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FR Denis Fahey

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Fr Denis Fahey Freemasons to be simply a step towards the

accomplishment of a deeper, darker design . . . In

order to attack the spiritual power of the Holy See,
CHAPTER IX a beginning was made by overthrowing its earthly
The Coming of Antichrist rampart . . . Is all this the triumph of Italy? Is it not
In Chapter VII we saw that there was a rather the advent of apostasy?”
connection between that apostasy of the non-
Jewish nations and the conversion of the Jewish Twice in the course of the year 1901, the
nation. In Chapter VIII, we have seen something of Venerable Pontiff repeated the same warnings, first
the grandiose plans of the Jewish nation for an anti- in the letter addressed to the superiors of religious
supernatural organisation of the world, that is, for a orders and congregations, on June 29, and then in
design which is the very opposite of humble the consistorial Allocution of August 15. In he
submission to the divine plan for Order proclaimed Letter of June 29, he said: “It is only too true that in
by Christ the King. In this Chapter I propose to say the designs of the [Masonic] Sect, the
something about the Man of Sin, whose coming is disorganisation and extinction of the Religious
mentioned by St. Paul, in the Second Epistle to the Orders constitute a clever manoeuvre destined to
Thessalonians, immediately after having spoken of prepare the way for the apostasy of the Catholic
the apostasy or revolt of the nations. False teachers nations.” A fifth time, Pope Leo returned to the
had spread confusion in the Church of Thessalonica subject in his Allocution to the Sacred College of
by affirming that the end of the world was at hand. December 23, 1902, in which he insisted that “what
St. Paul wrote this Epistle to restore calm by the is aimed at and what is intended is the overthrow of
assurance that two events are to take place before Christian institutions and the reconstruction of
the end of the world, namely, the apostasy or revolt States on the basis of pagan naturalism.”
of the nations and the appearance of Antichrist. A
little work, written by Father Augustine Lémann
and entitled L’Antéchrist, makes my task an easy The warnings of Blessed Pius X are just as
one.1 solemn as those of Leo XIII. In his first Encyclical,
he addresses the Hierarchy of the world as follows:
“Who can be unaware of the grave and deep-seated
malady which, at the present time far more than in
the past, is undermining human society, and which
THE SOVEREIGN PONTIFFS AND growing daily worse . . . is dragging it to ruin? You
APOSTASY know this malady, Venerable Brethren: it is the
rejection of God and apostasy . . . In our times, it is
Father Lémann mentions several warnings
only too true that ‘the Gentiles have raged and the
given by the Vicars of Christ concerning the revolt
peoples devised vain things,’2 against their Creator.
of human reason against the divine plan for Order.
The cry of the enemies of God has become almost
In the secret consistory of December 30, 1889,
common: ‘Depart from us.’3 . . . Whosoever
Pope Leo XIII said: “We desire the preservation of
weighs these things has certainly reason to fear that
the Catholic Faith in its integrity, for that integrity
such perversion of minds may herald the evils
is endangered when governments assign to the
announced for the end of time and, as it were, be
State the rô1e of claiming for human reason
the beginning of those calamities, and that the son
measureless and limitless sovereignty. In plain
of perdition of whom the Apostle speaks4 may
language, this is nothing else than the rejection of
have already made his appearance here below. So
all that God has revealed and complete separation
great are the fury and hatred with which religion is
from the Church.” Pope Leo again spoke of
everywhere assailed, that it seems to be a
apostasy in a Protestation addressed to his
determined effort to destroy every vestige of the
Secretary of State, Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro,
relation between God and man. On the other hand,
October 8, 1895: “The ultimate aim of the
—and this is, according to the same Apostle, the
occupation of Rome was not attained, at least
special characteristic of Antichrist—with frightful
completely, by the conquest of political unity. We
presumption man is attempting to usurp the place
are speaking now, not of the intentions of all those
of his Creator and is lifting himself above all that is
who co-operated therein, but of the plans of the
called God. Thus, powerless to extinguish
sectaries who were the prime movers in the affair.
completely in himself the notion of God, he is
No: that act of violence . . . was intended by the
attempting to shake off the yoke of His Majesty

