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Dr. Kinsey, Church Culture and The John Jay Studies

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EPTEMBER 24-26, 2018) IN

Jesus the Good Shepherd, on the baldacchino of the altar of the Basilica of St. John Lateran

n 2018, media reports concerning clerical sexual abuse in It was organized by the International Center on Law, Life,
Chile, Honduras and the USA raised new issues. In Chile, the Faith and Family on the following theme “Sexually Aggressive
allegations of three seminarians that they were sexually abused Behavior toward Pre- and Post-Adolescent Males, including Sem-
by priests were substantiated by the Apostolic Investigation com- inarians and other Adults, by Catholic Clergy: Prevention, Evalu-
missioned by Pope Francis and by at least one Chilean Court.1 In ation, and Responses.” The group gave particular attention to the
Honduras, about 50 seminarians complained of an active homo- need to protect young men under the spiritual care of Catholic
sexual culture in their seminary and an auxiliary bishop resigned clergy. The group was, of course, aware of other forms of clerical
over allegations which included sexual activity with seminari- misconduct, such as women religious being sexually abused by
ans.2 In the United States, the priest Theodore McCarrick (later priests.14 The group thought, however, that sexual sins and crimes
promoted to bishop, archbishop and cardinal) was accused of hav- against males by Catholic clergy merited special attention in light
ing sexually abused two male minors (11 and 16 years old), of of the McCarrick scandal and other recent revelations. The ab-
sexually molesting seminarians while a bishop, and, as a cardinal, stracts printed here represent an overview of the proceedings of
of having used his influence to promote clerics of like mind on this meeting. (Abstracts for a few of the presentations are not in-
issues of sexual morality.3 Indeed, McCarrick, who resigned in cluded here.) The complete papers will be published in book form
July from the College of Cardinals, has in 2019.
become the embodiment of clerical cor- At the beginning of the meeting, the
ruption, not unlike Johann Tetzel, a 16th Pontifical Commission for the Protection
century German Dominican friar whose of Minors provided a written message
name has become synonymous with the that encouraged the participants in their
corrupt sale of indulgences.4 efforts. Monsignor Robert Oliver, Secre-
In sum, three situations have revealed tary of the Commission, in a letter dated
with new urgency: 1) the sexual abuse of September 20, 2018, wrote: “May I ask
minors, largely adolescent males, by some that you communicate the following
clerics, including bishops, some even thoughts to the participants: I offer all of
bearing the honorary title of cardinal5; you gathered together for this conference
2) the sexual molestation of seminarians; In Honduras in 2018, about 50 seminarians complained of greetings from the Pontifical Commis-
and 3) the tolerance, and in some quar- an active homosexual culture in their seminary in sion for the Protection of Minors. We
ters, acceptance, of homosexually active Tegucigalpa, the capital. The diocesan auxiliary bishop, look forward very much to the outcome
Juan José Pineda, resigned in June
priests and bishops, and promotion of the of this conference, which will surely con-
same into positions of authority. tribute to the mission entrusted to us for the safeguarding of chil-
Pope Francis and his advisors decided to summon all the pres- dren and vulnerable adults in the Church. As our Members have
idents of the national bishops’ conferences of the world to come often discussed, we hope to be a resource for local Churches who
to Rome for a “summit” from February 21-24 to address this cri- are yet developing their safeguarding structures, but also to be a
sis. The common denominators of the events in Chile, Honduras bridge for them with their sister Churches in the sharing of best
and the US listed above are the violations of chastity (to which practices in the protection of minors. Conferences such as yours
all members of the Church are called, see CCC 2337-2359) , and 6 are instrumental in furthering this mission and I thank you, on
of perpetual continence (to which all clergy are called, see can. behalf of all our Members, for your important efforts in this re-

The keynote address by Susan Mulheron, Chancellor for

277.1, CIC)7. Therefore, the question of celibacy (the chosen re- gard.”
solve not to enter marriage — a duty to which priests in the Latin
Church are called) is not relevant to such situations (see can. 277.1, Canonical Affairs for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Min-
CIC).8 neapolis, offered a 10-point framework for a realistic approach in
Pope Francis has emphasized other common aspects, namely canon law to addressing clerical sexual aggression against minors
“abuse of authority and conscience”9 and the existence of a “cul- and adults which she described as cultural, institutional, and sys-
ture of abuse and cover-up”10 fostered and maintained by the ide- temic with an emphasis on the need to: 1) recognize global and
ology of “clericalism” that uses silence, secrecy, and mendacity local expressions of the Catholic Church and canon law; 2) un-
as tools to protect offending clerics and in certain cases “cliques”11 derstand the harmful effects of sexually aggressive behavior and
of clerics committed to “duplicitous”12 life styles. the disparate cultural approaches; 3) place universal law within
After Pope Francis this summer asked Christian scholars affil- its context understanding the broad discretionary authority of bish-
iated with “responsible centers of higher education” to provide a ops; 4) note the refusal or inability to use canonical remedies in
truthful, lucid, and strategic “promotion of a culture of care and the decades following Second Vatican Council; 5) identify the
protection,”13 a meeting of experts was convened September 24- cultural, institutional, and systemic issues embedded in canon law
26, 2018 at Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida. and therefore the need to address them; 6) recognize the compet-
Panel III took up considerations in the area of health, poli-
ing rights and obligations in cases of clerical sexual aggression; fective mechanisms for the reporting of clerical misconduct.

sociology, and pastoral care. Author Dale O’Leary present-

7) increase awareness of the nature and harm of clerical sexual

concerning same-sex attraction. Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Pro-

aggression and clericalism as a contributing factor; 8) appreciate tics,
the emerging needs and the necessary responses required in canon ed data
law to provide effective tools; 9) the need for bishops at the dioce- fessor Emeritus at Catholic University of America, studied the
san and episcopal conference levels to develop their own stan- correlation between increases in numbers of priests self-identify-
dards and methods of enforcement; 10) the missing accountabili- ing as homosexual in the Catholic Church and the rise of sexual
ty structures for bishops and obstacles to their creation. assaults against adolescent males, understanding that not ever

Philip Bochanski, Executive

The remainder of the meeting was divided into various panel cleric with same-sex attraction or self-identifying as homosexual

Panel I Terrence O’Leary

discussions. has sexually abused children. Rev.
put the discussion into context. Director of Courage International, gave an overview of the ap-

to the 1986 Letter to Bish-

addressed the issue of sexual abuse of children in other contexts proach of the Courage Apostolate for the pastoral care of persons

ops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual

to draw a reasonable comparison of the incidence of child sexual with same-sex attraction with reference

abuse between the Catholic Church and other major institutions

Daniel Mattson
in the United States, not to soften the responsibility of Catholic of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith16, while
Church, but to have a realistic sense of the wider societal afflic- author discussed the thought of Rev. James Mar-
tion. He concluded, among other things, that “the problem of sex- tin on the pastoral care of the same underlining how Martin’s ap-

including both churches and public schools.” William Doino pre- Judith Reisman, Professor at Liberty University, critiqued
ual abuse of minors is epidemic in all facets of American society proach has failed to respect the same 1986 document.

sented an overview of the situation in Chile, Honduras, and the the John Jay studies commissioned by the USCCB and concluded

Robert Moynihan,
United States (the McCarrick case and the Penn- that five socio-historical phenomena were either

Inside the Vatican,

sylvania Grand Jury report). ignored or glossed over by the drafters, each of
founder and editor of focused which: 1) contributed to the creation of “an envi-
on the statements of former Nuncio Archbishop ronment in which mass child sexual abuse could
Carlo Maria Viganò. He argued that the allega- occur and flourish in the Church as in society at

Panel II
tions are worthy of a further investigation. large” and 2) was “critical to understanding “the

Robert Fastiggi,
discussed a number of issues of rele- causes and consequences of the global child sexu-

Dawn Eden Goldstein gave an

vance to Church culture. Profes- al abuse pandemic of which priest abuse is but one
sor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, spoke about component.”
Church teachings on perpetual continence and overview of her published books dealing with heal-

ern Rites. Susan Mulheron took up the issue of Author and scholar Geoffrey Strickland pre-
celibacy of clerics in the both the Latin and East- ing sexual wounds.
Johann Tetzel, a 16th century
German Dominican friar whose
Church structure and bishop accountability high- name has become synonymous sented an overview of the dangers associated with
lighting the challenges associated with the goals with the corrupt sale of indulgences the internet within the context of the lobbying move-

by Rev. Fortunato Di Noto,

and principles and initial steps in a plan that had been announced ment promoting adult-child sex. This presentation correlated well
by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), with the written overview presented
on 16 August 2018: “(1) an investigation into the questions sur- founder and President of “Meter Onlus” in Italy, who pioneered
rounding Archbishop McCarrick; (2) an opening of new and con- efforts to fight the sexual abuse of children on-line by collaborat-
fidential channels for reporting complaints against bishops; and ing with state authorities, providing courses on prevention and
(3) advocacy for more effective resolution of future complaints,” protection, and preparing annual reports on the growth of internet

Panel IV addressed legal issues in canon law, civil law, and

all pursued “according to three criteria: proper independence, suf- child pornography. 17

law. Mark Bonner, Professor at Ave Maria School

ficient authority, and substantial leadership by laity.”15 Follow-
ing the conference, she updated her findings in light of the four international
proposals on the agenda of the November 18, 2018 meeting of of Law, gave an overview of the criminal laws in the United States
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: 1) a third-par- pertaining to sexual aggression against minors and adults, includ-
ty reporting system; 2) restrictions on bishops removed or re- ing criminal RICO actions namely those filed by the federal gov-
signed because of clerical sexual misconduct; 3) a Code of Con- ernment under the United States federal Racketeering Influence
duct for bishops; and 4) a full investigation into the situation in- and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 18 U.S.C. Sections 1961-

Piotr Mazur kiewicz, Kevin Govern

volving Archbishop McCarrick. 1968 (1970). Due to prior work commitments, Professor Bonner

Rev. Professor at Cardinal Stefan could not complete an article, however, Professor
University, in Poland, discussed internal and external has submitted an article giving a similar overview in which, he

Sean Kilcawley,
factors contributing to the sexual abuse crisis within the Catholic promotes restorative justice in the United States context through
Church, while Rev. Director of the Office of the establishment of forums for “listening and sharing, through
Family Life, in the Diocese of Lincoln gave an overview of the stories and prayer, for dioceses supporting healing and reconcilia-

Timothy Lock Brian Scarnecchia, Professor at Ave Maria School of Law,

problems associated with seminarians who struggle with compul- tion within the bounds of the law and in the light of the Gospel.”
sive sexual behaviors. Psychologist Dr. addressed
the topic of assessment and treatment of clerics for sexual mis- presented on tort liability and gave an overview of issues and
conduct and related issues. He recommended the creation of ef- problems pertaining to claims: 1) that bishops are liable for the
harm done to them by priests within their book. Mary Healy, Professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary,

vicarious liability (respondeat superior),

diocese under theories of tort liability — has prepared a rich study on biblical sexual morality. She under-
lines that “the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, like all Catholic
institutional breach of fiduciary duty and moral teaching, cannot be adequately comprehended or defended
organizational negligence; and 2) that the Holy See without understanding its foundations in Sacred Scripture. When
(the Pope), a foreign sovereign generally immune from lawsuits, understood properly, the biblical texts concerning homosexuality
might be held liable for clerical sexual abuse in Catholic dioceses not only provide clear moral guidance but also show why God’s

Author Russell Shaw has returned to the theme of clericalism

in the United States under the tortious acts exception to the For- plan for human sexuality is truly good news.”

Canonist and civil lawyer, Patricia Dugan offered the per-

eign Sovereign Immunities Act.
defining it as “an attitude, a state of mind, present among lay peo-
spective of a practitioner who has defended priests accused of ple as well as the clergy, that takes for granted the superiority of
sexual abuse in both canon and civil law trials. She discussed the the clerical state to all other states of life and regards the clerical
ramifications flowing from the differences in approach between vocation as normative for all other vocations.” He argues that
secular lawyers and canon lawyers who have been advising bish- “[c]lericalism is not the cause of sexual abuse by priests but it is
ops underlining that the former tend to urge bishops to protect related to it inasmuch as it provides a social context in which

bishops to respect canon law. Ron Rychlak, Professor at the Uni-

their finances from civil liability, while the latter tend to advise abuse by clergy is more likely to occur and more likely to be cov-

Suzanne Mulrain, Faculty member of the School of Theo-

ered up by Church authorities.”
versity of Mississippi, discussed international law, in particular,
the meaning of torture according to the Convention Against Tor- logical Studies, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, has offered a
ture and how the Committee Against Torture, set up under the study of the formation of seminarians for consecrated celibate
treaty, has erroneously interpreted the definition of state-spon- chastity in which she gives an overview of relevant formational
sored torture to include private acts of clerical sexual abuse. This documents and underlines, among other things, that “if personal
was done during the reporting process that involved the presenta- interactions and relationships involve the whole person, although
tion of the Holy See’s Initial Report. not their whole identity, then similarly sexual attractions and in-

John Czarnetzky, Professor at the University of Mississippi,

Finally, through the lens of current laws and policies (e.g., teractions should not be viewed as a person’s identity.”
2011 Circular Letter from the Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith,18 the Statute of the Pontifical Commission for the Pro- has provided an overview of how bankruptcy courts in the United
tection of Minors,19 and the 2016 Apostolic Letter of Pope Fran- States have proceeded in previous bankruptcies involving Church
cis, “A Loving Mother”20), the undersigned offered recommen- entities “in order to identify why the bankruptcy solution has been,
dations for the protection of an expanded group of persons and of on the whole, successful,” while warning that the “next wave of
certain measures to increase respect for the dignity of the sacra- tort liability facing Catholic dioceses” might not be that positive.
ments, in particular the Holy Eucharist, understanding that the Special thanks go to President and Dean of Ave Maria School

of Law and to my administrative assistant Mrs. Nohemi Athanas

situations under consideration in Chile, Honduras, and the USA, of Law for holding the meeting at the campus of Ave Maria School

and others, including Suzanne Mulerain, as well as Roger Kiska,

not only cause violence to minors and persons under the spiritual

Esq. who moderated the meeting, and finally, to Mr. Leonard

care of clerics (e.g., seminarians), but also besmirch what is holy

Leo for his moral support and assistance in raising the necessary
and constitute a sacrilege.
In an effort to build upon the discussion at the expert meeting,

additional experts were approached to offer contributions to the funds to organize and run such events.m

1. William Doino, Jr., “Hope and Anguish: It was meant to be 21:5-8; Revelation 22:14-16; Matthew 15:19-20; Matthew 5:27-

versial journey of Francis’ pontificate,” Inside the Vatican, Febru-

a visit of healing and hope, but soon turned into the most contro- 30; 1 Corinthians 6:9-20; Colossians 3:5-6; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8;
1 Timothy 1:8-11; Hebrews 13:4; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13;

oning in Chile as Sex Abuse Scandal Widens,” New York Times,

ary 2017; See also Pascale Bonnefoy, Catholic Church Faces Reck- Genesis 19; Romans 1:1-18, and 1 Timothy 1:8-11.
7. One exception would be the married priests who have come

tion Anglicanorum Coetibus, Providing for Personal Ordinariates

31 July 2018 from the Anglican Church. See for example, Apostolic Constitu-

Homosexual Misconduct,” National Catholic Register, 25 July

2. Edward Pentin, “Honduran Seminarians Allege Widespread
for Anglicans entering into full communion with the Catholic
2018 Church, 4 November 2009. Married permanent deacons are also

Who wanted to be Priests. Then he became a Cardinal, New York

3. Laurie Goodstein and Sharon Otterman, He Preyed on Men not obliged to observe continence according to the Memorandum

Times, 16 July 2018.

of 31 January 2012 from the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated

4. See e.g., William McGurn, When the Cardinal Sins, WSJ

Life and Vocations and the Committee on Canonical Affairs and

Opinion, 30 June 2018.

