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Activated Charcoal

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Activated charcoal has been used for over a century to treat poisonings. Recent studies have not found clear evidence of its benefits, and it can potentially cause complications. Its use should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Charcoal has been used for medical purposes for centuries. It became widely used in the early 20th century for treating poisonings by preventing absorption in the GI tract. It was once referred to as the 'universal antidote'.

Potential complications include aspiration pneumonia, bowel obstruction, intestinal perforation, and corneal abrasions. Aspiration is a particular risk if the patient has an altered mental status or non-intact airway.

Activated charcoal for pediatric poisonings:

the universal antidote?

Robert Michael Lapus

Purpose of review Introduction

For decades, activated charcoal has been used as a According to the American Association of Poison Control
‘universal antidote’ for the majority of poisons because of its Centers (AAPCC), in 2004, there were roughly 2.4 million
ability to prevent the absorption of most toxic agents from poison exposures, 1.9 million of which were due to
the gastrointestinal tract and enhance the elimination of ingestion [1]. About 93% of these occurred in the home
some agents already absorbed. This manuscript will review and slightly more than half of the 2.4 million cases
the history of activated charcoal, its indications, involved children less than 6 years of age. For all groups,
contraindications, and the complications associated with its most cases (77%) were managed in a nonhealthcare
use as reported in the literature. facility and 22.4% of cases were treated in a healthcare
Recent findings facility. In children less than 6 years of age, 10.2%
Recent randomized prospective studies, although with were treated in a healthcare facility. Although they
small numbers, have shown no difference in length of comprise the majority of calls to the poison centers,
hospital stay, morbidity, and mortality between groups who children less than 6 years of age accounted for 2.3% of
received and did not receive activated charcoal. No study the documented fatalities, with 27 reported. Overall there
has had sufficient numbers to satisfactorily address clinical were 1183 reported fatalities, 75% were due to toxin
outcome in patients who received activated charcoal less ingestion and 77.7% were intentional [1]. Thus, poison-
than 1 h following ingestion. ing still remains a significant cause of morbidity in the
Summary pediatric age group. Activated charcoal has always been
If used appropriately, activated charcoal has relatively low associated with treatment for poisonings, although, per-
morbidity. Due to the lack of definitive studies showing a haps, this perception/practice should change based on
benefit in clinical outcome, it should not be used routinely in emerging literature.
ingestions. AC could be considered for patients with an
intact airway who present soon after ingestion of a toxic or Activated charcoal has been used for the last century for
life-threatening dose of an adsorbable toxin. The gastric decontamination. It prevents absorption of sub-
appropriate use of activated charcoal should be determined stances in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby decreasing
by the analysis of the relative risks and benefits of its use in systemic absorption of potentially toxic agents. In the
each specific clinical scenario. past it had been referred to as ‘the universal antidote’;
however, its use has been slowly declining from a peak
Keywords use of 7.7% in 1995 to 5.6% in 2004. Further, more and
antidote, charcoal, decontamination, ingestion, overdose, more is being reported about its adverse effect profile,
poison such as the potential to lead to bowel obstruction or
aspiration pneumonitis. Is charcoal truly the ‘universal
Curr Opin Pediatr 19:216–222. ß 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. antidote’ or will it go the way of ‘the medical anecdote’?
The purpose of this article is to review the history of
Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of activated charcoal, discuss its indications, contraindica-
Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
tions, and review the complications associated with its
Correspondence to Robert Michael Lapus MD, Division of Pediatric Emergency
Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of Alabama at Birmingham School
use as reported in the literature.
of Medicine, 1600 7th Ave South Midtown Center 205, Birmingham, AL 35233,
USA History of activated charcoal in medicine
Tel: +1 205 939 9587; fax: +1 205 475 4623; e-mail:
Charcoal has been used for medical purposes for thou-
Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2007, 19:216–222 sands of years. The Egyptian papyri document the use of
Abbreviations charcoal to 1500 BC [2]. The ancient Egyptians used
ED emergency department charcoal to adsorb the odor from rotting wounds. Hindu
MDAC multiple dose activated charcoal documents from 450 BC record the use of charcoal
NAC N-acetylcysteine
SDAC single dose activated charcoal and sand filters for the purification of drinking water.
TCA tricyclic antidepressant In 400 BC, Hippocrates and Pliny used charcoal to treat
epilepsy, chlorosis, and anthrax. In 157 BC, Claudius
ß 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Galvanometer wrote 500 treatises, some about the
use of carbon for medical purposes. In 1773, Scheele

