs with
multiplication signs provides the relationship for probability of survival. Subtracting
this resulting product of multiplication from one (1.0) gives the probability of failure.

2 Definitions and Concepts

OR Gate Example:
To estimate the overall probability of failure based on the individual probabilities of
failure for stress corrosion cracking (SCC), external corrosion (EC) and internal corro-
sion (IC), the following formula can be used.
= OR [1.05E-06, 7.99E-05, 3.08E-08] (using some sample values)
= 1- [(1-1.05E-06)*(1-7.99E-05)*(1-3.08E-08)]
= 8.10E-05
The OR gate is also used for calculating the overall mitigation effectiveness from
several independent mitigation measures. This function captures the idea that proba-
bility (or mitigation effectiveness) rises due to the effect of either a single factor with
a high influence or the accumulation of factors with lesser influences (or any combi-
Mitigation % = M1 OR M2 OR M3…..
= 1–[(1-M1) * (1-M2) * (1-M3) *…*(1-Mi)]
= 1 – [(1-0.40) * (1-0.10) * (1-0.05)]
= 49%
or examining this from a different perspective,
Mitigation % = 1 – [remaining threat]
[remaining threat] = [(remnant from M1) AND (remnant from M2) AND
(remnant from M3)] …

The OR gate math assumes independence among the values being combined.
While not always precisely correct, the advantages of assuming independence as a
modeling convenience will generally outweigh any loss in accuracy.
The independence is often difficult to visualize, especially when assigning effec-
tiveness values to mitigation. For instance, the effectiveness of a line locating program
(see Chapter 5 Third-Party Damage on page 131) should be judged by estimating
the fraction of future damaging events that are avoided by the line locating program
ONLY—ie, imagining no depth of cover (but still out of sight), no signs, no markers,
no public education, no patrol, etc.

AND Gates

AND gates imply “dependent” measures that should be combined by multiplication.

Any sub-variable can alone have a dramatic influence. This is captured by multiplying
all sub-variables together. In measuring mitigation, when all things have to happen in
concert in order to achieve the mitigation benefit, a multiplication is used—an AND
gate instead of OR gate. This implies a dependent relationship rather than the indepen-
dent relationship that is implied by the OR gate.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

AND Gate Example:

The modeler is assessing a variable called “CP Effectiveness” (cathodic protection
effectiveness) where confidence in all sub-variables is necessary in order to be con-
fident of the CP Effectiveness—[good pipe-to-soil readings] AND [readings close to
segment of interest] AND [readings are recent] AND [proper consideration of IR was
done] AND [low chance of interference] AND [low chance of shielding] . . . etc. If any
sub-variable is not satisfactory, then overall confidence in CP effectiveness is dramati-
cally reduced. This is captured by multiplying the sub-variables.
When the modeler wishes the contribution from each variable to be slight, the
range for each contributor is kept fairly tight. Note that four things done pretty well,
say 80% effective each, result in a combined effectiveness of only ~40% (0.8 x 0.8 x
0.8 x 0.8) using straight multiplication.

2.8.12 Nuances of Exposure, Mitigation, Resistance

In most instances, the categorization of each piece of information into one of these
three is obvious—most variables are clearly telling us more about either the exposure,
the mitigation, or the resistance. To some, the surrogate terms of ‘attack’, ‘defense’,
and ‘survivability’ add clarity. Focusing on PoF only, here are some examples to help
solidify the categorization:

The obvious

Soil corrosivity, excavator activity, vehicle traffic, seismic activity, flood potential,
surge potential, landslides, are examples of phenomena that obviously inform exposure
estimates. They tell us about the frequency and severity of ‘attack’.
Coatings, depth of cover, training, procedures, maintenance pigging, are examples
that, to most, are clearly defenses against damage. They are best modeled as mitigation
measures. When the same mitigation measure protects against multiple exposures, it is
valid to include their benefits in all relevant threats. For instance, depth of cover pro-
tects against impacts, excavations, and some types of geohazards.
Metal loss, cracks, lack of toughness, SMYS, wall thickness are examples of vari-
ables that inform resistance estimates.
Variables can inform multiple aspects of a risk assessment, but usually, one cate-
gory is more directly influenced by the variable.

The less obvious

Casings: a casing (see full discussion later) sometimes causes confusion when one
focuses on corrosion problems sometimes caused by the presence of a casing and los-
es sight of the original intent. Casings are usually installed as mitigation to external
forces. They also serve other purposes such as consequence reduction, but they are
mostly intended to protect a carrier pipe. Their role in a risk assessment should show
2 Definitions and Concepts

their benefit in preventing excavation damages, traffic loads, and others. However, a
casing’s role as a corrosion issue should also be acknowledged. A casing changes the
external corrosivity exposure (electrolyte in the annular space and possible electrical
connections) and the ability to apply CP. Both should appear in the risk assessment.
So, the presence of a casing is captured as a mitigation against external forces, an in-
fluencing factor for external corrosion exposure and mitigation (shielding of CP), and
perhaps also in CoF.
ILI: some think protection occurs with the activity of performing an ILI. Actually,
as with other inspections and tests, neither the exposure nor the mitigation nor the resis-
tance has changed because of the ILI. What has changed is the evidence—knowledge
of resistance has increased, often dramatically, and uncertainty regarding exposure and
mitigation is different because of the ILI. For instance, at every identified location of
external metal loss on a buried pipeline, we know that both coating and CP have failed,
so mitigation is reduced, perhaps to zero, pending repairs. We usually do not know
when mitigation failed, so might not be able to directly modify exposure (mpy rate
of corrosion) estimates without more information. So, the role of ILI is first in resis-
tance estimates and secondarily in exposure and mitigation estimates. Of course, action
prompted by the ILI will often change exposure and mitigation.
Laminations, wrinkle bends, and arc burns are resistance issues. They are not ‘at-
tacking’ the pipe, nor do they contribute to or impair mitigation. They represent po-
tential weaknesses, sometimes only under the influence of exacerbating factors such
as certain loadings (for example, causing stress concentrations) or environment (for
example, sources of H2 that aggravate laminations and facilitate blistering or HIC).
They are best modeled as potential losses of strength—ie, as resistance issues.

Additional Gray Areas

When information can logically be categorized in more than one place, the choice is
usually a matter of preference and does not weaken the assessment. Choices of the role
of the information usually leads to the same mathematical result. So, the choice is often
not critical to the PoF estimate. Some examples of the choices are discussed below.
Note that while several ‘gray area’ examples are discussed here, the vast majority
of information is very easily and intuitively categorized into its appropriate place in the
risk assessment. The reader should not leave this section believing that any more than
a very few scenarios have some ambiguity regarding modeling choices.

What Constitutes ‘Exposure’? Normalizing Exposure and Resistance

Since PoF measures ‘failure’, the definition of exposure is linked to that of failure. An
exposure must be able to cause a ‘failure’ if it is truly an exposure. If failure is defined,
for instance, as ‘permanent deformation’, then exposures that could cause that to a
pipe component, are counted. If failure is defined as ‘loss of integrity’, events causing
immediate leaks/ruptures are obviously needed, but so are damage-only events. In fact,
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

most assessments will appropriately include all events that can at least cause damage.
Even when immediate failure from the event is not possible, the damage may contrib-
ute to a subsequent failure and is therefore of interest to the measurement of PoF.
Should excavation by hand shovel be considered an exposure for a steel pipeline?
Yes, if any structural damage at all is possible—even a scratch. This scratch may di-
rectly reduce resistance to some future failure mechanism, although it is often an im-
measurably small reduction. The scratch can also theoretically occur exactly at some
point of pre-existing weakness, resulting in immediate failure.
Excavation by a plastic shovel probably cannot cause even minor scratch damage
to a steel pipeline and need not be counted as an exposure. However, the indirect role
of a ‘hand shovel contact’ event must be considered. Both the metal and plastic shovel
should be counted as causes of damage to corrosion coating systems. Since coating is
a mitigation measure, damage to a coating reduces mitigation effectiveness. This is
different from an exposure. If concrete coating or rock shielding is present, it provides
mitigation against coating damage.
Vandalism can be considered a type of sabotage. However, defacing (for example,
spray painting) or minor theft of materials are actions that are readily resisted by most
pipeline components. If the sabotage exposure count includes vandalism events, then
resistance estimates must consider the fraction of exposure events that are vandalism
spray-paint-type events and therefore 100% resisted by the component.
Exposure and resistance estimates for risk assessments of failure = ‘service in-
terruption’ similarly revolve around the definition of failure. Just as with leak/rupture
assessments, a probability of damage also emerges from the service interruption as-
sessment. See full discussion in Chapter 12 Service Interruption Risk on page 459
This nuance—what constitutes an ‘exposure’—revolves around the choice of
baseline resistance, which warrants further discussion.

Continuous Exposure

Unlike the discreet events measured in other time-independent failure mechanisms,

some aspects of failure potential involve continuous exposure—ie, there is a constant
force present that can fail the component, rather than an intermittent threatening force.
A common example is a component connected to a pressure source that can create
pressure in excess of the component’s capability to withstand. This is not an uncom-
mon scenario for pipelines since they are routinely connected to wells, pumps, com-
pressors, foreign pipelines, and other pressure sources that, at times, can be too high for
the connected components. The potentially damaging pressure source does not cause
damage because control and safety systems protect downstream components.
Even desirable or normal loads can be viewed as continuous exposures. Any
amount of internal pressure becomes a damage potential as resistance decreases; any
span can be too long for a pipe with no resistance to gravity forces (weight). Pressure
as a constant exposure is generally only mitigated when excessive, since some pressure
is a desirable part of operability. Intended pressure does not lead to failure only because
2 Definitions and Concepts

resistance prevents it. Gravity as a constant exposure is mitigated by having uniform

support and, if mitigation fails, is resisted by the bending and shear capacities of the
Measuring this type of exposure appropriately in a risk assessment model requires
the correct coupling of the continuous exposure with a corresponding mitigation ef-
fectiveness. A high-demand or continuous exposure requires mitigation with very high
reliability. The modeling issue with continuous exposure is the choice of time units
in which to express the rate of exposure. How do you express ‘continuous’ in units of
events per year? Or per day? Or even per minute? Since ‘continuous’ means an infinite
number of occurrences per unit time, it is difficult to capture numerically.
For purposes of modeling, any unit can be chosen, so long as the mitigation is
calibrated to the same unit. The continuous exposure can be counted as one event per
day, once per hour, once per minute, once per second, or even less. Any of these is
appropriate as long as the corresponding mitigation—the regulator effectiveness—is
measured in the same per day, per hour, per minute, etc units of reliability. For instance,
choosing units of one event per second to represent continuous exposure from a high
pressure connecting pipeline requires that the pressure regulating valve’s reliability be
expressed in the same units—ie, failure rate for each second in service. If one exposure
event per day is chosen to represent continuous, then the regulator’s reliability must
also be expressed in the context of how many days between failures of such regulators
to prevent overpressure.
In some estimates, the use of ‘probability of failure on demand’ estimate for a
safety or control device will automatically make the exposure and mitigation units
of measure equivalent. However, in the above example, the regulator’s ‘demand’ is
continuous—its function is being continuously demanded—requiring attention to the
units of each. Therefore, the regulator’s mitigation effectiveness—its reliability—must
be expressed in similar units—failures per day, per hour, per minute, per second, or
even smaller. Then, when exposure is multiplied by (1 – mitigation), the resulting PoD
is appropriate.

• Unsupported spans present unique risk modeling challenges


An interesting nuance arises in a risk assessment involving spans. If an event can result
in loss of support, but not failure, how is it to be modeled?
The frequencies of exposures should include all events that can damage the theo-
retical component. Technically, only events that cause excessive stress cause damage.
So, only spans of a certain length, given pipe and contents weight, buoyancy, lateral
forces, vibration potential, other stresses, etc, are events that potentially result in dam-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

age. Rigid pipe and mechanical couplers generally have less resistance to spans com-
pared to flexible, welded systems.
The full solution is to discriminate among events that cause varying amounts of
span length to the component. This involves an initial measurement of the PoF of the
supported pipe in terms of continuous exposure to gravity which is fully mitigated by
the uniform support, with resistance available but uninvolved so long as the mitiga-
tion is in place. PoF from gravity effects would logically be nearly 0% as long as the
support remains. If any portion of the length becomes unsupported, then the mitigation
against the force of gravity is zero and damage is theoretically possible. Realistically,
only spans of a certain minimum length can result in damage for most pipeline compo-
nents. Minor spans will typically have no effect on either damage or failure potential.
A few inches of span rarely causes damage to any component.
As span length increases, damages become possible and then eventually failure oc-
curs. Assigning probability estimates to each possible span length will be challenging
in many real-world applications. Furthermore, determining minimum span lengths for
various damage and failure scenarios involves structural calculations that are redun-
dant to the resistance estimations.
Therefore, a modeling choice emerges. An exposure count may include all span-pro-
ducing events or only those events generating potentially damaging span lengths. The
former results in an over-estimation of damage producing events, since even the insig-
nificant spans are counted. The latter requires a pre-determination of damaging span
lengths. This is not a trivial exercise since the following considerations are important:
material characteristics, dimensions, contents, internal pressure, lateral forces, etc.
A simplification may be appropriate for some risk assessments. From a model-
ing perspective, it may be simpler to count any span-producing event as an exposure
rather than pre-determine what span length is critical for each set of conditions. With
a conservative assumption that any span length can cause damage, the inaccuracy that
is generated is the production of a PoD that is conservatively overstated. Components
that are unharmed by loss of support will show low PoF after resistance estimates are
applied. However, they may show inappropriate PoD levels due to the over-counting
of exposures (ie, including exposure events that can’t cause damage). Perhaps this is
tolerable in exchange for modeling convenience.
As an example of this simplification: consider what a soil erosion event can do to a
one foot span as compared to a continuously supported 12" steel pipeline. If this event
is counted as an exposure with a frequency of 0.1/year and no mitigation is provided,
the model reports a 0.1 frequency of damaging events, even though damage is realis-
tically not occurring with only a one foot span. The PoF will not be impacted by this
inaccuracy in the intermediate PoD estimate. In the absence of severe weakness, the
resistance prevents failure virtually 100% of the time. The resistance of the 12" steel
pipe shows that essentially none of the 0.1 spans per year will result in failure.
Longer span lengths would generally require more resistance. Since some resis-
tance is now being used to resist gravity, some load carrying capacity may no longer
be available to resist other loads. So, a third modeling approach may state a definition
2 Definitions and Concepts

of exposure as only events that can produce at least, say a 20 ft span (or whatever the
calculation determines is a potentially damaging span, under a set of assumed com-
ponent characteristics). A related solution is to create categories of span-producing
events based on the length of span potentially produced. Each is assigned an exposure
frequency. Some will exceed the point where damage is possible and some will be
insignificant, from a structural damage perspective. A version of this approach is to be-
gin with an exposure frequency that captures all span-creating events and then assign
fractions to create categories of longer-span events. For example, 0.3 span-creating
events per mile-year are expected; 55% of those will produce spans less than 3 ft in
width; 40% produce spans greater than 3 ft but less than 10 ft; and 5% produce spans
greater than 10 ft in width.

Mitigation vs Resistance

Some methods of protection from mechanical damage present a rare case where mit-
igation and resistance become a bit blurred. A concrete coating or casing reduces the
frequency of contact with the pipe steel. That is a reduction in PoD and therefore can
be thought of as a mitigation. This requires that the protection be viewed as indepen-
dent from the component—it is something added to the component as a protective
measure. That is clear for slabs and even casings, but a coating, even concrete coating,
is often viewed as part of the component, especially when used as a buoyancy con-
trol. In that case, contacting the coating counts as contacting the component. This is
also influenced by the definition of ‘damage’ implicit in the PoD. Does damage to a
concrete coating constitute damage to the component? This is a matter of perspective
and definition. The loss of a buoyancy control feature is analogous to the challenge of
modeling spans, as previously discussed.
For consistency, the sample assessments offered here consider slabs, casings, and
concrete coatings to be distinct from the component and therefore best treated as mit-
igation measures. Under this view, the component is not damaged when only the pro-
tection is damaged. Alternative views may be more appropriate for certain risk assess-
ment situations.


Because mitigations can originate at facilities not under the control of the pipeline
operator, there may be both foreign (owner of the origination point of the exposure)
mitigations and operator (of the segment being assessed) mitigations. For instance, the
highway department and law enforcement agencies will mitigate some of the threat of
vehicle impact to nearby pipelines via barriers, speed limits, road configuration, etc.
An operator of nearby facilities will mitigate the potential for rupture or explosion of
their facilities, reducing the exposure to the assessed component.
From the perspective of the pipeline operator, the protective measures employed
by others reduce the exposure to the pipeline. These actions taken by others are addi-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

tive to the protective measures installed and maintained by the pipeline operator. Since
these mitigations-by-others effectively change the rate of pipeline exposures, and since
it will often be difficult to assess and track changes in mitigations of non-owned fa-
cilities, it is usually more efficient to include foreign mitigations in the exposure rate
estimate assigned to the non-owned facility. Otherwise, the risk assessment tends to
expand into an assessment of non-owned systems. The mitigations done by others are
often still important to understand and perhaps quantify, but keeping them separate
from mitigations applied by the assessed component owner is a modeling convenience.
Other examples include natural mitigation measures and indirect actions taken by
others. Consider traffic impact potential where trees, berms, ditches, fences, etc are de
facto barriers (mitigations) to vehicle impacts. Treatment of these features as mitiga-
tion-by-others, and including their role as exposure-reducers, is the simplest approach.
However, should the trees be removed or die, the ground leveled, or the fence be re-
moved, having the rates of ‘vehicle leaves roadway’ separate from the benefits of the
features would be useful.
Similarly, when water depth is sufficient to preclude anchoring, dredging, fishing,
and other third-party activities as possible damage sources, damage probability to off-
shore components is reduced. Just as with other natural barriers, the water depth can
be treated as a mitigation in the risk assessment. The fact that the water depth may also
preclude certain other activities can be factored into the exposure estimate without
triggering an inappropriate ‘double-counting’ effect in the risk assessment.
A general rule of thumb may be to include all features and actions not under the
control of the component owner as influences to exposure rates. Actions and features
that are controlled by the component operator are treated as mitigation measures. That
is, if foreign, then exposure, otherwise mitigation. An exception may be cases where it
is desirable to develop an argument, via cost/benefit analyses, for a change in mitiga-
tion activities, even if performed by others.

• A nuance of resistance modeling: should it start with ‘zero’
strength? Or ‘normal’ strength?

Resistance Baseline

Exposure measurement implicitly involves a theoretical baseline for resistance since

an exposure is defined as an event that causes ‘failure’ and resistance is a measure of
invulnerability to ‘failure’. So, the definition of ‘failure’ is a component of resistance,
just as it is for exposure. This is again best illustrated by examples. If failure = ‘perma-
nent deformation’, then resistance measures the invulnerability to permanent deforma-
tion, given the presence of a force (an exposure) that can cause permanent deformation
if there is insufficient resistance. If failure = ‘leak/rupture’, then resistance measures
2 Definitions and Concepts

the invulnerability to leak/rupture, given the presence of a force (an exposure) that can
cause leak/rupture if there is insufficient resistance.
If resistance is to be measured in simple terms of percentage or fraction of mitigat-
ed exposure events that do not result in failure, there is a need to define a starting point
or baseline that is consistent with the definition of an exposure event. If the baseline is
to be ‘zero resistance’ then exposure involves imagining that there is no resistance (or
some other baseline of resistance). An aluminum drink container—a thin-walled alu-
minum can or cardboard tube, egg-shell vessel, etc, crushable between two fingers—is
the right mental image for lack of resistance. So, the image of an unprotected beverage
can or cardboard tube sitting atop the ground, is the correct image to estimate exposure
event frequencies when a ‘zero resistance’ baseline is chosen. If such a can may be
broken by the event, then it should be counted as an exposure.
There are obviously many more exposure event that could break an aluminum bev-
erage can compared to a steel pipeline. So exposure counts are dramatically increased
exposure when zero resistance is assumed. As a matter of fact, the number of potential-
ly damaging events always increases when the threshold for damage is lowered.
If the risk assessment designer feels that zero resistance results in excessive ex-
posure counts, he can define the resistance baseline as something other than zero. For
instance he may set the resistance baseline as the fraction of exposures above normal,
which do not result in failure. Then resistance is the amount of extra stress carrying
capacity once ‘normal’ loads have been accommodated. This can theoretically lead to
negative values. Perhaps failure has not yet occurred in a weakened component only
because the upper limits of ‘normal’ have not recently occurred. If there is not only no
‘extra’ resistance, but not even ‘sufficient’ resistance, then a negative value is warrant-
This is a modeling choice. A changing resistance baseline—potentially different
for each component under varying ‘normal’ loads—may be confusing to some. On the
other hand, the imagineering of a no-resistance component and the associated need to
count many seemingly minor exposures might be more troublesome for others. In most
of the examples in this text, the zero resistance baseline is chosen.

Exposure Influenced by Resistance

Exposure rates are sensitive to changing resistance. When material characteristics de-
grade or are changed, a greater number of exposure scenarios can cause failure. Exam-
ples of such material changes include:
• creation of a HAZ,
• extreme temperatures effects reducing material stress-carrying capabilities,
• UV degradation,
• Hydrogen embrittlement,
• and others

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Other examples of changing resistance include metal loss by corrosion, crack pro-
gression through a component wall, extreme temperature, unanticipated or intermittent
external loadings such as debris impingement in flowing water or gravity effects when
support is lost, and others.
The most robust assessment can provide for a continuous updating of exposure
estimates based on changing resistance. That is, if a resistance baseline other than zero
has been chosen, then the count of exposures—events that can cause failure—will
increase as resistance decreases.
Similarly, when modeling time-dependent failure mechanisms like cracking, the
TTF shortens when either the modeled rate of cracking increases or the effective wall
thickness is reduced. If material degradation or change (for example, creation of a
HAZ) causes the material toughness/brittleness to change, is that better modeled as
increased crack propagation rate (ie, more exposure)? or rather as reduced effective
wall thickness (ie, less resistance)? Fortunately, the suggested mathematics ensures the
same result regardless of chosen approach. While either will work in the proposed PoF
model, it may be more intuitive to model this as a change in effective wall thickness.
That way, this potential change in a material’s property is readily seen alongside any
other potential change in component strength.
As another example of the modeling choices for exposure-resistance interaction,
consider the role of an expansion loop in a pipeline. If the expansion loop is present
to reduce thermal stresses and fatigue, most would agree that resistance has been im-
proved rather than exposure reduced or mitigation improved. After all, the changes in
temperature still occur and the pipe is not protected from those resulting forces. Only
the pipe’s reaction, its ability to absorb the forces without damage, have changed.
However, a counter could be that each temperature cycle is now no longer impart-
ing the same stresses and, hence, exposure estimates should be reduced. Again, either
choice yields the same PoF under the suggested modeling approach.
Aspects such as inclusion of suspect weaknesses will always be necessary in the
risk assessment. Other aspects will be discretionary. The risk assessor can decide, in
the context of desired PXX and trade-offs between complexity and robustness, the op-
timum way to handle resistance and resistance-exposure issues such as:
• Yield vs ultimate stress levels
• Inclusion of intermittent loadings

The extent of simultaneous consideration of changing resistance with loadings po-

tentially causing exceedance of stress-carrying capability. See discussions of unantici-
pated spans and loss of buoyancy control features.


There is a difference between ‘frequency’ and ‘probability’ even though in some uses,
they are mostly interchangeable. As used in this book, frequency refers to a count of
2 Definitions and Concepts

events while probability refers to the likelihood of one or more events over some future
time period. Either frequency or probability are suitable metrics for a risk assessment.
If values are small, the two are numerically equivalent, ie, at very low frequencies of
occurrence, the probability of failure will be numerically equal to the frequency of
The actual relationship between failure frequency and failure probability is often
modeled by assuming a distribution of actual frequencies. For example, the Poisson
equation relating spill probability and frequency for a pipeline segment is

P(X)SPILL = [(f *t)X/X ! ] * exp (-f * t)

P(X)SPILL = probability of exactly X spills
f = the average spill frequency for a segment of interest (spills/year)
t = the time period for which the probability is sought (years)
X = the number of spills for which the probability is sought,
in the pipeline segment of interest.

The probability for one or more spills is evaluated as follows:

P(probability of one or more)SPILL = 1 – P(X)SPILL

Where X = 0

Frequency may be more useful when conservative risk assessments produce high
probabilities. For example, a P99 risk assessment will often be more useful if estimates
are expressed as frequencies versus probabilities, due to the high number of 99.9%
probability estimates that commonly emerge. Frequencies are able to discriminate be-
tween, say 10 events/year and 20 events/year, while a per-year probability estimate (of
one or more events per year) based on 10 and 20 events/year yields high and virtually
indistinguishable values (99+%, dependent upon the relationship between frequency
and probability used). Large numbers typically also emerge in a pipeline risk assess-
ment for high exposure rates—for example, 8 excavations per mile-year—and in other
values generated from very conservative assumptions.
A statistic is a value calculated from a set of numbers—it is not a probability.
Statistics refers to the analyses of data; and the definition of probability is “degree of
belief,” which normally utilizes statistics but is rarely based entirely on them.
Statistics are methods of analyzing numbers or the numbers emerging from the
analyses. While they are usually an important ingredient in predictions, statistics are
based on past observations—past events. Statistics from historical incidents do not im-
ply anything about future events until inductive reasoning is employed. As discussed in
PRMM, historical failure frequencies—and the associated statistical values—are nor-
mally used in a risk assessment but must be used carefully. Extrapolating future failure
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

probabilities from historical information can lead to significant under- or over-estima-

tions of risk.


A failure rate is simply a count of failures over time, by some definition of ‘failure’.
Pipeline failure rates have historically been starting points for determining ab-
solute risk values. Past failures on the pipeline being assessed are often pertinent to
future performance. Beyond that, representative data from other pipelines are sought.
Failure rates are commonly derived from historical failure rates of similar pipelines in
similar environments. That derivation is by no means a straightforward exercise. In
most cases, the evaluator must first find a general pipeline failure database and then
make assumptions regarding the best “slice” of data to use. This involves attempts to
extract from an existing database of pipeline failures a subset that approximates the
characteristics of the pipeline being evaluating. Ideally, the evaluator desires a sub-
set of pipelines with similar products, pressures, diameters, wall thicknesses, environ-
ments, age, operations and maintenances protocols, etc. It is very rare to find enough
historical data on pipelines with enough similarities to provide data that can lead to
confident estimates of future performance for a particular pipeline type. Even if such
data are found, estimating the performance of the individual from the performance of
the group presents another difficulty. In many cases, the results of the historical data
analysis will only provide starting points or comparison points for detailed estimates
of future failure frequency.
As a common damage state of interest, fatality rates are a subset of pipeline failure
rates. Very few pipeline failures result in a fatality. A rudimentary frequency-based
assessment will simply identify the number of fatalities or injuries per incident and use
this ratio to predict future human effects. For example, even in a database with much
missing detail (as is typically the case in pipeline failure databases), one can extract
an overall failure rate and the number of fatalities per length-time (i.e., mile-year or
km-year). From this, a “fatalities per failure” ratio can be calculated. These values can
then be scaled to the length and design life of the subject pipeline to obtain some very
high-level risk estimates on that pipeline. Samples of high-level data that are useful
in frequency estimates for failure and fatality rates is given in PRMM Tables 14.1
through 14.4.
Several sources of failure data are cited and their data presented in this book. In
most instances, details of the assumptions employed and the calculation procedures
used to generate these data are not provided. Therefore, it is imperative that data ta-
bles not be used for specific applications unless the user has determined that such data
appropriately reflect that application. The user must decide what information may be
appropriate to use in any particular risk assessment. The evaluator will usually need to
make adjustments to the historical failure frequencies in order to more appropriately
capture a specific situation.
2 Definitions and Concepts

The recommendation is to make use of historical failure rates as calibration or

benchmark tools. A risk assessment of a collection of components can be compared
to relevant historical failure data as a validation tool. This is further discussed in later

2.10.1 Additional failure data

A limited amount of data are also available to help make statistical distinctions for
pipeline characteristics such as wall thickness, diameter, depth of cover, and potential
failure hole size. This distinctions drawn from historical incident data are useful but
can be misleading. The general warning regarding cause-and-effect before using any
results of statistical analyses is germane: if a suggested correlation does not make
sense, perhaps it does not really exist.
Several studies estimate the benefits of particular mitigation measures or design
characteristics. These estimates are often based on statistical analyses of historical in-
cidents. The study may often rely solely on the historical failure rate of a pipeline with
a particular characteristic, such as a particular wall thickness pipe or diameter or depth
of cover. This type of analyses must isolate the factor from other confounding factors
and should also produce a rationale for the observation. For example, if data suggest
that a larger diameter pipe ruptures less often on a per-length, per-year basis, is there
a plausible explanation? In that particular case, higher strength due to geometrical
factors, better quality control, and higher level of attention by operators are plausible
explanations, so the premise could be tentatively accepted. In other cases, the benefit
from a mitigation is derived from engineering models or simply from logical analysis
with assumptions. Some observations from various studies are discussed next.
Inferences drawn from statistical examinations of large populations of pipelines
must be used carefully. They will not reflect conditions at specific locations of cer-
tain pipelines. Since risk management is ultimately interested in the specific locations,
generalized data can be misleading. Note discussions of individual behavior versus
population behavior in many places in this text.


Implicit in any risk assessment is the potential for consequences. This is the last of the
three risk-defining questions: If something goes wrong, what are the consequences?
Consequence implies a loss of some kind. The loss or damage state of interest must
be pre-determined for a risk assessment.
Consequences that are commonly measured in a risk assessment include:
• Leaks and ruptures
• Leaks and ruptures beyond a pre-specified threshold of loss
• Fatalities and injuries
• Property loss
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Environmental harm
• Monetary losses, including service interruption costs

Some losses are more readily quantified than others. Both direct and indirect costs
are often included in a modern risk assessment. See Chapter 11.8.9 Indirect costs on
page 444 and PRMM for further discussion.


Risk assessment is a measuring process capturing both the probability and consequenc-
es of the potential events of interest. The most useful risk assessment results are ex-
pressed in verifiable measurement units such as incidents per year, dollars per mile-
year, and many others.
As described in PRMM, risk is not a static quantity.
Along the length of a pipeline, conditions are changing. As they change, the risk
is also changing in terms of what can go wrong, the likelihood of something going
wrong, and/or the potential consequences. Because conditions also change with time,
risk is not constant even at a fixed location. When we perform a risk evaluation, we are
actually taking a snapshot of the risk picture at a moment in time.
It is important to recognize what a risk assessment can and cannot do, regardless of
the methodology employed. The ability to predict pipeline failures—when and where
they will occur—would obviously be a great advantage in reducing risk. Unfortunate-
ly, this cannot be done except in extreme cases. Pipeline accidents are relatively rare
and often involve the simultaneous failure of several safety provisions. This makes
accurate failure predictions almost impossible. So, modern risk assessment methodolo-
gies provide a surrogate for such predictions. Assessment efforts by pipeline operating
companies are normally not attempts to predict how many failures will occur or where
the next failure will occur. Rather, efforts are designed to systematically and objective-
ly capture everything that can be known about the pipeline and its environment, to put
this information into a risk context, and then to use it to make better decisions.
A common incompleteness in risk assessment is to characterize a risk solely in
terms of an average from a population distribution thought to generally represent the
pipeline being assessed. While it is appropriate to seek an understanding of the distri-
bution from which this individual is likely a part, the individual’s position within that
distribution must be characterized. The distribution of, for instance, event frequencies,
will often include values that are orders of magnitude higher and lower than the aver-

2 Definitions and Concepts


A risk assessment for a pipeline should meet a minimum set of requirements before it
is labeled an assessment rather than a more limited analysis of risk. There are many
risk analysis techniques that are better labeled as tools—ingredients or supplements to
a risk assessment. See full discussion in Chapter 3 Assessing Risk on page 59

• We will often have both actual measurements and inferred
values. Whichever is more informative should be used in the
risk assessment.


Proper risk assessment uses all available information. Information used in a risk as-
sessment takes two general forms—measurements and estimates. An often-used aspect
of this assessment methodology is the simultaneous use of both actual measurements
and inferential estimates. For purposes here, a measurement is a reading or value ob-
tained using an instrument on a specific component while an inferred estimate emerges
from secondary or indirect information, often produced based on the underlying phys-
ics or even from engineering judgment.
Measurements include inspections for corrosion feature dimensions, corrosion
rates from coupons, crack depths, metal toughness, soil resistivity, and many others.
Inferential or indirect information is often based on material science—for example,
possible corrosion rates associated with metals in certain soils, potential crack growth
rates in certain materials exposed to certain loadings, etc. For example, obtaining a
pipe wall thickness by UT instrument is a measurement, while estimating wall thick-
ness based on the pipe date and possible degradations (for example, mpy by corrosion)
is an estimate. Inferential estimates are normally applied to all components for which
a measurement is not available.
The final value to be used in the risk assessment emerges from an examination of
both, after adjustments for information age and accuracy have been made to each. The
assessment chooses the best value based on the strength of evidence—newer and more
accurate information is chosen over older, less accurate information.
It is common for information collection on long, linear assets such as pipelines to
be non-uniform. The disparities in information availability along the route is accom-
modated by this simultaneous use of measurements and estimates.
Examples of measurements used in a typical risk assessment include:
• Visual and NDE inspections performed on accessible components

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• CIS3 inspections for CP effectiveness

• DCVG/ACVG coating holiday surveys
• Coupon corrosion rates
• ILI anomalies, especially when UT is providing a direct pipe wall thickness
• Test lead readings of pipe-to-soil potential

In addition to instrument inaccuracies and operator errors, additional nuances have

to be considered in using measurements. For example, highly accurate measurements,
but taken some distance from the point of interest (such as internal corrosion coupons
and test lead readings). Where conditions are not consistent, extrapolations can be very
inaccurate. The age of the measurement is also important. The pipe wall thickness
measured at the pipe mill 20 years ago may have little relevance to the actual wall
thickness of the buried pipe 20 years later.
Each measurement and each inferential estimate requires an adjustment for its age
and accuracy. The superior value—ie, the value among all possible measurements and
estimates with the best age/accuracy combination should determine the value used in
the risk assessment. A process is used to adjust each of these by the confidence in the
accuracy of their values. Once adjusted, selection of the more optimistic value ensures
that better information overrides lesser information. This same technique compares
and chooses better measurement data over lesser measurement data, when multiple
measurements are available at the same location (for example, multiple ILI’s or multi-
ple overline surveys on the same segments over time).
With a consistent application of conservatism in uncertainty estimates, the more
optimistic value—the information suggesting the best wall thickness—will govern.
Inappropriate overrides of inspection/test information are avoided by the careful
application of consistent confidence values. When the confidence value is based upon
‘damages since inspection/test’, it must be ensured that equivalent PXX levels are used
everywhere. For instance, it would not be correct to adjust P99 estimates from a 5-year
old inspection by using P50 estimates of what may have happened in the last 5 years.
Nevertheless, even with carefully chosen uncertainty values, the more optimistic
value will not always be the best value to use.

3 Some may argue that overline surveys such as CIS, DCVG, etc are inferential, ie, inferring conditions
on a buried pipe some distance from the actual measurement. For purposes here, these surveys are
considered measurements, recording actual values that represent a condition, even if that condition
infers other characteristics. Error rates increase by influences such as proficiency of surveyor and
surface conditions.

4 ILI by MFL can similarly be said to be an inferential measurement, but is also treated as a measure-
ment for purposes here.
2 Definitions and Concepts

Example: 2.1 This is illustrated in a specific example:

One set of measurements/estimates shows a 10% certainty that no more than 20

mils of wall loss has occurred in a certain thick-walled component. This uncertain es-
timate implies a maximum wall loss of 20 mils / 10% = 200 mils.
As another piece of evidence, a recent ILI shows, with 90% confidence (including
general- and run-specific inaccuracies) a 300 mil wall loss feature.
In this case, the ILI value should obviously govern. The original estimate, while
seemingly conservative (tending to overestimate actual risk) was actually not con-
servative enough, as demonstrated by the recent ILI. A real-world example of this
occurred when an operator installed a new gathering system which, after only a few
years in service, experienced internal corrosion leaks. Upon investigation, corrosion
rates in excess of 200 mpy were discovered—far exceeding what was thought possible
in the design phase.
Differences in measurements/estimates compared to actual values will be influ-
enced by both uncertainty and conservatism. Uncertainty causes an unintentional, un-
desirable difference that must be tolerated. In conservatism, the difference is inten-
tional, in acknowledgment of the natural (random) variability inherent in real-world
phenomena. Both are discussed in following sections.


The role of uncertainty in risk management is multifaceted as noted in PRMM:

• Risk assessment measurement error and uncertainty arise as a result of the lim-
itations of the measuring tool, and the processes of taking the measurement,
including the skills of the person performing the measurement. Pipeline risk
assessment also involves the compilation of many other measurements (pipe
strength, component wall thickness, depth of cover, pipe-to-soil voltages, pres-
sure, etc.) and hence absorbs all of those measurement uncertainties. Risk as-
sessment also makes use of engineering and scientific models (corrosion rates,
stress formulae, thermal effects and overpressure estimates, etc.) each with
accompanying errors and uncertainties.
• Adding to the uncertainty is the fact that the thing being measured in pipeline
risk assessment is undergoing continuous change due to changing surround-
ings, as well as sometimes changing service conditions and possible degrada-
• A risk assessment must identify the role of uncertainty in its use of assump-
tions including how the condition of “no information” is to be handled in the
assessment. For many applications of risk assessment results, it is advanta-
geous to incorporate a conservative underlying philosophy of:

Uncertainty = increased risks

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

This not only encourages the frequent acquisition of information, but it also en-
hances the risk assessment’s credibility. Unless a conservative ‘guilty until proven in-
nocent’ approach is used, there will be no incentive to regularly inspect and verify
conditions that influence risk, Riskier conditions may only be discovered when inci-
dents occur. Investigating the incident will inevitably find that the risk assessment had
assumed favorable, low- risk conditions, in the absence of confirmatory information.
This often implicitly discredits all other results of the risk assessments.


Conservatism is generally taken to mean an intentional bias towards over-estimation

of the true risk. Risk assessment incorporating a high level of conservatism will tend
to overstate the risks, perhaps by several orders of magnitude. This occurs through the
use of input values and calculations that are based on worst-case or at least ‘higher
risk’ assumptions. Risk assessment conducted with no conservatism always assumes
the most likely values and the calculations that produce results that are most often true
to the most common actual conditions.
Conservatism is a useful characteristic in many applications of risk management.
However, conservatism may also be excessive, leading to inefficient and costly choices
when not properly acknowledged in decision-making.
A risk assessment should be performed with a target level of conservatism. As used
here, the PXX designations indicate a level of confidence that actual experience will
be no worse than estimated. For instance, P90 is the point where 90% of future perfor-
mance should be at or below this value. It is the point where one would be negatively
surprised 10% of the time—once out of every ten episodes.
A P90+ assessment intentionally contains layers of conservatism. This is often
done to encourage future data collection as a means of risk reduction and, more impor-
tantly, to ensure that risks are not underestimated.
For simplicity, the PXX refers to the conservatism of inputs rather than to the
resulting conservatism of the assessment. Each PXX is obtained via a collection of
inputs, each with an estimated level of uncertainty equal to PXX. Therefore, the PXX
refers to the intended level of uncertainty associated with each input rather than the risk
estimates. The latter is much more difficult to identify and manage.
Less conservative assumptions are sometimes needed for practical reasons. For in-
stance, a defect over 95% through a pipe wall could exist and survive a pressure test or
be undetected in an inspection. It would be counter-productive to assume that such rare
defects exist everywhere, even though such an assumption would be very conservative.
Rather, the wall thickness implied by a Barlow stress calculation (perhaps adjusted
by a factor showing some localized thinning could have occurred) can be used as the
primary means to estimate the probable—and still conservative—wall thickness when
no other confirmatory integrity information is available.

2 Definitions and Concepts

P84, as representing approximately one standard deviation of a one-sided normal

distribution, might be appropriate as a target level of conservatism that may have some
consistency with certain design practices. Actual conservatism of final risk estimates
can become higher than target levels due to layering of conservatism due to a bias to-
wards conservatism for each input. This layering also produces increasingly unlikely
scenarios since multiple low probability events are assumed to occur simultaneously.
Some practitioners also produce P10 or similar estimates, reflecting best case or
at least more optimistic inputs. As with the more conservative layering, choosing mul-
tiple optimistic inputs produces a combination with even more optimism, as well as
more rarity.
The user should determine the level of conservatism appropriate to his needs. Of-
ten a P99 level—negative surprises only 1% of the time—or higher is warranted for
assessments supporting new projects or presentations in public forums. A P50 to P70
level of analysis might be more appropriate for budget setting or long range planning.
PXX defaults versus adjusting data to PXX (for example, ILI inaccuracies, excur-
sions, or survey errors).
See also the discussion of calibration in Chapter 3.7 Verification, Calibration, and
Validation on page 82.


While a profile can mean different things—risk changes over time, types of events
possible (see FN curve discussion), etc—the focus here is on risk changes over ‘space’.
Generation of a profile of changing risks along a pipeline is essential to the understand-
ing of risk and the subsequent management of those risks.
The PoF profile is produced by the risk assessment and shows location-specific
PoF values. PoF changes along a route in response to dozens of factors that might
change, including pipe/component specification (age, wall thickness, diameter, etc),
coating condition, soil corrosivity, pressure, road crossings, foreign pipeline crossings,
AC electrical power lines, depth of cover, and many more. Per-incident consequence
costs can vary dramatically along a pipeline, changing with differences in pressure,
flowrate, topography, receptor proximities, and, to a lesser degree, differences in pipe
characteristics (ie, age, coating, wall loss).

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 2.2 Two very different risk profiles, but perhaps with the same cumulative risk


While the profile is an essential element in understanding, presenting, and manag-

ing risk, it is not an efficient tool for setting higher-level risk management strategies.
Higher level risk management strategizing is distinct from the foot-by-foot risk man-
agement. It involves risk summaries and comparisons of sometimes long segments.
Cumulative risk is a metric used to gauge the risk posed by any length of pipeline
or any collection of components. Because risk values are very location specific along
the pipeline, a method of rolling up or aggregating all of the risks for any portion of a
pipeline is important.
A typical pipeline risk assessment should show the level of risk that each point
along the pipeline presents to its surroundings. Two pipeline segments, say 100 and
1800ft, respectively, may have the same ‘rate-of-risk’, expressed in units such as $/
mile or incidents/mile-year, for all portions. So each point along the 100-ft segment
presents the same risk as does each point along the 1800-ft length. Of course, the 1800-
ft length presents more overall risk than does the 100-ft length, because it has many
more risk-producing locations. These two pipelines may also have exactly the same
total risk, in which case, the shorter line has a much higher rate of risk than does the
Both the risk and the rate-of-risk are important to risk management.
In reality, both the 100 ft and 21,800 ft segments will be comprised of several com-
ponents, each with its own length and contribution to risk. Many pipelines will have
short lengths of relatively higher risk among long lengths of lower risk, as demonstrat-
ed in their risk profiles. In summarizing the risk for the entire pipeline, a simple av-
erage or median will hide the shorter, higher risk sections. A ‘weak-link-in-the-chain’
strategy—focusing on the maximum risk or rate-of-risk alone, will similarly not reflect
2 Definitions and Concepts

the full risk. A cumulative risk—each portion with its respective length aggregated into
a summary number—will produce the most meaningful measure. This is the area under
the risk profile curve. As with any area-under-the-curve summarization, the shape of
the curve—the profile, in this case—remains critical to the understanding.
The cumulative risk characteristic is also measured in order to track risk changes
over time or compare widely different types of risk mitigation projects. If, for example,
we want to compare the risk benefit of clearing 20 miles of pipeline ROW and install-
ing new signs to the value of lowering and re-coating 100 feet of pipeline. On one
hand, the failure potential can be reduced significantly along a short stretch of pipeline.
On the other hand, a more modest mitigation could be broadcast over a long length of
pipeline. The comparison is not intuitive unless an accurate method of aggregation is
Longer pipeline lengths logically have higher risk values, since a longer line log-
ically has a higher ‘area of opportunity’ for failure and generally exposes more recep-
tors to consequences.
Projects such as public education, ROW maintenance, and patrol are not usually
assigned large mitigation benefits on a per-foot basis, but can impact many miles of
pipe and hence have a large impact on risk.
See also Chapter 4.6 Results roll-ups on page 126.

2.18.1 Changes over time

Note that the cumulative risk values can also demonstrate the natural risk increase over
time. Recall the entropy analogies—risk will increase over time unless offsetting en-
ergies are applied. The risk assessment measures the risk at all points along a pipeline,
at a specific point in time. The risk numbers are therefore a snapshot. They represent
all conditions and activities at the time of the snapshot. If inspections and maintenance
are not done, safety degrades. The most meaningful measure of changes in the risk
situation will be how the risk for the length of interest changes over time.
Changes in risk are easily tracked by comparing risk snapshots. This can be done
for a specific point on a pipeline, an entire pipeline, or any collection of components
from any pipeline. It can also be done for any set of pipelines, such as “all pipelines in
Texas,” “all propane lines,” “all mainlines > 12”,” “all lines older than 20 years,” and
so on.
The cumulative risk calculation also remedies the difficulties encountered in track-
ing risk changes when segment boundaries change after every assessment. The CR can
be calculated for any length of pipe, regardless of segment boundaries.


Note that a superior risk assessment can show the value of changes in practice by es-
timating the corresponding changes in failure potential. Many common practices are
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

intuitively important and necessary, but rely on subjective choices regarding level of
rigor. Examples of practice whose role is otherwise difficult to estimate include:
• Instrument maintenance/calibration—can be linked to outage rates
• Training—can be linked to human error rates
• Procedures—can be linked to human error rates
• Monitoring—can be linked to intervention opportunities
• Marking/labeling of critical equipment—can be linked to human error rates

While the risk assessment generated estimates of benefits will also contain some
subjectivity, the reductionist approach allows many more opportunities for concur-
rence among stakeholders regarding specifics of the role of the practice in failure re-
duction, thereby helping to ensure more objective results.
For example, incident investigations frequently cite the role of inadequate proce-
dures as an aspect of the incident. Absent such incidents, the role of procedures, and an
argument to improve the practice within a company, may generate widely differing be-
liefs regarding expected benefits. However, the risk assessment approach that dissects
the specific aspects of procedures and their role in incident prevention, as discussed
in Chapter 13 Risk Management on page 499, allows all parties to identify specific
points of divergence of opinion and opportunities to collect pertinent information or
otherwise come to an agreement on appropriate valuations.


Risk management is the intentional changing of risk levels. As a reaction to perceived

risk, it is the set of choices in action undertaken in support of a strategy towards a level
of risk deemed acceptable. Like all management initiatives, risk management involves
establishing priorities and making judgments about trade-offs such as cost vs. benefit.
Even with very accurate risk assessment, risk management can be challenging, involv-
ing socio-economic and political decisions around acceptable or tolerable risk, urgency
with which risks may need to be reduced, and many others.
Since risk is the product of probability of failure (PoF) and consequence of failure
(CoF), either or both can be changed to change the risk. Typically, PoF offers more
opportunities for controlling risk than CoF. For this reason, effective risk management
programs generally concentrate more on PoF aspects.
Practically speaking, our objective is not the elimination of risk, but the manage-
ment of it for an acceptable result. We cannot eliminate risk without sacrifices that
would be unacceptable – like halting the benefits derived from the use of a pipeline.
See PRMM for more background discussion on risk management in general.


3.1 Risk assessment building blocks. 60 3.7.12 Diagnosing Disconnects
3.1.1 Tools vs Models................. 62 Between Results and
3.2 Model scope and resolution....... 65 ‘Reality’........................ 93
3.3 Historical Approaches................ 66 3.7.13 Incident Investigation...... 94
3.3.1 A Portfolio View................. 67 3.7.14 Use of Inspection and
3.3.2 Formal vs. informal risk Integrity Assessment
management................ 68 Data............................. 96
3.3.3 Scoring/Indexing models... 68 3.8 Types of Pipeline Systems........... 98
3.3.4 Classical QRA Models....... 72 3.9 Materials of Construction.......... 100
3.3.5 Myths................................ 74 3.10 Product Types Transported...... 100
3.4 Choosing a risk assessment 3.11 Gathering System Pipelines.... 101
approach.................................. 76 3.12 Transmission Pipelines............ 101
3.4.1 New Generation Risk 3.13 Distribution Systems............... 101
Assessment Algorithms.77 3.13.1 Comparisons................. 102
3.4.2 Risk Assessment Specific to 3.13.2 Distribution System
Pipelines...................... 78 integrity...................... 103
3.5 Quality, Reliability, and risk 3.14 Offshore Pipeline Systems...... 104
management............................ 80 3.15 Components in Close
3.6 Risk assessment issues................ 80 Proximity................................ 105
3.6.1 Quantitative vs. qualitative 3.15.1 Facilities/Stations........... 105
models......................... 80 3.15.2 Corridors, Shared ROW.107
3.6.2 Absolute vs. relative risks... 81
3.7 Verification, Calibration, and
Validation................................. 82
3.7.1 Verification........................ 83
3.7.2 Calibration........................ 83 There is a real difference between
3.7.3 Validation.......................... 85
3.7.4 SME Validation.................. 86 identifying elements of risk and
3.7.5 Predictive Capability......... 87
3.7.6 Evaluating a risk assessment performing a risk assessment.
technique..................... 87
3.7.7 Diagnostic tool—Operator
Characteristic Curve..... 89
3.7.8 Possible Outcomes from a
Diagnosis..................... 89
3.7.9 Risk model performance.... 90
3.7.10 Sensitivity analysis........... 90
3.7.11 Weightings...................... 91
Assessing Risk
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• The mechanics of assessing pipeline risk.
• Evaluating a risk assessment.

The risk management process comprises five basic steps:

1. Risk modeling
2. Data collection and preparation
3. Segmentation
4. Assessing risks
5. Managing risks
The first four are actually components of assessing risk while the last is the reac-
tion to what the assessment has revealed. See PRMM for an explanation of these steps
and the applications of risk management.
This section provides some background to the assessment of risk with a focus on
applications to pipeline systems.

• Many techniques labeled ‘risk assessment’ are really risk
analyses tools, not assessment methodologies.


Risk assessment practitioners have varying ideas of how to understand and measure
risk. Many tools and techniques are available to help. While almost all can help in
understanding, few should be considered to be comprehensive risk assessment tech-
niques. There is a real difference between identifying elements of risk and performing
a risk assessment.
Ref IEC, 1012 provides a list and discussion of risk assessment ‘techniques’,
• Brainstorming
• Structured or semi-structured interviews
• Delphi
• Check-lists
• Primary hazard analysis
• Hazard and operability studies (HAZOPS)
• Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
• Environmental risk assessment
• What if? analysis
3 Assessing Risk

• Scenario analysis
• Business impact analysis
• Root cause analysis
• Failure mode effect analysis
• Fault tree analysis
• Event tree analysis
• Cause and consequence analysis
• Cause-and-effect analysis
• Layer protection analysis (LOPA)
• Decision tree
• Human reliability analysis
• Bow tie analysis
• Reliability centered maintenance
• Sneak circuit analysis
• Markov analysis
• Monte Carlo simulation
• Bayesian statistics and Bayes
• FN Curves
• Risk indices
• Consequence/probability matrix
• Cost/benefit analysis
• Multi-criteria decision analysis

Each are described in the reference along with a complexity rating and an opinion
as to whether each can produce ‘quantitative’ results.
For clarity, these techniques should be categorized according to the role they play
in risk assessment. Several ways to group them could be appropriate but for discussion
purposes here, the following categories are suggested:
• Risk Assessment Models—full risk assessment methodologies, meeting all re-
quirements listed in a following section
• Risk Tools—ingredients or supplements to a risk assessment

Where ‘tools’ can be further categorized into:

• Hazard/threat identification—techniques focused on presenting lists of or con-
firming hazards or threats to a system. Examples include HAZOPS, brain-
storming, check lists.
• Scenario identification—techniques focused on the chain of events leading to
a failure or unfolding once failure has occurred. Examples include event trees,
fault trees, cause-effect analyses
• Analyses support—usually statistically based, these techniques work with a
risk assessment model to improve outputs. Techniques are applied both to risk
assessment inputs and outputs (results). Examples include Monte Carlo simu-
lation, Bayesian statistics, and Markov analyses.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Visualization—techniques, usually with a strong graphical nature, used to sup-

port presentation or visualization of risk results or inputs. Examples include
bowtie, matrix, FN curves.

Since many techniques can be used in differing ways, not all fit neatly into one of
these categories. This does not detract from the central idea here that risk assessment
tools identified play various roles in a risk assessment. Most are NOT complete risk
assessment methodologies.

3.1.1 Tools vs Models

An important distinction has now been drawn between risk assessments—meaning

methodologies, techniques, etc that produce complete risk estimates; versus risk anal-
yses tools that play a more limited role, such as hazard identification or analyses of
specific cause-consequence pairings.
One of the simplest discriminators between a risk model and risk tool is the ‘map
point’ test, discussed later as part of the methodology evaluation process. This test
simply means that, using a real risk assessment model, one can pick any point on any
pipeline and have access to all pertinent risk information at that point. If the so-called
risk model cannot support that, then it is probably a risk tool rather than a complete
risk assessment model, at least for purposes of this discussion. This and other ways to
identify a true risk assessment are presented in a later section. But first is an examina-
tion of some of the more popular risk tools.

Hazard Identification/Evaluation Techniques

In addition to the techniques from Ref 1012, eleven hazard evaluation procedures used
in the chemical industry have been identified [9]. Each of these tools has strengths and
weaknesses, including amount of benefit derived from the application, costs of apply-
ing the tool, and appropriateness to a situation.
Some of the more formal risk tools in common use by the pipeline industry are:
• Fault-tree/event-tree analysis

See PRMM for details on these.

Analyses Support Tools

Some risk techniques, often noted as stand-alone risk assessments, are actually pro-
cesses that can be applied to ‘real’ risk assessment models. Bayesian, Markov, Monte
Carlo, and others are better viewed as processing techniques rather than risk assess-
ments themselves. They supplement a risk model by providing frameworks to process
inputs, learning feedback loops, and produce improved risk estimates.
3 Assessing Risk

Other tools such as Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) typically focus on an

aspect of risk such as control and safety equipment/instrumentation analyses.

Visualization Tools

One of the simplest risk visualization structures is a matrix. It displays risks in terms
of the likelihood and the potential consequences associated with an asset or process.
The vertical and horizontal scales may be qualitative, using a simple scale, such as
high, medium, or low, or using detailed descriptors guiding the assignments of matrix
positions. The scales may also employ a numerical scale; often relative, from 1 to 5, for
example or possibly using categories of absolute risk values, as illustrated in Figure 3.1
Example of qualitative risk criteria matrix on page 64.
Events or collection of events are assigned to cells of the matrix based on per-
ceived or estimated likelihood and consequence. Risks with both a high likelihood and
a high consequence appear in one corner, usually the upper right part of the matrix.
This approach may simply use expert opinion or a more complicated application might
use quantitative information to rank risks. While this approach cannot consider all per-
tinent factors and their relationships, it may help to crystallize thinking by at least dis-
playing the risk as two parts (probability and consequence) for separate examination.
Some may argue that risks with, say highest consequences but low probability, require
different management from those with, say lower consequences but higher probability,
even if both scenarios show equal risk (see further discussion in Chapter Risk Man-
agement on page 499). A risk matrix therefore sometimes supports corporate deci-
sion-making or risk tolerance guidance, whereby response urgencies to manage risk
emerge from the various combinations of probability and consequence.
While sometimes interesting presentation/visualization tools, matrices are not risk
assessment models—they arguably fail all of the tests proposed to determine whether
they can serve as an assessment technique. A matrix, even as only a presentation tool
is also rather clumsy, since it cannot appropriately illustrate many important consider-
ations. For example, maskings include differences in risk due solely to differences in
pipeline length; whether risk is due to a handful of peaks or rather from a consistent,
but high level; the range of consequence scenarios possible; etc. there is a certain
disservice in presenting risk information in a way that is incomplete or potentially

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 3.1 Example of qualitative risk criteria matrix

Other visualization tools often found in risk assessment result presentations include FN
curves and bowtie. An FN curve is a variation on the matrix, showing both probability
and consequence of various event scenarios, normally at a fixed location. The bowtie
combines an event tree—the event leading to the ‘knot’—and the fault tree—event
emerging from the ‘knot’, where the knot is the event or asset whose risk is being
Risks at specific locations are often shown on FN curves where the relationship
between event frequency and severity (measured by number of fatalities) is shown. FN
curves (failure count or frequency (F) versus consequence, where consequences are
often a number of fatalities (N)). This type of risk presentation, often called a depiction
of societal risk, is a usually a plot of the frequency, f, at which N or more persons are
expected to be fatally injured.
Event and fault tree analyses also serve as visualization tools. The distinction is
blurred when values are assigned to branches and nodes—it now becomes more than
a simple visualization tool.
Presentation graphics/charts are further discussed in Chapter 4 Data Management
and Analyses on page 109. GIS also has a strong visualization aspect, as noted in later
3 Assessing Risk

What is an assessment model?

Although we understand the underlying engineering concepts related to pipeline fail-

ure, predicting failures beyond a laboratory in a complex “real” environment can prove
impossible. No one can definitively state where or when an accidental pipeline failure
will occur. However, the more likely failure mechanisms and the more susceptible
locations, can be identified in order to focus risk efforts.
Next, the potential consequences must be assessed. As discussed in PRMM, , risk
assessments can also incorporate dose–response and exposure assessments into the
risk evaluation by considering the possible pathways, the intensity of exposure, and
the amount of time a receptor could be vulnerable. The possible effects of all of these
must be overlaid with possible receptor types and quantities.


Assessment scope and resolution issues complicated previous risk assessment tech-
niques. In both relative risk models and classical QRA, choices in the ranges of certain
risk variables were required. The assessments of relative risk characteristics were es-
pecially sensitive to the range of possible characteristics in the pipeline systems to be
assessed. If only natural gas transmission pipelines were to be assessed, then the model
was not set up to capture liquid pipeline variables such as surge potential and contam-
ination potential. The model designer had a choice of either keeping such variables
and scoring them as “no threat” or he had to redistribute the weighting points to other
variables that do impact the risk.
As another example, earth movements often pose a very localized threat on a rel-
atively few stretches of pipeline. When the vast majority of a pipeline system to be
evaluated is not exposed to any land movement threats, relative risk points assigned to
earth movements did not help to make risk distinctions among most pipeline segments.
To some, it appeared beneficial to reassign them to other variables, such as those that
warrant full consideration. However, without the direct consideration for this variable,
comparisons with the small portions of the system that are exposed, or future acquisi-
tions of systems that have the threat, became problematic. Classical QRA had similar
limitations since the historical data often forced the land-movement threat to be kept
low, even for short segments for which it was the dominant threat. This is further dis-
cussed in later chapters.
In a relative risk assessment, the ability to discriminate differences in risk was also
sensitive to the characteristics of the systems to be assessed. A model that was built
for parameters ranging from, say, a 40-inch, 2000-psig propane pipeline to a 1-inch,
20-psig fuel oil pipeline was not able to make many risk distinctions between a 6-inch
natural gas pipeline and an 8-inch natural gas pipeline. Similarly, a model that was sen-
sitive to differences between a pipeline at 1100 psig and one at 1200 psig might have
to treat all lines above a certain pressure/diameter threshold as the same. (ref PRMM)
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Classical QRA’s had an analogous issue in determining the representative popula-

tion of pipelines upon which to base the statistical future estimates.
Fortunately, such issues of model scope and resolution disappear with the advent
of a physics-based approach to risk assessment. By mirroring real-world phenomena
as closely as practical, the assessment automatically and appropriately responds to all
changes in factors.


Figure 3.2 Pipeline Risk Modeling Options


Perspectives—Is Formal Risk Management Helping Me?

Ever consider that true risk management sometimes occurs only at the lower levels
of some pipeline organizations? That is, personnel performing field activities are in
effect setting risk levels for the company. Their choices of day-to-day activities are
essentially driving risk management and thereby establishing corporate risk levels.
This is not just theoretical—real choices are being made. While there are regulations
and company-specific procedures to control certain actions, the on-the-ground team
is often relied upon to prioritize, allocate, act, and request additional resources based
solely on their perceptions.

3 Assessing Risk

Fortunately, we have a generally savvy work force that usually makes good choic-
es. But why would top company executives choose to delegate company-wide risk
management decision-making? In effect abdicating their own power to manage the
risk of the organization?
In at least one sense, this delegation of risk management decision-making is a
good thing. Those most knowledgeable in location-specific conditions/characteristics
are often in the best position to make certain decisions. They are the subject matter
experts in the pipeline’s often-highly-variable immediate environment.
But such distributed control also has its weaknesses. In their risk ‘assessments’,
the field team may not utilize all of the available information, for example, ILI details,
operational data, learnings from other pipelines, etc. They also may not use a formal
structure to find and manage the non-obvious risks. Even if they do use formal tech-
niques, without a centralized view of risks across the entire organization, imbalances
are certain to occur.
So, if the alternative is not superior, then why is centralized risk management not
the standard? At least one explanation lies in the perceived accuracy and usefulness
of risk assessments. Some risk issues are very apparent and no formal assessment is
needed to understand them. Good inspection techniques take much subjectivity out
of certain resource allocations—a list of identified critical anomalies is like a ringing
telephone that must be answered. The ‘fix-the-obvious’ opportunities for risk man-
agement are hopefully fully addressed in inspection follow-ups and in the day-to-day
O&M. A regional approach can be very efficient in managing obvious risk issues.
However, there are other risks and risk reduction opportunities that are not so
obvious. Humans can judge a thing based on a subjective and simultaneous interpre-
tation of a handful of factors—maybe 3-5. Real risk scenarios may involve a dozen or
more factors. Remember, many modern pipeline incidents are of the ‘perfect storm’
type. Rare chains of events, often involving multiple improbable and non-apparent
factors, lead to the incident. This is where formality is needed. The formal risk as-
sessment, when done properly, finds those highly improbable scenarios, involving
multiple, non-intuitive, overlapping issues that can generate the perfect storm event.
The previously unrecognized event is now revealed and quantified.

3.3.1 A Portfolio View

How can upper levels in the organization gain the risk understanding required to be
fully engaged in risk management? By knowing the risk associated with every asset.
The corporate-level decision-maker should seek a portfolio view of the company’s as-
sets, showing all costs of ownership. Just as with a portfolio of stocks and bonds, each
asset ties up capital and has carrying costs. The revenue streams, capital cost, the O&M
costs, tax liabilities, etc, have always been well understood. The risk cost?—perhaps
not as much. Most know that risk is part of the cost of ownership but how many really
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

use that knowledge in everyday decision-making? The key lies in reliable risk assess-
ments whose results truly represent real-world cost of ownership risks. Then, and only
then, is the top level decision-maker in a position to most efficiently allocate resources
across the entire organization.
So, in a moment of self-evaluation, perhaps this question arises: is your risk assess-
ment helping you? Some may answer “sure, I get a checkmark on my regulatory audit
form.” But most recognize that so much more is at stake. Beyond regulatory compli-
ance, how much value emerges from the risk assessment effort? Some must admit that
their assessments are mostly window-dressing—not really helping decision-making.
Perhaps their risk assessment is only documenting what is already perceived. There is
some value in such documentation. But there should also be some ‘ah-ha’ moments.
After all, the whole point of a formal risk assessment is to provide the structure that can
and does reveal the otherwise unknown.

• Pipeline risk assessment has matured. There are compelling
reasons to migrate from previous approaches

3.3.2 Formal vs. informal risk management

PRMM discusses the transition from informal risk management to the formal pro-
cesses. Some background on the maturation of the formal techniques is offered in the
following section.

3.3.3 Scoring/Indexing models

Prior to the availability of an efficient physics-based approach to pipeline risk assess-

ment, perhaps the most popular pipeline risk assessment technique in pipeline risk
assessment efforts was the index or some similar scoring technique. Scoring systems
are common in many applications, particularly where there is limited data or the infor-
mation is subjective. Examples include sports and other competitive activities; finance
and economics; and credit rating
In the pipeline risk assessment application of this approach, numerical values
(scores) were assigned to conditions and activities on the pipeline system thought to
contribute to the risk picture. This included both risk-reducing and risk-increasing
factors, or variables. They were often a simple summation of numbers assigned to
conditions and activities that are expected to influence risks. Whenever more risk-in-
creasing conditions are present with fewer risk-reducing activities, risk was shown to
be relatively higher. As risky conditions decrease or are offset by more risk-reduction
measures, risk is relatively lower

3 Assessing Risk

Weightings were usually assigned to each risk variable or to groupings of factors.

The relative weight reflected the importance of the item in the risk assessment and was
based on statistics where available and on engineering judgment where data was not
available. Pipeline sections were scored based on their attributes. The various pipe seg-
ments’ scores were then available for uses such as ranking according to their relative
risk scores in order to prioritize repairs, inspections, and other risk mitigating efforts.
This technique ranged from a simple one- or two-factor model (where only factors
such as leak history and population density are considered) to models with dozens of
factors considering numerous aspects of risk influences.
The form of these pipeline assessments was normally some variation on:

CondA +CondB +… CondN = Relative Probability of Failure (or relative

Consequence of Failure)

Or sometimes:

(CondA x WeightA) + (CondB x WeightB) + … (CondN x WeightN) =

Probability of Failure

CondX represents some condition or factor believed to be related to risk, evalu-
ated for a particular piece of pipeline.
WeightX represents the relative importance or weight placed on the correspond-
ing condition or factor—more important variables have a greater impact
on the perceived risk and are assigned a greater weight.

Even if the quantification of the risk factors was imperfect, the results were be-
lieved to give a reliable picture of places where risks are relatively lower (fewer “bad”
factors present) and where they are relatively higher (more “bad” factors are present).
Early published works from the late 1980’s and early 1990’s in pipeline scoring
type risk assessments are well documented.1 Such scoring systems for specific pipe-
line operators can be traced back even further, notably in the earlier 1980’s with gas
distribution companies faced with repair-replace decisions involving problematic cast
iron pipe.
Variations on this type of scoring assessment were in common use by pipeline
operators for many years. The choices of categorization into failure mechanisms, scale
direction (higher points = higher risk or vice versa) variables, and the math used to
combine factors are some of the differences among these type models.

1 Dr. John Kiefner’s work for AGA, Dr. Mike Kirkwood from British Gas, W. Kent Muhlbauer’s early
editions of The Pipeline Risk Management Manual, and Mike Gloven’s work at Bass Trigon.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The scoring approach was often chosen for its intuitive nature, ease of applica-
tion, and ability to incorporate a wide-variety of data types. Prior to the year 2000,
such models were used primarily by operators seeking more formal methods for re-
source allocation—how to best spend limited funds on pipeline maintenance, repair,
and replacement. Risk assessment was not generally mandated and model results were
seldom used for purposes beyond this resource allocation. There are of course some
notable exceptions where some pipeline operators incorporated very rigorous risk as-
sessments into their business practices, notably in Europe where such risk assessments
were an offshoot of applications in other industries or already mandated by regulators.
The use of indexing/scoring methodologies came into question in the US with new
regulations focusing on pipeline integrity management. The role of risk assessment
expanded significantly in the early 2000’s when the DOT, OPS—now, Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)—began mandating risk anal-
yses of all jurisdictional gas and hazardous liquid pipelines that could affect a High
Consequence Area (HCA). Identified HCA segments were then scheduled for integrity
assessment and application of preventative and mitigative measures depending on the
integrity threats present. The entire integrity management process was intended to be
risk-driven, with pipeline operators choosing risk assessment methodologies that could
produce required integrity management decision-support.
The simple scoring assessments were generally not designed nor intended for use
in applications where outside parties were requesting more rigorous risk assessments.
Due in part to the US IMP regulations, risk assessment is now commonly used in proj-
ect presentation and acceptance in public forums; legal disputes; setting design factors;
addressing land use issues; etc, while previously, the assessment was typically used for
internal decision support only.
Given their intended use, the earlier models did not really suffer from “limitations”
since they met their design intent. They only now appear as limitations as the new uses
are factored in. Those still using older scoring approaches recognized the limitations
brought about by the original modeling compromises made.
In an attempt to simplify, these models actually introduced an extra and now un-
necessary level of complexity. The real-world phenomena being modeled had to first
be understood. Then a surrogate—the scoring process—for the actual phenomena was
created and had to be maintained. The surrogate also had to keep up with a potentially
evolving understanding of the underlying phenomenon.
Some of the more significant compromises arising from the use of the simple scor-
ing type assessments included:
• Without an anchor to absolute risk estimates, the assessment results were use-
ful only in a rather small analysis space. The results offered little information
regarding risk-related costs or appropriate responses to certain risk levels. Re-
sults expressed in relative numbers were useful for prioritizing and ranking
but were limited in their ability to forecast real failure rates or costs of failure.
They could not be readily compared to other quantified risks to judge accept-
3 Assessing Risk

• Assessment inputs and results cannot be directly validated against actual oc-
currences of damages or other risk indicators. Even the passage of time and
gaining of more experience, which normally improves past estimates, the scor-
ing models’ inputs generally were not tracked and improved.
• Results do not normally produce a time-to-failure, without which there is no
technical defense for integrity assessments scheduling. Without additional
analyses, the scores did not suggest appropriate timing of ILI, pressure testing,
direct assessment, or other required integrity verification efforts.
• Potential for masking of effects when simple expressions could not simultane-
ously show influences of large single contributors and accumulation of lesser
contributors. An unacceptably large threat—very high chance of failure from a
certain failure mechanism—could be hidden in the overall failure potential if
the contributions from other failure mechanisms were very low. This was be-
cause, in some scoring models, failure likelihood only approached the highest
levels when all failure modes were coincident. A very high threat from only
one or two mechanisms would only appear at levels up to their pre-set cap
(weighting). In actuality, only one failure mode will often dominate the real
probability of failure. Similarly, in the scoring systems, mitigation was gener-
ally deemed ‘good’ only when all available mitigations were simultaneously
applied. The benefit of a single, very effective mitigation measure was often
lost when the maximum benefit from that measure was artificially capped. See
note 1
• Some relative risk assessments were unclear as to whether they are assessing
damage potential versus failure potential. For instance, the likelihood of cor-
rosion occurring versus the likelihood of pipeline failure from corrosion is a
subtle but important distinction since damage does not always result in failure.
• Some previous approaches had limited modeling of interaction of variables, a
requirement in some regulations. Older risk models often did not adequately
represent the contribution of a variable in the context of all other variables.
Simple summations would not properly integrate the interactions of some vari-
• Some models forced results to parallel previous leak history—maintaining a
certain percentage or weighting for corrosion leaks, third party leaks, etc—
even when such history might not be relevant for the pipeline being assessed.
• Balancing or re-weighting was often required as models attempt to capture risk
in terms that represent 100% of the threat or mitigation or other aspect. The ap-
pearance of new information or new mitigation techniques required re-balanc-
ing which in turn made comparison to previous risk assessments problematic.
• Some models could only use attribute values that are bracketed into a series
of ranges. This created a step change relationship between the data and risk
scores. This approximation for the real relationship was sometimes problem-
• Some models allowed only mathematical addition, where other mathematical
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

operations (multiply, divide, raise to a power, etc) would better parallel under-
lying engineering models and therefore better represent reality
• Simpler math did not allow orders of magnitude scales and such scales better
represent real-world risks. Important event frequencies can commonly range,
for example, from many times per year to less than 1 in ten million chance per
year. An underlying difficulty in the calibration of any scoring type risk as-
sessment are the limitations inherent in such methodologies. Since the scoring
approaches usually make limited use of distributions and equations that truly
mirror reality (see previous discussion on limitations), they will not always
closely track ‘real-world’ experience. For example, a minor 1 or 2% change in
a risk score may actually represent an equivalent change in absolute estimates
for one threat but a 100 fold change in another threat.
• Lack of transparency. a scoring system adds a layer of complexity and in-
terferes with understanding of the basis of the risk assessment. Underlying
assumptions and interactions are concealed from the casual observer and re-
quire an examination of the ‘rules’ by which inputs are made, consumed by the
model, and results generated.

1. The assumption of a predictable distribution of future leaks predicated on past
leak history might be realistic in certain cases, especially when a database
with enough events is available and conditions and activities are constant.
However, one can easily envision scenarios where, in some segments, a single
failure mode should dominate the risk assessment and result in a very high
probability of failure rather than only some percentage of the total. Even if the
assumed distribution is valid in the aggregate, there may be many locations
along a pipeline where the pre-set distribution is not representative of the par-
ticular mechanisms at work there.
Serious practitioners always recognized these “limitations” and worked around
them when more definitive applications were needed.

3.3.4 Classical QRA Models

Numerical techniques are required in order to obtain estimates of absolute risk values,
expressed in fatalities, injuries, property damages, etc., per specific time period. The
more rigorous and complex risk assessment approaches in common use in many in-
dustries are typically referred to as probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), quantitative
risk assessment (QRA), or numerical risk assessment (NRA). While some recognize
differences among these labels, they are often used interchangeably.
Recall the earlier discussion on Classical QRA—the statistics-driven approach to
risk assessment. For discussion purposes here, currently documented methodologies
labeled PRA, QRA, NRA, including their common supporting processes such as Mon-
te Carlo simulation, Markov analyses, Bayesian statistics, and other statistics-centric
3 Assessing Risk

approaches are treated as variations on a single technique, which we will call Classical
QRA for convenience. Classical QRA will compared to a physics-based approach—
the preferred approach in pipeline risk assessment—in an upcoming discussion on
‘myths’. Here, the discussion will examine this practice.
These techniques are assembled together under the premise that they all use sta-
tistics as the primary driver in understanding risk. The applicability of the oft-used
supporting techniques further illustrates this point: Bayesian begins with statistics,
sometimes modified by physics (a priori info),. Markov links a future state with a
current state, through initial state probabilities and probabilities of change. These are
in contrast to an approach that begins with physics and then refines preliminary results
using historical event frequencies. Both approaches benefit from the use of statistics
but the primary focus is different.
Classical QRA is a technique used in the nuclear, chemical, and aerospace indus-
tries and, to some extent, in the petrochemical industry. The output of a classical QRA
is usually in a form whereby its output can be directly compared to other risks such as
motor vehicle fatalities or tornado damages. It can be thought of a statistical approach
to the quantification of risks, emerging from numerical analyses applied to scenario
structures such as event trees and fault trees (see discussion in Chapter 1 Risk Assess-
ment at a Glance on page 1).
Classical QRA is a rigorous mathematical and statistical technique that relies heav-
ily on historical failure data and event-tree/fault-tree analyses. Initiating events such
as equipment failure and safety system malfunction are flow-charted forward to all
possible concluding events, with probabilities being assigned to each branch along the
way. Failures are backward flow-charted to all possible initiating events, again with
probabilities assigned to all branches. All possible paths can then be quantified based
on the branch probabilities along the way. Final accident probabilities are achieved by
chaining the estimated probabilities of individual events.
This technique, when applied robustly, is usually very data intensive. It attempts
to provide risk estimates of all possible future failure events based on historical expe-
rience. The more elaborate of these models are generally more costly than other risk
assessments. They can be technologically more demanding to develop, require trained
practitioners (statisticians), and need extensive data. A detailed classical QRA is usual-
ly the most expensive of the risk assessment techniques due to these issues.
The classical QRA methodology was first popularized through opposition to var-
ious controversial facilities, such as large chemical plants and nuclear reactors [88].
In addressing the concerns, the intent was to obtain objective assessments of risk that
were grounded in indisputable rigorous analyses. The technique makes extensive use
of failure statistics of components as foundations for estimates of future failure prob-
However, it was also recognized that statistics paints an incomplete picture at best,
and many probabilities must still be based on expert judgment. In attempts to minimize
subjectivity, applications of this technique became increasingly comprehensive and
complex, requiring thousands of probability estimates and like numbers of pages to
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

document. Nevertheless, variation in probability estimates remains, and the complexi-

ty and cost of this method does not seem to yield commensurate increases in accuracy
or applicability. In addition to sometimes widely differing results from “duplicate”
classical QRAs performed on the same system by different evaluators, another criti-
cism includes the perception that underlying assumptions and input data can easily be
adjusted to achieve some predetermined result [88]. Of course, this latter criticism can
be applied to any process involving much uncertainty and the need for assumptions.

3.3.5 Myths

While the practice of formal pipeline risk assessment has been on-going for many
years, the practice is by no means mature (as of this writing). There still exist some
common misconceptions and myths. This is not unexpected, given the difficult nature
of risk concepts themselves and the absence of detailed guidance documents (prior to
this textbook).

Myth1: Some risk assessment models are better able to accommodate

low data availability

Strong data + strong model = most meaningful/useful results
Weak data + strong model = uncertain results
Weak data + weak model = meaningless results

First, let’s address the myth that low information suggests the use of a simple
risk assessment—one that does not really quantify risk. Using a lesser risk assessment
process in an attempt to compensate for low information is an error. Pairing weak data
with a weak model generates nothing useful. The proper approach is to begin with a
full risk assessment structure, make conservative assumptions where necessary, and
then work on ‘back-filling’ the data that will ultimately drive the risk management.
So, we should use a robust risk assessment, regardless of the current data avail-
ability. There are two choices. Let’s compare how the statistics-based and the phys-
ics-based approaches in solving a typical risk assessment problem: how often will a
specific segment of pipeline experience failure from outside excavator force? (third
party damage)

Statistics-based Approach:
In this approach, we focus on historical event frequencies. Let’s say that a slice
of the national pipeline incident database shows that US transmission averages show
0.0003 reportable third party damage incidents per mile per year. With some investiga-
tion, we can get averages for ranges of pipe diameters, product type, or other charac-
teristics should we believe that they are discriminating factors for third party damages.
We can assume that some of the historical ‘unknown’ causes of failure (a significant
3 Assessing Risk

proportion of the data) were also third party damage related. We can further assume
that the entire population of third party failures is higher than the reportable-only count.
At the end of this exercise, we have a decent estimate of a historical failure rate for an
‘average’ pipe segment.

Physics Approach:
In this approach, we focus on the physical phenomena that influence pipeline fail-
ure potential. We first make a series of estimates that show the individual contributions
from exposure, mitigation, and resistance. For exposure, we ask ‘how often is there
likely to be an excavator working near this pipeline?’ We perhaps examine records
in planning and permitting departments; take note of nearby utilities, ditches, water-
ways, public works, etc that require routine excavation maintenance; and tap into other
sources of information. Then we estimate the role of mitigation measures as applied to
this particular segment of pipe. We ask: “what fraction of those excavators will have
sufficient reach to damage the pipe (suggesting the benefit of cover depth)?” “What
fraction of excavators will halt their progress due to one-call system use, recognition
from signs, markers, and briefings?” “What fraction will halt their work due to inter-
vention by pipeline patrol?” and others.
Finally, we discriminate among the fraction of excavation scenarios with sufficient
force potential to puncture the pipe, based on pipe characteristics and the types of
forces likely to be applied. This tells us the resistance—how often is there damage, but
not failure? This discrimination between damage likelihood and failure likelihood is
essential to our understanding.
All of these estimates can come from simple reasoning, at one extreme, to litera-
ture searches, market analyses, database mining, finite element analyses, and scenario
analyses, at the other extreme. The level of effort should be proportional to the per-
ceived contribution of the issue to the total risk picture.

Approach Comparisons
Both of these approaches have merit and yield useful insight. But, only the latter
provides the location-specific insights we need to truly manage risk. The statistics-only
approach yields an average value, suggesting how a population of pipeline segments
may behave over time. There are huge differences among all the pipeline segments
that go into a summary statistic. Therefore, we cannot base risk management on such a
summary value. Risk, and hence ‘risk management’, ultimately occurs at very specific
locations, whose risk may be vastly different from the population average. Stated even
more emphatically: “using averages will always result in missing the ‘generally rare
but critical at this location’ evidence”. For example, most pipelines are not threatened
by landslide, but in the few locations where they are, this apparently rare threat may
well dominate the risk.
So, we use the physics-based approach to drive risk management. Using the sta-
tistics-based approach is very useful in calibrating risk estimates from populations of
pipe segments. More about that in a later section.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Myth 2: QRA requires vast amounts of incident histories

QRA ‘requires’ no more data than other techniques
All assessments work better with better information

This is related to Myth1 but merits a bit of independent discussion. Some classical
QRA does over-emphasize history, as noted in the discussion of statistician-designed
risk assessment. Excessive reliance on history is an error in any methodology. The past
is a relevant predictor of the future only in certain cases, as is also detailed elsewhere.


Understanding the differences between tools and assessment models, as well as the
strengths and weaknesses of the different risk assessment techniques is important in
choosing approaches. A case can be made for using some techniques in certain situa-
tions. For example, a simple bowtie analysis approach helps to organize thinking and
is a first step towards formal risk assessment. If the need is to evaluate specific events
at any point in time—for example, an incident investigation—a narrowly focused sce-
nario risk analysis (event tree or fault tree) might be the tool of choice.
Scoring or ranking type pipeline risk assessments have served the pipeline indus-
try for many years. However, risk assessments are being routinely used today in ways
that were not common even a few years ago. For example, many operators are asking
questions today such as:
• How to make full use of inspection data in a risk assessment
• How to generate results that directly suggest timing of integrity assessments
• How to quantify the risk reduction benefit of integrity assessment and other
• Beyond the prioritization, how big is the risk? Is it actionable?
• How widespread is a particular risk issue?
• How can subjectivity be reduced?
• How to use past incident results in a risk assessment.

These questions are not consistently nor accurately answered by the relative mod-
els. As previously noted, these models were designed and created under a different set
of questions.
Similarly, classical ORA techniques have been in use in some industries for de-
cades. But, especially in the pipeline industry with so much variation between and
within collections of pipeline segments, these solutions are sub-optimal (see previous
The new roles of risk assessments have prompted some changes to the way risk
algorithms are being designed. The changes lead to more robust risk results that better
3 Assessing Risk

reflect reality and, fortunately, are readily obtained from data that was also used in
previous assessments.

3.4.1 New Generation Risk Assessment Algorithms

The focus of this book is on a comprehensive risk assessment methodology that is both
robust and cost-effective to establish and maintain.
While the previous generation of relative algorithms served the industry well, the
technical compromises made can be troublesome or unacceptable in today’s environ-
ment of increasing regulatory and public oversight. Risk assessments commonly be-
come the centerpiece of  any legal, regulatory,  or public proceedings. This prompts
the use of assessment techniques that more accurately model reality and also produce
risk estimates that are anchored in absolute terms:  “consequences per mile year,” for
example. Fortunately, a new approach to algorithm design can do this while making
use of all previously collected data and not increasing the costs of risk assessment.
The advantages of the new algorithms are that they can overcome the previously noted
limitations in both competing methodologies:
• More intuitive;
• Better models reality;
• Removes much subjectivity;
• Eliminates masking of significant effects;
• Makes more complete and more appropriate use of all available and relevant
• Greatly enhances ability to demonstrate compliance with U.S. IMP regula-
• Distinguishes between unmitigated exposure to a threat, mitigation effective-
ness, and system resistance—this leads directly to better risk management de-
• Eliminates need for unrealistic and expensive re-weighting of variables for
new technologies, emerging/previously-unknown threats, or other changes;
• Flexibility to present results in either absolute (probabilistic) terms or relative
terms, depending on the user’s needs.

The breakthrough evolution in overcoming both the scoring system limitations

and the classical QRA limitations was the dissection of PoF phenomena into three
separately measurable components. This allowed for a physics-based rather than sta-
tistics-based approach. It simultaneously ends the need for a secondary scoring system
and the need for (often misleading) historical event rates.
The risk modeling approach recommended here falls into several common catego-
ries of models. Generally, this methodology is a type of quantitative model since it nu-
merically quantifies risks in a rigorous way (not a simple numerical scoring approach).
It is a deterministic (or ‘mechanistic’) model, since it is a mathematical representation
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

of physical processes that has been constructed from the modeler’s understanding of
the science underlying the processes. It has probabilistic components since the re-
al-world processes it mirrors are best represented by probabilities. It expresses results
in absolute terms.
In this book, the term ‘physics-based’ is chosen to classify the new generation of
risk assessment algorithms. Since physics as a science includes mechanics, energy,
force, and even chemistry to some extent, it captures the fact that this type of risk
assessment relies on such underlying science. This hopefully carries a connotation
beyond terms like ‘mechanistic’ or ‘deterministic’, that the methodology is based on
widely-accepted first principles of science and engineering.

3.4.2 Risk Assessment Specific to Pipelines

Many pages of background information are presented here in this text and in PRMM.
Some will be impatient to get to the heart of how to conduct a risk assessment for a
pipeline and its related components. The recommended practice—a new generation
of risk assessment algorithms classified as physics-based algorithms—is the result of
years of development efforts.
Distinguishing characteristics of this risk assessment methodology from other past
and current approaches are worth examining. Especially for the practicing risk asses-
sor, some evidence will be sought that justifies a change to his/her current practice.
The primary distinguishing characteristic of these physics-based algorithms is the
breakdown of PoF. This is an essential aspect of risk assessment that is not clearly and
completely employed in any alternative methodology. It is a differentiating character-
istic compared to all other methodologies. It is a critically important aspect of modern
pipeline risk assessment.
Additional discriminating features of this recommended methodology, compared
to alternative approaches, include:
Differences from classical QRA
• Profiles
• Reduced reliance on historical event frequencies
• Integrates more information
Differences from Indexing/Scoring Approaches
• Only verifiable measurements are used
• Mathematics to fully represent real-world phenomena
• Data-driven segmentation—full resolution
• Improved use of information
Differences from HAZOPS/SIL/LOPA/FMEA
• Profiles
• Measurements instead of categories
• Improved use of information
• Aggregations for summarizing risk
Differences from reliability based design (RBD)
3 Assessing Risk

• RBD typically employs classical QRA, see list above

Many variations on these compared practices are available, the terminology used
above is arguably the most commonly employed and in most cases is the generic
equivalent to specific methodologies publicized by some practitioners, ie, PHA often
refers to a HAZOPS or something very similar. Note that comparisons are not offered
to techniques that are more appropriately labeled as tools rather than risk assessments.
This includes event/fault tree analyses, matrices, checklists, bowtie, dose-response as-
sessments probit equations, dispersion modeling, hazard zone estimations, human reli-
ability analyses, task-based assessments, what-if analyses, Markov analyses, Bayesian
statistical analyses; root cause analyses; Delphi technique.
The criteria discriminating tools from complete risk assessments is detailed earlier
in this chapter. Comparisons of the modern approach to selected techniques more often
labeled as risk assessments, include:
Differences in recommended methodology compared to PHA, HAZOPS, Matrix,
Event Tree / Fault Tree Analyses:
• Ability to broadcast a risk assessment over long, complex systems
• Profiles
• Aggregations for summarizing risk
• Only verifiable measurements are used
• Improved use of information

Most alternative methodologies suffer from an inability to create a risk profile—

changes in risk along a pipeline route. While a profile can also mean changes over time,
the risk changes along a route is often the limiting factor of competing risk assessment
techniques. Techniques that rely on specific cause-consequence pairings without an
ability to aggregate all such pairings, cannot produce a complete profile and there-
fore cannot present an accurate risk picture. Without a risk profile, understanding and
hence, optimum risk management, is compromised.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management



Time - Time -
Independent Dependent
Mechanisms Mechanisms

Third Party Incorrect Hazard

Sabotage Geohazards Corrosion Cracking Receptors
Damage Operaons Zone

Product Release Size Dispersion

Exposure Migaon Resistance

Figure 3.3 Modeling of Pipeline Risk


Risk management embodies and overlaps principles of quality assurance, quality con-
trol, and reliability. An interesting background discussion on these concepts and their
relationship to risk can be found in PRMM.


3.6.1 Quantitative vs. qualitative models

Modeling as a part of the scientific method is discussed in PRMM. As noted, label-

ing of modeling approaches has caused some confusion. Terms including quantitative,
qualitative, semi-quantitative , scoring, indexing, and others have been used to describe
types of pipeline risk assessment. There are no standard definitions in common use for
these terms. Therefore, they often carry different meanings and different implications
to various members of an audience hearing them.
The danger in such labeling is there is no commonly accepted definition to these
terms. The advice here is to always obtain clarifications when faced with this termi-
Additional labels of probabilistic, mechanistic, and deterministic are also some-
times seen. These have more standardized definitions but can still cause confusion.

3 Assessing Risk

The risk modeling approach recommended here falls into several common catego-
ries of models. Generally, this methodology is a type of quantitative model since it nu-
merically quantifies risks in a rigorous way (not a simple numerical scoring approach).
It is a deterministic (or `mechanistic’) model, since it is a mathematical representation
of physical processes that has been constructed from the modeler’s understanding of
the science underlying the processes. It has probabilistic components since the re-
al-world processes it mirrors are best represented by probabilities. It expresses results
in absolute terms.

• There is no longer any valid reason to settle for relative risk
assessment results. Absolute risk estimates can be generated
more reliably and with less effort.

3.6.2 Absolute vs. relative risks

Closely paralleling the quantitative vs qualitative distinction is the issue of risk pre-
sented in absolute vs relative terms. Unlike the previous discussion highlighting poten-
tial confusion arising from terminology, the absolute vs relative adds clarity—giving
strong indications to any audience of what type of assessment has been performed.
Risks can be expressed in absolute terms—risk estimates expressed in fatalities,
injuries, property damages, or some other measure of consequence, in a certain time
period and for a specific collection of components such as a pipeline system. For exam-
ple, “number of fatalities per mile-year for permanent residents within one-half mile of
pipeline…”. This requires concepts commonly seen in probabilistic risk assessments
(PRAs), also called numerical risk assessments (NRAs) or quantitative risk assess-
ments (QRAs), or deterministic or mechanistic models. Absolute risk assessment gen-
erates a frequency-based measure that estimates the probability of a specific type of
failure consequence at a point in time and space. A relative assessment is a comparative
measure of risks.
Also available is the use of a relative risk assessment methodology, whereby risks
can make comparisons among components that have undergone the same assessment.
Common relative risk measurement systems have been called scoring or indexing sys-
tems. Ref PRMM presented such a system. The relative risk measurement models are
no longer recommended since they have many limitations and no advantages over a
properly crafted absolute risk assessment.
The term ‘absolute’ should not be construed to indicate a level of certainty. It only
speaks to the units with which risk estimates are produced.
The “absolute scale” offers the benefit of comparability with other types of risks
and a more accurate representation of actual risk, while the “relative scale” was his-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

torically used as a compromise solution to avoid what was previously considered a

challenging quantification of pipeline risks.
The absolute scale previously suffered from its heavy reliance on historical esti-
mates, This criticism has been mitigated by the methodology presented here, but the
latter still exists.
The absolute and relative risk assessment scales are not mutually exclusive. The
absolute scale can be readily converted to relative scales by simple mathematical re-
lationships, should this be deemed worthwhile. For instance, 1.6E-7 failures per year
can be normalized to, say 15, on a 100 point PoF scale. A relative risk scale can the-
oretically be converted to an absolute scale by correlating relative risk scores with
appropriate historical failure rates or other risk estimates expressed in absolute terms.
In other words, the relative scale can be calibrated to some absolute numbers. This is
often a problematic exercise given the mathematical and other limitations commonly
associated with the relative risk models, for example, orders of magnitude differences
in real risk are difficult to show on simple point scale. However, when much informa-
tion has been collected into an older relative risk assessment, that information can be
salvaged and used in a migration to a modern absolute risk assessment.
A possible consideration underlying the presentation of any numerical modeling
result is a common misconception that a precise-looking number, expressed in sci-
entific notation, is more accurate than a simple number. A numerical scale can imply
a precision that is simply not available. This effect has been called ‘the illusion of
A good risk assessment will require the generation of sufficient scenarios to repre-
sent all possible event sequences that lead to possible damage states (consequences).
Each event in each sequence is assigned a probability—actually, an expected future
frequency. The assigned probabilities are best assigned in absolute terms, leading to
final risk estimates that are also in absolute units, for example: leaks per mile-year,
dollars per km-year, fatalities per year, etc. The expression in absolute terms widens
the uses of risk results and avoids the complications of the relative scales.
A damage state or consequence level of interest is identified and becomes part of
the measurement units in an absolute estimate of risk. Most risk acceptability or toler-
ability criteria are based on fatalities as the consequence of interest.


Given enough time, a risk assessment can be proven by comparing predicted pipeline
failures against actual. This is the basis of the testing of the risk assessment as a diag-
nostic tool, as discussed above. Pipeline failures on any specific system are usually not
frequent enough to provide sample sizes sufficient to test the assessment performance.
In most cases, initial examination of the assessment is best done by ensuring that risk
estimates are consistent with all available information (including actual pipeline fail-
ures and near-failures) and consistent with the experiences and judgments of the most
3 Assessing Risk

knowledgeable experts. The latter can be at least partially tested via structured testing
sessions and/or model sensitivity analyses (discussed later). Additionally, the output of
a risk model can be carefully examined for the behavior of the risk values compared
with our knowledge of behavior of numbers in general.
More formal examinations of the risk assessment are also possible. The processes
of verification, calibration, and validation are likely not familiar to most readers and,
based on a brief literature search, are not even standardized among those who more
routinely deal with them. Some background discussion to these processes, especially
how they relate to pipeline risk management, are warranted.
In this text, a distinction is made between verification, validation, and calibration.
Verification is the process of ‘de-bugging’ a model—ensuring that functions operate as
intended. Calibration is tuning model output so that it mirrors actual event frequencies.
This is a practical necessity when knowledge of underlying factors is incomplete (as it
almost always is in natural systems). Validation is ensuring consistent and believable
output from the model by comparing model prediction with actual observation. Defin-
ing these terms in the context of this discussion is important since they seem to have
no universally accepted definitions.
An important aspect of proving a risk assessment is agreement with SME beliefs.
Users should be vigilant against becoming too confident in using any risk assessment
output without initial and periodic ‘reality checks’. But users should also recognize
that SME beliefs can be wrong. Disconnects between risk assessment results and SME
beliefs are opportunities for both to improve, as is later discussed.
Note also that the conclusions of any risk assessment can be no stronger than the
inputs used. Especially when confidence in inputs is low, calibration to a judged per-
formance is warranted.

3.7.1 Verification

Especially where software is used, verification ensures that the model has been pro-
grammed correctly and is, to the extent tested, error-free (no bugs). In this review,
no confirmation of RAM calculations has been performed. Therefore, verification—
checks to ensure that intended results are produced by RAM algorithms—has not been
To ensure that all equations and point assignments are working as intended, some
tools can be developed to produce test results using random or extreme value inputs.

3.7.2 Calibration

Risk assessment should be performed on individual pipe segments due to the changes
along a pipeline route. These individual risk estimates can be combined (into ‘popu-
lations’) and compared to the known behavior of similar populations. For a variety of
reasons, discrepancies in predicted population behavior will usually exist. Calibration

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

serves to rectify the inappropriate discrepancies by adjusting the individual estimates

en masse so that credible population characteristics emerge.
The process of calibrating risk assessment results begins with establishing plausi-
ble future leak rates of populations based on relevant historical experience, adjusted for
relevance and other considerations. These rates become ‘targets’ for risk assessment
outputs, with the belief that large populations of pipeline segments, over long periods
of time, would have their overall failure estimates approach these targets. The risk
assessment model is then adjusted so that its outputs do indeed approximate the target
values for behavior of populations.
The choice of representative population is challenging. It is difficult to find a col-
lection of components similar enough to the system being assessed and with a long
enough history to make comparisons relevant. A selection of a population that is not
sufficiently representative will weaken the calibration process.
Calibration is done using both a representative population and a target level of
conservatism. Both are required as illustrated by this thought exercise. Imagine you
had god-like powers and could run experiments on real pipelines over long periods of
time. Say you chose a 70 mile pipeline operating for 50 years. You would run multi-
ple, maybe hundreds or thousands, of trials to see how the 70 mile pipeline performs
over many different 50 year lifetimes. Each trial or lifetime is influenced by random
influences of exposures, mitigations, resistance, and consequence scenarios over its 50
years in service. In some of those lifetimes, there would be no incidents, so no actual
consequences at all. Choosing these trial results as pre-presentative of future behavior
of the next trial might reflect a P10 level of conservatism. Some of your multiple trials
would result in dozens of leaks and ruptures, some producing very consequential re-
sults. Using this set of trials to represent future behavior would be choosing a P90 or
so level of conservatism.
With an appropriate comparison population, the chief goal of a calibration will
often be the removal of unwanted conservatism. As discussed, conservatism plays an
important and useful role in risk assessment for individual components. P90+ inputs
are recommended for many initial risk assessments. However, the need for estimates
as close as possible to actual risk levels is also important, especially for populations—
collections of individuals. A decision-maker gains more insight from a P50 type risk
assessment of a pipeline system than a system summary incorporating multiple P90+
inputs. The P50 estimate can become a part of company-wide strategic planning while
the P90+ estimates ensure proper attention to risk management for each component.
In a simple calibration exercise, we seek a single factor representing the amount of
conservatism included in a risk assessment’s initial P90+ estimates. This factor can be
used to reduce the conservative estimates of each component’s risk to best-estimates
of risk. The resulting collection of ‘best estimates’ should be close the representative
population’s historical risk levels.
One can track differences between P50 and P99 to see, at least partially, reduction
in uncertainty. Both P50 and P90+ have both natural variability (apparent randomness)
and uncertainty.
3 Assessing Risk

Each PXX produces a distribution. The difference between, for instance, the mid-
point of the P50 and P90+ distributions can be called the conservatism bias multiple.
Once calibrated, this component’s estimates should probably represent a range of
perhaps 0.00001 to 0.1 reportable events per mile-year, assuming that segments’ actual
PoF’s could range from about 100 times higher or lower than the US average for re-
portable incidents on natural gas pipelines.
A similar process can be performed on overall risk values or any intermediate cal-
culations. More calibration—calibrating to lower level algorithms—should produce
more confidence in the overall correlation. This essentially provides more intermediate
correlating points from which a correlation curve can be better developed.

3.7.3 Validation

Validation of a model is therefore achieved by ensuring that appropriate relationships

exist among input data and that produced outputs are representative of real-world ex-
perience. Validation seeks to authenticate or verify that the model produces risk esti-
mates that are accurate.
While pipeline industry documents do not generally detail these processes, exam-
ples of how the pipeline industry uses the term ‘validation’ are noted in PHMSA and
PRCI documents:
US Gas IMP Protocol C.04
Verify that the validation process includes a check that the risk results are
logical and consistent with the operator’s and other industry experience.
[§192.917(c) and ASME B31.8S-2004, Section 5.12] (http://primis.phmsa.

From PRCI discussing validation of a risk-based model for pipelines:

The fault tree model and basic event probabilities were validated by analyzing
a representative cross-country gas transmission pipeline and confirming that
the results are in general agreement with relevant historical information.

Validation of risk assessment is also noted in IMP documents.

ASME B31.8s
“…experience-based reviews should validate risk assessment output with other
relevant factors not included in the process, the impact of assumptions, or the
potential risk variability caused by missing or estimated data.”

As a part of the validation effort, the general relationship between model output
and reality should be examined. When new or altered theories are proposed as part of a
model, examination of those must be included in the validation process.
Theories applicable to pipeline risk assessment include:
• Metallic corrosion
• Mitigation of metallic corrosion—coatings and cathodic protection
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Stresses in a shell structure (pipe)

• Effect of wall loss on pressure-containing capability
• Pipe rupture potential
• Probability theory
• Probability distributions as applied to observed phenomena

The risk assessment methodology described in this book does not propose new
theories of failure mechanisms. It relies upon thoroughly documented models of the
above theories including widely accepted beliefs about impacts of certain factors on
certain aspects of risk, ie ‘increases in Factor X lead to increased risk ’.

3.7.4 SME Validation

Similar to the use of a benchmark for model calibration, a carefully structured inter-
view with SME’s can also identify model weaknesses (and also often be a learning
experience for SME’s). If an SME reaches a risk conclusion that is different from the
risk assessment results, a drill down into both the model and the SME’s basis of belief
should be done. Any disconnect between the two represents either a model error or an
inappropriate conclusion by the SME. Either can be readily corrected. The key is to
identify where the model and the SME first diverge in their assumptions and/or con-
An important step in validation is therefore to identify and correct ‘disconnects’
between subject matter experts’ beliefs and model outputs. This is similar to calibra-
tion discussed previously but differs in that validation should occur after calibration
has been done. In the absence of calibration of risk results, validation can still be per-
formed on intermediate calculations. For relative, scoring models, validation can only
be done in general terms, where SME’s can agree in relative changes to risk accompa-
nying certain changes in inputs.
SME concurrence with assessment outputs should be a part of model validation.
Risk assessment-identified higher – and lower-risk segments should comport with
SME-identified higher- and lower- risk segments.
SME review should include concurrence with aspects such as:
• Direction and magnitude of risk changes accompanying changes in factors and
groups of factors
• identified locations of higher- and lower-threats, considering each threat inde-
• identified locations of higher- and lower-consequences

A good objective of risk assessment should be to make the risk assessment mod-
el house the collective knowledge of the organization—anything that anyone knows
about a pipeline’s condition or environment, or any new knowledge of how risk vari-
ables actually behave and interact, can and should be captured into the analysis proto-
3 Assessing Risk

3.7.5 Predictive Capability

Implicit in the notions of validation and verification is the idea of predictive capability.
A good risk assessment always produces some estimate of failure probability. Ideal-
ly, this can forecast, to some degree of accuracy, future failures on specific pipeline
segments. Except in extreme cases, this is not a realistic expectation. A more realistic
expectation is for the assessment to forecast behavior of populations of segments rather
than individuals. A good risk assessment will, however, highlight areas where proba-
bility and consequence combinations warrant special attention.
Leak/break rate is related to estimated failure probability. In most transmission
pipelines, insufficient system-specific information exists to build a meaningful predic-
tion model solely from leak/break rate—events are so rare that any such prediction will
have very large uncertainty bounds. Distribution systems, where leaks are precursors
to “failures,” are often more viable candidates for producing predictions directly from
leak/break rates.
A leak/break rate assessment may show both time-dependent failure mechanisms
such as corrosion and fatigue and more random failure mechanisms such as third-party
damages and seismic events. The random events will normally occur at a relatively
constant rate over time for a constant set of conditions.
A leak/break rate is called a “deterioration” rate by some, but that phrase seems to
be best applied specifically to time-dependent failure mechanisms only (corrosion and
Even though they are commonly expressed as a single value, each failure proba-
bility estimate really represents an underlying distribution—all possible failure rates
with associated probability of occurrence—with an average, median, and standard de-
viation. This distribution describes the range of failure rates that would accompany any
pipeline section with a particular predicted failure rate.
Nonetheless, to test the predictive power of the risk assessment model, the incident
and inspection history in recent years could be examined. Knowing what the risk as-
sessment ‘thought’ about the risk on the day before the incident would provide insight
into the predictive power of the assessment. Given the role of probability, spot samples
from individual segments may appear to show inaccurate predictions, but that can only
be verified after sufficient data has been accumulated to compare the predicted versus
actual long term behavior of a large population.

3.7.6 Evaluating a risk assessment technique

Locating this discussion in this text was challenging. On one hand, a reader is often not
terribly interested in this aspect until he is an active practitioner. On the other hand, a
reader who has an existing risk assessment approach may need early incentivization to
investigate alternative approaches. This latter rationale has obviously determined the
issue. The early discussion has a further advantage of setting the stage—arming the

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

reader with criteria that will later determine the quality of his assessments, even as he
works his way through this text to learn about pipeline risk assessment.
In general, proving or confirming a risk assessment methodology addresses the
extent to which the underlying model represents and correctly reproduces the actual
system being modeled. Another view is that validation involves two main aspects: 1)
ensuring that the model correctly uses its inputs and 2) model produces outputs that are
useful representations of the underlying real-world processes being modeled.
Ref (EPA Risk Characterization Handbook) focuses on the need for transparency
in any risk assessment:
Transparency provides explicitness in the risk assessment process. It ensures that
any reader understands all the steps, logic, key assumptions, limitations, and decisions
in the risk assessment, and comprehends the supporting rationale that lead to the out-
come. Transparency achieves full disclosure in terms of:
a. the assessment approach employed
b. the use of assumptions and their impact on the assessment
c. the use of extrapolations and their impact on the assessment
d. the use of models vs. measurements and their impact on the assessment
e. plausible alternatives and the choices made among those alternatives
f. the impacts of one choice vs. another on the assessment
g. significant data gaps and their implications for the assessment
h. the scientific conclusions identified separately from default assumptions
and policy calls
i. the major risk conclusions and the assessor’s confidence and uncertainties
in them;
j. the relative strength of each risk assessment component and its impact
on the overall assessment (e.g., the case for the agent posing a hazard is
strong, but the overall assessment of risk is weak because the case for
exposure is weak)
Ref EPA handbook

Process transparent and the risk characterization products clear, consistent and
reasonable (TCCR). TCCR became the underlying principle for a good risk charac-
To properly support risk management, the superior risk assessment process will
have additional characteristics, including:
• QA/QC and error checking capabilities are automated
• Ability to rapidly integrate new information and refresh risk estimates
• Be able to rapidly incorporate new information on emerging threats, new mit-
igation opportunities, or any other changing aspect of risk.
• Seamless integration with other databases and legacy data systems
• Accessible, understandable to all decision-makers

3 Assessing Risk

3.7.7 Diagnostic tool—Operator Characteristic Curve

For those seeking a more structured approach to proving a risk assessment, techniques
are available. A pipeline risk assessment is really a diagnostic tool. Similar to a diag-
nostic test used by a doctor, the idea is to determine, with the least amount of cost and
patient discomfort, whether the patient has the disease or doesn’t. He knows that in
any population, a certain fraction of individuals will have the disease and most won’t.
For a diagnosis to be successful, he must correctly determine into which group to place
his patient. In making this determination, the doctor can choose a whole battery of
expensive and intrusive tests and procedures in order to have the highest confidence of
his diagnosis. On the other hand, he can choose minimal tests and accept a higher error
rate in diagnoses. The most accurate test or set of tests will minimize the rate of false
positives and false negatives. But there is a cost associated with such testing.
In the case of pipeline risk management, the manager is trying to determine which
pipeline segments and components have the ‘disease’ of higher risk among the hope-
fully many which do not. His choice of tests to help in the diagnosis goes beyond the
risk assessment itself. He can request surveys and inspections to improve the diagno-
sis, but with an expense and the potential for inefficient use of resources. The latter
occurs when expensive ‘tests’ do not add much certainty to the assessment.
Both the doctor and the risk manager will be balancing the costs of the diagnostics
and the costs of being wrong— false positives and false negatives.

3.7.8 Possible Outcomes from a Diagnosis

The tuner of a leak detection system is well aware of the false alarm phenomena. In
order to find smaller leaks, it is necessary to alarm and investigate apparent smaller
leaks that later prove to be only transient conditions. After too many false alarms, the
investigators grow weary of responding and are less attentive, thereby increasing their
error rate when an actual leak does appear. It is standard to sacrifice some leak detect-
ability in order to avoid too many nuisance alarms. A modern leak detection system
will state a probability associated with the indication, to assist the investigator, at least
in setting his response urgency.
Advanced applications of these ideas is found in signal detection theory, receiver
operating characteristic curves, artificial intelligence (machine learning), and others.
For our purposes here, it is useful to simply bear in mind the diagnostic intent behind
a risk assessment and the corresponding ability to test its diagnostic power over time.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Criterion value

Without With
disease disease


Test result

Figure 3.4 Risk assessment as a diagnostic tool; trade-offs among true positives, true nega-
tive, false positives, false negatives (TP, TN, FP, FN)

3.7.9 Risk model performance

Some sophisticated routines can be used to evaluate risk assessment outputs. For in-
stance, a Monte Carlo simulation uses random numbers as part of the assessment inputs
in order to produce distributions of all possible outputs from a set of risk algorithms.
The resulting distribution of risk estimates might help evaluate the “fairness” of the
assessment. In many cases a normal, or bell-shaped, distribution would be expect-
ed since this is a very common distribution of properties of materials and engineered
structures as well as many naturally occurring characteristics. Alternative distributions
are also common, such as those often used to represent rare events. All distributions
that emerge should be explainable. If some implausible distribution appears, further
examination may be warranted. For instance, excessive tails or gaps in the distributions
might indicate discontinuities or biases in the possible results.

3.7.10 Sensitivity analysis

The algorithms that underlie a risk assessment model must react appropriately—nei-
ther too much nor too little—to changes in any and all variables. In the absence of
reliable data, this appropriate reaction is gauged to a large extent by expert judgment
as to how the real-world risk is really impacted by a variable change.
A single variable can play a role as both risk increaser and risk reducer. A casing
protects a pipe segment from external force damage but complicates corrosion control;
in the offshore environment, water depth is a risk reducer when it makes anchoring
damage less likely. It is a risk increaser when it increases the chance for buckling. So
the same variable, water depth, is a “good” thing in one part of the model and a “bad”
thing somewhere else.
See discussion of data collection in Chapter 4 Data Management and Analyses on
page 109 for a deeper examination into types of information
3 Assessing Risk

Some variables such as pressure and population density impact both the probabili-
ty (often linked to lower resistance and higher activity levels) and consequence (larger
hazard zone and more receptor damage) sides of the risk algorithm. In these cases,
the impact is not obvious. When a variable is used in a more complex mathematical
relationship, such as those sometimes used in resistance estimates, then influences of
changes on final risk estimates will also not be apparent.
Sensitivity analyses can be utilized for evaluating effects of changing factors, as
discussed in PRMM.

• The use of weightings in a risk assessment will almost
certainly result in serious analyses errors.

3.7.11 Weightings

The use of ‘weightings’ should be a target of critical review of any risk assessment
practice. Weightings have been used in some older risk assessments to give more im-
portance to certain factors. They were usually based on a factor’s perceived importance
in the majority of historical pipeline failure scenarios. For instance, the potential for
AC induced corrosion is usually very low for many kilometers of pipeline, so assign-
ing a low numerical weighting appeared appropriate for that phenomenon. This was
intended to show that AC induced corrosion is a rare threat.
Used in this way, weightings steer risk assessment results towards pre-determined
outcomes. Implicit in this use is the assumption of a predictable distribution of future
incidents and, most often, an accompanying assumption that the future distribution
will exactly track the past distribution. This practice introduces a bias that will almost
always lead to very wrong conclusions for some pipeline segments.
The first problem with the use of weightings is finding a representative basis for
the weightings. Weightings were usually based on historical incident statistics—“20%
of pipeline failures from external corrosion”; “30% from third party damage”; etc.
These statistics were usually derived from experience with many kilometers of pipe-
lines over many years of operation. However, different sets of pipeline kilometer-years
shows different experience. Which past experience best represents the pipeline being
assessed? What about changes in maintenance, inspection, and operation over time? 
Shouldn’t those influence which data sets are most representative to future expecta-
It is difficult if not impossible to know what set of historical population behavior
best represents the future behavior of the segments undergoing the current risk assess-
ment. If weightings are based on, say, average country-wide history, the non-average
behavior of many miles of pipeline is discounted. Using national statistics means in-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

cluding many pipelines with vastly different characteristics from the system you are
If the weightings are based on a specific operator’s experience, then (hopefully)
only a very limited amount of failure data is available. Statistics using small data sets is
always problematic. Furthermore, a specific pipeline’s accident experience will prob-
ably change with the operator’s changing risk management focus. When an operator
experiences many corrosion failures, he will presumably take actions to specifically
reduce corrosion potential. Over time, a different mechanism should then become the
chief failure cause. So, the weightings would need to change periodically and would
always lag behind actual experience, therefore having no predictive contribution to
risk management.
The bigger issue with the use of weightings is the underlying assumption that the
past behavior of a large population will reliably predict the future of an individual.
Even if an assumed distribution is valid for the long term population behavior, there
will be many locations along a pipeline where the pre-set distribution is not represen-
tative of the particular mechanisms at work there. In fact, the weightings can fully
obscure the true threat. The weighted modeling of risk may fail to highlight the most
important threats when certain numerical values are kept artificially low, making them
virtually unnoticeable.
Use of weightings as a significant source of inappropriate bias in risk assessment
is readily demonstrated. One can easily envision numerous scenarios where, in some
segments, a single failure mode should dominate the risk assessment and result in a
very high probability of failure rather than only some percentage of the total.
Consider threats such as landslides, erosion, or subsidence as a class of failure
mechanisms called geohazards. An assumed distribution of all failure mechanisms will
almost certainly assign a very low weighting to this class since most pipelines are not
significantly threatened by the phenomena and, hence, incidents are rare. For example,
to match a historical record that shows 30% of pipeline incidents are caused by corro-
sion and 2% by geohazards, weightings might have been used to make corrosion point
totals 15 times higher than geohazard point totals (assuming more points means higher
risk) in an older scoring methodology.
But a geohazard phenomenon is a very localized and very significant threat for
some pipelines. It will dominate all other threats in some segments. Assigning a 2%
weighting masks the reality that, perhaps 90% of the failure probability on this seg-
ment is due to geohazards. So, while the assumed distribution may be valid on aver-
age, there will be locations along some pipelines where the pre-set distribution is very
wrong. It would not at all be representative of the dominant failure mechanism at work
there. The weightings will often completely mask the real threat at such locations.
This is a classic difficulty in moving between behaviors of statistical populations
and individual behaviors. The former is often a reliable predictor—hence the success
of the insurance actuarial analyses—but the latter is not. 
In addition to masking location-specific failure potential, use of weightings can
force only the higher weighted threats to be perceived ‘drivers’ of risk, at all points
3 Assessing Risk

along all pipelines. This is rarely realistic. Risk management can become driven solely
by the pre-set weightings rather than actual data and conditions along the pipelines.
Forcing risk assessment results to resemble a pre-determined incident history will al-
most certainly create errors.
Since weightings can obscure the real risks and interfere with risk management,
their use should be discontinued. Using actual measurements of risk factors avoids
the incentive to apply artificial weightings (see previous column on the need for mea-
surements). Therefore, migration away from older scoring or indexing approaches to a
modern risk assessment methodology will automatically avoid the misstep of weight-

• A ‘gut check’ is a reasonable and prudent aspect of

3.7.12 Diagnosing Disconnects Between Results and ‘Reality’

PRMM provides a useful discussion of types of disconnects between reality and as-
sessed results that may arise in a risk evaluation. Disconnects discussed there include
the roles of:
• Inspection results, including visual inspections
• Incident investigations, including root cause analyses
• Leak history
• Additional nuances of disconnects between assessment results and ‘reality’,
are noted here.
• Populations vs individuals disconnects

An important step in validation is to identify and correct ‘disconnects’ between

subject matter experts beliefs and model outputs. Two types of potential disconnects
should be explored. The first is comparisons of populations—the behavior of an as-
sessed collection of components (for example, a pipeline system) with a representative
population of similar components (other pipeline systems). The representative pop-
ulation will be called a benchmark for purposes here. Common benchmarks include
average incident rates for many km of pipelines over several years, often country-wide
(for example, US, Canadian, Ethiopian, etc).
The second comparison disconnect type involves a risk assessment of a component
or several components whose risk estimates do not comport with SME beliefs or other
evidence. Other evidence includes results of inspections not available prior to the risk

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

If model results are not consistent with a benchmark believed to closely represent
future performance of the system or with defensible SME beliefs, any of several things
might be happening:
• Benchmark is not representative of the assessed segments
• SME belief is flawed
• Effects of conservatism (see discussion on calibration),

When a discrepancy arises in a comparison of component- or location-specific

assessment with an SME belief or other evidence, any of several things might be hap-
• Both are correct (ie, within the range of expectations), but probability effects
make them appear contradictory
• Exposure estimates were too high or too low,
• Mitigation effectiveness was judged too high or too low,
• Resistance to failure was judged too high or too low.
• Consequences estimates were too high or low
• SME belief or contrarian evidence is flawed

The distinction between PoF and probability of damage (damage without failure)
can be useful in diagnosing where the model is not reflecting perceived reality. If dam-
ages are predicted but not occurring, then the exposure is overestimated and/or the mit-
igation is underestimated. Alternatively, consider a situation where damage potential is
modeled as being very low but an inspection (perhaps ILI) discovers certain damages.
It is often difficult to determine which estimate—exposure or mitigation—was most
contributory to the damage underestimate, but insight has been gained nonetheless.
Mitigation measures have several aspects that can be tuned. The orders of mag-
nitude range established for measuring mitigation is critical to the result, as is the
maximum benefit from each mitigation, and the currently judged effectiveness of each.
More research is becoming available and can often be used directly in judging the ef-
fectiveness of a mitigation measure.
Note that calibration might also be contributing to such disconnects. Calibrating
to a target population of pipeline segments includes ‘outliers’ in the target distribution.
So, disconnects involving very few segments may be only due to the outlier effect.
More widespread disconnects may indicate that the target population used in calibra-
tion is not representative of the pipeline segments being assessed.
A trial and error procedure might be required to balance all these aspects so the
model produces credible results for all inputs.

3.7.13 Incident Investigation

Incident investigation is both a useful input into a risk assessment and a consumer of
risk assessment results. In the former, learnings from the incident are almost always
relevant to other portions of other pipelines. In the latter, especially when responsibility
3 Assessing Risk

(blame) is to be assigned, what should have been known, via risk assessment, prior to
the incident is almost always relevant. From this, the risk management decision-mak-
ing will normally be challenged by parties having suffered damage from the incident.
Retro-fitting a risk assessment for this type of application uses the same steps as
any other risk assessment. Care must be exercised to not introduce hindsight, if the
assessment is to truly reflect what was/should-have-been known immediately prior to
the incident.
When evaluating what should have or ‘could have’ been known and what should
have (or ‘could have’) been done prior to an accident, the investigation often seeks
to determine if decision-makers acted in a reasonable and prudent manner. For more
extreme behavior, the legal concept of negligence may also be applicable and some
investigations will seek to demonstrate that.
The risk aspect of the investigation can focus on these questions by including the
1. List of evidence available prior to incident. This includes information that was
readily available to decision-makers prior to the incident. Less available infor-
mation—determining to what extents research, data collection, investigation,
etc, should have been done—is a later consideration.
2. Risk implications of this evidence. This can be demonstrated via a translation,
showing how each piece of evidence is translated into a measurement of expo-
sure, mitigation, resistance, or consequence.
3. P50 and P90+ risk assessments prior to incident, using all available infor-
mation, again, prior to incident. The assessment should model uncertainty as
increased risk, reflecting a prudent decision-making practice of erring on the
side of over-protection.
4. Decision-making context. Here, the risk report puts the assessment results into
context for the reader. This can include at least two types of context:
Relative: how did the risk of the subject segment—the failed com-
ponent—compare to other risks under the control of the risk
manager, immediately prior to the incident? Should this have
been a priority segment for the decision-makers? Did the fail-
ure mechanism that actually precipitated the event appear as a
dominant threat? Should it have, given the information avail-
able at the time?
Acceptability Criteria: immediately prior to the incident, would
the risk from this segment have been deemed ‘acceptable’ by
any common measure of risk acceptability? Even when nu-
merical criteria for ‘risk acceptability’ or ‘tolerable risk’ are
unavailable for a specific pipeline, inferred and comparative
criteria are always available. Examples are numerous and in-
• Risk criteria used in similar applications; for example,
siting of pipelines near public schools (ref CA).
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• General industrial risk criteria used in other countries;

for example, ALARP
• Land use and setback criteria suggested in some guide-
lines (ref CA Chem) and applied in some municipal-
• Risk criteria employed in other industries
• Suggested target reliability levels (ref Nessim)
Risk criteria often use fatalities as the consequence of interest. So, even if
not specified for the subject pipeline, the fact that a fatality-based risk level is
tolerable (or not) in a similar area or for a similar application, may be relevant
to the subject incident.
Care should be exercised to emphasize the probabilistic nature of a risk
assessment. A risk assessment can easily fail to highlight a threat that later
turns out to cause the next failure. But that does not mean that the assessment
is incorrect. A 1% probability event can occur before a 90% probability event,
but they may still be accurately depicted as 1% and 90% probability events,
respectively. Of course, if several events assessed at 1% each happen before
the 90% event, the assessment results should become increasingly suspect.
5. Mitigation options prior to the incident. A listing of all risk reduction oppor-
tunities available to decision-makers prior to the incident will be useful to the
analyses. The reasonableness of each should not be a consideration at this
stage—rather the focus should be on a comprehensive list.
6. Cost/benefit analyses of available mitigation prior to the incident. This address-
es reasonableness and is also captured in ALARP. While spending to prevent
consequences that are difficult to monetize (for example, fatality, threatened
and endangered species harm, etc) evokes emotionalism in decision-making,
there is nonetheless a concept of reasonableness in spending to prevent any
type of potential loss. Monetization of all types of consequence is becoming
more common. But even expressed in qualitative (non-monetized) ways, the
costs of opportunities for consequence avoidance prior to the incident, will
still be of use in the investigation.