Church Governance of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops in accordance with a clarification received from the Pon-
5. Raymond Arroyo of EWTN, The World Over, Interviews tifical Council for Legislative Texts on the issue.

nence,’ ‘celibacy,’ and ‘chastity, In the Light of the Law: A Canon’s

Cardinal Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doc- 8. See also the discussion by Ed Peters, My Q & A on ‘conti-

Lawyer’s Blog,’ January 15, 2015.

trine of the Faith, October 4, 2018.
6. See also Ephesians 5:5-7; Galatians 5:16-21; Revelation
9. See, e.g., Pope Francis, Letter to the People of God in Chile Associated Press, 27 July 2018

10. Ibid.
31 May 2018, Catholic News Agency, 5 June 2018. 15. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “President

11. Pope Francis, Presentation of the Christmas Greetings to

of U.S. Bishops’ Conference Announces Effort that Will Involve

the Roman Curia, December 21, 2017. (“This is very important

Laity Experts, and the Vatican as U.S. Bishops Resolve to Address
Moral Catastrophe,” 16 August 2018.
for rising above that unbalanced and debased mindset of plots and 16. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter to Bish-
small cliques that in fact represent – for all their self-justification ops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual
and good intentions – a cancer leading to a self-centeredness that Persons, 1 October 1986.

dophilia fight optimistic about Italian Church,” Crux, 14 Novem-

also seeps into ecclesiastical bodies, and in particular those work- 17. Claire Giangravè, “Italian Priest and Pioneer in anti-pe-
ing in them. When this happens, we lose the joy of the Gospel, the
joy of sharing Christ and of fellowship with him; we lose the gen- ber 2018.
erous spirit of our consecration (cf. Acts 20:35 and 2 Cor 9:7)”); 18. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Circular Letter
12. See 2338 CCC (“The chaste person maintains the integrity to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for
of the powers of life and love placed in him. This integrity ensures Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by

19. Chirograph of His Holiness Pope Francis for the Institu-

the unity of the person; it is opposed to any behavior that would Clerics, 3 May 2011.

tion of a Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, 22

impair it. It tolerates neither a double life nor duplicity in speech.”);

Double Life,” Catholic News Agency, 15 September 2018. March 2014 and Statutes of the Pontifical Commission for the Pro-
Hannah Brockhaus, “Pope Francis Warns Priests Against Living a

13. See footnote 9, supra. tection of Minors, 21 April 2015.

20. Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter issued motu proprio, As a
Too reaches Vatican as nuns denounce abuse from priests,” The
14. See, e.g., Nicole Winfield and Rodney Muhumuza, “#Me
Loving Mother, June 4, 2016.n


er, William, “Child Sex Abuse by Protestant Clergy,” Binghamton
Press & Sun Bulletin, August 27, 2007).
t is fair to say that the sexual revolution and its attendant by-prod-


uct of addictive internet pornography have contributed substan-
tially to an epidemic of child sexual abuse in the United States in
all corners of society, not just in the Catholic Church. It is informa-
tive to view Catholic clergy sexual abuse of minors in the context of There are approximately 220,000 Protestant churches in the U.S.,
the wider problem as seen in all major institutions including Protes- of which 165,000 (75%) are insured by three major carriers (Guide
tant sects and the public schools. The purpose of this document is to One, Brotherhood Mutual, and Church Mutual). Fortunately, there
attempt to draw a reasonable comparison of the incidence of child are hard data in the form of actual insurance claims made by victims
sexual abuse between the Catholic Church and other major institu- to the three companies. The total number of claims by victims over
tions in the U.S., not so much to soften the harsh reality of our prob- the decade of 1991-2000 averaged 335 per year. However, if we ex-
lem, but to have a realistic sense of the wider societal affliction. At trapolate the 335 to include the 25% of churches with unreported
the outset of this discussion we should caution that while there is no claims, the yearly average would increase to 447 claims per year, or a
omnibus research by other institutions of the scope and depth of the decade’s total of 4,470.
NCCB’s 2004 and 2011 studies by the John Jay College of Criminal During the same decade, as measured by JJR, 2004, there were
Justice (JJR), there are some statistically reliable data from which only 520 accusations of priests, or an average of 52 per year (versus


some comparisons may reasonably be drawn. 447 among Protestant churches). This obviously reflects the strong
remedial steps taken by the Church after the Boston scandal.
Remarkably, this methodology suggests that the Protestant sex

be as much as 8 times greater than the Catholic problem. The major

Although most readers are no doubt familiar with the John Jay abuse problem (at least since the Catholic abuse peak of the 80s), may
findings, the following key findings, excerpted from the 2004 JJR
study (“Nature and Scope”) will serve as background for our compar- difference is that 70% of the Protestant victims were female, while
isons. The total number of victim allegations of abuse in the mea- 81% of the Catholic victims were male. Another way to make a com-
sured period (1950-2002) was 10,667, involving 4,392 priests. parison is to extrapolate the 447 yearly Protestant claims and take
The number of accused priests represents 4% of U.S. Catholic them back to 1950 so as to make the measured periods match (John
clergy (109,694). Some 78% of victims were between the ages of 11 Jay versus Protestant claims, 1950-2002). In this example there would
and 17. About 81% of victims were male, and 44% of accused priests be an estimated total of just over 23,000 Protestant abuse cases, ver-
were ordained prior to 1960. Abuse peaked in the 1980s. The peak sus the Catholic total of 11,000 for the same 1950-2002 period. In
was 1985 — 80% of cases were prior to 1985. short, the Protestant problem would be more than double the Catholic
In the following comparison, there are valid data which give us problem. The 52 year comparison (11,000 Catholic abuse cases ver-
the basis for a legitimate comparison with Protestant churches (Moy- sus 23,000 estimated Protestant cases) is probably reasonable since
there are twice as many Protestant church children experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse in the decade
members as Catholics and several times as of 1991-2000.” Although she decries the paucity of statistically reli-
many churches (220,000 Protestant church- able data on the subject, she was later able, through her secondary
es versus 17,000 Catholic churches). In the analysis of the only reliable nationwide survey (American Associa-
10-year comparison above (1991-2000, the disparity show- tion of University Women, “Hostile Hallways,” 2001) to estimate that

by priests.” According to Jon E. Dougherty in, April 5,

ing an 8 times larger Protestant problem than Catholic problem may “the physical abuse of students in schools is likely 100 times the abuse
reflect more recent action by the Church to tackle its difficulties,
whereas there does not appear to be a sense of urgency about sex 2004, she also opined that the public school single-decade problem
abuse among Protestant churches. (There are exceptions, such as the “compares with about five decades of cases of abusive priests.” Her
grandson of the Reverend Billy Graham, who is calling attention to analysis involved a survey of over 2,000 “abused” students in grades
the problem in evangelical churches). 8-11, almost 70% female (consistent with the Protestant church find-
Professor Charol Shakeshaft, PhD, a Hofstra University researcher ings). We may trust the research skills of Shakeshaft but at the same
and the leading authority on sexual abuse in public schools, was com- time exercise caution in forming conclusions because she states that

Caroline, Education Week, March,10, 2004)

missioned by the U.S. Department of Education to study the problem. “educator sexual misconduct is woefully understudied.” (Hendrie,
(Shakeshaft, 1994, 1995, “Educator Sexual Misconduct”). Ms. Shake-

2004 issue of Education Week titled “Sex Abuse By Educators Is Scru-

shaft, according to an article by Caroline Hendrie in the March 10, Despite our caution, it appears that the problem of sexual abuse of
minors is epidemic in all facets of American society including both
tinized,” stated in her report that in public schools as many as “290,000 churches and public schools.m



ith several “open letters” forehand to Italian journalists Mar-
this year, Italian Arch- co Tosatti and Aldo Maria Valli.
bishop Carlo Maria Vi- Essentially, Viganò denounces
ganò, retired papal nuncio to the Rome’s protection of the American
United States (2011-2016), sparked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick,
an unprecedented, emotional debate a homosexual predator who was
within the Catholic Church con- forced to resign from the College
cerning decades of sexual miscon- of Cardinals in July.
duct and molestation by Catholic Viganò explains that two Nun-
priests. cios to the United States before him,
Essentially, Viganò’s alleged that both of whom died prematurely,
the Church’s hierarchy has for Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo
decades knowingly “covered up” (from 1998 to 2005) and Archbish-
clerical sexual misconduct and sug- op Pietro Sambi (from 2005 to
gested that dramatic action needs to 2011), “did not fail to inform the
be taken to end a “culture of Holy See immediately, as soon as
coverup” and protect young people they learned of Archbishop McCar-
from sexual abuse in the future. rick’s gravely immoral behavior

11-page Testimony was published in

On August 26, 2018, Viganò’s with seminarians and priests.” But

the Italian newspaper La Verità. It

no one in Rome reacted, he says.
The lack of action by Pope Fran-

ing sphere by the National Catholic

was published in the English-speak- cis, though (allegedly) knowing of

Register, Life Site News and EWTN.

McCarrick’s gravely immoral be-
havior, Viganò adds, is so grave, so

published by Infovaticana, and in

In the Spanish-speaking zone, it was opposed to the Pope’s own stated
policy of “zero tolerance” for cler-

L’Homme nouveau under the title

the French-speaking zone by ical sexual abuse, that, Viganò con-
cludes, if Francis would be coher-
“To free the Church from the fetid ent with his own policy, he should
swamp in which she is mired.” Vi- Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, appointed nuncio to the United tender his resignation from the pa-
States on October 19, 2011, retired in 2016
ganò also gave this document be- pacy(!).
Viganò’s Testimony had a spe- retired McCarrick on special mis-
cial impact because of its timing. sions to various places around the
It appeared at a precise, critical world.
moment. Concerning Pope Francis, Vi-
On June 20, the archdiocese ganò writes: “He knew from at least
of New York announced that a June 23, 2013 that McCarrick was
“credible accusation” of sexual a serial predator. Although he knew
molestation had been made that he was a corrupt man, he cov-
against then-Cardinal McCar- ered for him to the bitter end; in-
rick, former archbishop of deed, he made McCarrick’s advice
Newark, New Jersey and of his own... It was only when he was
Washington, D.C. (the nation’s forced by the report of the abuse
capital and so a very important of a minor, again on the basis of
see for the Church). By the end media attention, that he took ac-
of July, McCarrick had resigned Above, Viganò’s predecessors as nuncios to the US: Archbishop
tion [regarding McCarrick] (last Ju-
his position as a cardinal — the Gabriel Montalvo Higuera (1998-2005), and Archbishop Pietro Sambi ly) to save his image in the media.”
first American cardinal ever to do (2005-2011). Below, Pope Benedict with then-Cardinal McCarrick Viganò concludes by suggesting
so. Observing this, many began a few remedies for this dramatic
to ask how McCarrick had man- situation: “A time of conversion
aged to advance up the hierarchy and penance must be proclaimed.
despite several warnings to his The virtue of chastity must be re-
superiors in Rome and his fellow covered in the clergy and in sem-
bishops that he had molested sem- inaries. Corruption in the misuse
inarians and young priests. of the Church’s resources and
“Everyone knew,” Viganò said in of the offerings of the faithful must
this regard. be fought against. The seriousness
On August 14, Pennsylvania of homosexual behavior must be
state’s attorney, Josh Shapiro, an- denounced.”
nounced that a multi-year grand In short, Viganò’s dramatic al-
jury investigation had discovered legations, following so closely on
more than 1,000 victims of the the other news reports during the
sexual misconduct of more then 300 priests in Pennsylvania summer of 2018, had a very powerful global impact.
over seven decades. The report was devastating with regard to But how accurate was Viganò’s account? And what were his
the Church leadership, faulting “bishops and other leaders of true motivations in publishing it? Was he a disinterested cam-
the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania” for “covering up paigner for transparency, or did he have a hidden agenda? Was

abuse and law enforcement not to investigate it,” as the New

child sexual abuse by… persuading victims not to report the his dramatic “whistle-blowing” the act of a noble “truth-teller,”

York Times reported on August 14.

or was he inventing or exaggerating facts for personal or ideo-
logical reasons?
Thus, the American public, outraged by these two very Viganò presented himself as a noble truth-teller without ul-
prominent, widely publicized examples of lack of vigilance on terior motive. “I am 78 years old, and I am at the end of my

duct, was “primed” to read explosive Viganò’s 11-page Testi-

the part of the hierarchy in regard to cases of clerical miscon- life,” he told the Italian Catholic journalist, Aldo Maria Valli.

mony, made public on the evening of August 25 (the text is ac-

“The judgment of men does not interest me. The one judgment
that counts is that of the good God. He will ask me what I have
tually dated August 22, Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed done for the Church of Christ, and I want to be able to respond
Virgin Mary). to him that I defended her and served her even to the end.”
Essentially, Viganò, as an “insider,” broke the traditional And Valli believed Viganò, summing up: “The main point
Church rule of silence with regard to such matters, and dramat- is that the web of complicity, silence, cover-up, and reciprocal
ically denounced fellow members of the hierarchy for assisting favors extends so far that there are no words to describe it, and
McCarrick’s rise to high position and for perpetuating a “cul- it involves everyone at the highest levels, both in America and
ture of (systematic) coverup” of clerical sexual misconduct. in Rome.”
The “coverup” reached all the way to the Vatican, Viganò Fr. Jean-François Lantheaume, counselor at the Nunciature
charged, even, he claimed, touching Pope Francis himself. Vi- in Washington before Archbishop Viganò arrived in 2011,
ganò claimed that on June 23, 2013, in Rome, he had told Fran- voiced his support on his Facebook page: “I was his counselor
cis personally that McCarrick had “corrupted two generations in Washington, I saw him reflect and act in very delicate situa-
of seminarians” in his dioceses, and that for this reason Pope tions, and he is a man of God, who prays and fasts, a man au-
Benedict had imposed “restrictions” on the pastoral activity” thentically given to God; a straight out man of prayer, an up-
of McCarrick — but that Francis not only did nothing to main- right man entirely devoted to serving the Holy See, from which
tain those “restrictions,” but actually “lifted” them, sending the he has received nothing but ingratitude and slander!” And he
added, “He told the whole Truth. I am a witness. edging that Benedict did place “restrictions” on
Nuncio Viganò is the most honest prelate I know McCarrick’s public activity, but denying that
in the Vatican.” these could be considered “sanctions.” And,
Likewise, on August 27, the respected French Ouellet appealed to Viganò to cease making ac-
Catholic journalist Jean-Marie Guénois wrote, cusations against Pope Francis, and he praised
“The investigation conducted by Le Figaro as Francis unreservedly for his leadership of the
soon as this document was published, question- Church since his election in 2013.
ing four very well-informed, very different In this context, it is all the more necessary
sources, all inside the Vatican, leads to one and to make a careful assessment of the facts and
the same conclusion: the lessons Archbishop Vi- allegations made by Viganò, and to distinguish
ganò draws from the case are his own, but it will allegations from facts.
be difficult to deny the exactitude of the facts Clearly, Viganò held a high Church position
he relates.” that gave him a privileged opportunity to ob-
Pope Francis has not spoken a word on Vi- tain personal knowledge of many aspects of the
ganò’s accusations. On his flight back to Rome process of the Vatican’s decision-making (or
after his visit to Dublin in late August, Fran- Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, lack of decision-making). Viganò, due to his
head in Rome of the Vatican’s
cis was questioned by journalists about whether Congregation for Bishops five years as nuncio in Washington, met per-
he knew of the abuse committed by Cardinal sonally with dozens of Vatican officials and US

ment: “Read the statement (the 11-page document) carefully

McCarrick as early as 2013. His only answer was this state- bishops. So Viganò has from the outset a certain potential “cred-
ibility” in the sense that he was in a position to know many
and make your own judgment. I will not say a single word on things that others could never know.
this. I believe the statement speaks for itself. And you have the But can what Viganò has told us about these events and de-
sufficient journalistic ability to make your conclusions.” cisions be fully trusted? Analysts disagree.
But others in the Pope’s circle have questioned Viganò’s This paper makes an effort to study the facts and allegations
motives and veracity. These defenders made by Viganò, and to distinguish be-
of Francis have alleged that Viganò has tween what is undoubtedly fact, what
a theological and ecclesial agenda (and is uncertain, and what is impossible to
perhaps a political agenda as well) that consider as fact without confirmation
is more conservative than that of the from other sources, whether other offi-
Pope, and that Viganò has acted out of cials or Vatican documents.
a desire to weaken the papacy and block The conclusion of this paper: only
the papacy’s “reform” agenda. interviews with the Vatican and Church
The Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli — officials cited by Viganò (that is, inter-
so close to the current Pope that he has views with Church officials who will
a reputation for writing what the Vati- be permitted by their superiors to speak
can dictates — has denounced the ac- openly on these matters) and a system-

website Vatican Insider and in the news- released reports regarding the Viganò affair: Marco Tosatti ments Viganò refers to, can reveal
cusations of the former Nuncio. On the Clockwise from above left, the journalists who have atic study of the official Vatican docu-

paper La Stampa, he has claimed that (a journalist and freelance blogger), Aldo Maria Valli (Italian whether what Viganò has written is fac-
TV-RAI), Andrea Tornielli (Vatican Insider-La Stampa) and
the accusations against Pope Francis Jean-Marie Guénois (Le Figaro in France) tual, or untrue, or only partially true.
and Viganò’s demand that Francis re- At several points in his testimony,
sign are part of a vast campaign to desta- Viganò explains where corroborating
bilize the Argentinian Pope being or- evidence may be found: in files at the
chestrated by the conservative and fun- Vatican or in the offices of the apos-
damentalist circles for whom Archbish- tolic nuncio in Washington.
op Viganò is allegedly performing. If those files could be studied by a
Viganò himself seems to feel confi- reliable, objective investigator, we
dent that any investigation would cor- could soon know whether the archbish-