and is dedicating the visible world to himself as a with frightful presumption man is attempting to
temple, in which he has the pretension to receive usurp the place of his creator and is lifting himself
the adoration of his fellow men. ‘So that he sitteth above all that is called God. Thus, powerless to
in the temple of God showing himself as if he were extinguish completely in himself the notion of God,
God.’ (II Thess., II, 4).”5 he is attempting to shake off the yoke of His
majesty and is dedicating the visible world to
himself as a temple, in which he has the pretension
Both Pontiffs, namely, Leo XIII, and Blessed
to receive the adoration of his fellow men. ‘So that
Pius X, with apostolic clear-sightedness and
he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as
firmness, insist upon the steady advance of
if he were God.’9
apostasy. And the apostasy they speak of is that
prophesied by St. Paul. “For neither in the language
of the Apostle nor in that of the Sovereign “In past ages, only evil men or impious sects
Pontiffs,” writes Fr. Augustine Lémann, “is it a were figures of Antichrist. In our day, it is man in
question of an apostasy, that is, of a partial and general, the human race in revolt against God,
limited falling away, but of the apostasy, according which ranges itself along with the Antichrists of
to the forceful Greek expression with the definite old, preparing the way for the outstanding
article, that is to say, of the falling away of the Antichrist, Antichrist properly so called. This
nations and of a great number of Catholics from Antichrist properly so called is clearly foretold. If,
Jesus Christ and the Church . . . in the texts cited above, St. John speaks only of
wicked men who, animated with the spirit of
Antichrist, can be considered as his fore-runners
“Do the words of Pope Pius X mean that
and deserve to be called by his name, he allows it
Antichrist has already made his appearance in the
to be understood, as does Pius X, that, towards the
world? That cannot be affirmed with any degree of
end of the world, somebody will appear who will
certitude. These words must in all probability be
be the furious adversary of our Lord, as the word
interpreted in accordance with the following texts
Antichrist indicates.”10
of St. John: ‘As you have heard that Antichrist
cometh, even now there are become many
Antichrists.’6 ‘And every spirit that dissolveth
Jesus is not of God; and this is Antichrist of whom
you have heard that he cometh, and he is now
already in the worlds.’7 ‘For many seducers are
gone out into the world, who confess not that Jesus
Christ is come in the flesh: this is a seducer and an Let us now see what can be known about
Antichrist.’8 Just as in the past, the true Christ, our Antichrist from Scripture and Tradition.
divine Lord Jesus had forerunners or precursors,
who were types and prophetical figures of Him: Three portraits of Antichrist are to be found in
Abel, Isaac, Joseph, David, Jonas, etc. so, by the the Bible. The first is the “little horn that grows” in
permission of God, Antichrist has his types and Daniel VII: “After this I beheld in the vision of the
figures: Antiochus, Epiphanius, Nero, Diocletian, night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and wonderful
Galerius, Julian the Apostate, Mahomet, etc. To the and exceeding strong. It had great iron teeth eating
names of those forerunners from the past, others and breaking in pieces, . . . it had ten horns. I
could be added from the present. But what is considered the horns, and behold another little horn
especially sad and deplorable is that human social sprung out of the midst of them; and three of the
organisation, having become hostile [to our divine first horns were plucked up at the presence thereof:
Lord and the supernatural life], and unwilling to and behold eyes like the eyes of a man were in this
recognise either His royal dignity or the existence horn, and a mouth speaking great things . . . My
of that life, is transforming itself, as Pope Pius X spirit trembled, I, Daniel, was affrighted at these
has remarked, into a veritable Antichrist. ‘So great things, and the visions of my head troubled me. I
are the fury and hatred with which religion is went near to one of them that stood by, and asked
everywhere assailed,’ writes Pope Pius X, ‘that it the truth of him concerning all these things . . . and
seems to be a determined effort to destroy every after this I would diligently learn concerning . . .
vestige of the relation between God and man. On the ten horns that he had on his head; and
the other hand,—and this is, according to the same concerning the other that came up before which
Apostle, the special characteristic of Antichrist—

