Sacred Flame Reiki
Sacred Flame Reiki
Sacred Flame Reiki
ISBN 0-9743679-0-7
What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is Japanese for Universal Life-force, or
Spiritually-Guided Energy. There are two parts to the word. Rei means
Universal, or all-encompassing and all-knowing. Rei is what you might
think of as your "Inner Self" or your "Higher Power". Ki means Life-force
energy, and is the same thing as Chi in Chinese, Ti in Hawaiian, and I
believe it to be the same thing that people call Super Strings in physics.
Whatever you call it, Ki is the energy that runs through everything at all
times. It is the energy that binds all living things together. There is an
unlimited amount of Ki flowing into and around the Earth that anyone can
extract for healing and/or strength. Put this energy together with the
wisdom of the "Universal Mind" and you've got the most powerful source
of energy healing available... Reiki.
resources of Mother Nature and the air from above and around us. The
element of fire provides us with spiritual light, making our soul's path
visible to us.
Now, what does fire do for our mental/emotional state? Have you ever sat
in front of a fire and just stared at the flames? You have probably heard of
meditations that involve candlelight. This is commonly known as Tratak
and will be discussed later. If you've tried this type of meditation, you
know how effective it is. Our minds connect to fire in a very special way.
Perhaps, subconsciously, we recognize how much we relied on fire in
ancient times. There is something awesome about a force that is so
graceful, yet powerful.
Divine Support
The Seven Sacred Flames of Sacred Flames Reiki are supported by my
Divine line of Gurus: Jesus Christ, Babaji-Krishna, Lahiri Mahashaya,
Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramhansa Yogananda.
And of course Sacred Flames Reiki would not exist without the help and
guidance of Usui Sensei and Archangel Michael, as well as the other
archangels – Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.
We all have access to these aspects of the Divine, but in receiving the
attunement to Sacred Flames Reiki and practicing the included techniques,
you will be clearing the channel to these Masters and Archangels, who
lovingly await the chance to raise the vibrational level of humankind.
Sacred Flames Reiki 8
“I have come to light a fire on the Earth. How I wish the blaze were ignited!”
-Luke 12:49
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 9
The Chakras
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel". Chakras are the energy
centers of our bodies that turn and 'process' the life force energy inside of
us. There are seven main chakras in the body, each one has a specific color
and function. In traditional Western Reiki, this is where the hand positions
are held. They are all located in the center of the body.
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, the Sacral Chakra is in
the lower abdomen, Solar Plexus is in between the navel and the base of the
sternum, Heart is below the collar bone, Throat is at the base of the neck,
Third Eye is above and between the eye brows, and the Crown is above
and on top of the head.
Before doing Sacred Flames Reiki it's always a good idea to set an
intention. This is like turning on a "Reiki switch" that gets the energy
flowing and allows you to relax and focus. I like to put my hands together
in the prayer or "Gassho" position, which has been shown to expand the
aura. Ask your inner self what a good intention for the situation is if you
are unsure. Here are some examples: "Let Reiki flow through me for the
Greatest Good of (person's name, mankind, the Earth, etc.), "May (person's
name) find the source of their problem" or "May we all be freed from pain
and suffering" or "Let my Sacred Flames Reiki session go perfectly" or
"May I find my path and purpose in life". Or you can just say "Sacred
Flames Reiki". Any intention is fine, just say whatever comes to mind, and
then drop it. Do not let the intention distract you from being an empty
channel to the healing energy.
*Remember that you are not directing the energy. Reiki knows where to
go, let it guide you to the source of the problem. Trust your intuition. Lay
your hands in the position and just BE.
Letting Go of Outcomes
As a Reiki practitioner you must learn to let go of outcomes; to surrender to
Divine Will. Reiki is intelligent energy that will go where it is needed. It
only works for the Greatest Good in any situation, and at times the greatest
good may not be what we or someone else wants. It may be hard at times
to accept the way things must be for the Greater Good, for example, letting
go of a loved one who is ready to pass on, or not getting a job we want even
though it's really not right for us. It's always good to look at the bright
side. When we get stuck in traffic, perhaps something bad would have
happened to us if we didn't, or if we had lots of money maybe we wouldn't
appreciate things as much. Remember that Reiki will never do harm, it is
pure love and totally unconditional. Never let anyone convince you that
Reiki shouldn't be used at a certain time, they are confused about the true
Sacred Flames Reiki 12
“When the people do not fear the majestic, Great majesty will soon visit them.”