3.7.14 Use of Inspection and Integrity Assessment Data

The first and primary use of inspection and integrity assessment data, including in-
vestigations from failures and damage incidents, is in determining resistance. This is
detailed in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts on page 17. A secondary, but also
very important use of this information is in revisiting previous assumptions used in the
risk assessment. Since this latter use permeates so many inputs into a risk assessment,
this topic is explored here in an early chapter.
When inspection does not find damages where they had been predicted by the
risk assessment, a common cause is conservatism in the risk estimates. However, one
should not discount the possibility of damages present but undetected by the inspec-
3 Assessing Risk

tion. In the case of ILI, such disconnects may warrant a re-examination of factors such
• Assumed detection capabilities to various ILI types regarding various anomaly
types and configurations
• Assumed reductions in detection capabilities to various types of ILI excur-

When an inspection detects corrosion or cracking damage, it is logical to conclude

that damage potential existed at one time and may still exist. When there is actual dam-
age, but risk assessment results do not indicate a significant potential for such damage,
then a conflict seemingly exists between the direct and the indirect evidence. Such
conflicts are discussed in Chapter 2.14 Measurements and Estimates on page 51, as
well as under Validation.
Identifying the location of the inconsistency is necessary. The conflict could reflect
an overly optimistic assessment of effectiveness of mitigation measures (coatings, CP,
etc.) or it could reflect an underestimate of the harshness of the environment. Another
possibility is that detected damages do not reflect active mechanisms but only old and
now-inactive mechanisms. For instance, replacing anode beds, increasing current out-
put from rectifiers, eliminating interferences, and re-coating are all actions that could
halt previously active external corrosion. Finally, the apparent disconnect might not be
a disconnect at all. It could simply be an actually very rare occurrence whose time had
come. Even very low probability events will occur eventually.
The degradation estimates in the risk assessment should always include the best
available inspection information. The risk assessment should preferentially use recent
direct evidence over previous assumptions, until the conflicts between the two are in-
For example, suppose that, using information available prior to an ILI, the assess-
ment concluded a low probability of subsurface corrosion because both coating and CP
were estimated to be fully effective. If the ILI recent inspection, indicates that some
external metal loss has occurred, then the subsurface corrosion assessment would be
suspect, pending an investigation. The previous assessment based on indirect evidence
should perhaps be initially overridden by the results of the ILI pending an investigation
to determine the cause of the damage—how the mitigation measures may have failed
and how the risk assessment failed to reflect that.
If the risk assessment is modified based upon un-verified ILI results, it can later be
improved with results from more detailed examinations, that is, excavation, inspection,
and verifications that anomalies are present and represent loss of resistance. If a root
cause analysis of the detected damages concludes that active corrosion is not present,
the original risk assessment may have been correct. The root cause analysis might
demonstrate that corrosion damage is old and corrosion has been mitigated and values
may have to again be revised.
A similar approach is used for integrity assessments such as pressure tests. If test
results were not predicted by the risk assessment, investigation is warranted.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Techniques to assimilate ILI and other direct inspection information into risk esti-
mates are discussed in Chapter 5 Third-Party Damage on page 131.


• While there are differences among pipeline system types,
the similarities are far more numerous.

Use the same risk assessment methodology regardless of pipeline system type or even
type of component within a system.
An underlying premise in this book is that only one risk assessment methodology
should be used, regardless of variations in system type and components within each
system (regardless as well of variations in product transported, geography, pressures,
flowrates, materials, etc). This methodology should be consistently applied. This way,
even the most diverse collection of system types, components, products transported,
geographies, etc. can be compared and managed appropriately. Even very specialized,
rare pipeline designs, such as long, encased pipe—pipe-in-pipe configurations—are
efficiently assessed by the same methodology.
The following chapters of this book discuss system-specific difference when such
differences require special consideration in the assessment. In this following para-
graphs, facility types are discussed and some general differences among pipeline sys-
tems are highlighted. Again, this does not suggest that alternate risk assessments are
required to deal with these differences. A robust risk assessment framework readily
handles all such differences.
Differing definitions of ‘failure’—a key thing being measured in the risk assess-
ment—for both integrity-focused risk assessment and service interruption risk assess-
ments, may be desirable. However, the same methodology is still efficiently applied to
all asset types, components, and risk/failure definitions.
The following definitions are offered as general discriminators of pipelines based
on their differences in service. These definitions are not universally recognized. Regu-
latory definitions are often more specific, sometimes linking definitions to stress level
or other factors. ‘Product’ generally refers to hydrocarbon products—oil and gas—but
also generally apply to water and other substances moved by pipeline.
Conceptually, pipelined product travels from a wellhead to end consumers through
a series of pipelines. These pipelines — including flowlines, gathering lines, transmis-
sion lines, distribution lines, and service lines — carry product at varying volumes,
flowrates, and pressures. Related pipeline type terminology includes the following:
• Feeder lines move products from batteries, processing facilities and storage
3 Assessing Risk

tanks to the long-distance haulers of the pipeline industry, the transmission

• Flowlines connect to a single wellhead in a producing field. Flowlines move
product from the wellhead to nearby storage tanks, transmission compressor
stations, or processing plant booster stations.
• Gathering lines collect product from multiple flowlines and move it to central-
ized points, such as processing facilities, tanks, or marine docks.
• Distribution pipelines, also known as “mains,” are the middle step between
high pressure transmission lines and low pressure service lines.
• Service pipelines connect to a meter that delivers product to individual cus-
tomers-the end users.

Many examples in this book are directed towards transmission pipelines. As typi-
cally the more regulated and higher stressed of the pipeline systems, risk management
efforts have been very focused on these systems, especially more recently. There are
many similarities between transmission and other pipeline systems, but there are also
important differences from a risk standpoint. A transmission pipeline system is normal-
ly designed to transport large volumes of product over long distances to large end-users
such as electrical power plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, and distribution systems.
The distribution system delivers received product to numerous users in towns and cit-
ies e.g., natural gas for cooking and heating or water for multiple uses is delivered to
homes and other buildings by the distribution system within a municipality. Gathering
systems typically have lower pressures and volumes than transmission, are geograph-
ically constrained, and often less regulated. The similarities between transmission and
other systems arise because a mostly sub-terrain, pressurized pipeline will experience
common threats. All pipeline systems have similar risk influences acting on their risk
profiles—changes in risk along their routes. All are vulnerable to varying degrees from
external loadings, corrosion2, fatigue, , and human error. All have consequences when
they fail. When the pipelines are in similar environments (buried versus aboveground,
urban versus rural, etc.) and have common materials (steel, polyethylene, etc.), the
similarities become even more pronounced. Similar mitigations techniques are com-
monly chosen to address similar threats.
Differences arise due to varying material types, pipe connection designs, intercon-
nectivity of components, pressure ranges, leak tolerance, and other factors. These are
considered in various aspects of a risk assessment. In this section, the focus is primarily
on the differences among steel pipelines. This focus is warranted since many newer
pipeline regulations differentiate among steel pipelines in relatively minor differences
in their use.

2 Even plastics, concrete, and specialized metals have some exposure to corrosion, in the general use of
the word.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


The wide range of materials used in pipelines is discussed in Chapter 10 Resistance

Modeling on page 279. As noted, the focus in this section is primarily on the differ-
ences among steel pipelines.
While iron pipe for other uses in the U.S. dates back to the 1830s, the use of pipe
for oil transportation started soon after the drilling of the first commercial oil well in
1859 by “Colonel” Edwin Drake in Titusville, Pennsylvania.
The first pipes were short and basic, to get oil from drill holes to nearby tanks or re-
fineries. The rapid increase in demand for a useful product, in the early case kerosene,
led to more wells and a greater need for transportation of the products to markets. Early
transport by teamster wagon, wooden pipes, and rail rapidly led to the development of
better and longer pipes and pipelines.
In the 1860s as the pipeline business grew, quality control of pipe manufacture
became a reality and the quality and type of metal for pipes improved from wrought
iron to steel.
Technology continues to make better pipes of better steel, and find better ways to
install pipe in the ground, and continually analyze its condition once it is in the ground.
At the same time, pipeline safety regulations become more complete, driven by better
understanding of materials available and better techniques to operate and maintain
They continue to play a major role in the petroleum industry providing safe, reli-
able and economical transportation. As the need for more energy increases and popu-
lation growth continues to get further away from supply centers, pipelines are needed
to continue to bring energy to you.
From the early days of wooden trenches and wooden barrels, the pipeline industry
has grown and employed the latest technology in pipeline operations and maintenance.
Today, the industry uses sophisticated controls and computer systems, advanced pipe
materials, and corrosion prevention techniques.


See listing of typical pipeline products and discussion of associated hazards in CoF,
Chapter 11 Consequence of Failure on page 349.

3 Assessing Risk


Gathering systems are normally comprised of low-capacity pipelines3—typically less

than 8 inches in diameter—that move produced fluids from ground wells to high-ca-
pacity transmission pipelines . Before leaving a hydrocarbon production field, the
product is often processed to remove excess water, gases, and sediments as required to
meet the quality specifications of transmission pipelines and the refineries they access.
Gathering pipelines are somewhat different from transmission pipelines in design,
maintenance, operations, and in the quantity and quality of the liquids they carry. His-
torically designed, built, and operated under less regulations, gathering systems often
have more leaks than transmission pipelines. They are generally lower stress systems,
often located in less populated areas so consequences are usually less than in transmis-
sion and distribution.
It is not unusual for products such as natural gas being produced and transported
through a gathering network to vary in composition from one section of pipeline to
another, according to the gas produced from each well.


Transmission pipelines are typically large-capacity pipe, usually 8 inches or more in

diameter and generally transporting fluids over long distances and at relatively high
pressures. They typically originate at one or more inlet stations, or terminals, where
custody of a product shipment is transferred from the owner (shipper) to the pipeline
operator. Accordingly, inlet stations can be access points for truck, rail, and tanker ves-
sels as well as other pipelines, including gathering lines from production areas. Along
with pumping stations, storage tanks, sampling and metering facilities can be located at
inlets to ensure that the hydrocarbons injected into the pipeline meet the quality control
requirements of the pipeline operator and intended recipients.


For purposes of this discussion, a distribution pipeline system will be considered to be

the piping network that delivers product from the transmission pipeline to (or ‘from’
in the case of sewer systems) multiple final users (i.e., the consumer) in the same geo-
graphical area. This includes the low-pressure segments that operate at pressures close
to those of the customers’ needs as well as the higher pressure segments that require
pressure regulation to control the pressure to the customer. The most common distri-

3 With notable exceptions such as the Alaska North Slope gathering system with large diameter, high
pressure systems.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

bution systems transport water, wastewater4, and natural gas, although steam, propane,
and other product systems are also in use.
An easy way to picture a distribution system is as a network or grid of mains,
service lines, and connections to customers. This grid can then be envisioned as over-
laying (or at least having a close relationship with) the other grids of streets, sewers,
electricity lines, phone lines, and other utilities.
Some operators of natural gas distribution systems have been more aggressive in
applying risk management practices, specifically addressing repair-and-replace strat-
egies for their more problematic components. These strategies incorporate many risk
assessment and risk management issues, including the use of models for prioritizing
replacements or assessing risk. Many of these concepts will also generally apply to
water, wastewater, and any other pipeline systems operating in predominantly urban
Since they are generally comprised of components of smaller volume with less
pressure-carrying requirements, a wider range of materials and appurtenance designs
have been available to distribution systems. Many systems have evolved over many
decades, with operators routinely changing from previous materials and practices in
favor of better or more economical designs.

3.13.1 Comparisons

Historical failure data offer important insights into what causes pipeline failures. Mu-
nicipal distribution systems, both water and gas, usually have much more documented
leak data available than other pipeline systems. This is due to a higher leak tolerance
in distribution systems compared to transmission and an often better (although still
historically weak in most) attention to record keeping compared to gathering systems.
System characteristic data—even the basic specifications of pipe material, size,
and exact locations—are, however, often less available compared to transmission pipe-
lines. A common complaint among most distribution system operators is the incom-
pleteness of general system data relating to material types, installation conditions, and
general performance history. This situation is changing among operators, most likely
driven by the increased availability and utility of computer systems to capture and
maintain records as well as the growing recognition of the value of such records.
The primary differences, from a risk perspective, of and among distribution pipe-
line systems include:
• Materials and components
• Pressure/stress levels
• Pipe installation techniques
• Leak tolerance.

4 Although technically a collection system, a wastewater systems shares more characteristics with
distribution than gathering systems.
3 Assessing Risk

Distribution systems also differ fundamentally from transmission systems by hav-

ing a much larger number of end-users or consumers, requiring specific equipment to
facilitate product delivery. This equipment includes branches, meters, pressure reduc-
tion facilities, etc., along with associated piping, fittings, and valves. Curb valves are
additional valves usually placed at the property line to shut off service to a building. A
distribution, gas, or water main refers to a piece of pipe that has numerous branches,
typically called service lines, that deliver the product to the final end-user. A main,
therefore, usually carries more product at higher pressure than a service line. Where re-
quired, a service regulator often controls the pressure to the customer from the service
line. In increasingly rare scenarios, customers are directly connected to long lengths
of piping that are protected by common pressure control devices, rather than custom-
er-specific control.
Although there are many overlaps, the typical operating environments of distri-
bution systems are often materially different from that of most transmission pipeline
segments. Normally located in heavily populated areas, distribution systems are gener-
ally operated at lower pressures, built from different materials, and installed under and
among other infrastructure components such as roadways, Many distribution systems
are older than most transmission lines and employ a myriad of design techniques and
materials that were popular during various time periods. They also generally require
fewer pieces of large equipment such as pumps and compressors (although water dis-
tribution systems usually require some amount of pumping). Operationally, significant
differences from transmission lines include monitoring (SCADA, computer-based leak
detection, etc.), right-of-way (ROW) control, inspection opportunities, and some as-
pects of corrosion control.
Because of the smaller pipe size and lower pressures, leak sizes are often smaller
in distribution systems compared to leaks in transmission systems; however, because
of the environment (e.g., in towns, cities, etc.), the consequences of distribution pipe
breaks can be quite severe. Also, the number of leaks seen in distribution systems is
often higher. This higher frequency is due to a number of factors that will be discussed
later in this chapter.

3.13.2 Distribution System integrity

Pipeline system integrity is often defined differently for hydrocarbon transmission ver-
sus gathering and distribution systems. In the former, leakage of any size (beyond
the microscopic, virtually undetectable amounts) is usually intolerable, so integrity
normally means “leak free.” The intolerance of even the smallest leak in a transmis-
sion pipeline is due to several factors, including economics of product transport and
potential consequences from integrity breaches in higher-stress systems. Many distri-
bution systems, on the other hand, tolerate some amount of leakage—system integrity
is considered compromised only when leakage becomes excessive.
The higher leak tolerance leads to a greater incidence of leaks in a distribution
system. These are often documented, monitored, and placed on “to be repaired” lists.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Knowledge of leaks and breaks is often the main source of system integrity knowledge.
It, rather than inspection information, is usually the first alert of systemic issues of
corrosion of steel, graphitization of cast iron, loss of joint integrity, and other signs of
system deterioration. Consequently, risk modeling in urban distribution systems has
historically been more focused on leak/break history. Coupled with the inability to
inspect many portions of an urban distribution system, this makes data collection for
leaks and breaks even more critical to those risk management programs.
Several sections of this book discuss the application of leak/break data to risk as-
sessment and risk management.
When only certain types of integrity loss are of interest, a change in definition
of ‘failure’ is in order. By simply changing from ‘loss of integrity’ to something like
‘significant loss of integrity’, the same methodology can be applied to generate a risk
assessment for the desired types of failures.


Since distribution systems typically evolve over decades of design, installation, main-
tenance, and repair practices, they typically harbor much more variety than does any
transmission system. Note that many urban distribution systems were designed in the
absence of any industry standards governing material selection, quality control, instal-
lation techniques, and other practices that are part of a modern pipeline design effort.
The value of record keeping was typically unrecognized in previous decades. This
has resulted in large information gaps, even regarding such basic information as exact
locations, material types, connector types,


The often-dynamic environment of pipeline operations offshore can make risk assess-
ment more challenging than for onshore operations. The assessment for the offshore
risks follows the same approach as the assessment for onshore facilities. These same
risk assessment concepts will also apply to pipeline crossings of all water bodies, in-
cluding rivers, lakes, and marshes.
Some additional considerations for certain risk aspects will be necessary to ac-
count for differences between the onshore and offshore pipelines. Common differences
include external forces related to bottom stability —including hydrodynamic forces
(inertia, oscillations, lateral forces, debris loadings, etc.) caused by water movements,
an often higher potential for pipe spans and/or partial support scenarios, and storm im-
plications—and activities of others (anchors shipwrecks, dropped objects, etc), avail-
ability of inspection data, , and potential consequences.
Risers, platforms, and all other portions of the offshore systems are readily evalu-
ated by this same risk assessment approach.

3 Assessing Risk


Components in ‘close proximity’ include those in facilities and shared corridors. Risk
assessments for facilities—from large and complex tank farms, pump stations, com-
pressor stations, gas processing plants, etc to simple block valves and meter sites—can
be conducted in exactly the same way as are risk assessments for simple lengths of
pipeline. Likewise, congested pipeline corridors also require no change in methodol-
ogy. There are, however, some nuances that, while readily accommodated in the sug-
gested risk assessment methodology, warrant some discussion.
Modeling of components within shared corridors and facilities present an interest-
ing interplay when assessing risks. Each component endangers its neighbors. Neigh-
boring components add to both PoF and CoF. The PoF from component #1 and com-
ponent #2 add to the PoF for their neighbor, component #3. Conversely, the CoF’s
from #1 & #2 also add to the CoF for #3. That is, if a failure in #3 damages #1 and/or
#2, then the associated losses from those neighbors’ damages are additive to the losses
arising just from #3.
The PoF aspect is often called a successive or sympathetic reaction and is dis-
cussed in Chapter 5 Third-Party Damage on page 131. The CoF aspect is discussed in
Chapter 11.7 Consequence Mitigation Measures on page 401.

3.15.1 Facilities/Stations

Note definition of facility or ‘station’ as used in this book: Facility or station refers to
one or more occurrences of, and often a collection of, equipment, piping, instrumen-
tation, and/or appurtenances at a single location, typically where at least some portion
is situated above-ground (unburied) and usually situated on property completely con-
trolled by the owner.
A facility can be as small as a single valve site—perhaps a simple, uninstrument-
ed mainline block valve, in an area covering only a few square feet. A facility can
also be as large as a combined tank farm, underground storage field, truck-, rail, and
marine-loading facilities, major pump station, electrical substation, and all associated
appurtenances, situated on a site covering many acres of land surface. In between are
all sizes of meter stations, city gate stations, pump stations, compressor stations, man-
Comparisons between and among facilities is often desirable in risk management.
Operators often want to compare risks associated with portions of pipeline with sta-
tions or parts of stations—components within stations. This might be for reasons of
general risk management, project prioritization, or to assist in design decisions such as
pipeline loops versus more pump stations.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


Pipeline systems typically have surface (above ground) facilities in addition to buried
pipe. Facilities include pump and compressor stations, tank farms, truck- rail- and ma-
rine loading appurtenances, metering and valve locations. Facilities must be included
in most decisions regarding risk management.
Groups of components within a station facility to be evaluated in a risk assessment
might include:
• Atmospheric storage tanks (AST)
• Underground storage tanks (UST)
• Sumps
• Racks (loading and unloading, truck, rail, marine)
• Additive systems
• Piping and manifolds
• Valves
• Pumps
• Compressors
• Subsurface storage caverns.

Sectioning and Summarizing Risk

For purposes of risk summarization, the contribution from each in-station section of
piping, each valve, each tank, or each transfer pump, etc. is aggregated. This allows
any number of summarizations by sub-facility type, geographic location, or other
grouping. For example, due to the potential increased hazard associated with the stor-
age of large volumes of flammable liquids, one station risk summarization may consist
of all components located in a bermed storage tank area, including tank components
(floor, walls, roof), transfer pumping components, manifolds and other piping, safety
systems, and secondary containment. This grouping would show a risk estimate re-
flecting the risks specific to that portion of the station. The risk evaluations for each
grouping can be combined for an overall station risk summary or kept independent for
comparisons with similar groupings in other stations.
In the design phase of a facility, understanding the risks of each grouping allows
more strategic placements within the facility, perhaps relative to populations, road-
ways, and other risk-influencing features.
Segmenting a component such as pump, loading arm, compressor, etc will also be
necessary, at least at a conceptual level. When a component is comprised of multiple
parts and materials, failure potential is not consistent among those parts and materials.
A tank bottom will be exposed to different failure mechanism severities compared to
sides and roofs. The pump casing has different resistance characteristics than does its
suction piping, seals, and mechanical connectors. The most rigorous risk assessment
will assess each sub-component for all possible failure mechanisms and consequences.
This is not unlike PPM where each subcomponent carries its own maintenance require-
3 Assessing Risk

ments, except that many PPM’s focus more on the failure potential than consequences
(at least consequence beyond further service interruption).
When a complex component is to be treated as a single component, compromises
are required, similar to a manual segmentation strategy on a long pipeline. In either
case, averages or worst-case subcomponents will dictate the component’s assessed val-
ues, potentially masking true risks. The loss of accuracy in a facility component will
however normally be much less than the comparable loss for long pipeline segments.
The conceptual segmentation will, for each failure mechanism, use the most vulnerable
sub-component’s characteristics to characterize the entire component. For instance, a
pump seal will often govern the leak potential for the entire pump assembly, and a me-
chanical coupling will often dictate the external force resistance for the entire assembly
(discounting instrumentation connections).

Unique Risks

While the same risk assessment methodology is appropriate for both stations/facilities
and ROW pipe, the differences must be accounted for. Examples of these differences
include the following aspects, more commonly found inside fence limits (ie, in facili-
ties, especially where some form of material processing occurs):
• Materials handling and transfer. Adds risk issues associated with loading, un-
loading, and warehousing of materials.
• Enclosed or indoor process units. Adds risk issues associated with enclosed
or partially enclosed processes since the lack of free ventilation can increase
damage potential. Consideration of effective mechanical ventilation is appro-
• Access. Ease-of-access to the process unit by emergency personnel and equip-
ment impacts consequence potential.
• Drainage and spill control. Adds risk factors for situations where large spills
could be contained around process equipment instead of being safely drained
away. Increased risk, both PoF and CoF, from sympathetic or successive reac-
tions (ie, one failure precipitates others in nearby components)

3.15.2 Corridors, Shared ROW

Pipelines are often co-located in common ROW with other pipeline, electric utility
lines, or other utilities. While the risk picture is impacted by these scenarios, the risk
assessment methodology requires no revision.
Note the similarities in risk assessment for these compared to facilities. In both
cases, a component being assessed has some incremental increase in PoF due to the
PoF from nearby components. This is normally a small fraction of the neighboring
component’s PoF since only a fraction of its Pof events can impact the assessed com-
ponents, especially when distance, earthen cover, or other barriers are involved. As an-
other similarity, the potential consequences from the assessed component are increased
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

by the potential consequences that could arise from neighboring components that fail
due to the failure of the assessed component.


4.1 Multiple Uses of Same
Information............................ 110
4.2 Surveys/maps/records............... 111
4.3 Information degradation........... 111
4.4 Terminology.............................. 112
4.4.1 Data preparation ............ 118
4.4.2 Events Table(s)................. 118
4.4.3 Look Up Tables (LUT)...... 119
4.4.4 Point events and continuous
data............................ 119
4.4.5 Data quality/uncertainty.. 120
4.5 Segmentation............................ 120
4.5.1 Segmentation Strategies... 121
4.5.2 Eliminating unnecessary
segments.................... 123
4.5.3 Auditing Support............. 124
4.5.4 Segmentation of Facilities.124
4.5.5 Segmentation for Service
Interruption Risk
Assessment................. 124
4.5.6 Sectioning/Segmentation of
Distribution Systems... 125
4.5.7 Persistence of segments... 125
4.6 Results roll-ups......................... 126
4.7 Length Influences on Risk......... 127
4.8 Assigning defaults ....................... 128
4.8.1 Quality assurance and quality
control....................... 130
4.9 Data analysis............................ 130 “Not everything that matters can be counted,
not everything that can be counted matters”
Albert Einstein

Data Management and Analyses

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Data collection, use, and management is a critical element of pipeline
risk assessment. Understanding the pipeline-specific aspects of data
management is essential to an efficient risk assessment.

See PRMM for an introduction and background to the management, collection and
sources of data. In this book, additional and pipeline-specific observations are offered.


It is usually the case that some data impact several different aspects of risk. For exam-
ple, pipe wall thickness is a factor in almost all potential failure modes: It determines
time to failure for a given corrosion rate, partly determines ability to survive external
forces, and so on. Population density is a consequence variable as well as a third-party
damage indicator (as a possible measure of potential activity). Inspection results yield
evidence regarding current pipe integrity as well as possibly active failure mechanisms.
A single detected defect can yield much information. It could change our beliefs about
coating condition, CP effectiveness, pipe strength, overall operating safety margin, and
maybe even provides new information about soil corrosivity, interference currents,
third-party activity, and so on. All of this arises from a single piece of data (evidence).
Many companies now avoid the use of casings. But casings were put in place for a
reason. The presence of a casing is a mitigation measure for external force damage po-
tential, but is often seen to increase corrosion potential. The risk model should capture
both of the risk implications from the presence of a casing.
Additional examples are shown in Table 4.1 on page 110

Table 4.1
Examples of Multiple Usages of Information
Information Application in Risk
Product corrosion, erosion, surge
AC powerlines corrosion, impacts from
falling object
ILI results resistance (degradation
mechanisms, manufacturing/
construction weaknesses,
etc), corrosion exposure,
corrosion mitigation, crack
exposure, outside force

4 Data Management and Analyses

Numerous other examples can be shown.

A great deal of information is usually available in a pipeline operation. Information
that can routinely be used to update the risk assessment includes
• All survey results such as pipe-to-soil voltage readings, leak surveys, patrols,
depth of cover, population density, etc.
• Documentation of all repairs
• Documentation of all excavations
• Operational data including pressures and flow rates
• Results of integrity assessments
• Maintenance reports
• Updated consequence information
• Updated receptor information—new housing, high occupancy buildings,
changes in population density or environmental sensitivities, etc.
• Results of root cause analyses and incident investigations
• Availability and capabilities of new technologies


Maps and records of older pipeline system components are not normally as complete
as operators would like. Many are faced with very limited information, given the past
practices of record-keeping, and are engaged in decades-long efforts to capture critical
data. Modern tools and techniques are available to support these efforts. Examples of
these along with their applications are discussed in PRMM. The role of this informa-
tion in risk assessment is multi-faceted, as is noted throughout this book.


Information often has a finite useful life span. Corrosion, for example, is time-depen-
dent, and the timing of corrosion surveys can therefore introduce uncertainty and thus
risk. The age of information should therefore be a consideration in any determination
based on inspections, surveys, or tests such as pressure testing, where the objective
is to identify presence or progression of damages. Since conditions should not be as-
sumed to be static (in a conservative risk assessment), these types of information be-
come increasingly less valuable as they age.
The best way to account for inspection/test age is to account for what might have
happened since that inspection/test. This is effectively a measure of information deg-
radation since older inspections/tests with their accompanying higher opportunity for
‘things’ to happen over the years, will automatically be less useful to the risk assess-
ment. This approach also appropriately shows where inspections/tests might not nec-
essarily need frequent refreshment. That is, where not many ‘things’ are apt to happen,

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

there is less incentive to repeat the inspection. The value of inspection/test is readily
quantified in terms of risk reduction.
Note that this is one of the two ways that age plays a role in risk assessment. The
other has to do with era of manufacture and/or construction, as discussed below.


As we get into specifics of data collection, let’s agree on some terminology that will be
useful to following discussions. Several terms might be used in manners unfamiliar to
the reader. Terminology is not consistent among all risk modelers so these definitions
are more for convenience in describing risk assessment steps here. These definitions
mostly relate to the use of a database as a data repository, as will be the case for almost
all modern risk assessments.
In common database terminology, each row of data in a table or dataset is called
a record and each column is called a field. So, each record is composed of one or
more fields of information and each field contains information related to each record.
A collection of records and fields can be called a database, a data set, or a data table.
Information will usually be collected and maintained in a database (a spreadsheet can
be a type of database). Results of risk assessments will also normally be put into a
database environment.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a commonly used programming language for
databases. SQL can be used to cull information from the database or to render informa-
tion in meaningful ways, such as applying algorithmic rules to disparate pieces of data
to create estimates of risk. Creating risk assessment processes using SQL can be very
efficient since they are readily deployed to numerous software environments.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have become an essential tool for man-
aging pipelines. They combine database functionality with geographical, or spatial,
information – maps in particular. These systems can be programmed to extract and an-
alyze spatial data according to user-defined algorithms. Typical risk applications would
be identification of pipeline intersections with roads, railroads, densely populated ar-
eas, etc. More advanced uses include modeling for flowpath or dispersion distances
and directions, surface flow resistance, soil penetration, and hazard zone calculations.
In simple terms, the GIS draws from data that has a spatial component—connected to
points on the planet. While often displayed against a map environment, the data can
also be tabulated. Most engineering data related to a pipeline will be tabulated and will
have a link to spatial data via a stationing system (see definition). The database housing
the tabulated data is not necessarily part of the GIS software—it may be only linked. A
modern GIS can interface with a variety of databases, spreadsheets, and other files that
house tabulated or spatial data. A linear representation of a pipeline is usually called a
centerline. All data about the pipeline and its surroundings are tied to the centerline via
a linear referencing system.

4 Data Management and Analyses

Using SQL or its own calculating language (sometimes called scripting language),
a GIS can be the engine for calculating risk estimates. Programming risk assessment
calculations with SQL is an option that allows the risk assessment to draw from multi-
ple data sources and be portable—moved to different database environments.
Each record in a database must have an identifier that ties it to some particular
element of the system, including facilities that are a part of that system. That is to say,
a unique system identifier is needed. This identifier, along with a beginning station and
ending station (or beginning/ending ‘measures’), uniquely identifies a specific com-
ponent or group of components on a specific pipeline system. It is important that the
identifier-stationing combination does indeed locate one and only one point on the
system. An alphanumeric identification system, perhaps related to the pipeline’s name,
geographic position, line size, or other common identifying characteristics, is some-
times used to increase the utility of the ID field.
For purposes here, stationing refer to a linear referencing system commonly used
in land surveying and in pipeline alignment drawings. It is designed to show fixed
distances from beginning points. A stationing system is designed to be unchangeable
except through the use of equations that adjust for additions or deletions of lengths.
Benefits of stationing as linear reference points are that the station values are persistent
over time. They can reference old records based on the same stationing system. The
main disadvantage is that true distances are unknown when using station values, until
all station-equation adjustments are taken into account.
The term measures is commonly used in GIS and is also a linear referencing sys-
tem. It is similar to stationing except that it represents a continuous system, free from
intermediate adjustment equations or other aspects preventing a simple calculation of
distance between two points on the pipeline. The continuous centerline distances re-
quired in risk assessment are usually based on measures. Unlike stationing, measures
are dynamic. When a pipeline is modified—ie, pieces added or removed—measures
downstream of the event will change. A GIS can readily maintain both stationing and
measures in order to retain references to legacy data sets as well as enjoy the benefits of
a centerline free from intermediate station-equation adjustments. An event is the com-
mon term for a risk variable in GIS jargon. As variables in the risk assessment, events
can be named using standardized labels. Several industry database design standards
are available. Standardization is necessary for the coherent and consistent exchange of
information with external parties such as service companies, other pipeline companies,
and regulators. Attributes is the GIS term for an event’s unique characteristics. Each
event must have and attribute assigned, even if that attribute is assigned as ‘unknown’.
Some attributes can be assigned as general defaults or as a system-wide characteris-
tic. Each event–attribute combination defines a risk characteristic for a portion of the
For example, for the event ‘population density’, an attribute, perhaps in units of
‘persons/m2’, is assigned. In some cases, there will only be specific values that would
be appropriately assigned. For the event ’pipe diameter’, the possible attributes are the

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

available pipe sizes. For the event ‘pipe coating type’, a restricted vocabulary list of
possible coating types would be the bases of the attributes assigned to the event.
The better GIS applications use a restricted vocabulary in which terms are pre-de-
fined, and only those terms may be used. This avoids variation or inconsistent labeling
of the same thing. SW for seam-weld, and not “seam weld” or “S weld,” for example.
All risk variables and their underlying sources are itemized in the data dictionary.
The data dictionary should characterize and quantify the attributes of each event. This
is the master reference document for the risk assessment, and it should identify the
person who oversees the data (the “owner) as well as all other relevant records-man-
agement details, or metadata such as current last revision date, frequency of updates,
accuracy, etc.
Additional terms relating to data preparation are discussed below. These include
events tables, LUT’s, and point data vs continuous.

4 Data Management and Analyses


Data Availability

“I don’t have enough data to quantify risk”

I hear this often and have concluded that it is actually a short hand phrase reflecting
two possible beliefs:
• I don’t understand how to use the data I do have
• I think that quantifying risk assessment means that I need large datasets of
historical event frequencies.

The truth is, you can perform a credible risk assessment even with only a very
limited amount of information. If you only know a product being transported, pres-
sure, diameter, and general location, you could make plausible estimates—very
coarse, but at least reasonable.
This reminds me of a lesson learned during a court room proceeding:

Attorney to expert witness, asking a slightly off-topic question: “Mr Expert,

how often might there be a vehicle collision at this intersection each year?”

Expert: “I have no idea. I don’t have any data for that.”

Attorney, while winking to jury: “Ok, since you have no idea, then we can
speculate that it can happen 1,000 times per year.”

Expert, surprised: “Oh no, it wouldn’t happen that often.”

Attorney: “Ah, so you DO have ‘some idea’. Ok then, let’s say it happens 500
times per year.”

Expert, beginning to see the hole he has fallen into: “Oh no, that also is way
too high.”

Attorney: “How about 100 times a year?”

Expert, now somewhat apologetic: “Well, even that is too high because . . . .”

This went on until the attorney had obtained, for the court record, the expert’s
high and low estimates, even when the expert claimed insufficient data and knowl-
edge to speculate. The attorney knew that is it a simple reasoning exercise to ‘know’
that, say 2-3 vehicle incidents every day at the same place would not be long tolerat-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ed. Even 1-2 per week would probably prompt action. This illustrates that, even in the
absence of hard data, reasoning can at least bound an estimate.
Direct reasoning is often overlooked as a source of data. When it comes to
probability and risk, we sometimes forget that we have a strong, physics-based un-
derstanding of real-world phenomena. Instead of using that understanding in our risk
estimates, we tend to simply delegate the risk problem to the statisticians. The statis-
ticians use event frequencies in their work so they base their estimates on historical
events. They tell us ‘low data’—meaning low historical event frequencies—equates to
low predictive power. True enough, especially from a statistics perspective.
But we forget that we still have the underlying physics. Physics tells us how much
metal loss can be tolerated before leak or rupture, how much voltage is needed to
halt corrosion, how much backhoe bucket force until the pipe breaks, how much
landslide a length of pipe can withstand before yielding. We can estimate the num-
bers needed to calculate these things—often with great accuracy. We don’t have to
rely on historical events to tell us how often a thing can happen. We are certainly
remiss if we ignore history—it must definitely be used in our analyses whenever it is
available. But we are also remiss if we ascribe too much relevance to the past or, at
the other extreme, claim we are helpless without that history.
Let’s discuss low data availability when we’re performing a physics-based risk
assessment. It is sometimes not apparent just how much info is readily available. Let’s
say you know something simple about the soil type—where it’s rocky and where it’s
mostly clay. Some of the risk factors that can be strongly influenced by just this sim-
ple piece of information include:
• Potential soil moisture content, impacting corrosivity estimate
• Likelihood of past coating damages during installation
• Propensity of future coating damages to occur
• Dispersion of liquid spills—infiltration vs surface flow
• Amount of potential harm to certain receptors (for example, aquifers vs sur-
face flow)
• Exposure to third party excavation damages
• Exposure to certain geotechnical phenomena (for example, subsidence,
shrink/swell, landslide, etc)

Perhaps you can think of more. The point is that you may have more information
than you first thought. In this example, a single piece of information—a simple soil
characteristic; rock vs clay—has influenced seven different risk variables.
There are many other examples of how simple knowledge of surroundings
leads to relevant and important risk information. This also emphasizes why dynamic
segmentation—the creation of a risk profile—is essential. We would not understand
changes in risk along a pipeline route if we failed to take note of changing soil condi-
tions and integrated the implications of those changes.

4 Data Management and Analyses

The second part of the “I don’t have enough data” statement emerges from beliefs
about how risk can be quantified. When the underlying belief is something like “we
can’t quantify risk because we don’t have the data”, what is often implied is that da-
tabases full of incident frequencies—how often each pipeline component has failed
by each failure mechanism—are needed before risk can be quantified. That’s simply
not correct. To quantify how often a pipeline segment will fail from a certain threat,
we don’t necessarily have to have numbers telling us how often similar pipelines have
failed in the past from that threat. This myth is often a carryover from the old—let’s
say ‘classical’—practice of QRA. That practice can be an almost purely statistical
exercise. It relies heavily on data of past events as predictors of future events, as is
standard practice in statistical analyses. While such data is helpful, it is by no means
essential to risk assessment. And when it is used, it must be used carefully. The histor-
ical numbers are often not very relevant to the future—how often do conditions and
reactions to previous incidents remain so static that this history can accurately predict
the future?
With or without comparable data from history, the best way to predict future
events is to understand and properly model the mechanisms that lead to the events.
A robust risk assessment methodology forces SME’s to make careful and informed
estimates based on their experience and judgment. With only minimal effort, a group
of SME’s, in a properly facilitated meeting, can generate credible, defensible estimates
of all manner of damage and failure potential along pipelines they know. From these
estimates reasonable risk estimates emerge, to be confirmed or updated as actual
events are tracked.

Another Aspect of Data Availability

However, let’s not dismiss the bona fide ‘absence of key information’ scenario.
It is not uncommon for an operator to have inherited a system with a genuine lack
of basic data. Perhaps a gathering or distribution system, assembled over decades,
with very poor records has been acquired. Even basic location and materials of
construction data might be missing. This is frustrating for a prudent operator wanting
to understand risk. He might also encounter resistance in moving resources towards
improving the information status.
Information acquisition can be considered risk reduction, when uncertainty is
modeled as increased risk. Therefore, a cost-benefit for the information collection
efforts can be shown. This is of use in demonstrating the value of information collec-
Here is one approach to, over time, remedy the absence-of-information situation
using risk management techniques.
First, formalize and centralize ALL available information—collect and digitize
every scrap of paper in every file cabinet and every piece of information in the minds
of all the experienced personnel and all information that becomes available in the

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

course of O&M. This means building a robust database and establishing processes to
make it’s upkeep a part of day-to-day O&M processes.
• Next, perform a risk assessment using all of this information plus conservative
defaults to fill in the knowledge gaps. This will produce risk estimates based
on both actual risk and risk driven by the conservative defaults.
• Finally, use these risk estimates to drive an information collection process.
This might require that resources be initially spent specifically on filling
knowledge gaps—conducting surveys, inspections, tests, etc solely to gain
the information that can replace the conservative defaults and thereby reduce
the ‘possible’ risks.

In this approach, the risk assessment itself identifies the most critical information
to collect. This is an efficient and defensible strategy to tackle the ‘lack of data’ issue.

4.4.1 Data preparation

Useful data can come in come in variety of different forms and formats. Some data
may be in paper only and will need to be digitized. Location data may be derived from
varying sources, such as mileposts, fixed-point measurements, or GPS. Location iden-
tifiers from alignment sheet stations may be inconsistent with linear measurements due
to the equations used to record route changes on the alignment sheets. In these cases
translation routines or some other standardization technique will need to be employed
to correlate the data for accuracy. As a rule, if alignment sheets or other legacy systems
are in place and in common use, establishing a translation that preserves the old sta-
tioning system is worthwhile. When the older systems are not in common use, they can
be replaced by newer, GPS-GIS based formats.

4.4.2 Events Table(s)

Much of the topic of data management will be subject to personal preferences. There
will usually be several ways to accomplish the same result. However, experience has
shown that one particular data collection format, often overlooked by even more ad-
vanced practitioners, has proven to be unexpectedly useful in data preparation, di-
agnostics, and risk management. This tool is referred to as an ‘events table’ in our
discussion here. See PRMM for an explanation of how an event table is constructed.
An events table is a very useful tool for diagnostics and for QA/QC, and perhaps
even for directly maintaining the data. It is often the most easily-researched source of
information regarding changes along a route. In answering the inevitable questions
of ‘what makes the risk change at location x?’, the events table is easily filtered to
show all data inputs associated with location x. While other drill downs are possible,
this is often the quickest method to determine fundamental reasons for changing risk
4 Data Management and Analyses

The events table also proves useful in summarizing the ranges of all data inputs as
well as changes to input data over time. The table can readily show, for instance, that in
the prior period’s assessment, 21 casings had been identified and now there are 23; or
previous soil corrosion estimates ranged to a high of 19.5 mpy and now the maximum
is 21.1 mpy. As part of QA/QC of input data, such changes should be understood and
defensible, so identifying them efficiently is important.
Data events should determine segmentation based on dynamic segmentation as
described later. Therefore, the events table is the input into the dynamic segmentation

4.4.3 Look Up Tables (LUT)

An assessment requires the assignment of a numerical value to each input that is to be

included in an algorithm. For example, the event ’coating type’ with attributes such
as FBE, coal tar, asphalt, tape, etc, is not usable in a calculation until some value is
assigned to each attribute type, Qualitative descriptors are often ‘translated’ into the
numbers needed. It is also useful to preserve the descriptive value of the attribute
(FBE, tape, etc). When conversions from a descriptor to a numerical value will be
routinely needed, a cross reference matrix, called a look up table (LUT) here, is a
convenient tool.
Some examples of LUT’s include:
• Assigning detection capabilities to various ILI types
• Assigning reduced detection capabilities to various types of ILI excursions
• Assigning probability of manufacturing defects to various combinations of
manufacture date and pipe mill.
• Converting a USGS landslide or flood ranking category into a event frequency

Spreadsheet and database software programs provide tools to efficiently use

LUT’s. The LUT is accessed during the calculation routines to obtain the numerical
equivalents to the qualitative terms.
As one of their benefits, LUT’s provide a simple means to preserve and maintain
the relationships between qualitative and quantitative interpretations. If changes are
needed, they can be done in the LUT and will then be used in all subsequent calcula-
tions. A revision log should be used to track changes to any LUT since alternations will
often have far-ranging implications.

4.4.4 Point events and continuous data

All data used in the risk assessment needs to have a dimension of length—a ‘from’
and ‘to’ along the pipeline. Some data will not always have this dimension. Examples
include overline surveys for soil resistivity, depth of cover, and many others, as well as
calculated values at points along the pipeline such as for pressure profile, drain down
volumes, and others. In these instances, the length dimensions will need to be added.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

‘Rules’ such as ‘half the distance between points’ or fixed lengths either side of a data
point are common ways to assign length. See detailed discussion in PRMM. See also
a related discussion on ‘eliminating unnecessary segments’, in the following section.

4.4.5 Data quality/uncertainty

Additional data preparation issues are discussed in PRMM, including:

• Creating categories of measurements
• Assigning zones of influence
• Countable events
• Spatial analyses
• Data quality/uncertainty

For a discussion of QA/QC as it applies to data collection and preparation for pipe-
line risk assessment See PRMM.
See also the general discussions of uncertainty and conservatism in assigning de-
faults in Chapter Definitions and Concepts on page 17 and throughout this book.


Since data collection and segmentation go hand-in-hand, it is appropriate to detail the

concepts of segmentation here, in the midst of the discussion on data management.
The conditions along a pipeline route are variable – the hazard potential is not
constant – and for this reason a pipeline’s risk must be evaluated by examinations of
individual components’ risks.
A mechanism is required to document the changes along a pipeline and assess
their combined impact on failure probability and consequence. Lengths of pipeline
(or other components) with similar characteristics are identified and assessed. A new
segment is created when any risk condition changes, so each pipeline segment has a set
of conditions unique from its neighbors. A segment is not necessarily unique within the
population of segments—only different from each of its neighbors.
Each segment will receive its own risk estimate, based on its conditions and char-
acteristics. Therefore, segmentation plays a critical role in risk assessment. Segmen-
tation supports the creation of profiles—a critical element of risk management, as de-
scribed in Chapter 12.2 Segmentation on page 467.
The risk evaluator must decide on a strategy for creating these sections in order
to obtain an accurate risk picture. Breaking the line into many short sections increases
the accuracy of the assessment. Longer sections, created by ignoring changes in risk,
reduce accuracy because average or worst case characteristics must be used to ap-
proximate the changing conditions within the section, rather than assessing the actual
changes within the section.

4 Data Management and Analyses

Historically, the creation of shorter segments to gain accuracy sometimes resulted

in higher costs of data collection, handling, and maintenance. This is no longer the
case. Especially with modern computing environments, a dynamic segmentation ap-
proach, as described later, is both more accurate and usually more efficient.

4.5.1 Segmentation Strategies

Segmentation is a key part of pipeline risk assessment. Three segmentation strategies

have historically been used in pipeline risk assessment: fixed-length, manual, and dy-
namic segmentation. Only the last, dynamic segmentation, is appropriate for a modern
risk assessment. The others are noted here, for perspective, but produce inappropriate
section breaks leading to often serious weaknesses in a risk assessment.
Inappropriate section break points limit the model’s usefulness and hide risk hot
spots if conditions are averaged in the section, or risks will be exaggerated if worst
case conditions are used for the entire length. It will also interfere with an otherwise
efficient ability of the risk model to identify risk mitigation projects.
If long segments are artificially created, then each pipeline segment would usual-
ly have non-uniform characteristics. For example, the pipe wall thickness, soil type,
depth of cover, and population density might all change within a segment. If the seg-
ment was evaluated as a single entity, the non-uniformity had to be eliminated. This
was typically done by using the average or worst case condition within the segment.
This obscured actual risks. This significantly weakens the assessment. As an example,
consider a 1,000 ft segment to be assessed with one 100 ft cased crossing within. Under
a older segmentation strategy, the assessment must assume either all 1,000 ft is cased
or all is uncased. Either is incorrect. The reality is that 90% of this segment is uncased
and 10% is cased and the only way to fully assess the situation is to treat the uncased
differently from the cased.

Fixed-length approach

In the first of the three historical segmentation approaches, an artifact of old risk as-
sessment practice, some predetermined length such as 1 mile or 1000ft or even 1 ft
is chosen as the length of pipeline that will be evaluated as a single entity. A new
pipeline segment will be created at these lengths regardless of the pipeline character-
istics. A fixed-length method of sectioning also included lengths based on rules such
as “between pump stations” or “between block valves”. This was a popular method in
the past and is sometimes proposed even today. While such an approach may be ini-
tially appealing (perhaps for reasons of consistency with existing accounting systems
or corporate naming conventions), it will reduce accuracy and increase costs in risk
Attempts to avoid errors inherent to this approach by using short, but still fixed,
lengths also resulted in inefficiencies, albeit less serious than inaccuracies produced
when using longer lengths. If a shorter segment length was used, then processing inef-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ficiencies resulted, with commercial software packages requiring days of continuous

processing time to perform risk estimates even for relatively few miles of pipeline. The
analyses had to deal with many unnecessary segments based on an arbitrarily chosen
short segment length selected, for example, 1 ft, while still requiring averaging or
worst-case compromises when even shorter features, such as ILI-detected anomalies,
were present.

Manually establishing sections

Another previous approach, now also outdated, involved using a pre-determined list
of criteria by which to create segments. Modern computational power has eliminated
the need to segment the pipeline manually, but a look at the process is useful in under-
standing of the need for the superior technique that has replaced it.
In a manual segmentation, the risk evaluator would choose factors that he thinks
are most impactful on risk in the pipeline system being studied and rank those items
with regard to magnitude of change and frequency of change. This ranking would be
subjective and incomplete, but it could serve as a basis for sectioning the line(s).
Sections are then divided based on their priority rank of risk factors from the top
of the list. The resulting sections may be too large, however, in which case the number
of factors on the list is reduced by eliminating some of the low-ranking factors until a
cost-effective sectioning has been completed.
See PRMM for an example manual segmentation.

Dynamic segmentation approach

The third strategy is the most robust approach while also being the most efficient. The
modern segmentation strategy, and the only really correct approach, is dynamic seg-
mentation. The idea is for each pipeline section to be unique, from a risk perspective,
from its neighbors. When any characteristic changes, a new segment is created. This
ensures that every risk variable, and only the risk variables themselves, determine seg-
ment breaks.
Since the risk variables measure unique conditions along the pipeline they can be
visualized as bands of overlapping information. Under dynamic segmentation, a new
segment is created every time any condition or characteristic changes, so each pipeline
segment has a set of conditions unique from its neighbors. The data determines the
number and location of segment breaks. The length of a segment depends on frequency
of condition change: segments where variables change frequently may be an inch or
less; segments with relatively constant conditions may be hundreds of feet in length.
Segments created with a dynamic segmentation process are iso-risk, ie, as far as
all collected data and knowledge can determine, there are no changes in risk along a
segment’s length. So, within a pipeline section, we recognize no differences in risk,
from beginning to end. Each foot of pipe is the same as any other foot, as far as we

4 Data Management and Analyses

know from our data. Should changes be later identified, then the segment should be
further subdivided.
We also know that the neighboring sections do differ in at least one risk variable. It
might be a change in pipe specification (wall thickness, diameter, etc.), soil conditions
(pH, moisture, etc.), population, or any of dozens of other risk variables, but at least
one aspect is different from section to section.
For some aspects of a risk assessment, conditions will remain constant for long
stretches, prompting no new section breaks. Aspects such as training or procedures are
generally applied uniformly across the entire pipeline system or at least within a single
operations area. Section length is not important as long as characteristics remain con-
stant. There is no reason to subdivide a 10-mile section of pipe if no real risk changes
occur within those 10 miles.
Normally, there are many real and significant changes along a pipeline route, war-
ranting many dynamic segments.
For purposes of risk assessment, dividing the pipeline into segments based on any
criteria set other than all risk variables will lead to inefficiencies in risk assessment.
Use of any segmentation strategy other than full dynamic segmentation compromises
the assessment.
A computer routine can replace a rather tedious manual method of creating seg-
ments under a dynamic segmentation strategy. Related issues such as persistence of
segments and cumulative risks are also more efficiently handled with software rou-
tines. A software program to be used in risk assessment should be evaluated for its
handling of these aspects. Modern GIS software typically has this type of functionality
built in. Alternatively, simple programming code performs this task in a variety of
software environments.

• Without dynamic segmentation, accuracy is compromised.
• Dozens to thousands of segments per kilometer should be
expected in a modern risk assessment.

4.5.2 Eliminating unnecessary segments

PRMM notes instances were data, collected at regular intervals (for example, pipe-to-
soil voltages in a close interval survey, pressure changes every 100 ft, soil resistivity
readings, depth of cover, etc), have changes that are insignificant from a risk stand-
point. Capturing every minor change as a new dynamic segment is not necessary and
leads to inefficiency. A useful ‘rule of thumb’ for when a minor change can be ignored
If an SME would not be interested in the minor difference between two mea-
surements, then the risk assessment probably also should not react to the difference.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Therefore, the data should be grouped or categorized to minimize unnecessary seg-

ment breaks.
For instance, measurements such as 0.879, 0.882, and 0.875, all fall into a cate-
gory of “0.875 to 0.885” and only values falling into categories outside of this range,
warrant a new category. This does not eliminate all unnecessary segments, since values
very close to boundaries of categories are arguably also not requiring discrimination.
Nonetheless, such ‘bucketizing’ of values can improve data processing efficiency.

4.5.3 Auditing Support

Statistics on segment length are also useful auditing tools. Long average lengths or
maximum lengths are suspicious. A pipeline in a natural environment would logically
have conditions changing regularly along its length solely from changes in its sur-
roundings—soil types, creek crossings, elevation changes, road crossings, population
density changes, etc. Additional changes due to design specifications, hydraulic pro-
file, installation specifics, and others, suggest that at least dozens of segments per kilo-
meter would be expected for most pipelines. It is not unusual for a modern assessment
to generate thousands of segments per kilometer when detailed inspection data such
as from ILI is available. A high segment count should not be worrisome. It results in
increased accuracy and normally without increased data or modeling costs. It should
also not be viewed as excessive. After all, it is actually only a few millimeters of pipe-
line component that actually fails in most incidents, sometimes a few meters, when
the failure forces are exceptional. When inspection data identifies a few millimeters of
possible weakness, such as a metal loss feature, that information should be integrated
into the risk assessment.

4.5.4 Segmentation of Facilities

Facilities also require segmentation in order to fully assess risk. Geographical or func-
tional groupings (eg, tank batteries, pump houses, manifold area, truck loading area,
injection facility, etc) are commonly used areas for aggregation of risk results. Howev-
er, individual components and even sub-components will still require risk assessments.
For example, a pump can fail in a variety of ways, involving its casing, impeller, flang-
es, shaft, and any other component. Which subcomponent failed and the manner in
which it failed may have a significant impact on the subsequent consequences of the
pump failure. A full understanding of risk requires knowledge of pump failure poten-
tial which requires at least cursory attention to the failure potential of each sub-com-
ponent of the pump.

4.5.5 Segmentation for Service Interruption Risk Assessment

When failure is defined as service interruption risk, some new dynamic segmentation
considerations appear. Consistent with all risk assessments, the data collected to assess
4 Data Management and Analyses

the risk will also inform the dynamic segmentation. However, since this expanded
definition of ‘failure’ can make the risk assessment considerably larger and more com-
plex, some segmentation shortcuts such as grouping leak/rupture PoF values, might be
appropriate. See Chapter 12 Service Interruption Risk on page 459.

4.5.6 Sectioning/Segmentation of Distribution Systems

Dynamic segmentation is the preferred approach for assessing all types of pipeline
systems including distribution systems and other networked components.
Due to sometimes weak data availability for older distribution systems, it may not be
practical to identify and assess each component of a distribution system, at least not for
an initial risk assessment. Since dynamic segmentation is based on location-specific
data, temporary alternative segmentation strategies might be needed, pending more
data availability.
As work-arounds to lack of location-specific information, screening approaches
have historically been used to focus resources on portions of the system believed more
likely to harbor higher risk. Therefore, areas with a history of leaks, materials more
prone to leaks, and areas with higher population densities often already have more
resources directed toward them.
Such screening approaches should not be considered to be complete risk assess-
ment foundations. They are based on an initial bias—the pre-determined list of per-
ceived priority risk elements—and will often miss important, but rare and non-obvious
failure and consequence potential. A detailed, location-specific risk assessment can
identify subtle interactions between many risk variables that will often point to areas
that would not have otherwise been noticed as being higher risk. High level screen-
ing approaches should be thought of as only intermediate steps, sometimes required
pending more data availability, towards the full risk assessment. Some of the possible,
interim segmentation strategies such as a non-contiguous, characteristic-based or a
geographical segmentation strategy are discussed in PRMM.

4.5.7 Persistence of segments

Under a dynamic segmentation strategy, segments are subject to change with each
change of data. This results in the best risk assessments, and does not interfere with
tracking changes in risk over time. The risk associated with any stretch of pipeline can
always be determined and compared with previous estimates. The user simply picks
the ‘from’ and ‘to’ boundaries of the section of interest and then obtains the total risk,
the total PoF, the maximum CoF, or any other aspect of interest. This involves a sum-
marization or roll up of the dynamic segments that make up the section of interest.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


• Significant error potential accompanies improper
aggregation (for example, valve-to-valve risk). Decision-
making will be flawed if results include masking of extremes
and/or insufficient consideration of non-extremes.

Having employed the modern dynamic segmentation approach (see next section),
however, any stretch of pipeline can now be represented by summary risk values. The
risk details—sometimes hundreds of segments per mile—will need to be summarized
for many risk management activities. Valve-to-valve, trap-to-trap, accounting-based
sections, and any other segmentation scheme, can be readily applied to the full risk as-
sessment results in order to produce summary values for many management purposes.
It is common practice to report risk results in terms of fixed lengths such as “per
mile” or “between valve stations,” after a dynamic segmentation protocol has been
applied. This “rolling up” of risk assessment results is necessary for summarization,
reporting, establishing risk management strategies, and perhaps linking to other ad-
ministrative systems such as accounting or geographic responsibility boundaries.
Summarizations of risks, if not done properly, can be very misleading. Many sum-
marizing strategies will mask important information. Masking occurs when the import-
ant details of a collection of numbers is hidden by a summary value that purports to
characterize that collection. Several masking scenarios are possible. One simple exam-
ple is a short section of pipe with an extraordinarily high PoF—perhaps in a landslide
zone or a location of CP interference causing corrosion. This problematic segment will
often be masked in the summation of the other segments. Viewing a single value pur-
porting to represent the risk of the entire length of pipe (collection of pipe segments)
will not reveal to the observer the presence of the extraordinarily high PoF of the short
segment unless an aggregation strategy is designed to avoid the masking.
It can be tempting to use an average risk value to summarize. This will clearly
mask higher risk portions when most portions are lower risk. Length-weighted averag-
es will also be misleading. A very short, but very risky stretch of pipe is still of concern,
but the length-weighting masks this.
For example, the risk per mile of a 10 feet long component might be much higher
than the risk per mile for any other segment. Since it is only 10 feet long, it’s contribu-
tion to overall risk is perhaps tolerable. But it is important to know that a high rate of
risk is indeed being tolerated.
It may also be tempting to employ a ‘weakest link in the chain’ analogy and sim-
ply choose the maximum risk segment to represent the risk for the entire collection of

4 Data Management and Analyses

segments. As a sole method of aggregation, this is not satisfactory strategy. Examples

of difficulties include:
Seg A max = Seg B max but Seg A has only 1% of its length showing that high
risk while Seg B has 80% of its length showing ‘high risk’.

Seg A max = Seg B max and each have the same length with the higher risk,
but the rest of Seg A is only 1% better while the rest of Seg B is 50% better
than its ‘high risk’ length.

Similar difficulties arise if averages or other summary statistics are used—masking

of extremes and/or insufficient consideration of non-extremes are both errors in anal-
yses. Simple summations of risk scores from certain older risk assessment methodolo-
gies are especially unsatisfactory since they often do not consider lengths of individual
A system of calculating cumulative risk that will avoid all masking, all under-re-
porting, and over-reporting of risk, is needed. That system is simply an aggregation of
all of the underlying segments comprising the section of interest. The aggregation is
done by simple summation when elements are additive, such as EL and frequencies,
or the application of OR gate summation when probabilities are combined, as in PoF.
See also the discussion of Cumulative Risk in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts
on page 17.


For long, linear systems like pipelines, risk is sensitive to length. When all other as-
pects are equal, a longer pipeline segment will always show higher risk than a shorter.
The total risk generated by a segment uses the actual length. That is important to
risk management decisions. However, the rate of risk—risk per unit length—is also
important to decision-makers. It is important to understand that Segment A is higher
risk than Segment B because Segment A is much longer. Subtlety different is the crit-
ical understanding that Segment B may be less risky ONLY because it is shorter, ie
Segment B actually has a higher risk-per-unit length (for example, risk per km), but its
short length makes its total risk low.
The segment with the highest risk value will often not be the same pipe segment
when reported on a unitized basis versus a length basis. The riskiest length of pipe in
the system is not necessarily the segment with the highest rate of risk, ie, risk per foot.
It may actually have very low risk per foot, but simply be longer than other segments.
For example, the risk per mile of a 10 feet long component might be much higher
than the risk per mile for any other segment. Since it is only 10 feet long, its contribu-
tion to overall risk is perhaps tolerable. But it is important to know that a high rate of
risk is indeed being tolerated. As previously noted, a very short, but very risky stretch
of pipe is still of concern, even if the length-weighting masks this.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

This is why both the segment’s risk and its risk-per-unit-length values should be
reported by the risk assessment. This is also true for all of the risk sub components
since decision-making will also eventually focus on each PoF individually. Measuring
CoF is an element of risk that is not pipe length sensitive. CoF in ‘per incident’
units (for example, $/incident, fatalities/incident, etc) makes CoF a length independent
measurement. The maximum CoF in a collection of segments (ie, a stretch of pipeline)
will be of interest since it shows the worst consequences that could occur (to a certain
PXX) in that collection. It may also be of interest to know when a system has a higher
proportion or more overall length of higher CoF values than a system with lower CoF’s
and/or less length of high CoF. In this case, a length-weighted average CoF, used to
supplement the maximum CoF, is meaningful.
This strategy can, however, be unnecessarily detailed for some assessments. If the
RA will not treat the feature differently, then its segmentation may not be warranted, as
is discussed in the next section.


Any gaps in information must be filled prior to calculating risk values. Typical gaps
could be lack of information regarding the depth of cover or coating condition on
an older pipeline. To fill the knowledge gaps, the risk assessor must select an input
that is consistent with the desired level of conservatism of the assessment. Each event
along the pipeline must have an assigned attribute – a value must be provided for the
missing data. This is often most efficiently done in two steps. In the first, values are
assigned based on SME knowledge of a specific region or system characteristics. For
example, for hurricane damages in Colorado, US can confidently be assigned very low
probabilities by SME’s. In the second phase, values are assigned in the absence of any
available SME information. For instance, until an SME is able to say that landslides
will not happen along a stretch of pipeline, then a very conservative default—perhaps
1 to 10 landslides per year for every mile of pipe—should be assigned as an exposure
in a conservative risk assessment. After all, if no SME can say such numbers are not
possible, then the assessment, especially the P90+ assessments, must assume that they
are plausible.
This two-step approach completes a hierarchy of data input into the assessment, as
shown by the following list:
1. Location-specific data measurements
2. Location-specific data estimates
3. Values assigned to general areas by SME’s
4. Conservative defaults assigned when no other info is available

These are in order of progressive uncertainty, with defaults carrying the highest
level. Defaults are the values that are to be assigned in the absence of any other in-

4 Data Management and Analyses

formation. There are implications in the choice of default values and an overall risk
assessment default philosophy should be established.
It is now possible to assign a default to all variables: pipe diameter and type of
product are examples. Here, the missing data should lead to a non-assessed segment.
All defaults should be contained in one list. This makes the process of retrieving
comparing, modifying and maintaining the default assignments simpler. Note that as-
signment of values might be governed by rules also. These rules can infer the default
from some associated information. Conditional statements (“if X is true, then Y”) are
especially useful. For example, the numerical equivalents of statements such as these
may be used to assign values when direct information is unavailable:

If (land-use type) = “residential high” then (population density) = 22


If (pipe date) < 1970 AND if (seam type) = “ERW” OR “unknown” then
(pipe manufacture) = “LF ERW”1

Other special equations by which defaults will be assigned may also be desired.
When event frequencies are to be assigned by default for events that have never
occurred, a useful exercise may be to quantify the intuitive ‘test of time’ aspect. That is,
if x miles of pipeline have existed for y number of years and the subject event has nev-
er occurred, this is useful evidence. Absent any other information, it can be assumed
that if the event were to occur now, the historical rate thus created represents a useful
predictive rate, at some PXX level of conservatism.
For example, an evaluation team wishes a quick, initial risk assessment and seeks
the frequency of land subsidence events along a pipeline. They believe that the land
above their 200 miles of pipeline in this area has never shown any indication of land
subsidence in the 20 years the pipeline has existed. Were subsidence to occur some-
where along the pipelines now, the frequency of occurrence could be estimated to be
1 event per 200 miles x 20 years = 0.0025 events/mile-year. Pending the acquisition
of better information—perhaps via soils analyses and geotechnical calculations—the
team chooses to use this value for their P70 estimate in this initial risk assessment.
Given that other threats to system integrity may have estimates that far surpass this val-
ue, it may be that additional analyses to produce a better estimate is never warranted.
The team could decide that this rough estimate alone is sufficient, unless some future
evidence emerges suggesting the need for a better evaluation. This, in itself, is another
exercise in risk management—choosing where resources are best applied.
Conservatism in assigning defaults will be appropriate in most risk assessments. A
danger in assigning non-conservative values is that they are no longer noticed by risk

1 Reference to ‘low frequency ERW pipe manufacture’, historically more problematic than most other
pipe types
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

managers. They are discovered to be non-conservative once an incident happens. At

that point, many outside parties will legitimately question the value of an assessment
that does not cause gaps in knowledge to be highlighted (ie, via use of conservatism).
Credibility will have been lost in addition to the missed opportunity to better manage
the risk.
Adhering to a practice of conservatism in defaults requires discipline. It is some-
times difficult to, for instance, use a default of 18” or 24” of cover for all portions of
a pipeline that was installed with 36” of cover just 5 years ago. However, with a real
chance that some short section has indeed lost cover, the default value reflects real
uncertainty, perhaps prompting a depth of cover survey to verify the more likely 36”
depth everywhere.


There are two ways to be wrong when assigning a default in

the absence of information:
Call it ‘good’ when its really ‘bad’
Call it ‘bad’ when its really ‘good’

The first is the more expensive of the two possible errors.

It masks the fact that something might be wrong and causes
the whole risk assessment to lose credibility when its seen to
have assumed that everything is ‘ok’. The second error prompts
investigation which, arguably may misdirect resources occa-
sionally, but reducing uncertainty is more often a valuable

4.8.1 Quality assurance and quality control

For a discussion of QA/QC as it applies to data collection and preparation for pipeline
risk assessment, see PRMM


Much has been written about analyses of numerical data, including the roles of statis-
tics and visualization tools (for example, charts and graphs). For a discussion of data
analyses opportunities specific to pipeline risk assessment and risk management, see
PRMM and also texts covering more general data analyses options.


5.1 Background.............................. 132
5.2 Assessing third-party damage
potential................................. 133
5.2.1 Pairings of Specific Exposures
with Mitigations......... 134
5.3 Exposure................................... 134
5.3.1 Estimating Exposure......... 137
5.3.2 Excavation....................... 138
5.3.3 Impacts........................... 139
5.3.4 Station Activities.............. 141
5.3.5 Successive reactions........ 141
5.3.6 Offshore Exposure........... 142
5.3.7 Other Impacts................. 143
5.4 Mitigation................................. 144
5.4.1 Minimum depth of cover.145
5.4.2 Impact Barriers................ 148
5.4.3 Protection for aboveground
facilities..................... 149
5.4.4 Line locating................... 149
5.4.5 Signs, Markers, and
condition................... 150
5.4.6 Patrol............................... 151
5.4.7 Damage Prevention / Public
Education Programs.... 153
5.4.8 Other Mitigation
Measures.................... 153 Third-party interference is the most
5.5 Resistance................................ 154
common cause of pipeline failures on


Third-party Damage
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• How to assess the damage potential and failure potential
from third party forces.

Figure 5.1 Assessing third-party damage potential: sample of data used


Much attention has been directed towards preventing third-party damages in many
industrialized countries. Nonetheless, recent experience in most countries shows that
this remains a major threat, despite often mandatory systems such as one-call systems.
The US pipeline regulator reports that third-party interference is the most common
cause of pipeline failures on land, accounting for 20 to 40 percent of failures within a
given time period as well as most of the casualties and pollution. [71]
The majority of offshore pipeline accidents are not caused by third-party damages,
but this failure mechanism seems to result in more of the deaths, injuries, damages,
and pollution [71]. Consequently, this is a critical aspect of the risk picture for offshore
facilities also.
See PRMM for a list of underlying causes of third-party damage.
A simple scratch on the pipeline can, over time, be as serious as an actual puncture,
damaging the coating, accelerating corrosion and/or cracking, and leading to eventual
5 Third-Party Damage

failure. A deep-enough scratch can set up a stress concentration area that at some future
point could cause failure from fatigue or a combination of fatigue and corrosion-in-
duced cracking.
While a pipeline operator understands the dangers posed by any interference, some
contractors and the general public may not. Communication with any and all parties
who may need to excavate will increase safety. Hence, the mitigative benefits of public


Third-party damage, as the term is used here, refers to any accidental damage done
to a component as a result of activities of personnel not directly associated with the
pipeline (ie, not as employees or contractors). This failure mechanism is also some-
times called outside force, mechanical damage, or external force, but those descrip-
tions would presumably include damaging earth movements, water impingement, and
others. Third-party damage is chosen as the descriptor here to focus the analyses more1
on damage caused by people not associated with the pipeline. Potential earth move-
ment damage and impacts not directly related to human action (but often indirectly
related) are addressed elsewhere in the assessment. Intentional damages are covered in
the sabotage assessment.
Accidental damages done by pipeline personnel—first- and second-party damag-
es, not third parties—could be covered either here or alternatively in the incorrect op-
erations assessment. Including first- and second-party impact potential here, rather in
human error event estimation is usually more intuitive. Since mitigations are often the
same for many excavation and vehicle impact exposures, regardless of who is atop the
equipment. This is often important for facilities/stations where third party activities are
improbable but first- and second-party activity levels are generally higher.
Accidental damage includes impacts on unburied components. The argument can
be made that aboveground components enjoy the benefit of being visible, thereby
avoiding damages (reducing risk2) caused by not knowing exactly where the pipeline is
(as is the case for buried sections) and having less threat from corrosion. The opposite
would be true for an above ground component in an environment with higher impact

1 But not exclusively. It may be more efficient to include, for instance falling trees along with falling
utility poles in the same part of the risk assessment, as well as dropped tools and toppled equipment
caused by first and second parties.

2 However, Ref 67 reports that, due mainly to the greater chance of impact and increased exposure to
the elements, equipment located above ground has a risk of failure approximately 100 times greater
than for facilities underground [67]. This will, of course, be situation specific.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

damage threats and less corrosive soil environment (ie, this threat trade-off results in
an increased risk).

5.2.1 Pairings of Specific Exposures with Mitigations

Although an often-justifiable short cut in risk modeling is to collect many types of ex-
posures and pair them with a single collection of mitigations, it is more correct to pair
specific exposures with pertinent mitigations. Where differing exposure-specific miti-
gations are employed and/or where mitigations have varying effectiveness depending
on the type of exposure, pairings of specific exposures with pertinent mitigations will
be essential, as previously noted.
For example, the following exposures are often paired with customized mitiga-
tions to better reflect real-world threats:
• Excavation—agriculture; treated differently from other types of excavation,
ie, shallower but more frequent exposure events from agricultural activities.
• Excavation—construction; often characterized by deeper, infrequent events
• Impacts—vehicles; impacts are different forces than excavation damages in
many key aspects; vehicle impact is different from falling objects
• Impacts—falling objects; discrimination among types of objects—trees, build-
ings, anchors, etc—is often appropriate

The mitigative benefit of depth of cover, public education, barriers, and others is
different for each of these. Other pairings may be equally appropriate. For instance,
drilling and boring excavations are materially different from many other types of ex-
cavation and may warrant independent treatment in the risk assessment. See further
discussion under mitigation.


In measuring or estimating third party damage exposure, it is important to first list all
potential damaging activities and events that could occur at the subject location. Then,
numerical frequency-of occurrence values should be assigned to each event. Pre-dis-
missal of threats should be avoided—the risk assessment will show, via low PoF val-
ues, where threats are insignificant. It will also serve as documentation that all threats
are considered. A frequency of zero or nearly zero can be assigned to extremely remote
exposures. For instance, the exposure from falling trees where no trees are present, is
obviously zero. Recording this ‘zero’ value demonstrates completeness in assessing
The exposure level will often change over time, but is usually relatively unchange-
able by the pipeline operator. Relocation is often the only means for the pipeline oper-
ator to change this exposure, and even then, relocation may not result in a permanent
reduction in exposure.
5 Third-Party Damage

Recall that all exposures are evaluated in the absence of mitigation. This is import-
ant since it adds clarity and completeness to the assessment. For example, the unmiti-
gated exposure from falling trees might be estimated to be on the order of several times
per year—perhaps coinciding with severe storm—wind, ice, flood, etc— frequency.
It is only after adding mitigation—notably depth of cover—that the threat appears as
small as most intuitively believe it is. Failure to separate the exposure from the miti-
gation risks an inappropriate dismissal of a threat, especially if conditions change, for
example, the pipeline is re-located to an above-ground location under large trees.
It is important to maintain a discipline of assessing exposure separately from mit-
igation and resistance, avoiding any temptation to short-cut the assessment to a per-
ceived outcome that may not adequately reflect true risk. The ‘unprotected beverage
can’ analogy puts the proper perspective to the exercise of producing the exposure
Recall also the discussion of mitigation by others. If additional speed control is
initiated on a roadway, that action is better modeled as a reduction in exposure or
rather than an addition to mitigation. It is generally more efficient in a risk assessment
to establish a protocol whereby mitigative actions taken by the pipeline owner are
modeled as mitigation while mitigative actions taken by others are modeled as reduced
Recall the early (see Chapter 2.8.12 Nuances of Exposure, Mitigation, Resistance
on page 38) discussion of nuances of exposure, mitigation, and resistance estima-
tion. Potential damages to the load-carrying capability of the component are exposures
while damages to coatings are modeled as reductions in corrosion mitigation. Recall
also that an exposure is defined as an event which, in the absence of any mitigation, can
reduce the load-carrying capacity. Under this definition, even a minor scratch or gouge
is damage since, if a stress concentrator arises, the ability of the component to carry
long term fatigue loadings may be reduced. An exposure, therefore, is an activity that
when unmitigated would result in a damage that causes a reduction in load-carrying
capacity—both immediate and long-term—of the component.
Implicit in a risk assessment is the concept of ‘area of opportunity’. Third-party
damage potential increases as the area of opportunity for accidental contact increases.
The area of opportunity is strongly affected by the level of activity near the pipeline.
More activity near a component logically increases the opportunity for a strike. The
lowest exposure is associated with scenarios where there is virtually no chance of any
digging or other harmful third-party activities near the line.
Population density is therefore typically a consideration in the risk assessment.
More people in an area generally means more activity: fence building, gardening, wa-
ter well construction, ditch digging or clearing, wall building, shed construction, land-
scaping, pool installations, etc. Many of these activities could disturb a buried pipeline.
The disturbance could be so minor as to go unreported by the offending party. As
already mentioned, such unreported disturbances as coating damage or a scratch in the
pipe wall are often the initiating condition for a pipeline failure sometime in the future.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

An area that is being developed or is experiencing a growth phase will often re-
quire frequent construction activities. These may include soil investigation borings,
foundation construction, installation of buried utilities (telephone, water, sewer, elec-
tricity, natural gas), and a host of other potentially damaging activities. Planned or
observed development is therefore a good indicator of increased activity levels. Local
community land development or planning agencies might provide useful information
to forecast such activity.
Excavation damage potential includes horizontal drilling/boring operations. Di-
rectional boring is not always sensitive to pipeline contacts--it is possible for a bor-
ing equipment operator to hit a facility without being aware of the hit. The drill bits,
designed to go through rock, may experience little change in resistance when going
through plastic pipe or cable and can cause much damage to steel pipelines. These
are unique forms of excavation with different damage potentials compared to surface
excavation. Some mitigation measures may also have differing effectiveness on this
type of excavation—for example, marking/locating accuracy requirements, benefits
of signs/markers, etc. there may also be other unique exposure aspects. For example,
with no visibility from the surface, there will typically be fewer opportunities for a last
minute intervention.
The presence of other buried utilities logically leads to more frequent digging ac-
tivity as these systems are, maintained, inspected, and repaired. This increased expo-
sure is perhaps partially offset by a presumption that utility workers are better versed
in potential excavation damages than are some other industry excavators. If considered
credible evidence of increased risk, the density of nearby buried utilities can be used as
another variable in judging the activity level.
A high activity level nearby normally accompanies a distribution system. Often
though, a more experienced group of excavators works near these systems, sometimes
to the exclusion of ‘amateurs’. Consider excavators working in densely populated or
commercialized urban areas. These excavators are owners of or contractors to other
utilities, have more experience working around buried utilities, expect to encounter
more buried utilities, are often working under strict procedures and permitting systems,
and are more likely to ensure that owners are notified of the activity (usually through
a one-call system). Consistent use of a one-call system by local contractors can be an
indication of informed excavators. Nonetheless, errors are possible. It is still often
advisable to conservatively assume that more activity near a pipeline offers more op-
portunity for unintentional damage to a pipeline.
Other considerations include nearby rail systems and high volumes of nearby traf-
fic, especially where heavy vehicles such as trucks or trains are prevalent or speeds are
high. Aircraft traffic should also be included. Aboveground facilities and even buried
components are at risk because a vehicle impact can have tremendous destructive-en-
ergy potential.
Offshore facilities, including those under streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc, are
often exposed to damage potential from anchoring, fishing, and dredging activities,
along with dropped objects. New water-crossing pipeline installations by open-cut or
5 Third-Party Damage

directional-drill methods may also pose a threat to existing facilities. Offshore dredg-
ing, shoreline fortifications, dock and harbor constructions and perhaps even offshore
exploration/production drilling activities may also be a consideration. Debris move-
ment along sea bottoms involving man-made objects, from normal current flows and
especially during offshore storms have also damaged components.
Also important to some assessments is the potential for sympathetic reactions—
failures in a nearby component creating forces sufficient to damage the subject com-
ponent. Shared pipeline ROW’s and many above-ground facilities harbor such threats.

5.3.1 Estimating Exposure

Quantifications of exposure can be done very simply or, alternatively, with a high level
of associated research and calculation. When direct measurement of exposure rates are
unavailable or when plausible exposure levels are not deemed significant enough to
warrant the research, simple reasoning exercises can be used to assign values.
Exposure estimates involve predicting future events. Indicators of past activity can
inform estimates of future exposures but with varying degrees of relevance, sometimes
to the point of being a contrarian indicator. Consider a high historical frequency of
vehicle ‘leaving the roadway’ type incidents. An abnormally high frequency will often
prompt actions such as reduced speed limits or installation of barriers to reduce the ex-
posure. During construction of a new residential area, activities will be high. But once
established, activity levels in the new neighborhood may fall to below-average levels.
In both examples, the high past rate portends a decreased future rate.
Nonetheless, historic rates are normally good starting points from which to quanti-
fy location-specific exposures. Even with questionable direct relevance, at least under-
standing the range of values that have occurred elsewhere is useful.
Various commonly-available records show past exposure levels. These records
may come from public data sources, direct observation by pipeline personnel, patrols
by air or ground, incident records, and telephone reports by the public or by other
construction companies. The one-call systems (these are discussed in a later section),
where they are being used, provide an excellent database for assessing the past level
of excavation activity. Roadway and railway owners, as well as government agencies,
typically keep records of vehicle incidents. Aircraft and marine vessel incident rates
are also commonly available.
Note however, that all such measures of activities are only a lagging indicator; that
is, they may show where past activity has occurred but not necessarily be indicative
of future activity. Current and past activity are very relevant to estimates of where
damages may have already occurred. Perhaps one of the best indicators of the defect
introduction rate—for coatings and pipe wall—is the frequency of excavation activity
reports. This is considered in the PoF assessment aspects such as coating effectiveness
and resistance. For third party damage exposure, used to predict future failure poten-
tial, past and current activity levels may be less relevant as indicators of future activity.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Advance notice of pending excavation activity is especially useful for predicting

exposures. Regulatory permitting for land development indicating the impending use
of the area—development in progress or planned—is a potential source of informa-
tion on longer term activity levels. Evidence of more immediate activities arise from
pre-excavation indications such as survey markings.

5.3.2 Excavation

The quantification of the risk exposure from excavation damage requires an estimate of
the number of potential excavations that present a chance for damage. Excavation oc-
curs frequently in the United States. The excavation notification system in some states
record hundreds of thousands of calls per month and millions of excavation markings
per year, averaging of thousands per day in some areas [64].
As noted in PRMM, it is estimated that gas pipelines in the US are accidentally
struck at the rate of 5 hits per every 1,000 one-call notifications.

Figure 5.2 Potential Excavator Damages

An examination of historical excavation damage accidents supports the hypothesis

that a higher population density means more accident potential.
In 1995 the Gas Research Institute (GRI), now known as the Gas Technology Insti-
tute (GTI), conducted a useful study on excavation risk-exposure for the gas industry.
Results showed rates of 58 third party strikes per 1,000 miles of all types of pipelines,
with transmission pipelines receiving only 5.5 hits per 1,000 miles and distribution
lines suffering 71 hits per 1,000 miles [64]. Such data from studies such as this can be
used as inputs to exposure estimates. See PRMM and reference [64] for a summary on
Ref (CSA) cites excavation rate values of 0.076 per km/year for agricultural areas
and 0.52 per km-year in commercial and industrial areas. With ‘typical prevention
measures’, these rates were thought to lead to hit rates of between 0.004 per km year
for undeveloped areas and 0.05 per km-yr for developed areas. This reference also
5 Third-Party Damage

notes that 75% of the excavation impacts are by backhoes which are too small to cause
‘serious damage’ to the larger diameters typical of transmission pipelines. If the risk
assessor concludes relevance to the components being evaluated, then this information
can be useful in estimating exposure rates, mitigation (for example, see discussions
on depth of cover benefit and patrol effectiveness based on excavation evidence), and
Even in fairly short distances, exposure rates can vary widely. Indicators such as
new construction, repeated work on nearby facilities, anchoring and dredging areas
offshore, etc can be very location-specific. Higher exposure rates (perhaps on the
order of 0.1 to over 100 events/year at certain locations) and lower exposure rates
(perhaps less than 0.01 events per mile year) may be associated with common indica-
tors of exposure level. A more complete listing of such indicators is found in PRMM.

5.3.3 Impacts

General categories of impacts include those from vehicles and falling objects, as dis-
cussed below.


Type and speed of vehicles are determinants of damage potential. Various traffic im-
pact scenarios are possible for many components. Considerations include moving ob-
ject congestion, frequency, duration, direction, mass, speed, and distance to facilities.
The impact potential is often informed by historical accident frequency, severity and
damage caused by cars, trucks, rail cars, offshore vessels, and/or plane incidents.
Vehicle impact potential can be assessed by considering categories of ‘momen-
tum’, where momentum is defined in the classic physics sense of vehicle speed multi-
plied by vehicle mass (weight). High speed, lightweight vehicles can cause damages
comparable to low speed, heavy vehicles. Momentum exposures can be assessed in
a quantitative way by estimating the frequency of occurrence around the component
being assessed. For example, a high frequency of light aircraft at a small airport might
be two or three planes per hour, whereas a high frequency for heavy trucks on a busy
highway might be hundreds per hour. For each type of vehicle, the frequency can be
combined with the momentum to yield an exposure estimate. Where the potential for
more than one type of vehicle impact exists (and mitigations for each are equivalent),
the frequencies are additive.
Most roadways in most Western countries will have occasional vehicle excursions
but high incident rates at specific locations will not long be tolerated. A section of
road that experiences numerous vehicle excursions every week will normally prompt
action. Safeguards such as speed control and barriers will be employed by roadway
owners and/or owners of exposed facilities to control the rate. This informs estimates
of exposure since rates of, for instance, 100 incidents per week at a single road loca-
tion, would not seem plausible.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The type of vehicular traffic, the frequency, and the speed of those vehicles deter-
mine the level of exposure. Vehicle movements inside and near aboveground facilities
should be especially considered, including
• Aircraft
• Trucks
• Rail traffic
• Marine traffic
• Passenger vehicles
• Maintenance vehicles (lawn mowers, etc.).

The potential damages caused by various vehicle impact scenarios can be chal-
lenging to estimate without detailed calculations of many combinations of component
characteristics and impact specifics. This is further discussed in resistance, Chapter 5.5
Resistance on page 154.

Falling Objects

Objects dropped or falling from heights above the component being assessed are a
potential source of damage. The potential for toppled structures nearby should also
be included in the assessment. Falling trees, buildings, walls, utility poles, aircraft,
meteors, cranes, tools, pipe racks, etc are often overlooked in a risk assessment. This
is an understandable result of discounting such threats via an assumption that a buried
component is virtually immune from such damage. While this is normally an appropri-
ate assumption, the risk assessment errs when such threat dismissal occurs without due
process. The independent evaluation of exposure and mitigation ensures that, should
depth of cover condition change, ie, the component is relocated above grade; or a
particular falling object indeed can penetrate to the buried pipeline; are not lost to the
Many of these exposures can be tied to weather phenomena such as windstorm
and ice loadings. Therefore, exposure estimates can be tied to location-specific data on
recurrence intervals of such phenomena. For instance, most locations along the Gulf
of Mexico have hurricane recurrence intervals of around once every 25 years. This
suggests a hurricane-induced wind storm event frequency of 1/25 per year, with per-
haps only a fraction of those events actually generating wind-borne debris loadings of
sufficient magnitude and direction to potentially cause damage to the component being
assessed. These loadings could alternatively be considered in the Geohazard portion of
the PoF assessment.
Similarly, aircraft crash rates are well documented and even meteorite strike rates
have been approximated.
Objects can be dropped from some surface activity (construction, fishing, platform
operations, mooring close to platforms, cargo shipping, pleasure boating, etc.) can en-
danger submerged facilities.

5 Third-Party Damage

The risk of subsea equipment being damaged by dropped objects can be assessed
and used to ensure that proper levels of physical protection are provided in the design
phase. Drops per lift, based on UK offshore historical data, suggest rates ranging
from 10-5 to 10-7. Coupled with lift frequencies ranging from 10^4 to 10^8 per year,
results in ranges of historical exposure rates, possibly appropriate for an offshore
segment being assessed. These general rates can be made more scenario specific with
knowledge of equipment types, loads being lifted, and many other factors.
In offshore scenarios, dropped objects may travel large horizontal distances
before reaching sea bottom. This is dependent upon currents and depth and can be
included in the probability that a dropped object from a certain location will strike the
component being assessed. A buffer distance around fixed sources such as platforms
can provide a zone within which components are threatened from that source. Sim-
ilarly, for moving sources such as vessels and aircraft, an additional probability of
proximity can be added to the assessment.
Damage potential is related to energy imparted which in turn is related to object
weight, height, and the acceleration of gravity. For subsea installations, the object
terminal velocity as it travels through the water will determine the energy imparted.
This is a function of the object’s weight, shape, water displacement, and resistance to
flow, or drag.

5.3.4 Station Activities

Surface facilities will often have different types and frequencies of activities com-
pared to ROW segments. The frequency and duration of normal vehicle movements,
in-station excavations, facility modifications, and visitor traffic is usually warranted.
Controlled access, third-party facilities present, and continuous work inspection are
considerations. While damage caused by employees of the pipeline owner/operator is
not technically third-party damage, all such station activities may be more efficiently
addressed as part of excavations and impacts assessment.
For surface facilities, there is often need for additional emphasis on internal traffic,
including loading operations involving trucks, rail, marine vehicles as well as the po-
tential for successive reactions.

5.3.5 Successive reactions

The potential for successive reactions warrants more discussion. A successive, or sym-
pathetic, reaction is the damage caused to one part of a facility by a nearby event (for
example, rupture, fire, explosion, etc) on another part of the facility. Accidental rup-
ture and explosion of a vessel containing combustible material can cause heat and/or
projectile damage to a other parts of the facility or to neighboring facilities. Debris,
projectiles, and impulse loadings from nearby explosions are readily apparent potential
causes of damage. More subtle damage scenarios include neighboring pipelines, even
when both the assessed and the neighbor components are buried.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 5.3 Successive or Sympathetic Failures

Segments that are susceptible to such secondary effects will show a higher risk,
even if only a very minor increase. Because this event depends on the occurrence of
another, the level of exposure for this kind of external force is low. The probability of
the initial event is normally low and the successive reaction event should usually be
very low.
The damage potential is a function of what is being transported or stored, and the
volume and pressure. The potential can be quantified by calculating or estimating the
thermal and/or overpressure effects from failure of a neighboring component.
Factors such as barriers, shielding and distance reduce the threat, and estimated1
exposure or mitigation values should reflect this.
Ideally, the likelihood of failure of the causal event is based on its own complete
PoF assessment. This additional assessment might not be possible if the causal event
can occur from a neighboring facility that is not under company control. If so, an esti-
mate, perhaps based on generic component information (for example, average natural
gas transmission pipeline failure rates), consistent with the PXX level specified, is

5.3.6 Offshore Exposure

Anchoring, fishing equipment impacts, shipwrecks, platform sinkings, debris transport

by moving waters, shoreline constructions, dredging are some external forces unique
to the offshore environment. Vortex shedding and loadings due to moving waters are
aspects of risk captured elsewhere in the assessment (ie, as contributors to cracking

5 Third-Party Damage

Figure 5.4 Anchor Damage Potential

As with an onshore assessment, in an offshore third-party damage exposure esti-

mate, the evaluator assesses the probability of potentially damaging activities occur-
ring near the pipeline. A complete list of plausible activities will be necessary for a full
assessment. Higher activity logically increases the exposure. Each exposure should be
assigned an exposure rate: events per mile-year, for example. Where exposure levels
are higher or multiple exposures co-exist, PoF increases.

Table 5.1
Sample of Exposure Assignments to Offshore Component torn page
P95 Exposure
Exposure Rate (events per Comments
Storm debris movement1 0.02 1/10 x severe storm
Anchor drag 0.1 Based on ship traffic
Anchor drop 0.02 Based on ship traffic
Foreign pipeline construction 0.05
Dropped object from vessel
Ship wreck (sinking)
Dropped object from platform

5.3.7 Other Impacts

Detonations, including subsurface detonations from seismograph, mining, or construc-

tion, can damage pipeline components and should be included in exposure estimates.
See PRMM for more information.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Damage from wildlife is not uncommon in some areas. Large animals can dam-
age coatings and instrumentation and sometimes even directly threaten the integrity
of pressurized components. Even birds and insects can cause damage that eventually
contributes to a failure.
External impacts related to geohazard events with little to no man-made materials
involved—landslides, rock falls, sea bottom movements, etc.—are normally consid-
ered in the Geohazard assessment.


Given the prevalence of accidental third party damage potential, pipeline operators
usually take significant steps to reduce the possibility of damage to their facilities by
others. The extent to which mitigation is effective is related to how many damage inci-
dents are avoided. Avoidance of damage in turn depends on how readily the system can
be damaged by an event and how often the potentially damaging event occurs.
Continuing the earlier discussion, specific pairings of exposure with mitigation
effectiveness is part of a more robust assessment. This recognizes that the same mit-
igation will often have different effectiveness on different exposure types. Examples
• 1 foot depth of cover is generally more protective against agricultural equip-
ment damage than against excavation equipment damage
• Depth of cover may have little mitigative benefit against subsurface boring
• Patrol is more effective against exposure scenarios that are slower to manifest,
such as cross country pipeline construction and residential developments.

Some assumptions commonly used in assessing mitigation effectiveness for this

threat include the following:
One-call effectiveness is generally an AND gate between sub-variables such as
system type, notification requirement, and response. The AND gate is applicable since
all sub-variables together represent the effectiveness of the mitigation. If any single
aspect is deficient, then the overall effectiveness is suspect.
• The mitigation of patrol is normally an AND gate between patrol type and
frequency. Patrol type implies an effectiveness and includes combinations of
different types—ground-air, for example. But regardless of the effectiveness
of the each patrol, if not done at sufficient time intervals, overall mitigation
effectiveness is suspect.
• External damage protection is typically an OR gate between cover, warning
mesh/tape, exterior protection since each measure can act independently to
reduce the chance of damage.
• Casing is a mitigation as it is something added to a pipeline system. For risk
assessment purposes, slabs, casings, and even concrete coatings are consid-
5 Third-Party Damage

ered to be distinct from the component and therefore best treated as mitigation
measures. Under this view, the component is not damaged when only the pro-
tection against another threat is damaged. Some loss of mitigation may have
occurred, but not direct damage to the component.

Component wall thickness or strength, even when ‘excessive’, is not a mitiga-

tion. It does not prevent damage. If the wall thickness/strength is greater than what
is required for anticipated pressures and external loadings, the ‘extra’ is available to
provide additional protection against failure from external damage or corrosion. Me-
chanical protection that may be available from extra pipe wall material or strength is
accounted for in Chapter 10.4.3 Effective Wall Thickness Concept on page 319.

5.4.1 Minimum depth of cover

The minimum depth of cover is the amount of earth, or equivalent protection, over the
pipeline that serves to prevent damage to a buried component from third-party activi-
ties and impacts. In general, deeper and stronger cover —more resistant to penetration,
ie rock or pavement versus sand—provides greater protection. Interestingly, protection
does not really begin with the first amount of cover. A small amount of cover, enough
to conceal the component but not enough to protect the line from even shallow earth
moving equipment can increase risk beyond what a ‘no cover’ scenario would present.
A relationship between cover depth and mitigation effectiveness will be needed.
This relationship is most robustly established by obtaining an accurate distribution of
types of equipment potentially active in the area and then considering potential reaches
and forces from such equipment.
It is often appropriate to employ different relationships for different classes of
equipment and practice. For instance, as previously noted, agricultural equipment will
often not penetrate the ground to the same extent that many construction excavations
will. In this case, more mitigation effectiveness is achieved sooner—at shallower
depths—when potential damages from agricultural excavations are assessed.
It may also be appropriate to apply different factors or different relationships be-
tween depth (and equivalences) and mitigation benefit for impacts not related to exca-
vations. Two feet of cover prevents damage from falling telephone poles more reliably
than from train derailments. The robust solution is to estimate distributions of possible
forces from potential impact events and calculate the fraction of those events that are
nullified by various mitigation measures. Some studies are available to assist in the de-
termination of an appropriate relationship between depth and mitigation effectiveness.
Research from similar pipeline environments can also be useful.
In the absence of more definitive research, an appropriate relationship can be the-
orized by rationalizing changes in effectiveness when depth of cover changes, consid-
ering the types of excavation practice involved. From such rationalizations, equations
can be posited and employed in the risk assessment.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

A schedule or simple formula can then be posited to assign mitigation effective-

ness based on cover. For instance,

12in. of cover = 10% mitigation effectiveness

36in. of cover = 65% mitigation effectiveness

A sample relationship, showing increasing depth indicating a safer condition, with

exponentially increasing protection as depth increases, is as follows:

Effectiveness = 1 – exp(-[amount of cover in inches] x [factor]

Where the factor chosen reflects the assessment designer’s view of the rate of
change in the effectiveness variable as the depth variable changes.
agricultural equipment excavaon equipment
% Mit Eff

depth cover

Figure 5.5 Conceptual Relationships Between Depth of Cover and Mitigation Effectiveness

Mitigation credit should also be given for comparable means of protecting the line
from mechanical damage including slabs, casings, roadway pavements, etc. Cover for
a distribution system often includes pavement materials such as concrete and asphalt
as well as sub-base materials such as crushed stone and compacted earth. These are
more difficult materials to penetrate and offer more protection for a buried pipeline.
Additionally, most municipalities own rights of way and control excavations on public
property, especially when penetrating pavements. This control suggests reduced third
party damage exposure to a pipeline buried beneath a roadway, sidewalk, etc.
Casing pipe was historically installed to carry anticipated external loads and to
protect road and railroad structures from damage if releases occur. A casing pipe is
merely a pipe larger in diameter than the carrier pipe whose purpose is to protect the
carrier pipe from external loads (see Figure 4.2). Casing pipe can cause difficulties in
corrosion control as is discussed later. When the casing carries the external load and
protects the section being evaluated from outside forces, it acts as a mitigation.

5 Third-Party Damage

A robust assessment will determine the benefits of these barriers and access control
by quantifying the reduction in PoD that is achieved by the additional protection—how
many otherwise damaging events will be interrupted by this protection? This requires
estimates of types of equipment and associated forces potentially making contact with
the barrier as well as the equipment operator’s response. When such rigor is unwarrant-
ed, a simple schedule can be developed for these barriers by equating the mechanical
protection to an amount of mitigation effectiveness. For example:

2in. of concrete coating = 50% mitigation of exposure

4in. of concrete coating = 80%
Pipe casing = 99.99%
Concrete slab (reinforced) = 90%
4” asphalt roadway = 85%

It is not only the physical strength of the barrier, but also the implication to the
excavation equipment operator of the presence of the barrier. An excavator will nor-
mally react differently to a casing pipe than to additional depth of cover. Ideally, he
will react to any unexpected encumbrance as an indication that the area is not free of
buried structures and should be treated more carefully. This is the idea behind buried
warning signs.
Highly visible strips of warning tape or mesh can help avoid damage. Either will
logically reduce excavation damage potential and can be valued in terms of its ability
to independently protect the component in the location being assessed.
Consider the following sample assignments of mitigation effectiveness:
Warning tape assessed as 90% effective suggests that nine out of ten excavation
scenarios will be halted by this mitigation measure alone (remnant exposure = one hit
out of ten excavations).
Warning mesh assessed as 95% effective suggests that nineteen out of twenty ex-
cavation scenarios will be halted by this mitigation measure alone (remnant exposure
= one hit out of twenty excavations).
Sea bottom (and lake-, river-, creek-, etc bottom) cover and equivalents (for exam-
ple, concrete mattress, rip rap rock deposits, concrete coatings, etc) provide mitigation
from offshore exposures. Just as with other natural barriers, the water depth can be
treated as a mitigation in the risk assessment.
After assigning a mitigation effectiveness to each protection type independently
an OR gate is used to obtain the combined effectiveness. For example, if a compo-
nent is 60% protected by 30” of earth cover and also is encased by a steel casing pipe
providing an additional 98% protection, then the combined mitigation from these two
methods is 1 – (1-60%)*(1-98%) = 99.2%.
See PRMM for additional discussion of third party mitigation.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

5.4.2 Impact Barriers

Additional types of protection from mechanical damages include barriers against im-
pacts on unburied components. Exposures from vehicular collision, falling objects,
vandalism, and sabotage may be offset by the mitigative benefit of barriers other than
burial and those previously discussed.
Since the presence of aboveground components is something that is often difficult
to change—their location is usually based on strong economic and/or design consider-
ations—preventive measures must be taken to reduce their vulnerability to any expo-
sures that may accompany the site.
Barriers and protections, both man made and natural, around aboveground facili-
ties should be identified and assigned mitigation effectiveness in general or for specific
exposure types (for example, varying by type and speed of vehicle impact, etc):
• Exposure
• P95 Rate (events per mile-year)
• Comments

Sample Listing of Protective Measures to be Combined for Mitigation Effective-

Area surrounded by 6-ft chain-link fence
Protective railing (4-in. steel pipe or equivalent)
Trees, wall, earthen berm, or other substantial structure(s) between vehicles and
Ditch (minimum 4-ft depth/width) between roadway and facility
Waterbodies, min 10 ft +
Waterbodies, < 10 ft
Concrete traffic control barriers
Water filled traffic control barriers

5 Third-Party Damage

Figure 5.6 Offshore protection by articulated concrete mattress

Distance from vehicular traffic on roads, railroads, flight paths, and ship activity
can be treated as a type of ‘barrier mitigation’ or as part of the exposure assessment. As
distance increases, the frequency of exposure events logically decreases.
Assignment of mitigation effectiveness can have a basis ranging from simple,
SME-based judgments to robust calculations specific to each exposure-mitigation-type
scenario. Note the potential for some barrier types to exacerbate an exposure, for ex-
ample, an earthen berm serving to launch a fast moving vehicle so it becomes an air-
borne impact threat.

5.4.3 Protection for aboveground facilities.

Security measures that protect against vandalism or other intentional damage may also
provide mitigative benefits to accidental damages. Surveillance systems, barriers, light-
ing, etc. may also offer some protection from accidental impacts under some scenarios.

5.4.4 Line locating

A key to avoiding accidental excavation damage is the line-locating process, undertak-

en by an operator when notified of pending excavations by others. It typically involves
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

a notification system, line locating equipment and procedures, marking practices, lev-
els of supervision during activates, and others. As a multi-faceted process, it is chal-
lenging to assess, from a risk assessment mitigation effectiveness perspective. A robust
risk assessment examines the various aspects of typical programs and potential criteria
for use in assessing overall effectiveness.
Often called ‘One Call’ systems, excavation notification systems have become
commonplace and their use often mandated by law. They have varying amounts of
mitigative effectiveness, as evidenced by many operators’ experiences.
The pipeline company’s response to a report of third-party excavation activity is
the next critical step in this mitigation measure. Notifications without proper response
in a timely manner negate the effects of reporting. Response includes the efficiency
and accuracy of the locating equipment and procedures employed as well as the clarity
of the markings. Finally, the communications between all parties and the amount of
oversight during nearby excavations are important contributors to the effectiveness of
these programs.
See PRMM for further details on all aspects of line locating programs.
The assigning of error prevention rates—or mitigation effectiveness, ‘success rate
of mitigation’—to the process of line locating is important for risk assessment. Since
the accuracy of maps/records is not the entire locate process, error rates associated with
the other aspects must also be included in the assessment. Modifying an accepted pro-
tocol such as event trees or LOPA is often useful in measuring mitigation effectiveness.
Integrating all of the above considerations into an effectiveness estimate is chal-
lenging. The risk assessment requires this estimate of the overall program at each loca-
tion assessed, recognizing that this effectiveness may vary along a pipeline, from sea-
son to season, and over time in any area (for example, change of management results
in change in focus). Human error potential is high in these multi-faceted programs.
Company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effectiveness values in the
range of 20% to 80%, based on their experiences with specific pipeline segments. For
perspective, the higher end of this range assumes that 8 out of 10 otherwise damaging
events are avoided solely (assuming no depth cover, no signs, etc) through the one-call
and line locating program while the lower end assumes only 2 out of 10 events are
avoided, even with a very good program. Actual effectiveness values are then assigned
based on differences from the idealized, perfect program.

5.4.5 Signs, Markers, and Right-of-way condition

Establishing a clear, well-marked ROW is an interesting mitigation practice. On one

hand, the more recognizable and inspectable a ROW is, the less the likelihood of ac-
cidental interference. This is also helpful in leak detection. However, a manicured
path through otherwise difficult-to-traverse terrain, may also invite unwanted activity.
Therefore, the risk assessment should fairly evaluate the benefits, if any, to mitigation
offered by a clear ROW alone versus a potential increase in exposure.

5 Third-Party Damage

Most will agree that signs and markers do provide some mitigation benefit. How-
ever, pipeline accident photos showing burning excavation equipment immediately
adjacent to a warning sign, show that the benefit is clearly not high, at least in some
locations. Various types of signs and markers, including curb markers in paved areas
and painting of fence posts, are used to mark ROW’s.
Subtleties of marker position, frequency, size, colors, lettering fonts, languages,
etc are logically related to effectiveness. However, against the backdrop of initial hu-
man reaction, desensitization, and other behavioral issues, such considerations are dif-
ficult to quantify.
It is usually impractical to mark all locations of a distribution system. Many com-
ponents are under pavement or on congested private property. Nonetheless, in some
areas, markers are used and believed to reduce third-party intrusions.
Where mitigation benefit is believed to increase with increased identifiability as a
ROW, the evaluator can establish a schedule of benefits. See PRMM.
In an offshore environment, this mitigation may only be effective at shore ap-
proaches or shallow water where marking is more practical and third-party activity
levels are higher. At such locations, marking of offshore pipeline routes provides a
measure of protection against unintentional damage by third parties. Buoys, floating
markers, and shoreline signs are typical means of indicating a pipeline presence. On
fixed-surface facilities such as platforms, signs are often used. When a jetty is used to
protect a shore approach, markers can be placed. The use of lights, colors, and lettering
enhances marker effectiveness.
Company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effectiveness values in the
range of 2% to 20%, based on their experiences with specific pipeline segments. For
perspective, the higher end of this range—a rating of ‘excellent’—assumes that 2 out
of 10 otherwise damaging events are avoided solely through the markers (assuming no
depth cover, no public awareness, etc) while the lower end of the range, again with a
rating of ‘excellent’, assumes only 2 out of 100 events are avoided. Actual effective-
ness values are then assigned based on differences from the idealized, perfect program.

5.4.6 Patrol

Patrol is an important part of pipeline protection and consequence minimization (leak

detection, primarily). There is a myriad of patrol types, effectiveness, and frequencies,
making the assessment more complex. For instance, air patrol includes the obvious
variable of frequency, but also the less obvious considerations of speed, altitude, use
of spotter to assist the pilot, use of unpiloted aircraft (for example, drones) and others.
See PRMM for a background discussion.
The assessment may also wish to give credits for patrols during activities such as
close interval surveys (see Chapter 6.4 Corrosion on page 159) or even daily com-
mutes by employees. For instance, formal patrols might not be part of a distribution
system owner’s normal operations. However, informal observations in the course of
day-to-day activities are common and could be included in this evaluation, especially
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

when such observations are made more formal. Much of an effective system patrol for
a distribution system will have to occur at ground level. Company personnel regularly
driving or walking the pipeline route can be effective in detecting and halting poten-
tially damaging third-party activities. Routine drive-bys, however, would need to be
carefully evaluated for their effectiveness before credit is awarded. Training or other
emphasis on the drive-by inspections could be done to heighten sensitivity among em-
ployees and contractors.
It is not unusual for operators to conduct formal patrols at frequencies much great-
er than regulatory requirements. In some instances, daily patrols are perhaps justified
and provide a measurably greater safety margin. Frequencies greater than once per day
(once per 8-hour shift, for instance) could even be justified by a risk-based cost-benefit

Patrol Effectiveness

The effectiveness of any patrol frequency can be determined from a statistical analysis
of past patrol data or at least a reasoning exercise simulating such an analysis. Histori-
cal data of findings on previous patrols will often follow a typical rare-event frequency
distribution. Once the distribution of findings per patrol is approximated, the curve
will have some predictive capabilities, to the extent that the types of activities remain
An effectiveness corresponding to the actual patrol frequency should consider the
types of activities likely to occur and the ability to intervene. An analysis of the “op-
portunity to intervene” in various common excavation activities is a necessary aspect
of the effectiveness.
The most thorough intervention opportunity analyses begins with a list of expected
third-party activities compared to a continuum of opportunity to detect. Estimating de-
tection probability requires an understanding of how long prior to and after the activity
occurs, evidence of its presence can still be seen. Since third-party activities can cause
damages that do not immediately lead to failure, the ability to inspect when there is evi-
dence of recent activity is important. Effectiveness changes depend on the type of third
party activity. It seems reasonable, for instance, to assume that activity involving heavy
equipment requires more staging, is of a longer duration, and leaves more lasting evi-
dence of the activity. All of these promote the opportunity for detection by patrol. The
frequency of the various types of activities will be very location- and time-specific.
Reliability-based Prevention of Mechanical Damage to Pipelines. PR-244-9729;
Prepared for the Offshore/Onshore Design Applications Supervisory Committee Pipe-
line Research Committee of Pipeline Research Council International, Inc.;

Sample probabilities of non-detection for typical patrol frequencies are as fol-

Twice a day 13%
5 Third-Party Damage

Daily 30%
Every other day 52%
Weekly 80%
Biweekly 90%
Monthly 95%
Semi-annually 99%
Annually 99.6%
Detection by ‘other than patrol personnel’ is 1/3 as likely as by patrol

Intervention opportunity analyses can be the basis of optimizing patrol frequency

in addition to assessing the probability of detection for any given frequency. For exam-
ple, management may decide that the appropriate patrol frequency should detect, with
a 90% confidence level, at least 60% of all threatening events. This might be based on a
cost/benefit analysis. Patrol frequencies required to achieve this goal can be estimated
from the analysis.

5.4.7 Damage Prevention / Public Education Programs

A damage prevention program encompasses many of the mitigation activities listed

here, but it is often more associated with public education programs—ensuring that
all potential excavators understand pipelines and how to avoid damage to them. See
PRMM for a full discussion of such programs.
Transmission pipeline company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effec-
tiveness values in the range of 5% to 30%, based on their experiences with public ed-
ucation along specific pipeline segments. For perspective, the higher end of this range
assumes that 3 out of 10 otherwise damaging events are avoided solely through the line
locating program (assuming no depth cover, no signs, etc) while the lower end assumes
only 5 out of 100 events are avoided. Actual effectiveness values are then assigned
based on differences from the idealized, perfect program.

5.4.8 Other Mitigation Measures

Other emerging technologies that will likely play increasing role in third party damage
mitigation include satellite observation, ground vibration monitoring, acoustical sen-
sors on the pipe, buried sensor cables, motion detectors, infrared activated cameras,
and others. Some of these, such as sensors, can be included in a risk assessment as a
form of patrol, perhaps a continuous patrol. Others may warrant an independent place
as a mitigation measure in the risk assessment model. This is no problem for the risk
assessment model proposed here since any type of additional mitigation opportunity
is readily combined with all previous measures. Mitigation estimates are additive (OR
gate), reflecting the real-world cumulative benefits, as well as diminishing returns,
associated with multiple layers of protection.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


Adding estimates of resistance to exposure and mitigation moves the assessment from
PoD to PoF. Recall that PoD measures the potential for any type of damage that threat-
ens near term or long term load-carrying capacity of the component. PoF is the fraction
of damaging events that result in immediate failure.
Factors that make a component less susceptible to failure if damaged—more re-
sistive—include material type, wall thickness, component geometry, toughness, and
stress level. Possible weaknesses from past damages, including corrosion, as well as
manufacturing and construction issues can also play a role.
The pipe wall thickness and material toughness are among the most important used
to assess puncture resistance. The geometry, diameter and wall thickness, influence
resistance to buckling and bending. Since internal pressure induces longitudinal stress
in the pipe, a higher internal pressure can indicate reduced resistance to certain exter-
nal forces. Other longitudinal stresses such as caused by lack of uniform support can
similarly impact load-carrying capability.
Potential damage to the component depends on characteristics of the striking ob-
ject and the impact scenario. Force, contact area, angle of attack, velocity, momentum,
and rate of loading are among these characteristics. Potential effects include damages
to coating, weights, anodes, and component walls, possibly leading to rupture immedi-
ately or after some other contributing event. Many of these are resistance characteris-
tics, detailed in Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279.
To better estimate possible loadings that could be placed on the pipeline, exposures
such as excavation, vehicle impact, fishing, and anchoring can be grouped based on the
types of equipment, vehicles, engine power, type of anchors or fishing equipment, and
others. Fishing equipment and anchors that dig deep into the sea bottom or which can
concentrate stress loadings (high force and sharp protrusions) present greater threats.
Analyzing the nature of the exposures will allow distinctions to be made involving
types of excavators, vehicle impacts, anchored vessels, fishing techniques, and others.
Such distinctions, however, may not be warranted for simpler risk assessments that use
conservative assumptions.
See Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279 for modeling options for in-
cluding resistance in the risk estimates.



6.1 PoF and System deterioration 6.10.2 Exposure....................... 186
rate......................................... 158 6.11 Erosion................................... 198
6.2 Measurements vs Estimates....... 158 6.12 Cracking................................. 199
6.3 Use of Evidence........................ 159 6.12.1 Background................... 199
6.4 Corrosion................................. 159 6.12.2 Crack initiation, activation,
6.4.1 Background..................... 159 propagation................ 200
6.4.2 Assessing Corrosion 6.12.3 Assessment Nuances..... 201
Potential..................... 159 6.13 Exposure................................. 201
6.4.3 Corrosion rate................. 160 6.13.1 Fatigue.......................... 201
6.4.4 Unmitigated Corrosion 6.13.2 Vibrations/Oscillations... 205
Rates.......................... 161 6.13.3 Mechanical Couplers..... 206
6.4.5 Types of corrosion failure 6.13.4 EAC............................... 207
mechanisms............... 162 6.13.5 Avalanche Failure.......... 209
6.4.6 External Corrosion........... 162 6.14 Mitigation & Resistance.......... 210
6.4.7 Internal Corrosion........... 163
6.4.8 MIC................................. 163
6.4.9 Erosion............................ 163
6.5 Corrosion Mitigation................. 164
6.6 Corrosion Failure Resistance..... 164
6.7 Sequence of eval...................... 165
6.7.1 Estimate exposure levels.. 165
6.7.2 Estimate mitigation The challenge will often be the
effectiveness............... 166
6.8 External Corrosion................... 166 prediction of very small areas of
6.8.1 External Corrosion
Exposure.................... 167 degradation among large areas that are
6.8.2 External Corrosion
Mitigation.................. 172 damage free
6.8.3 Monitoring Frequency..... 183
6.8.4 Combined Mitigation
Effectiveness............... 184
6.9 External Corrosion Resistance... 185
6.10 Internal Corrosion................... 185
6.10.1 Background................... 185
Time-Dependent Failure
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Assess damage potential and failure potential from time-
dependent mechanisms such as corrosion and cracking
requires estimations of TTF.

Time-dependent failure mechanisms involve some form of degradation—loss of mate-

rial or other form of weakening over time. These threats are efficiently assessed via the
PoF triad. Under this protocol, exposure is measured as unmitigated material loss or
crack progression rates (normally units of mpy or mm/yr), mitigation is a reduction in
exposure (a reduction in exposure rate), and resistance is the equivalent wall thickness
of the component. Under this assessment protocol, PoD will be >0 unless a materi-
al impervious to any time-dependent failure mechanism is assessed or mitigation is
100%—both being unusual possibilities. There are however, pipeline materials with
very low susceptibility to certain types of time-dependent failure mechanisms. In those
cases, the assessment will show very low PoD and PoF values.
While the discussion here often focuses on steel transmission pipelines, the same
time-dependent failure mechanisms are possible in a gathering, distribution, offshore
system and on facility components. Even when very different materials are used—for
example, plastic vs steel—the mechanisms are quite similar. The same risk assessment
techniques apply to all types of pipeline components and, indeed, to any object.
The production of an intermediate calculation, TTF, in an assessment for time-de-
pendent failure mechanisms, reflects the time aspect of degradation type threats and
distinguishes them from time-independent failure mechanisms. The TTF is used to
produce PoF but is also useful as a stand-alone estimate in decision-making. It is an
essential determinant of inspection and integrity assessment frequencies.
Most pipeline materials are chosen for their ability to have indefinite life spans, so
long as deterioration mechanisms are avoided. For most materials, these mechanisms
are corrosion and cracking, with sub-classifications such as UV degradation and creep
included for certain materials. In some pipeline systems, such as gathering pipelines
intended for finite service lives, some amount of degradation (corrosion) is accepted.
See discussion in Chapter 13 Risk Management on page 499.
Degradation does not usually progress uniformly on all components of a pipeline
or even on a single component. In the assessment of time-dependent threats, the mea-
surement of interest is: probability and potential severity of one or more degrading
locations per unit surface area. The challenge will often be the prediction of very small
areas of degradation among large areas that are damage free.

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms



Time - Time -
Independent Dependent
Mechanisms Mechanisms

Third Party Incorrect Hazard

Sabotage Geohazards Corrosion Cracking Receptors
Damage Operaons Zone

Product Release Size Dispersion

Exposure Migaon Resistance

Figure 6.1 Basic risk assessment model.

PoF TTF Inputs

humidity, etc

casings, hot
soil resisvity, pH, AC inducon,

normal flow product


growth rate abnormal
flow regime
barrier coangs

exposure test leads, overline

migaon specific CP surveys, etc
PoF = f(TTF)

component cleaning, etc
geometry, wall,
strength, etc
effecve wall component
thickness weaknesses

Figure 6.2 Assessing corrosion potential: sample of data used

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


The risk assessment described in this chapter is measuring/estimating the probability

and aggressiveness of phenomena such as corrosion and cracking as time-dependent
mechanisms. Unmitigated exposure is the first element of the measure of PoF, as it is
for all threats.
For time-dependent mechanisms, damage potential, as measured by exposure, may
be very low in many instances, making PoF low, even with minimal mitigation and re-
sistance. Examples include corrosion potential for steel pipe in dry, sandy, benign soils;
components well protected by coatings and cathodic protection; and plastic or concrete
lines in dry, neutral pH soils. When exposure is low, long TTF is expected, even when
mitigation is weak. The appearance of long TTF periods for some low degradation es-
timates may at first seem excessive. However, they are not inconsistent with research
including one study that uses 220+ years as a median life expectancy for the normally
corrosion-vulnerable material of cast iron [2].
On the other hand, aggressive degradation conditions may exist—high exposures.
Examples include corrosion mechanisms involving acidic, contaminated soils; steel
pipe with a high potential to become anodic to other buried structures; concrete pipe
in high chloride soils; MIC activity; AC induced current; and high-stress, high fatigue
cycle conditions. In extreme cases, a high degradation rate can lead to through-wall
failure of a component in a matter of days.
To translate damage potential into the probability of failure for a component, ad-
ditional factors such as the wall thickness, material properties, and stress levels need
to be considered. In simplest terms and with some assumptions, given an initial wall
thickness and a degradation rate, the time to corrode or crack through the component
wall can be estimated. More minor wall loss depth over a larger area can also lead to
a failure in a higher-stress scenario (metal volume loss leading to rupture), and, at the
other extreme, pinhole leaks through the pipe wall do not necessarily constitute failure
under the “excessive leakage” definition often used or implied for distribution pipeline
Age-based or historical leak-rate based risk estimates generally play a more limit-
ed role in risk management, as is discussed in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts on
page 17.


Risk assessments of time-dependent failure mechanisms rely on both materials science

based estimates of possible degradation—for example, soil corrosivity based on its
chemistry--and actual measurements of degradation, often extrapolated from the mea-
surement site to the location being assessed. This manifests as parallel analyses paths
in the assessment where the most recent and most accurate information plays the larger

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

role in the assessment. See the earlier discussion in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts
on page 17.


When degradation mechanisms are not directly observable, the assessment must use
mostly indirect evidence to infer damage potential. This is consistent with the histor-
ical practice of corrosion control on buried pipelines. Any detection of degradation
damages or direct measurements of actual degradation rate can then be used to cali-
brate the previous assessment results and/or tune the risk model.
Where a degradation rate is actually measured, the risk assessment can be calibrated
with this information. The reverse is not always implied, however. Caution must be
exercised in assigning favorable rates based solely on the non-detection of damages at
certain times and at limited locations. It is important to note that the potential for some
corrosion or cracking damages can be high even when no active damage is detected
during a sampling process, especially a random sampling process.
See detailed discussion of use of inspection and integrity assessment information,
Chapter 3 Assessing Risk on page 59.


6.4.1 Background

As a common cause of failure in most metallic structures, including metallic pipelines,

corrosion plays a role in risk assessment. Even for non-metallic pipeline components,
the expanded definition of ‘corrosion’ as any degradation mechanism, brings corrosion
into the risk assessment. Background discussions on types of corrosion can be found
in PRMM.