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Activated charcoal for pediatric poisonings Lapus 217

recognized the specific adsorptive powers charcoal had Table 2 Recommended dosage of activated charcoal
with various gasses [2,3]. Twelve years later, Lowitz Children up to 1 year of age 10–25 g or 0.5–1.0 g/kg
reviewed these properties and published accounts of Children 1–12 years of age 25–50 g or 0.5–1.0 g/kg
Adolescents and adults 25–100 g
charcoal’s ability to adsorb vapors from various chemicals.
He is credited with the first account of charcoal’s adsorp-
tive ability in the liquid phase. This led to a much cited
bold demonstration by a pharmacist named Touery in properties of the charcoal formulation and the substance
1831. At a meeting at the French Academy, he ingested ingested, the volume and pH of gastric and intestinal
several times the lethal dose of strychnine with equal fluid, and the presence of other agents or food adsorbed
amounts of charcoal, and survived. The Academy was, by activated charcoal [7,8–11].
however, unimpressed and charcoal continued to be used
more for industrial purposes [3]. Over the next several Volunteer studies suggest that SDAC is more likely to be
decades, newer methods of refining and activating beneficial if given within 1 h following ingestion; how-
charcoal in order to improve its adsorptive properties ever, benefit after 1 h cannot be excluded for poisons
were pioneered. In 1911, ‘Eponit’, the first industrially which slow gastric motility (e.g. anticholinergic sub-
produced activated charcoal, was produced in Austria. stances/drugs, opiates, salicylates) [6]. Some authors
Shortly thereafter, the use of toxic gasses in World War I even suggest that activated charcoal is beneficial more
served as a driving force for the mass production of than 4 h following acetaminophen overdose [12–15]. In a
activated charcoal suitable for respirators [2]. It was not prospective, observational case series of 145 patients,
until 1963, after Holt published a review article in the Spiller et al. [16] sought to evaluate whether adminis-
Journal of Pediatrics entitled ‘The black bottle’, that tration of activated charcoal more than 4 h following
activated charcoal became more widely accepted in the overdose of acetaminophen in addition to standard
management of ingested toxins [4]. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) provided additional benefit over
NAC alone. To measure outcome, they used hepatic
Indications for activated charcoal transaminases, prothrombin time, and international
Activated charcoal has been universally used to adsorb a normalized ratio (INR). There were 58 patients who
variety of agents, with the exceptions of hydrocarbons, received NAC alone and 87 patients who received
acids, alkalis, ethanol, and heavy metals (Table 1) [5]. It NAC and charcoal. They found that 23 patients had
has been studied with hundreds of substances in vitro, in elevated transaminases greater than 1000 IU/l. Of those,
animals, in human volunteers, and in actual patients with 21 patients received NAC alone and two patients
overdoses. Although no controlled studies demonstrating received NAC and charcoal. This difference is statisti-
changes in clinical outcome have ever been performed cally significant; however, to say whether these findings
with activated charcoal, these previous data probably are are clinically significant, since all patients survived with
convincing enough to warrant its use in selected cases. no reported long-term sequelae, requires further study.
Interestingly, the proposed explanation for the reduction
In their position paper on single dose activated charcoal in transaminases despite the late administration of
(SDAC), the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology charcoal was not the interruption of the absorption of
and the European Association of Poison Centres and the acetaminophen, but more of a postabsorption or
Clinical Toxicologists [6] remind us that activated ‘gastrointestinal dialysis’ effect.
charcoal should not be given routinely in the treatment
of poisoned patients. The recommended oral dose is This explanation is similar to the mechanism behind
0.5–1 g/kg, with a maximum of 100 g (Table 2), although multiple dose activated charcoal (MDAC) which is based
there is no single correct dose of activated charcoal. The on the theory that after absorption, drugs will reenter the
optimum dose of activated charcoal cannot be known gut by passive diffusion if the concentration there is lower
with certainty in any given patient. Optimum dosage than in the blood [17]. By administering more than two
is dependant on many variables such as the physical doses of activated charcoal it is believed that a concen-
tration gradient is maintained and the drug continuously
Table 1 Activated charcoal not helpful/caution/contraindicated passes into the gut where it is adsorbed to the charcoal.
This ‘gastrointestinal dialysis’ has been best demon-
P – Pesticides, petroleum distillates, unprotected airway strated for theophylline and salicylates. MDAC is also
H – Hydrocarbons, heavy metals, >1 h likely to be of benefit to decrease drug absorption when
A – Acids, alkali, alcohols, altered level of consciousness, large amounts of drugs are ingested and dissolution is
aspiration risk
I – Iron, ileus, intestinal obstruction delayed (masses and bezoars, i.e. salicylates), when drugs
L – Lithium, lack of gag reflex exhibit a delayed or prolonged release phase (enteric
S – Solvents, seizures coated, sustained release), or when reabsorption can be
Modified from Erickson [5]. prevented (enterohepatic circulation of active drug or