-Lao Tzu
Sacred Flames Reiki 14
setting your intention, to remind yourself of the gifts that fire brings to us.
Please feel free to check out the listing of SFR practitioners at the following
website to find a Sacred Flames Reiki Master who resonates well with you.
You should contact him/her about receiving the attunement (hands-on or
distance) and any fees that may be involved.
Or contact Dharmadevi for your attunement at:
Cleansing Period
Many people experience a cleansing period after receiving an attunement.
This cleansing is all of the negative stuff he or she has been keeping bottled
up inside, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, coming out. A
cleansing period may take the form of anything from an immediate
emotional release to getting a cold a few days later. During the first 21-30
days after an attunement it is a good idea to try to stay away from red
meat, coffee, alcohol, smoking and fried foods, and to get lots of rest, drink
plenty of clean water, and practice self-healing everyday. If at any time, the
cleansing period seems to be more than you can handle, simply ask for the
SFR energy to flow more gently.
After receiving your attunement to Sacred Flames Reiki, you can then
begin passing it on to others through the following attunement method.
This method is effective for both hands-on and distant attunements. When
passing distant attunements, it is suggested that you set up a date and time
for the attunement that is convenient for both you and the receiver.
Although the attunement would work without the recipient being aware of
what time it was being sent, it is nice to be able to record the experiences
Sacred Flames Reiki 16
that you and the receiver have at that particular time. Ask the receiver to
light a candle before the attunement time and to focus on it for a short
while. She should set her intention to receive the attunement, close her
eyes and relax for the remaining 15-20 minutes.
• Begin by setting up your sacred space. For example, light candles (you
will need to light at least one candle in front of you), play music, invite
your Spiritual Guides to assist you, etc. You might like to specifically ask
Archangel Michael for his guidance and protection during the
• Set the intention for the Sacred Flames Reiki attunement to work
perfectly and for the Highest Good of the receiver and everyone
• Staring at the candle in front of you, you are now going to charge your
hands with fire energy. You can do this by holding your hands in line
with the rays of light that come from the candle's flame. Try
experimenting with your focus until you see the rays shooting out of the
flame. Hold your hands here for as long as you feel guided to do so.
• You are now ready to invite the Archangels and Masters who have made
the Sacred Flames available to us. You can say something like, "I ask that
members of the Angelic Realm and the Ascended Masters of the Sacred
Flames please join me in sharing the healing energies and attunement
into Sacred Flames Reiki with Receiver's Name.” (You can additionally
invite others to join in, especially those with whom you have a special
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 17
• Hold your hands (palms down) slightly above the receiver's base/root
chakra (if this is a distance attunement, you can just visualize this), say
(either out loud or silently) and visualize the following:
• "May the Red Sacred Flame of Faith & Protection burn brightly in
Receiver's Name, cleansing and balancing his/her Base Chakra."
• Move your hands up till they are over the receiver's sacral chakra. Say
and visualize the following:
• "May the Orange Sacred Flame of Creativity & Passion burn brightly in
Receiver's Name, cleansing and balancing his/her Sacral Chakra."
• Move up to above the solar plexus. Say and visualize the following:
• "May the Yellow Sacred Flame of Personal Power & Self Confidence burn
brightly in Receiver's Name, cleansing and balancing his/her Solar Plexus
• Move up to above the heart chakra. Say and visualize the following:
• "May the Green Sacred Flame of Love & Compassion burn brightly in
Receiver's Name, cleansing and balancing his/her Heart Chakra."
• Move up to above the receiver's throat chakra. Say and visualize the
• "May the Blue Sacred Flame of Divine Communication & Self-expression
burn brightly in Receiver's Name, cleansing and balancing his/her Throat
• Move up to above the third eye chakra. Say and visualize the following:
Sacred Flames Reiki 18
• Now hold your hands (palms still down) over the receiver's crown
chakra. Say and visualize the following:
• "May the Violet Sacred Flame of Spirituality & Divine Guidance burn
brightly in Receiver's Name, cleansing and balancing his/her Crown
• Now visualize the Violet Sacred Flame slowly burning from the
receiver's crown chakra all the way down to the bottoms of his feet.