6.4.2 Assessing Corrosion Potential

As with other failure modes, evaluating the potential for corrosion follows logical
steps, replicating the thought process that a corrosion control specialist would employ.
This involves (1) identifying, at all locations, the types of corrosion possible, both on
internal, external surfaces; (2) identifying the vulnerability of the pipe material—how
probable and how aggressive is the potential corrosion; and (3) evaluating the corro-
sion prevention measures used.
Quantifying this understanding is done using the same PoF triad that is used to
evaluate each failure mechanism: exposure, mitigation, and resistance, each measured
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

independently. This will result in the following measurements, ready to be combined

into a TTF estimate from which a PoF estimate can emerge:
• Aggressiveness of unmitigated corrosion at contact point between internal
contents and component (units of mpy or mm/yr)
• Aggressiveness of unmitigated corrosion at contact point between external en-
vironment and component. (units of mpy or mm/yr)
• Effectiveness of mitigation measures (units = %)
• Amount of resistance (units = equivalent wall thickness, inches or mm)

The independent measurements of exposure and mitigation are critical to the un-
derstanding of corrosion damage potential. For example, a subsurface environment of
Louisiana swampland may presents a very corrosive environment, while a dry Arizona
desert environment typically has a very low corrosion rate. The mitigation—the coat-
ing system and the cathodic protection system—are more critical to damage prevention
in Louisiana. Perhaps, the damage potential in the Louisiana system with very robust
corrosion prevention could be made roughly equivalent to the Arizona desert situation
where minimal corrosion preventions are needed since the environment is very benign.
But it is important to understand when the damage potential is low because of exposure
or due to mitigation.
The two factors that must be assessed to define the corrosion exposure are the ma-
terial type and the environment. The environment includes the conditions that impact
the pipe wall, internally as well as externally. Because most pipelines pass through
several different environments, the assessment must allow for this by sectioning ap-
Corrosion mechanisms are among the most complex of the potential failure mech-
anisms. There are a wide variety of available mitigation methods and supporting in-
spection techniques. As such, many more pieces of information are efficiently utilized
in assessing this threat. Because corrosion is usually a highly localized phenomenon,
and because inspection opportunities often provide only general information, uncer-
tainty is often high.

• Evaluate all forms of corrosion damage potential by using
the same methodology: independent measurement/estimate

6.4.3 Corrosion rate

The time to failure is related to the resistance of the material and the aggressiveness
of the corrosion mechanism—the mitigated corrosion rate. The material resistance is
a function of material strength and dimensions, most notably wall thickness and the
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

stress level. This chapter examines the process of estimating first the unmitigated- and
then the mitigated corrosion rate. A separate estimate is produced for internal and ex-
ternal corrosion potential.
The unmitigated corrosion rate is the ‘exposure’ in the exposure-mitigation-resis-
tance modeling triad. Exposure estimates should consider the formation of a protec-
tive layer or film of corrosion by-products that often occurs and precludes or reduces
continuation of the damage. Similarly, temperature effects, rare weather conditions,
releases of chemicals, or any other factors causing changes in the corrosion rate should
be considered.
Corrosion is a volumetric loss of material but common convention states corrosion
rate in terms of depth penetration (pitting). Mils per year (mpy, one mil = 1/1,000 inch)
and mm/year are common units of pitting corrosion rates in metals.
While plastics are often viewed as corrosion proof, sunlight and airborne contami-
nants (perhaps from nearby industry) are two degradation initiators that can affect cer-
tain plastic materials and can be efficiently modeled as corrosion in a risk assessment.

6.4.4 Unmitigated Corrosion Rates

As the phrase implies, an unmitigated corrosion rate is a measure of the corrosion pro-
gression that may occur in the absence of any corrosion control actions. Normally, a
pitting rate is used as the most conservative measure, since pitting rates are usually the
most aggressive. When a general (non-pitting) corrosion rate is also active, the resis-
tance measurement (see Normalizing Exposures with Resistance and Consequences on
page 465) takes into account loss of component integrity by loss of metal, in addition
to loss of integrity by a pitting-induced leak.
There is much research available showing corrosion rates under various laboratory
scenarios. Even though laboratory results are often not directly transferable to field
conditions, they nonetheless provide valuable insight into plausible corrosion rates,
especially when extreme conditions, unlikely to be seen in actual field characteristics,
are simulated in the laboratory and suggest maximum rates.
Note that corrosion rates are very situation specific. Any type of corrosion might
lead to a failure under the right circumstances, even when history suggests it to be rel-
atively rare failure mechanism.
Recall the previous discussion of measurements and inferences. Proper risk as-
sessment uses all available information. In the case of corrosion rates, information
often appears in both general forms—measurements and inferences. The final estimate
emerges from an examination of both, after adjustments for information age and accu-
racy have been made. The assessment chooses the best estimate based on the strength
of evidence—newer and more accurate information is chosen over older, less accurate
information. Note the nuances that have to be considered. For example, highly accurate
measurements, but taken some distance from the point of interest where conditions
may not be consistent (ie, internal corrosion coupons); or measurements taken at a
point in time no longer reflective of recent conditions.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Also see PRMM.

6.4.5 Types of corrosion failure mechanisms

The corrosion assessment should recognize the two locations where corrosion can oc-
cur—the external surface of the component or the internal surface. Since these two are
significantly different both in terms of exposure and mitigation, they are usually best
assessed independently.
For evaluation purposes, the two corrosion (types) locations are further broken
down as follows:
External Corrosion
• Exposure to Atmosphere
• Burial in Soil
• Submersion in Water
• AC-induced
• Interferences
Internal Corrosion
• Stream-based
• Under-deposit

MIC is a potential exacerbating factor in most of these and is therefore assessed

within each, instead of as an independent aspect.
From a chemistry perspective, these corrosion processes are often very similar.

6.4.6 External Corrosion

A pipeline component can be susceptible to external corrosion damage via atmospheric

corrosion, subsurface corrosion, or both.
Atmospheric corrosion deals with pipeline components that are in contact with
the atmosphere. It is a normally a less aggressive corrosion mechanism but there are
dramatic exceptions. Alternately wet and dry areas, such as splash zones near water
bodies or an annular space inside buried casings, have caused aggressive corrosion
and pipeline failures. Failure potential due to atmospheric corrosion are lower in most
segments because 1) most pipelines are predominantly buried and, hence, have few
portions exposed to the atmosphere, 2) atmospheric corrosion rates are usually low,
and 3) there are increased inspection opportunities for above-ground components.
Subsurface corrosion includes both onshore and offshore installations and is the
result of potentially very aggressive mechanisms, including various types of galvan-
ic corrosion cells and interference potential from electrical sources and other buried
structures. There are also challenges in gaining knowledge of actual corrosion on sub-
surface components. Subsurface pipe corrosion is often the most information-rich area
of risk assessment, reflecting the numerous data-collection practices and the compli-
cated mechanisms underlying this type of corrosion.
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

Modern metallic distribution pipeline systems (steel and ductile iron, mostly) are
installed with coatings and/or cathodic protection when soil conditions warrant. This is
equivalent to practices in modern transmission pipelines. However, in many older met-
al systems, especially older urban distribution systems, little or no corrosion barriers
were put into design considerations.
As a special form of subsurface external corrosion, AC-induced corrosion is best
examined independently. Also warranting special attention in subsurface systems are
nearby sources of DC electricity that can interfere with protective systems or generate
new corrosion potential.
Erosion is an external corrosion mechanism (in the broad definition of ‘corrosion’).
Often due to moving water, it is most often included in geohazards. The potential for
undermining (loss of support), impingement forces, and others is normally more like-
ly than material loss due to erosion. However, one can envision scenarios involving
susceptible component materials in an aggressive flowing (or even stagnant) fluid en-
vironment that warrants assessment as a bona fide external degradation mechanism.
UV degradation of plastics and other material-property changing mechanisms can be
included here and/or in the resistance estimations. See the Chapter 2.8.1 PoF Triad on
page 24 discussion of PoF modeling nuances.

6.4.7 Internal Corrosion

Internal corrosion deals with the potential for corrosion originating within the pipeline.
Some significant pipeline failures have been attributed to internal corrosion. Internal
corrosion results in wall loss and is caused by a reaction between the inside pipe wall
and the interior environment, ie, the product being transported and its flow regime.
Internal corrosion may not be the result of the product intended to be transported,
but rather a result of impurities in the product stream. Erosion is an internal corrosion
mechanism (in the broad definition of ‘corrosion’).

6.4.8 MIC

The term microbiologically-influenced corrosion (MIC) is used to designate the lo-

calized corrosion affected by the presence and actions of microorganisms. MIC was
described in a previous section.
External corrosion manifestations of MIC are typically characterized by pitting
and crevice corrosion, according to some experts (Koch). (Beavers) Soils with sulfates
or soluble salts are favorable environments for anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria
[69]. Also see PRMM.

6.4.9 Erosion

Erosion is also considered here as a potential time dependent mechanism. For instance,
an exposed concrete pipe in a flowing stream can be subject to erosion as well as me-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

chanical forces. Erosion on an interior component wall is caused by high velocity flow
streams containing abrasive particles and can be particularly damaging at impingement
points such as elbows.


Corrosion mitigation is specific to the type of corrosion and, often, to the location. De-
tails are discussed in subsequent sections. Here, the philosophy of modeling corrosion
mitigation is discussed.
Similar to other mitigation where an OR gate can combine mitigation measures
acting independently, a multi-layer defense against corrosion uses the same modeling
approach. The common mitigation against external corrosion for a buried metal pipe-
line is a two-part defense of coating and cathodic protection (CP). These two are usual-
ly employed in parallel and provide redundant protection. Some practitioners rate these
measures as equally effective, in theory at least. Since each can independently prevent
or reduce corrosion, an OR gate can be used in assessing the combined effect. The
notion of independence here refers to a modeling protocol, not to an idea that the two
are not related in considerations of real world design, economics, maintenance, etc.
An effective modeling approach quantifies external corrosion potential by cou-
pling exposure (corrosion aggressiveness) with the probability of one or more active
corrosion points on the pipeline segment. This probability is based on an estimate of
the frequency of active corrosion locations, derived from estimates of coating holiday
rates plus the efficiency with which CP prevents those holidays from experiencing
Underpinning this procedure is the belief that the simultaneous occurrence of mul-
tiple defects is appropriately modeled as the product of the independent defect rates.


The resistance to failure by corrosion is efficiently measured as an effective wall thick-

ness. The wall thickness is a critical part of all stress-carrying capacity calculations that
underpin resistance estimates in thin-shelled, pressure containing structures. This wall
thickness, taken with the mitigated corrosion rate, yields a time to failure, or remaining
life estimate. For example, a 0.250” effective wall thickness, experiencing 10 mpy
pitting corrosion, would be expected to leak in 25 years. A rupture could occur soon-
er, depending on the lateral corrosion damage and the stress level. This is efficiently
modeled in a parallel analysis—‘growing’ the corrosion damage laterally as well as in
depth. The shorter of the leak-driven or the rupture-driven TTF estimate provides the
final TTF value for use in generating the PoF estimate.
The ‘effective’ adjective in front of ‘wall thickness’ allows inclusion of any weak-
nesses (previous damages, manufacturing or construction defects, stress concentrators,
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

etc) or vulnerabilities (selective seam corrosion, heat affected zones of welds, etc)
which, when modeled as equivalent reductions in pipe wall thickness, show reduced
remaining life estimates and corresponding increases in PoF. This is fully discussed in
6.9 External Corrosion Resistance on page 185.


Regardless of the type of corrosion or its location on the pipeline system, the risk as-
sessment protocol is the same. That protocol is as follows:

6.7.1 Estimate exposure levels

The unmitigated corrosion rate for the PXX level of conservatism desired is first esti-
The first step involves evaluating the pipe’s internal and external environments.
For each corrosion type, external and internal, and their associated sub-types (AC in-
duced, MIC, etc), an assessment is made of the corrosivity at the material’s interface
with its immediate environment, if no mitigation is employed. Once a database of
location-specific characteristics of the pipeline and its surroundings is built, this pro-
cess can be at least partially automated. The following discussion illustrates a typical
approach to characterizing each component’s environmental exposures (the threats to
the pipe from its immediate environment).
To differentiate two general types of external corrosion, typically with quite differ-
ent pitting rates, contact with the atmosphere, including locations with depth of cover
= 0, casings, tunnels, spans, valve vaults, manifolds, and meters, are identified. Under
an assumption of a mostly-buried pipeline, these occurrences are rarer and represent
potential for atmospheric corrosion.
Next, location-specific characteristics that typically harbor more aggressive atmo-
spheric corrosion rates are identified. These include supports, hangars, splash zones,
tree sap depositions, and many others. These are treated as external corrosion ’hot
If the pipe is not exposed to the atmosphere, then the typical assumption is that it
is immersed in soil or water and should be treated as being in a subsurface corrosive
environment. As with atmospheric corrosion, location-specific info is needed. Soil cor-
rosion rates are measured or estimated at all points along the pipeline. Provisions can
also be added to capture scenarios where a component is exposed to both atmospheric
and soil corrosivities, such as a pipeline laid atop the ground, at ground/air interfaces,
in splash zones, and others.
For internal corrosion, the normal assumption is that all portions of the system are
exposed to the product being transported and, hence, to any internal corrosion potential
promulgated by that product. Therefore, all portions have general exposure to internal
corrosion. Especially where corrosion rates can change over both time and space—for
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

example, where contaminant and velocity excursions impact internal corrosion —a

probability-weighted corrosion rate can be used.
Next, location-specific characteristics that exacerbate internal corrosion such as
areas of accumulations of solids and liquids, are identified, perhaps by elevation pro-
files, velocity profiles, and product stream analyses. These are ‘hot spot’ locations for
increased internal corrosion rates, analogous to the external corrosion hot spots.

6.7.2 Estimate mitigation effectiveness

For barrier-type mitigation, such as coatings, and certain chemical inhibitors, the prob-
ability of a gap in protection per unit of surface area to be protected is estimated. For
subsurface corrosion, both soil burial and submersion in water, the probability of un-
protected surface area is similarly estimated. These mitigation effectiveness estimates
are very challenging. Much information is often available, but inferential and/or loca-
tion-specific in nature, requiring interpretation and extrapolation to assessed areas with
less information.
Exposure and mitigation estimates are then combined to yield probabilistic dam-
age rates, after mitigation, typically in units of mpy or mm per year. All combinations
of unmitigated exposure and mitigation effectiveness are considered along the assessed
pipeline. Hot spots—ie, aggressive unmitigated corrosion—at locations with weak
mitigation will show highest damage rates.
The mitigated damage rate estimates are now combined with estimates of effective
pipe wall thickness to estimate TTF. This is value, again usually changing along the
pipeline, is often of more interest than the final PoF. TTF can more effectively drive
risk management decision-making, including integrity re-assessment intervals.
Finally, choosing and applying a representative relationship between TTF and PoF
yields the estimate for corrosion PoF for the future year of interest.


As with all PoF analyses, we begin with an assessment of the exposure level and then
consider mitigation measures and finally, the ability to absorb damage (resistance).
Measuring these independently is an essential aspect of understanding the corrosion
threat to component integrity.
A very benign environment, from a corrosion threat perspective, can be seen as
roughly equivalent to a more corrosive environment with effective mitigation, but
calls for a significantly different risk management approach. For example, reduction
in effectiveness of a corrosion mitigation on a component buried in a desert may not
significantly increase failure potential—due to already-low exposure levels. The same
effectiveness reduction for a component buried in a swamp would be much more se-
rious. This is apparent in a risk assessment that measures exposure separately from
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

6.8.1 External Corrosion Exposure

A major aspect of assessing external corrosion potential is an evaluation of the envi-

ronment surrounding the component. See PRMM for a brief introduction to galvanic
Different pipe materials have differing susceptibilities to damage by various con-
ditions. Potential deterioration of cement-containing materials such as concrete or as-
bestos-cement pipe, plastics, metals, and others may need to be included here. Any and
all knowledge of pipe material susceptibility to degradation should be incorporated
into the exposure estimates.
Exposure estimation entails imagining a completely unprotected surface. Unmiti-
gated corrosivity is primarily a measure of how well the external environment can act
as an electrolyte to promote galvanic corrosion on the pipe. Additionally, aspects of
the external environment that may otherwise directly or indirectly promote corrosion
mechanisms should be considered. These include bacterial activity, the presence of
corrosive-enhancing chemicals, and stray electrical effects.
Coating systems, most commonly paint, are often used to protect corrodible metal-
lic surfaces but are not to be considered when assessing exposure. Because a coating
system is always considered to be an imperfect barrier, the external electrolyte—usu-
ally soil, water, or atmosphere—is assumed to be in contact with the pipe wall at some
points and hence requires an estimate of its aggressiveness (exposure).
The evaluator should be alert to instances where the external conditions change
rapidly. Changes in soil type, water table (for example, low elevation creek crossings),
and the presence of casings are obvious examples for buried components. Less obvious
are certain road bed materials, past waste disposal sites, imported foreign materials,
etc. that can cause highly localized corrosive conditions. In an urban environment, the
high number of construction projects leaves open the opportunity for many different
materials to be used as fill, foundation, road base, etc. Some of these materials may
promote corrosion by acting as a strong electrolyte, attacking the pipe coating, or har-
boring bacteria that add corrosion mechanisms. A lower resistivity soil will promote
graphitization of low ductility cast iron pipe as well as corrosion of carbon steel.
The assessment should also consider situations where piping of different ages and/
or coating conditions is joined. Dissimilar metals, or even minor differences in chem-
istry along the same piece of steel pipe, can cause galvanic cells to form and promote
If it can be demonstrated that corrosion is not possible in a certain area, exposure
(corrosion rates) are essentially zero. The evaluator should ensure that adequate tests
of all possible corrosion-enhancing conditions at all times of the year have been made.

Atmospheric type

Atmospheric corrosion is the chemically driven degradation in a material resulting

from interaction with the atmosphere. The oxidation of metal in the air is the most
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

common manifestation. The estimated annual loss due to atmospheric corrosion is es-
timated to be billions of dollars [31].
Even predominantly-below-ground cross-country pipelines are not immune to this
type of damage. Components are exposed to the atmosphere when they are installed
above ground level or are in subsurface enclosures such as vaults or casings. In the
risk assessment, it is appropriate to capture an atmospheric corrosivity value for all
areas of the pipeline, even when contact with the atmosphere is not occurring. This is
the same for soil corrosivity. As part of the dynamic segmentation process, portions
that are actually unburied will use the atmospheric corrosion value rather than the soil
corrosivity values.
Certain characteristics of the atmosphere can enhance or accelerate corrosion. For
steel, this is the promotion of the oxidation process. Oxidation of metal is the primary
mechanism examined here although the process is identical for any other corrosion
scenario of a pipeline material in an atmosphere.
The most common atmospheric characteristics influencing metallic corrosion in-
• Moisture. Higher air humidity or other moisture contact is usually more cor-
• Temperature. Higher temperatures tend to promote corrosion.
• Airborne chemicals: naturally occurring airborne chemicals such as salt or
CO2 or man-made chemicals, often considered pollutants, such as chlorine
and compounds containing SO2 typically accelerate oxidation (corrosion) pro-

Marine atmospheres are usually highly corrosive, and the corrosivity tends to be
significantly dependent on wind direction, wind speed, and distance from the coast. An
equivalently corrosive environment is created by the use of deicing salts on the roads
of many cold regions.
Dew and condensation can exacerbate corrosion. A film of dew, saturated with sea
salt or acid sulfates, and acid chlorides of an industrial atmosphere provides an aggres-
sive electrolyte for the promotion of corrosion. Also, in humid regions where nightly
condensation appears on many surfaces, the stagnant moisture film can promote corro-
sion. Frequent rain washing which dilutes or eliminates contamination can help reduce
otherwise aggressive corrosion rates.
Temperature plays an important role in atmospheric corrosion in two ways. First,
there is the normal increase in corrosion activity which can theoretically double for each
ten-degree increase in temperature. Secondly, the temperature differences of metallic
objects from the ambient temperature promotes condensation. This temperature differ-
ence may be due to lags in temperature equalization due to the metal’s heat capacity.
As the ambient temperature drops during the evening, metallic surfaces tend to remain
warmer than the humid air surrounding them and do not begin to collect condensation
until some time after the dew point has been reached. As the temperature begins to rise
in the surrounding air, the lagging temperature of the metal structures will tend to make
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

them act as condensers, maintaining a film of moisture on their surfaces. The period
of wetness is often much longer than the time the ambient air is at or below the dew
point and varies with the section thickness of the metal structure, air currents, relative
humidity, and direct radiation from the sun. Differences in temperature between pipe
wall due to flowing product and ambient conditions can cause similar effects.
Cycling temperature has produced severe corrosion on metal objects in tropical
climates, in unheated warehouses, and on metal tools or other objects stored in plas-
tic bags. Since the dew point of an atmosphere indicates the equilibrium condition
of condensation and evaporation from a surface, a temperature below the dew point
enables corrosion by condensation on a surface that could be colder than the ambient
Airborne pollutants are another source of corrosion. Sulfur dioxide (SO2), which
is the gaseous product of the combustion of fuels that contain sulfur such as coal, die-
sel fuel, gasoline and natural gas, has been identified as one of the most important air
pollutants which contribute to the corrosion of metals. Less recognized as corrosion
promoters, are the nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are also products of combustion. A
major source of NOx in urban areas is the exhaust fumes from vehicles. Sulfur dioxide,
NOx and airborne aerosol particles can react with moisture and UV light to form new
chemicals that can be transported as aerosols. (ref 1026)
In the absence of direct corrosion rate measurements, a schedule can be devised
to show not only the effect of a corrosion promoter, but also the interaction of one or
more promoters. For instance, a cool, dry climate is thought to minimize atmospheric
corrosion. If a local industry produces certain airborne chemicals in this cool, dry cli-
mate, however, the atmosphere might now be as severe as a tropical seaside location.
See PRMM for an example list of relative corrosivities for different types of at-
mospheres. To utilize such lists in a modern risk assessment, corrosion rate estimates
should be assigned to each. For instance, an atmosphere characterized by industrial
pollutants and/or a marine environment, especially when surfaces are alternately wet
and dry, may support corrosion rates of 10 to over 50 mpy. A cool, dry, desert environ-
ment may support virtually negligible rates—0.1 mpy or less.
It should be apparent by now, that proper segmentation is required in a modern
risk assessment. Components with atmospheric exposures must be distinct from those
that have no such exposures. A cased piece of pipe will be an independent section for
assessment purposes since it has a distinct risk situation compared with neighboring
sections with no casing. The neighboring sections will often have no atmospheric ex-
posures and hence no atmospheric corrosion threat at all. Similarly, within a facility,
components located near to emissions of pollutants and/or high heat, may suffer radi-
cally different corrosion rates than other components in the same facility.

Subsurface Corrosion

Although subsurface components of many materials can be susceptible, this part of the
corrosion exposure assessment will most commonly apply to metallic pipe material
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

that is buried or submerged. If the component being evaluated is not vulnerable to sub-
surface corrosion, as may be the case for a plastic pipeline, this exposure goes to zero.
If the component is totally aboveground (and flood potential is ignored), the segmenta-
tion process allows this component to also have zero exposure to subsurface corrosion.
More than one corrosion mechanism may be active on a buried metal structure.
Complicating this is the fact that corrosion processes are mostly detected indirectly,
not by direct observation.

Soil corrosivity  

Because a coating system is always considered to be an imperfect barrier, the soil

is always assumed to be in contact with the pipe wall at some points. Soil corrosivity
is often a qualitative measure of how well the soil can act as an electrolyte to promote
galvanic corrosion on the pipe. Additionally, aspects of the soil that may otherwise
directly or indirectly promote corrosion mechanisms should also be considered. These
include bacterial activity and the presence of other corrosion-enhancing substances.
The possibly damaging interaction between the soil and the pipe coating is not a
part of this variable. Soil effects on the coating (mechanical damage, moisture damage,
etc.) should be considered when judging the coating effectiveness as a risk variable.
The importance of soil as a factor in the galvanic cell activity is not widely agreed
on. Historically, the soil’s resistance to electrical flow has been the measure used to
judge the contribution of soil effects to galvanic corrosion. As with any component of
the galvanic cell, the electrical resistances play a role in the operation of the circuit.
Soil resistivity or conductivity therefore seems to be one of the best and most common-
ly used general measures of soil corrosivity. Soil resistivity is a function of interdepen-
dent variables such as moisture content, porosity, temperature, ion concentrations, and
soil type. Some of these are seasonal variables, corresponding to rainfall or atmospher-
ic temperatures. Some researchers report that abrupt changes in soil resistivity are even
more important to assessing corrosivity than the resistivity value itself. In other words,
strong correlations are reported between corrosion rates and amount of change in soil
resistivity along a pipeline [41].
Even within a given pipeline station, soil conditions can change. For instance, tank
farm operators once disposed of tank bottom sludges and other chemical wastes on
site, which can cause highly localized and variable corrosive conditions. In addition,
some older tank bottoms have a history of leaking products over a long period of time
into the surrounding soils and into shallow groundwater tables. Some materials may
promote corrosion by acting as a strong electrolyte, attacking the pipe coating or har-
boring bacteria that add corrosion mechanisms. Station soil conditions should ideally
be tested to identify placement of non-native material and soils known to be corrosion
A schedule can be developed to assess the average or worst case (either could
be appropriate—the choice, however, must be consistent across all sections evaluat-

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

ed) soil resistivity. This is a broad-brush measure of the electrolytic characteristic of

the soil.

Assessing soil corrosivity

As the environment that is in direct contact with the pipe, soil or water character-
istics that promote corrosion must be identified. The evaluator should list those char-
acteristics and assess all locations accordingly. Resistivity is widely recognized as a
variable that generally correlates with corrosion rate of a buried metal. Additional soil
characteristics that are thought to impact metallic and concrete pipes include pH, chlo-
rides, sulfates, and moisture. Some publicly available soils databases (such as USGS
STATSGO) have ratings of corrosivity of steel and corrosivity of concrete that can be
used in a risk evaluation.

Subsurface corrosion of nonmetallic pipes

The same methodology is used to assess the damage potential from buried pipe corro-
sion for nonmetallic materials. For nonmetallic pipe materials, the corrosion mecha-
nisms may be more generally described as degradation mechanisms

AC-Induced Corrosion
If a pipeline becomes energized by AC current, perhaps by passing through a magnetic
field, a sometimes-very-aggressive type of corrosion can occur. This is typically seen
on steel pipelines located near to higher power AC transmission systems. See PRMM
pages for more information.
No AC power in proximity of a component will usually be the lowest risk scenario
followed by various exposure levels created by AC power being nearby, its config-
uration, soil resistivity, coating condition, and numerous other factors, with various
possible levels of preventive measures being used to protect the pipeline


Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) occurs from the combined action of a corro-
sive environment and a cyclic or sustained stress loading. Combining a crack growth
rate with a corrosion growth rate is often an efficient way to capture the potentially
more aggressive nature of EAC. While corrosion significantly contributes to this fail-
ure mechanism, it is discussed and modeled as a cracking phenomenon in Chapter 6.12
Cracking on page 199.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

6.8.2 External Corrosion Mitigation

• Assess the common two-part defense against corrosion
of buried steel pipelines by estimating the chances of a
coincident gap (ie, non-performance) in both coating and

The most common form of prevention for external corrosion on metallic surfaces is to
isolate the metal from the offending environment. This is usually done with coatings. If
this coating is perfect, the corrosion process is effectively stopped—the electric circuit
is blocked because the electrolyte is no longer in contact with the metal. It is safe to
say, however, that no coating is perfect. If only at the microscopic level, defects will
exist in any coating system.
For a buried or submerged metallic pipeline, common industry practice is to em-
ploy a two-part defense against galvanic corrosion on components. The first line of
defense is a coating over all metallic surfaces, as discussed above.
The second line of protection typically employed in a buried steel pipeline is called
cathodic protection (CP). Creating an electrical current on a metallic component that
is immersed in an electrolyte (such as soil or water) provides a means to reverse the
electrochemical process that would otherwise cause corrosion.
As would be expected, corrosion leaks are seen more often in pipelines where no
or little corrosion prevention steps are taken. It is not unusual, to find older metallic
components that have no coating, cathodic protection, or other means of corrosion
prevention. In certain countries and in certain time periods in most countries, corrosion
prevention was not undertaken.
Most transmission pipeline systems in operation today have cathodic protection
systems, even if they were not initially provisioned with them. The presence of un-
protected iron pipe and non-cathodically protected steel lines, is found in older distri-
bution systems. As would be expected, these locations are statistically correlated with
a higher incidence of leaks [51] and are primary candidates in many “repair-and-re-
place” decision-support models.
In some older buried metal station designs, little or no corrosion prevention pro-
visions were included. If the station facilities were constructed during a time when
corrosion prevention was not undertaken, or added after several years, then one would
expect a history of corrosion-caused leaks. In the US, lack of initial cathodic protection
was fairly common for buried station piping constructed prior to 1975.
Corrosion prevention requires a great deal of continuous attention in most pipeline
systems. This should be a part of assessing a program’s effectiveness. This requires
evaluation of various corrosion control measures including program appropriateness
and adequacy for conditions, coverage, and PPM. A good PPM program includes in-
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

spection programs on tanks and vessels, for atmospheric corrosion, hot-spot protec-
tion, and overline surveys for buried portions.
For buried pipeline components, the general form of the mitigation estimate will
be the combined effectiveness of the coating and the CP. This is conceptually an OR
gate since each is an independent means of mitigation, at least theoretically. The ef-
fectiveness of each is measured in defect rate or gap rate; fraction unprotected per unit
surface area, e.g. coating holidays per square foot of coated area, CP gaps per sq meter
of protected surface, etc. The probability of both a coating holiday and a CP occurring
simultaneously is the probability of an active corrosion location.
Consideration of changing mitigation effectiveness over time is an important as-
pect of risk assessment. This includes not only coating degradation and damages, and
changes in CP, but also changes in inspection and remediation practices throughout
the history of the segment. For example, a segment may be assigned three different
mitigation effectiveness estimates:
1. Prior to installation of CP
2. From installation of CP to when overline coating holiday surveys became
common practice
3. From beginning of surveys into the future years for which risk estimates
are sought

Each of these time periods suggests differences in mitigation which result in dif-
ferent modeled mpy degradation rates. Coupling the mitigated mpy rates with their
respective time periods produces estimates of remaining wall thickness postulated for
today and future times.
Actual measurements of remaining pipe wall thickness will ‘re-set the clock’ by
overriding these estimates—replacing estimates of ‘what might have happened’ with
‘what actually did happen’. A pressure test can also be used to re-set the clock by
confirming that a certain level of metal loss did not occur. The role of inspection and
testing as is detailed in Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279


Discounting its role in supporting CP, coating effectiveness is appropriately assessed in

terms of its barrier effectiveness or defect rate.
Common pipeline system coatings include paint, tape wraps, waxes, hydrocar-
bon-based products such as asphalts and tars, epoxies, plastics, rubbers, and other spe-
cially designed coatings. For aboveground components, painting is the most common
technique with many different surface preparation and paint systems being used. Some
different coating materials might be found in distribution systems compared with
transmission pipelines (such as loose polyethylene bags surrounding cast iron pipes),
but these are still appropriately evaluated in terms of their suitability, application, and
the related maintenance practices. See PRMM for more on this.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Some coating defects are more severe, not simply from a ‘larger is worse’ size
perspective but from a variety of secondary effects. A smaller coating defect can some-
times create more consequential damage. Since corrosion results in a volumetric loss
of metal, a small area of corrosion can create deeper defects sooner, compared to a
larger corroding area. Coating effectiveness is the complement of coating gap rate, ie,
coating effectiveness = (1 – coating gap rate).
To assess the present coating condition, several things should be considered, in-
cluding the original installation process

Coating evaluations—measurements
A directly measured coating defect rate—in units such as defects per square foot or
square meter—is the most useful input to the risk assessment. A rigorous evaluation of
coating condition would involve specific measurements of defects found, adjusted by
the time that has passed since the inspection and the detection/identification abilities of
equipment used during the inspection.
Several overline survey technologies have been developed to provide coating con-
dition information for buried pipelines. Direct examinations, usually requiring excava-
tions, also provide opportunities to directly measure coating defect rates and possibly
extrapolate those findings to similar unexcavated segments.
Cathodic protection is designed to compensate for coating defects and deteriora-
tion. One way to assess the condition of the coating is to measure how much cathodic
protection is needed per unit of surface area. Cathodic protection requirements are
related to soil characteristics and the amount of exposed steel on the pipeline. Coatings
with defects allow more steel to be exposed and hence require more cathodic protec-
tion. Cathodic protection is generally measured in terms of current consumption. A
certain amount of electrical potential halts the electrochemical forces that would oth-
erwise cause corrosion, so the amount of current generated while maintaining this re-
quired voltage is a gauge of cathodic protection. A corrosion engineer can make some
estimates of coating condition from these numbers. This is often expressed as a % bare
value, suggesting the coating gap rate.
Finally, metal loss inspections, such as from ILI, also provide evidence of coating
defect rates. The defect rate can be significantly underestimated by the confounding
role of CP. While external metal loss by corrosion certainly confirms that both coating
defect and gap in CP exists, a finding of no external metal loss does not confirm coating
effectiveness (ie, coating could failed but CP is protective)

Coating evaluations—estimates
In the absence of a direct measurement of coating effectiveness, an estimate can be
generated. This will usually be much less certain but may be the only information
available to the risk assessment. How effectively the coating is able to reduce corro-
sion potential at any point in time can be assessed in terms of defect rate and shielding
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

potential. The defect rate—at any point in time depends on four factors, each of which
should contribute to the estimate:
1. Quality of the coating system itself
2. Quality of the coating application
3. Damage/degradation rate since installation
4. Effectiveness of the inspection and defect correction program.

The first two address the fitness of the coating system—its ability to perform ad-
equately in its intended service for the life of the project, given its material properties
and its application. A quality coating is of little value if the application is poor. The
second two consider the maintenance of the coating. When the last 2 factors are suf-
ficiently quantified, perhaps by an inspection process, then a measured defect rate is
available and the inferred estimate is not needed.
For estimation purposes, each of these components can be quantified based on
their contribution to defect rate. The last factor—ability to remedy defects—will indi-
cate a reduction in defect rate, while the others are usually assumed to add to current
and future defect rates. There will be dependencies. A high initial quality coating is of
reduced value if the application is poor; protection during installation and service is
weak, or when the inspection and defect correction program is poor.
In the absence of measured coating defect rates (via overline survey or ILI or in-
ferred by CP current demand), an estimation model for buried components could take
the following general form:

([base defect rate] + [in service damage rate]) x [application factor] x

[remediation factor]

Base defect rate is defects per surface area per year, expected from this
coating in this environment when application is perfect.
Application factor = multiplier, >= 1.0, showing increase in defect
rate due to non-perfect application of the coating. This should ac-
count for both increased defect rates when initially applied plus in-
creased defects due to application-related accelerated degradation
of the coating in service.
Damage rate = additional defects (beyond those expected with an ag-
ing but perfectly applied original coating of this type), in units of
defects per unit surface are per year; expected at this location since
last inspection, since original installation, or in the future, depend-
ing upon risk being measured.
Remediation factor = multiplier, <=1.0, showing the decrease in defect
rate due to effectiveness of inspection and remediation practices.
This is an offset to the damage rate. It captures the general effec-
tiveness of addressing coating defects, either since last inspection,
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

since original installation, or in the future, depending upon risk pe-

riod being measured. This reflects both the rigor of the remediation
intention and the error rates in finding and adequately correcting
the defects. This factor would not appear in a detailed risk assess-
ment since location-specific remediation, usually re-coatings as-
sociated with excavations, would be directly included in the risk
assessment. These locations can often be assumed to be initially
defect free, and will have different date of coating installation and
inspection, often a different type of coating, and updated quality
control of application, compared to neighboring segments. All of
these should combine to show increased coating effectiveness and
reduced PoF at the remediated location.

The inputs should be supported by formalized reasoning analyses and be expressed

in measurement units like defects per square meter. They should be verified or modi-
fied based on subsequent data collection such as coating surveys or experience gained
from excavation inspections.
Different analyses are usually warranted for mill-applied versus field-applied (for
example, girth welds) coating types and application qualities since application is more
problematic for field-applied coatings.
Considerations that should inform these estimates are further discussed below.

Coating fitness
Coating selection the intent here is an evaluation of the coating in terms of its ability
to perform, ie, its appropriateness in its present application. Where possible, use data
from coating stress tests or actual field experience to rate the quality. When these data
are not available, draw from any similar experience or from judgment. See PRMM for
a sample list of qualitative descriptors which are used only to better ground the analy-
ses. These descriptors should include era of manufacture issues—ie, an older coating
that, at the time of selection was believed to be fit for the application, but which was
later revealed by the passage of time in service, to be inappropriate

Coating Application  
Most designed coating systems will experience relatively long service lives when
properly applied. Part of the fitness assessment should include the likelihood of proper
application. When installation is potentially more problematic, error rates are expect-
ed to increase. A good example is the use of polyethylene ‘shrink sleeves’ to cover
and protect girth welds. This field-applied coating system has a good track record for
some operators and very poor for others. Since its success is very sensitive to the
environmental factors during installation and the skill of the installer, there is a wide
disparity in experience. It is not uncommon for the same pipeline to have a section,
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

installed by one crew, to have no issues while another section, installed by a different
crew, experiences widespread and system failures of girthweld coatings. Under certain
application errors, these sleeves are additionally susceptible to disbondment and subse-
quent shielding of CP currents, making their presence even more problematic to those
owners with the more poorly applied sleeves. Certain field-applied tape coatings used
on girth welds have similar experiences and problems.
The assessment should evaluate the coating application process and judge its qual-
ity in terms of attention to pre-cleaning, coating thickness as applied, the application
environment (control of temperature, humidity, dust, etc.), and the curing or setting
process. See PRMM.

Coating condition
Ideally, sufficient inspection information will exist to inform estimates of coating ef-
fectiveness along a buried pipeline. Where coating inspections and repairs are per-
formed but data for a subject segment is not available, the practice of the past and
future inspection can be assessed for thoroughness and timeliness. Distinctions may
be necessary for various types of coating defects, ie, disbondments may not be detect-
able by certain inspection methods. Documentation should also be an integral part of
the best possible inspection program—absence of complete documentation leading to
reduced confidence in inspection effectiveness.
From any level of examination or testing, the current coating properties can be
compared against design or intended properties to assess the degradation or other in-
consistency with design intent.
Inspection results should lead to assignments of increased or decreased defect rates
with consideration of the time periods in between inspections. A PXX defect rate—new
holidays per length of pipe per year—should be applied to the time periods between
inspections. The inspection, once conducted, serves to re-set the clock—overriding
the previously estimated defect rate (with consideration for inspection capabilities,
including error rates).
When a direct measurement of defect rates is unavailable, estimates based on the
above considerations must be made. Coating defect rates can range from 100%, a value
used for uncoated surfaces, to only one in tens of thousands of square feet of surface
area. One study (IPC04-541) estimated 7.38 coating defect sites per linear km for a
30 yr old pipe based on UK data. This study also estimated the proportion of coating
defect sites with active corrosion = 1%, thereby giving insight into estimating a CP gap
rate, discussed in the following section.

Example: 6.1 Migrating from Qualitative Descriptors:

In the absence of good coating defect rate information for a particular pipeline, a
rate can be inferred by ’recycling’ some previously collected coating information. Uti-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

lizing previously assigned, qualitative descriptions of coating condition, perhaps from

an older risk assessment, can be useful.
A simple thought-exercise can provide plausible coating defect rates from the de-
scriptors. A scale based on these qualitative descriptors can be generated and a sample
is illustrated below

Table 6.1
Sample Linkage of Coating Descriptors to Coating Defect Rates
Coating Assumed Resulting Estimated
Evaluation %Effective Defect Rate Defect Rate
excellent 0.9999999 1E-07 5.0E-07
good 0.99999 1E-05 2.5E-06
fair 0.99 0.01 3.2E-04
poor 0.9 0.1 4.0E-02

This links the qualitative descriptor—perhaps carried over from a previous risk as-
sessment—to a defect rate implied by that descriptor. This is obviously a very coarse
assessment and should be replaced by better knowledge of the specific pipeline being
To better visualize the implications of this simple relationship, and perhaps to help
SME’s calibrate terms, consider the following ‘defect rate estimates’ for a sample pipe
diameter of 12”. For various lengths of the 12” pipe, the probability of a coating defect
is estimated. This can then be used to help validate and tune the coating assessment
protocols since records and/or SME’s can often relate actual experiences with a partic-
ular coating to such defect rates.

Table 6.2
Visualizing Coating Defect Rates
defect Probability of Defect in Segment, per year
rate per
Coating sq ft per L = 100 L = 5280
L = 1 ft L = 10 ft L = 1000 ft
Evaluation year ft ft
excellent 5.0E-07 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.16% 0.83%
good 2.5E-06 0.00% 0.02% 0.18% 1.75% 8.91%
fair 3.2E-04 2.46% 22.1% 91.8% 100% 100%
poor 4.0E-02 11.8% 71.4% 100% 100% 100%
absent 1.0E+07 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

In the above table, a mile of “excellent” coating has about a 15% chance of having
at least one defect. A ‘fair’ coating under this system is almost certain to have at least
one defect every 1000 ft. These results might seem reasonable for a specific pipeline’s
coating. The probability of a coating defect is assumed to be proportional to both the
quality of coating and the length of the segment (length as a surrogate for surface area
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

of the segment). If the results are not consistent with expert judgment—perhaps ratings
for “fair” are too severe, for instance, for the intended level of conservatism—then the
modeler can simply modify the equation that relates the coating descriptor to defect
Of course, this model is using many assumptions that might not be reasonable for
many pipelines. In addition to the highly arguable initial assumptions, many compli-
cations of reality are ignored. For instance coatings fail in many different ways, so
the meaning of coating “failure” (shielding vs increased conductance vs. holiday etc)
should be clarified;
Nonetheless, these estimates capture a perceived relationship between coating
quality and surface area in estimating probability of coating damage or defect. Note
that in this application, the probability of a defect diminishes rapidly with diminishing
segment length. As segments are combined to show PoF along longer stretches of the
pipeline, the small defect counts must be preserved (and not rounded). The modeler
should be cautious that, through length-reduction and rounding, the probabilities are
not lost.

Example 4.3: Estimating coating condition

For a pipeline system being assessed, installation records indicate that a high-quality
paint was applied per detailed specifications to all aboveground components. The op-
erator sends a trained inspector to all aboveground sites once each quarter, and corrects
all reported deficiencies at least twice per year. Pending field inspection and additional
SME input, the evaluator makes a preliminary, experience-based estimate of one coat-
ing defect every 10 square feet of pipe at hot spots such as supports and air/ground
interfaces; and an estimated defect rate of 0.001 per square foot elsewhere.
In a subsequent examination, a different pipeline system contains multiple loca-
tions of aboveground components at metering stations and other surface facilities.
Minor coating repair—touch-up painting—is done occasionally at these locations at
the request of the local operating personnel. No formal painting or inspection specifi-
cations exist. The regional field personnel request paint work whenever it is deemed
necessary, based solely on personal, but experienced, opinion.
The evaluator feels that the utilized paint system is appropriate for the conditions.
Application is suspect  because no specifications exist and the painting contractor’s
workforce is subject to regular turnovers. Inspection is providing some assurance be-
cause the foremen do make specific inspections for evidence of atmospheric corrosion
and are trained in spotting this evidence. Defect remediation is suspect because defect
reporting and correction is not consistent.
Given the higher uncertainty and the desire to produce conservative estimates
(P90), the risk evaluator assigns coating defect rates ten times higher on this pipeline
than those used in the previous example. The evaluator also assigns an even higher
coating defect rate to segments inside buried casings. This recognizes a known hot spot

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

where coating damages are common and corrosion exposure is also often higher (due
to alternating wet/dry conditions).
These values will next be used to estimate the number of active corrosion points
which will be paired with corrosion rate estimates for each location, leading to a pre-
liminary quantification of external corrosion failure potential for the above ground

Cathodic protection

• The effectiveness of CP is usually based on inferred rather than direct
information. Issues requiring more inference should be modeled as
increased uncertainty—reduced CP effectiveness—and include:
• Pipe-to-soil voltage readings that:
• Are at increased distance from component being assessed
• Are not recent
• Do not include robust criteria for acceptability
• Do not take into account rectifier interruptions

As previously noted, CP is one of the two commonly used defenses against metal-
lic corrosion; the other is coatings. Cathodic protection employs an electric current to
offset the electromotive force of corrosion. A current is applied to the metallic compo-
nent and electrochemical reactions take place at the anode and cathode.
As a modeling convenience, CP effectiveness can be assessed as an all-or-nothing
mitigation measure. Its role is technically to slow down a corrosion process but, in
practical application, meeting a CP criteria is believed to effectively halt any corrosion.
The science suggests that every 100 mV shift from native potential results in an order
of magnitude less corrosion rate. Attempts to only reduce rather than halt corrosion by
CP are not found.
The CP demand is related to the characteristics of the electrolyte, anode, and cath-
ode. Older, poorly coated, buried steel facilities will have quite different CP current
requirements than will newer, well-coated steel lines. Old and new sections must often
be well isolated (electrically) from each other to allow cathodic protection to be effec-
tive. Given the isolation of buried piping and vessels, a system of strategically placed
anodes may sometimes be more efficient than a rectifier impressed current system at
pipeline stations. It is common to experience electrical interferences among buried
station facilities where electrical short circuiting, shorting (unwanted electrical con-
nectivity) of protective current occurs with other metals and may lead to accelerated
Distribution systems and buried piping at larger facilities are often divided into
zones to optimize cathodic protection. Given the isolation of sections, the grid layout,
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

and the often smaller diameters of distribution piping, a system of distributed anodes—
strategically placed anodes—is sometimes more efficient than a rectifier impressed
current system.
Offshore pipelines and structures also employ CP. Because of the strong electro-
lytic characteristics of water, especially seawater, adequate cathodic protection is often
achieved by the direct attachment of anodes (sometimes called bracelet anodes) at reg-
ular spacing along the length of the pipeline. Impressed current, via current rectifiers, is
sometimes used to supplement the natural electromotive forces. The design life of the
anodes is always important since the anodes deteriorate over time.

CP system effectiveness
See PRMM for more information.
A CP test lead is an accessible connection to a buried pipe component, usually a
wire attached to the component and brought above ground. The test lead provides an
opportunity to measure the pipe-to-soil voltage to determine the effectiveness of the
CP application. Although major cathodic protection problems can be caught during
normal readings of widely-spaced test leads, localized problems are harder to detect
and can be significant.
The use of test lead readings to gauge cathodic protection effectiveness has some
significant limitations since they are, in effect, only spot samples of the CP levels.
Nonetheless, monitoring at test leads is the most commonly used method for inspect-
ing adequacy of CP on pipelines. The role of the test leads as an indicator of CP effec-
tiveness should be based on an estimation of how much piping is being monitored by
test lead readings. We can assume that each test lead provides a measure of the pipe-
to-soil potential for some distance along the pipe on either side of the test lead. As the
distance from the test lead increases, uncertainty as to the actual pipe-to-soil potential
increases. Uncertainty increases with increasing distance because the test lead reading
represents the pipe-to-soil potential in only a localized area. Because galvanic corro-
sion can be a localized phenomenon, the test leads provide only limited information
regarding CP levels distant from the test leads. How quickly the uncertainty increases
with distance from the test lead depends on factors such as soil conditions (electrolyte),
coating condition (CP demand), and the presence of other buried metals (interference
sources). According to one rule of thumb, the test lead reading provides good informa-
tion for a lateral distance along the pipe that is roughly equal to only the depth of cover,
As a risk assessment modeling approach, a linear scale in length of pipe between
test leads for transmission pipelines while a percentage of pipe monitored might be
more appropriate for a distribution piping grid. For preliminary and less detailed risk
assessments, an effective zone of ‘influence’ for information obtained at the test lead
may be more useful in understanding risk.
Offshore, the effectiveness of the cathodic protection can also be assessed by pipe-
to-soil voltage readings although these systems normally provide few opportunities to
install and later access useful test leads. When pipe-to-electrolyte readings are taken
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

by divers or other means at locations along the pipeline, this can be treated in the risk
assessment as a type of survey—either test lead or CIS, depending on the spacing of
Closely-spaced pipe-to-soil voltage reading surveys (CIS) provide more definitive
indications of CP effectiveness, as detailed in PRMM. These surveys are performed in
a variety of ways, both onshore and off.
One obstacle to obtaining a complete overline survey is the presence of pavement
over the pipeline often limiting the access to the electrolyte. More permeability and
other characteristics impact the loss of data, with older asphaltic pavements sometimes
having minimal impact and newer concrete pavements making readings impossible.
Inaccessible locations caused by encroachments, landowner issues, and others, also
create gaps in a survey.
Varying amounts of post-survey analyses are applied following a CIS. Some
companies simply react only to instant off readings less negative than -0.85V. Others
use NACE criteria to identify numerous types of anomalies based on severity of dips
(trending) in continuous readings and combinations of trending behaviors of the ON
and OFF readings. Further analyses opportunities include gaining insights into coating
performance and possible deterioration rates.

CP effectiveness
CP effectiveness is the complement of CP gap rate, ie, CP gap rate = (1 – CP effective-
Removing age and criteria considerations for a moment, let us focus on the dis-
tance-from-reading aspect of estimating CP effectiveness. According to the above be-
liefs, the evaluator has options for interpolating between readings from the annual test
lead survey.
The relationship between confidence and probability of detection can be formal-
ized. Mathematical checks can also be employed to ensure that gap rates are capped
to realistic values, even when confidence is extremely low. By dividing the gap rate
by the confidence, the final gap rate increases with decreasing confidence—0.01 gaps/
ft2 with 50% confidence yields 0.02 gaps/ft2; with 10% confidence, 0.1 gaps/ft2; and
so forth. Then, the risk assessor can assign to all locations, a gap emergence rate (x
gaps/ft2 per year) to account for new interference sources, shielding effects, coating
deterioration, and other causes of diminished CP. By one strategy, pipeline segments
within 10 ft of a test lead, receiving annual confirmations of acceptable CP levels, will
show essentially complete CP effectiveness—100% effective mitigation. As distance
from test leads increases and/or time between readings increases, CP gaps are modeled
to emerge.

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

6.8.3 Monitoring Frequency

The role of age in CP surveys is the same as for other types of inspections. The time
between inspections and the rate of emergence of anomalies during this interval com-
bine to show the benefits of any inspection timing protocol.
Continuous CP monitoring via existing SCADA systems is becoming more com-
mon. Report-by-exception systems are used, monitoring pipe-to-soil voltages and even
differences from native potentials when buried coupons, not under the CP circuit in-
fluence, are included. The cost/benefit analysis of continuous monitoring is depen-
dent upon the damages that could result from CP outage periods. When more frequent
and longer duration outages in more corrosive environments are being avoided by
improved monitoring, benefits increase and costs are justified. See also a relevant dis-
cussion under Sabotage threat assessment.

Interference and Shielding

CP effectiveness can be reduced when interferences change aspects of the intended
protective galvanic cell. Changes to anode, cathode, or electrolytic pathways can all
cause interference. Common interferences situations arise where electrical shorting oc-
curs with other metals or shielding essentially blocks protective currents from reaching
the surface to be protected. Extreme interferences may create anodic regions on the
metal intended to be protected. This accelerates corrosion rates and should be consid-
ered in the exposure estimates.
Two types of mitigation interference are appropriately evaluated in a pipeline risk
assessment: DC related and shielding effects. AC effects, and especially attempts to
mitigate them (unintentionally blocking some protective DC while controlling AC),
can impact CP systems but are more recognized as adding to corrosion potential rather
than reducing mitigation. Where there is believed to be a stronger influence on mitiga-
tion, AC effects should certainly appear in both places in the risk assessment.
In assessing the interference potential, the assessment should consider the isolation
techniques used in separating protected surfaces from other CP systems, sources of
electrical power, and metals, including nearby pipelines, casings, foundations, junk-
yards, offshore platforms, shore structures, and many others. When isolation is not
provided, joint cathodic protection of the structure and the protected metal should be
in place.
Because distribution systems are often co-located in areas congested with other
buried utilities, often with their own CP systems, special operator methods by which
interference could be detected and prevented may be employed. Examples include
strict construction control, strong programs to document locations of all buried util-
ities, close interval surveys, extensive use of test leads and interference bonds, and
increased inspections.
In a more robust risk assessment on a buried pipeline, the presence of a nearby
buried feature—metallic or potential source of shielding—causes a new dynamic seg-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ment. Each occurrence of a casing, foreign pipeline or utility crossing, electric railroad
crossing, buried metal debris, concrete structure, and others would be an independent
pipeline segment for purposes of risk assessment. Such segments would carry the risk
of interference (including shielding effects) whereas neighboring segments might not.
For transmission pipelines in corridors with foreign pipelines, higher threat levels of
interference may exist, although it is common for pipeline owners in shared corridors
to cooperate, perhaps bonding their systems together, and thereby reduce interference
The two potential mitigation interference phenomena, shielding and DC-related
interference are discussed in PRMM.

6.8.4 Combined Mitigation Effectiveness

When a coating holiday or a CP coverage anomaly is located, that location may be

treated as having reduced mitigation or at least reduced reliability of mitigation. When
both coating and CP gaps coincide, an active corrosion location is assumed.
In the absence of location-specific coating and CP gap information, general gap
rates for each are used to determine the probability of coincident gaps. SME’s can nor-
mally produce credible gap rate estimates for lengths of pipeline or areas of facilities.
Based on older surveys, experience with excavations on the assessed system and simi-
lar systems, they can estimate how often they would expect a coating defect or an area
unprotected by CP. This is of course not as reliable as an overline survey or ILI-based
information, but is sometimes all that is available to an assessment.
With coating holiday rates and CP coverage gap rates, an estimate of the number
of active corrosion points can be made. This is illustrated in the following example:


The risk assessor has conducted a facilitated SME meeting and has obtained, for the
preliminary P90 risk assessment of 20 miles of pipeline, estimates of coating and CP
gap rates. He has chosen units of ‘per mile’ to help SME’s produce their estimates (he
can later convert to per ft2, a more appropriate unit to account for varying pipe diam-
eters and associated surface areas). Results are SME estimates of 30 coating holidays
per mile and 2 CP gaps per mile.
Since he seeks a probability of coincident gap in a very small area, he chooses one
linear foot of pipeline as representative of the size of each hypothetical gap, converts
the SME estimates to a ‘per foot’ unit, and multiplies them together to arrive at a fre-
quency of coincident gap locations:

30/5280 gaps/ft x 2/5280 gaps/ft x 5280 ft/mile

= 0.011 coincident gaps/mile

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

For the 20 miles being assessed, he finds a small chance of active corrosion loca-
tions, expressed as a frequency of occurrence of :
20 miles x 0.011gaps/mile = 0.22 gaps in the assessed segment, or 22% probability
of an active corrosion location somewhere in this 20 mile length of pipeline.

This approach reflects the reality of the complex corrosion control choices com-
monly encountered in pipeline operations. It is not uncommon for the corrosion spe-
cialist to have results of various types of surveys of varying ages and be faced with the
challenge of assimilating all of this data into a format that can support decision mak-
ing. Mirroring the SME’s valuations provides the additional benefits of showing the
value of some techniques over others as well as the value in increased survey frequen-
cies. Additional adjustments for survey accuracy (including conditions under which
the survey took place), operator errors, and equipment errors are also relevant. Such
adjustments should play a role in assessments (even though they are not illustrated
here) because they are important considerations in evaluating actual CP effectiveness.
The assessment scheme is patterned after the decision process of the corrosion control
engineer, but is of course considering only some of the factors that may be important
in any specific situation.


As noted, the resistance to failure by corrosion is efficiently measured as an effective

wall thickness. This thickness, taken with the mitigated corrosion rate, yields a time to
failure, or remaining life estimate. In the case of external corrosion and pressure con-
tainment, hoop stress carrying capacity is affected since, it is the extreme fibers of the
vessel (pipe or component) that are being degraded. This has the effect, at least theoret-
ically, of causing more loss of strength than an equivalent amount of interior wall loss.


6.10.1 Background

An assessment of the potential damage by internal corrosion is appropriate for most

risk assessments. Internal corrosion results in pipe wall loss and is caused by a reaction
between the inside pipe wall and the interior environment, ie, usually the product being
transported and the influences of its flow regime. As with most analyses presented in
this book, the focus is on steel components but the principles apply to all pipe materi-
als. The assessment of the threat from internal corrosion is conducted by an examination of
the product stream characteristics and the preventive measures being taken to offset corro-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

sion potential. Presentation of the chemistry underlying internal corrosion mechanisms

is beyond the scope of this text.
Corrosive activity may not be the result of the product intended to be transported,
but rather a result of impurities in the product stream. Water and solids intrusion into
a natural gas stream, for example, is not uncommon. As with other hydrocarbons, the
natural gas (methane) will not harm steel, but water and other impurities can certainly
promote corrosion.
The electrochemical process that causes steel to corrode from products transported
involves anodic and cathodic reactions just as in external corrosion. Substances that
commonly contribute to corrosion in pipelines are dissolved acid gases such as carbon
dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) as well as organic acids. For the electro-
chemical reactions to occur, an ionizing solvent must be present, which in the pipeline
environment is usually water. Salts, acids, and bases dissolved in the water create the
necessary electrolyte. Influencing factors can be very complex. For example, CO2 ex-
acerbated corrosion of carbon steel varies with changes in velocity, pH, temperature,
and shows significant changes to various combinations of these factors.
Internal corrosion commonly causes damage to the bottom portions of the pipe. In
theory, a pipeline carrying hydrocarbons and a small amount of water will not experi-
ence internal corrosion if the water is dispersed and suspended in the product stream
rather than flowing as a separate phase in contact with the bottom of the pipe.
Depending on the definition of ‘failure’ used in the risk assessment, reactions oc-
curring inside pipe components that do not threaten integrity of those components may
be excluded. An example of this is the buildup of wax or paraffin in some oil lines.
While such buildups cause operational problems, they do not normally contribute to
the corrosion threat unless they support or aggravate a mechanism that would other-
wise not be present or as severe. See also the discussion under Chapter 12.1.4 Risk of
service interruption on page 463.
Some of the same measures used to prevent internal corrosion, are used not only to
protect the pipe, but also to protect the product from impurities that may be produced
by corrosion. Jet fuels and high-purity chemicals are examples of pipeline products
that are often carefully protected from such contaminants.
Certain facilities can be exposed to corrosive materials in higher concentrations
and for longer durations. Sections of station piping, equipment, and vessels can be iso-
lated as “dead legs” for hours, weeks, or even years. The lack of product flow through
these isolated sections can allow internal corrosion cells to remain active allowing ac-
cumulations of corrosion damages over time. Also, certain product additive and waste
collection systems can also concentrate corrosion promoting compounds in station sys-
tems designed to transport products within line pipe specifications.

6.10.2 Exposure

To more efficiently model the various types of internal corrosion, it can be categorized
into general classes, depending on the exposure scenario. One categorization uses two
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

scenarios, corrosion under normal and abnormal (or ‘special’) conditions. In the first,
the transportation of a product always corrosive to the pipe (or other component) wall,
is examined. In the second are scenarios where the product is corrosive to the pipe wall
only under abnormal conditions. The distinction between the two becomes blurred
in some scenarios, but is still a useful way to ensure both classes are addressed in an
The corrosivity of the pipeline contents that are routinely in immediate contact
with the pipe wall are first assessed. The greatest threat exists in systems where the
product is inherently incompatible with the component material and is also in continu-
ous contact. This can be termed ‘general’ since it is the corrosivity that is most obvious
and potentially occurs over the majority of the pipeline.
Another threat arises when corrosive impurities can get into the product stream
(ie, an ‘upset’ scenario) or become concentrated/combined to create a more corrosive
condition. This can be called a ‘special’ corrosion rate since it is abnormal, occurring
infrequently over time and/or in only very few locations along the pipeline. These two
scenarios can be assessed separately and then combined for an assessment of product

Corrosion Rate = [general product stream corrosivity] +

[corrosivity under special conditions]

These are additive since the worst case scenario would be a scenario where both
are active in the same pipeline at the same location—both a corrosive product and
potential for additional corrosion through special conditions. The balance between the
two is situation specific, but because hydrocarbons are inherently non-corrosive to
most pipe materials and most transportation of hydrocarbons strives for very low prod-
uct contaminant levels, special corrosion rates might dominate for many hydrocarbon
transport scenarios. In water transport, by contrast, general corrosion would be expect-
ed to dominate.
To begin, we assess the general corrosion potential from normal contact between
flowing product and the component wall, based on product specifications and/or prod-
uct analyses. Next, the potential for abnormal contacts between component wall and
contents is assessed. Higher concentrations and contact durations of dropout contam-
inants such as water and solids accumulations in low spots can occur during no-flow,
low-flow, or steep inclination conditions. Scenarios of offspec product receipts are in-
cluded as special corrosivity. In either case, the term contaminant is used here to mean
some transported substance that is beyond the agreed upon product purity specification
limits and is corrosive to the pipe wall, even though the specification may allow some
amounts of the substance.
Each of the two general scenarios of internal corrosion are assigned an unmitigated
corrosion rate—the exposure—normally in units of mpy or mm/year, and a probabil-
ity that such a corrosion rate manifests at the location being evaluated. This parallels
the approach used to evaluate external corrosion. The locations of coincident loss of
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

protective coating and CP, thereby allowing external corrosion, is analogous to the lo-
cations of sufficient contact time between corrosive substances and internal pipe wall
that allow internal corrosion.
In many cases, assigning a mpy (or mm per year) exposure value will be a very
generalized approximation. Rarely will an actual or even potential corrosion rate at
a particular location be fully understood. Sometimes actual corrosion rates on sim-
ilar components in similar conditions will be known. Sometimes, laboratory corro-
sivity rates in laboratory conditions will be known and may be extrapolated to field
conditions. Use of either in estimating potential corrosivity at other locations will be
problematic, but may be the only basis for an estimate. Since actual rates will be very
site-specific, a plausible range of rates, rather than a single value, may be more useful.
From such a range, especially if an underlying probability distribution is also known
or can be reasonably theorized, P50 and P90+ values for location-specific corrosion
rates can be assigned.

• Internal corrosion rates are estimated from both general and
special-circumstance corrosivities

Recall an earlier discussion of the ‘test of time’ as providing some evidence re-
garding the level of exposure. In the case of internal corrosion potential, however,
‘years in service without findings of corrosion’ may not be very compelling evidence,
given the typical ranges of transported fluids and the often-changing operation and
maintenance practices that many pipelines experience.

General Corrosion (Flow stream characteristics)

It is often economically advantageous to transport substances through a pipe that has

some susceptibility to corrosion by the substance. This implicitly accepts the damage
potential as manageable and/or the threats to integrity as tolerable.
There can be varying degrees of corrosivity tolerated by a transporter. These are
examined in PRMM. Rates of 200 mpy or more have been seen in actual operating
hydrocarbon pipelines. Unmitigated corrosion potential approaching 10 mpy or more
would be considered aggressive by most pipeline operators.
Rates of 0.1 to 2 mpy are often treated as mildly corrosive and sometimes even as
inconsequential. Note however, that over many years, even mild corrosion can threaten
Transportation of products by pipeline is normally governed by contracts that state
delivery specifications. Most specifications will state the acceptable limits of product
composition as well as the acceptable delivery parameters. When formal contracts do
not exist, there is usually an implied contract that the delivery will fit the customer’s

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

need and be compatible with the transportation process. See additional discussion of
specifications under Service Interruption Risk.
The product specification can be violated when the composition of the product
changes. This will be termed off-spec and will cover all episodes where the product
deviates sufficiently from the intended specification to cause corrosion.
Most transmission pipelines require, via transportation specifications, that trans-
ported products are non-corrosive to the pipeline materials. Distribution systems, as
receivers of transmission-quality product, similarly expect only non-corrosive prod-
ucts. Gathering systems generally do not carry such specifications and some amounts
of corrosive products are expected. Regardless of the existence of a specification, ep-
isodes that create corrosion potential are possible in all types of pipeline systems and
commonplace in some.
While very specific corrosion chemical processes can be modeled, it is often with-
in the realm of desired accuracy to simplify corrosivity estimates. In one such simpli-
fication, the flow stream characteristics can be efficiently divided into two main cate-
gories—water related and solids related—for purposes of evaluating corrosivity [94].
Internal corrosion is also a common threat in hydrocarbon gathering pipelines
where mixtures, including water and solids, and multiphase fluids are transported. Mi-
croorganism activities that can promote internal corrosion should also be considered.
Sulfate-reducing bacteria and anaerobic acid-producing bacteria are sometimes found
in oil and gas pipelines. They produce H2S and acetic acid, respectively, both of which
can promote corrosion [79].
Water is a pipelined product that presents special challenges in regard to internal
corrosion prevention. Metallic water pipes often have internal linings (cement mortar
lining is common) to protect them from the corrosive nature of the transported water.
Raw or partially treated water systems for delivery to agricultural and/or landscaping
applications are becoming more common. Water corrosivity might change depending
on the treatment process and the quality of the transported water.

Special Corrosion (Upset potential and/or Abnormal Situations)  

This is a measure of the potential for an increase in corrosion activity due to abnormal
situations like contamination of the transported product or flow pattern changes. Low
flow rates can increase the chance of solid or liquid deposition and accumulation, while
higher flow rates can cause erosion. Anything that leads to increased corrosive contam-
inant contact with pipe walls will logically increase corrosion potential and rate. Rel-
evant phenomena can be rare. For instance, drag-reducing agents that are sometimes
added by pipeline operators to enhance throughput can lower the ability of flowing
hydrocarbon to entrain water by dampening turbulence. On the other hand, a return to
higher flow rates can remove accumulations and could therefore be seen as preventa-
tive as described later.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 6.3 Liquid and solids holdup when critical angle exceeded

Under an assumption that a pipeline is designed to receive products and sustain

a flow regime that minimize corrosion, accumulations of corrosive fluids and solids
are considered to be abnormal conditions and hence modeled as part of the ‘special
corrosion’ rates. Changes in flow patterns including stagnant flow conditions that lead
to increased corrosion potential can usually be considered to be special conditions for
most portions of most pipelines under the assumption that such scenarios are rare. If
this assumption is not valid—ie, accumulations, higher contact time with pipe wall, etc
are normal, then corrosion-accelerating flow patterns can form the basis of the ‘gen-
eral’ corrosion rate. This involves treating accumulations of allowed-by-specification
constituents as part of the ‘general corrosion’ rate, perhaps to better distinguish from
accidental introductions of contaminants (constituents not allowed by specification).
A critical inclination angle calculation can be used to supplement and support ex-
posure estimates at specific locations. This can be extended into applications of flow
modeling that predict corrosive locations along a pipeline based on fluid stream, flow
regime, elevation profile, pressures, temperatures, and other factors, continues to im-
prove. Sophisticated models with high quality input data can more reliably predict
depositions, accumulations, and subsequent special corrosion rates, in addition to cor-
rosion potential from ‘normal’ contact of product stream with pipe wall.
When such modeling includes the effects of inhibitors, biocides, and perhaps other
mitigation measures, the predictions generated should be treated as mitigated corrosion
rates in the risk assessment. Therefore, provisions for failure of a mitigation measure
should be considered.
The overall assessment of upset potential or abnormal conditions, as contributing
factors to special internal corrosion potential, can be accomplished through an evalua-
tion of the product stream and the items listed in PRMM.
Recall that estimates of exposure assume no mitigation. When mitigation is de-
fined as only measures taken by the pipeline owner, then mitigation taken by others
becomes part of the exposure evaluation. So, the likelihood of an error in a supplier’s
delivery system, leading to a contamination episode, is a part of the exposure estimate.
Alternatively, a full exposure-mitigation analyses could be conducted on the product
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

delivery system into the pipeline with the results feeding into the pipeline’s product
corrosivity exposure estimates.
When foreign material enters the pipe from external sources (not product stream
sources), product contamination and internal corrosion are possible. With the lower
pressures normally seen in distribution systems, infiltration can be a problem. Infiltra-
tion occurs when an outside material migrates into the pipeline. Most commonly, water
is the substance that enters the pipe. While more common in gravity-flow water and
sewer lines, a high water table can cause enough pressure to force water into even pres-
surized pipelines including portions of gas distribution systems. Conduit pipe for fiber
optic cable or other electronic transmission cables is also susceptible to infiltration and
subsequent threats to system integrity.
Special corrosion rates can be extremely aggressive. An operator installed a new
hydrocarbon gathering system (oil and condensates) which, after only a few years in
service, experienced internal corrosion leaks. Upon investigation, corrosion rates in
excess of 200 mpy were discovered—far exceeding what was thought plausible in such
systems. MIC was identified as a prime contributor. MIC rates up to about 10 mm/year
(about 400 mpy) have been shown to be possible under laboratory conditions. Special
pitting corrosion rates that do not involve MIC can also be very high.

Probability of Corrosion Rates

The most robust internal corrosion assessments will use surface areas in the probability
estimates. Analogous to the assessment of external corrosion potential, this approach
allows the assessment to highlight specific locations where internal corrosion is more
likely, for example, at bottom of pipe at low spots.
Recall the discussion of measurements and inferences as a means to model the dis-
parity of information commonly seen along a typical pipeline. In some locations, direct
measurements of corrosion rates will be available. In other locations, only relatively weak
inferential evidence will be available and must be used to create an estimate of corrosion
Monitoring is a key aspect of estimating the exposure, recognizing that many monitor-
ing activities will be measuring a mitigated corrosion rate. Monitoring can be either direct
or indirect. In either case, extrapolation from the monitored locations to all unmonitored
locations will be required.
Monitoring and measurements that can be useful in the assessment include the use
of probes and coupons, scale analysis (product sampling), inhibitor residual measure-
ments, dewpoint control results, monitoring of critical points by ultrasonic wall thick-
ness measurements, and effluent examinations from pigging programs.
It is not uncommon for pipelines to experience changes in service conditions over
their lifetimes. In the oil and gas industry, product streams and excursion potentials
change as new wells are tied in to existing pipelines and the stream experiences chang-
es in composition, pressure, or temperature. While an internal corrosive environment
might have been stabilized under one set of flowing conditions, changes in those condi-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

tions may promote or aggravate corrosion. Liquids settle as transport velocity decreas-
es. Cooling effects might cause condensation of entrained liquids, further adding to the
amount of free, corrosive liquids. Liquids may now gravity flow to the low points of
the line, causing corrosion cells in low-lying collection points. Reduced velocities and
increased depositions may prevent sweeping of accumulated solids and liquids.

Inspection for Corrosion Damages

Repeated wall thickness measurements at the same location, usually by ILI or NDE,
offer a means of direct corrosion monitoring. The inaccuracies associated with locat-
ing and sizing the often tiny, pin-hole type corrosion features means that uncertainty
should be a part of the findings.
An alternate method is to use a spool (test) piece of pipe that can be removed and
directly inspected for corrosion damage.
Any inspection program must consider inaccuracies and limitations of extrapola-
tions of results and be repeated at appropriate intervals.
Caution must be exercised when assigning benign corrosion rates based solely on
the non-detection of internal corrosion at certain times and at limited locations. It is
important to capture where the potential for corrosion might be high, even when no
active corrosion has yet been detected.

Indirect Corrosion Monitoring

Spot monitoring of internal corrosion is often done by either an instrumented probe or
by insertion and subsequent inspection of a coupon designed to corrode when exposed
to the transported product. Both methods require an attachment to the pipeline to allow
the probe or coupon to be inserted into and extracted from the flowing product. More
advanced configurations of probes or coupons, such as provisions for accumulations
and simulations of stagnant pitting potential, add more credibility to any extrapolations
from location-specific monitoring.
Monitoring of product streams also presents opportunities to infer corrosion poten-
tial. Product stream composition measurements range from simple moisture analyzers
to full chromatograph analyses and from monthly composite sample ‘bombs’ or occa-
sional ‘grab samples’ to nearly continuous analyses.
Monitoring of the materials displaced from a steel pipeline during maintenance
pigging may include a search for corrosion products such as iron oxide—mentioned
as a ‘direct’ monitoring method—or fluids and solids that are corrosive. Since con-
tact time with the pipe wall is an important aspect of corrosion rate, the presence of
corrosive materials alone is not the full picture. Nonetheless, examination of pigging
effluent will help to assess both the corrosion potential and the extent of damage in the
line. Examinations of filters and traps for corrosion by-products like iron oxide yields
similar useful information, both direct and indirect.

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

A probability estimate will normally be required to incorporate a potential corrosion
rate into the risk assessment. The probability of a certain corrosion rate at a specific
location on the pipeline arises from an understanding of all the elements previously
discussed—corrosion mechanisms, product stream characteristics, and results from in-
spection and monitoring. Since much of this information will not be precisely known at
all points along the pipeline, extrapolations from where it is known will be necessary.
Furthermore, since conditions often change over time, both time- and location-uncer-
tainties arise. Therefore, uncertainty over time (ranges of possible corrosion rates at the
same location over time) and space (distance from locations of known or better-esti-
mated corrosion rates) are both included in the probability values.
A probability or confidence level assigned to corrosion rate estimates captures the
amount of uncertainty of the extrapolations as well as the uncertainty in the measure-
ments of corrosion rates at the known locations.

Pipeline XYZ relies upon ACME Production Company to deliver a hydrocarbon
stream substantially free of any corrosive component. Historical performance data
from product stream analyzers and an examination of ACME’s potential error rates as-
sociated with processes related to product delivery lead to estimates of general product
stream corrosivity and possible contaminate drop out potentials at the delivery point
and locations farther downstream. Then, flow patterns are studied to estimate contam-
inant accumulation potentials at the location being assessed. Combining both leads to
estimates of 0.1 mpy 90% of the time and 10 mpy 10% of the time, at the location of
interest. Pipeline XYZ estimates product corrosivity to be 0.1 x 0.9 + 10 x 0.1 = 1.1
mpy as a probability-weighted (also potentially viewed as a time-weighted corrosion
rate) summation of corrosion rates at this location. An alternative approach would be
to use 0.1mpy for P50 and 10 mpy for P90 estimates of internal corrosion exposure at
this location. The internal corrosion mitigation practices would then be used with these
estimates to arrive at the potential damage rate estimates.


Having assessed the potential for a corrosive product stream, the evaluator can now
examine and evaluate mitigation measures being employed against potential internal
corrosion. The probable effectiveness of mitigation measures is used with the exposure
estimates to assess damage potential, modeled as a reduction in unmitigated damage
rate. Estimating mitigation effectiveness will be challenging in many cases. The goal
is to understand, for each unit of surface area (square inch of internal surface area),
the ability of the mitigation measure to at least partially block corrosion that would
otherwise occur.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

With both exposure and mitigation varying along the pipeline, the probability of
worst-case corrosion is directly related to the probability of mitigation gaps coinciding
with the higher corrosion rates. Gaps in mitigation effectiveness at contamination ac-
cumulation points are more threatening than gaps occurring elsewhere.
Typical internal corrosion mitigation measures include:
• Internal coatings,
• Inhibitor injection,
• Regular cleaning,
• Operational measures Sweeping of liquid accumulations, and
• Product treatments.

Monitoring via coupon or other probe is a common supporting activity although it

is not a direct mitigation itself.
Although there are real-world dependencies among these measures (for example,
inhibitors may not be effective without mechanical removals of buildups by pigging),
they can generally be modeled as independent measures and can be related using OR
gate math.

It is common practice in many pipelines to use pigs to prevent long-term accumu-
lations of liquids and solids and clean internal surfaces of a pipeline. Types of pigs,
frequency of cleaning, and characteristics of the cleaning ‘run’ are all important to the
program effectiveness (see PRMM). Components such as sharp bends may reduce the
cleaning effectiveness and, when coupled with a relative low spot—ie, critical angle
exceeded—then this location may become a hot spot for internal corrosion.
Monitoring of the materials displaced from the pipeline following a cleaning pig
should include a search for corrosion by-products such as iron oxide in steel lines. This
will help to assess the extent of corrosion in the line and therefore the effectiveness of
the pigging. A reduction in contaminant residence time—contact time with pipe wall—
may be the appropriate measure of effectiveness. This will ‘reward’ more frequent and
more thorough cleaning operations.

Inhibitor injection
Corrosion-inhibiting chemicals can be injected into the pipeline to prevent or reduce
corrosion damage. Inhibitors are applied at intervals or continuously. Inhibition pro-
grams can be very expensive. Inhibitor effectiveness is often partially verified by an
internal monitoring program as described above.
Formulations may have “oxygen-scavenging” properties that allow them to bond
with the oxygen in the fluid and prevent its reacting with the pipe (oxygen being the
primary corrosion agent with steel). Other chemical formulations create a film or bar-

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

rier between the metal and the fluid. Biocides can be added to address micrbiological-
ly-induced corrosion.
In some applications, another benefit of these additives is that they usually con-
tain surface-active compounds that decrease oil and water interfacial tension so as to
make it more difficult for water to separate from the oil flow. Conversely, chemical
demulsifiers that are added to oil to remove water during processing before delivery to
the pipeline can have the undesired effect of increasing the interfacial tension and thus
causing easier separation of oil and water in the pipeline flow.
The risk assessment should consider whether the inhibitor injection equipment is
well maintained and injects the proper amount of inhibitor at the proper rate.
Generally, it is difficult to completely eliminate corrosion through inhibitor use
alone. A pigging program is usually necessary to supplement inhibitor injection. The
pigging is designed to mechanically remove free liquids, solids, or bacteria colony
protective coverings, which might otherwise interfere with inhibitor or biocide perfor-
mance. Experience in some company’s internal corrosion programs is that chemical
inhibition is virtually ineffective without supplemental mechanical cleaning via pigs.
Even with both inhibition and mechanical cleaning, effectiveness is uncertain.
When pitting corrosion is prevalent, mechanical cleaning and inhibitor effectiveness in
narrow, deep corrosion features is problematic. Challenges are even more pronounced
in multi-phase or multi-velocity flow regimes. Any change in operating conditions
must entail careful evaluation of the impact on inhibitor effectiveness.
Recall that accumulation points are typically hot spots for internal corrosion.
Therefore, gaps in inhibition effectiveness at contamination accumulation points are
more threatening than gaps occurring elsewhere.

Internal coating/liners
Internal coating has not been common practice for many pipelines but is growing in
popularity due to advancements in liner materials and the deterioration of valuable
pipelines. Internal coating includes the use of liners inserted into existing pipes, spray-
on concrete or mortar, plastic, or other material, and the manufacture of multi-material
composite pipes. A common concern in such systems is the detection and repair of a
leak that may occur in the liner. Such leaks may accelerate corrosion at locations far
from the leak location.
If an internal coating system is employed as defense against internal corrosion,
its role in mitigation can be assessed in the same way as an external coating system.
Its effectiveness can be judged by the same criteria as coatings for protection from
atmospheric corrosion and buried metal corrosion described in this chapter. A holiday
or defect rate per unit area shows the effectiveness of the coating. The probability of
a defect coinciding with a corrosivity event—which is 100% of the surface area for
general corrosivity and often <100% of the surface area for special corrosivity—yields
the probability of that corrosion rate manifesting. Coating defects at internal corrosion
hot spots points are more threatening than defects occurring elsewhere.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Note that an internal coating/liner that is applied for purposes of reduction in flow
resistance might be of limited usefulness in corrosion control.

Operational measures
Dehydration, filtering, and other methods are commonly used to address corrosion
potential prior to the product contacting the internal pipe wall, especially when the
pipe material and product are not incompatible but where concentrations of impurities
could lead to corrosion. Temperature, pressure, and flow rate control are other opera-
tional measures typically used to reduce corrosion potential, especially where duration
of contact between product and material surfaces is a critical determinant of damages.
The effectiveness of such measures is dependent upon many factors, including equip-
ment design and maintenance, monitoring, and operator skills and procedures.

Example: 6.2 Assessing internal corrosion:

A section of a pipeline carrying natural gas from offshore production wells is being
examined. Drying and sulfur-removal treatment takes place offshore. The line has been
designed for flow rates that limit contaminant deposition or, if deposition does occur,
residence time. Variance to design flow rates is common but unquantified.
Inhibitor is injected to manage corrosion from associated liquids that get past the
treatment process. It has been determined that the inhibitor injector had failed for sev-
eral weeks prior to correcting the malfunction. Pigs are run bi-monthly to clean out any
accumulations. Both liquids and solids are removed.
Corrosion rates are monitored continuously via probes. Because the probes are
located at the onshore receiving station, it is not possible to use the data to simulate
corrosion resulting from deposition.
The highest corrosion rates observed at these coupons is 2.1 mpy but most read-
ings are less than 0.1 mpy.
The evaluator requires a quick initial assessment and quantifies the damage poten-
tial as follows:

Exposure: Product corrosivity

The line is exposed to corrosive components only under upset conditions, but up-
set conditions appear to be rather frequent. The unmitigated general corrosion rate is
estimated from experience with similar pipelines, to be 5 mpy, at the P90 level of con-
servatism. Corrosion probes normally show virtually no corrosion but are not deemed
to provide representative corrosion rates at the more critical locations.
A critical angle calculation is performed and locations with inclines exceeding the
critical angle are identified. These locations are assigned a P90 special corrosion rate
of 10 mpy—additive to the general corrosion rate—due to deposition/accumulation

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

potential. Therefore, some locations along this pipeline are modeled to have 5 + 10 =
15 mpy of corrosion potential prior to mitigation.

Inhibitor injection the inhibitor injection program is designed to limit corrosion
to 1 mpy anywhere in the treated segment. Since effectiveness is difficult to
achieve at all locations and the risk assessment is to be conservative, 50% ef-
fectiveness is the initial SME estimate, based on changes from pre-inhibition
observations, ie 2.1 mpy observed in coupon analysis. This also captures the
idea that inhibition alone, without prevention of accumulations, is more prob-
Operational measures SME’s assign a P90 value of 20% effectiveness for op-
erational procedures alone, in acknowledgment that design flow rates should
minimize depositions and sweep accumulations, but there do not appear to be
devices or procedures to strictly control flowrates. SME’s estimate that rela-
tively low flow conditions manifest about 10% of the year. This value is dou-
bled to arrive at a P90 estimate of 20%.
Pigging 50% effectiveness is assumed as an initial SME estimate based on tri-
al-and-error applications of pig types and pigging frequencies used over sev-
eral years.

Effectiveness of each of the preventive measures (inhibitor injection, operational

measures, and maintenance pigging) is limited because of difficulties in continuously
achieving corrosion control with the actions in a real-world production environment.

Total 1-(1-0.5)(1-0.2)(1-0.5) = 80% initial estimate of combined mitigation


Damage Rates
Based on this initial P90 evaluation, mitigated corrosion rates are estimated to
range from 1 to 3 mpy along the pipeline: 5 mpy x (1-80%) = 1 mpy to 15 mpy x
(1-80%) = 3 mpy at low spots. These values are next used with best estimates of cur-
rent wall thicknesses at all locations to obtain estimates of TTF. The extreme damage
rate—15 mpy is plausible at low spots if mitigation fails—is also used to help establish
the relationship between TTF and PoF by calculating a worst-case damage rate.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


Erosion, usually as a form of internal corrosion, can also considered a time dependent
failure mechanism. Erosion can be thought of as ‘mechanical corrosion’ (recall the
roots of the word ‘corrosion’).   Erosion is the removal of a component’s wall material
caused by the abrasive or scouring effects of substances moving against the compo-
nent. It is a form of corrosion in the most general definition of the word. Abrasive
particles moving at high velocities and impinging on an internal surface are the normal
causes of erosion. Since internal erosion is generally avoided through design and op-
erational measures, the potential for erosion can be treated as a special corrosion rate
under internal corrosion. It often warrants an independent evaluation in the overall risk
assessment, however.
While commonly associated with internal wall loss due to product stream char-
acteristics, it can also occur on external surfaces. Wind born sand particles can cause
significant damages to certain component materials, for example.
Erosion of pipe or component wall thickness is considered in this part of the risk
assessment, while erosion of support, such as soil erosion during a flood, is captured
under geohazards and resistance.
Interior wall erosion is a real problem in some oil and gas production regimes.
Production phenomena such as high velocities, two-phase flows, and the presence of
sand and solids create the conditions necessary for damaging erosion.
If occurring in the product stream, impingement points such as elbows and valves
are the most susceptible erosion points. Gas at high velocities may be carrying en-
trained particles of sand or other solid residues and, consequently, can be especially
damaging to the pipe components.
Historical evidence of erosion damage is of course a strong indicator of suscep-
tibility. Other evidence includes high product stream velocities (perhaps indicated by
large pressure changes in short distances) or abrasive fluids. Combinations of these
factors are the strongest evidence. If, for instance, an evaluator is told that sand is
sometimes found in filters or damaged valve seats, and that some valves had to be
replaced recently with more abrasion-resistant seat materials, he may have sufficient
reason to suspect significant exposure to this threat in certain components, especially
those with impingement points. Calculations are available to help determine suscep-
tibility when parameters such as velocity, particle size, and liquid contents are known
or can be estimated.
A PoF for erosion is generated in the same way as for corrosion and cracking. First,
an unmitigated erosion rate is estimated and normally expressed in mpy or mm/year.
If mitigation such as liners or injected fluids are used to protect pipe surfaces, their ef-
fectiveness is estimated. The mitigated erosion rate is then used with an effective wall
thickness (see Chapter 10.4.3 Effective Wall Thickness Concept on page 319) in TTF
estimates. The TTF estimates lead to PoF estimates. As with corrosion, a probability
aspect is usually needed, especially when a gap in mitigation—such as a hole in a lin-
er—must coincide with an impingement point before damage occurs.
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms


• Evaluate all forms of crack potential by using the same
methodology: independent measurement/estimate of:

Cracking as a failure mechanism has not been a dominant source of accidents for most
pipeline systems. However, for susceptible systems, failure modes can be dramatic
and have resulted in serious incidents. Examples include fatigue failures in metallic
components and rapid crack growth phenomena in plastics.
For all pipeline materials in common use, cracking can be evaluated in the same
fashion as for steel. This is a major benefit for risk assessment.
As with other failure modes, evaluating the potential for cracking follows logical
steps, replicating the thought process that a specialist would employ. This involves (1)
identifying, at all locations, the types of cracking possible, both on internal, external
surfaces; (2) identifying the vulnerability of the pipe material—how probable and how
aggressive is the potential cracking; and (3) evaluating the prevention measures used.
As with corrosion potential, quantifying this understanding is done using the same
PoF triad that is used to evaluate each failure mechanism: exposure, mitigation, and re-
sistance, each measured independently. This will result in the following measurements,
ready to be combined into a TTF estimate from which a PoF estimate can emerge.
• Aggressiveness of unmitigated cracking at any point on the component (units
of mpy or mm/yr)
• Effectiveness of mitigation measures; a reduction in crack growth rate that
would otherwise occur (units = %)
• Amount of resistance (units = equivalent wall thickness, inches or mm)

For purposes of risk assessment, the potential for cracking can be evaluated in two
general categories: fatigue and environmentally assisted cracking (EAC). This cate-
gorization is useful since the two, while similar and sometimes overlapping, require
slightly different analyses.

6.12.1 Background

Defects and flaws are found in all materials. They may be invisible to the naked eye
but, when subjected to sufficient stress, may enlarge to critical dimensions, ie, dimen-
sions that precipitate failure. Predicting the initiation and subsequent rate of growth ac-
curately is usually not possible; cracks may emerge and grow over decades or virtually
instantly depending on the circumstances.
Stress concentrators are another common contributing factor in crack related fail-
ures. Any discontinuity in a material, such as a sharp edge, slot, gouge, scratch, or dent,
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

can increase the stress level. Fatigue lives of components can be significantly altered
by corrosion damages. In corrosion fatigue, the acting stresses sufficient to cause fail-
ure can be less severe because pipe strength is diminished as a result of corrosion. For
example, corrosion pits can become stress concentrators that allow routine pressure
fluctuations to cause the formation and growth of cracks in the pit. When cracking
is accelerated by environmental factors such as corrosion, the term Environmentally
Assisted Cracking (EAC) is used to describe the phenomena.
Other phenomena influence crack potential by changing material properties. The
metallurgy of steels or properties of non-metallic components can change from, for
instance, exposure to excessive heat sources such as open flames as well as excessive
cold. Changes in non-metallic materials can parallel the discussion of steel compo-
nents. For instance, UV degradation, when causing brittleness in some plastics, can
impact failure potential in ways similar to the HAZ in steel.
Fatigue loads will further the susceptibility to crack-type failures. Crack progres-
sion advancing solely through repeated cycles of mechanical effects is called fatigue
cracking in this discussion.
In some larger, high-pressure gas pipelines, catastrophic fractures have been ob-
served where the cracks propagate for miles along the pipeline. In these cases crack
growth is rapid, exceeding the depressurization wave and potentially causing a violent
release over considerable distance.
These kinds of failures increase the size of the product-release point but not neces-
sarily the volume of the release. There is certainly an increased threat from mechanical
damage—projectile debris for example. Steel sleeves can be used to arrest the crack
growth until the depressurization wave passes, and crack-resistant materials, heavi-
er-walled or duplex pipe are also preventive measures.
Catastrophic or “avalanche” failures are further discussed under ‘exposure.’

6.12.2 Crack initiation, activation, propagation

Some modelers of cracking identify three distinct phases of crack progression through
a material: initiation, activation, and propagation. All three are required before material
failure by cracking occurs. This is a useful model for pipeline risk assessment since
each of the three can be influenced by different factors whose identification and assess-
ment leads to better understanding of failure potential and failure avoidance.
In this simple model, the crack potential and cracking avoidance can be understood
as follows. If initiators—defects, stress concentrators, etc—can be avoided, then con-
cerns for subsequent activation, propagation, and cracking failure are reduced. If ini-
tiators are present, then activation may be avoided by control of fatigue and/or stress.
Propagation potential is impacted by toughness and stress, with the latter influenced by
component thickness, allowing for the use of crack arrestors to prevent propagation.

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

6.12.3 Assessment Nuances

More so than most other failure mechanisms, cracking analyses bring shades of gray
to the assignment of exposure, mitigation, and resistance. Factors such as material
toughness that influence the rate of cracking through a component wall can logically
be classified as either an exposure variable or resistance variable. So, if material deg-
radation or change (for example, creation of a HAZ) causes the material toughness/
brittleness to change, is that better modeled as increased crack propagation rate (ie,
more exposure)? or rather as reduced effective wall thickness (ie, less resistance)? Ei-
ther will work—mathematically, there will be no difference in PoF estimates—but the
latter may be slightly more efficient from a modeling perspective.
Additional nuances appear in determining whether risk reduction actions are more
appropriately modeled as changes to mitigation (blocking an exposure) versus resis-
tance (absorbing forces), as is detailed in the discussion of mitigation and resistance
later in this chapter.
Recall also the example of the modeling choices (reduced exposure or increased
resistance?) for the role of an expansion loop or a span in a pipeline discussed in Chap-
ter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279


6.13.1 Fatigue

Although historical pipeline accident data does not indicate that cracking is a dominant
failure mechanism in most pipelines fatigue failure has been identified as the largest
single cause of metallic material failure [47] and is certainly a real threat to some
pipeline components. Fatigue is the weakening of a material due to repeated cycles of
stress and is dependent on the number and the magnitude of the cycles. (See PRMM)
Fatigue cracking occurs as a result of repetitive, or cyclic, stress loadings on a pipe.
Cyclic stresses can be axial (parallel to the axis of pipeline), circumferential (hoop
stress in the tangential direction), or radial (perpendicular to the axis). Hoop stress is
usually the most important source of cyclic loadings in pipelines because stress created
by internal pressure is normally the largest stress the pipe experiences.
Fatigue is characterized by the formation and growth of microscopic cracks on one
or both sides of the pipe wall. The first stage in the fatigue process is crack initiation,
or nucleation. While nucleated cracks do not cause a fracture, some may coalesce into
a dominant crack as the variable amplitude loading continues. In the second stage, the
dominant crack grows in a more stable manner, and may eventually reach the thickness
of the wall to produce a leak. Alternatively, the dominant crack may exceed a critical
length or depth that the pipe steel can no longer endure. In this potential third stage,

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

the crack becomes unstable and rapidly grows to a size that can produce a fracture and
Because the most highly stressed points are normally on the outer surface of a
pressurized component, fatigue cracks usually originate on the exterior of the pipe and
progress inwardly.1 Pipe segments most vulnerable to fatigue cracking are those with
pre-existing flaws or dents and other surface deformities caused by mechanical forces
during installation or while in service. Stresses can concentrate at these damage sites,
enabling cracks to form and grow after a relatively small number of load cycles, a phe-
nomenon sometimes called low-cycle fatigue.2 Other locations on the pipe susceptible
to stress concentrations include discontinuities at grain boundaries and voids formed
during pipe manufacturing.3
Ref (wiki) summarizes factors affecting fatigue life of metals as follows:
• Magnitude of stress including stress concentrations caused by part geometry.
• Quality of the surface; surface roughness, scratches, etc. cause stress concen-
trations or provide crack nucleation sites which can lower fatigue life depend-
ing on how the stress is applied.
• Surface defect geometry and location. The size, shape, and location of surface
defects such as scratches, gouges, and dents can have a significant impact on
fatigue life.
• Significantly uneven cooling, leading to a heterogeneous distribution of mate-
rial properties such as hardness and ductility and, in the case of alloys, struc-
tural composition.
• Size, frequency, and location of internal defects. Casting defects such as gas
porosity and shrinkage voids, for example, can significantly impact fatigue
• In metals where strain-rate sensitivity is observed (ferrous metals, copper, ti-
tanium, etc.) strain rate also affects fatigue life in low-cycle fatigue situations.
• For non-isotropic materials, the direction of the applied stress can affect fa-
tigue life.
• Grain size; for most metals, fine-grained parts exhibit a longer fatigue life than
coarse-grained parts.
• Environmental conditions and exposure time can cause erosion, corrosion, or
gas-phase embrittlement, which all affect fatigue life. (ref 1027)

1 According to the Canadian National Energy Board (NEB), there have been no reported cases of inter-
nal SCC in North American transmission pipelines (NEB 2008).

2 Conversely, high-cycle fatigue occurs under a low-amplitude loading in which a large number of
load cycles is required to produce failure.

3 Zhang and Cheng. 2009.

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

These influences should be taken into account, as much as is practical, in the eval-
uation of material resistance.

Crack Growth Rate

From a risk assessment modeling point of view, a representative crack growth rate is
sought and will be used with an estimate of effective resistance. The counts and magni-
tudes of stress cycles linked to crack growth rates is a rational way to model exposure,
ie crack growth rate. This is admittedly an oversimplification of this complex issue. Fa-
tigue depends on many variables as noted previously. At certain stress levels, even the
frequency of cycles—how fast they are occurring—is found to affect the failure point.
It is conservative to assume that any amount of cycling is potentially damaging.
Stress magnitudes can be based on a percentage of the tolerable operating stress levels
or proportional loadings can be used. (Also see PRMM)
Less common causes of fatigue on buried components and aboveground connec-
tions to equipment include loading cycles from traffic, wind loadings, water impinge-
ments, harmonics in piping, rotating equipment, and ground freezing/thawing cycling.
Surges, slack line and vapor pocket collapse, and other transients are examples of
abnormal initiators of cycles. Modern SCADA systems provide an excellent means of
collecting stress cycles (from internal pressure changes) for examination.
A load spectrum is the family of stress-producing cycle counts and magnitudes.
An equivalent cycle representing the full spectrum of actual cycles can be determined
by a method such as Rainflow counting. S-N curves relate cyclic stress levels (uniaxial
stresses, normally) with counts that result in failure, assuming that stresses are well be-
low the material’s elastic limit. This is sometimes referred to as the high-cycle fatigue
regime, where counts greater than 10^4 can be absorbed before failure occurs. The S-N
curve is also used to determine the damage contribution from each cycle. Cumulative
damage theories have been developed to relate the spectrums of cycling to failure time
via the S-N curves. The Miner’s Rule (or Palmgren-Minor Rule) collects the damage
contributed by each cycle. The Paris Law equations are also used to relate stress inten-
sity factors to fatigue crack growth.
With tens of thousands of cycles typically required for failure in this regime, repre-
sentative crack growth rates will usually be very small. For instance, even if a relative-
ly small cycle count of 10,000 cycles is required to fail a component of wall thickness
of 0.250”, the implied crack rate is 250/10,000 = 0.025 mils per cycle.
Low cycle fatigue occurs when loadings produce stresses beyond the elastic limit
and plastic deformation occurs. Pressure testing of components can produce this type
of fatigue. Relationships using strain limits have been formulated to predict failure
under these high stress loading scenarios.

Ref 1028

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

A possible source of fatigue stresses is highway and railroad crossings. Research

in these scenarios have produced design guides that include considerations for circum-
ferential and longitudinal stresses due to earth loads, traffic loads, and the pipe’s inter-
nal pressure. For instance, the following variables used in such calculations provide
insight into the most critical determinants of imparted stresses:
SLh SHh Stress Cyclic stress due to the high-
KLh KHh Stiffness factor Dependent on wall thickness
to diameter ratio & soil type
GLh GHh Geometry factor Dependent on depth & di-
R Pavement type factor
L Axle configuration factor

Fi Impact factor Dependent on depth accord-

ing to formula 1.75–0.03·(H-
5) for depths of 5’ – 30’and
equal to 1.75 for depths < 5’
w Applied surface pressure 83.3 psi for single axle (12
kips / 144 in2)
69.4 for tandem axle (10 kips
/ 144 in2)
H Depth Depth from top of pavement
to crown of pipe
D Diameter Nominal outside diameter of
the pipe

tw Wall Thick- Nominal wall thickness of

ness the pipe

Example: 6.3 Estimating fatigue cracking rates:

PRMM shows an example point assignment scheme for evaluating fatigue risk in
an older risk assessment approach. Modifying that example to reflect the updated risk
assessment approach, the following example of assessing fatigue potential is offered.
The risk assessment has identified two types of cyclic loadings in a specific pipe-
line section: (1) a pressure cycle of about 200psig caused by the start of a compressor
about twice a week and (2) vehicle traffic causing an external loading resulting in a
5-psi longitudinal stress at a frequency of about 100 vehicles per day. The section is
approximately 4 years old and has an MOP of 1000psig. The traffic loadings and the
compressor cycles have both been occurring since the line was installed.
For the first case, the evaluator uses a frequency of (2 starts/week ∞ 52 weeks/year
∞ 4 years) = 416 cycles and a cycle magnitude of (200psig/1000psig) = 20% of MAOP
per cycle. Using these values and published crack growth information yields a crack
growth rate of 0.1 mpy, using additional conservative assumptions regarding defects
present, material toughness, crack properties, and other factors.

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

For the second case, the to-date cycles are equal to (100 vehicles/day ∞ 365 days/
year ∞ 4 years) = 146,000. The cycle magnitude is equal to (5psig/1000psig) = 5% of
MAOP. Using these two values even in a conservative analysis results in very small
per-cycle crack growth rates, and summarizes into annual estimate of crack growth at
0.02 mpy.
The cracking rates are conservatively assumed to coincide at a single theoretical
defect, resulting in a combined crack rate of 0.12 mpy for use in TTF calculations.

6.13.2 Vibrations/Oscillations

As an indicator of potential fatigue loadings and common causes of failure of mechan-

ical couplers, sources of vibration can be included in the risk assessment. Components
on supports, especially when shared with traffic as on a road or railroad bridge, can
be subjected to continuous or intermittent vibrations. Vehicle traffic over buried com-
ponents can impart vibrations in addition to direct fatigue stresses. When vibration is
believed to be a separate failure mechanism from fatigue, it can be added to the risk
assessment, perhaps most logically as increased PoF from cracking. Failures involving
separation of mechanical couplings like threaded or flanged connections, more influ-
enced by vibration effects than classical fatigue, can be considered types of cracking
There are often more opportunities for fatigue type failure mechanisms within
more complex facilities including severe pump starts/stops, pressure cycles, fill cycles,
traffic loadings, etc. Rotating equipment vibrations, as a prime contributor to vibration
effects, can be directly measured or inferred from evidence such as action type (piston
versus centrifugal, for example), speed, operating efficiency point, and cavitation po-
tential. Vibration monitoring is a common part of rotating equipment instrumentation,
mostly to ensure reliability but also supporting integrity management.
Vibration and oscillations are also possible due to fluid movements around a pipe-
line, including wind and water: Vortex induced vibration (VIV); wind induced vibra-
tion (WIV). Vortex shedding, whether by wind or water, can generate sufficient forces
under certain circumstances, to move a pipeline segment. This movement can become
rapid and relatively large, causing fatigue loadings in the pipe material. Fluid density,
speed, cross sectional area in flow stream, frictional drag across the object and other
factors influence the onset and magnitude of movements.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 6.4 Vibrations or Oscillations can Cause Fatigue

Vibration monitoring provides insights into fatigue potential. This helps to identify
when a material is subjected to higher vibration frequency (number of events/time),
and/or, higher magnitude (change amount), considering duration (time) and proxim-
ity to component being assessed (when not the component itself), A robust program
would include monitoring of in-service equipment/material’s frequency, duration, and
level and location of vibration stresses from various sources, including pumps, rotating
equipment, wind, throttling valves, surges, temperature changes, ground movements,
traffic, etc.
Common practices to minimize vibration effects include compensations designed
into equipment supports, PPM practices especially for rotating equipment, the use of
pulsation dampers, and the use of high ductility materials operating at relatively low
stress levels. The assessment should also consider varying risk reduction effectiveness
of programs such as continuous monitoring with automatic shutdown (which shuts
down equipment upon exceedance of pre-set vibration limit) versus monitoring with
alarm versus manual monitoring (ie, spot sampling).

6.13.3 Mechanical Couplers

Separation of mechanical couplers—screwed connections, flanges, etc—can also be

modeled as a cracking phenomenon. There is a time-dependency implied in these
types of failures since, at one time, no leak was present. The time until sufficient
‘loosening’ occurs can be treated as analogous to a crack progression rate through a

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

6.13.4 EAC

Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) occurs from the combined action of a corro-
sive environment (or other material-property-influencing environment), coupled with
a cyclic or sustained stress loading. The more common EAC forms include stress cor-
rosion cracking (SCC), hydrogen stress corrosion cracking (HSCC), sulfide stress cor-
rosion cracking (SSCC), hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), hydrogen embrittlement,
and corrosion fatigue. Corrosion fatigue cracking arises from the same pressure-related
cyclic stresses that produce fatigue and mechanical cracking but are exacerbated by ac-
tive corrosion mechanisms. These are all recognized flaw-creating or flaw-propagating
Some forms of EAC can be caused or exacerbated by hydrogen-assisted cracking.
For instance, when sources of hydrogen are present—such as from agents in a product
stream (such as H2S) or from external sources such as excessive cathodic protection
voltage—cracking potential may increase. Hydrogen-assisted cracking can occur as a
result of the diffusion and concentration of atomic hydrogen in a crack space or other
micro-structural void in a metal. These concentrations may increase the existing stress
load on the metal to form a stress concentrator where cracks can develop. Hydrogen
can also adsorb to the metal surface to reduce surface energy and migrate to the mi-
crostructure reducing interatomic bond strength and providing a nucleation site for
cracks. See also the discussion of failures of repair sleeves due to hydrogen permeation
through steel (Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279, and Ref 1001).
As perhaps the most common of the EAC forms in pipelines, SCC has been more
deeply researched as others and warrants further discussion. While specific to SCC,
some of the following discussion is also relevant to the other types of EAC, for exam-
ple, residual stresses, sensitizing agents on material surface, etc.


Stress corrosion cracking occurs under certain combinations of physical stresses cou-
pled with active corrosion. Accounting for several hundred documented pipeline fail-
ures in the United States, [52].some investigators think that the actual number of SCC
related failures is higher since SCC is often very difficult to recognize. SCC is also
seen in plastic pipe materials. [Ref 5-3]
See PRMM for a background discussion of the most common form of EAC, which
is SCC.
Low stress in a benign environment is the condition least likely to support SCC,
whereas high stress in a corrosive environment is the most favorable. Maximum SCC
rates in both laboratory and field environments of over 40 mpy have been reported.
It is generally accepted that three conditions must be present to support SCC: ten-
sile stress, a susceptible material, and a corrosive environment at the surface.
In addition to the necessary three conditions to support SCC, an additional factor
must be present for an SCC failure to occur. This is the formation of a crack of crit-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ical size. Since SCC is characterized by colonies of tiny cracks, the formation of a
critical-size crack involves the coalescence of multiple, otherwise-benign tiny cracks.
There are many instances of SCC colonies that will not coalesce nor grow and there-
fore pose no threat to a pipeline. However, there is not currently a reliable way to dif-
ferentiate these from the fewer scenarios where component integrity is actually threat-
ened by the colonies.
ASME/ANSI B31.8 identifies high risk factors, as discussed in PRMM. An auto-
matic screening incorporating these criteria can be set up in a computer environment.
Note, however, that operators report discovery of SCC in locations that do not have
all of these characteristics. Therefore, the threat (unmitigated SCC crack growth rate)
cannot often be assigned zero.
Stress Tensile stress on the surface of a component is a prerequisite for SCC. A static
surface stress may be generated from in-service conditions, such as sustained
internal pressures. The acting stress may also be residual in nature, introduced
during bending and welding in manufacturing, or it may arise from external soil
pressure and differential settlement. At sites of surface damage, such as dents
and corrosion pits, stress levels in the circumferential and axial directions are
higher than on undamaged portions of the pipe surface. The same locations on
the pipe that concentrate cyclic stresses, such as gouges, surface discontinuities,
and appurtenances, can concentrate static stresses. In many cases, the stress will
be virtually undetectable. Furthermore, breaks in the surface film may occur at
these discontinuities to make the area more prone to electrochemical corrosion.4

As with most cracking regimes, the higher the stress, the more potential for
SCC crack formation and growth. Limiting the introduction of residual stress-
es during pipe manufacturing, transportation, and installation are important
to reduce SCC susceptibility. Internal pressure is the major in-service source
of static hoop stress. Lowering the operating pressure of a pipeline would be
expected to reduce the potential for SCC. Ref 5-3 suggests that a stress level
corresponding to design factor of class 2, 0.60, could be considered to be a
threshold, below which there is no evidence of cracking. By this criteria, SCC
would not be expected in class 3 or 4 areas (population density categories in
US regulations, see Class Location) which correspond with design factors of
0.5 and 0.4. However, the specific relationship between SCC and hoop stress is
not well established. Evidence from SCC failures show that hoop stresses have
varied between 46 and 77 percent of the SMYS of a pipeline.4
Environment High pH levels are believed to be a contributing factor in classic
SCC on steel surfaces.

4 At sites of surface damage, such as dents and corrosion pits, stress levels in the circumferential and
axial directions are higher than on undamaged portions of the pipe surface.
6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

Material type In steel, a higher carbon content (>0.28%) is thought to increase the
likelihood of stress corrosion cracking.

These necessary conditions for SCC of steel are further discussed in PRMM.

Nonmetal EAC

As noted, nonmetal materials are also susceptible to mechanical-corrosion mecha-

nisms such as stress corrosion cracking (SCC). While the environmental parameters
that promote EAC in nonmetals are different than in metals, there are some similarities.
When a sensitizing agent is present on a sufficiently stressed pipe surface, the propa-
gation of minute surface cracks accelerates. This mirrors the mechanism seen in metal
pipe materials. Organic chemicals can also aggravate environmental stress corrosion
cracking [2]. For plastics, sensitizing agents can include detergents and alcohols. The
evaluator should determine (perhaps from the material manufacturer) which agents
may promote EAC. A high stress level coupled with a high presence of contributing
soil characteristics would warrant assignment of a relatively high crack exposure in the
risk assessment.

6.13.5 Avalanche Failure

Avalanche failure potential was previously noted. A crack will move at the speed of
sound through a material. If the crack speed is higher than the depressurization wave—
where pressure is the driving force creating the failure stress—then cracking continues.
Material toughness and thickness can each reduce crack speed. Crack arrestors take
advantage of this. Less compressible products depressure quickly and therefore do not
provide the sustained driving force for continued crack growth. So, changes in either
the material or the product can change the potential for crack propagation.

Figure 6.5 Crack propagation vs product depressurization

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


Cracking mechanisms are somewhat unique in that they often involve more complex
interactions of cause and effect variables. Many crack scenarios involve a force that
causes a movement or strain which generates a stress which grows a crack. Failure po-
tential can be reduced by reducing the initial force, by protecting against the force, by
reducing the movement, or by absorbing the strain or stress without damage.
Consider wave induced vibration (WIV). Wind is the initiating force and cannot be
changed, but it can be blocked. A windscreen or re-direction would be a measure that
changes the movement potential. The pipe movement from WIV could also be prevent-
ed by changing span length, pipe weight or profile, or adding dampers. Alternatively,
stress levels could be changed by altering the amount of restraint at the supports.
Crack growth rate is the measure of exposure and is usually a function of a com-
ponent’s movements and stresses. The operator often has more control over cracking
exposure than exposures from other threats. In cracking, mitigation is therefore some-
times indistinguishable from changes to exposure and resistance. Many measures to
reduce failure potential from fatigue are actually changes to exposure rather than de-
fenses against a pre-established exposure. For instance, risk reduction can be achieved
through reduction of internal pressure cycles—directly reducing the exposure level.
A challenge is determining which operational changes are 1) actually altering the
exposure versus 2) blocking the exposure (mitigation) versus 3) resisting the exposure
(resistance). Classifying each change as either exposure, mitigation, or resistance is
sometimes not as obvious as for other failure mechanisms. Fortunately, the risk as-
sessment format and mathematics ensures the same final PoF estimate regardless of
how the elements are classified. Nonetheless, a brief discussion of some nuances in the
cracking PoF assessment is warranted to deepen the understanding of modeling crack
failure potential.
Depending on how integrated they are with exposure estimates, some actions and
devices can be clearly modeled as independent mitigation measures. Use of pipe cas-
ings or other load transfer techniques would reduce the transmission of loads to the
pipe and could be considered independent mitigation measures. Most would agree that
the wind screen option in the previous WIV example is best modeled as a mitigation.
Vibration dampers, anti-WIV devices, special supports are examples that can be
modeled as either mitigation—blocking the movement that causes damage—or re-
sistance—allowing the component to absorb the forces without damage. The forces
generating the exposure have not changed, but the component is either more protected
from or more able to tolerate their otherwise damaging effects.
Other potential mitigation measures may already be included in the exposure esti-
mates. These include minimization of component vibrations and stress through careful
attention to equipment supports, PPM practices, continuous monitoring with automatic
shutdown (ie, excessive exposure is being prevented). A pulsation damper is potential-

6 Time-Dependent Failure Mechanisms

ly modeled as either a mitigation device or is factored into exposure estimates, perhaps

contingent upon the owner of the equipment5 or the primary intent of the damper.
In EAC, mitigation of corrosion will also reduce the EAC crack growth rates.
When the risk assessment combines the corrosion growth rate with the cracking rate
into the EAC growth rate, then the corrosion mitigation is accounted for.
In many cases, cracking PoF reduction occurs more directly through resistance
influences. Choice of material (even specific steel metallurgy), wall thickness, and
stress level reduce crack growth potential from a resistance standpoint. It is common
practice to put extra strength components with very high ductility into applications
where higher fatigue loadings are anticipated. Use of high ductility materials operating
far from their maximum stress levels is a proven method of designing crack resistance
into a structure.
This exposure could alternatively be included with a geohazard assessment rather
than third party. It may be useful to distinguish between events involving man-made
debris versus natural debris (for example, rocks, trees, soil, etc).

5 See Chapter 2 for a discussion of foreign owned/operated risk mitigation systems.


7.1 Exposures, Mitigations, and
Resistance.............................. 215
7.1.1 Pairings of Specific Exposures
with Mitigations......... 216
7.1.2 Spans and Loss of Support.216
7.1.3 Component Types............ 216
7.2 Exposures and Mitigations........ 217
7.2.1 Landslide......................... 217
7.2.2 Soils (shrink, swell,
subsidence, settling)... 218
7.2.3 Aseismic faulting............. 218
7.2.4 Seismic............................ 219
7.2.5 Tsunamis......................... 220
7.2.6 Flooding.......................... 220
7.2.7 Scour and erosion........... 223
7.2.8 Sand movements............. 223
7.2.9 Weather........................... 224
7.2.10 Fires.............................. 225
7.2.11 Other............................ 225
7.2.12 US Natural Disaster
Study.......................... 225
7.2.13 Offshore........................ 228
7.2.14 Induced Vibration.......... 231
7.2.15 Quantifying geohazard
exposures................... 232
7.2.16 Mitigation...................... 233
7.3 Resistance................................ 235
7.3.1 Failure modes for buried
pipelines subject to seismic
loading....................... 235

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 7.1 Assessing threats related to design aspects: sample of data used to assess the geo-
hazard failure potential

• How to assess the damage potential and failure potential
from geohazard-related forces such as from landslides,
floods, and seismic events.

Events that subject a pipeline to injurious stresses due to land movements and/or
geotechnical events of various kinds, are termed ‘geohazards’ in this text. Geohazards
may cause sudden and catastrophic movements of large masses of earth or they may be
slow-acting forces that induce stresses on the pipeline over a long period of time. They
can cause immediate failures or add considerable stresses to the pipeline.
Potentially damaging geohazard events are caused by onshore and offshore phe-
nomena of seismic fault movements and soil liquefaction, aseismic faulting, soil
shrink-swell, expansive soil movement, subsidence, erosion, landslide, scour, washout,
frost heave, ice berg scour, ice/snow loadings, hail, water/debris impingements, sand
dune movements, meteorites, lightning, and others. These terms sometimes describe
7 Geohazards

overlapping phenomena or are different terms for the same phenomenon (for example,
erosion and washout) but a full listing ensures that none are overlooked. Many weath-
er-related phenomena can trigger a damaging geohazard event. Freezes and flooding
are examples. Events such as falling trees (due to windstorm, ice, etc) can be included
either as geohazards or as impacts, covered in third party damage potential (as a mod-
eling convenience as discussed in Chapter 5 Third-Party Damage on page 131).
Water/land movements examined in a risk assessment should include all poten-
tial for pipeline damage or failure, onshore or offshore, due to triggering events such
as tsunami, hurricane, flood, windstorm, rainfall, moisture and temperature changes
and others. Again, terminology that includes overlapping events helps ensure complete
coverage of initiating mechanisms.
The geohazard threat is usually very location specific. Many miles of pipeline are
located in regions where the potential for damaging land/water movements is nonexis-
tent. On the other hand, land movements are the primary cause of failures, outweighing
all other failure modes, for sections of other pipelines.
Geohazards logically fall into a failure cause category often called ‘external forc-
es.’ However, that categorization would have to capture exposures ranging from vehicle
impact to excavator contact to landslide and many others, resulting is a non-transpar-
ent risk model. Geohazards normally warrants consideration as an independent threat.
However, several overlapping elements can be involved and can make categorization
of the cause of failure as third-party damage vs. geohazards difficult. For instance, a
failure scenario involving man-made structures moving along the seabottom during a
storm, has elements of both third party and geohazard. Scenarios of structures over-
turning during wind and ice storms similarly have both aspects. The modeler should
choose a modeling structure that is preferable to his users.
Geohazards may be further categorized to make modeling more efficient. Sub
classes may include Hydraulic or hydrotech for exposures related to water, especially
moving waters, and geotech for phenomena not involving water to any significant ex-
tent. (Also see PRMM.)


Recall that all exposures are evaluated in the absence of mitigation. For example, the
unmitigated exposure from falling trees might be estimated to be on the order of sev-
eral times per year—perhaps coinciding with severe storm frequency. It is only after
adding mitigation—notably depth of cover—that the threat appears as small as most
intuitively believe it is.
As with all threats, it is important to maintain a discipline of assessing exposure
separately from mitigation and resistance, avoiding any temptation to short-cut the
assessment to a perceived outcome that may not adequately reflect true risk.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Note also that risk reduction ‘credit’ for things like extra strong pipe to withstand
instability events is recognized in the resistance assessment and should not be a con-
sideration in exposure estimation.

7.1.1 Pairings of Specific Exposures with Mitigations

Although an often-justifiable short cut in risk modeling is to collect many types of

exposures and pair them with a single collection of mitigations, it is sometimes more
correct to pair specific exposures with pertinent mitigations. This is essential where
differing exposure-specific mitigations are employed and/or where mitigations have
varying effectiveness depending on the type of exposure, pairings of specific expo-
sures with pertinent mitigations will be appropriate. For example, depth of cover plays
varying roles in geohazard phenomena of landslide, flood, buoyancy control, and seis-
mic liquefaction and cannot be assigned the same level of mitigation benefit to each.

7.1.2 Spans and Loss of Support

Geohazard phenomena may generate stresses directly or, alternatively, they may change
the support conditions, thereby indirectly changing stresses. Therefore, depending on
the effect, their role as exposures or resistance reducers or both should be considered
in the PoF assessment.
For instance, many of the geohazard events may not directly threaten integrity but
rather will indirectly endanger a pipeline via creation of a span. Examples include sub-
sidence, erosion, scour, and even some landslide scenarios. Span modeling is discussed
as a nuance of the PoF triad in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts on page 17.

7.1.3 Component Types

As with many threats, differences in component material properties will complicate,

for some systems, the modeling of susceptibility to damage from some land move-
ments. For instance, the many types of materials often found in a distribution system
pipeline means that modeling must accommodate flexible and inflexible pipe, a variety
of mechanical couplers, plastics and metals, and other considerations. Each compo-
nent, in consideration of its performance under various loading scenarios, may have
varying damage potentials and resistance capabilities.
For instance, for the same reasons that they are less threatened by spans, larger
diameter pipelines made from more flexible materials and joining processes that create
a more continuous structure, such as welded steel and fused PE pipelines, have histor-
ically performed better in seismic events and when exposed to soil movements from
frost action and subsurface temperature changes.
Facilities with taller structures such as tanks, will need to include potential for
toppling during some geohazard events such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides.

7 Geohazards

Offshore components typically have additional considerations for scour, lateral

forces when spanning, and buoyant. See discussions of cracking and vortex shedding.


In measuring or estimating exposure to geohazards, it is important to first list all po-

tentially damaging mechanisms that could occur at the subject location. Then, numer-
ical exposure values should be assigned to each. Pre-dismissal of exposures should be
avoided—the risk assessment will show, via low PoF values, where threats are insig-
nificant. It will also serve as documentation that all threats are considered.
Geohazards are normally first considered in the design phase where mitigation or
resistance is increased to reduce failure potential. In the risk assessment, each exposure
should have a future frequency of occurrence assigned, by imagining that no mitigation
nor resistance is available to prevent failure—the imagined ‘unprotected tin can’ sce-
nario. This is the measurement of exposure.
Some common geohazard threats to pipeline integrity are discussed here and in
PRMM. As previously noted, some nuances of continuous exposure and changes in
resistance due to loss-of-support will often need to be considered in defining exposure
events and resulting damage and failure potentials

7.2.1 Landslide

Slope is often an aspect of a damaging land movement. Landslides, rockslides, mud-

slides, mudflows, creep, and other related events can occur from heavy rain, especially
on slopes or hillsides with removed or heavily cut vegetation or where construction or
other activities have altered the land. Debris flows—usually involving steep mountain
channels and soil liquefaction (‘mountain tsunami’ in Japanese (ref 1016)—are also
included here.
A sometimes used categorization of landslides based on soil movements, geometry
of the slide, and the types of material involved results in the following five categories:
falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows. (777). See PRMM Figure 5.5 and Table 5.7.
Landslide events can have frequencies ranging from ‘never’ to ‘multiple times per
year’. They are logically related to the frequencies of the underlying causal events such
as precipitation and seismic events.
Some available public databases provide rankings for landslide potential. As with
soils data, these are very coarse—usually missing smaller, but potentially severe sce-
narios such as embankments and steep creek banks. These datasets are best supple-
mented with field surveys or local knowledge. Nonetheless, as a preliminary method of
assigning initial threat values to long lengths of pipeline quickly, such ranks, convert-
ed into event frequencies, can be useful. The conversion from ranks into frequencies
should incorporate the protocols underlying the assignment of ranks in the original

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

data. For example, see the discussion of factors used to establish ranks in the US Nat-
ural Disaster Study later in this chapter.