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218 Therapeutics and toxicology

active metabolites, i.e. carbamazepine). MDAC may who ingested a potentially toxic dose of acetaminophen
also be considered in the ingestion of life-threatening (>140 mg/kg) were excluded from the study. Addition-
amounts of potentially lethal drugs. Although MDAC ally, there was no information provided as to the time
increases the elimination of digitoxin, phenobarbital, frame of ingestion of the drug and administration of
carbamazepine, phenylbutazone, dapsone, nadolol, theo- charcoal.
phylline, salicylate, quinine, cyclosporine, propoxy-
phene, nortriptyline, and amitriptyline, its clinical utility A more recent randomized, controlled, unblinded study
remains to be defined. The optimum dose of MDAC is by Cooper et al. [20] also found no benefit in the
unknown, but after the initial appropriate single dose, a administration of charcoal when looking at length of stay,
dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg every 2–6 h has been recom- vomiting, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and
mended. The total dose may be more important than mortality. Cooper et al. acknowledge that their study
frequency of administration. Continuous nasogastric lacked the power to detect significant differences in less
administration of activated charcoal can be employed, frequent outcomes such as aspiration or death. They
especially when vomiting is a problem, that is, theophyl- suggest that charcoal should not be used routinely in
line toxicity. Smaller doses are recommended in children. intentional overdose. The basis for this stems from the
Reported complications and adverse effects of MDAC following facts: drugs commonly seen today in intentional
have included diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, pulmon- overdose such as acetaminophen, benzodiazepines, and
ary aspiration, and intestinal obstruction. Some authors the newer antidepressants have a lower case fatality rate
feel that, in the absence of accurate, scientific data indi- than drugs seen in overdose 10–20 years ago; there have
cating effectiveness and risk, a sound recommendation for been significant advances in supportive care; and the lack
the use of MDAC cannot be made [18]. Again, the treating of statistical difference in outcome between the two
physician must weigh the theoretic benefit against the groups, particularly in those presenting after 1 h. They
potential for complications in each clinical scenario. conclude that ‘charcoal should be restricted to those
situations where there is a substantial risk from the
Benefits poisoning and a significant amount of the poison likely
Recently, the benefits of activated charcoal have come to still be present in the gut’.
under serious scrutiny. To reiterate, there have never
been any controlled studies that have demonstrated that Time of administration
activated charcoal has resulted in a positive clinical out- Several studies have confirmed that the 1 h time frame for
come in overdose patients. Many would not hesitate to the administration of charcoal to have its best efficacy
administer activated charcoal to a comatose patient who often cannot be achieved in the ‘real’ clinical setting.
presents within 1 h to the emergency department (ED) Kornberg and Dolgin [21] found that the mean time from
and has a protected airway; however, the debate seems to ingestion to arrival at the ED for pediatric patients less
focus on the alert and awake patient, with stable vital than 6 years of age with unintentional ingestions was
signs. In a prospective, randomized, controlled study, 1.2 h, and the mean time from ED arrival to charcoal
Merigian et al. [19] compared clinical outcome in 1479 was 0.9 h. A more recent study by Osterhoudt et al. [22] of
self-poisoned patients receiving activated charcoal and 319 patients less than 18 years of age showed very similar
supportive care or supportive care alone. They compared results for their median times; however, their mean times
the incidence of vomiting, length of stay, and incidence were 2.1 and 1.1 h, respectively. In their study, about 30%
of complications associated with the overdose or the of children arrived within 45 min of ingestion and only
treatment between the two groups. They found that 7.8% of all patients received charcoal within 1 h following
there was a significantly higher incidence of emesis in ingestion. Thus, it appears that timely administration of
the activated charcoal group compared with those receiv- activated charcoal in the hospital setting is often difficult.
ing no activated charcoal (23% versus 13%, P < 0.01). Currently, some poison control centers advise home
There was a statistically significant longer ED stay in administration of activated charcoal for pediatric inges-
those given activated charcoal; however, there was a tions. In addition, some prehospital personnel administer
significantly shorter inpatient hospital stay for those given activated charcoal. In a study by Alaspää et al. [23], 555
charcoal. Upon review of the charts, it was found that the patients with a mean age of 38 years and only five patients
time to medical clearance was not significantly different; less than 7 years of age showed that prehospital admin-
what prolonged the length of stay was time to transfer to istration of activated charcoal is feasible with no obser-
a mental health institution and time to be seen by a vable adverse effects if a protocol is followed. The
psychiatrist. Based on these results and the fact that editors, however, acknowledged that the study was too
none of the inpatients who received supportive care small to unequivocally establish safety. Furthermore,
alone deteriorated, they concluded that gastric deconta- there have been no consensus guidelines or studies to
mination procedures were unnecessary in their study demonstrate whether these practices change clinical
population. It is important to note, however, that patients outcome.

