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342 Revista Română de Materiale / Romanian Journal of Materials 2012, 42 (4), 342 - 349




Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti, Str. G. Polizu, nr. 1, cod 011061, sector 1, Bucureşti, România

Considering some previous data concerning bin- Considerând unele date anterioare, referitoare la
ding properties of silicate–aluminate–sulfate composites, comportarea liantă a unor mase complexe silicat–aluminat–
the present paper brings complementary data regarding the sulfatice, lucrarea prezentă aduce informaţii
influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity), complementare, referitoare la influenţa unor factori de
on the behavior of such kind of binders. Composite mediu (temperatură, umiditate), asupra comportării unor
materials based on ternary binders with Portland cement, astfel de lianţi. Au fost investigaţi lianţi ternari cu conţinut
high aluminate cement and calcium sulfate (as de ciment portland, ciment aluminos şi sulfat de calciu
hemihydrates or anhydrite III) content were investigated. (adus ca semihidrat sau anhidrit III).
For selected compositions, taking into account their Pentru compoziţiile selectate pe baza determinărilor
good binding properties in normal conditions, the influence de proprietăţi liante în condiţii normale, s-au făcut
of high temperatures and freezing–thawing effects on the investigaţii privind influenţa unor temperaturi ridicate,
mechanical strengths of such binders were investigated. precum şi influenţa solicitărilor repetate de îngheţ-dezgheţ,
X–ray diffraction and thermal analysis were carried asupra comportării unor astfel de lianţi.
out for deeper research of involved processes in this Pentru a obţine informaţii cu privire la procesele
complex masses behavior. implicate în comportarea lianţilor complecşi în astfel de
condiţii, la modificările compoziţionale induse în anumite
condiţii, s-au făcut investigaţii prin analize de difracţie cu
raze X şi termo-gravimetrice.

Keywords: High aluminate cement, Portland cement, thermal properties, ternary binders

1. Introduction composition, binder's type and dosage,

water to binder ratio, additives presence;
- processing factors –fresh mortar/concrete
Durability is one of the main characteristics of processing, curing conditions for
mortar/concrete composites and a principal criterion hardening;
for choosing them for specific utilizations. The main - environmental factors – exposure
indicators of mortars/concretes durability are the conditions of the concrete (humidity,
freezing-thawing resistance and the behavior to the temperature, chemical medium etc).
corrosive media. The behavior in high temperature Beside the main characteristics at normal
conditions is a characteristic that can have temperature, the composite materials realized with
importance for some utilization. silicate-aluminate-sulfate complex binders, may
Freezing-thawing exposure leads to physical present a good stability at high temperatures [4].
degradation of the mortar/concrete composite, The thermal stability of the mortar/concrete
because of the induced stresses in its mass by composites depend on compositional
increasing of water volume in pores by freezing. By characteristics:
this phenomenon alternated with exposure at 9 binders with high Al2O3 content have a
normal temperature (T=20±2⁰C), when thawing good behavior at high temperatures (being
occurs, the hardening structure and therefore the even refractory);
mechanical strengths altering is unavoidably. 9 a lower Al2O3 content, the presence and
The freezing-thawing resistance of the nature of some impurities will significantly
mortars is influenced by different factors which can affect this behavior [5].
be grouped in [1-3]: Considering some composites materials,
- factors depending of the concrete realized with silicate–aluminate–sulfate binders, the

∗ ▲
Autor corespondent/Corresponding author, Lucrare prezentată la / Paper presented at: Consilox XI
Tel.: +4 0730 926 926, e-mail:
A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / Influenţa unor factori de mediu asupra comportării unor lianţi ternari silicat-aluminat-sulfatici 343