Testimony,” entitled “Scio cui credi-

roborate his truthfulness. In his “2nd op’s account is accurate, or tendentious

di” (“I know whom I have believed”),

and inaccurate.
Therefore, this paper proposes that
made public on September 27, Viganò a special commission or committee be
called on Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, head in Rome of set up to study each of Viganò’s assertions, to determine their

firm the truthfulness of his 1st Testimony, particularly in re-

the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops, to speak out and con- truthfulness.
To this end, we list and analyze every assertion the arch-
gard to alleged “sanctions” being placed on McCarrick by Pope bishop makes. This list and analysis, we hope, may provide
Benedict, then (allegedly) ignored or lifted by Pope Francis. an outline for the research of such a special research com-
Ouellet on October 7 responded to Viganò’s appeal, acknowl- mission.m



The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, executed by the British

Romantic painter John Martin (1789-1854)

ates not simply a series of individuals, but a married couple

atholics have long been uncomfortable with the biblical icant that to fashion an image of himself in the world God cre-
passages referring to homosexual conduct. There is much
confusion about how to interpret these texts. Are they who are to “be fruitful and multiply.” This suggests that the di-
not bound up with archaic ritual purity laws and primitive vine image is reflected in a particular way in their fruitful
taboos? Are not their harsh penalties incompatible with the spousal communion with one another.
mercy proclaimed by Jesus in the gospel? As a result of such Genesis 2 again recounts the creation of humanity, portray-
confusion, Catholics tend to regard Scripture as a liability rather ing the same truth in a different way. Here it becomes evident
than an asset when it comes to communicating the Church’s that it is through their sexual differentiation—their bodily dif-
sexual morality. And when it comes to preaching, hears virtu- ferences designed for spousal union—that the man and the
ally nothing on these biblical texts. woman recognize their vocation to become “one flesh” in the
Yet the Church’s teaching on homosexuality, like all Catholic covenant of marriage. Genesis thus affirms the only sexual “ori-
moral teaching, cannot be adequately comprehended or de- entation” with which human beings are created: the orientation
fended without understanding its foundations in Sacred Scrip- to spousal communion with the opposite sex that is inscribed
ture. When understood properly, the biblical texts concerning in the human body, male or female.
homosexuality not only provide clear moral guidance but also The origins of the conflict and disharmony that now exist in
show why God’s plan for human sexuality is truly good news. human life are depicted in Genesis 3. Once Adam and Eve
The first step in interpreting the passages on homosexuality choose to disobey God and place themselves outside his
to read them in the broader context of the Bible’s teaching on gracious plan for human flourishing, a new and destructive pos-
sexuality, the foundations of which are laid in the creation ac- sibility emerges: sexuality can be distorted into a means of self-
count in Genesis 1-2. There we find the affirmation that “God gratification rather than self-gift; love can be twisted into lust.
created man in his own image, in the image of God he created From now on, all their descendants will be born with a
him; male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27). It is signif- tendency toward such disordered sexual desires — but not on-
ly sexual desires. The human heart now committed relationships. But this argument from silence quick-
also inclines toward disordered desires ly collapses since, by the same reasoning, Jesus must also have
for money, possessions, food, drink, approved of incest, bestiality, cult prostitution, and other sexu-
comfort, entertainment, admiration, suc- al behaviors condemned in the Law of Moses but never men-
cess, popularity, prestige, and power. Same-sex at- tioned by him. In fact, Jesus in no way downplayed the biblical
traction is only one of the countless forms that such disorder moral norms concerning sexual behavior. To the contrary, he
can take. set an even higher standard, demanding that not only sinful acts
The biblical teaching on creation and the fall provides the but even the desire for them must be rooted out (Mt 5:27-28).
necessary background for the Old Testament passages that di- He also reaffirmed the teaching of Genesis about God’s design
rectly mention homosexual acts. Perhaps the most controver- for marriage as the “one flesh” union of a man and a woman
sial of these is the story of the destruction of Sodom (Gen 18- (Mt 19:1-9).
19). The debate that swirls around this passage today concerns Jesus’ encounters with people who had engaged in sexual
the sin for which this city was condemned. Was it homosexual sin are illuminating for several reasons. Jesus shows a particu-
conduct, as traditionally held, or was it inhospitality and at- lar compassion for sinners; he treats them, and all the margin-
tempted rape, as recent interpreters ar- alized, with great warmth and respect.
gue? The impasse can be resolved by He insists that his followers are to
considering this passage in light of its judge no one (Mt 7:1). But the fact
literary context as well as other bibli- that he welcomes sinners in no way
cal passages that refer to the sins of implies that he tolerates or condones
Sodom. In fact the answer is not ei- their sinful behavior. Rather, Jesus is
ther-or but both-and. the physician who has come to heal
Debate also surrounds the laws for- and to call sinners to repentance (Lk
bidding homosexual acts in Leviticus. 5:31-32). He invites all not only to en-
Such acts are condemned as “abomi- ter the kingdom of God but to become
nations.” But so are violations of ritu- “fit for the kingdom” (Lk 9:62) through
al purity such as eating unclean ani- faith and repentance, manifested in a
mals or sacrificing a blemished ani- changed life.
mal. Do the laws on homosexual con- Finally, the references to homosex-
duct, then, belong to the category of ual conduct in the letters of Paul pro-
ritual purity laws that are now recog- vide another crucial foundation for
nized as obsolete? The article shows Catholic teaching. In 1 Corinthians 6,
why the laws on homosexual conduct Paul insists that the believers’ new life
belong not to the ritual law but to the in Christ is utterly incompatible with
permanent moral law that orders sex- the immoral conduct of their former
ual conduct according to God’s design. lives, including homosexual activity.
What about the harsh penalties pre- Paul’s message is that Christ’s victo-
scribed for sexual violations in the Old ry applies to our disordered desires as
Testament? Is God a cruel avenger of well as our actions. It is not that Chris-
those who violate his law? All the Mo- tians are guaranteed freedom from
Ruth and Naomi, painted in 1855 by Durch painter
saic laws—including the penalties temptation or struggle, but that in the
which are no longer in force—can on- Ary Scheffer (1795-1858) Holy Spirit we are given the power to
ly be rightly understood only in the overcome temptation and become
context of the covenant relationship and the holiness that God holy. Refusing to indulge disordered desires does not mean set-
desires for his people—a holiness that is both an undeserved gift tling for a life of misery, for Christ asks his followers to re-
and a demanding task. Through the Old Testament prophets, the nounce only what would keep us from something inestimably
depth of God’s holiness is revealed, paradoxically, in the infinite better. The ultimate reason for chaste sexual conduct, whether
mercy with which he responds to their sin. God’s judgment on in marriage or celibacy, is that our bodies have the unspeak-
sin is always for the sake of restoring the sinner to himself. able dignity of being temples of God himself.
Other Old Testament passages are sometimes claimed as in- In Romans 1, Paul depicts the stages of social decline that
direct biblical support for homosexual relationships. Was there result from rejection of the truth about God. Sexual immorality
a sexual dimension to the friendship of Ruth and Naomi, or of every kind, including homosexual activity, is the consequence
that of David and Jonathan? Reading these passages as a bibli- of idolatry. The portrait of society that Paul paints should set
cal sanction for homoerotic relationships can only be sustained off alarms for 21st century North Americans. Yet Paul also an-
by forcing the texts and ignoring what Scripture says elsewhere nounces the answer to this crisis: Jesus Christ offers forgive-
on the topic. ness and transforming power to all who turn to him in faith. In
Turning to the New Testament, a popular argument today is him we discover our identity as beloved children of the Father
that because Jesus was silent about homosexual activity, he and become capable through his Spirit of leading a life of ful-
would have approved of it as long as it takes place in loving, fillment and joy.m



he latest revelations of cler- remain celibate (1 Cor 7:8, 25–28).
ical sexual abuse in the USA, Rev. 14:4 extols the virgins in heav-
Chile, and other countries en as “the ones who follow the
have led some to question the wis- Lamb wherever he goes.”
dom of ordaining only celibate men Recent studies on the history of
to the priesthood in the Latin Rite clerical celibacy by Christian Co-
of the Catholic Church. Studies on chini S.J.,10 Roman Cholij,11 and
sexual abuse, however, do not re- Fr. Stanley Jaki 12 show that in the
veal any evidence that priestly early Church married men ordained
celibacy contributes to clerical to the priesthood were required to
abuse of minors and vulnerable remain continent. This is demon-
adults.1 In the general population, strated by the various local synods.
most of those who commit sexual For example, canon 33 of the Coun-
abuse are married or in a partnered cil of Elvira (c. 303–305) reads:
The Torment of St. Anthony, a painting depicting the saint’s
relationship. 2 It has seemed good absolutely
Some people confuse chastity, temptations, attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti, dated to between to forbid the bishops, the priests,
celibacy, and continence. Chastity 1487 and 1489, now in the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas and the deacons, i.e. all the clerics
is “the virtue that moderates the de- in the service of the ministry, to have
sire for sexual pleasure according to the principles of faith and [sexual] relations with their wives and procreate children; should
right reason.” All people are called to practice chastity ac- any do so, let him be excluded from the honor of the clergy.13
cording to their state in life. Celibacy refers to “the state of be- Similar requirements of continence for married clergy can
ing unmarried and, in Church usage, of one who has never been be found in the canons of the Council of Arles (A.D. 314);
married.”4 Continence “means the chastity to be observed by Ankyra (315); and the Council of Neocaesarea (315). Canon 3
the unmarried.”5 It can also refer to the voluntary abstinence of the ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325) forbids bishops,
from sexual relations by spouses within marriage.6 Celibate priests, and deacons to reside with any woman except those
priests are called to practice the chastity of the unmarried, which who are above suspicion such as a mother, a sister, or an aunt.14
means continence or abstinence from sexual relations. If all The council does not does not approve “the use of conjugal
celibate priests had observed continence properly in the past, rights by married priests as if it had been a recognized prac-
there would be no clerical sex abuse crisis. tice.”15
At the Second Vatican Council, “perfect and perpetual con- In the mid-5th century, the Church historian Socrates claimed
tinence for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven” was recog- that Bishop Paphnuntius from Upper Thebes made an interven-
nized as a practice “commended by Christ the Lord” and a prac- tion at the Council Nicaea (325) protesting the requirement of
tice of “great value … for the priestly life.” Celibacy and per- continence for deacons, priests, and bishops.16 There is, how-
petual continence are “not demanded by the very nature of the ever, no record of such an intervention at the Council of Nicaea,
priesthood, but they have “a many-faceted suitability for the and the name of Paphnuntius “does not appear in the oldest
priesthood.” The Council recognized that in the Eastern Church- lists of the participants at the Council.”17
es “there are also married priests of the highest merit.” It was At the Synod of Rome under Pope Damasus I (r. 366–384)
not the intention of the Council “to alter that different disci- reference is made to 1 Tim 3:2, which states that bishops and
pline which legitimately flourishes in the Eastern Churches.” 9 deacons are to be chosen from among men “of one wife.” Ac-
It’s important to understand the biblical and Patristic rea- cording to the biblical scholar, Ignace de la Potterie, this verse
sons for favoring priestly celibacy and continence in the Latin provides indirect evidence of the expectation of continence. A
West. In terms of Scripture, Jesus Himself commends those man who is married but once will be more capable of observ-
who renounce marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven ing clerical continence than a man who has been married mul-
(Mt 19:12). St. Paul counsels the unmarried and the widows to tiple times.18 This biblical passage, along with the requirement
of clerical continence in early Church of the Eastern Churches—both Catholic and Orthodox—that
synods, provides strong evidence that the continues to the present.
obligation of continence required of mar- The reason for clerical continence for bishops and priests in

a later tradition but “an unwritten tradition of apos-

ried deacons, priests, and bishops is not the Latin Rite (and for bishops in the Eastern Rites) is that the

tolic origin.”19 Perhaps the strongest witness to the apostolic

priest or bishop assumes the posture of Christ who is married

origin of this requirement is the testimony from the Codex

to the Church (Eph 5: 22–23). Priests, therefore, are expected

canonum Ecclesiae africanae, which in-

to be continent in order to represent Christ, the chaste Bride-
groom. By the 11th century, popes such as
cludes canons from the Council of Carthage Nicholas II and Gregory VII decreed that
of 390, the Council of Hippo of 393, and only celibate men could be ordained to the
the Council of Carthage of 401. Canon 3 priesthood.
of the Council of Carthage of 390 states Sadly, there have been lapses from
that “the priests of God” and also the Levites priestly continence down through the cen-
[the deacons] “had to observe perfect con- turies. St. Peter Damian (1007–1072) ap-
tinence so as to obtain in all simplicity what pealed to Pope Leo IX to punish and re-
they asked from God: what the apostles move from office any clerics who seduced
taught, and what antiquity itself observed, boys and adolescents or committed acts of
we also have to keep.” The Council, there- sodomy. Leo IX expressed gratitude to Pe-
fore, refers to a practice taught by the apos- Above, Pope St Leo I. ter Damian for his concern, but he believed
tles, which indicates a tradition of apos- Below, St. Peter Damian (1007–1072) that some priests could be allowed to re-
tolic origin. turn to ministry after they had washed away
In the Christian East, a different discipline was con- their shameful deeds “by worthy repentance” (Denz.-
firmed by the Council of Trullo convoked in 691 by H, 688). Those who had engaged in acts of sodomy,
Emperor Justinian. This Council is also called the however, he said could never have “any hope of re-
Quinisext Council because it is believed to com- covering their order” (Denz.-H, 688).23
plete the legislation of the fifth and sixth ecu- Priestly celibacy is rightly esteemed and em-
menical councils held in Constantinople in 553 braced as a gift from God. Celibate priests who
and 680–681 respectively. This Council required observe continence serve others with love and act
celibacy and continence for those who were named in imitation of Christ, the Good Shepherd. Sexual
bishops. If a married priest is promoted to the epis- abuse will not be ended if the discipline of priestly
copacy, his wife must separate from him and enter a celibacy is abandoned. The abuse of power that is at
monastery. Married priests, deacons, and subdeacons the core of sexual abuse is found in married men and
were allowed to continue conjugal relations with their wives, celibate men. If priests and laypeople follow Catholic sexual
but they were not allowed to contract a second marriage if their morality, the plague of sexual abuse will surely end. Much
spouse died. The Council of Trullo established the practice prayer and penance is needed for this to happen.m


Sexual Abuse in the Church, Crux, 26 April 2018, available at 12. Stanley L. Jaki, Theology of Priestly Celibacy (Front Roy-
1. Filipe Domingues, Expert Says Abuse of Power at root of fordshire, UK: Gracewing, 1988). al, VA: Christendom Press, 1997).

14. Ibid., 185.

power-at-root-of-sexual-abuse-crisis-in-church 13. Cochini, 159.

the Catholic Church, Psychology Today, 24 March 2010, available

2. Thomas G. Plante, Six Myths about Clergy Sexual Abuse in
15. Jaki, 79.
at 16. Cochini, 195–196.

18. Ignace del la Potterie, The Biblical Foundation of Priestly

thing/201003/six-myths-about-clergy-sexual-abuse-in-the- 17. Jaki, 79.
3. John A. Hardon, S.J., Modern Catholic Dictionary (Bard-
Celibacy, available at
4. Ibid., 89.
stown, KY: Eternal Life, 2001) 96.