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Activated charcoal for pediatric poisonings Lapus 219

Table 3 Common items with petroleum distillates incidence of emesis [30]. In a recent prospective study,
Automotive cleaners Mineral oils Osterhoudt et al. [31] examined risk factors for emesis
Automotive fuel additives Paraffin wax associated with the administration of activated charcoal.
Furniture polish Pesticides
Gasoline Petroleum jelly
Emesis was defined as the forceful regurgitation of
Kerosene Pine oil cleaners stomach contents within 2 h of receiving activated char-
Lighter fluids Varnish coal, as judged by the patient’s nurse in the ED. Oster-
houdt et al. also examined the influence of other potential
patient-specific, poison-specific, and procedure-specific
Contraindications risk factors that may be associated with emesis and the
SDAC is contraindicated in patients with unprotected administration of activated charcoal. They found that 56
airways and decreased levels of consciousness who are not of 275 (20.4%) patients vomited after receiving activated
intubated [6]. Charcoal is not indicated in patients who charcoal, with half vomiting within 10 min of initiation of
have ingested acids or alkalis (corrosives) because it has activated charcoal. Statistically significant risk factors
not shown any benefit in these cases. In this scenario, associated with vomiting of activated charcoal were
charcoal administration may induce vomiting, obscure vomiting prior to administration of activated charcoal
endoscopic visualization, and in cases of perforation, and the use of a naso or orogastric tube. The presence
there is a risk of charcoal leaking into the peritoneum of nausea and age over 12 approached statistical and
or mediastinum [24]. Charcoal may be considered, how- clinical significance; however, this could not be confirmed
ever, if a corrosive is coingested with a systemic toxin. due to the sample size. Surprisingly, not strongly associ-
Charcoal is contraindicated if its use increases the risk or ated with emesis were the presence of signs or symptoms
severity of aspiration, such as with hydrocarbons [6] of poisoning, emetogenic properties of certain toxins,
(Table 3), particularly the low-viscosity, aliphatic hydro- agitation, level of consciousness, large volumes of char-
carbons such as kerosene, lighter fluid, and lamp oil. In coal, rapid administration, drugs that slow gastric motility,
cases of hydrocarbons which have systemic toxicity (i.e. or the addition of sorbitol to the activated charcoal.
benzene) or coingestion with a systemic toxin, charcoal
can be considered [24]. Careful risk–benefit analysis, In this cohort, there was a 13% incidence of emesis prior
however, must be carried out. Caution should be used to administration of activated charcoal. This incidence of
when administering charcoal in patients who are at risk of vomiting was identical to the no activated charcoal arm of
gastric hemorrhage or perforation. Caution should also be the previously mentioned randomized control trial by
used in patients who have ingested a substance that puts Merigian et al. [19].
them at risk for sudden onset of seizures or sudden
decrease of mental status, such as clonidine or tricyclic Some authors recommend medicating the patient prior to
antidepressants (TCAs). Charcoal is not indicated for use charcoal administration with an antiemetic; however, this
in isolated ingestions of lithium, iron, heavy metals, or practice raises the concern of further polypharmacy in the
ethanol [24]. setting of overdose, complicating the clinical scenario,
and making an alternative method desirable. In a pre-
Complications liminary prospective study, Eizember et al. [32] found
In light of its universal use, there are considerably few that placement of acupressure bands 5 min prior to
reports of adverse events related to the use of activated administration of activated charcoal reduced the inci-
charcoal. In 2004 activated charcoal was given to 130 000 dence of charcoal-associated emesis by 46%. Further
patients [1]. The most common reported complication studies are warranted.
is emesis. Most adverse events with significant morbidity
are related to aspiration of activated charcoal into the Aspiration
lung, be it through direct administration into the lung Of the complications seen concurrently with the admin-
via a misplaced gastric tube, or use in a patient with an istration of activated charcoal, aspiration has the potential
unprotected airway. Other often cited, but rarely reported to be the most serious [33]. There have been several
complications are gastrointestinal perforation, small studies examining the occurrence of aspiration after over-
bowel obstruction in multiple dose therapy, and corneal dose and charcoal administration. In a retrospective study
abrasions. at eight tertiary care hospitals, Dorrington et al. [34]
sought to determine the frequency of ‘clinically signifi-
Emesis cant’ aspiration in patients receiving two or more doses
Emesis is the most common adverse effect in the admin- of activated charcoal. Part of the criteria for ‘clinically
istration of activated charcoal, with a reported incidence significant’ aspiration required decreased oxygen satur-
of 6–26% [25–29]. Reasons for emesis are thought to be ation or increased respiratory effort, or need for intuba-
multifactorial, such as addition of sorbitol or charcoal’s tion or supplemental oxygen. They found that 0.6%
gritty texture. Volunteers who drank charcoal had a lower (5.7 per 1000) had met all their criteria for significant

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220 Therapeutics and toxicology