7.2.2 Soils (shrink, swell, subsidence, settling)

Earth movements involving localized changes in soil volume can cause shrinkage,
swelling, or subsidence. These can be caused by changing temperatures or moisture
contents as well as subterranean water movements and other phenomena. These phe-
nomena can cause loss of support as well as additional shear forces and bending stress-
es on a pipeline component.
Changes in soil moisture content and temperature effects, often occurring in sea-
sonal patterns, have been correlated with both water and gas distribution system break
rates. These are often related to soil movements which cause changes in stresses on
buried components. Where such correlations between break rates and physical phe-
nomena are established, they can be used in risk assessment and break forecasting as
well as in comparative risk assessments between regions with differing climates.
Exposure rates to some of these phenomena can therefore be linked to frequencies
of triggering events such as temperature changes and rainfall events. In other cases,
the potential may be largely unknown. Refer to 2.8.6 The Test of Time Estimation of
Exposure on page 29 discussion of exposure estimates using ‘test of time’ evidence.

Figure 7.2 Frost heave/uplift exposure

7.2.3 Aseismic faulting

Aseismic faulting is a phenomenon where soil masses move along fault lines but with-
out seismic actions. Depending on specific circumstances, this may be assessed as a
failure phenomenon or alternatively as only a resistance issue (ie, additional loadings
causing weakness).

7 Geohazards

7.2.4 Seismic

Seismic events can pose a threat to pipelines. High stress/strain can be associated with
seismic events in either aboveground or buried facilities. Many different phenome-
na are generated by seismic activities, including fault movements, soil liquefaction,
ground shaking, generation of landslides and tsunamis, soil settlement, and others. See
PRMM for more discussion.
Understanding seismic events helps to determine how they should be characterized
in a risk assessment. For buried pipelines, seismic hazards can be classified as being
either wave propagation hazards or permanent ground deformation hazards. Strong
ground motions can damage aboveground structures. Fault movements sometimes
cause severe stresses in buried pipe.
Permanent ground deformation (PGD) damage typically occurs in isolated areas
of ground failure with high damage rates while wave propagation damage occurs over
much larger areas, but with lower damage rates. Wave propagation hazards are charac-
terized by the transient strain and curvature in the ground due to traveling wave effects.
PGD (such as landslide, liquefaction induced lateral spread and seismic settlement)
hazards are characterized by the amount, geometry, and spatial extent of the PGD
zone. The fault-crossing PGD hazard is characterized by the permanent horizontal and
vertical offset at the fault and the pipe-fault intersectional angle.
The principal forms of permanent ground deformation are surface faulting, land-
sliding, seismic settlement and lateral spreading due to soil liquefaction. One type of
PGD is localized abrupt relative displacement such as at the surface expression of a
fault, or at the margins of a landslide. The second type of PGD is spatially distributed
permanent displacement which could result, for example, from liquefaction-induced
lateral spreads, or ground settlement due to soil consolidation. For localized abrupt
PGD, pipeline damage mainly occurs around the ground rupture trace. On the other
hand, breaks for spatially distributed PGD may occur everywhere within the PGD
The types of faults and the expected amount of fault offset can be empirically
correlated with earthquake magnitude. Relationships for predicting the occurrence and
types of landslides, and the amount of earth flow movement based on seismic event
characteristics are also available. Wave propagation hazards are also empirically relat-
ed to maximum moments. (777)
Liquefaction caused by seismic movements can fluidize soils to a point at which
their ability to support the component is compromised. An unsupported condition can
lead to additional and sometimes excessive stresses. A pipeline is also potentially sub-
ject to horizontal force due to liquefied soil flow over and around the pipeline as well
as uplift or buoyancy forces. Pipeline responses to such horizontal loadings and to
buoyancy forces may need to be considered as failure potential or at least impairment
of resistance (ie, reduction in stress carrying capacity).

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 7.3 Liquefaction of Soils

Modern pipeline design considers seismic potential and will often provide useful
input for the risk assessment in terms of event recurrence intervals. See PRMM for
more information.

7.2.5 Tsunamis

As a special type of flood or external force event, a tsunamis is a high-velocity water

wave, often triggered offshore by major abrupt displacement of the seafloor from ini-
tiators such as seismic events or landslides. A seiche is a similar event that occurs in a
deep lake [70b]. in deep water, these events are of less concern but have the potential
to cause rapid scour, erosion, and flowing water impingements when they occur in
shallow areas. Aboveground components can be especially vulnerable to lateral forces
and debris loadings. This threat can be quantified by considering the potential for off-
shore seismic events, the shore approach geometry and other location-specific factors.
A history of such events may be used to inform the exposure estimate although the
potential may exist along almost every large, deep water body. It can be included with
other flooding events or assessed as an independent threat to the pipeline. Refer also
to previous discussion of quantifying exposures and span-creating events. See PRMM
for more information.

7.2.6 Flooding

Flood waters can impart abnormal forces onto components, including buoyancy ef-
fects and debris loadings, loss of support (ie, scour, erosion), and fatigue from moving
This potential threat has been a specific focus with regard to pipeline integrity. In
the US, the pipeline regulator, PHMSA has released several Advisory Bulletins on this
subject, each of which followed an event that involved severe flooding that affected

7 Geohazards

pipelines in the areas of rising waters. Three of the more notable events (as of this
writing) are briefly described below:
• On August 13, 2011, Enterprise Products Operating, LLC discovered a release
of 28,350 gallons (675 barrels) of natural gasoline into the Missouri River
in Iowa. The rupture, according to the metallurgical report, was the result of
fatigue crack growth driven by vibrations in the pipe from vortex shedding.
• On July 1, 2011, ExxonMobil Pipeline Company experienced a pipeline fail-
ure near Laurel, Montana, resulting in the release of 63,000 gallons of crude
oil into the Yellowstone River. The rupture was caused by debris washing
downstream in the river damaging the exposed pipeline.
• On July 15, 2011, NuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership, L.P. reported a
100-barrel anhydrous ammonia spill in the Missouri River in Nebraska. The
6-inch-diameter pipeline was exposed by scouring during extreme flooding.

As shown in these events, damage to a pipeline may occur as a result of additional

stresses imposed on piping components by undermining of the support structure and by
impact and/or waterborne forces. Washouts and erosion may result in loss of support
for both buried and aerial pipelines. The flow of water against an exposed pipeline
may also result in forces sufficient to cause a failure. These forces are increased by
the accumulation of debris against the pipeline. Reduction of cover over pipelines in
farmland may also result in the pipeline being struck by equipment used in farming or
clean-up operations.
Additionally, the integrity or function of valves, regulators, relief sets, and other
facilities normally above ground or above water is jeopardized when covered by water.
This threat is posed not only by operational factors, but also by the possibility of dam-
age by outside forces, floating debris, current, and craft operating on the water. Boaters
involved in rescue operations, emergency support functions, sightseeing, and other ac-
tivities are generally not aware of the seriousness of an incident that could result from
their craft damaging a pipeline facility that is unseen beneath the surface of the water.
Depending on the size of the craft and the pipeline facility struck, significant pipeline
damage may result.
Though these accidents account for less than one percent of the total number of
pipeline accidents, the consequences of a release in water can be much more severe
because of the threats to drinking water supplies and potential environmental damage.

Advisory Bulletin (ref 1017)

An examination of the actual advisory, issued by the regulator, provides insight into
not only regulatory expectations, but also commonly employed risk mitigation mea-
sures at waterway crossings.
To: Owners and Operators of Gas and Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Systems.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Subject: Potential for Damage to Pipeline Facilities Caused by Severe Flood-


Advisory: Severe flooding can adversely affect the safe operation of a pipeline.
Operators need to direct their resources in a manner that will enable them to
determine the potential effects of flooding on their pipeline systems. Opera-
tors are urged to take the following actions to prevent and mitigate damage to
pipeline facilities and ensure public and environmental safety in areas affected
by flooding:

1. Evaluate the accessibility of pipeline facilities that may be in jeopardy,

such as valve settings, which are needed to isolate water crossings or other
sections of a pipeline.
2. Extend regulator vents and relief stacks above the level of anticipated
flooding, as appropriate.
3. Coordinate with emergency and spill responders on pipeline location and
condition. Provide maps and other relevant information to such respond-
4. Coordinate with other pipeline operators in the flood area and establish
emergency response centers to act as a liaison for pipeline problems and
5. Deploy personnel so that they will be in position to take emergency ac-
tions, such as shut down, isolation, or containment.
6. Determine if facilities that are normally above ground (e.g., valves, regu-
lators, relief sets, etc.) have become submerged and are in danger of being
struck by vessels or debris and, if possible, mark such facilities with an
appropriate buoy and Coast Guard approval.
7. Perform frequent patrols, including appropriate overflights, to evaluate
right-of-way conditions at water crossings during flooding and after waters
subside. Determine if flooding has exposed or undermined pipelines as a
result of new river channels cut by the flooding or by erosion or scouring.
8. Perform surveys to determine the depth of cover over pipelines and the
condition of any exposed pipelines, such as those crossing scour holes.
Where appropriate, surveys of underwater pipe should include the use of
visual inspection by divers or instrumented detection. Information gath-
ered by these surveys should be shared with affected landowners. Agri-
cultural agencies may help to inform farmers of the potential hazard from
reduced cover over pipelines.
9. Ensure that line markers are still in place or replaced in a timely manner.
Notify contractors, highway departments, and others involved in post-
flood restoration activities of the presence of pipelines and the risks posed
by reduced cover.

7 Geohazards

If a pipeline has suffered damage, is shut-in, or is being operated at a reduced

pressure as a precautionary measure due to flooding, the operator should advise the
appropriate PHMSA regional office or state pipeline safety authority before returning
the line to service, increasing its operating pressure, or otherwise changing its operat-
ing status.

7.2.7 Scour and erosion

Erosion is a readily recognized threat for shallow or above-grade pipelines close to

river banks or other areas subject to higher-velocity flows. Many pipelines are exposed
to threats from scour in less apparent situations, such as bridge foundations. A potential
integrity threat occurs when cover erodes during flood flows, exposing the pipeline to
moving waters and transported debris. The pipeline could become overstressed from
lateral forces, buoyancy, or lack of support. Scour potential estimates are available for
many waterways, often expressed in terms of maximum scour depths related to storms
of certain recurrence intervals.
These scour estimates can directly inform exposure frequency estimates in the risk
assessment. For instance, knowing that, say, a 3 foot scour potential is associated with
a 100 year flood event, provides input for frequencies of loadings such as water/debris
impingement and vortex induced vibration (ie, these exposures are expected every 100
years for components having 3 ft of cover or less). Presumably, more frequent storms
can also produce scour, but to lesser depths.
Relationships between frequencies of events that cause various scour depths will
also inform mitigation effectiveness estimates for depth of cover and other protections
in place or contemplated (for example, rock cover, concrete mattresses, etc).

Figure 7.4 Scour at Bridge Piers

7.2.8 Sand movements

The potential for wind erosion, and dune formation and movement, is another potential
source of damage or at least span-creation. Seabottom sand ripples, dunes, and other
instabilities are the equivalent phenomena in the offshore environment. Any of these

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

may produce changing loads, depth of cover, and support conditions and should be
included in the risk assessment.
Exposure estimates may be based on design-phase studies, when available. In
some cases, instability may be almost continuous, for instance in a high wave energy
zone offshore, but only rarely severe enough to endanger the pipe component. See dis-
cussion of spans and support conditions under Spans on page 41.

7.2.9 Weather

The threats associated with meteorological events should be included, either as dam-
aging phenomena or as triggering events for subsequent damaging phenomena. Events
such as a wind storm, tornado, hurricane, lightning, freezing, solar flares or storms,
hail, wave action, snow, and ice loadings against unprotected components may be in-
dependent damage producers, along with any previously discussed phenomena they
may precipitate. Even when the exposure is minimal and/or mitigation will normally
eliminate the threat, inclusion into the risk assessment is important.
Electromagnetic pulses (EMP) from lightning or solar storms can damage elec-
tronic components. Such damage can lead to ‘failures’ such as service interruption and,
in rare cases, perhaps even loss of integrity—leak/rupture. A sometimes complex chain
of events needs to be identified and scrutinized to fully understand certain potential
scenarios involving failures of electronic components.
Lightning strikes are a common cause of damages to electronic components as
well as initiators of wildfire. US government maps are available showing lightning
strike density, expressed in the mean annual number of flashes per square kilometer.
Maps have been created with rankings from zero 100 for the country, where 100 rep-
resents the highest lightning strike density and zero represents the lowest lightning
strike density. With assumptions of some fraction of lightning strikes being potentially
threatening to a component, such rankings can inform estimates of exposure rates.
A frequency of occurrence for each possible weather event, in the absence of mit-
igation, is first required. National weather agencies typically have databases that can
be consulted. For example, all points along the US Gulf of Mexico have a hurricane
recurrence interval of about 25 years. This suggest a windstorm and flood exposure
of 1/25 per year from hurricanes alone. This value can be refined based on hurricane
magnitudes and considerations of surge heights, sustained wind speeds, and other char-
acteristics that lead to varying damage potentials. Then protective measures, such as
depth of cover, are assessed as universal or exposure-specific mitigations.
The potential damages resulting from any events involve considerations for mit-
igation and resistance. Depth of cover will be a typical, and usually very effective,
mitigation measure for most of these threats along most portions of a pipeline. In areas
where multiple damaging events are possible, the assessment should reflect the com-
bined threats, considering the mitigation benefit from each measure as applied to each

7 Geohazards

7.2.10 Fires

While often not a direct threat to integrity of a buried pipeline, fires can lead to in-
creased erosion and landslide potential. Above ground components may be threatened
by more intense or longer duration fires or when less heat resistance components (for
example, gaskets, tubing, seals, plastics, instrumentation, etc) become exposed. Minor
leaks may ignite and blocked-in, liquid-full components may be subject to BLEVE
Wildfire prediction models based on factors such as topography, fuel, live shrub
moisture content, weather, wind, lightning ignition efficiency are used in the US, with
mapped results available from government sources.

7.2.11 Other

Additional threatening phenomena are at least peripherally related to geohazards, as

noted here.
Excessive external pressure is a potential threat to component integrity, perhaps
best modeled here as a type of geohazard. Offshore pipelines in deep water are sub-
jected to external forces from the hydrostatic pressure of the water column. Especially
when there is reliance on internal pressure to protect the pipe from buckling, this is a
source of exposure and/or an element of the resistance estimate.
Onshore scenarios of external pressure are also plausible. In one operator’s expe-
rience, hydrogen permeation through steel repair sleeves caused numerous buckles to
the pipe beneath. The source of hydrogen was high CP levels and the annular space
pressure of around 300 psig was sufficient to cause the buckling.(ref 1001)
Stability issues are inherent in many geohazards. See discussion of spans and sup-
port conditions under Spans on page 41.

7.2.12 US Natural Disaster Study

In the US, maps are available showing relative threats to pipelines from some common
geohazards. It is useful to examine the methodology of establishing these hazard indi-
ces. While expressed with a only relative scale, the derivation of the rankings provides
a way to generate frequency estimates for many of these phenomena, at least on a
coarse—large geographical areas, possibly missing smaller but important features—
Excerpts from this reference are shown below to assist the risk assessor in deter-
mining the usefulness of such relative-scale information into a contemplated assess-
ment. Note that, in the absence of more definitive information, a relative scale itself
can be ‘grounded’ with frequency values and thereby used in preliminary exposure
estimates (for example, score of 70 = 0.1 events/year, etc).
As of this writing, US databases area available (NPHI, Ref 1018) showing hazard
indexes for:
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• earthquake (HER = Earthquake Hazard Rank)

• hurricane (HHR = Hurricane Hazard Rank)
• tornado/storm (TSRR = Tornado/Storm Hazard Rank)
• flood/scour (FHR = Flood Hazard Ranking)
• landslide (LHR = Landslide Hazard Ranking)
• other (lightning and snow depth; OHR = Other Hazard Risk)

This index system also includes a summary layer, produced using the composite
rank formula:

NPHI = .3(FHR) + .2(EHR) +.2(LSHR) + .l(TSHR) +.l(HHR) +.l(OTHER)

FHR = flood hazard rank
EHR = earthquake hazard rank
LSHR = landslide hazard rank
TSHR = tornado/storm hazard rank
HHR = hurricane hazard rank
OHR = other natural hazards hazard rank

Table 7.1
National Pipeline Risk
Hazard Variables Included Methodology Notes

Hurricane Historical count 94 year history of hurricanes per coastal county 2

TSRR Historical count Number of occurances over 30 years per one 3
degree box
Landslide swelling clays, landslide incidence, sus- LSHR = 0.3 (clay) + 0.4 (incidence) + 0.2 (sus- 6
ceptibility, subsidence ceptibility) + 0.1 (subsidence)
Earthquake Spectral response acceleration coeffi- Based on single, complex variable ranked 4
cient 0-100
Other 30 year Mean annual lightning strike OHR = .5 (lightning strike) + 5 (snow depth) 5
density; Snow depth with 95% chance
of not being exceeded
Flood Annual flooding frequency, potential FHR = 0.5(flooding) + 0.5(scour depth) 1
scour depth

Natural Disaster Study [National Pipeline Risk Index] (Ref 5-2)

As of this writing, US databases showing hazard indexes for:
Earthquake (HER = Earthquake Hazard Rank)
hurricane (HHR = Hurricane Hazard Rank)
tornado/storm (TSRR = Tornado/Storm Hazard Rank)
flood/scour (FHR = Flood Hazard Ranking)
landslide (LHR = Landslide Hazard Ranking)
Other (lightning and snow depth; OHR = Other Hazard Risk)
are available at
7 Geohazards

It is useful to examine the methodology of establishing these hazard indices. As

with most risk assessments, the choice of modeling complexity—including number of
variables to consider, rigor of calculations, and use of weightings—must be made in
order to practically manage the solution.
The NPHI data layer is produced using the composite rank formula:

NPHI = .3(FHR) + .2(EHR) +.2(LSHR) + .l(TSHR) +.l(HHR) +.l(OTHER)

FHR = flood hazard rank
EHR = earthquake hazard rank
LSHR = landslide hazard rank
TSHR = tornado/storm hazard rank
HHR = hurricane hazard rank
OHR = other natural hazards hazard rank

Table Notes
1. For the Annual flooding frequency layer one-kilometer grid cells were as-
signed the following values based on the annual chance of flooding:
Frequent (5O-100%): Flooding = 100
Rare (O-5%): Flooding = 33
Occasional (5-50%): Flooding = 67
No Flooding: Flooding = 0
These values were then multiplied by the percentage of area they covered for
each soil map unit. The percentage values were summed to give the value for
each soil map unit. A grid of these values was created and then ranked from
0 to 100. For the Potential scour depth layer one-kilometer grid cells were
ranked based on their value (potential scour depth in feet).
Highest value Scour depth = 100 Lowest Value Scour depth = 0
2. The total number of direct and indirect landfalling hurricanes per coastal coun-
ty was used from 1990 (assume typo—should probably be “1990”) until 1994.
From the county baaed polygon coverage, a point coverage was derived. From
this point coverage first a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and then a
continuous surface grid was created, in order to more appropriately represent
the hazard without the use of political boundaries. These numbers were ranked
from zero to 100, where 100 represents the highest number of land-falling
hurricanes and zero represents the lowest number of land-falling hurricanes.
3. The centroids of the one-degree cell areas were used to generate a Triangulat-
ed Irregular Network (TIN). This resulted in a continuous surface that more
naturally depicts the distribution of tornado events. A grid was created at a
resolution of one kilometer from the TIN. The values were ranked from zero to
100, where 100 represents the highest number of tornadoes and zero represents
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

the lowest number of tornadoes.

4. The spectral response acceleration coefficient is an indicator of the probability
of receiving specific intensities of ground shaking from earthquakes. For the
EHR the spectral response acceleration coefficient at a period of 0.3 seconds
expressed as a fraction of gravity with a 90% chance of not being exceeded in
50 years is used. The data are prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
for the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic
Regulations for new Buildings.
5. Lightning strike density is expressed in the mean annual number of flashes per
square kilometer. Contour lines were digitized from a very small scale map.
The areas in between the contour lines were given the mid-value of the class.
These values are ranked from zero 100 for the country, where 100 represents
the highest lightning strike density and zero represents the lowest lightning
strike density. The 95% annual nonexceedence probability was calculated for
239 weather station in the United States. From this point coverage first a Tri-
angulated Irregular Network (TIN) and then a continuous surface grid was
created in order to more appropriately represent reality. These numbers were
ranked from zero to 100, where 100 represents the highest snow depth and
zero represents the lowest snow depth.
6. The LSHR values were ranked from zero to 100, where 100 represents the
highest ground failure hazard and zero represents the lowest ground failure

7.2.13 Offshore

Offshore pipelines, including those crossing inland waterways such as rivers and lakes,
are exposed to many of the same forces as those onshore—landslides, rockfalls, seis-
mic events, etc—plus others unique to the offshore environment. The interaction be-
tween the pipeline and the seabed or riverbed will frequently set the stage for external
loadings offshore. The following discussion focuses on ocean environments, but will
often apply, albeit to a lesser extent, to inland creeks, rivers, large lakes, and sometimes
even ponds. See also the discussion of stream scour and flooding.
One of the largest differences between the risk assessments for offshore and on-
shore environments appears in this issue of stability. This reflects the very dynamic
nature of most offshore environments under normal conditions and more so with storm

7 Geohazards

Figure 7.5 Ice gouging, ice keel exposure

Stability Issues

Offshore bottom conditions are constantly changing by normal forces of moving water.
This changes the stability conditions for structures on the bottom or with shallow bot-
tom cover. Additional instability events associated with storm-related forces, changes
in bottom topography, temporary currents, tidal effects, and ice movements are also
often relevant to a risk assessment.
Offshore “high-energy” areas, evidenced by conditions such as strong currents, or
tides, are common areas of instability. Seabed and riverbed morphology is constant-
ly changing due to naturally occurring conditions (waves, currents, soil types, etc.).
Vortex shedding, lateral loadings, scour, and other forces causing frequent changes in
bottom conditions are commonly associated with wave zones and high steady current
At times, the pipeline itself, as an obstruction that has been introduced into the sys-
tem, contributes to bottom changes. Sand wave migration—size, direction, and rates—
can be predicted with an understanding of bottom conditions. Rare occurrence events,
often carrying higher energy, may create greater damage potential. This includes hur-
ricanes, severe storms, and rare ice movements.
Bottom instability generates integrity concerns primarily from issues related to
support and/or fatigue-loading. A common conservative assumption in risk assessment
is that increased instability of bottom conditions leads to increased potential for pipe-
line over-stressing and failure.
With scour or erosion, the pipeline can become an unsupported span. As such, it
is subjected to additional stresses due to gravity, buoyancy, and wave/current action.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Consider scenarios such as a buried line becoming uncovered by scour or erosion of

the seabed/streambed or uplift forces (for example, an emptied liquid pipeline), and
subsequently becoming exposed to flowstream forces and impact loadings from float-
ing debris and material being moved along the seabed or riverbed. Such external forces
can damage coatings, both concrete and anticorrosion types, and even damage the pipe
steel with dents, gouges, buckling, or punctures.
Pipelines exposed to a flowstream may move due to intermittent lateral forces,
buoyancy issues, or vortex shedding. Movements of a free-spanning pipeline, resulting
in cycling and fatigue loadings may eventually weaken a component to the point of
failure. Fatigue and overstressing threats are amplified by larger span lengths, higher
water velocities, and larger profiles (diameter).
Rigid pipelines, because of their diminished capacity to withstand certain external
stresses, will be threatened under less severe conditions. Mechanical coupling of pipe
joints usually adds rigidity.
A full evaluation of any potentially damaging offshore phenomena requires an
evaluation of many subvariables such as soil type, seismic event types, storm condi-
tions, cover condition, water depth, current speeds and directions, etc, as discussed in
As also noted in PRMM, some of the common instability issues and their domi-
nant factors—ie, a ‘function of’—include the following:
• Fault movement damage potential = f{fault type; slip angle; pipeline angle;
seismic event}
• Liquefaction damage potential = f{seismic event; soil type; cover condition}
• Slope stability = f{slope angle; soil type; rock falls; initiating event; angle of
attack; landslide potential}
• Erosion/scour potential = f{current speed; bottom stability; concrete coating}
• Additional Loadings = f{hydrodynamic forces; debris transport; current speed;
water depth}

In new offshore pipeline systems, more threatening areas along the proposed route
are normally identified in the design phase studies. The design process is in fact a risk
management practice. The risk assessment of a new facility will therefore generally
reflect the mitigated threat. The potentially damaging events—the ‘exposures’ in the
PoF analyses—should nonetheless be captured in the assessment, regardless of mitiga-
tion measures subsequently employed to offset their presence. Even after design-phase
mitigation, some risk remains.
A level of reliability is typically chosen in the design phase and can be used to infer
the future damage rate—the remnant risk. For instance, a structure could be designed
to withstand a 100 year storm or alternatively, a 500 storm flood; a 50 year recurrence
interval seismic event or 100 year. There remains the potential, albeit remote, that a
more severe event occurs in the structure’s life and produces forces beyond its resis-
tance abilities. That should be reflected in the risk assessment.

7 Geohazards

For existing systems, seabed and riverbed profile surveys are a powerful method
to gauge the stability of an area. The effectiveness of the survey technique should be
considered as discussed in PRMM.
In summary, offshore pipelines are more threatened in areas where damaging
soil movements and/or water movements are more common or more severe. More
specifically, this involves scenarios where a high-energy water zone—wave-induced
currents, steady currents, scouring—is routinely causing seabed morphology changes;
where unsupported pipeline spans are present; where water current action is sufficient
to cause oscillations on free-spanning pipelines—fatigue loading potential is high—or
impacts from floating or rolling materials; where fault movements, landslides, subsid-
ence, creep, or other earth movements are more probable; and where ice movements
are common and potentially damaging.
Mitigation often focuses on avoidance, correction, or protection techniques. These
include reburial as well as various armoring approaches—ie, reinforcing a location
using concrete mattresses, grout bags, mechanical supports/anchors, antiscour mats,
or rock dumping. Such methods also provide protection against impacts (for example,
anchors, shipwrecks, dropped objects, etc) and therefore influence risk from third party

River and Stream Scour

Pipeline crossings of inland waterways are threatened by many of the same phenomena
previously discussed. See the related discussions in PRMM.
This potential threat has been studied with specific regard to pipeline integrity. In
the US, a Dec 2012 PHMSA report (PHMSA, 2012) to congress on hazardous liquid
pipeline crossings of inland rivers, streams, and other waterways offers some insights
into frequencies of cover-depletion events at waterways. This report determined that
there are ~2,572 hazardous liquid pipeline crossings of water ways >100ft in width
(high water mark to high water mark) out of ~2,841 such crossings in the US. The
authors identified 20 accidents at water crossings between 1991 and Oct 2012, 16 of
which involved depletion of cover, either from scour or new river channel creations.
These 16 incidents were 0.3% of all reported hazardous liquid pipeline accidents and
0.5% of those accidents exceeding the PHMSA threshold of ‘significant incidents’.

7.2.14 Induced Vibration

Vortex shedding, whether by wind or water, can generate sufficient forces under cer-
tain circumstances, to move a pipeline segment. This movement can become rapid and
relatively large, causing fatigue loadings in the pipe material. Fluid density, speed,
cross sectional area in flow stream, frictional drag across the object and other factors
influence the onset and magnitude of movements. The exposure generated by this phe-
nomenon is most often captured as cracking. See Chapter 6.12 Cracking on page 199.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Example: 7.1 Wave-induced pipe movements

To illustrate both a portion of an offshore geohazard assessment as well as the migra-

tion into a modern risk assessment approach, an offshore risk assessment example
originally presented in PRMM is re-visited here.
An offshore pipeline makes landfall in a sandy bay. The line was originally in-
stalled by trenching. While wave action is normally slight, tidal action has gradually
uncovered portions of the line and left other portions with minimal cover. With no
weight covering, calculations show that flotation due to negative buoyancy is possible
if more than about 20ft of pipe is uncovered. This shore approach is visually inspected
at low-tide conditions at least weekly. Measurements are taken and observations are
formally recorded. The line was reburied using water jetting 8 years ago.
Using rudimentary wave-induced-vibration and fatigue calculations, along with
average storm frequencies, the evaluator estimates unmitigated crack growth on this
shore approach to be 4 mpy. With the strong inspection program and a history of cor-
rective actions being taken, the effectiveness of cover—eliminates pipe movement
when cover is not depleted—is judged to be fully effective except for short periods
during storms and between remediation and is assigned a value of 95% effectiveness.
This results in a P90 damage rate of 0.2 mpy to be used in subsequent TTF estimates.

7.2.15 Quantifying geohazard exposures

Where geohazards have been rated based on recurrence interval—for example, 100
year flood, seismic event with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years, etc—those
ratings can directly inform an exposure estimate. The land movement potentials from
various phenomena can be added so that multiple threats in one location are captured.
Event frequencies of 0.1 to 10 per year or higher may be appropriate for areas
where damaging soil movements are common. Regular fault movements, landslides,
subsidence, creep, active earthquake faults, or frost heave are commonly recurring
phenomena in some areas.
Event frequencies of 0.001 to 0.1 per year may be appropriate when damaging soil
movements are possible, although no damage in this area has been recorded. A P90+
exposure estimate based on length-time (mile-years, km-years) as described in section
Sample Rudimentary P90+ Risk Assessment, Inputs on page 14 may be appropriate
to capture the notion of pipelines that have withstood the test of time.
When evidence of soil movements is rarely if ever seen and movement potential
is conceptually approaching nonexistent, then rates of less than 0.001 per year may be
In keeping with an “uncertainty = increased risk” bias (see discussion of PXX),
having no knowledge of earth movement potential should register as high risk, pending
the acquisition of information that suggests otherwise.

7 Geohazards

7.2.16 Mitigation

Pipeline components are typically designed with protection from a wide variety of
geohazards. Using characteristics such as depth of cover to screen for vulnerabilities
will usually result in dismissing threats from certain phenomena such as fire, as well as
certain weather events previously noted. Such screening weakens the risk assessment
and should be avoided. Each threat is best measured as an exposure to a theoretical,
unprotected component.
Once unmitigated exposures are identified and quantified, mitigations are simi-
larly identified and assessed. Mitigations, as reactions to a perceived threats, typically
• Inspection / survey
• Stabilization (cover condition, anchors, piles, articulated mattresses, various
support types, etc.)
• Ground Improvements
o Drainage to control water access by interception ditches, French drain,
ditch plugs, etc
o Erosion control vegetation
o Soil densification (for example, by surface loadings, dewatering, or
o Slope re-grading, to reduce soil movement potential
o Toe berms, to increase resistance to soil movement
o Retaining walls, to halt movements
o Surface diversion berms, to prevent erosion
o Channel reinforcement by armouring with rock, sandbags, vegetation,
o Channel movement control
o Re-establish depth of cover
• Pipe isolation
o Deep burial to avoid shallow slope movements and frost heave, for
example a directional drill
o Synthetic geotextile pipe wrap, manufactured backfill, or straw back-
fill to reduce friction loadings from ground movements
• Avoidance
o Pipeline re-route
o Above ground pipe components
• Ditch modifications
o Wider ditch to reduce friction and allow movements
o Bedding and padding to prevent contact with rocks/boulders
o Excavation to relieve strain loadings (Rizkalla, 2013):

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Regular monitoring

When the pipeline and/or the potentially threatening phenomenon is visible or other-
wise detectable in advance, monitoring can provide intervention opportunities. Reg-
ular, appropriately scheduled surveys that yield verifiable information on pipeline lo-
cation, depth of cover, land movement, rainfall, moisture content, strain levels, water
depth/current velocities for offshore pipelines, and other early-warning characteristics
should be included in the risk assessment.
Earthquake monitoring systems alert of seismic activity and magnitude often only
moments prior to the time of occurrence. This is nonetheless very useful information
because areas that are likely to be damaged can be immediately investigated.
Where movements of icebergs, ice keels, and ice islands are a threat, well-defined
programs of monitoring and recording ice movement events can be effective in reduc-
ing pipeline risk.
Timeliness of detection will be important. Frequency of surveying should be based
on historical issues such as flooding, seabed and bank stability, wave and current ac-
tion, ice storms, and risk factors specific to the pipeline section. The assessment can
consider the basis for survey frequency—ideally, a written report with backup docu-
mentation justifying the frequency—to determine if adequate attention has been given
to the issue of timeliness.

Continuous monitoring

Devices or techniques used in monitoring programs that will alert an operator of a

significant change in stability conditions or other threats provide some risk reduction.
Indicator devices might include strain gauges on the pipe wall itself, or survey mark-
ers to detect soil movements near to any component, and seabed or current monitors
near to offshore components. Follow-up inspection and action is an essential aspect
of the mitigation benefit. Mitigation that provides intervention opportunities is most
beneficial when the monitoring is extensive enough to reliably detect all damaging or
potentially damaging conditions before failure occurs.
See PRMM for an example evaluation of potential for earth movements.

Example: 7.2 Potential for earth movements

As another illustration of an update to a scoring-type risk assessment, consider the

following modified example originally appearing in PRMM.
In the section being evaluated, a brine pipeline traverses a relatively unstable slope.
There is substantial evidence of slow downslope movements along this route although
sudden, severe movements have not been observed. The line is thoroughly surveyed
annually, with special attention paid to potential movements. Survey results have re-
portedly prompted remedial actions several times in the previous 10 years, although
record-keeping is incomplete. The evaluator makes a preliminary assessment of the
7 Geohazards

exposure to be 0.5—an event once every other year—evidenced by the need for mul-
tiple remedial actions in a 10 year period. The surveying and subsequent remediation
appears to be protective of the segment but are not formally documented. Mitigation
effectiveness for the combined survey-remediation protocol is estimated to be 50% in
its current state. This equates to an estimate of damage once every 4 years, from this
apparently effective mitigation but with unknown error rates and continuance assur-
ance. The evaluator advises the operator that this estimate can be increased if steps
such as the following are taken:
• Formalize the survey procedures
• Establish the survey frequency on the basis of failure/damage probability
• Formalize the remediation procedures, especially regarding action thresholds
and timing.


One common reaction to geohazard threats is increased component strength, specifi-

cally the ability to resist external loads considering both stress and strain issues. Other
measures to add resistance to geohazards will often be phenomena-specific.
Understanding of failure modes is essential to the modeling of resistance. The
following discussion on seismic induced failure modes illustrates this as well as gives
insight into many other geohazard phenomena.

7.3.1 Failure modes for buried pipelines subject to seismic loading.

The principal failure modes for corrosion-free continuous pipelines (e.g. steel pipe with
welded joints) are rupture due to axial tension, local buckling due to axial compression
and flexural failure. If the burial depth is shallow, continuous pipelines in compression
can also exhibit beam-buckling behavior. Failure modes for corrosion-free segmented
pipelines with bell and spigot type joints are axial pull-out at joints, crushing at the
joints and round flexural cracks in pipe segments away from the joints. The principal
failure modes for corrosion-free continuous pipeline with burial depth of about three
feet or more are tensile rupture and local buckling. Buried pipelines with burial depths
less than about 3 feet (i.e., shallow trench installation) may experience beam buckling
behavior. Beam buckling has also occurred during post earthquake excavation under-
taken to relieve compressive pipe strain.
Intuitively, beam buckling is more likely to occur in pipelines buried in shallow
trenches and/or backfilled with loose materials. That is, beam buckling load is an in-
creasing function of the cover depth. Hence, if a pipe is buried at a sufficient depth, it
will develop local buckling before beam buckling.
When strained in tension, corrosion free steel pipe with arc welded butt joints is
very ductile and capable of mobilizing large strains associated with significant tensile
yielding before rupture. On the other hand, older steel pipe with gas-welded joints
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

often cannot accommodate large tensile strain before rupture. In addition, welded slip
joints in steel pipe do not perform as well as butt welded joints
Buckling refers to a state of structural instability in which an element loaded in
compression experiences a sudden change from a stable to an unstable condition. Local
buckling (wrinkling) involves local instability of the pipe wall. After the initiation of
local shell wrinkling, all further geometric distortion caused by ground deformation or
wave propagation tends to concentrate at the wrinkle. The resulting large curvatures in
the pipe wall often then lead to circumferential cracking of the pipe wall and leakage.
This is a common failure mode for steel pipe.
For segmented pipelines, particularly those with large diameters and relatively
thick walls, observed seismic failure is most often due to distress at the pipe joints. In
areas of compressive ground strain, crushing of bell and spigot joints is a fairly com-
mon failure mechanism in, for example, concrete pipes.
For small diameter segmented pipes, circumferential flexural failure have been
observed in areas of ground curvature.
Axial pull out of segmented pipe such as cast iron or concrete with rubber gasketed
joints and bell-spigot is also a common failure mode for seismic events.
Ref 777

A structure’s design documentation will often state the geohazard events that the
structure is rated to withstand—for example, “maximum scour from a 100 year flood”;
“seabottom instability from 100 year storm”; “landslide from 50 year rainfall event”.
These values are useful in the risk assessment since they suggest a point in the load
probability distribution, below which the structure’s survival rate should be high. In the
absence of unanticipated weaknesses, the structure should be highly resistive to events
of lesser magnitude (normally more frequent events are of lesser magnitude) than the
stated design intent. Resistance to more severe events (generally more infrequent) will
be questionable.
Knowledge of safety factors will be useful in estimating resistance. Technically
rigorous structural analyses can be performed where the most robust resistance esti-
mates are required. These will require more combinations of specific loadings onto
specific components and comparing resulting calculated stresses against stress carry-
ing capacities.
Full discussion of resistance is found in Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page


8.1 Human error potential.............. 238
8.1.1 Human Error Potential
Considered Elsewhere in
Risk Assessment......... 238
8.1.2 Origination Locations...... 239
8.1.3 Continuous Exposure....... 240
8.1.4 Errors of omission and
commission................ 241
8.2 Cost/Benefit.............................. 241
8.3 Assessing Human Error Potential.242
8.4 Design Phase Errors.................. 242
8.5 Construction Phase Errors......... 243
8.6 Error Potential in Maintenance. 243
8.7 Operation................................. 243
8.7.1 Exceeding Design Limits.. 244
8.7.2 Control and Safety systems.248
8.7.3 Procedures...................... 253
8.7.4 SCADA/communications. 255
8.7.5 Substance Abuse............. 257
8.7.6 Safety/Focus programs..... 258
8.7.7 Training........................... 258
8.7.8 Mechanical error
preventers.................. 260
8.8 Surge potential......................... 260
8.9 Introduction of Weaknesses...... 261
8.9.1 Design............................. 262
8.9.2 Material selection............ 262
8.9.3 QA/QC Checks................ 262
8.9.4 Construction/installation.. 263
8.10 Stress and human errors.......... 264
8.11 Resistance.............................. 264

Incorrect Operations
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


The potential for human error is an important aspect of risk but challenging to quantify.
It would be remiss to discount this potential threat and thereby diminish the importance
of the many types of mitigation employed against it. Large budgets are spent on train-
ing, procedures, safety systems, and other mitigations, and that spending continues
because it is widely believed that the benefits outweigh the costs. Even though only
generalizations and subjective determinations may be available to quantify these ben-
efits and many other aspects of error potential, risk knowledge improves greatly from
efforts to measure this.
See PRMM for background discussions on many of the risk assessment consider-
ations surrounding human error potential.
The error potential focus is often directed more towards stations and facilities. A
more complex environment such as a station normally provides many more opportuni-
ties for human error—first party and second party—compared to ROW miles. Offshore
platforms and their onshore counterparts—pump/compressor stations, tank farms, me-
ter facilities, etc—normally have a high density of components, a more complex de-
sign, and more frequent human activities compared to most portions of most pipelines,.
Since human error potential permeates every aspect of risk, it logically influences
multiple portions of the risk assessment. Consequence minimization and mitigation
effectiveness are often quite sensitive to operator error, with less sensitivity usually
associated with exposure rates and resistance factors.
Despite the need to consider error potential in many specific processes, assessing
error potential as an independent failure cause has the advantage of avoiding duplicate
assessments for many of the pertinent risk variables. This recognizes that the same
variables would apply in most other failure mechanisms and it makes sense to evaluate
such variables in a single place in the assessment. Techniques such as HAZOPS can be
effective in re-constructing or at least acting as a surrogate for the original design and
operations intents.

8.1.1 Human Error Potential Considered Elsewhere in Risk Assessment

The role of human error in risk requires an understanding of potential for pipeline
failure caused by errors committed in designing, building, operating, or maintaining a
Human error impacts all of the other probability-of-failure analyses. Active corro-
sion, for example, suggests an error in corrosion control activities, under an assump-
tion that knowledge and resources to prevent corrosion exist.
The human error potential should be captured in the estimation of each mitigation
measures’ effectiveness. If there are potential differences in human error potential for
each failure mechanism or among exposures, one can pair error-reduction mitigation
measures with specific exposures. For example, perhaps training and procedures for
surge prevention are more robust than those for thermal overpressure events.
8 Incorrect Operations

The focus here is on real time operator errors that directly precipitate failures.
When failure is defined as leak/rupture, there are usually fewer relevant exposure
scenarios, due to the common design principle of ‘fail safe’ operations. That is, it is
normally difficult to accidentally and immediately threaten any pipeline component’s
integrity solely by miss-operation of the pipeline’s devices and equipment. With failure
including the often higher potential for service interruption, human error scenarios be-
come more common. In other words, it is easier to interrupt or otherwise compromise
a pipeline’s operation (by improperly operating devices and equipment) than to cause
a leak/rupture.
It is believed that error potential in the operations phase will often be relevant
to error potential in other phases, if only in terms of the similar underlying causes
of exposure and opportunities for mitigation. Therefore, this centralized approach for
examining human error in a risk assessment provides a more efficient means of under-
standing error potential elsewhere.
Errors by outside parties are more efficiently modeled as part of the exposure rates
of other failure mechanisms. This includes vehicle and equipment impacts and explo-
sions from nearby facilities.
Non-operational errors are discussed here but usually better modeled in other por-
tions of the risk assessment. Errors during design and construction tend to introduce
weaknesses into the system. These are best considered in the evaluation of resistance.
Maintenance errors tend to reduce reliability of equipment, decreasing mitigation when
the equipment is protective of integrity (ie, safety systems, monitoring instrumenta-
tion, etc). Design, construction, and maintenance errors are therefore contributors to
failure frequency and consequence but not often initiators. If the assessed component
has functioned correctly for some period of time under similar stresses prior to a fail-
ure, then the original error is a contributing factor but not the final failure mechanism.
Operational errors, on the other hand, can and do precipitate failure directly.
Finally, human errors can fail to minimize consequences or even exacerbate them,
as is discussed in the CoF assessment.

8.1.2 Origination Locations

Operational human-error scenarios potentially causing damage to a pipeline may orig-

inate at a facility far from the damage location. Overpressure at a pump station may
cause a rupture only at a weak point in a pipe segment miles away. Station operations
typically have more opportunities for errors such as overpressure due to inadvertent
valve closures and incorrect product transfer resulting in product to the wrong tank or
to overfilled tanks.
Therefore, facilities, especially those with more frequent or complex human inter-
facing, will play a large role in risk assessment for portions of the system far beyond
the facility boundaries. They are often initiating points for a failure manifesting else-
where along a system.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

HAZOPS are often overlooked in a risk assessment due to a perception that they
only apply to a station facility and not to ROW miles. In reality, they usually identify
most, if not all, of the potential human error scenarios that could cause failures any-
where, including locations long distances from the station being assessed. When a
HAZOP node includes ROW pipe—perhaps shown as a delivery or receipt point on the
P&ID schematic of the facility—then the applicability is most apparent. When speci-
fied as a node, the HAZOP facilitator should ensure that this node include more than
just the immediate receipt or delivery pipe components. It should include all features
along the pipeline—low spots, weaknesses, etc.

Figure 8.1 Human error potential during operations

8.1.3 Continuous Exposure

Recall the Chapter Definitions and Concepts on page 17 discussion on continuous

exposure. Incorrect operations has several examples of this. For instance, suppose that
a high pressure source is connected to a pipeline via a pressure regulating (control)
valve. The pressure source provides the threat exposure and the regulator is the mit-
igation in this elementary example. Failure is avoided through the use of control and
safety systems. The source represents continuous exposure—the pipe downstream of
the regulator is subject to immediate failure if the regulator fails. It is an on-going,
unrelenting, cause of immediate failure if unmitigated.
Measuring this type of exposure appropriately in a risk assessment model requires
the correct coupling of the continuous exposure with a corresponding mitigation ef-
fectiveness. A high-demand or continuous exposure requires mitigation with very high
reliability. The modeling issue with continuous exposure is the choice of time units in
which to express the rate of exposure. The continuous exposure can be counted as one
event per day, once per hour, once per minute, once per second, or even less. Any of

8 Incorrect Operations

these is appropriate as long as the corresponding mitigation—the regulator effective-

ness—is measured in the same per day, per hour, per minute, etc units of reliability.
Another nuance of exposure measurement involves the baseline for resistance.
There could be dramatically increased exposure when zero resistance is assumed. That
is, the number of potentially damaging events increases when the threshold for damage
is lowered. This is detailed in Chapter 3 Assessing Risk on page 59.

8.1.4 Errors of omission and commission

Some errors are actually reductions in mitigation effectiveness while others are direct
exposure events. As a minimum, this distinction should be made in a risk assessment.
A more general PoF assessment may use only these two categories, applying a numer-
ical effectiveness value (or penalty) to all mitigations involving human actions and
also estimating a frequency of future error-generating failures (in the absence of any
It is important to understand the types of errors possible, perhaps appropriately
categorized by their root causes. Error rates associated with each would be estimated
in the more robust risk assessments. Then, since certain mitigations have varying ef-
fectiveness for each type of exposure, specific pairings would be needed. In prelimi-
nary or less robust assessments, satisfactory accuracy may be achieved by treating all
exposures the same with all mitigations applied to the collective exposure frequencies.
One possible categorization scheme would group by underlying cause of the error.
For example, errors due to:
• Impairment
• Lack of knowledge
• Inattention
• Apathy
• Stress

Another categorization scheme could group by the type of error, including skill-
based errors, (memory lapse, slip of action), mistakes (rule-based, ie incorrect appli-
cation of a good rule, application of a bad rule, or failure to apply a good rule; or
knowledge-based) (ref 1019).


As with many other elements of a strong risk assessment, an objective and defensible
cost/benefit analysis can be conducted for practices whose benefits were previous-
ly difficult to quantify. Instrument maintenance and calibration, training, procedures,
personnel qualification programs, and many others provide measurable benefits in risk
reduction. Their value was always recognized, hence their universal use over many
decades of industrial application. However, determining the appropriate level of ro-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

bustness and justifying additional efforts had to be ‘sold’ rather than demonstrated via
objective analyses.
A good risk assessment provides a more objective, consistent, and defensible way
to show benefits—avoided losses—obtainable from risk reduction actions.


As with other failure mechanisms, the most detailed assessment will always pair specif-
ic exposures with corresponding mitigations. For example, substance abuse programs
will logically reduce only exposure events containing impairment factors; training may
only reduce errors having ‘lack of knowledge’ as an underlying cause. However, suf-
ficient accuracy in assessment is often achieved by taking a more general approach,
perhaps applying all mitigations equally to all types of exposures.
Although human error is involved in almost every failure, human errors that can
directly threaten integrity are relatively rare in most pipeline systems. When service
interruption events are included in ‘failure’ the number of possible human error events
Assessing this failure mechanism begins with examinations of error potential in
each phase of pipelining.


Design phase errors include incorrect equipment sizing, inappropriate assumptions

and/or incorrect calculations regarding loads and/or resistance, improper materials se-
lection (considering stresses, fatigue, environmental factors of temperature, corrosivi-
ty, and others, etc), and others.
The risk assessment should begin with the completely unmitigated exposure—the
error rate associated with designs originating from an uneducated, inexperienced, lay-
man, attempting component designs while working in a harsh environment with no
tools (ie, computer, calculator, graph paper, etc). A very high error frequency would
be expected—perhaps 50% to 90+% (error rates ranging from one in ‘every other de-
signed component’ to ‘every component’)—depending on design complexities and nu-
ances. This error rate would be reduced by the commonplace error reduction measures
such as education, training, procedures, certifications, quality checks, etc.
This robust approach has the advantages of valuing each aspect of error-reduction.
However, a completely unmitigated error rate may be hard to visualize, given educa-
tional, credential, continuing education requirements normally associated with most
design practices, not to mention common workplace conditions and tools that further
help to improve the processes. A modeling convenience that will often not result to ex-
cessive loss of accuracy, might be to begin with an error rate reasonably attributable to
a ‘standard’ design process common to the region and era. This standard process may,
8 Incorrect Operations

for example, be a design team of 2-year technical college designer/drafters overseen by

an experienced licensed profession engineer. Perhaps this team produces component
designs with serious integrity-threatening errors once every 100 designs. Using this as
a base case, error-reduction measures such as those discussed below, would reduce the
damage potential from such errors.


Potential errors during construction are similarly assessed. Error rates could be as-
sessed for either a completely unmitigated construction scenario or for some ‘standard’
practice. The latter is more intuitive. Then, additional mitigation measures that are in
place can be valued. Risk assessments will require an estimate of weakness probabili-
ties along lengths of the system. The rate of occurrence of weaknesses is logically in-
fluenced by error rates during design, manufacture, and installation. The ‘test of time’
rationale (see Chapter 1 Risk Assessment at a Glance on page 1) may be appropri-
ate for both design and construction errors. Recognize however, that some slow-acting
phenomena may be attributable to design errors but have simply not yet manifested.
Perhaps installations performed in challenging conditions or with questionable quality
control can be associated with rates of weaknesses (increased susceptibilities to certain
damages) of one or two every 10 km, despite successful pressure testing and years of


Errors in maintaining equipment, control, and safety systems leads to reduced effec-
tiveness of those systems. An otherwise high reliability of a pressure control regulator
or relief valve is lessened when proper maintenance is not performed. The device’s
mitigation effectiveness estimate in the risk assessment should reflect this.
Similarly, errors in corrosion control, marking/locating, patrol, and even public
education, all reduce the ability of the mitigation to protect the system


Error potential in operations is potentially a direct initiator of failure. An immediate

damage or failure event is possible during operations since personnel are actively oper-
ating equipment such as valves, pumps, compressors, and many others where incorrect
actions or sequences produce unintended results and may cause damages. Emphasis
therefore is on error prevention rather than error detection.
For estimating error rates during operations, the unmitigated exposure rate may
again be difficult to imagine—an operation with no procedures, no training, no control
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

or safety devices, etc. However, there are some very ‘stout’ systems that, even with no
standard mitigations, would still not be damaged or fail by any conceivable operator
action, much less an error. If there are no pressure sources that could exceed design
limits, including surge potential and blocked-in, liquid-full, heating scenarios, then
it may be physically impossible to overpressure any component. In this case, the in-
herently low risk operation should show very low exposure and perhaps suggest that
mitigation is largely unnecessary. Therefore, the estimation of the unmitigated expo-
sure rate to operational errors is important. Distinguishing between systems’ exposure
rates may be more important to the determination of PoF than all possible mitigation
Most hazardous substance pipelines are designed with sufficient redundancy in
control and safety systems that it takes a highly unlikely chain of events to cause a
leak/rupture type failure solely by the improper use of system components. A system
can be made to be even more insensitive to human error through physical barriers and
intervention opportunities. Nonetheless, history has demonstrated that the seemingly
unlikely event sequences occur more often than would be intuitively predicted.
As noted, human error potential involves difficult to assess aspects of a working
environment. As a starting point, the evaluator can look for a sense of profession-
alism in the way operations are conducted. Corporate culture typically guides this.
Seemingly unrelated aspects such as a strong safety program, housekeeping, or facility
attractiveness can all be evidence of attention and standard of care, which usually also
translate to improved error prevention.
The mitigation measures commonly employed are intertwined. For example, bet-
ter procedures enhance training and vice versa; safety systems supplement procedures;
mechanical devices complement training;,
Activities requiring high levels of supervision are logically more susceptible to
error. Better training and professionalism usually mean less supervision is required.
Special product issues are often affected by human actions, especially when as-
sessing service interruption potential, and can be considered here. For example, hy-
drate formation (production of ice as water vapor precipitates from a hydrocarbon flow
stream, under special conditions) has been identified as a service interruption threat and
also, under special conditions, an integrity threat. The latter occurs if formed ice travels
down the pipeline with high velocity, possibly causing damages. Similarly, pressure
surge events are often generated by human actions. Because such special occurrences
are often controlled through operational procedures, they warrant attention here.
A manned facility with no site-specific operating procedures and/or less training
emphasis may have a greater incorrect operations-related likelihood of human error
than one with appropriate level of procedures and personnel training.

8.7.1 Exceeding Design Limits

The possibility of exceeding any threshold for which the system was designed is an
important element of a leak/rupture risk assessment. A measure of the susceptibility
8 Incorrect Operations

of the facility to overstressing is modeled here as a part of the incorrect operations

failure assessment. While design limits related to temperature, product velocity, and
others are used, pressure exceedances are by far the most common integrity threats to
a pipeline. Internal Pressure is the most important design threshold for most pipelines
and is used in the primary design limit of interest for many aspects of design. Overpres-
sure will be the focus of this discussion while also illustrating the approach to assess
any other relevant design exceedance potential. Other limit states such as temperature,
level, flowrate, etc, can follow a parallel assessment path as the one outlined here for
overpressure potential. For instance, vessel overfill/overflow can be included in leak/
rupture scenarios and modeled in a fashion very similar to overpressure.
The safest scenario occurs when no pressure source exists that can generate suffi-
cient pressure to exceed allowable limits. A system in which it is not physically pos-
sible to exceed the design pressure is inherently safer than one where the possibility
exists. A pump that, when operated in a deadheaded condition, can produce a maxi-
mum of 900-psig pressure cannot, theoretically, overpressure a components designed
for 1800 psig. In the absence of any other pressure source (including heat) or scenario,
this situation suggests no exposure.
Where pressure sources can overstress systems and control and safety systems
are needed to protect the facility, then risk increases. This includes consideration of
the maximum pumping head. Inherent overpressure safety occurs when that the prime
mover is incapable of creating excessive pressure in the assessed component. Certain
pumps and compressors are unable to generate excessive pressures, even under ‘dead-
head’ (pumping against a blockage) conditions. A pipeline system operated at levels
well below its original design intent can also be inherently safe from overpressure.
This is a relatively common occurrence as pipeline systems, originally designed for
more severe conditions, change service or ownership or as throughputs decline.
Allowable stresses may change with changes in environmental factors such as
temperature. For instance, extreme heat or cold can change the stress-carrying capac-
ity of a material, making failure under normal operating pressure possible. It is com-
mon for pipeline systems to have pressure sources that can exceed allowable stresses,
should control/safety systems fail. Note that the adequacy of safety systems and the
potential for specialized stresses such as surges and fatigue are examined elsewhere in
this model.
Required for a complete risk assessment are knowledge of the source pressure
(pump, compressor, connecting pipelines, tank, well, the often-overlooked thermal
sources, etc.) and knowledge of the system strength. The first includes pump and com-
pressor deadhead limits; foreign pipeline connections; well connections; and even dis-
tance along the hydraulic profile, such that sufficient pressures to exceed limits cannot
be generated. A pump running in a “deadheaded” condition by the accidental closing
of a valve or a surge created by the rapid introduction of relatively high volumes of
compressible fluids are classic examples of overpressure scenarios. It is important to
exclude all considerations of pressure control and overpressure safety systems at this
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Sources of overpressure should include scenarios of ‘blocked-in, fluid-full with

subsequent heating’ (where the fluid has no room to expand) that aren’t already cap-
tured in elsewhere. For instance, daytime heating of liquid trapped in a pipe segment,
valve body, etc, is efficiently captured here, while an external fire scenario is probably
better captured in geohazard or sympathetic reaction scenarios.
It is sometimes difficult to obtain the maximum pressure potential as it must be
defined for the ‘exposure’ assignment, ie assuming absence of all safety and pres-
sure-limiting devices. This is especially true when a foreign entities owns and operates
a pressure source. Foreign ownership is common when the source is a connecting
pipeline, a storage facility, or other non-owned delivery into a system being assessed.
When the pressure source is not under operator control, the evaluation can be either
more complex or involve more simplifying assumptions. In examining the overpres-
sure potential, the evaluator may have to obtain information from operators of owned-
by-others connecting equipment to understand the maximum source pressure potential.
When another division, group, company etc controls both exposure and mitigation,
their applied mitigation is usually more efficiently embedded in the exposure estimate.
See discussion in Chapter 5.3 Exposure on page 134.
Ultimately, a simple yes/no answer should be available to answer this first question
of ‘can a threshold be exceeded?’. Rare scenarios should still generate a ‘yes’ answer.
Their improbability will be captured in the exposure value assigned. For instance, in a
high volume system transporting highly compressible fluid (gas), overpressure might
be conceivable, but only after many hours of ‘packing’. This scenario still warrants
a ‘yes’ answer to the ‘is overpressure possible?’ question, but the high improbability
should be considered when assigning exposure rates.
When the answer is ‘yes’, an exposure is estimated for each plausible scenario.
All sources of overpressure (or other threshold exceedances) should first be identified.
Then all credible scenarios generating overpressures should be identified. Risk analy-
ses tools such as HAZOPS and PHA are often very efficient in providing an exhaustive
list of scenarios. Sometimes, frequencies are also assigned to each as part of those
analyses. The frequencies of each scenario is then estimated, under the assumption that
there is no mitigation—above that available to resist the MOP—exists. Some scenar-
ios may only manifest under a relatively complex chain of events. In assigning a rate
of exposure, the evaluator must sometimes determine the implied time period for an
overpressure event to manifest. Would it take only the inadvertent closure of one valve
to instantly build a pressure that is too high? Or would it take many hours (and many
missed opportunities to intervene) before pressure levels were raised to a dangerous
To define the ease of reaching MOP (whichever definition of MOP is used) some
qualitative descriptors can be created to envision the possibilities. A range of possibil-
ities is illustrated by the following:

8 Incorrect Operations

A. Continuous exposure, for example, one exposure per minute occurs1

Where routine, normal operations would, absent preventive measures,
continuously expose the  component to design pressure or higher. Over-
pressure is prevented by pressure control equipment, procedure, or safety

B. Rare exposure, for example, once every few years of operation

Where overpressure can occur only through a combination of multiple
procedural errors or omissions or would require long periods of ‘packing’.
In these cases, exposure estimates may be challenging to produce, perhaps
generated from a PHA/HAZOPS type process that quantifies the likeli-
hood of each step in such unlikely scenarios

C. Impossible, for example, essentially zero incident potential per year

Where direct or indirect pressure sources cannot, under any conceivable
chain of events, overpressure the pipeline.

Overpressure can occur rather easily in some systems. Overpressure could occur
fairly rapidly due , perhaps, to ‘packing’ a segment of incompressible fluid For exam-
ple, The only protective measures may be procedural, where the operator is relied on
to operate 100% error free, or a simple safety device that is designed to close a valve,
shut down a pressure source, or relieve pressure from the pipeline.
If exceedance of some design limit is avoided only through perfect operator per-
formance and one safety device, a higher probability of exceedance—often leading to
failure—is being accepted. Error-free work activities are not realistic and industry ex-
perience shows that reliance on a single safety device, either mechanical or electronic,
inevitably leads to gaps in protection.
In other systems, overpressure is possible and protection is achieved via redundant
levels of control or safety devices. These may be any combination of controllers (for
example, pressure, flowrate, etc), relief valves; rupture disks; mechanical, electrical, or
pneumatic shutdown switches; or computer safeties (programmable logic controllers,
supervisory control and data acquisition systems, or any kind of logic devices that may
trigger an overpressure prevention action). When at least two independently operated
devices are available to prevent overpressure of the pipeline, the accidental failure of at
least one safety device, is offset by the backup protection provided by another.
Operator procedures are normally also in place to ensure the pipeline is always
operated at levels below design limits. Any safety device can be thought of as a backup
to proper operating procedures and, hence, as an independent mitigation measure. In-
dustry experience shows a procedural error coincident with the failure of two or more
levels of safety is not as unlikely an occurrence as it may first appear.

1 See discussion under 8.1.3 Continuous Exposure on page 240

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

In other systems, situation where sufficient pressure could be introduced and the
pipeline segment could theoretically be overpressured, but the scenario is extremely
unlikely. An example would be a compressible fluid in a larger volume pipeline seg-
ment, requiring longer times to reach critical pressures. For example, a large diameter
gas line would experience overpressure if a mainline valve were closed but only if the
situation went undetected for hours.
In order to assess the exposure rate for a particular design limit exceedance, say,
‘overpressure’, a measure of tolerable pressures is needed. The most readily available
measure of this will normally be the documented maximum operating pressure or MOP.
Design pressure and/or maximum allowable pressures values may also be available.
These values must be dissected to understand the true strength of the component, free
from safety factors and influences of other intermittent loadings and nearby weakness-
es. The risk assessor must decide, in the context of desired PXX and trade-offs between
complexity and robustness, the extent of simultaneous consideration of changing resis-
tance (for example, from extreme temperature effects reducing material capabilities,
unanticipated external loadings such as debris impingement in flowing water, etc) with
loadings potentially contributing to overpressure. This is also discussed in Chapter 2
Definitions and Concepts on page 17.

8.7.2 Control and Safety systems

Control systems and safety devices, as an important aspect of the risk picture, are
included here in the incorrect operations assessment. This is done under the premise
that control systems are a surrogate for human actions—operating the system within
design parameters; and safety systems exist as a backup for situations in which human
error causes or allows design thresholds to be reached. As such, both systems therefore
impact the possibility of a pipeline failure due to human error.
This discussion will focus on the role of control and safety systems in preventing
leaks/ruptures. Their expanded role into preventing or mitigating service interruption
scenarios is covered in Chapter 12 Service Interruption Risk on page 459. The role of
control and safety systems in consequence potential is discussed in Chapter 11 Conse-
quence of Failure on page 349.
A control or safety device continuously mitigates against exceedance of a thresh-
old. Control and safety systems can be as simple as a single device—perhaps a reg-
ulator, pressure switch, or a relief valve. They can be also extremely sophisticated
and complicated: completely orchestrating product movements through multiple prime
movers—pumps or compressors—associated with multiple pipeline systems, while
monitoring and reacting to all events that may lead to a design parameter excursion,
and recording and archiving all events and status conditions. A wide array of sensors,
switches, and computers accompany most modern pipeline control/safety systems.
Flowrate or pressure regulation valves are examples of devices that often mitigate
against overpressure while also ensuring operational efficiencies.

8 Incorrect Operations

For purposes of this part of the assessment, control and safety systems can both be
treated as mitigation. When terminology ‘safety system’ or ‘safety device’ is used, the
intention is to also include control system and control device.
Control/safety systems that employ computer-based logic are common. These al-
low more complex actions and sequences to be controlled and protected but also create
additional failure points. A modern risk assessment will need to include an evaluation
of all computer permissives programs for all facilities, including PLC, SCADA, and
other logic-based processes.
As in other aspects of this risk assessments, it is important to separate mitigation
and resistance from exposure for systems under the operator’s control, but this separa-
tion is often problematic when estimating exposure rates from systems controlled by
others. A distinction between safety systems controlled by the pipeline operator and
those outside his direct control is usually warranted. Risk assessment expanded into an
assessment of non-owned systems is certainly possible, but requires cooperation from
the other owner. .

Safety systems evaluation  

Failure potential is reduced as safety systems are able to reliably interrupt a sequence
of events that would otherwise result in damage or failure. Understanding of this in-
tervention opportunity began with the identification of exposure scenarios and now
requires identification and evaluation of the various actions that initiate, or are initi-
ated by, devices involving, for example, changing level, flow, temperature, and pres-
sure conditions. When devices are established to initiate independent action—without
human intervention—to protect systems, they offer direct mitigation benefit. If false
alarms can be minimized, then safety systems that automatically close valves, stop
pumps, and/or isolate equipment in extreme conditions are very valuable. When com-
plete autonomous action is not appropriate, human action in combination with safety
systems provide mitigation. Early warning alarms and status alerts when actions are
taken should ideally be sent to a monitored control center. Also valuable is the ability
of a manned control center to remotely activate equipment, including isolation and
shutdown devices, to avoid or minimize damage scenarios. Less effective, especially
for unmanned, infrequently visited sites, but still useful are safety systems that merely
produce a local indication of abnormal conditions.
Safety systems that provide increasing station facility overpressure protection be-
yond specific equipment shutdown and isolation, include equipment lock-out, station
isolation, station lock-out, and relief systems. Lock-out typically requires a person to
inspect the station conditions prior to resetting trips and restarting systems.
A sometimes complex chain of events needs to be identified and scrutinized to ful-
ly understand certain failure scenarios involving failures of control systems, especially
when interacting electronic components are involved. Electronic systems can often fail
in multiple ways by a variety of effects (for example, EM pulses) that do not threaten
most other components.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

To ensure the on-going adequacy of safety systems, periodic reviews are valuable.
Such reviews should also be triggered by formal management of change policies or
anytime a change in made in a facility. HAZOPS or other hazard evaluation techniques
as well as instrument-specific techniques such as LOPA, are commonly used to first
assess the need and/or adequacy of safety systems. This is often followed by a review
of the design calculations and supporting assumptions used in specifying the type and
actions of the device. The most successful program will have responsibilities, frequen-
cies, and personnel qualifications clearly spelled out. Many regulations for pipelines
require or imply an annual review frequency for overpressure safety devices.
As an early step in the risk assessment, each portion of the pipeline system being
assessed must be associated with its potential exposure scenarios and relevant control/
safety systems. Each safety device located at a pump/compressor stations, metering fa-
cility, storage facility, or control center will often influence, if not protect, many miles
of the system. For instance, a pressure regulator impacts all system components down-
stream of its location and possibly upstream as well. A pump motor shut off switch
often impacts miles of system both upstream and downstream of its location.
The next step is to assess the reliability of each safety device, considering all po-
tential device failure modes including loss of power or communications. Some valves
and switches are designed to “fail closed” on such interruptions. Others are designed
to “fail open,” or remain in its last position: “fail last.” The important thing is that the
equipment fails in a mode that leaves the system in the least vulnerable condition, ie
‘fail safe’.
This can be a very complex process, as is detailed in industry standards for SIL and
LOPA. Alternatively, reasonable estimates can also be generated with only a few inputs
and in a short time. Of course, the latter approach will be less robust and, consequently
less defensible, but perhaps sufficient, especially for preliminary risk estimates.
For all control/safety devices, the evaluator should examine the status of the devic-
es under loss of power or communications scenarios.
In a more robust analysis, guidance is available from sources such as Ref 1002, as
excerpted below:
Multiple Protection Layers (PLs) are normally provided in the process industry.
Each protection layer consists of a grouping of equipment and/or administrative
controls that function in concert with the other layers. Protection layers that per-
form their function with a high degree of reliability may qualify as Independent
Protection Layers (IPL). The criteria to qualify a Protection Layer (PL) as an IPL
• The protection provided reduces the identified risk by a large amount, that is,
a minimum of a 10-fold reduction. The protective function is provided with a
high degree of availability (90% or greater).
• It has the following important characteristics:
a. Specificity: An IPL is designed solely to prevent or to mitigate the con-
sequences of one potentially hazardous event (e.g., a runaway reaction,
release of toxic material, a loss of containment, or a fire). Multiple causes
8 Incorrect Operations

may lead to the same hazardous event; and, therefore, multiple event sce-
narios may initiate action of one IPL.
b. Independence: An IPL is independent of the other protection layers asso-
ciated with the identified danger.
c. Dependability: It can be counted on to do what it was designed to do. Both
random and systematic failures modes are addressed in the design.
d. Auditability: It is designed to facilitate regular validation of the protective
functions. Proof testing and maintenance of the safety system is necessary.
e. Only those protection layers that meet the tests of availability, specificity,
independence, dependability, and auditability are classified as Indepen-
dent Protection Layers.

This reference cites some typical probability of failure on demand (PFD) values
for certain independent protection layers.
independent protection layers PFD
relief valve 10-2
human performance (no stress) 10-2
human performance (under stress) 0.5 to 1.0
operator response to alarms 10-1
overpressure of well maintained 10-4

Some annual failure rate examples are also offered (ref 1002)
Low a failure or series of failures with a very low probability <10-4
of occurrence within the expected lifetime of the plant,
eg 3 or more simultaeous instrument, valve, or human
spontaneous failure of single tank or process vessel
Medium a failure or series of failures with a low probability of <10-4 to
occurrence within the expected lifetime of the plant; 10-2
eg dual instrument or valve failure;
combination of instrument failure and operator error;
single failure of small process lines or fittings
High a failure can reasonable be expected to occur within >10-2
the lifetime of the plant;
eg process leaks
single instrument or valve failure;
human errors that result in material releases

Alarms and other systems that rely on human intervention are logically more sus-
ceptible to failure on demand. Error potential is reduced when the condition-sensing
device or permissive limit exceedances automatically initiate a full, or partial, shut-
down of affected station equipment, with an alarm to remote/local personnel. In the
absence of automatic actions, condition-sensing device or permissive limit exceed-
ances may issue an alarm at a continuously manned location that requires operators
to evaluate the conditions and remotely initiate a full, or partial, shutdown of affected
station equipment
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The potential for human error to incorrectly/inadvertently isolate the safety device
from the component(s) being protected is also an important part of this analysis. Note
that some systems provide no plausible scenario where such human error could cause
such isolation, for example a three way valve with redundant devices.
The maintenance and calibration protocols used on the safety device should also
be included in the analyses. Most published reliability rates would assume adherence
to the device manufacturer’s recommended maintenance and calibration practice. In
practice, however, it is not uncommon for a company to choose a more- or a less-ro-
bust protocol. Note that a superior risk assessment can show the value of changes in
maintenance/calibration practice by estimating the corresponding changes in device
Different reliability values are acceptable depending on the criticality of the pro-
cess being protected. At the highest levels of protection, reliabilities such as the fol-
lowing would be expected:
Low Demand Mode of High Demand or Continuous Mode
Operation of Operation
PFD Probability of dangerous failure per
10-5 to 10-4 10-9 to 10-8

at the lowest protection level, values such as the following may be appropriate:
Low Demand Mode of High Demand or Continuous Mode
Operation of Operation
PFD Probability of dangerous failure per
10-2 to 10-1 10-6 to 10-5

Ref 1003
Finally, the reliability of each sub-system is combined for an estimate of the over-
all reliability. Manufacturer’s stated reliability values will usually be based on ideal
conditions and maintenance practices. Variations from ideal should be considered in
the risk assessment. For maintenance, this will require at least some understanding
of various control/safety system’s “predictive and preventative maintenance” (PPM)
programs, including equipment/component inspections, monitoring, cleaning, testing,
calibration, measurements, repair, modifications, and replacements. See further discus-
sion of maintenance later in this chapter.
The reliability and timeliness of SCADA dispatch processes would also need to
be assessed as part of the overall mitigation effectiveness of safety systems providing
alerts only.

Example: 8.1 Assessing a set of safety systems:

Consider a pipeline connected to a pump capable of overpressuring a component.

A pressure regulator and multiple safety devices are installed to avoid overpressure. A
pressure-sensitive switch halts flow upon high pressure indications; and a relief valve
8 Incorrect Operations

will open and vent the entire pumped product stream to a flare upon an extremely high
pressure indication. This facility is remotely monitored by a SCADA system, transmit-
ting appropriate data (including pressures) that is continuously monitored in a control
center. Remote shutdown of the pump from the control center is possible. Communi-
cations for data received in the control room as well as control instructions generated
by the control center are deemed to be 98% reliable.

Exposure is assessed as ‘continuous’ and quantified as ‘every minute’:

60x24x365 = 525,600 events/yr.

Note that four levels of mitigation are present (regulator, pressure switch, relief
valve, control room monitoring), any of which is capable of providing full protection.
With preliminary, conservative reliability values of 99% assigned to each of the first
three and 50% to the last (with consideration of human error and communications
outage rates), combined mitigation effectiveness is 99% OR 99% OR 99% OR 50% =
This results in a PoD estimate of 0.26 events/yr [525,600 events/yr x (1 –
99.99995%) = 0.26], a damaging overpressure event, perhaps causing at least a minor
permanent deformation, about once every 4 years.

8.7.3 Procedures

The use of procedures to ensure correct operations and avoid errors is well known. As
a means of mitigating scenarios that precipitate failure, procedures and their use should
be a part of the mitigation effectiveness estimates.
A range of quality, rigor, and utility exists among operators’ procedures and often
within different functional or geographical areas of the same operator. A list of ingre-
dients that distinguishes the most effective use of procedures can first be created as
the program that warrants the highest effectiveness estimate. Perhaps first among the
ingredients is a corporate culture that requires the adherence to procedures—ie, their
correctness and everyday use. Without this, the desire to follow a procedure correctly
may be missing.
Since each mitigation measure is evaluated independently from others, we assume
there has been no training on the procedures. Some might think this is an unreasonable
position—training and procedures are so intertwined that independent evaluations of
the two seems nonsensical to many. But this is not necessarily the case. Procedures
alone can be clear and complete enough to produce error-free operations in some cas-
es. Here’s an example to illustrate. Good procedures allow the purchaser of a shipped,
disassembled table to assemble that table properly and without incident, even though
there has been no training on table assembly. The procedure stands on its own merit.
However, the desire by the purchaser to correctly complete the assembly is critical to
the success rate.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Most would agree that the highest rated, ie, most effective, procedure system
would have all of the following ingredients:
• Strong corporate culture mandating their prominent role in day-to-day activ-
• Clearly written
• Complete coverage of all tasks in all procedures
• User-friendly format and beyond—perhaps even enticing and entertaining to
the user
• Use of video, photographs, illustrations, etc as appropriate for optimum under-
standability and utility
• Regularly reviewed and refreshed
• Field-tested and verified regularly
• Validated by independent audit
• Readily retrieved and protected (version control) by robust document manage-
ment system

Many technical writing ‘best practices’ could be consulted to provide further

guidelines for “what makes an excellent procedure”.
There should be evidence that procedures are actively used, reviewed, and revised.
Such evidence might include filled-in checklists and procedures in active use in field
locations and with field personnel.
Activities near a pipeline, but not actually on it, are also appropriately included
when such activities may have risk implications. For instance, nearby excavations can
impact a pipeline’s support conditions, perhaps increasing exposure from landslide,
erosion, or subsidence.
Locating processes—finding and marking buried utilities prior to excavation activ-
ities—are important for any subsurface system, but perhaps especially so for distribu-
tion systems that often coexist with many other subsurface structures. Such procedures
may warrant additional attention in this evaluation.
A protocol should exist that covers procedures maintenance: who develops them,
who approves them, how training is done, how compliance is verified, how often they
are reviewed, what is the update process, etc. A document management system should
be in place to ensure version control and proper access to most current documents. This
is commonly done in a computer environment, but can also be done with paper filing
While procedures are normally a mitigation measure, they may alternatively gen-
erate exposures, especially in abnormal operations. Procedure execution during opera-
tions that can put the system integrity at risk, are a part of the exposure rate in the risk
Any recent history of station procedure-related problems should be investigated
for evidence of procedure effectiveness.

8 Incorrect Operations

Mitigation Effectiveness

Transmission pipeline company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effective-

ness values in the range of 30% to over 90%, based on their experiences and ideas of
how effective the highest quality procedures program could be, as a stand-alone error
prevention item. For perspective, the higher end of this range assumes that fewer than 1
out of 10 otherwise damaging events would occur solely through the hypothetical best
procedures program (assuming no training or other mitigations) while the lower end
assumes only 3 out of 10 events are avoided by the best program. Actual effectiveness
values are then assigned based on differences from the idealized, perfect program.

8.7.4 SCADA/communications


A SCADA system allows remote monitoring (of parameters such as pressures, flows,
temperatures, and product compositions) and some control functions, normally from
a central location, such as a control center. Standard industry practice in most western
countries is 24-hours-per-day monitoring of “real-time” critical data with audible and
visible indicators (alarms) set for abnormal conditions. At a minimum, control center
operators should have the ability to safely shut down critical equipment remotely when
abnormal conditions are seen.
Interfaces between the pipeline data-gathering instruments and conventional com-
munication paths such as telephone lines, satellite transmission links, fiber optic ca-
bles, radio waves, or microwaves facilitate the delivery of information to and from the
control center. Modern communication pathways and scan rates can carry fresh data at
least every few seconds with 99.9% + reliability and with redundant (often manually
implemented dial-up telephone lines) pathways in case of extreme pathway interrup-
A SCADA system often serves also as safety devices, when computer logic is used
to control critical operational parameters.
In providing an overall view of the entire pipeline from one location, a SCADA
system facilitates system diagnosis, leak detection, transient analysis, and work coor-
dination, thereby impacting risk in several ways including:
• human error avoidance,
• leak detection,
• and emergency response.

The focus in this part of the risk assessment is on the role of SCADA in human
error avoidance—ie, mitigation of incorrect operations.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

SCADA Capabilities

See PRMM for a discussion of SCADA system concepts.

When the SCADA provides control or safety functions, its role in damage/failure
prevention is captured as another level of safety system (see previous discussions). The
more technical aspects of kind and quality of data and control (incident detection) and
the use of that capability in consequence minimization (ie, leak detection and emergen-
cy response), can be assessed in the measure of consequence potential (see Chapter 11
Consequence of Failure on page 349).

Figure 8.2 Control Center as part of SCADA

Error Prevention

Setting aside for now its role as a safety system and consequence minimizer, the em-
phasis here is on the SCADA role in reducing human error-type incidents. From the
human error perspective only, the major considerations are that a second “set of eyes”
is monitoring, is hopefully consulted prior to field operations, is involved with all crit-
ical activities, and that a better overview of the system is provided. Although human
error potential exists in the SCADA loop itself—more humans involved may imply
more error potential, both from the field and from the control center. The cross-check-
ing opportunities offered by SCADA can reduce the probability of human error in field
operations. One emphasis should therefore be placed on how well the two locations are
cooperating and cross-checking each other.
Protocols that require field personnel to coordinate all station activities with a con-
trol room offer an opportunity for a second set of eyes to interrupt an error sequence.
Critical stations are identified and must be physically occupied if SCADA communi-
cations are interrupted for specified periods of time. Proven reliable voice communi-
cations between the control center and field should be present. When a host computer
provides calculations and control functions in addition to local station logic, all control
8 Incorrect Operations

and alarm functions should be routinely tested from the data source all the way through
final actions.
While transmission pipeline systems are common users of SCADA, these mitiga-
tion concepts apply to offshore, distribution, gathering pipelines, as well as tank farms,
pumps stations, platforms, etc., even where SCADA is not being used. As a means of
reducing human errors, the use of SCADA systems and/or other systems of regular co-
ordination of actions between multiple observers, such as field operations and a central
control is an intervention point for human error reduction. The nature of some sys-
tems, however, may not normally benefit to the same degree from this error avoidance
measure. Some systems and facilities have protocols for communications/coordination
producing benefits of multiple eyes and minds confirming actions, although a SCADA
type system is not present. Some facilities will have distributed control and monitoring
DCM systems that act like SCADA in more limited geographical area. Effectiveness
values for this mitigation should reflect the somewhat reduced role of SCADA and
communications as a risk reducer in such systems.

Mitigation Effectiveness

Transmission pipeline company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effective-

ness values in the range of 5% to 30%, based on their experiences with SCADA sys-
tems in human error avoidance. For perspective, the higher end of this range assumes
that 3 out of 10 otherwise damaging events are avoided solely through the use of a
superior SCADA system while the lower end assumes only 5 out of 100 events are
avoided. Actual effectiveness values are then assigned based on differences from the
idealized, perfect program.

8.7.5 Substance Abuse

Errors with an underlying cause of ‘impairment’ can be partially mitigated by pro-

grams to manage substance abuse. In some countries, government regulations or com-
mon industry practice require drug and alcohol testing programs for certain classes of
employees in the transportation industry.
Since these mitigation measures are focused on specific types of human errors—
those involving impairments—they are most correctly applied only to those exposures.

Mitigation Effectiveness

In transmission pipeline companies that operate free of significant substance abuse is-
sues, SME’s have typically assigned maximum effectiveness values in the range of 1%
to 5% for exceptional substance abuse programs. For perspective, even the higher end
of this range assumes that only 5 out of 100 otherwise damaging events are avoided
solely through this program while the lower end assumes only 1 out of 100 events are

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

avoided. Actual effectiveness values are then assigned based on differences from the
idealized, perfect program.

8.7.6 Safety/Focus programs

With inattention being an underlying factor in many human error events, company
programs that provide focus may act as mitigation, even when not directed specifically
at the failure being measured by the risk assessment. A focus on employee safety is an
example. An employee safety program2 is a nearly intangible but still important factor
in a risk assessment (although very central to employee safety risk management).
It is intangible in the sense that the impact on human error potential derived from a
strong safety program is difficult to quantify. However, most would agree that the extra
care and attention to routine tasks that is fostered by a high level of safety awareness
and a corporate culture of safety should translate to some benefits in all types of human
error avoidance.
Similarly, other peripheral company focuses such as on good “housekeeping”
practices can be revealing. Housekeeping can include treatment of critical equipment
and materials so they are easily identifiable (using, for instance, a high-contrast or mul-
tiple-color scheme), easily accessible (next to work area or central storage building),
clearly identified (signs, markings, ID tags), and clean (washed, painted, repaired).
Housekeeping also includes general grounds maintenance so that tools, equipment,
or debris are not left unattended or equipment left disassembled. All safety-related
materials and equipment should be maintained in good working order and replaced
as recommended by the manufacturer. Station logs, reference materials, and drawings
should be current and easily accessible, in the more effective programs.

Mitigation Effectiveness

Transmission pipeline company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effective-

ness values in the range of 1% to 5%, based on their experience. For perspective, even
the higher end of this range assumes that only 5 out of 100 otherwise damaging events
are avoided solely through this type program, even the best conceivable, while the
lower end assumes only 1 out of 100 events are avoided. Actual effectiveness values
are then assigned based on differences from the idealized, perfect program.

8.7.7 Training

Training is a key mitigation measure protecting against human error. PRMM discusses
a list of key ingredients in a training program:

2 A safety program is different than a safety system, with the latter referring to physical devices that
prevent exceedances of pressure, flowrates, etc.
8 Incorrect Operations

Documented minimum requirements

• Testing
• Topics covered:
• Observed and assessed performance of actions
• Job procedures (as appropriate)
• Scheduled retraining
• Proficiency testing and periodic re-testing
• Detailed record-keeping
• Progress/performance tracking

Training on tasks whose execution can put the system integrity at risk, are espe-
cially critical to the risk assessment. A high level of worker turnover makes training
even more critical. Both of these aspects should be included in the risk assessment.
For maximum effectiveness as a risk mitigation, written procedures dealing with
all operational actions, abnormal and emergency actions, repairs, and routine main-
tenance should be readily available. Not only should these exist, it should also be
clear that they are in active use by the personnel. The recommendation here is to look
for checklists, revision dates, and other evidence of their use. Procedures supplement
training by helping to ensure consistency. Specialized procedures are required to en-
sure that original design factors are still considered long after the designers are gone.
A prime example is welding, where material changes such as hardness, fracture tough-
ness, and corrosion resistance can be seriously affected by the subsequent maintenance
activities involving welding.
The assessment should consider the effectiveness of the retraining schedule and
the periodic retesting in terms of their ability to adequately verify employee skills.
Higher workforce turnover rates have been correlated to increased error rates, due to
loss of experience and training benefits that otherwise accrue to a more stable work-
force. This could be an influencing factor when assigning mitigation effectiveness.

Mitigation Effectiveness

Transmission pipeline company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effective-

ness values in the range of 30% to over 90%, based on their experiences and ideas
of how effective the highest quality training program could be, as a stand-alone error
prevention item. For perspective, the higher end of this range assumes that fewer than
1 out of 10 otherwise damaging events would occur, prevented solely through the hy-
pothetical best training program (assuming no procedures or other mitigations) while
the lower end assumes only 3 out of 10 events are avoided by the best program. Actual
effectiveness values are then assigned based on differences from the idealized, perfect

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

8.7.8 Mechanical error preventers

The role of mechanical error preventers as mitigation measures should reflect the com-
bined effectiveness of the devices/measures being rated. Examples of common devic-
es/measures are noted in PRMM as:
• Three-way valves with dual instrumentation
• Lock-out devices
• Key-lock sequence programs
• Computer permissives—logic controls that will prevent certain actions from
being performed out of sequence
• Highlighting of critical instruments

Effectiveness should reflect the combined (OR gate addition) of each application.
An application is valid only if the mechanical preventer is used in all instances of the
scenario it is designed to prevent.
Transmission pipeline company SME’s have typically assigned maximum effec-
tiveness values in the range of 30% to over 90%, based on their experiences and ideas
of how effective the highest quality mechanical error prevention program could be, as
a stand-alone error prevention item. This varies widely based on the type of facility
being assessed since, for some, a wide range of mechanical devices are possible and
practical, but for others, few devices are available. For perspective, the higher end of
this range assumes that fewer than 1 out of 10 otherwise damaging events would occur
solely through the hypothetical best program (assuming no training, procedures, or
other mitigations) while the lower end assumes only 3 out of 10 events are avoided by
the best program. Actual effectiveness values are then assigned based on differences
from the idealized, perfect program.


The potential for pressure surges, or water hammer effects, is assessed as a form of
human error. A background discussion is provided in PRMM.
When surges are possible, operating procedures to prevent surge scenarios are nor-
mally in place. Additional mitigation may include mechanical devices such as surge
tanks, relief valves, and slow valve closures.
In a robust risk assessment, the surge required to cause damage to the component
being assessed (or a hypothetical component without resistance), would be calculated.
This would also consider weakness potential since a component, weakened by corro-
sion, cracking, gouges, additional stresses, or others, may be able to withstand only a
fraction of the surge load otherwise tolerable.

Example: 8.2 Assessment of surge potential:

8 Incorrect Operations

Consider the surge example from PRMM: A crude oil pipeline has flow rates and
product characteristics that are supportive of pressure surges in excess of MOP. The
only identified initiation scenario is the rapid closure of a mainline gate valve. All of
these valves are equipped with automatic electric actuators that are geared to operate
at a rate less than the critical closure time. If a valve must be closed manually, it is still
not possible to close the valve too quickly—many turns of the valve handwheel are
required for each 10% valve closure.
In a preliminary P90 assessment, the evaluator assigns an exposure of about one
valve closure event per month with a 98% reliability for each valve actuation; PoD
from surge = 5 events/year x (1 – 98%) = 0.1 damages/year (a damage scenario about
once every 10 years, involving the failure of an actuator to properly close the valve).
Sources of conservatism (P90) in this estimate are documented by the evaluator and
include intentional overestimation of aspects such as the expected annual frequency
of valve operations, the fraction of the year where flowing conditions are sufficient to
generate a significant surge, the number of surges that could cause damage, etc.


In addition to real time failures, human error contributes to delayed failures via the
introduction of unintended weaknesses into a pipeline system. These may occur in
any of the four phases introduced previously: design, construction, operations, and
maintenance. For each phase, estimates of types and frequencies of weaknesses created
should be estimated. For each potential type of weakness, a reduction in load-carrying
capacity will be required in order to fully understand the impact on risk. This is fully
discussed in Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279. In this chapter, discussion
of sources of human-error types of weaknesses is offered, to assist in the estimation of
possible weaknesses in any component being risk-assessed.
Potential errors committed during the design/construction can be difficult to assess
for an existing pipeline. Historic design processes are often not well defined or docu-
mented and are often highly variable. Nonetheless, an assessment resulting in at least
a rough estimate of weakness potential is prudent.
Errors or, by today’s standards, inferior practices in past design/construction prac-
tice, tend to introduce weaknesses and will most often appear as resistance issues in
a modern risk assessment. Even though a system with a weakness may operate with
sound integrity for many decades, the presence of that weakness, coupled with certain
loadings, can eventually precipitate a failure. The risk assessment should identify and
quantify the types of weaknesses that may be present.
The suggested approach is for the evaluator to seek evidence that error-prevent-
ing actions were taken during the design/construction phases. If design/construction
documents are available, a check or certification can be done to verify that no obvious
errors have been made. Otherwise, evidence such as from inspections and testimony of
SME’s may drive the assessment.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Chapter 10 Resistance Modeling on page 279 details the types of weaknesses

commonly encountered in pipelines. Here, the potential for such weaknesses is dis-

8.9.1 Design

A formal hazard identification process during design helps to ensure that all threats
are understood and appropriately mitigated. HAZOP studies and other appropriate
hazard identification techniques are discussed in Chapter 3 Assessing Risk on page
59. These techniques provide value inputs into estimates of exposure, mitigation,
resistance, and consequence. Thoroughness and timeliness are important: if this type
of analysis is not available from original design, it can be performed at any time and
results used to strengthen the risk assessment.
Potential design errors include flaws revealed during operations and maintenance
practices. While often more ‘real-time’, apparent O&M errors can also conceivably
manifest long after the actual error-introducing activity has occurred. For example, a
mis-designed flow/pressure control system that operates satisfactorily for years until a
rare combination of factors causes the controls to overpressure a component.

8.9.2 Material selection

The assessment should consider that the rigor with which proper materials were iden-
tified and specified with regard to all plausible stresses.
Notably in distribution systems, a wide range of pipe and appurtenance materials
have been used with a variety of different joining techniques. Some of these choices
have later proven to be problematic, from an integrity standpoint. Certain installations
of cast iron, plastics, tees, and couplings have generated a disproportionate amount of
failures for some operators.
Given that a certain amount of care and prudence is associated with the ‘standard’
practice, risk reduction for this item can be based on the existence and use of addi-
tional control documents and procedures—beyond standard practice— that govern all
aspects of pipeline material selection and installation. Superior practices can influence
the risk assessment via reduced incidences of weaknesses.

8.9.3 QA/QC Checks

The risk assessment should consider the extent to which design calculations and deci-
sions were checked for errors at key points during the design, material procurement,
and installation processes.
Given a certain amount of error-checking in the ‘standard’ practice, assignment of
additional mitigation effectiveness would be warranted for systems whose design pro-
cess was more carefully monitored and checked. This would be reflected in a reduced

8 Incorrect Operations

rate of weaknesses to be associated with the components/segments benefiting from the

more aggressive quality assurance programs.

8.9.4 Construction/installation

Typical construction-error risk elements are discussed in PRMM and here in Chapter
8.5 Construction Phase Errors on page 243. When a mitigation or an exposure ex-
ceeds the norm assumed in the error rate produced by ‘standard’ practice, the influenc-
es of these factors should be included in the assessment.
For assessing the potential for construction phase weaknesses in a system, the
evaluator should seek evidence regarding the steps that were taken to ensure that the
pipeline section was constructed correctly. This includes the construction specifica-
tions as well as checks on the quality of workmanship during installation.
Challenging installation conditions are logically linked to potentially higher er-
ror rates. Offshore, arctic and tropical environments, congested urban areas are a few
examples of more difficult conditions. When it can be determined that an installation
period involved difficulties due to weather, labor disputes, resistance from outside par-
ties, excessively aggressive time urgencies, and other influences, error rates would
similarly be expected to increase. Delayed effects from sabotage activities can also be
included here. For instance, an intentionally drilled hole partially through a pipe wall
can be treated as a resistance reduction just as a defective girth weld.
Construction errors on distribution systems may be more common due to the in-
creased level of continuous construction activity coupled with the variability of con-
struction crews, and materials used, all often spanning several decades of installation.
Weaker inspection practices during construction suggest higher incidence rates of
errors—ie, an assumption that more weaknesses were introduced.
Questionable materials purchase, receipt, or installation practices should result in
higher estimates of weaknesses in a system.
Less than 100% inspection of all joints, failure to meet minimum industry-ac-
cepted practices, questionable practices, or other uncertainties should lead to higher
estimated incidences of weaknesses when conducting a conservative risk assessment.
Uncertain practice of backfill/support techniques during construction warrants
consideration of higher rates of coating defects as well as strength reductions such as
dents and gouges.
High levels of residual stresses due to improper handling have played a role in his-
torical failures. Transportation fatigue—the growth of cracks in larger diameter pipes,
transported by rail prior to improved handling protocols—is another example of a han-
dling-related failure contributor.
The evaluator may assume reduced incidences of weaknesses when he sees evi-
dence of superior materials handling practices and storage techniques during and prior
to construction. Calculations can be performed to assess the susceptibility of certain
pipe specifications to damage by improper handling. When susceptible, weaker han-
dling practices warrants higher incidences of weaknesses.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Field-applied coatings (normally required for joining) are problematic because

quality control, including the effects of ambient conditions, are difficult to manage.
Careful control of temperature and moisture is normally required and all coating sys-
tems will be sensitive to some extent to surface preparation.
A major integrity threat to some pipelines is the presence of CP-shielding, poorly
applied coatings over girth welds. When just one of these issues is present, the pipeline
may still experience a long life with few extraordinary considerations needed. Howev-
er, the presence of both shielding coating and disbondment creates a systemic threat to
integrity that is challenging to manage.
Because overpressure protection is identified as a critical aspect in a many pipe-
line systems, maintenance of regulators and other pressure control devices is critical.
The evaluator should seek evidence that regulator activity is monitored and periodic
overhauls are conducted to ensure proper performance. Other pressure control devices
should similarly be closely maintained.
The care of an odorization system in a gas distribution system should also be con-
sidered, with questionable maintenance practices leading to reduced leak detection
Severe weather preparatory programs are common for many facilities and are log-
ically included in a risk assessment. These might include hurricane, windstorm, flood,
ice/hail, wildfire, and extreme temperature events such as freeze protection programs.
Other preparatory events can be examined in a similar fashion, with results inform-
ing risk assessment inputs.


PRMM provides a useful background discussion of stress influences on human error

and how to incorporate research concepts into a risk assessment.


As discussed here, many of the damage scenarios for leak/rupture that are directly
caused by human error involve overpressure. Therefore, internal pressure related
stress-carrying capacity is a main consideration for resistance from human errors. The
defect-free stress carrying capacity is readily calculated for most pipeline components.
Inclusion of possible defects is then added to the analyses as detailed in Chapter 10
Resistance Modeling on page 279.
When scenarios such as vessel overflow/overfill are included, an assessment ap-
proach directly analogous to overpressure can be efficiently employed. Resistance may
be minimal for such scenarios, unless features such as secondary containments are
included as resistance rather than as consequence minimizers.

Under an expanded definition of ‘failure’, a system’s resistance to human error
is more complex. A system’s ability to absorb excursions of contaminants, flowrate
deviations, etc can be multi-faceted. Aspects such as time to overpressure (or exceed
some other threshold) should be included in either exposure estimates or resistance
estimates. For instance, a high volume system transporting a highly compressible fluid
(gas), will often have a degree of inherent resistance (or reduced exposure) since over-
pressure is possible, but only after many hours of ‘packing’. See also the discussion in
Chapter 12 Service Interruption Risk on page 459.


9.1 Attack potential........................ 269
9.1.1 Sabotage mitigations....... 271
9.1.2 Resistance....................... 275
9.1.3 Consequence
considerations............ 275

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• How to assess the failure potential from intentional attacks.
• Also see more in PRMM.

The risk of sabotage is difficult to fully assess because such risks are so situation
specific and subject to rapid change over time. The assessment would be subject to a
great deal of uncertainty, and recommendations may therefore be problematic. Note,
however, that many current risk variables and possible risk reduction measures over-
lap the variables and measures that are normally examined in dealing with sabotage
threats. These include security measures, accessibility issues, training, safety systems,
and patrol.
The likelihood of a pipeline system becoming a target of sabotage is a function of
many variables, including the relationship of the pipeline owner with the community
and with its own employees or former employees. Vulnerability to attack is another
aspect. In general, the pipeline system is not thought to be more vulnerable than other
municipal systems. The motivation behind a potential sabotage episode would, to a
great extent, determine whether or not this pipeline is targeted. Reaction to a specific
threat would therefore be very situation specific.
Guidance documents concerning vulnerability assessments for municipal water
systems are available and provide some potential input to the current risk model. An
effort could be undertaken to gather this information and incorporate sabotage  and
terrorism threats into the assessment, should that be desirable.
It is recommended that the sabotage threat be included as a stand-alone assessment.
It represents a unique type of threat that is independent and additive to other threats.
The exposure level to a sabotage event can first be assessed based on the current
socio-political environment in the area of the pipeline as well as inside the pipeline
company itself. Then a damage potential can be estimated, based on the presence of
mitigating measures. Finally, the ability of the component to resist the attack is esti-
Cyber security is a more recent consideration for pipelines. Historically, pipeline
electronic systems were thought to be relatively immune to such attack for several
• Most critical operations such as valve open/close, pump start, etc, required
human physical interaction
• Control systems were isolated; in particular, they were separate from the In-
• Redundancies in control and safety devices prevented malicious threats to in-
tegrity, if not also to continuous operation (ie, no flow interruptions)
• The control systems were difficult to understand by outsiders
• Little damage potential beyond nuisance data interruptions were foreseen.
9 Sabotage

Today, remote sensing, automation, and interconnectivity is prevalent among con-

trol systems. Vulnerability, as well as availability and value of information moving
through cyber systems are all much higher than in years past.
Related to both cyber security and service interruption is the potential use of direct-
ed energy weapons, including electromagnetic pulse devices that can destroy electron-
ic components. Such pulses are also naturally occurring (see Chapter 7 Geohazards on
page 213). When weaponized, a small, perhaps brief-cased size device, can be placed
in proximity (perhaps outside a fenceline) to a surface facility and, when ‘detonated’
cause significant damages. Some older analog style electronics are relatively immune
and more vulnerable components can be ‘hardened’ to defend against such attacks.
A sometimes complex chain of events needs to be identified and scrutinized to
fully understand certain failure scenarios involving failures of electronic components.
Most pipeline facilities employ ‘failsafe’ protocols whereby single or even multiple
instrumentation failures may interrupt service but do not threaten integrity.


To assess the attack potential, the definition of ‘failure’ used for the risk assessment
must first be reviewed. If the risk assessment is strictly leak/rupture based, then ex-
posure events are clear—they must threaten integrity. If failure also includes service
interruption, then identifying exposure events becomes more challenging. Although
there is much overlap, the focus in this chapter will generally be on the former—threats
related to leak/rupture potential. See Chapter 12 Service Interruption Risk on page
459 for a discussion of the latter.
Other types of attack can be included in the risk assessment, but must be acknowl-
edged in order that exposure, mitigation, and resistance values can be assigned. For
example, if an event of interest is a cyber attack intended to steal company-sensitive
information, (perhaps to give competitive advantage to the thief) that type of event
must be included in the definition of ‘failure’.
Sabotage can be thought of as intentional third-party damage event. Sabotage of-
ten has complex socio-political underpinnings. As such, the likelihood of incidents is
usually difficult to judge. Even under higher likelihood situations, mitigative actions,
both direct and indirect, are possible.
Vandalism can be considered a type of sabotage. However, defacing (for example,
spray painting) or minor theft of materials are exposures that are readily resisted by
most pipeline components. If the sabotage exposure count includes vandalism events,
then resistance estimates must consider the fraction of exposure events that are van-
dalism spray-paint-type events and therefore 100% resisted by the component. With
the possible exception of instrumentation or control systems, pipeline components are
generally more resistive to vandalism than to sabotage.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Cyber Attacks

Pipeline equipment commonly used and vulnerable, to varying degrees, to cyber attack
include components of systems with labels such as:
• PLC (programmable logic controller)
• DCS (distributed control systems)
• SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)
• PCS (process control system)
• ICS (industrial control system)

The ability to orchestrate a failure (by whatever definition of ‘failure’ is being used
in the risk assessment) through a component of such cyber-systems should be identi-
fied. This may require a special group of SME’s using thorough scenario-generation
techniques such as HAZOPS. Susceptible components must then be linked to portions
of the pipeline system since the origination of the sabotage event may be different
from the point of failure on the pipeline. For example, an attack on a SCADA system’s
central computer may trigger a valve closure impacting a specific portion of a certain
pipeline system.
Once susceptible components are identified and associated with pipeline system
failure points, the frequency of potential attacks should be estimated. Several types of
potential cyber attackers and their possible motivations are identified (ref 1010):
• Garden variety hacker: hobby, notoriety, nuisance
• Hactivist: support cause, disrupt or delay project, discredit company, personal
• Cyber-criminal: financial or competitive gain, business disruption, market im-
pact, service for hire, sales of information
• Nation state: intellectual property theft, political agenda, economic gain, dis-
rupt, degrade, or destroy systems.

To the extent that they are consistent with the definition of ‘failure’ guiding the risk
assessment, the contribution from each of these should be included in the sabotage ex-
posure estimate. Even if thought to be ‘insignificant’, a value—reflecting best estimate
of future frequency of events—should still be included in the risk assessment.

Exposure Estimates

In the absence of strong, quantitative data, qualitative descriptors could be linked to

exposure frequencies as a starting point in the risk assessment. PRMM provides a sam-
ple of such qualitative descriptors. A sample of a quantitative range estimate—future
event frequencies—is associated with those descriptors as follows:
• Low attack probability P90 exposure frequency = 0.001 per km-yr on buried
portions; perhaps 10X to 100X times higher for surface facilities. Indications
of impending threats are nonexistent or very minimal. The intent or resources
9 Sabotage

of possible perpetrators are such that real damage to facilities is only a very
remote possibility. No attacks other than random (not company or industry
specific) mischief have occurred in recent history. Simple vandalism such as
spray painting and occasional theft of non-strategic items (building materials,
hand tools, chains, etc.) may also warrant this exposure level.
• Medium probability P90 exposure frequency = 0.01 per km-yr on buried
portions; perhaps 10X to 100X times higher for surface facilities.
• A credible threat exists. Attacks on this company or similar operations have
occurred in the past few years and/or conditions exist that could cause a flare-
up of attacks at any time. Attacks may tend to be propagated by individuals
rather than organizations or otherwise lack the full measure of resources that a
well-organized and resourced saboteur may have.
• High probability P90 exposure frequency = 0.1 to 1.0 per km-yr on buried
portions; perhaps 10X to 100X times higher for surface facilities. (threat is

Attacks are an ongoing concern. There is a clear and present danger to facilities
or personnel. Conditions under which attacks occur continue to exist (no successful
negotiations, no alleviation of grievances that are prompting the hostility). Attacks are
seen to be the work of organized guerrilla groups or other well-organized, resourced,
and experienced saboteurs.
These are samples only. In any specific situation, actual values may be orders of
magnitude higher or lower. Actual situations will always be more complex than what is
listed in these much generalized probability descriptions. A more rigorous assessment
examine location specific aspects of attack potential.
A less obvious, less newsworthy (at least less ‘headlines-grabbing’), but potential-
ly dramatically consequential attach potential lies in sabotage to a corrosion control
system. As discussed in the corrosion threat assessment, CP systems are commonly
used to protect buried structures from corrosion. These systems are readily convert-
ed into damage-causing rather than damage-preventing systems. Simply reversing the
polarity on a rectifier can convert the previously protected metal into an anode, caus-
ing rapid corrosion. Since thousands of miles of pipe, tanks, foundations, and other
critical infrastructure are protected by CP systems, there is great vulnerability. Being
hidden from sight, the damage would typically not become apparent until leaks began,
at which time extensive and widespread damage may have occurred. Sensitivity to this
potential is the first opportunity for prevention. Continuous monitoring via SCADA,
additional oversight, and device security are among defense options.

9.1.1 Sabotage mitigations

As the potential for an attack increases, preventive measures become more important.
However, any mitigating measure can be overcome by determined saboteurs. Therefore,
the probability can only be reduced by mitigation, rarely eliminated. Most anti-sabo-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

tage measures will be highly situation specific. The designer of the threat assessment
model should assign values based on experience, judgment, and data, when available.
Evaluating the potential for sabotage will often also assesses the host country’s ability
to assist in preventing damage. The following sabotage threat reduction measures are
generally available to the pipeline owner/operator in addition to any support provided
by the host country.
Some mitigation measures are specifically designed and installed to prevent sabo-
tage while others are measures that happen to help prevent sabotage while performing
their primary function. Considerations for happenstance mitigative benefits from bar-
riers, detection, and others may also be appropriate. For example
• Patrolling—A high visibility patrol may act as a deterrent to a casual aggres-
sor; a low-visibility patrol might catch an act in progress.
• Station visits—Regular visits by employees who can quickly spot irregulari-
ties such as forced entry, tampering with equipment, etc., can be a deterrent.
• Varying the times of patrol and inspection can make observation more difficult
to avoid.
• Monitoring equipment including motion sensors, infrared video, sound detec-
tors, and others
• Depth of cover—Perhaps a deterrent in extreme cases—ie, >10’ of cover—but
a few more inches of cover will probably not dissuade a serious perpetrator.
• ROW condition—Clear ROW makes spotting of potential trouble easier, but
also makes the pipeline a target that is easier to find and access.

Sabotage prevention also benefits from third-party and vehicle access barriers, in-
cluding railings, 6-ft chain-link fence, barbed wire, walls, ditches, chains, locks, var-
ious station security detection systems and equipment, including gas/flame detectors,
motion detectors, audio/video surveillance, etc. station lighting systems, including se-
curity and perimeter systems covering equipment and working areas.
Beyond mitigation measures designed into a facility, other sabotage prevention
measures are available to the operating company. For instance, during construction
• Materials and equipment are secured; extra inspection is employed.
• 24-hour-per-day guarding and inspection
• Employment of several trained, trustworthy inspectors
• Screened, loyal workforce—perhaps brought in from another location
• System of checks for material handling
• Otherwise careful attention to security through thorough planning of all job

An opportunity to combat sabotage also exists in the training of company em-

ployees. Alerting them to common sabotage methods, possible situations that can lead
to attacks (disgruntled present and former employees, recruitment activities by sabo-
teurs, etc.), and suspicious activities in general will improve the vigilance. Other hu-
man resources opportunities for threat mitigation include the installation of deterrents.
9 Sabotage

A number of obstacles to internal sabotage can be considered mitigation measures

against attacks that may otherwise occur. Common deterrents include
• Thorough screening of new employees
• Limiting access to the most sensitive areas
• Identification badges
• Training of all employees to be alert to suspicious activities.

Several potential sabotage-specific mitigating measures are discussed in PRMM.

These include:
I. Community Partnering
II. Intelligence
III. Security Forces
IV. Resolve
V. Industry Cooperation
VI. Facility Accessibility (barrier preventions, detection preventions)

I. Community partnering

Supporting communities near to the pipeline by building roads, schools, hospitals, etc.
is can change the dynamics of a company’s relationship to the local population. This is
done not only to become a good neighbor and dissuade some would-be attackers, but
also enlist allies—adding to the eyes and ears interested in preserving the assets. See
Similarly, efforts to avoid disgruntled employees or former employees is an anal-
ogous mitigation.
While some might view such activities as a change in exposure, rather than a mitiga-
tion, consider that the attack potential is the starting point and is normally the result of
local geopolitical history. The community partnering program intervenes in this attack
potential and therefore can be viewed as a mitigation. In some cases, this variable
could command a relatively high percentage of possible mitigation benefits—perhaps

II. Intelligence Gathering

Gathering of intelligence regarding potential attacks is commonplace among some cor-

porate security departments. See PRMM.
Effectiveness of intelligence gathering is difficult to measure and can change
quickly as fleeting and time-sensitive sources of information appear and disappear. To
the extent that the company is able to reliably and regularly obtain information that is
applicable in preventing or reducing acts of sabotage, real risk mitigation occurs.
In a preliminary assessment of this mitigation measure, a simple ratio can be used:
Number of acts interrupted through intelligence gathering efforts ÷ number of acts
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

For example, if it is believed that three acts were avoided (due to forewarning) and
eight acts occurred (even if unsuccessful, they should be counted), then 3/11 = 27%
may be an appropriate mitigation effectiveness value.

III. Security

Security can take many forms including barriers and accessibility issues, as discussed
elsewhere. A security force is another potential mitigation measure. The effectiveness
of security measures will be situation specific.

IV. Resolve

As discussed in PRMM, a well-publicized intention to protect the company’s facilities

may be a deterrent and hence can be included as a mitigation measure in a risk assess-

V. Industry cooperation 

As noted in PRMM, sharing of intelligence, training employees to watch neighboring

facilities (and, hence, multiplying the patrol effectiveness), sharing of special patrols
or guards, sharing of detection devices, etc., are benefits derived from cooperation
between companies

VI. Facility accessibility 

PRMM describes numerous aspects of accessibility that influence sabotage potential.

Attacks will often occur at the readily accessible (most visible and often more vul-
nerable) targets which are often surface facilities. While a buried pipeline is indeed
relatively inaccessible, one common component is a possible exceptions portions of a
buried pipeline that are encased in a casing pipe can be more vulnerable to sabotage
than directly buried pipe. The vulnerability arises from the common use of vent pipes
attached to the casing that provide a route to the carrier pipe from the surface.
Casing vent pipes have historically been used by would-be saboteurs as opportuni-
ties to access a carrier pipe. An explosive charge, dropped into a vent pipe, can then
detonate against the carrier pipe. Some companies employ design features to prevent
intentional and unintentional objects from moving down a vent line to the carrier pipe.
As with the estimate of exposure, estimating mitigation effectiveness will neces-
sarily be quite judgmental in many cases. In all assignments of effectiveness, the as-
sessment should carefully consider the “real-world” effectiveness of the anti-sabotage
measure. Factors such as training and professionalism of personnel, maintenance and
sensitivity of devices, and response time to situations are all critical to the usefulness
of most mitigation measures.

9 Sabotage

The exposures assigned for the presence of surface facilities can be offset in the
assessment by compiling the effectiveness of all mitigative conditions within the con-
servatism of the PXX chosen. Preventive measures at each facility can bring the dam-
age potential nearly to the point of having no such facilities, but generally not as low as
a segment with “no vulnerable facilities present.” This is consistent with the idea that
“no exposure” (in this case “no facility”) will have less risk than “mitigated exposure,”
regardless of the robustness of the mitigation measures. From a practical standpoint,
this allows the pipeline owner to minimize the risk in a number of ways because sev-
eral means are available to achieve the highest level of preventive measures to offset
the exposure level for the surface facility. However, it also shows that even with many
preventions in place, the hazard has not been completely removed.

9.1.2 Resistance

Some sabotage attacks will be unsuccessful not through mitigation—preventing the

attack from reaching the component—but rather through the component’s resistance.
Paralleling the resistance to other external damage mechanisms such as impacts and
earth movement, components more able to absorb forces from sabotage attacks will
fail less often when damaged.
Earlier, a distinction was made between vandalism and sabotage. The former of-
ten includes defacing, theft, and other activities that are not normally direct threats to
integrity or even service continuity. Such acts are more readily resisted by the normal
designed strength of most components. The ‘sabotage’ term is reserved for the actions
more focused on causing at least service interruption if not also leak/rupture. With a
more deliberate attempt to cause significant damage, the ability to resist damages is
less certain. It is often conservatively assumed that a determined attacker will eventu-
ally be able to inflict damage on a system as difficult to protect as a long pipeline.

9.1.3 Consequence considerations

The probability of more severe consequences may be increased by an intentional and

possibly orchestrated release of pipeline contents. The integrity breach may be more
likely to cause a rupture rather than a leak and the timing and subsequent chain of
events may be influenced by human interaction seeking to exacerbate the scenario,
an attacker could time an event for maximum occupancies in surrounding areas or for
more problematic emergency response or he could even directly interfere with emer-
gency response in numerous ways.
Fortunately, it is difficult to orchestrate worst-case pipeline failure events via sab-
otage, unless significant outside force (weaponry) is deployed against a visible compo-
nent. Even if, despite numerous safeguards, an integrity breach is created, it would be
difficult to maximize the ensuing consequences—ie, ensuring ignition at an optimum
time, with receptor proximity, etc.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Nonetheless, it is often prudent to conservatively assume, that in the case of sab-

otage, there is a greater likelihood of the consequences being more severe. Worst case
scenarios possibly occurring more frequently under the threat of sabotage is a conser-
vative and reasonable assumption.
Consider also the less dramatic but highly costly sabotage scenarios. Leaks, below
detection limits, continuing for long periods of time, may cause extensive environment
damage and costly or impossible remediation. Interference with corrosion control sys-
tems could cause widespread, difficult to detect damages that, if allowed to accumulate
over time, may cause widespread environmental damages and require extensive infra-
structure replacements.
Planning and preparation for repair and replacement, can minimize the impact of
attacks. This strategy concentrates on reducing consequences—service interruption—
rather than PoF reduction through defensive means. The demonstrated ability to recov-
er quickly and efficiently from any possible damages done by an attack may reduce the
incentive of potential saboteurs. There are real examples of this approach. After years
of attempting to protect a long pipeline, one owner changed strategies and instead
assembled spare parts and rapid response capabilities. These costs were offset by the
savings from reduced attempts to protect all locations. With a maximum outage period
of two days for even the most successful attacks, the damage to company business was
minimized and sabotage events dropped significantly. This strategy will have the added
benefit of reducing consequences from any other type of failure mechanisms and is
assessed in the cost of service interruption.

Example: 9.1 Sabotage Assessment:

The following example begins with a scenario proposed in PRMM and adds more
quantifications, consistent with a newer risk assessment methodology.
The pipeline system for this example has experienced episodes of spray painting
on facilities in urban areas and rifle shooting of pipeline markers in rural areas. The
community in general seems to be accepting of or at least indifferent to the presence
of the pipeline. There are no labor disputes or workforce reductions occurring in the
company. There are no visible protests against the company in general or the pipeline
facilities specifically. The evaluator sees no serious ongoing threat from sabotage or
serious vandalism. The painting and shooting are seen as random acts, not targeted
attempts to disrupt the pipeline.
Nonetheless, the P99 risk assessment includes the following threat and conse-
quence analyses:
• An estimated near term exposure of 0.5 events per year at an aboveground
location and an estimated 20% mitigation effectiveness is assigned. The asso-
ciated damage probability is assessed to be 0.5 x (1 – 20%) = 0.4 events per
year. A resistance value of 50% is used, yielding a PoF = 0.2 failures/year, or
a failure every 5 years.
• Consequences, including service interruption costs, are estimated to be $32K
9 Sabotage

per incident based on a collection of P99 scenarios of damage potential. This

leads to a near term expected loss of 0.2 events/year x $32K/event = $6.4K/
year. This value is carried to risk management meetings to determine appropri-
ate reactions to this conservatively estimated short term risk.

As part of the risk management discussion prompted by this assessment, a related

decision is made to address the potential for sabotages during future construction are
to be addressed primarily via additional inspection and monitoring during installation
and a robust post-installation ILI.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

10.1 Introduction............................ 281
10.1.1 Component resistance

determination............. 282
10.1.2 Including Defect Potential in
Risk Assessment......... 283
10.1.3 Getting Quick Answers.. 283
10.2 Background............................ 284
10.2.1 Material Failure............. 284
10.2.2 Toughness...................... 285
10.2.3 Pipe materials, joining, and
rehabilitation.............. 285
10.2.4 Defects and Weaknesses.288
10.2.5 Loads and Forces........... 296
10.2.6 Stress calculations......... 303
10.3 Inspections and Integrity
verifications............................ 305
10.4 Resistance Modeling............... 316
10.4.1 Resistance to
Degradation............... 317
10.4.2 Resistance as a Function of
Failure Fraction.......... 317
10.4.3 Effective Wall Thickness
Concept..................... 319
10.4.4 Resistance Baseline....... 324
10.4.5 Logic and Mathematics
Proof.......................... 324
10.4.6 Modeling of Weaknesses.329
10.5 Manageable Resistance
Modeling................................ 342
10.5.1 Simple Resistance
Approximations.......... 343
10.5.2 More Detailed Resistance
Valuation................... 344
10.6 Hole Size................................ 347

Resistance Modeling
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• A basic understanding of a component’s strength can be
converted into a value that captures its ability to resist failure
mechanisms. Stress-carrying capacity is a key determinant.

The modeling approach of exposure, mitigation, and resistance is an appropriate rep-

resentation of how actual failure probability manifests and is a complete and efficient
way to assess each PoF mechanism. A probability of damage is first produced by as-
sessing the first two terms for all plausible failure mechanisms. Previous chapters have
discussed and demonstrated how useful and defensible estimates of damage potential
can be generated.
Then, the resistance component is added to discriminate between damage and
failure. The ability of the pipeline to withstand failure mechanisms—absorb forces
or damages— distinguishes between damage and failure. This resistance to failure
will play a significant role in risk calculations involving both time independent failure
mechanisms and time-dependent failure mechanisms.
As the last piece of the PoF puzzle, an estimate of the component’s resistance
against all failure mechanisms is sought. This includes a myriad of issues including
manufacturing and construction practices, in-service damage rates, and inspection fre-
quencies and capabilities. The need for a formal process is readily apparent upon brief
contemplation of the possible combinations of strength issues. For example, it is not
possible to intuit the risk prioritization among the following resistance-driven scenari-
os that will be familiar to many experienced pipeline professionals:

Table 10.1
Scenarios Implying Reduced Component Strength
Potential Strength Issue(s) Discussion
LF ERW with no known features, MFL not all LF ERW is problematic, MFL ILI gives only
ILI 2 years ago— slight evidence of no features—no assurance
LF ERW with minor, known features, probability of weaknesses is high, some assurance
specialized ILI (crack tool) conducted of integrity via ILI, but not conclusive
last year, suspected low toughness—
high count of laminations discovered in normally benign laminations could be made
recent ILI, H2 sources, high stress level, injurious by the H2, plus wrinkle bends as
wrinkle bends possible— independent issue
high count of dents found during concern of fatigue
random excavations, no ILI available,
moderate pressure cycling regime—
low stress, possible miter joints and concerns of very low resistance to axial forces if
acetylene girth welds, proposed thermal these features are present

10 Resistance Modeling

These sample scenarios are rather complex and difficult to compare to one another.
A formal process is required to assimilate all available information and all possible
strength issues. This resistance discussion focuses on failure as leak/rupture, but resis-
tance is also an element of the PoF assessment that uses a broader definition: failure =
service interruption.


Resistance calculations in this risk model estimate structural integrity against all antic-
ipated loads—internal, external, time-dependent, and random. This chapter provides
guidance on evaluating the component’s or pipeline’s ability to resist, without failing,
all loads.
Varying levels of rigor are available to the risk assessment designer. The under-
lying engineering, physics, and material science concepts can be complex. However,
approximations often provide sufficient accuracy and will be appropriate for many
types of risk assessments. When more precision in pipe resistance estimation is de-
sired, pairings of specific weaknesses with specific potential loadings can be analyzed
using solutions up to robust finite element analyses.
Whether a more robust or more modest assessment is desired, the general process
is the same. The overall strength of the pipeline segment or component and its stress
levels are considered. This includes an assessment of foreseeable loads, stresses, and
component strengths. Known and suspected weaknesses due to previous damage or
questionable manufacturing/construction processes are considered next.
The resistance estimation is akin to calculating a safety factor or a margin of safety,
comparing what the pipeline can do (design) versus what it is currently being asked to
do (operations). The margin provides protection when unanticipated loads or defects
appear. This discussion focuses on steel pipe but concepts apply to any component of
any material.
The evaluation process involves an evaluation of loadings and associated stresses,
• Internal pressure
• External loadings
• Special loadings
System strength (resistance to loadings) is next evaluated:
• First, in the absence of weaknesses, considering
• material strength
• structural strength, especially wall thickness
• Next, in consideration of known and possible weaknesses
• From manufacture
• From installation
• From damages since installation

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

In the interest of completeness, we must cover some basics of material science and
stress-strain concepts before adopting a model to capture resistance in the risk assess-
ment. The coverage here is only very rudimentary. The topic warrants much deeper
examination, if not a full technical education in the subject area, by the owner of the
risk assessment model.

