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E.4 Leg Support Calculation

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Doc No. : ART/DC/18-02 Client :Sbase Engineering Sdn. Bhd.

Rev No. : A Air Receiver Tank

Leg Support - Operating Condition

Design Data :

Total Weight of Vessel @ Operating W 2500 Kg

Horizontal Base Shear V 800 N
Leg Information : Z

Material EN 10025 S275JR
Modulus of Elasticity E 180000 Mpa X e X
Material Yield Strength Fy 275 Mpa a
Number of Legs n 3
Leg Initial degree 45 deg

Geomtery Information : Y

Moment of Elastic Modulus Centre of

Section Width, b Height, thick. t Area, A 4 3
Gravity (mm)
2 Inertia (mm ) (mm )
member (mm) h (mm) (mm) (mm )
Ix Iy Sx Sy x' y'
50x50x6 50.0 50.0 6.0 465.8 126000 126000 3550 3550 1.5 1.5

Moment of Elastic Modulus Radius of Centre of

Inertia (mm4) (mm3) Gyration (mm) Gravity (mm)
Iw Iz Sw Sz rw rz w' z'
50x50x6 45344 206656 2245 97419 9.9 21.1 2.1 2.1

Shell Data :
Outer Diameter of Shell D 600 mm Fv
Thickness of Shell ts 12.7 mm
Fh C.G

Leg Support Data : f1 f1

Distance from base to C.G L 750.0 mm Fv

Overall Length of Leg Lt 500.0 mm
Effective Leg Length Le 350.0 mm Vn L
Outermost Leg Diameter d 604.2 mm Lt
Attachment Length C11 150 mm
Eccentricity of leg e 25 mm
Effective Length Factor K 1.0
A. Available Load on the Leg Support
Fn Fn
Horizontal Force @ C.G of vessel Fh 800 N
Vertical Force @ C.G of vessel Fv 25000 N

Overturning Moment @ Base Mb = L*Fh = 600000 N-mm

Overturning Moment @ Btm T.L Mt = (L-Le)*Fh = 320000 N-mm
Max. eccentric Load f1 = -Fv/n-4Mt/nD = -9044 N
Bending Moment @ Each Leg Support M = f1*e+Vn*Le = 506111 N-mm
Max. Axial Load @ Furtherst Dia. Leg from C.L

Fn = FD + FL
= Fv/n + 4M/nd
= 9450.1 N

B.Allowable Load as per AISC 360-10 14th Ed.

B.1 Allowable Compressive Stress as per Ch. E

Does b/t > 0.45*sqrt(E/Fy)? No

Does the slenderness ratio Lc/r > 200? No
Therefore, the geometry is consider as a slender element

Effective Length Member Lc = K*Le = 350 mm

Elastic Buckling Stress Fe = E*(p/(Lc/rw))2 = 1421.4 Mpa
Doc No. : ART/DC/18-02 Client :Sbase Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
Rev No. : A Air Receiver Tank
Leg Support - Operating Condition

The crticial stress of the member

Does the ratio Lc/r > 4.71*sqrt(E/Fy)? No

The critical stress Fcr = (0.658^(Fy/Fe))Fy = 253.6 Mpa

Nominal Compressive Stress Pn = (Fcr*A)/1.67 = 70739 N

B.2 Allowable Flexural Stress as per Ch. F

Does b/t > 0.54*sqrt(E/Fy)? No

Does b/t > 0.91*sqrt(E/Fy)? No
Therefore, the section is consider as compact

B.2.1 Limit States due to Yielding

Elastic Yield Moment My = Fy*Sw = 617375 N-mm

Limit State due to Yielding Mn1 = 1.5*My = 926062.5 N-mm

B.2.3 Limit States due to Leg Local Buckling

Fcr = 0.71E/(b/t)
= 1840.3 Mpa

Mn2 = 0
= 0.0 N-mm

Nominal Flexural Strength Mn = min(Mn1,Mn2) = 926063 N-mm

Allowable Flexural Moment Mc = Mn/1.67 = 554528 N-mm
Therefore,The limit state of the member was due to Yielding

Since the calculation is refering bending
about the minor axis, the limit state of
yielding and leg local buckling is apply

C. Stress Ratio as per Ch. H

Does the ratio Pr/Pc < 0.2? Yes

Ratio = Fn/2Pn+(M/Mc)
= 0.98

Does the stress ratio, Ratio < 1? Yes

Therefore, the selected member for the leg support is sufficient

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