Imagine the energy flowing down into the ground where it heals all of
Mother Earth as well. I like to visualize the Earth surrounded by an aura
of violet light.
Give thanks to all those involved in the attunement and visualize the
golden or violet lines that connected you and the receiver, slowly
dissolving. And that's it!
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 19
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart…Who looks
outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”
-Carl Jung
Sacred Flames Reiki 20
• Light a candle and focus on the flame for a few moments while you set
your intention and invite the Masters and Archangels of the Sacred
Flames to assist and protect you during the healing session.
• Staring at the candle in front of you, you are now going to charge your
hands with fire energy. You can do this by holding your hands in line
with the rays of light that come from the candle's flame. Try
experimenting with your focus until you see the rays shooting out of the
flame. Hold your hands here for as long as you feel guided to do so.
• Rub your palms briskly together for a second or two at about waist level.
Now open them up and focus on your palms. Visualize the Violet Sacred
Flame igniting on each of your palms.
• Move your hands (palms down) to the area directly over your client's
head and visualize the Violet Sacred Flame flowing from your palms and
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 21
into the client's body. Imagine the color violet filling up her entire
physical body and auric field. Let this energy flow for as long as you
• Take a step back, rub your palms together again. Open your hands, look
at your palms, and visualize the Indigo Sacred Flame igniting on each of
your palms.
• Move your hands (palms down) to the area directly over your client's
third eye chakra. Visualize the Indigo Sacred Flame flowing from your
palms into the receiver's third eye. Imagine the color indigo filling up
her entire physical body and auric field. Stay with this energy for as long
as you feel guided to do so.
• Step back again, rubbing your palms together, and opening them. This
time, visualizing the Blue Sacred Flame igniting in your palms.
• Hold your palms over the receiver's throat chakra and again, see the
Sacred Flame flowing into her, filling her entire body and aura.
• Continue this method for the remaining Sacred Flames (Green over
Heart Chakra, Yellow over Solar Plexus, Orange over Sacral, and Red
over Base Chakra) in the same way you did the others.
• Once you have finished with each chakra, imagine the White Sacred
Flame (which contains all the Sacred Flames) engulfing your client's
body and aura. This White Sacred Flame regulates and balances all of
the chakras, burning away any negative energy in its path and replacing
it with the love and healing of the individual flames.
• Conclude the session by giving thanks to all those that made the healing
session possible, including your client.
Sacred Flames Reiki 22
“People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light
-Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 25
Tratak is the Yogic practice of focusing the eyes and mind on a candle flame
or other special object. Tratak helps to balance both hemispheres of the
brain and produces large amounts of melatonin (a hormone which has
been shown to greatly reduce the risk of cancer). Tratak is also an effective
way to improve your powers of concentration.
Place a lit candle in front of you (about three feet away) at eye level. Close
your eyes and focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Take slow and
steady breaths and feel yourself relaxing deeper and deeper. Now open
your eyes and stare at the flame for a couple of minutes. Try not to let your
focus fall away from the flame. Remain focused and stare intently at the
flame, allowing its image to become imprinted in your mind. Blink as
often as necessary and close your eyes if they start to get sore or too watery.
Dismiss all thoughts and after about two minutes, close your eyes and try
to retain the image of the flame in as much detail as possible. If the image
starts to fade, open your eyes briefly. Do this for as long as you feel is
appropriate. As your concentration improves, lengthen the time that you
practice Tratak.
your meditation. For this reason, you should wait at least 20-30 minutes to
expect a response from the energy; sometimes it might take days.
• You will need one candle (preferably white) for this meditation.
• The candle should be resting about two feet in front of you, being at
heart or eye level.
• You should set up your sacred space and make this a special time for
yourself, in other words, no distractions.
• Close your eyes and invite the Masters of the Sacred Flames and any
others you wish to join you during this meditation time.
• Set the intention for the candle flame to be infused with Healing,
Purifying & Restoring energy for your Highest Good and the Highest
Good of the entire Universe.