mechanical strength development by hardening is specimens were cured 7 days, on the water, at
assured by hydraulic properties of Portland cement T=20 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 95% in
and calcium aluminate cement. Thermal stability up covered enclosures.
to a certain temperature is conferred by the high The specimens were oven-drying at 60⁰C
alumina cement. Further, at higher temperatures for 24 hours, and then were heat treated at 200,
(>1000⁰C), the sintering phenomenon occurs and a 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200⁰C for 2 hours. After
ceramic binding between dehydrated materials and heat treatment the mortar specimens were
aggregates is ensured. subjected to compressive strength tests.
The present paper brings information For investigation of compositional hydrates
concerning certain properties of ternary binders changes with temperature, the binding pastes with
with Portland cement, high aluminate cement and water / binder ratio of 0.4 were prepared. They
calcium sulfate (hemihydrate or anhydrite), as: were cured and heat treated in the same
freezing-thawing resistance and high temperatures conditions as was presented above. X-ray
resistance. The compositions selected for these diffraction analyses (XRD) were made using a
investigations have been showed a good SHIMADZU XRD-6000 diffractometer (with Kα; λ =
mechanical behavior in normal curing conditions 1.5406 Å, 0.02º step and 2grd/min).
[6]. Some pastes cured in normal conditions
for one and 28 days, were analyzed
2. Experimental thermogravimetric method (TG), using a Shimadzu
DTA-TG-50H instrument, operating in air, with a
The ternary binding masses were realized heating rate of 10ºC/min from RT to 1000ºC, in an
using as initial materials: open platinum pan.
¾ Portland cement (PC), CEM I 42.5 (acc. to Prismatic specimens were prepared also
SR EN 197 – 1:2002) [7], characterized by for freeze-thaw resistance determinations. For
a specific surface area of 2596 cm2/g, these investigations a big number of specimens
determined by Blaine method [8]; were prepared with different PC/HAC ratio and
¾ a high aluminate cement (HAC) Gorkal 50, different calcium sulfate nature and content. The
with high alumina content (Al2O3 =50%) considered compositions are presented in Table 2.
and good stability at temperatures till 1300 The freezing-thawing resistance was determined
– 1400⁰C; on the specimens cured in following conditions:
one day in covered moulds, at room temperature
¾ calcium sulfate – hemihydrate (C S H0.5) or T=20 ± 2°C and after demoulding, they were cured
anhydrite III (C S ) - obtained by heat for 28 days, at T=20 ± 2°C and relative humidity of
treatment of hemihydrates at 600⁰C for 2 95%, in covered enclosures. Subsequent the
hours. mortar specimens were subjected to freezing-
For high temperatures behavior thawing cycles as follows [1, 9]:
investigation, certain ternary binders with - freezing in air at (-18±2)⁰C for 12 hours;
preponderant HAC content were prepared. Theirs - thawing at (+18±2)⁰C for 12 hours in
compositions are evidenced in Table 1. water.
Prismatic specimens with After 10, 40 and 60 freezing-thawing cycles the
15mm×15mm×60mm sizes were prepared from specimens were subjected to visual assessment
mortars, with binder/sand ratio of ½, and concerning species aspects and quantitative
water/binder ratio of 0.5. The specimens were compressive strengths determinations.
compacted by vibration and cured in the following
conditions: one day in covered moulds, at room
temperature T=20 ± 2°C and after demoulded, the

Table 1

Binding compositions with hemyhidrate and anhydrite content

Compoziţii liante cu conţinut de semihidrat şi anhidrit

Binder indicative Composition / Compoziţie (%)

Indicativ liant

M9 20 50 30 -

P11 15 55 - 30

M11 15 55 30 -
344 A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / The influence of some environmental factors on the behavior of ternary
silicate-aluminate-sulphate binders

Table 2

Binding compositions exposed to freezing-thawing cycles / Compoziţii liante expuse la îngheţ – dezgheţ
Compositions with hemihydrate content / Compoziţii cu conţinut de semihidrat (%)
Binder indicative /Indicativ liant
M3 75 20 5 -

M7 50 40 10 -

M9 20 50 30 -

M10 10 60 30 -

M11 15 55 30 -

Compositions with anhydrite content / Compoziţii cu conţinut de anhidrit (%)