aspiration. Four of the five aspirated after the first dose. pediatric deaths directly related to the aspiration of
All five required intubation and ventilation for 1–3 days; activated charcoal. Both ingestions were with TCAs.
there were no deaths due to aspiration or long-term seque- One death occurred 14 weeks after the intentional inges-
lae. The authors concluded that significant complica- tion of 60 nortriptyline tablets, indicating that death was
tions occur infrequently [34]. It has been pointed out, not due to drug toxicity. The patient died of respiratory
however, that the study was underpowered and that failure. Autopsy showed bronchiolitis obliterans with
MDAC was indicated in only 7% of the patients [18]. massive amounts of charcoal within bronchiolar scar
In a retrospective study, Liisanantti et al. [35] concluded tissue [40]. The second death was a toddler who ingested
that in unconscious patients (Glasgow Come Score an unknown amount of amitriptyline. The patient was
(GCS) < 8), those at highest risk for aspiration were those given charcoal, aspirated, and then became asystolic.
with the longest time without intubation and those given Resuscitation efforts failed. Cause of death was charcoal
charcoal without securing the airway. From their data, it aspiration and airway compromise [41]. Seger [39]
did not appear that there was a significant difference in reminds us that TCAs can cause a rapid decrease in
risk of aspiration between unconscious patients not the level of consciousness and subsequently questions
immediately intubated in the field and unconscious unin- if activated charcoal should even be given for the inges-
tubated patients receiving charcoal in the hospital set- tion of drugs that cause such a rapid decline.
ting. One could therefore argue that activated charcoal
itself is not a risk factor for aspiration. There was also no These scenarios bring forth another question. How well
difference in risk for aspiration between an unconscious does intubation protect against aspiration of activated
patient who was immediately intubated in the field charcoal? Moll et al. [42] found the incidence of aspiration
compared with an unconscious intubated patient given when given activated charcoal after intubation to be 4%,
charcoal. They concluded that to decrease the risk of which is similar to the 3.5% incidence of aspiration in
aspiration pneumonitis in a poisoned patient with a GCS urgent intubations alone in a study by Thibodeau et al.
less than 8, intubation in the field is recommended [35]. [43]. Even in cases when a cuffed endotracheal tube is in
Isbister et al. [36] similarly concluded that the occurrence place, nasogastric tube (NGT) placement must still be
of aspiration pneumonia in a patient given activated verified. There is an abstract in the AAPCC TESS 2004
charcoal is not due to the charcoal itself, but to other report [44] of a 63-year-old man who was found with a
