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Bible And Science 002

Capsule Series For Busy People

In The Book Of Job
Books In “Capsule Series For Busy People”
Have Been Purposely Kept Brief. You Can Read Most Of
Them On Your Computer Or Your Mobile Phones In Less
Than Ten Minutes!!! They Are Accurate For Authenticity, But
Brief So As Not To Tax The Busy Reader!

Dr. Johnson C. Philip

Dr. Saneesh Cherian
Copyright 2017, Creative Commons

Creation Research And Apologetics Society Of India

Established in 1970

Capsule Series For Busy People?

Both of us have been getting requests from far

and wide for materials on Bible and Science. It
seems that there is a renewed attack against
the scientific reliability of the Bible.

Once we decided to write such a book, a good

number of our friends asked us for books which
can be read even on mobile phones. Most of our
young readers are busy professionals and they
wish to read these books quickly and easily,
and this series is our answer.

These books are designed in A5 size to make it

very convenient to read on even small mobile
phones. The size of each book is kept small so
you can finish reading in 10 minutes.

Please help us by spreading these compact

eBooks to your friends. These books can be
sent even to your non-Christian friends. Please
spread the blessing and please create wide
awareness that Bible contains no blunders of

Dr. Johnson C. Philip

Dr. Saneesh Cherian

The Ostrich In The Book of Job

Ostrich is a flightless bird found only in certain

parts of the world, but is a bird about which
everyone in every culture knows. It is widely
believed that the Ostrich bury their head in
sand when cyclones or thunderstorms
approach. People everywhere believe that this
is the Ostrich way to protect itself from danger.

This story about Ostriches is so common that
“burying one’s head in sand” is a common
expression in numerous languages to indicate
people who run away from crisis rather than
face it. Hundreds of stories, thousands of jokes,
and thousands of allusions about the Ostrich
burying its head in the sand are found
worldwide in all cultures.

The Bible contains a long statement about the

Ostrich in the book of Job. It says:

"Gavest thou the goodly wings to the
peacocks? Or wings and feathers unto
the Ostrich? Which leaveth her eggs in
the earth, and warmeth them in and
forgetteth that the foot may crush them,
or that the wild beast may break them.
She is hardened against her young ones,
as though they were not hers: her labour
is in vain without fear;

Because God hath deprived of wisdom,

neither hath he imparted to her
understanding. What time she lifteth up
herself on high, she scorneth the horse
and his rider". (Job 39:13-18).

The above passage gives a detailed description

of the Ostrich life history, nesting habits, care
of the young, intelligence and speed. Each
detail has been challenged by one or more
ornithologists. However science has confirmed
all of them to be true.

In reality, the Ostrich makes a hole in sand,

lays her eggs and covers them (Vs. 4). Many a
time she tramples them, and jackals, wild cats
and other animals attack them (Vs. 16). It has
been found that on occasions Ostriches can be
cruel to their chicks (Vs. 16). At first, Ostrich
seems to be wise, but over-all it is full of foolish
habits (Vs. 17) and therefore in Arabic fables it
is portrayed as a foolish bird. In Africa the
Ostriches often eat prickly pear foolishly and
die; also it often breaks its legs by foolish
running; their violent reaction on seeing dogs
frequently leads to their death; cock-fights
frequently prove fatal and it has been observed
(when domesticated) to foolishly swallow
lighted cigarettes and cigars.

Ostriches can weigh up to 150 Kg or more and

can draw carts, as was common a hundred
years ago

The speed of the Ostrich is well-known, and

they can definitely defeat horses (Vs. 18).

Having said all the above, there is an amazing
thing in this passage. Even in the twenty-first
century people believe the fable that Ostriches
bury their head in sand when faced with a
storm. However, Job does not mention it.

How is it that Job says so much about the

Ostrich, all scientifically correct, but does not
claim that they bury their head in sand in the
face of approaching storms? That is because
the Ostrich does not do anything like that.

The Head In Sand Myth And The Bible

Whenever and wherever people talk about the

Ostrich, they talk about the head-in-sand myth
as though it is a fact. Many other myths are
also connected with this bird. However, Job
who lived in 1700 BC does not include a single
myth in his detailed description of the Ostrich.
That is because the Word of God is free of
scientific errors.


For thousands of years people had been trying

to discredit the Bible. Such efforts have become
very intense in the present century. However,

the Bible has outlived all these attacks because
it is the Inspired Word of God.

When the Bible makes a statement related to

Science, it is always accurate. No established
fact of science has ever contradicted the Bible,
and no statement of the Bible has ever gone
against any established fact of science.

If this book blessed you then please do read the

other “Capsules” in this series!!

Did this book help and bless you? If yes,

then why selfishly keep the blessings to
you alone? Why not send a copy of this
Capsule book via email attachment,
WhatsApp, or any other means to at
least a few dozen people to share the
blessings? Yes, DO IT right NOW!!

About The Authors

Dr. Johnson C. Philip is an expert in

Quantum-nuclear Physics and has
done research about the inner
structure of Protons and Neutrons
(Hadrons). He has authored
hundreds of books and he hopes to
join hands with Dr. Saneesh Cherian to produce
more than 100 volumes of these compact
Bible/Science books to bless your spiritual life.

Dr. Saneesh Cherian is an expert in

Communication and Sociology.
Having completed two doctorates in
theology and a masters in Sociology
from a prestigious University, he has
been working towards his next

Together the two writers have authored several

major books in Apologetics and Theology, Theology
Dictionary and Bible Encyclopedias.

Hundreds of eBooks and pdf magazines produced

by them are available for free download. You can
contact them via:

Picture Credits
• Head in Sand: [Creative


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