5. Ibid., 129.

6. Ibid.

7. Presbyterorum ordinis (Dec. 7, 1965), no. 16. 20. Ibid., 267.

19. Cochini, 439.

8. Ibid. 20. Ibid., 399.

9. Ibid. 22. Ibid.,403.
10. Christian Cochini, S.J. The Apostolic Origins of Priestly
Celibacy trans. Nelly Marans (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990)
23. See C. Colt Anderson, “When Magisterium Becomes Im-

11. Roman Cholij, Clerical Celibacy in East and West (Here- dal,” Theological Studies 65 (2004): 741–766.n
perium: Peter Damian on the Accountability of Bishops for Scan-





EXOGENOUS SOURCES OF THE CRISIS be recognized. One of them is the so-called Washington DC truce

ndoubtedly, the current sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic from 1968. That St. Paul VI decided to tolerate, for a time, oppo-
Church is deeply rooted in the crisis of Western culture. sition against his authoritative statement on contraception in the
However, one should not succumb to the temptation to ac- hope that someday the truth of his teaching would be commonly
cept that the main reason for the crisis is the influence of secular- appreciated, created a background for the “culture of rebellion”
ized pop culture on the clergy, since the same appeared after 1968 among some theologians contesting the Church teaching on hu-
and sexual abuse cases in the Church are long standing. The thesis man sexuality. Another cause is an exaggerated reliance on the
that the sexual revolution infected the Church and her institutions therapeutic culture. Weakness ceased to be perceived as a sin or
from the outside with a dangerous virus means that the causes of spiritual problem. It became a “wound” which required under-
the crisis would then be exogenous and Christians, including priests, standing and compassion, but not necessarily conversion. A third
would merely be passive victims. cause is the so-called “conspiracy of silence” justified on the basis
The “1968 culture” is based on an anthropology foreign to of “protecting the institution”. Abuses were not condemned in pub-
Christianity. Sexual intercourse between two adults based on mu- lic, but rather the victims and their families were encouraged to
tual consent is regarded as beyond any moral evaluation. Human remain silent, sometimes in return for financial contributions or
sex is perceived as something freely chosen by the performers, re- settlements. For a short time, this approach might have preserved

tied to relaxation (love like a glass of water). Homosexual behav-

gardless of their biological properties, with the main aim being the good image of the institution. However, real concern for the
institution was poorly understood, and based on the results of this


iors are regarded as being “less entangled in animal corporality” approach, tragically wrong.
and “safer” for celibates because there is no risk of pregnancy. The
only thing still publicly condemned is pedophilia. However, an in-
direct consequence of negating sexual difference is that the line At ordination, clergy make the promise to live a celibate life. It


between generations has also been blurred. has always been understood as a commitment to full sexual absti-
nence. It is closely related to the fact that every act of intercourse
outside marriage is a grave sin, and priests are not married. The
The first official reports on sexual abuse by the clergy circulat- seminary has always been a place where people were formed to
ed before the end of the sixties. We know that the phenomenon live a life in purity. Freedom from grave sin was always a precon-
appeared after the Second World War, and the number of abuses dition to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Most Holy Eu-
increased dramatically after the ‘60s. Therefore, the thesis regard- charist. Respect for the sacraments demands that a priest living
ing the exogenous nature of the phenomenon is not completely permanently in a grave sin would not be allowed to celebrate the
unfounded, but endogenous sources of the current crisis must also sacraments with a view to preventing sacrilege.m



olls and practical experience both point to a widespread igno- life; placing the individual at the center of socioeconomic life; and
rance of the principles of Catholic social teaching among Catholic the evangelization of culture. Of particular importance in motivating
lay people in the United States. A greater emphasis on educa- lay people to engage in apostolic activity is the inculcation of the
tion in social doctrine is evidently required. One component of this idea of personal vocation. And highly relevant in a wealthy society

identified by Pope John Paul II in Christifidels Laici: promoting the

should be to call attention to the eight areas of lay apostolic activity like ours is the question of lifestyle. The essay therefore concludes
by calling for an updated understanding of the virtue of temperance
dignity of the human person; fostering respect for the right to life; as it relates to social teaching.
defending freedom of conscience and religious freedom; protecting KEY WORDS:
and encouraging marriage and family life; participating in public Laity, Lifestyle, Temperance, Apostolate, Vocationm



A diagram comparing
the number of abuse
allegations over time
and the number of
priests reporting a
orientation (same-sex
attraction). The
conclusion of the
author: a correlation
between the number
of abuse cases and
the number of priests
with same-sex

ex abuse of minor children by Catholic priests has been a per- Increase or decrease in the percent of victims who were male
sistent and widespread problem in the Church in recent years. correlated almost perfectly (.98) with the increase or decrease of
Although over 8 in 10 of victims have been boys, the idea that homosexual men in the priesthood. Among victims under age 8, the
the abuse is related to homosexual men in the priesthood has not correlation dropped to .77, suggesting that easier access to males
been widely accepted by Church leaders. among older victims may help explain up to a fifth of the bias for
The report of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice on the boys; homosexual priests explains four-fifths.
causes and context of Catholic clergy sex abuse (hereafter “JJR2,” The increase or decrease of overall abuse also correlated highly
for John Jay Report 2) influentially concluded that widespread Amer- (.93) with the increase/decrease of homosexual priests; not surpris-
ican abuse was not related to the number of homosexual priests be- ingly since such a high proportion of victims were male. This find-
cause the reported increase in “homosexual men in the seminaries ing was robust; the univariate correlation without adjustments, il-
in the 1980s …does not correspond to an increase in the number of lustrated in the Figure 8, was still .90. About half of this association
boys who were abused.”1 The authors reported that they came to was accounted for by the rise of subcultures or cliques of sexually
this conclusion without collecting or examining any direct data on active homosexual priests and faculty in Catholic seminaries, which
“the sexual identity of priests and how it changed over the years,”2 was also measured by the survey. For each additional concentration
instead relying on subjective clinical estimates and second-hand of homosexual priests of two times the population proportion of ho-
narrative reports of apparent homosexual activity in seminaries. This mosexual men, which in the United States is (generously) 1.8 per-
reliance is surprising since, as the authors were aware, they could cent, incidents of clergy sex abuse doubled, up to a maximum of 24
not know “whether the open expression of sexual identity in semi- additional incidents per year at a concentration of homosexual priests
naries in [the 1980s meant] that more men were entering the semi- over eight times that of the population (14.4%). If the concentration

ly to reveal themselves as homosexual … than in prior decades.”3

nary understanding themselves as homosexual [or were] more like- of homosexual men in the Catholic priesthood had remained at its
relatively low level of the early 1950s, estimated abuse would have
Even if they had known, the percentage homosexual of a new ordi- been 85% lower, sparing an estimated 12,594 children, mostly boys,

©2018 D. Paul Sullins and/or The Ruth Institute. All rights re-
nation class may be very different than the percentage homosexual from sexual victimization by Catholic priests.

of the national presbyterate as a whole.
To test JJR2’s conclusion, I examined the available data on cler-

gy sexual orientation to determine directly whether or not, in their
words, “an increase in homosexual men in the priesthood will lead
to an increase in the abuse of boys.”4 The share of homosexual priests 1. John Jay College, “The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of

the Los Angeles Times newspaper that included questions about sex-
in the United States over time was estimated from a 2002 survey by Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010,” Com-
missioned by the U.S. Catholic Bishops, May 2011, 100,
ual orientation, age and year of ordination. Abuse was measured by
the same data used in JJR2. To avoid skew I looked only at contem- 2. John Jay College, 100.
porary allegations of abuse, in multivariate statistical regressions ad- 3. John Jay College, 38.
justed for differences in age of abuser and year of abuse. 4. John Jay College, 102.



ecent revelations of past for addiction. Even though the
and present sexual mis- Program for Priestly Formation
conduct by Catholic calls for candidates to give evi-
priests in the United States have dence of living continence for a
rightly provoked shock and out- two-year period before they are
rage among the people of God. admitted to the seminary, many
Questions have arisen about the seminarians continue to fall into
Church’s policies and proce- solitary sins after entering for-
dures regarding the handling of mation. If they are not formed
sexual misconduct, especially properly in affective maturity,
when that misconduct involves these behaviors may escalate af-
the violation of a minor child or ter ordination to the priesthood
a vulnerable adult. However, if resulting in sexual offending be-
the Church is to address the root haviors.
of the current crisis we must look Dr. Patrick Carnes defines
more broadly at the problem of three levels of sexual addiction:
compulsive sexual behaviors Level one consists of consensu-
among clergy. The invitation to al and legal behaviors such as
live celibacy for the sake of the pornography use, masturbation,
kingdom is found in Jesus words and consensual sexual relations.
to his disciples, “There are eu- Level two are non-contact inva-
nuchs who have made them- sive behaviors such as voyeurism,
selves eunuchs for the sake of and exhibitionism. Level three
the kingdom of heaven.”1 The New American translation puts are overt offending behaviors such as rape, and child molesta-
it, “because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the tion. While not everyone who is involved in level one behav-
kingdom of heaven.” iors becomes an offender, all offenders have likely escalated
The obligation to live chaste celibacy is articulated in Canon from level one to offending. This escalation is illustrated by a
277 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law: “Clerics are obliged to number of priests who have reported a habit of viewing pornog-
observe perfect and perpetual continence for the sake of the raphy as seminarians but had never been sexual with another
kingdom of heaven and therefore are bound to celibacy which person. After ordination, they escalated to erotic chatrooms and
is a special gift of God by which sacred ministers can adhere then actually met someone in person for an anonymous sexual
more easily to Christ with an undivided heart and are able to encounter.
dedicate themselves more freely to the service of God and hu- An identified weakness in seminary formation has been the
manity.”2 This is the goal of celibacy formation in seminaries, way in which the internal and external forums are separated.
and affective maturity is indicated by a man’s ability to live While the separation of the forums is necessary and good, it al-
continence for the sake of the kingdom. so provides an occasion for living a “double life.” A seminari-
There are three ways in which a priest may fall short of liv- an may reveal himself one way to his spiritual director, and an-
ing out this obligation. The first is by sexually offending. This other to his rector or human formation advisor. Priests and sem-
includes the violation of the sexual boundaries of another per- inarians report that they only addressed the lack of integration
son. The second is through a consensual relationship with an in the internal forum with their spiritual director, and the semi-
adult. The third is through personal sin, or solitary sins, such nary rector and formation committee were unaware of the prob-
as pornography and masturbation. While the current crisis has lem. Many of them report that within the context of the inter-
focused our attention on sexual offending, consensual viola- nal forum, the gravity of solitary sins was minimized. It has
tions of chastity have been more common in recent years. Even been possible for a seminarian to receive ordination without
more urgent is the fact that the number of priests who have a the basic affective maturity necessary to live perpetual conti-
habit of committing solitary sins is steadily increasing due to nence for the sake of the kingdom.

ment Religiosorum Institutio promulgated by Pope John XXIII

the availability of internet pornography. A proposed solution to this problem is found in the docu-
The average age of exposure to hard-core pornography in
the United States is between eight and eleven years old. This on February 2, 1961. In that instruction he states, “although
means that most seminarians entering formation have some his- the procedure in the internal and the external forum is differ-
tory of pornography use, and many of them have met criteria ent, it is of the utmost importance that ‘all should use the same
principles in testing vocations and tak- should be an expectation that the seminarian will be honest
ing appropriate precautions to the end with the formation committee and work under the guidance of
that young men may be prudently ad- a professional who is trained in the treatment of compulsive
mitted to profession and to Orders.’”3 sexual behaviors. If the seminarian does not attain this virtue
If the internal and external formators are operating within three years of entering the seminary, he should with-
from the same principles, then the temptation to live a double draw from formation. As we respond to the current crisis, at-
life will be mitigated. The instruction advises that confessors tention must be given to the formation of seminarians and a
and spiritual directors must advise seminarians to leave forma- longitudinal study will be needed to assess the efficacy of the
tion if they have committed a grave sexual sin or continue to psychological assessments, interventions, and human and spir-

Of course, at the time Religiosorum Institutio was promul-

have a habit of solitary sins.4 itual formation provided by our seminaries.m

gated seminarians were not raised with access to internet pornog- FOOTNOTES
raphy. The basic principle, however, must hold true that there 1. Matthew 19:12

3. Pope John XXIII, Religiosorum Institutio, 2 February 1961.

be one standard for the internal and external forum with appro- 2. CJC 277 p. 1
priate expectations and thresholds to be met. A proposed way
forward is to foster a culture of transparency that allows semi- No.17, available at

4. Religiosorum Institutio, 30.

narians a three-year period from the time they enter formation gios.htm.
to demonstrate the habit of living perpetual continence. There



he theological understanding of priestly celibacy and The sexual crisis in the Church, in 2018 in the West, in-
seminary formation in consecrated celibate chastity has volves both clerical sexual abuse of pre-pubescent and post-
its root in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church through pubescent male minors, sexual aggression by clerics against
the foundation created by Jesus Christ, the proto-priest and per- young men under their care (e.g., seminarians), and consenting
fect model of consecrated celibate chastity. An examination of sexual activity with other clerics or non-clerics. Surely this con-
several magisterial documents concerning the topic of conse- stitutes a crisis to this author, but not to others: Cardinal Don-
crated celibate chastity in seminary formation and as practiced ald Wuerl of Washington, DC in the summer of 2018 when a
in the priesthood will be examined in this Chapter contribution journalist asked for his response, to which he smiled, then
to the book. laughed, and decried, “Crisis? No, this is not a crisis at all.”
With a view to offering a substantive and effective contribu- Christ of his whole life with a view to becoming another Christ,

following the one who came not to be served, but to serve (cfr. Mt
tion to the current discussion, this Chapter focuses on the an- animated by His spirit, celebrating the mystery of the His death,
thropological and spiritual primacy of consecrated celibate
chastity in the everyday lives of seminarians and priests who 20, 28). Keeping in mind the pastoral purpose of all priestly
are real people, living real lives. What separates them from the formation, the spiritual life of the student should develop —

vocation to serve God’s people in persona Christi. At the ser-

ordinary layman is that they have been called by God to a unique with the assistance of the spiritual director — harmoniously, in
all its aspects; so that the cultivation of virtue together with an
vice of others for their entire lives, they serve God by serving increased openness to grace ensures that the student deepens
others, sharing in God’s love for souls. The Chapter underlines his commitment to the priestly vocation and related priestly
that if personal interactions and relationships involve the whole virtues and attitudes. Due importance must also be given to the
person, although not their whole identity, then similarly sexual community; the pupils, inserted into the community should
attractions and interactions should not be viewed as a person’s learn to renounce their own will and seek the greater good of
identity. Indeed, to categorize a person based on his or her sex- his neighbor as well as the common good of the community,
ual attractions is reductive of the human person. by contributing his energies to perfecting his personal life and
The Chapter reviews documents related to seminarian for- community life during the years of formation. All in accor-

lievers lived with one heart and one mind (see Acts 4:32). Through
mation in consecrated celibate chastity. It argues that devel- dance with the primitive Church, where the multitude of be-
oped by many popes over time, the current model of formation
is comprehensive and serves to form the whole person under- charity, in fact, the community enjoys the presence of God, ful-
standing that each seminarian ly observes the law, acquires the
has been raised in a certain cul- bond of perfection, and exercis-
ture and family situation which es vigorous apostolic activity.
will likely impact his forma- So that the choice of celiba-
tion. The program is one that cy is truly free, it is necessary
all seminarians must master that the student understand
since it synthesizes the goal of with the light of faith the evan-
seminary life, that is, to be- gelical force of this gift, and at
come a priest through self- the same time rightly estimate
mastery, self-control, and self- the values of the married
sacrifice. state. The young man should
The rectors of seminaries also enjoy the internal and ex-
are consistently learning, as ternal psychological freedom,
well. Each year they are called and possess the necessary de-
to better implement the celi- gree of affective maturity, in
bate chastity programs in ex- order to experience and live
istence or supplement them to celibacy as a completion of his
counter any negative influ- person. For this purpose, a suit-
ences from secular culture. able sexual education is re-
General Audience blesses a group of young priests (Grzegorz Galazka).
November 1, 2017, Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican City. Pope Francis after his
The current crisis offers an op- quired, which includes a deep-
portunity to engage in a full er formation of chaste love
examination of the current Opposite, top, Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis poses with seminarians that will prepare him for in-
from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in Shrewsbury, Missouri, at the Cathedral Basilica
programs. of St. Louis in December, 2007. Burke has called Kenrick-Glennon Seminary “the terpersonal relationships that

(CNS photo/Mark Kempf, St. Louis Review)