• Open your eyes and focus on the flame. Let your focus fall slightly
above or below the flame until you see the rays of light coming from the
candle flame.
• Cup your hands and visualize the rays flowing into them and filling
them with the energy of the Sacred Flames. Hold this vision for as long
as you'd like.
• Now visualize the rays flowing into your Third Eye Chakra. You might
like to position yourself where you can actually see the rays flowing to
this area but be sure you are not anywhere near the flame! Hold this
vision for as long as you'd like.
• Now visualize the rays flowing into your Heart Chakra and again, you
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 29
can position yourself where you can actually see the rays connecting to
this area.
• Breathe in deeply and visualize this breath flowing down to your base
chakra, where it ignites the Red Sacred Flame of Protection & Faith.
• Exhale slowly and gently and move your hands up to your sacral chakra.
• Breathe in deeply and visualize your breath traveling all the way down
to your sacral chakra, where it ignites the Orange Sacred Flame of
Creativity & Passion.
• Exhale slowly and gently and move your hands up to your solar plexus
• Breathe deeply and visualize the air going down to your solar plexus
chakra, where it ignites the Yellow Sacred Flame of Personal Power &
• Breathe deeply and feel the air expanding in your chest and heart chakra.
Imagine the Green Sacred Flame of Love & Compassion igniting.
• Breathe deeply and imagine the breath igniting the Blue Sacred Flame of
Communication & Self-Expression.
• Exhale slowly and move your hands to rest on or above your third eye
• Breathe deeply and imagine the air igniting the Indigo Sacred Flame of
Enlightenment & Divine Inspiration.
• Exhale gently and move your hands to rest lightly upon your head.
• Give thanks and relax with your new heightened vibrational level!
Eyes of Fire
Eyes of Fire stems from the Japanese Reiki technique called Gyoshi Ho,
which is healing through gentle staring or giving Reiki with the eyes. Set
the intention for Sacred Flames Reiki to flow through your eyes into
whatever you are staring at. Imagine that your pupils have tiny fires in
them and the energy flows out as a beam of light, like a laser beam, into the
subject needing healing.
• Close your eyes and imagine the person to whom you are sending
healing (it doesn't have to be a clear image, even a name is enough).
• Send the sacred flames to the rose and imagine the pure, loving energy
Sacred Flames Reiki 34
flowing into the rose through its stem and up to the flower where it fully
blooms and glows with SFR energy.
• Now bring back your image of the person to whom you're sending
healing and send her the rose. Imagine that she accepts the rose and
places it into her heart Chakra.
• Visualize the rose sinking into her and her entire being is filled with
Sacred Flames Reiki. She radiates with light and love.
• If you want to send healing to more than one person, just imagine them
all together and do the procedure one time.
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.”
-Margaret Fuller
Sacred Flames Reiki 36
Reiki for Beginners - David F. Vennells
Autobiography of a Yogi – Paramhansa Yogananda
In The Shadow of the Shaman - Amber Wolfe
Revelations of Christ – Swami Kriyananda
Yoga for Beginners - Mark Ansari & Liz Lark
Heal Your Body - Louise L. Hay
Hypnosis for Beginners - William W. Hewitt
Love Is Letting Go of Fear - Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.
Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain
Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) 37
Usui Reiki Master
Raja Yoga
Life Therapy
Chakra Balancing
Opening to Love
Attracting Abundance
Spiritual Aromatherapy
Deepening Intuition
Karma & Reincarnation
Holistic Business
Crystal Healing
(All available at Reiki Blessings Academy:
Sacred Flames Reiki 38
“I will light the match of smiles. My gloom-veil will disappear. I shall behold my
soul in the light of my smiles, hidden behind the accumulated darkness of ages.
When I find myself, I shall race through all hearts with the torch of my soul-
smiles. My heart will smile first, then my eyes and my face. Every body-part will
shine in the light of smiles.
I will run amid the thickets of melancholy hearts and make a bonfire of all sorrows.
I am the irresistible fire of smiles. I will fan myself with the breeze of God-joy and
blaze my way through the darkness of all minds. My smiles will convey His smiles
and whoever meets me will catch a whiff of my divine joy. I will carry fragrant
purifying torches of smiles for all hearts.”
-Paramhansa Yogananda