P3 75 20 - 5

P7 50 40 - 10

P9 20 50 - 30

P8 30 50 20

P10 10 60 - 30

P11 15 55 - 30

3. Results hydrates are gradually loosing water in correlation

with theirs composition.
3.1 High temperature behavior Dehydration process is totally over 6000C,
Mechanical strengths variation of the heat which explains the totally loosing of strengths at
treated specimens at temperature ranging 200 - 8000C. The compressive strengths increase for all
12000C, is shown in Figure 1. It can be observe binding compositions at temperature higher than
that mechanical strengths decrease at 10000C. This evolution can be explained by
temperatures above 6000C or even at 4000C – the sintering phenomenon that ensures the binding
M9 binder with lover HAC content (50%) and lower between dehydrated binders and aggregates.
residual strength values. This behavior is explained Initial chemical hardening at normal temperature is
by loosing water from hydrates which ensure good replaced with a ceramic binding. The images in
mechanical strengths at normal temperature. Figure 2, realized after the heat treatment of
In Portland cement case, the calcium silicate specimens at 800 and 12000C, illustrate the above
hydrates (C-S-H) are gradually loosing water, even explained behavior.
at temperatures lower than 100 ⁰C. Alluminates



Cs [MPa]

Fig.1 - Compresive strengths of the

8 binding samples, heat treated at
200- 1200 Celsius degrees /
Rezistenţa la compresiune a
4 probelor liante, tratate termic la
200-1200 C.

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Tempera ture (C degree)
M9 M11 P11
A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / Influenţa unor factori de mediu asupra comportării unor lianţi ternari silicat-aluminat-sulfatici 345

a b
Fig. 2 - Aspect of the specimens with high HAC content heat treated at 800 (a) and 1200 (b) Celsius degrees / Aspectul probelor cu
0 0
conţinut ridicat de HAC, tratate termic la 800 C (a) şi 1200 C (b).

40 40


0 0

-40 -40
endo 703,82
-80 -80 129,19

-120 -120

200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (Celsius degrees) Temperature (Celsius degrees)

a b
Fig. 3 - DTA curves of M9 complex binder, hardened one day (a) and 28 days (b) in normal conditions.
Curbe ATD ale liantului complex M9, întărit o zi (a) şi 28 zile (b), în condiţii normale.

An image of dehydration processes of the amplitude and weigh losses are obviously greater
hydrates formed by hardening up to 28 days of M9 for 28 days of hardening, in correlation with greater
complex binder with 50% HAC content is provided hydrates quantity formed during hardening
by DTA curves in Figure 3. These curves reveal process.
endothermic effects accompanied by mass losses X-ray diffraction analyses, presented in
caused by dehydration processes of different Figures 4 and 5, were realized on ternary binders
hydrates: with high HAC content (55%), and different
¾ a widely endothermic effects group, with calcium sulfate - M11 with hemihydrate and P11 with
maximum temperatures up to 1290C, anhydrite, heat treated at 200, 600 and 8000C.
correspond to dehydration process of the X-ray pattern of M11 binder heat treated at
aluminate sulfate hydrates (mainly 2000C (Fig. 4) reveals hydrates such: calcium sulfate
ettringite) and calcium silicates hydrates hemyhidrate (C S H0.5), aluminum hydroxide (AH)
formed in small quantities in binder;
and ettringite. These hydrates ensure hardening
¾ a less widely endothermic effect, with
structure formation in normal conditions and not are
maximum temperatures between 241-
found on the M11 x-ray pattern heat treated at 6000C.
2490C, corresponds to final dehydration
Certainly, the mentioned hydrates suffer a
process of the ettringite [10];
dehydration process even up to 2000C.
¾ an endothermic effect with different
At 6000C, anhydrous calcium sulfate
amplitude and maximum temperatures for
interferences appear with high intensity, because of
the two hardening periods of time: after
one day it has a small amplitude and the dehydration process of hemihydrate. Beside C S it
maximum temperature at 6630C and after was found monocalcium aluminate (CA), the major
28 days its amplitude increases and the mineralogical compound of HAC and C2S, C3S -
maximum temperature is 7000C; this effect compounds of Portland cement.
corresponds to the decarbonation process The X-ray patterns of P11 binder with
of CaCO3 formed during specimens anhydrous calcium sulfate (Fig. 5), present a shape
processing. and a heat treated temperature evolution simillar to
In general, the endothermic effects M11 binder,excepting the X-ray pattern of the P11
346 A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / The influence of some environmental factors on the behavior of ternary
silicate-aluminate-sulphate binders