Pope Francis has remind- heart of the life of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.” he will foster and cultivate in
ed all that “[g]ood, balanced pastoral ministry. To this end,
formation combines all the dimensions of life, the human, the with a healthy spiritual prudence, students are gradually in-
spiritual, the intellectual dimension with the pastoral.” (2013 vited to be in contact with the groups and sectors of the apos-
Address to priests and seminarians in Rome). In 2005, the Unit- tolate and social cooperation to learn how to develop sincere,
ed States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved the Pro- human, fraternal, personal and immolated love. In following

the Ratio institutionis sacerdotalis for the United States with

gram of Priestly Formation, the most recent edition (fifth) of the example of Christ, he is to have charity for everyone, es-
pecially the poor and the afflicted, which in turn should assist

from above and descends from the Father ( Jas 1, 17), it is

its updates regarding issues of same-sex attraction, chastity and in overcoming solitude of the heart. Since the vocation comes
celibacy. It has been observed in seminaries for the formation
of priests since 2005. In the end, the goal of formation is to necessary that candidates for the priesthood trust in God’s
shape the seminarian into a priest based on the example of Je- help and not presume their own strength in rejecting all that
sus Christ, who was the proto-priest and as such the perfect can endanger chastity by practicing mortification and custody
model of sanctity and celibate chastity and formed the apostles of the senses, while being attentive to the natural means ben-
into priests. eficial to mental and physical health, including rejection of
Spiritual formation is ordered to the perfection of charity false theories which claim that perfect continence is impossi-
needed for sacred ordination, the intimate cooperation with ble or harmful.m



lergy sexual misconduct with adults (note: not “vulner- National Lay Commission for Adult Ministerial Misconduct or
able adults”) is the most ignored topic in the 2018 NLC.
Catholic Church crisis. As a clinical psychologist who The DLC should be an independent organization to review
has been involved with more than 100 cases of clergy sexual complaints in a particular diocese and to make recommenda-
misconduct with adults, I recognize there are numerous factors tions to the local ordinary for a response plan. The NLC should
that block transparency and prevent accountability. Placating be an independent organization to review complaints of all dio-
victims and covering-up has been the norm in the past; howev- ceses in the United States of America. In addition, when spe-
er, these behaviors are no longer an option. The current chapter cific situations arise which warrant intervention on the national
proposes new guidelines to provide authentic accountability level, the NCL, in conjunction with the DLC, could make rec-
and brutal transparency, with the hope of eradicating clergy ommendations directly to the local ordinary. Overall, the NLC
sexual misconduct and re-establishing trust with the laity (Lock, would provide accountability to the local DLCs and, when nec-
2018; Smith, 2018). essary, the local ordinaries — as well as the local archbishop,
The first recommendation entails establishing a reporting local cardinal, and the national bishops’ conference.
system for cases of clergy sexual misconduct. Once a case has been registered, an investigation would
Each diocese should create their own hotline for phone calls commence. At that time, the alleged victim is assigned a Vic-
and texts, as well as a website, to receive reports from alleged tim Advocate who should provide the alleged victim with sup-
victims. A shift in the culture of the Church must happen to port through the identification of additional local services, min-
encourage all individuals to report legitimate concerns regard- istry opportunities, and counseling.
ing the behavior of priests and deacons as well as bishops and Based on the investigation, the DLC would prepare a series
cardinals. Cardinals and bishops should provide strong leader- of recommendations regarding the case that it would then send
ship to initiate this significant cultural change (cf. Greve, Palmer to both the local ordinary and the NLC.
& Pozner, 2010). In the spirit of accountability and transparency, the bishop’s
Once a report is received, it should be registered with the resolutions would be reported directly to the DLC. Recommen-
appropriate law enforcement agency, so that they can deter- dations would be made regarding the alleged clergy, the alleged
mine any need for action. For complaints that involve individu- victim, and a public announcement would be made of the reso-
als age 18+, the next step would be simultaneously submitting lution. If the DLC were dissatisfied with the response of the
the complaint to the following contacts: (a) the Diocesan Lay bishop, the NLC would be notified to assist with an interven-
Commission for Adult Ministerial Misconduct or DLC, (b) the tion with the local ordinary. If the bishop were unwilling to act
local ordinary (if he is not named in the complaint), and (c) the on the matter, the NLC would have the opportunity to apply
pressure for promoting accountability by invoking the assis- 2018). However, to develop an assessment tool would require
tance of the national bishops’ conference and the appropriate significant resources. I recommend that the national bishops’
Vatican dicastery. conferences consider establishing a grant to fund research for
During the investigation of cases of clergy sexual miscon- the development of actuarial risk assessment measures for cler-
duct against adults, formal psychological evaluations may be gy sexual misconduct.
requested (Lennon, 2011). The psychological evaluation relat- Polygraph examinations are included in the best practices
ed to clergy sexual misconduct would include a more specific of the evaluation and management of individuals who commit
assessment of sexuality, the inclusion of tests used with crimi- sexual offenses (ATSA, 2014). Studies have found that inclu-
nal populations, and an assessment of the psychological fac- sion of the polygraph can cause offenders to be more truthful
tors underpinning the sexual misconduct. Given the special- in their reports, including an increase in admission of high-risk
ized nature of the report for clergy sexual misconduct, this re- behaviors (McGrath, Cumming & Williams, 2014). Surveys of

graph as a useful management tool (McGrath et al., 2007).

port would more formally known as a “forensic psychological sex offender providers consistently report that they see the poly-
Currently, there are three options to obtain these forensic While the polygraph is not seen as a litmus test, the clinical
psychological evaluations: utility is noted in the field (Cum-
outpatient evaluations by in- ming & McGrath, 2005).
dependent psychologists, in- A significant failure that oc-
patient evaluations at Catholic curs across the United States in
institutions, and inpatient eval- the management of these cases is
uations at secular institutions. the lack of appropriate supervi-
The outpatient evaluation sion. I recommend that each cler-
by an independent psycholo- gyman who has committed an act
gist might be more objective of sexual misconduct against an
because of the absence of con- adult be assigned a supervisor for
flicts of interest. These con- a period of no less than five years
flicts subsist in the evaluator (cf. Cummings & McGrath,
making recommendations 2005). It would be the supervi-
that could financially benefit sor’s responsibility to ensure that
her/his institution. Based on the priest offender follows the
my observations, many The website of the Courage ministry. It contains this statement: “Recognizing recommendations made by those
the challenges that you encounter, the Church would like to offer assistance
Catholic institutions recom- through the Courage Apostolate” ( involved in his care. The super-
mend inpatient treatment last- visor would be responsible to
ing 6-24 months for a clergyman who has committed an act meet with the priest offender, perhaps on a monthly basis to re-
of sexual misconduct. Such a recommendation is not com- view progress and to receive quarterly updates from the priest
mensurate with the typical treatment recommendations for offender’s psychotherapist and spiritual director, and to pro-
other forms of misconduct (Hanson & McGrath, 2018), and it vide quarterly updates to the local ordinary and DLC.
is not commensurate with the typical treatment recommenda- Prevention of clergy sexual misconduct could take a three-
tions for criminal sexual offenders, including offenders who pronged approach addressing: the clergy, the seminarians, and
commit sex crimes against children (Cumming & McGrath, the laity. With the clergy and seminarians, training should in-
2005). The recommendation for significant inpatient treat- clude the topics of burn-out, boundaries, power differential in
ment in such cases is suspect given the lack of objectivity in relationships, and pornography (cf. Boakye Yeboah, 2016). Pro-
the evaluation and should be offered in only the most extreme grams developed for the prevention of sexual harassment should
cases (Jung, 2017). also be considered. Healthy relationships between brother priests
Bishops have told me that they are very interested in know- should be fostered. Similar programs could be adapted for use
ing the likelihood of whether a priest offender might re-offend with the laity.
if he were returned to active ministry. In the field of risk as- A note to clergy who experience same-sex attractions.
sessment, the use of actuarial data is superior to that of clini- There are many priests who experience same-sex attractions
cal opinion. Over the past 30 years, the field of actuarial risk who were ordained before and even after 2005 (cf. Congrega-
assessment for criminal sexual offenders has identified specif- tion for Catholic Education, 2005). Many of these men prac-
ic factors that, taken together, can predict a future re-offense. tice chastity and have been effective in ministry. Others have
The field of actuarial risk assessment for clergy sexual mis- experienced profound deficiencies and have encountered sig-
conduct is non-existent. The Church would become safer if nificant difficulties. Still others fall somewhere in between.
priest offenders could undergo such actuarial risk assessment. Recognizing the challenges that you encounter, the Church
One of the most esteemed scholars in the field of actuarial risk would like to offer assistance through the Courage Apostolate
assessment of sexual offenders believes that a measure could ( The local Courage chaplain, as well as
be adapted from a currently established sexual offender risk the executive director, are available for individual consulta-
assessment instrument and applied to clergy sexual miscon- tion and they can recommend additional sources of support
duct (R. K. Hanson, personal communication, October 20, and assistance.m



r. James Martin, S.J., in his book Building a Bridge, asks

known authors who self-identify as homosexual refute the claim
the Catholic Church to treat the “LGBT” (Lesbian, Gay, that men who self-identify as homosexual never sexually molest
Bisexual and Transgender) community with “respect, com- minors. Indeed, Larry Kramer recounts how men who self-identi-
passion and sensitivity,” and to accept their “gifts,” and stop re- fy as homosexual routinely share stories of how, as minors, they

tin would prefer “differently ordered.”1 The phrase in the Cate-

ferring to their “inclination” as “objectively disordered.” Fr. Mar- had sexual relations with adults: “In these instances where chil-

chism “objectively disordered” is not meant to be a psychological

dren do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers
or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires
diagnosis, but an objective moral evaluation. Same-sex attraction the activity… Most gay men have warm memories of their earli-
(SSA) is disordered in its origins and it is disordered when it is est and early sexual encounters; when we share these stories with

Michelangelo Signorile, author of Life Outside, speaks openly

acted upon. each other, they are invariably positive ones.”2
The Church opens its doors and heart to those who heed the
call to “Repent and believe the good news.” The “LGBT” com- about what was legally child sexual abuse: “There have always
munity wants to be welcomed without repenting. been young men who are more equipped than others to deal with
In particular, we are confronting the myth of the healthy priest sex; I, for example, had sex at 13 with a 30-year-old man, not be-
who self-identifies as homosexual, the claim that clergy who self- cause I was coerced or seeking guidance but because I was ac-

Kevin Killian, in Wrestling with the Angel, recounts how he

identify as homosexual are just like other men, just as suitable for tively seeking sex.”3
the priesthood, except for one small difference, that they are at-
tracted to males rather than females. However, men who self-iden- was sexually molested by Catholic clerics at his boarding school.
tify as homosexual are, as a group, not just like other When the sexual abuse scandal broke in 2002, Kevin
men. Studies show they are more likely than other men did not pursue his case, but thinking about his experi-
to have various psychological disorders, substance abuse ence he recognized that, although he had been a will-
problems, suicidal ideation, multiple sexually trans- ing participant at the time, he had been taken advan-
mitted diseases, sexual compulsions, and to have expe- tage of: “Disillusioned, dejected, I began to read the
rienced childhood sexual abuse and other traumas. They whims of these men not as isolated quirks, but as signs
struggle with shame, internalized homophobia, and of a larger system, one in which pleasure, desire end-
feelings that they do not measure up as men, and they lessly fulfilled, is given more value... If their love lives
are more likely to reject traditional morality. were dangerous, surely they would always be protect-
The plea for acceptance is based on a series of prov- ed by the hierarchy that enfolded them.”4
ably false claims, such as that men self-identifying as An example of the disordered nature of same-sex
homosexual were born that way and cannot change, Fr. James Martin, S.J. in attraction, is the fact that HIV/AIDS began and re-
his book Building a
age. To support their claims, the “LGBT” activists cite Bridge, asks the Catholic sexual relations with males. Even before the first man
and that trying to change would cause irreparable dam- mains a serious problem for males who choose to have
Church to treat the LGBT
footnotes and statements from various professional or- community with “respect, was infected, that “LBGT” community was in the midst
ganizations, which also have footnotes. compassion and of an epidemic of STDs.
My work for the last 20 years has been to track down sensitivity,” and to accept It was only a matter of time before an incurable dis-
the members’ “gifts”
the footnotes. At the end of each search, I have found ease took advantage of the popularity of anal sex with
studies which were badly designed and failed to support the claims multiple partners in bathhouses.
made and in some cases even refuted them. The statements made While men were dying horrible, painful deaths, AIDS activists
by professional organizations were not based on research, but dri- were opposing the standard, common sense, public health strate-
ven by pressure from “LGBT” activists. gies used to deal with such an epidemic.
The “LGBT” coalition insists that men who self-identify as Public health officials who suggested closing down the bath-

Jenny et al. of hospital admissions, and a 1978 study by Groth et

homosexual do not molest children. They cite a 1984 study by houses were vilified.

al. of men in prison for sexual child abuse, both of which are to-
A number of well-known men who self-identify as homosexu-

Kirk and Hunter Madsen (authors of After the Ball, 1989), Gabriel
al, including Larry Kramer, Michelangelo Signorelli, Marshall

Rotello (author of Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay

tally irrelevant to the issue of sexual abuse of adolescent boys by

Men, 1997), and Randy Shilts (author of And the Band Played

On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic, 1987), recognized

Men who self-identify as homosexual are more likely to have
been sexually molested as children and to have experienced other
forms of family disruption, abuse, and trauma. It should be noted that there is something disordered about their “brotherhood of
that abusers of children were often themselves victims of multi- promiscuity.”
ple instances of abuse and family disruption. The words of well- While still affirming their allegiance to the homosexual com-
munity, they tried to encourage moderation and responsibility blasphemous. In order to be healthy and mature, a priest must
and were vilified for the attempt. A Center for AIDS Prevention understand fully what it means to be a son, a brother, and a fa-
Studies fact sheet, entitled “How does childhood sexual abuse ther. He must have successfully navigated the stages of psycho-
affect HIV prevention?” points out problems. “Adults who per- sexual development or where deficits occurred experienced heal-
ceive positive aspects of their own child sexual abuse (such as ing. If same-sex attraction arises from unmet needs, it is disor-
gaining attention) may also use sex as a soothing or comforting dered in its origin. In addition to recognizing that “deep-seated
strategy, which can lead to promiscuity and compulsive sexual homosexual tendencies” are “objectively disordered,” the Church
patterns.”5 has made it clear that she “cannot admit to the seminary or to holy
In taking the title Father, the Catholic priest stands as an im- orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated ho-
age of natural fathers and of God the Father, and therefore sexual mosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture.’”6 Un-
improprieties of any kind are rightly viewed as incestuous and til this wise policy is fully enforced, the risk will remain.m
1. James Martin, Building a Bridge (Harper One, NY, 2018).
2. Larry Kramer, Report from the Holocaust (St. Martins Press:
5. Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, Fact Sheet, “How does
childhood sexual abuse affect HIV prevention?”

3. Michelangelo Signorile, Life on the Outside (Harper

NY, 1989), p. 234-235. 6. Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, “Instruction Concerning the Cri-
teria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with

4. Kevin Killian, “Chain of Fools” (in Wrestling with the Angel,

Collins,1997), p. 288. Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary
and to Holy Orders” (Vatican: Congregation for Catholic Education,
ed. Brian Bouldrey, Riverhead, NY: 1995), p. 139. November 4, 2005).