three horns fell: and of that horn that had eyes, and the book of life of the Lamb, which was slain from
a mouth speaking great things, and was greater than the beginning of the world.”12
the rest. I beheld, and lo, that horn made war
against the saints, and prevailed over them . . . And
“That the Beast is the figure of Antichrist has
thus he said . . . the ten horns of the same kingdom
been the common opinion of Catholic
shall be ten kings: and another shall rise up after
commentators from ancient times to the present
them, and he shall be mightier than the former, and
day. The use of the expression, ‘the Beast,’ shows
he shall bring down three kings. And he shall speak
that in the being in question, the bestial character
words against the High One, and shall crush the
will dominate instead of human feelings and
saints of the Most High: and he shall think himself
sentiments. The coat of a leopard, the feet of a bear
able to change times and laws, and they shall be
and the mouth of a lion indicate also that he will
delivered into his hand until a time and times, and
combine cunning, ferocity and strength.”13
half a time. And judgment shall sit, that his power
may be taken away, and be broken in pieces, and
perish even to the end.” (Daniel, VII, 7, 8, 15, 16, The third portrait of Antichrist is that of the
19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26). “In this little horn that man of sin in the Second Epistle to the
grows, the Fathers, notably Saint Irenæus, Thessalonians. ‘Unless there come a revolt first,
Theodoret, Lactantius, St. Jerome, the modern and the man of sin be revealed, the on of perdition,
Commentators, Maldonatus, Cornelius à Lapide, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is
Calmet, etc., and many contemporary exegetes, called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth
have rightly seen a figure of Antichrist. The horn is in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were
the symbol of strength and power. It is the great God . . . And then that wicked one shall be revealed
offensive and defensive arm of certain animals. whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his
Before the Assyrian discoveries it was rather mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his
difficult to explain why Daniel had chosen this coming, him, whose coming is according to the
symbol to represent Antichrist. To-day it seems working of Satan, in all power, signs, and lying
quite natural. In Chaldæa where the prophet was wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them
then living, the statues of the Babylonian gods and that perish; because they receive not the love of the
kings had horns on their tiaras.”11 truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall
send them the operation of error, to believe lying:
that they all may be judged who have not believed
The second portrait is that of the Beast in the
the truth, but have consented to iniquity.”14
Apocalypse. “And I saw a beast coming up out of
the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and
upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads “There is no doubt,” writes St. Augustine,
names of blasphemy. And the beast, which I saw, “that the Apostle is here speaking of Antichrist.”15
was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a
bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the
“From these three portraits,” continues Father
dragon gave him his own strength, and great power
Lémann, “it is possible to deduce a number of
. . . And all the earth was in admiration after the
conclusions with regard to the person, the reign, the
beast. And they adored the dragon, which gave
persecution and the end of Antichrist. These
power to the beast: and they adored the beast,
conclusions can be classified under four headings
saying: Who is like to the beast? and who shall be
as follows:
able to fight with him? And there was given to him
a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies:
and power was given to him to do two and forty A. Things that are certain.
months. And he opened his mouth unto B. Things that are probable.
blasphemies against God, and to blaspheme His C. Things that are undecided.
name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in
D. Things that have not a solid foundation.”16
heaven. And it was given unto him to make war
with the saints, and to overcome them. And power
was given him over every tribe, and people, and Space will permit of only a brief outline of
tongue, and nation. And all that dwell upon the what is contained under A, B, and C.
earth adored him, whose names are not written in

A. Things concerning Antichrist that are thoroughly and more cruelly than ever before. Two
certain. of them are: Proscription of Christian teaching and
obligatory teaching of error. We can see them
already in force in the countries behind the Iron
I. Antichrist will be a trial for the good
Curtain. Father Lémann adds that “the schools
(Apoc., XIII, 7), and a chastisement for the impious
without God or rather against God are a preparation
and the apostates (II Thess., II, 9-11).
for the second measure.” In that he is perfectly
correct, for the Declaration of the Rights of Man of
II. Antichrist will be a man, a human person. the French Revolution, in the name of which these
schools function in France, signified repudiation of
membership of Christ, and was thus a declaration
“Antichrist is not a myth or a fiction, as
of war on the divine plan for order.22
Renan, in his silly fashion, tried to show.17 Neither
must he be confused with a sect, a collection of
impious men, an atheistic environment, or a period IX. Antichrist will claim to be God and will
of persecution, as certain pious persons have demand exclusive adoration.
imagined. Antichrist will be a human person,
appearing in an epoch of atheism and of wicked
X. By means of diabolical prodigies,
Antichrist will seek to prove that he is God.