3 2

- -

ο− ©

Intensity (counts)
‘ „ ‘-CS

− œ


© ο ©
1200 ‘‘ ο ο ‘
ο ο© ‘ ©
© ‘©

600 © 600
„ „ ο ο
• • „ ο ο ο „
• •©œ •© © © © © © ©
10 20 30 40 50
2θ (degrees)
Fig. 4 - XRD patterns of M11 binding composition, cured 7 days in normal conditions and after that, heat treated at 200, 600 and 800
Celsius degrees / Difractograme ale masei liante M11, întărită 7 zile în condiţii normale şi tratată termic ulterior, la temperaturi de
200, 600 şi 800 C.
3 2 A

ο− ‘-CS ‘

Intensity (counts)





‘ ο
© ο
1200 ο ο ‘ ‘ο ©
ο ‘
ο © © ‘
900 800

600 • •
• © © ©

10 20 30 40 50
2θ (degrees)

Fig. 5 - XRD patterns of P11 binding composition, cured 7 days in normal conditions and after that, heat treated at 200, 600 and 800
Celsius degrees / Difractograme ale masei liante P11, întărită 7 zile în condiţii normale şi ulterior, tratată termic la temperaturi de
200, 600 şi 800 C.
binder heat treated at 2000C, which is different cancellation. Superficially damage of specimens is
because hemyhidrate interferences disapear and one of the first effects of repeated freezing-thawing
anhydrous calcium sulfate speciffic interferations stresses, which firstly appear by a deterioration in
are present. a surface layer (Fig. 6a), and after that destruction
of specimens’ edges and corners are visibly
3.2 Freezing-thawing resistance (Fig.6b). In parallel with number of freezing-
The repeated freezing-thawing stresses of thawing cycles increase, these processes are
the mortars' specimens lead, as it was expected, to amplified and by inducing the cracks in the entire
mechanical strength losses and finally even to their body of specimens lead to their full destruction.
A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / Influenţa unor factori de mediu asupra comportării unor lianţi ternari silicat-aluminat-sulfatici 347

Fig. 6 - Images of some mortar specimens after 60 (a) and 90 (b)

freezing-thawing cycles / Imagini ale unor epruvete de
mortar supuse unui numar de 60 (a) şi 90(b) cicluri

The quantitative assessment of freezing- For both specimen categories – with

thawing resistance, for the investigated binding C S H0.5 content (Fig. 7) and C S content (Fig. 8),
compositions was established by determination of
the compressive strengths diminish during
strength losses in these conditions. The strength
freezing-thawing exposure is observed. This
losses were calculated taking into account the
diminishing is amplified by the increase of the
initial strength (after 28 days of hardening in
freezing-thawing cycles number. Considering the
normal conditions) and the strengths of the
strength losses of the exposed specimens to the
specimens exposed to „n” number of freezing-
maximum number of cycles (60), it can observe
thawing cycles, using the relation:
that the binders with higher PC content and
∆R = [(Rc-Rcn)/RC] x100 (1) smaller HAC and C S H0.5 or C S content (M3 and
M7, respectively P3 and P7) show smaller strength
In which: Rc is the specimen’s strength after 28 losses compared with the specimens containing
days of hardening in normal conditions; higher HAC and C S H0.5 or C S (M9 M10 and M11,
Rcn - compressive strength of the respectively P10 and P11).
specimens after “n” freezing-thawing cycles. Such difference regarding the stability
The compressive strengths values, during freezing-thawing stresses is correlated with
determinate for mortars' specimens exposed to 10- the porosity of specimens with different
60 freezing-thawing cycles, are presented in table compositions. Capillary porosity of the binder
3 and show progressive diminutions in parallel with matrices, which strongly influences the mortar
the number of cycles increase. In Figures 7 and 8 specimen’s permeability, must be considered as
the strengths variations of the binder specimens an important factor of influence for the freeze-thaw
exposed to the freezing-thawing cycles, calculated process [11].
with the above relation are presented.
348 A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / The influence of some environmental factors on the behavior of ternary
silicate-aluminate-sulphate binders