10.1.1 Component resistance determination

As fully discussed herein, resistance can be efficiently measured by modeling a compo-

nent’s effective wall thickness. Wall thickness is a very strong determinant of strength
and therefore is a useful surrogate for all other strength-influencing factors. Weakness-
es can be efficiently modeled in terms of equivalent reduction in wall thickness.
Increasing forces or defect severities will each reduce effective wall thickness and,
hence, the ability to resist additional forces. More reductions in effective pipe wall
thickness is the same as forecasting increasing failure rates under assumed loading
scenarios. This takes into account the probabilities of various weaknesses coinciding
with various loading scenarios.
An assumption here is that wall thickness is a critical determinant of a compo-
nent’s resistance to all failure mechanisms and can be used as a reasonable surrogate
for a robust strength analyses. Effective wall then is the basis for modeling resistance
to loads. As wall thickness is reduced, implications for component strength include:
• Less capacity for pressure containment
• Faster TTF for degradation mechanisms
• Higher D/t leading to reduced buckling capacity
• Lowered resistance to external forces including localized (puncture) and uni-
form (subsea hydrostatic pressure).

A probability component is a practical necessity in this part of the assessment since

the loads and resistances each involve a spectrum of possibilities—loads and resistance
are difficult if not impossible to directly and continuously measure at all points along
each pipeline. The risk assessment attempts to accurately represent, at each location,
all the possible loading scenarios with all possible weaknesses to estimate how often
the two will overlap in a way that causes a failure.
The loads are captured by estimates of exposure and mitigation at all locations.
This includes both degradation and random failure mechanisms. The role of defects
is similarly represented by probability distributions of severity and likelihood. Either
point estimates—representing underlying distributions—can be used, or the distribu-
tions themselves can be integrated in the risk calculations.
After loads/stresses are understood, defect potential is the second key ingredient.
Each potential defect has both a probability of occurrence and a level of weakness, if
it is present. The former can be inferred from an estimated frequency (per mile, for in-
stance) and the latter can be expressed in % loss of wall thickness—an equivalent wall
thickness reduction. The probability of occurrence—chances that the weakness is real-
10 Resistance Modeling

ly present—is estimated and used in subsequent steps to determine the probability that
the resistance weakness is coincident with the force applied. The weakness estimate
resulting from the potential presence of defects is used to predict changes in failure
fraction (under certain loads) based first on the severity of the defects.

10.1.2 Including Defect Potential in Risk Assessment

Potential defects and their impact on component resistance must be understood before
a model can be developed to efficiently use this understanding in a risk assessment. A
robust assessment must consider:
The spectrum of defect types, sizes, and orientations that might be present includ-
ing those that might have materialized since previous inspections/assessments. Sourc-
es of defects include:
• From component manufacture
• From installation
• From operations history
• Knowledge of defects comes from an understanding of possible sources as
well as:
• All inspections and integrity assessments that have been performed
• The ability of each inspection/assessment to detect various defects
• The age of each inspection/assessment

As a modeling simplification, a probability-weighted summation of potential weak-

nesses can be used to characterize a component’s possible collection of weaknesses.
This is an approximation that captures the differences between components with low
incidences and/or severities of weaknesses versus those with higher incidences and
compounding effects of multiple types of weaknesses co-existing. It captures the fre-
quency and severity of potential weaknesses into a single value while avoiding the
intensive approach of a probability distribution of strength reduction versus frequency
of occurrence for all possible combinations of pipe weaknesses. Even in a simplified
form, this approach also ensures that the intersection of low-probability, high-severity
weaknesses with ‘sufficient’ load scenarios to cause failures, are considered in the risk

10.1.3 Getting Quick Answers

Since this discussion does not purport to be a full treatment of structural analyses
but rather a presentation of a risk assessment methodology, the risk assessor, already
familiar with the technical underpinnings, may wish to move directly into the risk as-
sessment methodology—how to embody structural and material science concepts into
an efficient risk assessment. This begins in Chapter 10.4 Resistance Modeling on page

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

A general technical background discussion follows, for readers seeking more

background in material science and structural analyses concepts. See also PRMM for
more background discussion.


10.2.1 Material Failure

We now briefly examine the materials science principles that allow estimation of loads
and resistance values. Recall the need for a definition of ‘failure’ in risk assessment.
As with the general risk assessment, ‘failure’ can have any of several meanings in the
resistance assessment. Yield strength and ultimate strength are two characteristics typ-
ically used to define material failure.
Structural failure can be defined (one of several possible definitions) as the point at
which the material changes shape under stress and does not return to its original form
when the stress is removed. When this “inelastic” limit is reached, the material has
been structurally altered from its original form and its remaining strength might have
changed as a result. The structure’s ability to resist inelastic deformation is one import-
ant measure of its strength.
Resistance can be viewed as the ability to avoid plastic collapse which is related
to the difference between applied stresses and material yield point or ultimate strength
point. For most pipeline applications, the potential for leaks, unrelated to excess stress,
must also be included.
A degradation mechanism active in a pressurized component will require both
leak criteria and rupture criteria be considered in concert, ie, as degradation advances
through the material, either the pressure-containing capacity (rupture resistance) or the
fluid containment capacity (leak resistance) will be lost first. Either results in loss of
Failure mechanisms/modes include
• External pressure
• Internal pressure
• Longitudinal bending (longitudinal buckling)
• Axial tension
• Axial compression (axial buckling)
• Lateral compression (crushing)
• Shear
• Cracking (fatigue, etc)
• And various combinations of these.

Concepts from limit state design can be useful here. A limit state is a threshold be-
yond which a design requirement is no longer satisfied (ref 9988). Typical limit states
10 Resistance Modeling

include ‘ultimate’—corresponding to a rupture or large leak—‘leakage’, and ‘service-

ability’. A limit state can be stress-based or strain-based (deformation-controlled).
Changes in material properties over time should be considered. There does not
appear to be any evidence that steel strength properties diminish over time. Some re-
searchers even cite minor increases in strength parameters in aged steels. Therefore,
the mechanisms resulting in diminished resistance in steel are related to damages suf-
fered, not time-induced changes in metallurgical characteristics. Damages are account-
ed for as failure mechanisms such as corrosion, cracking, and external forces.
For other pipe and component materials, such as certain types of plastics, degra-
dation mechanisms are expected and should be included in resistance determinations.

• Pipelines can be built from a variety of materials.
• Different materials have different abilities to resist failure.
• All resistance issues can be efficiently modeled using the
same approach.

10.2.2 Toughness

Toughness is a material property playing an important strength role in many types of

loadings, sometimes being the difference between failure and not failing and often
between rupture and leak.
Material toughness plays a large role in fracture mechanics. Crack initiation, ac-
tivation, and propagation are all influenced. Materials that have little fracture tough-
ness do not offer much resistance to brittle failure. Rapid crack propagation, perhaps
brought on by corrosion and stress, is more likely in these materials, resulting in more
violent ruptures.
A common method used to assess material toughness is the Charpy V-notch impact
test. Toughness-equivalent considerations for non-steel components—plastics (PVC,
PE, etc), cast iron, copper will be required.
The challenge of gauging the likelihood of a more catastrophic failure mode is
further complicated by the fact that some materials may change over time. Given the
right conditions, a ductile material can become more brittle.
See PRMM for additional discussion.

10.2.3 Pipe materials, joining, and rehabilitation

A basic understanding of common pipe materials is important in assessing the ability

to resist failure. Although transmission pipelines are overwhelmingly constructed of
carbon steel, distribution lines have historically been built from a variety of mate-
rials. The material’s behavior under stress is often critical to the evaluation. A more
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

brittle material typically has less impact resistance. Impact resistance is particularly
important in reducing the severity of outside force loadings. In regions of unstable
ground, materials with higher toughness and more flexible structures will better resist
the stresses of earth movements. Traffic loads and pipe handling activities are other
stress inducers that must be withstood by properties such as the pipe material’s fatigue
(cracking) and bending (tensile) strengths. Stresses resulting from earth movements
and/or temperature changes may be more significant for certain pipe materials. In cer-
tain regions, a primary ground movement is caused by the seasonal freeze/thaw cycle.
One study shows that in some pipe materials, as temperature decreases, pipe breaks
tend to increase exponentially [51]. Break rates for rigid pipes such as cast iron are
found to be several times higher than for welded steel pipelines. Mechanical fittings
add rigidity and are common points of failure when external forces are applied.
All of the pipe materials discussed here have viable applications, but not all ma-
terials will perform equally well in a given service. Although all pipelines can be in-
spected to some extent by direct observation and remotely controlled video cameras,
larger steel pipelines benefit from maturing technologies employing electromagnetic
and ultrasonic inspection devices.
Because there is no “miracle” material, the material selection step of the design
process is partly a process of maximizing the desirable properties while minimizing
the undesirable properties. The initial cost of the material is not an insignificant prop-
erty to be considered. However, the long-term “cost of ownership” is a better view of
the economics of a particular material selection. The cost of ownership would include
ongoing maintenance costs and replacement costs after the design life has expired.
This presents a more realistic measure with which to select a material and ultimately
impacts the risk picture more directly.
The pipe designs should include appropriate consideration of all loadings and cor-
rectly model pipe behavior under load. Design calculations must always allow for the
pipe response in determining allowable stresses. Pipe materials can be placed into two
general response classes: flexible and rigid. This distinction is a necessary one for pur-
poses of design calculations because in general, a rigid pipe requires more wall thick-
ness to support a given load than a flexible pipe does. This is due to the ability of the
flexible pipe to take advantage of the surrounding soil to help carry the load. A small
deflection in a flexible pipe does not appreciably add to the pipe stress and allows the
soil beneath and to the sides to carry some of the load. This pipe–soil structure is thus
a system of high effective strength for flexible pipes [60] but less so for rigid pipes.
Materials with a lack of ductility also have reduced toughness. This makes the
material more prone to fatigue and temperature-related failures and also increases the
chances for brittle failures. Brittle failures can be more consequential than ductile fail-
ures since the potential exists for larger product releases and increased projectile load-
ings. The potential for catastrophic tank failure should be considered, including shell
and seam construction and membrane stress levels for susceptibility to brittle fracture.
Especially in distribution systems, the evaluator must take into account material
differences when determining resistance. When the type of material limits its ability
10 Resistance Modeling

to provide ‘extra’ resistance, the appropriate adjustment to effective wall thickness

should be made.
Separation of mechanical fittings can result in large releases. Provisions for mechani-
cal coupling equivalent weaknesses will also be needed, when evaluated systems con-
taining such fittings.
Some common pipe materials, many found only in distribution pipeline systems,
are discussed PRMM. That is not an exhaustive list and also does not include multi-ma-
terial systems. Pipe-in-pipe systems (cased pipe) and plastic-wrapped-in-steel, perhaps
also with additional armoring sheaths of various types, are examples of multi-material
systems. Resistance calculations may become more challenging with some designs,
but are still efficiently modeled using basic principles of material science and physics.

Flexible pipe

Steel pipe manufacturing processes have evolved over many years. Processes include
furnace butt-welding, continuous butt-welding, lap welding, hammer welding, low fre-
quency electric resistance welding (ERW), flash welding, single submerged arc weld-
ing, variations on seamless pipe manufacture, high-frequency ERW, double submerged
arc welding (DSAW) either straight or spiral seam. Of these, continuous butt-weld
seamless, HFERW, and DSAW processes remain in widespread use today and have
since early 1970 whereas the others were phased out around 1970 or before. (ref 1020).
Some of these processes, even when meeting the quality standards at the time, had a
propensity to introduce weaknesses. LF ERW, lap welding, flash welding, and others
have been highlighted as steel manufacturing processes that produced, in some pipe
mills, pipe with increased vulnerabilities to failure mechanisms such as selective seam
corrosion and cracking. This pipe is often a focus of integrity management, since these
weakness features can be difficult to detect and failure modes can be dramatic.
Quality control and inspection of the manufacturing processes have also evolved
over the years and impact the types and quantities of weaknesses that might have been
introduced. Similarly, construction practices for steel pipelines have evolved. Earlier
practices created mechanical couplings, wrinkle bends, acetylene girth welds, and oth-
er components that are today considered more susceptible to failure than their more
modern counterparts. Linkages between possible weaknesses and resistance related to
steel pipe manufacture and construction are examined later in this chapter.
PE failure potential is strongly influenced by stress and temperature. Slow crack
propagation is a common long-term failure mechanism that should be considered in
risk assessments. Field-performed heat fusions of fittings and joints are similarly sus-
ceptible. Secondary loads such as from overburden, bending, and rock impingements
should also be included in the assessment.
See the related discussions in PRMM.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

10.2.4 Defects and Weaknesses

The detection of weaknesses begins with identifying potential anomalies. The first
idea that comes to mind when hearing ‘anomaly’ may involve ‘defect’. All defects are
anomalies but not all anomalies are defects. An anomaly is a deviation in some prop-
erty of the manufactured product. A defect is considered to be any anomaly, such as
a crack, gouge, dent, or metal loss, which reduces the component’s capacity to carry
a load. Some anomalies—shallow dents, smooth, shallow gouges, minor metal loss,
and even some cracks—will not affect the strength or service life of a pipeline. Hence
the statement ‘not all anomalies are defects’. An anomaly becomes a defect when it
introduces a weakness.
As used here, ‘defects’ include flaws or damages to components from original
manufacture, construction, or time-independent mechanisms (not degradations). Ex-
amples include dents, gouges, girth weld defects, lack of fusion in welded seams, and
others as detailed later.
Besides defects, there are other types of location specific weaknesses, many of
which arise through stress concentrators or due to components with inherently less
strength than neighboring pipe, such as:
• Wrinkle bends
• Acetylene welds
• Mechanical couplings
• Substandard repairs
• Older and currently-avoided appurtenances

There are also deficiencies in material properties that are efficiently modeled as
weaknesses. These deficiencies can be created from inferior or incorrect construction
practice. Examples include introduction of hard spots (lack of toughness) and residual
stresses. Deficiencies may also be present from undetected errors in original manufac-
ture or from unrecognized issues at the time of manufacture (for example, LF ERW).
The potential for weaknesses introduced in manufacturing and construction is dis-
cussed in later in this chapter as well as in Chapter 8.0 Incorrect Operations on page
Finally, weaknesses occur through degradation mechanisms. This aspect is most
efficiently captured as part of the degradation mechanism assessment. As corrosion
metal loss potential and cracking phenomena are assessed, a degradation rate (or rates)
naturally emerges. The rate multiplied by the amount of time the rate could have been
active yields a remaining wall thickness. This value is adjusted by the non-degradation
potential weaknesses assessed as discussed here.

10 Resistance Modeling

Weakness Identification/Characterization

Defect Types
As noted, some anomalies originate from manufacturing processes, such as lamina-
tions, hard spots, inclusions, and seam weaknesses associated with low-frequency
ERW and electric flash welded pipe. Others such as girth weld defects, dents, and arc
burns occur during installation or repair. Finally, anomalies arise during operations:
dents or gouges from excavation damage or other external forces, corrosion wall loss-
es, and cracks. Anomalies introduced during repair/replacement operations are also
API 579 (ref 1021) provides a more extensive listing of causes of types and origins
of manufacturing and construction defects in structures. Such listings serve as check-
lists for designers of risk assessments, helping to ensure that all plausible defects are
considered in the assessment.
Anomaly prioritization is often governed by industry standards if not regulations,
as described in PRMM.

Probability of original defects

The types of pre-service deficiencies that can be present before equipment enters
service are:
a. Material Production Flaws – Flaws which occur during production in-
cluding laminations and laps in wrought products, and voids, segregation,
shrinks, cracks, and bursts in cast products.
b. Welding Related Flaws – Flaws which occur as a result of the welding
process including lack of penetration, lack of fusion, delayed hydrogen
cracking, porosity, slag, undercut, weld cracking, and hot shortness.
c. Fabrication Related Flaws – Imperfections associated with fabrication
including out-of-roundness, forming cracks, grinding cracks and marks,
dents, gouges, dent-gouge combinations, and lamellar tearing.
d. Heat Treatment Related Flaws or Embrittlement – Flaws associated with
heat treatment including reheat cracking, quench cracking, sensitization,
and embrittlement. Similar flaws are also associated with in-service ele-
vated temperature exposure.
e. Wrong Material of Construction – Due to either faulty materials selection,
poor choice of a specification break (i.e. a location in a component where
a change in material specification is designated), or due to the inadvertent
substitution of a different alloy or heat treatment condition due to a lack of
positive material identification, the installed component does not have the
expected resistance or needed properties to the service or loading.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

In most instances, one or more of these pre-service deficiencies do not lead to an

immediate failure. Usually, only gross errors cause a failure, normally identified during
a pre-service pressure test.

Residual stress
Lack of toughness should also be considered in the resistance assessment. Lower
toughness makes crack initiation, activation, and propagation more probable and rup-
ture more likely. At higher stress levels, more toughness is required to arrest a running
brittle fracture. Larger diameter or thinner wall pipes require proportionally higher
toughness to prevent running brittle fracture. Hole size, also a function of toughness, is
discussed in Chapter 11 Consequence of Failure on page 349.

Manufacturing/Construction Weaknesses
A list of common manufacturing and construction weaknesses found in onshore steel
pipelines over many decades has been compiled in several references (including ref
1020, 1022). The following information is extracted from such references:

10 Resistance Modeling

Table 10.2
Feature comments on source impact on resistance
hook crack older ERW, both LF and HF fatigue cracking
inadequate bonding in LF and
cold weld; pinhole small leaks
DC-welded ERW
inadequate bonding in flash-
Penetrator small leaks
welded or HF ERW
mismatched skelp edges DSAW, ERW, flash-welds fatigue cracking
off seam weld; incomplete
penetration; incomplete DSAW and/or SSAW fatigue cracking
fusion; centerline crack; toe
increased crack
late 40’s early 50’s X-grade
excessively hard HAZ probability, especially
Youngstown pipe mill with H exposure
unbonded or partially lap-weld pipe fatigue cracking
bonded seam
crack-like voids in lap-welded
burned metal loss of effective wall
common in pre 1980 seamless blister formation if H
Lamination pipe exposure
increased crack
arc burns are one cause of
hard spot probability, especially
hard spots with H exposure
leaks; rupture when
defective weld external forces applied
little strain resistance;
acetylene girth weld pre WW II rupture when external
force applied
low resistance to axial
mechanical coupling pre WW II and lateral forces
cold-working reduces
wrinkle bends pre WW II toughness; increased
crack potential
cracks produced during
transportation, more common
transportation fatigue cracks on pipe with D/t>70 produced fatigue cracking
prior to 1970 and shipped by
increased crack
high levels of impurities and non-metallic inclusions probability, especially
with H exposure

Toughness fatigue cracking

Some source references cite incident statistics linked to these features, sometimes
tracing back to specific steel mills and dates. This information can be very useful in
assigning probabilities of defects to pipeline segments. It can also provide inferential
information on strength-reduction magnitudes of certain defects. However, without a
full understanding of the incidents underlying these statistics, caution in their use is
recommended. Recall that these defects, normally having survived pressure tests, in-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

spections, and on-going service loads for many years, fail only when additional loads
are introduced or after degradation has occurred. Without knowledge of the degrada-
tion and/or additional loads, the knowledge provided by the statistics is incomplete.

Manufacturing issues
It is commonly accepted that older manufacturing and construction methods do not
match today’s standards for rigor of specifications nor quality control. Nonetheless,
many very old systems have successfully and admirably withstood the test of time—de-
cades of service in sometimes challenging environments, with no reduction in strength.
All other things equal however, it is reasonable to assume superior product quality
in modern manufacturing. Technological and quality-control advances have improved
quality and consistency of both manufactured components and construction tech-
niques. These improvements have varying degrees of importance in a risk assessment.
In a more extreme case, depending on the method and age of manufacture, the assump-
tion of uniform material may not be valid. If this is the case, the maximum allowable
strength value should reflect the true strength of the material.
Purchasing specifications now cover strength properties such as minimum yield
strength (SMYS) and toughness, all of which are certified by the manufacturer. The
risk assessment should consider the probabilities that the specifications were correct,
were followed, and were applicable to the pipe or component in question.
A pattern of failures connected to a particular manufacturer or process should lead
the risk evaluator to question the strength of any components produced in that way.
Materials from steel mills whose pipe has been known to have higher rates of weakness
should be penalized in the risk assessment where appropriate.
Some weaknesses are actually an increased susceptibility to later damages such
as from corrosion and cracking. Preferential corrosion (selective corrosion, seam cor-
rosion, etc) is a possibility for several types of steel pipe. It is commonly associated
with variable quality LF ERW or flash weld seams or non-heat treated HF ERW seams.
Certain steel pipe manufacture dates and locations (pipe mill) can be correlated with
increased occurrence rates (ref 1020). This information can be efficiently modeled as
reduced wall thickness in the resistance estimation.
Hard spots created during pipe manufacture or construction (for example, arc
burns, girth weld HAZ) can support cracking, especially in the presence of hydrogen.
Hard spots can be large—covering the full circumference of the pipe over several inch-
es of length (ref 1020). H2 stress cracking (HSC) occurs at a hard spot when sources of
hydrogen are present and sufficient stress exists. H2 sources include sour service (H2S),
higher CP (cathodic protection applied for external corrosion control) levels, and in
association with higher microbiological activity (swamps, MIC, etc). Susceptibility
factors include sufficient hardness, hydrogen availability, and sufficient stress level.
Increasing crack susceptibility can be assumed when:
• H2 charging of steel could have occurred
• There may be or have been temperature effects on toughness
10 Resistance Modeling

• hard spot, arc burns could be present

When no inspection information is available, increasing susceptibility to cracking

can be modeled to occur in pipe manufactured before 1960 and/or with higher CP lev-
els (perhaps a threshold of -1.2volts pipe-to-soil, CuCuSO4 reference electrode) and
with increasing stress and with higher potential H2 availability. (ref 1020)

Construction issues
Similar to the evolution of pipe manufacturing techniques, the methods for construc-
tion practices such as welding pipe joints have improved over the years. See PRMM
for a relevant discussion on girth weld defects.
A wrinkle bend is a type of buckle, often an artifact of an intentional bending pro-
cess used in early pipeline installations. Wrinkle bends are known locations of stress
concentrations, with the severity of the effect increasing with decreasing D/t and sever-
ity of the wrinkle (height and width of wrinkle). Axial stress cycles, combined with the
stress concentration effect, reduces the fatigue life of a component with a wrinkle bend.
Depending on material properties, a doubling of stress due to a stress concentrator can
shorten life by a factor of 16 or more (ref 1023).
As an artifact of a past, discontinued practice, a wrinkle bend is today considered
by most to be an anomaly, sometimes requiring repair or replacement. in the risk as-
sessment, the anomaly could be modeled as a resistance vulnerability.
Date of construction provides evidence of the existence of older features of con-
cern, when inspection data is not available. For example, mechanical couplings were
used from 1890’s until about 1940, acetylene welding was employed from about 1915
to 1940, miter bends are found in pipelines built prior to 1940, and wrinkle bends pre-
1955 (ref 1020). prior to the introduction and adoption of engineering standards and
regulations, all repair practices may be suspect.
All such features should be considered in evaluating the strength of the system.
Buried bends, girth welds, substandard repairs, and couplings are not normally highly
loaded during normal service (ref 1020) and hence, these features may enjoy long ser-
vice lives. However, when abnormal loadings—including external forces and pressure
or thermal cycling—occur, they will often be the points of failure.
With all this in mind, the fact of a pipeline’s long-term reliable operation can to
some extent offset these concerns and be a “plus” in the overall evaluation. This is the
“withstood the test of time” argument for evidence of low probability of failure See
discussion in Chapter 1 Risk Assessment at a Glance on page 1.
Damages during operations is the final opportunity for weaknesses to be intro-
duced. PRMM describes common mechanical damages to pipelines. The Pipeline Re-
search Council International & Institute provides useful insights into these mechanical
damages on pipelines:
Mechanical damage can cause changes to:
1. The shape of the pipeline’s cross section, as for example where the line sits on
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

a rock ledge, and

2. The wall thickness or its properties, as for example where earthmoving equip-
ment scrapes along the pipeline displacing, or cold-working, and/or tearing the
wall as it passes.
Mechanical damage also can involve combinations of (1) and (2).

The consequences of mechanical damage fall into one of four categories, depend-
ing on the nature of the outside force, the pipeline’s design and operating conditions,
and the line-pipe properties. These consequence categories are:
• immediate failure due to plastic collapse or cracking on the inside diameter
(ID) during contact
• immediate failure due to plastic collapse or OD cracking during re-rounding
in the wake of the contact
• delayed failure due to in-service cracking, and
• no threat for failure for the current service or possible upset conditions.

Other important observations are that re-rounding of dents has been shown to cause
crack initiation and that damages incurred prior to pressurization are more benign than
those post pressurization. Damage inflicted at zero pressure is not as severe as that in-
flicted under pressure, all else being equal. This occurs because the unpressurized pipe
changes shape over much of its cross section and consequently avoids the localized
deformation that leads to puncture or cracking. In contrast, pressure in the pipeline
keeps the pipe round except where outside forces contact, which leads to localized
deformation and possibly severe damage. Thus, while a severity criterion for damage
done at zero pressure could prove useful, such a criterion would be nonconservative for
applications involving damage done at pressure.
Although the pipeline is subjected to a pre-service pressure test, it is unlikely that
existing damage would be detected, except for areas pierced as a result of the damage
incident. Data in published literature indicate that very severe damage involving goug-
es in dents with depths greater than 15 percent of the diameter seldom leads to failure
in full-scale testing after just one major pressure cycle. For this reason, line pipe dam-
aged at zero pressure probably survives the pre-service pressure and thus may exist in
operating pipelines, or possibly lead to delayed failure.

Repairs and Reinforcements

As with general construction practice, repair practice has evolved over the years. Some
previously acceptable repair methods would no longer be considered by most modern
operators. Examples include deposition of weld metal to fill in corrosion damages; use
of metal patches or complex shaped shells installed over leaks; converting temporary
clamps to permanent installations; and even the use of wooden plugs driven into holes
in low pressure steel and cast iron pipelines. Repairs that, by today’s standards, are
judged to be inferior, may contribute weaknesses. Their likelihood of existence must
10 Resistance Modeling

be estimated, especially when inspection cannot reliably provide identification and

characterization. This is discussed in a later section.
A full encirclement sleeve serves to carry some of the stresses otherwise carried
by the pipeline, thereby providing increased resistance to new loads. It also provides
increased impact resistance and, made from a composite material, corrosion protection
equivalent or superior to a coating system. If pressure-containing, it increases TTF
from degradation mechanisms by effectively increasing the amount of material that
must be degraded before leak or rupture. The sleeve also provides benefit as a crack
arrestor, potentially reducing consequence potential by limiting hole size.
Composite sleeve materials are popular repair choices. The underlying concept
of composite materials is very old. Straw and mud bricks and concrete (cement and
aggregate) take advantage of the best properties of multiple materials to provide a
stronger final product. Modern pipeline repair wraps or sleeves are layered systems of
solid fibers, such as carbon or fiberglass, and a bonding resin such as urethane or ep-
oxy, installed around a short section of pipeline containing a defect. The characteristics
of the applied and cured repair wrap, such as flexibility, yield strength, UV resistance,
and others, will determine the ability of these types of repairs to not only restore the
component’s strength, but also provide additional resistance.

Modeling of Repairs in Risk Assessment

Modern repairs will reduce risk, sometimes far beyond their role in offsetting weak-
ness caused by a defect. Repairs often act as reinforcement, mitigation, and conse-
quence reduction in addition to restoration of desired strength. These normally cover
a small portion of a system, but a detailed risk assessment can recognize that risk is
significantly reduced at these short locations. This is often in stark contrast to the risk
immediately prior to the repair.
Repairs, especially when made with full encirclement sleeves, can be modeled
as providing a general increased resistance, perhaps using a simple factor to increase
effective wall thickness by some factor. Alternatively, a repair’s role in specific risk re-
duction can be modeled in a detailed way, quantifying its independent contributions to:
• Increased impact resistance
• Increased stress carrying capability
• Corrosion mitigation (when non-corrosive sleeve material is used)
• Increased effective wall thickness for TTF estimates
• Crack arresting as consequence hole size reduction
• Clamps and non-pressure-containing repairs provide less resistance.
• Given the typically short length of repairs, detailed modeling may not be war-
ranted and a simple factor, scaling up resistance at the repair location, will be

Older repair techniques, no longer allowed in current industry recommended prac-

tice, may cause unintended weaknesses such as stress concentration points and brit-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

tleness at welds. Even acceptable repairs may have unintended consequences as was
noted in the example of hydrogen permeation into the annular space between a repair
sleeve and the carrier pipe, eventually causing buckling of the carrier pipe (ref 1001).
In some of these cases, the repair actually causes a new exposure to be included in the
risk assessment.
The evaluation of resistance will also include non-pipe components since they
will typically be included in the risk assessment. These include flanges, valve bodies,
fittings, filters, pumps, compressors, flow measurement devices, pressure vessels, and
others. Each will be acted upon by various exposures, have mitigations to protect it,
and will have varying amounts of resistance to failure.

Characterizing Potential Weaknesses

A risk assessment that examines available pipe strength should probably treat anom-
alies (identified defects whose severity has not yet been evaluated) as evidence of
reduced strength and possible active failure mechanisms.
A complete assessment of remaining pipe strength in consideration of an anom-
aly requires accurate characterization of the anomaly—its dimensions and shape. In
the absence of detailed remaining strength calculations, the evaluator can reduce pipe
strength by a percentage based on the severity of the anomaly. Higher priority anoma-
lies are discussed in Appendix C.
Increased crack susceptibility is a common concern for all of these features. This
is efficiently modeled as reduced wall thickness and/or increased probability of crack
initiation/activation/propagation, both used in the cracking PoF estimation. Some fea-
tures may also impact the ability to resist other loadings including internal pressure and
external forces.

10.2.5 Loads and Forces

Loads and forces, and their resulting stresses, obviously play a large role in failure
potential. The design process first considers the loads and forces that are to be resisted.
This discussion is an examination of how the pipeline’s design characteristics impact
its ability to resist forces/damages. Certain design concepts are presented to give the
evaluator who is not already familiar with pipeline design methods a feel for some of
the considerations. This obviously does not replace a design manual or design meth-
odology. Used with the corresponding risk evaluation sections, this section can assist
one unfamiliar with design concepts in understanding strength/resistance aspects of the
pipeline being examined.
Design of any structure involves examinations of loads and forces. Load is a gen-
eral term meaning a force applied to a structure. Internal pressure, gravity (or weight),
and temperature-induced strains are examples of loads typically experienced by pipe-

10 Resistance Modeling

Loads have effects on structures—pipeline components in this case. Those effects

include stresses, strains, and deformations. Resistance can be measured in terms of
any of these—the ability to withstand a stress, strain, or deformation. Even a pinhole
leak from an unpressurized component conceptually falls into this model. The leak
will only occur with some driving force, if only a tiny amount of gravity or hydrostatic
fluid head. This tiny driving force is no longer resisted if the pinhole has penetrated the
entire component wall.
In general, any influence that tries to change the shape of the pipe will cause a
stress. Pipe stress can originate from loads that cause or exacerbate:
• Internal pressure
• External pressure
• Longitudinal bending (longitudinal buckling)
• Axial tension
• Axial compression (axial buckling)
• Lateral compression (crushing)
• Thermal expansion/contraction
• Shear
• Cracking (fatigue, etc)
• And various combinations of these.

Defects in component walls will heavily influence resistance. That will be consid-
ered separately from the defect-free analysis.
As a pressure containment system, internal pressure obviously plays a key role in
many pipeline strength determinations. While often the dominant load, internal pres-
sure is not the only loading on a typical component. External forces also add stress to
the pipe. Loads causing external stresses include the weight of the soil over a buried
line, the weight of the pipe itself when it is unsupported, temperature changes, etc.
Some of these stresses are additive to the stresses caused by internal pressure. As such,
they must be allowed for in the design pressure calculations. Hence, care must be taken
to ensure that the pipeline will never be subjected to any combination of internal pres-
sures and external forces that will cause the pipe material to be overstressed.
Tolerable loads are set by maximum stress-carrying capacity. The design phase
includes consideration of all loadings to which the pipeline will be subjected. Pipe-
line loadings typically include internal pressure and physical weights such as soil and
traffic over the line. A typical analysis of anticipated basic loads for a buried pipeline
would include provisions for:
• static internal pressure
• dynamic internal pressures such as surge pressures
• overburden (Soil loadings, including soil movements)

Additional criteria are considered in detailed design and for special installation
circumstances such as drilled crossing and spans. These criteria include provisions for
• Bending Stresses
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Tensile Loads l Buoyancy.

• Span loadings including gravity and lateral forces
• Traffic loadings
• Strain induced loadings such as from temperature changes

For each loading combination, all stresses and failure modes must be identified.
Failure is often defined as permanent deformation of the material. After permanent
deformation, the component may no longer be suitable for the service intended. Per-
manent deformation occurs through failure modes such as bending, buckling, crushing,
rupture, bulging, and tearing. In engineering terms, these relate to stresses of shear,
compression, torsion, and tension. These stresses are further defined by the directions
in which they act; axial, radial, circumferential, tangential, hoop, and longitudinal are
common terms used to refer to stress direction. Some of these stress direction terms
are used interchangeably.
As discussed in the previous sections, pipeline component materials have differ-
ent properties and different abilities to resist loads. Ductility, tensile strength, impact
toughness, and a host of other material properties will determine the weakest aspect
of the material. If the pipe is considered to be flexible (will deflect at least 2% without
excessive stress), the failure mode will likely be different from a rigid pipe. The high-
est level of stress directed in the pipe material’s weakest direction will normally be the
critical failure mode. The exception may be buckling, which is more dependent on the
geometry of the pipe and the forces applied.
The critical failure mode for each loading will be the one that fails under the lowest
stress level.

Load Types

A useful listing of load types can be found in (ref 9988) as part of the limit state discus-
sion. Limit states included are ‘ultimate’ (ULS), ‘leakage’ (LLS), and ‘serviceability’
(SLS). These limits may be established based on stress or strain or both. This particular
reference categorizes loads based on their potential appearance in the system’s life cy-
cle. It also assigns a time dependency to each combination of loads and limit states, as
well as a cross reference to potentially interacting load cases.
When loss of integrity is the focus of the risk assessment, limit states dealing with
ruptures and leaks are the focus. Some of the pertinent loads are further discussed

Pressure containment

The most commonly used measure of a pipeline’s strength will normally be the docu-
mented design pressure—the maximum internal pressure that can be withstood with-
out damage (including permanent deformation). Design pressure is determined from
stress calculations, with internal pressure normally causing the largest stresses in the
10 Resistance Modeling

wall of the pipe. Material stress limits are theoretical values, confirmed (or at least evi-
denced) by testing, that predict the point at which the material will fail when subjected
to high stress.
Several key aspects of risk are directly linked to the amount of internal pressure in
the line. Pressure levels may vary widely along a pipeline or at a single location over
time. The pressure to which a component will be subjected is needed to calculate stress
levels and other risk factors in the risk assessment. The assessment may choose any of
several commonly cited pressure levels: the maximum tolerable design pressures, the
maximum allowable pressure (including safety factors), the maximum working pres-
sure, the normal operating pressures, and others. The terms maximum operating pres-
sure (MOP), maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP), maximum permissible
pressure, and design pressure have specific definitions in some regulatory and industry
guidance documents. However, they are often used interchangeably. They all imply
an internal pressure level that comports with design intent and certain safety consider-
ations—whether the latter stem from regulatory requirements, industry standards, or a
company’s internal policies. In this risk assessment discussion, the term ‘design pres-
sure’ is used for the maximum internal pressure that can be sustained by the component
without permanent deformation or other harm to the material.
For purposes of this discussion, design pressure will be used to describe the pres-
sure to which the defect-free component can be subjected without failure (such as
yielding). By this definition, design pressure should exclude all safety factors that
are mandated by government regulations or chosen by the designer. It should also
exclude engineering safety factors that reflect the uncertainty and variability of ma-
terial strengths and the simplifying assumptions of design formulas since these are
technically based limitations on operating pressure. These include safety factors for
temperature, joint types, and other considerations. Safety factors that usually allow
for errors and omissions, deterioration of facilities, and provide extra ‘cushioning’ be-
tween actual conditions and tolerable limits. Such allowances are certainly needed, but
can be confusing if they are included in the risk assessment. There is always an actual
margin of safety between the maximum stress level caused by the highest pressure
and the stress tolerance of the pipeline. Measuring this directly without including the
confounding influences of a regulated stress level and stress tolerance, makes the as-
sessment more intuitive and useful, especially when differing regulatory requirements
make comparisons more complicated. Regulatory safety factors are therefore omitted
from the design pressure calculations for risk assessment purposes.
The design or other ‘maximum allowable’ pressure is appropriate for characteriz-
ing the maximum stress levels to which all portions of the pipeline might be subjected,
even if the normal operating pressures for most of the pipe are far below this level. This
avoids the potential criticism that the assessment is not appropriately conservative.
Although the design pressure could be conservatively used here, this would not
differentiate between the upstream sections (often higher pressures) and the down-
stream sections (usually lower pressures). The alternative of using normal operating
pressures, provides a more realistic view of actual stress levels along the pipeline.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Pipeline segments immediately downstream of pumps or compressors would routinely

see higher pressures, and downstream segments might never see pressures even close
to the maximum limits. One approach would be to create a hypothetical pressure pro-
file of the entire line and, from this, identify normal maximum pressures in the section
being evaluated.
This approach might be more appropriate for operational risk assessments where
actual differences along the pipeline are of most interest. A challenge in using ‘normal’
pressures will be the time period implied: ie, the highest pressure seen in last year? 5
years? The average or median pressure seen in the last 12 months? Etc.
Provisions for surge (water hammer) or other temporary pressures should be in-
dependent of design pressure determination. Potential for pressure levels in excess
of system tolerances should be considered separately as exposures. Surge potential is
discussed in Chapter 8.0 Incorrect Operations on page 237.
Pipe wall damages or suspected weaknesses—anomalies—may impact pipe
strength and hence allowable pressures or safety margins. Formal reductions of maxi-
mum operating pressure resulting from pipeline anomalies are normally based on ap-
proaches described in industry standards1. If a new pressure limit is determined based
on calculations of remaining strength after a detected weakness, then that should be
the new design pressure used in the risk assessment of the component. In this case, it
may be hard to determine how much conservatism in the form of extra safety margin
has been added in the treatment of some anomalies. If the assessment is able to ascer-
tain the true pressure limit, free from any safety factor, that is the better value to use as
design pressure.
The design pressure also plays a role in probability of damage estimates. For in-
stance, in the incorrect operations assessment, there is an important distinction made
between a safety-system-protected component and one that is impossible to overpres-
sure due to the absence of adequate pressure production—where it is physically impos-
sible to exceed the design pressure because there is no pressure source (including static
head and temperature effects) that can cause an exceedance.
Note also that pressure, from the standpoint of a small leak, can mean the tiny
driving force created by hydrostatic head or gravity.
The degree of pressure cycling is another factor to take into account in the evalu-
ation since this can also contribute to failure probability as discussed in Chapter 6.12
Cracking on page 199.

Load Estimations

Both continuous and intermittent loads are appropriately included in risk assessments.

1 Such as ASME/ ANSI B31G, Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines,
or AGA Pipeline Research Committee Project PR–3–805, A Modified Criterion for Evaluating the
Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipe
10 Resistance Modeling

Normal, continuous loads are addressed in the design phase. Normal, intermittent
loads should also be addressed during design, but may not receive the same amount
of rigor or they may be compromised over time by changes in system characteristics
during its life cycle. Fatigue loadings are an example. Even if considered during de-
sign, changes in use over time may change the originally planned number and magni-
tude of pressure cycles and changes in environment may add new sources of external
fatigue cycles.
Intermittent loads, especially when both abnormal and intermittent, require both a
categorization of intensity or damage potential and an estimate of frequency. Frequen-
cies may already have been partially captured in exposure estimates for the various
time-independent forces—excavator hits, vehicle impacts, landslides, surge pressures,
anchor strikes, etc.
Normal loads can often be estimated from design documents, as previously dis-
cussed, and can produce a baseline level of resistance.

Special External loadings

Normal external loadings listed in PRMM include the weight of the soil over a buried
component, the loadings caused by moving traffic, possible soil movements (settling,
faults, etc.), external pressures and buoyancy forces for submerged lines, temperature
effects, lateral forces due to water flow and debris impacts, and component weight. See
discussion of these in PRMM.
As a special case of ‘failure’, infiltration of a component and subsequent prod-
uct contamination can occur. For example, groundwater infiltration into a distribution
system. This is a form of integrity loss since, for infiltration to occur, the outside pres-
sure exceeds the internal pressure and the components ability to resist. There would
presumably also be an integrity loss when groundwater pressures are lower and the
component’s internal pressure produces the driving force to create a leak.

This is a measure of the weight of soil, objects and anything else over the pipeline.
In an offshore environment, this would also include the pressure due to water depth.
Uncased pipe under roadways may require additional wall thickness to handle the in-
creased loads from vehicles. The speed and weight of the vehicles, as well as depth of
cover, cover type, and other factors will be important determinants of how much stress
is transferred to the buried component.

Similar to the forces of gravity on an onshore spanning component, the stresses from
lateral forces of moving waters, debris accumulations, should be considered for off-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

shore susceptible components. Spans are a unique feature in a risk assessment, as dis-
cussed in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts on page 17.

Pipelines under compressive forces from pressure or thermal forces, can buckle if the
axial compression goes beyond a certain level. Buckling can also occur under exces-
sive external force.
Buckling is more common concern with pipelines in deep water. Some offshore
designs incorporate controlled lateral buckling as a means to dissipate pressure and
thermal expansion induced forces on a long pipeline.
However, buckling as a failure mode can manifest at other, unexpected conditions,
far from common external pressure sources. In one operator’s experience, hydrogen
permeation through steel repair sleeves caused numerous buckles to the pipe beneath.
The source of hydrogen was generated from high CP levels external to the sleeve. An
annular space pressure of around 300 psig was sufficient to cause the buckling. (ref

Accounting for unspecified external loads

Especially for preliminary or screening type risk assessments, it may be appropriate to
simply use a factor to account for unknown or unquantified loads. The factor can be set
according to the desired level of conservatism in the risk assessment. See also PRMM.

Design Factors & Safety Margin

Actual designs almost always provide for component strengths beyond what is re-
quired for actual loads.
Designs are based on calculations that must, for practical reasons, incorporate con-
servative assumptions. These assumptions deal with the variable material strengths
and potential stresses over the life of the pipeline—usually involving many miles over
many decades. Safety factors and conservativeness in design help to ensure long term
system reliability. They are assigned by regulations, industry standards, or by choice
of a design engineer or corporate mandate. The real safety margin—the difference be-
tween likely loadings and the component’s load-carrying capacity—is most important
in risk assessment. The pre-assigned safety or design factors cloud the view of the ac-
tual safety margin and should be avoided in risk assessments. This drives the previous
recommendation to use strength estimates free from safety factors. This is in the inter-
est of simplicity and clarity, a risk assessment can be viewed as a means of quantifying
the safety margin in a system at any point in its life, regardless of what the original
safety margin intent was. The safety margin can be re-set, as discussed in the role of
integrity assessments in a load-resistance model. See more in PRMM.

10 Resistance Modeling

Discrimination between intended safety margin and actual safety margin is an im-
portant deliverable of a good risk assessment.

10.2.6 Stress calculations

Once loads are identified and quantified, the accompanying stresses can be examined.
Of particular interest here, is the relationship between stress and component wall thick-
ness. This establishes the risk modeling opportunity to represent resistance in terms of
‘effective’ wall thickness.
The moment capacity for metallic pipes is a frequently used measure of their
strength and is a function of many parameters. The most common are:
• Diameter to wall thickness ratio
• Material stress-strain relationship
• Material imperfections
• Welds (Longitudinal as well as circumferential)
• Initial out-of-roundness
• Reduction in wall thickness due to e.g. corrosion
• Cracks (in pipe and/or welds)
• Local stress concentrations due to e.g. corrosion damage or dents
• Additional loads and their amplitude
• Temperature

In any failure mode, pipe wall thickness and strength will be key determinants of
resistance to loads. The D/t ratio is seen in many expressions of resistance to external
force damage.
The strength of a thin walled container such as pipe, from both an internal pres-
sure and an external loading standpoint, is related to the pipe’s wall thickness and
diameter. In general, can contain more pressure and larger diameter and thicker walled
pipes have stronger load-bearing capacities and should be more resistive to external
loadings. A thinner wall thickness and smaller diameter will logically increase a pipe’s
susceptibility to external force failure [48].
The D/t ratio is seen in many expressions of pipe strength. Some risk evaluators
have used D/t as a variable for both resistance against external loadings and as a sus-
ceptibility-to-cracking indicator. As D/t gets larger, stress levels increase—increasing
failure potential and risk.

Under pure bending load:

For low D/t, the failure will be initiated on the tensile side of the pipe due
to stresses at the outer fibers exceeding the limiting longitudinal stress. For
D/t higher than approximately 30-35, the hoop strength of the pipe will be
so low compared to the tensile strength that the failure mode will be an
inward buckling on the compressive side of the pipe.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Under external load:

For low D/t ratios, material softening will occur at these points and the
points will behave as a kind of hinge at collapse. The average hoop stress
at failure due to external pressure changes with the D/t ratio. For small
D/t ratios, the failure is governed by yielding of the cross section, while
for larger D/t ratios it is governed by elastic buckling. By elastic buckling
is meant that the collapse occurs before the average hoop stress over the
cross section has reached the yield stress. At D/t ratios in-between, the
failure is a combination of yielding and elastic collapse.

Under combined loads:

In general, the ultimate strength interaction between longitudinal force
and bending may be expressed by the fully plastic interaction curve for
tubular cross-sections. However, if D/t is higher than 35, local buckling
may occur at the compressive side, leading to a failure slightly inside the
fully plastic interaction curve.

Either stress criteria or strain criteria can be used. Discussion here is on stress.

Stress Equations

Resistance estimates will ideally involve combined stress formulae such as Tresca,
Von Mises, and others, plus additional consideration of certain highly localized stress-
es, plus degradation/damage mechanisms. Whatever stress carrying capacity is not al-
ready ‘used up’ by existing loads (internal pressure, spans, overburden, etc) is available
to resist additional loads.
Pipelines are normally designed to operate at a stress well below the yield strength
of the component material. The principal stresses in a pipeline are the hoop stress due
to internal pressure and the longitudinal stress, which is a function of internal pressure
(axial), external force, weight of the pipe between spans (bending), etc. Yielding can
occur as a result of either of these stresses, or under combination loading.
Yield, as a criteria for ‘failure’, is often conservative, even for older components.
Ref 1020 says vintage pipe fails at UTS which is typically about 25% higher than
SMYS. With a typical maximum allowable stress (per many regulations and standards)
of 72% SMYS (1.39 safety factor), this implies a total safety factor for defect-free line
pipe of about 1.74.
Formulae for calculating individual stresses are well known. Barlow’s calcula-
tion is a commonly used equation for relating internal pressure to stress in a pipe.
Alternative calculations may be available for pressure-stress relationships in non-pipe
components or manufacturers’ information may need to be used for more complex
External loadings are also related to stresses via well-documented equations. Un-
derstanding effects of external forces involves complex calculations both in determin-
10 Resistance Modeling

ing actual loadings and the pipe responses to those loadings. Longitudinal stresses and
buckling due to external pressure are common considerations for pipelines.
Residual stresses play an important role in some failure mechanisms. These are
stresses that remain in a component after their source load is no longer active. Man-
ufacturing processes and mechanical ‘working’ of materials are common causes. Re-
sidual stresses can have effects on material strength similar to conventional stresses,
but their presence is more difficult to calculate. Some measurement tools to quantify
residual stress are available but may not be readily applicable to most pipelines.


Structural Reliability Analysis is an analysis technique designed to improve upon the

traditional use of safety factors with a high level of conservatism in dealing with un-
certainty. Compounding conservatisms in the traditional approach can produce overly
conservative (and expensive) designs.
In the use of fixed, pre-determined safety factors, the true margin of safety or prob-
ability of failure is not quantified. As a ‘one size fits all’ design practice, this naturally
leads to costly over-protection in some areas and perhaps under-protection in others.
On the other hand, it avoids the potential errors and bias that may occur when more
situation-specific safety margins are calculated.
Limit state threshold identification and calculations comparing actual conditions
with these thresholds normally underpin SRA.


• Inspections and integrity verifications provide direct input
into estimations of remaining strength—the ability to resist

Pipeline integrity is ensured by two main efforts: (1) the detection and removal of any
integrity-threatening anomalies and (2) the avoidance of future threats to the integrity
(protecting the asset). The latter is addressed by the many risk mitigation measures
commonly employed by a pipeline operator, as discussed in Chapters 5 through 9.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The former effort involves inspection2 and testing and is fundamental to ensuring
pipeline integrity, given the uncertainty surrounding the protection efforts. One way
to view the purpose of inspection and testing is as a means to validate the structural
integrity of the pipeline and its ability to sustain the operating pressures and other an-
ticipated loads. Recall the load-resistance curve discussion where, after conservatively
assuming a shifting resistance distribution, an integrity assessment can re-set the clock,
verifying available resistance to loads. Inspections serve as intervention opportunities.
They interrupt a sequence of events that would have otherwise resulted in a failure.
Their success in this depends on the timing and robustness of inspection compared to
the degradation mechanisms possible active.
Conservatism in verifying pipeline integrity assumes that defects are present and
growing. Inspection and testing at defined intervals allow for intervention so that their
growth can be interrupted before they become serious threats. In theory, a defect will
be largest immediately before the next verification. Uncertainty in measurements and
calculations relates the estimated size of the defect, just prior to re-inspection, to prob-
ability of failure. The inspection or re-verification interval therefore establishes the
maximum failure probability for each mode of failure.
Inspections and integrity verifications serve to ‘re-set the clock’, overriding con-
servatively assumed appearance of new weaknesses since the last verification. They
also provide evidence for refinement of exposure and mitigation estimates—calibra-
tion of previous estimates
The goal is to test and inspect the pipeline system at frequent enough intervals
to ensure pipeline integrity and maintain the margin of safety. The risk assessment’s
resistance estimate is improved by removal of any damages present or confirmation
that no injurious defects exist. A pipeline segment that is partially replaced or repaired
will show an improvement under this protocol since either the anomaly count/severity
will have been reduced via repairs or defect-free components have been installed. If
a root cause analysis of the detected anomalies concludes that active mechanisms are
not present, then only the resistance estimate is affected. For example, the root cause
analysis might use sequential inspection results to demonstrate that corrosion damage
is old and corrosion has been halted. In the absence of such findings, the risk assess-
ment’s previous estimates of exposure and mitigation may need to be modified based
on the inspection results.
Inspection and integrity verifications are methods employed to find weaknesses
in a component. Prior to assigning a label of ‘weakness’ or ‘defect’ to an anomalous
feature of a component, its presence and characteristics as an anomaly are identified or
posited. Once identified (or posited) and sized, an anomaly’s role, if any, in resistance
can be determined. For metal loss from corrosion, the failure potential for purposes

2 See also discussion of inspections related to pipeline support condition, coatings, changes in immedi-
ate environment, etc. Here, inspection refers to the identification of damages on the pipeline compo-
nent itself.
10 Resistance Modeling

of probability calculations is normally determined by two criteria: (1) the depth of

the anomaly and (2) a calculated remaining pressure-containing capacity of the defect
configuration. Both are required to account for the two failure modes of leak versus
rupture. For crack-like defects, fracture mechanics and estimates of stress cycles (fre-
quency and magnitude) are required to fully understand resistance implications.
As noted previously, a defect is considered to be any undesirable pipe anomaly,
such as a crack, gouge, dent, or metal loss, that could lead to a and not all anomalies
are defects. Possible defects include seam weaknesses associated with low-frequency
ERW and electric flash welded pipe, dents or gouges from past excavation damage or
other external forces, external corrosion wall losses, internal corrosion wall losses,
laminations, pipe body cracks, and circumferential weld defects and hard spots.
The absence of any defect of sufficient size to compromise the integrity of the
pipeline is most commonly proven through pressure testing and/or ILI, the two most
comprehensive integrity validation techniques used in the hydrocarbon transmission
pipeline industry today. Integrity is also sometimes inferred through absence of leaks
and verifications of protective systems. For instance, CP counteracts external corrosion
of steel pipe and its potential effectiveness is determined through pipe-to-soil voltage
surveys along the length of the pipeline, as described in Chapter 6 Time-Dependent
Failure Mechanisms on page 155. All of these measurement-based inspections and
tests are occasionally supported by visual inspections of the system. Each of these
components of inspection and testing of the pipeline can be—and usually should be—a
part of the risk assessment.
Common methods of pipeline survey, inspection, and testing are listed in PRMM.
Pipe wall inspections include non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques such as
ultrasonic, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, etc., to find pipe wall flaws that are diffi-
cult or impossible to detect with the naked eye.
Offshore inspection is usually more expensive and can be less accurate due to
challenging conditions. Inspections by divers or from submersible vessels will not nor-
mally generate the same level of confidence as their onshore integrity verifications due
to numerous issues including reduced visibility, inability to use many of the NDE tech-
niques, and the presence of concrete coatings often used offshore. Offshore inspection
can also include side-scan sonar and ROV.
Recall the early discussion in this book regarding the use of measurements ver-
sus estimates in a risk assessment. Inspections and integrity verifications are measure-
ments that typically override conservative estimates of component wall weakness. In
a conservative risk assessment, they demonstrate that damages did not actually occur
and ‘re-set the clock’.


Formal in-ditch assessments of coating or pipe condition should integrated into the
risk assessment as well as the inspection information from other activities and analy-
ses such as corrosion control surveys, effectiveness of coating and cathodic protection
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

systems, and even leak detection surveys. Inspection results inform many aspects of
the risk assessment—often providing evidence of exposure, mitigation, and resistance
simultaneously. Types of inspections are listed and discussed in PRMM. The use of
inspection results is discussed here and in previous chapters.

Visual and NDE Inspections

Nondestructive examination (NDE) refers to numerous specific inspection and exam-

ination techniques. Usually done in conjunction with visual inspection, an NDE is used
to find wall flaws that are hard to detect visually. NDE can involve various forms of
ultrasonic wave analyses, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, etc. ILI is a type of NDE
conducted remotely with subsequent visual examination sampling or confirmations.
Integrity assessment can also include NDT (and ‘destructive’ testing) for assessing
component strength or coating properties such as thickness, adhesion, strength, num-
bers of holidays, etc.
A visual and NDE inspection of an internal or external component surface may
be triggered by an ILI anomaly investigation, a leak, a pressure test, or routine main-
tenance. For risk assessment purposes, a visual inspection can be extrapolated, ie,
assumed to reflect conditions for some length of pipe beyond the portions actually
viewed. A conservative zone some distance either side of the damage location can be
assumed. This should reflect the degree of belief and desired level of conservatism. For
instance, if poor coating condition is observed in one site, then poor coating condition
should be assumed for as far as those conditions (coating type and age, soil conditions,
etc.) might extend.

Integrity Verifications

As a special type of inspection, the integrity verification processes of pressure testing

and ILI are further discussed in following sections.

Pressure test
Pressure testing is a long used method to ensure integrity. By stressing components
to levels above what they will see during their service lives, integrity is verified and a
margin of safety is established. The higher stress levels during the test may also cause
damages—growing some defects that might otherwise not grow. This leads to some
controversy in the use of pressure testing. See PRMM for further discussion.

In-line inspection (ILI)

See PRMM for a background discussion on the evolution and application of in-line
inspection. ILI has been compared to medical diagnostic devices, where the doctors’

10 Resistance Modeling

interpretation of the inspection data is at least as critical as the data itself. Ref 1024
notes a typical vendor’s sequence of events:
• The ILI tool runs at 9 mph, capturing 1.2M measurements per second
• Automatic data analyses algorithms identify over 1 million areas of interest in
an ILI run
• The human analyst spends 75% of his time scrutinizing every one of these,
perhaps prioritizing down to 100,000 possible defects.
• Subsequent analyses utilizes knowledge of the kinds of defects that could
emerge from the subject pipe’s manufacture, construction, and operational
history to produce categorizations of anomalies.

These steps would also ideally consider any and all excursions—tool travel speed,
magnetization level, sensor failures, etc—that potentially impact the inspection results.
The operator’s direct examination of selected anomalies finalizes the process by
linking the often more exact field NDE measurements with the ILI measurements to
gain a sense of the accuracy of the entire inspection.
Not all pipelines can be internally inspected with conventional ILI tools. Certain
geometries and/or flow conditions make ILI difficult or impossible. Even the best ILI
tools have difficulty detecting certain kinds of anomalies as well, and a combination
of tools may be needed. ILI can be costly, too, requiring pre-cleaning, service inter-
ruptions in some cases, excavations, etc. The ILI process originally involved trade-offs
between more sensitive tools (and the accompanying more expensive analyses) requir-
ing fewer excavation verifications and less expensive tools that generate less accurate
results and hence require more excavation verifications. While less accurate tool types
are generally no longer used, a similar trade-off may still exist in choosing the opti-
mum level of post-ILI analyses.
ILI and pressure testing detect damage that has already occurred and therefore pro-
vide lagging indicators of damage potential. They must be done at appropriate intervals
to ensure severe defects are found and remediated before they become critical. In ILI,
exceptions exist when pre-cursors to failure (other than damages) can be found. Exam-
ples include laminations, hard spots, and inferior manufacture/construction features,
all of which may, under certain conditions, lead to increased failure potential even
though they are not the result of damages.
Anomaly categories that can be detected to varying degrees by ILI include
• Geometric anomalies (ovality, dents, wrinkles,)
• Volumetric anomalies (metal loss from gouging and general, pitting, and chan-
neling corrosion)
• Crack-like indications (cracks, narrow axial corrosion, certain laminations,.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Normalizing inspection and integrity assessment data in
terms of age and accuracy, allows newer and more accurate
information to override older, less accurate information.
Limitations of inspections/tests must be considered.

In every case, the size and orientation of the smallest detectable anomaly is depen-
dent on several general and inspection-run-specific factors. Tethered or self-propelled
inspection devices are also available for special applications.

Evaluating the integrity assessment

Inspection and integrity verifications are powerful tools in weakness assessments. In-
spection is a critical aspect of many maintenance activities and should be a key part
of any risk assessment. But these should also not be relied upon as the sole driver of a
PoF estimate.
For example, a practitioner of pipeline risk assessment had done this, basing his
time-dependent PoF estimates solely on results of ILI. The obvious flaw in this ap-
proach is that it fails to include other valuable evidence. For instance, corrosion control
was managed by a different group in this company and information between them
and the ILI/risk assessors was not routinely exchanged. Results of corrosion control
surveys, which tend to provide more forward-looking evidence than does ILI, were
not included in the PoF determination. So, while a 3-year old ILI may have shown
no metal loss and active corrosion was not suggested, last month’s p/s surveys show
inadequate CP and coating in corrosive soils, suggesting corrosion is imminent. As an
extreme example of the error in not including all available information, an operator
could stop CP, scratch the coating off, add corrosive contaminants to the soil, and an
ILI-based risk assessment would not report any change in external corrosion PoF until
actual metal loss was occurring and detected by a subsequent ILI.
Inspection and integrity verifications are also not the final answer in resistance de-
terminations. Their inability to detect or correctly characterize certain defects requires
that their results be supplemented with other information.
In the risk assessment, inspection and test results are best used as confirmations of
or contraindications to previously-estimated feature frequencies rather than complete
assessments of feature frequencies.
For purposes of risk assessment, the age and robustness of the integrity verifica-
tions should be included in a risk assessment. With appropriate consideration, the most
recent inspection is not always providing the best information. An older but more ro-
bust inspection may still provide better information than a more recent but less robust
inspection. That is why both age and accuracy must be considered. The results from
10 Resistance Modeling

the best combination of the two should override the older, less accurate results. When
the inspection or test is more accurate and more recent, it overrides previous estimates
more completely. When only less accurate and/or older inspection/test information is
available (for example, a 20 year old pressure test), estimates based on other informa-
tion may dominate in the risk assessment.
A defect or theoretical defect must be characterized in order to calculate its role in
resistance and/or a time to failure when subjected to degradation. With knowledge of
maximum surviving defect size after the previous integrity assessments, defect rate of
appearance/growth, and defect failure size, all of the ingredients are available to estab-
lish (or evaluate) an optimum integrity verification schedule. Unfortunately, most of
these parameters are difficult to estimate with any degree of confidence and resulting
schedules will also be rather uncertain.

Age of verification
Information deterioration refers to the diminishing usefulness of past data to determine
current pipe condition. (see related discussions in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts
on page 17). The past data should be used to characterize the current effective wall
thickness only with considerations for what might have happened since the data was
obtained and only until better information replaces it.
A re-inspection or integrity reassessment interval is best established on the basis of
three factors: (1) the largest defect that could have survived or been undetected in the
last test or inspection (2) the types and rates at which new anomalies are introduced
into the component and (3) an assumed anomaly growth rate, all since the last assess-

Robustness of integrity assessment

Integrity verifications vary in terms of their accuracy and ability to detect all types of
potential integrity threats. Regardless of the inspection or integrity assessment tech-
nique, an inspection efficiency or robustness should be included. This includes the
probability of detection and the accuracy of the anomaly dimension/orientation mea-
surements. Building upon the matrix of possible defects created earlier, the robustness
of inspection can now be added.
Robustness is a measure of the quality of the inspection or integrity assessment.
The robustness consideration for a pressure test can simply be the pressure level above
the maximum operating pressure. This establishes the largest theoretical surviving de-
fect. Inspection-type assessment also involve a largest theoretical surviving—unde-
Evaluation of the effectiveness of NDE for identifying weaknesses such as metal
loss, cracking, and dents is based on the NDE performance criteria used, number and
location of inspection points (coverage), frequency of inspection point readings, vari-
ance of readings from criteria, equipment used and its PPM, equipment operator skill,
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

weather/environment at time of inspection, component cleanliness, accessibility, time

available to inspect, and others.
Further complicating this evaluation is the fact that inspections have varying sen-
sitivities to anomaly types, sizes, orientations, and configurations. A separate set of
capabilities will be required for at least several classes of anomalies.
The approach used in the more rigorous risk assessments is to characterize the ILI
program—tool accuracy, data interpretation accuracy, excavation verification proto-
col—against all possible defect types under both ideal and as-inspected conditions.
The performance of a series of inspections where results can be overlaid so trends and
more minor changes detected, is even more valuable.
Much has been written on the subject of inspection capability and efficiency and
industry standards are available for certain inspection techniques. A recommendation
here is to consider separately, the inspection capabilities under ideal conditions and
then under actual conditions on the day of inspection. This allows the risk assessment
to ‘value’ separately, an improved inspection technique or an improvement to the con-
ditions under which the inspection occurs. This can be especially important for expen-
sive inspections such as ILI, where pipe cleanliness, configuration, flow control, and
other inspection day parameters are important and also potentially costly to manage.
The two-part inspection capability assessment can be represented as follows:

PoI = probability of identifying a potentially injurious defect; probability

per inspection = PoI1 x PoI2

Injurious defect = one of size, orientation, etc, (characteristic set of ‘N’)

that, under at least one plausible scenario, reduces pipe resistance to one
or more failure mechanisms

PoI1=tools and process designed to and capable of, under ideal conditions,
finding defects of N or larger

PoI2=considers the amount of deviation from ideal conditions, expressed

as a reduced PoI, compared to ideal.

Both require consideration of all steps in the process, especially tasks whose accu-
racies are susceptible to human error.

Assessing the ILI process

ILI results provide direct evidence of damages and, by inference, they also provide ev-
idence of damage potential. Such evidence should be included in a risk assessment. ILI
results provide evidence about possibly active failure mechanisms. The specific use of
direct evidence in evaluating risk variables is explored in specific failure mechanism
10 Resistance Modeling

The ILI PoI is improved through follow-up direct inspections. The capabilities of
both (1) the ILI tool and data interpretation accuracies and (2) the excavation verifica-
tion program should be considered. These two capabilities combine to show how much
inaccuracy may be associated with a particular pipeline segment’s assessment. The
largest theoretical surviving defect best characterizes the robustness of any integrity
An excursion during an inspection is a deviation from intended or specified in-
spection characteristic that could lead to data collection inaccuracies. Various types of
excursions during a specific ILI are common. These have varying effects on detection
and sizing of anomalies. Excursions include:
• Loss of carrier signals on one or more channels
• Velocity range exceeded—accuracy is lost when the tool travels at speeds out-
side its design parameters
• Reduction in magnetization— accuracy is lost when the pipe’s magnetization
level falls outside its design parameters

It is often necessary to supplement the ILI vendors’ stated tool tolerances—which

are typically stated for ideal run conditions—with the run-specific effects of excur-
Another challenge often faced by risk evaluators is the array of inspection results
from different tools, which may have varying capabilities and accuracies. This may
require establishing equivalences between indications from different tools at different
times, perhaps involving vendor-reported tool accuracies and statistical analysis of
anomaly measurements, considering all run-specific characteristics and capabilities of
the post-run data interpretations.

Integrity assessment and component strength

Defects left uncorrected should reduce calculated resistance in a risk assessment, in
accordance with reductions in stress-carrying capacity Where inspection occurs and no
defects are detected, uncertainty has been reduced, usually with a corresponding reduc-
tion in previously (and conservatively) assumed degradation and/or damage rates. In
this way, the role of the integrity assessment in risk reduction can be quantified.
Such extrapolation should, of course, carry increased uncertainty. This provides
the means to quantify the benefits of the inspection actually applied versus inspection
results that have been extrapolated.
See also PRMM Appendix C.

ILI Summarizations
The previously described direct consideration of ILI results presumes that specific
anomalies have been mapped to specific pipeline segments and that anomalies are
considered individually. There is rarely a justification for anything other than this com-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

plete, anomaly-by-anomaly analysis of ILI data in a permanent risk assessment. The

cost of data storage and computer processing is so low that lesser solutions are unwar-
ranted. For temporary risk assessments—preliminary or very approximate—or special
applications, a summarization approach may be an alternative.
If this is the case, ILI results can be used to generally characterize the current in-
tegrity condition of longer stretches. Fewer segments are created under this approach.
Even though each anomaly still contributes to the characterization of a pipe segment,
the avoidance of a new dynamic segment for each anomaly saves some subsequent
processing and analyses time. This is intended to be an approximate and rapidly de-
ployable solution to the more correct anomaly-by-anomaly characterization. It can be
done either as a preliminary step pending full anomaly-specific investigations or as
stand-alone input into some special types of risk assessment.
Under such a summarization approach, pipeline segments could be generally char-
acterized in terms of anomaly indications that might reduce pipe strength and indicate
possibly active failure mechanisms.

NOP as Pressure ‘Test’

With an assurance of leak free condition, a normal operating pressure can serve as an
on-going pressure test. The fact that a component withstands a certain amount of pres-
sure provides some evidence of resistance. Higher NOP provides evidence of higher
resistance. A highest recent pressure to which the component has been exposed serves
the same role. All other things equal, a component successfully containing 2,000 psig
shows evidence of higher strength than does a component holding 200 psig. While
higher pressures and stresses cause ‘penalties’ in most parts of a risk assessment, the
pressure as evidence of resistance, plays the opposite role by suggesting more strength.
This evidence is admittedly weak—a severe defect could exist at normal pressure. It
may, however, be the only data available upon which to base an estimate of wall thick-
This is often the default for the effective wall estimate when inspection and integ-
rity assessments are too old or too inaccurate to provide better evidence of resistance.
The wall thickness implied by leak-free operation at normal operating pressure (NOP)
or a recent high pressure can be calculated by simply using a hoop stress calculation
with NOP to infer a minimum wall thickness.
With assumptions, a wall thickness based solely on operating leak-free at NOP,
pipe_wall_NOP, can be inferred as with a pressure test: ie, using the Barlow formula
for stress in the extreme fiber of a cylinder under internal pressure as follows:

pipe_wall_NOP = ([NOP]*[Diameter]/(2*[SMYS])

This simple analysis does not account for defects that are present but are small
enough that they do not impact pressure containment capability at NOP. Since de-
fects can be present but not failing due to internal pressure, a value for “max depth of
10 Resistance Modeling

defect surviving NOP” can also be assumed and included in the calculation for more
conservatism. The depth of defect that can survive at any pressure is a function of the
defect’s overall geometry. Since countless defect geometries are possible, assumptions
are required.
Effective pipe strength can be estimated by adjusting the NOP-based wall thick-
ness estimate for an assumed population of possible defects. There is some precedent
in using 80% to 90% of the Barlow-calculated wall thickness to allow for non-critical
defects that might soon grow critical. The analysis could be made even more robust by
incorporating a matrix of defect types and sizes that could be present even though the
pipe has integrity at NOP. An appropriate value can be selected knowing, for example,
that a pressure test at 100% SMYS on 16”, 0.312, X52 pipe could leave anomalies that
range from 90% deep 0.6” long to 20% deep, 12” long. All combinations of geometries
having deeper and/or longer dimensions would fail. Curves showing failure envelopes
can be developed for any pipe.
Of course, the estimate of wall thickness based on NOP pre-supposes that the por-
tion of pipe being evaluated is indeed not leaking and is exposed to the assumed NOP.

Inspection Used in Calibration of Risk Assessment

Inspection and integrity assessment results provide powerful evidence to be used in a

risk assessment, especially for resistance estimates. They also can play a large role in
assigning inputs into many exposure and mitigation variables for many failure mech-
anisms, as detailed in earlier chapters. The parallel paths between estimates relying
only on inferred knowledge of underlying failure mechanisms versus those estimates
also benefiting from inspection (estimates versus measurements), is also discussed in
Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts on page 17.
It is normally conservatively assumed that some deterioration mechanisms are ac-
tive in any pipeline (even though this is certainly not the case in many systems). As
time passes, these mechanisms have an opportunity to reduce the pipe integrity. A good
risk assessment model will show this possibility as increased failure probability over
time. An assumed deterioration rate is confirmed or revised by inspection in hydro-
carbon transmission pipelines and often by the presence of leaks in other systems. An
effective inspection has the effect of “resetting the clock” in terms of assumed events
since it can show whether the forecasted count has indeed not occurred.
Leaks sometimes replace inspection as the early warning mechanism in some sys-
tems. Integrity is often not thought to be compromised unless or until leaks are seen to
be increasing over time. Only an unacceptably high and/or increasing leak rate, above
permissible original installation leak rates, would be an indication of loss of integrity.
As already noted, distribution system leakage is normally more tolerable with some
amount of leakage acceptable even for some newly installed systems. Careful monitor-
ing of leaks also confirms or refutes assumed deterioration. So, leak detection surveys
can be credited as a type of integrity verification when results are intelligently and
appropriately used to assess integrity.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


The final step in resistance assessment is to capture knowledge about loads, stresses,
damages, and defects into a resistance estimate. The goal of the resistance assessment
is to estimate the ability of the component to resist failure, given that forces are active.
The stress carrying capacity is the measure of resistance and is efficiently expressed
as an effective wall thickness. It captures the ability to resist new loads, given the need
to resist existing loads and the possible presence of any weaknesses. The effective wall
thickness requires two aspects: 1) the best estimate of the current wall thickness and 2)
the impacts of known or possible weaknesses.
In this modeling approach, interaction of failure mechanisms with resistance is-
sues happens automatically. As more mechanisms or stronger mechanisms overlay
more weaknesses or more severe weaknesses, failure potential increases.
For a risk assessment with a definition of failure as leak/rupture, the resistance
estimate must respond to two general types of failure mechanisms
• applied loads: the fraction of applied loads that are successfully resisted with-
out loss of containment
• degradation: the amount of material available to be degraded before loss of

These are related since, at some point in the degradation process, the load carrying
capacity is compromised. All failures can essentially be understood in terms of load-re-
sistance pairings. Degradation caused failures can also be viewed as a subset of applied
loads since it is ultimately the load that generates the leak/rupture. Even a minor leak
requires a load—some driving force, if only hydrostatic pressure or gravity—to precip-
itate loss of containment. The degradation focus is preserved for clarity here since it is
a separate branch of the PoF estimation methodology.
Essential in the resistance assessment is an understanding of:
• Component characteristics, including possible defects
• Loads applied and the corresponding stresses created in the component

The full, robust solution involves structural analyses techniques for loads and de-
fects combinations. Textbooks and college post-graduate curriculae are dedicated to
the study of stresses. Fitness for service and finite element analyses are formal method-
ologies to apply structural theory to specific components. While these detailed analyses
certainly play a role in RA, they are beyond the scope of this text. Rather, the results
that would emerge from these detailed analyses are envisioned; placeholders estab-
lished, and simpler values inserted. Risk assessment model slots are available for the
more robust solutions when/if warranted but the simpler estimates will often suffice.
A normalized PoF considers length effects. This ‘rate’ of failure probability per
mile is used to establish the failure probability for any length of pipeline or collection
of components. The resistance aspect of PoF—also normalized to a length of pipe—
‘follows along’ in this calculation. Both key parts of the resistance estimate are usually
10 Resistance Modeling

‘area of opportunity’-based and hence, length-based. A current wall thickness estima-

tion uses per-unit-length information for corrosion and cracking—for example, active
corrosion points per mile; coating holidays per square foot of coated pipe; etc. The
estimation of weakness potential also uses a per-unit-length approach—for example,
dents per mile.

10.4.1 Resistance to Degradation

For metal loss and cracking, pressure containing capacity is generally proportional to
wall thickness. A reduction in wall thickness effectively reduces the TTF from these
time-dependent mechanisms. In simplest terms, a wall loss can be modeled as only a
reduction in time-to-leak. Adding to this some considerations for wall loss leading to
rupture failure improves upon this. The role of wall loss in loads other than internal
pressure, such as those causing longitudinal stresses, can also be included. The first
two considerations lead to a defensible TTF for each degradation mechanism. The
third is included as a weakness in all stress-carrying capacity analyses.

10.4.2 Resistance as a Function of Failure Fraction

Resistance for time-independent failure mechanisms is more complicated. The key is

in modeling resistance as a reduction in failure fraction. Failure fraction is the number
of loadings that are not resisted compared to the total number of loadings.
Full understanding of resistance requires examination of two strength aspects:
1. Defect-free stress-carrying capability
2. Stress-carrying capability, adjusted for defect potential

Estimation of the failure fraction under an assumed set of loadings and where
there are no defects or weaknesses present is the first step. This failure fraction may
be close to zero—resistance = 100%—when a defect-free component easily carries all
the stresses created by even the extreme ranges of all normal loadings. Both normal
and abnormal loadings should be captured as in damage rate estimates for the failure
mechanisms assessed.
There are countless possible combinations of loads, stresses, and weaknesses. A
cumulative probability distribution shows the probability of various combinations of
stress carrying capacities and loads at any point along the pipeline. This distribution
is comprised of separate distributions for the loads and resistances. Ideally, a cumula-
tive probability distributions of all possible stress carrying capacities—considering all
possible weaknesses—would intersect the distribution of possible loads in order to see
how many scenarios result in damage and/or loss of integrity. That would obviously
be a complex undertaking for pipelines since conditions are constantly changing along
their length and full inspection is not practical.
While known weaknesses can and should trigger very specific assessments of re-
sistance, unknown, suspected, possible weaknesses must be treated differently. This
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

modeling approach offers an assessment solution that can be rapidly deployed over
hundreds of miles of pipeline. It can simultaneously include detailed analyses on in-
dividual anomalies when available. The more detailed analysis will also be useful for
FFS, incident investigations, and other anomaly-specific applications.
For longitudinal overstress, excessive hoop stress, buckling, and other failure
modes, the reduction in wall has the effect of increasing failure potential under applied
loads. This increases the estimates of failure counts arising from damage scenarios.
Many pipe failure mode estimates use D/t as a prime factor in predicting failure po-
tential. D/t can therefore also be a focus for resistance reduction by effective wall
thickness reductions.
This modeling approach of reducing effective pipe wall thickness based on weak-
ness potential has the effect of increasing D/t. Higher D/t changes the failure mode
under some loading scenarios and reduces pipe resistance in most.

Resistance Estimation Process

The detailed assessment of resistance involves the following steps:

1. Estimate the defect-free stress carrying capacity available to resist loads
a. Identify normal loadings applied to the component
b. Identify stresses generated by the loadings—ie, general struc-
tural stresses
c. Compare to maximum tolerable stress capacity of component
2. Adjust stress carrying capacity, based on role of known and suspected defects
Estimate the probability of potential defects in the component
Determine the effect of potential defects—ie, highly localized
3. Estimate the ability of the component to resist additional loads or failure
a. Estimate the amount of stress carrying capacity ‘used up’ by
normal loads and potential presence of defects
b. Express the remaining stress carrying capacity as effective
wall thickness
4. Estimate the spectrum of future abnormal loads that may be experienced (PoD
5. Estimate the fraction of future loads resisted by the stress carrying capacity
implied by the effective wall thickness

Assessing resistance in this way also ensures that interaction among all threat is-
sues is fully included. Most of the modeled weaknesses are additive, as are most load-
ing scenarios, and all loads and weaknesses should be included. Similarly, delayed
failure potential is fully included since weaknesses remain (until repaired) and contin-
ue to interact with modeled future loadings, including external forces, pressure surges,
corrosion, cracking, etc.
10 Resistance Modeling

Later in this section is a discussion of practical modeling considerations, including

how this aspect of risk assessment can be modeled in a very robust way or a very sim-
ple way, depending on the needs of the assessment.

10.4.3 Effective Wall Thickness Concept

With an understanding of loads, stresses, and potential weaknesses, the next step in
estimating resistance is the bridge between this information and a resistance value to
be applied to each component in the risk assessment. This too can be a complex step
unless some simplifying assumptions are made. An effective wall thickness can be an
efficient intermediate step or at least a conceptual framework for this final assignment.
Next to internal pressure, a component’s wall thickness is probably the most refer-
enced characteristic used in strength and safety margin determinations of pipeline com-
ponents. Minimum required wall thicknesses are determined from material properties
and the amount of stress that the component must withstand. As a pressure containment
system, the importance of wall thickness is intuitive. The role of increased wall thick-
ness in risk reduction is also intuitive and verified by experimental work. Component
wall thickness, above what is needed for internal pressure and known loadings, pro-
vides a margin of safety against unanticipated loads as well as an increased survival
time when corrosion or cracking mechanisms are active. Certain wall thicknesses are
also thought to substantially reduce the chances of failure from external forces such
as from excavating equipment. Some wall thickness–internal pressure combinations
provide enough strength (safety margin) that most conventional excavating equipment
cannot puncture them. Of course, material type must be considered along with the
component dimensions. Even among steels, the material strength, often reported as
SMYS, can vary greatly.3
However, experience also indicates that increased wall thickness is not a cure-all.
Increased brittleness, greater difficulties in detecting material defects, and installation
challenges are cited as factors that might partially offset the desired increase in damage
resistance [58].
Furthermore, avoidance of immediate failure is only part of the threat reduction—
nonlethal damages can still precipitate future failures through fatigue and/or corrosion
mechanisms. Nonetheless, increased wall thickness provides failure protection in most
failure scenarios.
Defects can also be modeled as equivalent reductions in wall thickness. An ef-
fective wall thickness—actual thickness less some amount of wall loss to account for
defects—can be estimated. Effective wall thickness then is an efficient basis for mod-
eling pipe resistance to loads. As wall thickness is reduced, implications for component
strength include:
• Less capacity for pressure containment

3 SMYS is only one aspect of material strength but is often used to generally characterize a steel.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Faster TTF for degradation mechanisms

• Higher D/t leading to reduced buckling capacity
• Lowered resistance to external forces including localized (puncture) and uni-
form (subsea hydrostatic pressure).

With a modeling assumption that all potential weaknesses can be effectively treat-
ed as reductions in pipe wall thickness, an ‘effective’ or ‘equivalent’ wall thickness
can be used to represent resistance. The term ‘effective’ is added to the wall thickness
label to capture the idea of equivalencies. It provides a common denominator by which
all stress-carrying capacity reductions can be captured in similar units. When evalu-
ating a variety of pipe materials, distinctions in material strengths and toughness will
be needed when assessing the role of component wall thickness. In terms of external
damage protection, a tenth of an inch of steel offers more than does a tenth of an inch of
fiberglass. When evaluating defects, some will have a more profound effect on strength
than others.
As a measure of strength, or stress-carrying capacity, wall thickness is a useful
surrogate for the whole suite of factors to be considered in a full strength assessment.
The evaluation of stress levels in the component will focus on wall thickness, enabling
a risk assessment methodology to similarly focus on ‘effective’ wall thickness as the
modeled resistance. The concept of effective wall thickness is therefore efficiently
used in risk assessment.

Nominal Wall Thickness

Effective wall thickness begins with actual wall thickness. In the absence of recent
measurements of wall thickness, the actual wall thickness may need to be derived from
the specified or nominal wall thickness.
General stress calculations assume a uniform pipe wall, free from any defect that
might reduce the material strength. This includes possible reductions in actual or effec-
tive wall thickness caused by defects such as cracks, laminations, hard spots, gouges,
etc. A specific stress calculation on a component requires consideration of such fea-
tures. Finding or positing all differences between specified and actual and effective
wall thickness is essential to risk assessment. Pipeline integrity assessments are de-
signed to identify areas of weaknesses, in the form of wall thinning or in-wall defects,
which might have originated from any of several causes. Other inspection may also
reveal areas of actual or a high-probability of wall loss, pinhole corrosion, graphitiza-
tion (in the case of cast iron), and leaks.
Most pipeline systems have incorporated some “extra” wall thickness—beyond
that required for anticipated loads, and hence have extra strength. This is often because
of the availability of standard manufactured pipe and appurtenance wall thicknesses.
Such “off-the-shelf” purchases are normally more economical than special designs
even though it may contain more material than may be required for the intended ser-

10 Resistance Modeling

vice. This extra thickness will provide some additional protection against corrosion,
external damage, and most other failure mechanisms.
When actual wall thickness and wall condition measurements are not available,
the nominal wall thickness can be the starting point for estimating current wall thick-
ness. The difference between nominal or “specified” wall thickness and actual wall
thickness is a key aspect of resistance determination in this risk assessment. Especially
in a conservative risk assessment, the nominal value as a estimate of current, must be
adjusted for all variances pertinent to the estimation of the strength provided by likely
(or worst case) actual wall thickness.
Differences between nominal and effective wall thickness include:
• Allowable manufacturing tolerances—the actual wall thickness can be some
percentage thicker or thinner than specified and still be within acceptable spec-
• Manufacturing defects including material inclusions, voids, and laminations.
• Installation/construction damages or errors such as during joining (welding,
fusion, coupling, etc) processes
• Damages suffered since manufacture: ie, during transportation, installation,
and operation, including corrosion and cracking.

Some of these adjustments are actual reductions in thickness while others are re-
ductions in effective strength, ie, features such as cracks, girth weld defects, hard spots,
etc are not measured in terms of thinning but rather by some other loss of stress-car-
rying capacity.

Current Wall Thickness

As used here, the current wall thickness is not always a direct measurement of the com-
ponent’s wall by UT, caliper, or other means. It also includes inferential indications of
current wall thickness that often must be made in the absence of the direct measure-
ment. Actual or current wall thickness values emerge from whichever of the following
provides the strongest evidence:
• Direct measurements, with considerations for age and accuracies of all read-
ings, as well as other uncertainties, such as if a measurement at one location
is to be extrapolated to another location. These measurements include those
taken by NDE examinations including direct-measurement ILI, UT, etc.
• Thickness inferred by ILI techniques designed to find changes in wall rather
than measure thickness, external only indications such as visual and pit depth
• Thickness inferred by pressure test
• Thickness inferred by normal or recent high pressure levels (see NOP as Pres-
sure Test discussion)
• Specified or nominal thickness, with previously described adjustments (manu-
facturing tolerances and error rates, damage rates during and since installation,
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


All of these possible information sources will grow more uncertain over time ex-
cept for wall thickness implied by a current operating pressure (which carries its own
significant uncertainties).
It is not unusual to have data from several or all of these information types avail-
able at the same location but with widely varying accuracies and age. For instance,
one or more ILI’s, multiple excavations, and at least a post-installation pressure test,
will each offer one or more pieces of information in each category, for an operating
pipeline. The risk assessment will need to efficiently filter through the disparate infor-
mation to determine the best indicator of today’s thickness. This mirrors the process
the SME would also have to use when faced with the same information set and the need
to determine the single best estimate.
With a consistent application of conservatism in uncertainty estimates, the more
optimistic value—the information suggesting the best wall thickness after adjustments
for age and accuracy—will usually govern, as discussed early in this text. Refer to ear-
ly discussion of measurements versus estimates—the general approach for efficiently
integrating many disparate pieces of evidence into the risk assessment.

Effective Wall Thickness Estimation

Beginning with the best available estimate of current wall thickness, we now assess
for any weaknesses that may detract from the strength implied by this wall thickness.
A weakness will reduce the current, actual wall thickness into an ‘effective wall thick-
Since resistance, as it is being modeled here, is proportional to available stress-car-
rying capacity it is also generally proportional to material thickness. Wall thickness is
often the single most important component characteristic in most loadings of compo-
nents. Use of wall thickness to represent resistance is intuitive for degradation from
corrosion and withstanding internal pressure, longitudinal loads, and puncture. It is
less intuitive, for example, in assessing cracking.
Nonetheless, it is still efficient. Cracking can be modeled as follows: defects that
increase crack initiation potential and/or stress intensifications and/or lower toughness,
are modeled as either reductions in pipe wall or increases in cracking rates.
Either results in increased failure probability as the probability or severity of de-
fects increases.
General insights from structural theory can be incorporated into a risk analysis.
Component wall thickness is usually proportional to structural strength—greater wall
thickness leads to greater structural strength (not always linearly)—with the accompa-
nying assumption of uniform material properties and absence of defects.
Defects modeled as reductions in effective pipe wall thickness is a simplification
of the complex analysis that would require consideration for each possible anomaly

10 Resistance Modeling

under every possible loading scenario. In a robust solution, for each anomaly’s char-
acteristics such as:
• Length, width, depth
• Location in wall
• Clock position on circumference
• Orientation relative to axes (axial, radial, circumferential)

Loads would be applied, stresses calculated, and ability to survive under various
scenarios assessed. The simplification is intended to represent this spectrum of scenar-
ios with an equivalent wall thickness: defect X causes an equivalent loss of strength as
does a reduction of wall thickness by Y%.
Knowledge or suspicion of potential weaknesses arises from:
• discovery via NDE
• era of manufacture including manufacture specifications used
• construction practices including construction specifications used
• experience on current component or with similar (relevant) collections of
• defect-introduction mechanisms possibly active
• includes benefits from sleeves and other repairs

The ratio of effective pipe wall thickness to required wall thickness is another way
to view the resistance concept. A ratio greater than one means that extra wall thickness
(above design requirements) exists. For instance, a ratio of 1.1 means that there is 10%
more pipe wall material than is required by design and 1.25 means 25% more material.
If this ratio of effective wall thickness to required wall thickness is less than one, the
pipe does not meet the design criteria—there is less actual wall thickness than is re-
quired by design calculations. The pipeline system has not failed either because it has
not yet been exposed to the maximum design conditions, there is excess conservatism
in the calculation, or some error in the calculations or associated assumptions has been
This ratio concept is used in some inspections. Certain NDE, especially ILI, often
reports wall loss not only in terms of length, width, and depth, but also as implications
in pressure containing capacity. Estimated Repair Factor (ERF) and Rupture Repair
Ratio (RPR) are common types of ratios reported by ILI. These reported ratios based
on theoretical rupture pressure versus MAOP are readily converted into equivalent
wall thicknesses.

Resistance and Effective Wall Thickness

All resistance estimates can use ‘effective wall thickness’ as an efficient foundation.
While applied loads produce stress in different ways, wall thickness is a key strength
determinant in most loading scenarios of thin-walled structures (most pipeline com-
ponents are modeled as shell type structures). Degradation resistance considers poten-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

tial wall loss by corrosion as well as fatigue life reduction—‘wall loss’ by cracking
. Reduced wall thickness leads to reduced load carrying capacity. So, wall thickness
as a measure of load-carrying capacity, when coupled with degradation rate (mpy or
mm per year), leads to an estimate of time before degradation advances to point of
containment loss (or yield).

10.4.4 Resistance Baseline

Since resistance is to be measured as a simple percentage, a starting point or baseline is

required. This involves basic definitions of exposure, as discussed in Chapter 2 Defini-
tions and Concepts on page 17. The resistance baseline could be the remnant stress
carrying capacity after normal loads are applied. Then the percentage resistance shows
the fraction of additional loads that could be resisted, given that the existing loads are
‘using up’ some of the stress-carrying capacity. The resistance baseline could also be
essentially zero, whereas the percentage shows the fraction of all loads resisted. The
‘aluminum can’ analogy represents this scenario.
Recall that exposure events were quantified by imagining that there is no mitiga-
tion nor resistance. An aluminum drink container—a can, crushable between two fin-
gers—is the right mental image for lack of resistance from outside force. So, the image
of a soda can lying atop the ground, is the correct image to estimate exposure event
frequencies. If such a can be broken by an event, then that event should be counted as
an exposure.
The resistance estimate using the ‘aluminum can’ analogy is therefore capturing
the ability to withstand forces beyond those that would fail a component with virtually
no ability to resist. Resistance values will therefore be very high. Most unflawed pipe
components will have, for example, 100% resistance to pedestrian traffic.

10.4.5 Logic and Mathematics Proof

The use of resistance as the third component in the PoF calculation warrants more con-
ceptual discussion. Specific equations are proposed as an efficient means of including
all weakness issues into the risk assessment. These equations, as applied to a pipeline
segment or other component with potentially multiple weaknesses, is discussed here.

A weakness is any structural feature that reduces a component’s stress carrying capac-
ity. That reduction increases failure potential by causing one or more of the following:
• Less capacity for pressure containment

4 Cracking is modeled as effective wall loss even though there may be no actual loss of material associ-
ated with some forms of cracking
10 Resistance Modeling

• Faster TTF for degradation mechanisms

• Lowered resistance to external forces including localized (puncture) and uni-
form (subsea hydrostatic pressure).

The role of the weakness is intuitive, directly proportional, and well documented
for the first two of these. Converting all weaknesses into equivalent wall thinning is an
effective approach to show changes in resistance. The third, also efficiently modeled as
equivalent wall thinning, involves more complexity, as described below.

Weakness Equals ‘Increased Failure Fraction’

A weakness, as used here in modeling time-independent failure mechanisms, actually
represents a failure fraction, not necessarily a direct reduction in strength. Assigning
an equivalent wall thinning to each weakness is a useful intermediate step, but its role
in failure fraction must still be estimated.
Failure fraction implies a probabilistic aspect. This warrants examination. Assume,
in some length of pipe, there is a 10% probability of a weakness that introduces a 60%
loss of strength. Can this be modeled as a 0.1 x 0.6 = 6% weakness? Probably not. The
probability-adjusted weakness estimate should not be used in direct comparison to an
absolute level of strength that triggers failure. A 10% chance of 60% weakness may
predict occasional failure while a 6% weakness may suggest that no failure is possi-
ble. For instance, if nothing less than a 10% weakness allows failure under a certain
loading condition, then using 6% weaknesses shows that the pipe always survives even
though there is a chance of a serious weakness being present. In reality, we expect that
10% of the time, an applied load will involve the weakness and the pipe will fail. 90%
of the time, the weakness is not involved and the pipe survives.
However, as used in this risk assessment, the 60% weakness represents a 60% in-
crease in failure potential. If the 10% probability of weakness is ‘per mile’, then after
about 10 miles, we would be fairly certain of the weakness occurring at least once;
10%/mile x 10 miles = 100% (taking some liberties with probability theory). So, let’s
say that we have a 100% chance of at least one 60% weakness somewhere in the 10
miles. Under certain assumptions, that is mathematically the same as the 6% probabil-
ity of a weakness per mile in the assessment equations used here. The key is that the
6% weakness is actually modeled as a 6% increase in failure potential. Each mile has
a relatively low chance of failing from the weakness—6%. The aggregation of all ten
miles, however, shows a high chance of a failure point—10 miles x 6%/mile = 60%.
Due to the possible presence of a weakness, each mile carries a 6% increase in failure
probability and the whole ten miles carries an 60% increase. We expect a failure some-
where but do not know in which mile it will occur.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Resistance vs Failure Fraction

The recommendation to measure resistance rather than failure fraction in the top lev-
el PoF equation arises from the notion that increased resistance is intuitively a good
thing. Adding more resistance, just as adding more mitigation, reduces PoF. Numeri-
cally increasing either will prevent failures. This is useful in communications of risk.
Discussing a reduction in failure fraction, rather than an increase in resistance, is less
convenient in the everyday conversations that will hopefully emerge in risk manage-
ment, based on the assessment.-

Multiple Weaknesses
While it only takes one weakness to coincide with a sufficient load to precipitate a
failure, the number of potential weaknesses logically increased the opportunity for the
unfavorable load-resistance overlap. The potential density of weaknesses is captured in
the probability estimate. This discriminates between components with potentially few
or none and those with many weaknesses.
When there are potentially multiple weaknesses, all combinations should be con-
sidered—portions of the segment with no weakness, one weakness, two weaknesses,
etc. The full analyses to include potential weaknesses in the PoF involves combining
all possibilities for each portion of the segment being assessed: PoF_with weakness1
+ PoF_without_weakness1 + PoF_with weakness2 + PoF_without_weakness2 + PoF_
with both weaknesses1-2 + PoF_with neither weaknesses1-2 + etc for each potential
weakness and weakness combination. Each pairing sums to be 1.0 or 100% since all
possibilities are being considered, ie with and without the weakness or weakness com-
This equation would be repeated for each combination of failure mechanism (PoF)
and resistance (weakness or collection of weaknesses) scenario.

Examining the mathematics involved:

Using the standard form for PoF estimation:

time independent: exp*(1-mit)*(1-res) = PoD*(1-res)

time-dependent: exp*(1-mit)/(res) PoF=1/TTF = 1/(res/(exp*(1-mit)))=exp*(1-

mit)/res = PoD/res

PoD is probability of damage. Once that is determined, then resistance is added to

the equation to predict failure potential.
RES is %—fraction of damages that do not immediately lead to failure (loss of
integrity, in these examples).
(1-RES) is the fraction of failures after damage occurs. For example, 80% resis-
tance means that one out of every five loadings—20% of the damage-causing events—
10 Resistance Modeling

will result in immediate failure while in four out of the five events (80% of the time),
damage may occur but failure will be successfully resisted. Failure fraction is 20% and
RES is 80%.
Implicit in the estimate of PoD is the existence of one or more ‘dam-
age’ scenarios that could result in failure. But the frequency/probabili-
ty of damages is always equal to or less than the frequency/probabili-
ty of failures. We can’t have more failure scenarios than damage scenarios
. So, RES is <1.0 and approaching 1.0 if a high fraction of damages result in imme-
diate failures.
Since (1 – resistance) is indeed the failure fraction for time-independent failure
mechanisms, FailFrac can be used in the original PoF relationship to make this proof
more transparent:

PoF = PoD x FailFrac

If a weakness exists, RES is reduced and FailFrac increases. Since we often don’t
know for sure where/if weaknesses exist, a probability consideration is added.
Pr = probability that weakness RES exists and generates the corresponding failure

(1-RES)*Pr = FailFrac *Pr = probability of the failure fraction occurring =

FailFrac given weakness

Recall that PoF = PoD*(FailFrac if weakness exists) + PoD*(FailFrac if no


Assume (FailFrac if no weakness) = 0, so the second term can be ignored.

PoF = PoD(1-RES1)Pr1+PoD(1-RES2)Pr2+PoD(1-RES3)Pr3….PoD(1-
RESn)Prn with no coincident occurrences

n = count of weakness scenarios (ie, girth weld defect, hard spot, low freq
seam, wrinkle bend, etc and various combinations of these)
where RESn = resistance scenario—fraction not failing if weakness exists,
at least one RES scenario must exist; the sum of all RES scenarios is <= 1.0
where Prn = prob of weakness scenario n existing; sum of Prn represents
all possible scenarios
(Pr1 + Pr2 + … Prn) = 1.0

The above equation simplifies to:

5 At least not with a leak/rupture type risk assessment where damage is a prerequisite for failure.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

PoF = PoD[(1-RES1)Pr1+(1-RES2)Pr2+(1-RES3)Pr3….(1-RESn)Prn]

so, PoF = PoD[(Pr1+Pr2+Pr3…Prn)-(RES1(Pr1)+RES2(Pr2)+RES3(Pr3)…


where FailFrac = [(1-RES1)Pr1+(1-RES2)Pr2+(1-RES3)Pr3….(1-RESn)Prn]

using our initial example with a simple one-weakness resistance scenario, a

60% weakness means 40% resistance and there is a 10% chance of the weak-
ness and 90% chance of no weakness (resistance = 100%), so:

PoF = PoD[(1-40%)]10% + PoD[(1-100%)]90% = PoD(6% + 0%) =


PoF should never exceed PoD, so sum of Prn’s should equal 1.0, all scenarios. In
this equation, it is necessary to include all combinations in Pr—ie, all combinations of
weaknesses where more than one weakness exists. Alternatively, an OR gate can be
used to aggregate possible scenarios of weaknesses, including coincidences.

Using the OR gate math:

The OR gate math approach to combining probabilistic elements also supports the
modeling of probabilistic failure fractions as proposed. By a similar logic as previously
shown, resistance scenarios, can be combined as follows:

PoF = PoD[(1-RES1)Pr1 OR (1-RES2)Pr2 OR (1-RES3)Pr3….(1-RESn)Prn]

The OR gate method of summation does not require that the ‘no weakness’ sce-
narios are included. Since not all possible scenarios are included here (only the ‘with
weakness’ scenarios, not the ‘without weakness’ scenarios) summations to 100% prob-
ability are not expected. Any potential resistance scenario is added to the others via the
OR gate. This makes modeling much easier.
The OR gate applies for both combining multiple weaknesses in the same com-
ponent and aggregating the resistance of a collection of components. The latter is of
less interest since each component will have its own failure probability. Aggregating
failure probabilities from a collection of components has many applications but aggre-
gating their resistance values serves no apparent purpose other than perhaps a point of

Resistance in Time-dependent Failure Mechanisms

This same justification enables the use of probabilistic pipe weaknesses PoF calcula-
tions for time-dependent failure mechanisms. This includes delayed failure potential,
10 Resistance Modeling

where a defect is introduced, does not precipitate immediate failure, but contributes to
a later failure.
Resistance in time-dependent failure mechanisms is efficiently measured as effec-
tive reductions in wall thickness, as discussed in this section. This is illustrated in the
following example:
Say there is a 10% probability of one or more defects per mile is present and
that each defect results in 50% effective pipe wall. Some miles will have one
or more defects while others will have no defects (100% effective pipe wall).
Miles with no defects will have a leak-based TTF1 = wall1/mpy. Miles with
one or more defects that are coincident with the degradation rate will have
TTF2 = wall2/mpy = (0.5 x wall1)/mpy = 0.5TTF1. Under certain assump-
tions, we expect 10% of the miles to have TTF2 = 1/2TTF1 and 90% of the
miles to have TTF1. If PoF is modeled to be 1/TTF, then any random mile will
have a 10% chance of PoF2 and a 90% chance of PoF1. To obtain a point esti-
mate of the potential pipe weakness in the mile, we use a probability-weighted
value calculated as:

10% x 50% + 90% x 100% = 95%

So, a 90% chance of PoF1 and 10% chance of 2XPoF1 is modeled as 1.05%PoF1.
The three values that arise from this reasoning are as follows:

TTFprobable = pipe wall/mpy = PoF1

TTFmodel = 95% pipe wall / mpy = 1.05% PoF1

TTFworst = 50% pipe wall/mpy = 2 X PoF1

The modeled TTF uses both the most probable and the worst case TTF, in a two-
part relationship converting TTF to PoF, as is discussed in Chapter 2.8.4 From TTF to
PoF on page 28.

10.4.6 Modeling of Weaknesses

• List any and all types of weaknesses that could be present
• For each weakness, estimate 1) its probability—rate of occurrence—along each
pipeline and 2) the equivalent amount of wall loss if the weakness is present

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Recall the advice to begin with the robust solution before contemplating any short-
cuts. In the case of resistance estimation, the robust solution entails analyses of every
combination of load, stress, and potential defect. The first two have been discussed
already, so the last remains. Here, the role of defects—weaknesses—is considered in
the risk assessment.


Given all the types of potential weaknesses, the varying abilities to detect each, and
the role each may play in component strength, there are countless combinations to
consider in an assessment. This seemingly daunting task can be made manageable
via the establishment of a matrix. This takes some initial effort, but then is simple to
maintain and adjust as needed. More specifically, some parts of this process require an
initial set up but then only very infrequent maintenance and updates. Other parts will
be location specific and sensitive to inspection results, therefore requiring sometimes
frequent updating.
In outline form, the following ingredients will be needed for the matrix:
1. List of all possible defects/weaknesses: any that could appear anywhere on any
pipeline component
2. Estimation of representative size/configuration of defect populations, covering
at least two possibilities:
a. Noteworthy Defects: The size/configuration combination that
first results in a measurable strength reduction—ie, the small-
est size/configuration that noticeably reduces strength under
design loads. This sets the lower threshold for what types of
features should be included in the assessment. Non-injurious
features can usually be disregarded.
b. Worst-case defects that could be undetected: The combination
that yields the worst-case strength reduction AND is undetect-
able (just below detection limits) by integrity assessment or
inspection methods. This establishes the largest defects that
could remain undetected by an inspection or integrity assess-
3. Inspection and integrity assessment capability evaluations. The probability of
detection of each size/configuration combination using each type of anticipat-
ed integrity assessment technique.
4. Assignments of effective wall thickness reductions to each defect
5. Conversions of wall thickness reductions into increased failure fractions for
time-independent failure mechanisms

The above set of estimates can be established for all possible pipeline systems to
be included in the risk assessment. Having initially set this up, tested it with real-world

10 Resistance Modeling

applications, and gaining the acceptance of SME’s, it should only infrequently require
Then, the location-specific elements are added for each segment under evaluation.
That is, each length of pipe or individual component, requires a current estimate of:
• The failure fraction under an assumed set of loadings when there are no defects
or weaknesses present. This failure fraction may be close to zero, when a de-
fect-free component easily carries all the stresses created by even the extreme
ranges of all normal loadings6. Note that both normal and abnormal loadings
should be captured as exposure estimates for the failure mechanisms assessed.
• The probability of each size/configuration existing in the subject segment pri-
or to the integrity assessment. In the absence of better information, this may
have to be a rate per mile, broadcast along many miles of apparently-similar
• The probability of each size/configuration existing in the subject segment im-
mediately after the integrity assessment. This uses the general inspection capa-
bility analyses generated above. But it adds the location- and application-spe-
cific nuances of each inspection—ie, the accuracy of that particular inspection,
considering weather, cleanliness, ILI excursions of speed, magnetization, etc,
operator skills, and others.
• The rate of re-emergence of each size/configuration. This may be zero for
many anomalies such as those associated with original manufacture or con-
struction and not possible to introduce during modern repair.

This second list will require more maintenance, given its role in measuring chang-
ing conditions at specific locations and the situation-specific nature of many inspec-
After applying this exercise, each component will have an effective wall thickness
estimate. This will lead to a resistance estimate to be used in all PoF calculations
For defects whose contribution to increased failure potential is primarily through
stress concentration, the defect can be treated either a decrease in effective wall thick-
ness or an increase in crack growth rate. To keep the association between the anomaly
and the effect on failure potential, the former is usually the more efficient modeling
choice. Each anomaly can be treated as a reduction in effective wall thickness, result-
ing in reduced TTF and increased PoF, compared to anomaly-free components.

6 When the resistance baseline is the remnant stress carrying capacity after normal loads are applied.
The resistance baseline could also be essentially zero, if the ‘aluminum can’ analogy is used.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Listing of Potential Weaknesses

A simplified list may be appropriate for early phase risk assessment:

Type Effective Wall Loss
Longitudinal seam
Stress concentrator
Mechanical coupling
Hard spot

Frequency of occurrence is used when multiple occurrences per unit area or

length are anticipated. When frequencies are used, care should be exercised to
prevent multiple occurrences from increasing the overall weakness estimate.
Only one occurrence is sufficient to generate the weakness. Multiple occur-
rences results in higher probability of a weakness being coincident with a dam-
aging load, but does not increase the amount of weakness.

More detailed listings will provide more ability to discriminate weaknesses. Dents
and gouges will often need to be better characterized in terms of their dimensions and
orientations in order to assess their realistic impact on resistance. Furthermore, their
existence in regimes of higher stress and/or more pressure or thermal cycling will be
important. Creating more extensive lists to capture more characteristics and/or combi-
nations of effects will often be appropriate.
To continue illustrating the risk assessment concept here, the more general list will
be used.
Type Sub-Type Effective Wall Loss
Dent >6% of diameter
Dent with gouge
Dent with re-rounding
<6% of diameter
Mechanical Flange
Dresser style
Stress Wrinkle bend
Miter joint

10 Resistance Modeling

Considerations either beyond or more general than defects can also be included
here. Characteristics such as toughness, old repair methods, and certain appurtenances
are not defects but may impact resistance. Nuances such as laminations vs laminations
plus source of hydrogen can also be considered in the matrix. So, rather than a focus on
specific defect types, a more generalized list of locations that may harbor a resistance
issue can be used instead or can supplement. For example:
• Note that features caused by mechanisms such as metal loss (from corrosion)
and cracking do not appear on these sample lists of weaknesses. This is due
to their role as independent failure mechanisms, modeled elsewhere in the
risk assessment. The assessments of corrosion and cracking yield estimates
of effective wall thickness. To these estimates, the potential for additional
weaknesses will be considered, further reducing the effective wall thickness in
many cases. This ensures appropriate consideration of interaction of all degra-
dation mechanisms (as well as random failure mechanisms) with all potential

This listing of potential weaknesses is a generalized part of the matrix that will not
often change. Only with new or improved inspection or new knowledge of structural
resistance will changes be needed.

Estimating Strength Reductions

The amount of strength reduction that should be attributed to each potential weakness
is well understood for some weaknesses, such as corrosion metal loss, but less so for
others such as stress concentrators. In other cases such as modeling for crack progres-
sion, the amount can be calculated, but only after acquiring additional costly informa-
tion or making highly uncertain assumptions.
Some anomalies are only a defect under certain loadings and/or sufficient stress. A
stress concentrator may lead to crack initiation, leading to increased crack susceptibil-
ity (modeled as more rapid crack propagation), but only when sufficient stress exists.
Below this threshold stress level, no crack activity occurs. To handle these situations
in a risk assessment, it is usually prudent to include the strength reduction effect as if
the sufficient loadings were present. When this is paired with a low probability of that
‘sufficient loading’ scenario, the effect on risk is appropriately quantified.
Some strength reduction estimates can be derived from design standards. ASME
B31 series standards report stress intensification factors for various pipeline compo-
nents. While not directly designated for this use, an extrapolation of such factors into
strength reduction values is logical. Similarly, design factors of various types often
imply the amount of strength reduction accompanying design or construction features.
These too may be valuable as guidance for assigning weakness values in the risk as-
sessment. Others may be derived from published research. Of course, a finite element
analysis for a specific component with specific defects or stress concentrators will be
the full and most accurate guidance on resistance.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

By first modeling each feature as an effective wall thickness reduction, quantitative

assignments of strength reductions can then be made. In some cases, the effective wall
thickness is simply inserted into stress calculations, replacing the nominal or measured
wall thickness that would otherwise be used. However, the quantifications of strength
reduction will also require assumptions and modeling shortcuts to make it manageable
for most practical applications.

Probability of Weakness

Once weakness potential is understood, the probability of each weakness (or of each
category) is estimated for each stretch of pipeline or each component. This is an input
data set. Whenever the rate of occurrence changes along the pipeline, a new dynamic
segment is warranted. Changes in rate of occurrence are often linked to characteristics
such as:
• Era of manufacture
• Manufacturing process and plant
• Construction/installation process
• Construction challenges
• Outside force changes
• Pipe specification
• Surface type—pavement, water, agriculture, urban, etc
• Burial depth
• Inspection/test history
• Etc.

Consistent with other parts of this risk assessment, it is advantageous to have

parallel branches in the model for estimates and measurements. Estimates are ‘best
guesses’ of how often a weakness may appear. They may have to be deduced from era
of manufacture/construction knowledge or experience with similar systems. Measure-
ments are the results of surveys or inspections that more directly identify weaknesses.
Estimates override older and less accurate measurements while newer, more accurate
measurements override older, less accurate measurements and estimates. This way, the
absence of a measurement (no inspection) is penalized (shows as higher risk) when
conservative estimates are used.
All of these potentially impact previous frequency and severity estimates. For in-
stance, the discovery of an old metallurgy report noting steel toughness may warrant a
change in that ‘weakness’. Other examples include the ILI discovery of old fittings or
appurtenances or wrinkle bends; the occurrence of aggressive MIC activity; etc.
For some pipeline segments, some potential issues will be immediately dismissi-
ble—for example, no low frequency ERW seam issues where ERW pipe does not exist.
Even in these cases, the matrix serves a valuable function. It documents that 1) the
potential issue is considered and 2) that it plays no role in risk at the subject location.

10 Resistance Modeling

Given all the variables that could influence the presence of a weakness, many
changes along a pipeline should not be unexpected. Note that changes impacting deg-
radation failure mechanisms should be fully captured elsewhere in the risk assessment.
Therefore, differences in metal loss and crack damages should be accounted for in their
corresponding assessments as well as here in the resistance assessment.
The rate of appearance of new defects depends firstly on the origin of the compo-
nent. New defects originating from manufacturing and construction processes would
not be expected unless new components had been added or existing component modi-
fied. The additions or modifications would not be expected to harbor defects of the kind
associated with older practices now known to be inferior, unless errors (for example,
use of improper material) or sabotage are suspected. Otherwise, only errors in the per-
tinent manufacture/construction processes could introduce new defects of those types.
Defects also appear in the operations and maintenance phase of the pipeline’s life
cycle. New anomalies can be introduced by unintentional contacts with excavation or
agricultural equipment, earth movements, and others. Anomalies can transition into
defects under the influence of degradation mechanisms or new stresses.
All possible defect origination scenarios should be included in the resistance as-
sessment. Each should be estimated for each component in the risk assessment. Since
there are myriad types of anomalies that can arise, sometimes from multiple causes,
and grow under countless scenarios, this is not a trivial task. But it is reflective of the
real world and must at least be understood and approximated before the risk assess-
ment can be accurate.
The defect rates of growth and appearance can often be better estimated after suc-
cessive integrity evaluations. Care must be taken to separate temporary aberrations
from trends. Third party construction associated with a housing subdivision under de-
velopment may have led to multiple dents and gouges but, once completed, will no
longer be a source.
Defect rates may also be based on previously assessed rates of underlying degra-
dation mechanisms (corrosion or cracking, normally) and rates of time-independent
damage (ie, PoD’s from impacts, excavations, geohazards, etc). Since exposures and
mitigation effectivenesses for future rates have already been quantified in the risk as-
sessment, those values can be used directly for estimating future defect rates and indi-
rectly (ie, modified based on changes over time) for past defect rates.
To make the assessment more manageable, it may be appropriate to group some
defect types and origin causes. In the following example, two estimates are made for
potential weakness category; one for frequency of each weakness at the time of instal-
lation or last measurement (integrity assessment) and one for frequency of introduc-
tion, ie the rate at which the weaknesses are being created. The latter is estimated as
a rate per mile-year that might have been introduced since the most recent inspection
or assessment that should have detected the anomaly. A defect from a manufacturing
process would have a zero rate of introduction unless replacements are being made.
A relevant integrity assessment ‘resets the clock’ to some extent, establishing the
number and severity of defects existing at the time of inspection. The interest is then in
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

the defects that escaped detection plus any new defects occurring since that inspection.
If no such inspection or assessment had been done, the pipe installation date is used
with a PXX plausible rate of introduction of defects—for example, 1 mile of pipeline,
20 years old = 20 mile years area of opportunity; 20 mile-years x 0.2 defects introduced
per mile per year = 4 defects dispersed along the mile of pipe.
Again, note that some resistance issues are assigned a zero rate of emergence since
they are associated with outdated manufacturing and construction practices that could
not have occurred since the last assessment. The emergence rate also takes into account
improvements in inspection and quality control during actions on the pipeline.
For instance, in this example, the assessor assigns the rate of new substandard
girthwelds to be once every 5 miles (per year of new welds being produced), while the
older portions are assigned a rate of once every mile. Discounting ‘per year’ implica-
tions (ignoring, for the moment, any girth welds introduced during repairs that might
have a defect) and with an average girthweld spacing of every 40 ft, this implies error
rates of one in every 132 welds on the older portions and one in every 660 welds for
the newer.
Paired with the probability of each feature existing on a hypothetical pipeline seg-
ment yields listings such as the following example table.

Table 10.3
Sample Defect Rates and Rates of Introduction torn page
Rate of Current
Defects Number
being of
introduced Defects
Resistance Issue or location freq/mile-yr freq/mile
substandard appurt 0.001 0.01
substandard repairs 0.001 0.01
Pre 1960 repair 0 0.01
Girthweld anomaly 0.2 1.0
lamination 0 0.01
wrinklebend 0 10
transportation fatigue crack 0 0.01
hard spot; arc burn 0.02 0.05
Acetylene weld 0 0.01
dent 0.15 0
Mechanical coupling 0 0.8
gouge 0.1 0
low toughness from manufacturing 0.008 0.2
low toughness from in-svc
phenomena 0.02 0.2

10 Resistance Modeling

Estimates are first captured as frequencies rather than probabilities, since the as-
sessment may need to discriminate between high counts—ie, multiple features per unit
length—rather than “100% probability of one or more”. In other words, a frequency
of 7 per mile is different from 12 per mile, but in both cases, an associated estimate
of ‘probability of one or more per mile’ will largely mask this difference. Using units
such as ‘per mile’ for rates of features can help in visualization by SME. At some point
in the process, the frequencies can be converted to probabilities using a reasonable
distribution assumption, such as the exponential distribution.
Defect frequencies should include all available evidence including all NDE (for
example ILI) indications; history on similar lines; recent research; knowledge of con-
struction and manufacture processes, etc The estimates are then adjusted based on
evidence from subsequent integrity assessments including all NDE and press test. Ad-
justments should consider the strength of the evidence. Higher PoI is achieved by more
robust NDE or higher pressure testing. There is reduced PoI with sub-optimal NDE
technique, application, follow-up, etc or lower pressure testing.

Table 10.4
Sample Matrix for Detectability
Defect type defect size/configuration Detectability by Integrity Assessment Method
ILI Pressure Test DA
External metal Category 1: depth,
loss length, width
External metal Category 2: depth,
loss length, width
Crack, Depth, length

The modeler chooses the number of defect categories as well as the number of
differentiating characteristics of the integrity assessment method. Recall the earlier
discussions on detectability sensitivity to specific inspection/assessment characteris-
tics such as conditions and level of expertise. The more robust risk assessments will in-
clude all of the inspection accuracy determinants previously discussed. This includes,
for ILI, reductions in detectability/characterization of defects are assigned for losses in
ILI carrier signals, magnetization, and speed excursions.
While the weakness listings and assignments of effective wall loss are relatively
unchanging in a resistance assessment, the ‘probability of weakness’ is the more vari-
able part of the analyses. It will change routinely, by changes in:
• Integrity assessment and inspection results
• Overline survey results (for example, coating holidays may indicate increased
external force incident rates)
• Excavation results, confirming or refuting previous estimates of defects
• Risk assessments—changes in exposure and/or mitigation estimates (for ex-
ample, new sources of dents)
• New information regarding design, manufacture, or installation
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Fortunately, maintenance of this analysis structure is straightforward. Only a few

inspection-specific characteristics must be added for each new inspection or integrity
assessment. Then, the rate of defect introduction must be reviewed and updated as nec-
essary. With a spreadsheet-based calculation routine, the impacts of these updates carry
through the analyses and thereby provide the new estimates of resistance.

Effects of Weaknesses

Defects have varying effects on stress-carrying capacity. The equivalent stress at any
location depends on component geometry, defect type and size, including damages
(metal loss due to corrosion, dents, buckles, etc), support condition, all existing stresses
including residual stresses, and knowledge of the original design state. A detailed finite
element analysis will best determine the stress state in a component. However, some
basic assumptions can be made to allow for a simplified calculation without the use of
finite element modeling. The result is less accurate, but is more convenient, reasonably
conservative, and of sufficient accuracy for many risk assessment applications.
For example, corrosion damages, metal losses, obviously impact a component’s
stress carrying capacity including its leak resistance. Internal corrosion is typically
very localized and therefore does not typically affect the stress state. In fact, most
leaks due to internal corrosion result from 100% wall thickness penetration by metal
loss from corrosion (i.e. the leak is independent of the stress). By contrast, leaks due
to external corrosion, especially corrosion under coatings in buried components and
under insulation on aboveground components, typically result from ~80% wall thick-
ness penetration by metal loss, and then the large, thin area fails in tensile overload. In
contrast to internal corrosion, the stress state is often affected by the often-larger area
of metal loss that results from external corrosion.
Rather than perform finite element analysis for each possible case, it is possible
to estimate the worst-case longitudinal bending stress by assuming a large external
corrosion metal loss network centered at the 6 o’clock position of the pipe that wraps
1/3 of the circumference and has a uniform metal loss equal to the maximum metal
loss. This is a very conservative assumption, because in reality the maximum metal
loss is very localized and gradually tapers off toward the edges of the damaged area.
Similar worst-case assumptions can be used for how the metal loss network affects the
axial stress and the hoop stress. The equivalent stress can be calculated using both the
longitudinal stress (axial plus bending) in the corroded condition and the hoop stress
in the corroded condition.

Assigning Wall Thickness Reductions to Defects

This step is required for time-dependent failure mechanism evaluation and is intended
to simplify the understanding and processing of resistance estimates for time-indepen-
dent failure mechanisms. To some, it may instead be an unnecessary additional step for

10 Resistance Modeling

time-independent forces. If so, it can be eliminated from that part of the risk assess-
ment. We first examine the incentive to include the step for all resistance estimates.
The effective wall thickness is used directly in PoF calculations for degradation
mechanisms. It also serves to establish equivalencies among the multitude of possible
defect types, sizes, and configurations. The role of a 2% dent with a gouge versus
an acetylene girth weld is captured in the risk assessment by assigning an amount of
equivalent wall thinning to each. These equivalencies can be used in a very detailed
way—actually using the effective wall thickness values in subsequent stress calcula-
tions—or in a relative way—using the effective wall thickness values to help assign the
general effect on stress carrying capacity and failure fraction. If nothing else, it helps
to ground an SME’s assignment of final values: ‘Mr SME, in general, if we have X %
wall loss at this location, how many failures of type Y will now NOT be resisted?’ The
difference between the damaged and undamaged will be the estimate of resistance. See
discussion in next section.
On the other hand, this step is not always needed in time-independent failure mech-
anisms analyses when the risk assessment directly links weaknesses with changes in
failure fraction without the intermediate steps of evaluating the details of which stress-
es are more impacted and to what extent. To some, a direct estimation of increased
failure fraction caused by the 2% dent or the acetylene girth weld is preferable to first
producing an equivalent wall thinning. In this case, the intermediate assignment of an
equivalent wall thickness reduction is not necessary for the time-independent part of
the risk assessment.
Note however that an effective wall thickness is always required to complete the
modeling of degradation (time-dependent) failure mechanisms. This may provide in-
centive to prepare the estimate for all failure mechanisms in the interest of consistency.
When assigning an effective wall thickness estimate, the task need not be a com-
plex, academia-style undertaking. In the absence of publications or specific calcula-
tions, it is not unreasonable and often within the accuracy tolerances of a risk as-
sessment for a knowledgeable expert to assign equivalent wall thinning to various
weaknesses. The question to be answered is: “what is the equivalent reduction in wall
thickness caused by this defect?” In the absence of a full set of calculations, the SME
is challenged to estimate that “defect X is equivalent to a Y% reduction in wall thick-
ness”. For increased accuracy, he may discriminate among load types, when the defect
has significantly differing effects on different loadings. For example, a girth weld de-
fect generally contributes more weakness (increased wall reduction) under an external
force loading such as landslide, than it does under the loading from internal pressure.
So the effective thinning for external loadings is different than for internal pressure.
Assigning different effective wall thinning when exposed to external forces compared
to internal pressures allows this discrimination to appear in the assessment.
To account for the varying effects on resistance without a detailed assessment of
every possible combination of defect and load/stress, some grouping can be done with-
out excessive loss of accuracy. Short cuts
Group defect types—for example, metal loss, crack-like, geometry
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Reduce number of size/configuration combinations included

The range of potential weakness scenarios—the various combinations of many
factors noted previously—at least somewhat justifies the use of groupings and other
simplifications to make the modeling more manageable.
For example, perhaps three categories of load/stress will sufficiently model all
possible combinations:
• Resistance Issue or location
• Potential Strength Reduction (effective wall loss %)

Assigning Strength Reduction to Wall Thickness Thinning

The amount of stress carrying capacity available depends on the component’s proper-
ties and the amount already committed to normal loads. This requires analyses of all
loading combinations and resulting primary and secondary stresses created.
Having estimated the equivalent wall thinning caused by potential defects, that
thinning effect can be related to increased failure potential. For time-dependent failure
mechanisms, the use is intuitive—thinning wall leads to shorter TTF and higher PoF.
For time-independent failure mechanisms, it is less intuitive. The full solution is to
insert into stress calculations the effective wall thickness, replacing the nominal or
measured wall thickness that would otherwise be used. To make this step more man-
ageable, groupings of loads or stresses can be made. The general effect of wall thinning
on each grouping can be estimated.
This will then be used with load exposure estimates (PoD estimates, actually) to
model changes in failure fraction.