III. Antichrist will not be Satan in human

“Whose coming is according to the working
form, but a man and only a man.19
of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying
wonders.” (II. Thess., II, 9).23
IV. Antichrist will have great powers of
seduction, owing to certain personal qualities.
“The question is often asked,” writes St.
Augustine, “whether these expressions ‘signs and
“Whose coming is according to the working lying wonders’ are to be understood in the sense
of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying that the prodigies wrought by Antichrist will be
wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them only apparent, not real; or as signifying that the
that perish.” (II. Thess., II, 9, 10). really extraordinary feats performed by him will
draw on to error and falsehood those who accept
them as proofs of a divine mission? The great
V. The beginnings of Antichrist’s career will
Doctor replies: “This will be known later.”24
be lowly and obscure.20

“This hesitation has given rise to two currents

VI. Antichrist will increase in power and
of opinion. Some think that the prodigies wrought
make conquests.
by Antichrist will be real prodigies and that they
will lead to the acceptance of falsehood, that is, to
VII. The rule of Antichrist will be world- belief in the divinity of Antichrist.25 Others hold
wide. that all the miracles of Antichrist will be false and
unreal and that they will be accepted as true thanks
“With the help which will be furnished him to the action of the demon on the senses of his
by the anti-Christian societies, this enemy of our followers.”26
Lord Jesus Christ will be able to form a gigantic
empire in a short time.”21 XI. The domination and persecution of
Antichrist will be merely temporary. The man of
VIII. Antichrist will wage a terrible war sin will be destroyed (Dan., VII, 26; Apoc., XIX,
against God and the Church. 20; II Thess., II, 8).

Father Lémann indicates some of the B. Things concerning Antichrist that are
measures which, to judge by the experience of past probable.
persecutions, Antichrist will enforce more

First Probability. the time of Christ, several on their own authority
have pretended to be the Messiah and have been
welcomed by the Jews, as is evident from Josephus
The Jews will acclaim Antichrist as the
(De Bello Judaico, Lib. 2, c. 6) . . . And we read in
Messias and will help to set up his kingdom.
Acts VIII, that Simon the Magician pretended to be
the Messiah and that many Jews believed in him.
“I am come in the name of my Father, and The words of Christ can be applied not to one alone
you receive me not: if another shall come in his but to all those false Messiahs . . . The former
own name, him you will receive. (St. John, V, 43). explanation, however, as I have said, is the better,
for there is one whom the Jews expect and one
whom they will all welcome. The others who
“It is upon this reproach addressed by our
pretended to be the Messiah were not received by
Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews, his contemporaries
all the Jews, but only by a certain few.”30
and adversaries, that this belief is based, and it can
be said that it is the common opinion of the Fathers
of the Church, for example, St. Jerome, St. Second Probability.
Ambrose, St. Gregory the Great, St. Ephraim, St.
John Chrysostom, etc., etc.,27 . . . When we see the
The Persecution of Antichrist will last three
enormous financial power of the Jews increasing
years and a half.
daily, when we consider their intrigues, their
successful occupancy of the chief places in the
principal states, their mutual understanding from “And they [the Saints] shall be delivered into
one end of the world to the other, then in presence his hand until a time, and times, and half a time”
of such a preponderance, we have no difficulty in (Dan., VII, 25). “And power was given him to do
realising that they will be able to contribute to the two and forty months.” (Apoc., XIII, 5).
establishment of the formidable empire of
Antichrist. The joyous welcome the Jews will give
“It has been pointed out previously (Eleventh
to Antichrist and the aid they will furnish him are
Point that is certain), that the power and the
therefore probable. They are not certain. Why?
persecution of Antichrist will be only temporary.
Because most of the texts of the Fathers refer to the
That is certain. Is it possible to determine their
words of St. John, V, 43, addressed by our Divine
exact duration? One can give only a probable, not a
Lord to the Jews, and in connexion with this text,
certain, answer, according to the two texts
St. Thomas remarks that, after the true Christ, a
great number of false Messiahs had appeared and
had been welcomed by the Jews. Accordingly, this
text considered by itself might be held to refer, not C. Things that are undecided.
to Antichrist, but to anyone of these false Christs.
Nevertheless, adds St. Thomas, this text can be
These are points that are not based upon the
held to refer to Antichrist with probability, because
unanimous consent of the Fathers or upon precise
of the authority of the holy Fathers who have so
texts of Holy Writ.
understood it.”28

First Undecided Point.