Martin in his book, Building a Bridge: How

n my study, I examine the claims of Fr. James as relayed in John 8. Christ says to her that he

the Catholic Church and the LGBT Commu-

does not condemn her, and yet calls her to con-

nity Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect,

version and amendment of life by saying, “go,

Compassion, and Sensitivity, as well as many of

and do not sin again.” (Cf. John 8.11) Fr. Martin
sadly refuses to speak about the immorality of
his public statements on the way he suggests that homosexual behavior, nor does he call men like
the Catholic Church minister to those he calls me to amendment of life, and thus I conclude that
members of the “LGBT Community.” In particu- he does a grave disservice to souls, in the name
lar, I examine his presentation at the 2018 World Meeting of Families of a sentimental “respect, compassion, and sensitivity.”

the lens of both the Catechism’s teaching on chastity in general, and

in Dublin, as well as comments made by him about homosexuality I analyze Fr. Martin’s writings and pastoral suggestions through

homosexuality in particular, as well as the 1986 Letter on the Pastoral

and the Church while the 2018 Rome Synod on Young People, the

Care of the Homosexual Person. My conclusion is that, though there

Faith, and Vocational Discernment was taking place. I approach this
question from my own lived experience as a man who once identified
as gay, yet converted to the Catholic Church in large part because of is much good in Fr. Martin’s care and concern for men and women
the clarity and rationality of Church teaching on human sexuality in with same-sex attractions, his proposals for pastoral care fall woefully
general, and homosexuality in particular, through which I found a reli- short of the model of Jesus Christ who reveals to us who true respect,

My concerns with Fr. Martin focus on his interpretation of the Cat-

able guide to happiness, joy, peace and true human freedom. compassion and sensitivity looks like.

echism’s teaching that men and women with a homosexual inclination

Without a clear call to conversion, combined with a clear teaching
that homosexual behavior is immoral, any attempt at pastoral care will

Fr. Martin’s interpretation of this portion of the Catechism become

should be “accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.” fail miserably. Further, I question whether or not Fr. Martin inwardly
assents to the Church’s teaching on chastity for men and women with
the three pillars upon which he frames his book and his pastoral rec- a homosexual inclination, based on ministries he recommends as mod-
ommendations. els for the Church to follow. Since each of these ministries actively
I argue in this essay that Fr. Martin’s conclusions are not respect- dissent from Church teaching on chastity, I suggest that Fr. Martin’s
ful, compassionate or sensitive enough to be of any practical use in program and recommendations are ones which should not be followed

(A version of this essay appeared in the National Catholic Regis-

drawing those he calls members of the “LGBT community” to a sav- by our bishops or by the Church.

ter on October 19, 2018, available at

ing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Simply put: Fr. Martin fails in modeling Christ’s own example with

men and women caught in sexual sin. The model Christ sets for us
can perhaps most clearly be seen with the woman caught in adultery,



he Chapter on Dr. Alfred Kinsey, Church sexual from birth and unharmed by sexual con-
Culture and the John Jay Studies scruti- tact with adults. Proof was presented graphically
nizes socio-historical issues omitted or in tables of “data” showing children as young as
trivialized in the John Jay Reports but central two months having “orgasms,” sometimes multi-
to answers about religious, institutional and in- ple “orgasms” over a 24-hour period. It was later
dividual child sex abuse. This Chapter aims to learned that said “data” were in fact records of
at least begin the process of identifying the root serial child sexual abuse by a) a pedophile in-
causes of child sexual abuse unreported by the volved with former Nazi Germany; and b) an
John Jay Reports by noting the reports’ most crit- American claiming to have had more than 800
ical errors in context with the historical causes of the collapse child victims.
of the Judeo-Christian moral compass foundational to West- Despite its fraudulent and criminal founda-
ern Civilization. The authors present five socio-historical phe- tions, Kinsey’s work was, and is, embraced by
nomena deleted or glossed over by the John Jay cultural change agents to implement their plan to
Dr. Alfred Kinsey and the cover of one of
Reports. Each is critical to the causes and conse- his influential but deeply flawed books replace Judeo-Christian morality with cultural
quences of the global child sexual abuse pandem- Marxism in all social institutions. Social scien-
ic of which priest abuse is but one component. tists, psychiatrists, judges, and legal scholars used Kinsey’s “data”
Publication/promotion of Rockefeller-funded Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s to push for wholesale revision of the sexual offense laws. Judeo-
“scientific” human sexuality reports, which were designed to sub- Christian legal sanctions against deviancy would first be lightened
vert Judeo-Christian based social institutions. and then eliminated. Kinsey’s data “proving” children are unharmed
Cultural chaos created by Kinsey’s 1948 and 1953 books and cul- by sexual activity with adults were quoted throughout the 1955 Mod-
tivated by change agents in law, social science, medicine, academia, el Penal Code (MPC) to justify lowering penalties for, and eventual-

Hugh Hefner, “Kinsey’s pamphleteer,” who founded Playboy and

media and other cultural institutions. ly decriminalizing, sex with children.


the subsequent adult and child pornography pandemic.
The American Law Institute’s Rockefeller-funded creation of a
Model Penal Code to transform criminal sex offense laws from fam-
ily/female/child protective to permissive. Research has found homosexuality as a causative factor in child
Mirroring the rest of society, introducing Kinseyan sexual prac- sexual abuse with higher rates of boy sex abuse by homosexual men
tices into the Church via seminary “formation” and deliberate push than girl/woman sex abuse by heterosexual men.2 In 1987 Eugene
for deviancy, child sex abuse in the Church. Abel reported boys abused by pederasts at a rate 650 percent higher
The Chapter demonstrates how these forces created an environ- than the rate of abuse of girls by pedophiles.3 Early writings by ho-
ment in which mass child sexual abuse could occur and flourish in mosexual activists offered similar insights on the prevalence of child
the Church as in society at large, as confirmed by government data sexual abuse by homosexual men. Two authors reported that 50 to
and by daily reports of arrests of professors, doctors, lawyers, law 73 percent of homosexual males self-reported having sex with boys.4
enforcement officers, teachers, coaches, parents, religious leaders, Echoing the Kinseyan philosophy, they advocated for ending the age
etc.1 Yet, these phenomena were selectively addressed or ignored by of consent, asserting that kids can take care of themselves, and are
the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (JJCCJ), which was tasked sexual beings way earlier than we’d like to admit.”5 Much of the


with identifying the causes of such minor abuse. child abuse literature supports a 1989 FBI report stating that a statis-
tic of one in six boys sexually abused was likely underreported.6

Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior of the Human Male (1948) is recog-

Investigations, books and reports by Church leaders published
prior to the JJCCJ studies documented a pederastic child sex abuse
nized as having launched the Sexual Revolution. It purported to re- nexus with homosexual activism. Moreover, some seminaries man-

quired text, Our Sexuality by Catholics Crooks and Baur,8 offered

veal scientific proof that longstanding social conventions regarding dated Kinseyan human sexuality text books7 in formation. One re-
human sexuality were myths based on sexual repression and reli-
gious oppression. Kinsey purported to present “data” finding that graphic photos of deviant sexual acts.
most American men and women were promiscuous, adulterous and Also especially telling was the book’s “childhood sexuality” chap-
deviant. He presented the still regularly quoted statistic that 10 to 37 ter, offering seminarians the Kinseyan view that children are sexual

claimed to establish that all types of sexual activity, e.g., masturba-

percent of men are homosexual at some point in their lives. He also from birth based on his timed “orgasm data.”9 These facts and the
books documenting homosexual ideology infiltrating the Church
tion, oral sodomy, anal sodomy, bestiality, were normal and harm- were largely missed by JJCCJ, which highlighted books by homo-
less and should not be prohibited. Kinsey asserted that children are sexual apologists.10
ducted a preliminary analysis of the JJCCJ reports. That analysis re-
Dr. Reisman, an expert in content analysis methodology, con-
JJCCJ paid scant attention to the proliferation of pornography in
general and no attention to the proliferation of pornography within vealed that rather than using the historically validated terminology
the Church. The word “pornography” was found 21 times in 421 (“pederasty”) to describe major Church abusers, JJCCJ utilized ne-
pages, and in none of those instances was the prevalence of pornog- ologisms developed by Kinsey successor, Dr. John Money, mentor
raphy in the Church addressed. This despite evidence from Catholic to Dr./Rev. Michael Peterson, founder of St. Luke’s Institute. Many
leaders and scholars, even from pornography’s founding father, Hugh accused priests were sent to St. Luke’s for treatment. Money and his
Hefner. Hefner prominently featured photos and interviews with colleague Dr. Fred Berlin, both of Johns Hopkins University, be-
Catholic priests and heralded a 1977 Trinitarian Playboy advertising came key consultants to the bishops on the issue of “rehabilitating”
campaign that recruited “from 15 candidates… to 60 in the past five priests accused of child sexual abuse. Both claimed psychological,
years”11 This campaign corresponded to the time period of the high- curative expertise which was false. They again aligned with Kinsey,
est percentage of child images in Playboy according to Dr. Reis- a primary causal agent of the sex very child abuse crisis, while claim-
man’s study for the Department of Justice.12 ing to have the necessary skills to resolve the crisis.13
Church leaders’ frequent warnings about the dangers of pornog- In sum, this is a battle for the civil society in which the Catholic
raphy meant that it should have been a significant topic of analysis Church has historically played a towering moral and redemptive role.
for JJCCJ’s study of the causes of sex abuse of minors. JJCCJ’s fail- For the past and future victims, it is of consummate import to root
ure to offer more than a passing reference was a monumental error out the homosexual/pederast network, always understanding that
that prevented the Church from having the knowledge necessary to most of this network have themselves been early victims of manipu-

identify key causes of child sex abuse by priests. lation and/or sexual assault.m

1. Lori Handrahan, Epidemic America’s Trade in Child Rape (2018); 9. Robert Crooks and Karla Baur, Our Sexuality, Chapter 13, “Child-

10. See A.W. Richard Sipe in JJCCJ’s, The Nature and Scope of
Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, hood Sexuality” (2d edition, 1983).

2. See, e.g., David Fergusson et al., Is Sexual Orientation Related Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United

to Mental Health Problems and Suicidality in Young People? 10 States 1950-2002, 226 (2004).
3. Gene Abel et al., Self-reported Sex Crimes of Nonincarcerated dates,” The Washington Post, January 21, 1977. https://www.washing-
ARCHIVES GEN. PSYCHIATRY 876-80 (1999). 11. Janis Johnson, “Playboy Ads Help Recruit Priesthood Candi-
Paraphiliacs, 2 J. INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE 2(1), 3-25 (1987).
4. Karla Jay & Allen Young, Out Of The Closets: Voices Of Gay
Liberation, 338, 365 (1972).

5. Ibid. at 275.

12. See Reisman, Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Pent-


with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Child Sex Rings: A Behav- house and Hustler (1987).
6. National Center for Missing Exploited Children in cooperation

ioral Analysis (December 1989).

13. Thomas P. Doyle, F. Ray Mouton, Michael R. Peterson, The

7. Paul Likoudis, Amchurch comes out, 20 (2002). Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the

8. Ibid. Problem in a Comprehensive and Responsible Manner, 1985, p. 2.n


n BY GEOFFREY STRICKLAND Here below, the popular online children’s game “Roblox”

n June 2018 a mother in Australia witnessed the moment her ly important role in shaping efforts of the pro-pedophilia lobby to
6-year-old daughter was invited into a “sex room” in the very advance their agenda of “normalizing” and desensitizing societies
popular children’s online game “Roblox.” In July 2018, a child’s to child abuse/adult-child sex.
online avatar was violently gang raped in the same popular chil- In considering these issues, attention should not only be given
dren’s game. Each day it seems the news me- to past and current trends but also to exam-
dia presents more and more examples of a ining how and where the dynamics of the
“virtual” reality and future yielding far more lobby may play out in the future, with a view
than merely “virtual” effects in real life. The to formulating a more coherent strategy to
question thus is a timely one regarding the defend children from abuse, understanding
relationship of technology, “adult-child” sex, as well that technology offers possibilities
and its lobbying movement in civil society. to creatively prevent children from being
This Chapter argues that the virtual and abused and to bring to justice those who per-
technological arena will play an increasing- petuate abuse against them.m



his Chapter constitutes the keynote presentation that approaches; 3) cultural context of the development and promulga-
launched the expert meeting. As such, it offers an overview tion of universal law; 4) refusal or inability of Church authority to
of the various issues and challenges regarding the use of use canonical remedies; 5) cultural, institutional, and systematic
canon law to address sexual aggression by clergy in the Church. issues embedded in canon law; 6) competing claims to right be-
Starting from the premise that the fundamental issues at the heart havior; 7) general lack of awareness of harm of sexual abuse and
of this crisis are cultural, institutional, and systematic, the Chapter clericalism; 8) effective tools in canon law; 9) reliance on bishops
considers the ways in which these issues are embedded in the cul- at the diocesan or episcopal conference level to develop their own
ture, institutions, and systems of the Church, and therefore in canon standards and methods of enforcement; 10) lack of accountability
law, and so call for a response at the same level. structures for bishops and obstacles to the creation of these struc-
The Chapter discusses 10 challenges in successive order: 1) tures. The Chapter concludes with a call for revisions to areas of
differences between global and local expressions of the Catholic canon law that are demonstrably insufficient for addressing the
Church and canon law; 2) developing understandings of the harm- magnitude of the crisis and the implementation of clear directives
ful effects of sexually aggressive behavior and disparate cultural for Church authority to respond to these allegations.m

Image of pages from the Decretum of Burchard of Worms,

Center, the present Code of Canon Law (1983) and, right,

the 11th-century book of canon law.

the Code promulgated by Pope Benedict XV (1917)



his Chapter reviews the canonical structures that cur- countability measures to be established within the hierarchical
rently exist and some that have been proposed to address structure of the Catholic Church. These obstacles are not insur-
accountability of ecclesiastical authority, especially re- mountable, but this presentation describes how identifying and
garding response to allegations of sexual abuse and miscon- understanding these challenges is a necessary preliminary step
duct by clergy. It begins with an overview of the current struc- in the process of developing structures and accountability mea-
tures and processes, and identifies where there exist obstacles sures that are appropriately grounded in Catholic theology, ec-
and difficulties to responding to the increasing demand for ac- clesiology, and canon law.m

e recommend that current policies for the protection of and whether article 1.3 of the Apostolic Letter “A Loving Moth-
children and vulnerable adults be amended or expand- er” should be amended to include a reference stipulating that it is
ed to protect certain groups in trust relationships with enough that the lack of due diligence be grave in the case of cler-
the offending cleric such as seminarians. In addition, suggestions ical sexual abuse of persons under the same cleric’s spiritual or
are made as regards increasing respect for the dignity of the formational care.
sacraments, in particular, the Holy Eucharist, understanding that This would be in addition to the current reference relating to
the three situations under consideration, mentioned in the Intro- the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults.2
duction (Chile, Honduras and the US), all involving active homo- Similarly, if the norms are to protect the “weakest of those en-
sexuality not only cause violence to minors and to persons under trusted” to the Bishop’s care, then perhaps another article should
the spiritual care of clerics (e.g., seminarians), but also besmirch stipulate that the lack of due diligence is grave in cases concern-
what is holy and constitute a sacrilege. ing the failure to protect the Person of Jesus Christ in the Sacra-

Part I describes the multifaceted approach to the protection

The suggestions are fleshed out in four parts. ment of the Eucharist from sacrilege and disrespect when clerics
habitually engage in immoral sexual behavior with other clerics
of children and vulnerable adults and discusses what might be or non-clerics and continue to celebrate the Mass, understanding
improved, including the inclusion of a delict that recognizes cler- that the efficacy of the sacrament does not depend upon the min-
ical violence not only against minors (under 18) but also violence ister being free from mortal sin (CCC, 1127-1128), nor is the real
against young persons (18 years and older) under the spiritual presence of Christ in the Eucharist negatively affected provided

Part II discusses the 2011 Circular Letter from the Congrega-

care of the offending cleric, especially seminarians. that the same celebrating the Eucharist uses proper matter, form,
and intent (See Denz.-H no. 794).❍

tion for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) and elements that might

Part III treats the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of 1. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Circular Letter of
be relevant to protect young persons, especially seminarians.1

the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Assist Episcopal

Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sex-
Minors and makes recommendations for a broader mandate that

ual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics, May 3, 2011.

would include the protection of young persons (18 to 30) in the

Part IV discusses the current canonical norms on the account- 2. Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter issued motu proprio, “As a Lov-
care of clerics, especially seminarians.

ability of bishops and their removal from office for grave reason ing Mother,” 4 June 2016.n





any Catholic dioceses and religious orders responsibility. This study reviews and critiques the ma-
in the United States have gone bankrupt jor court decisions that have considered the merits of
over clergy sexual abuse. The Catholic these theories of tort liability and, on this basis, rec-
Church in America has paid out over two billion dol- ommends good practices that Church leaders should
lars in settlements and judgments to clerical sex abuse implement to stem clerical sex abuse and protect the
victims. In search of even deeper pockets, plaintiff common good of the Church.
attorneys have sued the Holy See in federal court. So Since 2002 when the clerical sex abuse crisis be-
far, they have been unsuccessful. But for how long? gan, tort litigation has helped vindicate the victims.
Victims of clerical sex abuse have sought relief However, at some point such litigation becomes counter-
for a variety of personal injuries including sexual as- productive. This study underlines the sovereign immu-
sault, sexual battery, seduction, false imprisonment, nity of the Holy See that precludes it from being held
fraud, intentional or negligent infliction of mental liable for clerical sex abuse in the Catholic Church
distress, defamation of character, intentional and neg- around the world, especially in the United States, un-
ligent interference with contractual relations, inva- derstanding that in some States, domestic law carves
sion of privacy and counseling and clerical malprac- out exceptions to this general rule. Consequently, this
tice. Those in close relationship with the victims of study echoes the warning St. Thomas More made at
clerical sex abuse have also sued for loss of consor- the dawn of the Protestant Reformation – “If the Pope
tium and intentional or negligent infliction of mental does not clean his house, others will,” understanding
distress. The harms alleged in these complaints are that failure to act, might mean that today, it will not be
premised on several theories of tort liability that hold a discontent Augustinian monk who nails a theological

of vicarious liability (respondeat superior), institutional breach of

an organization responsible for the misdeeds of its agents – claims thesis in protest on Church doors, but rather the attorney of a plain-
tiff, and the Church doors could be those of St. Peter’s Basilica in
fiduciary duty, organizational negligence and military command Rome.m


“It is essential that we, as a Church, be able to acknowledge
and condemn, with sorrow and shame, the atrocities perpetrated
challenges and opportunities will be reviewed to using state and

by consecrated persons, clerics, and all those entrusted with the

federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)

mission of watching over and caring for those most vulnerable.