Assigning Failure Fraction to Changes in Strength

These values are used with previously estimated PoD values. Each has an assumed
distribution of loads—how often loads of various magnitudes are expected. Based on
these distributions, the reductions in resistance are modeled to have changes in failure
fraction—some loads that could be resisted if there were no weakness will now cause
failure, due to the weakness.
In the absence of specific calculations, it is not unreasonable and often within the
accuracy tolerances of a risk assessment for a knowledgeable expert to assign gener-
al strength reduction values to the previously generated wall thinning estimates. The
question to be answered is: “what is the increase in failure fraction caused by this wall
thickness reduction, when acted upon by the spectrum of loadings in the exposure
Failure fraction is the needed measure of weakness and is equal to 1–resistance. In
the absence of a full set of calculations, the SME is challenged to estimate that “a wall
thinning of X% results in a Y% increase in failure fraction for the range of loadings
expected at this location”.

10 Resistance Modeling

Example: 10.1

The simpler approach is illustrated in the following example:

• Weaknesses are suspected or conservatively assumed.
• An equivalent wall thinning of 20% is estimated based on the frequency and
severity of defects known or suspected.

This is assumed to have the following effects on three primary resistance types:
• 20% reduction is hoop stress carrying capacity
• 10% reduction in longitudinal stress carrying capacity
• 10% reduction in puncture resistance

These values are used with previously estimated PoD values for surge and vehicle
impact. Surges are resisted by hoop stress capacity and vehicle impacts are modeled to
be resisted by longitudinal stress capacity and puncture resistance.
Each has an assumed distribution of loads—how often loads of various magnitudes
are expected. Based on these distributions, the reductions in resistance are modeled to
have changes in failure fraction—some loads that could be resisted if there were no
weakness will now cause failure, due to the weakness.

Table 10.5
Example Assignment of Resistance Changes
Load surge vehicle
failure fraction if no 0.1/yr 0.05/yr
failure fraction with 0.15/yr 0.07/yr

In this example, some important steps are not detailed here, notably: 1) setting
the relationship between wall thinning and loss of stress carrying capability and 2)
setting the relationship between reduced stress carrying capacity and increased failure
fraction. The example shows that the 20% reduction in hoop stress capacity results in
an increase of 0.15 – 0.1 = 0.05 failures/yr. This implies that 0.05 events are of such
magnitude that they can no longer be resisted when the 20% hoop stress capacity is
lost. Similarly, 0.02 additional failures per year are expected from vehicle impacts due
to the loss of 10% in longitudinal stress carrying capacity and 10% loss in puncture
As will be discussed, these relationships can be very robust and more defensible
or, at the other extreme, simply based on SME judgments in order to quickly obtain
preliminary risk estimates.
Using the failure fraction with and without the weakness, allows the estimation of
a cost benefit calculation of removing the weaknesses. For instance:
• Assume an incident cost at this location: $67K per failure event
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Weakness-induced increase in PoF: 0.07 failure events per year

• Increased risk due to weaknesses 0.07 x $67K = $4,690/yr
• Cost of removal of weaknesses can now be compared to this annual loss ex-
• Note that removal of the weaknesses does not change the PoD, only the PoF.


Resistance is a critical aspect of PoF estimation. It is also an inherently complex aspect

of the real-world failure potential. The objective is to capture knowledge about loads,
stresses, damages, and defects into a resistance estimate using a manageable process.
The idea of a ‘manageable process’ will mean different things to different risk asses-
sors. The trade-offs between modeling complexity and accuracy/defensibility will not
appear the same to all. The goal of this section, therefore, is to present modeling op-
tions that are all grounded in the same underlying principles, but vary in their level of
technical rigor (and, hence, complexity).
Even when available stress carrying capacity can be confidently estimated, per-
haps captured in an effective wall thickness, the types of loadings often cannot. For
instance, we can know the force required to puncture a certain component but must still
estimate the frequencies of scenarios that can cause that amount of force (ie, equipment
power, angle of contact, operator reaction, etc).
As an example of different levels of analysis rigor, consider the common problem
of accidental third party mechanical contact with buried pipelines. The simplest ap-
proach would be to assume a percentage resistance reflecting an average or worst case
(depending on PXX) fraction of damages that would not result in immediate failure.
The extremely simple version would use the same fraction for all type of components.
This could be improved by adjusting the fraction based on the component’s material
type, diameter, and wall thickness. It could be further improved by linking the fraction
to component characteristics AND several groupings of loadings—for example, exca-
vator hits versus agricultural equipment hits versus vehicle impacts. Vehicle impacts
could be further categorized into land vehicles, aircraft, and offshore, including po-
tential ship wrecks impacting a submerged pipeline. Types and speeds of the vehicles
will be important also. Additional considerations could continue to be added until, at
the other end of the technical robustness spectrum, the result is a FEA type analyses
specific to each component, at every location, interacting with all plausible loading
(impacts) scenarios.
This choice in modeling rigor should be driven by the intended use of the risk
assessment. Initial, higher level risk assessment applications will often have sufficient
rigor when driven by simple yet appropriate assumptions. Applications requiring the
most technically defensible status will migrate towards the FEA end of the spectrum.

10 Resistance Modeling

Both the simple and rigorous solutions utilize the same framework so nothing is
lost by beginning with the simpler approach (gaining immediately useful answers) and
then migrating to increasingly more detailed analyses later.
Following are some examples, illustrating the range of modeling possibilities.

10.5.1 Simple Resistance Approximations

Often a simpler, more approximate solution is sufficient— some loss of rigor is ac-
knowledged and is acceptable. As an initial risk estimate, SME’s can assign equivalent
wall thicknesses to abnormal loadings and defects using their judgment and experi-
ence. These, coupled with similarly estimated corresponding increases in failure frac-
tion, provides the necessary ingredients to perform a preliminary assessment.
The SME will be able to readily distinguish between, say a feature causing a 1%
effective wall reduction (negligible impact) and a 50% effective wall reduction (large
impact) under a certain set of scenarios. Given the often wide range of possible load-
ings and other variables, the level of discrimination available solely from SME judg-
ments may be sufficient. Far more discrimination will be available for some defects
than others—metal loss is more readily and accurately linked to equivalent wall reduc-
tion than a dent with gouge.
Provisions for multiple weakness types and coincident occurrences of weaknesses
can also be included, at least conceptually, by SME approximations.
The resulting approximate solutions are immediately valuable since they use all of
the important factors, at least approximately, to arrive at risk conclusions. The process
will correctly show that a higher incidence rate of more severe defects leads to the
higher PoF values and that all combinations of quantities and severities, sometimes of
multiple types of defects in close proximity, are included in the assessment. Further-
more, the simplified approach does not encumber attempts to later make the assess-
ment more robust.


Two time-dependent failure mechanisms are normally included in a risk assessment:

corrosion and cracking. As detailed in earlier chapters, each is included in assessments
which produce ‘wall thickness available’ values, after considerations of degradation
rates through the component’s life, inspection accuracies and timing, and remaining
strength calculations for both leak and rupture criteria. As part of this resistance esti-
mation, each ‘available wall thickness’ is adjusted for possible weaknesses. This ad-
justment for weakness can be called the wall-adjustment-factor and, when applied to
the best estimate of current wall thickness, converts that value into the effective wall
thickness. The adjustment factor should reflect the desired level of uncertainty and can
be approximated in a simple way, as previously discussed, or in a more rigorous way,
as shown in the following section.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The final step in PoF assessment is simple and intuitive for time-dependent failure
potential, once the effective wall thickness (including adjustments for weaknesses) is
available. The effective wall thickness is directly used with the future degradation rate
estimates—mpy internal and external corrosion and mpy cracking—to yield a TTF or
remaining life estimate. TTF is then used to generate the PoF estimate.


As in the time-dependent estimation, an ‘available wall thickness’ is adjusted for possi-

ble weaknesses in the time-independent (random) analysis. This adjustment for weak-
ness, when applied to the best estimate of current wall thickness, converts that value
into the effective wall thickness. The effective wall thickness is now used to estimate
the ability to resist possible future loads. This relates to the fraction of failures that are
avoided due to the strength of the component.
Multiple time independent, random force, failure mechanisms are recognized as
load-producing events here. They can be grouped into exposures as follows:
• loads creating hoop stress
• loads creating longitudinal stress
• loads causing puncture
• loads causing buckling

Each is estimated in terms of events per mile-year. To be considered an event,

the load must be sufficient to break the hypothetical component imagined to have no
resistance (ie, the beverage can analogy). These estimates are recognized to be point
estimates of underlying probability density functions which suggest the range of load-
ings possible along the pipeline or over time at a single location.
As with time-dependent failure mechanisms, the adjustment factor to capture these
possible weaknesses and their effects on PoF should reflect the desired level of uncer-
tainty of the risk assessment. They can be approximated in a simple way, as previously
discussed, or in a more rigorous way, as shown in the following section.

10.5.2 More Detailed Resistance Valuation

In seeking the most defensible and accurate estimate of resistance, the robust risk as-
sessment will embody more resolution and more accurate modeling of resistance. As
earlier noted, much of this deeper analysis involves a one-time ‘set up’ of general
relationships that can be universally applied to all pipeline locations. This takes initial
effort but then very little on-going maintenance. Only the location-specific data will
need to be routinely refreshed for subsequent risk assessments.
Even after a more sophisticated analyses of available resistance, the future frequen-
cy of loads with sufficient force to cause failure must still be estimated. As described
in previous chapters, these values can arise from a variety of estimation approaches,
ranging from simple SME judgments to detailed studies of local equipment availability
10 Resistance Modeling

and planned third party excavation projects, speed and volume of various landslide
events and vehicle impacts, moving waters with debris forces, and many others. Some
level of uncertainty will remain, even with the most detailed analyses
The following example application illustrates the use of more analyses to better
model the interactions of component characteristics and potential weaknesses with
specific loadings. A guiding principle of this approach is that, in order to understand the
fraction of loads that can be resisted, the load-carrying capacities under various loads
must first be quantified.

Examples of Weakness Estimations

In a more robust resistance assessment, a spreadsheet analysis is performed. This anal-

ysis includes multiple steps to more fully model resistance.
To begin, each exposure has mitigations identified and estimated in terms of effec-
tiveness. The pairings of exposures with corresponding mitigations yields PoD’s for
each. These are used with the resistance estimations (about to be detailed) to yield the
PoF’s for all time-independent failure mechanisms.
The spreadsheet lists the PoD for each threat. It then adds resistance analysis com-
ponents as follows:
• Listing of weakness types or categories that are possible. Some weaknesses
may not significantly impact some threats.
• Quantification of what is known from recent integrity assessments
o Measured defect rates (pressure test and ILI results adjusted for age
and accuracy to desired PXX level)
• PoI and age of last pressure test
• PoI and age of last ILI
• PoI reductions due to ILI run-specific characteristics
• Rates of new damages possibly introduced since the assess-
• Quantification of what can be inferred in the absence of integrity assessment
o Estimated defect rates (based on pipe manufacture type and age, era of
construction practice, rates of new damages, etc to desired PXX level)
• Today’s best estimate of probability of weakness, considering all of the above
• Selection of representative stress types. For example, three stresses may be
considered—hoop, longitudinal, and shear—neglecting the influence of axial
stresses. Most buried pipelines have few significant stresses beyond those cre-
ated by internal pressure, but for this example, an unsupported span is being
modeled to illustrate a case where additional loads play a role. Standard hoop
stress and beam stress formula are used. Yield stress is used as the limiting
factor, but ultimate stress would be less conservative (more realistic).
• Baseline estimates of available resistance. This step provides the defect-free
stress carrying capacity available for additional loading. This is the difference
between stresses already being carried due to normal loadings and the full
stress carrying capacity of the component. This answers the question: “ after
resisting internal pressure, external forces, and any other stresses, how much
strength remains for abnormal loads? “
• Selection of representative loading scenarios such as pressure surges, outside
force by excavator or landslide, puncture by excavator, etc.
• For each loading type, a resistance is estimated. These estimates are made by
first comparing the load-carrying capacity available with the loads that would
result in failure. The load-carrying capacity is derived from the maximum
stress carrying capacity. The conversion from stress to loads is made in order
to more easily estimate the fraction of exceedances that might occur. See fur-
ther discussion below. Once the available load-carrying capacity is known, the
fraction of loads that will exceed this capacity can be estimated.
• Amount of strength loss, per stress type, if weakness is present.
• Probability-adjusted amount of wall loss, for each stress type. The modeler
chooses how many stress types to include. Hoop stress and longitudinal would
commonly be chosen; puncture, buckling, and others will be included in the
more detailed analyses. These values are next used in estimations of failure
• Amount of increased failure fraction due to the strength loss caused by the
presence of the weakness. An increased failure fraction is generated for each
pairing of weakness with each stress type.
• These failure fractions are converted into resistance estimates, where failure
fraction = (1-resistance), and used to complete the PoF assessment for each
threat. Each loading scenario’s resistance can now be paired with the previous-
ly estimated PoD—exposure x (1 – mitigation). This provides a PoF for each
loading produced by each threat.

Load-Resistance Estimations

The above steps to obtain ‘fractions of failures avoided’ as estimates of resistance,

warrant further discussion.
Estimating the number of loads that could result in failure can arise from analyses
ranging from a robust, technically complete study to simple estimate from engineering
judgment. For example, once it is known that the component can withstand a maxi-
mum of, say, 544,000 kN force from an excavator, the analyst can research availability
of equipment that can produce this type loading and its frequency of use in the area, to
estimate the fraction. Or he can simply use his field experience and perhaps a cursory
review of published equipment capabilities, to make an initial estimate. Again, differ-
ent levels of analyses rigor will be warranted depending on the intended use of the risk
As another illustration, in the case of hoop stress, suppose that the pipe specifi-
cation used in the Barlow calculation shows that, an additional hoop stress of about
10 Resistance Modeling

14K psi can be tolerated by a component. This is derived from a comparison of the
combined existing stresses (created from normal loads) with the maximum yield stress
(ultimate stress could alternatively be used). So, an additional load corresponding
to a hoop stress of 14K psi can be tolerated. For a certain component configuration,
suppose that this equates to an additional internal pressure of 535 psig that can be
resisted. An estimate of how often the internal pressure can exceed this value—ie,
how often the mitigated exposure will result in 535 psig or more additional internal
pressure—yields the fraction of events that will be resisted. HAZOPS, PHA, and other
techniques, coupled with physics equations for stresses, are available to quantify the
frequency and magnitude of accidental overpressure events, ie, how many events >
535 psig are plausible. Potential scenarios include surges, thermal overpressure (for
example, from blocked in above ground portions subjected to daytime heating), and
malfunctioning control/safety systems. Again, in the absence of the full HAZOPS type
study, an experienced SME can usually produce a reasonable estimate simply based on
his knowledge of the system hydraulics.


Many of the same determinants of resistance also inform the potential hole size created
with any load/stress scenario. With an assumption that most risk assessments will be
measuring failure as any loss of integrity, hole size becomes an aspect of consequence
potential. See discussion in Chapter 11 Consequence of Failure on page 349.


11.1 Introduction............................ 350 11.6.5 Comparisons................. 400
11.1.1 Terminology.................. 351 11.7 Consequence Mitigation
11.1.2 Facility Types................. 352 Measures................................ 401
11.1.3 Segmentation/ 11.7.1 Mitigation of CoF vs PoF.402
Aggregation................ 352 11.7.2 Sympathetic Failures...... 403
11.1.4 A Guiding Equation....... 352 11.7.3 Measuring CoF
11.1.5 Measuring Consequence.354 Mitigation.................. 403
11.1.6 Scenarios....................... 355 11.7.4 Spill volume/dispersion
11.1.7 Distributions Showing limiting actions.......... 405
Probability of 11.7.5 Pipeline Isolation
Consequence............. 358 Protocols.................... 405
11.2 Hazard zones......................... 360 11.7.6 Valving.......................... 406
11.2.1 Conservatism ................ 362 11.7.7 Sensing devices. ........... 409
11.2.2 Hazard Area Boundary.. 362 11.7.8 Reaction times .............. 410
11.3 A. Product hazard................... 367 11.7.9 Secondary containment.410
11.3.1 Acute hazards................ 370 11.7.10 Leak detection............. 412
11.3.2 Chronic hazard............. 377 11.7.11 Emergency response.... 424
11.4 B. Leak volume....................... 379 11.8 Receptors............................... 426
11.4.1 Spill size........................ 380 11.8.1 Receptor vulnerabilities.427
11.4.2 Hole size....................... 380 11.8.2 Population .................... 428
11.4.3 Release models............. 382 11.8.3 Property-related Losses.. 435
11.5 C. Dispersion.......................... 383 11.8.4 Environmental issues..... 438
11.5.1 Hazardous vapor releases.384 11.8.5 High-value areas........... 440
11.5.2 Liquid spill dispersion... 385 11.8.6 Combinations of
11.5.3 Highly volatile liquid receptors.................... 441
releases...................... 387 11.8.7 Offshore CoF................. 441
11.5.4 Distance From Leak Site.387 11.8.8 Repair and Return-to-Service
11.5.5 Accumulation and Costs.......................... 442
Confinement.............. 389 11.8.9 Indirect costs ................ 444
11.6 Hazard Zone Estimation......... 389 11.8.10 Customer Impacts........ 447
11.6.1 Hazard zone calculations.391 11.9 Example of Estimating
11.6.2 Hazard zone examples.. 398 Consequences........................ 447
11.6.3 Using a Fixed Hazard Zone 11.10 Example of Overall Expected Loss
Distance..................... 399 Calculation............................. 448
11.6.4 Characterizing Hazard
Zone Potential Using
Scenarios................... 399
Consequence of Failure
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management



Time - Time -
Independent Dependent
Mechanisms Mechanisms

Third Party Incorrect Hazard

Sabotage Geohazards Corrosion Cracking Receptors
Damage Operaons Zone

Product Release Size Dispersion

Exposure Migaon Resistance

Figure 11.1 Modeling of Pipeline Risk

• How to estimate potential consequences from pipeline
failure (leak/rupture)


Risk assessment measures the frequency and/or impacts of some consequence created
by some failure. The definition of failure determines the measurement units for con-
Once we understand what can go wrong and how likely it is for something to go
wrong, the next logical question is ‘how bad can this event be?’ More specifically,:
What can be harmed by this pipeline failure? And how badly are ‘receptors’ likely to
be harmed? and other various forms of the question “What are the consequences?” are
answered by estimating damages that may occur. When failure is defined as loss of in-
tegrity, then the complex and variable interaction between the product transported and
the pipeline’s environment must be evaluated in terms of damage potential . For exam-
ple, topography, soil types, vegetation cover, populations nearby, weather conditions
etc., are often variable and unpredictable. When they interact with the countless possi-
ble leak/rupture scenarios, the problem becomes reasonably solvable only by making
assumptions and approximations. Consequences associated with broader definitions of
‘failure’ add even more complexity since they add to the leak/rupture scenarios.

11 Consequence of Failure

In a risk assessment, potential consequence estimates are combined with the PoF
estimates to arrive at final risk estimates. With failure defined as a leak/rupture (loss of
integrity), this full risk assessment approach requires estimates, all along each pipeline,
of the following:
1. Probabilities of various spill sizes and dispersion scenarios
2. Consequences associated with each spill at each possible location
a. Estimates of hazard zone distances associated with each spill size
b. Characterization of receptors at various distances from the release
c. Counts or valuations associated with potential damages to the various re-

When estimates from these are combined, the results will represent probability
and magnitude of consequences. While this task list is short, producing estimates for
each item can be very challenging. Initial chapters of this book focused on the failure
potential and this chapter addresses the consequence estimation step.
As with PoF, the designer of the CoF assessment model must strike a balance
between complexity and utility—using enough information to capture all meaningful
nuances (and satisfy data requirements of all regulatory oversight) but not insisting
upon information that adds little value to the analysis. By identifying more critical
variables and taking advantage of some modeling conveniences, a methodology struc-
ture is offered here as a possible assessment approach that is both manageable and
robust enough to be a complete decision-support tool. Initial applications can be com-
pleted quickly, although some accuracy will usually be sacrificed with ‘short cut’ ap-
proaches. More robust and more defensible iterations can be subsequently completed
by eliminating the short cuts and assumptions initially employed. In other words, the
assessment can improve over time, with no change in methodology required.
The recommendations here parallel the robust consequence assessments seen in
many QRA’s and improve upon assessments typically associated with older scoring or
indexing risk assessments. The main enhancements are:
1. Use of hazard zones and their associated probabilities of occurring, as a key
ingredient in the assessment.
2. Characterize receptors and their potential damage rates within hazard zones
3. Recognize the range of consequence scenarios, including their respective
probabilities of occurrence, rather than basing the assessment solely on a point
estimate like ‘worst case’

11.1.1 Terminology

To quantify consequence, a choice of some measurable level of harm or damage is

first required. Fatalities or monetized values are common measures. Alternatively, one
could choose a generic incident count, for example ‘leak’, ‘failure’, etc, or some gen-
eral effect such as thermal radiation level or overpressure level which in turn implies

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

a certain possible range of damages. This is discussed in Chapter 11.1.5 Measuring

Consequence on page 354 and Chapter 11.2.2 Hazard Area Boundary on page 362.
Most pipeline risk assessments will examine the potential for unintended release of
the pipeline’s contents, even if an expanded definition of ‘failure’ also brings in other
scenarios. In discussion of these events, the terms leak, release, spill, and others are
used interchangeably and apply to both liquid and gaseous release events.

11.1.2 Facility Types

The same risk assessment methodology can be used for any pipeline component on
any type of pipeline system. Each component can create its own hazard area, even if
that area is due solely to a short-distance event such as rapid depressurization. There
will generally be more leak/rupture sources in a more complex facility, but also more
control, safety, and consequence minimization aspects. Unlike PoF, a larger or more
complex facility does not necessarily add to consequence potential. The maximum or
average or most likely consequence scenario is usually the most meaningful compari-
son between facilities (collections of components) so a small, simple facility may have
the higher consequence potential. Secondary or sympathetic reactions—one compo-
nent’s failure results in a nearby component’s damage or failure—are, however, logi-
cally more likely in more complex and larger facilities, adding to those consequence

11.1.3 Segmentation/Aggregation

CoF variables are used to generate dynamic segments, just as with the PoF variables.
This creates changing CoF values whenever any aspect of CoF changes, from the more
obvious changes such as population density, to the less obvious, such as vapor confine-
ment potential. CoF values are typically generated per potential spill/release location.
Aggregating risk or failure probabilities for a collection of components, such as ‘trap
to trap’ or all components of a compressor station or tank farm, has many applications.
Aggregating consequence values is not generally useful although the maximums and
the average or most likely per-incident consequences will be.

11.1.4 A Guiding Equation

The focus here will initially be on integrity—failure as leak/rupture. This is also the
initial focus for most pipeline risk assessments: ‘failure’ as ‘loss of integrity’, ie an
unintentional release of pipeline contents and the possible associated consequences to
public health, property, and the environment. Consequences associated with expanded
definitions of ‘failure’ are discussed in the assessment of service interruption.
A leak impact emerges from an analysis of the nature of the product released—its
potential hazard(s)—the size of the release, the release dispersion, and the receptor
11 Consequence of Failure

An interesting high-level view of the leak impact analysis is a simple mathemati-

cal formula. The product of four variables essentially determines the magnitude of the

Leak Impact Overview

Leak impact (LI) = product hazard (PH) ∞ leak (LQ) ∞ dispersion (D) ∞
receptors (R)

LI = PH × LQ × D × R

LI = leak impact (higher values represent higher consequences)
PH = product hazard (toxicity, flammability, etc)
LQ = leak quantity (quantity of the liquid or vapor release)
D = dispersion (spread or range of the leak)
R = receptors (anything that could be damaged
by contact with the release).

While no longer sufficient to fully quantify consequences in a modern risk assess-

ment, this is a useful underlying equation to guide the analyses. Since each variable
is multiplied by all others, each can independently and radically impact the final con-
sequence. This represents real-world situations. For instance, as noted in PRMM, this
equation shows that if any one of the four components is zero, then the consequence
(and the risk) is zero. Therefore, if the product is absolutely nonhazardous (including
depressurization effects), there is no consequence, and no risk. If the leak volume or
dispersion is zero, either because there is no leak or because some type of secondary
containment is used, then again there is no risk. Similarly, if there are no receptors
(human or environmental or property values) to be endangered from a leak, then there
is no risk. Likewise, as each aspect gets higher, the consequence and overall risks will
usually also increase.
To reduce consequence potential, any single component can be reduced. While
some exceptions can be identified (see later discussions), any directional changes—
higher or lower—in any of these four variables will generally forecast the change in
consequence potential.
As in the modeling of PoF, this reductionist approach to CoF modeling —break-
ing the issue to be assessed into its key components—is critical to understanding and
managing risk.
A consequence assessment sequence will normally follow these steps for each sce-
nario (or representative set of scenarios):
1. Identify release scenarios
2. Determine damage states of interest
3. Calculate hazard distances associated with damage states of interest
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

4. Estimate hazard areas based on hazard distances,source (burning pools, vapor

cloud centroid, etc.), and location-specific characteristics
5. Characterize receptor vulnerabilities within the hazard areas

Limited modeling resources often requires some short cuts to this process—lead-
ing to the use of screening simplifications and detailed analyses at only critical points.
Such simplifications and the use of conservative assumptions for modeling conve-
nience, are common.

11.1.5 Measuring Consequence

As earlier noted, a unit of measurement for consequence must be chosen. Common

choices include:
• Release events, where any unintentional release of product is the consequence
and any leak scenario is an event to be counted (or predicted)
• Leaks/ruptures that specifically involve loss of integrity
• Leak size, sometimes categorized by volume of releases so that only leaks of
a certain size produce consequence and larger leaks produce greater conse-
• Incidents, with pre-determined definitions, sometimes categorized by type, ex-
ample: major, significant, minor
• Fatalities
• Injuries
• Costs

Some of these units are based on direct indications of damage, others use implied
damages. To say the consequence being measured is ‘leak’ implies that damage occurs
from the leak, even if only loss of product. Categorizations of events goes a step farther
in linking incidents to damages. For instance, in the US, PHMSA tracks ‘reportable in-
cidents’, as a measure of consequence, with a further discrimination into ‘serious’ and
‘significant’. The definitions of ‘reportable’, as of this writing, include aspects such as:
• Involves death or personal injury requiring hospitalization; or
• Involves fire or explosion; or
• Is 5 barrels or more; or
• Has property damage greater than $50,000; or
• Results in pollution of a body of water; or
• In the judgment of the operator was significant even though it did not meet
these criteria.

Consequences are driven by damages to receptors. Quantifying potential damages

on a common scale can be challenging. Using a measure such as cost—the monetized
loss associated with the damages—forces some difficult judgments to be made among
various receptor damages. For example, not only must a value be assigned to human
11 Consequence of Failure

life, but also to various injury types, environmental damage, damage to or extinc-
tion of a threatened and endangered species, historical sites, pristine areas, irrepara-
ble contamination of a recreational or drinking water source, and any other potential
consequence. Some of these valuations involve socio-political and moral/ethical con-
siderations that vary greatly among different cultures, decision-makers, and even over
time. Monetizing all potential loss is obviously controversial. However, the ability to
express risk in monetary terms is a great advantage in many applications. It is a univer-
sally understood ‘common denominator’ of all loss potential and its use as a measure
of risk is quite compelling.
Valuations assigned to certain receptors are discussed in subsequent sections.

11.1.6 Scenarios

A release of pipeline contents can impact a very specific area, determined by a host of
pipeline and site characteristics. The size of that impacted area is the subject of this
portion of the consequence assessment discussion.
The range of hazard scenarios from loss of integrity of any operating pipeline in-
cludes the following:
• Mechanical effects—debris, erosion, washouts, projectiles, etc. and even boat
instability offshore, from actions of escaping product.
• Toxicity/asphyxiation—contact toxicity or exclusion of air.
• Contamination pollution—acute and chronic damage to property, flora, fauna,
drinking waters, etc. can cause soil, groundwater, surface water, and environ-
mental damages due to spilled product
• Fire/ignition scenarios:
a. Flame jets—an ignited stream of material leaving a pressurized container
creating a long flame .direct flame impingement and/or radiant heat dam-
ages are commonly associated with this scenario
b. Vapor cloud fire, flash fire; fireball —a cloud of released flammable mate-
rial encounters an ignition source and causes the entire cloud to combust
as air and fuel are drawn together. Where a gaseous fluid is released from
a high-pressure vessel engulfed in flames, a special type event is possible.
This scenario potentially supports the creation of a large fireball that can
arise from boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) episodes.
A BLEVE fireball, while not thought to be a potential event for subsur-
face pipeline facilities, is normally caused by episodes in which an abo-
veground vessel, usually engulfed in flames, violently explodes, creating
a large fireball (but not blast effects) with the generation of intense radiant
c. Vapor cloud explosion—occurs when an ignited flammable vapor cloud
combusts in a way that leads to detonation and the generation of blast
waves. This scenario potentially occurs as a vapor cloud combusts in such
a rapid manner that a blast wave is generated. The transition from nor-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

mal burning in a cloud to a rapid, explosive event is not fully understood.

Deflagration—a steady burning of the flammable material-- is the more
common event, with flamefront speeds through the cloud not supporting
detonation. Under certain conditions, however, the flamefront can accel-
erate, reaching speeds that support detonation. Confinement is a key de-
terminant of the transition from burning to explosion. A confined vapor
cloud explosion is more common than unconfined, but note that even in
an atmospheric release, the mixing dynamics of the material in the air, as
well as physical barriers such as trees, buildings, terrain, etc., can create
partial confinement conditions. An explosive event can generate pressure
wave effects as well as associated missiles and high-velocity debris. The
damage potentials from vapor cloud explosions have been dramatically
demonstrated, but are very difficult to accurately model.
d. Liquid pool fires—an ignited pool of liquid flammable material burns and
creates radiant heat hazards

Naturally, not all of these hazards accompany all pipeline releases. The product
being transported is the single largest determinant of hazard type. A water pipeline will
often have only the hazard of “mechanical effects”. A gasoline pipeline, on the other
hand, may carry several of the above hazards.
There is a range of possible outcomes—consequences—associated with these re-
lease scenarios. This range can be seen as a distribution of possible consequences;
from a minor nuisance leak to a catastrophic event. Even at a single location along a
pipeline, the potential scenarios can vary widely. At least a set of representative scenar-
ios must be analyzed in order to understand the possibilities.
Table 11.1 shows some common pipeline products and how the consequences can
be modeled. Each of the modeling types are discussed in this chapter.

Table 11.1
Common pipeline products and modeling of consequences
Product Dominant hazard model
Flammable gas (methane, etc.) Jet fire; thermal radiation
Toxic gas (chlorine, H2S, etc.) Vapor cloud dispersion modeling
Highly volatile liquids Vapor cloud dispersion modeling; jet
(propane, butane, ethylene, fire; overpressure (blast) event
Flammable liquid (gasoline, Pool fire; contamination
Relatively nonflammable liquid Contamination
(diesel, fuel oil, etc.)

Additional scenarios are certainly possible. Consider an offshore gas pipeline. A

rupture or even leak could threaten a nearby platform or ship’s stability as large quan-
11 Consequence of Failure

tities of escaping gas reach the water surface. With ignition, the scenario is akin to on-
shore scenarios but perhaps more consequential due to population density and reduced
escape potential for the offshore populations (ie, ships, boats, platforms, etc).

Example Scenario for Toxicity and Thermal Effects

The following is an excerpt from a risk assessment conducted on a sour gas (H2S in
natural gas) production well and pipeline network. This excerpt covers only the general
description of potential scenarios and an initial basis for frequency estimations (prior
to the full risk assessment).

Accidental releases of sour natural gas from the well/ pipeline network could
create potentially life-threatening hazards to persons near the location of the
release. Due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the natural gas, the vapor
cloud created by a release of gas to the atmosphere would be toxic as well
as flammable. Persons inhaling air containing toxic hydrogen sulfide vapor
could be fatally injured if the combination of hydrogen sulfide concentration
and time of exposure exceeds the lethality threshold. If the cloud is ignited,
persons in or very near the flammable vapor cloud could be fatally injured by
the heat energy released by the fire.

An initial frequency of occurrence of a potential pipeline accident was estimat-

ed from historical pipeline failure rate data gathered by the U.S. Department
of Transportation. Event trees were then used to estimate the percentage of
releases of various sizes that would create a toxic or fire hazard. For example,
it was estimated that 50 percent of moderate-sized releases of sour natural gas
from the pipeline do not ignite but do create a toxic cloud; 10 percent ignite
immediately on release and create a torch fire; and 40 percent ignite after some
delay, thus creating a toxic cloud followed by a torch fire.

The frequency of sour gas well blowouts was derived from sour gas well his-
torical data. The largest documented database covers wells in the Province of
Alberta, Canada. According to the data, an uncontrolled sour gas well blowout
occurs with a frequency of 3.55E–06 blowouts per well per year. This failure
rate is for wells equipped with subsurface safety valves.

Computerized consequence models were used to calculate the extent of po-

tentially lethal hazard zones for toxic vapor clouds and/or gas fires created by
each potential accident identified. Calculations were repeated for numerous
combinations of wind speed and atmospheric stability conditions in order to
account for the effects of local weather data.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

For each pipeline section or well site, one particular accident will create the
largest potentially lethal hazard zone for that section. As an example, one ac-
cident is a full rupture of the pipeline without ignition of the flammable cloud,
thus resulting in a possible toxic exposure downwind of the release. Under
worst case atmospheric conditions, the toxic hazard zone extends 2,600 feet
from the point of release. Under the worst case conditions, it takes about 11
minutes for the cloud to reach its maximum extent. The hazard “footprint”
associated with this event is illustrated in two ways. One method presents the
footprint as a “hazard corridor” that extends 2,600 feet on both sides of the
pipeline for the entire length. This presentation is misleading since everyone
within this corridor cannot be simultaneously exposed to potentially lethal
hazards from any single accident. A more realistic illustration of the maximum
potential hazard zone along the pipeline is the hazard footprint that would be
expected IF a full rupture of the pipeline were to occur, AND the wind is blow-
ing perpendicular to the pipeline at a low speed, AND “worst case” atmospher-
ic conditions exist, AND the vapor cloud does not ignite. The probability of the
simultaneous occurrence of these conditions is about 1.87E–07 occurrences/
pipeline mile-year, or approximately once in 5,330,000 years for a particular
mile of pipeline.

The highest risk along this section of the pipeline network is to persons located
immediately above the pipeline. The maximum risk posed by this portion of
pipeline is about 5.0E–6 chances of fatality per year. This is for an individual
located directly above the pipeline 24 hours per day for 365 days. In oth-
er words, an individual in this area of the pipeline network would have one
chance in 200,000 of being fatally injured by some release from the pipeline
for an entire year, if this individual remained directly above the pipeline for
an entire year. An individual in this same area, but located 50 meters from the
pipeline, would have about one chance in one million of being fatally injured
by a release from the pipeline, if the individual were present at that location
for the entire year.

This example excerpt illustrates the types of conclusions often sought by pipeline
risk assessments. The risk posed to the population within the appropriate “hazard cor-
ridor” for the pipeline/well network can also be presented in the form of graphical tools
such as FN curves.

11.1.7 Distributions Showing Probability of Consequence

As is evident from the previous example, elements of scenario probability must be con-
sidered in CoF evaluations. This is a probability aspect beyond those already included
in estimating failure event likelihoods.

11 Consequence of Failure

The variables that are needed to assess consequence potential include specifics of
and interactions among receptors, product, spill, and dispersion. Since there are an in-
finite number of combinations of receptors interacting with an infinite number of spill
scenarios, the range of possibilities is literally infinite. So, all consequence estimations
will include some simplifications and assumptions in order to make the solution pro-
cess manageable. Lower level models tend to model only worst case scenarios. Point
estimates of the more severe potential consequences are often used as a surrogate for
the full distribution of scenario possibilities, downplaying the normally very low prob-
ability of such scenarios actually occurring. In reality, the vast majority of possible
failure and consequence scenarios do not nearly approach the magnitude of the worst
case. The worst case scenario certainly must be understood, and using it, no matter how
improbable, as the entire basis of the estimate, may be useful for certain types of risk
assessments, but does not convey full understanding of risk.
Higher level models will characterize the range of possibilities, perhaps even pro-
ducing a distribution to represent all possible CoF scenarios. The full range of possi-
bilities is best viewed as a frequency or probability distribution—distribution graphs
show the range of possibilities. Unfortunately, distributions can be cumbersome to
work with, especially since these distributions must be understood at all potential spill
locations along a pipeline. Since there are innumerable potential spill points along a
typical pipeline, this is an impractical approach.
The underlying distributions are more readily assimilated into decision-making
when they are approximated by point estimates that capture the range of potential sce-
narios. If done properly, this simulation of real probability distributions will bound all
plausible scenarios and provide better understanding of all events within those bounds.
The most useful analysis acknowledges the high-consequence-extremely-improbable
scenarios; the low-consequence-higher-probability scenarios, and all variations be-
tween. It does this without overstating the influence of either end of the range of pos-
sibilities. The use of probabilities ensures that the influences of certain scenarios are
not over- or under-impacting the results. All scenarios are considered with appropriate
‘weight’ for more objective decision support.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


• The hazard zone approach--estimate the areas potentially
impacted and then estimate receptor impacts within—is a
critical part of modern consequence assessment.
• Seek a ‘broadcast’ application to efficiently model many
miles of pipeline:
• Gas release hazard zones can be more generalized, but
liquid spills almost always require consideration of local
conditions (topography, surface flow resistance, etc)

A modern pipeline risk assessment uses hazard zones in the estimation of consequence
potential from leak/rupture1. A hazard zone is a geographical area in which certain
spill/leak effects are expected. They are often based on the “stress” such as a thermal
radiation level or blast overpressure level created by the leak/rupture. Hazard zones
will vary in size depending on the scenario (product type, hole size, pressure, etc.) and
the environmental conditions (wind, temperature, topography, soil infiltration, etc.).
The simple leak impact formula presented earlier is our guideline for conceptual-
izing hazard zones.

LI = PH × LV × D × R

LI = leak impact (higher values represent higher consequences)
PH = product hazard (toxicity, flammability, etc)
LV = leak volume (quantity of the liquid or vapor release)
D = dispersion (spread or range of the leak)
R = receptors (all things that could be damaged
by contact with the release).

All components are combined to determine consequence and also hazard areas,
even though the last term, receptors, initially appears to be independent from hazard
areas. Let’s examine that premise. Higher intensity from the product hazard, greater
release volume, greater dispersion of released product, or increased receptor counts or
sensitivities are each able to independently increase consequence potential. If the haz-
ard zone is based on a threshold intensity, then only three of the four factors is needed.
The presence of receptors only impacts a hazard zone if the threshold is contingent

1 A risk assessment not focused on leak/rupture may not require hazard area estimations.
11 Consequence of Failure

upon some damage level to a receptor, For example, when a receptor is harmed by a
lower airborne concentration of a product, the hazard distance is usually longer. How-
ever, receptor damage potential is the reason we define a hazard area, so receptors are
never completely de-coupled from hazard area estimates.
The probability of a given hazard area occurring is a function of the probability
of the associated scenario occurring. The scenario probability is dependent upon the
probabilities of failure, leak size, product dispersion, ignition, and others. The potential
consequences from each scenario are dependent upon the receptors exposed.
A hazard area requires the definition of a hazard extent—at what distance will harm
be realized. The effects that define the boundary of a hazard area can be expressed as
a level of damage to a receptor—number of fatalities or injuries; fatality rate; dollar
damages to property; remediation costs to sensitive environment, etc—or as an ef-
fect—overpressure level; thermal radiation; direct flame impingement, etc. These are
linked, as is discussed in a following section on hazard zone boundaries. Hazard areas
are formed by both acute and chronic releases or by their components within a single
release event (see discussion of product hazard). An example of a damage threshold is
a thermal radiation (heat flux) level that causes injury or fatality in a certain percentage
of humans exposed for a specified period of time. Another example is the overpressure
level that causes human injury or specific damage levels to certain kinds of structures.
It is the interaction between the product hazard and the receptor that creates the
hazard zone. Recall that a receptor is anything that might be harmed by contact with
the release or the effects of the release. Receptors within the defined hazard area must
be characterized. All exposure pathways to potential receptors should be considered.
Population densities, both permanent and transient (vehicle traffic, time-of-day, day-
of-week, and seasonal considerations, etc.); environmental sensitivities; property
types; land use; and groundwater are some of the receptors typically characterized. The
receptor’s vulnerability will often be a function of exposure time, which is a function
of the receptor’s mobility—that is, its ability to escape the area.
Receptors falling within the hazard zones are considered to be vulnerable to dam-
age from a pipeline release. In the case of a gas release, receptors that lie between the
release point and the lower flammable concentration boundary of the cloud may be
considered to be susceptible to direct contact with a flame. Receptors that lie between
the release point and the explosive damage boundary may additionally be at risk from
direct overpressure effects. Receptors within the hazard zone would also be at risk
from thermal radiation effects—but not direct contact with a flame—from a jet fire as
well as from any secondary fires resulting from the ignition event. In the case of liquid
spills, migration of spilled product, thermal radiation from a potential pool fire, and
potential contamination could define the hazard zone.
This analysis is efficiently applied to any component in any type of pipeline sys-
tem. Variations in components’ pressure, volume, flowrate, failure mechanism likeli-
hood, etc are expected and appropriately included in the assessment of hazard zone

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

11.2.1 Conservatism

Because an infinite number of release scenarios—and subsequent hazard zones—are

possible, some simplifying assumptions are required. A very unlikely combination of
events is often chosen to represent maximum hazard zone distances. The assumptions
underlying such event combinations produce very conservative (highly unlikely) sce-
narios that typically overestimate the actual hazard zone distances. This is done inten-
tionally in order to ensure that hazard zones encompass the vast majority of possible
pipeline release scenarios. A further benefit of such conservatism is the increased abil-
ity of such estimations to weather close scrutiny and criticism from outside reviewers.
As an example of a conservative hazard zone estimation, the calculations might be
based on the distance at which a full pipeline rupture, at maximum operating pressure
with subsequent ignition, and with unfavorable weather conditions (ie, promoting in-
creased consequence), could expose receptors to significant thermal damages, plus the
additional distance at which blast (overpressure) injuries could occur in the event of a
subsequent vapor cloud explosion. The resulting hazard zone would then represent the
distances at which damages could occur, but would exceed the actual distances that the
vast majority of pipeline release scenarios would impact.
More specifically, the calculations could be first based on conservative assump-
tions generating distances to the LFL boundary, but then doubling this distance to
account for inconsistent mixing, and adding the overpressure distance for a scenario
where the ignition and epicenter of the blast occur at the farthest point.
Conservatism in a risk assessment is useful for a number of reasons, as discussed
in an early chapter. However, conservatism may also be excessive, leading to ineffi-
cient and costly repercussions—in the case of land-use decisions, for example. To sup-
plement the worst case, but normally very rare, release consequence scenario analyses,
the more likely scenarios should also be understood. Just as with PoF, a PXX approach
to selecting levels of conservatism for CoF estimation are appropriate.

11.2.2 Hazard Area Boundary

The boundaries of a hazard area must be defined. A boundary can be defined in two
general ways: by the intensity of the damaging phenomena or by the effect on the re-
ceptor. Each requires the definition of threshold


The intensity of an exposure—heat flux level in the case of thermal events, overpres-
sure level in the case of explosions, concentration or dose in the case of toxicity—can
be viewed as a threshold. Similarly, the resulting damage state from intensity of expo-
sure can also be viewed as a threshold. As used here, a threshold is a decision point, a
point of interest, a point above which some certain impact is expected or some action
will be taken. It is important to recognize that a hazard zone requires an associat-
11 Consequence of Failure

ed threshold—thresholds define hazard boundaries which in turn set hazard zones. A

threshold can either directly define the hazard zone—distance to a certain effect—or it
can imply a damage state on which the hazard zone is based—10% mortality, if people
are present. Speaking of a hazard zone without knowing what threshold is expected at
that distance, is not meaningful. The hazard zone’s boundary definition must be stated.

Intensity Boundary

The most common intensity measures for pipeline failures are concentration levels
(contamination,toxicity), thermal radiation (fires), and overpressures levels (blasts).
These values are measured/estimated at various distances from a defined source and
then used to generate the corresponding hazard areas. The distances are themselves a
function of many factors including release rate, release volume, flammability limits,
threshold levels of thermal/overpressure effects, product characteristics, and weather
For example, under a certain set of assumptions, an ignited rupture of a natural gas
pipeline might generate a vertical torch fire producing 3 kW/hr/m2 thermal radiation at
a distance of 235 ft from the fire (at the rupture location). Perhaps this thermal radiation
level is identified as the extent of a certain type of hazard area. Under an assumption of
circular effect, the 235 ft becomes a radius generating a hazard area of about 173,500
square feet.
Secondary effects may also define a hazard zone boundary. This includes fires
ignited and/or spreading by autoignition from heat flux; delayed explosions such as
BLEVE’s; soot and ash fallout; pollution; additional hazard effects caused by sympa-
thetic failures/ignitions of nearby equipment, etc.

Receptor Impact Boundary

In an alternative approach to threshold definition, the hazard zone boundary can be

linked to the specific type of damage, eg 1% fatality rate; third degree burns likely; au-
to-ignition point for wooden structures, glass shattering, etc. A hazard zone might also
be based on potential liquid contamination thresholds that render water sources unfit
for consumption or cause defined levels of damage to other sensitive environments.
Defining the hazard zone by the type of harm normally uses the previous intensity
estimate. Beginning with that value, an additional step is taken by equating an intensity
to the amount of damage a certain receptor will experience when exposed for a certain
amount of time. Using the example above, 3 kW-hr/m2 can cause various levels of
harm to human populations exposed for several minutes. So, depending on the level
chosen, the previous 173,500 square foot hazard zone can be called, for example, the
“second degree burn” hazard zone or the “0.5% mortality rate” hazard zone.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

PIR Hazard Area Thresholds

As an example of the creation and use of a threshold, consider the equation for natural
gas “potential impact radius” (PIR) based on reference 1. This has been adopted by US
regulations and is a mandatory consideration for determining HCA’s for US natural
gas transmission pipelines. Since countless scenarios are possible and various types
of damage can occur, some choices were made in determining this hazard distance.
In reference 1, some of the implicit assumptions used to estimate the PIR include the
• Full, guillotine rupture, leak is fed by both open ends of pipe;
• No vapor cloud explosion potential;
• Trench fire (horizontal jet fire) is dominant effect;
• Rapid ignition of escaping gas;
• Effective release rate as a multiple of the peak initial release rate; and
• Heat intensity of 5000 BTU/(hr-ft2) as the appropriate threshold.

The chosen heat intensity level corresponds to a level below which wooden struc-
tures would probably not burn and sheltered persons are not injured. Unsheltered per-
sons would be exposed to a 1% chance of fatality as they seek shelter or distance from
the heat.
According to this reference, a level of 5,000 BTU/(hr-ft2) “…establishes the sus-
tained heat intensity level above which the effects on people and property are con-
sistent with the definition of a high consequence area. Note that in the context of this
study, an HCA is defined as the area within which the extent of property damage and
the chance of serious or fatal injury would be expected to be significant in the event
of a rupture failure” (ref 1). These assumptions and choices have been deemed appro-
priate for US gas pipelines by US legislators and regulators. See also Appendix A for
additional discussion of this hazard zone.
This illustrates the use of threshold intensities—5,000 BTU/(ft2-hr)—to establish
a damage state based threshold—1% chance of fatality. The threshold intensity is rel-
evant in terms of its expected damage potential and can be used to set geographical
boundaries around any pipeline component. Damage requires the presence of recep-
tors. The 1% fatality rate in the above example occurs IF the assumed population is
present and exposed as assumed. So, following the setting of the geographical bound-
aries of the hazard area, receptor counts and characterizations can be made.
Similar PIR hazard zone boundary equations are available as shown in references
(TTO13, TTO14)
As an example of a similar application, but with expanded consideration of other
mortality rates and receptor characteristics, consider the following, excerpted from a
risk assessment study:
The principal hazard range criterion for people exposed to thermal radiation
has been taken as the distance from the fire from which there is a Signifi-
cant Likelihood of Death (SLOD), equivalent to 1800 thermal dose units (tdu)
11 Consequence of Failure

[kW/m2]4/3s or 12.8 kW/m2 (3800 Btu/ft2h) exposure for 1 minute. This dose
is considered by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to be equivalent
to 50% lethality for normal populations. In calculating the ‘escape distance’, a
lower threshold of 1 kW/m2 (320 Btu/ft2h) was used, to which it is assumed
that a person can be exposed to an indefinite period of time without injury.
It was further assumed that people who are not inside buildings are able to
escape the effects of the fire at a speed of 2.5 m/s (8.2 ft/s). (For “sensitive”
populations such as schools, hospitals etc., a more onerous 1% lethality criteri-
on is used with reduced escape speed of 0.7m/s (2.3 ft/s)). The reduced escape
speed of 0.7 m/s (2.3 ft/s) is also used for adults at a location where a sensitive
population is present as they are assumed to assist the sensitive population to
escape. Ref Brooklyn gas QRA Nat Grid

Here we see additional thresholds used and justified, plus a focus on escape po-
tential. Shielding by clothing, buildings, structures, etc and population demographics
could be added as yet additional focus areas. In other similar applications, the PIR is
scaled to produce property damage rates.

Table 11.2
Summary of Potential Impact Radius Formulae

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Table 11.3
Summary of PIR Formulae

Combined Boundaries

The distinction between the types of thresholds can become blurred as a modeler will
often associate a heat-, overpressure-, or toxicity-based intensity threshold with a lev-
el of damage to a receptor, and then use the threshold definitions interchangeably.
For instance, a heat intensity of X units will result in an estimated Y% mortality of
exposed, unshielded populations. When chosen as a threshold, the X units of heat in-
tensity may be referred to as the “1% mortality” threshold. However, preserving the
“X units of heat intensity” definition is important since the alternate definition implies
that receptors are always present and have certain characteristics regarding shielding
clothing, mobility, etc. Losing the original exposure intensity of interest may result in
modeling confusion as probabilities of thresholds are integrated with varying receptor
Most hazard zone estimates and receptor characterizations are closely intertwined.
The former usually embed some assumptions about potential receptors as well as a
choice of a damage level for the receptor of interest. The level of damage chosen—1%
11 Consequence of Failure

fatality rate, for instance—sets the effect of interest—thermal radiation level, for in-
stance—which in turn determines the distance to the edge of the hazard zone. All are
based on numerous assumptions. Atmospheric conditions, orientation of flame, mobili-
ty of populations, shielding, are but a few of the required assumptions for the mortality
criteria exampled.
A hazard zone that is to be expressed as a distance from a point on a pipeline is
most easily based solely on some threshold intensity effect, independent of possible
receptors. It could alternatively be based directly upon some damage level such as 90%
chance of at least one fatality or 50% chance of more than $100K in property damage
or any of countless other damage states. However, this would make the distance de-
pendent upon the nearby receptors rather than upon the pipeline alone. Granted, the
thresholds are themselves based upon some possible damage state, but keeping that
basis indirect allows the threshold to be a function solely of pipeline properties. This
makes modeling easier.
More detailed assessments will use multiple thresholds for each type of impact.
For instance, thermal effect thresholds corresponding to third degree burns, first degree
burns, and autoignition of wood could be used to set three different hazard distances.
Overpressure (blast) levels corresponding to window breakage only, heavy structural
damage to wood frame buildings, ear drum rupture, and serious internal injuries could
be used to establish yet more. In the case of toxicity, multiple exposure-effect levels
(dose) might also be of interest, as noted in the discussion of probits.


One of the primary factors in determining the consequences from a release is the char-
acteristics of the product being transported in the pipeline. It is the product that deter-
mines the nature of the hazard.
In studying the impact of a leak, it is useful to make a distinction between acute
and chronic hazards. Acute, as used here,means sudden onset, or demanding urgent
attention, or of short duration. Hazards such as fire, explosion, or contact toxicity are
considered to be acute hazards. They are immediate threats caused by a release.
Chronic means marked by a long duration. A time variable is therefore implied.
Hazards such as groundwater contamination, carcinogenicity, and other long-term
health effects are considered to be chronic hazards. Many releases to the environment
are chronic hazards because they can cause long-term damages perhaps worsening
with the passage of time.
The primary difference between acute and chronic hazards is the time element. An
immediate hazard, created instantly upon initiation of an event, growing to its worst
case level within a few minutes and then improving, is an acute hazard. The hazard
that potentially manifests slowly or grows worse with the passage of time is a chronic

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

A natural gas release poses mostly an acute hazard. The largest possible gas cloud
normally forms immediately (unless confinement occurs), creating a fire/explosion
hazard, and then begins to shrink as pipeline pressure decreases. If the cloud does not
find an ignition source, the hazard is reduced as the release quickly dissipates and the
vapor cloud shrinks. If the natural gas vapors can accumulate inside a building, the
hazard may become more severe as time passes—it then becomes a chronic hazard.
The spill of crude oil is more chronic in nature because the potential for ignition
and accompanying thermal effects is more remote, but environmental damages are
likely, slowing killing plants and animals and contaminating ever increasing areas.
A gasoline spill contains both chronic and acute hazard characteristics. It is easily
ignited, leading to acute thermal damage scenarios, and it is also has the potential to
cause short- and long-term environmental damages.
Many products will have some acute hazard characteristics and some chronic haz-
ard characteristics. The evaluator can imagine where a product would fit on a scale
such as that shown in Figure 11.2, which shows a hypothetical range illustrate where
some common pipeline products may fit in relation to each other. A product’s location
on this scale depends on how readily it disperses (the persistence) and how much long-
term hazard and short-term hazard it presents. Some product hazards are almost purely
acute in nature, such as natural gas. These are shown on the left edge of the scale. Oth-
ers, such as brine, may pose little immediate (acute) threat, but cause environmental
harm as a chronic hazard. These appear on the far right side of the scale.

Figure 11.2

A normally chronic hazard can take on acute consequences where, for instance, a
leaking hydrocarbon liquid can accumulate in buildings, beneath pavement, etc. and
have its flammable vapors confined, concentrated, and ignited.
Many hydrocarbons have both an acute and chronic component to their hazard
zone potential. A gasoline and a fuel oil spill of the same quantity may have equiva-
lent contamination potential but the gasoline potentially produces more thermal effects
due to its propensity to readily ignite. Determining the release behavior of the type of
product transported is a first step in characterizing scenarios. The release categories of
liquid, gas, and HVL are useful here.

Hazardous vapor releases from products or constituents typically transported
in pipelines include
Natural gas (95%+ methane)
11 Consequence of Failure

Hydrogen H2
H 2S

water, potable, non-potable

Hazardous liquid pipelines typically transport hydrocarbons of

various types:
a. Crude oil
b. Refined products
c. Highly volatile liquids
Refined products are liquids such as:
a. Gasoline
b. Diesel
c. Fuel oil
d. Jet fuel
e. Kerosene
Refined products are liquids inside the pipeline and usually re-
main liquids when released from the pipeline.

Styrene, toluene, benzene

Highly volatile fluids are in a liquid state inside the pipeline and gaseous state
when outside the pipeline at ambient conditions. Common Highly volatile liq-
uids include:
a. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
b. Natural gas liquid (NGL)
c. Anhydrous ammonia
d. Ethane
e. Propane
f. Butane
g. ISO-butane
h. Ethylene
i. Propylene
j. Butylene
k. Mixtures
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

LPG is a term used mostly for mixtures of ethane, propane, and/or butane,
behaving as an HVL—liquid while pressurized, gaseous when released at am-
bient conditions.
NGL is a term used mostly for mixtures of ethane, propane, butanes and higher
order saturated hydrocarbons that mostly remain in liquid state when released
at ambient conditions.
Leak Detection Study – DTPH56-11-D-000001 FINAL
0339-1201Kiefner and Associates, Inc. 3-22 October 2012

11.3.1 Acute hazards

A very serious threat from a pipeline is the potential loss of life directly caused by a
release of the pipeline contents. This is usually considered to be an acute, immediate
hazard. Both gaseous and liquid products pipelines should be assessed in terms of their
potential flammability, reactivity (including pressurization, mechanical effects), and
toxicity impacts on receptors. This assessment should conclude with a list of acute
damages that would potentially be experienced by the receptors of interest. Ultimately,
probability-weighted distances will be associated with each damage state of interest.
Toxic, thermal, and mechanical (erosion, debris, and projectiles from violent de-
pressurization or deinventorying) are typical acute hazards. Each of these hazards has a
potential to cause varying levels of damage at various distances from the leak/rupture.
These damage level-distance combinations are the bases of hazard areas—geographi-
cal areas within which certain damage levels could occur.
Damage distances for releases of acutely toxic pipeline contents are most of-
ten linked to airborne concentrations causing certain health consequences. Thermal
events—fire and explosion-- are normally of prime interest for the hydrocarbon prod-
ucts typically moved by pipelines. The intensity of a thermal event is related to the en-
ergy content of the product which is a function of product characteristics like specific
heat, heat of combustion Hc (BTU/lb) and boiling point. The boiling point is a readily
available property that correlates reasonably well with specific heat ratios and hence
burning velocity. This allows relative consequence comparisons since burning velocity
is related to fire size, duration, and radiant heat levels (emissive power), for both pool
fires and torches. The likelihood of an ignition source is a function of the nearby en-
vironment including density of flame sources, likelihood of spark generation, and the
type of product.
In the case of water systems, the main product hazard will be related to the more
mechanical effects of escaping water. This includes flood, erosion, undermining of
structures, and so on. The potential for people to drown as a result of escaping water
is another consideration. Oxygen and nitrogen pipelines may similarly only create me-
chanical hazards. Mechanical impacts will also be important for large storage tanks.
Catastrophic failure of a liquid-full, large atmospheric storage tank can cause much
damage, even without ignition.

11 Consequence of Failure

Ref wkm suggested the use of NFPA ratings for relative assessment of acute haz-
ards. From this acute leak impact consequences model, we could rank the immediate
hazard from fire and explosion for the flammable products transported by pipeline and
from direct contact for the toxic materials. While the scoring (assignment of points)
methodology is no longer appropriate for most of today’s risk assessment applications,
this analyses provides insight into product behavior upon release.
The acute damage states—the types of receptor harm—potentially created by the
pipeline will be used to initially determine the boundary of the hazard area at each
potential release point along the pipeline. When the release scenario has a chronic
component, a similar exercise of determining potential chronic damage states will also
be used in establishing hazard areas.

Thermal effects

The possibility of thermal effects—flame and explosion scenarios--from a flammable

product released from a pipeline is an important part of most hazard scenarios for
hydrocarbon pipelines. Ignition followed by product burning is usually thought to in-
crease consequences, but can also theoretically reduce them. A scenario where imme-
diate ignition causes no damage to receptors but eliminates a contamination potential
(preventing groundwater contamination or shoreline damage from an offshore spill, for
example) is such a case.
In this section, thermal effects caused by ignited pipeline releases are examined.
Terminology, as used in these discussions, is as follows:
• Auto-ignition temperature: A fixed temperature above which material may not
require an external ignition source for combustion
• Flash point: Lowest temperature at which liquid gives enough vapor to form a
flammable mixture
• Fire point: Lowest temperature at which liquid generates enough vapor to
maintain a continuous flame
• Flammability limit: Range of vapor concentration which, when coming in con-
tact with an ignition source, would cause combustion. There are two limits

Explosions: a rapid release of energy causing development of pressure or

shock wave.

Shock wave: An abrupt pressure wave (energy front) generated due to sudden
release of energy.

Blast wave: A shock wave in open air generally followed by strong wind, the
combined shock and wind is called blast wave

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Overpressure: The pressure on an object as a result of an impacting shock


Deflagration: An rapid combustion in which the flame front moves at a speed

less than the speed of the sound in the medium.

Detonation: An explosion in which the reaction front (energy front) exceeds

the speed of the sound in the medium.

Confined vapor cloud explosion

An explosion in vessel or building. It may be caused due to release of high

pressure or chemical energy.

Vapor cloud explosion

An explosion caused by the instantaneous burning of vapor cloud formed in air

due to release of flammable chemical.

Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion

Explosion caused due to instantaneous release of large amount of vapor

through narrow opening under pressurized conditions.

Direct measurement of thermal acute hazards

Acute hazards general involve fire and explosion effects when contact toxicity is not an
issue. In fire scenarios, possible damages extend beyond the actual flame impingement
area,. Heat intensity is normally measured as thermal radiation (or heat flux or radiant
2 2
heat) and is expressed in units of Btu/ft -hr or kW/m . Certain doses—intensity and
duration of exposure—of thermal radiation can cause fatality, injury, and/or property
damage, depending on the vulnerability of the receptor.
Explosion intensity is normally characterized by the blast wave, measured as over-
pressure and expressed in pressure units of psig or kPa.
The level of harm to receptors potentially caused by any form of thermal hazard
depends on the distance, shielding, and time of exposure of the receptors.

Ignition probabilities
Ignition is a prerequisite for a thermal event. The consequences of ignition range from
a jet or pool fire to a large fireball and detonation.

11 Consequence of Failure

Ignition probability is, of course, very situation specific. Countless sourcing and
timing of ignition scenarios are possible. Ignition can occur at either the source or a
location some distance away—a delayed ignition. The source of ignition may be from
numerous nearby sources or related to the loss of containment event itself, such as
sparks generated by involved excavation machinery or by the release of energy, in-
cluding static electricity arcing (created from high dry gas velocities), contact sparking
from flying debris (e.g., metal to metal, rock to rock, rock to metal), or electric shorts
(e.g., movement of overhead power lines).
Common sources of ignition include
• Vehicles or equipment operating nearby
• Grinding and welding
• Residential pilot lights or other open flames
• External lighting or decorative fixtures (gas or electric).
• Cigarettes
• Engines
• Open flames of any kind

One source cites the following ignition source of major fires (NSC,1974) [fire&-
Source % Source %
Electric 23% Hot 7%
Smoking 18% Flames 7%
Friction 10% Sparks 5%
Overheated 8% Other 22%

These may be relevant to certain scenarios of pipeline leaks/ruptures.

A release that covers a larger area logically has an increased chance of encounter-
ing a source of ignition. Ignition can only occur within a susceptible air/fuel mixture,
typically found at the edge2 of a vapor cloud or close to the surface of a pool of flam-
mable liquid. See more discussion of this under Vapor Cloud Ignition.
A buoyant gas such as hydrogen or natural gas will rise rapidly on release and
limits the formation of a flammable gas cloud in open space. With the assumption
that most ignition sources are at or near ground level, this reduces the probability of
remote ignition for these lighter gases. Vapor release orientations other than vertical,
accumulation and/or containment, and increasing gas density generally increase the
probability of ignition. Higher vapor generation from spilled liquids also lead higher
ignition probabilities. The role of gas density in vapor cloud formation supports the
presumption that a heavier gas leads to a more cohesive cloud (less dispersion) leading

2 Of course, the ‘edge’ is defined by some chosen criteria and tends to grow from the point of origin
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

to a higher ignition probability. Confinement of a vapor cloud (caused by topography,

proximity to structures, entry into enclosed spaces, etc) also leads to less dispersion
and greater opportunity for accumulations within the flammability range, also imply-
ing higher ignition probabilities.
Estimates of ignition probabilities can be generated from company experience,
pipeline failure databases, or obtained via literature searches. One well-regarded
source shows ignition probabilities of natural gas transmission pipelines to be related
to pipe diameter by the formula:

0.0125 x diameter.

The following empirical formula is recommended for use in quantitative risk as-
sessments for gas pipelines in Australia [67]:
Ignition probability = 0.0156(release rate in kg/s)

PRMM discusses several ignition probabilities from various studies, including the use
of 12% as the ignition probability of NGL (natural gas liquids, referring to highly vol-
atile liquids such as propane) based on U.S. data [43].
A conclusion that the overall ignition probability for natural gas pipeline accidents is
about 3.2% [95]. nominal natural gas leak ignition probabilities ranging from 3.1 to
7.2% depending on accumulation potential and proximity to structures (confinement),
the ignition probabilities for natural gas ruptures ranging from about 4 to 15%
For buried gasoline pipeline leaks/ruptures, ignition probabilities ranging from
<1% (rural leak) to >6% (urban rupture)

Thermal radiation damage levels

Flames from an ignited release of a gas or liquid will normally occur at all points of
the spill footprint where the fuel-oxygen mixture promotes combustion. Due to mix-
ing and entrainment of oxygen, this is generally the entire footprint area. Flames are
therefore expected initially at a distance equal to the physical extent of the product
release—the edge of the cloud or pool.
Adding to this ‘direct flame impingement’ distance, is the potentially harmful ther-
mal radiation distances arising from the burning. Thermal radiation at any point away
from the flame is related to the emissivity and transmissivity.
A US regulatory agency published a guidebook on acceptable separation distances
of government housing from explosive and flammable hazards. The guidebook pres-
ents a method for calculating a level ground separation distance from pool fires, based

11 Consequence of Failure

on simplified radiation heat flux modeling. Some useful information from this guide-
book includes that agency’s use of certain thresholds and underlying assumptions:3
Reference [83] recommends the use of 5000Btu/hr-ft2 as a heat intensity threshold
for defining a “high consequence area.” It is chosen because it corresponds to a level
below which:
• Property, as represented by a typical wooden structure would not be expected
to burn
• People located indoors at the time of failure would likely be afforded indefinite
protection and
• People located outdoors at the time of failure would be exposed to a finite but
low chance of fatality.

Note that these thermal radiation intensity levels only imply damage states. Actu-
al damages are dependent on the quantity and types of receptors that are potentially
exposed to these levels. A preliminary assessment of structures has been performed,
identifying the types of buildings and distances from the pipeline. This information is
not yet included in these calculations but will be used in emergency planning.

Jet fire
Direct flame impingement or thermal radiation from a sustained jet or torch fire, , is a
primary hazard to people,property, and other receptors in the immediate vicinity of a
gas pipeline failure.
This scenario is often used as the most likely event in the unlikely case of ignition.
Paradoxically, a long-running brittle pipe failure may produce less thermal conse-
quences under certain circumstances. If the long rupture causes the release to behave
more like two or more release points rather than a single, guillotine type release, the
differences in fuel source proximities may produce less concentrated thermal damages.

Vapor cloud ignition

A vapor cloud, formed from a pipeline leak or rupture, will be flammable within a spe-
cific fuel-to-air ratio range, the vapor cloud will be flammable.

3 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a guidebook in 1987 titled
Siting of HUD-Assisted Projects Near Hazardous Facilities: Acceptable Separation Distances from
Explosive and Flammable Hazards. The guidebook was developed specifically for implementing
the technical requirements of 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart C, of the Code of Federal Regulations. The
guidebook presents a method for calculating a level ground separation distance (ASD) from pool
fires that is based on simplified radiation heat flux modeling. The ASD is determined using nomo-
graphs relating the area of the fire to the following levels of thermal radiation flux
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Although ignition is normally not the most probable event there is often a reason-
able probability of ignition due to the typically large number of possible ignition sourc-
es. Upon ignition, a flame entrains surrounding air and fuel and propagates through the
cloud. A fireball and possibly a detonation can occur, generating thermal radiation and
shock waves.

ndry d Co
on Bou ncen
ntrati on B
once Diffusion ound
Cloud C ry


Pool Vapors Leak Rate

Ground Level Ground Level

Liquid Pool

w Flow
Pipeline Pipeline
Flow Flow Fl Flow Flow
Depressure wave

Figure 11.3 Vapor cloud from pipeline rupture.

In rare cases, a vapor cloud ignition can lead to an explosion. This is possible in either
a gas pipeline release or liquid pipeline release. In the latter, sufficient vapor generation
must occur. In both cases, confinement of the vapor increases the chance of explosion.
An explosion involves a detonation and the generation of blast waves.
An vapor cloud explosion occurs when a cloud is ignited and the flame front trav-
els through the cloud quickly enough to generate a shock wave—detonation. This def-
lagration to detonation transition is possible only under certain conditions. It rarely
occurs when the weight of airborne vapor is less than 1000 pounds [83] or when there
is no confinement of the vapors.
Expected damages from various levels of overpressure are shown in PRMM
The possibility of vapor cloud explosions is enhanced by any type of confinement,
including not only enclosed areas, but also partial enclosures created by topography,
trees, buildings, or even weather phenomena. While a confined cloud is more likely to
explode, confinement is difficult to accurately model for an open-terrain release. In an
atmospheric release trees, buildings, topography, and weather can all add to confine-
ment effects.
11 Consequence of Failure

Mechanical Effects
The energy contained in pressurized pipeline components can cause damages even
when no thermal (ignition) event is involved. This includes debris and pipeline frag-
ments that could become projectiles in the event of a violent pipeline failure. Other me-
chanical effects associated with violent releases of compressed fluids and gases include
product impingements, shock waves, and erosion. Violent depressurization or deinven-
torying, including tank collapse and pressurized vessel rupture, are typical generators.
Large fragments of ruptured pipelines have not only been unearthed by the force of
a rupture, but have subsequently been propelled hundreds of feet from the rupture site.
Directional jets and rapid deinventorying can cause erosion, undermining support of
nearby structures. Public safety is threatened, as with thermal effects. Environmental
and property damages are also potentially involved, but generally in more localized
effects compared to thermal events, ie, damage from a single projectile impact, rather
than a wide burn radius.
A compressed gas will normally have much more potential energy and hence the
greater chance to do debris-related damage, compared to an incompressible fluid. The
increased hazard area due solely to the mechanical effects is thought to be usually more
limited for a buried pipeline and more extensive for above-ground components.

Acute Hazard Minimization

Few mitigative actions are able to reliably and substantially reduce acute hazards as
a pipeline leak/rupture event is unfolding. To be effective, a mitigative action must
change the characteristics of the emerging hazard zone itself. Secondary containments,
fire suppression, quenching a vapor release instantly or otherwise preventing the for-
mation of a hazardous cloud are examples of hazard zone reductions. See also the
discussions of leak detection, emergency response, secondary containment, and other
general CoF reduction opportunities.

11.3.2 Chronic hazard

Another potentially serious leak consequence is the contamination of the environment

due to the release of the pipeline contents.
Chronic damage states are often efficiently estimated by concentration levels and
associated restoration costs--damage compensations, clean-up/remediation, etc. Con-
centrations of interest are readily obtained in published materials on mammalian and
aquatic toxicities, environmental persistence, and other considerations. Facilitating the
practical use of these concentration-to-level-of-harm linkages are environmental reg-
ulations which have integrated the available dose-response information and made de-
terminations regarding unacceptable concentration levels under various circumstances.
The use of ‘reportable quantities’ (RQ) in US regulations demonstrates the establish-
ment of unacceptable spill amounts. RQ’s, as supplemented by the addition of hydro-
carbons as detailed in PPRM, can improve understanding of chronic harm potential.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

By-products of a release, and potentially a subsequent thermal event, may include

aerosol sprays, soot and ash fallout, or other pollution. Damage payments associated
with these are not uncommon. These effects can be considered in either the hazard
zone determination or otherwise as a cost of potential consequence scenarios.
The input ultimately sought by the risk assessment will be the actionable contam-
ination extents of the pipeline release and the associated costs of clean-up and reme-
diations for various contamination levels. The contamination extents form the basis of
the hazard area or add to the previously estimated acute hazard areas. The hazard area
is then used with the clean-up/remediation costs to estimate the consequence potential
of the pipeline release.
Contamination potential
Contamination potential and toxicity pathways are discussed in PRMM. Estimation of
these effects is complex, involving many difficult to estimate factors. It is generally not
required that all of these parameters be individually estimated for purposes of a risk
assessment. Such considerations have normally already been synthesized into regula-
tory definitions of unacceptable concentrations—contamination levels—and mandated
amounts of remediations when contamination occurs. It is useful, however, to under-
stand the complexities underlying determinations of ‘what constitutes unacceptable
levels of contamination’.
For many substances, the effect of concentration is magnified and, for concentra-
tion C and exposure time t, the relevant dose A is given by:

A = Cnt

Note that the exponent n is not necessarily an integer.

In its regulatory work the UK HSE uses two values of A:

• SLOT (Specified Level Of Toxicity) Dangerous Toxic Load: the dose that re-
sults in highly susceptible people being killed and a substantial portion of the
exposed population requiring medical attention and severe distress to the re-
mainder exposed. It represents the dose that will result in the onset of fatality
for an exposed population (commonly referred to as LD1 or LD1-5)
• SLOD (Significant Likelihood Of Death): is defined as the dose to typically re-
sult in 50% fatality (LD50) of an exposed population and is the value typically
used for group risk of death calculation onshore.

Values of the SLOT and SLOD for selected materials are shown below. As can be
seen in the final column, values of “n” for these materials range from 1 to 4.

11 Consequence of Failure

Table 11.4
SLOT & SLOD Values for Selected Materials
Substance SLOT SLOD “n”
Ammonia 3.78 × 108 1.09 × 109 2
Carbon monoxide 40125 57000 1
Chlorine 1.08 × 105 4.84 × 105 2
Hydrogen sulphide 2.0 × 1012 1.5 × 1013 4
Sulphur dioxide 4.66 × 106 7.45 × 107 2
Hydrogen fluoride 12000 41000 1
Oxides of nitrogen 96000 6.24 × 105 2

Note: these values are based on concentration in ppm, time in minutes.

Related to this is the use of probit equations to better model dose-response behav-
iors of exposed populations. This is discussed in a later section.


Figure 11.4 Rupture vs Leak

A normal supposition in risk assessment is that larger spill quantities create larg-
er consequences. This will generally be true, but a robust risk assessment will also
capture the unusual scenarios where this is not the case. For instance, a smaller total
volume and/or small leak rate, contaminating a difficult-to-radiate receptor such as
a subterranean aquifer, or accumulating in the basement of a multi-family dwelling,
could be far more consequential than many large volume release scenarios.
The most costly small leaks occur below detection levels for long periods of
time. Larger leak rates tend to occur under catastrophic failures such as external force
(equipment impact, earthquake, etc.), avalanche crack failures, and with shocks to brit-
tle materials, such as graphitized cast iron pipes.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

11.4.1 Spill size

A spill or release size in any scenario is a function of many factors such as the failure
mechanism, operating conditions, product characteristics, and leak rate. Smaller leak
rates can occur due to corrosion (pinholes) or in mechanical connections. The most
damaging leaks may be small leaks persisting below detection levels for long periods
of time. Larger leak rates tend to occur under catastrophic failures such as external
force (e.g., equipment impact, ground movement) and avalanche crack failures. Up to
the maximum component volume being instantaneously released, almost any size leak
is possible.
Potential spill volume is estimated from potential leak rates and leak times.

11.4.2 Hole size

As a worst-case scenario, as well as a means to easily incorporate the intuitive belief

that large diameter can mean higher consequence, pipe failures can be modeled as
having opening (hole) areas equal to the cross-sectional area of the pipe—a guillotine
rupture. This provides a consistent way to compare the maximum hazard zones from
equipment of varying sizes and operating pressures. However, a rupture is a very rare
event and can lead to over-conservatism and associated misunderstandings of true risk.
It will also not recognize the differences that influence hole size and therefore will not
‘reward’ those components less susceptible to large hole size and ‘punish’ those that
are more susceptible.
Including, in the assessment, the various potential hole sizes adds more robustness
and realism to the analysis. The leak size probabilities—derived from hole size and
other factors—can offset a consequence potential that would otherwise be modeled as
being higher. For example, a smaller diameter line that is more prone to rupture can
exceed the consequence potential of a larger line that is vulnerable only to small leaks.
So, the larger line may actually carry less consequence potential.
The hole size is related to the failure mode, which in turn is a function of pipe ma-
terial, stress conditions, and the failure mechanism. Failure modes can be categorized
in different ways, such as: pinhole, large holes, ruptures; tearing, cracking, etc. Figure
7.5 shows a model of the interrelationships among some of the many factors that deter-
mine the likely type of pipeline leak/rupture.
One intent of including hole size in estimating consequence potential is to identify
components more likely to fail in a catastrophic fashion. Material toughness, including
the implications of joints which may have greatly reduced toughness equivalents, is a
key determinant of catastrophic failure potential in some scenarios. Where pipe ma-
terial toughness is constant, changing pipe stress levels or initiating mechanisms will
discriminate components more susceptible.
As an extreme example of catastrophic failure mode, an avalanche failure is char-
acterized by rapid crack propagation, sometimes for thousands of feet along a pipeline,
which completely opens the pipe, sometimes violently launching fragments into the
11 Consequence of Failure

air. (See discussion under Cracking). A crack will move at the speed of sound through
a material. If the crack speed is higher than the depressurization wave—where pressure
is the driving force creating the failure stress—then cracking continues. When the de-
pressurization wave passes the cracking location, the driving force is lost and cracking
Product compressibility and the level of pressurization play a role in crack length.
Less compressible products can have relatively fast depressurization speeds. In other
words, on initiation of the leak, the pipeline depressures quickly with an incompress-
ible fluid. This means that usually insufficient energy is remaining at the failure point
to support continued crack propagation.
A compressed gas, due to the higher energy potential of the compressible fluid, can
promote significantly larger crack growth and, consequently, leak size. This is because
the stored energy in a compressed fluid is relatively slow to release, allowing continued
pressure on a crack that is opening.
Material toughness and thickness can each reduce crack speed. Crack arrestors
take advantage of this. A crack arrestor is designed to slow the crack propagation suf-
ficiently to allow the depressurization wave to pass. Once past the crack area, the re-
duced pressure can no longer drive crack growth. A more ductile or thicker material
(stress levels are reduced as wall thickness increases), sometimes used intermittently
along a pipeline, can act as a crack arrestor.
Given this model of crack growth, main contributing factors to an avalanche fail-
ure include low material toughness (a more brittle material that allows crack formation
and growth), high stress level in the pipe wall (especially when at the base of a crack),
and an energy source that can sustain rapid crack growth (usually a gas compressed
under high pressure).
A spill size probability distribution can be generalized from such research and/or
an examination of past releases. This provides insight into what hole sizes have more
often been associated with what types of failure mechanisms—ie, incident frequencies
typically show corrosion causing smaller holes and mechanical damage causing larger.
While useful as a calibration tool for populations of components, care should be
taken to ensure that a statistical analysis does not introduce an inappropriate bias into
assessing the spill size for a specific scenario. The subject pipeline being assessed
may behave in ways drastically different from the population underlying the summary

Component Materials

Material types and their various failure modes are important aspects of a risk analy-
sis and contribute to the PoF (exposure, mitigation, resistance) and CoF assessments.
While especially important in addressing the widely different materials often encoun-
tered in an older distribution systems, for example, it is also useful in addressing more
subtle differences in pipelines of basically the same material but operated under dif-
ferent conditions. For example, a higher strength steel pipeline may have slightly less
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ductility than Grade B steel and, when combined with factors such as changing stress
levels and crack initiators, this raises the likelihood of an avalanche-type line break.
An important difference lies in materials that are inherently prone to more con-
sequential failure modes. A large leak area is often created by the action of a crack in
the pipe wall. A crack is more likely to activate in a higher stress environment and is
more able to propagate in a brittle material; that is, a brittle pipe material is more like-
ly to fail in a fashion that creates a large leak area—equal to or greater than the pipe
cross-sectional area. This problem is covered in more detail in a discussion of fracture
mechanics in Chapter 5 Third-Party Damage on page 131.


Material stress levels in a component are a main determinant in the probability of a

larger hole size. Stress is often expressed as a fraction of SMYS. For many years, 30%
SMYS taken as discrimination point between leak and rupture (INGAA, 2005). This
level changes as defect size increases, with large defects susceptible to generating large
failure areas at low stress levels. This is not a hard rule however. While rare, ruptures
at lower stress levels have also been documented.

Initiating mechanisms

The role of initiating mechanisms in failure potential is discussed in Chapter 10 Resis-

tance Modeling on page 279. Their role in influencing hole size is briefly noted here.
Shorter defects under less stress tend to fail as leaks. As defects get longer and
stresses increase, rupture becomes more likely. Weld seam anomalies, which can be
relatively long, often fail as ruptures.
Damage type is another consideration a failure mechanism such as corrosion is
often characterized by a slow removal of metal and is often modeled as producing
smaller leak sites, whereas cracking and third-party damage initiators often have a
relatively higher chance of leading to large opening.

11.4.3 Release models

Having determined the failure hole sizes to be used in the risk assessment, release
scenarios can now be modeled. Several hazard area mechanisms—the underlying pro-
cesses that create the dispersion or hazard zone area—have been identified. The hazard
area for a gas release is established through either a jet fire or a vapor cloud. The hazard
zone for a liquid release arises from either a pool fire or a contamination scenario. HVL
hazard zones can arise from a combination of these mechanisms.
As noted, some leak/rupture scenarios are more sensitive to release rate, while
others are more sensitive to total volume released. The rate of release is the dominant
mechanism for most short-term thermal damage potential scenarios, whereas the vol-
ume of release is the dominant mechanism for many contamination-potential scenari-
11 Consequence of Failure

os. Based on the expected potential hazards, consequences from gas releases are more
often leak rate dependent. In a liquid spill, hazards are pool fire and contamination po-
tential, so the spill volume is the critical determinant. Differences between and among
these types of scenarios determines the potential consequences.
Potential leak rate and volume is dependent upon factors such as product charac-
teristics, pressure, flowrate, hole size, system hydraulics, and the reliability and reac-
tion times of safety equipment and pipeline personnel.
Leaks of gaseous products are driven primarily by hole size, pressure, and gas
Liquid leaks are more influenced by hole size, flowrate, and gravity effects. Be-
cause the release of a relatively small volume of an incompressible liquid can de-
pressure the pipeline quickly, the longer term driving force to feed the leak may be
pumping equipment or gravity and siphoning effects. A leak in a low-lying area may
be fed for some time by the draining of the rest of the pipeline, so the evaluator should
find the worst case leak location for the section being assessed. The leak rate should in-
clude product flow from pumping equipment. Reliability of pump shutdown following
a pipeline failure is considered elsewhere.
There are more opportunities for consequence mitigation in V2 dominated scenar-
ios, as is discussed in a later section. While actually consequence mitigation measures,
leak detection and component isolation are inextricably linked to spill volumes are
therefore covered here and again under mitigation. But first, an examination of hole
size as a key determinant of leak rate.
Flow halt time and drain volume are often the determining factors for liquid releas-
es and orifice flow to atmosphere (sonic velocity) determines vapor release rates. In
simplest terms, low spots on large-diameter, high–flow-rate pipelines can be the sites
of largest potential spills and larger diameter, higher pressure gas pipeline mains can
generally cause greater releases.
Leak rates (V2) are typically determined via well established orifice flow equa-
tions. Leak volume (V1) determinations use these leak rates (V2), plus time to halt
flow and deinventorying volumes.


Dispersion is often the initial determining factor of a hazard zone. As noted, however,
hazard area can extend beyond the physical movement of leaked product when thermal
and explosion effects are included. Toxic and asphyxiate characteristics of some clouds
will be pertinent to most risk assessments. Flammability is the more common hazard
associated with pipelined gases and HVL’s.
In most modern risk assessments, some type of release and dispersion modeling
will need to be performed to understand distances at which possible intensities occur.
This can be as simple as the application of a equation with only two variables, such as
that for PIR of natural gas pipelines (only diameter and pressure are needed) or as rig-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

orous as a vapor cloud dispersion or particle trace analysis requiring dozens of inputs
at each potential spill location.
Software solutions range from simple calculations to assist first responders, up to
extremely sophisticated and expensive models.

11.5.1 Hazardous vapor releases

The flammable and toxic limits of interest generally define the gas cloud boundaries.
Upon ignition of a flammable cloud, the thermal effects may initially extend beyond
the cloud boundaries—a fireball—and then retreat back to the source as the cloud is
consumed, finally becoming a jet fire.
An accepted approach to modeling jet fire releases simplifies the calculation com-
plexities associated with estimating release quantities by using pressure and diameter
as proxies for the release quantities. Using a fixed damage threshold (thermal radiation
levels; see page 308), it has been demonstrated that the extent of the threat from a burn-
ing release of gas is proportional to pressure and diameter [83]. Therefore, pressure and
diameter are suitable variables for assessing at least one critical aspect of the potential
consequences from a gas release.
Because the immediate hazards from vapor releases are mostly influenced by leak
rate, leak detection will not normally play a large role in risk reduction. One notable
exception is a scenario where leak detection could minimize vapor accumulation in a
confined space.

Vapor cloud size

The release of a gaseous pipeline product creates a vapor cloud. The extent and cohe-
siveness of a vapor cloud are critical parameters in determining possible threats from
that cloud. A vapor cloud that envelopes more near-ground surface area has a greater
area of opportunity to find an ignition source or to harm living creatures. This should
be reflected in the risk assessment. The cloud boundary is typically defined by some
concentration of the vapor mixed with air.
A flammable limit is often chosen as a cloud boundary threshold for hydrocarbon
gases. The use of the lower flammability limit—the minimum concentration of gas
that will support combustion—is the most common cloud boundary. It conservatively
represents the maximum distance from the leak site where ignition could occur. Some-
times 1/2 of the LFL is used to allow for uneven mixing and the effects of random
cloud movements. This lower concentration creates a larger cloud.
In the case of a toxic gas, the cloud boundary must be defined in terms of toxic
concentrations. These might exceed thermal hazard distances. For instance, unignited
sour gas (hydrogen sulfide, H2S) releases have been estimated to cause potential haz-
ard zones 4 to 17 times greater than from an ignited release [95].
Sophisticated dispersion studies have revealed a few simplifying truths that can be
used to better understand cloud size. In general, the rate of vapor generation rather than
11 Consequence of Failure

the total volume of released vapor is a more important determinant of the cloud size.
Due to a cloud reaching an equilibrius with the atmosphere, release duration—total
release volume—is not as critical in estimating maximum cloud size as is release rate.
Released product balances the product dispersing at the cloud boundaries, resulting in
a relatively stable cloud size. The release rate will normally diminish quickly as the
pipeline rapidly depressures under a pipeline rupture scenario, which is normally the
more interesting cloud-generating event.
Cloud stability and hence, size are significantly influenced by meteorological
conditions. Conditions that favor mixing and more rapid dispersion minimize cloud
size while more stable atmospheric conditions support a more stable and larger cloud.
Meteorological conditions are often categorized into stability classes for purposes of
dispersion modeling. Each stability class represents some fraction of possible weather
type days for a specific location in any year. Under very favorable conditions, unignit-
ed cloud drift may lead to extended hazard zone distances.

11.5.2 Liquid spill dispersion

Physical extent of spill

The physical extent of a liquid spill is highly variable and on the spill rate and dura-
tion including drain effects, the type of product spilled, and the characteristics of the
spill site. The first two of these are known or readily estimable at all locations along a
pipeline. The third, spill site characteristics, will usually be the information most chal-
lenging to obtain and integrate into the risk assessment.
Pipeline pressure is not a main determinant in liquid spill volume since the product
is assumed to be relatively incompressible. Except for a scenario involving spray of
liquids, the potential damage area is not thought to be very dependent on pressure in
any other regard.
Some form of at least rudimentary site-specific analyses will be required to prop-
erly assess liquid spill characteristics. A range of options in analysis rigor is available,
GIS based models that generate spill footprints along a pipeline are commonly used
tools given the increased availability of powerful computing environments and infor-
mation (for example, soils, topography, surface resistance, groundwater depth, etc) in
electronic databases. Such models vary in complexity, with the more robust taking into
account all of the spill-determining characteristics noted previously.

Spills onto Soil

References detailed in PRMM can then be used to assess the soil permeability for
liquid spills into soil. This implies that more or faster liquid movements into the soil
increase the range of the spill. Of course, greater soil penetration will decrease surface
flows and vice versa. Either surface or subsurface flow might be the main determi-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

nant of contamination area, depending on site-specific conditions. When groundwater

contamination is the greater perceived threat, the risk assessment should show greater
consequences with increasing soil permeability.

Table 11.5
Soil permeability
Description Permeability (cm/sec)
Impervious barrier 0
Clay, compact till, unfractured <10−7
Silt, silty clay, loess, clay loams, 10−5–10−7
Fine sand, silty sand, moderately 10-3–10−5
fractured rock
Gravel, sand, highly fractured rock >10-3

The soil permeability is normally used with an accompanying assumption that

larger volumes, spilled in a higher permeability soil, lead to proportionally greater con-
sequence areas. A low-penetration soil promotes a wider spill-surface area and hence
places additional laterally-located receptors at risk. A spill of a more acutely hazardous
product might generate less consequence if accompanied by greater soil penetration
and reduced lateral spread and/or ignition probability.
Ultimately, an assessment of the spilled substance’s hazards and persistence (con-
sidering biodegradation, hydrolysis, and photolysis) will be needed in evaluating the
consequences of a liquid spill.
Subsurface water contact is also an important aspect of liquid spills.
One source [NISTIR 6546 Thermal Radiation from Large Pool Fires, Kevin B.
McGrattan, Howard R. Baum, Anthony Hamins ; Fire Safety Engineering Division[
Building and Fire Research Laboratory, November 2000, National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce] notes a simple equation for
determining spill pool diameter 1975
The HUD guidelines [Department of Housing and Urban Development. Safety
Considerations in Siting Housing Projects, 1975. HUD Report 0050137] and the SFPE
Handbook [K.S. Mudan and P.A. Croce. SFPE Handbook, chapter Fire Hazard Cal-
culations for Large Open Hydrocarbon Fires. National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, Massachusetts, 2nd edition, 1995.4] discuss methods of estimating the diameter
of an unconfined spill fire. The simplest method of obtaining a spill diameter is

D 10sqrt V

Where D is in meters and V is in cubic meters 1

This equation asserts that the liquid will continue to spread until it is about 1 cm
in depth.

11 Consequence of Failure

In using any simplified approach, assumptions must be made regarding rate of

penetration into the soil, evaporation, and other considerations.

Spills on Water

Spills into water should take into account the miscibility of the substance with water
and the water movement. A spill of immiscible material into stagnant water would be
the equivalent of a spill on flat terrain with impermeable soil. A highly miscible mate-
rial spilled into a flowing stream results in widespread dispersion.
For the more persistent liquid spills, including oil, mixing and transport phenom-
ena should be considered.
For subsea gas releases, a common assumption is that the diameter of the plume
at the sea surface is 20% of the water depth at the release point, regardless of the gas
flow rate. This diameter together with the gas flow rate can then be used as input to a
Gaussian plume model. (OGP)

11.5.3 Highly volatile liquid releases

HVL releases involve characteristics of both gas and liquid releases. Since multiphase
fluids are involved. Material released under flashing conditions is a complex nonlinear,
non-equilibrium process that is difficult to model.
As with liquids, the initial release rate will usually be the highest rate of the event,
and then rapidly decrease. Inside the pipe, the depressurization wave from a rupture
moves from the rupture site and pressures inside the pipeline quickly drop to the prod-
uct’s vapor pressure. At vapor pressure, the pipeline contents will vaporize (boil), gen-
erating quantities of vapor that emerge from the leak.
Outside the pipe, flashing liquids will initially emerge and a gas cloud will be
formed, including immediately flashing material, the vapor generation from a liquid
pool, and the evaporation of airborne droplets from any aerosol phase release compo-
nents .
After the immediate depressurization from the leak event, the scenario will unfold
as a dense gas release. Release characteristics are then similar in many respects to pure
vapor release scenario.

11.5.4 Distance From Leak Site

A hazard area may originate some distance from the point of pipeline failure. Envi-
sion a sloped topography where the spilled liquid will accumulate some distance from
the leak site or the accumulation of natural gas into a basement, following migration
through the soil from the source of a minor leak.
In the case of delayed or no ignition, the product will usually have migrated some
distance prior to ignition (unless the ignition source moves into the leak source area).
This moves the origination point for the thermal effects. The cloud centroid or liquid
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

pool center then become the point from which the thermal hazard zone extends. The
thermal effect can also move back towards the leak site as the ‘trail’ of combustible
spilled product is consumed. This creates a hazard zone along the ‘trail’.
A receptor can be very close to a leak site and not suffer any damages, depending
on variables such as wind strength and direction, topography, or the presence of barri-
ers, while areas farther away are damaged. Scenarios envisioned include a liquid spill
where a ditch or sewer catches and moves the spilled product away from the leak; or
an HVL ‘puff’ release where the cloud, fully decoupled from any other vapors escap-
ing from the pipeline, drifts some distance before finding an ignition source. These
scenarios are challenging to model and require location-specific analyses. Including
the migration possibility without the decoupling-from-the-source possibility produces
larger (more conservative) hazard zones.
Making a distinction between the path and the event centroid is useful. Centroid is
used to refer to the center from which thermal or overpressure effects are emerging. In
the absence of some type of dispersion modeling, the path is often set to zero distance,
making the centroid coincident with the spill site (on top of the pipe). This is a conve-
nient way to model, but will miss-characterize damage potential when, for instance,
scenarios like those described above occur.
For general consequence assessment, the recommendation is to simply add the
migration distances to the hazard zone distances. While this inflates the hazard zone
distances for many scenarios, it also captures the scenarios where the hazard zone is
actually enlarged by the migration path of material that can combust or contaminate.
In the case of liquid spills, the distance estimate should consider topography, sur-
face flow resistance, permeability, and other factors making these scenarios more lo-
cation-specific and difficult to model. Where the topography is relatively consistent,
some ‘rules’ can be developed to facilitate assessment, adjusting estimates only when
certain changes are encountered. For example, a hazard area can be based on a predom-
inant topography—say, ‘prairie’ or ‘level pasture’—and, where the pipeline crosses a
ditch or stream of certain characteristics, a different set of assumptions creates a dif-
ferent hazard zone.

11 Consequence of Failure

Spill path
Hazard Zone

Figure 11.5 Spill Migration with Subsequent Ignition

In the case of HVL’s and gas releases, the hazard zone should also consider mete-
orology. This is generally stable over long stretches of pipeline, but conceivably can
cause modeling complications in scenarios where weather patterns change over short
distances. Examples include canyons, intermittent forest cover, buildings, coastal re-
gions, and perhaps even shielded (from wind) versus unshielded locations where ‘con-
finement’ increases the ignition and/or explosion potential of a vapor cloud.

11.5.5 Accumulation and Confinement

As noted previously, confinement and accumulation of release flammable products

generally increases the potential for both ignition and explosion. In an urban environ-
ment, the confinement/accumulation potential is greater because product can migrate
for long distances under pavement, route through adjacent conduits (sewer, water lines,
etc.), permeable soils, or find other pathways to enter buildings intended for human
Similar scenarios may also emerge in rural areas, involving gas or HVL transmis-
sion pipelines.
Gas cloud confinement potential in both urban and rural areas was previously noted
and can dramatically increase damage potential when detonation events are triggered.


We again turn to our simple, summary equation of consequence estimation:

Leak impact (LI) = product hazard (PH) x leak (L) x dispersion (D) x receptors (R)

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Hazard zones based on threshold intensities such as heat, overpressure, and toxici-
ty/contamination are a function of the first three factors, which can be grouped into just
two general sets of release conditions:
• Pipeline / product characteristics
• Dispersion potential
o Topography effects if liquid release
o Meteorology effects if gaseous release

Product characteristics are grouped with pipeline characteristics since the operat-
ing conditions—pressure, temperature, flowrate—will influence how the product be-
haves when released.
As previously noted, thresholds based on a receptor effect or damage state, such as
fatality, injury, property damage, environmental harm, require the above plus another:
• Receptor proximities and characteristics

A countless number of hazard distances can be created from possible failure sce-
narios of most hydrocarbon pipelines. The range of scenarios used to evaluate hazard
zones is narrower when the receptor characterizations are separated from the threshold
definitions. For instance, initially avoiding the complexity of approximating popula-
tion density, shielding, mobility, and potential exposure times reduces the number of
permutations required to estimate a hazard zone. Hazard zone estimation can there-
fore efficiently begin using only the factors that establish threshold intensity distances.
These are primarily the pipeline and product characteristics and dispersion potential.
Then, receptor characterizations can be later added to the analysis.
One modeling objective is to establish hazard zone distances in a way that the
same distance can apply to large stretches of pipeline. This allows for efficient and
consistent characterization of receptors within hazard zones.
Three aspects of hazard zones should be considered in building a simplifying mod-
el: distance from event; the threshold of interest; and probability of the threshold ap-
pearing at a certain distance. The goal is to model a manageable number of scenarios
while ensuring that the chosen scenarios represent the full range of possibilities.
Hazard zones should represent reasonable assumptions and capture the logical
premise that damage severity—thresholds—will normally decrease as distance from
the event increases. When establishing threshold zones, the modeler should keep in
mind that actual intensities of thermal events—normally the events of most interest—
are in fact usually proportional to the square of the distance. Therefore, potential dam-
ages will normally drop very dramatically with increasing distance. See transmissivity
/ emissivity discussions. Contamination potential can often be assumed to decrease
with increasing distance since dilution, absorption, evaporation, etc. have more oppor-
tunity to reduce contaminant levels after the spill has moved some distance overland.
The rate of drop in damage potential with increasing distance might be receptor- or

11 Consequence of Failure

As a further simplifying opportunity, expressing a hazard zone threshold as a frac-

tion of the theoretical maximum hazard distance might improve modeling efficiency.
The underlying assumption is that a certain percentage of the maximum hazard zone
produces a certain threshold. For instance, the first 10% of the maximum hazard zone
may be assumed to produce a high probability of fatalities and 100% property destruc-
tion; between 10% and 60% of maximum hazard zone produces no fatalities—injuries
only, and 50% property destruction; etc.
The probability of the hazard distance and the probability of various damages
states are both captured in the probability number assigned to the distance. So, a hazard
zone distance of 1000 ft with a 1% probability embodies the belief that there is only a
1% chance of a threshold extending this far, and, if it does reach this distance, damages
will only be 1% of what they would be immediately adjacent to the centroid.
In this suggested approach, some liberties with measurement units are taken.
Probabilities of occurrence are combined with possible distances to thresholds and
expressed as distance. Probabilities can be represent either the chance of a hazard zone
occurring or the probability of a certain damage state, given the manifestation of the
hazard zone. Mathematically, the two are treated as identical. Given the high levels of
uncertainty and variability in possibilities, such liberties and simultaneous representa-
tions are not unreasonable.
It may be assumed that contamination areas are encompassed by the thermal ef-
fects or, alternatively, a separate contamination assessment can be performed.
Mechanical effects hazard zones can be estimated via analyses of underlying phe-
nomena such as product release forces, impingement forces, projectile trajectories, and
submerged gas releases (ship instability due to offshore gas pipeline rupture).

11.6.1 Hazard zone calculations

With an understanding of the potential hazards generated by a product plus the disper-
sion characteristics of product release scenarios, hazard zones can now be estimated in
order to characterize the receptors that might be vulnerable to a pipeline release. The
hazard zone, as previously defined, is the physical area in which receptor damage is
As noted earlier, thermal, toxic, and mechanical hazards are potentially produced
from unintended releases of products typically transported in pipelines. Thermal effects
are the dominant threat in many hydrocarbon releases. Thermal radiation is generated
from flames jets (or torch fires), fireballs, or pools of burning liquids. Overpressure
events are potentially generated if a flammable vapor cloud is detonated.
Each of these scenarios has its own probability of occurrence and generates its own
hazard distance. In some consequence assessments, each will need to be individually
analyzed and included.
Most damage state or hazard zone calculations result in an estimated threat dis-
tance from a source, such as the center of a burning liquid pool or a vapor cloud cen-
troid. It is important to recognize that the source of a thermal event might not be at the
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

pipeline failure location. The source can actually be some distance from the leak site
and this must be considered when assessing potential receptor impacts. Note also that
a receptor can be very close to a leak site and not suffer any damages, depending on
variables such as wind direction, topography, or the presence of barriers.

Air Dispersion

Vapor dispersion estimates will govern scenarios of toxic gas releases as well as fire-
balls and flashfires that predominantly involve gases, and vapor cloud explosions.
These phenomena were discussed in the previous section. While there are few, if any,
short cut estimation solutions for vapor cloud modeling, there are widely available
models for first responders, air pollution, and hazard area calculations.

Jet fire modeling

The potential consequences from a pipeline release will depend on the failure mode
(e.g., leak versus rupture), discharge configuration (e.g., vertical versus inclined jet,
obstructed versus unobstructed), and the time to ignite (e.g., immediate versus de-
layed). For natural gas pipelines, the possibility of a significant flash fire or vapor cloud
explosion resulting from delayed remote ignition is low due to the buoyant nature of
gas, which prevents the formation of a persistent flammable vapor cloud near ignition
Ref 83 “Model of Sizing High Consequence Areas (HCAs) Associated with Nat-
ural Gas Pipelines” [83] is commonly used to determine the point of ‘significant’ po-
tential pipeline natural gas jet fire impacts on surrounding people and property. The
Gas Research Institute (GRI) funded the development of this model for U.S. gas trans-
mission lines in 2000, in association with the U.S. Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS),
to help define and size HCAs as part of new integrity management regulations. This
model uses a conservative and simple equation that calculates the size of the affected
worst case failure release area based on the pipeline’s diameter and operating pressure.
Evaluating the potential consequences from a natural gas release is often based on the
hazard zone generated by a jet fire from such a release
A jet fire is a common result of an ignited release from a flammable gas pipeline.
With some reasonable assumptions, the associated hazard zone can be modeled with
some readily available data and efficiently applied to long stretches of pipeline. The
most well known model, GRI PIR, was highlighted in a previous discussion of hazard
zone thresholds. That model illustrated the identification and use of intensity levels and
damage levels (ie, human mortality) in a hazard zone determination. That same model
is also relevant as a tool for efficiently establishing hazard zones for releases that be-
have under the assumptions used in the model development.

11 Consequence of Failure

Figure 11.6 From Ref GRI

The GRI model first seeks to characterize the heat intensity associated with ignited
gas releases from high-pressure natural gas pipelines. Escaping gas is assumed to feed
a fire that ignites shortly after pipe failure. The affected ground area can be estimated
by quantifying the radiant heat intensity associated with a sustained jet fire.
A relationship is proposed and described in PRMM that uses a simple equation to
calculate the potential size of ’significant’ damage from a natural gas pipeline failure
based on the pipeline’s diameter and operating pressure.
Other models are available, but this GRI model has gained a level of acceptance
worldwide and is unrivaled in its ease of application. A related set of equations, by the
same authors, can be used to calculate distances for other damage states, ie, other than
the 1% mortality used here. Alternative threshold values for thermal radiation intensity
can also be used in the above equations to calculate hazard areas for other types of
damage such as property damage, secondary fires, injuries, etc. This is important since
a robust risk assessment will seek to characterize all consequence potential, not just
the worst case scenario. This requires estimation of various levels of harm to various
receptor types.
Similar equations are available for other gases but not all gases nor all scenarios.
When a model is needed to evaluate risks from a variety of flammable gases, then addi-
tional variables are needed to distinguish among potential hazard zones. Density might
be appropriate when the consequences are thought to be more sensitive to release rate.
MW or heat of combustion might be more appropriate for consequences more sensi-
tive to thermal radiation. If a gas to be included is thought to have the potential for an
unconfined vapor cloud explosion, then the model should also include overpressure
(explosion) effects as discussed for HVL scenarios.
The previous thermal radiation relationship [83] along with a supposition that dis-
persion, thermal radiation, and vapor cloud explosive potential are proportional to MW
could lead to a modified equation to capture differences among gases for which there
is no deterministic equation.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Even when a simple model such as this appears to be pertinent to the scenario
being assessed, caution is in order. To reduce the complex real-world phenomena into
such a simple equation involving only two inputs, requires numerous assumptions.
Some of these assumptions may not be appropriate for scenarios being evaluated.

Pool fire modeling

For damage potential from pool fires, the pool diameter and the flammable material’s
heat of combustion are the most critical factors in most calculation procedures. Factors
such as release rate, topography, and soil permeability are needed to estimate pool size.
To broadcast a pool size estimate along long distances of pipeline, a pool depth can be
assumed and the radius calculated according to the volume of leaked product at each
spill point. This will not take into account location specific characteristics and should
not be considered a robust approach.
Once the pool size has been estimated, thermal radiation damage distances can be
added. Models such as the one shown earlier in the product hazard discussion, work
well to show distances beyond the pool edges where damages can be expected.
One source predicts distance to a certain thermal radiation intensity with an equa-
tion based on factors for estimating the distance to a heat radiation level that could
cause second degree burns from a 40-second exposure. This heat radiation level was
calculated to be 5,000 watts per square meter. The equation for estimating the distance
from pool fires of flammable liquids with boiling points above ambient temperature is:

0.0001 A
X = Hc
5000 Π (Hv + Cp (TB - TA ))


X = distance to the 5 kilowatt per square meter endpoint (m)
HC = heat of combustion of the flammable liquid (joules/kg)
HV = heat of vaporization of the flammable liquid (joules/kg)
A = pool area (m2)
CP = liquid heat capacity (joules/kg-ºK)
TB = boiling temperature of the liquid (ºK)
TA = ambient temperature (ºK)
EPA’s RMP Off-Site Consequence Analysis Guidance (May 24, 1996)

One source presents maximum separation distances from a fire beyond which the
thermal radiation flux impinging on a structure or person is less than the acceptable
separation distance (ASD) threshold values regardless of the fire size. Table 11.6 on
page 395 lists these maximum values for the different fuels considered. The values
are obtained by extrapolating the ASD from a simplified chart solution for extremely
11 Consequence of Failure

large fire diameters. These maximum ASD values can be used as “screening” values
because distances greater than the “Screen ASD” meet the criteria for thermal radiation
flux regardless of fire size.

Table 11.6
Mass Heat of HRR Per Unit Screen ASD
Burning Combustion Area, q"f
Liquid Rate,m" Struct. People

kg/m2/s kJ/kg kW/m2 m m

Acetic Acid 0.033 13,100 400 10 90
Acetone 0.041 25,800 1,100 10 250
Acrylonitrile 0.052 31,900 1,700 15 390
Amyl Acetate 0.102 32,400 3,300 30 750
Amyl Alcohol 0.069 34,500 2,400 20 550
Benzene 0.048 44,700 2,100 20 480
Butyl Acetate 0.100 37,700 3,800 35 860
Butyl Alcohol 0.054 35,900 1,900 15 430
m-Cresol 0.082 32,600 2,700 25 620
Crude Oil 0.045 42,600 1,900 15 430
Cumene 0.132 41,200 5,400 50 1220
Cyclohexane 0.122 43,500 5,300 45 1200
No. 2 Diesel Fuel 0.035 39,700 1,400 12 320
Ethyl Acetate 0.064 23,400 1,500 15 340
Ethyl Acrylate 0.089 25,700 2,300 20 530
Ethyl Alcohol 0.015 26,800 400 10 90
Ethyl Benzene 0.121 40,900 4,900 40 1100
Ethyl Ether 0.094 33,800 3,200 30 730
Gasoline 0.055 43,700 2,400 20 550
Hexane 0.074 44,700 3,300 30 750
Heptane 0.101 44,600 4,500 40 1000
Isobutyl Alcohol 0.054 35,900 1,900 15 430
Isopropyl Acetate 0.073 27,200 2,000 20 460
Isopropyl Alcohol 0.046 30,500 1,400 15 320
JP-4 0.051 43,500 2,200 20 500
JP-5 0.054 43,000 2,300 20 530
Kerosene 0.039 43,200 1,700 15 400
Methyl Alcohol 0.017 20,000 340 10 80
Methyl Ethyl 0.072 31,500 2,300 20 530
Pentane 0.126 45,000 5,700 50 1300
Toluene 0.112 40,500 4,500 40 1000
Vinyl Acetate 0.136 22,700 3,100 25 700
Xylene 0.090 40,800 3,700 30 850

[pool fire U802.pdf] NISTIR 6546 Thermal Radiation from Large Pool Fires, Kevin B. McGrattan, Howard
R. Baum, Anthony Hamins ; Fire Safety Engineering Division[ Building and Fire Research Laboratory,
November 2000, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce]

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

While these distances are conservative and fixed to pre-determined threshold ef-
fects, they are useful, perhaps particularly so in examining the relative differences in
safe distances for various types of hazardous liquids.

Highly volatile liquids

HVL releases are complex, nonlinear processes, as previously discussed. Hazards as-
sociated with the release of an HVL include several flammability scenarios, explosion
potential, and the more rare scenario of spilled material displacing air and asphyxiating
creatures in the oxygen-free space created. The flammability scenarios of concern in-
clude the following (previously described):
• Flame jets
• Vapor cloud fire, flashfire, fireball
• Liquid pool fires
• Vapor cloud explosion

Because precise modeling is so difficult, many assumptions are often employed.

Use of conservative assumptions helps to avoid unpleasant surprises and to ensure
acceptability of the calculations, should they come under outside scrutiny. A conser-
vative hazard zone distance adopted for an HVL pipeline release, for example, should
be based upon a compilation of calculation results generally corresponding to the dis-
tance at which a full pipeline rupture, at maximum operating pressure, with subsequent
ignition, could expose receptors to significant thermal damages, plus the additional
distance at which blast (overpressure) injuries could occur in the event of a subsequent
vapor cloud explosion. Some sources of conservatism that can be introduced into HVL
hazard zone calculations include:
• Overestimation of probable pipe hole size (can use full-bore rupture as an un-
likely, but worst case release)
• Overestimation of probable pipeline pressure at release (assume maximum
• Stable atmospheric weather conditions at time of release
• Ground-level release event.
• Maximum cloud size occurring prior to ignition
• Extremely rare unconfined vapor cloud explosion scenario with overpressure
limits set at minimal damage levels
• Overpressure effects distance added to ignition distance (assume explosion
epicenter is at farthest point from release).

These conservative parameters would ensure that actual damage areas are well
within the hazard zones for the vast majority of pipeline release scenarios. Additional
parameters that could be adjusted in terms of conservatism include mass of cloud in-
volved in explosion event, overpressure damage thresholds, effects of mixing on LFL
distance, weather parameters that might promote more cohesive cloud conditions and/
11 Consequence of Failure

or cloud drift, release scenarios that do not rapidly depressurize the pipeline, possibili-
ty for sympathetic failures of adjacent pipelines or plant facilities, ground-level versus
atmospheric events, and the potential for a high-velocity jet release of vapor and liquid
in a downwind direction.
Available models and modeling services for HVL releases are numerous. They
range from public domain (free) software designed for first responders, to extremely
sophisticated models run only by specialists.
based on equations from the EPA’s RMP Off-Site Consequence Analysis Guid-
ance (May 24, 1996)[appC haz calcs.doc]

For vapor cloud explosion, the total quantity of flammable substance is assumed to
form a vapor cloud. The entire cloud is assumed to be within the flammability limits,
and the cloud is assumed to explode. Ten percent of the flammable vapor in the cloud is
assumed to participate in the explosion. The distance to the one pound per square inch
overpressure level is determined using equation C-1.

Hcf 3
X = 17 0.1 Wf HCTNT


X = distance to overpressure of 1 psi (meters)
Wf = weight of flammable substance (kg)
HCf = heat of combustion of flammable substance (joules/kg)
HCTNT = heat of combustion of trinitrotoluene (4.68 E+06 joules/kg)

Secondary Fire Effects

One Canadian study concludes that there are on average about two pipeline-related
fires in Canada each year, compared to 70,000 other fires and 9,000 forest fires. Their
conclusion is that gas pipelines generally pose little threat to the environment based on
the low incident of fires initiated by gas pipelines [95]. This conclusion is consistent
with the generally accepted low risk of environmental harm from most gas releases.
Nonetheless, when thermal effects from ignition of any released pipeline product
do occur, secondary fires are commonly seen. Post incident aerial photos clearly show
There will normally be much uncertainty in estimating the potential spread of a
fire, given the multitude of variables impacting the spread, including heat flux, emis-
sivity, transmissivity, types of combustibles, wind, humidity, recent rainfall, emergen-
cy response, and others.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Thermal radiation threshold levels for non-piloted ignition of wood products and
aerial photographs from incidents in similar environments can be used to inform the
selection of a distance for secondary fires to be added to the hazard zone.

11.6.2 Hazard zone examples

For example, a type of hazard zone for a natural gas pipeline could be based on gen-
eralized distances from specific receptors such as those given in Table 14.34. These
are actually “distances of concern,” rather than hazard zones, since they are based on
receptor vulnerability rather than damage distances from a pipeline release.
One high profile assessment uses a default 1250-ft radius around an 18-in. gasoline
pipeline as a hazard zone, but allows for farther distances where modeling around spe-
cific receptors has shown that the topography supports a larger potential spill-impact
In cases of HVL pipeline modeling, conservative (near worst case) distances of
1000 to 2500ft are commonly used, depending on pipeline diameter, pressure, and
product characteristics. HVL releases cases are very sensitive to weather conditions
and carry the potential for unconfined vapor cloud explosions, each of which can great-
ly extend impact zones to more than a mile. (See also the discussion on land-use issues
in a following section for thoughts on setback distances that are logically related to
hazard zones.)
Regulatory set back distances also provide insight into hazard zones determined
by others. A draft Michigan regulatory document suggests setback distances for buried
high-pressure gas pipelines based on the HUD guideline thermal radiation criteria.
The proposed setback distances are tabulated for pipeline diameters (from 4 to 26in.)
and pressures (from 400 to 1800 psig in 100-psig increments). The end points of the
various tables are shown in Table 14.35. It is not known if these distances will be cod-
ified into regulations. In some cases, the larger distances might cause repercussions
regarding alternative land uses for existing pipelines. Land use regulations can have
significant social, political, and economic ramifications.
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) provides guidance on the safe distance for people
and wooden buildings from the edge of a burning spill in their Hazard Assessment
Handbook, Commandant Instruction Manual M 16465.13 . Safe distances range wide-
ly depending on the size of the burning area, which is assumed to be on open water. For
people, the distances vary from 150 to 10,100ft, whereas for buildings the distances
vary from 32 to 1900ft for the same size spill. The spill radii for these distances range
between 10 and 2000ft [35].
A summary of setback distances was published in a consultant report and is shown
in Table 14.36 of PRMM.
Any time default hazard zone distances replace situation-specific calculations, the
defaults should be validated by actual calculations to ensure that they encompass most,
if not all, possible release scenarios for the pipeline systems being evaluated.

11 Consequence of Failure

11.6.3 Using a Fixed Hazard Zone Distance

Based on sound analyses, hazard zones for groups of similar pipelines—same product,
diameter, pressure range, etc—could be set at some consistent nominal distance. A
fixed hazard zone distance sacrifices some resolution since the distance must be based
on a set of parameters that will not be exactly correct for every portion along a long
Fixed hazard buffers may be more appropriate for vapor releases—gas and HVL—
since those releases are often less sensitive to minor changes in location-specific
characteristics. In contrast, a liquid spill is often heavily influenced by minor loca-
tion-specific changes such as drainage ditches, storm sewers, surface flow resistance
and permeability, topography, etc. therefore, the use of a fixed buffer could carry an
acceptable loss of accuracy in assessing a gas or HVL pipeline, but will often not suf-
fice when assessing liquid pipeline risks.
Depending on the desired level of conservatism, the selected hazard zone will of-
ten represent the distances at which damages could occur, but are thought to exceed the
actual distances that the vast majority of pipeline release scenarios would impact. For
many practical applications of a risk assessment, such conservatism will be warranted.

11.6.4 Characterizing Hazard Zone Potential Using Scenarios

Since an infinite range of hazard distances (areas, zones) are possible, a methodology
to efficiently characterize this range without undue loss of accuracy is desired. A good
choice is to select a sufficient number of scenarios to represent all possible scenarios
and their relative frequency of occurrence. Using a dozen or less scenarios to represent
the thousands that are possible, will often generate sufficient resolution for the risk
assessment. The selected scenarios should certainly represent both the most common
and slight variations on the most common, as well as the worst case.
Estimate hazard distances (threshold distances) for representative pairings of leak
size and ignition scenarios. For example, using hole size as a surrogate for leak size,
holes sizes of “rupture”, “leak”, and “pinhole” could be paired with ignition scenarios
of “immediate”, “delayed”, and “no ignition”, resulting in 9 combinations, as is shown
in the following example. Hole size probabilities could be linked directly to failure
mechanism, material toughness, and other pertinent factors.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Table 11.7
Establishing Hazard Zone Distances and Probabilities

Threshold Distances (ft)

Probability Distance Probability
Probability Ignition Thermal Overpress Contamination (ft)
Product Hole Size of ignition from of Maximum
of Hole Scenario impact impact Impact
scenario source (ft) Distance

immediate 60% 0 400 0 0 400 4.8%

rupture 8% delayed 20% 300 400 800 0 1500 1.6%
no ignition 20% 300 0 0 0 300 1.6%
immediate 15% 0 300 0 0 300 1.8%
propane medium 12% delayed 15% 100 300 200 0 600 1.8%
no ignition 70% 100 0 0 0 100 8.4%
immediate 10% 0 50 0 0 50 8.0%
small 80% delayed 10% 30 50 0 0 80 8.0%
no ignition 80% 30 0 0 0 30 64.0%
100% 100.0%

As another example, the following table, which coincidentally also uses nine sce-
narios to represent all possible scenarios, is offered. This table is created in a different
way from the previous. Here, various combinations of hole size (up to full rupture of
the 16” pipe being modeled) and pressure (up to maximum operating pressure) are se-
lected. They encompass the full range of larger sized releases, ignoring smaller, <0.5”
diameter holes.
Each pairing is assigned conservative probabilities of the hole size and pressure
occurring, as well as ignition subsequently happening; hole probability x pressure
probability x ignition probability = scenario probability. This is thought to fairly repre-
sent the range of plausible large hazard zone generating scenarios.

11.6.5 Comparisons

When multiple hazardous liquid and vapor releases are to be assessed, some compar-
isons can be useful. Equivalences are challenging, though, given the different types
of hazards and potential damages (thermal versus overpressure versus contamina-
tion damages, for example). For instance, 10,000 square feet of contaminated soil or
groundwater is a different damage state than a 10,000-square-foot burn radius. When
consequences are to be monetized, equivalences will emerge—the costs of the inci-
dents is the common denominator to make comparisons meaningful.
For instance, using some very specific assumptions, some human fatality and seri-
ous injury distances involving multiple products, diameters, pressures, and flow rates
were calculated to generate Table 7.11 in PRMM.