Unfortunately, Father Lémann is quoting from
an opusculum attributed to St. Thomas, which,
according to Père Mandonnet, O.P., is not The Nationality of Antichrist.
authentic.29 The erudite Dominican historian
definitely places it amongst the apocryphal writings “According to several Fathers of the Church,
attributed to the holy Doctor. On the same page, followed by certain exegetes, Antichrist will be a
however, Father Lémann refers to Suarez, De member of the Jewish race and even of the tribe of
Antichristo, which contains the same doctrine in Dan. ‘Here, however,’ remarks Bossuet, ‘it is a
practically identical terms. “This text probably question not of dogma or of authority, but of
refers to Antichrist,” writes the learned Jesuit conjecture.’32 And it must be added that these
theologian, “on account of the authority of the conjectures do not rest on any solid foundation.”33
Saints whom I have quoted. Nevertheless, taken by Father Lémann then takes the different arguments
itself its doctrine is not compelling, because, since

advanced in favour of the Jewish nationality of
Antichrist and replies to them. To the objection, The Seat of Antichrist’s Empire.
taken from Malvanda, De Antichristo, that it is
probable that the Jews will receive Antichrist as the
Messias and that they would not do this if he were “Here again there are two opinions. The first
not of the Jewish race, Father Lémann replies: is that of St. Irenæus who writes as follows: “At the
“Down the centuries, the Jews have welcomed all time of his reign, Antichrist will transfer the seat of
the enemies of Jesus Christ and His Church and his empire to the earthly Jerusalem.”38, St.
have constituted themselves their auxiliaries. In the Hippolytus, Sulpicius Severus, Aretas, Rabanus, St.
Great Sanhedrin, held at Paris in 1807, they applied Robert Bellarmine, Lessius, Cornelius à Lapide and
the Biblical titles, exclusively reserved to the others, including Suarez, are of the same opinion.
Messias, to Napoleon, though Napoleon was not of Here are the words of the last-named theologian:
Jewish blood.34 They even welcomed the ‘From what we have said about Antichrist being a
principles of the French Revolution as the Messias: Jew by race and finding his chief support among
‘The Messias came for us on Feb. 28, 1790, with the Jews, it follows immediately that he will restore
the Declaration of the Rights of 35 He sums up as the city of their ancestors and its temple, in which
follows: “The Jewish nationality of Antichrist they have always taken a special pride.’39 . . .
remains an undecided question. It is neither certain, Besides, if Antichrist were to act otherwise, how
nor probable. It is merely possible, nothing could he get himself accepted as the Messias by the
more.”36 Jews who dream of earthly glory for Jerusalem and
imagine that that city will become the capital of the
future Messianic kingdom. This last argument
Second Undecided Point. seems to become stronger in our times thanks to the
rise and growth of Zionism . . . The second opinion
The Name of Antichrist. designates the Rome of the Popes as the metropolis
of Antichrist’s kingdom.”40

“St. John has indicated it, but in an extremely

mysterious manner, by giving merely the number Fourth Undecided Point.
of this name: “That no man might buy or sell, but
he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, The Temple in which Antichrist will present
or the number of his name . . . He that hath himself for adoration.
understanding, let him count the number of the
beast. For it is the number of a man; and the
number of him is six hundred and sixty-six“ “Who opposeth and is lifted up above all that
(Apoc., XIII, 17, 18). is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he
sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if
he were God.” (II. Thess., II, 4).41
“Amongst the people; of antiquity, and
particularly amongst the Hebrews, the Greeks and
the Latins, the letters of the alphabet were used as “What temple will be the scene of this
numbers. Each letter had its numerical value. That abomination?
gave rise to the following procedure: By adding
together the numerical value of the letters used in a “One opinion maintains that it will be the
passage, a number was obtained, and with the temple of Jerusalem, which will be restored by
letters which were represented by this total, a name Antichrist either in whole or in part. This opinion is
was elaborated. As the number of the Beast was held by St. Irenæus, St. Hippolytus, St. Cyril of
666, the figures of this number were changed into Jerusalem, St. John Damascene, and a certain
letters and thus form the mysterious name of number of exegetes, ancient and modern.
Antichrist. This was tried in Greek, in Hebrew and According to them the word temple must be taken
in Latin, but it was sheer waste of time. The results in its strict, literal meaning. For, they argue, in the
obtained were so different that no precise definitive time of St. Paul, the author of the Epistles to the
conclusion could be drawn.”37 Thessalonians, the Temple of Jerusalem was the
Temple. The name was sufficient indication of the
Third Undecided Point. building that was meant, as is clear from St. Luke