Act4 prosecutions for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause

Let us beg forgiveness for our own sins and the sins of others.”—
of action for acts performed by both clerics and Church decision-

Pope Francis, 2018 [1]

makers acting as part of an ongoing criminal organization.
Finally, as an element of restorative justice, this Chapter will
suggest forums for listening and sharing, through stories and prayer,

ecent revelations of cleric sexual abuse in America between for dioceses supporting healing and reconciliation within the bounds
the years 1950 and 2000’s have similar patterns to other of the law and in the light of the Gospel.5❍
offender groups regarding onset, career duration, and re-

BBC News, 20 August 2018

As a source of future abuser-perpetrators, “previously abused 1. Pope Francis condemns child sex abuse and Church cover-ups,

2. Alex Piquero et. al, “Uncollaring the Criminal — Understand-

clerics as well as clerics who exhibited an early onset of abuse

ing Criminal Careers of Criminal Clerics,” Criminal Justice and Be-

were more likely to accumulate police investigations.” 3

havior, Vol. 35, No. 5, May 2008, at 583,

This Chapter will first outline a history of cleric sexual abuse

3. Ibid., at 583.
from 1950 through contemporary times, and the past civil and crim-

4. E.g., 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968

inal prosecutions of Roman Catholic sexual abuse cases. Following

5. E.g., Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Roman Catholic

that, contemporary theories of criminal liability will be examined
as an alternative to — rather than an adjunct with — civil tort law-
suits given their inadequacy to deter future abuse. In particular, the Diocese of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.n



ince 2004, nineteen Roman Catholic dioceses and religious ent in nature than previous cases (as Professor Scarnecchia ex-
orders have filed for protection under the provisions of the plains elsewhere in this volume). Because the nature of a debtor’s
United States Bankruptcy Code. The result of these cases liabilities drives the results of a bankruptcy case to a great de-
has been an orderly distribution of billions of dollars to victims gree, the result of bankruptcies precipitated by such liabilities
of clerical sexual abuse in exchange for a financial fresh start for might vary as well. The devil, quite literally, is in the details.
the dioceses and religious orders involved. This chapter will provide a guide to such future diocesan bank-
The experience of the past 15 years points to bankruptcy as ruptcy cases. After a brief introduction to a bankruptcy reorgani-
the favored solution when liabilities – particularly tort liabilities zation case, we will discuss how bankruptcy courts have pro-
for clerical sexual abuse — threaten to overwhelm diocesan fi- ceeded in previous church bankruptcies in order to identify why
nances. Bankruptcy can be a painful process for any debtor, but, the bankruptcy solution has been, on the whole, successful.
to date, the benefits of such cases for Roman Catholic dioceses We will conclude with an assessment of how the looming next
have outweighed the pain. wave of tort liability facing Catholic dioceses might transform
Bankruptcy cases are not without risks, however. The next the bankruptcy solution in future diocesan bankruptcy cases from
wave of potential tort liability for clerical sexual abuse is differ- the path to a financial fresh start to a nightmare.m


n BY RONALD J. RYCHLAK The Holy See’s representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, Archbishop Silvano

for Human Rights in Geneva on January 16, 2014, (Fabrice Coffrini, Afp)
Tomasi (left) and the Promotor of Justice, Bishop Charles Jude Scicluna, before the High Commission

n 2014, the United Nations Committee Against having sex, or when they physically forced
Torture (CAT) questioned the Holy See (Pope, themselves upon the minors, this constituted
in the narrow sense, or including Roman Cu- rape, and that – in and of itself – though lack-
ria, in the broad sense) regarding its handling of ing any indication of a desire to torture or of
the sex scandal that dominated the news more other markers (like captivity, extreme brutali-
than a decade earlier. The argument advanced by ty, extraction of information, military or po-
some members of the CAT was that individual lice actors, etc.) typically required to establish
acts of sexual abuse (or rape) by Catholic priests an international crime, legally amounted to tor-
constituted “torture” under international law. A ture for which the Holy See should be held re-
group called the “Survivors Network of those sponsible.
Abused by Priests” filed a petition with the International Criminal As to the first part of the argument, that such an act constitutes
Court accusing the pope, the Holy See Secretary of State, and two rape, this paper is in complete agreement. This paper also agrees that
other Holy See officials of “crimes against humanity” and urging there is no defense for those who commit rape or other sexual abuse,
prosecution at The Hague. There was also a book published arguing especially when the victims are juvenile, and the perpetrators are in
that Pope Benedict XVI should be held accountable for human rights positions of authority. This paper, however, disagrees with the impli-

The argument against the Holy See is based upon the Convention
abuse due to his handling of the sex abuse crisis in the Church. cation that rape and the type of sexual abuse contemplated by the

Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment

CAT members constitutes or can be prosecuted as torture or crimes

or Punishment (the Convention), an international instrument under strained reading of the Convention.
against humanity. That part of the argument comes from a horribly

the purview of the United Nations. The Convention aims to pre- Sometimes rape or sexual abuse is used as a weapon of war or an
vent torture and cruel, inhuman degrading treatment or punishment implement of torture. In those most heinous of situations, rape ap-
around the world. It requires member nations to take steps to prevent propriately can be considered an element of the crime of torture,
torture within their borders, and it forbids states to transport people genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity. That does not,

The CAT monitors implementation of the Convention, and it is the

to any country where there is reason to believe they will be tortured. however, mean that every rape can or should legally be classified as
torture. To hold otherwise would defy all logic and legal analysis,
panel that called the Holy See forward to explain its handling of the and ultimately–by eliminating separate punishment for the separate
sex scandal. crimes–it would make victims less safe.
Certain members of the CAT suggested that individual acts of While those individuals who are guilty of abuse should be prop-
sexual abuse and rape committed by Catholic priests constituted tor- erly punished, neither they nor the Holy See are responsible for tor-

governing organ of the same, was responsible under the Convention.

ture for which the Church, understanding that the Holy See is the ture or crimes against humanity under international law. As set forth
in this paper, arguments to the contrary are completely untenable,
The argument was that when priests coerced or seduced minors into and they seem to have been advanced in bad faith. m
visor in the United States Department of Homeland Security’s
Policy Directorate, Office of International Affairs, where he over-
saw the Department’s activities within the Group of 8 (G8) coun-

Author Biographies (in alphabetical order)

tries. He also taught as an adjunct professor of law at George-
town University Law Center for 13 years, and has lectured at the
International Law Enforcement Academy in Budapest, and the

Jane F. Adolphe
National Institute for Trial Advocacy at Notre Dame. Profes-
sor Bonner graduated from the Portsmouth Abbey School, and
Jane Adolphe is a Professor of Law at Ave Maria School of received an A.B. from Georgetown University, and a J.D. from

Prof. John Czarnetzky

Law and an Expert for the Holy See (Secretariat of State, Rela- the Washington College of Law of American University.
tions with States). She began her legal career clerking for the Al-
berta, Canada, Court of Appeal and Court of Queen’s Bench. Af- Professor Czarnetzky is the Mitchell McNutt & Sam and Jessie
ter practicing with the Law Firm of Bennett Jones Verchere, she D. Puckett, Jr. lecturer in law at the University of Mississippi
served as a prosecutor with the Alberta Crown Prosecutor’s Of- School of Law. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of

ginia (J.D., 1989); he was an Executive Editor of the Virginia

fice. She then worked as a legal consultant with a law firm in Technology (B.S., 1982, Chemistry), and the University of Vir-

Law Review, and editor of the Virginia Journal of Environmental

Rome, Italy. While in Rome from 1998 to 2001, she attended

Law. Prior to law school, Czarnetzky was an officer in the Unit-

United Nations conferences as a legal consultant for non-govern-
ment organizations interested in the rights of women, youth, chil-
dren and the International Criminal Court. From 2003 to 2011, ed States Army where he was a chemical officer working as an
she worked as a human rights consultant to the Holy See, Secre- intelligence analyst. After law school, he practiced bankruptcy
tariat of State, Second Section (Relations with States) attending and commercial law with Sidley & Austin in Chicago, and
various international conferences and meetings in Rome, New McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe in Richmond, Virginia.
York, Geneva, The Hague, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro and León. Then, Czarnetzky joined the University of Mississippi School of
in 2011, she was invited by the Holy See to work with the Secre- Law in 1994, and has taught courses in bankruptcy, corporate re-
tariat of State, Second Section, in Vatican City State. She has a organization, secured transactions, civil procedure, business as-
Bachelor of Arts degree along with degrees in common law, civil sociations, and international trade. Czarnetzky serves as a legal
law and canon law (B.A., LL.B/B.C.L., J.C.L., J.C.D.) and is a adviser to the Holy See’s Mission to the United Nations, along
member of the Bar Associations of Alberta and the State of New with Professor Rychlak. In that capacity, he has represented the
York. She writes and lectures on international law and the Holy Holy See in negotiations including the establishment of the Inter-

Rev. Philip Bochanski

See. national Criminal Court and several international treaties, includ-
ing one on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Fr. Philip Bochanski was ordained a priest in 1999 for the Professor Czarnetzky and his wife, Sylvia Robertshaw Czar-

Rev. Fortunato Di Noto

Philadelphia archdiocese. He was a pastoral associate in several netzky, reside in Cleveland, Mississippi.
Philadelphia parishes and a chaplain for the Holy Spirit Adora-
tion Sisters, the Catholic Medical Association’s Philadelphia guild, A Sicilian priest, Father Fortunato Di Noto has rooted his mis-

associate director of Courage last year. He has helped implement

and the Courage apostolate’s Philadelphia chapter. He became sion in the world wide web. The “digital suburbs” have become
his home, the place where he invests his energies studying the
the apostolate’s “Courage Study Days” to help form priests about parts of the web that hide the crimes of pedophilia and child
Catholic teaching on homosexuality, how to be clear and compas- pornography. He founded and heads the Meter Association, which
sionate in presenting Catholic teaching, and how to provide authen- monitors the internet. He collaborates with organizations that

Mark H. Bonner
tic pastoral care to men and women with same-sex attractions. fight against pedophilia and child pornography as a member of
the National Observatory Against Pedophilia and Online Child
Professor Bonner began his legal career at the U.S. Depart- Pornography within Italy’s Presidency of the Council of Min-
ment of Justice and served there for more than 25 years, includ- istries. He is a Bioethics Professor at the Superior Institute of
ing appointments as Assistant U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles and Bioethics at the Pontifical Salesian University in Messina and a
the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Resident Legal Advisor in Moscow. member of the Commission for the Defense of Minors of the Ital-

William Doino Jr.

For 10 years at Justice Department headquarters he directed the ian Episcopal Conference.
investigation and prosecution of high-profile federal cases involv-

time contributing editor of In-

ing international and domes- William Doino Jr., a long-

side the Vatican magazine, is a

tic terrorism. He subsequent-
ly joined the U.S. Treasury
Department, where he was ap- researcher and writer special-
pointed Senior Advisor and izing in religion, history and
Chief of Staff to the Under- politics. Internationally recog-
secretary of the Treasury for nized for his work on Pope Pius
Enforcement. Prior to com- XII’s role during the Holocaust,

anthology The Pius War: Re-

ing to Ave Maria, Professor he is the lead contributor to the
Bonner served as a Senior Ad-
sponses to the Critics of Pius XII; and also served as the histori-
cal advisor to My Battle Against Hitler, the memoirs of Dietrich
America. He has served as the executive editor of the 2009-2013
supplements to the New Catholic Encyclopedia and the co-edi-
von Hildebrand, the famous anti-Nazi Catholic philosopher. Mr. tor of the English translation of the 43rd edition of the Den-
Doino is currently working on two book projects: the first, on the zinger-Hünermann compendium published by Ignatius Press in
vitality of contemporary interfaith relations; and the second, on 2012. Dr. Fastiggi was born in Montclair, New Jersey and now

Patricia M. Dugan
the Catholic Church’s triumphs and travails since Vatican II. resides in Michigan with his wife, Kathleen, and their three chil-

Dawn Eden Goldstein

dren: Mary, Anthony and Clare.
Patricia M. Dugan maintains civil and canon law practices
from her law offices in Philadelphia, PA. She earned her under- Dawn Eden Goldstein, an award-winning author, is an assis-

She earned her Licentiate in Canon Law, summa cum laude, from Seminary, and is based in Washington, DC. Her books include Re-
graduate and civil law degrees from Villanova University, PA. tant professor of dogmatic theology at Holy Apostles College and

membering God’s Mercy, The Thrill of the Chaste, and My Peace

I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints.
the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy.
She also earned a degree of Masters of Religious Studies, Moral
Theology, from Saint Charles Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Together, Dr. Goldstein’s books have sold in excess of 50,000
Her canon law work has been concentrated in advocacy in penal copies worldwide, including translations into Spanish, Polish,
proceedings, sponsorship, religious institutes, and parish reorga- Slovak, and Chinese. Dr. Goldstein received her doctorate in sa-
nization. Doctor Dugan has held many different positions in the cred theology (S.T.D.) summa cum laude from the University of
Canon Law Society of America, including election to the Board St. Mary of the Lake in 2016, becoming the first woman in the

work in “The Church Finance Handbook” and “Sponsorship in

of Governors. Her authorship on behalf of that Society includes university’s history to earn a canonical doctorate. Her disserta-

the United States.” She is an active member of several interna-

tion was on recent Magisterial teaching on redemptive suffering.
Prior to joining the faculty of Holy Apostles, she taught at St.
tional Societies of Canon Law. Doctor Dugan has written and Mary’s College, Oscott, the seminary of the Archdiocese of Birm-

Kevin Govern
presented on many topics of canonical and civil interest and ingham, England.
worked in numerous areas of both disciplines of law. Her recent
publication work has been in producing proceedings from the He is a Professor of Law at Ave Maria School of Law. He

Her work as a member of the Board of the Gratianus Canon Law

Santa Croce University in Rome, for English speaking canonists. began his legal career as an Army Judge Advocate, serving 20

Series includes: “The Penal Process and the Protection of Rights

years at every echelon during peacetime and war in worldwide

in Canon Law,” “The Advocacy Vademecum, Studies on the In-

assignments involving every legal discipline. He has also served

struction Dignitas Connubii,” “Matrimonial Law and Canonical

as an Assistant Professor of Law at the United States Military

Procedure,” and “Towards Future Developments in Penal Law.”

Academy and has taught at California University of Pennsylva-
nia and John Jay College. He has published widely and spoken
Dr. Dugan is the founder and president of Canon Law Books, frequently on international and comparative law, national securi-
Inc., whose mission is to produce studies and reference tools for ty and homeland security, cyber security and cyber defense, mili-

greed canonist. Her work for that mission includes “A Simple

anyone who has not studied canon law formally or is not a de- tary operations, and professional ethics. He has the following de-

Dictionary of Canon Law” and “A Comparative Graphic Aid of

grees: L.L.M., International and Comparative Law, University of

Reference for Dignitas Conubii.”

Notre Dame School of Law (2004); L.L.M., International and

Robert Fastiggi
Operational Law, The Judge Advocate General’s School; J.D.,
Marquette University Law School (1987); and B.A., History and

Mary Healy
Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Professor of Systematic Theology, has German Major, Marquette University (1984).
been at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Michigan, since
1999. Prior to coming to Detroit, he taught at St. Edward’s Uni- Dr. Mary Healy is professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart

an A.B. in Religion (summa cum laude) from Dartmouth Col-

versity in Austin, Texas from 1985-1999. Dr. Fastiggi received Major Seminary in Detroit. She is a general editor of the Catholic
Commentary on Sacred Scripture, a series of commentaries that

its volumes The Gospel of Mark and Hebrews. Her other books
lege in 1974; a M.A. in Theology from Fordham University in interpret Scripture from the heart of the Church, and author of

include Men and Women Are from Eden: A Study Guide to John
1976; and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Fordham in 1987.

Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Healing: Bringing the Gift
In addition, he has done private research in Paris and Mon-

of God’s Mercy to the World. Dr. Healy serves as chair of the

tréal, and he took part in a study-tour of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain
sponsored by the National Council for U.S.-Arab relations. Dur-
ing his time at Sacred Heart, Dr. Doctrinal Commission of In-
Fastiggi has taught a wide vari- ternational Catholic Charis-
ety of courses, including Eccle- matic Renewal Services in
siology, Christian Anthropology, Rome. She also serves the Pon-
Christology, Mariology, Moral tifical Council for Promoting
Theology, and the Sacramental Christian unity as a member of
Life of the Church. He is a mem- the Pentecostal-Catholic Inter-
ber of the Society for Catholic national Dialogue. She was ap-
Liturgy and a council member of pointed by Pope Francis as one
the Mariological Society of of the first three women ever
Apostolate ( His first book, Why I Don’t
Call Myself Gay: How I Reclaimed My Sexual Reality and
to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Com-

Sean Kilcawley Found Peace, featuring a preface by Cardinal Robert Sarah,


Fr. Sean Kilcawley is a nationally rec- was published by Ignatius Press in 2017 and was endorsed by
ognized speaker on Theology of the Body, Human Cardinals Dolan, Collins and O’Malley. The Italian translation
Love and pornography addiction. He was ordained a priest in of his book was introduced in Rome by Cardinal Gerhard Müller

tember of that year. His writing has appeared in Communio,

2005 for the Diocese of Lincoln. He served as assistant pastor in 2018, followed by the release of his book in Dutch in Sep-

First Things, The National Catholic Register, and Crisis Mag-

at St. Joseph and North American Martyrs and taught Theology

azine, among others. He is a frequent guest on Catholic radio

of the body at Pius X High School from 2005-2009. In 2013 Fr.
Kilcawley completed a License in Sacred Theology at the John
Paul II institute for marriage and family studies in Rome and re- and has appeared several times on EWTN. A professional or-
turned to the Diocese of Lincoln as director of Religious Educa- chestral trombone player, Mattson has performed and present-
tion. Fr. Kilcawley currently serves as the Director of the Office ed master classes around the world, including at the famed St.
of Family Life and theological advisor for Integrity Petersburg Conservatory in Russia. He is currently pursuing an—a non-profit organization that seeks to restore M.A. in Theology through the Augustine Institute, located in

Rev. Piotr Mazurkiewicz

the integrity of families affected by pornography by providing Denver, CO.
education and resources to individuals, spouses, parents and cler-
gy; to both heal and prevent wounds inflicted by the sexualized Monsignor Mazurkiewicz was ordained in the diocese of War-

Timothy G. Lock
culture. saw, in 1988, where he worked as a parish priest for seven years.
Since 1997, he has taught at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Univer-
Timothy G. Lock, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in full sity in Warsaw, Poland, delivering lectures in political ethics and
time private practice and the founder and director of the Goretti philosophy, religion and politics as well as Church - State rela-
Center for Healing and Forgiveness. Working within a Catholic tions as well as on Catholic social doctrine and European stud-

Research in Ethics Societas Ethica (2002-2008) as well as the

anthropology, he offers psychological assessment, psychothera- ies. He was a member of the Board of the European Society on
py, and psychological consultation both in person and over the
internet. Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science
While Dr. Lock has a general practice, he does specialize in (2002-2014). Then, from 2008-2012, he held the position as the
the treatment of clergy and male and female religious, as well Secretary General of the Commission of the Bishops’ of the Eu-
as those who have experienced trauma, those who suffer from ropean Community (COMECE), and after that he worked as a
anxiety disorders, and those who struggle with sexual issues. collaborator with the Pontifical Council for the Family (2013-
Dr. Lock conducts psychological evaluations for individuals 2014). He has degrees in philosophy, theology, electrical engi-
wishing to enter seminary and/or religious life, as well as foren- neering and sociology. He has published: “The Church and
sic psychological evaluations for clergy accused or found to Democracy” (2001); “Europeanization of Europe. Europe’s Cul-
have committed acts of misconduct. In addition to his work in tural Identity in the Context of Integration Processes” (2001);
the Goretti Center, Dr. Lock is an Assistant Professor of Psy- “The wind is blowing the prayers” (2001), “Violence in Poli-
chology at Divine Mercy University teaching in the on-line grad- tics” (2006); “In the Land of Singledom” (2014); “Europe as a
uate program. Kinder-Surprise” (2017), “Two Towers and a Minaret: Sketches
Dr. Lock serves on the Boards of Directors of Courage Inter- from Catholic Social Teaching” (2017), “Totalitarianism in the
national and of the Christian Counseling Center of Greater Dan- Postmodern Age. Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age, and a
bury, where he also is the Clinical Supervisor. At the request of Report on Research of Young People’s Attitudes toward Totali-
his Bishop, Dr. Lock serves on the Diocese of Bridgeport Minis- tarianism” (co-edited with Michał Gierycz, Krzysztof Wielecki,

Robert Moynihan
terial Misconduct Advisory Board. Dr. Lock has published pro- Mariusz Sulkowski, Marcin Zarzecki, 2018).

Dr. Robert Moynihan is founder and editor-in-chief of Inside

fessional articles and book chapters in the area of psychological

the Vatican magazine. He has written on Vatican affairs for 34

trauma and traumatic memory. Formerly, he was the Coordinator
of the Adult Sexual Offender Treatment Program providing psy-
chotherapy to convicted sexual offenders through the Department years, since 1984, and has interviewed many Vatican officials (in-
of Probation in a large urban area outside of New York City. cluding Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò), over the years. He has
He has lectured nationally and internationally to seminarians, commented on Catholic issues for Fox News, CNN, ABC, EWTN,
clergy, mental health practitioners, and the general public on is- BBC and other international networks. On March 13, 2013, he
sues including the treatment of anxiety, Catholic psychology, appeared live on Fox as the lead analyst for the election of Pope
Catholic psychotherapy, and the psychology of same-sex attrac- Francis. Dr. Moynihan in his lectures often discusses the modern

half decades as editor of Inside the Vatican, he interviewed the

tions. Dr. Lock lives with his wife of 25 years and their eight chil- crisis of the Church in its historical context. During his two and a

Daniel Mattson
dren in northwestern Connecticut.

25 times. His book,The Spiritual Vision of Pope Benedict XVI:

future Pope Benedict — then Cardinal Ratzinger — more than

Let God’s Light Shine Forth, has been praised by many in the
Daniel C. Mattson is a writer and a public speaker who pro-
claims the Good News of the Catholic Church’s teaching on

mentary Desire of the Everlasting Hills, produced by the Courage

homosexuality. His story is told in the award-winning docu- Catholic world, including Father Benedict Groeschel, who said,
“If you only read one book on Pope Benedict XVI, then read Bob
Moynihan’s book!” His book on the current Pope, Pray for Me: Terrence K. O’Leary
The Life and Spiritual Vision of Pope Francis, the First Pope
from the Americas, was published by Random House in 2013.
A graduate of Williams College, Terrence O’Leary is a re-

His occasional Moynihan Letters go via email to about 20,000

tired advertising and communications executive who is an ex-
pert in analyzing data. He served as President and CEO of Green-

ture, magna cum laude, from Harvard College (1977), and his
readers around the world. He earned his B.A. in English Litera- berg Seronick O’Leary and Partners, Inc., a Boston marketing
communications firm (1994-2002). From 1989 to 1994 he was

versity. His thesis title was The Influence of Joachim of Fiore on

M.A (1983) and Ph.D. in Medieval Studies (1988) from Yale Uni- Executive Vice President and Director of Account Services at

the Early Franciscans: A Study of the Commentary Super Hi-

Rossin Greenberg Seronick and Hill, a Boston marketing com-

eremiam (On Jeremiah). Other research fields included: History

munications firm. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice Presi-
dent at Leonard Monahan, Inc., a Providence communications
of Christianity, the Later Roman Empire and the Age of Chaucer. company, a Senior Vice President with Humphrey Browning
Moynihan also received a Diploma in Latin Letters from the Gre- MacDougall, a Boston marketing communications firm, and the

Suzanne Mulrain
gorian University in Rome, Italy (1986). Vice President of Batten Barton Durstine and Osborn, Inc., a
New York global marketing communications company. He has
She is the Coordinator of the School of Theological Studies been a Trustee of Emmanuel College, Boston (2001-2005), a
at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (2017 – present), where she Director of the Greater Boston YMCAs, a Director of the SPES
previously worked as a Marketing Strategist (2010-2011) and Foundation, a Director of the American Association of Adver-
then as an Adjunct faculty member from 2012 to 2014. Mulrain tising Agencies, and an Adjunct professor at the Olin Graduate
has considerable executive experience in the health care industry School of Business Management. He has been the Secretary and
setting up her own HealthCare Consulting, LLC business in 2016, board member, Heartland American-Israeli Initiative and is the
after working as a Director of Healthcare Collaborations, a New President of Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church parish coun-
Jersey Behavioral Health organization (2013-2016) and Director cil. He is married with four children and lives in Avon Park,

Judith Reisman
of Marketing and Sales, Progressions Companies, Inc, Behav- Florida.
ioral Health (2006-2013) as well as a Specialty Pharmaceutical
Representative and Trainer for Synthon Pharma, McNeil Pharma, As a researcher & author, historian & teacher, Judith Reis-
Janssen Pharma (1993-2006). She has the following degrees: man has focused on pornography as a pandemic, addicting men,
Ph.D. (Candidate), John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Fami- women and children and upon exposing Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey’s
ly Studies, Melbourne, Australia (2014 – present); M.A. School fraudulent sex science research and education. She is currently a
of Theological Studies, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Wyn- Research Professor, Director, Child Protection Institute, Liberty
newood, PA (2012); and B.A., Chestnut Hill College, Philadel- University School of Law, and Scientific Adviser, California Pro-

Susan Mulheron
phia, PA (1977). tective Parents Association, and Distinguished Senior Fellow,
The Inter-American Institute, and President, Institute for Media
Susan Mulheron holds a licentiate degree in canon law from Education. As scientific consultant to four U.S. Department of
the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and a Justice administrations, the U.S. Department of Education, and

ed in Who’s Who in Science & Engineering, International Who’s

master’s degree in theology from the University of St. Thomas in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, she is list-

Who in Sexology, International Who’s Who in Education, Who’s

Saint Paul, MN. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in canon

Who of American Women, The World’s Who’s Who of Women,

law from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome,

etc. Based on her work, The German Medical Tribune and the
and is writing her doctoral thesis on the issue of sexual abuse of

British medical journal, The Lancet demanded that the Kinsey

minors in the Church. Susan is the Chancellor for Canonical Af-
fairs for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, an of-
fice she has held since 2013. Susan’s canonical experience in- Institute be investigated for deliberately covering up massive sex

Geoffrey Strickland
cludes serving as an advisor in cases of clergy sexual miscon- crimes against children and fraudulent science.
duct, as well as a judge, defender of the bond, advocate, and pro-
moter of justice in ecclesiastical tribunals. Susan is also a mem- Geoffrey serves as International Associate and Rome Office
ber of the Board of Governors for the Canon Law Society of Director for Priests for Life/Gospel of Life Ministries and as col-

Dale O’Leary
America. laborator with the Pontifical Council for the Family. His research
and publications pertain to the state of the family in the modern

clude The Gender Agenda: Redefin-

Dale O’Leary is a freelance writer and lecturer. The books in- world and the dignity of human life in all periods of its existence.

ing Equality and One Man, One

In his role as Rome Office Di-

Woman. She has written for numer-

rector and International Associ-
ate, he provides research and
ous publication, appeared on televi- analysis of canonical and inter-
sion and radio, and lectured in Hun- national legal themes pertaining
gary, Italy, Ireland, Austria, Switzer- to family and life issues. In his
land, Mexico, El Salvador, and the role as collaborator with the Pon-
Philippines. She is a graduate of Smith tifical Council for the Family, he
College, is married and is currently has provided research and analy-
living in Florida. sis regarding legal issues pertain-

ing to the family and human dignity in of Population Research Institute (PRI) that monitors coercive
the modern world, compiling an interna- population control programs worldwide. He is the director of
tional legal database (organized by top- the Southeastern Asian Human Rights System (ASEAN) for the
ic, region, and law), focusing upon areas pertaining International Center on Law, Life, Faith and Family (ICOLF).
to the family, human life in all periods of its existence, demo- He services as an expert on family and social issues for the
graphics, and gender ideologies. He assists in language related Rome Forum for Catholic Inspired NGOs that works in close
work (translation and interpretation) of Spanish, Portuguese, association with the Pontifical Council for the Family and the

Bioethics, Law and Human Life Issues: A Catholic Perspective

French, Italian, and Arabic, as well as in English language media Secretary of State for the Holy See. His writings include

and the Millennium Development Goals in Light of Catholic So-

efforts. He is also the Director of the MENA Department of the

Ronald J. Rychlak cial Thought.

International Center on Law, Life, Faith and Family.

Professor Ronald J. Rychlak is the Jamie L. Whitten Chair of Russell B. Shaw

than 20 books, including To Hunt, to Shoot, to Entertain: Cleri-

Law and Government and Professor of Law at the University of Russell Shaw is an author and journalist who has written more

calism and the Catholic Laity (1993), Nothing to Hide: Secrecy,

Mississippi School of Law, where he has been on the faculty

Communication, and Communion in the Catholic Church (2008),

since 1987. He is also on the Board of Directors for Ave Maria

and American Church (2013). For 18 years, Shaw headed media

Law School. He currently serves as President of the Southeast-
ern Association of Law Schools. Prof. Rychlak is a graduate of
Wabash College and Vanderbilt University School of Law. He relations for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and
formerly practiced law with Jenner & Block in Chicago and the US Catholic Conference. From 1987 to 1997 he oversaw me-
served as a clerk to Hon. Harry W. Wellford of the U.S. Sixth dia relations for the Knights of Columbus. Since resigning from

Rev. Paul Sullins

Circuit Court of Appeals. He is an advisor to the Holy See’s del- that position, he has worked full time as a freelance writer.
egation to the United Nations and a member of the Mississippi

serves on the editorial board of The Gaming Law Review and on

Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. He The Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Asso-
ciate of the Ruth Institute. He recently retired as Professor of
the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights’ advisory Sociology at the Catholic University of America, Washington

including Hitler, the War, and the Pope (2nd ed., 2010), which
board. Prof. Rychlak is the author or co-author of eleven books, DC. Dr. Sullins is a leader in the field of research on same-sex
parenting and its implications for child development. He has
was called definitive by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints written four books and over 100 journal articles, research re-

D. Brian Scarnecchia
in the final report on the life of Pope Pius XII. ports, and essays on issues of family, faith, and culture. Dr. Sullins
continues as Research Professor and Director of the Leo Initia-
Brian Scarnecchia, M.Div., J.D. is a Professor of Law at Ave tive for Social Research at Catholic University, as well s as Di-
Maria School of Law in Naples, Florida where he teaches Ju- rector of the Summer Institute of Catholic Social Thought. He
risprudence, Bioethics and the Law and Catholic Social Teach- also serves on the board of the Society of Catholic Social Scien-
ing and the Law. He has also served as the Chair of the Depart- tists (SCSS), the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM),
ment of Catholic Social Thought, Director of Legal Studies, and and the Natural Family Journal. He is a Fellow of the Marriage
Director Human Life Studies at Franciscan University of and Religion Research Institute (MARRI), and was Ignatius Loy-
Steubenville in Steubenville, Ohio. He is the president of Inter- ola Fellow for Catholic Identity at the Center for the Advance-
national Solidarity and Human Rights Institute (ISHRI), a non- ment of Catholic Higher Education. Formerly Episcopalian, Dr.
governmental organization (NGO) in consultative status with Sullins is a married Catholic priest. He earned a Ph.D. at Catholic
the United Nations and the Organization of American States. University in 1997 and taught there from 1998 until his retire-
He serves on the Board of Directors for the Society of Catholic ment. He and his wife, Patricia, have an inter-racial family of
Social Scientists (SCSS) and is their main NGO representative three children, two adopted. He serves as Associate Pastor of the
to the United Nations. He also serves on the Board of Directors Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist, Hyattsville, MD.n


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