11 Consequence of Failure


Consequence reduction measures are opportunities to reduce the potential losses from
an event already in progress. The pipeline operator’s ability to seize these opportunities
should be included in the risk assessment.
The simple formula of consequence factors is again a useful summary of the CoF
ingredients and shows, in a more structured way, the opportunities to reduce potential

Leak impact (LI) = product hazard (PH) x leak size (L) x dispersion (D) x
receptors (R)

Reduction to any factor or combination of factors will reduce consequence poten-

tial. Reductions to some will not often be practical—changing product or permanently
moving receptors, for instance. In the interest of completeness, however, such options
should be acknowledged. Other options are usually viable—reduce spill volumes and/
or dispersion of released product.
Discounting business consequences, consequence-reducing actions must do at
least one of two things:
1. Limit the damage area.
2. Limit damages to receptors within the damage area

Given a release, associated damage/hazard areas are reduced by limiting the

amount of product spilled by isolating the pipeline quickly or changing some transport
parameter (pressure, flowrate, type of product, etc), by preventing ignition, and/or by
limiting the extent of the spill. If a reduction measure can reduce the size of the hazard
zone, then fewer receptors may be exposed and consequences will be lower.
Additionally, the potential damage rate within the hazard zone can be limited by
protecting or removing vulnerable receptors. Additional actions to limit receptor dam-
ages include prompt medical attention, quick containment, avoidance of secondary
damages, and rapid cleanup of the spill.
Chronic hazards have a time factor implied: events tend to worsen with the pas-
sage of time. Actions that can influence what occurs during the time period of the spill
will impact the consequences. Therefore, there are more opportunities to reduce hazard
areas associated with chronic events. If a small release is detected before a spill plume
can become larger or migrate to additional sensitive receptors, the hazard zone may
be reduced by flow halting, secondary containment, and others. In chronic hazard sce-
narios, emergency response actions such as evacuation, blockades, and rapid pipeline
shutoff are effective in reducing the hazard area.
Most acute events offer less intervention opportunities since the largest hazard
zones tend to occur immediately after release and then improve over time. The more
probable leak scenarios involving acute hazards show that the consequences would not
increase over time because the driving force (pressure) is being reduced immediately
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

after the leak event begins and dispersion of spilled product occurs rapidly. This means
that reaction times swift enough to impact the immediate degree of hazard are not very
likely. The emphasis here is on ‘immediate’ so as not to downplay the importance of
emergency response. Emergency response can indeed influence the final outcome of
an acute event in terms of loss of life, injuries, property damage, and other potential
In many scenarios, reaction to a liquid spill plays a larger role in consequence min-
imization than does reaction to a gas release.
Additional opportunities, less common for pipelines, include fire suppression sys-
tems higher-volume containment does not always warrant more risk mitigation than
smaller containments. The larger containment component or facility has a greater po-
tential leak volume due to its larger stored volume, but either can produce a smaller,
but consequential leak.

11.7.1 Mitigation of CoF vs PoF

The first determination for the risk implications of a mitigation measure is whether it
plays a role mostly in terms of failure avoidance or consequence minimization. For ex-
ample, it can be argued that leak detection should be assessed only in the consequence
analyses because it acts as a consequence-limiting activity—the leak has already oc-
curred and early detection can reduce the potential consequences of the leak. However,
leak detection can also play a role in leak size—sometimes allowing intervention be-
fore a larger leak manifests. Depending on the definition of ‘failure’, this scenario may
reduce failure probability in addition to consequence potential.
Distribution systems are a good example of this nuance. Distribution systems tend
to have a higher incidence of leaks compared to transmission systems. This is due to
differences in the age, materials, construction techniques, and operating environment
between the two types of pipelines. Leakage in these low pressure systems is more
routine and leak detection and repair is a normal aspect of operations. Some leaks are
not actionable except for perhaps inclusion on a ‘monitoring’ list. Before some thresh-
old leak rate (or leak circumstance) is reached, the leak is not a ‘failure’. Furthermore,
leaks often provide early warning of deteriorating system integrity. The number of
leak locations is often used as a forecaster of ‘failures’, with failure being a leak of
actionable size.
Therefore, there may be overlap where a mitigation measure such as leak detec-
tion plays a role in both PoF and CoF estimations. This is not an obstacle for the risk
assessment approach recommended here—any and all measures reducing either can be
readily included in the assessment. When a measure such as leak detection is thought
to play a significant role in failure rates—by some definition of ‘failure’--it is readily
incorporated into the exposure, mitigation, and resistance modeling of PoF. It will of-
ten be best modeled as an inspection, playing a similar role as other inspections such
as ILI. It first provides some indications of resistance—where damage has already
occurred. It then provides inferential evidence of both exposure—failure rates may be
11 Consequence of Failure

higher when the leak suggest system deterioration—and mitigation—the leak, having
occurred despite mitigation, informs the assessment of mitigation effectiveness.

11.7.2 Sympathetic Failures

Note that CoF mitigation plays a measurable role in PoF reduction through avoidance
of secondary damages. That is, reducing the hazard area from event 1 prevents event 2,
3, 4, etc. where subsequent events are avoided by fire suppression systems, depressur-
izations, secondary containment, blast walls, etc. Especially in complex facilities, each
component’s PoF will include its neighbor’s PoF scenarios that can generate sufficient
forces, including thermal effects, to cause sympathetic failures.

11.7.3 Measuring CoF Mitigation

Much discussion on consequence mitigation is offered in the following sections. Note

however, that the assessment of such capabilities is straightforward. This is done by
measuring (quantifying) and including in the risk assessment, the ability to reliably
minimize the area of exposure or exposure time.
In other words, the assessor accounts for the abilities of the mitigation measures
to reduce the hazard zone itself or to minimize damages to receptors within the hazard
zone. Specifically, this involves the quantification of one or more of the following
• Reduction in spill volume
• Reduction is release dispersion
• Fewer receptors harmed
• Less harm to exposed receptors

Especially for the first two, the quantification can be based on robust calculations.
For example, the role of extra valves in reducing draining-by-gravity volumes can
be calculated and the leak detection/reaction capabilities can be assessed at all points
along the pipeline as a function of instrumentation, ability to stop flows, and abilities to
mobilize and execute loss-minimizing reactions. In other cases, only assumptions and
judgments may be available. Realistically, the assessor will sometimes have to simply
estimate a percentage reduction, based on the perceived effectiveness and reliability
of the mitigation. For example, if emergency response is thought to reduce receptor
damages that would otherwise occur, the quantification may be the result of examina-
tions of scenarios to estimate amount of receptor protections afforded by actions such
as evacuation, rapid boom deployment, removal of ignition sources, etc. these actions
will be very much location- and incident-specific, making general estimates especially
Even if the quantification is imprecise, the estimation exercise is important. The
quantification puts a value on the emergency response, leak detection, secondary con-
tainment, etc, thereby providing the ‘benefit’ portion of cost/benefit analyses for these
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

measures. Different mitigation measures will have different benefits (and costs) at var-
ious potential spill locations along a pipeline. The cost/benefit all along a pipeline
guides decision-makers in risk management. Even when imprecise, the quantifications
demonstrate a defensible, process-based approach to understanding and therefore man-
aging risk.
Reduction measures are valued in the same way as mitigation measures in PoF.
Two questions are asked and answered in performing the valuation—‘how effective
can the measure be if it is done as well as can be imagined’? and then, ‘how well is it
being done in the situation being assessed?’ in measuring the effectiveness, ‘probabili-
ty of success’ will need to be considered, since many measures. The reduction may be
expressed as a reduced damage state—a fraction of the damage that would otherwise
As with PoF measurements, it is most efficient to compartmentalize events (ex-
posures) from mitigations. This means that the hazard zone associated with the un-
mitigated event should first be estimated. Then, that theoretical hazard zone may be
reduced by mitigation measures. For instance, the spill footprint is first estimated as if
no temporary spill containment measurements occur. Then, the reductions in area due
to emergency response, secondary containment, etc are estimated. (An exception is
leak detection and isolation time capabilities which are, for practical reasons, normally
a part of the initial spill size determination rather than an imagined scenario of infinite
leak rate and duration.)
Similarly, the receptor damages should be first estimated as if no protections were
in place. Then, reductions to the theoretical receptor damages may be afforded by
protections. Shielding and reduction in exposure time (perhaps enhanced escape op-
portunities through early warning and/or rapid evacuation) are examples of protection
opportunities for human receptors.
If the hazard zone is created directly from a threshold intensity—thermal radia-
tion or overpressure level, for example—then receptor protection can be evaluated
separately. A factor to account for the benefits of shielding is included in the example
The following consequence-reducing opportunities are discussed in this section:
• Hazard Area Limiting Actions
o Secondary containment
o Suppression systems
o Detection (leak, fire, concentrations, etc)
o Emergency response (temporary secondary containment, shielding,
removal of ignition sources, intentional ignition, dilution, suppres-
sion, etc)
• Loss limiting actions
o Detection
o Emergency Response (evacuations, removal of ignition sources, in-
tentional ignition, other exposure duration reductions)

11 Consequence of Failure

Note the partial overlap in emergency response actions. This is due to the fact that,
in some cases, the same action may reduce the hazard area while in other cases, the
hazard area is unaffected but the receptor damage potential within the area is reduced.
The distinction is somewhat esoteric since loss limiting actions mostly reduce the re-
ceptor exposure duration and the hazard area boundary already implicitly includes
duration of exposure (thermal or toxic) considerations.

11.7.4 Spill volume/dispersion limiting actions

Reductions in spill size are made by reducing the product containment volume in the
case of volume-dependent spills, and by reducing the source rate (e.g., pressure, den-
sity, , hole, time-to-detect) in the case of rate-dependent spills. Smaller volumes that
can potentially be released, eg smaller vessel, or smaller leak rates, for example, lower
pressure, smaller holes, reduce spill sizes. Note that improvements in leak detection
also effectively reduce the source, in the leak-rate dependent case.
Secondary containment and emergency response, especially leak detection/re-
action, are considered to be risk mitigation measures that minimize potential conse-
quences by minimizing product leak volumes and/or dispersion. The effectiveness of
each varies depending on the type of system being evaluated.
This opportunity for consequence reduction includes leak detection/reaction and is
often the most realistic way for the operator to reduce the consequences of a pipeline
failure. Some common approaches to limiting spill volumes are discussed below.

Leak Isolation

The ability to quickly isolate leaks and reduce volume to a leak location are logically
important consequence minimizations.

11.7.5 Pipeline Isolation Protocols

Sequencing of pipeline isolation can be important to spill size estimations. To min-

imize release volumes in the event of a leak, the pressure at the leak location must be
minimized as quickly as possible. This is accomplished by halting all sources of pres-
sure and allowing the leak location to depressure as rapidly as possible. Providing an
alternative flow path—other than through the integrity breach—assists in the depres-
surization. In many leak scenarios, therefore, maintaining an alternate flow path away
from the leak minimizes consequences.
Elevation profiles and hole size also play an important role in isolation protocols
for liquid pipelines. Leaks in low spots or in the rare scenario where the pipe is com-
pletely separated may be worsened by attempts to maintain an open flow path away
from the leak.
It may therefore be difficult to quickly ascertain the optimal action to take. While
larger and more rapid changes in monitored points such as flow and pressure are asso-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ciated with large leak events, the guillotine rupture type of event—where all flow paths
should be quickly closed—is largely indistinguishable—from a remote control center
or even from the leak site itself—from a larger leak where maintaining the alternative
flow path is beneficial.
A downstream flow meter (or manual observation) accurately indicating that no
flow is passing the leak site would be the most compelling evidence that full isolation
is appropriate.
Isolation must also consider surge potential. In certain circumstances, damages
could be caused to other parts of the pipeline while trying to minimize the consequenc-
es of a leak in progress. This is readily avoided by commonly used surge prevention
equipment. See full discussion of surge potential as a contributor to pipeline PoF in

11.7.6 Valving

This is especially true for incompressible fluids transported in pipelines.

Two key components of a release volume from a liquid line are (1) the continued
pumping that occurs before the line can be shut down and (2) the liquid that drains
from the pipe after the line has been shut down. The former is only minimally impact-
ed by additional isolation capability—perhaps only helping to stop momentum effects
from pumping if a valve is rapidly closed (but potentially generating threatening pres-
sure waves ). The main role of additional isolation capabilities, therefore, seems to be
in reducing drain volumes. Because a pipeline is a closed system, hydraulic head and/
or a displacement gas is needed to affect line drainage. Hilly terrain can create natural
check valves that limit hydraulic head and gas displacement of pipeline liquids.
Faster response scenarios may include valves that automatically isolate a leak-
ing pipeline section based on continuously monitored parameters that indicate a leak.
However, in real applications, the value of such valves and the practicality of such au-
tomation is often uncertain. The use of valves as spill limiting equipment are discussed
A. Automatic and/or remotely operated valves. Automatic valves are often trig-
gered on low pressure, high pressure, high flow, rate of change of pressure or
flow, or more complex combinations of these. This includes automatic shutoffs
of pumps, wells, and other pressure sources. Regular maintenance is required
to ensure proper operation. Experience warns that this type of equipment is
often plagued by false trips from transient conditions, nearby electrical storms,
and other system or environment causes. Such valve actuations may create ad-
ditional stresses such as surge pressures in addition to unnecessary supply in-
terruptions. Avoidance of false triggers is sometimes accomplished by setting
relatively insensitive response trigger points, thereby reducing the automation
reaction time and the benefits sought.

11 Consequence of Failure

Check valves are another form of automatic valves and play an important spill-re-
ducing role in some systems. A check valve might be especially useful for liquid lines
with elevation changes. Strategically placed check valves may reduce the draining or
siphoning to a spill at a lower elevation.

B. Valve spacing. Closer valve spacing logically provides a benefit in reducing

the spill amount in many scenarios. Spacing benefits must be coupled with the
most probable reaction time in closing those valves since valves may be near
to a leak sites but lack a quick activation time (for example, manual valves that
are difficult to access or slow to operate). Many countries’ regulations require
valves be placed within certain distances, sometimes related to receptors such
as population densities (US natural gas transmission pipeline valve maximum
permissible spacings are a function of population density) or water bodies (US
hazardous liquid pipelines). Regulations also commonly require situation-spe-
cific analyses to determine when additional valves or improvements in valve
swiftness of operation is warranted. Regulations using ALARP have such con-
siderations implicitly required.
Concerns with the use of additional block valves include costs and increased sys-
tem vulnerabilities from malfunctioning components and/or accidental closures, espe-
cially where automatic or remote capabilities are included. For unidirectional pipelines,
check valves (preventing backflow) can provide some consequence minimization ben-
efits. Check valves respond almost immediately to reverse flow and are not subject to
most of the incremental risks associated with block valves since they have less chance
of accidental closure due to human error or, in the case of automatic/remote valves,
failure due to system malfunctions. Their failure rate (failure as unwanted closure or
failure to close when needed) can be considered against benefits provided.
Studies of possible benefits of shorter distances between valves of any type pro-
duce mixed conclusions. Evaluations of previous accidents can provide insight into
possible benefits of closer valve spacing in reducing consequences of specific sce-
narios. By one study of 336 liquid pipeline accidents, such valves could, at best, have
provided a 37% reduction in damage [76]. Offsetting potential benefits is the often sub-
stantial costs of additional valves and the increased potential for equipment malfunc-
tion, which may increase certain risks (surge potential, customer interruption, etc.).
Rusin and Savvides-Gellerson [76] calculate that the costs (installation and ongoing
maintenance) of additional valves would far outweigh the possible benefits, and also
imply that such valves may actually introduce new hazards.
More recent work presents findings that also might be useful to the risk asses-
sor. A 2012 study (Battelle, 2012) focusing on full ruptures with subsequent ignition
(of transmission pipeline carrying natural gas and using propane as the worst-case
hazardous liquid scenario) plus a spill scenario of unignited crude oil, concluded the

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Natural Gas
• “… block valves have no influence on the volume of natural gas released
during the detection phase…”
• “Fire damage to buildings and personal property located in Class 1, Class 2,
Class 3, and Class 4 HCAs resulting from natural gas combustion immediately
following guillotine-type breaks in natural gas pipelines is considered poten-
tially severe for all areas within 1.5 to 1.7 times the PIR. “
• “Without fire fighter intervention, the swiftness of block valve closure has no
effect on mitigating potential fire damage to buildings and personal property in
Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 HCAs resulting from natural gas pipeline
• “Block valve closure swiftness also has no effect on reducing building and
personal property damage costs.”
• “The benefit in terms of cost avoidance is based on the ability of fire fighters to
mitigate fire damage to buildings and personal property located within a dis-
tance of approximately 1.5 times the PIR by conducting fire fighting activities
as soon as possible upon arrival at the scene.”
• “The study results further show that for natural gas release scenarios, block
valve closure within 8 minutes after the break can result in a potential cost
avoidance of at least $2,000,000 for 12-in nominal diameter natural gas pipe-
lines and $8,000,000 for 42-in nominal diameter natural gas pipelines depend-
ing on the configuration of buildings within the Class 3 HCA. “
• “Delaying block valve closure by an additional 5 minutes can reduce the cost
avoidance by approximately 50%.”

Hazardous Liquids4 with Ignition

• “The effectiveness of block valve closure swiftness on limiting the spill vol-
ume of a release is influenced by the location of the block valves relative to
the location of the break, the pipeline elevation profile between adjacent block
valves, and the time required to close the block valves after the break is detect-
ed and the pumps are shut down.”
• “Fire damage to buildings and personal property in a HCA resulting from liq-
uid propane combustion immediately following guillotine-type breaks in haz-
ardous liquid pipelines is considered potentially severe for a radius up to 2.6
times the equilibrium diameter.”5 “These conclusions are based on computed

4 As defined in US regulations

5 pool diameters, the study produced ‘equilibrium diameters’ of around 300 ft for 8” pipelines and
1,900 ft for 30” pipelines. The report does not discuss how such pools can be formed by propane
under atmospheric conditions (ie, the expected HVL behavior is not explained)
11 Consequence of Failure

heat flux versus time data for liquid propane pipelines with nominal diameters
ranging from 8 to 30 in. and operating pressures ranging from 400 psig to
1,480 psig.”
• “The benefit in terms of cost avoidance for damage to buildings and personal
property attributed to block valve closure swiftness increases as the duration
of the block valve shutdown phase decreases. Risk analysis results for a hy-
pothetical 30-in. nominal diameter hazardous liquid pipeline release of liquid
propane show that the estimated avoided cost of moderate building and prop-
erty damage resulting from block valve closure in 13 rather than 70 minutes is
over $300,000,000.”

Hazardous Liquids without Ignition

• “The swiftness of block valve closure has a significant effect on mitigating po-
tential socioeconomic and environmental damage to the human and natural en-
vironments resulting from hazardous liquid pipeline releases because damage
costs increase as the spill size increases. The benefit in terms of cost avoidance
for damage to the human and natural environments attributed to block valve
closure swiftness increases as the duration of the block valve shutdown phase
• “The damage cost for crude oil released in the Enbridge Line 6B pipeline rup-
ture in Marshall, Michigan in 2010 was approximately $38,000 per barrel. “
• “It is also important that inadvertent block valve closure does not occur. It
is undesirable to disrupt service to critical customers, and also sudden block
valve closure that occurs inadvertently may cause a pressure surge that could
damage equipment.”

Note that cost and benefit conclusions are incomplete here since benefits expressed
on a per incident basis do not provide the complete story. The frequency of incidents
is also needed. While the conclusions and analyses in this study are interesting, they
have used many assumptions that may not be appropriate in many applications. The
emphasized point that location-specific characteristics can readily invalidate the un-
derlying assumptions, points to the need to consider more than these conclusions in a
risk assessment.

11.7.7 Sensing devices.

Part of response time is the first opportunity to take action. This opportunity depends
on the sensitivity of the leak detection. All leak detection will have an element of
uncertainty, from the possibility of crank phone calls to the false alarms generated by
instrumentation failures or instrument reactions to pipeline transients. This uncertainty
must also be included in reaction times.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

11.7.8 Reaction times

If a human intervention is required to initiate the proper response, this intervention must
be assessed in terms of timeliness and appropriateness. A control room operator must
often diagnose the leak based on instrument readings transmitted to him. How quickly
he can make this diagnosis depends on his training, his experience, and the level of
instrumentation that is supporting his diagnosis. Probable reaction times can be judged
from mock emergency drill records when available. If the control room can remotely
operate equipment to reduce the spill size, the reaction time is improved. Travel time
by first responders must otherwise be factored in. If the pipeline operator has provided
enough training and communications to public emergency response personnel so that
they may operate pipeline equipment, response time may be improved, but possibly at
the expense of increased human error potential. Public emergency response personnel
are probably not able to devote much training time to a rare event such as a pipeline
failure. If the reaction is automatic (computer-generated valve closure, for instance) a
sensitivity is necessarily built in to eliminate false alarms.

11.7.9 Secondary containment

Hazard area is reduced when secondary containment is present. The greater the leak or
receptor isolation offered by secondary containment, the footprint within which dam-
ages can occur. Secondary containment benefit is usually proportional to the size of the
effective area it protects.
Opportunities to contain or limit the spread of a release can be considered here.
These opportunities include:
• Natural barriers or accumulation points
• Casing pipe, pipe-in-pipe designs
• Tunnels
• Lined trench
• Berms or levees
• Containment systems
• Impervious/ Semipervious liner
• Immediate fill indication
• Overflow alarms
• Double-walled tanks
• Reducing Receptor Contact Times
o Fire suppression system Deluge system foam systems, water curtains
o Depressurization systems (for example, flares). dump/blowdowns

Limited secondary containments such as pump seal vessels and sumps are de-
signed to capture specific leaks. As such they provide risk reduction for a limited range
of scenarios.

11 Consequence of Failure

Many secondary containment opportunities apply only to liquid releases and are
found at stations. The presence of secondary containment can be considered as an
opportunity to reduce (or eliminate) the “area of opportunity” for consequences to
occur—fewer exposed receptors.
Secondary containment can be evaluated in terms of its ability to:
• Contain the majority of all foreseeable spills scenarios.
• Contain 100% of a potential spill plus firewater, debris, or other volume reduc-
ers that might compete for containment space—largest tank contents plus 30
minutes of maximum firewater flow is sometimes used [26].
• Contain spilled volumes safely—not exposing additional equipment to haz-
• Contain spills until removal can be effected—no leaks.

Note that ease of cleanup of the containment area is a secondary consideration

(business risk).
Within station limits, the drainage of spills away from other equipment is import-
ant. A slope of at least 2% (1% on hard surfaces) to a safe impoundment area of suffi-
cient volume is seen as adequate. Details regarding other factors can be found in Ref
Some secondary containment designs provide a great deal of additional risk re-
duction benefits, beyond their role in preventing dispersion of releases. Pipe-in-pipe
designs and installations in tunnels often support continuous and improved leak detec-
tion, improved inspectability, reduced threats from external forces and corrosion, etc,
all in addition to the important secondary containment benefits. They are not, however,
free from practical challenges including very high initial costs and additional mainte-
nance requirements.
Where man-made secondary containment exists, or it is recognized that special
natural containment exists, the evaluator can adjust the hazard area accordingly.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

11.7.10 Leak detection

Figure 11.7 Leak detection capabilities

Including leak detection and emergency response considerations impacts the vol-
umes released and adds an important level of resolution to any risk analysis. Their in-
clusion also provides a way to assign values to this largely-discretionary risk reduction
measures. By quantifying the avoided potential losses (expected loss valuations), the
costs of new systems or enhancements to existing systems can be justified.
It is especially important to consider leak detection capabilities for scenarios in-
volving toxic or environmentally persistent products. In those cases, a full line rupture
might not be the worst case scenario. Slow leaks gone undetected for long periods can
be more damaging than massive leaks that are quickly detected and addressed.
The ability to detect smaller leaks is important since the smaller leaks tend to be
more prevalent and can also be very consequential. The negative impact of smaller
leaks often far exceed the scale predicted by a simple proportion to leak rate. For
example, a 1gal/day leak detected after 100 days is often far worse than a 100gal/day
leak rate detected in 1 day, even though the same amount of product is spilled in either
case. Unknown and complex interactions between small spills, subsurface transport,
and groundwater contamination, as well as the increased ground transport opportunity,
account for increased chronic hazard in many scenarios.

Leak detection and vapor dispersion

Leak detection plays a relatively minor role in minimizing consequence in most sce-
narios of gas pipelines large leaks or ruptures. Therefore, many large gas release sce-
narios will not be significantly impacted by any assumptions relative to leak detection

11 Consequence of Failure

capabilities. This is especially true when defined damage states use short exposure
times to thermal radiation, as is often warranted.
Gas pipeline release hazards depend on release rates which in turn are governed
by pressure and hole size. In the case of larger releases, the pressure diminishes quick-
ly—more quickly than would be affected by any actions that could be taken by a con-
trol center. In the case of smaller leaks, pressures decline more slowly but ignition
probability is much lower and hazard areas are much smaller. In general, there are few
opportunities to evacuate a pressurized gas pipeline more rapidly than occurs through
the leak process itself, when the leak rate is significant. A notable exception to this
case is that of possible gas accumulation in confined spaces. This is a common hazard
associated with urban gas distribution systems.
Another exception would be a scenario involving the ignition of a small leak that
causes immediate localized damages and then more widespread damages as more com-
bustible surroundings are ignited over time as the fire spreads. In that scenario, leak
detection might be more useful in minimizing potential impacts to the public.

Leak detection and liquid dispersion

Leak detection capabilities play a larger role in liquid spills compared to gas releases.
Long after a leak has occurred, liquid products can be detected because they have more
opportunities for accumulation and are usually more persistent in the environment. A
small, difficult-to-detect leak that is allowed to continue for a long period of time can
cause widespread contamination damages, especially to aquifers. Therefore, the ability
to quickly locate and identify even small leaks is critical for some liquid pipelines.
A leak detection capability curve can be used to establish the largest potential
volume release.

Leak Detection and CoF

Leak detection can be seen as a critical part of emergency response. It provides early
notification and allows more rapid response. Leak detection is considered a spill reduc-
ing opportunity aspect of emergency response.
The role of leak detection is evaluated in the determination of spill size and dis-
As discussed previously, leak size is partially dependent on failure mode. Small
leak rates tend to occur due to corrosion (pinholes) or some other failure modes. The
more damaging of these small leaks occur below detection levels and continue for long
periods of time. Larger leak rates tend to occur under catastrophic failure conditions
such as external force (e.g., third party, ground movement) and avalanche crack fail-
Larger leaks can be detected more quickly and located more precisely. Smaller
leaks may not be found at all by some methods due to the sensitivity limitations. The

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

trade-offs involved between sensitivity and leak size can be expressed in terms of prob-
ability of detection over time.
Computational pipeline monitoring (CPM) is a part of most modern transmission
pipeline operations and includes leak detection capabilities ranging from rudimentary
to extremely sophisticated. The specific method of CPM leak detection chosen depends
on a variety of factors including the type of product, flow rates, pressures, the amount
of instrumentation available, the instrumentation characteristics, the communications
network, the topography, the soil type, and economics. Especially when sophisticated
modeling is involved, there is often a trade-off between the sensitivity and the number
of false alarms, especially in “noisy” systems with high levels of transients.
As is the case with other aspects of post-incident response, leak detection is thought
to normally play a minor role, in reducing the hazard, reducing the probability of the
hazard, or reducing the acute consequences. Leak detection can, however, play a larger
role in reducing the chronic consequences of a release. As such, its importance in risk
management for chronic consequence scenarios is more significant.
This is not to say that leak detection benefits that mitigate acute risks are not pos-
sible. One can imagine a scenario in which a smaller leak, rapidly detected and cor-
rected, averted the creation of a larger, more dangerous leak. This would theoretically
reduce the acute consequences by preventing the potentially larger leak. We can also
imagine the case where rapid leak detection coupled with the fortunate happenstance
of pipeline personnel being close by might cause reaction time to be swift enough to
reduce the extent of the hazard. This would also impact the acute consequences. These
scenarios are obviously limited and it is conservative to assume that leak detection has
limited ability to reduce the acute impacts from a pipeline break. Increasing use of leak
detection methodology is to be expected as modeling techniques become more refined
and instrumentation becomes more accurate. As this happens, leak detection may play
an increasingly important role, leak volume and leak rate are both critical determi-
nants of dispersion and hence of hazard zone size. Leak rate is important under the
assumption that larger rates cause more spread of hazardous product and higher ther-
mal impacts (more acute impacts), and lower rates impact detectability (more chronic
impacts). Leak volume is more important in chronic scenarios such as environmental
cleanup. The rate of leakage multiplied by the time the leak continues is often the best
estimate of total leak volume. Some potential consequences are more volume sensitive
than leak-rate dependent. Spills from catastrophic failures or those occurring at pipe-
line low points are more volume dependent than leak-rate dependent. Such events are
better assessed by leak volumes because the entire volume of a pipeline segment will
often be involved, regardless of response actions.

Detection methodologies

Common methods of Pipeline leak detection are shown in PRMM

Each method has its strengths and weaknesses and an associated spectrum of ca-
11 Consequence of Failure

Regular leakage surveys are routinely performed on hydrocarbon pipelines, (espe-

cially gas) systems in many countries. Hand-carried or vehicle-mounted sensing equip-
ment is available to detect trace amounts of leaking gas in the atmosphere near the
ground level. Such overline leak detection by instrumentation (sniffers), vehicle-based
systems, or even by trained animals—usually dogs (which reportedly have detection
thresholds far below instrument capabilities)--is an available technique. The effective-
ness of leak surveys depends partly on environmental actors such as wind, tempera-
ture, and the presence of other interfering fumes in the area. Therefore, specific sur-
vey conditions and the technology used will make many evaluations situation specific.
Pipeline patrolling and surveying can generally be made more capable of detection
by adjusting observer training (the observer seeks visual indications of a leak such as
dying vegetation, bubbles in water, or sheens on the water or ground surface), speed of
survey or patrol, equipment carried (may include detection based on flame ionization
detectors (FID), thermal conductivity, infrared sensors, laser-based detection systems,
etc.), altitude/speed of air patrol, training of ground personnel, and allowing for specif-
ic topography, ROW conditions, product characteristics, weather—both current an, for
instance, recent rainfall, etc. Although the capabilities of direct observation techniques
are inconsistent, experience shows them to still play a viable role in leak detection,
computer-based leak detection methods require instrumentation and computational
analysis. A common type of pipeline leak detection employs SCADA-based capabil-
ities of monitoring of pressures, flows, temperatures, equipment status, etc. plus bal-
ancing flows in and out of segments. SCADA and control center procedures might call
for a leak detection investigation when (1) abnormally low pressures or an abnormal
rate of change of pressure is detected; and (2) a flow balance analysis, in which flows
into a pipeline section are compared with flows out of the section and discrepancies
are detected. SCADA-based alarms can be set to alert the operator of such unusual
pressure levels, differences between flow rates, abnormal temperatures, or equipment
status (such as unexplained pump/compressor stops).
SCADA-based capabilities are commonly enhanced by computational techniques
that use SCADA data in conjunction with mathematical algorithms to analyze pipeline
flows and pressures on a real-time basis. Some use only relatively simple mass-bal-
ance calculations, perhaps with corrections for linefill. More robust versions add con-
servation of momentum calculations, conservation of energy calculations, with con-
siderations for fluid properties, instrument performance, using a host of sophisticated
equations to characterize flows, including transient flow analyses. The nature of the
operations will impact leak detection capabilities, with more less steady flows and
more compressible fluids reducing the capabilities.
The more instruments (and the more optimized the instrument locations) that are
accurately transmitting data into the SCADA-based leak detection model, the higher
the accuracy of the model and the confidence level of leak indications. Ideally, the
model would receive data on flows, temperatures, pressures, densities, viscosities, etc.,
along the entire pipeline length. By tuning the computer model to simulate mathemati-
cally all flowing conditions along the entire pipeline and then continuously comparing
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

this simulation to actual data, the model tries to distinguish between instrument errors,
normal transients, and leaks. Depending on the system characteristics, relatively small
leaks can often be accurately located in a timely fashion. How small a leak and how
swift a detection is specific to the situation, given the large numbers of variables to
consider. References [3] and [4] discuss these leak detection systems and methodolo-
gies for evaluating their capabilities.
Another computer-based method is designed to detect pressure waves. A leak will
cause a negative pressure wave at the leak site. This wave will travel in both directions
from the leak at high speed through the pipeline product (much faster in liquids than
in gases). By simply detecting this wave, leak size and location can be estimated. A
technique called pressure point analysis (PPA) detects this wave and also statistically
analyzes all changes at a single pressure or flow monitoring point. By statistically
analyzing all of these data, the technique can reportedly, with a higher degree of con-
fidence, distinguish between leaks and many normal transients as well as identify in-
strument drift and reading errors. Ultrasonic leak detectors—in which instrumentation
is used to detect the sonic energy from an escaping product are used in permanent and
pig-based applications.
Another method of leak detection involves various methods of continuous direct
detection of leaks immediately adjacent to a pipeline. One variation of this method is
the installation of a secondary conduit along the entire pipeline length. This secondary
conduit is designed to sense leaks originating from the pipeline. The secondary conduit
may take the form of a small-diameter perforated tube, installed parallel to the pipe-
line, which allows vapor samples to be drawn into a sensor that can detect the product
leaks. Variations on this type of system can detect temperature changes or react specif-
ically to certain hydrocarbons, based on electrical conductivity or other characteristics.
Floating hydrocarbon sensors used at river crossings and other offshore locations fall
into this method. Use of hydrocarbon sensors, ‘fire eyes’, and other above-ground,
atmospheric-based sensing systems are also included here.
Additional leak detection methods include the following:
• Subsurface detector survey—in which atmospheric sampling points are found
(or created) near the pipe. Such sampling points include manways, sewers,
vaults, other conduits, and holes excavated over the pipeline. This technique
may be required when conditions do not allow an adequate surface survey
(perhaps high wind or surface coverage by pavement or ice). A sampling pat-
tern is usually designed to optimize this technique.
• Pressure loss test—in which an isolated section of pipeline is closely moni-
tored for loss of pressure, indicating a leak.
• Bubble leakage—used on exposed piping, the bubble leakage test in one in
which a bubble-forming solution can be applied and observed for evidence of
gas leakage.

In a pipe-in-pipe design, where an exterior pipe totally encloses the product pipe-
line , the annular space can be continuously monitored for leaks. This emergency re-
11 Consequence of Failure

sponse improvement supplements the secondary containment benefits. Furthermore,

PoF benefits include enhanced protection from external forces and corrosive environ-
ments. Therefore, both Pof and CoF reductions are achieved by such designs. Pipelines
in tunnels offer similar advantages, often with the additional benefit of improved in-
spectability. These systems are much more expensive than conventional designs, can
cause a host of logistical problems, and are usually not employed except on short lines.
Their impact on risk reduction can be dramatic, however. See discussion under Sec-
ondary Containment.
Offshore, a small amount of spilled hydrocarbon is not always easy to visually
spot, especially from moving aircraft. A variety of sensing devices have been or are
being investigated to facilitate spill detection. Detection methods proposed or in use
include infrared, passive microwave, active microwave, laser-thermal propagation, la-
ser acoustic sensors [78], and sonar-based technologies. Some of these technologies
offer the opportunity for continuous monitoring with automatic notifications, thereby
improving response times.

Gas odorization
As a special leak detection and early warning system for most natural gas and LPG dis-
tribution systems, gas odorization warrants further discussion. Methane has very little
odor detectable to humans. Natural gas is mostly methane and will therefore be odor-
less unless an artificial odorant is introduced. It is common practice to inject an odorant
so that gas will be detected at levels far below the lower flammable limit of the gas in
air mixture—often one-fifth of the flammable limit. This means that accumulations of
5 times the detection level are required before fire or explosion is possible. This allows
early warning of a gas pipe leak and reduces the potential for human injury.
A 1937 incident in New London, TX is often cited as the beginnings of the wide-
spread use of odorization (even though it had been used in Germany as early as 1880).
In this incident, a school house filled with undetectable natural gas, ignited, exploded,
and resulted in 239 fatalities. In the US, odorization is always required in distribution
systems and sometimes for transmission pipelines also [ref 1008].
With the increased opportunity for leaked products to accumulate beneath pave-
ment, in buildings, and in other dangerous locations and with the higher population
densities seen in hydrocarbon distribution systems, special risk reduction provisions
are warranted. One of the primary means of leak detection for gas distribution is the
use of an odorant in the gas to allow people to smell the presence of the gas before
flammable concentrations are reached.

Odorization system design

Aspects of optimum system design include selection of the proper odorant chem-
ical, the proper dosage to ensure early detection, the proper equipment to inject the
chemical, the proper injection location(s), and the ability to vary injection rates to com-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

pensate for varied gas flows. Ideally, the odorant will be persistent enough to maintain
required concentrations in the gas even after leakage through soil, water, and other
anticipated leak paths. The optimum design will consider gas flow rates and the po-
tential for odor fade to ensure that gas at any point in the piping is properly odorized.
Fade can occur through absorption of the odorant in some pipe materials, for example,
new steels, especially for larger diameter, longer lengths. When new piping is placed
in service, “over-odorizing” for a period of time is sometimes done to ensure adequate
odorization. When gas flows change, odorant injection levels must be changed ap-
propriately. Testing should verify odorization at the new flow rates. Odorant removal
(de-odorization) possibilities should be minimized, even as gas permeates through soil
or water. Odor desensitization and disguise by other environmental odors also impact
the odorization program’s ability for early alert.

System operation/maintenance
Odorant injection equipment is best inspected and maintained according to well-de-
fined, thorough procedures. Trained personnel should oversee system operation and
maintenance. Inspections should be designed to ensure that proper detection levels are
seen at all points on the piping network. Provisions are needed to quickly detect and
correct any odorization equipment malfunctions.

Evidence should confirm that odorant concentration is effective (provides early
warning to potentially hazardous concentrations) at all points on the system. Odorant
levels are often confirmed by tests using human subjects who have not been desensi-
tized to the odor. Gas odorization can be a more powerful leak detection mechanism
than many other techniques discussed. While it can be argued that many leak survey
methods detect gas leaks at very low levels, proper gas odorization has the undeniable
benefits of alerting the right people (those in most danger) at the right time.

Odorization Assessment
The role that a given gas odorization effort plays as a consequence reducer de-
pends on the reliability of the system and the fraction of incidents whose consequence
are reduced and by what amount.
High-reliability odorization—99%+ reliability, a segment without effective odor-
ization is extremely rare, occurring perhaps once every 0.001 mile-years. The likeli-
hood of an unodorized segment coinciding with a leak location would therefore be
very improbable. Qualitative descriptors associated with a high reliability system
would typically include the following:
• A modern or well-maintained, well-designed system exists. There is no evi-
dence of system failures or inadequacies of any kind. Extra steps (above reg-
11 Consequence of Failure

ulatory minimums) are taken to ensure system functionality. Also falling into
this category is a consistent, naturally occurring odor in a product stream that
allows early detection of a hazardous vapor, if the odor is indeed a reliable,
omnipresent factor.
• Reduced reliability may be associated with scenarios such as:
o Where an odorization system exists and is minimally maintained (by
minimum regulatory standards, perhaps) but the evaluator does not
feel that enough extra steps have been taken to make this a high-reli-
ability system, the assessment may show reduced reliability.
• Questionable odorization system may be associated with scenarios such as:
o A system exists; however, the evaluator has concerns over its reliabil-
ity or effectiveness. Inadequate record keeping, inadequate mainte-
nance, lack of knowledge among system operators, and inadequate
inspections would all indicate this condition. A history of odorization
system failures would be even stronger evidence.
• Absence of odorization means the assessed distribution system is carrying
higher potential consequences, compared to otherwise equivalent systems.

A formal event tree or fault tree analysis can be used to estimate the fraction of
leaks whose consequence scenarios may be reduced by odorization. Experience has
shown that the fraction is fairly high. It may be difficult to, even in an imagineering
exercise, separate this factor since it has been a part of most distribution system trans-
portation for so long. Scenarios of un-odorized gas would rely on naturally occurring
odors as well as sound and sight indications of nearby leaks. Such indications would
not be universally recognized and may even invite investigation, putting persons at
increased risk.
Given the location- and situation-specific benefits derived from odorization, as
well as the ample margin between detection levels and flammability levels, human
injury/fatality reduction estimates of over 90% or even 99% compared to un-odorized
systems would not seem unreasonable. Such values suggest that in only one in ten to
one in one hundred incidents would exposed populations not be alerted to the danger
and subsequently be able to reduce their chance of harm.

Hydrocarbon stations often have several levels of monitoring systems (e.g., relief de-
vice, tank overfill, tank bottom, seal piping, and sump float sensors/alarms), operations
systems (e.g., SCADA, flow-balancing algorithms), secondary containment (e.g., seal
leak piping, collection sumps, equipment pad drains, tank berms, stormwater controls),
and emergency response actions. Therefore, small liquid station equipment-related
leaks are designed to be detected and remedied before they can progress into large
leaks. If redundant safety systems fail, larger spills can often be detected quickly and
contained within station berms. Where a leaking liquid can accumulate under or be
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

rinsed from station facilities, stormwater (prior to discharge) or groundwater can be

gathered and sampled for hydrocarbon contamination, enabling the detection of very
small leaks.
Gaseous product pipeline stations often control compressor or pressure relief
discharges by venting the gas through a vent stack within the station. In the case of
high-pressure/volume releases, large-diameter flare stacks (with a piloted ignition
flame) combust vented gases into the atmosphere. Gas facilities are normally leak
checked periodically and remotely monitored for equipment or piping leaks.

Evaluation of leak detection capabilities

The most suitable method of leak detection depends on a variety of factors including
the type of product, flow rates, pressures, the amount of instrumentation available, the
instrumentation characteristics, the communications network, the topography, the soil
type, and economics. Some systems are designed or calibrated for certain leak rates
or spill volumes, with reduced sensitivities for leaks outside of their optimum ranges.
Multiple systems, offering redundancy and/or capabilities to detect wider ranges of
leak rates, are common. As previously mentioned, when highly sophisticated instru-
ments are employed, a trade-off often takes place between the sensitivity and the num-
ber of false alarms, especially in “noisy” systems with high levels of transients.
The operator’s use of established procedures to positively locate a leak can be
included in this evaluation. Follow-up actions including the use of leak rates to assess
system integrity and the criteria and procedures for leak repair should also be consid-
In assessing the potential benefits—consequence mitigation in the form of spill
volume reduction—from leak detection, some conclusions from a detailed study are
1. The pipeline controller/control room identified a release occurred around 17%
of the time.
2. Air patrols, operator ground crew and contractors were more likely to identify
a release than the pipeline controller/control room.
3. An emergency responder or a member of the public was more likely to identify
a release than air patrols, operator ground crew and contractors.
4. A CPM LDS was the leak identifier in 17 (20%) out of 86 releases where a
CPM system was functional at the time of the release.
5. SCADA was the leak identifier in 43 (28%) out of 152 releases where a SCA-
DA was functional at the time of the release.
6. For hazardous liquid pipelines, SCADA or CPM systems by themselves did
not appear to respond more often than personnel on the ROW or members of
the public passing by the release incident.
7. It appeared that procedures may have allowed alarms to be ignored by con-
trollers in several of the larger volume releases or to re-start pumps or open a
valve, thus aggravating the size of the release.
11 Consequence of Failure

8. Large distances between block valves may also have been a contributory fac-
tor in the size of the release. (kiefner)

The evaluator should assess the nature of leak detection abilities in the pipeline
section he is evaluating. The assessment should include
• What size leak can be reliably detected
• How long before a leak is positively detected
• How accurately can the leak location be determined.

A leak detection capability can be defined as the relationship between leak rate and
time to detect. This relationship encompasses both volume-dependent and leak-rate-de-
pendent scenarios. The former is the dominant consideration as product containment
size increases (larger diameter pipe at higher pressures), but the latter becomes domi-
nant as smaller leaks continue for long periods.
As shown in Figure 11.7 Leak detection capabilities on page 412, this relation-
ship can be displayed as a curve with axes of “Time to Detect Leak” versus “Leak
Size.” The area under such a curve represents the worst case spill volume, prior to
detection. The shape of this curve is logically asymptotic to each axis because some
leak rate level is never detectable and an instant release of large volumes approaches
an infinite leak rate.
Many leak detection systems perform best for only a certain range of leak sizes and
therefore require independent evaluation . overlapping leak detection capabilities are
usually present in a pipeline. A leak detection capability curve can be developed by es-
timating, for each pipeline component, the leak detection capabilities of each available
method for a variety of leak rates. A table of leak rates is first created, as illustrated in
Table 7.5. For each leak rate, each detection system’s time to detect is estimated. When
a detection system reacts at a certain spill volume, then various leak rate-duration
pairings will result in that system being triggered. For instance, if a detection system
responds when 10 gallons of leak volume is present (perhaps a hydrocarbon sensor in
a sump), then that system reacts when a 1 gallon/hr leak persists for 10 hrs, or a 0.5
gallon/min leak persists for 20 minutes, etc.
In assessing leak detection capabilities, all opportunities to detect should be con-
sidered. Therefore, all leak detection systems available should be evaluated in terms
of their respective abilities to detect various leak rates. A matrix such as that shown in
Table 7.14 can be used for this.
References [3] and [4] discuss SCADA-based leak detection systems and offer
methodologies for evaluating their capabilities. Other techniques will likely have to
be estimated based on time between observations and the time for visual, olfactory, or
auditory indications to appear. The latter will be situation dependent and include con-
siderations for spill migration and evidence (soil penetration, dead vegetation, sheen
on water, etc.). The total leak time will involve detection, reaction, and isolation time.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

As a further evaluation step, an additional column can be added to Table 7.14 for
estimates of reaction time for each detection system. This assumes that there are differ-
ences in reactions, depending on the source of the leak indication. A series of SCADA
alarms will perhaps generate more immediate reaction than a passerby report that is
lacking in details and/or credibility. The former scenario has an additional advantage
in reaction, since steps involving telephone or radio communications may not be part
of the reaction sequence.
In assessing station leak detection capabilities, all opportunities to detect can be
considered. Therefore, leak detection systems that can be evaluated are shown in Table
13.5. The time to detect various leak rates (T1 through T1000, in Table 13.5, represent-
ing leak rates from 1bbl/d to 1000bbl/d and defined in Table 7.13) can be estimated to
produce a leak detection curve similar to Figure 7.7 for each type of leak detection as
well as for the combined capabilities at the station. The second column, reaction time,
is for an estimate of how long it would take to isolate and contain the leak, after detec-
tion. This recognizes that some leak detection opportunities, such as 24–7 staffing of a
station, provide for more immediate reactions compared to patrol or off-site SCADA
monitoring. This can be factored into assessments that place values on various leak
detection methodologies.
In Germany, the Technical Rule for Pipeline Systems (TRFL) covers:
• Pipelines transporting flammable liquids.
• Pipelines transporting liquids that may contaminate water, and
• Most pipelines transporting gas.

It requires these pipelines to implement an LDS, and this system must at a mini-
mum contain these subsystems:
• Two independent LDS for continually operating leak detection during steady
state operation. One of these systems or an additional one must also be able
to detect leaks during transient operation, e.g. during start-up of the pipeline.

These two LDS must be based upon different physical principles.

• One LDS for leak detection during shut-in periods.
• One LDS for small, creeping leaks.
• One LDS for fast leak localization.

Most other international regulation is far less specific in demanding these engi-
neering principles. It is very rare in the U.S. for an operator to implement more than
one monolithic leak detection system.

Facility Staffing
Staffing, as a means of leak detection, is seen to supplement and partially overlap any
other means of leak detection that might be present. As such, the staffing level leak
detection can be combined with other types of leak detection. The benefit is normally
11 Consequence of Failure

more of a redundancy rather than an increased sensitivity. This recognizes the benefit
of a secondary system that is as good or almost as good as the first line of defense, with
diminishing benefit as the secondary system is less effective.
An simple approach to evaluating the staffing level as it adds leak detection ca-
pability is to consider the maximum interval in which the station is unmanned, ie, the
time that staffing as leak detection is unavailable:

Leak detection capability = maximum interval unobserved

This is basing the capability on the worst case detectability. As an opportunity to

detect and react to a leak, the staffing level of a facility can be more fully evaluated by
considering the following relationship:

Opportunity to detect = [(inspection hours) + (happenstance detection)]

Inspection hour = an inspection that occurs within each hour
Happenstance detection = % of manned time per week.

In this relationship, it is assumed that station personnel would have a certain %

chance of detecting any size leak while they were on site. This is of course a simpli-
fication since some leaks would not be detectable and others (larger in size) would be
100% detectable by sound, sight, or odor. Additional factors that are ignored in the
interest of simplicity include training, thoroughness of inspection, and product charac-
teristics that assist in detectability.
Examples of evaluating various staffing protocols using the two approaches are
shown in Table 13.6. The last column shows the results of a “maximum interval unob-
served” calculation while the next to the last column shows the “opportunity to detect”
The maximum unobserved interval method is simple, but it appears worthwhile
to also consider the slightly more complicated “opportunity” method, since the “max
interval” method ignores the benefit of actions taken while a station is manned, that is,
while performing formal inspections of station equipment—rounds. The “opportuni-
ty” method shows benefits that more closely agree with the belief that more directed
attention during episodes of occupancy (performing inspection rounds) are valuable.
A drawback of the “opportunity” scheme is the inability to show preference of a 1
hr per day ∞ 5 days per week staffing protocol over a 5 hours ∞ 1 day per week proto-
col, even though most would intuitively believe the former to be more effective. To ob-
tain the best results, the two methods are merged through the use of a ratio: (maximum
unobserved interval) / (opportunity), and this ratio is in units of “opportunity-hours.”
Detection sensitivity assumptions are as follows:
1. A leak rate of 1000gal/day is detected on the first opportunity-hour (immedi-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

2. A leak rate of 100gal/day is detected on the 10th opportunity-hour (100gal/day

leak rates have a 10% probability of detection during any hour).
3. A leak rate of 10gal/day is detected on the 50th opportunity-hour (a 2% chance
of detection during any hour).
4. A leak rate of 1gal/day is detected on the 100th opportunity-hour (a 1% prob-
ability of detection during any hour).

In the example shown in Table 13.7, a leak detection estimate for each spill volume
is calculated for various staffing scenarios. Higher numbers represent longer relative
times to detect the spill volume indicated. A 7–24 staffing arrangement, with formal in-
spection rounds, has leak detection capabilities several orders of magnitude better than
a weekly station visit, in this example. The important message from this exercise is that
various ‘staffing of stations’ scenarios can be evaluated in terms of their leak detection
contributions and those contributions can be a part of the overall risk assessment.
Added to the detection time is the reaction time, which is generally defined as the
amount of additional time that will probably elapse between the strong leak indication
and the isolation of the leaking facility (including drain downtime). Here, consider-
ation is given to automatic operations, remote operations, proximity of shutdown de-
vices, etc. Benefits of remote and automatic operations as well as staffing levels are
captured here.

11.7.11 Emergency response

Emergency response, as used here, focuses on on-site actions taken during the unfold-
ing of a pipeline release. Leak detection, leak isolation, and automatic/semi-automatic
equipment available to reduce hazard areas are included in the assessment elsewhere,
as previously discussed.
Emergency response effectiveness in reducing hazard zones and damage rates can
be assessed by first recognizing the two different ways that such actions impact conse-
quence scenarios. The first is reducing hazard areas—normally by spill volume reduc-
tions—and the second is limiting losses within the hazard zone.

Reducing Damage Potential

As noted previously, the area of opportunity can sometimes be limited by protecting or

removing vulnerable receptors, by removing possible ignition sources, or by limiting
the extent of the spilled product.
A. Evacuation. Under the right conditions, emergency response personnel may be
able to safely evacuate receptors (usually people) from the hazard area. To do
this, they must be trained in pipeline emergencies. This includes having pipe-
line maps, knowledge of the product characteristics, communications equip-
ment, and the proper equipment for entering to the danger area (breathing ap-
paratus, fire-retardant clothing, hazardous material clothing, etc.). Obviously,
11 Consequence of Failure

entering a dangerous area in an attempt to evacuate people is a situation-spe-

cific action. The evaluator should look for evidence that emergency responders
are properly trained and equipped to exercise any reasonable options after the
situation has been assessed. Again, the criteria must include the time factor.
Damage rates within hazard zones can be assessed to be lower for scenarios
where evacuation plays a significant role.
B. Blockades. Another limiting action in this category is to limit the possible ig-
nition sources and the entry of additional receptors. Preventing vehicles from
entering the danger zone has the double benefit of reducing human exposure
and reducing ignition potential.
C. Containment. Especially in the case of restricting the movement of hazardous
materials into sewers, buildings, groundwater, etc, quick containment can re-
duce the consequences of the spill. To reduce the spreading potential during
emergency response, equipment such as booms, absorbents, vacuum trucks,
dispersion or neutralizing agents, and others are available. Some of these act
as temporary secondary containment. Permanent forms of secondary contain-
ment were previously discussed.

D. Shielding. Protecting receptors by the use of thermal or blast walls is an option

in some cases. These structures are sometimes used in production facilities,
protecting control rooms and other areas of normal human occupancy. They
are less common, but nonetheless an available option, for limiting consequenc-
es beyond a facilities borders.

E. Pre-emptive actions. Some operators allow responders (company personnel

only) to ignite releases in instances where such action would limit damages
that may occur by later ignition. Using a flare gun to ignite a vapor cloud, is
an example of such a procedure. Such procedures also add an amount of risk.
The potential for unintended consequences is relatively high, given the uncer-
tainties and high energy release potentials associated with unconfined vapor
cloud explosions and vapor fires. With a limited ability to fully diagnose an
unfolding scenario, such actions should be very carefully considered.

Loss limiting actions

Prompt and proper medical care of persons affected by releases can reduce losses.
Again, product knowledge, proper equipment, proper training, and quick action on the
part of the responders are necessary factors.
Other items that play a role in achieving the consequence-limiting benefits include
the following:
• Emergency drills
• Emergency plans
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Communications equipment
• Proper maintenance of emergency equipment
• Updated phone numbers readily available
• Extensive training including product characteristics
• Regular contacts and training information provided to fire departments, police,
sheriff, highway patrol, hospitals, emergency response teams, government of-

These can be thought of as characteristics that help to increase the chances of cor-
rect and timely responses to pipeline leaks. Perhaps the first item, emergency drills, is
the single most important characteristic. It requires the use of many other list items and
demonstrates the overall degree of preparedness of the response efforts.
Equipment that may need to be readily available includes
• Hazardous waste personnel suites
• Breathing apparatus
• Containers to store picked up product
• Vacuum trucks
• Booms
• Absorbent materials
• Surface-washing agents
• Dispersing agents
• Freshwater or a neutralizing agent to rinse contaminants
• Wildlife treatment facilities.

The evaluator/operator should look for evidence that such equipment is proper-
ly inventoried, stored, and maintained. Expertise is assessed by the thoroughness of
response plans (each product should be addressed), the level of training of response
personnel, and the results of the emergency drills. Note that environmental cleanup is
often contracted to companies with specialized capabilities.


A receptor is anything that could “receive” damage from a pipeline leak/rupture. It

includes all biological life forms, structures, land areas, etc. Some possible receptor
types include: people (human fatality; human injury); property; environment; and even
service, when ‘service interruption’ is part of the definition of failure.
The damage potential of various receptors should be based on the vulnerability and
consequence potential of each receptor-spill pairing. This includes direct damages and
secondary effects such as public outrage.
Understanding the damage threshold leads to a hazard area estimation and the
ability to characterize receptor vulnerability within that hazard area. In the earlier dis-
cussion of hazard area determination, it was shown that receptor damage potential
11 Consequence of Failure

sets the boundaries for the hazard area. However, the suggestion was made to initial-
ly ignore receptors after their role in thresholds was acknowledged, in producing the
hazard areas around the pipeline components. The areas are efficiently produces using
only the threshold intensity values. Damage threshold levels for thermal radiation and
overpressure intensity effects were discussed earlier in this chapter.
After the hazard areas have been ‘drawn’, then the counting, valuations, and poten-
tial damage rates of receptors can be efficiently included in the assessment.

11.8.1 Receptor vulnerabilities

Receptor sensitivities are an aspect that should be considered in the consequence as-
sessment. Receptor damage is dependent upon the nature of the scenario—acute versus
chronic—as well as the intensity. Longer duration, higher intensity events generally
cause the most damage; low intensity, short duration usually cause the least, and many
possibilities exist between the extremes. Included with chronic impacts—consequenc-
es that tend to worsen over time—is secondary effects. This includes fires ignited and/
or spreading by autoignition from heat flux; explosions such as BLEVE’s; soot and
ash fallout; pollution; etc. damages from more persistent pipeline releases also include
contamination scenarios.
Valuations and sensitivities require certain information, even if only simplified
assumptions. For each receptor, such as population, environment, drinking water, wa-
terways, etc, key information needed for valuations includes:
• Receptor characterization (type of people, type of buildings, water flowrates,
• Receptor density (count per area unit)
• Receptor vulnerabilities (susceptibility to harm at various exposure intensities
and durations)
• Shielding, distance, and mobility (ability to escape) of receptors

An “estimate of risk expressed in an absolute terms” requires identification of a

hazard zone, a characterization of receptors within that zone, and an estimate of the ex-
tent of damages to those receptors. The levels of damage possible and their associated
likelihood of occurrence require an understanding of receptor sensitivity to the effect.
A dose–response type assessment, as is often seen in medical or epidemiological stud-
ies, may be necessary for certain receptors and certain threats. Focusing on possible
acute damages to humans, property, and the environment, some simplifying assump-
tions can be made, as discussed below.
As noted, a robust consequence assessment sequence will generally follow these
1. Determine damage states of interest (see discussions this chapter)
2. Calculate hazard distances associated with damage states of interest
3. Estimate hazard areas based on hazard distances and source (burning pools,
vapor cloud centroid, etc.) location
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

4. Characterize receptor vulnerabilities (damage potential) within the hazard ar-


This process is rather essential to absolute risk calculations. Having addressed the
first three in earlier sections of this chapter, we now turn our attention to the fourth.
An important benefit of the more complex GIS spill footprint analysis (over the
older, buffer zone) approaches is the ability to better characterize the receptors that are
potentially exposed to a spill—those that are actually “in harm’s way.” In many cases,
receptors may be relatively close to, but upslope of, the pipeline and hence at much
less risk in a liquid spill scenario. Focusing on the locations that are more at risk is
obviously an advantage in risk management.
The probability of various damage levels to various receptors requires an under-
standing of very location-specific factors such as escape potential, shielding and shel-
tering options, wind direction, and many others. General assumptions are used in many
risk analyses including several detailed in PRMM. Listings such as this provide insight
into those authors’ beliefs about receptor damage potential.

11.8.2 Population

Most pipeline release consequence assessments focus on threats to humans, especially

threats to the general public. Risks specific to pipeline operators and pipeline company
personnel can be included, often as a separate classification in order to discriminate
between voluntary and involuntary risks.
Potential injury and fatality counts relies on an understanding of the population
within the potential hazard zone must be characterized. Hazard intensities and dura-
tions, coupled with population densities, characteristics, and protections at any point in
time, yield injury and fatality potentials. Characterization of a population vulnerability
includes estimating
• Permanent vs Transitory/occasional population density
• Special population (restricted mobility)
• Barriers, shielding, and escape capabilities

Even within a hazard zone, there are differences in level of harm. In addition to
thermal effects being very sensitive to receptor proximities, the potential for ingest-
ing, inhaling, and having dermal contact with contaminants may be higher at some
locations if less dilution has occurred and there is less opportunity for detection and
remediation before the normal pathways are contaminated. Recall that common path-
ways for contact with humans is through direct contact (with skin, eyes, etc), or via an
ingestion/inhalation pathway: air, drinking water, vegetation, fish, or others.
Especially for acute hazard zones scenarios, a detailed analyses of human health
effects is often unnecessary when the pipeline’s products are common and epidemio-
logical effects are well known. However, more advanced assessment techniques are
available, as is illustrated in the discussion of probit equations. These may be needed
11 Consequence of Failure

to determine cleanup and remediation requirements for more chronic hazard zone sce-
In either a simple or advanced assessment, understanding the potential for injury or
fatality from thermal effects requires consideration of the time and intensity of expo-
sure . This is discussed in PRMM and methods for quantifying these effects are avail-
able. Shielding and ability to evacuate are critical assumptions in such calculations.

Population Density

Most risk assessments use the simple and logical premise that risk increases as nearby
population density increases. Population density estimates are often already available
along a pipeline. Many operators, by choice or regulatory mandate, use published pop-
ulation density scales such as the class locations 1, 2, 3, and 4 (used in US regulations
(CFR49 Part 192) These are for rural to urban areas, respectively.
Sometimes landuse data along a pipeline is available and can be used for character-
izing population densities categories such as urban, rural, light residential, heavy com-
mercial (shopping center, business complex, etc.), and many others appear in various
landuse categorizations. These can be converted into population densities.
The population density, as measured by class location or other categorization, or when
based on large geographical areas is an inexact method of estimating the number of
people likely to be impacted by a pipeline failure. A thorough analysis will make more
accurate counts and characterizations of buildings, roadways, assembly areas, and oth-
er indicators of population. It will also necessarily require estimates of people density
(instead of building density), people’s away-from-home patterns, nearby road traffic,
evacuation opportunities, time of day, day of week, and a host of other factors. Several
methods can be devised to incorporate at least some of these considerations. An exam-
ple methodology, from Ref 67, illustrates this, as is discussed next.
According to Ref 67, average population densities per hectare can be determined
for a particular land use by applying the following formula:

Population per hectare = [10,000/(area per person)] ∞ (% area utilized) ∞

(% presence)

This reference describes the process of population density estimation as follows:

Indoor population densities have been based on the number of square meters re-
quired per person according to the local building code. Residential dwellings are not
covered in this building code, but have been assigned a value of 100 m2 per person, on
the basis of a typical suburban density of 30 persons per hectare and one-third actual
dwelling area. For nonresidential use, available floor space has been set at 75% of the
actual area, to allow for spaces set aside for elevators, corridors, etc. Based on the
above, the indoor populations shown in Table 14.21 have been estimated.
For rural and semirural areas, the outdoors population is generally expected to
be greatest on major roads (excluding commercial areas). If an appropriate value for
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

vehicular populations can be determined, then this can be conservatively applied to all
outdoor areas. Assuming that a major rural road is 10 m wide, 1 hectare covers a total
length of 1km. For rural areas, an average car speed of 100km/hr and an average rate
of 1 car per minute has been assumed. Based on this and an average of 1.2 persons per
car, an outdoor population density of 1 person per hectare has been determined. Using
60km/hr and a 30-second average separation, a population density of 4 people per
hectare is applied to semirural areas. For rural commercial outdoor areas and urban/
suburban outdoor areas, other population values are suggested.
Other typical population densities from another source (Ref 43) are shown in Table
11.8 on page 430.
Assessments of occupancies based on time-of-day, day-of-week, and/or season,
traffic volumes on roadways, and populations associated with offshore locations or
activities (for example, platforms, shipping lanes, anchoring areas, fishing areas, coast-
al proximity, etc) will strengthen the risk analyses. Identification of individuals with
reduced escape capabilities, such as restricted mobility populations (nursing homes,
rehabilitation centers, etc) and difficult-to-evacuate populations, may be warranted.
Especially for early phase risk assessments, rule sets can be developed to assign
exposures. For instance, in the offshore environments, water depths and/or shore prox-
imity can be used to set initial estimates of populations associated with fishing and
recreational activities. Shipping lane proximity can influence estimates of transient
populations moving near a facility.

Table 11.8
Population density by location class
Class Average population density
(people per hectare)

1 0.04
2 3.3
3 18
4 100
Note: See Nessim and Zhou (2005a).


PROBIT is a method to take into account the total damage received by the receptor.
For consequences requiring an understanding of the dosage influences, this represents
an improvement over a fixed limit approach since time of exposure is included in the
analysis. A higher intensity of exposure can be safely absorbed if the exposure time
is less, so a measure of ‘dose’ is more representative of actual damages. Probit equa-
tions are based on experimental dose-response data. According to probit equations,
all combinations of concentration and time that result in an equal dose also result in
11 Consequence of Failure

equal values for the probit and therefore produce equal expected fatality rates for the
exposed population. When using a probit equation, the value of the probit (P r) that
corresponds to a specific dose must be compared to a statistical table to determine the
expected fatality rate.
An example of the use of probits in common pipeline failure consequence effects
(thermal and overpressure) is excerpted below:
The physiological effects of fire on humans depend on the rate at which heat is
transferred from the fire to the person, and the time the person is exposed to the fire.
Even short-term exposure to high heat flux levels may be fatal. This situation could
occur to persons wearing ordinary clothes who are inside a flammable vapor cloud
(defined by the lower flammable limit) when it is ignited. In risk analysis studies, it is
common practice to make the simplifying assumption that all persons inside a flamma-
ble cloud at the time of ignition are killed and those outside the flammable zone are not.
In the event of a torch fire or pool fire, the radiation levels necessary to cause in-
jury to the public must be defined as a function of exposure time. The following probit
equation for thermal radiation was developed for the U.S. Coast Guard:
Pr = -36.378 + 2.56 ln [t ( I 4/3)]

Where: t = exposure time, seconds

I = effective radiation intensity, W/m2

The physiological effects of explosion overpressures depend on the peak overpres-

sure that reaches the person. Direct exposure to high overpressure levels may be fatal.
If the person is far enough from the edge of the exploding cloud, the overpressure is
incapable of directly causing fatal injuries, but may indirectly result in a fatality. For
example, a blast wave may collapse a structure which falls on a person. The fatality
is a result of the explosion even though the overpressure that caused the structure to
collapse would not directly result in a fatality if the person were in an open area.
In the event of a vapor cloud explosion, the overpressure levels necessary to cause
injury to the public are typically defined as a function of peak overpressure, without
regard to exposure time. Persons who are exposed to explosion overpressures have no
time to react or take shelter; thus, time does not enter into the relationship. An example
probit relationship based on peak overpressure is as follows:
Pr = 1.47 + 1.37 ln (p)

Where: p = peak overpressure, psig

The following explosion/lethality relationships have been used.

p = 1 psig 1% mortality
p = 5 psig 50% mortality
p = 7 psig 95% mortality

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Generalized damage states

Historical data on fatal accidents involving natural gas gathering and transmission pipe-
lines have been compiled by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). During a
recent 14.5 year period for which summary data are available, the maximum number
of fatalities due to any single accident was six, and two accidents actually caused six
Numerous studies and publications are available dealing with the potential extent
of injury from exposures to various toxic, thermal, and mechanical effects. These lead
to more general assumptions that can be used to set overall damage states. Under a set
of assumptions, one study concluded a full rupture of a natural gas transmission pipe-
line produces a 1% mortality rate at distances corresponding to

r = 0.685 x SQRT(p x d)2

r = radius from pipe release point for given radiant heat intensity (feet)
p = maximum pipeline pressure (psi)
d = pipeline diameter (inches).

This study used an approximate exposure time of 30 seconds and several other
assumptions to set a suggested damage threshold at a thermal radiation (from ignited
natural gas release) level 5,000 Btu/ft2-hr. Distances suggested by this equation have
become the hazard zone at which the designation of HCA is applied in US regulations
for natural gas transmission pipelines.
In a related study, other mortality rates are linked to distances dependent on pres-
sure and diameter.
Two hazard areas are defined that correspond to the lower and upper heat intensity thresh-
olds associated with fatal injury. The lower and upper thresholds adopted are 12.6 and 31.6 kw/
m2 for outdoor exposure, and 15.8 and 31.6 kw/m2 for indoor exposure. The probability
of fatality is assumed to be 100% within the area bounded by the upper threshold and
0% outside of the area bounded by the lower threshold. Between these two thresholds,
the probability of fatality is assumed to be 50% for outdoor exposure and 25% for in-
door exposure. (nessim)
Another study of thermal radiation impacts from ignited pools of gasoline assumes
the following:
• There is a 100% chance of fatality in pools of diameter greater than 5m.
• The fatality rate falls linearly to 0% at a thermal radiation level of 10kW/m2

11 Consequence of Failure

Due to the sensitive nature of fatality rate potential, extra caution in producing
such estimates is warranted. A risk model with a conservative bias intended to support
technical decision-making can have its output mis-used and can generate misunder-
standing and unnecessary alarm. This potential is exacerbated when an emotional-
ly-charged measure such as fatality possibility is being used as a measure of CoF.
Given the conceptual difficulties in population-based estimates versus estimates for
individual segment risks, the potential for misunderstanding is increased.

Value of statistical life and injury

Establishing a value of human life--a “statistical life,” not an identified individual—is

an emotional and controversial thing, as discussed in PRMM. Despite some on-going
resistance, such valuations are becoming commonplace. Not only do they provide log-
ical and necessary inputs to decision-makers, they are already ubiquitous, in the sense
that any company’s decision-making can be dissected to reveal a de facto valuation on
human life, even if one is not explicitly stated.
Valuations in the US currently seem to range from about $5 million up to about
$15 million per statistical fatality avoided [(DoT, 2013),[91]. to select a single estimate
without researching the rationale behind the many valuations used for many different
purposes, values used by government agencies in determining cost/benefit of proposed
regulations can be used. This perhaps has the added benefit of de-personalizing the
choice in value—it is not generated by the asset owner but rather by a unbiased agency
representing the public interest.
A 2013 memorandum (DoT, 2013) published by the US DoT provides guidance on
values of statical life (VSL), suggesting a value of $9.1 million be used and annually
adjusted proportionally with changes in real income (estimated to increase by factor of
1.07 percent per year, for use in estimating future).
For future years, the formula for calculating future values of VSL is therefore:

VSL2012+N = VSL2012 x 1.0107N

where VSL2012+N is the VSL value N years after 2012

and VSL2012 is the VSL value in 2012 (i.e., $9.1 million).

Among its objectives in publishing this guidance, this reference states:

Prevention of an expected fatality is assigned a single, nationwide value in
each year, regardless of the age, income, or other distinct characteristics of
the affected population, the mode of travel, or the nature of the risk. When
Departmental actions have distinct impacts on infants, disabled passengers, or
the elderly, no adjustment to VSL should be made, but analysts should call the
attention of decision-makers to the special character of the beneficiaries.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

This same reference (DoT, 2013) offers guidance on economic valuations for in-
• Nonfatal injuries are far more common than fatalities and vary widely in se-
verity, as well as probability.
• Each type of accidental injury is rated (in terms of severity and duration) on a
scale of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), in comparison with the alterna-
tive of perfect health. These scores are grouped, according to the Abbreviated
Injury Scale (AIS), yielding coefficients that can be applied to VSL to assign
each injury class a value corresponding to a fraction of a fatality.

The fractions shown [below] should be multiplied by the current VSL to obtain
the values of preventing injuries of the types affected by the government action being

Table 11.9
Relative Disutility Factors by Injury Severity Level (AIS)
For Use with 3% or 7% Discount Rate
AIS Level Severity Fraction of VSL
AIS 1 Minor 0.003
AIS 2 Moderate 0.047
AIS 3 Serious 0.105
AIS 4 Severe 0.266
AIS 5 Critical 0.593
AIS 6 Unsurvivable 1.000

Another reference states that, based on a willingness-to-pay study of road acci-

dents, costs of serious and slight injuries are approximately 10 and 0.8% of the cost of
a life, respectively [91].
The use of valuations for human suffering and fatality is a source of discomfort for
some. Realistically, however, such valuations have always been implicitly employed,
though often not documented. Failure to document does not prevent a company’s VSL
beliefs from being known. A company’s implied VSL valuations, used in their deci-
sion-making, can be derived by their choices in design, operations, and maintenance
practices, coupled with their incident history or some other representative history.

Historical Losses

It is useful to examine historical rates of population effects. In the US, the following
rates have been observed, based on reporting of ‘significant’ and ‘serious’ pipeline
incidents. For an approximate time period of 1992 to 2012, the following costs per
incident were reported.

11 Consequence of Failure

Table 11.10
Examples of human fatality/injury rates
Hazardous Liq Gas Transmission Gas Distribution

inj/ inj/ inj/

fat/incid incid $prop/incid fat/incid incid $prop/incid fat/incid incid $prop/incid

max 0.026 0.179 2,704,031 0.197 0.545 3,649,280 0.427 2.027 2,952,663

avg 0.008 0.040 478,195 0.028 0.125 698,084 0.115 0.436 327,653

min 0.000 0.000 112,248 0.000 0.008 171,443 0.040 0.214 112,894

The maximum and minimum values are the highest annual per-incident rates in the
time period. These values suggest the range of possibilities, at least for annual counts.
Note that these are related to a certain type of incident, ie, ‘significant’ or ‘serious’.
Rates for all incidents would logically be much lower.

11.8.3 Property-related Losses

Property damage potential can be assessed through an examination of the following

variables: population, property type (commercial, residential, industrial, etc.), property
value, landscape value, roadway vulnerability, and highway vulnerability, and other
considerations. Damage rates can be correlated to the threshold intensity effects tabu-
lated in a previous section. Valuations are readily obtained from numerous published
data on market values and construction/reconstruction costs for a region. Examples

Damage Rates

One study used the PIR based on thermal intensities from natural gas jet fires (see
previous discussion) to represent potential damage rates. With an observation that each
combination of heat flux and duration associated with particular levels of damage falls
at a specific normalized multiple of the PIR, the following damage distances emerge,
expressed as a multiple of the PIR distance: ~1.6*PIR for severe damage, ~0.75*PIR
for moderate damage, and ~0.5*PIR for minor damage.
Using these categories and various assumptions, a US government study (Battelle,
2012) assigned the following valuations:
• Severe indicates that a house is not safe to occupy and most likely needs to be
demolished or completely renovated prior to occupancy. Valuations are set at
100% loss of $180K per building/house.
• Moderate indicates that a house has substantial damage and repairs are nec-
essary prior to occupancy. Valuations for such damages are set at 50% of re-
placement value.
• Minor indicates that a house has the least amount of damage and could be le-
gally occupied while repairs are made. Valuations for such damages are set at
20% of replacement value.
(Battelle, 2012)
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


In the same study, density of dwellings was set at 12/acre or 6/building. For buildings
with 4 or more stories, under a set of assumptions including a density of 0.5/acre, costs
to repair minor damage from thermal effects of a pipeline release were set at $500K
and moderate to severe damage set at $1,000K. Outside recreational facilities had val-
uations set at $250K for minor and $500K for moderate to severe damages. Parked
vehicles, with an assumed densities ranging from 24 to 100 per acre, had damage val-
uations set at 0%, 30%, and 100%--corresponding to minor, moderate, severe, thermal
radiation levels respectively—of a vehicle $17K retail value. Personal possessions that
may be destroyed inside a building had damage valuations set at 5%, 15%, and 25% of
building valuation--corresponding to minor, moderate, severe, thermal radiation levels
respectively—yielding valuations of $9K, $27K, and $45K (Battelle, 2012).
In another study, a sampling of ‘above average incidents’ costs is found in ref
(kiefner, Leak Detection Study – DTPH56-11-D-000001, September 28, 2012). Some
of the oil spills listed in that reference are shown below.

11 Consequence of Failure

Table 11.11
Sample incident costs
$/ga/ or
gal/mcf cost MCF
Crude Oil 843,444 725,000,000 $860
Crude Oil 158,928 4,194,715 $ 26
NGL) 137,886 1,811,756 $ 13
NGL) 130,368 524,275 $4
Gasoline 81,900 15,000,005 $ 183
Crude Oil 63,378 135,000,000 $ 2,130
Crude Oil 43,260 989,000 $ 23
Products 38,640 13,184,000 $ 341
Products 34,356 7,657,195 $ 223
Crude Oil 33,600 441,000 $ 13
Products 29,988 831,750 $ 28
Natural Gas 83,487 734,698 $9
Natural Gas 79,000 1,883,770 $ 24
Natural Gas 61,700 2,310,000 $ 37
Natural Gas 50,555 6,700,000 $ 133
Natural Gas 47,600 375,363,000 $ 7,886
Natural Gas 41,176 406,699 $ 10
Natural Gas 34,455 117,000 $3
Natural Gas 14,980 116,000 $8

Where incidents are ‘reportable’ per US regulations and costs are “Estimated cost
of public and non-Operator private property damage paid/reimbursed by the Opera-
tor”. Some of these incidents involved fatalities and injuries, but most represent prop-
erty damage costs.
An examination of one set of US reportable incident data shows average proper-
ty damage costs of about $700K per incident for natural gas transmission pipelines;
$330K for natural gas distribution pipelines, and from $480K per incident for hazard-
ous liquid pipelines. (See Table 11.11 on page 437) Note that these types of pipeline
operations have different criteria for ‘reportable’. The hazardous liquid statistic in-
volves many more incidents, normally very minor (for example, small leaks in facil-
ities), accounting for the non-intuitive higher property damage costs for natural gas
releases for which only relatively major incidents are reported. Note also that these
‘per incident’ costs are based on a subset of all incidents—costs per ‘any’ incident
would logically be much lower.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Some key aspects of property damage potential will track population density.
Therefore, property loss can also be estimated based on population density, in the ab-
sence of more definitive data.

11.8.4 Environmental issues

See PRMM for a background discussion of environmental risk assessment.

Environmental damages are often very situation dependent given the wide array of
possible biota that can be present and exposed for varying times under various scenar-
ios. Environmental risk factors will overlap public safety risk factors to a large extent.

Environmental sensitivity

Every potential spill site has some degree of sensitivity to a pipeline release. The envi-
ronmental effects of a leak are partially recognized in the product hazard assessment.
Liquid spills are generally more apt to be associated with chronic hazards. The model-
ing of liquid dispersions is a very complex undertaking as previously described.
In a risk assessment, there is usually an increased focus on more environmentally
sensitive areas, with the implication that these locations carry a potential for greater or
more lasting harm than most other locations. Areas more prone to damage and/or more
difficult to re-mediate can be highlighted in the risk assessment. A strict definition of
environmentally sensitive areas might not be absolutely necessary. A working defini-
tion by which most would recognize a sensitive area might suffice. Such a working
definition would need to address rare plant and animal habitats, fragile ecosystems,
impacts on biodiversity, and situations where conditions are predominantly in a natu-
ral state, undisturbed by man. To more fully distinguish sensitive areas, the definition
should also address the ability of such areas to absorb or recover from contamination
The chronic aspect of a spill assesses the hazard potential of the product via char-
acteristics such as aquatic toxicity, mammalian toxicity, chronic toxicity, potential
carcinogenicity, and environmental persistence (volatility, hydrolysis, biodegradation,
One method to quantify spill costs, specifically for oil spills, is available in ref EPA
BOSCEM, with some excerpts below:

To provide the EPA Oil Program Center with a simple, but sound methodology
to estimate oil spill costs and damages, taking into account spill-specific factors
for cost-benefit analyses and resource planning, the EPA Basic Oil Spill Cost
Estimation Model (BOSCEM) was developed. EPA BOSCEM was developed
as a custom modification to a proprietary cost modeling program, ERC BOS-
CEM, created by extensive analyses of oil spill response, socioeconomic, and
environmental damage cost data from historical oil spill case studies and oil
spill trajectory and impact analyses. In addition, elements of habitat equivalen-
11 Consequence of Failure

cy analysis as applied in Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) and

other environmental damage estimation methods, such as Washington State’s
Damage Compensation Schedule and Florida’s Pollutant Discharge Natural
Resource Damage Assessment Compensation Schedule were incorporated into
the environmental damage estimation portion of ERC BOSCEM. Formulae,
criteria, and cost modifier factors for estimating socioeconomic damages, in-
cluding impacts to local and regional tourism, commercial fishing, lost-use of
recreational facilities and parks, marinas, private property, and waterway and
port closure, were derived from historical case studies of damage settlements
and costs, as well as methods employed in other studies
Input of spill criteria:
1. Specify amount of oil spilled (in gallons);
2. Specify basic oil type category (as in Tables 1 – 3);
3. Specify primary response methodology and effectiveness (as in Table 1);
4. Specify medium type of spill location (as in Table 4);
5. Specify socioeconomic and cultural value of spill location (as in Table 5);
6. Specify freshwater vulnerability category of spill location (as in Table 7);
7. Specify habitat and wildlife sensitivity category of spill location (as in
Table 8);

Each oil spill is a unique event involving the spillage or discharge of a partic-
ular type of oil or combination of oils that may cause damage to the local and/
or regional environment, wildlife, habitats, etc., as well as to third parties. No
modeling method can ever exactly determine or predict costs of an oil spill. Yet,
there are patterns that emerge with respect to damages upon detailed analy-
ses of oil spill case studies. For example, heavier oils are more persistent and
present greater challenges – and thus costs – in oil removal operations than
lighter oils, such as diesel fuel. Heavier oils, being more visible and persistent,
have greater impacts on tourist beaches and private property. At the same time,
lighter oils with their greater toxicity and solubility are more likely to cause im-
pacts to groundwater and invertebrate populations. Greater effectiveness in oil
removal tends to reduce environmental damages and socioeconomic impacts.
Other factors, such as spill location, can also have significant impacts on spill
costs and damages. A diesel fuel spill in an industrial area will likely have less
impact and require a less expensive cleanup than one that occurs in or near
a sensitive wetland. EPA BOSCEM incorporates these types of factors into a
simple methodology for estimating the costs of “types of spills” that may be an-
alyzed in a cost benefit analysis or for assessing which types of spills (oil type,
location, etc.) that are causing the greatest impacts. The model allows for cost
and damage estimation of different oil spill response methodologies, including
different degrees of mechanical containment and recovery, as well as alterna-
tive response tools of dispersants and in situ burning that may have greater
future applications in freshwater and inland settings. Response effectiveness
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

can also be specified allowing for analysis of potential benefits of research and
development into response improvements.
Dagmar Schmidt Etkin
Environmental Research Consulting
Cortlandt Manor, NY, USA)

Methods such as this can be readily modified for other liquid spills. Insights from
the ranges of adjustment factors—for example, what is the range of impacts from a
socioeconomic perspective?, what habitat considerations are important?—can also be
used to inform modeling of all releases, including gases and HVL’s.
Another example of assessing environmental sensitivities is shown in Appendix F.

11.8.5 High-value areas

Beyond considerations of population, property, and sensitive environment some areas

near to a pipeline can be identified as “high-value” areas, independent of the typi-
cal population- or environmental sensitivity considerations. As used here, the term
high-value area (HVA) is defined as a location whose harm in the event of a pipeline
failure generate exceptional consequences. Examples are discussed in PRMM and in-
clude irreplaceable archaeological or cultural sites; science centers with rare speci-
mens or equipment; and many others.
Higher receptor valuations, higher remediation costs, higher damage rates, and
other aspects of the risk assessment can be used to reflect higher value areas.
Additional examples of the many areas or facilities that could warrant special at-
tention as receptors—perhaps HVA’s-- include:
• School
• Church
• Hospital
• Limited mobility health centers
• Historic site
• Cemetery
• Busy harbor
• Airport
• University
• Industrial center
• Interstate highway / highway interchange
• Recreational area/parks
• Special agriculture
• Water treatment/source

11 Consequence of Failure

11.8.6 Combinations of receptors

The extremes of receptor damage potential will be intuitively obvious—the most envi-
ronmentally sensitive area and the highest population class and the highest value areas
co-located and all potentially seriously damaged by the same section would be the
highest consequence section.
Non-extreme combinations of receptors are not always so obvious. There will nor-
mally be several types of receptors at a potential spill site, each with different vulnera-
bilities to a threat such as thermal radiation or contamination. The overall difficulty can
be addressed by assigning different damage rates to different receptors experiencing
different hazard zone effects. Each damage rate corresponds to a certain receptor-dam-
age state. Separate consequences values are generated for, as an example, fatalities,
injuries, groundwater contamination, property damage values, etc, at several distances
from the hazard origin.

Service Interruptions
While service interruption consequences are addressed as a different type of ‘failure’
and also as indirect costs, there is often an enormous direct cost of service interruption,
even in risk assessment focus is purely on leak/rupture. The direct consequences of the
interruption of a high volume delivery include loss of revenue, loss of product, and
perhaps immediate contractual non-performance costs, even before indirect costs are
considered. Examples include
• high volume offshore gas pipelines as critical feeds to numerous and/or essen-
tial consumers
• deliveries or receipts tied to production (for example, processing plants, gath-
ering systems, power generation, etc) whose re-start costs are enormous after
relatively short interruption periods.

See related discussions under Chapter 12.2.14 Indirect Consequences on page


11.8.7 Offshore CoF

As with onshore spills, the type of product spilled, the distance to sensitive areas, and
the ability to reduce spill damages will govern the consequence potential for offshore
lines. Spills offshore can be assessed as they are in the onshore risk assessment model.
This involves assessment of product hazard, spill size, dispersion potential, and vulner-
able receptors within the hazard zone.
Offshore incidents are frequently more expensive due to increased costs of acces-
sibility, repair, and return to service.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management


Population density will not often be the dominant consequence for offshore pipeline
failures. regulations in the US consider offshore pipelines to be in rural areas. Excep-
tions should be captured in the risk assessment, including proximity to recreational
areas (beaches, fishing areas, etc.), harbors and docks, popular anchoring areas, ferry
boat routes, commercial shipping lanes, commercial fishing and crabbing areas, etc.

Emergency response

Emergency response in offshore environments is usually more problematic than on-

shore due to the potential for liquid contaminant spread coupled with the remote, dif-
ficult-to-access locations of many offshore installations. The degree of dispersion of
offshore liquid spills is a function of wind and current actions and product characteris-
tics such as miscibility and environmental persistence. Conditions may change during
a long event, further hampering response effectiveness.

11.8.8 Repair and Return-to-Service Costs

Repair and remediation costs can be a significant part of the cost of failure. The role
of ancillary costs such as acquisition of necessary regulatory permits and permissions
should not be underestimated. One source details an anomaly repair scenario where
“This relatively common repair job, which could have been performed both safely and
in an environmentally sound manner for under $90,000 within a few days, ended up
costing in excess of $450,000 and requiring well over one-and-one-half years of prepa-
ration and planing time.” [ref 1005]
An assessment of repair costs can include the return-to-service costs associated
with damaged system components. Damages to other nearby facilities are generally
considered in receptor damages, not as repair costs.
Factors impacting repair time and costs include:
• Type of repair
• Accessibility
• Need for and availability of special equipment and/or materials
• Need for and availability of special parts
• Component size (pipe sleeve cost, replacement pipe size, handling costs, etc)
• Need for and availability of special welders, welding materials, procedures, or
• Need for and complexity in obtaining regulatory permits and/or landowner

The ease-of-repair aspect, and hence costs, could be measured as a function of the
variables such as:
• Topography/accessibility—Arctic, offshore, wetlands, unstable terrain, urban
11 Consequence of Failure

congestion, steep slopes, pavements, and numerous other environments are

also associated with increased costs.
• Component size—damages to larger sized equipment often lead to more ex-
pensive repairs.
• Nearby facilities—stabilization, evacuation, and post-excavation repair of
nearby facilities such as other utilities, buildings, roadways, and other struc-
tural features may add to repair costs.

Post Incident Investigations

Depending on type of damage causing the outage, extensive inspection along the entire
pipeline might be warranted before it is allowed to return to service. Costs of return
to service inspection are normally included in a risk assessment. In some cases, the
return-to-service inspection would be an accelerated schedule for already-planned in-
spection. In other cases, unplanned, widespread inspection would be prompted by an
The PoF assessment can help to identify the extent of such post incident inspec-
tions. The number different locations contributing to similar PoF values is available in
the risk assessment. Since the operator can often unilaterally choose how many loca-
tions to repair/reinforce/upgrade prior to resumption of service, the extent of damages
is not a direct part of a failure consequence but would factor into risk management
decisions. If an inspection is a mandatory requirement from a regulator, and would not
otherwise have been performed by the owner, then it could be considered a cost of the
These types of consequence estimates vary based on failure type. This includes
an assumption that incidents caused by time-dependent failure mechanisms such as
corrosion prompt more extensive and expensive return-to-service actions compared to
time-independent failures such as from vehicle impact. Incidents that lead to new or in-
creased focus on failure mechanisms (for example, freeze, surge, or currently unknown
mechanism) may also warrant treatment as time-dependent mechanisms (ie, more cost-
ly return to service) but provisions for such new phenomena are not currently included.
Other return-to-service costs such as purging of pipeline and re-setting of instru-
mentation and equipment are assumed to be fixed costs. Seasonal differences in acces-
sibility and response efficiencies can also be recognize here.
Post-incident reaction, as a part of the return-to-service process, is a function of:
• Failure type—some will warrant more response than others
• Number of locations with ‘similar’ PoF values for failure type
• Number of locations with ‘similar’ PoF values for any failure type
• Extent of locations with ‘similar’ PoF values

This mirrors the process by which an SME would gage the return-to-service ef-
forts. If an incident is not unexpected—familiar failure mechanism that is reasonably
foreseen by risk assessment—then it is extensive investigation may not be needed and
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

resumption of operation may be easier. Similarly, when integrity knowledge is more

complete—through recent and robust integrity verification, including DA-type assess-
ments—then less post-incident integrity verification may be warranted. For example, a
failure on uninspected system ABC may not prompt any actions on recently inspected
system XYZ, even when the two are otherwise very similar. The calculated PoF values
consider age and quality of integrity verification information, so using them directly to
forecast post-incident reaction is consistent with the SME approach.
The level of surprise is also a factor. Lower PoF values will carry higher inci-
dent-reaction consequences. While this might at first appear counter intuitive, it is ac-
tually consistent with the SME decision-process. A failure at a low PoF location is a
surprise. It challenges previously held beliefs about where and what types of potential
failures warrant higher attention. This should prompt more investigation than a failure
that is less surprising. The larger the surprise, the larger the reaction.
Regardless of how unexpected the event, it will usually suggest that more inspec-
tion on other, similar segments is prudent. A failure at any PoF often prompts an in-
vestigation of all pipe lengths with similar or worse PoF values (unless the failure is
somehow uniquely possible only to the failed location). Lower PoF segments would
prompt inspection of more length of pipe compared to higher PoF. Increased inspection
will often generate the need for increased repairs, again adding to costs.
Outage periods which are extended by an incident-specific regulatory mandate
following an incident are perhaps better captured in the indirect cost assessment.

11.8.9 Indirect costs

The consequence assessment is enhanced by recognizing that the direct costs of a pipe-
line failure are often not the only costs. In a certain public perception climate and
with certain types of failures, total consequence of failure can be much higher than
direct damages suggest. The factors impacting the level of indirect costs are numer-
ous and frequently immeasurable and sometimes even inestimable with any degree of
confidence. Even after an incident has occurred, obtaining an accurate assessment of
indirect damages is often impossible. Implications regarding stock price, credit worthi-
ness, lost opportunities, harm to current and future business negotiations, etc all make
accurate assessments practically impossible.
Despite their challenges in quantification, some estimation is often warranted. Po-
tential costs associated with a spill that may be considered indirect include:
Fines and penalties
Increased regulatory oversight
Direct customer impacts
Damage to corporate reputation
decrease in stock value
increased costs of financial dealings
decrease in negotiating position
11 Consequence of Failure

Loss of company focus

diversion of resources
mgmt testimony
hearings prep, action
Given the difficulties in quantifying many of these indirect costs, use of a mul-
tiplying factor applied to estimates of direct cost is an appropriate approach. In this
approach, the indirect costs are seen to be proportional to direct costs and therefore
captured as an escalation factor.

Estimating Potential Damage to Corporate Reputation

Indirect consequences such as harm to corporate reputation, are often thought to close-
ly parallel the risks to public and environment. Many of the same factors that sug-
gest damage to corporate reputation would also precipitate other indirect costs. For
instance, the potential for fines, litigation, and increased regulatory oversight following
an incident would realistically be influenced by factors such as recent incident history
and public perception climate—the same factors influencing corporate reputation.
A more robust analysis could include specific research into company’s current or
historical reputation. Financial ratings, stock analyst reports, consumer surveys, and
similar assessments might provide a partial basis for such an evaluation. The extent of
pipeline operations compared to the company’s full suite of activities may be import-
Some investigation into the role of pipeline operations in a publicly traded compa-
ny’s overall business can be obtained taken from recent annual report. In a large hydro-
carbon energy company, the financial activities related to exploration and production
(E&P) may be a large part of the total business of a company. This fact is often relevant
to the type of indirect damages predicted from an incident in that part of the business.


Possible indirect consequence algorithms to assess this aspect of overall consequence

are illustrated in the following example.
First, an estimate of the current condition is made. It is recognized that this ‘cur-
rent’ conditions is highly variable—often a function of recent focus of news media.
In this example, the corporate reputation for a large oil and gas company is currently
judged as follows:
Pre-existing Reputation (scale can be viewed as “% mistrust” with 0% being neu-
tral and -100% is most negative)
o Public perception of a company: % mistrust currently = 0%
 no damaging stories recently; generally neutral or favorable
public impression of company
o Public perception of oil/gas industry: 50%

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

 Currently lower due to recent news headlines of legal actions

in the industry; price of gasoline versus corporate profits is
another relatively fresh issue that would probably be refer-
enced by media; other pipeline incidents would likely be ref-
erenced in news stories.
o Public perception of large corporations: 20%
 Headlining corporate dishonesty episodes are fresh and likely
to be referenced by media.
o Public perception of region: 80%
 nearby spill episodes still fresh;

Total for Pre-existing reputation: 1-(1-0.5)x(1-0.2)x(1-0.8) = 92%. This

is an OR gate combination, reflecting the fact that any single issue can over-
shadow the rest, as can an accumulation of lesser issues—ie, averaging is not
appropriate, nor is choosing a maximum.

Pipeline headlines: (% worst case where 100% = ‘incident on same pipeline within
last year’)
o Years since a media-covered incident similar to current:
 Anywhere: NA
 US: NA
 Neighbor/affiliate; pipeline incident in same region:
0.95 x (10-1yr old)/10 = 85.5% (a 95% similar
incident occurred one year ago.)
 Company: 0
 same region: see above
 same asset class: 0
 same pipeline: 0

Total for Pipeline Headlines: 85.5% (others are insignificant)

Failure type (% perception where 100% is a failure type carrying stigma of ‘neg-
o Corrosion (all forms): 100% (predictable, familiar failure mecha-
o Vehicle impact (company vehicle): 70%
o WIV: 50% (poorly understood mechanism)
o Geohazard meteorite strike: 0% (sympathy effect)
o Geohazard other: 50%
o Operational (slug, freeze, etc): 80%
o Sabotage: 0% (sympathy effect)

Offsets: (% of best possible offsets)

11 Consequence of Failure

• Response reasonably fast and thorough, 50%

• Good content of early messages 80%
o minimal damage to environment;
o rapid public apology;
o rapid-immediate investigation and preliminary corrective actions;
• Follow-up actions are timely and well communicated 60%
• Media management is above average 70%

Corporate response effectiveness: 17% based on multiplying the above sub-factors

Competing news stories: arbitrary assumption of 20% (20% of damage that would
otherwise occur is offset by coincident events deflecting media focus away from inci-

Total Offsets: 1-(1-0.17) x (1-0.2) = 33%

Scale = ([pre-exist rep] OR [pipeline headlines] OR [failure type])

AND [offsets]
[1-(1-0.92) x (1-0.855) x (1-[failure type])] x (1-0.33) = ~66% of scale

Scale limit currently set at 5: indirect costs can increase overall consequences by 5
times as a worst case. This magnitude reflects indirect costs that include damage to cor-
porate reputation, litigation, fines/penalties, increased regulatory oversight and others.
Based on these variables and others, the indirect costs from damage to corporate
reputation are judged to increase the direct costs by a factor of about 0.66 x 5 = 3.3. In
the current climate, the failure mechanism is having only a slight impact on the indirect
costs since other indicators are relatively high. The multiple reflects any type failure
occurring in a climate already marked by suspicion or mistrust of regional operations,
pipelines, oil and gas industry, and large businesses.
Since the multiplier is usually a constant, all failure scenarios of the same type and
magnitude are equally affected. More discrimination is seen when corporate reactions
or news worthiness are more variable (perhaps geographically sensitive) and in com-
paring various failure types.

11.8.10 Customer Impacts

See discussion in Chapter 12 Service Interruption Risk on page 459


The key steps for the consequence assessment proposed here are:
1. Choose thresholds that determine hazard zone boundaries
2. Identify consequence reduction measures
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

3. Estimate hazard zone areas

4. Characterize receptors within the hazard zone(s)
5. Include indirect consequence costs, if desired
6. Calculate potential consequence per failure

These ingredients are developed sequentially in the assessment process, with the
‘per incident’ expected loss values being the consequence measures that are combined
with PoF estimates to obtain final risk estimates—in final units such as ‘loss per year’.
These ingredients are developed sequentially in the assessment process, with the
‘per incident’ expected loss values being the consequence measures that are combined
with PoF estimates to obtain final risk estimates—in final units such as ‘loss per year’.


An example of the overall consequence estimation process is laid out in the following
tables and discussion. Values shown are to illustrate the process only—they will not
be realistic values for most pipelines and should not be used as a basis for any other
Table 11.12 on page 450 showed how the hazard zone distances are estimated for
this example. For the nine scenarios shown, maximum threshold distances range from
30’ to 1500’. 1500’ is considered to be the maximum impact distance for this location
on the examined pipeline.
The analysis begins with estimates of hole size probabilities. Depending on the
PoF analysis, the entry point can be either the relative hole size distribution or an ‘ab-
solute’ hole size distribution. The former is illustrated here—the hole size distribution
representing 100% of all possible failures; the relative chance of a certain size hole,
given that some hole is present. The latter implies that several hole sizes have a specific
probability of occurrence already estimated in the PoF assessment—there is a calculat-
ed probability of rupture, and a calculated probability of a pinhole, and so forth.
These probabilities simulate a distribution of all possible hole sizes with their as-
sociated probabilities of occurrence. Such a distribution would be influenced by pipe
material, stress level, and failure mechanism, as well as other considerations. In the
table above, three relative hole size occurrence percentages are shown. They sum to
100%. Each will be multiplied by the PoF of all possible leak sizes—a very small num-
ber for most pipelines—to get absolute probabilities of occurrence. For instance, if the
overall failure probability (all holes sizes) was estimated to be 1E-6 per mile-year, then
the probability of a rupture is estimated to be 8% of that value or 0.08 x 1E-6 = 8E-8
= 0.000008% chance of rupture for each mile for each year. This also suggests 8E-8
ruptures per mile per year as an estimated frequency of occurrence.
Next, three ignition scenarios are modeled: ‘immediate’, ‘delayed’, and ‘no’ igni-
tion. The probability of each scenario is estimated for each hole size scenario. In this
sense, hole size is being used as a surrogate for leak size. Larger holes imply larger
11 Consequence of Failure

leaks and greater ignition potential. The three holes sizes and the three ignition possi-
bilities will produce nine scenarios, thought to sufficiently represent the possibilities
in this example.
The distance from source column represents the possible migration distance of
spilled product from the leak source. It is based on dispersion modeling—vapor cloud
drift—in the case of gaseous releases and overland flow modeling in the case of liq-
uids. This distance is additive to thermal effects distances and contamination distances.
The leaked product might travel some distance, ignite, and produce thermal damages
from the ignition site, sometimes far from the leak site. In the contamination damage
scenario, envision a pool of spilled liquid that accumulates some distance from the leak
location and only then begins a more aggressive subsoil migration, causing a ground-
water contamination plume spreading from the pool. Since propane—a highly volatile
liquid—is the product in this example, no contamination impacts are foreseen.
Several thresholds are selected for production of hazard distance estimates. Shown
are one thermal effects threshold, one overpressure threshold, and one contamination
threshold. These must be defined in terms of some intensity level or some probable
damage state before distances could be assigned. The evaluator will probably want to
include multiple thermal and contamination thresholds to ensure that the full range of
possibilities is portrayed. The distance for each threshold is estimated from appropriate
models for the product released. A gaseous release might base the threshold on flame
jet thermal radiation (as in reference 3, for example); an HVL release threshold might
be based on overpressure distance as well as fireball or jet thermal radiation; and a liq-
uid release is often based on pool fire thermal radiation or contamination level. In this
example, the longest distance occurs with a delayed ignition scenario, allowing the va-
por cloud to migrate before ignition initiates a thermal event, including overpressure,
if the release is sufficiently large.
Figure 11.8 Visualizing Hazard Zone Distances on page 449 shows the resulting
nine hazard zone distances.

Threhold Distances


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Distance, ft

Figure 11.8 Visualizing Hazard Zone Distances

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The probability of each scenario is calculated as the product of the hole size prob-
ability times the ignition scenario probability. These values can be multiplied by the
overall PoF, to arrive at an absolute probability of each scenario. In the example tables,
though, scenario probabilities assume that the pipeline failure has already occurred.
Therefore, scenario probabilities sum to be 100%.

Table 11.12
Establishing Hazard Zone Distances and Probabilities
Threshold Distances (ft)
Distance Distance (ft) Probability
Hole Probability Ignition Probability of Thermal Overpress Contamination of
Product from source
Size of Hole Scenario ignition scenario impact impact Impact Maximum
60% 0 400 0 0 400
ate 4.8%
8% delayed 20% 300 400 800 0 1500 1.6%
no igni-
20% 300 0 0 0 300
tion 1.6%

15% 0 300 0 0 300
ate 1.8%
pro- medi-
12% delayed 15% 100 300 200 0 600 1.8%
pane um
no igni-
70% 100 0 0 0 100
tion 8.4%

10% 0 50 0 0 50
ate 8.0%

small 80% delayed 10% 30 50 0 0 80 8.0%

no igni-
80% 30 0 0 0 30
tion 64.0%

100% 100.0%

The evaluator has grouped the threshold distances into three zones. This was done
by setting some logical breakpoints. In the example, PIR is set at 1500 ft and zones are
defined as
“less than 100 ft”;
“from 100 ft to 50% of PIR (or 750 ft)”; and
“from 50% PIR to 100% PIR (or 750 ft to 1500 ft)”.

The number of zones is up to the modeler. All events within a zone are treated as
the same. This implies no differences in potential damages at the closest and farthest
point of the zone. So, wider zones require more “averaging” of possibly widely-dif-
fering potentialities within the zone. More categories will result in more resolution but
also more efforts in subsequent steps.
In this example, the modeler chose to use three zones. He also chose to make zones
not equivalent in size—basing his groupings a non-linear reduction in impact intensity
with increasing distance. Non-uniform zone sizes might also better represent the rel-
ative frequency of events. Perhaps scenarios leading to larger threshold distances are
11 Consequence of Failure

so rare, that a larger zone captures an equivalent number of scenarios as the smaller
zones. Each grouping or zone will have a probability comprised of the probabilities of
all the individual scenarios that can produce a threshold distance that falls in the zone.
Each zone represents a collection of numerous potential damage thresholds. There
are no sharp demarcations between possible zones. For instance, 20% of the possible
scenarios might produce hazard zones from 0 to 200 ft and 10% of the scenarios could
produce distances of from 50 ft to 400 ft. These overlapping distances do not neces-
sarily suggest break points for zones so any choice of break point is a compromise. A
cumulative probability chart and graphical presentation of the various thresholds asso-
ciated with various scenarios will help the modeler to establish zones and associated
A simple plotting of distances such as shown in Figure 11.9 Visualizing Ranges of
Thresholds and Grouping into Zones on page 451 can be helpful. This grouping into
zones is a modeling convenience that avoids having to perform receptor characteriza-
tions at too many distances.

Hazard Zone
Threshold distances
Source UFL LFL Thermal Effects 1 Thermal Effects 2 Over pressure 1 Over pressure 2

Ignition potential

Figure 11.9 Visualizing Ranges of Thresholds and Grouping into Zones

Summary of Setback Requirements

In Codes, Standards, and Guidance Code, Standard, Guidance Setback Requirement for Tanks
from Public Use Variables
IFC 2000 (Adopted in Alaska and proposed in Municipality of Anchorage)
5-175 ft Tank size and type of adjacent use
UFC 2000 (Pre 2001 in Alaska) 5-175 ft Tank size and type of adjacent use
UFC 1997 50-75 ft Type of adjacent use
APA Performance Standard Site specific and process driven
HUD Buildings: 130-155 ft
People: 650-775 ft
Product and tank size
USCG (Open Water Fire) 150->10,000 ft Diameter of spill

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) publishes a

guidebook, Siting of HUD-Assisted Projects Near Hazardous Facilities: Acceptable
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Separation Distances from Explosive and Flammable Hazards (1987). The guidebook
was developed specifically for implementing the technical requirements of 24 CFR Part
51, Subpart C of the Code of Federal Regulations. The guidebook presents a method
for calculating a level ground separation distance (ASD) from pool fires that is based
on simplified radiation heat flux modeling. The ASD is determined using nomographs
relating area of the fire to the following levels of thermal radiation flux:
• Thermal Radiation – Buildings. The standard of 10,000 BTU/ft2-hr. is based
on the thermal radiation flux required to ignite a wooden structure after an
exposure of approximately 15 to 20 minutes, which is assumed to be the fire
department response time in an urban area.
• Thermal Radiation – People. The standard of 450 BTU/ft2-hr. for people in
unprotected outdoor areas such as parks is based on the level of exposure that
can be sustained for a long period of time.

3.3.3 US Coast Guard

The USCG provides guidance on the safe distance for people and wooden build-
ings from the edge of a burning spill in their document Hazard Assessment Handbook,
Commandant Instruction Manual M 16465.13. Safe distances range widely depending
upon the size of the burning area, which is assumed to be on open water. For people,
the distances vary from 150 ft to 10,100 ft, while for buildings the distances vary from
32 ft to 1,900 ft for the same size spill. The spill radius for these distances ranges be-
tween 10 ft and 2,000 ft.

This grouping of hazard distances is for modeling convenience. It is easier to make

the necessary receptor characterizations within a few zones rather than for each possi-
ble threshold distance. The trade-off is some measure of accuracy since compromises
are made in setting the zones. All event scenarios occurring within a zone are treated
equally, even though some occur at either extreme of the zone.
As is illustrated in Figure 11.9 Visualizing Ranges of Thresholds and Grouping
into Zones on page 451, there are some scenarios in the farthest zone that produce
no impacts in the closest zone. For instance, a scenario where leaked product moves
completely out of the closer zones (via sewer or puff cloud drifting, for example) be-
fore finding an ignition point. At the ignition point, the thermal effects are far from the
release point and the receptors closer to the pipeline.
Each zone is assigned receptor damage rates based on the damages that would like-
ly occur. For example, where very high heat radiation thresholds occur, higher fatality
rates and higher property damage rates would be expected. The estimated damage rates
are shown in Table 11.14 on page 455.

11 Consequence of Failure

Table 11.13
Damage State Estimates for Each Zone
environ damage
Hazard Zone injury rate fatality rate service interruption rate
<100’ 80% 8% 50% 100%
100’-50% PIR 50% 5% 30% 90%
50% -100% PIR 20% 2% 10% 80%

Damage percentages are assumed to be 0% at distances beyond the PIR. The per-
centages will be used to calculate expected losses. They should be relatively conser-
vative, reflect the modelers’ experience and beliefs, and should be fully documented.
Next, receptors are characterized within each hazard zone as is shown in Table
11.15 on page 456. At three distances from the pipeline (maximum hazard distance
divided into 3 zones), all receptors are characterized in terms of their number and types
within each zone. In many cases, a circular hazard area is a fair representation. How-
ever, given certain topographies and/or meteorological phenomena, ellipses or other
shapes might be more representative of true hazard areas.

Step 4

Characterize the types of damages to each receptor type that may occur in each zone.
Characterization can be in terms of percentage of maximum damage or percentage
chance of the maximum damage. For instance, in a zone close to the ignition point
and following a very high consequence event, the damage state to humans might be
2% fatality and 100% injury. A more distant zone might be characterized as a damage
state to humans of 0.1% fatality and 20% chance of injury. In the case of non-absolute
damage states such as injuries or property damage, the percentage can be thought of as
either x% chance of any damage, or a 100% chance of a damage that is x% of the max-
imum possible damage. Both conceptualizations are supported since the mathematical
approach would be the same for each.
Recall that, as a modeling convenience, the probability of a certain hazard zone
occurring is considered to also capture the diminished damage potential at the increas-
ing distance.
Receptors at farther hazard zones produce lower expected losses since their proba-
bilities of damage are lower. They are lower for two reasons: lower chance of that haz-
ard distance happening, and lower intensities resulting in less damage to the receptor
at farther distances.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Figure 11.10 Multi-hazard zone analysis

Characterization of the receptors within each hazard zone includes count and type.
Receptors can be efficiently quantified in terms of ‘units’ where each unit represents an
individual or area (ft2, m2) of that type of receptor. The number of people impacts the
injury and fatality potential. The area of environmental sensitivity impacts the clean up
costs. The number of buildings impacts the property damage potential. The unitization
can follow any logical means of quantification.
When consequences are monetized and risk expressed as EL, a unit is assigned a
value, reflecting the cost of replacement, remediation, and other compensation. Envi-
ronmental damages can be quantified in “environmental units”, where the evaluator
sets some equivalences among possible scenarios. For instance, an acre of ‘old growth
forest’ may be set as 1 environmental unit, while a T&E species is set at 10 and an
uncleanable aquifer at 15. In the absence of more definitive data, these are value judg-
ments best established by knowledgeable environmental specialists along with com-
pany managers.
The receptor characterization will be determined by the scope of the assessment,
with more robust assessments requiring more detailed characterization. For instance,
some models will make distinctions among human populations—age, mobility, etc—
for some thresholds. Consideration of shielding is another possible variable. Shielding
11 Consequence of Failure

of almost any kind is an effective reduction to radiant heat, minimizing damages or

allowing more escape time. It can be incorporated into the receptor characterization or
used as a stand-alone variable—a factor to reduce potential damages.
Steps 3 and 4 will have produced characterizations of possible receptor damages
in each zone. Ideally, the risk evaluator will now have the ability to answer, at least
generally, questions such as:
• How many people are typically in each zone?
• What is the potential rate of injuries, fatalities in each zone?
• What is the potential rate or % of other damages in each zone?
• How much property damage is likely in each zone?
• How much and what type environmental damage is possible in each zone?

He will also have gained the ability to answer these questions in somewhat quan-
titative terms, although many assumptions and uncertainties are usually embedded in
such quantifications.
Three types of receptor-damages are used in this example: fatalities, injuries, and
environmental damages. Other common receptors/damages include service interrup-
tion costs and property damages. Not shown in this table but used in the calculations,
is a benefit from shielding. The evaluator estimates that, in this area, shielding from
buildings, trees, etc; the amount of clothing normally worn; and the emissivity (heat
movement through the atmosphere), a reduction factor of 30% should be applied to the
injury and fatality rates. This assumption could also have been embedded in the overall
damage rate estimates, but in this example, the modeler keeps this variable separate so
that it can be a distinguishing factor when shielding conditions change.

Table 11.14
Characterization of Receptors Within Each Zone at a Particular Pipeline Location
Hazard Zone # of people # of environ units # of service interruption units
<100’ 1 0.5 1
100’-50% PIR 5 1 5
50% -100% PIR 10 1 10

More detailed receptor characterizations are of course possible and supported by

this approach. For instance, the population might be divided into groups based on
increased susceptibility to injury or death, such as: “limited mobility”; “unshielded”;
“weakened immune systems”; etc. Similarly, the environmental units could be catego-
rized into many different subgroups. As with many aspects of modeling, the evaluator
must make decisions involving tradeoffs between robustness and simplicity.
As another modeling convenience, receptors are measured in terms of units. A
higher quantity or sensitivity of receptor type is captured in terms of more units. A
dollar value is assigned to a unit of each type. In this example, an injury is valued at
$100K, a fatality at $3.5M, and an environmental unit at $50K. Such valuations should
be carefully set and fully documented.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Table 11.13 on page 453 repeats some information from Table 11.12 on page
450 and then shows how the scenarios are further developed using Table 11.14 on
page 455 & Table 11.15 on page 456 and the valuations discussed.
Occurrence probabilities and valuations combine to arrive at expected losses for
each receptor in each scenario. For instance, in the case of the first scenario, the human
injury cost is estimated as the product of (scenario probability, over some time period)
x (# of people) x (injury rate in zone “100’ to 50% PIR”) x (30% shielding benefit fac-
tor) x (cost of injury) = 4.8% x 5 x 50% x 30% x $100,000 = $3,600 per scenario. If
the scenario frequency is estimated to be once every 10 years, then the expected human
injury loss is $360 per year at this location.

Table 11.15
Estimating Expected Loss from Hazard Zone Characteristics
$100,000 unit cost unit cost unit cost
$ 50,000
Expected Loss
Maximum Probability Human Environ
Hazard Zone # Human # environ weighted
Hole Size Ignition Scenario Distance of Maximum fatality Damage
Group people injury costs units dollars per
(ft) Distance costs Costs
immediate 400
4.8% 100’-50% PIR 5 $ 3,600 $ 12,600 1 $ 720 $ 16,920
rupture delayed 1500
1.6% 50% -100% PIR 10 $ 960 $ 3,360 1 $ 80 $ 4,400
no ignition 300
1.6% 100’-50% PIR 5 $ 1,200 $ 4,200 1 $ 240 $ 5,640
immediate 300
1.8% 100’-50% PIR 5 $ 1,350 $ 4,725 1 $ 270 $ 6,345
medium delayed 600
1.8% 100’-50% PIR 5 $ 1,350 $ 4,725 1 $ 270 $ 6,345
no ignition 100
8.4% 100’-50% PIR 5 $ 6,300 $ 22,050 1 $ 1,260 $ 29,610
immediate 50 8.0% <100’ 1 $ 1,920 $ 6,720 0.5 $ 1,000 $ 9,640

delayed 80 8.0% <100’ 1 $ 1,920 $ 6,720 0.5 $ 1,000 $ 9,640

no ignition 30
64.0% <100’ 1 $15,360 53,760 0.5 $ 8,000 $ 77,120

100.0% Total expected loss per failure at this location $165,660

Table Notes
See Table 11.16 on page 457 for expected loss per mile year
Not shown is the Shielding factor: estimated as a percentage, this adjusts the dam-
age estimate by considering protective benefits of all shielding factors including cloth-
ing, buildings, etc. in each hazard group and for each receptor type. In this example,
30% shielding factor is used.

Each scenario has an associated probability of occurrence, produces a certain haz-

ard zone, and contains certain numbers and types of receptors with associated dollar
values. Multiplying these values together and then summing the results for each hazard
zone produces the expected loss for the pipeline segment.

11 Consequence of Failure

The total consequences per failure at this location on the pipeline is estimated to
be ~$166K, as shown in Table 11.16 on page 457. This is the expected loss from all
pipeline failure scenarios. The annual expected loss is obtained by multiplying this
value by the annual failure rate. If that value is 10-3 failures per mile-year and this “lo-
cation” on the pipeline represents one mile, then the expected loss is ($166K per failure
per year) x (10-3 failures per mile-year) = $55 per year. Therefore, over long periods of
time, the cost of pipeline failures for this one mile of pipe is expected to average about
$55 per year, as is shown in Table 11.16 on page 457.

Table 11.16
Final Expected Loss Values
Expected Loss
Failure Rate Probability
Probability of Haz- Probability weighted
(failures per mile- weighted dollars
ard Zone1,2 dollars2,3
year) per mile-year
4.80% $16,920 $0.81
1.60% $4,400 $0.07
1.60% $5,640 $0.09
1.80% $6,345 $0.11
0.001 1.80% $6,345 $0.11
8.40% $29,610 $2.49
8.00% $9,640 $0.77
8.00% $9,640 $0.77
64.00% $77,120 $49.36
100.00% $165,660

Table Notes
1. after a failure has occurred
2. from Table 11.13 on page 453
3. (damage rate) x (value of receptors in hazard zone)

The expected loss values can be viewed as part of the cost of operations. They can
be used in decision-making regarding appropriate spending levels. The expected loss
for this segment can be combined with all other segments’ expected losses to arrive
at an expected loss for an entire pipeline or pipeline system. So, while $55 per year
appears very low, a 500 mile pipeline with the same estimates as this segment, suggests
an expected loss from failures of over $27,000 per year.
This example illustrates the representation of risk as a frequency distribution of all
possible damage scenarios, including their respective probabilities and consequence
costs. The distribution is characterized by a representative number of point estimates
produced by this evaluation. The point estimates show the range of risks and can them-
selves be compiled into a single estimate for the entire range of possibilities.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

When risk aversion—disproportionate costs for higher consequences—is also con-

sidered, the overall expected loss value should not be used in isolation. The very rare,
but very consequential scenarios, are obscured when all scenarios are compiled into a
single point estimate. The more consequential events might warrant further consider-


12.1 Background............................ 461 12.2.11 Direct Consequences.. 494
12.1.1 Definitions & Issues....... 462 12.2.12 Revenues..................... 494
12.1.2 Service.......................... 463 12.2.13 Return to Service......... 495
12.1.3 Service interruption....... 463 12.2.14 Indirect Consequences.495
12.1.4 Risk of service
interruption................ 463
12.1.5 Excursion...................... 463
12.1.6 Voluntary Excursions..... 464
12.1.7 Exposure, Exposure Event,
Event.......................... 464
12.1.8 Consequence................ 464
12.1.9 Offspec......................... 464
12.1.10 Mitigation.................... 464
12.1.11 Resistance................... 465
12.1.12 Resistance: Intervention/
Reactionary Type........ 465
12.1.13 Resistance: Inherent/System
Characteristics Type.... 465
12.1.14 Normalizing Exposures
with Resistance and
Consequences............ 465
12.1.15 Types of Risk................ 466
12.1.16 Reliability.................... 466
12.2 Segmentation ......................... 467
12.2.1 Dynamic Segmentation. 467
12.2.2 Facility Segmentation.... 468
12.2.3 Segmentation Process.... 468
12.2.4 The assessment process. 469
12.2.5 Probability of Excursion .471
12.2.6 B. Delivery parameters
deviation (DPD)......... 479
12.2.7 Variable Resistance........ 485
12.2.8 Inherent Resistance....... 486
12.2.9 Intervention Opportunities—
Reactionary Resistance.491
12.2.10 Consequences—Potential
Customer Impact........ 492
Service Interruption Risk
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• With an expanded definition of ‘failure’, service interruption
risk becomes pertinent.
• The same risk assessment methodology can be used.
Complexity is added since leak/rupture is only one of
several ways ‘failure’ can occur.


Product Spec Equip

Deviaon Malfuncon


PoF Pipeline

Risk Delivery Spec
CoF Error

Figure 12.1 Risk of service interruption.

• How to assess risk when the definition of ‘failure’ is expanded to
include all scenarios that interrupt the desired use of the pipeline.
• The same risk assessment methodology can be used, but some
analogous risk assessment elements warrant some discussion.