(Acts, III and V), and other texts. At that epoch, had taken place, she has forbidden under pain of
Christian temples did not yet exist, and the Temple excommunication to assign a date for the coming
of Jerusalem alone was called the Temple of God. of Antichrist or for the General Judgment. This
Accordingly, ‘it is more probable,’ writes Suarez, decree was drawn up in 1516, at the Fifth Lateran
‘that it is of it that St. Paul speaks.”42 Council, under Pope Leo X, and it runs as follows:
‘We command all those who exercise the function
of preaching or will do so in the future, not to
“Opposed to this view there is another, which
presume, either in their sermons or in their
affirms that it is not definitely proved that St. Paul,
affirmations, to fix a date for future evils, whether
when speaking of the Temple of God, had in view
for the coming of Antichrist or for the Day of
the Temple of Jerusalem. St. Jerome, in his
Judgment, seeing that the Truth has said: It is not
explanation of the Apostle’s words writes: ‘He will
for you to know the times or the moments, which
enthrone himself in the Temple of God, that is to
the Father hath put in his own power.48 Those,
say, either in Jerusalem as some think, or in the
therefore, who have had the audacity to make such
Church, which seems to me most likely.’43 St.
statements in the past have lied, and it is well
John Chrysostom also says: ‘Not in the Temple of
known that, on their account, the authority of those
Jerusalem, but in the Temple of the Church.’44
who preach wisely has greatly suffered.’”49
Theodoretus explains clearly what is meant: ‘What
the Apostle calls the Temple of God are the
churches in which this impious wretch will occupy
the first rank, the first place, striving to get himself
accepted as God.’45 . . . This is also the opinion of
St. Hilary, Cajetan, Estius and others. In presence
of the division of opinion in his day, St. Augustine
held that the question was undecided.”46

1L’Antéchrist was published in 1905 by the

Librarie Catholique Emmannel Vitte of Lyons and
Paris. (back)
2Psalm II, 1. (back)
3Job, XXI, 14. (back)
“Nobody can indicate it, as Scripture and
Tradition are both silent on the point. God alone 4II Thess., II, 3. (back)
knows the year and the hour, and it is His secret . . 5Encyclical Letter, E Supremi Apostolatus
.In Chapters XXIV-XXV of St. Matthew, our Lord Cathedra, Oct. 4, 1903. The translation has been
announces clearly the end of the world and outlines made from the original text as published by the
the signs that will precede it, but He does not fix a Bonne Presse, Paris. (back)
date. Following the example of his Master, St. Paul, 6I St. John, II, 18. (back)
in the Second Chapter of the Second Epistle to the
7I St. John, IV, 3. (back)
Thessalonians, announces clearly the coming of
Antichrist, but he does not assign a date for that 8II St. John, I. 7. (back)
event. He merely indicates the sign that will 9Encyclical Letter, E Supremi Apostolatus
precede it, namely, the Apostasy of the Nations: Cathedra. Oct. 4, 1903. (back)
‘Unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin 10L’Antéchrist, by Father Augustine Lémann,
be revealed, the son of perdition.”47 pp. 11-15. (back)
11L’Antéchrist, by Father A. Lémann, pp. 18,
19. (back)
12Apocalypse, XIII, 1-8. (back)
DECREE OF THE FIFTH LATERAN 13L’Antéchrist, by Father A. Lémann, p. 20.
COUNCIL (back)
The Church, guided by the Holy Ghost and 14II Ep. to the Thessalonians, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10,
always prudent, has added nothing to the brief 11. (back)
remarks of the Apostle . . . What is more, in order 15The City of God, Bk. XX, n. 19. (back)
to prevent the recurrence of indiscretions which