Table 3
Compressive strengths of the binding specimens with hemihydrate and anhydrite content, after 10, 40 and 60 freezing–thawing cycles
Rezistenţe la compresiune ale probelor liante cu conţinut de semihidrat şi anhidrit, supuse unui număr de 10, 40
şi 60 cicluri îngheţ–dezgheţ
Binder indicative Compressive strength / Rezistenţa la compresiune [MPa]
Indicativ liant 10 cycles /10 cicluri 40 cycles /40 cicluri 60 cycles / 60 cicluri
E (Portland cement) 17.33 15.26 -
With hemihydrate content / Cu conţinut de semihidrat
M3 18.37 13.78 13.63
M7 15.64 9.63 8.74
M9 16.8 14.22 11.56
M10 19.44 15.26 16
M11 22.64 14.67 15.11
With anhydrite content / Cu conţinut de anhidrit
P3 17.87 14.52 13.63
P7 13.81 12.59 10.96
P8 17.97 15.56 14.52
P9 19.27 18.67 15.85
P10 23.93 26.67 23.26
P11 20.41 15.26 14.96

M3 M7 M9 M10 M11 E
50 Fig. 7 - Strength modifications of the
binding specimens with
40 hemihydrate content after 10, 40
 R (%)

30 and 60 freezing-thawing cycles /

Modificări de rezistenţă ale
20 probelor liante cu conţinut de
10 sulfat de calciu semihidrat, după
10, 40 şi 60 cicluri de îngheţ –
0 dezgheţ: + diminishes / scăderi;
- increases / creşteri .
‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of cycles

P3 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 E

60 Fig. 8 - Strengths modifications of the

binding specimens with
50 anhydrite content, after 10, 40
and 60 freezing-thawing cycles /
40 Modificări de rezistenţă ale
probelor liante cu conţinut de
 R (%)

30 sulfat de calciu anhidru, după

10, 40 şi 60 cicluri de îngheţ –
dezgheţ: + diminishes / scăderi;
10 - increases / creşteri .

‐10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Number of cycles
A.Moncea, M. Georgescu / Influenţa unor factori de mediu asupra comportării unor lianţi ternari silicat-aluminat-sulfatici 349

As volume and structure the capillary P7) have had a better behavior at freezing-thawing
porosity (interconnected or interrupted pores) stress. Their resistances have had small
diminishes in time in parallel with evolution of variations. This behavior must be correlated with
hydration degree. Similar to Portland cement for compositional characteristics of the hardened
which capillary porosity diminishes in time as binder, the porosity (especially capillary pores)
measure the calcium silicate hydrates increase and having a key influence. We can assume that
partially obturate these pores, in the ternary binder’s specimens with higher PC content have a
binders case with high Portland cement content smaller capillary pores volume, because of their
(>50), a similar phenomenon is assumed. obstruction by calcium silicates hydrates formed by
In ternary binder with high HAC and calcium Portland cement hydration.
sulfate content, the main hydrate - ettringite is
crystallized therefore the calcium silicate hydrates Acknowledgements
resulted by Portland cement hydration are reduced.
The experimental results from this study were
In consequence the capillary porosity can be obtained with the support of Ministry of Labour, Family and
higher for this binder’s category. The next Social Protection through the Sectoral Operational
supplementary investigations will bring added Programme “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013,
no. POSDRU/88/1.5/S/60203. For the XRD analysis, the
value in this direction.
authors thanks to Mrs. eng. Simona Crăiniceanu.

4. Conclusions
• Considering information regarding the
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