12 Service Interruption Risk


Up to now, the focus has been on assessing the risk of pipeline failure, with ‘failure’
defined as a leak or rupture. This is an integrity-focused risk assessment. Recall that
a broader definition of failure for any engineered system is ‘not meeting its intended
purpose’. With a typical pipeline purpose of ‘moving x volume of product y from point
a to point b in time period z, within delivery parameters of a,b,c, etc, a pipeline has
many ways to ‘fail’ that do not involve a leak or rupture. So, an expanded definition of
‘failure’ will often include ‘service interruption’.
A service interruption often results in direct consequence to revenue generation,
customer satisfaction, and other factors. It is therefore already to be included in most
leak/rupture risk assessment scenarios. In this chapter, the focus is on service interrup-
tion as a broader definition of failure, inclusive of all leak/rupture scenarios.
For this assessment, a service interruption is a deviation from product or deliv-
ery specifications that causes a negative impact to a customer. The definition implies
the existence of a specification (an agreement stating the delivery parameters, includ-
ing product quality), a time variable (duration of the deviation), a customer (an entity
receiving service from the pipeline), and a consequence to that customer. These are
discussed in this chapter. Additional terms and phrases such as excursions, upsets, ‘off-
spec’, violations of delivery parameters, specification violations or non-compliances,
will be used interchangeably in these discussions.
The quantification of service interruption risk will normally be meaningful only
for the portion of the system directly connected to the customer. At all other locations,
there is no customer to be harmed, so no potential consequences. It is only when the
excursion manifests at a customer location that harm can occur. This is not to say that
upstream portions do not contribute to service interruption potential—they certainly
do. But since many systems have intervention opportunities, it is only after considering
all interplays among excursion sources and remedies that the interruption potential at
a given location can be known.
Note however, that the entire downstream portion of a pipeline system can be
viewed as a customer of the segment being assessed.
Assessing the risk of service interruption is additive to the risk assessment of pipe-
line leak/rupture. This makes the assessment more complicated because pipeline leak/
rupture is only one of the often-numerous ways in which a service interruption can oc-
cur—leak/rupture is a subset of all possible service interruption scenarios. Service in-
terruptions can be caused by contamination, blockages, under performing equipment,
and many others that in no way threaten system integrity. All must be assessed in order
to fully measure service interruption risk. An event may or may not lead to a service
interruption depending on how long the event lasts and the system’s ability to respond
to the event. So, the analyses must provide for the system’s ability to absorb excursions
without causing customer harm.
Ensuring an interruptible supply, ie, no service interruption, may conflict with
ensuring minimum consequences to leak/rupture events. Scenarios such as erroneous
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

valve closures or equipment failures normally cannot be tolerated from a service inter-
ruption viewpoint so steps are taken to limit the equipment and operational complexi-
ties that lead to unwanted interruptions. This may result in also limiting the necessary,
desirable shutdowns for which the protective equipment is intended. This can present
a design/philosophy challenge, especially when dealing with pipeline sections close to
the customer where reaction times are minimal.
Including service interruption in the risk assessment is simply an expanded version
of the failure = loss-of-integrity risk assessment methodology. The loss-of-integrity
risk assessment is a part of the risk of service interruption assessment and is ready to
be included into the expanded risk assessment.
Just as all causes of leaks and ruptures were itemized and evaluated, all causes of
service interruptions must similarly be itemized and evaluated. Added to the probabil-
ity of leak or rupture is the probabilities of all events that cause a service interruption
but do not cause a leak or rupture. This involves identifying all possible excursions
from delivery specifications, with no initial consideration for their ultimate potential
for customer harm. For example, a blockage in a pipe segment should be treated as an
excursion, even if that particular blockage does not directly impact any customer. A
contaminant injection episode is an excursion even if it will be subsequently diluted to
a level of insignificance. These would be excursions with no customer consequence,
ie, no service interruption. Potential customer impacts, and how those translate to con-
sequences for the service provider, are considered in the consequence of service inter-
ruption portion of the assessment.
Service interruption will normally include all of the leak/rupture failure mecha-
nisms since all causes of leaks and ruptures usually cause service interruption. Some
leak/rupture events may not, however, result in a service interruption. When an in-ser-
vice repair such as a clamp can be implemented without interrupting the pipeline’s
operation, an excursion has occurred but the repair without halting flow has prevented
a service interruption. The risk assessment should show both—the occurrence of the
excursion and the lack of customer harm
The definition for service interruption contains reference to a time factor. Time is
often a necessary consideration in a specification noncompliance. A customer’s system
might be able to tolerate certain excursions for some amount of time before losses are
incurred. This is analogous to the measurement of ‘resistance’ in the leak/rupture as-
sessment since some failure mechanisms can be resisted for longer times than others.
When assessing customer sensitivity to specification deviations, the evaluator should
consider tolerable excursion durations with probable durations. This is captured in the
assessment through proper inclusion of excursion events and resistance estimates, as
discussed in this chapter.

12.1.1 Definitions & Issues

Many issues are intertwined in a potential service interruption scenario. Again, a re-
ductionist approach to the risk assessment—breaking the overall issue into smaller
12 Service Interruption Risk

pieces—is efficient. This means that issues must be separated, measured independent-
ly, and those measurements must then be appropriately combined to reveal new knowl-
edge. First, some definitions and issues will be presented to help ensure complete un-
derstanding of the assessment process.

12.1.2 Service

The service normally of interest here is the movement of products by pipeline under
conditions agreed upon by the pipeline operator and a customer The focus here is on
the service provider—normally the pipeline operator. The risk assessment produces
estimates of frequencies and magnitudes of losses due to service interruptions, po-
tentially suffered by the customer and for which the service provider is usually liable.
Most of these loss scenarios arise because the customer does not receive the service
that was promised. Beyond loss of revenue to the service provider, damages suffered
by the customer due to the interruption will often also translate to losses to be borne by
the service provider. So, the customer loss is linked to the service provider loss.

12.1.3 Service interruption

Defined by the definition of ‘failure’. For purposes here, failure is defined as a devia-
tion from product and/or delivery specifications that potentially causes an impact to a
customer. A service interruption requires both a deviation from a service parameter and
some impact to a customer.

12.1.4 Risk of service interruption

This is measured as follows: Risk = Probability of Service Failure x Customer Harm.

Exposure, mitigation, and resistance for each threat to service reliability must be mea-
sured to produce a PoF. Then, potential customer consequences are measured and com-
bined to yield the risk of service interruption. This is a separate branch in the risk
assessment, additive to the leak/rupture risk assessment estimates.

12.1.5 Excursion

Any occurrence, along any point of a pipeline system, that potentially causes a service
interruption. Any deviation from an intended product or transportation characteristic,
for example product composition, flow rate, temperature, pressure, content, etc. is
counted as an excursion, regardless of its ability to actually cause upset to a customer.
For instance, even if a small amount of water carryover into a flowing pipeline will not
result in a product spec violation by the time it reaches any customer, it is nonetheless
an excursion. The probability of each excursion causing upset is considered separately
from the identification of the excursion.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

12.1.6 Voluntary Excursions

An operator may unilaterally decide to discontinue service for a variety reasons. It

is usually a matter of choosing interruption as a less consequential course of action
in light of other urgencies. For example, halting flow due to unacceptable product
contamination, the need for emergency maintenance or repair on a segment, financial
issues, non-performance of upstream supplier, weather events, are examples of many
possible scenarios. If the operator must sacrifice service to one customer in order to
continue service to another, that too constitutes an excursion event of interest. See fur-
ther discussion in later section.

12.1.7 Exposure, Exposure Event, Event

The frequency of unmitigated excursions. As in the integrity-focused risk assessment,

the handling of some resistance issues can be via definitions of exposure events. When
an excursion is defined as only those events ‘large’ enough to potentially cause a cus-
tomer interruption (in the absence of mitigation), then the inherent ability to resist is
captured in the assessment. Alternatively, all excursions, even very minor (as specified
in the definition of ‘excursion’), can be counted and then complete resistance to the
more minor events is modeled.

12.1.8 Consequence

The amount of harm/damage/loss/upset potentially suffered by the pipeline owner/

operator if the excursion reaches a customer facility and causes harm. Note that the
implication is that the consequence of interest is the amount of customer harm that
transfers to the owner/operator which might not be the entire amount of harm suffered
by the customer. This helps to distinguish among various contracted pipeline services.

12.1.9 Offspec

A special type of excursion, this is an abbreviation for ‘off specification’ meaning

failure to comply with an agreed upon specification that dictates the characteristics
of the transportation or delivery service, including the characteristics of the delivered

12.1.10 Mitigation

Actions taken to reduce the frequency of excursions. A mitigation prevents an excur-

sion or reduces its magnitude and/or duration.

12 Service Interruption Risk

12.1.11 Resistance

Ability of the system to absorb excursions, preventing harm to customers. Resistance

for these types of failure includes interventions (for example, engaging alternative
supplies) and inherent system characteristics (for example, sufficient volume to dilute
contaminants or sufficient pressure to temporarily withstand supply interruptions). Re-
sistance does not prevent or reduce an excursion but prevents or reduces a service in-
terruption. A resistance protects the customer from a service interruption even though
an excursion has occurred.

12.1.12 Resistance: Intervention/Reactionary Type

Interventions, as used here, are a type of resistance to failure. They are actions taken.
Examples of actions include blending (diluting) of contaminants until acceptable con-
centrations are achieved; turning off a contaminated supply and activating an alternate
supply; increasing the flow contribution from another source to maintain pressures; etc.

12.1.13 Resistance: Inherent/System Characteristics Type

There are also inherent properties of the system that offer resistance to the excursion.
Examples of resistance factors that are inherent include large volume segments that are
able to absorb minor introductions of contaminants or abnormal flowrates (especially
when compressible fluids are involved) with no impacts to customer. Some gas trans-
mission pipeline segments, in effect being used for gas storage as they are intentionally
‘packed’ and ‘unpacked’ with gas, can absorb many excursions of inflows and outflows
without interrupting a customer delivery.

12.1.14 Normalizing Exposures with Resistance and Consequences

Note that there may be, in some situations assessed, an overlap between exposure
rate and system resistance customer impact. Resistance includes aspects like alternate
supplies, ability to blend, etc. just as do some exposure rates from a source. Exposures
below a certain threshold are insignificant to some customers; eg the accidental in-
troduction of a small amount of water into a large gas transmission pipeline. To keep
the service interruption risk assessment efficient and organized, clarifying rules can
distinguish when an aspect belongs to the exposure rate versus a resistance estimate.
The most robust analyses will pair excursion types with specific resistance ca-
pabilities and customer damages. This can be a complex, multi-dimensional analysis
for each customer when all permutations of spec deviations and durations are judged
against each customer’s damage potential. Such rigor in an assessment is often unwar-
ranted. A simple definition of excursion as ‘failure to meet specifications’ coupled with
a customer damage rate, even when sometimes ‘nearly zero damages’ for certain ex-
cursions, is a simpler and often sufficiently accurate assessment approach. For exam-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ple, a residential natural gas consumer is unaffected by slight deviations from natural
gas specifications or delivery parameters so long as his appliances remain functional
and undamaged.
To make the risk assessment more transparent, the agreed upon specifications for
product quality and delivery parameters should define excursions. If a customer hap-
pens to be insensitive to certain spec deviations, that should be captured in the conse-
quence assessment. It should not be modeled as system resistance since the excursion
has still reached the customer.
Modeling choices should be made to ensure that exposure and resistance mea-
surements employ a common definition. The most robust approach, counting exposure
events by imagining absolutely no resistance, may not be warranted or practical in
some assessments. The alternative—defining exposures as only events that can cause
harm when ‘standard’ resistances are in place, may be a more desirable approach. See
full discussion in Chapter 2 Definitions and Concepts on page 17.

12.1.15 Types of Risk

In addition to leak/rupture events being a subset of service interruption risk, there are
other overlaps. For example, an offspec excursion such as introduction of water into
a hydrocarbon stream is an event of interest to both leak/rupture assessment (internal
corrosion) and service interruption. Service interruption, by definition, ie ‘service’,
focuses only on potential customer impacts. This may include damages to non-owned
(customer) facilities similar to damages experienced by the pipeline owner—internal
corrosion, for example. This separation of consequences—those to the owner directly
versus those incurred via a customer’s consequence—is consistent with the reduction-
ist approach of this recommended risk assessment methodology. Clarity is achieved by
treating these consequences independently.

12.1.16 Reliability

Reliability issues overlap risk issues in many regards. This is especially true in stations
where specialized and mission-critical equipment is often a part of the transportation,
storage, and transfer operations. Those involved with station maintenance will often
have long lists of variables that impact equipment reliability. Predictive-Preventive
Maintenance (PPM) programs can be very data intensive—considering temperatures,
vibrations, fuel consumption, filtering activity, etc. in very sophisticated statistical al-
gorithms. When a risk assessment focuses solely on public safety, the emphasis is on
failures that lead to loss of pipeline product. Since PPM variables measure all aspects
of equipment availability, many are not pertinent to a risk assessment unless service
interruption consequences are included in the assessment. Some PPM variables will of
course apply to both types of consequence and are appropriately included in any form
of risk assessment.

12 Service Interruption Risk


Although segmentation occurs early in the risk assessment process, the ingredients
needed for most efficient segmentation may not become apparent until service inter-
ruption scenarios are identified. The potential harm to each customer must be assessed
at the customer’s location along the pipeline, but the service interruption risk often
involves all upstream portions and sometimes even from certain downstream locations.
In most cases, all upstream segments connected to a customer-connected-segment,
contribute to the service interruption risk for that customer—some by introducing ex-
cursion potential and some by providing intervention opportunities that may prevent
excursions from causing a service interruption.

12.2.1 Dynamic Segmentation

As with integrity-focused risk assessment, dynamic segmentation is the best approach

for modeling service interruption risk. Segment breaks are warranted only where there
is significant—from a risk measurement viewpoint—change in any variable thought
to impact service interruption probability or consequence. Putting aside leak/rupture
segmentation for a moment, segments based on other service interruption factors can
typically be longer than those generated in leak/rupture-focused risk assessments. An
exception would be where customers or inflows are in close proximity to each other,
for example in a distribution system or some gathering systems.
Sources of change for product or transportation characteristics typically include
inflow locations, customer take-offs, pump stations, tank farms, pressure regulation
points, and a few others. Relevant characteristics typically subject to gradual or abrupt
changes along a pipeline system include pressure, volume, and flowrates. The first is
common to most pipelines and, to some extent, drives change in the latter two. All may
vary more with diameter changes along the route. These changing variables potentially
impact dilution of contaminants and ability to meet delivery specifications and may
therefore trigger new segments.
Since the service interruption consequence potential is assessed at the customer
location, customer proximity along a pipeline will therefore also be a factor. The op-
portunity for reactionary interventions will often change with proximity to the custom-
er—upstream/downstream volumes, pressures, flowrates, etc, partially determine the
opportunity to intervene in an excursion scenario. A pipeline section very close to a
customer, where early detection and intervention of an excursion is not possible, will
show a greater risk than a section on the same line far enough away from the customer
where detection and possibly avoidance of customer interruption are possible.
The frequency of segment-generation—ie, what change in pressure, flow, custom-
er proximity, etc. warrants the creation of a new segment—depends on the desired
rigor of the risk assessment.
The service interruption potential from one segment will usually transfer to the
immediate downstream segment. Specifically, the excursion potential from upstream
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

segments is normally relevant, since the upstream segment is essentially an inflow or

source of product to the segment being assessed. Therefore, a segment near a customer
will normally carry the excursion potential from many upstream segments. The risks—
excursion and consequence potential—from all segments is of course relevant when
aggregating the risk for the whole pipeline or any collection of segments.

12.2.2 Facility Segmentation

Segmentation within facilities is sometimes less intuitive. Each component or col-

lection of components that potentially contributes to a service interruption should be
assessed as a separate ‘segment’ for purposes of risk assessment. This contribution
includes each component’s role in leak/rupture potential as one possible scenario in-
terruption scenario. Therefore, the same segmentation employed for leak/rupture as-
sessment would normally be a starting point for service interruption assessment. See
discussion under segmentation for integrity-focused risk assessment. Additional com-
ponents may then be required to include components that play no role in leak/rupture
potential but must be included as potential service interruption contributors.
For practical reasons including preliminary or very general assessments, an entire
facility could be treated as a single source of potential excursions. The facility’s collec-
tion of excursion scenarios would still need to be estimated with independent estimates
of exposure, mitigation, and resistance. This requires at least a general consideration
of the types and counts of potentially contributing components. Facilities with more
numerous and/or more significant sources of excursion must be identified and their
contribution to service interruption potential quantified in order to obtain an accurate
risk assessment. Risk analyses tools such as HAZOPS are useful in collecting and
assessing scenarios.

12.2.3 Segmentation Process

Most pipeline risk assessments will begin with an integrity-focused assessment—the

risks from leak/rupture. These assessments will ideally be based upon a thorough dy-
namic segmentation process of all pipeline components, including station facilities
such as tank farms, compressor stations, certain processing/treating locations, metering
facilities, etc. Results from these assessments can be efficiently aggregated as detailed
in Chapter 1 Risk Assessment at a Glance on page 1. Having a proper aggregation
option, the numerous dynamic segments that went into the analyses do not necessarily
have to be preserved for use in the service interruption risk assessment. Rather, the
aggregated results—PoF (from leak/rupture) from point x to y—can be used as inputs
to the service interruption risk assessment. This makes the service interruption risk
assessment more intuitive.
Using this strategy, the following segmentation strategy can be efficient:
1. Identify non-leak/rupture factors contributing to excursion potential. Concep-
tually, this means working from customer locations upstream to any location
12 Service Interruption Risk

with significant change or potential change in flow, pressure, product com-

position (treatment facilities, inflows, etc), ability to change any of these (ie,
available branch connections, pump/compressor stations, perhaps currently
not used), or any other factors thought to be pertinent. In some cases, this will
include special considerations for changes in potential for moving/entraining/
sweeping of accumulated liquid/solid contaminants (for example, low spot ac-
cumulation points, critical angle exceedances, liquid drain traps, etc), block-
age formation likelihood (for example, hydrates, paraffins, etc).
2. Perform dynamic segmentation using these non-leak/rupture variables. This
will normally result in fewer dynamic segments than produced from a com-
plete leak/rupture assessment.
3. Aggregate PoF values from dynamic segments generated in the leak/rupture
assessment. Apply these aggregated values to the service interruption seg-
ments, as appropriate.

12.2.4 The assessment process

As previously noted, service interruption risk assessment is a separate branch in the

risk assessment, additive to the leak/rupture risk estimates when total risk is being
measured. An excursion can occur in many different components (pipeline segments)
so all portions of the pipeline contribute to the risk and must be included in the risk
assessment. However, the potential consequences occur only at the customer, per the
definition of service interruption.
The assessment of PoF, when failure is ‘service interruption’, follows the same for-
mat as for PoF when failure = loss of integrity (leaks/ruptures). Exposure, mitigation,
and resistance for each threat to service reliability must be estimated.
Consistent with the definitions given previously. Risk is calculated as the product
of the interruption likelihood and consequences:

Risk = Probability of Failure x Consequences

The PoF is the estimate of all pertinent likelihood elements—exposures, mitiga-

tions, resistance factors. Consequences represents the magnitude of potential damages
arising from a service interruption. The PoF of each segment will usually contribute to
the next downstream segment. The risk, however, remains with the customer location’s
segment since consequences are defined in terms of customer harm.
The overall process is generalized as follows:
1. Define all service interruption scenarios. What must happen and for how long?
The transportation/delivery service contract may specify the parameters that
constitute a failure in providing the service.
2. Identify all events that lead to service interruption. Each deviation parameter
(for example, pressure, flow, quality, etc) will normally have multiple caus-
es—multiple underlying events. Techniques like HAZOPS are useful for this
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

step. Assess the likelihood of each event.

3. Identify mitigating measures for each potential events. Multiple mitigation
measures may be in place for each potential excursion event.
4. Identify all opportunities to intervene, once an excursion is underway. This is
the estimate of resistance in terms of excursions that can be absorbed by the
system, preventing customer harm. Note that sometimes a resistance measure
can be taken far downstream of the excursion.
5. Define potential consequences to each customer for each type of service inter-
ruption. These consequences are normally expressed as monetary costs.
6. Using only non-leak/rupture variables, perform dynamic segmentation (see
dynamic segmentation discussion at end of this chapter)
7. Using results from previous integrity-based assessments, calculate the aggre-
gated leak/rupture PoF for each of the dynamic segments produced from pre-
vious step.
8. Determine the fraction of PoF leak/rupture events that could be addressed
without interruption of service (for example, in service clamp repairs). Reduce
the exposure from leak/rupture excursions by this fraction.
9. Perform risk assessment for all segments using exposure, mitigation, resis-
tance, and consequence estimates as detailed in this chapter and elsewhere in
this book.
10. To show overall service interruption risk for a pipeline (or portion of a pipe-
line) combine all pairs of PoF and customer CoF scenarios for each segment
included in the summary.

The probability of excursion involves exposure and mitigation and is akin to the
probability of damage PoD calculation for the leak/rupture assessment. The excursion
probability of each segment will usually contribute to that of the next downstream
The PoF uses this excursion probability and also captures the available resistances
to interruption such as system redundancies, dilution volumes, and any intervention
possibilities, where an excursion occurs along the pipeline, but resistance protects the
customer from impact. Resistance to an excursion may not occur until some distance
downstream of the location of the excursion. Consider a contamination excursion
which eventually dilutes to insignificant levels, far from the origin of the excursion. A
resistance will often transfer to the downstream segments. The risk, however, occurs
at and remains with the customer location’s segment since consequences are defined in
terms of customer harm.
Excursion probability includes exposure and mitigation estimates. Service inter-
ruption probability includes excursion probability plus resistance. Service interruption
risk includes service interruption probability plus potential customer impacts. The fol-
lowing sections are organized to follow this process flow:
1. Excursion probability
2. Service interruption probability
12 Service Interruption Risk

3. Service interruption risk

12.2.5 Probability of Excursion

PoF Inputs
failure of treatment equip
from source
product contaminaon
during transport
concentraons (accumulaons)
accidental introducon

delivery equip malfuncon

operator error

intenonal underdelivery
PoF Service
Interrupon leak/rupture prevenons

Migaon specific procedures/training/etc


capacies: pressure, volume, flow, etc

resistance detecon

customer noficaon

Figure 12.2 Exposure/Mitigation/Resistance Triad in PoF Service Interruption

Measuring the rate or probability of excursions combines exposure and mitigation

estimates: [probability of excursion] = [exposure] x (1 – [mitigation]). An excursion
source will often potentially affect long segments of the system and be insensitive to
segment length. When lengths are relevant, such as for many leak/rupture, blockage,
and pipeline dynamics excursions, event rates can be aggregated to include length ef-
fects. When event rates are sensitive to counts of components at the same location, for
instance the number of independent shut down triggers at a facility, then event rates can
again be aggregated to include component counts. Then, event rates in units of events/
year rather than, say, events/mile-year can be efficiently used in service interruption
risk estimates.
Probability of excursion should include all events that could potentially impact
a customer in the absence of resistance. Extraction of resistance considerations—ex-
cluding them from the assessment—at this point in the analysis is important. For exam-
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

ple, the fact that a contaminant introduced at point A will dilute to be inconsequential
before the customer delivery at point B, does not negate the fact that the excursion has
occurred. The customer impact—measured independently—can be zero, but the event
is still counted in the probability of excursion estimation. While this may at first appear
to be a complication, it actually adds clarity to the assessment. As with the integri-
ty-focused risk assessment, failure to consider such factors independently weakens the

Excursion Exposure

Two general categories of excursions cover all possibilities: (1) deviations from prod-
uct specifications and (2) deviations from specified delivery parameters. Each has its
own set of exposures, mitigation measures, and resistance which will often overlap
between the two types of upset.
We now look at the exposure, the excursion potential, in more detail. Using some
of the factors first introduced in PRMM, the following overall equation is usually ap-

Probability of Excursion = (PSD + DPD)

PSD = product specification deviation—the potential for the product trans-
ported to be off-spec—non compliant with a quality specification
DPD = delivery parameter deviation—the potential for some aspect of the de-
livery to be unacceptable—non compliant with the agreed upon terms
of delivery

A breakdown of typical PSD and DPD exposure categories is as follows:

A. Product Specification Deviation (PSD)
A1. Product Origin
A2. Product Equipment Malfunctions
A3. Pipeline Dynamics
A4. Other

B. Delivery Parameter Deviation (DPD)
B1. Pipeline Failures
B2. Pipeline Blockages
B3. Equipment Failures
B4. Operator Error

An exposure estimate from each of these potential causes of excursion is part of

the assessment. The exposure is the estimate of excursion frequency, in the absence
of mitigation. The role of mitigation must be ignored when first generating exposure
12 Service Interruption Risk

estimates. Discussion of exposure from each of these potential sources of excursion is

in the following sections.

Excursion Mitigation
Once the exposure to excursions has been estimated, then mitigation measures can
be identified and quantified. As with the integrity-focused assessment, the most robust
assessment will pair specific exposures with specific mitigations. A more generalized
assessment may take a short cut by assuming that some mitigations provide protection
against all exposures, as long as excessive loss of accuracy does not accompany this
short cut.
Mitigations are similar to those for leak/rupture prevention, especially those em-
ployed against human error, and include control and safety systems, procedures, train-
ing, SCADA, error preventors, etc. operator training and procedures often play a role
in preventing or minimizing probabilities or consequences of service interruption epi-
sodes. These are important in calibration, maintenance, and servicing of detection and
mitigation equipment as well as monitoring and taking action from a control room. The
evaluator should look for active procedures and training programs that specifically ad-
dress service interruption episodes. The availability of checklists, the use of procedures
(especially when procedures are automatically computer displayed), and the knowl-
edge of operators are all indicators of the strength of this mitigation.
Emergency/practice drills can play a role in preventing or minimizing service in-
terruption excursions. While drilling can be seen as a part of operator training, it is a
critical factor in optimizing response time and may be considered as a separate item in
the assessment. Where regular drills indicate a highly reliable system, more effective-
ness can be assumed. Especially when human intervention is required and especially
where time is critical (as is usually the case), drilling should be regular enough that
even unusual events will be handled with a minimum of reaction time.
See discussion in the integrity-focused assessment sections of this text for guid-
ance on these and other general mitigation measures commonly employed to reduce
both leak/rupture and service interruption events.
Additional mitigation to reduce service interruption excursions is available in the
form of reliability programs such as PPM, real time monitoring, and others. Some
exposure-specific mitigation measures are discussed in sections below. This list is
not all-inclusive since mitigation opportunities are numerous and often customized to
specific issues. All types of mitigation can and should be assessed for effectiveness,
following the assessment guidance offered here and in the integrity-focused risk as-
sessment discussions.

Excursion Resistance
Some resistance occurs at the point of the excursion (for example, immediate dilution,
insignificant impact on pressure or flowrate, etc) while others provide resistance some
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

distance from the excursion but prior to the customer location (for example, eventual
dilution and recovery of pressure or flowrate, etc).
Excursion-specific resistance factors are discussed in the sections below while a
general resistance discussion follows in an independent section.

Estimating Excursions

A. Product specification deviation (PSD)

The transportation of products by pipeline is a service normally governed by con-
tracts that specify delivery parameters. These specifications will show the acceptable
characteristics of the product moved as well as the acceptable delivery parameters
such as temperature, pressure, and flowrate. Deviations from contract specifications
can cause an interruption of service for customers. Even when formal contracts with
such specifications do not exist, there is usually an implied agreement that the delivery
will fit the customer’s requirements.
In water pipelines, specifications vary depending on the type of water system. Po-
table water systems off-spec excursions include unacceptable levels of dissolved sol-
ids, metals, organic compounds, and others.
Off-spec episodes may involve product contamination. Some contaminants are
also agents that promote internal corrosion in steel lines. Their potential introduction
into a pipeline may have already been quantified in the integrity-focused risk assess-
To assess the contamination potential, the evaluator should first define ‘contami-
nation’. A simple way to do this might be to define it as any product component that is
outside the contract-specified limits of acceptability.
A list of all plausible scenarios that could produce contamination will be required
in a robust risk assessment. For each potential offspec parameter, specific sources that
generate or contribute to the excursion should be identified. This list will serve as a
prompter for the assessments. At this point, no consideration for dilution, mitigation,
or other contamination-reducing possibilities are included. Exposure estimates are in-
dependent of possible effects of mitigation and resistance—those considerations come
later in the assessment.
A segment’s exposure to excursions must include excursion potentials from all
upstream sections. The General sources of offspec episodes or ‘upsets’ causing excur-
sions are identified as
• Product origin
• Product treatment equipment malfunctions
• Pipeline dynamics
• Other.

The assessment is to determine the frequency of future excursions from each spe-
cific source. To accomplish this, the evaluator should have a clear understanding of
12 Service Interruption Risk

the possible excursion episodes. The historical perspective—details of previous inci-

dents—will be important to the extent that previous experience is relevant to future
performance (ie, conditions are similar)
Some specification parameters are put in place to control internal corrosion or oth-
er damages to the transportation equipment while others protect the customer’s equip-
ment and/or product quality. A list can be developed, based on customer specifications
that show critical offspec parameters and intolerable concentrations. Additional col-
umns for detectability, mitigation and customer sensitivity can be included to provide
guidance for the next steps of the evaluation. This will also serve to better document
the assessment.

A1. Product origin

The product’s origin point, eg delivery pipeline, storage facility, processing plant,
ground well, etc, provides the first opportunity for excursion.
Changes of products in storage facilities and pipeline change-in-service situations,
including batch deliveries, are also potential sources of deviation from product specifi-
cations. A composition change may also affect the density, viscosity, and dew point of
a hydrocarbon stream. This can adversely impact processes that are intolerant to liquid
formation or changes in those characteristics.
Even when a product originates directly from a single hydrocarbon processing
plant, the composition may vary, depending on the processing variables and techniques.
Temperature, pressure, or catalyst changes within the process will change the resulting
stream to varying extents. Materials used to remove impurities from a product stream
may themselves introduce a contamination. A carryover of glycol from a dehydration
unit is one example; an over-injection of a corrosion inhibitor is another.
Inadequate processing of product or potential contaminant is another source of ex-
cursion. A CO2 scrubber in an LPG processing plant, for example, might occasionally
allow an unacceptably high level of CO2 in the product stream to pass to the pipeline.
The use of drag reducing agents to enhance flowrates can also be a source of upset for
sensitive customers.
The evaluator can seek evidence to assess the exposure—the unmitigated excur-
sion potential--from changes at product origin, even when available evidence is based
on the mitigated excursion potential.
Some qualitative examples of excursion estimation are shown in PRMM. These
qualitative descriptors are reproduced as follows with possible quantitative estimates

High Rate; p erhaps 0.5 to 500 events/year

Excursions are happening or have happened recently. Customer impacts oc-
cur routinely or are only narrowly avoided (near misses).
Medium Rate; perhaps 0.1 to 0.5 events/year

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Excursions have happened in the past in essentially the same system, but not
recently; or theoretically, a real possibility exists that a relatively
simple (high-probability) event can precipitate an excursion.
Low Rate; perhaps 0.01 to 0.1 event/year
Rare excursions can theoretically occur under extreme conditions. Historical
customer impacts are almost nonexistent.
No Exposure perhaps 0.00001 to 0.01 events/year
System configuration and/or customer insensitivity disallows upset possibility
originating from source. A customer impact is virtually impossible in
the present system configuration.

Prevention of offspec episodes and minimization of impacts is supported through

close working relationships with customers and suppliers.

Mitigation of Exposures Arising from Source(s)

Because products often originate at facilities not under the control of the pipeline oper-
ator, there may be both foreign (owner of the origination point) mitigations and opera-
tor (of the segment being assessed) mitigations. Since it will often be difficult to assess
and track changes in mitigations of non-owned facilities, it is often more efficient to
include foreign mitigations in the exposure rate estimate assigned to the non-owned
facility. Those mitigations are often still important to understand and perhaps quantify,
but keeping them separate from mitigations applied by the owner of the assessed com-
ponent is a modeling convenience.
Mitigation opportunities may be limited in some cases. However, common mitiga-
tion measures for non-owned/operated point-of-origin upset episodes include
• Real time or sampling-based monitoring of all pipeline entry points (and pos-
sibly even upstream of the pipeline—in the supplier facility itself—for early
warning) to detect offspec episodes or their precursors at earliest opportunity
• Redundant decontamination/treatment/supply equipment for increased reli-
ability on single source scenarios.
o Close working relationship with third-party suppliers
o Availability of multiple product stream sources at origin point (blend-
ing or partial shut in opportunities)
• Arrangements of alternate supplies to shut off offending
sources without disrupting pipeline supply
• Provisions for rapid switches to alternate supplies
• Plans and practiced procedures to switch to alternate supplies
o Automatic switching to alternate supplies l
• Operator training to ensure prompt and proper detection and reaction to ex-

12 Service Interruption Risk

Any preventive actions should be factored into the assessment of excursion miti-

A2. Treatment equipment malfunctions

Pipeline equipment at, or downstream of, the product source, designed to control prod-
uct specification parameters such as removal of impurities can malfunction and allow
offspec episodes. This may overlap the previous assessment ‘product origin’ so care
must be taken to count all events appropriately—neither over- nor under-counting.
Some on-line—during the transportation--equipment such as dehydrators help en-
sure product specification parameters including protecting the pipeline from possible
corrosion agents . Hence, their reliability in preventing upsets will overlap previous
analysis of their role in PoF from internal corrosion.
Injections of substances such as corrosion inhibitor liquids or flow-enhancing
chemicals are examples of intentionally-introduced substances that may impact cus-
tomers. Even when customers are unaffected by intended concentrations of such in-
jected substances, equipment malfunction or flow regime changes may lead to higher
concentrations of these products than what is tolerable by the customer.
Multi-phase pipelines, in which combined streams of hydrocarbon gas, liquids,
and water are simultaneously transported, are often found in gathering systems and off-
shore production pipelines. Downstream receipts from such systems frequently rely on
equipment to perform separation. When separation equipment fails, excursions occur.
When the equipment can potentially introduce a contaminant—for example, flow
enhancer, glycol dehydration, corrosion inhibitor, etc—an estimate of the unmitigated
exposure, followed by the effectiveness of mitigation, is needed. When the equipment
is preventing offspec excursions then its role as a mitigation measure against a contin-
uous exposure needs to be estimated. In either case, estimation can be done in a very
detailed, robust manner when critical consequence may emerge, or alternatively may
be approximated by those knowledgeable of the system.
Unmitigated upset potential from on-line equipment malfunctions can range in
event frequency from ‘almost never’ to ‘continuous’. A detailed assessment may in-
clude formal equipment reliability modeling.

The following mitigation activities can be factored into the evaluation for excursions
due to equipment malfunctions for both scenarios—equipment-generated exposures
and equipment as excursion prevention:
• Strong equipment maintenance practices to prevent malfunctions
• Redundancy of systems (backups) to increase reliability of equipment or sys-
tems to reduce the probability of overall failures
• Early detection of malfunctions to allow action to be taken before a damaging
excursion or a loss of function occurs.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

A3. Pipeline dynamics

Another generator of excursion scenarios is liquids or solids concentrated in a product
stream by a change in pipeline system dynamics. A possible source of solids could be
foreign materials from original construction or subsequent repairs, materials originally
introduced by within-spec streams, materials from offspec excursions, or materials
generated within the pipeline during its operational history.

Figure 12.3 Critical Inclination Angle Exceeded, Resulting in Depositions

Free liquids, both water and heavier hydrocarbons, and solids may accumulate in
low-lying areas of a pipeline transporting hydrocarbons.
Some pipelines also have potential for other types of accumulations. Hydrates, rust
particles, debris from damaged pigs, or paraffin buildups displaced from the pipe wall
are examples of materials generated during operations. (see also discussion of pipeline
blockages) To cause this, the offending materials would have to be present initially,
so an exposure estimate arises from that necessary condition. Added to this for the
complete estimate of exposure, is the potential for an accompanying event causing a
significant disturbance to the pipe displacing a large amount of the buildup at one time,
leading to the customer impact.
Pipeline dynamics can also precipitate a service interruption by causing a delivery
parameter to become offspec. Pressure surges or sudden changes in product flow may
interrupt service as a control device engages or the customer equipment is exposed to
unfavorable conditions. This halts flow, thereby interrupting the flowrate required by
the specification.
Potential for upset from changes in pipeline dynamics is assessed in terms of expo-
sure and mitigation, as are all types of service interruptions. Specific pairings of miti-
gations with affected exposures may be warranted since not all mitigations will affect
all exposures. For instance, preventing excursions due to re-entrainment or sweeping
of accumulations may have no benefit to the exposure of flow interruptions from in-
advertent valve closures. Note also, that some mitigation measures will increase the
potential for service interruptions. For instance, maintenance pigging carries a chance
of flow interruption due to pig failure or formation of a blockage.
12 Service Interruption Risk

Prevention activities typically factored into the assessment for upset potential due to
pipeline dynamics include:
• Performing pipeline pigging, cleaning, dehydration, etc., in manners that pre-
vent later excursions.
• A protocol that requires experts to review any planned changes in pipeline
dynamics. Such reviews are designed to detect hidden problems that might
trigger an otherwise unexpected event.
• Close monitoring/control of flow parameters to avoid abrupt, unexpected
shocks to the system.

Instrumentation calibration/maintenance to reduce unintentional activations. This

is more appropriately included in the exposure estimate rather than as a mitigation
measure, when the instrumentation is the initiator of the exposure.

A4. Other
As a special type of failure mechanism, the threat of sabotage may warrant special
attention in service interruption risk, beyond its role in leak/rupture risk. Saboteur ac-
tions directed towards service interruption rather than leak/rupture can be included in
this part of the assessment. With the change in definition of ‘failure’, this threat as-
sessment will closely mirror the leak/rupture assessment. Different exposure types and
frequencies must be identified, representing the product and delivery vulnerabilities
rather than integrity vulnerabilities. Mitigations will be very similar for both types of
‘failure’. The roll of resistance will need to be supplemented in the service interrup-
tion assessment since sabotage here may involve different types of excursions, eg the
introduction of an unexpected contaminant with different detectability and reaction
Examples of additional upset scenarios that do not directly arise from a prod-
uct in-coming source or from pipeline flowing dynamics include improper restoration
to service after maintenance, change in service, infiltration of ground water into a
low-pressure distribution system piping, incorrect handling of batched products, and
others. When such scenarios are plausible, they should be included in the risk assess-
ment with the same exposure-mitigation-resistance triad used in all PoF analyses.

12.2.6 B. Delivery parameters deviation (DPD)

General excursion scenarios that must be included in assessing the risk of service inter-
ruption are deviations from acceptable delivery parameters such as pressure, tempera-
ture, or flow. For example, when a city resident orders a connection to the municipal
gas distribution system, the implied contract is that gas, appropriate in composition,
will be supplied at sufficient flow and pressure to work satisfactorily in the customer’s
heating and cooking systems.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

General causes of delivery parameter deviations include

• Pipeline failures
• Pipeline blockages
• Equipment failures
• Operator error.

Since a customer impact is the consequence of interest, potential scenarios up-

stream of a customer normally generate the events of interest and are included in the
evaluation. However, some downstream events may also generate upstream customer
consequences. For instance, excessive flow entries or exits downstream may impact
upstream pressure levels.
As with all exposures, a list of plausible scenarios should be developed. Critical
delivery parameters, based on customer specifications, should be identified and linked
to specific mechanisms that could upset those parameters.
Undersupply excursions—not meeting minimum pressure/flow specifications—
are the most common types of excursions. These are judged to arise from two general
types of exposure, each with specific contributors:
• insufficient delivery to customer
o intentional supply or inventory reductions
o reductions to accommodate seasonal-, business-, temporary main-
tenance-, other customer-needs, and other scenarios
o unintentional supply or inventory reductions
o leaks/ruptures in upstream segment(s)
o equipment failure
o operator error
o blockages

B1. Pipeline Leak/Rupture

A leak/rupture in a pipeline component will usually precipitate a delivery interruption.
The possibility of this is assessed by performing the integrity-focused risk assessment
(for leak/rupture) detailed in Chapters x through x. The resulting estimate is a measure
of this type of failure potential.
The excursion potential is equal to the PoF for leak/rupture estimated in the integ-
rity-focused risk assessment, less the scenarios where no service interruption occurs
despite there being a leak. When a leak can be repaired without interrupting flow,
pressure, or other delivery parameter, eg clamp installed, a service interruption has not

B2. Equipment failures

Equipment failures that can cause an unacceptable delivery parameter will normally
need to be included in a service interruption assessment. Pumps, compressors, and
12 Service Interruption Risk

valves are often critical since they directly control pressures and flowrates. These pri-
mary pieces of equipment are normally influenced by multiple secondary systems.
Most modern pipeline control systems employ a complex network of manual and au-
tomatic monitoring, relief, and shut down instrumentation, as described in Chapter 8.0
Incorrect Operations on page 237. These same systems that reduce the probability of
leak/rupture may increase the potential for service interruption. Erroneous equipment
operations (inadvertent valve closure, pump stop, etc), mis-calibration of instruments,
or improper actions by operators or maintainers causing shut downs are examples.
Unintentional equipment activations—valves, rotating equipment, etc—or equip-
ment activations generated by abnormal conditions can cause flow restrictions. An
“unwanted action” of such devices is normally not addressed in the basic risk assess-
ment model because such malfunctions do not usually lead to pipeline leak/rupture.
Therefore, this additional consideration must be added when service interruption is
being evaluated.
Reliability improves when more than one line of defense exists in preventing ex-
cursions. For maximum benefits, there should be no single point of failure that would
either create an excursion or disable the system’s ability to prevent an excursion.
Where redundant equipment or bypasses exist and can be activated in a timely manner,
excursion probability is reduced.
Outages caused by weather or natural events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires,
and floods are possible causes of leak/rupture and also considered in service interrup-
tion potential as possible sources of equipment failure excursion. A common example
of a non-leak/rupture event of this type is an offshore pipeline system that is intention-
ally shut down whenever large storms threaten. Other examples include those typically
covered under force majeure clauses in a legal contract.
The complexities and variabilities in pipelines and their associated control sys-
tem designs prevents a detailed discussion of all possible interruption scenarios in this
book. To generalize these scenarios, some categorizations of equipment potentially
contributing to service interruption can be made. Here are some groupings and discus-
sion to stimulate thinking on this topic.

Pressure and flow regulating equipment

Pumps and compressors used to maintain specified flows and pressures are more com-
plex mechanical/electrical equipment that are more prone to service interruption. Rel-
atively minor occurrences that will stop these devices in the interest of safety and pre-
vention of serious equipment damage include those listed for leak/rupture prevention,
such as pressure, flowrate, and tank levels. Additional parameters, associated with the
prime movers and often threatening service interruption, but not immediate leak/rup-
ture potential, include temperature, voltage, electrical current, vibration, sensor status,
equipment position/status, and many more.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Flow stopping that halt flow through a pipeline are potential causes of specification
violations. This includes shut-in devices from product origination points such as wells,
and mainline block valves, including emergency shut-in, automatic, remote, check
valves, and manual configurations are included here.

Safety/Control Systems
Instrumentation and devices intended to prevent damage to the system exist in virtually
all pipeline delivery systems. Examples include regulator valves, relief valves, rupture
disks, limit switches (which activate equipment upon certain pressure, temperature,
tank level, electrical parameters, etc limits or rate-of-change), and others that will
normally impact ability to delivery when they activate.
Equipment controlling product properties during transportation can also be con-
sidered here. The number and nature of devices that could malfunction and cause a
delivery parameter upset is normally important to a risk assessment. The phrase “single
point of failure” is used to indicate that one component’s failure is sufficient to precip-
itate a service interruption. This makes a system more vulnerable to excursion. Exam-
ples often include malfunction events associated with components such as instrument
power supply, instrument supply lines, vent lines, valve seats, pressure sensors, relief
valve springs, relief valve pilots, and SCADA signal processing.

Prevention (mitigation) activities for service interruptions caused by equipment
malfunctions include:
• Measures to minimize potential for inadvertent equipment activations—fail
safe logic, overrides, redundancies, etc.
• Measures to reduce rate of occurrence of abnormal conditions
• Equipment calibration and maintenance practices
• Inspections and calibrations including all monitoring and transmitting devices
• Redundancy preventing, for instance, one erroneous indication from unilater-
ally cause unnecessary device activations.

While these measures can be included in the assessment of exposure, it is often

more useful to rather include them with mitigation. One benefit is the development of
an argument, via cost/benefit analyses, for the increase or reduction in activities.
It will usually also be important to identify and include the presence of redundant
systems that prevent customer impacts, even after component interruptions. Such sys-
tems were established for a reason and at a cost and therefore warrant consideration in
the risk assessment.
Potential for delivery parameter deviation due to equipment failure is potentially
high when excursions are happening or have happened recently--customer impacts
12 Service Interruption Risk

occurring or are only narrowly avoided (near misses) by preventive actions. Frequent
weather-related interruptions are additional indicators. Since such evidence is occur-
ring with mitigation and resistance, exposure rates considered in the absence of miti-
gation and resistance may be especially high.

B3. Operator error

The potential for human errors and omissions is logically a part of service interruption
potential. The risk analysis conducted for the leak/rupture risk assessment is normally
a part of the service interruption assessment. Errors that lead to service interruption
but not leak/ruptures, precipitate additional failure scenarios that are additive to the
estimated error rates for leak/rupture.
Part of the service interruption assessment is the potential for an on-line opera-
tional error such as an inadvertent valve closure, , unintentional halting of a pump or
compressor, introduction of a contaminant or failure to remove a contaminant, or other
errors that do not endanger the pipeline integrity but can temporarily interrupt pipeline
operation. Note that the focus here is on accidental human activities. Willful actions
are addressed as sabotage
As with the potential for leak/rupture, the evaluator should begin the mitigation
assessment with an examination of the training, testing, and procedures program to
gauge the effectiveness of measures that are in place to generally avoid all errors. Error
prevention activities also include visual/audible signs, signals, and alarms; the use of
special checklists and procedures, and designs that allow excursions only under an
unlikely sequence of errors.

B4. Pipeline blockages

Figure 12.4 Interior wall build-ups, such as paraffin

Restricted or blocked flow in a pipeline may not lead to a leak/rupture but can
generate a delivery parameter (ie, pressure, flow) deviation.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The potential for unmitigated, unresisted blockage events may range from virtual-
ly zero events/yr, when potential is very low, to dozens of events/year when exposure
is high.
Monitoring via pressure profile, internal inspection device, or others may provide
early warning of impending blockages. Mitigative actions potentially taken include
cleaning (mechanical, chemical, or thermochemical) at frequencies consistent with
buildup rates; the introduction of chemical inhibitors to prevent or minimize buildup;

B5. Other
Examples of other delivery parameter excursions include voluntary deviations. When
the operator chooses to create an excursion to avoid higher consequences, an excursion
has nonetheless been created. Depending on issues such as contract provisions, the
customer’s impact and subsequent recovery of damages may differ from an accidental
excursion. Voluntary or semi-voluntary excursion scenarios include:
• Weather events—operator chooses to interrupt service due to safety or system
integrity issues; for example, halting operations during floods, hurricanes, ice
storms, etc. These excursions differ from excursions generated by weather-re-
lated equipment failures in that no equipment failure has occurred and the
operator is taking proactive measures.
• Financial events—these can range from choosing to supply one customer at
the expense of another during a shortage to company bankruptcy. Intentional
non-compliance with contracted terms of delivery could also be prompted by
special financial issues.
• Other suppliers’ non-performance—an example would be interruption of up-
stream supply causing downstream shortages.
• Urgent maintenance or repair—no failure has occurred but operator must re-
spond to a failure precursor, perhaps identified during an inspection.

Exposure, mitigation, and resistance estimates can be assigned to these excursions

and included in the assessment.


In the integrity-focused risk assessment, the actions taken to prevent pipeline failures
is included as mitigation in various threat assessments. A PoD estimate emerges from
this. The system’s ability to resist failure, given damage is occurring, is then measured
as ‘resistance’. PoF is calculated from PoD and resistance.
In the service interruption risk, actions to prevent events that lead to service in-
terruptions are also assessed early in the assessment as mitigations and results in a
‘probability of excursion’. then resistance to failure is added to produce a PoF, ie,
probability of service interruption, since failure = service interruption here. Service
12 Service Interruption Risk

interruption scenarios often have additional opportunities—beyond those available to

leak/rupture prevention—for intervention after an excursion episode has occurred that
would otherwise lead to a service interruption. System volumes, flow rates, pressures,
redundancies, etc all act to absorb the excursion, often by blending or diluting away the
infraction, making it invisible to the customer.
Recall that the recommendation is to consider an excursion to be an event originat-
ing at the entry to the pipeline rather than at a customer. The consequence occurs at the
customer. While both could be modeled as occurring only at the customer, excursions
at other locations would still have to be assessed for their potential to reach the custom-
er. Under this recommendation, that is the resistance estimate, to keep it independent
from the initiating excursion event. This helps in diagnostics and risk management.
In the risk estimates, resistance shows when some segments are more capable of
absorbing excursions and can at least partially recover from an episode before custom-
er impact occurs. This exactly parallels the resistance estimate which distinguishes
between PoD and PoF in an integrity-focused risk assessment. In both assessments,
resistance is expressed as a fraction of failures avoided. A segment that is 90% resistive
would experience a service interruption once out of every ten excursions (excursions
that, despite mitigation, are occurring).
In some pipeline systems for which interruptible delivery is critical, extra provi-
sions are usually made to prevent interruption. Timely reactions to events that would
otherwise cause service interruptions are sometimes possible. Examples include halt-
ing the flow of an offending product stream and replacing it with an acceptable prod-
uct stream, blending streams to reduce concentration levels, immediate treating of a
contaminant, and immediate customer notifications when customers can prevent or
minimize harm from an excursion.
Even a pipeline failure may not result in a service interruption. If the leak can be
repaired without significant change to product flow (for example, a clamp repair) or an
alternative supply is available to replace the lost supply to the customer .
Note that by considering interventions, a high-probability excursion that has a low
probability of actually impacting the customer is recognized but shows lower risk than
the same event that is more likely to impact the customer. This is important to the un-
derstanding and management of the risk.

12.2.7 Variable Resistance

Adding to the challenge of measuring resistance is the fact that some systems experi-
ence variable resistance. Seasonal changes in resistance are common, with supply-de-
mand issues creating shortages and excesses. Some systems are highly variable, with
inventories, system dynamics, and available options varying day-by-day or even hour-

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

12.2.8 Inherent Resistance

System volumes, pressures, and dynamics play a role in resistance. Systems that are
more able to absorb excursions in that they are slower to react to an upset or otherwise
less sensitive to an excursion. For instance, a high-pressure, large-volume gas pipeline
system in which outflows will only slowly depressure the system upon temporary loss
of inflows. Contrast this with a small liquid system that is effectively “tight-lined”
(inflows balance outflows with temporary imbalances resulting in immediate loss of
pressure and flow). In this latter case, intervention opportunities will be limited and
their effectiveness will be challenged.

Example: 12.1 Probability of Customer Impact from Delivery Excursion

A section of a high-pressure gas transmission system serves a customer with sensitivi-

ties to pressure and flowrate. Both must be kept within specified parameters.

Exposure and Mitigation Estimates

High side excursions—overpressure and excessive flowrate are both possible
events in this segment and are deemed to be continuous exposures since the source
holds pressure levels and generates flowrates that both exceed customer tolerance lim-
its. The estimate of ‘continuous exposure’ carries an assignment of 5.3e5 events/yr
(one event per minute) in this risk assessment’s protocol. Offsetting this exposure are
mitigation measures, evaluated as shown below:
Protecting the customer from excessive pressures and flowrates are control devices
and safety systems. Failure possibilities for mitigation equipment include mechanical
or electrical failure of the systems, mis-calibration or failure of associated pressure/
flow sensors, loss of instrument power supply, incorrect signal from SCADA system,
and others.
Mitigation of ‘too much’ pressure and flowrate excursions from equipment failure
at the customer ‘take-off’ location are identified as
• Pressure controller (pressure control valve) at customer gate—failure here can
either interrupt service or allow too much pressure into customer facility. Con-
troller failures leading to excessive pressure or flow are estimated to be 10-8
per year.
• Control valve at meter site Controller failures leading to excessive pressure or
flow are estimated to be 10-7 per year.
• Additional mitigation offered by safety systems including high pressure and
high flow automatic valves, are under the control of the customer and not
included in this calculation. If they were to be included, they would modeled
as generating redundant mitigation whereby both a controller and the safety
system must simultaneously fail before the upset occurs.

12 Service Interruption Risk

In this scenario, either of the equipment failures would result in an event of in-
terest, suggesting that they should be combined with an OR gate. This results in an
estimate of ‘probability of upset’:

5.3e5 unmitigated exposure-events/yr x [(10e-8)+(10e-7)] upsets/exposure-

events = 5.8e-2 upsets/year or an upset event about every 17 years.

Low-side excursions—not meeting minimum pressure/flow specifications, are

judged (via HAZOPS) to arise from two general types of exposure, each with specific
• undersupply into segment = 0.2 events/year (an event every 5 years)
• pipeline leaks/ruptures on associated segments
• unintentional closures of any of three upstream automatic block valves unin-
tentional halting of mainline compressor station where station bypass would
not allow sufficient downstream pressure
• unplanned interruption of source flows
• improper planning of flows/inventories
• excessive outflows

Emergency maintenance scenarios or = 0.01 events/year

• pipeline leaks/ruptures on associated segments
• improper planning of flows/inventories
• others

SME’s identify mitigation measures that are currently available to prevent the ex-
posures that are not already fully analyzed (ie, the pipeline leak/rupture rates are al-
ready available). for a preliminary estimate, the SME team judges that mitigations are
in place to offset approximately 8 out of 10 excursions of these types. This is a com-
bined mitigation estimate that integrates each individual mitigation measures contribu-
tion as if all exposures are equally mitigated by each. This is a simplifying assumption,
technically inaccurate (for example, pipeline failure rates are not mitigated by these
mitigations) but deemed acceptable for current assessment needs. The team plans to
update and improve upon these estimates with a detailed HAZOP later in the year.
Using these estimates, the probability of a low-side excursion is assessed to be:

(0.2 + 0.01) unmitigated events/year x (1 – 80%) upsets / event = 0.042

upsets/yr or an upset event about every 24 years.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Resistance estimates
Next, the SME team quantifies the ability of the system to resist the potential customer
upset, given the occurrence of an upset event. To begin the analysis, all sources of re-
sistance are identified and include:
Line pack (inventory), normally of sufficient pressure/volume to allow several
hours of undersupply into the segment, without impacting customer delivery parame-
ters. This resistance effectively offsets the episodes that are of short duration. SME’s
assign a resistance benefit of 60% based on the fraction of shorter duration episodes
Redundancy: no redundancy of supply is available to this customer.
Alternate supplies: the availability of contract provisions and relationships with
product suppliers who would likely ‘loan’ product volume during a critical need, al-
lows SME’s to estimate that an additional 20% of the listed episodes would not lead to
customer impact.
The combined resistance is therefore estimated to be: 60% OR 20% = 68% (68%
of the episodes would not result in customer impacts).
The final probability of customer impact is estimated to be:

(0.06 + 0.04) upsets/yr x (1 – 68%) customer impacts/upset =

0.03 customer impacts per year
(or a customer impact about once every 31 years).

The fairly long history of 15 years with no excursions is used to partially validate
this estimate.
Note that none of the equipment failures identified in the above example would
cause a pipeline leak/rupture on the assessed segment, but rather serve to estimate a
service interruption potential only.
A major delivery deviation would be consequential to this customer, requiring an
emergency interruption of their processes and a multi-day resumption of service. Im-
pacts to this customer are estimated to be $450,000 per delivery deviation. This, cou-
pled with the previous estimate of impact probability, results in an EL = 0.03 x $450K
= $14K per year.

Example: 12.2 Service interruption potential:

Example 10.2 of PRMM can be improved by better quantifying the risk elements as
follows: XYZ natural gas transmission pipeline has been sectioned and evaluated using
a leak/rupture risk assessment model. This pipeline supplies the distribution systems
of several municipalities, two industrial complexes, and one electric power generation
plant. The most sensitive of the customers is usually the power generation plant. This is
not always the case because some of the municipalities could only replace about 70%
of the loss of gas on service interruption during a cold weather period. Therefore, there

12 Service Interruption Risk

are periods when the municipalities might be critical customers. This is also the time
when the supply to the power plant is most critical, so the scenarios are seen as equal.
Notification to customers minimizes the impact of the interruption because alter-
nate supplies may be available at short notice. Early detection is possible for some
excursion types, but for a block valve closure near the customer or for the sweeping
of liquids into a customer service line, at most only a few minutes of advance warning
can be assumed. There are no redundant supplies for this pipeline itself. The pipeline
has been divided into sections for risk assessment. Section A is far enough away from
the supplier so that early detection and notification of an excursion are always possible.
Section B, however, includes an inflow metering station very close to the customer fa-
cilities. This station contains equipment that could malfunction and not allow any time
for detection and remedy before the customer is impacted.
A preliminary and conservative, P90 risk of service interruption assessment is
sought. Because each section includes common elements--conditions found in all sec-
tions--many input values will be the same for these two sections. The potential for ex-
cursions, considering all mitigations applied, for Section A and Section B is evaluated
as follows:

Product specification deviation (PSD)

Product origin 0.01 events/yr
Only one source, comprising approximately 20% of the gas stream, is sus-
pect due to the gas arriving from offshore with entrained water. Onshore
water removal facilities have occasionally failed to remove all liquids.

Equipment failure 0.2 events/yr

No gas treating equipment in this system. 0.0 events/yr

Pipeline dynamics 0.05 events/yr

Past episodes of sweeping of fluids have occurred when gas velocity in-
creases appreciably. This is linked to the occasional introduction of water
into the pipeline by the offshore supplier mentioned previously.

Other 0 events/yr
No other potential sources identified.

Delivery Parameter Deviations (DPD)

Pipeline failure

0.0005 events/mile-year x 30 miles of pipeline = 0.0015 events/year

From previous integrity focused risk assessment.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Blockages 0.000001 events/yr

No mechanisms to cause flow stream blockage, other than inadvertently
closed valve, considered below.

Equipment 0.06 events/yr

Automatic valves set to close on high rate of change in pressure have
caused unintentional closures in the past. Installation of redundant instru-
mentation has theoretically minimized the potential for this event again.
However, the evaluator feels that the potential still exists. Both sections
have equivalent equipment failure potential.

Operator error (Section A)

Little chance for service interruption due to operator error. No automatic
valves or rotating equipment. Manual block valves are locked shut. Con-
trol room interaction is always done. Mitigated error rate is estimated to
be 0.05 events/year.

Operator error (Section B)

A higher chance for operator error due to the presence of automatic valves
and other equipment in this section. Mitigated error rate from all plausible
event scenarios is estimated, via a HAZOPS technique, to be 0.1 events/

Section A total = 0.01 + 0.2 + 0.05 + 0 + 0.0015 + 0.000001 + 0.06 + 0.05

= 0.37 excursions per year

Section B total = 0.01 + 0.2 + 0.05 + 0 + 0.0015 + 0.000001 + 0.06 + 0.1 + 0.37*
= 0.79 excursions per year

*Note that section A is an input to Section B. that is, all excursions originat-
ing and not eliminated in Section A, are excursions for Section B.

The above values are analogous to the PoD values produced in the integrity-fo-
cused assessment. They reflect the frequency of events that could lead to failure, ie,
customer harm.

Next, resistance is estimated. Reactive and inherent interventions to excursion scenar-
ios are available for both sections. For Section A, it is felt that system dynamics allow
early detection and response to most of the excursions that have been identified. The
volume and pressure of the pipeline downstream of Section A would dilute contami-
12 Service Interruption Risk

nants and allow an adequate response time to even a pipeline failure or valve closure in
Section A. Fractions of events successfully resisted are assigned for blending/dilution
(0.8), early detection and re-establishment of supply or establishment of alternative
supply (0.3). These are thought to generally apply to all excursion types and, hence,
establish the resistance via an OR gate. Therefore, Section A is 1 – (1 – 0.8) x (1- 0.3) =
86% resistive to the potential excursions. Section A is assessed to carry a service inter-
ruption potential of 0.37 excursions/year x (1 – 0.86) fraction resisted = 0.052 events/
yr or a customer impact about once every 20 years.
Early notification is not able to provide enough warning for every excursion case
in Section B, however. Therefore, reactive interventions will only apply to some ex-
cursions that can be detected and responded to, namely, those occurring upstream of
Section B. For the types of excursions that can be detected in a timely manner, prod-
uct origin and equipment problems, percentages are awarded for early detection (30),
notification where the customer impact is reduced (10), and training (8). This analysis
shows a much higher potential for service interruption for episodes occurring in Sec-
tion B as opposed to episodes in Section A.
The customer consequence potential would be calculated next. A direct compar-
ison between the two sections for the overall risk of service interruption can then be

12.2.9 Intervention Opportunities—Reactionary Resistance

To assess the availability and reliability of interventions, a compiled list of the effec-
tivenesses of all the intervening actions that are plausible and available, is needed.
Note that these actions may not apply to all identified episodes of product specification
deviation or delivery parameter deviation and therefore may need to be paired with
specific excursion types. If an action cannot reliably address excursions of all types,
then intervention applies only to the benefiting excursion(s). For example, if an early
detection system can react quickly to a pipeline failure but cannot detect a contamina-
tion episode, then the benefit applies only to leak scenario resistance.
Resistance percentages will be used in assessments for PSD and DPD independent-
ly. Again, reducing failure potential in this fashion does not indicate a reduced proba-
bility of the event, only the reduced probability of the event causing customer upset,
ie, service interruption. This is an important distinction as it is in the integrity –focused
risk assessment that discriminates between probability of damage and probability of

When an excursion is not detectable, reactionary intervention action is not possible.
When at least some of the possible excursions are detectable, additional intervention
opportunities may be available. For resistance estimation, the ability to identify and

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

provide some advance notice of an excursion plays a role only when it enables inter-
The reliability and timeliness of detection should be assessed. Detection includes
receiving, interpreting, and responding to the indications. Indirect indications, such as
a pressure drop after an accidental valve closure, serve as detection mechanisms but
often require diagnostic time.
A location on the pipeline near the customer may generate an excursion for which
there would not be a possibility of early detection and timely reaction. When some
excursion types can be detected and some may not be, or when detection/reaction is
not reliable, effectiveness estimates should be accordingly adjusted and applied only
to specific excursions.

Customer notification

In some cases, timely notification to a customer of an excursion can prevent an outage

for that customer. In many cases, impacts can at least be reduced. This is discussed
under consequences. Customer notification is generally not a resistance factor since it
does not prevent the excursion from reaching the customer. Rather it is a part of con-
sequence minimization.

Redundant equipment/supply

Resistance to excursion is available in system configurations that allow rerouting of

product to blend a high contaminant concentration or otherwise keep the customer
supplied with product that meets minimum quality and delivery specifications. The
redundancy must be available in a time that will prevent customer harm. Factors im-
pacting reliability may include the following:
• Degree of human intervention required
• Amount of automatic switching available
• Regular testing of switching to alternative sources
• Highly reliable switching equipment
• Knowledgeable personnel who are involved in
• Switching operations
• Contingency plans to handle possible problems during switching

12.2.10 Consequences—Potential Customer Impact

As noted in the service interruption definitions, the consequence usually being mea-
sured in the risk assessment is the damages that occur to the pipeline owner/operator,
with the idea that it is the customer damages that are primarily driving the operator’s
damages. Both direct and indirect consequences should be recognized in the risk as-

12 Service Interruption Risk

A distinction between ‘transportation event’ vs ‘delivery event’ may be useful in

some consequence assessments. Product ownership is often separated from transporta-
tion service in the pipeline industry. This separation has implications for costs of prod-
uct loss during leak events and certain contract non-performance penalties. Whether
the service interruption is interrupting the transportation or the delivery may be a sub-
tle nuance that impacts costs.
A segment will often potentially impact multiple customers to varying degrees.
Some sections of pipeline are therefore more capable than others of generating service
interruption excursion. A transmission line excursion might impact several industrial
users, other pipelines, or several entire distribution systems. In a distribution system,
a failure on a ‘main’ will impact many end customers, whereas a service line failure
will usually impact fewer. Number of customers is of course not the only metric of
consequence. Some individual customers can be very high consumers of the pipeline
service and/or have much higher consequences of service interruption, for example, an
electrical power generation plant or a critical care health facility.
In distribution and gathering systems, meter counts and/or outflow volumes are
normally available and can be linked to upstream portions of the pipeline system. A
customer count or usage-adjusted count will normally be relevant to outage costs. It is
often the most readily available metric of consequence and may appropriately serve as
a surrogate for all consequences, pending further assessment.
Sometimes it is difficult to link customers with specific segments of a distribution
or complex gathering system network, other than the piece that directly connects them
to the system. Multiple, complex hydraulic modeling scenarios may be required to
know possible impacts from portions of the system farther from a customer. Where it is
not practical to link specific customers or even customer counts to all potential excur-
sion-generating locations, approximations may be appropriate. The volume or pressure
in any portion of the system or the count of customers downstream could be assumed
to be directly proportional to the criticality of that supply at any location. Therefore,
locations where higher flow rates, more downstream customers, etc are potentially
interrupted may be modeled to cause higher outage consequences.
A more robust risk assessment will include the specific sensitivity of the various
customers. Both receipt- and delivery-customers should be included when either can
be harmed by service interruption. A customer is not necessarily an outside party—in-
ternal customer harm is normally also of interest.
The customer tolerance to excursions is the key to consequences in service inter-
ruptions. The customer specifications should reflect the acceptable product and deliv-
ery parameters, which sets the definition of ‘excursion’. However, when standardized
specifications are used, there is often a difference between what can actually be tol-
erated versus what contract specifications allow. In some cases, customer sensitivity
is fairly apparent. For instance, when the customer is a simple user of the product,
such as a typical residential customer who uses natural gas for cooking and home
heating, minor deviations from standard natural gas specifications are inconsequential.
To determine at what point deviations do become consequential, the manufacturer of
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

the customers’ equipment (stove, heater, etc.) will be the more reliable information
source. For more sophisticated consumers of transported products, interviews with
the customer’s process experts may be warranted. In many assessments, however, this
is an unwarranted level of rigor. A simple definition of excursion as ‘failure to meet
specifications’ coupled with an estimated customer damage rate, perhaps nearly ‘zero
damages’ for certain excursions, is a simpler and often sufficiently accurate assessment
There is often a time component to level of damage from an excursion. Some cus-
tomers can incur large losses if interruption occurs for even short periods, as described
in PRMM.
In a residential situation, if the pipeline provides heating fuel in cold weather con-
ditions, loss of service can cause or cause or aggravate human health problems. Sim-
ilarly, loss of power to critical operations such as hospitals, schools, and emergency
service providers can have far-reaching repercussions. While electricity is the often
most common need at such facilities, pipelines often provide the fuel for the primary
generation of that electricity or the backup systems.
Some customers are only impacted if the interruption is for an extended period of
time. Perhaps short time outages are tolerable and significant losses occur only with
long term production interruption.

12.2.11 Direct Consequences

The most obvious cost of service interruption is the loss of pipeline revenue due to
curtailment of product sales and/or transport fees during the excursion. This can be
viewed as a direct cost of the interruption. Other direct costs are similar to those iden-
tified in the integrity-focused risk assessment and include:
• Fines, penalties
• Loss of product, if leak/rupture or if de-inventorying is necessary
• Clean up/remediation/restorations, if needed
• Repairs, if needed
• Return to service

The costs associated with a service interruption will usually be related to the du-
ration of the outage.

12.2.12 Revenues

Revenues generated from the pipeline section being evaluated will often be a reason-
able measure of the consequence potential of that section, from a provider-of-service
(the pipeline owner/operator) view. A section’s revenues should include revenues from
all relevant up- and downstream sections whose ability to serve their customers may
be simultaneously compromised by the outage. The entire downstream portion of a
pipeline can be viewed as a customer of the segment being assessed. This captures
12 Service Interruption Risk

the intuitive belief that a “header” or larger upstream section has higher consequence
potential than a single-delivery downstream section.

12.2.13 Return to Service

Repair, outage, and other ‘return to service’ costs are an element of integrity-focused
risk assessments, but since time is a critical aspect of many service interruptions, these
processes must often also be included as an aspect of service interruption impacts. In
addition to the direct costs associated with ‘return to service’ (discussed in Chapter
12.2.13 Return to Service on page 495), customer impacts related to outage periods
are added here.
Consequences of distribution system failures can also be categorized as “outage
related.” These include damages arising from interruption of product delivery, includ-
ing the relative time of the interruption. Some customers will be more damaged by loss
of service than others.
The availability of make-up supply, can often require a complex network analysis
with many assumptions and possible scenarios. As a modeling convenience, availabil-
ity of replacement supply could be assumed to be inversely proportional to the normal
flow rate under the premise that the greater the flow rate that is interrupted, the more
difficult will be the replacement of that supply.
Other aspects of return to service costs include:
• Restoration priority (ie, the components of the system that would need to be
repaired first, given that there are damages to or weaknesses within several
• Extent of similar facilities
• Regulatory requirements related to return-to-service, if applicable (for exam-
ple, inspection of similar facilities, if a leak/rupture has occurred)
• Spare parts inventories
• Reliability issues
• PPM programs

See Chapter 11 Consequence of Failure on page 349 for further discussion of

return-to-service costs. PRMM examples illustrate some rudimentary calculations of
service interruption losses.

12.2.14 Indirect Consequences

Other costs, normally considered ‘indirect costs’, related to service interruption are also
similar to leak/rupture indirect consequences and include those discussed in PRMM:
• Legal action directed against the pipeline operation
• Loss of contract negotiating power
• Loss of market share to competitors
• Loss of funding/support for future pipeline projects.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Increased regulatory burdens

Legal implications can range from breach of contract actions to extra compensa-
tion for numerous types of customer indirect losses.
As discussed in PRMM, loss of credibility, loss of shareholder confidence, and
imposition of new laws and regulations are all considered to be potential indirect costs
of pipeline failure, whether that failure is a leak/rupture or a serious service interrup-
tion. The loss of service to more powerful political customers in certain socio-political
environments, must sometimes be considered. A critical customer may have a degree
of power or influence over the pipeline operation.
The CoF assessed in the integrity-focused risk assessment will overlap some as-
pects of the consequences of service interruption, where longer periods of interruption
increase consequences (plant shut downs, lack of heating to homes and hospitals, etc).

Indirect cost estimation

Indirect costs are difficult to calculate and are very situation specific, as also discussed
in Chapter 11.8.9 Indirect costs on page 444. As with leak/rupture type failures, the
indirect costs associated with service interruption may parallel the direct costs. That
is, when no better information is available, a default percentage (or multiplying factor)
of the direct costs can be used to represent the indirect costs. This is defensible since
indirect costs are logically proportional to direct costs.
Of course, actual indirect costs can be dramatically higher in a specific situation,
paralleling the situation-specific factors that determine when a leak/rupture scenario
becomes more consequential. Until scenario-specific indirect costs can be more accu-
rately estimated, the use of a simplification provides a convenient method to at least
acknowledge the existence of indirect costs.

Minimizing Impacts

In this section, we examine actions taken that do not prevent the incident but lessen
its impact after the excursion reaches the customer. This ‘after reaching customer’
distinction is important in discriminating between resistance and consequence minimi-
zation. Resistance measures the system’s abilities to absorb the excursion and prevent
it from reaching the customer. Here, we examine actions taken after customer impact
is imminent.
Unlike spill consequence mitigation to reduce the consequences of pipeline leaks/
ruptures, the service impact recognizes few opportunities for consequence mitigation.
There are few analogous actions the pipeline operator can take to reduce customer
impacts, once the excursion is being experienced by the customer. Note the distinction
between mitigating the probability of an impact to a customer versus mitigating the
impact once it has reached the customer. Recall that actions taken to either prevent
excursions or prevent customer impact—blending, alternate supplies, etc—are con-
12 Service Interruption Risk

sidered in the likelihood of service interruption. They act as mitigation or resistance

measures to prevent customer impact.
Actions akin to emergency response as a consequence minimization for leak/rup-
ture are not usually available under the assessment of service interruption (although
they may be a part of the ‘resistance’ estimates, as part of the PoF assessment). This is
chiefly due to the definition of service interruption.
Under our definition of ‘service interruption’, a consequence does not occur until/
unless the event has reached the customer. Therefore, it is the customer who is able to
take the most significant consequence mitigating actions, not the pipeline operator. So,
unless the assessment evaluates the customer’s internal abilities to mitigate an excur-
sion, this aspect must be left largely unaddressable.

Early Warning

Early notification of an impending event is the chief consequence mitigation oppor-

tunity for service interruption risk. Especially when customer warning is sufficient to
prevent an outage for that customer, consequences are minimized. This is a situation
in which, by the action of notifying the customer of a pending specification violation,
that customer can take action to prevent an outage. Coupled with a reliable early de-
tection ability, this reduces the service interruption potential. An example would be an
industrial consumer with alternative supplies where, on notification, the customer can
easily switch to an alternate supply. Similarly, a delivering customer who has alternate
delivery options to move his product may avoid harm when notified in sufficient time.
When a customer early warning is useful for minimizing impact but will not pre-
vent an outage, the intervention affects consequences but not probability of upset. An
example would be an industrial user who, on notification of a pending service inter-
ruption, can perform an orderly shutdown of an operation rather than an emergency
shutdown with its inherent safety and equipment damage issues.
Even when intervention is not possible, early detection and timely notification is
still valuable. Most customers will benefit from early warning. The customer’s ability
to react to the notification and adapt to the excursion can be estimated considering the
range of possible detection/notification time periods. The value of the early detection
and notification can be quantified by estimating the amount of consequence avoidance


13.1 Introduction............................ 500
13.2 Risk Context........................... 501
13.3 Applications........................... 501
13.4 Design Phase Risk
Management.......................... 502
13.5 Measurement tool................... 504
13.6 Acceptable risk....................... 504
13.6.1 Societal and individual
risks........................... 505
13.6.2 Reaction to Risk............ 505
13.6.3 Risk Aversion................. 506
13.6.4 Decision points............. 506
13.7 Risk criteria............................ 509
13.7.1 ALARP........................... 509
13.7.2 Research........................ 511
13.7.3 Offshore........................ 512
13.8 Risk Reduction....................... 513
13.8.1 Beginning Risk
Management.............. 513
13.8.2 Profiling........................ 513
13.8.3 Outliers vs Systemic
Issues......................... 514
13.8.4 Unit Length................... 514
13.8.5 Conservatism................. 515
13.8.6 Mitigation options......... 516
13.8.7 Risks dominated by
consequences............ 517
13.8.8 Progress Tracking........... 518
13.9 Spending................................ 518
13.9.1 Cost of accidents........... 519
13.9.2 Cost of mitigation.......... 519
13.9.3 Consequences AND
Probability................. 521
13.9.4 Route alternatives.......... 522
13.10 Risk Management Support.... 523
Risk Management
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

• Once risk assessment has been performed, how is risk management
• Cost/benefit analyses are important, but rarely the only
consideration, given the often complex socio- economic
ramifications of risk management decision-making.
• Purely objective, scientific, rational thinking may be insufficient in
real-world risk communications and also in risk decision-making.
• Efficient risk management requires certain program elements,
defining roles, responsibilities, processes, etc.


Some may wonder why a book with Pipeline Risk Management in its title finally fo-
cuses on the ‘management’ aspect in the last chapter. Hopefully, it is apparent that in
measuring risk—the risk assessment step—much of the management process becomes
very apparent1. Full understanding of pipeline risk generates numerous opportunities
to reduce that risk. So previous chapters have already identified risk mitigation op-
portunities. Reducing exposure, increasing mitigation or resistance, and minimizing
consequences all serve to reduce risk.
Even if the risk quantification is imprecise, the exercise is important. The quantifi-
cation puts a value on the depth of cover, patrol, ILI, pressure test, emergency response,
leak detection, secondary containment, and the numerous other important determinants
of risk, thereby providing the ‘benefit’ portion of cost/benefit analyses for these mea-
sures. Different mitigation measures will have different benefits (and costs) at various
locations along a pipeline. The cost/benefit all along a pipeline guides decision-makers
in risk management. Even when imprecise, the quantifications demonstrate a defensi-
ble, process-based approach to understanding and therefore managing risk.
However, even when the risk assessment is precise, there are still nuances and real
challenges in risk management. For instance, knowing how and where risk reduction
can/should be achieved still leaves not knowing when it should be done. Once a risk
assessment has been completed and the results analyzed, the natural next step is risk
management: “What, if anything, should be done about this risk picture that has now
been painted?” This chapter can therefore focus on issues regarding the management

1 ‘apparent’ but not always easy!

13 Risk Management

of pipeline risks and the strategies that will be required to balance the desire to reduce
risk with limited available resources.


Recall the earlier discussion in ‘how to get answers quick!’. To gain some sense of
pipeline risks, an examination of historical incident statistics is useful. A sketch of
‘typical’ pipeline risk is readily available from statistics compiled by various sources,
often governmental. Using these, a risk evaluator can keep some numbers handy to
provide context when needed. For example, in the US, with about 300,000 miles of gas
transmission pipeline and 175,000 miles of hazardous liquids pipeline (jurisdictional
by US regulations), estimates of country-wide reportable failures per year is readily
obtained. These data suggest that a value of 1 to 2 reportable accidents for every 2,000
mile-years of hydrocarbon transmission pipeline provides a rough US failure frequen-
cy value—0.0005 to 0.001 incidents per mile-year. So, a 100 mile pipeline could be
expected2 to experience a significant failure once every 10 to 20 years.
Similarly, one set of recent historical experience statistics suggests that losses of
around $500 to $4,000 per mile-year can be associated with US regulated pipelines.
So, an owner of a 100 mile pipeline may recognize that he is exposed to long term
losses averaging from $50,000 to $400,000 per year.
This same exercise can be repeated to gain a general sense of fatality or injury
potential from various types of pipeline systems, based on how large populations of
pipeline segments have behaved over long periods of time.
Important cautions are in order when using any statistical data (a recurring caution-
ary statement in this text), especially such high-level summary data. There are many
miles of pipeline in the US that will have no accidents nor losses of any kind in many
decades of operation. There will also be some miles of pipeline with long term perfor-
mance worse than suggested by the summary statistics.
Nonetheless, having numbers such as these can be the beginnings of comparisons
with non-pipeline risks. See discussion later in this chapter.


Once risk assessment has advanced to where the organization believes in produced re-
sults, the use of those results to support risk management can occur. Risk management
plays numerous roles in decision support. PRMM discusses the following common
applications of a pipeline risk assessment/management program:

2 To the extent that it is represented by the population of pipeline segments from which the comparison
statistic emerges.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

1. Identification of risks.
2. Reduction of risks.
3. Reduction of liability.
4. Resource allocations.
5. Project approvals.
6. Budget setting.
7. Due diligence.
8. Risk communications.

As well as the direct use of risk assessment results to support specific tasks in risk
management, such as
• Design an operating discipline
• Assist in route selection
• Optimize spending
• Strengthen project evaluation
• Determine project prioritization
• Determine resource allocation
• Ensure regulatory compliance


From choices in routing and wall thickness to redundancy in control/safety systems,

many risk impacting decisions are made in the design phase of a pipeline. Practitioners
of ALARP recognize the need for risk assessment at the beginning of the design (Reg-
ulation, 2013). The design process itself is an exercise in risk management, with spec-
ified ‘reactions’ tailored to changing risks along the pipeline route. Risk nonetheless
varies along the length.
Risk management, practiced during the design process, establishes an initial safety
margin. This may be mandated by regulations as previously discussed or chosen by the
designer. As some modern design efforts move toward limit-state design approaches,
the historical notions of safety margins and extra robustness in a design are being quan-
tified and re-evaluated.
The safety margin is related to a target level of reliability, even if not explicitly
stated. When stated, the use of event recurrence intervals is a common aspect. For
instance, a structure could be designed to withstand a 100 year flood or alternatively, a
500 year flood; a 50 year recurrence interval seismic event or 100 year. There remains
the potential, albeit remote, that a more severe event occurs in the structure’s life.
These considerations should be reflected in the risk assessment.
A pre-construction risk assessment is gaining in popularity since it helps owners
understand another aspect of cost-of-ownership. These assessments will be based on
the best available pre-construction information such as component design specifica-
tions, operational intent, maintenance plans, route surveys, soil investigations, geohaz-
13 Risk Management

ard threat assessments, and others. During construction and installation, new informa-
tion pertinent to the risk assessment, will be available. This information usually deals
with field-identified deviations from design intent and might include
• Minor deviations in intended route
• Unexpected subsurface conditions encountered
• Use of different pipe components (elbows versus field bends, etc.)
• Results of construction inspections and integrity tests
• Differences in actual vs minimum design requirements, such as depth of cover
or need for protective caps.

While such changes are mostly covered by design and construction specifications,
a certain amount of decision-making occurs informally on the job site. This is also the
practice of risk management. As-built information will be very valuable for a detailed,
initial risk assessment and future risk assessments.
An integrity verification, such as a pressure test and/or ILI, conducted immediately
after installation, decreases the chance of failure from design-related issues and certain
errors in manufacturing/construction. It also provides a baseline for comparisons to
future integrity assessments, providing a means to determine the rate at which new
damages are being introduced.
In some pipeline systems, such as gathering pipelines intended for finite service
lives, some amount of degradation (corrosion) is accepted. This is normally an eco-
nomical decision—given limited need for the asset, it is more cost effective to possibly
need to repair/replace than protect. Most pipeline systems are designed to avoid all
degradation mechanisms. This is in contrast to some engineered systems that have
‘corrosion allowances’ or other expectations of an amount of tolerable degradation or
wear out. When a pipeline design document includes a ‘design life’ or similar metric,
it is not usually intended as a measure of the structure’s lifespan from a serviceability
standpoint. It may indeed be a measure of some consumable aspect of the structure,
such as an anode bed, designed to deplete over time. A design life may also indicate
the period for which the asset is thought to be required, perhaps tied to the predicted
life of a hydrocarbon production field. But, similar to a building, the life expectancy of
a pipeline is indefinite when it is properly maintained. The use of design life to mean
a period beyond which the pipeline structure becomes unserviceable, would be an ex-
treme and unusual interpretation.
Specific risk elements can be better understood, and sometimes efficiently
changed, in the design phase. Exposure can sometimes be changed by route selection;
consequence can be changed by choices in route as well as product/pressure/volumes.
Another interesting application of the recommended risk assessment approach is the
ability to assess tradeoffs between increased mitigation and increased resistance during
the design phase. Resistance options such as wall thickness often involve higher initial
capital costs while many mitigation options involve either higher installation costs (for
example, depth of cover) or on-going costs (for example, patrol, public education).

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Comparing the costs and risk reductions associated with such options strengthens the
design and project economics.


Formal risk assessment is a measuring tool. The measurements emerging from its ap-
plication provide a consistent, defensible basis for risk management choices. As with
any measuring process, uncertainty exists and should be acknowledged. Minor chang-
es in risk results may not reflect actual changes but rather variations in an inherently
‘noisy’ set of data. Understanding of measurement variability begins with examination
of the assessment results. Common sources of measurement variation—and possible
contributors to measurement error—are listed in PRMM. The ability to distinguish
real changes in risk level from changes due to measurement uncertainty will vary from
assessment to assessment.
See Chapter 3.7 Verification, Calibration, and Validation on page 82 and also
PRMM for some simple statistical and graphical tools that can be used to further ex-
plore a risk assessment’s capabilities as a measurement tool.


Risk management will eventually require judgments regarding ‘how safe is safe
enough?”. Value judgments associated with risk usually employ qualitative terms such
• Acceptable risk
• Tolerable risk
• Justifiable risk
• Negligible
• Trivial risks.

Choices in acceptable risk are complex, involving socio-economic and political

considerations at a high level and human psychology on an individual level. To put a
level of risk into perspective, it is instructive to look at the types of risks people are
ordinarily exposed to during day-to-day life. There are voluntary activities (driving a
car) and involuntary activities (being hit by lightning) that involve risks higher than
those due to most pipeline components. But comparing voluntary to involuntary risks
is not usually a sufficient argument for tolerability of risk.

13 Risk Management

13.6.1 Societal and individual risks

QRA has long-employed a distinction between individual risk and societal risk. Indi-
vidual risk provides an estimate for the risk to an individual at a specific location for a
specified period of time.
Societal risk usually represents the relationship between frequency of events and
number of individuals that could suffer a specified harm from that event—for instance,
the annual risk of death of a certain number of people in one pipeline incident. FN
curves are commonly used to show the aggregation of many possible pairing scenari-
os—fatality count versus event frequency.
An important distinction between the two is the exposure created by a facility.
Each pipeline component potentially generates a certain hazard radius. Only receptors
within that radius are theoretically harmed by a leak/rupture from the component. A
collection of components—for example, a long length of pipeline—will not expose the
same receptors to potential harm. The maximum exposure occurs for an individual who
is very near (perhaps directly over) the pipeline 24 hours of every day. The individual
is exposed to pipeline failures immediately adjacent and for some distance along the
pipeline to either side. Moving away from the line, risk decreases because he is ex-
posed to less pipeline, based on simple geometry. Determining the length of pipe that
can affect a single point is a consideration in individual risk estimates. Both individual
and societal risk are important. The use of only societal risk to generate acceptable
risk levels for instance, may result in areas with low receptor counts—for example,
low population density—bearing a disproportionate amount of risk. The societal risk
relationship may suggest that events with low counts of damage—for example, fatali-
ties—are more tolerable and can therefore carry higher probabilities. Strict application
of this may result in lower event probabilities only in areas where more receptors exist.

13.6.2 Reaction to Risk

A risk assessment will not accurately predict the next incident—what will happen,
where, and when?—except in extreme cases. Our current understanding of real-world
phenomena requires an allowance for randomness, expressed in our estimates as prob-
ability. So even if the risk assessment is as perfect as current understanding allows,
it will still only be accurate for large populations of segments over long periods of
time, again, not showing precisely where/when action should be taken. Therefore, it
is common for decision-makers to take courses of action not fully supported by their
risk assessment results. For example, a decision might be made to reduce certain high
consequence, low probability events, even when such events carry a lower EL than
other events (ie, lower consequence, higher probability events). This was noted in the
discussion of matrix-style visualization tools. However, when this occurs, it must be
recognized that one of two things are occurring:
1. The risk estimates are not trusted. There are several variations on this possi-
bility. The most obvious is that the decision-maker feels something is omitted
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

or incorrectly assessed. Another possibility is that the decision-maker chooses

a different confidence level. For instance, the risk assessment is conducted at
a P90 level and the decision-maker, desiring a P99 level, overrides the assess-
ment with what he believes accounts for the additional uncertainty.
2. The decision-maker is intentionally choosing an irrational path. A statement
this absolute is possible since a risk assessment can include all available
knowledge. If it does include all, then choosing a course contrary to that is
supported by a trusted, complete, and logical assessment requires some valua-
tion by the decision maker that is not supported by available knowledge. In the
case of risk management, emotional decision-making is prevalent.

13.6.3 Risk Aversion

It is commonly accepted that our reactions to risk are not proportional. For instance, we
are typically more outraged by—ie, more averse to—single events with larger conse-
quences than multiple, smaller consequence events, even when the latter is ultimately
more costly to society.
Visually, the slope of the common FN curve is said to display risk aversion. The
shape of most FN curves shows increasingly lower chances of increasingly higher
fatality count incidents. That is, the chances of a single event causing 100 fatalities
should be much lower than 1/100 of the chance a single fatality. This reflects one
aspect of risk aversion—the decreasing acceptability of single events that generate
increasing consequences.

13.6.4 Decision points

Risk management requires that risk-altering decisions be made. Decision-making ul-

timately hinges on the concept of acceptable risk, even if not directly stated as such.
Implicit in the notion of ‘acceptable’ risk is the determination of that risk level that
will carry the designation. There must be a decision process to arrive at this be-
lieved-to-be-appropriate level of risk that will be called ‘acceptable’.
Due to human risk perceptions, consequences often become more critical than
probabilities in reactions to risk and, hence, in decision-making. An emphasis on dra-
matic but highly improbable scenarios is not always rational. In risk communications
and regulatory decision making, this makes a formal study and quantification of in-
cident event sequences more necessary. Many of the events in the sequences studied
will be related to a particular damage state. The sequence begins with a failure prob-
ability but then follows paths that are ultimately measuring the likelihood of various
consequence scenarios. Along the pathways to common consequences of interest are
questions such as—is there immediate ignition or delayed ignition? How big a cloud
may form? What are the likely temperature and wind conditions? What if an explosion
occurs? How far are the vulnerable receptors?

13 Risk Management

The overall likelihood of failure of the pipeline—often the starting point for the
event sequence—is a function of the PoF variables discussed in this book. Most risk
management efforts should normally focus first on the probability of failure. This is
not only because failure frequency reduction is usually the best way to reduce risks,
but also because so many variables impact failure frequency that a formal structure is
needed to properly consider all of the important factors.
While risk estimates produced with a modern risk assessment are expressed in
absolute terms (for example, failures/km-year, $/mile-year, eg), it is often their relative
value that prompts action. Especially when absolute action-criteria are not triggered
but when action is nonetheless prudent, risk management can employ ranking and
scaling to prioritize and schedule management activities.
A complication in any decision process is the need for a time factor in setting a risk
tolerance or an action trigger. A certain level of risk may be tolerable for some period
of time, until the situation can be efficiently addressed. For instance, less-than-desired
depth of cover may not require immediate attention and can be addressed in conjunc-
tion with other work planned in the area—perhaps months or years in the future. At
some level, however, a risk is seen to be so unacceptable that immediate action, even
the shutdown of the pipeline, may be warranted.
Recall that risk levels will generally rise over time, at least when uncertainty is
modeled as increased risk. Any decision approach must acknowledge the potential in-
crease over time. A certain portion of the risk management effort will often be going to
offset natural increases in risk while the remainder advances the goal for risk reduction.
In many cases, the amount of available resources appears to set the de facto level of
acceptable risk (beyond any compliance-based risk levels), since money usually runs
out before the list of “things to do” is exhausted. Operators often generate/maintain an
ongoing list of possible projects to manage the risk level on an asset but often fall short
in establishing criteria for the criticality and timing of each potential project. Ideally,
the budgets are themselves established by a consistent and defensible risk management
strategy. A formal risk assessment is an essential element in the strategy.
With risk assessment results in hand, a risk management strategy can be developed
to drive spending on all portions of all assets. A time horizon is an aspect of budget-set-
ting; ie, how quickly are goals to be achieved? When the budgets are established with
the aim to improve or maintain pre-established risk levels, then required actions are
identified and appropriate levels of resources can be allocated.
Whether the exercise is to prioritize risk issues, rank projects, set annual spending
budgets, or establish acceptable risk values, various risk management decision pro-
cesses can be employed, as is discussed in the following section.

Comparative Criteria

Especially where quantitative acceptable risk criteria are not available, comparative
risks are used to help judge acceptability. See examples and related discussions of risk
comparisons and voluntary versus involuntary risks in PRMM.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Also relevant is the implied level of acceptable risk based on pipeline industry
standards and regulations. As a comparison metric, these implied values can be used to
suggest acceptability of risk. This is discussed in the next section of this chapter.
Changes in risk level also use comparisons—sometimes to emphasize a bias or
position for or against some endeavor that generates the risk. For example, a change in
risk from 5e-8 probability of fatality per year to 10e-8 probability of fatality per year
can be described as either:
• A doubling of risk.
• A minor, insignificant increase in risk.

Both may be technically correct but sends dramatically different messages to an

audience. Similar examples to suggest noteworthy or, alternatively, insignificant im-
provements in safety by the employment of new mitigation measures are common in
debates over acceptable risk levels.

Numerical criteria

A numerical risk criterion is sometimes used at a decision point for risk management.
Examples of specific criteria, usually used by regulatory agencies and expressed in
terms of acceptable annual chances of fatality, are shown in PRMM. These values are
sometimes used as actionable limits—“a risk above this line requires action; below the
line is ‘safe enough’”.
For those wishing safety levels beyond regulatory minimum compliance levels
that use such numerical criteria, it might be a starting point from which detailed risk
management can begin.
Note that a numerical criteria for acceptable pipeline risk is often based on length,
consistent with the definition of individual risk discussed earlier. This is logical since a
long pipeline, while possibly exposing many receptors, does not increase the exposure
to a given receptor due to its length. A criteria that does not consider this would make
a criteria impossible to meet for a very long pipeline.
If criteria is based on unit length, then it must consider a very small unit length, eg
inch, cm, mm, failure potentials. Otherwise, small but critical features can be masked
by nearby very safe segments. Imagine an ILI-detected anomaly, only one mm in
length but very deep, with failure imminent. If this is an isolated pit, the neighboring
joints of pipe might be defect free for many meters and readily meet acceptable risk
criteria. A per-km risk criteria could show acceptable risks despite the defect, due to
its length contribution being so small, if an inappropriate risk aggregation strategy was
used. A full and proper aggregation would ensure that the one mm feature results in an
unacceptable per-km risk rate. See related discussions in Chapters 2 to 4.

13 Risk Management

Data-based criteria

Rather than an overall criteria for ‘actionable’ levels of risk, the analysis of values from
a specific risk assessment can lead to the establishment of action triggers. This includes
reactions to outliers (see later discussion) and continuous-improvement approaches,
both of which react to results from specific assessments. PRMM discusses some data
analyses techniques that might be useful in using risk assessment data to make risk
management decisions.
A prudent philosophy to risk management may lie in continuous improvement but
will also need to be supplemented by predetermined strategies that are at least loose-
ly based on acceptability criteria. The operator can always be seeking risk reduction
opportunities at all locations. However, for consistency and defensibility, the degree
and speed with which risk reductions occur should be driven by pre-established trig-
ger points (criteria), to ensure a predominantly ‘continuous improvement’ strategy is
indeed reducing risks.


Establishment of risk criteria provides a way to confirm that acceptable or tolerable

risk levels exist.
Both qualitative and quantitative risk criteria have been used. Numerical risk cri-
teria can link quantitative risk estimates with subjective, qualitative decision criteria
such as “insignificant risk” or “actionable risk.

13.7.1 ALARP

The concept of “as low as reasonably practical” (ALARP) is an example of such a

linking and is widely recognized among risk assessment and risk management practi-
The ALARP principle generally requires facility owners to adopt all safety mea-
sures up to the point where the cost of the safety measure is “grossly disproportionate”
to the risk reduction.
Even though quantitative criteria are used, the application of ALARP has a qual-
itative aspect to it. There are references that seek to quantify aspects such as ‘grossly
disproportionate’ that are embedded in the ALARP definition.

Example: 13.1 This is illustrated in the following example:

Consider a catastrophic pipeline accident involving the death of two individuals

and the loss of the pipeline with frequency 10-5 per mile-year. The threshold for dis-
proportionate cost, using the disproportionality factor shown below, is illustrated as
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The values and units in this example are:

10-5 accidents of this type per mile per year
58 miles
$10M cost of fatality
2 person fatality per accident
6 is disproportionality factor, based on some guidance documents suggesting
factors between 2 and 10
$1.5M additional cost per accident for other losses

(10-5 × 58) accidents/year × ($10,000,000 × 2 + $1,500,000)/accident × 6

= $75,000/year

In this example, $21.5M is the cost of an accident of this type; $12,500 is the
annual risk from an accident of this type; and the $75,000/year value is a theoretical
maximum amount to be spent to reduce the chance of that accident. This is heavily
influenced by the disproportionality factor.
This threshold for disproportionate cost is used in the following way: If it is pos-
sible to reduce the risk of the accident for less than $75K/year then before the risk
can be declared ALARP, it must be reduced. It may be possible to reduce the risk for
much less. Alternatively, it may not be possible to significantly reduce the risk with-
out spending more, in which case the risk is determined to be ALARP and additional
spending to reduce it is not warranted.

Example: 13.2 Examples of Established Quantitative Criteria:

Examples of numerical risk criteria can be found specifically for pipelines, more
often for land-use planning, worker safety, and other industries such as chemicals pro-
cessing and aerospace engineering. PRMM provides examples of risk criteria from
around the world. Some additional examples follow.


Ireland’s Commission for Energy Regulation, in its ALARP recommendations (Regu-

lation, 2013 [CER13282 ALARP Guidance Document.pdf]) recommends the follow-
ing for ‘petroleum undertakings’:
€2.4M as minimum value of ‘implied cost of averting a fatality’, based on work
done by Ireland’s National Roads Authority and comparable to UK HSE’s 2003 valu-
ation that equates to €2.25M in 2013.
Grossly disproportionate is assumed to be more than 10X the benefit. Factors less
than 10 will be considered but require ‘a robust justification’. This factor also serves to
better protect small populations exposed to the threat.

13 Risk Management

Individual risk tolerability limits:<10-6 fatality per year is broadly acceptable, val-
ues of >10-4 for public or 10-3 for workers are unacceptable. This is reported to be
comparable to criteria used in the Netherlands, Western Australia, and UK.
Societal risk upper tolerances are established using 10-3 fatalities per year for 1
individual (y axis intersect) with a -1 slope on log-log plot of frequency versus number
of fatalities (public only, not workers). The lower tolerability limit is two orders of
magnitude below the upper.
The use of a factor of at least 2 is seen in other disproportionality quantifications.

Latin America

A major pipeline operating country in Latin America used, for many years, a criteria
of $5K/km as an unpublished criteria to determine actionable levels of risk. This was
a maximum allowable risk level since it implicitly allowed segments with risk levels
below this value to be unactionable.

13.7.2 Research

Recent work (Ref 777, 888) has suggested tolerable risk levels based on currently
accepted standards of pipeline design, operation, and maintenance. These tolerable
risk levels have been incorporated into Canadian pipeline standards (ref 9) and were
reportedly being considered for inclusion into US standards. Designed for onshore
natural gas transmission pipelines, this assessment applies the concepts to the subject
pipeline segments.
Reliability targets (excerpt from Ref 888)
The goal of RBDA is to achieve tolerable and consistent risk levels for all
pipelines. This is accomplished by setting a maximum permissible failure rate that
is inversely proportional to the severity of the failure consequences for each limit
state category. The reliability level corresponding to the maximum permissible
failure rate is referred to as the target reliability level.
Tolerable SR levels were generated by calibration to current design codes and
best North American industry practice as partly embodied in ASME B31.8, ASME
B31.8S, and 94CFR192.327. Since new pipelines designed and maintained to the
requirements of these standards are widely accepted as safe, the average level of
SR associated with these pipelines was considered to be tolerable.
RBDA=Reliability based design and assessment
SR=societal risk
Limit state = a state beyond which the pipeline no longer satisfies a particular
design or operating requirement. For this application, rupture and large leaks are
the limit state of interest.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

13.7.3 Offshore

Ref 999 recommends a risk based design standard for offshore pipelines based on
safety classes. A safety class is determined by fluid transported, population density
(location class), and consequence (safety class). Nominal target failure probabilities
are set based on safety class. A reliability based design is an option under this design
code and is summarized as follows:

Table 13.1
Nominal failure probabilities vs. safety classes
Safety Classes
Limit Probability Bases
States Low Medium High Very High4
SLS Annual per Pipeline 1 10-2 10-3 10-3 10-4
ULS2) Annual per Pipeline 1
FLS Annual per Pipeline 3 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6
ALS Annual per Pipeline
Pressure containment 10-4-10-5 l0-5-10-6 10-6_10-7 l 0-7-10-8
1) Or the time period of the temporary phase.
2) The failure probability for the bursting (pressure containment) shall be an order of
magnitude lower than the general ULS criterion given in the table, in accordance with
industry practice and reflected by the ISO requirements.
3) The failure probability will effectively be governed by the last year in operation or prior
to inspection depending on the adopted inspection philosophy.
4) See Appendix F

Table 13.2
Classification of safety classes
Safety class Definition
Low Where failure implies low risk of human injury and minor
environmental and economic consequences. This is the usual
classification for installation phase.
Medium For temporary conditions where failure implies risk of
human injury, significant environmental pollution or very
high economic or political consequences. This is the usual
classification for operation outside the platform area.
High For operating conditions where failure implies high risk of
human injury, significant environmental pollution or very
high economic or political consequences. This is the usual
classification during operation in location class 2.

Offshore Standard DNV-OS-F101, October 2007

These nominal probabilities apply to an entire pipeline, according to the table
Engineered structures placed in public areas, include not only pipelines, but also
buildings, bridges, walls and numerous other structures. Therefore, building codes im-

13 Risk Management

ply a level of acceptable risk which may be relevant to acceptable risks for a pipeline.
PRMM lists examples of building reliability levels.


Risk becomes zero when either the PoF or the CoF become zero. While zero risk is
unrealistic for most industrial undertakings, it is useful to at least conceptually explore
this scenario to confirm that the risk assessment appropriately captures such extreme
scenarios. The probability of failure tends towards zero when any of three possible
situations appear:
• No failure mechanisms exist—ie, exposure = 0
• Failure mechanisms are fully mitigated—ie, a threat exists but is prevented
from acting on the system to the degree that a failure results. Mitigation =
100% results in no risk.
• The system is designed to fully withstand the threat—a failure mechanism acts
on but cannot cause the system to fail. Resistance = 100%

CoF becomes zero when no damages can arise from the ‘failure’ being measured.
For failure = leak/rupture, CoF becomes zero when any of the four subvariables is
zero: product hazard, spill size, dispersion, or receptor damage potential.

13.8.1 Beginning Risk Management

Identifying when and where effectiveness risk reduction efforts should be applied can
be a very complex process. In more extreme cases, the need and the urgency will be
apparent. But, for most lengths of most pipelines, the seeking of incremental improve-
ments rather than emergency reactions will guide risk management.
Pre-established decision criteria often provides the urgency of risk reduction—
how fast should action be taken. Determination of ‘outliers’ versus ‘systemic’ type risk
issues often provides the locations and extents where action is warranted. Finally, the
risk assessment directs the identification and choices of risk reduction measures. The
risk profile is the essential tool in managing pipeline risk.

13.8.2 Profiling

A risk profile—changes in risk along the pipeline route—is required to efficiently begin
the process of pipeline risk management, whether the profile covers an entire pipeline
system or a sub-section such as a HCA, the profile of changing risk along the length is
the key to understanding and managing risk.
The profile instantly reveals the nature of the pipeline’s risk. There may be extreme
outliers, or stable but high risk, stable and low risk, rapid changes, and numerous other
patterns. These patterns are critical in determining how to manage the risk.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

The profile of any sub-part of risk may warrant examination. Certainly the inter-
play between PoF and CoF will influence risk management. But so too will changes in
exposure, mitigation, and resistance inform decision-making, as will changes in hazard
zone size and receptor populations/sensitivities.
Acceptable risk criteria and other pre-determined decision points (discussed later)
can be added to the profile. This clearly shows where action is warranted and not.
Many applications of risk management will, however seek continuous improvement,
where additional actions will be taken even where criteria are met. A comparative anal-
yses is almost always a part of risk management that goes beyond meeting criteria. In
all instances, the profile is the key tool.

13.8.3 Outliers vs Systemic Issues

Pipelines or portions of pipelines may exhibit profiles such as the examples in Figure
13.1. Segment A in Figure 13.1 has some obvious outliers. These may also exceed ac-
ceptable criteria and hence warrant action—perhaps immediate action.
Segment B shows consistent risk—no obvious outliers. The entire length may
meet criteria or it may alternatively be entirely out of compliance. This is the first
determination to be made. If entirely failing to meet criteria, the risk issue is often
systemic. That is, there is one or more risk-driving factors embedded along the entire
length. Examples include a weak longitudinal weld seam, failing corrosion coating,
sensitive and vulnerable receptors, etc. knowing this, the risk management plan can be
constructed accordingly.
A profile may show both A and B type behavior and alternate between the two or
multiple variations of the two. This provides an opportunity to customize action plans
to location-specific and issue-specific portions of the segment. With the initial deter-
mination of ‘within/outside criteria’ and then ‘outliers’ versus ‘systemic’ type issues,
action planning can begin—tailoring possible actions to what is seen in the profile.
Candidate projects are identified based on the risk issue(s) needing to be addressed.
A project may change exposure, mitigation, resistance, or consequence or it may im-
pact more than one of these. But since at least one must be changed in order to change
the risk, the exercise of identifying candidate projects is greatly facilitated by the risk
assessment (which shows each of these components independently).
The location-specific or issue-specific portions of the segment will generally have
remediation opportunities determined by what-if analyses. Potential projects are com-
pared and chosen based on their cost/benefits.

13.8.4 Unit Length

Previously discussed ‘unit risk’ considerations will be important. A rank-ordering

based on risk-per-foot will usually yield a different list than risk-per-segment, where
a ‘segment’ is of varying lengths. Both lists are important—even a short stretch of

13 Risk Management

disproportionately higher risk warrants attention, as does a segment whose cumulative

risk is higher.
Segment length for risk management is often quite different than for risk assess-
ment. Risk assessment is driven by the data. Aggregation approaches are used to sub-
sequently collect multiple risk assessment segments into longer segments that will
receive the same risk remediation.





Figure 13.1 Use Profiles to Guide Risk Management

13.8.5 Conservatism

As detailed in Chapter 2.16 Conservatism on page 54 —using an intentional bias

towards overstating the actual risk—is a useful aspect for many risk assessments. Re-
moval of such conservatism reduces apparent risk. Therefore, a legitimate form of risk
management is often to remove uncertainty, thereby reducing the overstatements of
risk and lowering the measured risk.
As a subset of the conservatism role discussion, consider also the use of both mea-
surements and estimates common in a modern risk assessment. Estimates must often
be used when measurements are unavailable or carry too much uncertainty (see the
Chapter 2.14 Measurements and Estimates on page 51 discussion). A common risk
issue identified for improvement will be any conservative estimates used. The manner
in which they are addressed will often be their replacement with measurements. Again,
this achieves the reduction in uncertainty that can be equated to reduction in risk, when
using conservative inputs.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Basing scheduling and resource allocation decisions on the risk estimates should
be a defensible, traceable process. The pipeline components with the highest and low-
est risk estimates are obviously significant to risk management. A disproportionate
amount of resources is justifiably spent on the higher risk segments.

13.8.6 Mitigation options

The risk assessment focuses attention on risk reduction opportunities in several ways.
Obviously, where risks are higher, more attention is probably warranted. Looking
deeper, the risk assessment also shows the cause of the higher risk. Especially on a
comparative basis, locations of higher exposure, less mitigation, and less resistance
become apparent. This helps direct resources optimally. For instance, depth of cover or
concrete slab protects a pipeline from third-party damage; cracks and corrosion flaws
detected and removed while they are still of a size to have no impact on pipeline integ-
rity ensures that TTF is sufficiently long to avoid failure. In practical terms, changing
certain things are of course much more attractive than others.
Reducing risk by reducing the probability of failure—usually mitigating expo-
sures identified in the PoF assessment—is normally the main risk management effort.
Reducing potential consequences is usually more problematic due to the generally
unchangeable nature, from a practical standpoint, of the consequence factors. It would
require altering some aspect of the product stream and/or the pipeline’s surroundings
to effect the greatest change. Although some consequence elements such as emergency
response and leak detection are very realistic opportunities to reduce consequences,
their range of effectiveness and reliability do not often match the opportunities to im-
pact the PoF.
Risk management may possibly even lead to the reduction or temporary elimina-
tion of certain mitigation activities in low-risk areas to allow more resources to go to
higher risk segments. Intentionally permitting a risk increase in an area may be con-
troversial and should only be done after careful and thoughtful analysis. Nonetheless,
when additional resources are not available, redistribution of existing resources may
be reasonable and prudent.

13 Risk Management

Table 13.1
“What-if” Analyses of Changes
Change Variables affected
Increase pipe wall Resistance, all stress influenced factors,
thickness by 10%. many associated changes if done on
existing pipeline (coating, depth cover,
signs, etc)
Reduce pipeline stress factors, leak size, hazard zone,
operating pressure by MAOP potential, etc.
Improve leak Leak size, hazard zone (including
detection on certain reaction).
leak rate from 20min
to 10min
If population increases receptros, activity level for third party
from density of damages 22 per mile to 33 per mile
(50% increase).
Increase air patrol third party damage, geohazards,
frequency. sabotage, leak detection
Improve depth-of- third party damage (including impacts),
cover by 10%. geohazards, sabotage, corrosion

13.8.7 Risks dominated by consequences

Since options for reducing potential consequences are normally fewer and more prob-
lematic, it is usually preferable to reduce risk by decreasing failure potential. None-
theless, it is always useful and sometimes essential to examine consequence-reduction
opportunities. The high level, simple multiplication of the 4 key leak/rupture conse-
quence determinants introduced in Chapter 11 Consequence of Failure on page 349 is
useful here. The product of four variables essentially determines the magnitude of the
potential consequences:

LI = PH × LV × D × R

LI = leak impact (higher values represent higher consequences)
PH = product hazard (toxicity, flammability, etc)
LV = leak volume (quantity of the liquid or vapor release)
D = dispersion (spread or range of the leak)
R = receptors (all things that could be damaged by
contact with the release).
Reducing any of these results in CoF reduction.

For instance, changing the product type or pressure, installing secondary contain-
ment, relocating the pipeline or removing the nearby receptors, or reducing the size or
flowrate are all risk reduction options, at least theoretically, but these are rarely realistic
Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

options due to economic considerations. Typically, the more practical opportunities for
most pipelines involve improving leak detection and emergency response.
For service interruption risks, customer impact mitigations are similarly few com-
pared to excursion avoidance opportunities. CoF reduction opportunities are detailed
in chapters 11 and 12.
Despite the more problematic nature of CoF reduction, occasionally, reducing fail-
ure probability is not enough to bring the risk to an acceptable level (by whatever
acceptability criteria is being used). to explore additional leak/rupture risk reduction
opportunities under this circumstance, one possible approach is as follows:
1. Determine to what level the PoF would need to be decreased in order for this
risk to be brought in line with “normal” risk levels or some criteria of accept-
2. Is this level technically possible?
3. Is this level economically feasible?

If it is determined that acceptable risk levels cannot be achieved by lowering failure

potential and the more practical CoF reductions are insufficient, then an examination
of more extreme options is warranted.
• Can the product by modified to be less hazardous?
• Can alternative modes of transport result in lower risk?
• Can the pressure be reduced?
• Can the pipeline be relocated?
• Can the potential spill dispersion be reduced by secondary containment?

While these are a part of any risk management effort, they perhaps become espe-
cially critical when tolerable risk levels are most difficult to achieve.

13.8.8 Progress Tracking

Examining and tracking progress in risk reduction is efficiently accomplished via EL.
Since EL values can be threat-specific, location-specific, consequence-specific, etc,
various components of overall EL can be tracked as well as the total EL. For example,
while an upgrade to a CP system should show improvement in overall EL, the impact
on “external corrosion EL” will be driving that improvement and may warrant inde-
pendent examination. An improvement in patrolling a pipeline may show significant
improvements in “third party EL’ and ‘consequence reduction’ (leak detection), again
shown in the overall EL but perhaps also interesting to view independently.


Underpinning the discussion of measuring risk avoidance costs should be the idea that
analyses may ultimately prove that a venture is not worth pursuing. Once risk costs
13 Risk Management

are added to capital and operating costs, there may be insufficient return on invest-
ment to justify the venture at all. A formal risk assessment provides the more objective
means for such determinations. Experience-based judgment and perhaps even intuition
will still be important in decision-making, but the structure and discipline of the risk
assessment removes much of the subjectivity that would otherwise accompany such
challenging determinations.

13.9.1 Cost of accidents

Risk reduction is intended to result in the avoided losses due to accidents. Avoided
losses should include avoided indirect costs such as political and legal ramifications,
contract violations, loss of customer confidence, and other considerations.
Chapter 11 Consequence of Failure on page 349 discusses the estimation of potential
loss, ie the cost of accidents and shows some historical costs of incidents

13.9.2 Cost of mitigation

Risk management seeks the most efficient attainment of acceptable risk. It is often
appropriate to exhaust the lower cost risk reduction options before more expensive
options are considered. A risk assessment ‘values’ mitigation activities based on their
ability to reduce risk (specifically, reduce PoF), with no consideration given to the cost
of the activity. Risk management adds mitigation cost considerations in order to opti-
mize spending towards risk reduction. Some hypothetical projects, with example cost/
benefit values, are shown in Table 13.2 on page 520 (modified from original scoring
examples shown in PRMM). Note that some actions have a very location-specific im-
pact while others have a large system-wide impact. See the discussion on cumulative
risk calculations earlier in this chapter.

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Table 13.2
Sample mitigation project cost-benefit analysis
1 2 3 4
Action Cost NPV Failure Reduction in
($K) mechanism risk (%)
1000-ft pipe 82 All 220
Increased training/ 25 Incorrect 2
procedures operations
Upgrade cathodic 46 Corrosion 54
Maps/records 33 Third party; 8
improvements incorrect
Information 19 All 17
management system
Recoat 400ft 76 Corrosion 48

Practitioners of ALARP are obliged to consider costs of mitigation as well as risks

while conducting risk management. ALARP includes the generation of a cost/benefit
analyses where the concept of potential mitigation that is grossly disproportionate to
its benefit arises. Quantifying the point at which a potential mitigation becomes grossly
disproportionate is debatable. One regulator states that a factor of 10 or more equates
to disproportionality but provisions for lesser factors have been made. (Commission
for Energy Regulation, 2013). That regulator guidance document also addresses po-
tential arguments, perhaps employed by some petitioners in the past that attempt to
weaken the ALARP application:
The cost of the measure, against which the safety benefit is being compared,
should be restricted to those costs that are solely required for the measure. Realistic
costs should be used so that, for example, the measure is not over engineered to derive
a large cost, distorting the comparison to conclude that it would be grossly dispropor-
tionate to implement.
If the cost of implementing a risk reduction measure is primarily lost or deferred
production, the ALARP assessment should be undertaken for the two cases where lost
or deferred production is and is not accounted for. If the decision is dependent on the
additional cost of the lost or deferred production (i.e. the risk reduction measure would
be installed without considering this cost), a highly robust and thorough argument as
to why the measure could not be installed while losing less production (e.g. at a shut-
down) will be required if the measure is to be rejected.
If the lost production is actually deferred production (i.e. the life of the equipment
is based on operating rather than calendar time), then the lost production should only
take account of lost monetary interest on the lost production plus an allowance for
operational costs during the implementation time, or potential increase in operational
costs at the end of life.
13 Risk Management

If shortly after a design is frozen, or constructed, a risk reduction measure is iden-

tified that normally would have been implemented as part of a good design process,
but has not been, it would normally be expected that the measure, or one that provides
a similar safety benefit, is implemented. An argument of grossly disproportionate cor-
rection costs cannot be used to justify an incorrect design.
If the cost of a risk reduction measure is assessed to be in gross disproportion to the
safety benefit it provides and it is not implemented because of a short remaining life-
time, it is expected that supporting analysis will be carried out for a number of different
remaining lifetimes due to the inherent uncertainty in such a figure. The justification
for a non-implementation decision that is dependent on a short lifetime assumption
would have to be extremely robust. (Commission for Energy Regulation, 2013)
An argument could be constructed that, for a reason such as the short remaining
lifetime, the reinstatement cost of a previously functioning risk reduction measure is
grossly disproportionate to the safety benefit that it achieves. This is commonly called
reverse ALARP. In this case the test of Good Practice must still be met and, since the
risk reduction measure was initially installed, it is Good Practice to reinstall or repair it.
Reverse ALARP arguments will not be accepted in an ALARP demonstration. (Com-
mission for Energy Regulation, 2013)
Basic cost estimation practice is readily applied to risk management PRMM pro-
vides a more detailed discussion of estimating costs of risk mitigation

13.9.3 Consequences AND Probability

Risk management opportunities can be presented in a misleading way if both conse-

quence and probability issues are not addressed. For instance, a government-sponsored
study on the benefits of additional pipeline valve capabilities attempted to show a cost
benefit conclusion. While it appropriately analyzed differences in consequence poten-
tial arising from increased shut in opportunities, it failed to provide the necessary con-
text of how often would such ‘savings’ occur. The Ref 1050 discussion of cost/benefit
concludes the following:
• “The study results further show that for natural gas release scenarios, block
valve closure within 8 minutes after the break can result in a potential cost
avoidance of at least $2,000,000 for 12-in nominal diameter natural gas pipe-
lines and $8,000,000 for 42-in nominal diameter natural gas pipelines depend-
ing on the configuration of buildings within the Class 3 HCA. “
• “The benefit in terms of cost avoidance for damage to buildings and personal
property attributed to block valve closure swiftness increases as the duration
of the block valve shutdown phase decreases. Risk analysis results for a hy-
pothetical 30-in. nominal diameter hazardous liquid pipeline release of liquid
propane show that the estimated avoided cost of moderate building and prop-
erty damage resulting from block valve closure in 13 rather than 70 minutes is
over $300,000,000.”

Pipeline Risk Assessment: The Definitive Approach and Its Role In Risk Management

Note that the above conclusions are not yet cost/benefit valuations. As presented,
they do not consider the frequency of pertinent scenarios, a critical aspect in determin-
ing the risk reduction benefit, ie, how often the consequence avoidance is triggered.3
Benefit realizations are also contingent upon outside factors, notably the ability of
firefighters to be on scene within a specified time period.
At face value, these cost avoidance values may appear very attractive. However,
the possibility of realizing such cost savings could be extremely remote. With a per-
tinent incident rate of, say 0.00001 per year, and cost of the additional capabilities
being, perhaps $250,000 per installation, the attractiveness of the option is greatly re-
duced—ie, spending $250,000 to avoid $3,080/year of losses. ($308,000,000/incident
x 0.00001 incidents/year = $3,080/year). On the other hand, if the incident rate is closer
to 0.001, then the installation of the new capabilities is indeed very cost effective.
Monitoring and linking costs to specific risk elements allows decision makers to
more efficiently allocate resources. Safer practices may require extra operating costs
but will ideally be offset by cost savings from the generally more efficient operation
(ie, less downtime, employee absence, etc).
Then, the focus can be on the value, from a risk perspective, of the activities.

13.9.4 Route alternatives

A robust risk assessment will assign a cost to even an unchangeable condition along
the pipeline. Examples include soil conditions, nearby population density, potential
for earth movements, and nearby excavation activity levels. This ‘cost’ is the level of
risk that is added by the condition. This is especially useful when alternate routes or
site locations are considered in new pipeline or facility design. Each potential route or
site location carries a risk cost as well as an acquisition/installation cost and on-going
operating/maintenance cost, a less expensive installation route alternative may carry
a “route penalty,” as an offset to the cost savings once future risks are included in the
analysis. This in effect assigns a cost to the condition(s) causing the increased risk.
For example, pipeline route A might be shorter than pipeline alternate route B.
Suppose that the shorter distance would result in a savings of $665,000 in materials
and installation costs. However, route A contains potential AC induced corrosion, more
corrosive soils, the presence of more buried foreign pipelines, and a higher potential
incident rate of on-going excavation damage. Even after mitigating measures, these
additional threats to pipeline integrity are estimated to cause the risk for route choice
A to carry $135,000/year more risk (expected loss) than route B. Unless the facility is
expected to only have a very short life span, the initial installation savings is quickly
offset and the option is less attractive. Adding consequence considerations, a differ-
ence in pipeline routes involving, for example, differing population densities will often
result in even more dramatic impacts on risk.

3 They also, surprisingly, do not include any benefits from avoiding loss of life or injury.
13 Risk Management


As with any initiative, especially in larger organizations, the risk management program
must itself be managed. This involves assignment of roles and responsibilities (owner-
ships) as well as written control documents guiding all aspects of the program. There
are multiple examples of failed programs due to insufficient attention to the adminis-
trative aspects.
Similarly, an oft-overlooked aspect of pipeline risk management is risk commu-
nications. Risk can be a technically complex and emotionally charged topic. When
competing interests and priorities are involved, as they often are among stakeholders
of pipeline activities, communications should be done in a way that does not widen
differences among those stakeholders. An audience can readily seize upon unfortu-
nate ‘sound bites’ and an unintended messages and, depending on their bias, be too
influenced or too dismissive of any risk assessment data. For instance, the priorities of
neighbors to the pipeline are sometimes at odds with the owner/operators. The commu-
nications of risk ‘facts’ from the latter to the former has historically been problematic
when not done with care and compassion.
PRMM details these concepts of program administration and risk communica-
tions. It also discusses the related issue of risk perception, an aspect that makes risk an
emotional and more difficult topic to reach consensus. Comparative risks, including
issues around voluntary versus involuntary risk, is a useful concept for enhancing risk
understanding and in communications. This too is covered in the risk management
chapter of PRMM with useful sample tables included.


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1 battelle, oak ridge lab, Valve Study
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