factors such as decreased level of consciousness, spon- decreased level of consciousness and pill bottles lying
taneous emesis, seizure, TCA ingestion, and time from around him. His medications included acetaminophen/
ingestion to presentation. They recommended that in butalbital/caffeine, clonazepam (Klonopin), and zolpi-
patients with any of these defined risk factors for aspira- dem (Ambien). From the sequence presented in the
tion and an unprotected airway, activated charcoal should abstract, he was intubated prior to receiving activated
be reserved for those most likely to benefit and intubation charcoal; however, the NGT was inadvertently placed
mandatory prior to administration. into the lung. The patient was found to have suffered an
anoxic brain injury and support was withdrawn. Autopsy
Isbister et al. did not find a difference in mortality of showed charcoal-induced pneumonitis.
patients with aspiration who did and did not receive
charcoal. Activated charcoal is thought to be an inert Other complications
compound; however, there are animal studies that show In the literature there are case reports of unusual gastro-
charcoal directly administered into the lung can cause intestinal complications such as esophageal perforation
inflammation and changes in microvascular permeability with lavage tube resulting in charcoal mediastinum [45],
[37]. Graff et al. [38] reported a patient who received gastrointestinal perforation with charcoal peritoneum
charcoal directly into the lung due to a misplaced gastric [46], charcoal stercolith with perforation [47], charcoal
tube. The patient subsequently required intubation and bezoar from multiple doses of charcoal, causing small
mechanical ventilation for 5 days. The patient was even- bowel obstruction [48], and a manually disimpacted
tually discharged but subsequently diagnosed with charcoal ‘briquette’ that caused constipation after a single
asthma and seen several times in the ED for respiratory dose of charcoal [31].
symptoms. Lung biopsy revealed chronic lung changes
with macrophages containing charcoal. Seger [39] There are also reports of corneal abrasions due to charcoal
reviewed the AAPCC Toxic Exposure Surveillance Sys- spilling into the eyes when being administered in two
tem (TESS) data from 1993 to 2002 and described seven combative patients. The abrasions were transient and
reported deaths in which aspiration of activated charcoal resolved without complications [34,49].
was at least a contributing factor in their deaths. Four
presented with altered level of consciousness and Conclusion
received activated charcoal with subsequent emesis then Activated charcoal has been used as the universal anti-
intubation to secure the airway. Seger also described two dote for decades. When one considers how often it is

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Activated charcoal for pediatric poisonings Lapus 221

15 Sato RL, Wong JJ, Sumida SM, Marn RY. Efficacy of superactivated charcoal
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