16L’Antéchrist, p. 22. (back) merely once, not merely ten times, but twenty five
17Renan, L’Antéchrist, (Paris, 1873, pp. 478, times, our ancestors were led astray by this mirage.
479). (back) Because they failed to recognise the true Messiah,
they were drawn to seek Him where He was not.”
18L’Antéchrist, by Father Lémann, p. 24.
31L’Antéchrist, p. 48. “The supreme power
19Suarez, De Antichristo, Sect. 1, n. 4 and 5.
and reign of Antichrist will last three years and a
half. I speak of his supreme power and rule . . .
20“I considered the horns, and behold another How long he will take to prepare and establish his
little horn sprung out of the midst of them.” (Dan., rule is not clear to me . . . It does not seem very
VII, 8). likely that he will accomplish all these things in the
“The horn is called small, because it will short space of three years and a half. That alone is
grow little by little, and because it will arrive at certain that at the most he will remain on his throne
domination, not by hereditary right, but by fraud.” three years and a half.” (Suarez, De Antichristo,
(Cornelius à Lapide, in Ep. ad Thess., II, 11). Sect. II, n. 3). (back)
(back) 32Apocalypse, Preface, n. 13. (back)
21L’Antéchrist, by Father Lémann, p. 30. 33L’Antéchrist, by Father Lémann, p. 49.
Father Lémann quotes a remarkable page from the (back)
great Spanish writer, Donoso Cortès, Oeuvres, t. II,
34Minutes of the Great Sanhedrin. (back)
pp. 229-230. (back)
35Archives Israélites, 1847, p. 801. (back)
22L’Antéchrist, pp. 32-34. (back)
36L’Antéchrist, by Father Lémann, p. 49.
23“He will come, when he comes, with all
Satan’s influence to aid him: there will be no lack
of power, of counterfeit signs and wonders.” (The 37L’ Antéchrist, pp. 58-61. (back)
New Testament, by Mgr. R. A. Knox). (back) 38Irenæus, Adv. hæreses, lib. V, c. 25. (back)
24De Civitate Dei, Lib. XX, n. 20. (back) 39Suarez, De Antichristo, sect. V, n. 7. (back)
25Suarez, De Antichristo, sect. IV, n. 10. 40L’Antéchrist. pp. 58-61. (back)
Suarez exposes the two opinions in excellent 41“This is the rebel who is to lift up his head
fashion. (back) above every divine name, above all that men hold
26Corn. à Lap., II Thess., II, 9. Bern. a in reverence, till at last he enthrones himself in
Piconio, II Ep. ad Thess., c. II, 9. (back) God’s temple, and proclaims himself as God.” (The
27Father Lémann quotes from the writings of New Testament, by Mgr. R. A. Knox). (back)
the above-mentioned Fathers and others. The text 42Suarez, De Antichristo, Sect. V, n. 5. (back)
of St. Jerome will suffice for all. “The Lord 43St. Jerome, Ad Algariam, quæst. II. (back)
speaking of Antichrist says to the Jews: ‘I am come
44In II ad Thessal., II. (back)
in the name of my Father and you receive me not;
if another shall come in his own name, him you 45In II ad Thessal., II. (back)
will receive’ . . . The Jews, after having despised 46St. Augustine, De Civitate Dei, Lib. XX, n.
the truth in the Person of Jesus Christ, will 19. (back)
welcome falsehood by acclaiming Antichrist” 47II ad Thess., II, 3. “The Apostasy must
(Epist. 151, ad Algariam, quæst. II). (back) come first; the champion of wickedness must
28L’Antéchrist, pp. 44.47. (back) appear first, destined to inherit perdition.” (The
29Des Écrits authentiques de St. Thomas New Testament, Mgr. R. A. Knox). The Apostasy
d’Aquin, pp. 110, 155. (back) and Antichrist are to come before “the day of the
Lord,” spoken of just previously. (back)
30De Antichristo, Disp. 54, Sect. 1, n. 7. In a
note on page 47 of L’Antéchrist, Father Lémann 48Cf. Acts, 1, 7. (back)
enumerates 25 false messiahs, who received a 49Father Lémann quotes the original text in a
partial welcome from the members of the Jewish footnote. (back)
nation. In their joint work, La Question du Messis
(pp. 22-24), the two Fathers Lémann enumerate
with a greater wealth of detail the twenty-five false
Messiahs, and conclude with the words: “Not

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